Blockchain Security Attacks, Challenges, and Solutions For The Future Distributed Iot Network

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The paper discusses security attacks and challenges for blockchain-based IoT networks and proposes potential solutions. It also discusses applications of blockchain technology in various domains including IoT and analyzes related security issues.

The paper analyzes potential security attacks on blockchain systems like double spending attacks, 51% attacks, selfish mining attacks etc. It also discusses security enhancement solutions and tools to counter vulnerabilities.

Some potential applications of blockchain discussed are in data modeling, sharing IoT data and services, ensuring transparency, reliability and governance for IoT information systems, and implementing blockchain in various IoT applications.



Received January 4, 2021, accepted January 9, 2021, date of publication January 14, 2021, date of current version January 26, 2021.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3051602

Blockchain Security Attacks, Challenges, and

Solutions for the Future Distributed
IoT Network
AND BYUNGUN YOON 1 , (Senior Member, IEEE)
1 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Dongguk University, Seoul 04620, South Korea
2 Division of Computer Science, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju 54896, South Korea
Corresponding author: Byungun Yoon (
This work was supported in part by the National Research Foundation of Korea under Grant 2019R1A2C1085388, and in part by the
Dongguk University Research Fund of 2020 under Grant S-2020-G0001-00050.

ABSTRACT Blockchain technology is becoming increasingly attractive to the next generation, as it is

uniquely suited to the information era. Blockchain technology can also be applied to the Internet of
Things (IoT). The advancement of IoT technology in various domains has led to substantial progress in
distributed systems. Blockchain concept requires a decentralized data management system for storing and
sharing the data and transactions in the network. This paper discusses the blockchain concept and relevant
factors that provide a detailed analysis of potential security attacks and presents existing solutions that can
be deployed as countermeasures to such attacks. This paper also includes blockchain security enhancement
solutions by summarizing key points that can be exploited to develop various blockchain systems and security
tools that counter security vulnerabilities. Finally, the paper discusses open issues relating to and future
research directions of blockchain-IoT systems.

INDEX TERMS Blockchain, Internet of Things, threats and attacks, security.

I. INTRODUCTION organizations are currently working to ensure proper inter-

Blockchain technology, a distributed digital ledger technol- operability, integrity, and privacy of the IoT network. These
ogy that can be used to maintain continuously growing organizations are all working together using blockchain
lists of data records and transactions securely, has recently technology and cloud computing. The technology brings
taken the world by storm. The three main criteria related transparency, reliability, and proper governance to the IoT
to blockchain identity and accessibility are public or less information system [4]–[7].
authorized, private or authorized, and consortium. The most Blockchain technology is redefining data modeling, and
important and unique factor of the blockchain concept is that governments have implemented blockchain in many IoT
the stored information is secured entirely within the blocks applications. It is mainly attractive for such applications due
of the blockchain’s transactions. Its decentralized consensus to its unprecedented ability to adapt as well as the segment,
model has the three main features of consistency, aliveness, protect, and share IoT data and services. Blockchain tech-
and fault tolerance [1]–[3]. nology is at the center of many current developments in the
Blockchain technology has been successfully applied in IoT industry. One reason for this is that many IoT services
a wide variety of areas. When blockchain technology is are vulnerable to attacks and challenges. Using blockchain
implemented in the Internet of Things (IoT) domain to technology can solve many of the issues with cyber-physical
exchange and share network data, records, validation, and systems in the IoT sector. As the IoT industry is moving
security service, there are a few relevant issues that are still toward a network sensor model, sustainable smart cities, and
being researched, with a particular focus on the security of the many components involved must be framed in considera-
cyber-physical systems in the IoT sector. Many authorized tion of certain benefits [8]–[12].
Moreover, blockchain enables different privacy-preserving
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and models for IoT applications, such as data privacy, user pri-
approving it for publication was Chunhua Su . vacy, location privacy, privacy-preserving aggregation, and

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
13938 VOLUME 9, 2021
S. Singh et al.: Blockchain Security Attacks, Challenges, and Solutions for the Future Distributed IoT Network

FIGURE 1. Roadmap of different literature on security issues, attacks, and solutions in blockchain technology
between 2016 and 2020.

many others. Ferrag et al. [13] suggested many privacy- 2) This review presents the essential background
preserving schemes and presented a side-by-side comparison knowledge needed for blockchain and its elements,
of different security and privacy approaches for Fog-based participants, and components along with their func-
IoT applications. Dwivedi et al. [14] proposed a scheme tionalities. The goal is to familiarize readers with the
of modified blockchain models in the medical sector that blockchain system. Moreover, this paper systemati-
involves additional protection and privacy parameters based cally presents and discusses the security limitations,
on advanced cryptographic primitives. This scheme uses vulnerabilities, challenges, and issues associated with
lightweight digital signatures to guarantee that the infor- blockchain technology, as well as security issues in
mation cannot be improperly modified, and a tamper-proof blockchain enterprises.
seal protects it. Privacy-preserving methods for IoT data in 3) This paper discusses the widespread security attacks
smart cities have been discussed by Shen et al. [15]. Support on blockchain technologies and their vulnerabilities
vector machine training is used with blockchain technology to based on the results of many existing studies. More-
enable it to handle smart city data. The blockchain techniques over, various applications and opportunities involved in
allow for secure and reliable IoT data between data providers, blockchain technology are also discussed.
where each provider can encrypt the data instance locally 4) This survey presents existing security solutions for
using its private key. blockchain technology in different environments.
In the move toward numerous beneficial features such Finally, this paper discusses some security tools that
as decentralization, persistence, anonymity, and auditability, can address these security vulnerabilities. It also out-
security is a major concern. This paper provides an inclusive lines some open questions and research challenges, and
overview of blockchain parameters and security attacks in open requirements that could improve blockchain-IoT
cyber-physical systems. It also presents some existing solu- capability.
tions and blockchain applications for various factors that
can affect the blockchain system. Blockchain technology has
attracted substantial industrial and academic attention due
to its decentralization, persistence, anonymity, and auditing
Fig. 1 shows a roadmap of the various kinds of surveys related
attributes. In this survey, we consider the implementation of
to blockchain technology presented from 2016 to 2020.
blockchain technology in a wide range of applications and
Dorri et al. considered IoT security and privacy issues and
discuss a number of the challenges involved.
vulnerabilities [S1]. The authors also provided a blockchain-
A. CONTRIBUTION based solution. Lin and Liao [S2] surveyed the blockchain
1) To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study of security issues and challenges as well as the different kinds
its kind to survey blockchain attacks in IoT networks of attacks. They also briefly discussed other blockchain
and provide solutions for such attacks. applications such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and hyper ledger.

VOLUME 9, 2021 13939

S. Singh et al.: Blockchain Security Attacks, Challenges, and Solutions for the Future Distributed IoT Network

Reyna et al. surveyed blockchain technology with a focus A. ELEMENTS IN BLOCKCHAIN AND RELATED CONCERNS
on feature analysis and challenges, as well as the integra- 1) DECENTRALIZATION
tion of blockchain and IoT through different identification In blockchain technology, decentralization entails dispersing
and analysis methods. Applications based on blockchain-IoT functions throughout a system rather than having all units
are also discussed. However, there is limited research on connected with and controlled by a central authority; in other
security attacks, although a solution has been proposed by words, there is no central point of control, and this absence
Reyna et al. [S3]. Salman et al. [S4] illustrated blockchain- of centralized authority in a blockchain is what makes it more
based approaches for several security services, including secure than other technologies. Each blockchain user, called
resource provenance, confidentiality, authentication, integrity a miner, is assigned a unique transaction account, and blocks
assurance, and privacy. are added once the miners are validated. The decentralized
They also discussed some of the challenges and issues nature of the data records used in blockchain technology
associated with blockchain-based security services, and pro- exemplifies its revolutionary quality; blockchain networks
vided insight into security services in current applications and use consensus protocols to secure nodes. In this way, trans-
techniques. Taylor et al. [S5] provided a systematic litera- actions are validated and data cannot be destroyed. While the
ture survey on blockchain cybersecurity, including research- decentralized nature of networks allows for peer-to-peer oper-
type applications, and reported key qualitative/quantitative ations [16], it also poses major challenges to personal data
data. They also discussed future research directions in privacy [17]. Gai et al. [18] surveyed some of these security
blockchain for IoT security, artificial intelligence (AI) data and privacy issues, which include threats, malicious adver-
security, and the release of open-source software and datasets. saries, and attacks in financial industries. Zyskind et al. [19]
Hassan et al. [S6] discussed privacy-preserving features in examined decentralized personal data management in the
blockchain-based IoT systems. The authors focused on pre- context of personal data privacy concerns.
senting the practical issues caused by privacy leakages in
IoT operating systems, analyzing the implementation of pri- 2) CONSENSUS MODEL
vacy protection, and outlining the various issues associated Consensus refers to agreement among entities [20], and con-
with the privacy protection of blockchain-based IoT systems. sensus models help decentralized networks make unanimous
Ferrag et al. [S7] discussed different application domains decisions. This allows for all records to be tracked from a
of blockchain–IoT, such as IoV, IoE, IoC, edge computing, single authority. Blockchain technology requires consensus
and others. They reviewed the anonymity and privacy of the algorithms to ensure that each next block is the only true
bitcoin system and provided a taxonomy with a side-by-side version; that is, the algorithms ensure that all nodes agree
comparison of state-of-the-art privacy-preserving blockchain that each new block added to the blockchain carries the same
technology. Aguiar et al. [S8] surveyed blockchain-based message. Consensus models guarantee against ‘‘fork attacks’’
strategies for healthcare applications. They analyzed the tools and can even protect against malicious attacks [21]. The three
employed by industries in that area to construct blockchain main features of consensus models are as follows:
networks. The paper also discussed privacy techniques and 1) Consistency- this protocol is safe and consistent when
access control employed in healthcare records using case sce- all nodes produce the same output.
narios for monitoring patients in remote care environments. 2) Aliveness- the consensus protocol guarantees aliveness
Saad et al. [S9] systematically explored the attack surface if all participating nodes have produced a result.
in terms of blockchain cryptographic construct, distributed 3) Fault tolerance- the mechanism delivers fault tolerance
architecture, and blockchain application context, while pro- for recovery from failure nodes.
viding detailed solutions and opportunities.
This paper is organized as follows: Section II explains 3) TRANSPARENCY AND PRIVACY
blockchain technology and its related factors. Section III pro- The most appealing aspect of blockchain technology is the
vides details about blockchain security attacks, and section IV degree of privacy it offers, but this can create some confusion
discusses the blockchain security issues. Section V discusses regarding transparency. Blockchain networks periodically
blockchain challenges, and Section VI surveys the different (i.e., every 10 minutes) self-audit the digital value ecosystems
blockchain technology solutions for the challenges in vari- that coordinate transactions; one set of these transactions is
ous sectors. Section VII discusses open issues and potential called a block, and this process results in two properties:
future research directions. Finally, Section VIII concludes the transparency and impossibility of corruption. In a blockchain,
paper. the identity of the user is hidden behind a strong cipher,
making it particularly difficult to link public addresses to
II. BLOCKCHAIN FACTORS and ISSUES individual users. The question thus arises of how blockchain
This section discusses the key factors and issues related can be regarded as truly transparent [22].
to blockchain implementation in smart networks, including Blockchain is already regarded as a powerful technol-
existing solutions and recommendations. ogy [23]. It organizes interactions in such a way that greatly

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S. Singh et al.: Blockchain Security Attacks, Challenges, and Solutions for the Future Distributed IoT Network

TABLE 1. Comparison of related surveys.

improves reliability while also eliminating the business and 5) OPEN SOURCE
political risks associated with managing processes through With distributed and closed-source applications, users must
central entities, thus reducing the need for trust. Blockchain trust the applications, and they cannot access any data from
networks create platforms that can simultaneously run differ- central sources. It is possible to launch decentralized closed-
ent applications from different companies, enabling seamless source applications and achieve desired results, but doing so
and efficient dialogue and the creation of audit trails through would have catastrophic consequences. This is a major reason
which everyone can verify that everything is being processed that participants prefer decentralized open-source applica-
correctly. tions, with relevant platforms including Ethereum, Bitcoin
cash, Litecoin, and Dash. Sidechain-capable blockchain plat-
4) IDENTITY AND ACCESS forms provide powerful benefits developed by community
Blockchain is a secure distributed ledger technology members such as
(DLT) that has taken on a new role in recent years. 1) flexible configurations: no risk in multi-block reorga-
Jacobovitz et al. [24] discussed the state of the art in nization and enables rapid transactions,
blockchain technology, applications, and solutions regarding 2) confidential transactions: leveraging stability,
identity management. Taking identity and access control to 3) federated two-way peg: issuing multi-transferrable
the next level and investigating whether the use of blockchain assets on single blockchains, and
technology improves the management of device ID comprises 4) multiple assets issuance: secured by a federation of
one of the priority security projects of Sentara Healthcare, and parties with aligned incentives.
Virginia and North Carolina are connected via an integrated Open-source applications help users adopt new technolo-
distribution system [25]. According to industry expert Jeremy gies. One of the main features of such applications, as empha-
Kirk, there are currently six ongoing projects addressing sized by Buterin [23], is an open-source license model and
how blockchain could make it easier to manage identity: government mechanism that enables changes in public ledger
Hyperledger Independent, Civic, Sovran, Evernym, Alastria, currency platforms or blockchain applications. Tech giant
and uPort. IBM has helped evolve open-source technologies by promot-
The three main criteria related to blockchain identity and ing projects such as Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger Com-
accessibility are public or less authorized, private or autho- poser; regarding enterprise ecosystems, MentaGo provides
rized, and consortium. Pilkington [26] presented the main a blockchain solution for financial systems and SXSW uses
distinction between public and private blockchain technolo- Hyperledger fabric and IBM [27], [28].
gies and discussed the foundations and disruptive nature of
blockchain technology. Public blockchains are completely 6) ANONYMIZATION
open and allow anyone to join the network; they are designed Anonymity is one of the most important elements (shown
to reduce intermediaries so that more participants can join. in Fig. 2) in blockchain technology for maintaining the pri-
By contrast, private blockchains restrict network privileges; vacy of transactions in networks, but ensuring anonymity
participants need permission to join and the access control is difficult because the blockchain ledger is public. Each
mechanism can change. user generates an address, and there is no mechanism for

VOLUME 9, 2021 13941

S. Singh et al.: Blockchain Security Attacks, Challenges, and Solutions for the Future Distributed IoT Network

Developers design both the applications and the smart con-
tracts used by blockchain users. There are significant market
opportunities for developers to cryptographically ensure the
accuracies of the ledgers at the hearts of cryptocurrencies.
Nordrum [34] presented a time frame for blockchain develop-
ers and described that developers have limited software tools
with which to build secure blockchain ledgers.

This manages the heterogeneous certificates needed to run a
permissioned blockchain using a trusted third party; Bitcoin
and Ethereum are examples of permissioned blockchains.
The authority authorizes the limited set of legitimate read-
ers or writers [35]. The main issue in blockchain networks
is trust. To address the issue of trust, blockchains distribute
ledgers among many servers under different control author-
FIGURE 2. Blockchain elements. ities, but there is still a bootstrap problem associated with
finding initial ledgers [36].

keeping user information private. This is why Bitcoin is

considered pseudo-anonymous: users can be linked with their
public addresses, but it is not possible to learn their actual
names or addresses [29]. Möser [30] presented an article
on the anonymity of Bitcoin transactions in which a spe-
cial Bitcoin mixing service was proposed that could compli-
cate or confuse originating Bitcoin transaction addresses and
thereby increase anonymity. The main security concern with
blockchain is that public keys and transactions must not reveal
real identities.


Blockchain networks allow participants to reach consensus,
and they also store data that can be accessed by all partic-
ipants. Here, we discuss the different roles of blockchain
network participants.
FIGURE 3. Blockchain components.
Users operate in blockchain networks, and their num- C. BLOCKCHAIN COMPONENTS
bers have increased exponentially since 2011, according to Fig. 3 shows many of the essential components of a This statistical portal also reported that the blockchain. Detailed descriptions of each component are as
number of blockchain users was expected to reach 50 million follows:
by the end of 2020 [31]. There is a privacy issue facing Ledger: Contains the current world state of the blockchain
blockchain users in the network. transactions.
Smart Contract: Encapsulates the business network trans-
2) BLOCKCHAIN REGULATOR actions into code. A transaction call causes the ledger state to
Achieving overall authority in business networks may require be retrieved and set.
broad access to ledger contents. Kakavand et al. [32] pre- Consensus network: A set of data and processing peers that
sented an in-depth analysis of the current regulatory land- continually maintain the replicated ledger.
scape of distribution technology, and Yeoh [33] discussed Membership: Manages identity and transactional certifi-
the regulatory issues involved with blockchain technology. cates and other aspects of access rights.
He addressed the key regulatory challenges associated with Events: Generates notifications about important actions in
innovative distributed blockchain technology across Europe the blockchain (such as new blocks) as well as notifications
and the United States. related to smart contracts with no event distribution.

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S. Singh et al.: Blockchain Security Attacks, Challenges, and Solutions for the Future Distributed IoT Network

System management: Provides the ability to create, change, entire blockchain’s total hash function, a 51% attack may be
and monitor blockchain components. initiated. Thus, if the mining power is concentrated in several
Wallet: Securely manages security credentials. mining pools, unexpected situations can arise, such as a case
System Integration: Is responsible for integrating in which a single pool controls more than half of all com-
blockchains in a bidirectional manner with external systems. puting power. For example, in one real case, the mining pool
‘‘’’ accounted for more than 42% of the total bitcoin
D. SUMMARY AND INSIGHTS mining power. The fact that a single mining pool represented
Section II has discussed the security concerns and benefits such a high proportion was a serious concern, and many
of blockchain elements, such as decentralization, which pose miners dropped out of the pool [43]. By starting a 51% attack,
major challenges for data privacy and transparency and lead an attacker can arbitrarily manipulate and change blockchain
to confusion in the network. In addition, the open-source and information and perform the following actions [44], [45]:
anonymous nature provide flexible configuration, confiden- 1) reverse the transaction and initiate a double-spending
tiality, and privacy in transactions. We have also discussed the attack
security concerns of blockchain participants and components. 2) exclude and specify transaction orders
3) obstruct the general mining operations of other miners
III. ATTACKS 4) impede the verification of normal transactions
In this section, we present different blockchain network 4) Private Key Security Attack: A private key allows indi-
applications and attacks as well as future opportunities viduals to access funds and verify transactions; it is only
in various sectors. For this subsection, we surveyed real created once and cannot be recovered if lost. Malicious
blockchain attacks that commonly occur. We also referred to actors perform a variety of actions to steal cryptocurrency
Li et al. [37], who discussed blockchain attacks and security by targeting key custodial services because cryptographic
risks. Here, we discuss some of these attacks in further detail. keys are particularly attractive targets. An attacker who has
1) Liveness Attack: Kiayias and Panagiotakos [38] stated discovered vulnerability in an elliptic curve digital signature
that these attacks can delay the acknowledgment times of tar- algorithm can recover a user’s private key, and if a private key
get transactions, and presented two examples of such attacks is stolen, it is difficult to track any related criminal activity
against Bitcoin and Ethereum. The liveness attack proceeds in and recover the relevant blockchain information [45]–[49].
three stages: preparation, transaction denial, and blockchain FireEye Threat Intelligence has detected several prominent
delay [39]. This attack delays the transaction confirmation crimeware families with this functionality: Dridex, Terdot,
time. In the preparation phase, the attacker tries to gain a IceID, SmokeLoader, BlackRubyRansomware, and Corebot.
potential advantage against honest players to build their pri- 5) Transaction Privacy Leakage: Because user behav-
vate chain. Next is the transaction denial phase, in which the ior in blockchains is traceable, a blockchain system must
attacker attempts to delay the genuine block that contains the take some measures to protect users’ transaction privacy.
transaction, and when the attacker decides the delay is uncon- However, some leakage of confidential information such as
vincing, they proceed to the blockchain render phase, where cryptographic keys can still occur, leading to the potential for
they try to decrease the rate at which the chain transaction people to commit real-world crimes. For instance, Bitcoin and
grows. Zcash use a one-time account to store received cryptograms,
2) Double Spending Attacks: This problem is generated and users must also assign a secret key to each transac-
when one successful transaction is duplicated with the same tion. In this way, an attacker cannot infer whether the same
funds; it represents a potential flaw in digital cash, as the transaction has involved a password violation by another
same digital token can be spent two times when such an person. Moreover, an attacker cannot infer the actual coin’s
attack occurs. It is impossible to avoid double-spending, even linkage consumed by the transaction because the user can
though the blockchain consensus mechanism validates all include several chaffcoins (called ‘‘mixins’’) when starting
transactions [40]. The authors of a research study by the Bank the transaction [50].
of Canada said that ‘‘if a miner controls more than half of Wallet privacy leakage can also occur, where com-
computational capacity amongst all miners, in theory, loses mon bitcoin wallet operations leak some user informa-
their power to control double spending incentives. A mali- tion [51]; this leakage has been exploited in the past.
cious miner can do this or dishonest who creates a larger Paul Fremantle et al. [52] proposed an architecture for IoT
arrival rate than the sum of all other legitimate or honest min- security and privacy that resolves the leakage issue.
ers’’ [41], [42]. Attacks related to double spending include 6) Selfish Mining Attack: Selfish mining attacks are com-
race, Finney, 51%, and Vector 76 attacks. mitted by some miners to waste legitimate miners’ computing
3) 51% Vulnerability Attack: Blockchains rely on dis- power or obtain unearned rewards. Such attackers attempt
tributed consensus mechanisms to establish mutual trust. to fork the private chain by making the discovered block
However, there is a 51% vulnerability in the consensus private [53], then self-employed miners try to maintain a
mechanism that an attacker can exploit to control the entire longer private branch than the public branch to dig through
blockchain. Specifically, in a PoW-based blockchain, if a this private chain and personally hold more newly found
single minor hash function occupies more than 50% of the blocks; during this time, honest miners continue to dig in the

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S. Singh et al.: Blockchain Security Attacks, Challenges, and Solutions for the Future Distributed IoT Network

public chain [54]. As the public domain approaches the length peer-to-peer network. If nodes are required to prove their
of the private branch, the new block mined by the attacker identities before joining the network, as is the case in permis-
is revealed, thus wasting honest miners’ computing power sioned or private blockchains, they will not be able to forge
and keeping them from earning what they should earn. As a identities. Soska and Christin (2015) proposed the ‘‘Beaver’’
result, the selfish miners gain a competitive advantage over system, which protects users’ privacy while resisting Sybil
real miners [55]. By further strengthening attackers’ mining attacks by charging fees [61].
rights, these attacks undermine the intended decentralized
nature of blockchain technology. A. SUMMARY AND INSIGHTS
7) DAO Attack: Decentralized autonomous organizations This section discusses different attacks on the blockchain net-
(DAOs) have been used as venture capital funds for crypto work. We address the liveness attack, which delays the trans-
and distributed spaces because the lack of centralized author- action confirmation time; double-spending attacks, which
ity minimizes costs and provides investors with more control duplicate the transaction funds; 51% vulnerability attacks,
and access. The cost savings coding framework in the absence where adversaries can exploit more than 50% in the consen-
of central power was developed by the German startup sus mechanism; and private Key security attacks, in which an as an open-source platform for building smart locks, attacker discovers a vulnerability in the elliptic curve digital
but it was fully deployed underneath and distributed to "The signature used in encryption methods, privacy leakage, and
DAO,’’ a member of the Ethereum community [56], [57]. self-mining. Other attacks are also explained in detail.
Ethereum deployed DAO as a smart contract in 2016 on
a crowdfunding platform. The DAO contract was assaulted IV. BLOCKCHAIN SECURITY ISSUES
after being deployed for 20 days. It had raised approxi- 1) Transaction Malleability: During contracted transactions,
mately US$120 million before the attack, and the attacker the agreement does not immediately cover all the information
stole around $60 million, making it the largest attack on in the hashed transaction; therefore, it is rare but possible
the Ethereum consensus model. In this case, the attacker for a node to change a transaction in the network in such
exploited reentrant vulnerability. First, the attacker exposed a a way that the hash is not validated. Christian Decker and
malicious smart contract with a callback function, including Roger Wattenhofer defined transaction malleability as when
the DAO’s withdrawal function call. Withdraw () sent Ether to transactions are intercepted, modified, and rebroadcast, thus
the called party, and this also occurred in the form of a call. leading the transaction legal entity to believe that the original
Therefore, the malicious smart contract’s callback function transaction was not confirmed [62], [63].
was called again. In this way, an attacker was able to steal 2) Network Security: An eclipse attack occurs when an
all the Ether from DAO. Smart contract vulnerabilities have opponent controls pieces of network communication and
been exploited in other cases as well [58]. logically divides the network to increase synchronization
8) BGP Hijacking Attack: The Border Gateway Protocol delay [61]; an example is a simple denial of service attack
(BGP) is used to share routing information networks on the to improve selfish mining and double-spending [65], [66].
internet, which specify how IP packets are forwarded to their In eclipse attacks, an attacker selects and hides information
destinations. An attacker can intercept the blockchain net- from one or more participants, potentially by delaying the
work by manipulating the BGP, after which data can be routed delivery of blocks to a node.
and the traffic can be modified to the attacker’s favor [56]. 3) Privacy: Privacy and confidentiality are still major
Apostolakiet al. [59] considered small- and large-level concerns with blockchain transactions because each node
attacks targeting individual nodes or the whole network and can access data from another node, and anyone viewing
their impacts on Bitcoin. Due to the increased concentrations the blockchain can see all transactions [67]. Studies have
of some of Bitcoin’s mining pools, BGP hijacking repre- suggested various ways to overcome this problem, but these
sents a major vulnerability; an attacker can effectively divide methods are only practical for specific applications, and they
the Bitcoin network and slow the block propagation speed. do not cover all issues. Due to the enormous number of data
As stated by Dell SecureWorks in 2014, BGP hijacking inter- transmissions, communications involving important data in
cepts connections to the Bitcoin mine’s mine pool server [60]. the network might be attacked by some adversaries through
9) Balance Attack: For a balance attack, an attacker simply attacks such as the man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack and
introduces a delay between valid subgroups with the same the DoS/DDoS attack. IoT poses many unique privacy chal-
mining power, then executes the transaction in one of these lenges, such as data privacy and tracking concerns for phones
subgroups. Next, the attacker mines enough blocks in other and cars. In addition, voice recognition is being integrated to
subgroups to ensure that the subtree of the other subgroup is allow devices to listen to conversations to actively transmit
more important than the transaction subgroup. Even if a trans- data to cloud storage for processing [68], [69].
action is not committed, an attacker can create a block with 4) Redundancy: Expensive duplication for the purpose of
such a transaction that has a high probability of exceeding the eliminating the arbitration that allows each node of the net-
subtree that contains this transaction. work to have a copy of every transaction. However, it is both
10) Sybil Attack: This attack destroys the reputation system financially and legally illogical to have redundant brokering;
in a computer security system by forging an identity in the banks are not willing to perform every transaction with every

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S. Singh et al.: Blockchain Security Attacks, Challenges, and Solutions for the Future Distributed IoT Network

TABLE 2. Items available through criminal enterprises.

bank or complete other banks’ transactions. Such duplica- 7) Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts: When a program is
tion only increases costs while providing no conceivable executed in a blockchain, a smart contract can have secu-
benefits [70]. rity vulnerabilities caused by a flaw in that program. For
5) Regulatory Compliance: Blockchains exist regardless instance, the authors of one study found that ‘‘8,833 out of
of the law, and government authorities do not necessarily 19,366 Ethereum smart contracts are vulnerable’’ to bugs
change how they do their jobs in response to the existence such as ‘‘(i) transaction-ordering dependence, (ii) timestamp
of blockchains. Applying blockchain technology in the legal dependence, (iii) mishandled exceptions, and (iv) reentrancy
and financial sectors in non-Bitcoin currencies creates regu- vulnerability’’ [71]. Table 3 presents the different vulnera-
latory challenges, but infrastructure regulation is very similar bilities present in smart contracts as well as detailed causes
to blockchain regulation [70]. Yeoh [33] discussed the key of these vulnerabilities. Atzei et al. proposed a taxonomy of
regulatory issues affecting the blockchain and innovation vulnerability and categorized the different types of vulnera-
distributed technology that has been adopted across Europe bilities into levels that represent the vulnerabilities: solidity,
and the United States. Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), and blockchain [85]. The
6) Criminal Activity: Bitcoin-enabled third-party trading vulnerability causes contract issues with codifying, secu-
platforms allow users to purchase or sell a wide variety of rity, privacy, and system performance, including blockchain
products. These processes are anonymous, making it diffi- scalability.
cult to track user behavior and impose legitimate sanctions. Summary And Insights:
Criminal activity involving Bitcoin frequently involves ran- This section discusses the security issues associated with
somware, underground markets, and money laundering [71]. blockchain in terms of transaction malleability. This mal-
Some underground markets that operate online trade as Tor leability is caused because information is not immediately
hidden services use Bitcoin exchange currency, thus making covered in the hash transaction. This section also discusses
blockchain availability uncertain because of criminal activity. the issues with network security where DoS attacks are pos-
Table 2 lists the top 10 item available categories [72]. sible, privacy and confidential effects due to MitM attacks,

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S. Singh et al.: Blockchain Security Attacks, Challenges, and Solutions for the Future Distributed IoT Network

TABLE 3. Smart contract vulnerabilities.

criminal activities involving unauthorized third parties, and become substantial. This is particularly true for existing
smart contract vulnerabilities, as listed in Table 3, caused by customers with IT systems or processes that have been
flaws in programming codes. written to comply with current standards, which may require
costly redesigns [96]. The operational costs associated
V. OTHER CHALLENGES with adopting DLT/blockchain remain unclear. Still, in the
1) Unclear Terminology: The limited talent pool available short term, certain back-office processes cannot be eas-
for blockchain technology has increased the needs (both real ily removed or replaced with DLT/blockchain solutions
and perceived) for regulatory agencies to ask industry experts [97], [98]. For the development of blockchain in the capital
to explain the technology and any related concerns. These market, industry participants must consider four immediate
needs, along with all the potential consequences of false risk actions:
analysis and its tendency to underregulate, greatly increase 1) evaluating the business impact and planning for the
the risk of capture by regulators [92], [93]. In fact, even just long term,
the terms ‘‘DTL’’ and ‘‘blockchain’’ are confusing. In short, 2) participating in the relevant consortium and working
there is a general lack of technical understanding among with regulators,
consumers, business firms, and authorities [10], [94], [95], 3) identifying and capturing internal ledger opportunities,
including in areas such as and
1) the blockchain job market, 4) implementing post-trade and manual processes
2) DTL, (required).
3) smart contracts that require that the business logic 3) Economic Impact: in many cases, it is unclear whether
nature in ledgers be automatically executed, blockchain will be an improvement over centralized systems
4) knowing where to look to find the necessary talent, and in terms of performance, throughput, scalability, security, and
5) investing in blockchain jobs regardless of the demand privacy [99]. In addition, DTL faces challenges involving
for new talent. economic scaling, high transaction costs, and long verifica-
2) Risk of Adoption: Even if there are expected eco- tion times. Besides, until a proof of concept is tried and tested,
nomic benefits, the adoption and implementation costs there may be uncertainty about which use cases are viable
of DLT/blockchain for existing projects can quickly and realistic. If DTL/blockchain is not widely adopted, it will

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S. Singh et al.: Blockchain Security Attacks, Challenges, and Solutions for the Future Distributed IoT Network

not be easy to clearly assess its broader economic impacts interactions between blockchain technology and legacy
over the medium to long term [100]. Three areas in particular systems. Meijer and Carlo [113] highlighted some imple-
require further investigation: mentation standards:
1) organizational incentives and costs, 1) intensified conversation
2) market environment (how cryptocurrencies are affected 2) concern about interoperability and competition in frag-
by demand and competitors), and mented blockchains
3) decision-making processes. 3) common interoperability standards for different pro-
tocols, applications, and systems in areas such as
4) Lack of Technical Clarity: Given the ledger’s decentral-
cryptographic standards, interoperability standards,
ized nature and its function as a constant record, establishing
scalability parameters, and regulatory standards
clear governance rules is important for both authorized and
7) Maintaining Data Privacy: Organizations should be
unauthorized ledgers [101]–[106]. Part of the likely challenge
cautious about the integrity and security of the data stored
with this governance is the result of selecting a ledger out-
in ledgers, including both transaction data and data on the
side the contract that defines the participants’ use conditions
ledger’s own activity [101], [103], [116], [115]. Organiza-
and responsibilities. Further, as part of off-ledger contracts
tions need to ensure that only people with the appropri-
and depending on the user’s status, certain rights may not
ate permissions can access the data and that any access
be automatically granted to the ledger user. This involves
complies with general data protection laws [114], [115].
establishing procedures for specific aspects of governance,
Lamarque [109] argued that regulatory and legal intervention
such as user identity verification, as well as establishing
may be necessary to ensure that DLT/blockchain implemen-
processes for disputing arbitration and applicable laws. It is
tations can have meaningful and specific impacts.
also necessary to select a method of error correction for when
8) Ensuring Encryption: While blockchains can provide
incorrect data need to be added to the ledger or a transaction
encryption opportunities, such as having multiple copies of
needs to be canceled. Specifically, with anonymous users,
a book in the event of a cyberattack or computer failure,
all approaches should focus on regulatory compliance as it
the development of access and management rights to multiple
relates to customer knowledge and anti-money laundering
nodes represents a potential security risk, as there must be
‘‘backdoors’’ through which the system can be attacked [98].
5) Regulation Uncertainty: Understanding how blockchain
Confidence in systems, verifying other users’ integrity in the
affects specific regulations in a wide range of regula-
distributed general ledger, and consistent transaction security
tory environments is an important element of the devel-
are some of the key challenges in increasing DLT/blockchain
opment and deployment of any DLT solutions. In 2016,
adoption [116], [117]. Some authors have suggested that
the company Deloitte and the Smart Contracts Alliance
nodes in distributed ledgers need to be able to view trans-
highlighted regulatory standpoints, approval, functions, and
action data, even though IDT can be effectively encrypted in
impacts regarding blockchain technology [99], [107]. New
DLT/blockchain to validate the data. This presents a potential
technology standards can be decisive, particularly with
data privacy protection issue in certain cases of permission-
respect to the tightly regulated financial sector. According to
less ledgers.
Lamarque et al. [108], approximately 80% of blockchain
9) Energy-Intensive: DLT/blockchain has attracted sub-
technology focuses on business processes, while the remain-
stantial interest from technology firms, financial institutions,
ing 20% focuses on technology. This imbalanced focus on
and other user communities. One issue with such technolo-
the finance sector poses significant challenges for regulators
gies is that the ledgers are significantly more energy-intensive
attempting to decide when to intervene [109].
than centralized legacy systems [98], [101], [118]; Bitcoin
1) Regulatory bodies need to develop better understand- blockchains, for instance, are highly energy-intensive [119].
ings of ledger activity. Bitcoin uses PoW, or the number of CPU cycles a system has
2) Regulatory uncertainty generates platform, price, and devoted to mining, and this is likely to represent a signifi-
novelty risks. cant problem for future scaling that can be planned for and
3) Regulators must ensure that innovation is not sup- managed. Lamarque [108] explained that blockchain systems
pressed while simultaneously protecting the end-user require considerably more energy to run than centralized
privileges. ledger systems for a number of reasons:
6) Interoperable Implementations: To realize all the ben- 1) more network nodes requiring unpredictable energy
efits of DLT/blockchain, ledgers must be able to exchange needs
information with other ledgers and existing IT systems, 2) many stakeholders with different approaches to
and it is unclear whether large companies are prepared blockchain technologies
to reorganize their existing operating procedures in both 3) server-side management demand
the short and medium terms [101]–[103], [110]–[113]. One 4) the need for effective cost-estimation mechanisms
author emphasized the potential risk of inconsistent devel- 10) Ambiguous Smart Contract Execution through
opments in technology, which can lead to fragmented mar- Blockchain: There is a lack of clarity regarding whether
kets [97]. Some authors have promoted enabling seamless smart contracts have been fulfilled and whether their terms

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S. Singh et al.: Blockchain Security Attacks, Challenges, and Solutions for the Future Distributed IoT Network

can be expressed, which can limit the terms to the binary or clearinghouse to maintain many types of incoming and
determination of whether or not the contract has been ful- outgoing access. It is also a strict network for following the
filled [120]. Charles Brennan and William Lunn described average concurrency and security protocol. However, this
how the Ethereum hack was implemented in DLT/blockchain image-sharing blockchain is an open network that can be
and revealed certain flaws in smart contracts [117]. Many of much more vulnerable to forced attacks; the only way to
the challenges associated with smart contracts stem from the secure each node’s URL endpoint is to guarantee the secrecy
lack of clarity and diverse definitions in the contracts them- of the private keys used to access the blockchain. Therefore,
selves, rather than the use of DLT or blockchain technology. we concluded from that study that there can be several proper
Summary And Insights: use cases for sharing highly sensitive data in decentralized
This section has discussed some more fundamental environments. However, the security model that relies on the
challenges that may be encountered when dealing with nodes still appears to be quite complex, based on the Federal
blockchain technology, such as the unclear terminology that Policies and motions of the GDPR policies.
is still prevalent in some regulatory agencies. Some technical Mettler [133] reported that there are three basic sectors of
understandings are clear, such as risk adoption in the capital blockchain health care technology: smart health care man-
market industry and the economic impact in many cases, yet agement, user-oriented medical research, and the prevention
blockchain remains unclear in terms of performance, scala- of drug counterfeiting. In the industry of smart health care
bility throughput, and security. In addition, there is a lack of management, the author discussed the Gem Health Network,
technical clarity with clear rules from the government, and which gives providers detailed views of their patients’ current
the common interoperability implementation standard and medical statuses. Medical record analysis of this type leads to
maintaining data privacy are also big challenges. the creation of an ecosystem that can elucidate even the past
records of a patient by transparently reducing all merit costs.
VI. EXISTING BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS Moreover, medical experts can keep track of stakeholders’
This chapter discusses some existing blockchain solutions activities, such as visits to physicians and health centers,
that have been proposed in different sectors. This survey to follow their treatment tracks. Such systems can contribute
focuses on the basic theory, key attributes, features, and lim- to insurance claims being settled faster, and the same would
itations of existing studies on blockchain solutions. happen if patients were to grant insurance companies access
to their relevant records.
A. HEALTH CARE Liang et al. [134] discussed the growing demand for
Linn and Koo [121] identified simple yet robust uses of health care devices and wearable technology along with the
blockchain for storing patients’ health data; these systems challenges associated with storing and maintaining patients’
allow each patient’s entire health history to be stored on an records; blockchain is a far more secure and optimized way
individual blockchain. The data are primarily stored in data of maintaining these records. The wearable devices are linked
lakes that allow for simple querying, advanced analytics, and to a cloud database or network wherein all the user’s data
machine learning [122]–[130]. Data lakes are simple tools are stored. Because vast amounts of data are stored in this
for warehousing many types of data; each user’s blockchain way, they are stored in batches in a Merkle tree, thus allowing
serves as an index catalog that contains a unique user identi- for efficient data processing. Table 4 summarizes the existing
fication number and an encrypted link along with timestamps research solutions that have been proposed for smart health
to indicate the latest data modifications. care environments using blockchain technology.
Alhadhrami et al. [131] also discussed how blockchains Tanwar et al. [135] have suggested how blockchain tech-
could be used in the health care sector to maintain, val- nology led to improve transactions involving medical records
idate, and store data, primarily data involving consortium in healthcare 4.0 applications. The significant advantage of
blockchains. These are permissible blockchains in which using blockchain in healthcare is that it can reform the inter-
both the node owner and the miners have access control. operability of healthcare databases, accessibility to patient
Consortium blockchains work on the theory of consensus for medical records, prescription databases, and device tracking.
an optimum number of validations to ensure data accuracy. Moreover, the authors have proposed an access control policy
Patel [132] discussed the development of a cross-domain algorithm for improving medical data accessibility between
image-sharing blockchain network that allows for the shar- healthcare providers.
ing of patients’ medical and radiological images based on a Tripathi et al. [136] proposed a new approach for a smart
consensus blockchain. The author’s system sought consensus healthcare system named S2HS to provide intrinsic secu-
among very few trusted institutions to maintain a more metic- rity and integrity of the system. In this paper, two-level
ulous consensus in which less effort is needed to manage the blockchain mechanisms are used for internal and external
complex security and privacy module. entities of the healthcare system. This mechanism provides
There has always been a trade-off associated with using the isolation among different entities with consistency and trans-
ISN (image sharing network) developed by the Radiological parent flow in a secured and privacy-preserved manner.
Society of South America and using the proposed image Kumar et al. [137] performed the simulation and
sharing blockchain where the ISN uses a central authority implementation of a novel healthcare design using the

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TABLE 4. Healthcare solutions for blockchain systems.

healthcare 4.0 process. This work has explored an opti- personally identifiable information is hidden in the transac-
mization algorithm that improves the performance of the tions. Bitcoin users have previously been tracked through
healthcare system. The proposed method integrated the careful analysis of transaction patterns (for instance, where
simulation-optimization process with the proposed approach stolen public keys are being used). However, the issue that
and improved the performance of industry 4.0 networks and persists here is the usage of dark wallets or Bitcoin Fog,
the overall system. wherein a huge set of transactions involving a single piggy
bank is released to a destination address at once. Piggy
B. TRANSACTION SECTORS banking blockchain transactions are often maximally anony-
Oh and Shong [138] provided a survey report on how mous because it is impossible to track the recipient of the
blockchain technology can be used in the financial sector transaction. Moreover, if piggy banking is used with the Tor
and how it is gaining popularity. They also defined many use browsers, then the entire transaction is completely anony-
cases. Blockchain in the financial industry is not substantially mous, and tracking is impossible.
more technically significant than the predefined databases, Yoo [140] described the use of blockchain in financial
but the blockchain is far superior in terms of data storage systems where most transactions were previously centrally
reliability. In the present structure with central authorization, regulated. Previously, decentralized blockchain technology
if at any point a database fails, then the entire system fails, and was only used in certain areas, but its use has since expanded
the data can be improperly accessed and modified. However, exponentially in the financial industry; areas such as smart
in blockchain, such scenarios are rare because transaction contracts, settlement, remittances, and securities have all
data are always safe: there is no single point of failure in come to use blockchain on some level. The R3CEV Consor-
blockchain. The authors also provided a comparative analysis tium of Korea, which comprises 16 different banks, has laid
of public, private, and consortium blockchains. the foundation of certificate authority to authenticate trans-
Turner et al. [139] discussed how Bitcoin is being lever- actions. Moreover, transfers of funds that were previously
aged for malicious activities and crimes online. The biggest conducted across banks through gradual gold transfers have
advantage of Bitcoin is the anonymity of transactions; all now been reduced and partially replaced by cryptocurrency

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S. Singh et al.: Blockchain Security Attacks, Challenges, and Solutions for the Future Distributed IoT Network

TABLE 5. Blockchain solutions in transaction sector.

TABLE 6. Blockchain solutions for privacy and security.

transfers across institutions. Private distributed ledgers track Singh et al. considered the fundamental issues with smart
many types of transactions between trusted authorities. The home applications and presented a secure and efficient
author also clearly described how the Korean banking sector smart home architecture with which to overcome these chal-
could incorporate blockchain technology to increase the secu- lenges [143]. The proposed system also fulfills the secu-
rity and privacy of customer transactions. Table 5 summarizes rity goals of protecting communication, scalability, ensuring
the existing blockchain research solutions in the transaction the system’s efficiency, and protecting against a variety of
sector. attacks. The proposed architecture incorporates blockchain
and cloud computing technology in a holistic solution. Our
C. BLOCKCHAIN FOR PRIVACY AND SECURITY proposed model uses the Multivariate Correlation Analysis
Joshi et al. [141] discussed the huge expansion of blockchain (MCA) technique to analyze the network traffic and identify
technology with an emphasis on the privacy and the secu- the correlation between traffic features to ensure the secu-
rity of the vast amounts of data involved. Blockchain trans- rity of smart home local networks. The anomaly detection
actions in the financial sector tend to be highly secure algorithm is presented for the detection and mitigation of
and authorized by either the central commission (in private DoS/DDoS attacks.
blockchains) or the consortium of regulating stakeholders Table 6 summarizes the existing blockchain research
(in consensus blockchains). In the health care field, patients’ solutions for privacy and security.
medical data stored in central databases can be vulnerable to
leaks, whereas blockchain architectures provide patients with
full discretion over their data. D. BLOCKCHAIN-IoT PRIVACY PRESERVING APPROACH
Kshetri et al. [142] compared how a cloud service and Yang et al. identified the three ways through which the loca-
a blockchain operate in terms of data security and privacy. tion of blockchain addresses could be disclosed that raise the
In cloud storage, it is very clear that data are not being potential risk of privacy infringement. Therefore, the authors
permissioned, causing vulnerability; data are also managed have proposed a novel blockchain solution to preserve the
and accessed by central authorities, and a rogue regulating worker’s position and increase the success rate of assigned
authority can cause massive damage involving data leakage work [144].
to unauthorized entities. By contrast, in blockchains, data Kuo et al. [145] focused on developing a hierarchi-
are stored in peer-to-peer networks, and users have complete cal approach to inherit the privacy-preserving benefits and
discretion over their data, thus guaranteeing complete data retain blockchain adoption services concerning research
security and privacy. networks-of-networks. Therefore, the authors have proposed

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TABLE 7. Blockchain for privacy preserving scheme.

a framework to combine model learning with blockchain- real circumstances. For example, smart contracts have been
based model dissemination and with a hierarchical consensus affected financially by various unfortunate incidents and
algorithm to develop an example implementation of a hier- attacks. In one case, in June 2016, a reentrancy problem in
archical chain that improves predictive correctness for small split DAO caused a loss of approximately $40 million [85],
training datasets. and $32 million was taken by attackers in 2017 [149]. These
Gai et al. [146] discussed the privacy concern caused by high-profile cases show that even experienced developers can
attackers, which use data mining algorithms to violate a user’s leave a system seriously vulnerable to attackers aiming to
privacy when the user group is located nearby geographically. exploit security bugs in smart contracts. Table 8 presents a
The authors proposed a module for constructing a smart matrix of security tools covering the most serious vulnerabil-
contract called the black-box module. This module allows ities; as shown in the table, most of these tools address more
for the regular operation of energy trading transactions per than vulnerability. The visibility check is omitted because it
demand for privacy preservation in design objectives. is only covered by smart checks [90].
Qui et al. overviewed the shortcomings of two existing Summary And Insights:
privacy-preserving schemes and proposed a location privacy Many existing solutions in different sectors have been
protection method using blockchain technology. The pro- discussed in this section. In the healthcare sector, various
posed method does not require a third-party anonymizing proposed schemes based on storing healthcare data improve
server, instead satisfying the principle of k-anonymity privacy efficiency, availability, integrity, effectiveness, and other fea-
protection [147]. tures, while each scheme has certain limitations. Moreover,
Table 7 summarizes the existing blockchain research this section has also discussed the existing scheme in the
solutions for privacy-preserving. transaction sector to evaluate the finance sector by using
blockchain to identify illicit activity and develop a financial
system. A blockchain scheme based on privacy and security
is also discussed, which provides optimal traceability and
Blockchain smart contracts offer security and privacy, but
anomaly packet detection.
their vulnerabilities must be further understood. Here, we dis-
cuss some security tools to provide the body of knowl-
edge necessary for creating secure blockchain software. The F. ATTACK SOLUTIONS
decentralized nature of blockchain technology carries historic 1) LIVENESS ATTACK
immutability recognized by industries aiming to apply it To combat the active liveness attack, Conflux’s consensus
in their business processes, particularly in IoT. IoT’s major protocol essentially encodes two different block generation
security issue is knowing and controlling who is connecting in strategies proposed by Li et al. [150]. One is the optimal
huge networks without breaching privacy regulations [148]. strategy that allows quick confirmation and the other is the
Blockchain technology is recognized as safe in its conservative strategy that guarantees the progress of consen-
design, but built-in applications may be vulnerable in sus. Conflux is a scalable and decentralized system with high

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TABLE 8. Tools and vulnerability.

throughput and fast confirmation in the blockchain system. impact of threats to improve the reliability in the transactional
It uses a novel adaptive weight mechanism to combine these process in the network.
two strategies to an integrated consensus protocol.
2) DOUBLE SPENDING ATTACKS Saad et al. [157] have discussed the vulnerability of self-
To address the double-spending attack, Nicolas and mining and proposed a solution to counter this attack.
Wang [151] have proposed the MSP (Multistage Secure To counter the attack, the authors leverage an honest mining
Pool) framework which allows the pool to authenticate the practice to devise the notation of truth state for blocks during
transactions. The proposed framework includes four stages to self-mining fork and also allocate self-confirmation height to
overcome this attack are 1) detection stage, 2) confirmation each transaction. Nicolas et al [158] have done a comprehen-
stage, 3) Forwarding stage, and 4) broadcast stage. In addi- sive overview of self-mining attack and their countermeasure
tion, Begum et al. [152] provide a set of solutions against schemes.
double-spending attacks after showing the limitation of this
attack. 7) DAO ATTACK
Ghaleb et al. addressed the DAO insider attack in RPL
3) 51% VULNERABILITY ATTACK IoT network. To mitigate this attack, the authors have pro-
To combat the 51% attack, Sayeed and Macro-Gisbert [153] posed a scheme by conducting experiments using the Con-
have focused on crypto-coin with low hashing power to ana- tiki tool, a low-power-designed tool for resource-constrained
lyze 51% attack, revealing the weakness in the consensus devices [159].
protocol which makes this attack happen. The authors define
the hash rate problem and provide five security mechanisms 8) BGP HIJACKING ATTACK
against 51% attack. A recent work that has been done to Xang et al. [160] proposed a BGPCoin scheme, which is
address the 51% attack includes defensive mining, imple- a trustworthy blockchain-based internet resource solution.
menting a ‘‘Permapoint’’ finality arbitration system to limit The scheme develops the smart contract to perform and
chain re-organization [154]. supervise resource assignment on temper resistant Etherium
blockchain. BGPCoin scheme poses a credible BGP secu-
4) PRIVATE KEY SECURITY ATTACK rity solution on the Etherium blockchain and smart contract
Pal et al. [155] have proposed public key infrastructure used programming.
in the blockchain technology to authenticate the entities to
counter a key security attack. This technique ensures the 9) SYBIL ATTACK
integrity of the blockchain network. A group key manage- To prevent Sybil attacks in blockchain networks,
ment is discussed to secure group communication to achieve Swathi et al. [161] have proposed a scheme to restrict the
confidentiality in the network. Sybil attack by monitoring other nodes’ behavior and check-
ing for the nodes which are forwarding the blocks of only a
The work proposed by Bhushan and Sharma [156] presented
the overall view of security loopholes, carrying out of transac- G. COUNTERMEASURE
tions and suggested secure transaction methodology scheme. Although blockchain systems can be used very reliably, secu-
The scheme uses a homomorphic cryptosystem, ring signa- rity mechanisms must be implemented at every point in the
ture, and many other security measures to decrease the overall network. The blockchain user’s private key address needs

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to be highly coded to make the information more secure. model for the blockchain smart contract is provided by a local
Blockchain network designers need to be aware of potential announcer/town crier.
network attacks before implementation. Attack self-detection
software must be built into the system. 5) LIGHTNING NETWORK
This section describes existing countermeasures and Application The Lightning network generates double-signed
detection algorithms available for technologies within the transaction receipts. The transaction is said to be valid after
blockchain that can be used to ensure privacy and security. For the parties involved in the transaction have signed it to accept
a comprehensive overview of this topic, this paper extracted the new check [165].
some existing research papers and internet resources from Impact: This Lightning network helps two individuals to
scientific databases. Here is a summary of state-of-the-art conduct transactions between themselves without interfer-
solutions applied to blockchain environments that address ence from a third-party miner. Double signing ensures trans-
security threats and provide strong privacy. action security for the parties involved.


Application: The quantitative framework is made up of two Application: Segwit is one of the sidechain features that runs
sections. While one is a blockchain simulator, another seg- in parallel with the main Blockchain network [166]. Signature
ment has a security model plan [162]. The stimulator takes data moves from the main Blockchain system to the extended
after the activity of blockchain frameworks. The consensus sidechain.
protocol and the network are the input parameters. Impact: By using the sidechain, more blockchain space is
Impact: The quantitative system yields a high basic proce- freed and more transactions are executed [167]. The signature
dure to check the assaults. By doing so, the framework helps data is placed in the parallel side chain in the form of a
build the security of the blockchain system. Merkle tree. With this placement, the overall block size limit
has increased without interfering with the block size. Data
2) OYENTE diversification improves network security.
Application: Oyente is built in a way that can detect bugs
in Ethereum based contracts. This technology is designed 7) INTEGRATION OF BLOCKCHAIN WITH
to evaluate the bytecode of blockchain smart contracts on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)
Ethereum [163]. The Ethereum blockchain system stores the Application: Artificial intelligence is building a machine in a
EVM bytecode of smart contracts. way that can perform tasks that require intelligence.
Impact: Oyente is very convenient to deploy on a system. Impact: Machine learning can be used by security person-
It detects bugs that may be present in a system. nel to detect anomalous behavior in the network and prevent
attacks on the system [165].
Application: The framework is used to develop the privacy 8) TENDERMINT
of smart contracts. The Hawk framework can allow develop- Tendermint proposed the concept of blocking, in which secu-
ers to write codeless private smart contracts to enhance the rity is provided by a modified reconciliation protocol based
security system. on share confirmation. Each block must be cryptographically
Impact: Since using hawk, the developer divides a system signed by certifiers in the Tendermint consensus protocol,
into two main parts, financial transactions are not explicitly where certifiers are simply users who confirm their interest
stored in the blockchain network system [162]. The pri- in the security of the system by closing their funds with the
vate part stores non-public data. Financial transaction infor- help of a bonding transaction [168].
mation is stored in the private part. Code and information However, some cryptographic works have been done to
that does not require privacy can be found in the pub- improve the blockchain network. For example,
lic section [164]. Hawk protects the personal information Wang et al. [169] have proposed a secure and efficient
records on a blockchain system because it uses the private protocol using Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) to solve
smart contract that automatically generates an effective cryp- the identity authentication issue in the smart grid. Moreover,
tographic model. Song et al. [170] have worked on security and privacy con-
cerns for smart agriculture systems by proposing a data aggre-
4) TOWN CRIER gation scheme with a flexible property that utilizes ElGamal
Application: Town crier works by recovering data demands cryptosystem. Zhang et al. [171] have suggested a distributed
from clients and gather information from HTTP web- Covert Channel of the packet ordering enhancement model
sites [165]. A carefully marked blockchain message got back based on data compression to enhance the unknowability
to the client contract by the Town crier. of the data. Some more work has studied the applications
Impact: Town crier provides security when requesting of providing security techniques to enhance the blockchain
information from clients. Strong security which is a robust network system [50], [172]–[176].

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TABLE 9. Solving secirity issues through blockchain characteristics.

VII. OPEN ISSUES AND RESEARCH DIRECTION blockchains that grow as blocks are added to the blockchain.
To complete our overview, we outline some open questions It is also known that IoT devices store data on blockchains
and research challenges, along with available requirements to that are not useful for their transactions. Therefore, fining
improve blockchain-IoT capability. Table 9 summarizes some equipment that supports the distributed storage of large-scale
key blockchain characteristics that solve the security issues. blockchain-specific blockchains becomes a difficult prob-
1) Vulnerability: Despite offering a robust approach lem. In addition, address management and basic commu-
for IoT security, blockchain systems are also vulnera- nication protocols play important roles in the blockchain
ble. The consensus mechanism based on the miner’s hash infrastructure. In particular, the reliability between devices
power has disappeared, thus allowing attackers to host the with abundant computing resources must be established in the
blockchain. Likewise, it is possible for attackers to compro- blockchain infrastructure. Further, the application program-
mise blockchain accounts by exploiting private keys with lim- ming interface should be as user-friendly as possible.
ited randomness. Users need to define effective mechanisms 5) Security requirements: Considering blockchain-IoT, it is
to ensure transactions’ privacy and avoid competitive attacks, of the utmost importance for the specific condition which
leading to double spending during transactions. aims to facilitate security parameters, attack countermea-
2) Resiliency against combined attack: Many security solu- sures, privacy, and trust. Blockchain-IoT must satisfy certain
tions and applications have been discussed and proposed security requirements, illustrated as follows:
for blockchain-IoT, and each of them has been designed to • Secure key exchange: It is considered as an important
handle certain security issues and threats. The main question role in a cryptographic mechanism to secure end-to-end
involves developing a framework that can be resilient against communications. It is a pillar of attack prevention in
many combined attacks with consideration of the implemen- the network. It should be guaranteed that a key must be
tation feasibility of the proposed solutions. securely shared over the network.
3) Policies for zero-day attacks: A zero-day attack is a • Resource-exhausted attack resilient: Resource exhaus-
software module technique that occurs when there is a lack tion attacks are security exploitations of the targeted
of countermeasures against such vulnerability. It is difficult system or network that should be prevented. The attack
to identify the possibility of such attacks, and any device can be exploited through the excessive key opera-
can be compromised by one. Most of the related suspicious tion, or when many transactions occur in the network
activities are recognized during the development stage, but and there is abundant validation from the miners. Such
some of them are recognized during testing operations. When attacks may cause a shutdown of the entire network.
a vulnerability is exploited, the liabilities should be addressed • Resource utilization: The utilization of memory and
by a security patch from the software distributers. A non- power can save the operation up to a longer duration. The
homogeneous Markov model is defined using an attack graph novel network architecture can utilize the resources well
that incorporates time-dependent covariates to predict zero- for each function in a blockchain transaction system.
day attacks. Some other facilities like fog computing, edge-crowd
4) Blockchain specific infrastructure: Storing the data on modeling, osmotic computing, and other distributed
the blockchain database means storing information on the IoT concepts can improve resource utilization and security
nodes in the network that cannot be deleted. This means infor- facilities.
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costs on a decentralized network. Specifically, we can under- requirement for providing security and efficiency,
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[173] S. More, J. Singla, S. Verma, Kavita, U. Ghosh, J. J. P. C. Rodrigues, SAURABH SINGH received the Ph.D. degree
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I.-H. Ra, and G. H. Cho, ‘‘Blockchain-based transaction validation South Korea. He currently joined as an Assis-
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tant Professor with Dongguk University, Seoul,
pp. 117266–117277, 2020.
[175] A. S. M. S. Hosen, S. Singh, P. K. Sharma, M. S. Rahman, I.-H. Ra, South Korea. He has published many SCI/SCIE
G. H. Cho, and D. Puthal, ‘‘A QoS-aware data collection protocol for journals and conference papers. His research inter-
LLNs in fog-enabled Internet of Things,’’ IEEE Trans. Netw. Service ests include blockchain technology, cloud comput-
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[176] I. Batra, S. Verma, A. Malik, U. Ghosh, J. J. Rodrigues, G. N. Nguyen, Best Paper Award from KIPS and CUTE Conference, in 2016.
A. S. M. Hosen, and V. Mariappan, ‘‘Hybrid logical security framework
for privacy preservation in the green Internet of Things,’’ Sustainability,
vol. 12, no. 14, pp. 1–15, 2020.


[S1] A. Dorri, S. S. Kanhere, and R. Jurdak, ‘‘Blockchain in Internet of Things: Ph.D. degree in computer science and engineer-
challenges and solutions,’’ 2016, arXiv:1608.05187. [Online]. Available: ing from Jeonbuk National University (JBNU), Jeonju, South Korea. He worked as a Postdoctoral
[S2] I. Lin, and T. Liao, ‘‘A survey of blockchain security issues and chal- Researcher with the School of Computer, Infor-
lenges,’’ IJ Netw. Secur., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 653–659, 2017. mation and Communication Engineering, Kunsan
[S3] A. Reyna, C. Martín, J. Chen, E. Soler, and M. Díaz, ‘‘On blockchain National University. He is currently working as a
and its integration with IoT. Challenges and opportunities,’’ Future Gener. Research Assistant Professor with the Division of
Comput. Syst., vol. 88, pp. 173–190, Nov. 2018. JBNU. He has published several articles in jour-
[S4] T. Salman, M. Zolanvari, A. Erbad, R. Jain, and M. Samaka, ‘‘Security nals and international conferences. His research
services using blockchains: A state of the art survey,’’ IEEE Commun. interests include wireless sensor networks, the Internet of Things, network
Surveys Tuts., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 858–880, 4th Quart., 2018. security, data distribution services, fog-cloud computing, artificial intelli-
[S5] P. Taylor, T. Dargahi, A. Dehghantanha, R. Parizi, and K. Choo, ‘‘A sys- gence, blockchain, and green IT. He serves as a reviewer for several reputed
tematic literature review of blockchain cyber security,’’ Digit. Commun. journals.
Netw., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 147–156, 2019.
[S6] M. Hassan, M. Rehmani, and J. Chen, ‘‘Privacy preservation in
blockchain based IoT systems: Integration issues, prospects, challenges,
and future research directions,’’ Future Gener. Comput. Syst., vol. 97,
pp. 512-529, Aug. 2019.
[S7] M. Ferrag, M. Derdour, M. Mukherjee, A. Derhab, L.Maglaras, and BYUNGUN YOON (Senior Member, IEEE)
H. Janicke, ‘‘Blockchain technologies for the Internet of Things: is currently a Professor with the Depart-
Research issues and challenges,’’ IEEE Internet Things J., vol. 6, no. 2, ment of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
pp. 2188–2204, Apr. 2019. Dongguk University. His theme of study has
[S8] E. De Aguiar, B. Faiçal, B. Krishnamachari, and J. Ueyama, ‘‘A survey of involved blockchain technology, patent analy-
blockchain-based strategies for healthcare,’’ ACM Comput. Surv., vol. 53, sis, new technology development methodology,
no. 2, pp. 1–27, 2020. and visualization algorithms. His current research
[S9] M. Saad, J. Spaulding, L. Njilla, C. Kamhoua, S.Shetty, D. Nyang, and interests include enhancing technology road map-
D. Mohaisen, ‘‘Exploring the attack surface of blockchain: A comprehen- ping, research and development quality, and prod-
sive survey,’’ IEEE Commun. Surveys Tuts., vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 1977–2008, uct designing with data mining techniques.
3rd Quart., 2020.

VOLUME 9, 2021 13959

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