SECTION 07910 Preformed Joint Seals Rev 0

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Item No Title Page No

PART 1 GENERAL............................................................................................................ 1

1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK .................................................................................. 1

1.02 SECTION INCLUDES .......................................................................................... 1

1.03 RELATED SECTIONS ......................................................................................... 1

1.04 REFERENCES..................................................................................................... 1

1.05 DEFINITIONS....................................................................................................... 3

1.06 SUBMITTALS....................................................................................................... 4

1.07 QUALITY CONTROL ........................................................................................... 5

1.08 HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS...................................................... 5

1.09 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................... 5

1.10 JOB CONDITIONS............................................................................................... 6

1.11 DELIVERY, HANDLING AND STORAGE ........................................................... 7

PART 2 PRODUCTS ......................................................................................................... 8

2.01 GENERAL ............................................................................................................ 8

2.02 MATERIALS ......................................................................................................... 8

PART 3 EXECUTION ...................................................................................................... 12

3.01 EXAMINATION .................................................................................................. 12

3.02 PREPARATION ................................................................................................. 12

3.03 INSTALLATION.................................................................................................. 13

3.04 PROTECTION.................................................................................................... 14

Rev 0 i Contract No:




A. The extent of joint seals and gasket work is shown on the drawings and schedule,
and is defined to include all such work not specified in other Sections of these
Specifications. The Contractor shall also provide all tools, labor, equipment and
materials, and perform all operations in connection of joint sealing.


A. Compression Seals

B. Joint Gaskets


A. Section 01320 Construction Progress Documentation

B. Section 01330 Submittal Procedures

C. Section 01410 Regulatory Requirements

D. Section 01450 Quality Control

E. Section 01650 Product Delivery Requirements

F. Section 01660 Product Storage and Handling Requirements

G. Section 03310 Structural Concrete

H. Section 03435 Precast Aerated Lightweight Concrete

I. Section 03450 Precast Architectural Concrete

J. Section 07920 Joint Sealants


A. The referred codes and standards are intended to provide an acceptable level of
quality for materials, products and workmanship. In case of conflict between these
standards and the text of this Specification, the Specification text shall govern.

B. The latest revision of the referred codes and standards shall be used wherever
applicable. In case of conflict, the Contractor shall propose equipment, materials and
processes conforming to one group of codes and standards.

C. MPWH Ministry of Public Works and Housing

1. Section 07900 Joint Sealers

Rev 0 1 of 14 Contract No:


D. RCBC Royal Commission Building Codes

E. AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation


1. M220 Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals

for Concrete Pavement

F. ACI American Concrete Institute

1. ACI 504R Guide to Sealing Joints in Concrete Structures

G. ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

1. ASTM C509 Standard Specification for Elastomeric Cellular

Preformed Gasket and Sealing Material

2. ASTM C542 Standard Specification for Lock-Strip Gaskets

3. ASTM D816 Standard Test Methods for Rubber Cements

4. ASTM D1000 Standard Test Method for Pressure-Sensitive

Adhesive-Coated Tapes used for Electrical and
Electronic Applications

5. ASTM D1056 Standard Specification for Flexible Cellular Materials-

Sponge or Expanded Rubber

6. ASTM D1667 Standard Specification for Flexible Cellular Materials-

Vinyl Chloride Polymers and Copolymers (Closed-
Cell Foam)

7. ASTM D2000 Standard Classification System for Rubber Products

in Automotive Applications

8. ASTM D2628 Standard Specification for Preformed

Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals for
Concrete Pavements

9. ASTM D2835 Standard Specification for Lubricant for Installation of

Preformed Compression Seals for Concrete

10. ASTM D3542 Standard Test Method for Acidity in Aviation Turbine

11. ASTM D3574 Standard Test Methods for Flexible Cellular Materials
- Slab, Bonded, and Molded Urethane Foam

12. ASTM G154 Standard Practice for Operating Fluorescent Light

Apparatus for UV Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials

Rev 0 2 of 14 Contract No:


H. DIN Deutsches Insitut fur Normung

1. DIN 4062 Cold Processable Plastic Joining Materials for Sewer

Drains; Jointing Materials for Prefabricated Parts of
Concrete, Requirements, Testing and Processing

2. DIN 18055 Windows; Air Permeability of Joints, Water Tightness

and Mechanical Strain, Requirements and Testing

3. DIN 53571 Testing of Flexible Cellular Materials; Tensile

Strength Testing; Determination of Tensile Strength
and Elongation at Break

I. UL Underwriter’s Laboratories Inc.

1. UL 94 Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in

Devices and Appliances

J. US Army Corps of Engineers Specification

1. CRD-C547 Standard Methods of Testing for Jet-Fuel and Heat

Resistance of Preformed Polychloroprene
Elastomeric Joint Seals for Rigid Pavements

2. CRD-C548 Standard Specification for Jet-Fuel and Heat-

Resistant Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric
Joint Seals for Rigid Pavements


A. compression gasket: A gasket designed to be used under compression.

B. compression seal: A seal which is attained by a compressive force on the sealing


C. construction joint: A formed or assembled joint at a predetermined location where

two successive placements (“lifts”) of concrete meet.

D. dense rubber: A solid rubber material substantially free of cells or porosity.

E. durometer: (1) An instrument for measuring the hardness of rubber-like materials.

(2) A term used to identify the relative hardness of rubber-like materials, for example
“low durometer” (relatively soft) or “high durometer” (relatively hard).

F. expanded rubber: An elastomeric closed-cell material made by incorporating a gas-

producing ingredient into a rubber compound that decomposes during vulcanization,
producing gas bubbles that expand the compound; the bubbles are predominately

G. expansion joint: A formed or assembled joint at a predetermined location, which

prevent the transfer of forces across the joint as a result of movement or dimensional
changes of different elements of the structure or building.

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H. gasket: Any preformed, deformable device designed to be placed between two

adjoining parts to provide a seal.

I. isolation joint: A formed or assembled joint specifically intended to separate and

prevent the bonding of one element of a structure to another and having little or no
transference of movement or vibration across the joint.

J. joint: The space or opening between two or more adjoining surfaces.

K. latex foam rubber: An elastomeric open-cell material made by whipping or stirring

air or some other gas into rubber latex compound as it is gelled and before it is
subsequently cured.

L. lock strip or locking strip: The strip that is designed to be inserted in the lock-strip
cavity to force the lips against material placed in the channel.

M. lock-strip cavity: The groove in the face of a lock-strip gasket designed to receive
and retain the lock-strip.

N. preformed gasket: An elastomeric compound molded in the form of a continuous

strip, channel, or other shape, for use in filling joints and providing weather-tight seals
in glazing or between building components.

O. sponge rubber: An elastomeric open-cell material made by incorporating a gas-

producing ingredient into a rubber compound, which expands the rubber compound
during vulcanization into a material containing cells that are predominantly


A. The Contractor shall submit to the Royal Commission, under the provisions of
SECTION 01330, the following items for review and approval before commencing

1. Product Data

a) Submit manufacturer’s specifications, installation instructions and

recommendations for each type of material required. Include
manufacturer’s published data, certifications or laboratory test reports
indicating that each material complies with the requirements.

b) Show by transmittal that copy of instructions and recommendations has

been distributed to the installer.

2. Selection Samples

a) Submit 300 mm long samples for each exposed preformed joint seal
and gasket which will be reviewed by the Royal Commission for color
and texture only.

b) Compliance with all other requirements is the exclusive responsibility of

the Contractor.

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A. The Contractor shall be responsible for the quality of work and shall develop and
propose programs and methods of construction and testing to achieve the specified
quality to the approval of the Royal Commission in accordance with
SECTION 01450.

B. Quality Assurance

1. Installer Qualifications

a) Installer shall be trained and experienced in the installation of this type

of joint seals.


A. All works undertaken in relation to this Specification are to be completed in full

accordance with the respective health and safety requirements established by the

1. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

a) Legislation, Regulation, Standards and Codes.

2. Royal Commission Regulations

a) Standards, Contractual Conditions, and Health and Safety Systems.

3. Contractor

a) Health and Safety Standards and Systems as accepted by the Royal


B. In the absence of any of the above, best accepted industry practice shall be
employed throughout.


A. Preformed Joint Seals Performance Requirements

1. Ultraviolet light resistant.

2. Mildew resistant.

3. Non-staining and non-bleeding to adjacent materials.

4. Resistant to gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, solvents, salts, anti-freeze, industrial
cleaners, corrosive vapors, and acids.

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5. Flammability

a) HF1, self-extinguishing, in accordance with UL 94.

6. Tensile Strength

a) ASTM D3574, 150 kPa (21.8 psi), minimum.

7. Compression Set

a) ASTM D3574, 2%, maximum.

8. Shear Strength

a) 8 N/m3, minimum.

9. Adhesion Strength

a) ASTM D1000 at 0.25 revolutions per minute, 12 N/25 min.

10. Elongation

a) DIN 53571, 300%, minimum.

11. Resistant to penetration of tree roots in accordance with DIN 4062.

12. Air Permeability

a) At 20% compression (DIN 18055) shall be maximum, 0.017 m3/hr/m.

13. Resistance to Aging

a) No more than minor surface degradation, when tested in accordance

with ASTM G154, 825 hours.

14. Softening Point

a) 50°C, minimum, when tested in accordance with ASTM D816.


A. Environmental Condition

1. The Contractor shall not proceed with installation of joint seals under the
following conditions:

a) When ambient and substrate temperature conditions are outside the

limits permitted by the joint seal manufacturers.

b) When joint substrates are wet due to rain, condensation, or other


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B. Joint Width Condition

1. Installation of joint seals shall not proceed when joint widths are less than, or
more than, allowed by the joint seal manufacturer for the application indicated.


A. The Contractor shall deliver, handle and store equipment and material units in
accordance with SECTIONS 01650 and 01660, as well as the following

1. Deliver joint seals to site in manufacturer’s original unopened containers; store

and move to installation location in original containers.

2. Each lot of lubricant-adhesive shall be delivered in containers plainly marked

with manufacturer’s name and trademark, lot number and date of manufacture
and shall be accompanied by the manufacturer’s certification as to
conformance with this Specification.

3. Store materials in dry, enclosed area, off the ground, out of direct sunlight.

4. Store materials at minimum of 20°C (68°F) for at least 24 hours prior to

installation, regardless of temperature at location of installation.

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A. All goods and products covered by these Specifications shall be procured, when
available, from an in-Kingdom manufacturer. Procurement of all goods and products
manufactured out-of-Kingdom must be approved by the Royal Commission.

B. Size and Shape

1. Provide the sizes and shapes of units as shown or, if not shown, as
recommended by the manufacturer for the joint size and condition shown.
Wherever movement is a factor in the determination of size, consult with the
Royal Commission to determine the nature and magnitude of anticipated joint
movements for the temperature and condition of the project at the time of

C. Compressibility

1. Specified hardness and compressibility are intended to establish requirements

for normal or average conditions of installation and use. Wherever a range of
hardness of compressibility is available for a product, comply with the
manufacturer’s recommendations for the specific condition of use.

D. Color

1. Provide each concealed material in manufacturer’s standard color which has

the best overall performance characteristics for the application shown. Provide
exposed materials in black, except where another color is indicated.

2. Color requirements for exposed gaskets shall be verified.

E. Compatibility

1. Before purchase of each seal or gasket material, confirm that it is compatible

with the substrate, sealants, and other materials in the joint system.

F. Adhesives

1. Pressure sensitive adhesives, compatible with each material in the joint

system, may be applied (at installer’s option) to one face of joint seals and
gaskets to facilitate installation and permanent anchorage. Do not allow
adhesives to contaminate sealant bond surfaces in the joint system.


A. Compression Seals

1. Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals for Concrete Pavements

a) Material shall be preformed and manufactured from vulcanized

elastomeric compound using polychloroprene as the only base polymer,

Rev 0 8 of 14 Contract No:


complying with ASTM D2628. Tests include tensile strength, elongation,

hardness, oil swell, ozone resistance, low and high temperature

2. Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals for Concrete Bridges

a) Material shall be preformed and manufactured from vulcanized

elastomeric compound using polychloroprene as the only base polymer,
complying with ASTM D3542. Tests include tensile strength, elongation,
hardness, oil swell, ozone resistance, low and high temperature
recoveries, and movement calibration.

3. Jet-Fuel and Heat-Resistant Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint

Seals for Rigid Pavements

a) Material shall be preformed and manufactured from vulcanized

elastomeric compound using polychloroprene as the only base polymer,
complying with CRD-C548. Tests include jet-fuel and heat resistance.

4. Preformed Elastomeric Compression Joint Seals

a) Preformed elastic joint seals of the open cell compression type shall
comply with AASHTO M220, also covers lubricant adhesive.

5. Preformed Foam Sealants

a) Manufacturer’s standard preformed, pre-compressed, impregnated

open-cell foam sealant manufactured from high-density urethane foam
impregnated with nondrying, water repellant agent; factory-produced in
pre-compressed sizes and in roll or stick form to fit joint widths indicated
and to develop a watertight and airtight seal when compressed to the
degree specified by the manufacturer.

b) Provide products which are permanently elastic, mildew-resistant, non-

migratory, non-staining, compatible with joint substrates and other joint
sealers, and comply with the following requirements:
1) Impregnating Agent
(a) Manufacturer’s standard.
2) Density
(a) Manufacturer’s standard.
3) Backing
(a) Pressure sensitive adhesive, factory applied to one side,
with protective wrapping or coated on one face with release
agent serving as bond breaker for primary joint sealant.

B. Gaskets

1. Hollow Neoprene Pavement Gasket

a) Hollow or compartmentalized neoprene extrusion complying with

ASTM D2628, designed to withstand compression to 40% of normal

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width without extrusion from joint, and with full recovery; with heavy,
durable top member, suitable for long-term exposure to severe traffic
abrasion and contamination; hardness of approximately 66 Shore A.

2. Molded Neoprene Gasket

a) Extruded neoprene gaskets complying with ASTM D2000, designation

2BC 415 to 3BC 20, black color, of 40 to 60 Shore A durometer
hardness; of the profile shown or, if not shown, as required by the joint
shape, size, and movement characteristics to maintain a watertight and
airtight seal.

b) Recommended for exterior exposure where abrasion resistance or

strength requirements are too high.

3. Exposed Closed-Cell Neoprene Gasket

a) Extruded or molded expanded neoprene complying with ASTM C509,

Grade 4, black color; formed with durable self-skin to the profile shown
or, if not shown, as required to maintain a watertight and airtight seal.

b) Recommended for gasketing of movable parts (doors etc.) or may be

required to act as a cushion.

4. Concealed Closed-Cell Neoprene Gasket

a) Extruded or molded expanded neoprene gaskets complying with

ASTM D1056, Class SC, of the compression deflection required to
perform properly; self-skinned and of the profile shown or, if not shown,
as required to maintain a watertight and airtight seal.

b) Recommended for minimum exposure to weather or abrasion.

5. Closed-Cell PVC Gasket

a) Closed-cell, flexible, non-exuding, polyvinyl chloride foam gaskets

complying with ASTM D1667, Grade VE 41 BL; except provide a higher
compression deflection grade if necessary to maintain a watertight seal;
provide pressure-sensitive adhesive on one face.

6. Lock Strip Gasket

a) Elastomeric material resistant to sunlight, weathering, flame, oxidation,

permanent deformation and diminution of gripping pressure, complying
with ASTM C542.

b) Gaskets are generally known as “zipper type.” Tests include tensile

strength hardness, compression set and ozone resistance.

C. Lubricant-Adhesive

1. The lubricant-adhesive used in installation of many preformed joint materials

shall be one-component polychloroprene compound containing only soluble
phenolic resins blended together with antioxidants and acid acceptors in a

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suitable mixture of organic solvents. The lubricant-adhesive shall meet

ASTM D2835 and shall have the following properties:

a) Solid Contents
1) 22 to 28%, by weight.

b) Viscosity shall be such that the lubricant will perform suitably with the
installation equipment.

c) The lubricant shall remain fluid from -15 to 49°C (5 to 120°F).

d) The lubricant should be used within 250 days of manufacture.

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A. The Contractor shall verify that:

1. Joints are clean, dry, sound, smooth, straight and parallel, and otherwise ready
to receive joint seals.

2. Joint seals are of the correct width to provided specified compression.

3. Joints are of sufficient depth.

B. Installation shall not proceed until detrimental conditions have been corrected.


A. Surface Cleaning of Joints

1. All joints shall be cleaned out immediately before installing joint seals to
comply with recommendations of joint seal manufacturers and the following

a) All foreign material which could interfere with installation of joint seals
shall be removed from joint substrates including dust; paints (except for
permanent, protective coatings tested and approved compatibility by
sealer manufacturer) oil; grease; waterproofing; water repellents; water,
and surface dirt.

b) Concrete, masonry, and similar porous joint substrate surfaces shall be

cleaned by brushing, grinding, blast cleaning, mechanical abrading, acid
washing or a combination of these methods to produce a clean, sound
substrate capable of developing optimum bond with joint seals. Loose
particles remaining from the above cleaning operations shall be
removed by vacuuming or blowing out joints with oil-free compressed

c) Laitance and form release agents shall be thoroughly removed from all
concrete surfaces.

d) Metal, glass, porcelain enamel, and other non-porous surfaces shall be

cleaned with chemical cleaners or other means which are not harmful to
substrates or leave residues capable of interfering with joint seals.

B. Joint Priming

1. Joint surfaces shall be primed where indicated or where recommended by joint

sealer manufacturer. Primer shall be applied so as to comply with joint seal
manufacturer’s recommendations. Primers shall be confined to areas of joint
seal bond. Spillage or migration onto adjoining surfaces shall not be allowed.

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A. General

1. Joint seals shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction.

2. Joint seals shall not be installed when temperature is below - 17°C (0°F) or
above 35°C (95°F).

3. Joint seals shall not be installed in rain.

4. Use of scrap material shall not be allowed.

B. Installation of Compression Seals

1. A neoprene-based or other lubricant (which may have adhesive properties for

most applications) shall be applied in a bead to the upper edge of each joint
face to facilitate installation of seal.

2. The lubricant shall be fluid at normal temperatures and usually applied by

hand-pressure applicator.

3. Where machine installation of sealant is used for pavement joints, it shall also
be designed to apply the lubricant.

4. The lubricant shall be applied immediately ahead of inserting the seal so that it
does not prematurely dry out.

5. For installation either by hand roller or with machine, the seal shall be
positioned vertically over the joint opening and then, by pressing down and
forward, it shall be forced into the opening. The seal must not be twisted,
folded over on itself or stretched during this operation.

6. A small amount of stretching, up to 5%, may be allowed as the seal is forced

in. The seal must not be willfully stretched (reducing its cross section) to make
installation easier and the seal length go further.

7. The seal shall be installed at the specified depth. It must be slightly below the
surface to keep it out of contact with traffic.

8. The seal shall be installed in as long a continuous piece as possible. If field

splices cannot be avoided, they shall be made in the least critical location as
far as maintaining a sealed joint.

9. The seal shall be spliced by butting it against the next length with
manufacturer’s recommended adhesive.

10. Where a compression seal is installed between precast units, it shall be

attached to the face of one and compressed as the adjacent unit is positioned.

C. Installation of Preformed Foam Sealants

1. Each length of sealant shall be installed immediately after removing protective

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wrapping, taking care not to pull or stretch material, and complying with
sealant manufacturer’s directions for installation methods, materials and tools
which produce seal continuity at ends, turns, and intersections of joints.

2. For application at low ambient temperatures where expansion of sealant

requires acceleration to produce seal, heat shall be applied to sealant in
conformance with sealant manufacturer’s recommendations.

D. Installation of Gaskets

1. Gaskets shall be installed with minimum number of end joints, in joint recesses
with edges free of spalls and sides straight and parallel, both within tolerances
specified by gasket manufacturer.

2. Manufacturer’s recommended adhesive shall be applied to joint substrates

immediately prior to installing gaskets.

3. For straight sections, gaskets shall be provided in continuous lengths; where

changes in direction occur, gasket shall be adhesively spliced together to
provide watertight joints.

4. Gaskets shall be recessed below adjoining surfaces by 3 to 6 mm.


A. Joint seals shall be protected from contact with contaminating substances or from
damage resulting from construction operations or other causes so that they are
without deterioration or damage at time of substantial completion.

B. If despite such protection, damage or deterioration occurs, cut out and remove
damaged or deteriorated joint seals and reseal joints with new materials to produce
installations with repaired areas indistinguishable from original work.


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