Tled 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I-Introduction To Agriculture and Fishery Arts

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TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts

Course Outcome 2&3:

Apply research-based knowledge and principles of agriculture and fishery in teaching
and learning; Use ICT, applicable teaching strategies, varied languages in presenting lesson outputs
pertaining to agriculture and fisheries concepts, importance, processes,
management practices, and sustainability

Duration: 7.5 hrs


Lesson Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

(L2-A. Soil Science:)

1. Defined the concept of soil and described its components;
2. Identified the different oil types and limitations;
3. Related the process of soil testing;
4. Explained the concept of fertilizing soils - fertilizer types, forms of fertilizers, application techniques,
time of application, and calculating /application rates; and
5. Elaborated on Soil management practices - tillage methods, planting methods, effects of tillage and
planting methods on soil structure, and crop rotation.

(L2-B. Organic Agriculture:)

1. Defined and described organic agriculture and the principles behind it;
2. Explained the reasons of organic agriculture;
3. Elaborated on sustainability in relation to organic agriculture; and
4. Enumerated and briefly described the step by step conversation to organic agriculture.
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts

Lesson Content


Adaptation from: Melisa Bertz and Harold Bossaller. 2000. Advanced Crop Science. Instructional Materials Laboratory,
University of Missouri-Columbia 10 London Hall Columbia, Missouri 65211

Note: Please disregard the “Lesson” numbers reflected in this reference; just stick to the title
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts



Adaptation from: FAO TECA at

Organic agriculture is an integrated production management system which promotes and enhances
agroecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity (FAO/WHO Codex
Alimentarius Commission, 2007). It emphasizes the use of natural inputs (i.e. mineral and products derived
from plants) and the renunciation of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

Organic agriculture follow the principles and logic of a living organism, in which all elements (soil, plant, farm
animals, insects, the farmer, local conditions) are closely linked to each other. This is accomplished by using,
where possible, agronomic, biological and mechanical methods, following the principles of these interactions,
using natural ecosystem as a model.

Organic agriculture shares many techniques used by other sustainable agricultural approaches (e.g.
intercropping, crop rotation, mulching, integration of crops and livestock). However, the use of natural inputs
(non synthetic), the improvement of soil structure and fertility and the use of a crop rotation plan represent the
basic rules that make organic agriculture an unique agricultural management system.

According with the Guidelines of Organically Food Produce of the Codex Alimentarius (2007), an organic
production system is designed to:

- Enhance biological diversity within the whole system;

- Increase soil biological activity;
- Maintain long-term soil fertility;
- Recycle wastes of plant and animal origin in order to return nutrients to the soil, thus minimizing the use of
non-renewable resources;
- Rely on renewable resources in locally organized agricultural systems;
- Promote the healthy use of soil, water and air as well as minimize all forms of pollution that may result from
agricultural practices;
- Promote the careful processing methods agricultural products in order to maintain the organic integrity and
vital qualities of the product at all stages;
- Become established on any existing farm through a period of conversion, the appropriate length of which is
determined by site-specific factors such as the history of the land, and type of crops and livestock to be

According with IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements) (2002), the organic
agriculture practices are based on the following principles:
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts

 Principle of health: the role of organic agriculture, whether in farming, processing, distribution, or
consumption, is to sustain and enhance the health of ecosystems and organisms from the smallest in the
soil to human beings. In view of this, it should avoid the use of fertilizers, pesticides, animal drugs and food
additives that may have adverse health effects.
 Principle of ecology: organic agriculture should be based on living ecological systems and cycles, work with
them, emulate them and help sustaining them. Organic management must be adapted to local conditions,
ecology, culture and scale. The reduction of inputs by reuse, recycle and the efficient management of
materials and energy will contribute to improve environmental quality and will conserve resources.
 Principle of fairness: This principle emphasizes that those involved in organic agriculture should conduct
human relationships in a manner that ensures fairness at all levels and to all parties ? farmers, workers,
processors, distributors, traders and consumers. It also insists that animals should be provided with the
conditions and opportunities of life according with their physiology, natural behaviour and well-being.
Natural and environmental resources that are used for production and consumption should be managed in
a socially and ecologically fair way and should be held in trust for future generations. Fairness requires
systems of production, distribution and trade that are open and equitable and account for real
environmental and social costs.
 Principle of Care: This principle states that precaution and responsibility are the key concerns in
management, development and technology choices in organic agriculture. Science is necessary to ensure
that organic agriculture is healthy, safe and ecologically sound. However, it must consider valid solutions
from practical experiences, accumulated traditional and indigenous knowledge and prevent significant
risks by adopting appropriate technologies and rejecting unpredictable ones, such as genetic engineering.

Why organic agriculture?

The goal of organic agriculture is to contribute to the enhancement of sustainability. But what does
sustainability mean? In the context of agriculture, sustainability refers to the successful management of
agricultural resources to satisfy human needs while at the same time maintaining or enhancing the quality of
the environment and conserving natural resources for future generations. Sustainability in organic farming
must therefore be seen in a holistic sense, which includes ecological, economic and social aspects.

Only if the three dimensions are fulfilled an agricultural system can be called sustainable. But how are they
achieved? Some examples are described as follow:

The organic agriculture techniques are known to be ecologically sustainable by:

TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts

 Improving soil structure and fertility through the use of crop rotations, organic manure, mulches and
the use of fodder legumes for adding nitrogen to the soil fertility cycle.
 Prevention of soil erosion and compaction by protecting the soil planting mixed and relay crops.
 Promotion of biological diversity through the use of natural pest controls (e.g. biological control, plants
with pest control properties) rather than synthetic pesticides which, when misused, are known to kill
beneficial organisms (e.g. natural parasites of pests, bees, earthworms), cause pest resistance, and often
pollute water and land.
 Performing crop rotations, which encourage a diversity of food crops, fodder and under-utilized plants;
this, in addition to improving overall farm production and fertility, may assist the on-farm conservation
of plant genetic resources.
 Recycling the nutrients by using crop residues (straws, stovers and other non-edible parts) either
directly as compost and mulch or through livestock as farmyard manure.
 Using renewable energies, by integration of livestock, tree crops and on farm forestry into the system.
This adds income through organic meat, eggs and dairy products, as well as draught animal power. Tree
crops and on-farm forestry integrated into the system provide food, income, fuel and wood.
Social sustainability
Sustainability is also about equity among and between generations. Organic agriculture contributes to the
social well-being by reducing the losses of arable soil, water contamination, biodiversity erosion, GHG
emissions, food losses, and pesticide poisoning.
Organic agriculture is based on traditional knowledge and culture. Its farming methods evolve to match local
environments, responding to unique biophysical and socio economics constraints and opportunities. By using
local resources, local knowledge, connecting farmers, consumers and their markets, the economic conditions
and the development of rural can be improved.
Organic agriculture stresses diversification and adaptive management to increase farm productivity, decrease
vulnerability to weather vagaries, and consequently improves food security, either with the food the farmers
produce or the income from the products they sell.
Economic sustainability
Organic farming appears to generate 30% more employment in rural areas and labor achieves higher returns
per unit of labor input. By using local resources better, organic agriculture facilitates smallholders? access to
markets and thus income generation; and relocalizes food production in market-marginalized areas.
Generally, organic yields are 20% less as compared to high-input systems in developed countries but could be
up to 180% higher as compared to low-input systems in arid/semi-arid areas. In humid areas, rice paddy yields
are equal, while the productivity of the main crop is reduced for perennials, though agroforestry provides
additional goods.
Operating costs (seeds, rent, repairs and labor) in organic agriculture are significantly lower than conventional
production, ranging from 50-60% for cereals and legumes, to 20-25% for dairy cows and 10- 20% for
horticulture products. This is due to lower input costs on synthetic inputs, lower irrigation costs, and labor cash
costs that include both family labor and hired workers. Total costs are, however, only slightly lower than
conventional, as fixed costs (such as land, buildings and machinery) increase due to new investments during
conversion (e.g., new orchards, animal houses) and certification.
Market opportunities
The demand for organic products creates new export opportunities. Organic exports are sold at impressive
premiums, often at prices 20% higher than the same products produced on non-organic farms. Under the right
circumstances the market returns from organic agriculture can potentially contribute to local food security by
increasing family incomes.
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts

Entering this lucrative market is not easy. Farmers require hiring an organic certification organization to
annually inspect and confirm that their farms and businesses adhere to the organic standards established by
various trading partners. During the conversion period to organic management, which lasts 2 to 3 years,
farmers cannot sell their produce as ?organic? and thus, tap price premiums. This is because consumers expect
organic produce to be free of residues. However, according to the Codex Guidelines on Organically Produced
Food (2007), products produced on land under organic management for at least one year, but less than the
two-three year requirement could be sold as "transition to organic"; but very few markets have developed for
such products.

While most developing countries producers have historically targeted international export markets in the EU
and north America, domestic market opportunities for organic food are emerging worldwide. Acknowledging
the role of domestic organic markets in supporting a vibrant organic sector, alternative systems to certification
have emerged worldwide. In developed countries, consumers and organic producers have built direct channels
for home delivery of non-certified organic produce (e.g. Community Supported Agriculture). In the United
States of America (USA), farmers marketing small quantities of organic products are formally exempt from
certification. Increasingly in developing countries, Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) are recognized as
substitute to third part certification (e.g. India, Brazil, Pacific islands).

More recently, organic agriculture has become an option to improve household food security, or to achieve a
reduction of input costs. With the economic crisis, this phenomenon is seen also in developed countries.
Produce is used by farmers for their own consumption or it is sold on the market without a price distinction as
it is not certified.
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts

Economic objectives are not the only motivation of organic farmers; the goals are often to optimize land, animal
and plant interactions, preserve natural nutrient and energy flows and enhance biodiversity, while
safeguarding human health of family farmers and contributing to the overall objective of sustainable


Adaptation from: IFOAM. 2003. Training Manual for Organic Agriculture in the Tropics.
Edited by Frank Eyhorn, Marlene Heeb, Gilles Weidmann, p 210-224,

The procedure of conversion of a farm commonly consists of three steps. In a first step, it is recommended to
collect information on appropriate organic farming practices. In a second step, the most promising organic
practices should be tried out on selected plots or fields to get familiar with. In a third step, only organic
procedures should be implemented in the entire farm. Support from an experienced extension officer or a
farmer is usually very helpful to give guidance in the process.

Step 1. Good Information First

Successful organic farming requires considerable knowledge on the functioning and the possibilities of
management of natural processes. Interest in learning about the possibilities to support natural processes to
sustain and improve harvests is essential for successful organic farming. Farmers who are interested in
adopting organic farming practices are recommended to get in contact with farmers in the area (Figure 3-1),
who already practice organic farming to learn from them. Some farmers may be good at making compost, some
at growing green manures, and some at making plant or manure tea. Learning from experienced farmers allows
to get first-hand experience under local conditions, and thus to learn about the advantages and potential
challenges related to implementing organic methods. (Figure 3-2).

Basically, farmers who are interested in converting their farm to organic agriculture need to know:
 How to improve soil fertility.
 How to keep crops healthy.
 How to best increase diversity in the farm.
 How to keep livestock healthy.
 How to give value to organic products and how to successfully sell them.

Step 2. Getting Familiar with Organic Practices

After having collected information about the requirements, the potentials and the main practices related to
conversion, farmers should start to learn from their own experience on their farms. To minimize risks of crop
failure and losses of animals, and avoid frustrating overload, farmers are recommended to implement organic
practices step-by-step to a limited extent, selecting specific practices at a time and testing them on selected
plots or selected animals only. But which practices should one choose to start with? As would seem natural,
farmers should start by applying practices that are of low risk and investment, require little specific knowledge,
limited additional labour, and with high short term impact. Examples of recommended interventions include
(Figure 3-3):

* Mulching - Covering the soil with dead plant material is an easy way to control weeds and protect the soil in
annual crops. This practice can be implemented into most existing cropping systems. The main question may
be, however, where to get appropriate plant material from.

* Intercropping - Growing two annual crops together, commonly a leguminous crop like beans or a green
manure crop in alternating rows with maize or another cereal crop or vegetable is a common practice in
organic farming to diversify production and maximize benefits from the land. In intercropping, special
attention must be paid to avoid competition between the crops for light, nutrients and water. This requires
knowledge on arrangements, which promote growth of at least one of the crops.
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts

* Composting - Application of compost to the fields can have a major impact on crop growth and yields. To start
compost production, farmers will need enough plant materials and animal manures, if such are available. In
case such materials are scarce, farmers would first have to start producing plant materials on the farm by
sowing fast growing leguminous plants that build a lot of biomass, and by introducing some livestock on the
farm for manure production, if this proves appropriate. To get familiar with the process of making compost,
farmers should be instructed by an experienced person. Proper compost production requires some knowledge
and experience and additional labor, but is low in investments.

* Green manuring - The practice of growing a leguminous plant species for biomass production and
incorporation into the soil may be new to most farmers. Nevertheless, this practice can greatly contribute to
improvement of soil fertility. Green manures can be grown as improved fallows, as seasonal green manures in
rotation with other crops, or in strips between crops. Proper green manuring first requires information on
appropriate species.

* Organic pest management – Careful associations and management of plants and animals in order to prevent
pest and disease outbreaks. Initially, bio-control agents may be applied but organic pest management is best
achieved through ecological approaches that establish a pest/predator balance. While the choice of resistant
varieties of crops is paramount, other prevention methods include: choosing sowing times that prevent pest
outbreaks; improving soil health to resist soil pathogens; rotating crops; encouraging natural biological agents
for control of disease, insects and weeds; using physical barriers for protection from insects, birds and animals;
modifying habitat to encourage pollinators and natural enemies; and trapping pests in pheromone attractants.

* Appropriate seeds and planting material - Use of healthy seeds and planting materials, and robust and/or
improved cultivars can make a big change in crop production. This practice may require some information on
selection of seeds and planting materials including availability of improved varieties and seed treatments.
Generally, locally-adapted seeds are preferred because of their resilience to local conditions.  Planting of
leguminous trees - In perennial crop plantations such as banana, coffee or cocoa, planting of leguminous trees
such as gliricidia, calliandra, and sesbania may improve the growing conditions of the fruit crop by providing
shade, mulching material and nitrogen through nitrogen fixation. In addition, some leguminous trees provide
good fodder for livestock. This practice requires some knowledge on shade and space requirements of the tree
crops and thus on ideal planting patterns for the leguminous trees.

* Growing farm-own animal feeds - To improve available feeds for the livestock, farmers may grow grasses and
leguminous fodder crops around, between other crops or in rotation. As animal feed must be of organic origin,
feed sources are best addressed by considering farm grown feed.

* Terraces and soil bunds - Construction of terraces and soil bunds along the curves of hills is a key measure for
soil conservation. This practice builds the foundation of further improvement to soil fertility on slopes. It is of
high relevance, but requires much labor and some specific knowledge for appropriate implementation.

Step 3. Full Convertion to Organic Farming

In a third step, implementation of organic practices throughout the entire farm should be considered, once
sufficient experience with different practices has been gained. As soon as organic practices are implemented
throughout the entire farm, a farmer can claim to be an organic farmer. 25 Commonly, consistent application of
organic practices marks the beginning of a long process of improving the production system:
1. Improving soil fertility based on the recycling of farm own organic materials and enhancement of farm own
biomass production.
2. Encouraging positive interactions between all parts of the production system (the farm ecosystem) to
enhance self-regulation of pests and diseases.
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts

3. Optimizing the balance between feed production and livestock. Farming organically also means continuously
learning from personal observation, from outside experiences, sharing experiences with other organic farmers
and implementing new information on the farm, making it increasingly more sustainable.
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts

Activity/Performance Task

Task: Prepare a Plan for a School/Class Garden Project

1. After comprehending the various topics in the Chapter, prepare a plan for a school/class garden.
2. Emphasize on the fundamentals of crop production, crop protection, soil science, and organic agriculture
in your plan of establishing school/class garden.
3. Share your plan to a farmer (relative/friend) and let him/her comment/suggest on your plan.
4. Transform your plan into a “brochure/pamphlet”.
5. Submit your output including the comment/suggestion of the farmer.

Activity/Performance Rubric

Criteria Rating Scale Remarks

1 2 3 4
(45%) Comprehensiveness in terms of scope of the
output (covers the 4 aspects) and quality of the
(30%) Logic/organization of thoughts/ideas in the
(15%) Presence of the reaction of a farmer
(10%) Overall quality of the output
Weighted Mean Rating
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts

Learning Check

Answer the following vividly and substantially.

1. Identify and define in your own words 10 fundamental concepts from EACH of the following topics:
a. Crop science
b. Crop protection
c. Soil science
d. Organic agriculture
2. Based on the chapter content, explain the role and significance of crop production to be integrated in the
TLEd 205 - Agri-Fishery Arts Part I- Introduction to Agriculture and Fishery Arts


From the Chapter, I learned ….

To further my learning, I will …..

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