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A Dissertation
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement
For the award of degree of

Masters of Science in Biotechnology

Submitted by: Under the supervision of

Kamalpreet Kaur Mrs. M. Vasundhara
Roll No. 301101016 Assistant professor, DBTES

Department of Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences


July, 2013
It’s said that life is a carnival of experience and a journey with various goals. So in my
journey where I experienced this project I want to thank the supreme almighty for his
presence in my soul and in my mind.

I take this opportunity to thank my guide Mrs. M. Vasundhara, Assistant professor,

Department of Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences without whole presence the whole
project just would have been a dream. I am extremely indebted to her for the scientific
attitude and utmost patience she has installed in me which definitely stand in all future
endeavours and it was because of her that I was able to learn so much in this short period.

My sincere thanks to Dr. M. S. Reddy, Head, Department of Biotechnology and

Environmental Sciences. I express my regards to all faculty members of the Department of
Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences for their help and moral support during my stay.

I take pride of myself in being the great daughter of ideal parents whose everlasting desire,
sacrifice affectionate blessings and without which it could not have been possible for me to
complete my studies.

I am highly obliged to Mr. Iqbal Singh and other lab-staff who were very helpful in every
possible way.


Place: Patiala Kamalpreet Kaur

S. No. Chapters Page No.
4.1 Selection of drug 14
4.2 Metformin hydrochloride 15-17
4.3 Selection of polymer 18-19
4.4 Sodium alginate 19-21
4.5 Cross linking agent (Calcium chloride) 22-23
5.1 Experimental material and equipments 25
5.2 Standard curves of Metformin hydrochloride 26-29
5.3 Preparation of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres 30
5.4 Formulation and process variables 31
5.5 Evaluation of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres 32-45
S. No. Table Page No.
1. Experimental material and equipments 25
2. Standard curve data of Metformin hydrochloride in distilled water 27
3. Standard curve data of Metformin hydrochloride in hydrochloric acid 28
4. Standard curve data of Metformin hydrochloride in phosphate buffer 29
5. Metformin hydrochloride microspheres prepared by varying polymer 31
6. Formulations of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres prepared by 31
varying drug conc. with 4% Cacl2
7. Formulations of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres prepared by 32
varying drug conc. with 2.5% Cacl2
8. Percentage yield of different batches of Metformin hydrochloride 33
9. Average size of different batches of Metformin hydrochloride 35
10. Percent swelling of different batches of Metformin hydrochloride 37
11. Encapsulation efficiency of different batches of Metformin 38
hydrochloride microspheres
12. Drug release data of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres by varying 40
polymer concentration
13. Drug release data of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres by varying 41
drug concentration with 4% Cacl2
14. Drug release data of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres by varying 43
drug concentration with 2.5% Cacl2
S. No. Figure Page No.
1. Drug level in the blood with traditional drug dosing and controlled 3
delivery dosing
2. Chemical structure of Metformin hydrochloride 16
3. Structure of sodium alginate 20
4. Standard curve of Metformin hydrochloride in distilled water 27
5. Standard curve of Metformin hydrochloride in Hydrochloric acid buffer 28
6. Standard curve of Metformin hydrochloride in phosphate buffer 29
7. Histogram showing effect of various formulation parameters on 33
percentage yield of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres
8. Morphology of unloaded microsphere and loaded microspheres 35
9. Histogram showing effect of various formulation parameters on average 36
particle size of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres
10. Histogram showing effect of various formulation parameters on 37
swelling ratio of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres
11. Histogram showing effect of various formulation parameters on 39
encapsulation efficiency of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres
12. The drug release curve of B1 40
13. The drug release curve of B2 40
14. The Comparative drug release curves of B1-B2 41
15. The drug release curve of B3 42
16. The drug release curve of B4 42
17. The drug release curve of B5 42
18. The drug release curve of B6 42
19. The comparative drug release curves of B3-B6 43
20. The drug release curve of B7 44
21. The drug release curve of B8 44
22. The drug release curve of B9 44
23. The drug release curve of B10 44
24. The comparative drug release curve of B7- B10 45

Controlled drug delivery technology is concerned with systematic release of a pharmaceutical

agent to maintain a therapeutic level of the drug in the body for a sustained period of time.
Various different approaches are used to develop controlled drug delivery systems. One such
approach is using microspheres as carriers for drugs. Due to its small size they are widely
distributed throughout the gastrointestinal tract which improves drug absorption and reduces
side effects due to localized build-up of irritating drugs against the gastrointestinal mucosa.
There are many methods for preparation of microspheres. Among them, ionotropic gelation
method is one.

The aim of the present work was formulation and evaluation of microspheres by ionotropic
gelation method using sodium alginate as polymer and Cacl2 as cross-linking agent. Sodium
alginate is biodegradable natural polymer with a great potential for pharmaceutical
applications due to its good biocompatibility and non-toxicity. Cacl2 is also called a common
salt which is made up of calcium and chlorine. Metformin hydrochloride was selected as a
model drug.

Metformin hydrochloride microspheres were prepared by dropping the drug containing

solution sodium alginate. The droplets instantaneously formed gelled spheres by the
ionotropic gelation technique. The microspheres were characterized by their percentage
yield, morphology, particle size, swelling studies, encapsulation efficiency and in vitro drug
release rate. Release studies were done in buffer (pH 1.2) and subsequently in buffer (pH
6.8). The release of drug from microspheres was greatly affected by drug concentration,
polymer concentration, Cacl2 concentration, stirring time and stirring speed. After studying
various parameters it was examined that B10 was best having 2% drug, 2% polymer and
2.5% Cacl2 at 100 rpm for 30 minutes.

Metformin hydrochloride microspheres have good properties. High drug incorporation in

microspheres could be achieved by ionotropic gelation method without using any toxic
chemicals which causes undesirable effects. Hence, this method is of interest in the
pharmaceutical field. Also the ionotropic gelation can be carried out under very mild
conditions using simple equipments. The control of various manufacturing parameters plays a
very important role in obtaining microspheres of good sphericity, high yield and high drug


A drug is defined as a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or
diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being. Drugs may
be prescribed for a limited duration, or on a regular basis for chronic disorders. Drugs are
usually distinguished from endogenous biochemical by being introduced from outside the

Drugs are rarely administered as pure chemical substance alone and are almost always given
as formulated preparations or medicines (i.e. drug delivery systems or dosage forms). These
can vary from relatively simple solutions to complex drug delivery systems through the use
of appropriate additives or excipients in the formulations. The method by which a drug is
delivered (i.e. called drug delivery system) can have significant effect on its efficacy.

According to Jorge et al., (2010), the main purpose of drug delivery system is not only to
deliver a biologically active compound in a controlled manner (time period and releasing
rate) but also to maintain drug level in the body within therapeutic window.

Controlled drug delivery (CDD) occurs when a polymer, whether natural or synthetic, is
judiciously combined with a drug or other active agent in such a way that the active agent is
released from the material in a predesigned manner. The release of active agent may be
constant over a long period, it may be cyclic over a long period, or it may be triggered by the
environment or other external events. The goal of many of the original controlled release
systems was to achieve a delivery profile that would yield a high blood level of the drug over
a long period of time. With traditional tablets or injections, the drug level in the blood follows
the profile shown in figure 1(a), in which the level rises after each administration of the drug
and then decrease until the next administration. The key point with traditional drug
administration is that the blood level of the agent should remain between a maximum value,
which may represent a toxic level, and a minimum value, below which the drug is no longer
effective. In controlled drug delivery systems designed for long term administration, the drug
level in the blood follows the profile shown in figure 1(b), remaining constant, between the
desired maximum and minimum, for an extended period of time. (Rafi Shaik et al., 2012).

Figure 1: Drug level in the blood with

(a) Traditional drug dosing and (b) Controlled-delivery dosing

According to Shivadas Wani, (2008), advantages of controlled drug delivery systems include

I. Patient compliance due to reduction in the frequency of designing.

II. Employ minimum drug.
III. Minimize or eliminate local and systemic side effects.
IV. Minimize drug accumulation with chronic dosing.
V. Improves efficacy in treatment.
VI. Cure or control confirm more promptly.
VII. Improve control of condition i.e. reduce fluctuation in drug level.
VIII. Improve bioavailability of same drugs.

Disadvantages of controlled drug delivery system are

I. They are costly.

II. Unpredictable and often poor in-vitro in-vivo correlations, dose dumping, reduced
potential for dosage adjustment and increased potential first pass clearance.
III. Poor systemic availability in general.
IV. Effective drug release period is influenced and limited by GI residence time.

According to Rajgor, (2011), the controlled drug delivery systems are based on three basic
delivery mechanisms

 Swelling control
 Osmotic pumping
 Diffusion

The ideal drug delivery system should be inert, biocompatible, mechanically strong,
comfortable for the patient, capable of achieving high drug loading, safe from accidental
release, simple to administer and remove, and easy to fabricate and sterilize. (Raghanaveen,

Most biodegradable polymers are designed to degrade as a result of hydrolysis of the polymer
chains into biologically acceptable, and progressively smaller, compounds. In some cases for
example, polylactides, polyglycolides, and their copolymers- the polymers will eventually
break down to lactic acid and glycolic acid, enter the Krebs’s cycle, and be further broken
down into carbon dioxide and water and excreted through normal process. Degradation may
take place through hydrolysis, in which the polymer degrades in a fairly uniform manner
throughout the matrix.

Various different types approaches to developing controlled drug delivery systems. One such
approach is using microspheres as carriers for drugs. Microspheres are made up of proteins or
polymers. Due to its small size they are widely distributed throughout the gastrointestinal
tract which improves drug absorption and reduces side effects due to localized build-up of
irritating drugs against the gastrointestinal mucosa. (Ketul et al., 2012). There are many
methods for preparation of microspheres. Among them, ionotropic gelation method is one.




Majeti N. V. Ravi Kumar, (2000) reported that microparticles have potential applications for
the administration of therapeutic molecules and in research areas covers novel properties that
have been developed increased efficiency of drug delivery, improved release profiles and
drug targeting.

P K Choudhury and Mousumi Kar, (2005) used emulsion gelation method to prepare gel
beads for a highly water-soluble drug Metformin hydrochloride using sodium alginate as the
polymer. They used oil with sodium alginate for preparation of microspheres. The oil
entrapped calcium alginate gel beads showed good sustained release and scanning electron
photomicrographs demonstrated minute oil globules on the beads and also through the inner
surface of the beads.

KM Manjunatha et al., (2007) prepared beads based on dispersing drug in solutions of ionic
polysaccharide such as chitosan and sodium alginate. This is ionotropic gelation technique.
The beads were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and X- ray diffraction studies.

M. K. Das and P. C. Senapati, (2008) prepared Furosemide- loaded alginate microspheres by

ionic cross- linking technique using Cacl2, Al2(SO4) and Bacl2. The effect of sodium alginate
concentration, cross- linking agent, drying conditions was evaluated with respect to
entrapment efficiency, particle size, surface characteristics, and in vitro release behavior.
Infrared spectroscopic study confirmed the absence of any drug-polymer interaction and
scanning electron microscopy study analyze that the drug was molecularly dispersed in the
alginate microspheres matrices showing rough surface.

VN Deshmukh et al., (2009) prepared microspheres by ionic- cross linking technique.

Chemical reaction between sodium alginate and calcium chloride to form calcium alginate
was utilized for microspheres. For slowing the rate of release from microspheres the
hydrophilic polymer locus bean gum and xanthan gum and their combinations was added in
different concentration so that drug will be released constantly for 12hrs. Stability studies
revealed that polymers used were stable and compatible with the drug and there is no
significant effect on physical characteristics, drug content and dissolution profile of the

MD Dhanaraju et al., (2009) fabricated sustained release polymeric beads containing
diclofenac sodium with hydrophilic polymers, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose and sodium
alginate by ionotropic gelation method using calcium chloride as cross-linking agent.
Prepared beads were evaluated for their different properties. The drug entrapment efficiency
varied between 73% and 92% in different formulations and the release of drug was observed
to be 82% and 91% respectively at the end of 10 hours.

Dr. K. P. Namdeo et al., (2010) prepared spherical microspheres of theophylline (TP) using
sodium alginate as the hydrophilic carrier. They observed that with increase in concentration
of polymer, mean particle size of microspheres increases and percent drug release decreases.
Optimized alginate microspheres were found to possess good spherical shape, size and
adequate entrapment efficiency. TP- loaded alginate microspheres showed extended in vitro
drug release thus use of microspheres potentially offers sustained release profile along with
improved delivery of TP.

K. M. Manjanna et al., (2010) developed a microparticulate oral sustained release dosage

form, to reduce dosing frequency, to eliminate the dose related adverse effects and to
ultimately improve compliance in the pharmacotherapy of arthritis. The microbeads were
prepared by an ionotropic external gelation technique, by using sodium alginate as the
hydrophilic carrier and Cacl2 as cross-linking agent. The shape and surface characteristics,
size distribution and physical state of drug were determined. While increasing the
concentration of sodium alginate dispersion increased flow properties, mean particle size,
swelling ratio and drug entrapment efficiency.

Shailendra Shukla et al., (2010) developed cyst-targeted alginates microspheres of diloxanide

furoate (DF) for the effective treatment of amoebiasis. Alginate microspheres were produced
by the emulsification method using calcium chloride. Formulations were characterized for
particle size and shape, surface morphology, entrapment efficiency, and in vitro drug release
in simulated gastrointestinal fluids. XRD and differential scanning calorimetry were used to
confirm successful entrapment of DF into the alginates microspheres. Calcium alginate
retarded the release of DF at low pH (1.2 and 4.5) and released microspheres slowly at pH 7.4
in the colon without colonic enzymes.

Sanchita Mandal et al., (2010) developed a sustained release dosage form of trimetazidine-
dihydrochloride (TMZ) using a natural polymeric carrier prepared in a completely aqueous
environment. The drug was incorporated either into preformed calcium alginate beads

(sequential method) or incorporated simultaneously during the gelation stage (simultaneous
method). Drug entrapment in the sequential method was higher with increased calcium
chloride and polymer concentration but lower with increased drug concentration. In the
simultaneous method, drug entrapment was higher when polymer and drug concentration
were increased and also rose to a certain extent with increase in calcium chloride
concentration, where further increase resulted in lower drug loading. FTIR studies revealed
that there is no interaction between drug and calcium chloride and XDR studies showed that
the crystalline drug changed to an amorphous state after formulation.

Prasanth V V et al., (2011) prepared salbutamol sulphate (SS) loaded alginate microspheres
by ionotropic gelation method with calcium chloride, aluminium sulphate, magnesium
aluminium silicate. The microspheres were dried in hot air oven and dried at room
temperature. The particle size and drug content of hot air oven dried microspheres were less
than air dried microspheres. During and at the end of the accelerated stability study, the tested
microspheres showed almost similar drug content and drug release as observed at the
beginning of the study.

Anupama Singh et al., (2011) formulated and optimized alginate microspheres by employing
32 factorial designs for treatment of chronic ulceritis using famotidine drug, sodium alginate
as polymer and calcium chloride: calcium carbonate as cross- linking agent. The prepared
microspheres were characterized in terms of drug- excipient compatibility study, percentage
yield, micromeritics study, swelling index, particle size analysis, shape analysis, drug
content, drug encapsulation efficiency, and in vitro drug release study. Good surface and size
of microspheres was found to be responsible for slow release of drug from matrix through

Akhilesh V Singh, (2011) reported that biopolymers are choice of research as excipients in
pharmaceutical drug delivery system because of its low toxicity, biodegrability, stability and
renewable nature.

Swati Aggarwal et al., (2011) reported that polymers have been main tool to control the drug
release rate from the formulations and widely used in biomedical applications because of
their known biocompatibility and biodegradability.

Kataria Sahil et al., (2011) reported that microspheres are the reliable means to deliver the
drug to the target site with specificity and in future by combining various strategies,

microspheres will find the central place in novel drug delivery, particularly in diseased cell
sorting, diagnostics, safe, targeted and effective in vivo delivery and supplements as
miniature version of diseased organ and tissues in the body.

Amrinder Singh et al., (2011) prepared polymeric gel beads of cefixime for controlled
release. They used calcium ions as cross linking agents in formulations of alginate and
alginate pectin beads by ionotropic gelation method. In results, they showed that, as the
concentration of alginate was increased in the formulation, spherical shape of the beads was
maintained and also more sustained action was observed. But when pectin was used along
with sodium alginate the shape of beads turned irregular or disc like and the sustained action
was reduced.

Jakir Ahmed Chowdhury et al., (2011) prepared sustained release polymeric beads containing
diclofenac sodium with sodium alginate by ionotropic gelation method using calcium
chloride and aluminium sulphate. In aluminium sulphate solution the entrapment efficiency
of beads was highest than in calcium chloride solution. In vitro dissolution data showed that,
with increasing drug, polymer and electrolyte amount diclofenac release percentage also

Raja Chakraverty, (2012) prepared and evaluated of sustained release of microspheres of

norfloxacin employing sodium alginate as natural polymer by ionotropic gelation technique.

Ramteke K. H, (2012) incorporated Metformin hydrochloride into beads giving sustained

release of Metformin and optimized best cross linking agent amongst calcium and
aluminium. Formulations were prepared by ionotropic gelation technique. Calcium cross-
linked beads showed sustained release of drug for about 8 hr while aluminium cross-linked
beads shown sustained release of drug about 10 hrs. The entrapment efficiency was also
lesser in case of calcium cross-linked beads. Aluminium was found to be better cross- linking
agent than calcium.

Sreenivasulu et al., (2012) prepared and evaluated sodium alginate microspheres loaded with
Metformin hydrochloride by ionotropic gelation technique. The prepared microspheres were
evaluated for swelling studies, drug loading, drug entrapment efficiency, SEM and in vitro
drug release. FTIR studies revealed that there was no interaction between drug and polymer
and in vitro release profile of all formulations showed slow controlled release up to 8 hrs.

Christina. E et al., (2012) formulated different microsphere formulations of diclofenac
sodium by ionotropic gelation technique using sodium alginate as carrier. Microspheres were
evaluated for flow properties, drug entrapment efficiency and drug release from entrapment.
Microspheres prepared using drug polymer ratio of 1: 2 and were found to sustain the release
of active substrate for 12 hours when examined in pH 7.5 phosphate buffer. They
demonstrated the suitability of the prepared microspheres of diclofenac sodium as sustained
release dosage form.

Ruma Maji et al., (2012) investigated the effect of various formulation variables like drug-
polymer ratio, stirring speed and surfactant (Span 80) concentration on the properties of ethyl
cellulose microparticles containing Metformin hydrochloride. The drug entrapment
efficiency, particle size, and drug release behavior of these microparticles was influenced by
these formulation variables. The sustained release characteristic of microparticles was more
prominent in pH 6.8 and pH 1.2. The drug release from ethyl cellulose microparticles was
found to follow the Fickian (diffusion-controlled) release mechanism. The drug polymer
interaction and surface topology of these microparticles was analyzed by FTIR spectroscopy
and SEM, respectively.

Mahammad Rafi Shaik et al., (2012) stated that biodegradable materials are used in packing,
agriculture, medicines and other areas. Two classes of biodegradable polymers are synthetic
or natural polymers. Polymers produced from feedstock derived either from petroleum
resources or from biological resources, but natural polymers offer fewer advantages than
synthetic polymers and these polymers have many applications in controlled drug delivery

Pandya Ketul et al., (2012) reported that microsphere drug delivery system has wide range of
applications as it covers targeting the drug to particular site to imaging and helping the
diagnostic features. It has advantage over liposome as it is physiochemically more stable.

Mohamed Aly Kassem et al., (2012) reported that microspheres constitute an important part
in drug delivery systems, by the virtue of their small and uniform size and efficient carrier
characteristics. Their study shows that optimum polymer concentration, crosslinker
concentration, drug concentration, curing time and stirring speed are 3%, 7.5%, 1.5%, 15
minutes and 400 rpm respectively. Different mathematical models of drug release were
obtained for the microspheres indicating that the drug release from the microspheres is
controlled by first order kinetics.




The objectives of the present study were to optimize the variables influencing the preparation
of the Metformin hydrochloride microspheres. The study involved:

 Preparation of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres by altering the process

 Characteristics of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres such as weight variation,
percentage yield, swelling study, particle size and encapsulation amount of drug.
 Evaluation of the drug release behavior of the prepared Metformin hydrochloride



The use of microsphere based therapy allows drug release to be carefully tailored to the
specific treatment site through the choice and formulation of various drug- polymer
combinations. The total dose of medication and the kinetics of release are variables, which
are manipulated to achieve the results. Using innovative microencapsulation technologies,
and by varying the copolymer ratio, molecular weight of polymer etc., microspheres can be
developed into an optimal drug delivery system which provide the desired release profile.
Microsphere based system may increase the lifespan of active agents and control the release
of constituents. Being small in size, microspheres have large surface to volume ratio and can
be used for controlled release of insoluble drugs. (Sinha et al., 2004).

It is desirable that the duration of drug action becomes more a design property of a rate
controlled dosage form, and less, or not at all, a property of the drug molecules inherent
kinetic properties. Thus, optimal design of controlled release systems necessitates a thorough
understanding of the pharmacokinetics and pharmcodynamics of drug. The successful
designing of a drug delivery system also involves a basic understanding of the properties and
characteristics of polymer and a thorough knowledge of the nature of polymer.

4.1 Selection of drug

The efficacy of many drugs is often limited by their potential to reach the site of therapeutic
action. Design of controlled release product is normally a very difficult task because of the
interplay of physiochemical and biological properties of the drug, the patient’s disease state
and the technological limitation in fabrication of the final dosage form. The selection of drug
for preparation in controlled release dosage forms involves consideration of a number of

4.1.1 Properties of drug Physico-chemical properties

 The therapeutic dose of the drug should be low.

 Extremes in aqueous solubility of a drug are undesirable.
 Extremes in partition coefficient of a drug are also undesirable.

 Drug used for sustained drug delivery should be stable over the entire length of the
gastrointestinal tract.
 Large molecules will show small diffusion coefficient and may be unsuitable for a
sustained release system. Biological properties

 A drug with a short half life requires dosing and this makes it a desirable candidate for
sustained release formulation.
 Drugs that are slowly absorbed or absorbed with variable absorption rate are poor
candidates for sustained release formulation.
 Drugs with high apparent volumes of distribution are poor candidates.
 Drugs with a narrow therapeutic index require precise control over the blood levels of
drug placing a constraint on controlled release dosage form.

Metformin hydrochloride was chosen as a model drug for the preparation of microspheres.

4.2 Metformin hydrochloride

4.2.1 Description

Metformin hydrochloride is an oral antihyperglycemic drug used in the management of type

2 diabetes. Metformin hydrochloride (N, N-diethylimidodicarbonimidic diamide
hydrochloride) is not chemically or pharmacologically related to any other classes of oral
antihyperglycemic agents. Metformin hydrochloride is a white to off-white crystalline
compound with a molecular formula of C4H11N5.HCL and a molecular weight of 165.63.
Metformin hydrochloride is a freely soluble in water and is practically insoluble in acetone,
ether and chloroform. The pKa of Metformin is 12.4. The pH of a 1%aqueous solution of
Metformin hydrochloride is 6.68. The chemical structure of Metformin hydrochloride is as
follows (Indian pharmacopoeia, 1996).


N - C - NH - C - NH2 ∙ HCL


Figure 2: Chemical structure of Metformin hydrochloride

4.2.3 Mechanism of action

Metformin is an antihyperglycemic agent which improves glucose tolerance in patients with

type 2 diabetes, lowering both basal postprandlal plasma glucose. Its pharmacologic
mechanisms of action are different from other classes of oral antihyperglycemic agents.
Metformin decreases hepatic glucose production, decreases intestinal absorption of glucose,
and improves insulin sensitivity by increasing peripheral glucose uptake and utilization.
Metformin does not produce hypoglycemia in either patients with type 2 diabetes or normal
subjects and does not cause hyperinsulinemia. With Metformin therapy, insulin secretion
remains unchanged while fasting insulin levels and day-long plasma insulin response may
actually decreases. The glucose lowering effects of Metformin are mainly a consequence of
reduced hepatic glucose output (primarily through inhibition of gluconeogenesis and, to a
lesser extent, glycogenolysis) and increased insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal
muscle and adipocytes (Bailey C J et al., 1996; Hundal R S et al., 2000).

4.2.4 Pharmacokinetics Absorption and bioavailability

The absolute bioavailability of a Metformin hydrochloride 500 mg tablet given under fasting
conditions is approximately 50-60%. Studies using single oral doses of Metformin tablets of
500 mg and 1500 mg, and 850 mg, and 2550 mg, indicate that there is a lack of dose
proportionality with increasing doses, which is due to decreased absorption rather than an
alteration in elimination. Distribution

The apparent volume of distribution (V/F) of Metformin following single oral doses of 850
mg averaged 654 L. Metformin is negligibly bound to plasma proteins. At usual clinical

doses and dosing schedules of Metformin hydrochloride tablets, steady state plasma
concentration of Metformin are reached within to 24-48 hours and are generally <1µg/ml.
During controlled clinical trials, maximum Metformin plasma levels did not exceed 5µg/ml,
even at maximum doses. Metabolism and elimination

Intravenous single dose studies in normal subjects demonstrate that Metformin is excreted
unchanged in the urine and does not undergo hepatic metabolism (no metabolites have been
identified in humans) nor biliary excretion. Renal clearance is approximately 3.5 times
greater than creatinine clearance which indicates that tubular secretion in the major route of
elimination. Following oral administration, approximately 90%of the absorbed drug is
eliminated via the renal route within the first 24 hours, with a plasma elimination half life of
approximately 6.2 hours. In blood the elimination half life is approximately 17.6 hours,
suggesting that the erythrocytes mass may be compartment of distribution.

4.2.5 Uses

Metformin is primarily used for type 2 diabetes, but is increasingly being used in polycystic
ovary syndrome (PCOS), non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and premature puberty,
three other disease that feature insulin resistance; these indications are still considered
experimental. The benefit of Metformin in NAFLD has not been extensively studied and may
be only temporary; although some randomized controlled trials have found significant
improvement with its use, the evidence is still insufficient.

Women may also take the Metformin to treat polycystic ovary syndrome, as it helps stimulate
the ovaries to release an egg.

4.2.6 Adverse effects

The most common side effect of Metformin is gastrointestinal upset, including diarrhea,
cramps, nausea, vomiting and increased flatulence. The most seriously potential side effect is
Metformin use is lactic acidosis which has fewer occurrences in usual peoples but risk is high
in those with impaired liver or kidney function (Khurana et al., 2010). Feeling very weak,
tired, unusual muscle pain and stomach discomfort, trouble breathing, feeling cold and
feeling dizzy are some common signs of lactic acidosis. Metformin has also been reported to

reduce the blood levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone in patients with hypothyroidism, in
men, luteinizing hormone and testosterone, The clinical significance of these changes is still
unknown (Vigersky R A, 2006; Shegem N S et al., 2002).

4.2.7 Precautions

 Drinking alcohol while taking Metformin may cause an unhealthy decrease in blood
sugar levels and increases the risk of developing lactic acidosis.
 Individuals with kidney disease or congestive heart failure should not take Metformin.
 Metformin is not recommended for use in pregnancy and for nursing mothers.
 Metformin therapy should be temporarily suspended for any surgical procedure and
should not be restarted until the patient’s oral intake has resumed and renal function
has been evaluated as normal.

4.3 Selection of polymer

Polymers first developed in search for biodegradable materials have been proven to be useful
for long term drug delivery applications. Biodegradable polymers are highly desirable in
these situations because they degrade in the body to biologically inert and compatible
molecules. By incorporating drugs in biodegradable polymers, dosage forms that release the
drug over a prolong length of time can be prepared in variety of shapes and sizes. As a result
biodegradable polymers offer a novel approach for developing sustained release drug
delivery system that are simple and convenient to patient.

4.3.1 Advantages of biodegradable polymers as drug carriers

A polymer is a large molecule composed of smaller units called monomers that are bonded
together. In addition to eliminating the necessity of removal, the five key advantages that
polymeric delivery products can offers are: localized delivery of drug, sustained delivery of
drug, stabilization of the drug, release rate which is less dependent of drug properties and
steadier release rate with time.

4.3.2 Factors affecting selection of polymer

If an application requires rapid development and commercialization, then the polymer

selection will most likely be made from those polyesters that already received regulatory

approval. Another factor to be taken into account is choice, whether to use homopolymers or
copolymers containing multiple monomer species. If copolymers are employed then the
relative ratio of different monomers may be manipulated to change polymeric properties i.e.
morphology, structure and extent of drug polymer interactions. Ultimately all these properties
will influence the performance of the drug delivery systems via changes to relative rates of
mass transport and degradation rate of both, the polymer and the device. (Kotwal and Saifee,

4.3.3 Development of polymers

The development of appropriate carriers for drug delivery is the challenge for biomedical
scientists. Peptides, proteins, oligonucleotides, and genes are unstable compounds that need
to be protected from degradation in the biological environment. Moreover, their efficacy is
highly limited by their ability to cross biological barriers and reach the target site. As such,
the future of these molecules as therapeutic agents clearly depends on the design of an
appropriate carrier for their delivery to the body. Several studies have been reported so far in
the development of these carriers, among which the design of biodegradable nanoparticles
has drawn considerable interest. In particular, nanoparticles made of hydrophobic or
amphiphilic polymers such as poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) and poly (lactic) acid
(PLA)-poly (ethylene) glycol (PEG) offer great promise (Blanco and Alonso1997; Tobio et
al., 1998; Tobio et al., 2000). But these nanoparticles have a limitation in their preparation
procedure, which requires the use of organic solvents and surfactants as well as sonication. A
challenging alternative to these hydrophobic particles are colloidal carriers made of
hydrophilic polymer for the association and delivery of labile macromolecular compounds
(M. Prabaharan., 2005). Among water-soluble polymers available, sodium alginate is one of
the most extensively studied.

4.4 Sodium alginate

Sodium alginate is the purified carbohydrate product extracted from brown seaweeds by the
use of dilute alkali. Sodium alginate consists of sodium salt of alginic acid. The chemical
formula of sodium alginate is (C6H7NaO6) n.

4.4.1 Origin

The sodium alginate was studied for the first time in 1881 by English chemist ECC Stanford.
He had at the time extracted a viscous liquid from brown seaweed of the Laminaria species,
with an alkaline solution. He called this product “Algin”, a term still commonly used to
describe sodium alginate.

Different species are therefore harvested according to the purpose for which they are intended
and the two most popular are the Macrocystis pyrifera of California and the Ascophyllum
nodosum, grown in the North Atlantic.

Sodium alginate is a salt extracted from the viscous liquid from the cell wall of brown algae.
Its natural function is to increase the flexibility of the algae. Thus, algae developing in
troubled waters generally have large alginate content than those growing in calm water.

4.4.2 Structure

The number and sequence of the mannuronate and glucuronate residues shown in figure 3
vary in the naturally occurring alginate. The water molecules associated with the alginate
molecule are not shown in the structural formula.

Figure 3: Chemical structure of sodium alginate

4.4.3 Physical properties

1. Molecular weight: 10,000-600,000.

2. Form: Sodium alginate is white or light yellow powder almost odorless and tasteless.

3. Solubility: Sodium alginate soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol, ether,
chloroform and other organic solvents. When dissolved in water it will form a sticky
liquid. The pH of 1% of this solution is 6-8 and stickiness will be stable when pH
becomes 6-9 and will decrease when is heated to 80℃.
4. Toxicity: Sodium alginate toxic, LD50>5000mg/kg.
5. Gelation: Chelating agent on the properties of sodium alginate solution, chelating
agents can be complex systems of divalent ions, making the alginate to stabilize in the

4.4.4 Applications

 In food industry: Sodium alginate use in food industry is based on its thickening,
gelling and in general colloidal properties. Thickening is useful in sauces, syrup, and
topping for ice cream, pie filling, cake mixes, and canned meat and vegetables. Gel
formation lead to uses in milk desserts and jellies, bakery filling cream, fruit pie,
animal foods and reformed fruit. General colloidal properties are difficult to define
but are illustrated by results obtained by adding sodium alginate to ice cream and
water ices, or propylene glycol alginate to stabilize beer foam or suspended solids in
fruit drinks.
 In textile industry: Sodium alginate is used as thickener for the paste containing dye.
These pastes may be applied to the fabrics by either screen or roller printing
 Immobilization: Sodium alginate has been used for cell or enzyme immobilization, on
laboratory and large scale. Examples are: production of ethanol from starch,
production of citric acid, continuous yoghurt production etc.
 In paper industry: The main use of sodium alginate in paper industry is in surface
sizing. It is also used in starch adhesives for making corrugated boards because it
stabilizes the viscosity of the adhesive and allows control of its rate of penetration.
 Sodium alginate is also used in the welding roads, in pharmaceutical industry, in
cosmetic industry, in water treatment and in dental industry.

4.5 Calcium chloride (Cross-linking agent)
Calcium chloride is a chemical compound made up of calcium and chlorine. It contains two
atoms of chlorine and one atom of calcium. Thus its chemical formula is Cacl2.

4.5.1 Preparation

Calcium chloride can be prepared by various methods. When calcium carbonate or calcium
oxide is dissolved in hydrochloric acid, calcium chloride is produced. Calcium chloride is
obtained on a large scale as a byproduct of the Solvay process or the ammonia-soda process.
In this process, when calcium carbonate reacts with sodium chloride, sodium carbonate and
calcium chloride are formed.

4.5.2 Physical properties of calcium chloride

 Physical state: Calcium chloride can be found in solid state at room temperature, and
is available as flakes, granules and powdered form.
 Taste: Calcium chloride is salty to taste. Hence, it is added to many food products like
pickles etc.
 Color: In solution form, calcium chloride is white in color, white in liquidated form, it
is colorless.
 Electrical conductivity: Usually in a molten state, it is a good conductor of electricity.
 Thermal conductivity: Calcium chloride is a bad conductor of heat.
 Boiling point: Its boiling point is as high as 1600ºC.
 Solubility: It is soluble both in inorganic solvents like water, as well as organic
solvents like ethanol.
 Hygroscopy: It is hygroscopic in nature and absorbs moisture from air. If exposed to
open air, it tends to become liquid. That is why; it is often called a deliquescent
 Melting point: It has a low melting point, which means it can be dissolved at a very
low temperature.

4.5.3 Chemical properties of calcium chloride

 Exothermic: Calcium chloride is exothermic in nature, that is, it releases heat during
any chemical reaction.
 Reaction with water: When calcium chloride is exposed to water, a large amount of
heat is liberated, which can cause sputtering and boiling. The end product of this
reaction is calcium hydroxide and chlorine gas.
 Reaction with sulfuric acid: When it comes in contact with sulfuric acid, hydrochloric
acid is formed, which is highly caustic in nature.
 Reactions with metals: Calcium chloride is a non inflammable substance. However,
when it comes in contact with metals like zinc or sodium, it produces hydrogen,
which is highly inflammable.

4.5.4 Uses

 Calcium chloride has the ability of lowering the freezing point of water. It is often
used to de-ice roads in region where icy roads are problem and also applied in
working mines to minimize the levels of dust.
 Calcium chloride is used as a preservative in food because it is able to prevent food
from spoiling.
 It is also used as an additive in the pasteurization of milk and in cheese making.
 Calcium chloride is commonly used as drying agent because it is capable of absorbing
moisture. The property is used to remove moisture from the air, to dry wet products
like kelp.
 Calcium chloride is also used in medicinal industry. It is used for hypocalcaemia,
magnesium intoxication and hyperkalemia.
 It is commonly used in swimming pool water with low calcium content. This can
reduce damage to the materials used around the pool.
 It is also added to many sports drinks because it is an electrolyte as well as being a
good source of calcium.

4.5.5 Toxicology

It can cause skin irritation and must be handled carefully.




5.1 Experimental materials and equipments

Various chemicals and instruments used for the preparation and evaluation of Metformin
hydrochloride microspheres are listed in table as follows

Table 1: Experimental materials and equipments

Experimental materials Equipments

 Metformin hydrochloride  Analytical balance

 Sodium alginate  pH meter
 Calcium chloride  Lab stirrer
 Hydrochloric acid buffer (pH 1.2)  Microscope
 Phosphate buffer (pH 6.8)  UV-Visible spectrophotometer
 Sodium hydroxide  Incubator
 Conc. hydrochloric acid.  Shaking incubator
 Disposable syringes and needles
 Glassware
 Measuring cylinder
 Micropipettes

5.2 Standard curve of Metformin hydrochloride

Spectrophotometric method based on measurement of absorbance at 232nm of UV region in

different media like distilled water, hydrochloric acid (pH 1.2), and phosphate buffer (pH 6.8)
were used for estimation of Metformin hydrochloride.

5.2.1 Preparation of phosphate buffer (pH 6.8)

Phosphate buffer was prepared by placing 50 ml of 0.2M potassium dihydogen

orthophosphate solution and 39.1 ml of 0.2N sodium hydroxide in a 200 ml volumetric flask
and then distilled water was added to volume. The pH was found to be 6.8.

5.2.2 Preparation of hydrochloric acid (pH 1.2)

Hydrochloric acid was prepared by using 50 ml of potassium chloride and 95 ml of 0.2N

hydrochloric acid in 200 ml volumetric flask and then distilled water was added to volume.
The pH was found to be 1.2.

5.2.3 Preparation of standard graph

Standard solution was prepared by dissolving 10mg of Metformin hydrochloride in distilled

water/ hydrochloric acid buffer (pH 1.2)/ phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) in a 100ml of volumetric
flask. From the standard solution, a series of dilutions containing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and
10 µg/ml of drug were obtained. The absorbance of those diluted samples were measured in
spectrophotometer at 232 nm using distilled water hydrochloric acid (pH 1.2) and phosphate
buffer (pH 6.8) as a blank. (Sreenivasulu et al., 2012).

Table 2: Standard curve data of Metformin hydrochloride in distilled water

S.No. Concentration (µg/ml) Absorbance at 232 nm

1. 1 0.071
2. 2 0.133
3. 3 0.223
4. 4 0.303
5. 5 0.342
6. 6 0.416
7. 7 0.491
8. 8 0.577
9. 9 0.649
10. 10 0.717


y = 0.071x - 0.002 0.717

R² = 0.997
absorbance at 232 nm

0.5 0.491

0.4 0.416

0.3 0.303

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
concentration (µg/ml)

Figure 4: Standard curve of Metformin hydrochloride in distilled water

Table 3: Standard curve data of Metformin hydrochloride in hydrochloric acid buffer

S.No. Concentration (µg/ml) Absorbance (at 232 nm)

1. 1 0.052
2. 2 0.079
3. 3 0.110
4. 4 0.131
5. 5 0.179
6. 6 0.213
7. 7 0.229
8. 8 0.262
9. 9 0.308
10. 10 0.333

y = 0.031x + 0.015
R² = 0.995 0.333
0.3 0.308

absorbance at 232nm

0.05 0.052

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
concentration (µg/ml)

Figure 5: Standard curve of Metformin hydrochloride in hydrochloric acid buffer

Table 4: Standard curve data of Metformin hydrochloride in phosphate buffer

S. No. Concentration (µg/ml) Absorbance (at 232 nm)

1. 1 0.223
2. 2 0.327
3. 3 0.435
4. 4 0.545
5. 5 0.698
6. 6 0.776
7. 7 0.885
8. 8 0.996
9. 9 1.143
10. 10 1.278

y = 0.115x + 0.093
R² = 0.997

absorbance at 232 nm





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
concentration (µg/ml)

Figure 6: Standard curve of Metformin hydrochloride in phosphate buffer

5.3 Preparation of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres

Microspheres of Metformin hydrochloride were prepared by ionotropic gelation technique. In

beaker, a suitable amount of sodium alginate was taken and mixed properly and kept for
overnight. Accurately weighed quantity of drug was dissolved in sufficient quantity of
distilled water. The drug solution was added to sodium alginate solution with proper mixing.
After complete mixing, the polymer-drug solution was added drop wise by using a disposable
syringe from a height of about 5 cm into a beaker containing calcium chloride with
continuous stirring by magnetic stirrer. Then the solution was filtered. The microspheres were
washed two-three times with distilled water and dried at 37ºC.

Sodium alginate


Sodium alginate and drug was dropped through a disposable needle into
calcium chloride solution


Filtration and rinsing with distilled water

Drying in oven

Dried microspheres were used for evaluation

5.4 Formulation and process variables

Different batches of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres were prepared by altering the

following variables:

 Concentration of drug (0.5% - 2%)

 Concentration of polymer (2% - 2.5%)
 Concentration of cross-linking agent (2% - 4%)
 Stirring time (30–45 minutes)
 Stirring speed (100-200 rpm)
 Volume of drug-polymer and cross linking agent

Table 5: Formulation of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres prepared by varying

polymer concentration

Batch Conc. of Conc. of Conc. of Stirring Stirring Volume of

No. drug polymer Cacl2 time speed drug-
(%w/v) (%w/v) (%w/v) (min) (rpm) polymer
1 2 2 2 30 100 10
2 2 2.5 2 30 100 10

Table 6: Formulation of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres prepared by varying

drug concentration with 4% Cacl2

Batch Conc. of Conc. of Conc. of Stirring Stirring Volume of

No. drug polymer Cacl2 time speed drug-
(%w/v) (%w/v) (%w/v) (min) (rpm) polymer
3 0.5 2 4 45 200 10
4 1 2 4 45 200 10
5 1.5 2 4 45 200 10
6 2 2 4 45 200 10

Table 7: Formulation of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres prepared by varying
drug concentration with 2.5% Cacl2

Batch Conc. of Conc. of Conc. of Stirring Stirring Volume of

No. drug polymer Cacl2 time speed drug-
(%w/v) (%w/v) (%w/v) (min) (rpm) polymer
7 0.5 2 2.5 30 100 10
8 1 2 2.5 30 100 10
9 1.5 2 2.5 30 100 10
10 2 2 2.5 30 100 10

 Drying time for all batches was 37ºC.

5.5 Evaluation of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres

All batches of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres were evaluated for the following

1. Percentage yield
2. Equilibrium swelling studies
3. Average particle size
4. Encapsulation efficiency
5. In vitro release properties

5.5.1 Percentage yield

The prepared microspheres were collected, dried and weighed. The percentage yield was
calculated as

Percentage yield (w/w) = weight of dried microspheres recovered × 100

Weight of sodium alginate + weight of calcium chloride

Table 8: Percentage yield of different batches of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres

Batch No. Yield (gm) Percentage yield

1 0.320 22.8
2 0.268 18.4
3 0.356 15.8
4 0.335 14.5
5 0.333 14.1
6 0.331 13.7
7 0.384 25.6
8 0.402 25.9
9 0.389 24.3
10 0.393 23.8


25 Effect of
polymer conc.
percentage yield

20 Effect of drug
conc. with 4%
Effect of drug
10 conc. with
2.5% Cacl2

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10

Batch No.

Figure 7: Histogram showing effect of various formulation parameters on Percentage yield

of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres

5.5.2 Particle size determination

All the microspheres were evaluated with respect to their size using optical microscope fitted
with an ocular micrometer and a stage micrometer. The particle size of more than 50
microspheres was measured randomly by optical microscope. The average particle size of
microspheres was determined by the total size of the microspheres divided by the number of

The morphological characteristics of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres were also

observed under light microscope.

Unloaded microsphere B1

B5 B6

B9 B10

Figure 8: Morphology of unloaded microsphere and loaded microspheres (B1, B5, B6, B9,
and B10)

Table 9: Average size of different batches of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres

Batch No. Particle size (µm)

1 961
2 980
3 953
4 942
5 933
6 916
7 937
8 909
9 841
10 812

1200 Effect of polymer
Effect of drug
Particle size (µm)

conc. with
800 4%Cacl2

Effect of drug
conc. with 2.5%


B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10

Batch No.

Figure 9: Histogram showing effect of various formulation parameters on average particle

size of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres.

5.5.3 Equilibrium swelling studies

The swelling ability of the dried microspheres of Metformin hydrochloride was determined in
hydrochloric acid buffer (pH 1.2). 5 mg of dried microspheres were immersed in 5 ml of
hydrochloric acid buffer (pH 1.2) in a glass vial. These microspheres were kept at 37ºC for 24
hours. Swollen microspheres were filtered, blotted, and weighed immediately on an
electronic balance. The percentage swelling of microspheres at equilibrium was calculated
from formula given below:

% ESW = We – Wo × 100
Where, ESW is percent swelling of microspheres at equilibrium, Wo is initial weight of
microspheres, and We is weight of microspheres at equilibrium.

Table 10: Percent swelling of different batches of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres

Batch No. Swelling ratio (%)

1 66.4
2 76.6
3 67.4
4 77.4
5 106.8
6 108.8
7 116.2
8 133.1
9 137.4
10 145.2

Effect of
140 polymer conc.

Swelling ratio (%)

Effect of drug
conc. with 4%
100 Cacl2
Effect of drug
60 conc. with
2.5% Cacl2


B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10

Batch No.

Figure 10: Histogram showing effect of various formulation parameters on swelling ratio of
Metformin hydrochloride microspheres

5.5.4 Determination of encapsulation efficiency

Drug entrapment efficiency of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres was performed by

accurately weighing 50 mg of microspheres and crushing them properly in a glass mortar and
pestle. These weighed microspheres were suspended in 50 ml of hydrochloric acid buffer (pH
1.2) and it was kept aside for 24 hours. Then, after suitable dilution, Metformin content in the
filtrate was analyzed spectrophotometrically at 232 nm using U.V spectrophotometer.

Percentage encapsulation efficiency = Estimated drug content × 100

Theoretical drug content

Table 11: Encapsulation efficiency of different batches of Metformin hydrochloride

Batch No. Drug encapsulation efficiency (%)

1 11.4
2 9.7
3 21.3
4 30.1
5 21.7
6 33.4
7 22.4
8 25.3
9 32.2
10 48.9

Effect of
Encapsulation efficiency (%) 50
polymer conc.

Effect of drug
40 conc. with
Effect of drug
conc. with
20 2.5%Cacl2


B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10

Batch No.

Figure 11: Histogram showing effect of various formulation parameters on encapsulation

efficiency of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres.

5.5.5 Evaluation of in-vitro drug release

50 mg of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres were incubated in 50 ml buffer (pH1.2) in a

150 ml conical flask kept in a shaking incubator at 37ºC and at 50 rpm. After 4 hours
microspheres were filtered and transferred into 50 ml buffer (pH 6.8) and incubated at 37ºC
and at 50 rpm. Starting from time 0 hour and at desired intervals of time, 50ml sample was
withdrawn and replaced with same amount of fresh medium. Drug in the release medium was
measured spectrophotometerically. Release studies and release profile of Metformin
hydrochloride microspheres of various batches are given below:

Table 12: Drug release data of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres by varying polymer

S. No. Time (hrs) Cumulative percentage release

B1 B2
1 1 5.6 6.2
2 2 5.7 7.5
3 3 7.9 8
4 4 9.7 11.3
5 5 12.4 13.3
6 6 12.8 13.3
7 7 12.9 13.6
8 8 12.9 13.6
9 24 13.1 13.7

The drug release curves of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres by varying polymer


15 15
Cumulativ e per centage r elease
Cumulativ e percentage release

10 10

5 5

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (hrs.)
Time (hrs.)

Figure 12: The drug release curve of B1 Figure 13: The drug release curve of B2

Cumulative percentage release

2% polymer
2.5% polymer

0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (hrs.)

Figure 14: The Comparative drug release curves of B1-B2

Table 13: Drug release data of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres by varying drug
concentration with 4%Cacl2

S. No. Time (hrs.) Cumulative percentage release

B3 B4 B5 B6

1 1 10.2 28.8 31.1 26.7

2 2 20.3 34.4 34.6 27.7
3 3 46.1 34.5 36.7 29.7
4 4 46.2 37.7 40.0 29.9
5 5 47.7 72.1 71.3 56.6
6 6 47.8 73.2 75.7 56.6
7 7 47.8 73.2 75.8 56.7
8 8 47.8 73.4 75.8 56.9
9 24 47.9 73.5 75.9 56.9

The drug release curves of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres by varying drug
concentration with 4% Cacl2.
Cumulative percentage release


Cumulative percentage release




0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (hrs.) Time (hrs.)

Figure 15: The drug release curve of B3 Figure 16: The drug release curve of B4
Cumulative percentage release

Cumulative percentage release




20 20

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (hrs.) Time (hrs.)

Figure 17: The drug release curve of B5 Figure 18: The drug release curve of B6

Cumulative percentage release


40 0.5% drug
1% drug
1.5% drug
2% drug

0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (hrs.)

Figure 19: The comparative drug release curves of B3-B6

Table 14: Drug release of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres by varying drug

concentration with 2.5%Cacl2

S. No. Time (hrs.) Cumulative percentage release

B7 B8 B9 B10
1 1 18.8 14.2 16.8
2 2 22.9 15.1 28.0
3 3 29.0 24.4 28.1
4 4 33.6 27.3 29.1
5 5 44.7 39.5 39.3
6 6 45.5 39.6 39.4
7 7 45.5 39.6 39.8
8 8 45.6 39.9 40.2
9 24 46 40 40.4

The drug release curves of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres by varying drug
concentration with 2.5% Cacl2.

50 50

Cumulativ e percentage release

Cumulativ e percentage release

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (hrs.) Time (hrs.)

Figure 20: The drug release curve of B7 Figure 21: The drug release curve of B8

Cumulative percentage release

Cumulativ e percentage release

40 80

30 60

20 40

10 20

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 10 20 30
Time (hrs.)
Time (hrs.)

Figure 22: The drug release curve of B9 Figure 23: The drug release curve of B10

Cumulative percentage release
0.5% drug
80 1.0% drug
1.5% drug
2.0% drug



0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (hrs.)

Figure 24: The comparative drug release curves of B7-B10



There are many methods reported in literature for the preparation of microspheres for
achieving controlled drug delivery. Some of the important methods are emulsion cross-
linking, chemical cross-linking, coacervation, spray drying, precipitation and ionotropic
gelation. Some of these methods use organic solvents and chemicals, whose residual amount
in the microspheres may cause undesirable effects like irritation to mucosal membranes. The
ionotropic gelation method is found to be suitable for the preparation of Metformin
hydrochloride microspheres of sodium alginate. By this method, the microspheres could be
easily prepared using simple instruments and the drug could be entrapped within
microspheres in a completely aqueous environment.

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of parameters- drug concentration,
polymer concentration, cross linking agent concentration, stirring time and stirring speed. The
Metformin hydrochloride microspheres thus prepared by varying the formulation parameters
were studied for percentage yield, average particle size, swelling studies, drug encapsulation
efficiency and in vitro drug release rates.

Table 5-7 indicates batches that were prepared by dropping sodium alginate-drug solution
into Cacl2 solution by varying polymer concentration, drug concentration with 4% Cacl2 and
2.5% Cacl2 respectively.

Percentage yield of different batches of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres are listed in

table 8. It varies from 13.7% to 25.9%. The comparative study of percentage yield is shown
by histogram in figure 7. Maximum percentage yield was obtained from batch 8 having 1%
drug, 2% polymer and 2.5% Cacl2 prepared at 100 rpm for 30 minutes. Percentage yield
decreases with increase in polymer concentration and drug concentration. Percentage yield
increases with decrease in Cacl2 concentration.

The average particle size of the various batches of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres is
listed in table 9. It varies from 812µm-980µm. The comparative study of the average particle
size is shown by histogram in figure 8. Minimum size was obtained from batch 10 having 2%
polymer, 2% drug and 2.5% Cacl2 prepared at 100 rpm for 30 minutes. Particle size increases
with increase in the polymer concentration due to increase in viscosity of the polymer
solution which increases the droplets size. When Cacl2 concentration, stirring speed and

stirring time is increased, the particle size also increases. Particle size decreases with increase
in the concentration of drug.

The morphology of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres is determined under light

microscope. The microspheres are found to be spherical in shape. The outer dark area is
sodium alginate which encapsulates the Metformin hydrochloride drug in the centre of the
microsphere. The photos of unloaded and after loading drug microspheres is shown in fig. 8.

The swelling study data of the various batches of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres is
listed in table 10. The swelling ratio varies from 66.4% to 145.2%. The comparative study of
the swelling ratio is shown by histogram in figure 9. Maximum swelling ratio was obtained
from batch 10 having 2% polymer, 2% drug and 2.5% Cacl2 prepared at 100 rpm for 30
minutes. Swelling ratio increases with increase in the polymer concentration and drug
concentration. Swelling ratio decreases with increase in the concentration of Cacl2, stirring
time and stirring speed. These swelling studies were done in hydrochloric acid buffer (pH
1.2). Metformin hydrochloride microspheres disintegrated in phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) after
30 minutes, these results suggest that sodium alginate microspheres do not disintegrate in the
stomach, and thus result in delayed release of Metformin hydrochloride in simulated
intestinal fluids.

The encapsulation efficiency of drug is expressed as the amount of total available drug that is
actually entrapped in the microspheres. The encapsulation efficiency of the various batches of
Metformin hydrochloride microspheres is listed in table 11. The encapsulation efficiency of
drug obtained from Metformin hydrochloride microspheres is from 9.7% to 48.9%. The
comparative study of the encapsulation efficiency is shown by histogram in figure 10.
Maximum encapsulation efficiency was obtained from batch 10 having 2% drug, 2% polymer
and 2.5% Cacl2 prepared at 100 rpm for 30 minutes. Encapsulation efficiency increases with
increase in the drug concentration. The encapsulation efficiency decreases with increase in
Cacl2 concentration, stirring time and stirring speed. The reason for low entrapment
efficiency may be high solubility of drug. The drug encapsulation efficiency also decreases
with increase in the polymer concentration due to its higher viscosity which affects the
diffusion coefficient of drug.

The in vitro release studies were performed in buffer (pH 1.2) and subsequently in buffer (pH
6.8) close to the physiologically gastrointestinal conditions. The dissolution behavior of the
Metformin hydrochloride microspheres was dependent on pH. The microspheres swelled in

buffer (pH 1.2) while they disintegrated in buffer (pH 6.8). An initial burst release of drug
was observed from all batches that can be attributed to two reasons: the leaching of drug on
the bead outer surfaces and faster ingress of dissolution medium and subsequent diffusion of
drug. However on changing pH from lower to higher level, drug release slowed. The pH
responsive release can be explained based on the charge density of beads, which is an
important factor in electrostatic interaction and depends on solution pH. The in-vitro drug
release of different batches of Metformin hydrochloride microspheres are listed in table 12,
13, and 14. The comparative study of drug release curves are shown in figure 22, 23 and 24.
Maximum drug release profile 78.2% is obtained from batch 10 having 2% polymer, 2%
drug and 2.5% Cacl2 prepared at 100 rpm for 30 minutes. With increase in the concentration
of sodium alginate and drug, the drug release rate also increases. In vitro drug release rate is
also dependent upon the swelling study and encapsulation efficiency of drug; if swelling ratio
and encapsulation efficiency of drug is high then drug release rate is also high.

Metformin hydrochloride microspheres with more than 2.5% sodium alginate concentration
could not be prepared as it became difficult to drop sodium alginate solution through syringe
needle due to increase in the viscosity of the solution.

Metformin hydrochloride microspheres were also prepared with 2% and 3% Cacl2

concentration, 15 minutes stirring time and 300 rpm stirring speed but their encapsulation
efficiency was very less.



Metformin hydrochloride microspheres have shown to be prospective drug delivery carriers
as they offer many advantages. First, sodium alginate is considered as a safe material as it is
natural polymer that possesses biocompatible and biodegradable properties. Second, it is a
water-soluble polymer which has an ideal property as a drug carrier; therefore, simple and
mild preparation methods can be applied. This renders sodium alginate microspheres as
promising drug delivery carriers that are suitable for a broad category of drugs including
macromolecules and labile drugs.

Based on percentage yield, particle size, swelling studies, encapsulation efficiency and in
vitro drug release, it was observed that batch 10 prepared at 2% drug, 2% polymer, 2.5%
Cacl2 concentration , stirring time of 30 minutes and stirring speed of 100 rpm is the best of
all the batches that were studied. It has 23.8% percentage yield, 812 µm particle size, 145.2%
swelling ratio, 48.9% encapsulation efficiency and cumulative percentage drug release of
78.2%. The morphology of batch 10 is also good as compared to other batches.

It may be concluded at the end that ionotropic gelation method may be widely used to
encapsulate a broad range of drugs to achieve controlled delivery of drugs. It has the
advantage that it is a mild, effective method where harsh chemicals are not utilized.




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