Literacy Autobiography: Jawaher Saeed Nasser Ali Al Ahbabi) (H00303854)
Literacy Autobiography: Jawaher Saeed Nasser Ali Al Ahbabi) (H00303854)
Literacy Autobiography: Jawaher Saeed Nasser Ali Al Ahbabi) (H00303854)
EPC 3903
At the begin of my study map was a best person on my life and my model he is My father how
was working on Military on same time of his busy life he was a big support person on my study
life and he try his best to send me to school to learn also he try to let me learn more after the
school. My Mother how was House wife she have a big part of my study life, she try to put me
on the best government school on Al Ain to make sure that I will study the best. On the other
side of my literacy life there were my big sister she was in front of me when I was need help on
my study.
In this essay I’m going to talk about my literacy Autobiography from the begin of my life until
now. First of thing that I would like to mention that the government school literacy is different
that the privacy school so all the things that I will mention on my essay will be about the
government school student level, So me as a government school students my literacy level will
be different than the privacy school students.
I am a student of the United Arab Emirates, the country of education in the first ranks. I was
raised on education, which is the most important thing in which a person begins his life, and I
grew up in a home that urges education, whatever the circumstances. I started my education life
in public schools that established me with the best education in all subjects, but in this report I
will talk about my literacy life. The beginning of my English education was like any student
whose mother language is Arabic, and he began learn the English and literacy from the zero s. I
started from the beginning like any beginning of nature with simple letters and words. The
beginning of education my teacher in kindergarten was like a mother to me and she had a great
role in the beginning of my education because she was presenting the curriculum in a beautiful
way that I will never forget. The students can decide from the began if he will like the school or
not and this decide come from if he will like the school and studying or not, that’s why the
teacher who teach the kindergarten they need to be careful for everything that she or he give to
the students in this age.
My second step is primary school, which was also in a government school, and I completed it
after starting kindergarten. Government school was a transitional stage for me in the topic of the
liturgy, and I grew up properly in learning the literacy during the 6-years period that I spent in
government school, which started with the first grade to the sixth grade, but my focus on learning
was more focused on the first three years because it’s the years that the students are able to learn
more from 7 to 10 years old, so I get strong on the literacy during these year.
At the Teenager period for me, the age of the challenge in education was a difficult stage for me
to acquire and develop the literacy. I was going through a phase of not accepting new things
other than what I learned at the beginning because I was difficult and tried to learn through home
education provided by parents and their great role in supporting me in order to complete my
development In the literacy, because my father was urging me a lot to continue development
after I finished middle school, and in the summer break my father urged me to take the English
language course that was held for students at Abu Dhabi University in Al Ain and it was a
wonderful course that provided me with the foundations of the English language in a way that
has been proven in My brain until now and this month-long session had a very big role in my
literacy development.
The pre-university stage, which is high school, was the weakest time for literacy learning in our
government schools, and this stage focuses on the student’s experience from past years and on
the student himself and how he tries to learn the language. Building literacy education at this
stage was mostly on the student, and here it begins the student part to searching for education
outside the school with school education and through the courses in order to develop his
language and help him with the one he learns in the school because there is a bigger stage which
is the university and college stage that needs the English language.
Here is the most beautiful and important stage of my literacy study, which is the college stage,
the transitional stage for me, the stage that taught me a lot in the literacy, and the things that I
acquired are equivalent to what I have learned throughout my entire educational life. The stage
of establishing the student in the college is one of the best stages that I hope will be compulsory
for the student on what it contains of the benefit for the student and taught me the basics of the
language again with many additions that have not passed on or have not been focused on before.
I am now in a transitional stage from the stage of the student who receives an education for
himself and learns for himself to the stage of the student teacher who learns in order to teach the
students and it is a wonderful stage for the teacher and it is the stage of acquiring things and
teaching them to students and benefiting the state through the effort that the state gave us in the
past from education because Now is the time to respond to what I have learned in order to
develop the renaissance of the country.
At the end of this essay I would like to mention that the literacy is important language for all, and
they should to start their life with strong literacy life, because starting with it make the life easer
learning later.