Worldwide Brands Product Sourcing Ebook

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From the Product Sourcing experts


Learn about the different Product

Sourcing methods and how they
impact your online business.

About the Authors:
Since 1999, Worldwide Brands has been researching, locating and certifying real Factory
Authorized Wholesalers that are willing to work with online retailers and we continue to do so
each and every day!

We are THE Product Sourcing Experts!

Visit our web site for more FREE information at

What is Product Sourcing?

Product Sourcing simply means “Finding products to sell through your business.” This, of
course, refers to buying products at a real wholesale price, and selling them online for a
profit. Product Sourcing is something that truly successful Internet Sellers take very
seriously; it’s a cornerstone of their success.

What does proper Product Sourcing do for my online business?

Among other things, the Internet is a wonderful ECommerce Marketplace. It’s a
tremendous business opportunity for very little cost. Many people start small online, then
go on to earn truly impressive full-time incomes.

However, many people starting out run into issues they don’t understand and then give
up because they don’t have the information they need to run an Internet business
competitively. If you dream of owning a successful online business, you CAN do it.
There are a few things you really need to understand, though, and Product Sourcing is
one of them.
Doing your Product Sourcing properly does several things for you and your
Internet business:

• Allows you to earn the highest possible profit margins

• Allows you to be flexible in the products you offer to your potential customers
• Allows you to effectively compete with other Sellers’ prices

Remember that the Internet is a very price-driven market. If you’re not doing your
Product Sourcing properly, you’ll find that there are many other Online Sellers who offer
the SAME products you do, but at lower prices. You won’t be able to compete with them.
Those sellers who offer lower prices ARE making a profit. The difference is that they are
probably paying less for the products they sell because they understand how to Source
Products the right way.

So, let’s look at how they do that, so you too can become one of those successful
Internet Sellers!

Most Internet Sellers start out in business using Local Sourcing techniques. Though this
poses certain limitations, particularly a lack of renewable products, local sourcing is a
good way to get your feet wet if you plan to start selling on Auctions such as eBay.
Some of the more common techniques of Local Sourcing are:

• Attics, Garages and Yard Sales

This is probably the most common method people use to get started on the
Internet and learn their way around. Sell a few things out of the attic and garage
and practice selling. It’s a great way to start and make a few extra bucks. It
introduces you to online retailing, helps you get used to the sales process, and
gives you a confidence boost when you see those first profits coming in.

Most people will then start spending time on the weekends going to yard sales
and estate sales, looking for bargains, and then selling THOSE products online.

After a while, though, the attic and garage are cleaned out, and you’ve hit every
available yard sale in a 50 mile radius. You’re spending more and more of your
time traveling to yard sales, and your profits just don’t pay for your time and gas.
It’s time to look for less time-consuming Product Sources.

• Local Merchants

At this point, many people will move into different Local Sourcing methods. One
of those is sourcing through Local Merchants. You can go to retail stores in your
town, introduce yourself to the manager, and offer to buy items that are sitting
around in the back room that the store hasn’t sold. You can actually develop a
good relationship with some of these store managers and owners, and get a
pretty good supply of products coming your way.
You can also do this with Thrift Stores, local discount marts, etc. You can go to
Factory Outlet Stores, buy products off the shelves at discount prices, and resell
them online. There are many options here, only limited by your imagination. Still,
this is a hit-or-miss situation; there won’t always be products available from those
sources, and they’ll never be the same products time after time. There’s also the
fact that you’re still spending a good deal of time traveling to, and working one on
one with, these sources.

• Local Artisans

This is one of the more creative ways, literally, to source products locally. Pretty
much anywhere you live, you can find local people involved in all kinds of craft
production. Local Artists’ Guilds and Crafting Collectives are often a good source
of unique products that sell well online. However, while the products can be
unique and your profits are generally good, production is often slow. Hand made
items from local artisans take time to produce, and if they do sell well, you will
always have a limited supply, which limits your business income.

• Storage Unit Auctions

This is another popular example of Local Sourcing. You can contact the Self-
Storage warehouse facilities in your area, and attend auctions that they hold
when people who rent storage units do not pay for those units, defaulting on their
ownership of the goods contained within. You get a chance to walk around and
PEEK into the storage units being auctioned (you can’t see inside boxes or open
any containers) and then you bid on the complete contents of the storage units
when the auction begins. Again, while you may gain some unique items, you’re
dealing with a ton of work and a limited supply.

There are other methods of Local Sourcing as well. When you’re first getting started, all
of them are good ways to learn, and can become a part of your Product Sourcing, to an
extent. But, as you can see, Local Sourcing becomes time and labor intensive, and
tends to limit both product selection and availability.

There are only so many hours in a day. If you spend too many of those hours on your
Product Sourcing, you will eventually hit a point where you’ll “max out” the amount of
money your business can make in a day, because you’re spending too much time
physically acquiring the products you’re selling.

Factory Authorized Wholesale Suppliers

When you’re ready to move beyond the casual seller stage to a point where your online
business is your full-time income, you need to start working with legitimate wholesale
That doesn’t mean that you can’t still source locally when you have the time. That’s fine,
and adds some unique variety to your product selection when you find the good deals.
But when you are ready to make the transition from selling online as a hobby to selling
online as a steady stream of income- You’ll need an easily renewable source of products
that you can sell again…and again…and again.

To grow into a business that is only limited by the number of Buyers in your product
market online, you need to make your business operation as lean and mean as possible
by streamlining your processes, and that especially includes your Product Sourcing.

Let’s say you’re currently sourcing your products by going to local factory outlet stores,
buying products at a discount, and re-selling them on the Internet. In order to do this,
you need to drive out to these stores, meet the people in charge so that you can work
your best possible deal every time, pick out the products on their shelves that you think
are going to sell, then buy the products and get them home. Then you have to take
individual pictures of those products. Then, you’ve got to make sure you have the right
size and types of shipping materials so you can get them out the door when you make a

Keep in mind that you’re probably holding down a day job at this point too. The time you
can spend on your online business is limited. As your business grows you can easily
spend more than half your time simply sourcing products locally if you only use Local
Sourcing methods.

Remember: You HAVE to spend a good deal of time coming up with new product ideas,
researching your market, working on your advertising, improving your Auction Listings
and/or Web Store pages, providing timely answers to your customers’ emails, and much
more. Streamlining your Product Sourcing using multiple methods will afford you the
time to grow your business.

Working with a steady, readily-available source of your main products is the best way to
avoid that problem. That steady source is almost always going to be a Factory
Authorized Wholesale Supplier.

Why a Wholesale Supplier?

Why not just go straight to the Manufacturer to buy your products? People write to us
and ask that question all the time. They figure, correctly, that their prices direct from a
Manufacturer will be even better than from a Wholesale Supplier. That’s true, they would
be, if a Manufacturer would sell directly to a Retailer.

99% of Manufacturers won’t work directly with retailers and they have good reasons for
not wanting to.

Wholesale Supply Companies provide a service that Manufacturers need. Manufacturers

are far too busy manufacturing products. They don’t want to have to get involved in
distributing them to retailers as well.

Wholesale Suppliers already have large sales forces, warehouse capabilities, local and
long distance trucking operations, and distribution networks of retail contacts in place.

Manufacturers would much rather sell very large quantities of products to a very few
existing Wholesale Suppliers and use the Wholesaler’s infrastructure and sales
connections to distribute those products.

It’s much more cost-effective for the Manufacturer. This is why Retailers (including
Internet Retailers) generally cannot buy from Manufacturers directly.

For the vast majority of your wholesale purchases as a retailer, you will be dealing with
Wholesale Suppliers. Legitimate Wholesale Suppliers are very stable and will supply a
steady stream of reliable name brand products for you to sell online.

Exceptions to the Rule

Once in a while, you may find a manufacturer who is willing to sell to you directly, and
that’s great, but you need to be careful. Manufacturers who sell directly to Retailers
usually HAVE to do their own distribution because they are typically too small to attract
the attention of the large Wholesale Supply companies. They are generally very small
companies who produce small numbers of specialty items.

Buying directly from these small manufacturers can have its pitfalls. Small companies
can rarely keep up with a fast-paced sales season, like the Christmas Holiday. They are
more likely to run out of stock, take longer to produce more product, and are more likely
to go out of business suddenly.

It’s great to deal directly with a manufacturer, but be careful if they are a small company.
Larger wholesale suppliers are much more stable and reliable.

When you’re looking for Wholesalers so that you CAN have a steady stream of
wholesale products to sell online you’re going to find a tremendous number of people
who are perched on the search engines like a flock of vultures, just waiting to swoop
down on your head.

There is a whole subset of Get Rich Quick schemes aimed at Product Sourcing. An
entire industry on the Internet that makes its money by fooling you into thinking you’re
getting something you’re not.

They break down into three major categories:

• Product Sourcing Middlemen

• Product Sourcing MLMs (Multi-Level Marketers)
• Junk Product Sourcing Information
Let’s take them one by one, shall we?

Product Sourcing Middlemen

We’ve mentioned Middlemen before, so let’s understand exactly what that means now.
The Product Supply Chain, from manufacturer to retailer, is supposed to go like this:

Manufacturer Wholesaler Retailer Consumer

Many people have the mistaken impression that the second link in the Chain, the
wholesaler, is a Middleman, because they are in the middle, between the manufacturer,
and you, the retailer.

That’s not true. The Wholesaler, the second link in the Product Supply Chain is there for
a very important reason: manufacturers don’t have the infrastructure to actually sell and
deliver small numbers of their products directly to you, the retailer. Real wholesalers
provide that infrastructure (warehouses, order systems, delivery trucks, account
representatives, etc.) for the manufacturer.

So, link two, the wholesaler, is a legitimate wholesale supplier, not a Middleman.

Here’s an example of where an illegitimate Middleman fits into that Supply Chain:

Manufacturer Wholesaler MiddlemanRetailerConsumer

A Middleman is someone who takes your place in the Product Supply Chain, and bumps
you down a link. They try to make you believe they are Link Two in the Chain (a
wholesaler), when they are really Link Three (a retailer). Sometimes, it’s worse than that.
You could end up dealing with a fake supplier who is actually three or four links down the

How does that affect you? It hits you where it hurts. Right in the profit margin. For every
link you drop down in that Chain, your “wholesale” prices go up.

To be successful online you’ve got to buy your products from the Factory Authorized
Wholesaler that works directly with the Manufacturer. Otherwise, your profit margin will

Another favorite Product Sourcing scheme used by the unscrupulous and unprincipled is
the Multi-Level Marketing plan.
Let’s talk about that.

Product Sourcing Multi-Level Marketing Schemes

Earlier, we talked about the fact that it’s bad to be bumped from the third (retail) link of
the Product Supply Chain down to the fourth link, by allowing a Middleman to get in
between you and the real wholesaler. We also mentioned that you could find yourself
two or three links below that level on the Chain. Taking you for that ride way down to the
lower links is the specialty of the Product Sourcing MLM (Multi-Level Marketer).

People have been falling for this kind of thing forever. They talk about it on the News,
everybody from 20/20 to 60 Minutes exposes them, and yet still people fall for it every

Whether it’s the old “Airplane Game”, where everyone puts $200 in the pot, and then you
each get four others to do the same, and so on, until you advance to the ‘Pilot’s Seat’
and get all the money, or it’s the multi-level “wholesale suppliers” on the Internet, it’s all
based on the same thing.

An MLM scheme is a food chain. When you enter it, you are on the bottom of that food
chain. Ask any amoeba, small insect, or bit of plankton floating around the ocean, and
they’ll tell you that the bottom of a food chain is not a good place to be!

Here’s an example of a wide-spread MLM operation on the Internet: Let’s pretend that
there is a big supplier of imported off-brand merchandise in the U.S. They sell some
decent products. You won't find any well-known brand names there. Their line consists
of several thousand widely varying products, mostly decorative figurines, home accents
and giftware. Again, you won't recognize any of the brand names ... it's all imported
merchandise, probably mostly from China and the Pacific Rim. We'll call this pretend
company "XYZ Wholesalers".

You can sign up with "XYZ Wholesalers" directly and sell their merchandise on your web
site, for a hefty monthly account maintenance fee. You will find the products difficult to
sell, for one very good reason. They already have TENS OF THOUSANDS of people
who are all trying to sell this exact same merchandise on the Internet.

That kind of competition, plus the fact that there are so many more people (millions of
people!) already trying to sell giftware in general on the 'Net, will make it impossible for
you to make any real money. Here's the interesting part, though, which makes this
situation an MLM scheme.

Joe Reseller comes along and signs up with "XYZ Wholesalers" as a retailer, and now
has the right to sell their products on the Internet.

XYZ Wholesalers knows that Joe is not going to make all that much money trying to
buck all the competition on their relatively few products on the Internet. So, they send
Joe three “wholesale” price sheets.

The “Amber” Price Sheet contains the prices that JOE can buy products for, and resell
them online. These are the lowest prices available from XYZ Wholesalers. Joe sets up
his own Web Site, and sells the products directly to the public using the amber price
sheet as his wholesale pricing.

The “Hunter Green” Price Sheet contains all the same products, but they’re marked up
considerably in price. XYZ tells Joe that HE can bring in his OWN Internet retailers,
claiming to actually BE a wholesaler himself, and sell the products to them for the prices
on the “Hunter Green” Price Sheet. XYZ Wholesalers actually encourages the kind of
unethical behavior displayed in our previous example of Middlemen.

In other words, XYZ gives Joe permission to pretend to be a real wholesale supplier, and
gather his own little army of unsuspecting worker-bees to sell for him.
Joe’s worker-bees go out and set up their own Web Sites, thinking that Joe is a REAL
wholesale supplier, and they send their orders to Joe. Joe simply turns around and
sends his worker-bees’ orders directly to XYZ, and they fill the orders.
Once again, it’s like a soap opera; Joe is not a real wholesaler, but he plays one on the

The “Baby Blue” Price Sheet is the third one that Joe got from XYZ, and it has even
higher prices. Guess what Joe does with this one? He passes the “Baby Blue” Price
Sheet on to the “worker-bees” who think he is the real wholesaler, and tells them that
they can bring in their own resellers, and claim to be wholesalers themselves!

Joe’s unsuspecting worker-bees recruit their own unsuspecting worker-bees. That

second level of worker-bees under Joe’s worker-bees all create their own Web Sites to
sell all these same wonderful products, never knowing that they are buying from a fake
wholesaler under Joe, and those fake wholesalers are buying from Joe, who is a fake
wholesaler himself.

Joe is the only one buying from the real Wholesaler. He’s collecting orders from two
levels of worker-bees underneath him, and passing them all on to XYZ, who fills the

So, the more worker-bees Joe gathers, the more worker-bees those worker-bees gather,
and it all passes upward along the chain to Joe, and finally to the real Wholesaler.

That’s what’s known in Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) as an “Upline” and a “Downline”.

In this situation, here are the “Downlines”:

• Joe and both levels of worker-bees under him are XYZ’s “Downline.”
• The two levels of worker-bees under Joe, who use the hunter green and baby blue
price sheets from Joe, are Joe’s “Downline.”
• The worker-bees who use the baby blue price sheet are the “Downline” for those
who use the hunter green price sheet they got from Joe.

Now, here are the “Uplines”:

• XYZ Wholesalers sit at the very top of this ‘pyramid’, and collect membership fees
and product orders from everyone. They are the only real Wholesaler in this
picture, although all the lower-level worker-bees think that they are also buying
from real wholesalers.
• Joe has XYZ Wholesalers as his “Upline”.
• The hunter green price sheet users have Joe and XYZ in their “Upline”.
• The worker-bees who use the baby blue price sheet are at the absolute bottom of
this food chain. The hunter green price sheet users, Joe, and XYZ are all in the
baby blue worker-bees’ “Upline”.

There are tens of thousands of these downline worker-bees out there on the Internet, all
creating sites that claim to be real wholesale sources, trying to put you on their Product
Sourcing downline. They all want you to believe that they are real wholesale suppliers,
and some of them are very good liars with very convincing sites.

You need to stay away from these people!

Junk Product Sourcing Information

When you’re looking for information on Product Sourcing, there are people out there who
are more than willing to lie to your face, promise you riches beyond your wildest dreams,
and then leave you with information that will actually damage your business. Bad
information can actually cause your business to fail completely.

Many of the people who do this are outright scam artists who are actively and purposely
trying to cheat you. Some of them are simply lazy, and are looking to make a fast buck
selling substandard, outdated information, not caring who they hurt in the process.

Some others actually think it's "ok" to cheat you, because "everybody else does it."

Then there are a very few of these small operations in Product Sourcing Information
(only two or three, actually) who do try to put together halfway decent information, but
they don't have the time and manpower to maintain that information, and it quickly
becomes outdated and useless. That cheats you and your business as well, although it’s
not malicious, it’s just irresponsible.

How can bad information damage your business?

Mostly in the form of lost time. The money you spend on the information isn’t really the
thing to worry about here. Most of the bad information is cheap to begin with.

The problem, as we said, is lost time. When you buy Product Sourcing information, you
need to look through it to find contact information for the Wholesalers you want to deal
with. In Junk Product Sourcing information, you could spend days, weeks, or even
months trying to contact suppliers that don’t exist, are no longer in business, or won’t
work with you in the first place.

Losing that kind of time in your business stalls your progress, brings your profits to a
standstill, and can actually destroy your business.

Recognize the Bad Guys

Whenever and wherever you find the name of a company that is supposed to be a
wholesaler, be very careful. Learn to recognize the signs of a Middleman or MLM:

• Any wholesale web site that does not give you a full company name, address and
phone number to call, which they answer.

• Any supposed wholesaler that does not ask you for a Business License and Sales
Tax ID (which we will discuss in the next chapter)

• Any wholesale web site that makes claims about how much money you can make
using their services.

• Any wholesale web site that makes claims about how much money they have made
with their products.

• Any wholesale web site that you notice is marketing the same products as another
supposed wholesale web site.

• Any web site that tries to sell you other services besides strictly wholesale

If you come across a wholesaler that you’re not sure about, there are some things you
can do to help you decide if they are legitimate:

• Call them. If someone answers and says “Hello?”, you are not talking to a real
business. You should be able to get a hold of an Operator who can direct you to
an Account Representative. Ask the Account Rep all the questions you like, until
you’re satisfied.

• Go to and do a search on the company’s web site domain name. If

the results tell you that the site is registered to an individual name, chances are
you’re dealing with a Middleman. If it’s registered to a company name, that’s not
proof, but it’s a good sign that they might be legitimate.

• Search the Internet using the web site name, and then the company name. If
anyone has had trouble with them, you’ll find out quickly.

• Search the Better Business Bureau web site, at, for complaint
• Contact the Chamber of Commerce in the city or town where the business claims
to be located, and ask about them. Even if they are not a Chamber Member,
someone there should be able to give you some idea about them.

Making sure you’re dealing with a real wholesaler can make or break your Internet
Business, so please be sure that you know who you’re dealing with.

Are you an Ecommerce business owner, or do you just "play one on the Internet"? There
is a difference, and that difference will hurt your online business.

As we've said several times so far, when you sell products on the Internet, just like
anyplace else, you need to be Sourcing those products from a direct Wholesale Supplier
(a.k.a. - Factory Authorized Wholesale Supplier). If you're not, you're paying middleman
markups that chip away at your profits until you're barely making enough to pay your
hosting fees. Sometimes it seems that there are more middlemen on the Internet than
there are Ecommerce sites, and they're all targeting YOU!

Here's a scenario:

John Doe wants to open an Internet store, and make lots of money. He's seen all the
news items about new Internet millionaires. There are pictures of some of these people
in the news and on the 'Net, and some of them seem to be one sandwich short of a

"If they can do it, so can I!" he thinks, and starts to search around the 'Net for information
on starting a business. John is luckier than most; he comes across a good Internet Mall
early in his search, and realizes that he can set up an Internet store quickly and easily.
All is right with the world!

Only one thing left: what to sell?

John looks around the Internet for product Suppliers. He finds a genuine Wholesale
Supplier. He calls them to set up an Account, and they ask him for his Sales Tax ID. He
realizes that he will have to get a Sales Tax ID number to buy from these Suppliers,
because they are legitimate.

"Yechh!" thinks John. "Tax ID number?" That sounds like work. Worse, it sounds like
LEGAL work. That's a scary thing to most people, and John is one of them!

A little more searching, and John finds a web site called "Stuff R Us." Stuff R Us is
screaming at him: "Thousands of wholesale products you can sell on your website! NO
investment for inventory! We send each item right to your customer! No shipping, no
handling products, no minimums! Sign up with us and we handle everything! This is your
road to Internet Riches!"
Well, that's the road John was looking for, all right, so he happily sends his name and
address to Stuff R Us along with his sign-up fee. Suddenly he can put all kinds of
products on his web site, and all he has to do is email his orders to Stuff R Us, and they
handle the rest. No paperwork, no hassles.

John is creating a new Internet millionaire, all right. No doubt about it. Unfortunately, it's
not him. It's Stuff R Us.

Stuff R Us is a middleman. They sit between John and the REAL wholesaler. Every time
John places an order with Stuff R Us, they turn around and place that same order with
the real wholesaler, who sends it to John's customer. John never knows this is

Stuff R Us is marking up the real wholesale prices to John. John will piddle along selling
the same over-marketed imports as thousands of other Stuff R Us clients, at over-
inflated wholesale prices.

Stuff R Us thinks this is great, and they're laughing all the way to the bank.

So, where did John go wrong? What did he do to unwittingly get stuck in ECommerce's
biggest trap, the "middleman rut"?

It's simple. He took the easy way out when searching for a supplier. Stuff R Us said,
"We'll handle everything," and John said, "Hmmm, that sounds easy!" So, instead of
bothering to do some simple legal paperwork for his business, John let Stuff R Us cheat
him out of most of his profit, because it was easy.

Please remember the following two statements:

1.) You MUST work DIRECTLY with REAL Wholesale Suppliers to be truly successful in

2.) You cannot buy from a REAL Wholesale Supplier if you are not a LEGAL business.

Let’s repeat that last one, for those who may have their iTunes software turned up too


ANYONE who allows you to purchase wholesale products for resale without legal
business paperwork is NOT a real wholesaler, and is taking profit that should be yours.

As you may know by now, we publish a very thorough Factory Authorized Wholesaler
directory that helps people like John find and contact real Wholesalers that will work
with Home-based Internet Businesses. Every once in a while, we get an email
from someone who says, "Wait a minute, I don't have to go through all this legal stuff to
use the distributors YOU list. I can just go to Stuff R Us and do it the easy way!"

We have no doubt that Stuff R Us finds this absolutely hilarious.

Getting legal is not that hard. Don't listen to the people who tell you that you don't have
to do it. Here are the basics (in the US):

1.) File your Business Name.

You need an official business name that's recognized by your state government. You
can do this one of two ways.

A.) Corporation: You can file a corporation with your State. All States in the US have
web sites where you can get information on this, and in many cases actually file your
business papers online. We have links to the different sites for each State in the
Resource Center on our web site, which we'll talk about later.

B.) Fictitious Name (or "DBA"): This is a simpler way to register your business, but it
does not afford you the protections that a corporation does. This doesn't cost as much
as a corporation. In some States, this is called a DBA (Doing Business As), and is
obtained from your local County Office building for a minimal fee. ($35 would be an

If you're not sure which way you want to go, ask an attorney or accountant. There's got
to be one in your family somewhere, right? :o)

2.) Obtain a "Tax ID."

In almost every State, you are required to have a Tax ID. Some call it a Sales and Use
Tax Certificate, some call it a Seller's Permit, etc. It's the same thing. It allows you to
collect Sales Tax on sales you make within your own State. This is done at the local
State Tax Office. When you buy from a Wholesale Supplier, you will be asked to supply
them with a copy of this certificate. They use it as proof to the IRS that they are not
required to charge you tax on the products they sell you at wholesale.

3.) Open a Business Bank Account.

If you're going to do business, you must have a business bank account. You'll need your
Business Name papers. Here, we can open a business account for a deposit of $50 to
$100. Almost all banks offer business accounts.

4.) Open a Merchant Account.

The last thing you need is a Merchant Account. You'll need everything you obtained in
the steps above for this one.

This is the thing that allows you to accept credit cards from your online customers.
Without this, you'll get nowhere. Online buyers are instant gratification junkies. They
want it NOW! If they have to mail you a check, they'll go somewhere else and buy.
Merchant accounts used to cost a thousand dollars and more to set up. They've come
down a LOT. We just opened a new one for a one-time fee of less than $200, complete.
The Merchant Account will collect funds from your customers' credit cards, and deposit
those funds in your business bank account. Your Merchant Banker will help you to
incorporate your Merchant Account into your Internet store software.

You can also use your Merchant Account to sell on eBay, of course.
There are also a couple of ways you can accept credit cards on the Internet without
opening a Merchant Account, such as PayPal.

That's the "business end" of an Internet business. Sound complicated? It isn't, really.
Just take it step by step. Don't let a few pieces of paperwork stop you!

As I said above, these are just guidelines. Some states may require an additional
license, such as the inexpensive "Occupational License" used here in Florida. When you
set up your Business Name, they will tell you if you need anything like that. If you have
questions, please consult a professional.

Getting legal is not hard, and the benefits are tremendous. Don't make money for a
middleman—make it for yourself!

After working in wholesale, retail and product sourcing for a very long time, our best
recommendation for sources of products to sell online will always be new products from
real Wholesale Suppliers.

When you’re dealing with Wholesale Suppliers, you’re getting brand new merchandise
that is under warranty. You have an Account Rep who can handle shipping issues,
damaged merchandise, returns, product liability questions, and provide images and
descriptions of the products you sell. This is invaluable in streamlining your Product
Sourcing, bringing the best quality products to your customers and protecting your
business from lost income.

It’s also very important to understand that no single Product Sourcing Method should be
used to support your entire business. The most successful Sellers on the Internet
understand that using Multiple Product Sourcing Methods is the real key to success.

So, let’s talk about common Product Sourcing Methods and how they work.

Light Bulk Wholesaling

A real "Light Bulk Wholesaler" is a legitimate Wholesale Supplier who will sell you
SMALL amounts of products at a genuine Wholesale Price, and ship them to you. You
store those products in your home, and pack and ship them yourself to your customers
who order them from your Auction or Web Site. You charge your customers your Retail
Price, and the difference between Wholesale and Retail is your profit.
Light Bulk Wholesaling works great for eBay Sellers because since you are purchasing
product in volume (even though it’s small affordable volumes) you get additional
discounts on top of your standard wholesale price. With those discounts, many online
retailers will lower their retail cost. This allows you to charge more competitive prices to
your online customers.

Light Bulk Wholesaling works well, and is a low-cost entry into the world of buying
wholesale products in bulk. Supplementing your Product Sourcing with Light Bulk (low
minimum order) wholesalers should be a part of your Sourcing efforts especially if you
plan to sell in a price driven marketplace like eBay.

Drop Shipping

A real Wholesale Drop Ship supplier is a legitimate discount Wholesaler who will send
products directly to your customers for you, one product at a time, from their warehouse.

You pay a Wholesale Price for the products, one at a time, and charge your customer
your Retail Price. The difference between those prices is your profit. You never have to
touch the product, or spend money to fill your garage up with products that you might not
sell...the Wholesale Dropshipper does that for you.
Drop Shipping works well, but has its limits, which include slimmer profit margins and
occasional delivery problems.

Drop Shipping should be a part of your Product Sourcing, but not all of it.

Tip: Avoid any chance of delivery problems when using drop shipping by ordering 1 or 2
of your hottest selling items from the Wholesaler. This will serve as a backup in the
event the Wholesaler is out-of-stock on those items. Not only will you always have a
backup for your ordering customers, you will also be able to experience what your
customers are experiencing when they get an order delivered to them!

Liquidation Buying

When products are liquidated, that means that whoever owns them no longer wants
them. In fact, they want to get rid of them so badly that they’re willing to take virtually no
profit, or even a financial loss, to do so.

Sometimes, the products being liquidated are brand new, and a manufacturer simply
made too many of them. Or, they weren’t that great a seller to begin with, and the
manufacturer or wholesaler got stuck with a lot of extras.

In our experience with liquidation, though, brand new products that are still in the box,
never having been opened, are more the exception than the rule. So, while Liquidation
Buying can be effective, you have to be very careful to be sure what you’re getting.

If you’re careful, Liquidation Buying can be a good supplement to your Product Sourcing
efforts, especially since you can use low-cost items you bought at Liquidation prices to
entice customers into your Web Store to see your more expensive (and higher profit
margin) items.

Overstock /Closeout Buying

Overstock Merchandise is supposed to be new, in-the-box, never-opened products that

have simply been left on the warehouse shelves from the previous season.

There are many reasons that manufacturers and wholesalers get stuck with some of last
year’s inventory.

Mainly, that would be because the manufacturer produced too much product, or the
wholesaler bought too much, and the manufacturer wouldn’t take it back.
Whichever is the case, we’re still talking about products that didn’t sell for some reason,
and that has to be taken into account when you consider buying them and trying to sell
them yourself.
Overstock / Closeout Sourcing works well, but it's not a renewable source. Once a
product lot is gone, it's gone. If you find a product that sells well, you'll run out of it
sooner or later. That's why you need other sourcing methods; so you can find renewable
Sources of those products once you identify them.

Resource Note:
At Worldwide Brands, our business is locating legitimate Wholesalers who are willing to
work with home-based online businesses. We created the world’s ONLY Complete
Product Sourcing Solution. Our product sourcing tool represents millions of Wholesale
products you can sell in your eBiz from thousands of Genuine, Factory-Authorized
Wholesale Suppliers. Drop Shippers, Light Bulk Wholesalers, Liquidators, Direct Import
Buys, and more are all a part of our supplier database. Our full-time Research Staff has
spent 7 years carefully compiling this information, and adds NEW Sources every
business day of the year. You can certainly do the research on your own, but that
research is tremendously time-consuming. Our product sourcing tool instantly brings
you millions of wholesale products from Wholesalers who have already agreed to work
with Home-based eBiz owners.

Before we move on with how to locate Factory Authorized Wholesalers its important to
note that Market Research (determining what products you are going to sell) is just as
crucial to your online success as proper product sourcing.

What is Market Research?:

What is Market Research? It’s pretty much what the name implies- You’re researching
the market, which is comprised of online shoppers and retailers. And Research just
means gathering information about the Market, that’s directly related to the product
you’re thinking about selling.

The information you gather will show you whether or not you can compete with that
product in the current market. It will help you understand what kind of demand there is
for that product, as well as its advertising and marketing potential. Since your market is
online, the majority of your research is performed online as well. With market research,
your ultimate goal is to find out whether or not “Product X” is a good idea to sell, or
whether it’s a product you want to avoid.

Most people realize they need to research, but they don’t know HOW to research.
Before you can start, you have to understand the basic elements involved: Keywords,
Demand and Competition.

Let’s use eBay as an example for a moment; imagine what a mess it would be if there
were no search fields on eBay. Sellers would just throw their products into one big pile,
and it would be up to the customer to sift through and find what they were looking for.
What a nightmare! Fortunately, that’s not the case because in the online world just about
everything gets sorted by keywords.

Search engines, search fields and just about any search function online uses keywords
to qualify what results are returned. When you perform a search online, whether you
realize it or not, you’re typing in keywords. For example, if you wanted to find picture
frames, you’d likely type the keywords “picture frames.”

Bottom line: Keywords are just words we use everyday when we type. Easy enough,
right? Well, from a research perspective, they tell us an enormous amount of
information, so learn to love keywords. They are our friends.

Simple Definition of Demand: how many shoppers are looking for a product.

A big difference between an online business and a physical store is that the Internet
offers you the potential of a lot more customers. You’re not bound by location; your
customers don’t have to be within driving distance.

Because the Internet is so massive, finding out how many people are looking for one
particular product seems like an impossible task. However, when people search for
products online, remember that they’re typing keywords into their search engine

There are tools available that track the number of unique searches performed on various
search engines for any keyword combination. These Keyword Counting tools let you
type in keywords, and then tell you how many people searched for them, over a certain
period of time on major search engines. We list our recommendations for Research
Tools and Training in our Resource Center. You will find the link at the end of this

Simple Definition of Competition: retailers who are currently selling the products you’re
considering selling. There will ALWAYS be competitors selling what you’re selling
(unless you make a completely unique product and manufacture it yourself…but that’s
another eBook :o) We’ve often heard people say they want to sell something no one else
is selling. The problem with that idea is if there was only one retailer selling a
Manufacturers’ products that Manufacturer wouldn’t be in business very long. Just like
you wouldn’t be in business for long if there was only one customer buying from you. So
don’t get turned off by competition. It can be measured, and it can provide you with very
useful information during your research.

Work with REAL Wholesalers so you don’t get false Research Data:
There are many advantages to working directly with real wholesalers, and we’ll talk more
about those later. What’s important to note, right now, is that using real wholesalers
allows you to get TRUE Wholesale pricing on the products you sell. If you aren’t working
directly with the Manufacturer or Factory Authorized Wholesale Distributors, then your
market research will be skewed. Middlemen try to get between retailers and actual
Wholesalers and increase the true wholesale price of products. During your research,
you could end up thinking you can’t sell ‘Product X’ because the profit margins are too
low when, in fact, if you worked with the actual Wholesaler, you could compete. It’s
critical to your research and business success that you work with REAL Wholesalers.

Realize that you can’t sell certain products:

It’s very important to understand that not all Wholesalers are willing to work with online
retailers. We’ll discuss the reasons WHY in another chapter, but for now, realize there
are far more Wholesalers who will NOT work with online retailers, than there are ones
who will. It’s not uncommon to find real Wholesalers that simply do not work with small
businesses, Web Store owners, or auction sellers.

Typically, products like Consumer electronics (i.e. - Ipods, Computers) and Designer
Clothes are product areas that only Big Retail chains can afford to sell. Why is that? Why
can’t you sell iPods if you want? It’s because Apple’s retailer minimum orders have to be
in the $100,000.00 range. That’s a bit steep for most people starting an online business.
If the real Wholesalers don’t drop ship or offer small volume, and you can’t afford to buy
large volumes, then you don’t have a supply for that product. So during your research,
realize there will be products you can’t sell simply because you can’t meet the minimum
orders the real Wholesalers require. We’ll get into more detail about working with real
Wholesalers later; but, right now, let’s look at certain errors new sellers frequently make:

Common Mistake: “You have to sell a product you are Passionate about”
Often times, new retailers are told they ought to sell products they’re passionate about.
As a result, new retailers commonly base their product selections solely on what they
enjoy. Basing your product choices entirely on whether or not you like a product is a
dangerous idea.

Your passion for a product does not (in any way) mean the product will be easy or good
to sell. By and large, most people are passionate about the same types of products:
Electronics, Designer Clothing, Gaming Systems, DVDs, Computers, etc.

These products, however, are some of the worst a new online retailer can try to sell
because it’s next to impossible to compete in these oversaturated markets.

There are two common supporting arguments for picking products you’re passionate

• If you enjoy the product you sell, your business will be more fun to run.
• If you’re familiar with your product, you can talk about it more knowledgeably.

We can tell you for sure, your business will NOT be “fun to run” if you end up spending
money listing products that aren’t selling. Often times, the most successful online
retailers sell products they never would have thought of when they started. They let their
research guide them, and when they started making sales…then their business was fun
to run!

As for “talking about a product more knowledgeably,” think of your own shopping
experiences. How many times have you decided to purchase a product because the
seller really seemed to like it? Probably not too many.

Remember, if you’re using a legitimate Wholesaler, they’ll give you the necessary
product descriptions for your customers. You don’t have to be an expert on a product to
start selling it. When you find a good product to sell, you can become an expert so you
can offer additional tips and advice.

We’re not suggesting you avoid products you enjoy; just don’t let your passion make
your decisions. If you want to sell products you’re passionate about, start researching
them. Find out if they’d be good to sell—if it turns out they would be, then that’s
wonderful. But if your research shows you can’t compete with those products, you’ve
saved yourself a lot of money and heartache by finding that out before you tried to sell

IMPORTANT Tip! You can save yourself a lot of time and frustration if you ensure that
you can find a real Wholesaler for any product BEFORE you start researching it. It’s an
enormous waste of energy to research a product, only to find that there are no real
Wholesalers willing to work with Internet sellers. Remember, not all Wholesalers are
willing to work with smaller online businesses.

So make sure you have a legitimate Factory Authorized Wholesaler willing to work with
you before you start researching any product you are thinking about selling.

Compiling a Research List

Making a research list is your first step in simplifying those ‘millions of product
possibilities.’ This is just a list of products you want to start researching. Think of it like a
funnel—the wide end represents millions of choices, and the small end is your final
selections. This funnel approach will help you organize your research, so you can keep
track of where you’re going and, more importantly, where you’ve already been.

- Add products you like

When compiling your research list, start by adding your ‘Passion Products.’ There’s
nothing wrong with researching products you like—you just can’t base your decision to
sell a product on the fact that YOU like it. The best case scenario would be that products
you like are also ones you can compete with, so put them on your list, and find out
whether or not they’re a good idea.

- Add products your friends & family like

When you run out of ideas for products you like, draw inspiration from friends and family.
You already know the types of things they enjoy because you’ve bought them presents,
or received holiday requests for items they can’t live without. When it comes down to it,
we’re all consumers, so use your own shopping experiences to help build your list.

- Add products from Unrelated Categories

This is where you’ll find most of the good products to sell simply because you’re opening
yourself up to ideas you hadn’t considered. All products can be grouped into main
categories. By researching products from completely unrelated categories, you’ll begin
to see niches within those categories. As you delve deeper into each category, you’ll find
products that will inspire ideas of other products you’ll want to research.

Don’t Get Discouraged:

As you research, don’t be quick to throw in the towel if you find that products you’re
interested in selling don’t reflect the kind of profit margins you expected. You’ll find, in
some cases, your wholesale price is HIGHER than what some sellers are selling that
product for! That’s discouraging and confusing to most new Sellers. New sellers often
think that, because they’re getting true wholesale (if they’re working directly with
Manufacturers or Factory Authorized Wholesalers), they’ll be able to compete with ALL
other retailers. While it’s crucial that you’re connected with real Wholesalers, remember
that not all Online Sellers are new, or are working in drop shipping or light bulk volumes.

Wholesalers give additional discounts to retailers who buy in bigger volumes. Some
Internet Sellers buy sizeable lots from Wholesalers, stock large quantities of inventory,
and ship the products out themselves. It IS more work for those retailers but they get lots
of discounts on top of wholesale costs.

Wholesale pricing is directly proportional to the amount of volume you purchase, so if

you have an item drop shipped, you’re getting wholesale on one item. If you buy in light
bulk volume, you’ll get wholesale, plus additional discounts. If you buy in larger volumes,
you’ll get even more discounts.

Bottom line: If you’re not buying in volume, you can’t expect to compete with Sellers who
are. When those big retailers tally their discounts into their retail prices, they can sell for
less because they’re buying for less.

This is one of the biggest reasons you want to research. If you find the majority of the
current retailers are selling for much less than you can afford to, then you know that’s
not a product you can compete with.

Don’t let this discourage you. It’s better to find out you can’t be profitable with an item
before you spend money trying to sell it, than to list it week after week and not see any
sales. As you move forward researching products, you’ll find ones that you CAN
compete with.

Market Research takes time and effort, but it’s work that must be done. When you are
ready to dive in and start picking products that sell, if you need help, there are some
great step by step Online Research Guides and Research Tools available in our
Resource Center at:

Worldwide Brands Complete Product Sourcing Tool can do this work for you as well.
Integrated into this tool is a powerful Market Research Engine that breaks down a
product’s demand, competition, advertising, and market price, and analyzes those
numbers to tell you exactly what your chances are of successfully selling it online. Once
again, you can do your market research manually and get the information you are
looking for. Our product sourcing tool, though, automates that process, saving you a
tremendous amount of time and helping you avoid costly mistakes.
We’ve already established that you really need to work with real Wholesale Suppliers if
you want to streamline your Product Sourcing process, and earn the best profit
margins on the products you sell online.

We’ve talked about why wholesalers exist, what Middlemen and MLMs are, and how
real wholesalers work. We’ve already gone over the cheap lists and junk wholesale
information that’s being sold for a few bucks online, and how buying the wrong
information can hurt your business.

When locating real Wholesalers on your own, knowing where NOT to look is every bit
as important as knowing where to look.

Why real wholesalers don’t advertise in the Search Engines

Most people who sell products online automatically jump into the Search Engines
when they’re looking for wholesalers of products to sell. Believe it or not, the Search
Engines are just about the last place you want to look.

The vast majority of real Wholesale Suppliers do not need (or even want) to advertise
on the Internet. For the wholesale supply industry, there is an entire sales and
marketing structure that has been in place forever, long before the Internet ever came to

Real wholesale supply companies deal for the most part with LARGE retailers: Sears,
Kmart, Wal-Mart, etc. These wholesale supply companies have entire sales divisions
in place, with salespeople who actually travel to and call on these massive accounts
personally. That’s the way it’s been done for so long that real Wholesale Suppliers
take a very serious risk of hurting themselves by deviating from that strategy.

They also realize that this advertised web site approach will attract thousands of very
small retailers. That means a large influx of very small accounts; accounts who will
only buy a few hundred or a couple of thousand dollars worth of product at a time, not
hundreds of thousands of dollars at a time.

Wholesale Suppliers pay their Account Reps good money to bring in and work with
new accounts. The larger the account, the better for the Wholesaler. Many Account
Reps also earn commissions from the sales they make to their accounts. So, from the
Wholesalers’ point of view, large accounts are good and small accounts can be more
time-consuming than they’re worth.

This doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with small Home-based Internet
businesses! Again, this is simply the way most of the big wholesalers view their
world and you have to understand that in order to make progress with them.

There are many real Wholesale Suppliers who will work with small retailers. It’s just
not usually in their best interest to help you find them! The big brand name
wholesalers of the world just don’t go around spending time and money advertising
themselves to an Internet audience that they feel won’t be a significant part of their
overall business.

That's why, as an online retailer, YOU have to go to them. Wholesalers don't go out
of their way to make it easy for the Home-based business owner to find them.
However, they CAN be persuaded to work with you if you can just find them and ask.

Why Fake Wholesalers do advertise on the Search Engines

The Search Engine keywords “Wholesale,” “Wholesale Products,” “Drop Shipping,” etc.,
attract a huge number of people who own or are starting Home-based Internet
Businesses. That’s because people who are relatively new to ECommerce are not yet
aware of these wholesale scammers and sellers of sub-standard information. Most
people simply do not know that the Search Engines are the wrong place to look for real

While 98% of the real wholesalers in the world do not advertise there, for reasons we’ve
just discussed, those Search Engine keywords are the Sweet Spot for the Middlemen,
the MLM schemes, the “Get Rich Quick” con artists, and the sellers of junk information.

We mentioned before that you can find a very small number of genuine wholesale
information sellers there. However, for the most part, you need to stay away from the top
results in the Search Engines if you’re researching real wholesalers.

So, where do you find legitimate wholesale suppliers?

When we first started selling products on the Internet, back in the 1990’s, we asked the
same question. We wanted to find Wholesale Drop Shippers for our new online
business, and started wondering where to look for them. We thought we had the answer
back then, just like many people think so now.

Our first instinct was simple: hit the search engines, and search for “Wholesale Drop
Shipper”. So, we did just that.

Yahoo returned about 60 gazillion hits touting a popular book supposedly filled with
hundreds of drop shippers. This thing was all over the place. Can’t go wrong there, we
thought, so we happily zapped our twelve bucks over the Net to one of the countless
resellers of that popular book.

We stood patiently next to the mailbox for a couple of weeks, waiting for our shiny new
hardbound copy of the book that would make us rich. When it finally showed up, we
almost threw it away, thinking it was a junk mail flyer.

In short, it wasn’t much help. Those listings that had phone numbers, we called. Some of
them didn’t know what we were talking about. Some of them were willing to drop ship,
but we didn’t think we were going to make a fortune selling fake vomit and dribble
glasses on the ‘Net. The rest of them were either used-book sellers, or wanted us to mail
money to a PO Box so they could send us some other information that would make us
rich. Sigh.

OK, back to the search engines. We cleverly dodged all the people who wanted to sell
us a “complete turnkey web site package with products ready to sell.” We wanted to put
our kids through college, not theirs.

We finally located someone who claimed that he was the owner of an import company
that drop shipped hundreds of great products. We paid fifty bucks for a “membership,”
and got a no-name catalog in return, with a “wholesale” price list. “Great!” we thought,
“here we go!” We searched and found many of his products for sale on the ‘Net on other
sites. The products were identical, but guess what? Their retail prices were the same as
our “wholesale” prices. In other words, we had zero profit margin. The guy we signed up
with was an MLM scammer, and he was now fifty dollars richer. We were still nowhere.

With a grim sort of last-ditch determination, we dug, and we dug, until we found the real
source of this no-name catalog we had paid the MLM scammer fifty bucks for. It was a
manufacturer and importer in Texas, and they were actually the source of the products!
We set up an account with these people and began selling their products. A little later,
we found another company (“3,500 products you can sell on your own web site” … that
will sound familiar to you if you’ve spent time searching the Net for wholesalers!) and
spent weeks sifting through more resellers who were posing as that source until we
found that original supplier outside of L.A. We sold products from these two companies
for about 6 months, and actually did about $12,000 in sales, but we weren’t happy. The
products were imported knock-offs. We wanted the shiny new name brands that look so
cool on your web site, and that everyone wants to buy. After dealing with about the
umpteenth customer who wanted to return his patched leather made-in-Kuala-Lumpur
backpack because he wasn’t happy with the quality, we had had enough. It was Name
Brand or bust!

After another exhaustive search of the ‘Net, we found a company who offered hundreds
of name brand products that they would drop ship. The stuff was great! Everything from
Panasonic to Shop-Vac! They sent us the catalog, and we spent two weeks working on
our site, replacing most of the knock-off stuff with the “Holy Grail of Name Brand

Then they sent us the price list.

They had done it to us again. The “wholesale” prices we were supposed to purchase this
stuff at were, in most cases, higher than other sites were selling them for! Another
Middleman. Needless to say, we were very unhappy.

We decided to go right to the top. Nothing left to lose, right?

We went to the Westclox web site, since that was one of the lines we had wanted to
resell from what turned out to be a Middleman. Turns out Westclox was owned by
General Time, Inc., in Atlanta, GA. So was Seth Thomas Clocks. We found the number
for General Time, and asked for the Sales department. We explained the situation, and
asked if they could refer us to any wholesaler who could drop ship their products for us.
“Oh, no problem,” said Jason, the salesman, “we drop ship single units for you right from
the factory.”

After about ten minutes on the phone, we were well on our way to establishing an
account directly with General Time. Talk about wholesale prices on Name Brand
products! This was the real thing! They sent us catalogs, price lists and all the info we
needed to get started right away. For free!

As we’ve said before, you will probably only rarely get a chance to work directly with a
manufacturer, if ever. Manufacturers make products, they generally do not wholesale
them. So, you have to find the real wholesalers. We got lucky with General Time.
However, that was when we figured out something we should have known right from the
start, having our backgrounds in wholesale and retail to begin with.

There are people who know exactly who the real wholesalers of every product made on
Earth are. It’s so simple, we were embarrassed at not figuring it out sooner. Who are

The manufacturers of the products! After all, they are the ones who Factory Authorize
those real wholesale suppliers in the first place.

So there it is, folks. That’s all you have to do. Ask the manufacturer of the products you
want to sell, who their Authorized Wholesalers are. They’ll tell you.

Who is the Manufacturer?

Ah, we’ll bet you were just waiting for a catch, weren’t you? Well, there is one, but it’s
just a small detail.

In order to contact the manufacturer of the products you want to sell, and ask them who
the real wholesalers are, you have to know who the manufacturer is first!

That’s not always as easy as it sounds.

You can’t just assume you know who the maker is, even if it’s a popular brand name.
RCA, for example, is Manufactured by Thompson Consumer Electronics. You would not
know that without looking at the Owner’s Manual for the product, or the Serial Number
sticker on the back. You need to go ALL the way to the top of the Manufacturing chain,
not just to some subsidiary brand name.

If you have a hard time figuring out who the manufacturer of a product is, your best bet is
to simply BUY one of the products you want to sell, or take a notepad to your local mall
and inspect a demo product on the store shelf if you can. Take a look at the box, the
owner’s manual, or any warranty papers that come with it. Check out the Model and
Serial Number stickers on the back of the product. Somewhere, you will find the name of
the product’s manufacturer. Then, all you have to do is call them.

Contacting the Manufacturer

Call the manufacturer, identify yourself using your legal business name (remember that
little detail?), and ask for the sales department. Tell them your company is interested in
retailing their products, and you need to speak with a Sales Rep.

They’re going to tell you that they are a manufacturer, and don’t sell directly to retailers.
Tell them that you understand that; you’re just looking for a recommendation for a
wholesaler of the products.

It may take some time to get through to a Sales Rep. You may have to leave a message.
If you don’t hear from them within a couple of days, call again. Stay on their back until
you speak to someone personally.

When you do get through to a Manufacturer’s Sales Rep, you can ask at this point if they
will wholesale products to you direct from the factory, but the answer 99.9% of the time
is “No, of course not.” That’s OK. Tell the Sales Rep that you would appreciate a list of
wholesale suppliers that he or she recommends.
The Manufacturer’s Sales Rep has that information, and should not have a problem
emailing it to you.

Then, you’ll simply start calling those wholesalers.

Now that you know how to find real wholesalers of just about any product made, it’s time
to actually contact them and try to set up an account. The account you’re trying to set up
will allow you to buy products from the wholesale company, and re-sell the products at
retail to your Web Store customers.

This process will be the same no matter how you found your real wholesale supplier, but
we’re going to assume here that you found them by asking the product’s manufacturer
for a list of their Authorized Wholesalers.

Start calling the list of wholesale suppliers you got from the manufacturer. When you get
an answer, ask for the Sales Department. When we talked about calling the
Manufacturer, you were asking for the Sales Department as well, but that was different.
You were calling a Manufacturer, and their Sales Departments only sell to wholesalers.
All you were looking for during those calls was information on who their wholesalers

This time, though, you’re going to be talking to the person who is either going to give
you a wholesale Account, or isn’t. Your attitude on the phone during this first contact
actually goes a long way toward determining whether the Sales Rep will give you an
These wholesale company Reps are looking for business-like professionals to sell to.
They honestly don’t want to waste their time setting up an Account for someone that
they feel isn’t going to place any significant amount of orders with them. They would
much rather spend their time setting up an Account for someone they think is going to
actually buy products, than someone who they think is an amateur who doesn’t know
what he or she is doing.

Remember, you are the one who needs the good will of the Account Rep, not the other
way around!

Here are some very basic things, as a Home-based Business Owner, that you want to
remember when you call a wholesale Account Rep for the first time:

• Don’t make “first contact” business calls from a cell phone. It’s annoying to
the Reps who have to deal with your signal cutting in and out, and will feel
unprofessional to them.

• Make sure you don’t have a stereo blasting in the background, or kids screaming
and running around the house, or dogs barking. You want the Rep to think
you’re calling from an office, not a home. Offices are quiet!

• Never call with an attitude. If you act like you’re doing the Rep a favor by calling
them, or if you act like they owe you something, that Account Rep will most likely
blow you off after your second sentence, and then you’ll have to move on to
another wholesaler. This needs to be a respectful business conversation. That
doesn’t mean that you have to demean yourself in any way. Just be professional,
polite, and listen when the Rep is talking. We’ve spoken to many people who
have asked us why they can’t get Accounts with wholesale companies, and while
we’re answering that question, they’re interrupting us, and treating us like we’re
their indentured servants. That’s their answer, right there!

Let’s remember that most real wholesalers unfortunately still see Home-based Ebiz
owners as a very small market. And, as business owners, we have to understand that
it’s not just the Account Rep’s time that is taken up by setting New Accounts up. The
wholesaler themselves spend money on this process as well. They have to pay their
Account Reps, maintain offices, computers, phone lines, etc, just so they can set up new
Accounts. When the new Accounts in question look very small to them, they honestly
figure that it’s not worth the cost of setting up and dealing with those Accounts. They
also know that it’s a statistical fact that most Home-based Business Owners won’t follow
through with orders once they have an account set up. Nothing against Home-based
Business Owners; that’s just the way it is.

So, most wholesalers you’ll deal with probably have some kind of policy in place
regarding dealing with Home-based businesses, and that makes it harder to get the
Account you want.

What makes it harder still is the fact that most real wholesalers have designed their
Account setup process to weed out, so to speak, the people they don’t think they’ll make
any money from. That isn’t new; that process has been going since long before the

In other words, they’re going to ask you questions you may not be prepared for right
now, and ask you for documentation that you may not have yet. You can prepare for
those questions, though, and you can get your documents in order before you call, so
that you won’t lose a chance to work with a wholesaler before you even get started.

Let’s give an example of how we might start an initial phone contact with a new
wholesale supplier that we want to work with. We call the wholesaler, and someone
named Mike answers the phone.

We give him our name and the name of our business. For example, “Hello, Mike, this is
Chris Malta calling from Worldwide Brands. Can I speak to someone about a new
account, please?”

Mike tells us that he’ll transfer us to the Sales Department. He does, and Melissa
answers the phone, asking how she can help us.

Once again, we identify ourselves: “Hello, Melissa, this is Chris Malta, calling from
Worldwide Brands in Orlando, Florida. I got your number from Acme Manufacturers.
We’re a retailer interested in carrying several of your products. Can you tell me how to
apply for a new Account?”

Now, please notice a few things here. When Mike answered the phone, we didn’t simply
assume he was a receptionist, and ask for the Sales Department. For all we knew, Mike
could have been a Sales Rep himself. So, we told him who we were, what our company
name was, and what we wanted to do. Even if Mike is the Receptionist, he may not have
let our call go through if we hadn’t done that.

Receptionists are far more than people who simply answer phones, at any kind of
company. They are the Gatekeepers who separate the people who get to talk to
someone, from those who don’t get to talk to someone. They are the ones who can
decide to bestow upon you the gift of speaking to a live person, or decide to throw you
kicking and screaming into a circular automated telephone system that could take
forever to get out of.

Be nice to receptionists.
People who don’t get to talk to someone are usually people who don’t identify
themselves properly, don’t sound like a business caller, or act rudely. If we hadn’t given
Mike the information we did, it would have led to more questions.

For example, if we had just asked for the Sales Department, Mike would have been
forced to ask us who we were, what company we were with, and exactly what we
wanted with the Sales Department. You see, if Mike lets just any phone call through to
the Sales Department, he’s going to have Account Reps complaining to him that he’s
letting through calls that waste their time.

We gave Mike all the info he needed, right upfront, so that he didn’t have to ask any
questions. There are certain things that you don’t want to reveal to the wholesaler right
away (like the fact that you are a Home business), and any chance you get to avoid
initial questions is a good thing! We also spoke to Mike clearly and professionally, in a
casual, friendly manner. We want Mike to think that we’re professionals who set up new
wholesale Accounts for our company all day long, and twice as often on weekends!

The same exact thing is true with Melissa, the Rep we got transferred to. The first words
she hears from us are the first impression we make on her, and we’ll never get another
chance at that. We want her to think we know exactly what we’re doing. We gave her a
little more information, because at that point we knew we were talking to an Account
Rep. An important part of that extra information was mentioning that we got her
company’s phone number from one of the manufacturers they are Factory Authorized
by. When doing this, we could also mention the name of the manufacturer’s Rep we
spoke to. The wholesaler’s Rep probably won’t know that person, but it helps if the Rep
thinks we’re calling on a personal referral.

Now that we’re talking to the Account Rep, there are some things she’ll ask right away
and some things that we’ll have to supply in writing later.

When we get to this point, all companies do things a little differently, so we can’t go in
any kind of order here and expect it to be correct every time. Let’s just list the most
common things that wholesalers will typically ask for.
What a Wholesaler Wants
The Account Rep may ask you a few initial questions over the phone, or they may simply
refer you to a page on their web site where you can fill out the information they need.
There are still a large number of wholesale companies who don’t use the Internet very
efficiently, so they may ask you for a mailing address instead, so that they can mail you
the forms you need to fill out.

• Business Name and Tax ID

One thing you can be sure they’ll want is your business name and Sales Tax ID
number. We don’t care who tells you that you don’t need this to buy from real
wholesalers. You do. That is the number one thing that so many people simply
refuse to understand. If you’re going to deal with manufacturers and wholesale
suppliers, then you absolutely WILL need a business name and Sales Tax ID.

If you come across someone claiming to be a wholesale product supplier that

doesn’t ask you for this information, they are not a real wholesale supplier.

If you come across someone claiming to be a wholesale product supplier who

has some kind of explanation as to why they don’t require this information, they
are not a real wholesale supplier.

As we said earlier, there are two basic kinds of Tax IDs. One is called an EIN
Number. That means Employer Identification Number. If you start a business
using just a sole proprietorship (DBA, Fictitious Name, etc.), like most people do,
you simply file papers with your state, and you’re in business. You really don’t
need an EIN number at that point. The EIN number is usually used to report
earnings that you pay your employees, among other things.

The kind of Tax ID you need is a Sales Tax ID. You’ll remember that we said
earlier that a real wholesaler cannot sell you products at wholesale, unless you
show them proof that you are authorized by your state to collect that sales tax
from your customers.

As we talked about before, there are five States in the U.S. that do not have a
State Sales Tax. If you live in one of those States, you obviously can’t get a
Sales Tax ID from your State. However, the wholesaler will still require proof of
your legal business, and may even ask you for an EIN Tax ID.

In a case like that, you can get an EIN number for your legally registered
business at It’s free, and doesn’t take long to get. So, if you’re in a
sales tax free State, you should look into getting an EIN before contacting

• Business Information

The wholesale Account Application will probably ask you for more information
pertaining to your business.

These things can include your Business Address, Business Phone, Business
Fax, Hours of Operation, etc. When you’re a Home-based EBiz, questions like
these can make you nervous. Wholesalers aren’t always looking overly anxious
to do business with a Home-based EBiz, remember. So, when you answer these
questions, consider your answers carefully before submitting the Application.
That Application should look professional, and it helps if it looks like it comes
from a business location, not a home.

We are not suggesting that you want to hide the fact that you are Home-based.
You’ll tell the wholesaler that before your Account setup is completed anyway. It
just helps if you can legitimately get further into the Account Setup process with
them before you end up having to tell them that. By that time, your Rep will have
gotten to know you a bit, and will already be feeling comfortable that you’re
serious about your business. He or she will have fewer concerns about your
business at that point, and will be much more likely to grant you an Account,
even if the wholesaler generally does not work with Home-based Businesses.
We’ve seen that happen many times.

If they do ask you that question upfront, be completely truthful with them about it
and take your chances. The worst thing that can happen is that you have to go to
the next wholesaler of that product on your list. Never lie to people you work with
in business.

Here are some things to remember about the business information you put on
your application.

o Business Address: Your Business Address is, of course, your home

address. If your home address is 100 Merchants Road, then it will look to
the wholesaler like you have a business office. However, if your home
address is 234 Sunny Morning Way, Apartment #5, the wholesaler is
going to know right away, without a doubt, that you are a Home-based
business. The problem with that is that your Application could end up
being trashed before they even give you a chance. That’s unfair, but it
happens sometimes. You may want to consider renting a local Post Office
Box in a commercial area, in order to give your business a more
professional look. They’re cheap, convenient enough, and this isn’t the
only reason you’ll want one. When you deal with your customers, it’s
better if your business address sounds business-like to them, too.

o Business Phone and Fax: You should put a phone number here that isn’t
likely to be answered by one of your kids, or by someone who simply
says “Hello.” When you’re first starting out, I know it’s hard to justify
spending money on a second phone line, so in this case, you can use a
cell phone number if you have one. Again, this isn’t just for your
wholesale Account Application. Anyone you deal with in your Internet
Business that you give a phone number to should get a business-like
answer when they call you. If it’s going to be your cell phone, change your
cell phone’s voicemail message to something like “Thank you for calling
Mary Smith, of Smith Enterprises. I am currently on another line or away
from my desk. Please leave a message, and I’ll get right back to you.” As
for a fax number, if you have one, great. If you don’t, just put N/A (Non-
Applicable) on the Account Application.

o Hours of Operation: When you own an ECommerce Business, your real

hours of operation are 24/7! At least, it’ll feel that way. Keep this one
simple, though, and say Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM. Even if
you’re working your day job at that time, your Account Rep can still get
your professional voicemail, and leave you a message.

• Business Status

You might come across a wholesale Account Application that asks you what the
status of your business is. That means they want to know if your company is a
Partnership, a Sole Proprietorship (one person), a Corporation, a Retailer, etc.
Sometimes your business will be more than one of those things, in which case
you write them all on the application. You could be a Corporation and a Retailer,
for example.

The wholesaler is probably asking this question in order to determine how solid
your company is, and once again that has to do with extending credit. They will
consider a Corporation that is a Partnership to be a stronger business than a
Sole Proprietorship.

If you see this question on an Account Application, you’re probably dealing with a
wholesaler that is pretty demanding in their criteria for setting up Accounts.
That’s okay, just write in the answers and keep going.

• Time in Business

The wholesaler will also probably ask you how long you’ve been in business. You
HAVE to tell them that you are a new business, if that’s the case. Once again,
never lie to anyone you do business with.

There will always be people out there who will tell you that a certain amount of
deception and underhandedness is unavoidable in business. That’s not true. On
the Internet, your reputation is critically important, and if you are not always
honest with everyone you deal with, people will find out. Then they’ll post it all
over the Search Engines, and everyone else will find out.

If you mislead a wholesaler and get caught later, you’ll just end up running a
bunch of auctions that you can’t get products for anymore because the
wholesaler found out you lied, and cut you off. Sometimes they’re willing to work
with new businesses, sometimes they’re not. You need to always tell them the
truth and take your chances though, if you’re going to establish successful
business relationships.

Even so, if you’ve been at this for say, a few months, you probably don’t want to
say “four months.” You can say “less than a year.” If they ask you for the date
you started your business, you can just put down the year alone.
• Trade References and Bank References

Another question you’ll have to answer for most wholesalers is “Who are your
Trade References?” What a wholesale Account Application is asking here is
“What other wholesalers have you bought from in the past?”

For most Home-based EBiz Owners, that’s a tough one, because it’s a Catch 22.
If you’re trying to get set up with your first wholesaler, you don’t HAVE any trade
references. But your first wholesaler may not set you up without them.

Along those same lines, they’ll probably ask for business bank references. They’ll
want to know who you bank with, and may ask you for certain business bank
account information. What they’re looking for is information on banks that may
have extended business credit to you in the past.

So, they’ll want trade references and bank references. Most Home-based EBiz
Owners won’t have those at first. But, there is a completely legitimate way
around those issues which works almost every time.

It has to do with the reason they’re asking you these questions. Most wholesalers
are used to extending credit to their Retailers. That means, of course, that you
can place orders now and pay for them at the end of the month. It’s called Net
30: you have 30 days from the order date or invoice date to pay them for the

However, if you tell the wholesaler that you don’t want credit terms, the need for
the Trade References and Bank References goes away. You tell them that you
either want to pay for the products with cash upfront, or by credit card, which is
what the vast majority of Home EBiz Owners do anyway. If they don’t have to
process you for an extension of credit, they have a much easier time giving you
an account.

Later on, when you’ve worked with a wholesaler for a while, you can ASK them
for credit, and you may get it. Then, THAT wholesaler BECOMES your first Trade
Reference, for when you talk to OTHER wholesalers.

• DUNS (Dunn & Bradstreet) Number

Dunn & Bradstreet is, for the purposes of this discussion, basically a Business
Credit Reporting agency. They do much more, but the main reason a wholesaler
may ask you for a DUNS number is so that they can pull a credit report on your

Once your legal business gets rolling, it’s a good idea to look into getting a DUNS
number and begin building your Business Credit Record.

At this point though, the wholesaler is asking you for this for the same reason
they wanted Trade and Bank References. They think you want them to extend
you Net 30 credit.

You can make this issue go away in the same way as the other. Simply tell them
you do not want Net 30 at this time, and you will pay by Credit Card as you go.

• Estimate Purchases From Current Suppliers

This one is fairly rare, but you may see it from time to time. A wholesaler who
asks this is trying to establish potential sales that they may make to you. This
number will have some effect on their decision to give you an account, but will
also be used internally by the wholesaler to estimate their own quarterly sales.

If you’re new, and don’t currently purchase from other suppliers, just write N/A

• Product Mix

When you see this, the wholesaler is looking for information on what other
products you already sell. A wholesaler of candles and incense might feel like
they’re wasting their time setting up an account for a Retailer who currently sells
radio controlled cars, for example.

Wholesalers are the most interested in setting up Accounts for Retailers that
already have an established customer base that already buys products related to
what the wholesaler carries. A situation like that makes a wholesaler feel
confident that you might be placing many large orders with them over a short
period of time. That means sales, and that’s what it’s all about. So, what your
current Product Mix is can be a very important question for them to ask, although
not all wholesalers ask it.

• Size of Customer Base

Again, some wholesalers will be interested in your current customer base—how

many people you already sell to on a regular basis. If you know those numbers,
great. If you’re new to EBiz and you don’t have the numbers, you can always
write in “New Business.” Wholesalers don’t necessarily have a problem with a
new business; but if they’re asking this question, they are probably fairly strict
about new Accounts.

• Physical Storefront

Sometimes you’ll find wholesalers who want to see information on, or even an
actual picture of, your physical storefront. That means that they want you to have
a brick-and-mortar store out there in the world somewhere. There are several
reasons for that, but mostly it centers around product wholesalers who have
physical sales territories to maintain. They can’t step on the toes of those sales
territories by allowing people to sell all across those territories on the Internet. If
they absolutely require a physical storefront, there’s no getting around that one,
and you should just move on to the next wholesaler on your list.

• Don’t Sweat It

These are the basic things that most wholesale suppliers will ask you for in an
Account Application. Overall, this sounds much harder than it is. Wholesale
Account Reps are people too. Just be prepared, tell it like it is, and ask them to

You’ll know when it’s the right time to tell them that you are a Home EBiz Owner.
Sometimes the right time is during your first conversation. Other times, you’ll feel
like you should wait for them to ask. If they can set up an Account for you, they
will. If they can’t, there are a lot of other suppliers out there.

Owning a Home-based Business is great thing, not something to worry about

telling people. It’s just that, by and large, the traditional wholesale world has not
really caught up with the 21st century yet. There are still many wholesale
companies that operate out of shoddy dockside buildings, use more pencil and
paper than computer hardware, and do business the old-fashioned way. Yet,
many of those companies are some of the biggest suppliers out there because
they’ve been around for decades. They’ll come around to Home-based EBiz

You can be sure that if a wholesaler turns you down for an Account because
you’re new or Home-based, they’ll turn down all your competitors too, so at least
nobody you’re competing against will have that edge over you.

You will get turned down for many more wholesale Accounts than you get
accepted for. We certainly did, when our online business was new. That’s okay.
Just move on to the next supplier on your list, and start again. You will find good
suppliers you can work with, and if you’re armed with the information above, it
will happen sooner than you think.

Resource Note:
At Worldwide Brands, our business is locating legitimate Wholesalers who are willing
to work with home-based online businesses. We are the creators of the Worldwide
Brands Directory , the Industry Standard Product Sourcing Solution. Our Directory
represents millions of Wholesale products you can sell online from thousands of
Genuine, Factory-Authorized Wholesale Suppliers. Drop Shippers, Light Bulk
Wholesalers, Liquidators, Direct import Buys and much more are all a part of the
Directory. Since 1999, our full time Research Staff has carefully compiled this
information, and adds NEW Sources every business day of the year. You can
certainly do the research on your own, but that research is tremendously time-
consuming. The Worldwide Brands Directory instantly brings you millions of
wholesale products from Wholesalers who have already agreed to work with online
In Conclusion…

As you can see, how you source your products is very important to your online business.
The most successful Internet Sellers understand that in order to compete online they
have to use many different sourcing methods (not just drop shipping, not just light bulk,
but a combination), ensure that they are working with Factory Authorized Wholesalers,
and pick the right products to sell based on actual Market Research. And now you
understand this as well!

Learning about Product Sourcing is an ongoing process, but it’s a learning process that
can take you to ECommerce business heights you never dreamed possible. Using REAL
Factory Authorized Wholesale Sources and thoroughly researching what you are going
to sell will be the difference between selling online as a hobby and truly running a profit
generating internet business.

We hope you have enjoyed our FREE ebook on Product Sourcing!

You can find more FREE Product Sourcing information on our web site, at


o FREE Product Sourcing Newsletter- With helpful Product Sourcing education and
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Learn about popular up and coming Trade Shows, great articles about working with
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o FREE eBooks- If you are just getting started then you will want to check out our Starting
Your Internet Business Right free eBook. This 20-Chapter eBook gives down to earth,
practical advice for those who are new to online retail. (Additional free eBooks include-
Understanding the Internet for Home Business and Worldwide Brands eBay Workshop
Collection 2007.)

o FREE Blog- Added to often, our blog is full of great information about starting an online
business and working with wholesale and dropshipping suppliers. We also write and
publish information about marketing, dropshipping, market research, articles about
business operations, writing content for your online store and more!
Worldwide Brands is:

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• Publishers of the BEST Directory Online
• 100% WBI Certified Wholesalers and Drop Shipping Suppliers
• Perfect for eBay Sellers, Amazon Sellers, and Online Store

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