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(Aisyah Arifatul Alya (4) XI-MIPA 3) - LKS Bahasa Inggris Virus

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Name: Aisyah Arifatul Alya

Class: XI-MIPA 3
Subject: English
(Reading Comprehension)


1. Cermatilah berbagai informasi tentang Virus dan Virus Corona dari
berbagai sumber baik yang diberikan oleh guru atau berasal dari
sumber lain yang dapat siswa akses dari berbagai mas media.
2. Materi pada LKS ini hanya merupakan salah satu sumber belajar
3. Isilah/ lakukan tugas yang diberikan dalam LKS dengan lengkap
dan kirimkan file lembar kerja ke alamat email berikut:
ariutariprananingrum@gmail.com atau ke nomor WhatsApp
4. Tugas diserahkan paling lambat pukul 21.00 WIB tanggal 16 Maret
5. Silakan hubungi guru mata pelajaran jika ada hal yang perlu
Read the following Breaking News
Nations around the world are preparing for a possible major outbreak of a
new deadly virus. The coronavirus, which started in the Chinese city of
Wuhan, has already killed 17 people. It has spread to the USA, Japan, Korea
and Thailand. More than 540 people have caught the virus and are in
hospital. The World Health Organization (WHO) is meeting to decide whether
the outbreak is a global health emergency. China is urging people not to
panic ahead of the Chinese New Year next week. Millions of Chinese will be
travelling across the country to spend the holiday season with their families.
Meanwhile, the city of Wuhan has suspended its public transport systems to
help stop the spread of the virus.

The new coronavirus is suspected to have come from illegally traded

animals in a Wuhan market. The virus mutated and spread from an animal
to a human. There are fears it could mutate and spread further. Scientists
say the virus is contagious and can be passed from person to person through
the air. Dr Linfa Wang, a virologist at the Duke-National University of
Singapore, said the new coronavirus is in the same family as SARS, but it's
different from SARS. He said people needed to look for pneumonia-like
symptoms, such as fever, cough and difficulty breathing. Fu Ning, a 36-year-
old woman from Beijing, said: "I feel fearful because there's no cure for the

Sources: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-01/22/c_138726671.htm
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-transmission/global-alarm-mounts-as-chinavirus- deaths-hit-17-

A. Answer these questions based on the article above.

1. Vocabulary (Match the definition of each word with the most suitable
Paragraph 1
1. major a. The sudden and big start of something bad, such as war,
disease, etc.
2. outbreak b. Move over a larger and larger area.
3. virus c. Stopped something from working or happening for a
short time.
4. spread d. Something that causes an infection or disease.
5. urging e. Sudden uncontrollable fear, often causing wildly and unthinking behavior.
6. panic f. Important, serious, or significant.
7. suspended g. Trying to get people to do something.

Paragraph 2
8. suspected h. Change or cause to change in form or nature.
9. mutate i. Being able to be spread from one person or organism to
another by direct or indirect contact.
10.contagious j. Make a disease or health problem leave someone's body.
11. pneumonia k. A physical or mental sign which shows you could
have a disease or health problem.
12.symptom l. An infection caused by bacteria or a virus, in which
the lungs fill with a liquid and may become solid.
13.cough m. Thought something was true, but without proof.
14. cure n. Air suddenly coming out of the lungs with a sharp sound.

Paragraph 1
1. Major: Important, serious, or significant. (f)
2. Outbreak: The sudden and big start of something bad, such as war, disease, etc. (a)
3. Virus: Something that causes an infection or disease. (d)
4. Spread: Move over a larger and larger area. (b)
5. Urging: Trying to get people to do something. (g)
6. Panic: Sudden uncontrollable fear, often causing wildly and unthinking behavior. (e)
7. Suspended: Stopped something from working or happening for a short time. (c)

Paragraph 2
8. Suspected: Thought something was true, but without proof. (m)
9. Mutate: Change or cause to change in form or nature. (h)
10. Contagious: Being able to be spread from one person or organism to another by direct
or indirect contact. (i)
11. Pneumonia: An infection caused by bacteria or a virus, in which the lungs fill with a
liquid and may become solid. (l)
12. Symptom: A physical or mental sign which shows you could have a disease or health
problem. (k)
13. Cough: Air suddenly coming out of the lungs with a sharp sound. (n)
14. Cure: Make a disease or health problem leave someone’s body. (j)
2. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if 1-8 below are true (T) or false (F).
1. Nations are not preparing for a possible virus outbreak. T / F (FALSE)
2. The coronavirus has spread to four countries. T / F (TRUE)
3. Over 1,540 people are in hospital because of the virus. T / F (FALSE)
4. The article said China suspended public transport in eight different cities. T / F (FALSE)
5. Scientists suspect the coronavirus came from insects in a market. T / F (FALSE)
6. The coronavirus passes from person to person through the air. T / F (TRUE)
7. The coronavirus belongs to the same virus family as SARS. T / F (TRUE)
8. One of the symptoms of coronavirus is breathing difficulties. T / F (TRUE)

3. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article.

1. nations a. crisis
2. preparing b. danger signs
3. deadly c. changed
4. emergency d. getting ready
5. panic e. transferred
6. mutated f. freak out
7. contagious g. countries
8. passed h. antidote
9. symptoms i. lethal
10. cure j. catching


1. Nations = Countries (g)
2. Preparing = Getting ready (d)
3. Deadly = Lethal (i)
4. Emergency = Crisis (a)
5. Panic = Freak out (f)
6. Mutated = Changed (c)
7. Contagious = Catching (j)
8. Passed = Transferred (e)
9. Symptoms = Danger signs (b)
10. Cure = Antidote (h)
4. PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)
1. a possible major a. and spread further
2. More than 540 people have b. to panic
3. the outbreak is a global health c. symptoms
4. China is urging people not d. outbreak
5. public e. emergency
6. illegally traded animals f. no cure for the virus
7. There are fears it could mutate g. is contagious
8. Scientists say the virus h. transport
9. pneumonia-like i. in a Wuhan market
10. I feel fearful because there’s j. caught the virus


1. A possible major- outbreak (d)
2. More than 540 people have- caught the virus (j)
3. The outbreak is a global health- emergency (e)
4. China is urging people not- to panic (b)
5. Public- transport (h)
6. Illegally traded animals- in a Wuhan market (i)
7. There are fears it could mutate- and spread further (a)
8. Scientists say the virus- is contagious (g)
9. Pneumonia-like- symptoms (c)
10. I feel fearful because there’s- no cure for the virus (f)
B. Free writing (Essay)
1. After you have learned about the Coronavirus from this article and from many other sources,
Now, it is time for you to write an essay about Coronavirus for 15 minutes. Make it into at least
3 paragraphs.
Coronaviruses are a family of many types of respiratory viruses
which are known to cause illness in animals or humans. In humans,
some identified coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory
infections ranging from common cold to even more severe diseases.
The current type of coronavirus that’s currently being a
worldwide issue is the COVID-19, which stands for ‘coronavirus
disease of 2019’. This virus and its disease were unknown until the
outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.
COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. The most
common symptoms of COVID-19 are dry cough, fever, and fatigue. In
more severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute
respiratory syndrome, and even could result in death.
While there’s no antidote to this virus yet, all we can do to
reduce the chance of being infected and to prevent the spread of
disease by following the current health protocols. Some examples of
the health protocols are socially distancing yourself from the crowd,
regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with soap or alcohol-based
sanitizer, and avoid direct contact with anyone especially in public

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