Social Justice: "If You Want Peace, Work For Justice." - Pope Paul VI

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Social Justice

“If you want peace, work for justice.”

-Pope Paul VI

Course Objective
A. Students will able to define social justice.
o Justice verses Injustice
i. What would a just world look like?
ii. What justice issues exist in our world?
iii. Why does injustice exist?
B. Students will become familiar with Catholic social justice.
o Faith and social justice
o Principles of Catholic Social Teaching
o God and creation
i. How does the Creator view the created?
o Human rights
C. Students will be able to identify and discuss the social justice issues present in our society and world.
o Prejudice
i. Sexism
1. Gender roles
a. Stereotypes
2. Gender-based violence
a. #metoo movement
b. Trafficking
c. Domestic violence
d. Bride burning
e. Honor killing
ii. Racism
1. Racial profiling
2. Colorism
3. Cultural appropriation
4. Systemic racism
5. Police brutality
o Poverty
i. Hunger
ii. Poverty in America
iii. Poverty world wide
o Political climate
i. Conflict/War
1. Just War Theory
ii. Immigration
o Environmental Issues
i. Laudato Si
ii. Global warming
iii. Greenhouse effect
o Current events

Social Justice
Archbishop Molloy High School
Mrs. Daniela Jelcic
Course Content
o Prayer
o Class discussions
o Activities
o Video presentations
o Reading assignments
o Homework assignments
o Projects
o Examinations/Quizzes
o Zoom meetings

Course Requirements and Expectations

o Students are responsible to keep neat and accurate notes either in their notebook or on their iPad.
o Students are required to bring their charged iPads to each class.
o Students are responsible for all work and content reviewed in class whether in person, via Zoom, or posted on
o Students are required to complete all reading and written assignments on time.
o All assignments must be submitted and will only be accepted via Blackbaud.
o Late major assignments will be deducted by 5 points per day.
o If minor daily homework assignments are not submitted on time a zero will be recorded.
o Students are responsible for making up all assignments and class notes missed during days absent from class.
o A missed test or quiz because of absence must be made up immediately upon return.
o Class/Zoom preparation and attentiveness are important aspects of the course and will be counted into each
grading average.
Participation grade will be adversely affected for disruptive behavior (e.g., coming late to class, unruly talking out in
class, doing work in another subject during class, head down on desk, no iPad or iPad not charged, not staying on task on
iPad, not present or participation in Zoom meetings.).

Course Grading
o 70% Tests (includes exams and major projects/assignments)
o 30% Participation (includes class engagement/attentiveness, class preparedness/readiness, and timely/qualitative
completion of homework assignments)

I have read the above and I am aware of the requirements and expectations for the Social Justice course.

Student’s Name (print)_______________________________________________________Section____________


Student’s Signature______________________________________________________Date____________________

Thank you,

Mrs. Jelcic

Social Justice
Archbishop Molloy High School
Mrs. Daniela Jelcic

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