Math Lesson Olm
Math Lesson Olm
Math Lesson Olm
CC.1.2.PREK.E: Identify the front cover, back cover and title page of a book.
Big Idea: Overarching Theme
Students should be able to recognize and know numbers and count up to the number ten.
Essential Question(s):
Students will consider and reflect on throughout the lesson:
What are the number names and how are they important?
Objective/Performance Expectations
What will students know and be able to do as a result of this lesson?
As a result of this lesson, the students will have a better understanding of counting to the
number 10.
I will activate the student’s prior knowledge by asking them if they can count to ten.
Once we count to 10 as a group, I will play a counting song for them to listen to. This
is a dancing around activity to get the students moving off their feet. They will be
sitting a lot for this lesson. Students can count along as well.
Materials Needed:
Smart Board
Ten Magic Butterflies by Danica McKellar
Caterpillar worksheet
Dancing number song
Author: The person who writes the stories
Illustrator: A person who draws the pictures in stories
To begin the lesson, I will get the students moving and ask them to count to ten out
To get the students moving I will then play a fun sing a long that counts to ten to get
Next, I will be playing the book Ten Magic Butterflies on the smart board.
Before reading, I will ask the students what an author and illustrator do.
During the story I will be asking questions and to count the butterflies on the page with
I will be asking questions like “what do we think will happen next”, “can someone
I will conclude the story with asking a few students their favorite part of the story.
The activity we will be doing is using our fingerprints to watch the caterpillar grow.
For example, there will be a caterpillar head and next to it will be a block that shows
the number “1”. I want my students to put one fingerprint on the body of the caterpillar
The caterpillar will grow up until you have 10 fingerprints next to the caterpillar.
I also want the students to trace their numbers next to the caterpillar. The purpose for
this is for the students to recognize the number letter with the word, and object.
To conclude the lesson, I will ask the students to count to ten as a class if students want
At the end of the day, I will have a center for the students that relates to number
The center has two spoons per number up until the number 20. One spoon will have the
number letter on it and the other spoon will have a dot that represents that number. I
The reason for going up to the number 20 is for students to challenge their knowledge.
Closure: What will you do to bring closure to the lesson? How will you summarize this
lesson and preview the lesson that will follow?
To conclude the lesson, I will ask all of the students to count with me. We will start with the
number 1 and count all the way up to 10. If students can count higher, we will continue our
count to 20. All students should be able to count to 10. It is important to introduce new
numbers to students who may not know. It is also okay if they do not know a number higher
than 10. I will also continue this lesson with a center at the end of the day. I have two spoons
for each number. One spoon will have the number on it and the second spoon will have a dot
of the number. The goal of this center is for students to match the number of dots with the
correct numbered spoon. I will have spoons for students to be able to count to 10, but if they
want to challenge themselves there will be extra spoons for them to be able to match up to the
number twenty.