Lesson 2.4 Alfred McCoy's Cartoon
Lesson 2.4 Alfred McCoy's Cartoon
Lesson 2.4 Alfred McCoy's Cartoon
classical art by exaggerating human features and poking fun at its subjects. Cartoon became an
effective tool of publicizing opinions through heavy use of symbolism, which is different from a
verbose written editorial and opinion pieces.
Alfred McCoy, together with Alfred Roces, compiled political cartoons published in
newspaper dailies and periodicals in his book Philippine Cartoons: Political Caricature of the
American Era (1900 – 1941).
• The second cartoon was also published by The Independent on June 16, 1917.
• This was drawn by Fernando Amorsolo and was aimed as a commentary to the
workings of Manila Police at that period.
• We see a Filipino child who stole a skinny chicken because he had nothing to eat.
The police officer was relentlessly pursuing the said child. A man wearing a
salakot, was grabbing the officer, telling him to leave the small-time pickpockets
and thieves and to turn at the great thieves instead.
• The third cartoon was a commentary on the unprecedented cases of colorum
automobiles in the city streets. The Philippine Free Press published this
commentary when fatal accidents involving colorum vehicles and taxis occurred
too often already.
• The fourth cartoon depicts a cinema. A blown-up police officer was at the screen
saying that couples are not allowed to neck and make love in the theater. Two
youngsters looked horrified while an older couple seemed amused.
• The next cartoon was published by The Independent on November 27. 1915.
here, we see the caricature of Uncle Sam riding a chariot pulled by Filipinos
wearing school
• The last cartoon was published by Lipang Kalabaw on August 24, 1907. • We can
see Uncle Sam rationing porridge to the politicians and members of the
Progresista Party (sometimes known as the Federalista Party) while members of
the Nacionalista Party look on and wait for their turn.
• The selected cartoons illustrate not only the opinion of certain media outfits about the
Philippine society during the American period but also paint a broad image of society and
politics under the United States.
• Patronage also became influential and powerful, not only between clients and patrons but
also between the newly formed political parties composed of the elite and the United
• The transition from a Catholic-centered, Spanish-Filipino society to an imperial
Americanassimilated one, and its complications, were also depicted in the cartoons.
• Young people, as early as that period, disturbed the conservative Filipino mindset by
engaging in daring sexual activities in public spaces like cinemas.
• The cartoons also illustrated the conditions of poor Filipinos in the Philippines now
governed by the United States.
• The other cartoon depicts how Americans controlled Filipinos through seemingly
harmless American objects.