Module 3 Eng05 Technical Report Writing
Module 3 Eng05 Technical Report Writing
Module 3 Eng05 Technical Report Writing
This module covers week 5 of the current semester for synchronous and asynchronous online classes. Necessary adjustment in the
schedule will be done when necessary.
At the completion of this module, you should be able to:
1. Determine the purposes of technical report writing.
2. Identify the end products of technical report writing.
3. Appreciate the knowledge gained from this module.
1. Journal Article- A comprehensive report done by an expert in a specific field of discipline.
2. Recommendation Report- It is a detailed report that attests the skills of a job seeker relevant to
the target work position.
3. Proposal- It is a formal statement of a plan or idea that is officially suggested for someone to
4. Specification- A graphical, tabular, or a textual document which contains a particular information
about performance status, etc.
5. Survey Report- Contains the voice or opinion of the population necessary in the formulation and
drafting a conclusion which the researcher or writer may need in his next project.
6. Policy- A document written in narrative format to present history of a project over a given period
of time. It covers from the start of the endeavor until the completion.
7. Printed Action Memo- A memo in prepared written form that the writer just has to put a check
mark on an appropriate box or space to indicate his message.
8. Progress Report- A document written in a narrative format to present history of a project over
a given period of time. It covers from the start of the endeavor until the completion.
9. Instructional Manual- A technical document which briefly describes the product and its
10. Laboratory Report- Specifically describes the scope of a project, instrument, and materials
used, steps undertaken, and results, conclusions and recommendation drafted.
11. Memorandum- Written communication circulated within the company and its branches.
12. Abstract- A condensed form of a long piece of work.
13. Brochure- A set of printed information printed on a specially chosen materials in min- book form
or loose sheets.
14. Business letters/Correspondence- Written communication to link businessmen and customers or clients.
The directions in which communication is carried out are:
1. Downward Communication
2. Upward Communication
3. Lateral or Horizontal Communication
4. Diagonal or Crosswise Communication
The Three Directions of Communication
Downward Communication consists of policies, rules, and procedures that flow from top administration to lower levels.
Upward Communication keeps managers aware of how employees feel about their jobs, policies, and procedure and the business in
general. Some advantages of upward communication are: Feedback: Managers can get feedback from employees that can help improve
organizational development.
Upward Communication helps employees to express their requirements, ideas, and feelings. For the top management, upward
communication is an important source of information for business decisions. It helps in alerting the top management about the
requirements of changes in an organization.
Outward Communication these are group of busy people so they need a communication that is simple, with the thorough discussion
of facts ideas. Potential customers want to know the cost, use, and durability of a product.
Disadvantages of Upward Communication
1. Changes of Information. In upward communication, subordinates may change their accurate information.
2. Unwillingness. Sometimes, subordinates don’t send the information too their superior willingly.
3. Fear of Inefficiency. The main problem of upward communication is fair to superior.
Creating A Culture of Upward Communication in The Workplace
1. Get the manager’s buy-in
2. Build a culture of open communication
3. Understand your audience to personalize communication
4. Choose the right communication mediums
5. Create channels for employees to express their ideas and concern
Horizontal Communication- is the communication that flows laterally within the organization, involves persons in the same level of the
organization. Horizontal communication normally involves coordinating information and allows people with the same or similar rank in
an organization to cooperate or collaborate.
Some advantages of horizontal communication increased cooperation and efficiency between people and units across an
organization. It also helps in teamwork, morale, and job satisfaction.
Employees may attain greater satisfaction in a horizontal structure due to greater freedom and autonomy.
The use of cross- function teams can also lead to high levels of cooperation throughout the organization. The heavy emphasis on
innovation can lead to ideas that keep the organization ahead of the competition.
Teamwork, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas are the hallmarks of a horizontal organization.
Objectives of Upward Communication
1. To give specific directions about a job
2. To explain procedures
3. To appraise subordinates of their performance
4. To explain the significance of a job given to a subordinates with respect to the organization’s goals.
Objectives of Diagonal or Crosswise Communication
Diagonal or Crosswise Communication flows to different levels in an organization among people who may not have direct reporting
relationships. It is used to speed up the flow of communication.
1. To help in proper coordination
2. To communicate effectively whether laterally, horizontally, and diagonally
3. To improve mutual understanding
4. To boost the morale of lower level staff through interaction across all the levels in the organization
Objectives of Horizontal or Lateral Communication
1. To create friendly atmosphere in an organization
2. To cut across departmental barriers
3. To ensure quick feedback
LEARNING ACTIVITIES: Activity 1. Create a brochure promoting tourism in any place in the Philippines.
Analyze each situation and identify the type of the directions of communication used.
1. A company president sending an invitation to another company for the opening of a new branch
2. A secretary talking to another secretary.
3. A staff sending a letter of complaint to the Human Resource Manager
4. Marketing manager presenting a marketing plan to the client.
5. The Vice – President for Finance talking to the Vice- President for Research Development
6. General manager cascading a memorandum to the staff of the different departments
7. Hiring officer sending notice of an interview to the applicants
8. Office employees holding a meeting
9. The College Dean conducting a Faculty Meeting
10. The Department Supervisor calling the attention of an employee and instructing him/her to proceed to his