Pavarini McGovern Safety Manual
Pavarini McGovern Safety Manual
Pavarini McGovern Safety Manual
Pavarini McGovern considers a successful safety, health and environmental management program of
primary significance to its business. Pavarini McGovern is committed to the continual improvement of
safety, health and environmental performance and the advancement of safety, health and environmental
standards. Pavarini McGovern’s overall goal is to protect both people and the environment. Pavarini
McGovern recognizes that attaining the absolute goal of causing no harm to people or the environment is
extremely challenging and will work with clients, suppliers and the workforce towards achieving this goal.
Pavarini McGovern shall strive to provide a safe work environment for all its employees, the owner,
general public, workforce and other contracting firms on all Pavarini McGovern project sites. It is Pavarini
McGovern’s intention, both in spirit and in deed, to abide by all federal, state and local safety and health
regulations as they may pertain to the construction industry. Safety training, the recognition of hazards,
documentation, abatement of unsafe conditions and compliance are the focus of this Safety Program.
Every Pavarini McGovern Supervisor shall maintain a safe work place and contribute to a safe project
site, to preserve our corporate image of excellence in construction safety. With respect to Pavarini
McGovern employees, the communities that surround our project sites, and the federal, state and local
agencies with whom we interface, the Pavarini McGovern Safety Policy shall have the full support of
management from the Chief Executive Officer down throughout the management ranks.
1. Pavarini McGovern will appoint competent safety and health superintendents and/or safety managers
whose duties are outlined in the policy documents of this manual.
2. This manual provides assistance in complying with 29 CFR Part 1926 regulations (minimum OSHA
Standards). The content is designed to make available to Pavarini McGovern personnel reasonably
accurate and authoritative information concerning project safety. This program is in no way a
substitute for subcontractor safety programs, which must meet or exceed requirements specified
herein. The maintenance of safe operations and the elimination of unsafe practices and conditions
remains the responsibility of Pavarini McGovern subcontractors. Pavarini McGovern does not direct,
control or supervise the actual performance of subcontractor scopes of work. Pavarini McGovern
does not self-perform work. The information provided in this manual can be made available to
subcontractors to assist them in regulation compliance.
3. The Pavarini McGovern Safety and Health Policy Manual is a guidance document to effectively
manage all Pavarini McGovern projects. Certain elements of the programs may not be applicable to
all types of projects.
4. Each of the associated business units or divisions has the authority and option to modify or develop
program elements as it relates to this manual based on specific needs. The Safety Director of that
particular business unit will review any modification.
5. Pavarini McGovern is dedicated to the pursuit of safety excellence through a continuously improving
Safety Program, the enforcement of safety compliance and the elimination or minimization of
exposure to hazards on the jobsite. All Subcontractors are required to recognize and abate unsafe
jobsite conditions and behaviors at all times, and at no time are they relieved of their safety
responsibilities to their employees.
6. Subcontractors are responsible to follow their submitted safety program. In addition, each
subcontractor is required to comply with any additional Pavarini McGovern and/or Owner-imposed
safety regulations and standards. Other current industry standards or safe work practices such as
Joint Commission, NFPA, ANSI and other regulatory standards may be incorporated to execute safe
work practices. When more than one standard might apply to a given situation, the more stringent
will be considered the prevailing authority, when feasible.
7. The Pavarini McGovern Safety Manual attempts to state the most commonly accepted regulatory
work practices and spells them out in plain language to emphasize their importance.
9. The possession of firearms, explosives or other weapons used to cause harm to personnel or
property, other than that use to perform specific construction activities, are not permitted on this
project. Persons found in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action(s) up to and
including discharge from the project.
10. Harassment / violence will not be tolerated based on someone’s sex, age, race, color, religion, creed,
sexual preference or orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, military status,
veteran status, handicap or disability or any other protected group or status. Displaying of lewd or
offensive pictures, graphics or gestures will not be tolerated. All conditions relating to this policy must
be reported to the Pavarini McGovern superintendent for review, investigation and resolution, which
may subject the offender to immediate removal from the jobsite by their employer.
11. Each subcontractor shall appoint a safety representative who as the Competent Person shall be on-
site when their respective work is being performed. This individual must have the ability to recognize
hazards in the work environment and shall have the authority to take prompt corrective action, as set
forth by OSHA 29 CFR 1926.32(f).
12. Prior to start of work, the Subcontractor shall submit a letter identifying all competent persons,
qualified persons and / or authorized persons responsible for each aspect of their work. The
respective subcontractor principal shall complete all appropriate Pavarini McGovern forms relating to
this designation.
13. Subcontractors shall designate a competent corporate safety representative (from management) at
the beginning of the job who shall inspect the jobsite at regular intervals as required by OSHA. This
representative must coordinate inspection efforts and abatement of noted deficiencies with the
Pavarini McGovern superintendent / safety manager, as appropriate.
14. Subcontractors are required to hold weekly toolbox talks with their onsite personnel; meeting minutes
with sign-off must be delivered to the appointed Pavarini McGovern onsite safety representative.
15. Pre-planning meetings are to be held with written documentation for all high-risk activities. The
Subcontractor as required will conduct a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). Pavarini McGovern must be
notified two (2) weeks prior to any high risk activities, unusual lifts, scaffolding, demolition, excavation,
fire or smoke potential or activity with potential for severe injury or death. Pre-planning meetings are
required as necessary to satisfy the duty of reasonable care. Elements of pre-planning meetings are
considered contractual.
16. Subcontractors are required to attend a pre-mobilization safety meeting. All key personnel such as
the project manager, superintendent, corporate safety representative, foreman, etc. must be present
at this meeting.
18. Accidents shall be verbally reported to the Pavarini McGovern superintendent immediately.
Subcontractors shall provide all associated documentation to Pavarini McGovern within 24 hours of
the accident / incident. The Pavarini McGovern Superintendent shall report all accidents / incidents in
accordance with Section 3 of this manual.
19. Pavarini McGovern Worker orientation is required for all new hires before the start of work on the day
they arrive on site. Workers will be issued a hardhat sticker to verify completion of this orientation.
Filling out an information card and/or orientation document may be required. This orientation will
address site-specific safety conditions and will include the issuance of a safety orientation booklet,
which will remain the recipient’s responsibility to read, understand and follow the safety requirements
specified therein. All questions should be directed to the employee’s respective supervisor.
20. Failure by Subcontractor to meet or exceed the standards of the Pavarini McGovern Safety Policy,
Safety Manual, preplanning meetings or other imposed safety elements subjects the subcontractor to
remedies under the subcontract, including default.
21. All visitors must report to the field office and sign in. Visitors must wear all appropriate clothing
including flat, hard-soled shoes, hard hats and safety glasses (as required) and shall sign a Jobsite
Visitor Waiver.
22. Subcontractor Site Specific Safety policies and procedures will meet or exceed those in this manual.
23. Pavarini McGovern, in attempt to be a leader in safety, has instituted a six (6) foot rule for all fall
protection issues. If compliance with the six-foot rule is technologically and/or physically infeasible, a
preplanning meeting must be scheduled with the Pavarini McGovern Safety Department and/or the
Owner’s Representative as required, to determined alternatives.
24. Pavarini McGovern uses a guardrail disruption permit system. Details of the permit system can be
found in Section 12 of this manual.
25. Each subcontractor must ensure that the on-site foremen, superintendents, or supervisor(s) has
successfully completed an OSHA 30 hour construction safety course within the last five (5) years.
26. Non-compliance with OSHA regulations, Owner imposed safety regulation or standards, or the
Pavarini McGovern Safety Manual subjects the subcontractor to remedies under the subcontract,
including default.
27. Pavarini McGovern has adopted a Zero Tolerance Policy towards compliance with fall protection,
electrical safety, harassment, violence, and smoking as set forth in subsection “j” of this section.
Each Subcontractor shall be responsible for enforcing this Policy throughout their respective work
28. The Pavarini McGovern Business Unit Safety Director shall have the full authority and final word in
determining the Subcontractor’s compliance with the Safety Program.
1. Direct, administer, develop implement, execute and monitor Pavarini McGovern safety
policies and programs to ensure compliance with the requirements of this manual.
2. Determine training needs for Pavarini McGovern employees and provide training to
achieve safety implementation on jobsites.
3. Develop systems to evaluate and report accidents/incidents resulting in property damage
or general liability claims.
4. Represent Pavarini McGovern with appointed attorneys in Pavarini McGovern’s legal
5. Manage and administer Pavarini McGovern Safety Staff and evaluate which projects
require additional safety attention and staff accordingly.
6. Conduct or assist in accident and incident investigations and report directly to Designated
7. Act as the safety advisor to line management and/or related supervision on each project
and to provide technical support for safety and occupational health requirements.
8. Manage onsite safety audits to insure compliance with safety and health standards as
required by OSHA, Federal, State and Local Laws and other regulatory commissions as
9. Coordinate with the insurance safety representatives, OSHA and other authorized safety
inspectors in evaluating and abating unsafe conditions and to improve safety
implementation on the jobsite.
10. Establish priorities for the correction of factors contributing to or causing occupational
injuries. In addition, coordinate with respective BU’s Risk Manager in the management of
W/C claims.
11. Maintain lines of communication with all levels of management and supervision to ensure
that each is aware of the Company’s safety and health policies and their own
responsibilities under the regulatory statutes.
12. Act in a consultative role in the development of the Site Specific Safety Policies and
Procedures, identifying areas requiring preventive maintenance, the procurement of safety
equipment and first aid supplies, and the procedures for the safety of personnel,
equipment and property.
13. Coordinate the public relations aspect of the Safety Program, participate in safety society
meetings and attend educational seminars to ensure a level of knowledge commensurate
with the Safety Department’s aspirations.
14. Represent Pavarini McGovern Safety Policy at Owner meetings, community meetings and
with subcontractors as required. Confer with clients to coordinate safety efforts and
implement accordingly.
15. Track and trend Subcontractor compliance on jobsites and from job to job over time. Work
with Subcontractor principals to improve their level of safety performance. Work with
designated Officers to insure subcontractor expectations are met and contract language
addresses ongoing issues relevant to specific exposures created by subcontractor or the
16. Maintain a strategic overview of the implementation of safe work practices in the industry.
1. Perform daily inspections of the project and address all matters relating to safety, fire
protection, public safety and property/product damage prevention.
2. Implement and enforce Pavarini McGovern and owner policies such as firewatch,
lockout/tagout, confined space, fall protection, etc. as directed by the Corporate Safety
Director and/or Corporate Safety Manager.
3. Submit monthly manpower and accident reports to the BU’s Corporate Safety Director.
4. Attend Interim Life Safety Committee meetings and others as required.
5. Accompany owners, other third part insurance representatives, and other governing
agencies during site safety inspections.
6. Track compliance with items found during jobsite inspections.
7. Maintain all safety logs to ensure compliance with Pavarini McGovern Safety Program.
C. Project Managers:
1. Administer and manage the overall Safety Program on the project in coordination with the
BU Safety Director or Site Safety Manager, including collecting subcontractor OSHA
compliance data as part of the submittal process.
2. Fully support the Project Team efforts in ensuring safety compliance at the project.
3. Participate in investigations of all personnel, equipment, and property accidents or
incidents to reduce the opportunity for recurrence.
4. Cooperate with all insurance representatives having insurance coverage on the project.
5. Attend the monthly jobsite safety meeting and audit.
6. Initiate and conduct pre-planning meetings of high-risk activities and subcontractor kick-off
meetings and invite safety representatives.
7. Enforce Subcontractor Safety Compliance through documentation, meetings and by
withholding payment if necessary. Fully support Superintendent efforts to enforce
subcontractor jobsite compliance.
8. Document all exposures that might result in a claim or lawsuit in such a manner as to
support Pavarini McGovern and defensibility. Attend Pavarini McGovern Safety Trainings
to assure your full understanding of Pavarini McGovern safety policy and execution
9. Ensure all the safety reporting requirements of the jobsite are met.
D. Superintendents:
1. Manage the overall Safety Program on the project, including ensuring subcontractors are
adhering to their submitted safety program, the Pavarini McGovern Safety Program, and
Owner Safety Program.
2. Plan and execute all work to minimize jobsite hazards and comply with Pavarini
McGovern’s Safety Program.
3. Enforce all provisions of the contract dealing specifically with safety and accident
4. Cooperate with all insurance representatives having insurance coverage on the project.
5. Direct or coordinate correction of unsafe conditions and hazards in plain view or which are
otherwise reported or observed.
6. Attend the monthly jobsite safety meeting and audit.
7. Submit paperwork and documentation to the Safety Department as required.
8. Enforce subcontractor safety compliance on the jobsite on a day-to-day basis.
9. Ensure that all subcontractor personnel complete the site safety orientation process before
commencement of work.
10. Meet with local fire and EMT officials to review access to the jobsite in the event of an
It is our responsibility to address the safety concerns of workers on Pavarini McGovern jobsites by
investigating and responding to those concerns. Additionally, we aspire to advance the cause of a safe
work environment by a continuously improving safety program and creating worksites free from anticipated
and recognized hazards. To maximize performance improvement and reduce exposures, safety measures
must focus on compliance and the abatement of hazards. Safety should be accorded the same attention
on projects as production, schedule and budget.
The following are the core principles of the Pavarini McGovern Safety Policies and Procedures:
1. Management commitment
2. Employee involvement.
3. Worksite analysis
4. Hazard Prevention and control
5. Safety and health training
6. Evaluation and improvement
1. Develop a Site Specific Safety Policies and Procedures Manual that reflects the Owner health,
safety and environmental requirements and addresses the hazards associated with the scope of
work for that specific project with the Corporate Safety Department in accordance with applicable
Federal, State and local safety standards and shall address the following items at a minimum:
a. Narrative of the job including excavation, foundations, structural steel/concrete, exterior
components, demolition, rough-ins, finishes, and associated anticipated hazards.
b. High hazards shall be addressed such as the use of cranes, equipment for excavation or
demolition, risk assessments for health care facility work, use of scaffolds, swing stage,
electrical exposures, shaft work, confined spaces, hot work, work at heights, work at
depths, etc.
c. Contractor Controlled Insurance Program requirements regarding reporting and follow-up.
The points below are safety expectations to be followed at all Pavarini McGovern projects:
1. At least one member of the Pavarini McGovern Project Team staff on a project will be appointed the
safety coordinator. This person should be responsible for setting up and maintaining a safety file.
2. Before the start of the project, subcontractors shall conduct a risk assessment identifying their
largest exposures. The information in the assessment documents must include the means and
methods used by sub and lower tier contractors for medium to high-risk work (in writing). This
would include but not be limited to fall protection, scaffold erection, work at heights, work at depths,
crane and elevator installation/erection and impact of project progress on adjoining buildings and
particular site conditions.
3. The Pavarini McGovern Project Team will meet with every subcontractor before they commence
work to review site specific safety requirements and document hazard prevention and control
4. Safety will be a formal topic at all weekly job meetings. Meeting minutes will be documented;
attendees identified and minutes maintained in the project files.
5. A designated project team member for Pavarini McGovern should conduct a formal weekly safety
walk-through of the project and note potentially hazardous conditions or work practices.
Subcontractors are to be notified for corrective actions. Documentation of these inspections with
item closure, are to be maintained in the project files.
6. The Pavarini McGovern Project Team should be watchful for potential safety hazards and improper
work practice during their daily rounds throughout the project. Subcontractors are to be notified for
corrective actions.
7. All subcontractors on the project will be required to conduct their own weekly toolbox safety
meetings with their workers. The topic and attendance at these meetings must be documented and
a copy submitted to the Pavarini McGovern site project office to be placed in the safety file.
8. All accidents, incidents and near misses will be promptly reported to Pavarini McGovern Safety
Department and an appropriate report form will be filled out. Follow Risk Management Department
procedures. Notify the Pavarini McGovern Safety Staff immediately when a recordable accident
occurs, or in the case of a significant property damage event.
9. Pavarini McGovern site personnel will develop and post emergency evacuation, fire and medical
information at the project. Pavarini McGovern site personnel will immediately inform Corporate
Safety Staff of any scheduled or unscheduled site visitations by OSHA.
10. Subcontractors are required to submit MSDS sheets to Pavarini McGovern project team and be
maintained on site.
11. Should any subcontractor or employee document an alleged safety hazard in writing and deliver it
to Pavarini McGovern personnel, that alledged issue should be responded to in writing and
depending on the severity of the issue, bumped up the heirarchy to a Pavarini McGovern executive.
12. Archive all monthly manpower reports, orientation sign-offs, meeting minutes, weekly walk-
throughs, accident and incident reports and any other documentation which might be required in a
future law suit.
1. Subcontractor shall perform all parts of its Purchase Order/Contract while assuming responsibility for
complying with all applicable federal, state and local safety standards, regulations, rules or guidelines.
2. Subcontractor shall maintain documentation at the Project site and/or home office that verifies that its
safety program is on going and is in current compliance with applicable federal state, local, and Project
safety regulations, rules or guidelines. Documentation shall be made available upon request by Pavarini
3. Subcontractor shall plan and execute all work operations to comply with stated objectives of the project
Site Specific Safety Policies and Procedures.
4. Subcontractor shall attend safety meetings as are scheduled by the Pavarini McGovern project
management team.
5. Subcontractor shall schedule weekly Toolbox safety meetings conducted by their job foreman for all of
their site employees under their supervision with sign-off and submit to Pavarini McGovern Project
6. Subcontractor shall implement immediate corrective action to eliminate unsafe practices and conditions
when they are observed or reported.
7. Subcontractor shall provide initial safety orientations to their new employees upon arrival to the job-site. At
a minimum, such orientations shall include training on safety hazards associated with their work, site-
specific safety policies and procedures as they pertain, personal protective equipment requirements, rules
and limitations on equipment operations and what to do in case of injury or illness and location of medical
station(s). Such orientations shall also advise of each employee’s required attendance at weekly "tool box"
safety meetings and each employee’s obligation to report observed or known unsafe conditions or
practices to the employees’ immediate supervisors and to Pavarini McGovern. A proof of orientation form
shall be made available to Pavarini McGovern.
8. Subcontractor Safety and Management Safety Representative shall investigate all fatalities and incidents
resulting in personal injury and/or hospitalization as well as all incidences of property damage, fire and any
third-party claim in an effort to determine the causes thereof. All findings shall be in writing and submitted to
Pavarini McGovern. Subcontractor’s follow-up in connection with such investigations shall consist of
immediate corrective action to prevent similar re-occurrences and a written report submitted to Pavarini
McGovern within twenty-four (24) hours of the event describing it and detailing the corrective action taken
to include immediate corrective action to prevent similar re-occurrences.
9. Subcontractor shall evaluate hazardous exposures that may arise from every portion of the Work prior to
the start of the operation and follow-up with appropriate action where required. For medium to high-risk
scopes of work, Subcontractor shall submit to Pavarini McGovern a written Work Plan or Methods of
Procedures (MOP) that shall include a safety “means and method” prior to the start of operations.
10. Subcontractor shall provide adequate safety measures against occupational disease exposures such as
gases, fumes, vapors, dusts, chemicals, and noise levels that may be injurious to the Project workforce.
1. Pavarini McGovern shall conduct periodic safety inspections of the conditions at the project and
produce a weekly written report. As a minimum, the site Superintendent or his designated
representative will use the SOAR Report as the basic method of safety oversight of the
subcontractors’ workforce.
2. Corrective actions, whether written or verbal, issued by Pavarini McGovern as a result of any such
inspection shall be enacted promptly by each subcontractor and their workers at the project site.
3. Each subcontractor at the project site shall conduct regularly scheduled safety inspections of its
own work and initiate corrective actions for all safety hazards, or violations of safety rules and
regulations found in the inspection.
4. A weekly written report of such inspections shall be submitted to Pavarini McGovern safety
5. Findings should be issued to the subcontractor on the location and description on each item.
1. From time to time, various persons will present themselves to the Project Team requesting
permission to make safety inspections or accident investigations. Only the following persons are
authorized to do so:
a. State or Federal OSHA Compliance officers. Please see Section m – OSHA Inspection
b. Representative of Pavarini McGovern's insurance carriers
c. Representatives of the Owner, Architect and Engineer
d. Representatives of Labor Unions
e. Insurance carriers with coverage at the project
f. State and Local Municipal Governmental Agencies including: safety, building, police and
fire departments
g. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
h. Third-party safety consultants at the discretion of Pavarini McGovern
2. The Project Team shall admit such persons only upon recognition or presentation of proper
credentials. All other persons wishing to make safety inspections or accident investigations shall
not be admitted without prior authorization from the Pavarini McGovern Officer- in-Charge (OIC)..
3. Each subcontractor shall notify Pavarini McGovern of the presence of safety inspectors from any
of the above-mentioned areas.
4. The Pavarini McGovern Superintendent or his designee shall escort the safety inspector and
record the inspector's observations.
5. Where such observations appear to be in conflict with the site specific safety policies and
procedures, the matter shall be submitted to the Pavarini McGovern Project team for resolution.
6. Copies of safety reports, notices or citations resulting from safety inspections shall be submitted
promptly to Pavarini McGovern.
1. Harassment / violence will not be tolerated based on someone’s sex, age, race, color, religion,
creed, sexual preference or orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry, citizenship,
military status, veteran status, handicap or disability or any other protected group or status.
3. Harassment: verbal, physical, obscene, vulgar gestures towards anyone or foul language in public
4. The possession, sale, use or distribution of narcotics and / or related paraphernalia, alcohol (all
related beverages) or other illegal substances / drugs or evidence of impairment are not permitted
on the project.
5. The possession of firearms, explosives or other weapons used to cause harm to personnel or
property, other than that use to perform specific construction activities, are not permitted.
8. Workers observed in unprotected or unguarded areas without proper fall protection in place.
10. Removing a hole cover or working in the area of an unprotected or insufficiently protected hole
without appropriate fall arrest system.
12. Any worker engaged in energized work of any type whether observed or discovered after the task,
as specified in NFPA 70E.
1. Fall exposure or exposure to energized electrical components without proper protection and/or
permits will subject the employee to removal from the jobsite by their employer, with the intent that:
a. The employee is not to be paid for the remainder of the day of the infraction nor the
following day.
b. Retraining may occur on the second day after which the employee may be returned to the
c. The subcontractor employer must supply written verification of re-training before the
employee will be permitted to return to the jobsite.
d. Retraining will be only allowed once.
e. A repeat violation will require immediate removal.
f. The foreman or direct supervisor may also be subject to retraining and possible removal
from the project.
Revised: February 25, 2011 18
1. Subcontractors acknowledge and accept the requirement that they be responsible for instructing
their employees and lower tier subcontractor’s employees in the recognition and elimination of
hazards and unsafe acts.
3. Safety training, good safe work practices and appropriate immediate corrective action are the keys
to the prevention of accidents, loss of life and property damage.
4. No matter how many rules and regulations are instituted, a good safety program depends mainly
on a positive and intelligent attitude by Management and Labor.
5. The lack of a policy, procedure, rule or regulation is not an excuse for the use of poor professional
6. Subcontractor further agrees that for rule violations listed on the attached schedule, the fines
indicated will be assessed.
7. Violations will be compiled per subcontractor, not per employee. If, for instance, a subcontractor’s
employee violates the rule with respect to hard hats and the next day a different employee violates
this rule, two warnings will have been given. The next violation by any employee will result in a
9. All warnings and fines will be communicated in writing given to the subcontractor’s superintendent
or other person in charge of the subcontractor’s crew on site.
Note: The issuance and collection of safety violation fines will be established on a job-by-job
basis. This does not infer that the Pavarini McGovern project team cannot inform subcontractors
of safety violations or issue written documentation to subcontractors (see the next two pages).
Third or
Violation* First Offense Second Offense Offense
Bringing alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs onto a Worker Removed Worker Removed Worker Removed
jobsite, possession, consumption, or being under the $1,000 $2,500
influence of such alcohol or drugs
Failure to be properly fall protected Worker Removed* Worker Removed Worker Removed
$1,000 $2,500
Improper use or storage of pressurized gas cylinders Warning $250 $1,000
Improper use or storage of flammable liquids Warning $250 $1,000
Failure to follow project safety rules Warning $250 $500
Failure to replace safety protection (handrails, cables, Worker Removed* Worker Removed Worker Removed
barricades, covers, etc.) each time you leave the area Foreman Foreman Removed
and when work is completed* Interviewed $2,500
Failure to use eye protection where required. Warning $250 $500
Failure to wear a hard hat Warning $250 $500
Improper attire; no shirt, shorts, tennis shoes, etc. Warning Warning $500
(individual to be sent home)
Use of ladders not complying with OSHA29 CFR Part Warning $250 $500
1926 or improper use of ladders
Unauthorized hoisting operation Warning $1,000 $2,500
Use of radio headsets or radios Warning $250 $500
Building or using an unsafe platform or scaffold that Warning $250 $500
does not comply with OSHA 1926 Subpart L
Leaving an area in an unsafe or cluttered condition or Warning $250 $500
failure to report such condition
Failure to follow OSHA Assured Equipment Grounding Warning $250 $500
Conductor Program or GFCI protocol
Failure to report an injury or incident Warning $250 $500
Failure to use tools or equipment safely Warning $250 $500
Failure to follow OSHA 1926 Subpart P with respect to Warning $500 $1,000
Violations that cause immediate danger to the Warning $1,000 $2,500
employee or others
Smoking in unauthorized area Worker Removed Worker Removed Worker Removed
$1,000 $2,500
Evidence of smoking on the project Warning $1,000 $2,500
Unauthorized live electrical work Worker Removed* Worker Removed Worker Removed
Foreman Foreman Removed
Interviewed $2,500
*The individual or individuals involved will be asked to be removed from the jobsite until they have successfully
completed an acceptable re-training program. Evidence of re-training completion must be submitted to and accepted
by Pavarini McGovern. The Subcontractor is required to receive written permission from Pavarini McGovern prior to
the return of the dismissed employee. Employees dismissed a second time shall be permanently banned from the
project site.
Pavarini McGovern is informing _____________________ that its personnel observed the following
safety violation(s) committed by personnel under your care, custody and control. The violation(s) were
observed at the area located at the project noted above.
The Project Team shall cooperate with all authorized safety personnel and implement their
recommendations for correction of safety hazards unless they are in clear conflict with OSHA regulations or
company safety policies and procedures. For clarification of conflicts, contact the Business Unit Safety
Department Office. The information appearing on the following pages details what to do during an OSHA
inspection. The Project Team must accompany the OSHA inspector at all times during an inspection and
carry out the instruction in the guide. He may not delegate this responsibility to others.
Once OSHA has arrived on site, notify the Business Unit Safety Department immediately. Request
the Compliance Officer to wait for the site walk until a Business Unit Safety Representative can get
there. Typically, the Compliance Officer will give up to one hour, but it is their choice to wait or not.
Arrival on Site
1. When the OSHA Compliance Officer (called a CHSO) arrives, they will introduce themselves
and they should show their badge and identification.
2. They may have seen something in passing that the law requires them to address, or the site
may have been chosen on a “scheduled” but unexpected inspection.
3. Call your Project team, have the superintendent, and project manager present for the duration
of the inspection. Call your Business Unit Corporate Safety Department. The CHSO will often
allow up to one hour for a corporate safety staff to arrive.
4. Remain polite and compliant. Try not to be defensive as CHSO’s may interpret this as
obstructing their investigation.
5. You may ask if the inspection is “scheduled” or if the CHSO saw something.
6. The CHSO will often have an opening conference with all subcontractors on site. This will give
you time to have another staff member and other subcontractor employees inspect the site for
obvious hazards which may have been overlooked in the course of their work that day.
7. The Superintendent shall comply promptly with the CHSO's request to provide a list of
subcontractor's and supervisor's names, and assemble the highest-ranking supervisor of each
subcontractor (including second and third tier contractors) at an appropriate on-site facility for
the conducting of the conference.
8. During the conference, the CHSO will explain the nature, purpose, and scope of the inspection,
and call for the selection of employer and employee representatives to accompany him during
the actual inspection. S/he will also ask information of each employer present, required for the
completion of inspection report forms.
9. The CHSO should indicate if this is a “focused inspection” (limiting the inspection to four major
hazards) or a “wall to wall” which would be an full blown inspection of every nook and cranny.
10. CHSO are not required to sign any release or waiver for entry into the job site.
The Inspection
1. A representative authorized by the employees of each employer to accompany the CHSO
during the physical inspection of any work place. The purpose for the selection of the
employee representative is to provide an appropriate degree of involvement of employees
themselves in the physical inspection of their own places of employment, and to aid in the
inspection. Employee representatives have the right to point out hazards to the CHSO during
the inspection. Subcontractors are not permitted to designate an employee representative.
2. On unionized projects, the CHSO will normally request the Construction Manager's
Superintendent to assemble the Shop Stewards of each trade to enable them to select an
employee representative from among himself or herself. On non-union projects, or where for
any reason it cannot be determined with reasonable certainty who is to be the employee
representative, the CHSO is required to interview a reasonable number of employees form
each employer and craft regarding safety conditions on the project.
3. The CHSO may ask to go to a particular area where s/he observed an alleged violation.
4. During the inspection, remain cordial as you would any visitor to your home.
Revised: February 25, 2011 21
5. The CHSO may want to interview an employee who they observed exposed to a hazard as
indicated in CFR 1926. The CHSO has the right to interview the employee in private, however,
the employee who is part of organized labor, has the right for his steward to be present. Step
aside and permit the employee to be interviewed.
6. Take your own notes as to the areas inspected, what specifically the CHSO was looking at and
it is recommended if the CHSO takes a photograph, you should also. These might be good
a. If the CHSO takes a picture of something, you should take the same picture.
b. Description of methods, materials, equipment or machinery involved; how
positioned and operated. Condition; ownership; where applicable, provide
dimensions, weights, make, model, and number in use.
c. Exact location by floor, room or column lines.
d. Date and time of day.
e. Provide diagrams where helpful.
f. Distances and heights.
g. Weather conditions.
h. Identify employees affected by hazards or involved in violations. Describe type of
work being done, employer, location and number of employees.
i. Identify employees interviewed by CHSO. Specify nature of discussion or
complaint, trade, and employer.
j. Describe all hazards or violations corrected during the inspection and how
k. Description of all instrumented tests and readings.
l. Record of all samples taken.
m. Description of all photos taken including subject, location of photographer, and
direction facing.
7. As part of the inspection process, the CHSO may want to look at the Pavarini McGovern or
subcontractor safety manual, training certifications, toolbox talks, orientation verifications, etc.
Make every effort to comply with the CHSO’s requests.
8. Remain with the CHSO at all times.
The Closing Conference
1. The CHSO is likely to have a closing conference with the Pavarini McGovern project team and
subcontractor foremen to review possible findings.
2. This is time to get clarifications and be sure you understand any issues, which arose.
3. The CHSO cannot issue OSHA Citations him or herself – they are issued by the Area Director
after review.
After the Inspection
1. Immediately after the CHSO leaves, compile a report for management from the notes. Record
any deviation from the inspection procedures by the CHSO. Provide a record of all persons
attending the opening, closing conferences, and participating in the walk around inspection.
Include details on the conferences, walk around inspection, and alleged violations. If the
identity on any complainant is learned, take no action that may be regarded as discriminatory,
as this may result in additional fines and penalties.
2. If the CHSO request information, such as drawing, safety programs, etc., inform the CHSO that
all requests must be made formally. Have them send an e-mail requesting the information.
Once the information is gathered, a Transmittal coversheet should be produced to help track
what and when information was sent to OSHA.
3. OSHA has up to six months to issue citations to any contractors. Most likely, they will be sent
to your BU main office.
4. BU Corporate Safety Staff should assist with the follow-up.
5. The contractor has fifteen days to request an informal conference where a good faith effort
might reduce the amount of the fine. Recently, OSHA has not seen fit to be generous in this
6. Carefully read any instructions appearing on the citation, comply with abatement instructions,
and report the details of corrections made to management and the Safety Department. If
abatement of any violation takes more than one week to complete, make weekly progress
This guide explains the procedures for a General type inspection. Special circumstances may require
OSHA to make other types of inspections. All of the procedures applicable to a general type inspection are
applicable to the others, except that normally those inspections will be limited to the particular
circumstances under investigation. However, in the course of such an inspection, the inspector may
determine that conditions are such that a complete inspection of the establishment should be made. Before
expanding the scope of one of these inspections, the inspector should phone his supervisor for permission
and should notify the involved subcontractors of his intentions.
Employer attitudes and cooperation during the inspection demonstrate good faith. One important way to
insure recognition of good faith is to point out to the CHSO any special efforts to comply with or exceed
OSHA regulations. The CHSO should be told of any exceptional features of the safety program, safety
meetings, employee education, safety equipment or installations, internal inspection procedures, etc.
Another way to establish good faith is to correct immediately any safety hazard or violation pointed out by
the CHSO. When feasible, the Project Superintendent or subcontractor representative should order such
corrections at once, and show them to the CHSO before they leave the project site.
An imminent danger is any condition or practice that could reasonably be expected to cause death or
serious physical harm immediately. When a CHSO discovers an imminent danger, he will inform the
employer representative and request that affected employees be removed from the affected area until the
dangerous condition or practice can be eliminated. The CHSO has no authority either to order the closing
down of the operation, or to direct employees to leave the area of imminent danger. If abatement cannot be
immediately accomplished or is refused, the CHSO is authorized to issue an Imminent Danger Citation on
the spot, and post a copy of the citation in the affected area. He will then proceed to obtain an immediate
court order restraining the imminent danger.
The Superintendent is responsible for accident reporting and recordkeeping but may delegate this
responsibility to another member of the project team. The following reports and records are required:
Accidental Injury and Illness Report. Any accidental, work related injury or illness occurring to an
employee who requires the services of a physician, nurse, medical clinic, or hospital shall be reported by
phone to the Safety Department. The Superintendent will then prepare all required written reports and
provide copies to the Safety Department. Copies of these reports are to be retained in the Field Safety File.
OSHA Form No. 300A: Log of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses. Each reportable occupational injury
or illness must be recorded on the Log within six (6) workdays after learning of its occurrence. Do not post
the log but retain it in the Field Safety File. A separate Log must be kept for each calendar year. At the end
of the year, form 300A is to be posted as an Annual Summary. See section on Posting Requirements for
instructions on how to post this form. Your BU Safety department will provide you with the BU 300A to be
posted each year.
OSHA Report for Fatalities and Disasters. Any accident resulting in a fatality or hospitalization of three
(3) or more employees must be reported immediately to the Area Director of the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration. Make this report by phone at 1-800-321 OSHA (6742) Notify the Safety Department
at once. A list of addresses and phone numbers of OSHA Area Offices appear on the OSHA website Your BU safety department will generally handle these details when available.
Public Liability Reports. All accidents resulting in injury to members of the public, or damage to public or
private property, or vehicles, shall be reported by phone at once to the Safety Department. The
Superintendent will prepare all required written reports and provide copies to the Safety Department. A
copy of this report will be retained in the Field Safety File and archived.
NOTE: Where members of the public make claims of damage or injury to themselves or their property, the
Superintendent shall first make an effort to determine responsibility. Where damages and injuries are
caused by any subcontractors' materials, equipment or operations, the supervisor of that subcontractor
shall be notified and brought in so that the claim may be properly placed with the responsible subcontractor.
Subcontractors' Accident Reports. All Subcontractors are required to submit copies of their insurance
accident reports for workmen's compensation, or public liability, or property damage to the Superintendent.
The Superintendent will enforce this requirement and follow up until reports are submitted. A copy of each
report shall be sent to the Safety Department at the Main Office and a copy will be retained in the Field
Safety File.
Record Storage. All Safety records must be retained for a minimum period of 10 years. Upon completion
of the project, the Superintendent shall deliver all Safety Files and records to the Safety Department at the
Main Office for storage. Hazardous material exposure records, such as for asbestos or lead, the retention
period is 30 years.
An “incident” is unplanned event, which results in an injury to a non-construction worker, the public or
property damage.
1. Notify Pavarini McGovern Project Team promptly upon discovery of an event.
2. Subcontractor to conduct an investigation when it involves their employees, property or vendors.
3. Subcontractor to perform the initial follow-up when it involves a lower tier subcontractor and submit
to Pavarini McGovern for follow-up and resolution.
4. Provide copies of all pertinent documents including medical release forms and work status.
After the subcontractor has notified the Pavarini McGovern Project Team, THEN:
1. The Pavarini McGovern Site Superintendent must submit the First Report of any Accident/Incident
as soon as possible, but within 24 hours after discovery of or notification of the event.
2. Site Supervision must notify the Safety Department who will perform the first party investigation
3. Perform the follow-up investigation, if required, and work with site supervision to mitigate hazardous
4. The site superintendent is to record the event on the Accident/Incident log and the Daily Log.
The following items should be included in both accident and incident reports:
1. Photos: All reports filed should have photos attached. Photos such as:
a. Area in which the accident/incident occurred.
b. Any damage inflicted.
c. Any defective tools/materials involved in accident/incident.
d. Provide any pre accident/incident photos of area.
e. Please include reference points to the location of where the pictures were taken. Example,
mark 19th Floor on a piece of paper and include it in the picture. Indicate if you are looking
north, east, south or west, which column line or room you are looking towards.
f. Do not take pictures of the injured employee, blood or guts.
2. Subcontractor’s Accident/Incident Reports: All reports should contain the reports of all
subcontractors involved in accident/incidents. The report itself should also include the name of all
subcontractors involved or who witnessed the accident/incident.
5. Locations: location of the incident/accident should be well documented on the Form. (Discern
where on site the incident took place) Give room number(s) or control lines (column lines).
6. Conditions: Describe job site conditions in area (i.e. weather, muddy, dusty, dimly lit, uneven
terrain, cluttered, etc.). Include information on who owns debris involved in the incident/accident.
7. Accidents:
a. Accident reports should have attached all medical paperwork for the injured party involved.
This includes discharge papers or any information from their personal doctors concerning
their injury. If these are not available immediately, send accident report updates and
clearly, in BOLD, write: UPDATE #1, UPDATE #2, etc. as information and paperwork
become available.
b. Give details when other people other then workers are involved in accident. If visitor,
explain how they came to be involved in the accident.
c. Describe injury (laceration, bruise, exact body part, location i.e. right elbow or left ankle)
8. Incidents:
a. Please include information regarding all contractors involved in the incident, not only the
primary. In the case of severe accident or incident, the area should be sealed off to all
personnel, with the exception of Emergency Responders, until so directed by the Safety
Director and/or Project Executive.
3. These events should be reported to the safety department and your executive chain of command
immediately by phone.
4. Subsequently, the safety department will inform Legal and follow up with Business Unit OIC.
5. Depending on the severity of the event, not all documents will be required, i.e. a third party investigator
or investigator.
1. Loss of consciousness.
2. A significant injury or illness diagnosed by a physician.
3. Death.
4. Stitches, Staples or Medical Glue to treat lacerations.
5. Removal of Foreign Bodies embedded in the eye(s).
6. Non-Simple removal of Foreign Bodies from a wound.
7. Prescribed use of Medications (even over the counter medications) prescribed at prescription
8. Cutting away dead skin.
9. Positive X-Ray diagnosis.
10. Admission to the hospital (or equivalent) for treatment.
11. Lost time or restricted work
12. Burns (first, second, or third) which cause days away from work, work restrictions or additional
medical treatments
13. Intravenous (IV) fluids for relief of heat stress.
2. Prophylactic treatments ONLY (tetanus shots).
3. Cleaning, flushing or soaking wounds on the surface of the skin
5. Using hot or cold therapy
6. Use of any non-rigid means of support such as elastic bandage
7. Use of temporary immobilization devices (ex- backboard and neck collars) for transportation only.
8. Drill of a fingernail or toenail to relieve pressure, or draining fluid from a blister.
9. Use of eye patch
10. Removal of FOREIGN BODIES NOT EMBEDDED IN EYE - only irrigation or cotton swab.
12. NONPRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS not prescribed by a physician.
13. Massage
14. Drinking fluids for relief of heat stress
16. WHIRLPOOL BATH THERAPY - first visit to medical personnel.
18. OBSERVATION of injury during visit to medical personnel.
19. Rigid finger guard for a strained or sprained finger.
20. Administration of oxygen purely as a precaution.
1. Subcontractors involved in leading edge activities (where conventional fall protection systems
are infeasible) shall submit a written Fall Protection Plan including a statement of infeasibility in
compliance with OSHA and coordinated with the Pavarini McGovern site-specific Fall
Protection Plan.
2. The use of the controlled access zone will not be permitted at the exterior perimeter or interior
shaft openings during forming, shoring, stripping or re-shoring activities at heights six (6) feet or
more above a lower level. Workers will be required to be tied off per OSHA standards while
working beyond the first interior column line around the perimeter and/or within fifteen (15) feet
of interior shaft openings. A Site Specific Fall Plan is to be submitted in detail before the start of
3. All scaffolding systems must follow the scaffolding section of this manual. No makeshift or lean-
to scaffolds will be permitted.
4. All rebar for walls and columns should be tied flat and picked by crane into place whenever
5. Objects presenting impalement hazards shall be adequately protected (i.e., rebar and conduit).
6. Workers working on vertical wall forms must be protected from fall exposures above six (6) feet.
7. Rodsetters shall use positioning devices at any heights above six (6) feet.
8. Workers working on slabs and horizontal forms shall be protected from falls greater than six (6)
9. Workers engaged in the pouring of columns or walls must be protected from fall exposures
above six (6) feet.
10. Riding the bucket, formwork or material/equipment picked by the crane is not permitted.
11. All workers shall be trained in fall protection with written verification of training submitted to the
jobsite superintendent.
12. All drawings, plans and specifications for formwork, shoring and re-shoring operations shall be
on site available for review and available to subcontractor field personnel.
13. All formwork and shoring systems shall be able to support imposed loads.
14. All formwork shall be inspected before, during and after the pour.
15. A fall protection plan shall be developed prior to stripping operations at heights.
16. All cutting, drilling, penetrating or coring a post-tensioned slab must be coordinated with the
Pavarini McGovern superintendent.
17. All workers engaged in post tension concrete operations such installation of strands, tension
process, and de-tensioning must trained and certified.
18. Handles on bull floats, used where they may contact energized electrical conductors, shall be
of nonconductive material, or insulated with a nonconductive sheath
29 CFR 1926 Subpart Q 1926.700 – 1926.706 – Concrete and Masonry Construction
29 CFR 1926.250 – General Requirements For Storage
29 CFR 1926.1400 Subpart CC – Cranes and Derricks in Construction
OSHA Silica eTool – Silica Advisor
OSHA Construction eTool – Constructing Masonry Walls
OSHA Construction eTool - Unguarded Protruding Steel Rebars
OSHA Publication #3106 – Concrete and Masonry Construction
OSHA Publication – Overview of Subpart Q/Concrete and Masonry
OSHA Outreach Program – Concrete and Masonry Construction
OSHA Guidance Documents - Preventing Skin Problems from Working with Portland Cement
OSHA Interpretations - 10/30/2003 - Revised Response/Storage of Materials On a Scaffold For
More Than One Shift's Work
1. The use of a Controlled Access Zone shall have a detailed Site Specific Fall Protection Plan,
which must include a statement of infeasibility for all the trades engaged in work in the
Controlled Access Zone. All Site Specific Fall Protection Plans must be submitted for review.
2. Pre-cast plank shall be engineered and fabricated with hooks or points to facilitate 100% tie-off
to meet the OSHA requirement of 5000 pounds per person or engineered to support twice the
intended load.
3. Fall exposures exceeding six feet at the perimeter are not permitted. Workers will not unhook
from one point until secured to another.
4. All workers will be trained in site-specific fall protection by their employer in accordance with the
OSHA Fall Protection Standard, the Pavarini McGovern 6’-0 rule and the employer will provide
written certification of training per OSHA.
5. A crane preplanning meeting is required (crane requirements in this manual).
6. The use of tongs for lifting of pre-cast members will not be permitted.
7. Rigging hooks or slings shall be inspected daily by the subcontractor, for defects and removed
from service if found to be damaged.
8. All rigging devices shall be engineered and tested to 125% of their design capacity as specified
by OSHA, or provided with appropriate manufacturer’s documentation.
9. No one shall be permitted under a load. Loads will not be lifted over workers.
10. Two floors will remain clear below the setting of pre-cast members.
11. Planks will not be set until the load bearing walls/columns have attained sufficient structural
12. Unless otherwise specified by the contract, the pre-cast concrete subcontractor is responsible
for implementation of all safety requirements set forth in the Site Specific Policies and
Procedures Manual on all floors and formwork under his control until turned over to and
accepted by Pavarini McGovern.
13. Employees shall not be permitted to work above vertically protruding reinforcing steel unless it
has been protected to eliminate the hazard of impalement.
14. Employees working more than 6 feet above adjacent working surfaces placing and tying
reinforcing steel in walls, tiers, columns, etc. shall be provided with a personal fall arrest system
and tie off while aloft on the steel.
15. Reinforcing steel for walks, tiers, columns and similar vertical structures shall be guyed and
supported to prevent collapse.
16. Where employees may work or pass below operations involving the stripping and removal of
concrete formwork and shoring, the following precautions shall be observed:
a. All loose debris, material, and equipment shall be removed from formwork before stripping
the form.
b. Only those employees involved in the work shall be permitted in areas where formwork
and shores are being removed.
c. Areas below operations involving the stripping or removal of forms or shores shall be
roped off, barricaded, or guarded by a flagman to prevent employees from entering in
under the operations.
2. Stop blocks shall be provided to prevent the hammer from being raised against the head
3. Guards shall be provided across the top of the head block to prevent the cable from
jumping out of the sheaves.
4. Fixed leads shall be provided with ladder, and adequate rings or similar attachment points
so that the elevated worker may engage his safety harness lanyard to the leads. If leads
are provided with platforms, such platforms shall be protected with standard guardrails.
5. Pressurized hoses to the hammer shall be securely attached to the hammer with an
adequate length of one-quarter (1/4) inch diameter chain or cable to prevent whipping in
the event the joint at the hammer is broken.
6. Safety chains, or equivalent means, shall be provided for each hose connection to prevent
thrashing around in case the hose coupling becomes disconnected.
7. Employees shall be kept clear when piling is being hoisted into the leads.
8. Employees working aloft on the mast 6 feet above the ground shall fall protected with a
personal fall arrest system.
1. A written site specific plan should be prepared by the subcontractor and include the following:
a. Pre-Planning should include review of ventilation, protective clothing, respiratory
equipment, air testing and monitoring, fire prevention, training, rescue plan, documentation
and access.
b. Training must be provided for all personnel entering a confined space, attendants and
standby personnel in the nature of possible hazards, the precautions to be taken to avoid
incidents and the use of protective and emergency equipment.
c. Full-body Harness should be worn by all persons entering a confined space where access
is restrictive. Where the entrance is too restricted to allow removal of a person equipped
with a full-body harness, use of wristlets is required.
d. Rescue Procedure: Prior to commencing a confined space entry, a rescue plan must be
developed by the contractor responsible to enter the space and submit a copy to Pavarini
McGovern for review.
2. Subcontractor:
a. Follow all elements of the reviewed site specific confined space plan with consideration to
the following”
i. Confined space areas must be evaluated prior to employee entry by supervision
and/or qualified safety personnel. Once the evaluation is complete, supervision will
draft its plan for ensuring that the elements of the Confined Space Entry Permit are
ii. Surveillance of the surrounding areas must be considered to avoid drifting vapors
from tanks, piping, and sewers that might adversely affect the atmosphere of the
confined space. Respirators are of no use in an oxygen-deficient atmosphere.
Either an airline respirator or self-contained breathing equipment is effective for use
in an oxygen-deficient atmosphere.
iii. An approved safety harness with attached line shall always be used. The free end
of the line shall be secured outside the entry opening. The line shall be at least l/2
inch diameter and 2,000 pounds test. At least one employee shall stand by on the
outside of the confined space, ready to give assistance in case of emergency. At
least one additional employee who may have other duties shall be within sight or
call of the standby employee(s). The standby employee shall have appropriate
approved respiratory equipment, which may include an independent source of
breathing air, and adequate communications.
iv. The standby employee shall be equipped with an emergency light source.
1. A preplanning meeting should be conducted to address all of the pertinent elements required by
CFR 1926.1400. A crane preplanning agenda is included in this manual.
2. Prior to the pre-planning meeting, the crane contractor must submit (a complete list of required
documentation is found in this manual) :
a. Complete the Crane Lift Work Sheet. (See example in Sample Form Section)
b. Provide Annual Inspection Certificate satisfying OSHA requirements and submit to Pavarini
McGovern before the crane arrives on site. Cranes used for critical, high risk or sensitive
lifts shall have an annual inspection within the past three (3) months.
c. Provide operator qualifications and/or license to Pavarini McGovern. Operators are
required to have Certified Crane Operators (CCO) certification or equivalent. Check with
local codes for any other specific requirements.
d. If the crane operator is not a Certified Crane Operator, a letter or other written document
from the subcontractor or subcontractor’s crane training organization attesting that the
“operator has been trained, evaluated and meets the qualification requirements of OSHA
29 CFR 1926.1427.
e. Submit load chart and load weights verification in writing. Identify maximum radius and
1. Cranes shall be used on firm, drained and graded surfaces sufficient to support all crane functions
and travel.
2. For each crane set-up, the location of all underground hazards shall be identified and
communicated to the subcontractor. These hazards shall be identified to the crane operator/owner,
and crew for each crane set-up and location of outrigger pads for underground utilities, voids or soft
spots in streets.
3. The subcontractor shall identify the Assembly/Disassembly Director (A/D Director) who must be a
qualified and competent person or a competent person assisted by a qualified person.
4. All items identified by 29 CFR 1926.1404 shall be reviewed with the assembly/disassembly crew,
by the A/D Director before work begins.
5. Shift, monthly and annual written OSHA inspection reports are to be submitted to the Pavarini
McGovern Superintendent or Safety Manager.
6. Caution tape or barricades must be place to protect pinch points and radius of weights.
7. Landing areas must be identified and communicated to all workers who might be effected.
8. Cranes are not permitted to work within twenty (20) feet of any electrical lines 350 kV or lower,
except where lines have been de-energized or visually grounded at the worksite. Voltages higher
than 350 kV require greater distances. See OSHA 1926.1410.
9. Safety devices, including but not limited to crane level indicator, boom/jib stops, outrigger
stabilization, and horn must be operation as the required by the standard.
10. Safety devices and operational aids shall not be used as a substitute for professional judgment.
11. Lift routes shall avoid lifting over personnel.
12. Subcontractor to secure a street closure permits, if needed.
Prior to the arrival of the crane on-site, the following documentation must be supplied:
1. Facility contacts Pavarini McGovern field personnel who in turn notify crane operator that flight is
incoming with estimated time of arrival.
2. Crane operator confirms that the pick can be put on hold and places the boom in an agreed upon safe
position to allow the helicopter to land. The crane does not move until helicopter is no longer on pad or
until advised by the facility/Pavarini McGovern to start work again.
3. If crane operator is going to be longer than 10 minutes getting into a safe position, he will let the
facility/Pavarini McGovern know how long it will take to get into the safe position. The Facility will then
determine if flight is to be diverted to another facility.
4. In the event that the crane is operating and the Facility/Pavarini McGovern cannot make radio
contact, the facility is to divert all incoming flights until they can confirm that the crane has
acknowledged the incoming flight and the crane is in the safe position.
5. For long duration jobs, the radio system should be tested on a regulator basis (i.e. test radio via contact
with crane operator at 7:00 AM and 12 Noon - Monday thru Friday. On days that are NOT normal work
days (Sat., Sun., Holiday) a Pavarini McGovern supervisor will notify the facility prior to the crane
starting that the crane operations.
6. At the end of the work shift, the facility needs to be called to say that the work shift has been completed
and the crane has been stowed in a safe position.
7. If on a normal workday (Monday thru Friday) the crane is going to shut down due to weather, lack of
work, etc., the crane is placed in a safe position and Pavarini McGovern must contact the facility to
inform them that the crane will not be in operation.
8. If helicopter pad is closed due to construction activities, only the Pavarini McGovern Superintendent
has the authority to give the facility the clearance that the construction activities that closed the pad are
Incoming Flight /Crane Worksheet
Pavarini McGovern Contact Phone Number
Crane Operator’s Name Phone Number
Facility Contact Person Phone Number
Crane Stoppage Procedure:
Authorized By
Use of employee work platforms hoisted by cranes is permitted when the following requirements are met:
1. The use of suspended personnel platforms is prohibited unless it can be determined that no less
hazardous means of access to the work are available or practical, except for steel erection. Local
regulations may apply further restrictions.
2. The use shall be limited to wind speeds of 20 miles per hour. A qualified person must determine if, in
light of weather conditions, it is safe to lift personnel.
3. Platforms should not be used during high winds, electrical storms, snow or other adverse weather
conditions, which could endanger workers.
4. The total load must not exceed 50 percent of capacity at the crane’s current configuration.
5. A test pick shall be done at each crane set up.
6. The platform must be hoisted a few inches off the ground with the workers, tools and material and
inspected by a competent person to ensure the platform is secured and properly balanced. Any
deficiencies found during the trial must be corrected before personnel are hoisted.
7. A proof test must be done prior to any hoisting.
8. A pre-lift meeting of the operator, signal person, employees to be hoisted and the person responsible
for the task to be performed must be held and documented with sign-off and submitted to Pavarini
9. A Crane Lift Work Sheet and test pick to be completed for each configuration change or new set up is
to be completed and submitted to Pavarini McGovern.
10. Subcontractors must have on site documentation of crane lifting capacity.
11. The stability of the footing should be verified during the full cycle operational test.
12. Pre-lift plans showing boom angle and maximum intended load should be prepared for each group of
13. A firm footing, uniformly level with 1 percent, or one foot in 100 feet, should be provided for cranes.
Outriggers for cranes should be appropriately used during hoisting.
14. The load line on which the platform is suspended should have control load lowering. A "free fall option"
should not be used with suspended work platforms.
15. Lifting bridles for platforms shall consist of four legs attached so that stability of the platform is ensured.
The bridle shall be secured by a shackle, master link or attached by a closed hook, which cannot be
opened due to position of the load on the hook. Eye must have thimbles.
16. The platform should be enclosed with a guardrail system, including a top rail of approximately 42
inches, a mid rail and a toe board. The guardrail system should withstand a load of at least 200 pounds
applied in any direction.
17. The suspension system shall be designed to minimize tipping of the platform due to movement of
employees occupying the platform.
18. Signals should be visible or audible to the crane operator at all times.
19. Except for steel erection, use of a crane to hoist personnel is only allowed when other means are more
hazardous or not possible (due to structural design or worksite conditions).
20. When stationary, all brakes must be engaged.
21. Equipment must have properly functioning devices, that is, boom angle indicators, hoist limiting
devices, anti-two-block devices and controlled load lowering devices. Equipment must not be operated
if these devices are not working. A personnel platform cannot be directly attached to a luffing jib.
22. The platform must support its own weight and five times the maximum load and meet other structural
requirements (e.g., guardrails, welds, grab rails, access gates/doors, headroom, and overhead
23. Rated capacity must be conspicuously posted on the platform.
24. Hoisting must be in a slow, controlled, cautious manner with no sudden movements.
25. All body parts must be kept inside during hoisting, except the signal person giving direction.
26. The platform must be secured to the structure before it is exited or entered.
27. When the signalperson is not in the platform, employees being hoisted must be in direct communication
with the operator or signal person.
28. Hoisting personnel is generally prohibited near power lines see cfr1926.1400 for details.
Revised: February 25, 2011 44
29 CFR 1926 Subpart CC – Cranes and Derricks in Construction
29 CFR 1910.184 - Slings
29 CFR 1926.552 – Material Hoist, Personal Hoist and Elevators
29 CFR 1926.753 – Hoisting and Rigging
29 CFR 1926.953 – Material Handling
29 CFR 1926.251 - Rigging Equipment for Material Handling
OSHA Publication 3072 – Sling Safety
OSHA Publication 2236 – Material Handling and Storage
OSHA Construction Safety and Health Outreach Program – Sling Safety
OSHA Construction Safety and Health Outreach Program – Material Handling and Storage
OSHA Guidance on Safe Sling Use
OSHA Standard Interpretations - Rigging Equipment/Custom-Designed Accessories
OSHA Standard Interpretations - Load-Testing; Custom-design Rigging Accessories & ASME
OSHA eTool – General Requirements Gear and Equipment for Rigging and Materials
OSHA eTool – Steel Erection/Hoisting and Rigging
1. Review job requirements prior to lift.
2. Use only approved slings, chains, cables and accessories.
3. Know the weight of the heaviest pick and the rated capacity of the slings.
4. Use only slings that exceed the anticipated weight of the heaviest pick.
5. Custom designed lifts, clamps or lifting accessories must be designed, marked to indicate the safe
working load and proof tested to 125% of their rated load.
6. Use approved, rated skip pans for loose parts and small material.
7. Do not overload skip pans so that loose parts can dislodge during the lift.
8. Store rigging equipment properly (loosely coiled in a dry place away from sunlight).
9. Rigging equipment shall only be used for the activity for which it was intended.
10. Rigging equipment shall be inspected prior to each use to ensure that it is safe to use.
11. Defective equipment shall be removed from service.
12. Rigging equipment shall not be loaded in excess of its recommended safe working load.
13. Rigging equipment, when not in use, shall be removed from the immediate work area so as not to
present a tripping hazard to employees.
14. Makeshift fasteners, formed from bolts, rods, wire, etc., shall not be used.
15. Wire rope cables shall not be secured by knots for any purpose.
16. Wire rope cables, used in hoisting, lowering or pulling loads, shall consist of one continuous piece
without knots or splices.
17. When U-bolt wire rope clips are used to form eyes or loops in any load bearing cable, follow
manufacture recommendations as to the minimum number of clips to use. Clips shall be applied so
that the "SADDLE" portion of the clip is not in contact with the dead end of the cable.
18. Hooks used for lifting shall be equipped with a safety latch.
1. All inspection criteria must follow 29 CFR 1926.251.
2. Inspect all materials and rigging equipment before each use.
3. A competent person designated by the employer shall inspect slings, all shackles, attachments and
rigging equipment for damage or defects before each use.
4. Damaged or defective slings shall be immediately removed from service. (This means whenever
the colored safety thread is exposed in nylon slings or when chains or chokers are cracked or split,
kinked, birdcaged, etc.)
5. Hooks, rings, links, couplings, shackles or attachments shall have the rated capacity at least equal
to the slings, chain or cables.
6. Homemade or makeshift equipment shall not be used.
7. Rated capacity shall be marked by the manufacturer on the sling, chain, cable, shackle or hook.
1. Qualified Riggers shall be trained on the materials, methods, equipment, techniques,
communication and other items as is necessary for safe performance of their specific tasks.
2. All local criteria for cranes and rigging shall be applied.
3. Each employer shall submit in writing the list of Qualified Riggers.
4. Qualified rigger requirements vs. certified rigger
a. 1926.1401 “qualified rigger” is defined a: a rigger who meets the criteria for a
qualified person. In addition, the definition for a “qualified person” is a person who
is identified by their employer and, by possession of a recognized degree,
certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training and
experience, successfully demonstrated the ability to solve/resolve problems
relating to the subject matter, the work, or the project.
b. A qualified rigger is required
i. during assembly/disassembly of cranes,
ii. when employees are engaged in hooking, unhooking, or guiding the load,
iii. in the initial connection of a load to a component or structure and
iv. when employees are within the fall zone.
c. Certified Rigger, by an accredited agency, shall meet the definition of a Qualified
5. The employers must verify the training and evaluation of each Rigger either through:
a. A worker who has been trained and demonstrated competence through oral or
written and practical testing by a third party such as the local Joint Apprentice
Training Committee (JATC) might meet the definition of a Qualified Rigger.
b. A Certified Rigger, by an accredited agency (such as NCCCO or CIC), shall meet
the definition of a Qualified Rigger,
c. The employer must verify the competence of the Qualified Rigger. Documentation
must be available upon request.
d. If a rigger demonstrates lack of knowledge, the employer must not allow the
individual to continue working as a signal person until retraining is provided and a
reassessment is made that confirms that the individual meets the Qualification
1. A Qualified Signalperson shall:
a. Know and understand the type of signals used.
b. If hand signals are used, the signal person must know and understand the Standard
Method for hand signals.
c. Be competent in the application of the type of signals used.
d. Have a basic understanding of equipment operation and limitations, including the crane
dynamics involved in swinging and stopping loads and boom deflection from hoisting loads.
e. Know and understand the relevant requirements of § 1926.1419 through § 1926.1422 and
§ 1926.1428.
f. Demonstrate, through an evaluation process, that he/she meets the requirements above
through an oral or written test, and a practical exam.
2. The employers must verify the training and evaluation of each Signalperson either through:
a. Third Party Qualified Evaluator: A worker who has been trained and demonstrated
competence through oral or written and practical testing by a third party such as the local
Joint Apprentice Training Committee (JATC) shall meet the definition of a Qualified
Signalperson after the employer verifies the training and evaluation. Documentation must
be available upon request.
b. Employer Qualified Evaluation: A worker who has been trained and demonstrated
competence through oral or written and practical testing. Documentation of such evaluation
must be available upon request.
c. Each employer shall submit in writing the list of Qualified Signalpersons.
d. Certified Signalperson, by an accredited agency (such as NCCCO or CIC), shall be the
definition of a Qualified Signalperson.
e. If a signalperson demonstrates lack of knowledge, the employer must not allow the
individual to continue working as a signal person until retraining is provided and a
reassessment is made that confirms that the individual meets the Qualification
Revised: February 25, 2011 47
29 CFR 1926 Subpart T
1. Prior to the start of demolition, a survey must be performed by a competent person to determine
occupational health hazards, structural stability issues, and fire and explosions potentials. Submit
survey to Pavarini McGovern Superintendent for review.
2. Demolition of major structural members requires a written engineering survey by a qualified person.
The engineering survey must include building characteristics, shoring requirements, if needed, and
demolition sequencing procedures, if needed at a minimum. Submit survey to Pavarini McGovern
Superintendent for review.
3. Adjacent buildings or structures that are directly effected must be included in the engineering
4. All utilities, underground and overhead, must be identified and protected prior to the start of
5. All utilities that are going to be abandoned must be cut and capped before the start of demolition.
6. Pedestrian and road traffic must be redirected, protected, and/or restricted prior the start of
7. During the demolition, if any environmental issues arise, refer to Pavarini McGovern’s
Environmental Management Plan.
8. Access and egress must be maintained throughout the demolition.
9. Removal of debris must be done with a trash chute or a means to ensure proper protection during
10. When explosives and/or blasting are used, strict compliance of OSHA 1926, Subpart U must be
11. Post signage in areas to clarify limits and/or expectations.
12. Side balling requires prior approval from the Pavarini McGovern Safety Department and possibly
the Owner’s Representative.
13. Develop a color coding system to determine when mechanical, electrical, plumbing, nurse call,
pneumatic tube system, telephone or data, or structural components (walls, ceilings, etc.) can be
demolished. Remember Red Light-Green Light.
The following planning considerations are not all-inclusive as it pertains to the scope of work in the
contract; nevertheless, they highlight important safety considerations that must be observed in the
performance and execution of the contract. In all cases, State and Federal requirements must be
adhered to. As a minimum, the items listed below must be done when performing electrical work and
using electrical power.
1. All electrical work installation and wire capacities, both temporary and permanent, shall be in
accordance with the pertinent provisions of the current edition of the National Electrical Code, NFPA,
and OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Electrical Standards for Construction, Underwriter’s Laboratory and local
codes if applicable. Only trained and qualified personnel shall be permitted to work on electrical /
mechanical equipment and installations.
2. All extension, power tool and temporary lighting cords are required to be designed for hard or extra
hard usage. Cord sets made from Romex, flat cord, lamp cord or other similar cord types are not
3. Employees shall check the test and re-set functions of GFCI receptacles and/or listed portable GFCI
devices where permanent building power is utilized at the start of each shift.
4. All temporary power will be GFCI protected and in compliance with the latest edition of the NEC, OSHA,
and other applicable codes, including subcontractor/ owner requirements. This includes all cord and
plug appliances/devices. This in not limited to 120 V circuits. Assured Equipment Grounding Conductor
Program may be used in place of GFCI circuits.
5. Temporary lighting requires a fully jacketed cable assembly, and all wiring/baskets shall be properly
supported by the basket.
6. Tri-plex and Quadra-plex installations for temporary power are not permitted.
7. In areas where temporary GFCI receptacles are not available (i.e., renovations), all subcontractors shall
use listed portable GFCI devices.
8. Each contractor or subcontractor shall implement their own written Lockout/Tagout program. The site
specific Lockout/Tagout Policy is to be used in addition to individual LOTO programs, for all utility
9. A Shutdown/Disruption Request (Utility Interruption Request) is required in advance of the work. Use
project or facilities forms and coordinate accordingly, otherwise use form found in this manual.
10. All cord and plug connections shall be listed for the purpose when exposed to wet locations or other
measures must be taken to prevent exposure.
11. Repairs to extension and tool cords are not permitted except for the replacement of cord caps by a
qualified electrician.
12. The use of UL listed specification grade hard or extra hard duty cord caps is required when replacing
the original pre-molded assembly.
Revised: February 25, 2011 49
13. Trouble lights shall not be used as extension cords.
14. All temporary power panels and disconnects shall be labeled, capable of being locked out and properly
rated for the circuit it protects, with no open knockouts.
15. A pre-planning meeting is required for all work near high voltage.
16. Temporary electrical and lighting wiring shall be hung with non-conductive material.
17. When possible, extension cords shall be hung in walkways or corridor or protected.
18. The electrical Subcontractor responsible for maintaining temporary power and lighting is also
responsible to conduct monthly testing of all GFCI protected outlets.
19. Temporary electrical outlets shall be properly labeled to identify its circuit connection.
20. Extension cord sets used with portable electric tools and appliances will be three-wire type, equipped
with three pronged plugs, and will be designed for hard or extra hard usage. 12-gauge wire size is
preferred for general use, and 14-gauge cords are the minimum size permitted for single tool use (i.e. a
single screw gun). 16-gauge cords are never permitted. Cords with worn, frayed or broken insulation or
with loose plugs shall not be used.
21. All conductors used for temporary power that consist of a raceway of any type or any type of metal
sheathed cable must have ALL splices in a box or conduit body. CFR 29 1926.405(a)(2)(ii)(H), NEC
22. Energizing and securing all circuits shall be coordinated with the owner, if applicable.
23. Any contractor exposed to electrical hazard will implement the provisions of NFPA 70E (Standard for
Electrical Safety in the Workplace) including:
a. All subcontractors engaged in electrical work i.e. elevator constructors, hoist erectors, etc.
will be required to submit an Electrical Safe Work Practice Plan which includes the elements
of NFPA 70E.
b. No workers will be allowed to work on energized equipment not outlined in NFPA 70E.
c. Any energized work which is justified in accordance with NFPA 70E shall be done with all
personal protective equipment as specified in NFPA 70E.
d. A written procedure, which includes the PPE matrix of NFPA 70E shall be submitted before
energized work, is approved.
e. A written plan of Electrical Safe Work Practices shall be submitted before mobilization.
f. A list of all qualified persons capable of performing energized work shall be submitted with a
written certification of training.
24. Failure to follow NFPA 70E is subject to the Zero Tolerance Policy
25. The electrical contractor must at all time keep electric closet door locked or when door cannot be
locked, then panel must be locked with no access given to anyone except Pavarini McGovern and the
building management. The electrical contractor will provide and install warning signs on the door to the
electrical room as well as each energized panel within that shows the voltage present in each panel.
26. Identify with a label or sign whether or not all electrical panels and equipment are energized.
27. All splices for permanent wiring shall be enclosed in junction boxes, properly covered, and labeled
before they are energized.
28. All permanent and temporary panel boards/switch boards, motor control center, etc. shall have dead
front covers in place before being energized.
29. Temporary lighting wiring cannot be suspended from piping, such as sprinkler system, water system, or
sanitary system.
30. Temporary lights shall be equipped with guards to prevent accidental contact with the bulb or the
31. Outlets exposed to the elements must be rated and designed for the environment.
32. UF, SE, or NM (romex) cabling used for temporary electrical power or lighting will not be located in
poured concrete. CFR 29 1926.403(b)(2).
33. General Electrical Safety measures:
a. Assume all electrical wires are energized. If existing conditions contain exposed conductors
or J-boxes without covers, these conditions will be corrected before anything else.
b. Do not wear watches, chains, rings or other metallic objects, which could act as conductors
of electricity around electrical circuits.
c. Before leaving the job at lunch or at the end of the shift, test covers, insulators, and
equipment to ensure they are free from exposed energy sources.
d. All electrical equipment whether portable or fixed shall be grounded. Portable tools that are
double insulated need not be grounded, but they must be in good condition and inspected
before each use by the tradesman. Damaged electrical tools and equipment shall not be
permitted on site.
Revised: February 25, 2011 50
e. The Superintendent shall enforce the use of Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter Devices by
Pavarini McGovern and subcontractor workers on all electrical tools and extension cords.
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI) shall be used on all wiring systems.
34. The electrical contractor must have in place a LOTO procedure that must be submitted at the beginning
of the job. All electrical workers will be trained in the LOTO procedures, and evidence of the training
will be submitted available to Pavarini McGovern upon request.
35. Lockout/Tagout Guidelines
a. Notify all effected employees of the impending lockout situation, the reason for it, and
estimated start and duration times.
b. Place the breaker or switch in the "Off" or "Safe" position.
c. Lockout and tagout all in-line points of control. In most cases, this may be more than one
place or more than one lock if several people are working on the equipment.
d. Lockout verification:
i. Verify that the locked-out switch or control cannot be overridden.
ii. Test the equipment to be certain that the locked-out switch is de-energized and not
simply malfunctioning.
iii. Press all start buttons to see if the equipment starts.
iv. Ensure the system you will be working on is the same one that has been locked out.
e. All locks and tags are to be left in place until work is completely finished.
f. A lock is never to be removed except by the person who placed it there.
g. Only immediate supervisors are to authorize emergency removal of a lock or tag.
h. Before restarting the equipment, verify the following:
i. All tools and other items have been removed.
ii. All machine guards are in place.
iii. All electric systems are reconnected.
iv. All employees are clear of equipment.
36. Electric / Bus Room Safety Measures
a. Do not enter or work in the bus room / electrical closet alone.
b. Do not leave any electrical closet doors open or unattended.
c. Do not carry any tools or materials above your waist while in the bus room.
d. Do not work on any bus, bus structure, cable, or disconnect switch unless it is grounded.
e. Turn the main switch to "OFF" before removing and replacing power fuses.
37. Assured Equipment Grounding Conductor Program- All branch circuits, other than those operating at
15/20 amperes 120 Volts nominal, which are not GFCI protected shall be in compliance with the
Assured Equipment Grounding Conductor Program [29 CFR 1926.404 (b) (1) (iii)]. This includes all
cord sets and receptacles, which are not a permanent part of the building, or structure and equipment
connected by cord and plug which are available for use by employee. The requirements included but
not limited to the following as detailed in 1926.404 (b) (1) (iii): which includes:
a. a written description of the program
b. designated competent person
c. daily inspection
d. testing for continuity and correct attachment to be performed:
i. before first use
ii. after repairs
iii. after any incident which may have caused damage
iv. monthly
e. Color code tape to indicate quarterly verification of testing as follows:
Jan – Mar: White
Apr – June: Green
July – Sept: Red
Oct – Dec: Orange
Note: Testing shall be completed and documented two weeks prior to the start of the next quarter.
1. The Hazards
2. The voltage levels involved
3. Skills required
4. Any “foreign”(secondary source)
5. Any unusual work conditions
6. Number of people needed to do the job
7. The shock protection boundaries
8. The available incident energy
9. Potential for are flash(conduct a flash-hazard analysis)
10. Flash protection boundary
1. Can the equipment be de-energized?
2. Are back feeds of the circuits to be worked on possible?
3. Is a “standby person” required?
1. Job plans
2. Single-line diagrams and vendor points
3. Status board
4. Information on plant and vendor resources is up to date
5. Safety procedures
6. Vendor information
7. Individuals are familiar with the facility
8. What the job is
9. Who else needs to know-Communicate!
10. Who is in charge
1. About the unexpected event... What is it?
2. Lock-Tag-Test-Try
3. Use the right tools and equipment, including PPE
4. Install and remove grounds
5. Install barriers and barricades
6. What else…?
1. Lockout/Tag-out is an OSHA Standard which requires the blocking of existing systems, which may
cause injury or damage, by the use of locks and tags.
2. The responsibility to establish and maintain a site-specific lockout/tagout program belong to the
subcontractor whose scope of work includes systems which could store or release harmful energy,
including electrical, mechanical, elevator or escalator systems, etc.
3. A pre-planning meeting is to be conducted by Pavarini McGovern and subcontractor personnel and
be coordinated with existing owner procedures. On large jobs, all electrical subcontractors will
need to be included in these efforts.
4. Pavarini McGovern superintendents must be notified on all shutdown and startup of all MEP
5. Locks with tags identifying the person(s) shall be used as the primary means of impairment.
6. Craft foreman will verify impairment before work begins.
7. Owner representative will verify completion of work, and with Pavarini McGovern superintendent
and craft foreman, jointly remove all locks and tags.
8. Each worker involved in work requiring the use of lockout/tagout procedures shall be trained in the
site-specific elements of the program.
9. A lockout/tag-out log will be maintained by the subcontractor responsible for locking out the system.
10. When there is more than one electrical or mechanical subcontractor on site, only one subcontractor
will have the responsibility to energize/turning on circuits or services. Coordination by the Pavarini
McGovern Project Team and MEP coordinator will identify the responsible subcontractor.
11. All workers affected by lockout/tagout procedures must be trained.
1. A competent person shall determine potential sources of energy for equipment or building services
prior to starting work.
2. The equipment or building service shall be de-energized from all energy sources as determined
above. The device(s) used to de-energize the equipment or service shall be physically secured in
the "safe" position and a danger tag and lock affixed.
3. The equipment or service shall then be checked to verify a "zero energy state." Equipment or
services shall not be re-energized until all affected personnel are notified and are cleared, and the
system has been checked out by competent personnel.
4. NOTE: Energy source is defined to include electricity, compressed air (Pneumatic systems),
hydraulic systems, and corrosive, flammable or toxic substances.
1. Notification. Prior to commencing work, Pavarini McGovern's superintendent and all affected
trade contractors shall be notified of any shutdown of equipment to buildings services.
2. Determination of energy sources. With due consideration to the scope of work, all potential
energy sources to the area or work shall be determined in advance by competent supervisory
personnel. Special caution must be given to:
a. Multiple energy sources
b. Residual energy
c. Remote startup of equipment
1. Electrical:
a. Service disconnects and switches to the equipment or line upon which work is to be performed
shall be opened (switch off) then locked in this position to prevent accidental engagement.
b. A "Danger" tag and lock shall be affixed to the switch. This tag is to be dated and signed by the
supervisor requesting the lock out.
c. Where more than one crew or craft performs work on the system, each crew foreman shall affix
a tag and lock on the disconnect.
d. Multiple lock out devices shall be used.
e. Lock keys shall be in the safe possession of the individual using the lock.
f. Combination locks shall not be used.
2. Mechanical:
a. All electrical powered pumps, valves and control devices in the system upon which work is to
be performed shall be placed in the "safe" condition, then locked out and tagged in accordance
with the electrical tag out/lock out procedure above.
b. Mechanical isolating devices should also be used;
c. Valves shall be placed in the "safe" position, and tagged and locked in this position, where
d. Slip blinds ("pancakes") may be required on systems without mechanical valves.
e. Where more than one crew or craft performs work on a system, each crew foreman shall affix a
tag and a lock to the physical isolating device.
f. Systems and equipment upon which work is to be performed shall be checked by a competent
person to ensure a "Zero Energy State".
g. Process equipment, vessels and piping shall be drained prior to penetration.
h. Systems that have contained corrosive, toxic or flammable substances must be flushed or
purged prior to starting work.
1. An initial hazard survey shall be conducted and reviewed during the pre-bid phase of the project.
3. The Safety Department shall be notified as soon as possible and included in the development of
a site specific environmental plan.
4. The services of an outside consultant may need to be obtained to assist in the hazard
identification and abatement plan.
6. Conduct meeting with workers, union leaders, subcontractor representatives and safety
personnel to inform any individuals associated, in any manner, with the jobsite of the known
hazards, the procedures for hazard abatement and procedures for encountering unexpected
environmental hazards.
7. Pavarini McGovern Safety Department will inform Environmental Insurance Carrier as soon as
possible when encountering an environmental hazard.
8. Maintain open lines of communications with all parties to allay unnecessary concerns (including
the community if necessary).
Magnetic Fields • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) - Not an environmental hazard, but could be an occupational hazard for any
• Magnetic sources for MRI employees with a pacemakers, who have had eye injuries with ferrous
material, or with metal body plates of any sort.
- All metal jewelry, debit/credit cards, and electronic devices must be
removed prior to working around magnetic fields.
- Be sure area is clearly marked with signage and that workers are aware of
the hazards.
Mercury • Thermometers - Any building material that is suspected to contain mercury must be
• Thermostats properly disposed of in according to local or state guidelines.
• Mercury Vapor Lamps - Building fixtures that contain or could possibly contain mercury must be
• Florescent light bulbs removed intact and stored in approved waste collection containers for
proper disposal.
- For Spill clean-up procedures contact the owner’s Safety and Health
Department and/or Pavarini McGovern’s Safety Department.
Mold • Any areas where there is moisture from existing leaks or - The first step in stopping mold is to identify and abate the source of water
(Found in renovation previous leaks within a building. infiltration.
jobs which building • Wall board (drywall) -In areas where mold is suspect, all building materials should be removed if
material is going to be • Insulation possible.
removed) • Ceiling tile - Where all building material can not be removed, an environmental
• Fire proofing material consultant should be brought in to help determine the extent of the mold and
• Any porous organic material (paper, wood, rug fibers, what steps should be taken to eliminate the mold issue.
P.C. B’s • Chemicals used in electrical transformers and light - Light ballasts and electrical transformers must be considered
(Polychlorinated ballasts used as cooling agents, common names are contaminated with PCB’s and properly handled and disposed of in
biphenyls) Arochlor, Askarel, Inerteen, Chloroxtol, Phyanol accordance with local/state/federal guidelines until otherwise certified and
labeled not to contain PCB’s.
Production halted in 1977 - For Spill clean-up procedures contact the owner’s Safety and Health
Department and/or Pavarini McGovern’s Safety Department.
Silica • Demolition - The best practice for control of silica dust from becoming an issue is to
• Cutting/coring concrete products perform all work wet.
• Cutting/coring stone/marble products - If work can not be done wet, an action plan must be developed to contain
• Excavation the silica while the work is performed.
- Consider vacuum exhaust of area adjacent to saw blade.
Retention • Landfills - Prior to the start of a job, a letter involving the hazards associated with the
Ponds/Lagoons area must be received in writing.
- Develop a plan to address known hazards.
Tanks and Drums • Used for storage of fuel oils, gasoline, acids, toxic - All tanks and drums not associated with the construction activities should
chemicals, etc be removed prior to the start of work by a certified contractor to an approved
- If during the construction, tanks (underground or above ground) and/or
drums are found, stop work and consult with an Environmental Consultant
and/or the owner.
- All tanks and drums that are determined to have contaminated materials
stored in them must be handled and disposed of in accordance with
local/state/federal guidelines.
The above chart is a listing of some typical environmental hazards found on construction sites. Please use this chart as a reference. Any
questions on this chart or environmental question should be directed to the Pavarini McGovern Safety Department.
1. All employees will be informed of the hazards associated within the areas they will be working in and
notified of the areas that will be prohibited.
2. All areas within a laboratory are to be considered contaminated; therefore, these procedures will be
followed at all times:
a. Designate a cart of tools that will be used only for that job. They will be stored in a
designated spot within the lab until the end of the project.
b. Personal Protective Equipment requirements will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Once the required personal protective equipment has been determined, all workers must
be provided with and be required to wear the PPE.
c. Personal protective equipment will be put on before entrance into a lab area. If you must
leave the lab area (room where the work is being conducted) during the work day/night,
then the tyvek suit can be taken off and hung in the room, but the gloves and mask
should be discarded in a designated wastebasket located in the lab.
d. When re-entering the lab, PPE shall be put on before entering the worksite. The tyvek
suit will be put on last after entrance into the worksite.
e. All personal protective equipment must be changed when moving between rooms. Suits
and gloves cannot be worn in the hallways or into other areas without changing.
f. At the end of the shift, all tools must be wiped down with alcohol or 10% bleach solution
and returned to the designated storage area.
g. While working in the laboratory, all personnel will use the buddy system in case of an
accidental spill or other emergency (see Section III for procedures).
h. Protective plastic will be applied to any countertop before tools will be set down.
1. There are three types of hazards associated with working in a laboratory: biological, chemical and
radioactive. The following steps should be taken in case of an emergency spill while you are working
in the areas:
a. BIOLOGICAL: In case of a spill involving biological hazards, the following steps should
be taken:
i. If the potentially hazardous material did not contaminate your clothing, then one
employee will wait outside the door while the other reports the incident
immediately to the facility’s Emergency Phone Number.
ii. The hospital and or facility personnel will be responsible for cleanup and
clearance of the area.
iii. If the material has contaminated your clothing, then the contaminated outerwear
should be removed (use gloved hands). The hospital and or facility personnel
will assess the situation and determine further decontamination procedures if
b. CHEMICAL: In case of a spill involving a chemical, the following steps should be taken:
i. If the potentially hazardous material did not contaminate your clothing, then one
employee will wait outside the door while the other reports the incident to the
facility’s Emergency Phone Number.
ii. The hospital and or facility personnel will be responsible for cleanup and
clearance of the area.
iii. If the material has contaminated your clothing, then remove your equipment and
immediately flush the area with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes.
Report the incident immediately to your Supervisor.
iv. If the incident has caused injury, the facility and/or Pavarini McGovern shall
obtain the MSDS sheet and escort the employee to the Emergency Room.
c. RADIATION: In case of a spill involving radioactive materials, the following steps should
be taken:
i. If the material has not contaminated your clothing or shoes, then one employee
will wait outside while the other immediately reports the incident to the facility’s
Emergency Phone Number.
ii. If clothing or shoes have been splashed, remove affected items using gloves and
immediately wash any splashed skin with soap and water. Do not leave the
area. The other employee not involved in the splash will immediately report the
incident to the facility’s Emergency Phone Number.
1. Eliminate the exposure to infection created by construction dust, dirt and debris, and workers
entering the existing sterile environment.
2. Redue construction impact on sterile environnements.
1. Adhere to the facility’s Infection Control Procedures by isolating demolition and construction from
the active sterile environment (including ventilation - negative pressure).This can be done be
strictly following ICRA guidelines.
2. Maintain dust free passage of construction personnel, material and equipment through the active
sterile environment.
3. Minimize the impact of a construction zone inside the active sterile environment including the
effects of noise, vibration and odors.
4. Comply strictly with the standards of acceptable behavior in the hospital environment and
enforcement thereof.
1. All workers will be trained in the Facility’s Infection Control Policies. As part of that training, the
following points will be explained and emphasized:
a. Germs carried in and on our persons are far more dangerous to individuals involved in
surgery (and immunocompromised patients) than anything we can encounter there
b. Surgical suites are STERILE, we are not.
2. AS A PRECAUTION, CDC’s Bloodborne Pathogen guidelines for Body Substance Isolation (BSI)
protection will be in effect for any trades workers involved in demolition or connection of new
systems to existing systems, which could cause exposure to any body fluids. When working on
existing facility’s sanitary piping, waste lines, or medical vacuum lines workers must assume all
fluids are contaminated and wear proper personal protection equipment.
3. All equipment, materials and personnel, including tools and carts, will be treated as if they are
infected entering a sterile environment. All workers will gown according to Facility policies. All
equipment and materials must be dust-free and covered before entering restricted sterile areas.
4. Before carts enter or leave the sterile environment, they will be wiped down and/or vacuumed off
with a HEPA vacuum cleaner including the wheels, to prevent the introduction of airborne
contaminants into sterile areas.
5. Workers must adhere to the facility’s infection control procedures for gowning up prior to entering
sterile areas such as wearing bunny suits and/or scrubs, shoe cover or booties, hair covers, and
possibly surgical mask.
6. Workers must re-gown, including clean booties, when exiting the construction area and entering
the sterile environment.
7. At the completion of the work within sterile areas, all material must be cleaned and removed from
the area cleaned. Following the cleaning process, the facility must be notified to complete a
terminal cleaning of the space.
This bloodborne pathogen exposure control plan provides precautions to use when occupationally
exposed to blood, bodily fluids and other potentially infectious materials. These materials may cause
diseases such as hepatitis B (HBV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
a. Blood: Human blood, human blood components, and products made from human blood.
b. Bloodborne Pathogens: Pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and
can cause disease in humans. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B
virus (HBV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
c. Contaminated: The presence or the reasonably anticipated presence of blood or other
potentially infectious materials on an item or surface.
d. Contaminated Laundry: Laundry that has been soiled with blood or other potentially
infectious materials or may contain sharps.
e. Contaminated Sharps: Any contaminated object that can penetrate the skin including, but
not limited to, needles, scalpels, broken glass, broken capillary tubes, and exposed ends of
dental wires.
f. Decontamination: The use of physical or chemical means to remove, inactivate, or destroy
bloodborne pathogens on a surface or item to the point where they are no longer capable of
transmitting infectious particles and the surface or item is rendered safe for handling, use, or
g. Engineering Controls: Controls that isolate or remove the bloodborne pathogens hazard.
h. Exposure Incident: A specific eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or
potential contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that results from the
performance of an employee's duties.
i. Hand Washing Facilities: A facility providing an adequate supply of running potable water,
soap and single use towels or hot air drying machines.
j. HBV: Hepatitis B virus.
k. HIV: Human immunodeficiency virus.
l. Occupational Exposure: Reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or potential
contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the
performance of an employee's duties.
m. Other Potentially Infectious Materials: (1) The following human body fluids: semen, vaginal
secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, pleural fluid, pericardial fluid, peritoneal fluid,
amniotic fluid, saliva in dental procedures, any body fluid that is visibly contaminated with
blood, and all body fluids in situations where it is difficult or impossible to differentiate between
body fluids; (2) Any unfixed tissue or organ (other than intact skin) from a human (living or
dead); and (3) HIV-containing cell or tissue cultures, organ cultures, and HIV- or HBV-
containing culture medium or other solutions; and blood, organs, or other tissues from
experimental animals infected with HIV or HBV.
n. Parenteral: Piercing mucous membranes or the skin barrier through such events as needle
sticks, human bites, cuts, and abrasions.
o. Personal Protective Equipment: Specialized clothing or equipment worn by an employee for
protection against a hazard. General work clothes (e.g., uniforms, pants, shirts or blouses) not
intended to function as protection against a hazard is not considered to be personal protective
a. Universal precautions shall be observed to prevent contact with blood or other potentially
infectious materials.
b. All body fluids shall be considered potentially infectious materials.
c. Any injured employee will report to their supervisor and be provided with the first-aid materials,
i.e. cleansing solution, Band-Aid, aspirin, etc., for minor injuries. In the event, an injured
person requires assistance for treatment of the minor injury, the person rendering aid shall
wear a pair of rubber medical-type gloves. (Rubber medical-type gloves are a required item of
inventory of the first-aid kit) Upon completing treatment of any injury, both the person
providing assistance/treatment and the injured person will wash thoroughly with soap and
water to remove all traces of blood or other body fluids from their skin.
d. If clothing is contaminated with blood or body fluids, it shall be removed prior to continuing
work to minimize the potential of contaminating other persons, materials, tools, etc. Place
soiled clothing in a plastic bag. Discard clothing if contaminated with another person’s blood.
It shall be at the discretion and responsibility of the individual whose clothing was/is
contaminated with their own blood to either clean or dispose of the clothing, as they deem
e. Should a serious injury be incurred to an employee on the job site, which results in extensive
bleeding, and another employee comes to assistance of the injured party (Good Samaritan)
and is contaminated with the blood of the injured party, this employee will also be offered the
hepatitis B vaccination free of charge by their employer.
f. Any tool, material, or equipment contaminated with human blood or other body fluids shall be
cleaned/decontaminated prior to being put back into service. Any soil, material or other items,
which cannot be cleaned or decontaminated, shall be disposed of in an appropriate approved
g. A simple disinfectant decontamination solution may be made of 1 part household Bleach and
10 parts of water.
a. If on the job site, an area is encountered that has been contaminated with blood or body fluids,
report the situation immediately to the Project Manager or Superintendent.
b. Do not proceed into the area of possible exposure.
c. Contaminated broken glass should never be picked up directly with the hands, even if wearing
d. Use a brush and dustpan to clean up broken glass.
e. All contaminated sharps (i.e. broken glass, needles, or any other sharp object) must be
discarded in the designated sharps container.
f. These containers will be on those job sites where there is potential for exposure to sharps.
The sharps containers are to be closeable, puncture resistant, leak proof, red in color or
appropriately labeled with a biohazard tag.
g. Any material contaminated with potentially hazardous material is regulated waste and must be
discarded according to federal, state and local regulations. All equipment and work surfaces
will be decontaminated after contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials.
h. Work surfaces will be cleaned with a disinfectant (Bleach solution), wearing gloves, or
whatever other personal protective equipment is necessary.
i. The personal protective equipment is in the universal spill kit with the first aid kit.
j. Clean up the spilled fluids as follows:
i. Put on protective gloves.
ii. Spread the absorbent material on the spilled body fluids, e.g., paper towels.
iii. Neutralize the potential pathogens with a 10% bleach-with-water solution. Cover the
spill for 15 minutes or as required.
iv. Use paper towels to pick up material as best possible. Place all potentially
contaminated materials in a leak-proof plastic bag.
v. Sweep/mop-up any additional neutralized/absorbed fluids and place residue in the leak-
proof bag.
vi. Clean sweep/mop materials with hot, soapy water. Lastly, remove gloves from inside
out and place in the bag.
vii. Secure the bag and discard it as other trash.
viii. Wash hands thoroughly in hot, soapy water.
1. The OSHA Lead Rule requires the construction industry to take steps to prevent workers
from being exposed to lead levels greater than 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air
averaged over an eight-hour period - weighted average (TWA).
2. Preliminary worker protections are required when workers are exposed to lead levels
above 30 micrograms per cubic meter as an eight-hour TWA, such as medical
monitoring. Once the exposure level exceeds 50 micrograms, contractors would have to
employ more extensive worker protection methods, such as supplying respirators. Until
determination of the potential lead exposure, through air sampling, is known, proper
personal protective equipment shall be used including respiratory protection.
3. The standard sets the same exposure limit that OSHA uses to protect workers in general
industry. Among those likely to be affected by the rule according to OSHA are general
contractors who build industrial buildings, warehouses and other nonresidential
4. The EPA standard on the Renovation, Repair and Painting Final rule requires both firms
to be Certified and an individual on site to be a Certified Renovator for any buildings likely
to be occupied by children under age 6 two days per week for at least three hours.
7. Employees are responsible for complying with the procedures identified in this policy.
a. Contractors and sub-contractors are responsible for complying with the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Construction Lead Standard 29 CFR
1926.62 and the appropriate sections of this policy.
b. Subcontractors must determine if any worker is exposed to lead levels above 30
micrograms per cubic meter of air as an eight-hour time -weighted average.
c. Exposure levels greater than 30 micrograms per cubic meter will require periodic
exposure monitoring, biological monitoring (Blood tests) and annual employee
d. When the lead exposure level exceeds 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air as an
eight-hour TWA, the permissible exposure limit (PEL), engineering and work practice
controls (to the extent feasible) must be implemented.
e. Workers must be provided with respiratory protection if exposure limits are not kept
below the permitted limit through engineering and work practice controls, or
whenever a worker requests such protection. The rule also requires proper
maintenance of respirator evaluation & respirator fit testing.
f. Subcontractor is responsible to provide protective clothing and equipment to the
employee. It must be cleaned, laundered, replaced or repaired as needed when the
lead exposure exceeds the PEL.
g. The rule provides requirements for housekeeping, including vacuuming floors, rafters
and other surfaces to prevent accumulation of lead dust. The use of a wet floor
scrubber is equally acceptable. Blowing with compressed air is prohibited.
h. Subcontractors are required to provide hygiene facilities and ensure that workers
comply with hygiene practices to reduce lead absorption that accumulates on a
worker’s body or clothes.
i. A medical surveillance program must be provided to subcontractors under the
supervision of a licensed physician. Employee participation is not mandatory.
j. If a worker’s periodic blood test (including a follow-up test) shows a blood lead level
at or above 50 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood, the employee must be
removed from the job. Employees with medical conditions that place them at an
increased health risk from lead exposure also must be removed from the job.
Employees are given up to 18 months of medical removal protection benefits,
including maintaining total earnings, seniority and other employee rights.
k. Workers must be provided with information and training under OSHA’s Hazard
Communication Standard.
l. Subcontractors must post warning signs in any work area where leads exposure
exceeds the permitted level.
m. Recordkeeping requirements provide that subcontractors must keep records on
exposure monitoring and assessment medical surveillance and temporary medical
3. All new Material Safety Data Sheets and Chemical Fact Sheets shall be reviewed by the
a. Ensure the appropriate first aid supplies and rescue equipment is available in the
event of an emergency.
c. All subcontractors shall submit a copy of their HAZWOPER Training Records to the
Pavarini McGovern Project Superintendents when required.
5. All construction material and chemical spills shall be cleaned up as outlined in Section VII
of the Material Safety Data Sheet and the Emergency Response Section of the chemical
Fact Sheet.
6. Appropriate City, State or Federal Governmental Agencies shall be notified in the event
of a construction material or chemical spill.
7. All Federal SARA Title III or Local Right-to-Know Laws, recordkeeping and report filing
shall be in compliance.
8. The project O-I-C, Executive, Project Manager, Superintendent and Pavarini McGovern’s
Safety Department should be immediately notified if any "HAZWOPER Clean Up
Procedures" are used.
1. A pre-planning meeting is required for all excavation work exceeding 5’-0”in depth. Proper
sloping, benching, shielding or shoring required in all trenches exceeding 5’-0” and for any trench
less than 5’-0” when a cave-in potential exists and before employees are permitted to enter.
2. The subcontractor’s competent person is to determine the soil type for identification of the proper
protective system. If variation a is requested, a registered professional engineer is to approve the
protective system in writing.
3. Before employees enter any excavation, it must be inspected a minimum of daily, more frequently
if conditions warrant, by the subcontractor's competent person.
4. The Subcontractor is responsible to identify all underground utilities via One Call system or a
private locator. On private property, the services of a private contractor may be required.
5. JHA is required for all excavations not requiring a full pre-planning meeting.
6. During excavation, especially in critical utility areas, Subcontractors are required to have a
competent person at the top of the trench or Excavation (trench is a subset of excavation) as a
standby at all times to identify hazards, such as changing soil conditions, and stop work.
7. Seat belts must be worn at all times.
8. Depending on the situation, OSHA may consider any excavations 5’-0” or greater, caissons, and
underpinning pits confined spaces requiring air monitoring, full-body harness, full time standby
and rescue pre-planning. Plan accordingly.
9. All excavations less than 6’-0” deep to be identified by caution tape as a minimum; greater than
6’-0”, by orange fencing or standard handrail as needed. Protection must be commensurate with
10. Ladders or ramps are required for trenches greater than 4’-0” for egress no further than 25’-
11. Workers exposed to vehicular traffic shall wear high visibility vests.
12. Street closures and permits to be obtained by the subcontractor before start of work when
13. Flaggers required to coordinate truck egress off and on the site. Flaggers to be trained.
14. Truck wash station required as needed.
15. Dust control required as needed.
16. Backup alarms are required on all motorized vehicles.
17. De-watering to be identified before the start of work and implemented as required. Adjacent
structures to be reviewed for structural stability and documented in writing. Photographs by a
professional photographer of adjacent properties is recommended.
1. Pavarini McGovern, as a leader in safety, has instituted a six (6) foot rule for all fall protection
issues. If compliance with the six-foot rule is technologically and/or physically infeasible, a
preplanning meeting must be scheduled with the Pavarini McGovern Safety Department and/or
the Owner’s Representative as required, to determined alternatives.
2. The Project Team through contracts and purchase orders shall assign responsibilities for the
installation, maintenance and daily inspections of fall protection systems to the appropriate
parties and enforce their compliance. Emphasis shall be placed on areas of high activity or
rapidly changing conditions, multiple trades and where the need for installation and maintenance
is most critical.
3. The Project Team shall coordinate fall protection continuity throughout the phases of the project.
4. Subcontractor employees are not to work in unprotected areas without proper fall protection such
as the use of a personal fall arrest system.
5. A site-specific fall protection plan should be developed by each subcontractor before employees
are exposed to a fall hazard. Plan should include a list of anticipated exposures and anticipated
protective systems for each phase of construction.
6. This section does not include steel erection, scaffolding, ladders, stairways, cranes and derricks
or electric transmission lines.
7. Every floor opening measuring more than 2 inch in its least dimension in any floor, roof or
platform shall be protected by a cover or a standard guardrail.
8. All hole covers to support two times the anticipated load, be secured from accidental
displacement and be marked “HOLE” or painted a specified color.
9. Conventional guardrail systems shall consist of:
a. Wood guardrail system with 2x4 toprail at 45 above finished floor, midrail at 22” and 3
1/2” toeboard with a wooden post every 8 feet.
b. Wire rope cable system:
i. Minimum ¼” cable, flagged every 6 feet, with toprail at 45” above finished floor.
ii. Maintain a deflection of less than 3 inches with posts located at intervals to
maintain cable deflection requirements, if required.
iii. Turnbuckles to be installed at regular intervals to tighten cables, at least one per
iv. Cable clamps to be installed at each column to prevent a cable from being
loosened and deflected around the entire perimeter.
v. Install a minimum of two cable clamps at the end of each run.
vi. Posts or points of attachment to be at 45 inches above top of slab to compensate
for over-pours, deflections or other discrepancies, which may lead the cable to be
lower than 39 inches at any time.
vii. Wire rope cable systems are not to be used as anchorage points unless
designed with tabulated data from a registered professional engineer.
19. Where Fall Protection must be removed to facilitate the work in progress, the Guardrail Disruption
Permit shall be used.
20. Perimeter guardrail systems shall concurrently follow the installation of completed sides and
openings of decks and concrete formwork of all types.
21. Perimeter cable shall be installed concurrently as completed sides of decking are installed.
22. Temporary planked or temporary metal-decked floors shall be covered all openings.
23. All unused openings shall be covered with plank or metal deck and secured against accidental
24. An incomplete or leading edge of any temporary floor whether of planking, metal deck or concrete
formwork shall not be left unguarded or unattended for extended periods of time due to delay or
interruption of the completed installation. In such cases, access to the open end of the floor shall
be closed to employees by wire rope cable or barricading off the floor at least 15 feet back from
the open end of the floor.
25. Where subcontractors install fall protection on floors under their control, such fall protection may
be left in place to service the long-term needs for Fall Protection of the project, providing that it
meets all of the requirements of this Section of the Manual.
1. Before any work can be done on the guardrail system, guardrail disruption permit must be filled
out and acknowledged by Pavarini McGovern.
2. Set up a warning line for very short periods use red danger tape to isolate area a minimum of
fifteen (15) feet back from each exposed side or edge.
3. Set up the personal fall arrest system to a proper anchorage attachment.
4. Be sure to connect the lanyard or retractable hook to body harness before entering the “restricted
work area”.
5. Dog off wire rope cable guardrail to maintain the areas not effected by the rework.
6. Once the area being reworked is isolated with a cable clamp beyond the closest upright to
prevent the guardrail cable from dropping on the entire floor; bring cable back on itself (form a
new loop) with 2 cable clamps attached with the saddle on the live end of the wire rope.
7. Rework cable using a cable dog and come-along.
8. After rework, tighten cable clamps.
9. Harness can now be disconnected from retractable.
10. Remove red danger tape from “restricted work area”.
3. Subcontractors and their workers shall respect all such installations and fully cooperate in
their maintenance. Where an employer must remove or relocate safety installations to
facilitate the work, the employer shall provide an alternate means of protection for its
employees during the work.
4. Where safety installations must be removed or relocated on a large scale, or for extended
periods, or permanently, or the subcontractor does not have the means of reinstallation,
the subcontractor shall make advanced arrangements for coordination with Pavarini
McGovern. All subcontractors shall instruct their workers on this requirement.
29 CFR 1926.150 – Fire Protection
29 CFR 1926.152 – Flammable and Combustible Liquids
OSHA Standard Interpretations - Fire Equipment Training Requirements
29 CFR 1910.157 – Portable Fire Extinguishers
OSHA eTool – Evacuation Plan and Procedures/Portable Fire Extinguishers
OSHA Publication 2254 – Training Requirements In OSHA Standards and Training Guidelines
OSHA Publication - Overview For 1926 Subpart F/Fire Protection and Prevention
OSHA Training and Reference Material - Flammable and Combustible Liquids
OSHA Technical Manual – Section D Fire Prevention and Protection
Subcontractors are responsible to follow the fire prevention and protection procedures when any hot work
(including burning, welding, soldering, open-flame or spark producing) activities are taking place or any
other conditions exist which could cause fire and/or smoke. Site Specific procedures to be developed as
1. All areas and equipment where hot work is anticipated is to be reviewed in detail by the
subcontractor with the Pavarini McGovern Superintendent or Safety Manager.
2. Cover all voids and openings with fire resistant materials to prevent sparks/smoke from migrating.
Light test where possible.
3. ABC fire extinguishers are to be provided by the subcontractor, inspected regularly to make sure
they are fully charged and kept where they are visible and readily available. A garden hose is to
be used when feasible.
4. Subcontractor shall provide a fire watch person on duty at all times during burning/welding where
combustibles are present. One-hour minimum fire watch is required after hot work is completed.
Up to a 3-hour fire watch may be required in sensitive areas (such as historic buildings or
healthcare facilities) as determined by contract. Each Subcontractor is responsible to notify
Pavarini McGovern that the fire watch is complete. The protection will be commensurate with the
5. The fire watch person is to be trained as to their duties and responsibilities and have no other
duties. Fire watch procedures are to be reviewed with the subcontractor by the Pavarini McGovern
superintendent or safety manager and thereafter delivered to the fire watch person. Fire watch
person should be on the opposite wall or floor below if spark migration is possible.
6. When working in or adjacent to occupied facilities, perform the following:
a. Review the equipment involved with Pavarini McGovern to establish its function or
operation and safety requirements.
b. Pavarini McGovern Project Team to establish an emergency shutdown procedure in
writing with the Owner.
c. Obtain written approval of all procedures by the Owner’s representative prior to the start of
work as required.
d. Review location of air supply intakes for smoke management.
7. See procedures for Handling of Flammables and Combustibles in this manual.
8. Smoke exhaust equipment shall be provided by the subcontractor in occupied buildings or where
otherwise required. Exhaust duct to be coordinated with Owner by Pavarini McGovern project
9. A Respiratory Protection Program should be in place when respirators are required.
10. Hot Work Permits to be issued by Pavarini McGovern Superintendent and completed as required
by the subcontractor, especially in occupied buildings or as the building is closed in. Coordinate
hot work permit with owner facilities management if required. A monthly hot work permit may be
established early in the job when fire hazards are minimal, increasing to weekly as the potential for
fire increases, and eventually, daily as the finishes are in progress or in an occupied building.
11. In some jurisdictions, such as Philadelphia, the Fire Code requires fire extinguishers be attached to
each burning cart or outfit in addition to a fire extinguisher at the burning location.
12. No open flame or spark producing activity should take place in a combustible atmosphere or where
combustible vapors are present.
29 CFR 1926.152 – Flammable and Combustible Liquids
29 CFR 1926.155 - Fire Protection and Prevention
29 CFR 1910.106 – Flammable and Combustible Liquids
29 CFR 1910.110 – Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases
29 CFR 1910.1200 – Hazard Communication
OSHA Standard Interpretations - Clarification of Requirements for 1000 Gallon Diesel Storage
OSHA Standard Interpretations - Storage of Flammable and/or Combustible Liquids
OSHA Construction Industry Safety and Health Regulations Digest
OSHA Training and Reference Material – Flammable and Combustible Liquids
29 CFR 1926.21 – Safety Training and Education
OSHA Standard Interpretations Requirements for labels in a language other than English
1. Non-compatible materials, which may create a fire hazard, shall be segregated by a fire barrier
having a fire resistance of at least one hour or separated by 20 feet.
2. Approved metal safety cans shall be used for flammable liquids or materials.
3. Flammable or combustible liquids or materials shall not be stored in areas used for egress.
4. No storage or handling of flammable liquids or gases shall be permitted in any location, which
would jeopardize egress from the structure.
5. Approved metal storage cabinets must be used for flammable or combustible liquids or materials
and must be labeled “Flammable - Keep Fire Away”.
6. Flammable/combustible storage cabinets should be vented to the outdoors.
7. A portable fire extinguisher with a minimum of 20 - ABC rating must be located within ten (10) feet
of storage area.
8. Refueling of equipment with liquids with flash points below 100 degrees (gasoline, propane) shall
not be permitted within the structure.
9. Storage of LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) within buildings is prohibited.
10. Flammable liquids may be used only where there are no open flames or other source of ignition
within 50 feet of the operation.
11. Dispensing of flammable liquids requires bonded and grounded containers.
12. All containers shall be labeled.
13. All flammables/combustibles shall be stored in metal containers.
14. MSDS sheets shall arrive with hazardous materials.
15. Disposal of hazard materials shall comply with manufacturer’s recommendations.
16. Dirty rags shall be removed from the job each day or stored in closed metal containers.
17. At the end of each workday, it will be the responsibility of each subcontractor to make sure all
work areas are clean. All trash and debris should be removed to dumpsters.
18. Bulk storage location of flammable and combustible gases and liquids is exclusively at the
discretion of Pavarini McGovern and/or the Owner.
19. Bulk storage containers shall be stored with a catch basin for spill control.
20. The storage and use of flammables and combustibles shall follow NFPA 30.
21. No more than 5 gallons of flammable or combustible liquids shall be stored in a room outside of
an approved storage cabinet. Storage locations to be approved before bringing onto site.
22. “No Smoking or Open Flame” signs required to be posted within Flammable storage areas.
23. Subcontractors storing and using flammable and combustible liquids at the project site shall
review and comply with NFPA, Local Municipal Fire Department rules and OSHA regulations
1926.153 (a) and (g).
24. Subcontractors with bulk or large-scale storage needs shall consult in advance with Pavarini
McGovern for assignment of safe storage space and instructions for safe storage.
1. Be sure you have a Hot Work Permit before beginning any activity that could cause a fire
or smoke incident. See the jobsite Superintendent in advance of burning, welding, etc.
3. A fire watch should be sure to look at each level a spark might land before the hot work
activity begins and take measures to prevent sparks from spreading. Use fire rated
blankets, seal all areas and wet down or mist in advance if possible.
4. Be sure to look for air intakes to ensure that smoke will not enter an occupied building.
6. When the burning or welding begins, stand in a location where you are able to see sparks
on multiple levels, or at the lowest level. Be sure that sparks do not continue down
crevices or burn through tarps to lower elevations.
7. The fire watch person should have a radio or telephone to contact his/her foreman and
Pavarini McGovern personnel immediately in the event of a fire.
8. Should smoke occur or small fires erupt, the fire watch should make an immediate effort
to extinguish the fire while it is small or smoldering. Once the fire starts to spread, radio
or telephone the Superintendent and notify others to leave the area immediately.
9. The Fire Watch should be trained in the use of fire extinguishers, the above and other
site-specific requirements, such as the closest Fire Alarm Pull Station.
1. A pre-planning meeting is required. A diagram of the location of the kettle and fire extinguishers
should be submitted. Pavarini McGovern needs to coordinate the location with entrances, delivery
routes, and openings in the building. The convenience of the roofer should be way down the list of
2. The kettle shall be placed so that the lid opens away from the building, so vapors will not be drawn
into air ducts.
3. Burners shall be lit on a non-combustible surface and pointed away from equipment and material.
4. Always keep the kettle tubes covered with bitumen.
5. Always keep ABC rated fire extinguishers nearby.
6. Kettlemen shall be properly protected by face shield, long sleeve shirt, long pants, gloves, and
over the ankle boots.
7. Hoses, fittings and regulators shall be inspected daily before use.
8. Burners shall be shut off prior to refueling the kettle engine.
9. Avoid direct contact with asphalt and pitch fumes. Use PPE if necessary.
10. Hot bitumen luggers or storage equipment shall be free of any water or ice before using.
11. Kettle area shall be roped off when exposure to others exists.
12. At the end of hot bitumen operations each day:
a. Mop tubs and mini moppers shall be turned over and lugger lids closed to prevent the
accumulation of ice and water.
b. Used mops shall be removed from the roof, spun out and placed on a non-combustible
c. Kettle burners shall be locked up or removed from the jobsite.
d. In populated areas, the kettle lid and outlet valve shall be locked.
13. While lit, kettles should not be left unattended.
14. All workers shall be trained in equipment operation. Training documentation should be submitted
in the pre-con meeting.
15. Kettle thermometer shall be calibrated and in working condition at all times.
16. Separate combustible materials to prevent spread of fire.
17. Kettle should be kept on the ground where possible.
18. Use and location of hot bitumen or kettle is exclusively the discretion of Pavarini McGovern and/or
the owner.
This procedure establishes the practices to be followed and the equipment to be used when performing
cutting and welding operations to adequately protect life and property are to be adequately protected.
This procedure covers all electric welding, oxy-acetylene fusion welding and cutting, brazing, welding,
electric resistance or induction welding, forge and flow welding. See Fire Prevention and Protection in
this manual.
1. All welders must have hard hats with hoods attached directly to hard hats.
2. All grinding shields must be attached directly to hard hats.
3. No repairs are permitted in the last ten feet of a stinger.
4. All connections to the welding machine must be protected to prevent shock exposure.
5. All welding lead connections must be covered with electrical tape to prevent shock exposure.
6. Subcontractor is responsible to ensure proper ventilation and smoke exhaust/capture for work
within closed-in buildings.
7. Work within occupied building, historical buildings, or areas requiring special attention will require a
mandatory three (3) hour fire watch.
8. Prior to the start of welding within an occupied building, historical buildings, or areas requiring
special attention, the areas must be inspected by the Pavarini McGovern Field staff and/or the
9. Pipelines containing gases or flammable liquids, or conduits containing electrical circuits, shall not
be used as a ground return.
10. Welding screens shall be used to protect employees and other persons from the direct rays of the
11. Fire extinguishing equipment shall be immediately available in the work area and shall be
maintained in a state or readiness for instant use.
12. A full time fire watch is required for all welding activities in the presence of combustibles.
13. Prior to welding within a confined space, a preplanning meeting must be conducted and confined
space requirements (in this manual) must be followed.
14. Welding surfaces with toxic coatings shall be stripped of all toxic coatings for a distance of at least 4
inches from the area of heat application, or the employees shall be protected by proper respiratory
protection. Final determination of potential exposure will be determined after personal air sampling
has been completed.
15. When inert-gas metal-arc welding is performed on stainless steel, adequate local exhaust
ventilation as described above or airline respirators in accordance with the requirements of Subpart
E shall be used to protect against dangerous concentrations of welding fumes and gases.
16. Welders and assistants performing any type of welding, cutting, or heating shall be protected by
suitable eye protection equipment in accordance with the requirements of OSHA 1926 Subpart E.
17. All tarps used on the jobsite that may be exposed to sparks or open flames must be made of fire
retardant/flame resistant material.
18. During welding operations, the welder shall report to their direct supervisor any unexpected
fluctuations in current or loss of welding arc.
19. Subcontractor is responsible to inspect work piece and insure it is grounded prior to starting work.
Grounded means work piece is directly connected to building steel via observable solid connection.
If the work piece to structural steel is not visible, then a grounding cable will be utilized to create a
visible source. Welding Machine has two (2) leads. The work lead shall be clamped to the work
piece. The electrode lead shall hold the welding rod used for welding on work piece. The following
graphic shows how an ARC welding job is to be setup.
1. Welding and cutting operations are prohibited in or near areas or equipment containing flammable
vapors, dusts, or liquids, on or in closed tanks or other containers that have held flammable liquids
until all fire and explosive hazards have been eliminated.
2. Under no circumstances are welding or cutting operations to be performed in or on containers,
drums, tanks, or other vessels containing combustible or flammable liquids, or other substances of a
similar dangerous nature.
3. When it is desired to use drums as trash containers, the head should be cut out with a drum cutter
and never burned out.
1. If the work to be performed is within a building equipped with an operative sprinkler system, the
sprinkler system must not be made inoperative during cutting and welding operations unless specific
permission is granted by superintendent, or his designated representative.
2. Should sprinklers be within three feet of the welding torch, suitable protection by baffle or fire
retardant wrapping must be used to prevent fusing. A wet rag on the head is another option.
29 CFR 1926.154
1. Temporary heating devices shall be of an approved type. For example an UL Listed appliance.
2. Electrical heaters are preferred.
3. For petroleum based operated heaters such as propane or LPG, fresh air shall be supplied in
sufficient quantities to maintain the health and safety of employees. Determination of sufficient
quantities of fresh air shall be done with air monitoring.
4. Kerosene heaters shall not be used.
5. Temporary heating devices shall be installed to provide clearance to combustible material not less
than 36 inches to the rear and sides.
6. Heaters not intended by the manufacturer for use on wood floors shall not be set directly upon them
or other combustible materials. When such heaters are used, they shall rest on suitable heat
insulating material or at least 1-inch concrete, or equivalent. The insulating material shall extend
beyond the heater 2 feet or more in all directions.
7. Heaters used near combustible tarpaulins, canvas, or similar coverings shall be located at least 10
feet from the coverings. All coverings shall be securely fastened to prevent action by the wind from
displacing a loose covering and upsetting the heater or igniting the coverings.
8. Heaters, when in use, shall be set horizontally level, unless otherwise permitted by the
9. Flammable liquid-fired heaters shall be equipped with a primary safety control to stop the flow of fuel
in the event of flame failure.
10. At least a 4A:60-B:C rated fire extinguisher (normally a 10lb fire extinguisher) shall be readily
available for use when temporary heating devices are used.
11. Heaters with open flames shall not be used for temporary heating within shanties when personnel
are not present. When you leave the shanty, turnoff the heater.
12. Carbon Dioxide (CO) monitoring shall occur inside buildings when open flame equipment is used to
ensure appropriate air quality.
1. Poor housekeeping on construction projects creates unsafe walking and working conditions due to
tripping hazards, and is an ever-present fire hazard due to the flammable and combustible nature of
most construction debris.
2. The Superintendent shall develop a housekeeping program at the start of the project and assign
responsibilities for cleanup and removal of debris as required.
3. The following housekeeping rules shall be enforced:
a. Make certain that subcontractors understand their contractual obligations for cleanup and
removal of their debris. Enforce contractual requirements.
b. Plan and set up schedules for prompt emptying of rubbish containers.
c. Full containers shall be removed promptly and replaced with empty containers.
d. Allow sufficient time in elevator schedules for rubbish removal.
e. Hoses, extension cords, welding leads, etc., shall not be laid on the floor in occupied areas
outside of construction areas.
f. All such lines shall be hung overhead.
g. Combustible or flammable debris shall be cleaned up and removed on a daily basis.
Accumulations of this type of debris are prohibited.
h. Construction debris shall be cleaned up as the work progresses and shall not be permitted to
accumulate or remain scattered and strewn about.
4. In no case shall construction debris be permitted to become strewn or accumulated in occupied
areas outside of construction areas.
5. Debris produced from construction activities in such areas shall be cleaned up and removed as it is
6. The following areas shall be kept clear of debris at all times:
a. Walkways
b. Aisles
c. Stairways
d. Ladder ways
e. Ramps
f. Loading docks
g. Elevator lobbies and landings
h. Entrances to the project
7. Containers for debris shall be provided at the following locations:
a. Employee lunch areas
b. Shanties
c. Storerooms
d. Field offices
e. Entrances to project
f. Lower landing of elevator
1. All construction activities taking place in or close to occupied structures create special safety
2. Pavarini McGovern project teams must be aware that occupants are unfamiliar with construction
processes and that special controls are required for the safety of the structure and its occupants.
3. Pavarini McGovern project teams shall review in advance all construction work in occupied
structures that may create safety hazards for the occupants or the structure with the facility
4. Pavarini McGovern project teams will coordinate work controls and sequencing with facilities
management so that occupants can be notified to minimize hazards and disruptions to operations.
5. Where subcontractors perform work in occupied structures that may require any of the controls set
forth below, the work shall not proceed without approval of the Superintendent at least 24 hours in
advance of the work.
6. Superintendents shall implement the following controls as required:
a. Environmental Controls
i. Where occupants may be exposed to excessive noise and vibration, alternate methods
and equipment may be employed.
ii. Tools, machinery and other construction equipment with special mufflers and sound
silencing accessories are available for use in such circumstances.
iii. Where feasible, the work may be scheduled to off hours so that occupants are not
adversely affected by the work.
iv. Where occupants may be exposed to welding flashes, laser beams, or other forms of
radiation, the work shall be screened.
v. Where occupants may be exposed to contaminated atmospheres due to gases, vapors,
fumes, dusts, mists, or odors, the work shall be isolated from occupied areas by temporary
closures or the affected areas ventilated by natural or mechanical means as required to
reduce the exposure.
vi. Where occupants of the structure may be exposed to the build-up of flammable or
combustible atmospheres, natural or mechanical ventilation shall be employed to reduce
the exposure.
vii. Sources of ignition in the effected areas shall be eliminated.
viii. See section Fire Prevention and Protection for other requirements.
ix. The use of equipment powered by internal combustion engines inside of closed structures
is prohibited.
7. Where fire or smoke alarms may be set off due to construction activities, the Pavarini McGovern
project team shall coordinate the work with the building management to prevent false alarms.
Coordination may require the temporary isolation or shutting down of alarm systems. Where smoke,
fumes, odors, etc. from construction activities may be dispersed into occupied areas through air
intakes, air handling systems, etc., the Pavarini McGovern project team shall coordinate such
activities with the facilities management to control the hazard. Coordination may require the closing
of intakes or shutting down air handling systems
8. Closures and Barricades:
a. Construction areas and activities in occupied structures shall be isolated from occupied areas
by the installation of temporary partitions, fences, barricades or other means as required to
prevent unauthorized or inadvertent entry by occupants.
b. All temporary closures shall be free of projections that may present tripping hazards to
occupants, or upon which they may become snagged, impaled or bumped into.
c. Doors equipped with locking devices shall be installed at all points of entry to construction
areas and shall be closed and locked during non-working hours.
d. Gates at the point of entry to construction areas must be kept closed or controlled by a flagman
at all times.
1. All Pavarini McGovern employees shall be trained in the Pavarini McGovern Hazard Communication
Program. Records of the required training are available at each jobsite.
2. Each Subcontractor is required to have a Hazard Communication Program.
3. All employees must be trained in his/her employee’s Hazard Communication Program with written
verification as specified by OSHA.
4. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be readily available on each jobsite for the products that
are specifically being used on that jobsite.
1. This program has been prepared to comply with the requirements of the Federal OSHA. Standard
1910.1200 and to insure that information necessary for the safe use, handling, and storage of
hazardous materials is provided to and made available to employees of the Pavarini McGovern.
2. This program has been designed and written to apply to Pavarini McGovern employees only.
3. This program includes guidelines on identification of chemical hazards and the preparation and
proper use of containers, labels, placards and other types of warning devices.
a. Each jobsite is to maintain an inventory of all known chemicals purchased by Pavarini
McGovern for use on the site. When purchasing any potentially hazardous materials, it is
the jobsite Superintendent’s responsibility to secure an MSDS sheet with the product
from the supplier.
b. The MSDS sheet of hazardous chemicals brought onto the worksite by Pavarini
McGovern will be included in a separate book.
a. All Pavarini McGovern chemicals on site will be stored in their original or approved
containers with a proper label attached, except small quantities for immediate use. Even
small sprayers or containers must be labeled to prevent misuse. Any container not
properly labeled should be immediately identified for labeling or proper disposal.
b. Workers may dispense chemicals from original containers only in small quantities
intended for immediate use. Any chemical left after work is completed must be returned
to the original container or to Pavarini McGovern supervision for proper handling.
c. No unmarked containers of any size are permitted.
d. Pavarini McGovern will rely on manufacturer applied labels whenever possible and will
assure that these labels are maintained. Containers that are not labeled or on which the
manufacturer’s label has been removed will be re-labeled.
a. Employees shall be trained to work safely with hazardous chemicals. Employee training
will include:
i. Methods that may be used to detect a release of hazard chemical(s) in the
ii. Physical and health hazards associated with chemicals.
iii. Protective measures to be taken.
iv. Safe work practices, emergency responses and use of personal protective
b. Information on the Hazard Communication Standard including:
i. Labeling and warning systems
ii. An explanation of the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
a. Any incident of overexposure or spill of a hazardous chemical/substance must be
reported immediately to the Pavarini McGovern jobsite Safety Representative.
b. The foreman or the immediate supervisor will be responsible for insuring that proper
emergency response actions are taken in leak/spill situations.
29 CFR 1926.552 – Material Hoist, Personal Hoist and Elevators
a. The rated load capacity and recommended operating speeds of the hoist shall be posted
on the car and platform.
b. The capacity of the hoist shall not be exceeded.
c. Hoist way entrance shall be protected by substantial gates or bars across the full width of
the landing entrance.
d. Gates shall be equipped with a latching device.
e. The number of the floor shall be conspicuously posted on each floor at the entrance to
the hoist.
f. A two-way communication system shall be provided between the operator's station and
each hoist landing.
g. An alarm or signal system shall be provided at the operator's station indicating whether or
not the bar or gate at any floor landing is closed.
h. The top of every material hoist cage or platform shall have overhead protection of 2-inch
planking, ¾-inch plywood or other solid material of equivalent strength.
i. The operator's station of a hoisting machine shall be provided with overhead protection of
tight 2-inch planking or equivalent.
j. Operating rules shall be established and posted at the operator's station.
k. Car arresting devices shall be installed to function in case of rope failure.
a. Cars shall be permanently enclosed on all sides and the top, except sides used for
entrance and exit, which have car doors or gates.
b. The full height of the tower shall be enclosed on the side or sides adjacent to the building
with ½-inch wire mesh of No. 14 U.S. Gauge wire or equivalent.
c. Unused sides of the base of the tower shall be enclosed from ground level to a height 10
feet above the lowest landing.
d. Hoist way doors or gates shall be installed at each floor landing and shall be not less than
6 feet 6 inches high, provided with mechanical locks that cannot be operated from the
landing side, and shall be accessible only to persons on the car.
e. Overhead protection shall be provided.
f. Car doors or gates shall be provided with electric contacts that do not allow movement of
the hoist when door or gate is open.
g. Roll off, or dock plates used on upper floors shall have a vertical projection attached to
their bottom that will prevent the plate from sliding through the gap between the car and
the floor landing.
h. Cars shall be provided with a capacity sign posted conspicuously on the car.
i. A call system for the car shall be provided at each landing and the floor number shall be
posted at each landing.
j. Hoist tower shall be anchored to the building or structure at intervals not exceeding 25
feet. In addition to tie-ins, a series of guys shall be installed.
k. An emergency stop switch shall be provided in the car and marked "STOP".
l. A competent person shall inspect and test all hoist functions and safety devices before
the hoist is put in service, and at three (3) month intervals thereafter. Written records of
such tests shall be maintained at the jobsite.
a. Overhead hoists of all types shall be securely fastened and tied back to the supporting
structures on which they are mounted. Use of counterweights alone to secure hoists is
not permitted.
1. The use of ladders with broken or missing steps or rungs, broken or split side rails or other defects
are prohibited.
2. Ladders of any type shall not be painted.
3. Manufactured ladders shall not be altered or repaired.
4. Ladder jacks will be used only as a last resort.
5. Subcontractors should have their name on their ladders.
6. Workers are to use their employer’s ladders only.
7. A-frame ladders are to be used in the open position only.
8. Straight ladders should be secured from accidental displacement.
9. Straight ladders on smooth surfaces must have slip resistant feet.
10. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
11. Ladders shall be inspected by a competent person for defects on a periodic basis.
12. All workers are to be trained in ladders as specified by OSHA.
13. Ladders should be stored in a secure position.
14. Extension ladders shall not be separated to be used as two ladders.
15. Aluminum ladders are not permitted.
16. Ladders shall extend at least three feet above the exit level.
17. Portable ladders should be rated Type 1 (Heavy Duty) or Type 1A (Extra Heavy Duty).
18. Fall protection is required when working on a ladder placed closer to a guardrail than the height of the
ladder. For an example, a ten (10) foot ladder used closer than ten (10) feet from a guardrail will
require fall protection in the form of a personal fall arrest system with appropriate anchorage.
19. Ladders shall not be used in the horizontal position as platforms, runways or scaffolds.
20. The use of planks and ladders to make a scaffold is prohibited.
21. If one ladder is to provide the only means of access or exit from a working area for 25 or more
employees or simultaneous two-way traffic is expected, a double ladder is required.
22. Side rails of job made ladders shall extend not less than 36 inches above the top landing level, and
the space between the side rails at the top 36 inches shall be free of rungs or other obstructions to
permit employees to enter or leave the ladder between the side rails.
23. The pitch of the ladder shall be such that the horizontal distance from the top support to the foot of
the ladder is about 1/4 of the length of the ladder between the top support and the base.
24. Job made ladders to be built to ANSI 14.4 standards or designed by a registered professional
a. Personal Protective Equipment is a worker's last line of defense against injury and illness.
b. When engineering controls and work practices may not successfully limit exposures, it is the policy of
Pavarini McGovern that subcontractors provide a complete Personal Protective Equipment Program
and training, along with the necessary protective equipment to fully protect their workers.
c. Each subcontractor is responsible for procuring, issuing, using, and maintaining personal protective
equipment as required in this Section.
d. Each subcontractor shall see that foremen issue required equipment to employees and instruct the
foremen to enforce its use.
e. Each subcontractor shall provide for regular inspection of the equipment to see that it is in safe
working condition, and provide for its care and maintenance.
f. The following is a guideline of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) use:
i. ANSI-approved hard hats shall be worn at all times.
ii. Subcontractors are responsible to provide their employees with hard hats.
iii. Visitors must obtain visitor hard hats at the Pavarini McGovern trailer.
iv. Pavarini McGovern hard hats are for Pavarini McGovern personnel only.
v. Hardhats to be worn, inspected and replaced according to manufacturer.
i. Long pants must be worn to the ankle.
ii. Shirts must cover the shoulder.
iii. No tank tops or muscle shirts.
i. All workers are required to wear industrial quality work shoes or boots (no sneakers).
ii. Visitors must wear appropriate sturdy, flat-soled shoes.
i. ANSI-approved safety glasses with side shields are required at all times.
ii. Selection of the type of eye protection shall based on 29 CFR 1926, Subpart E, Table E-1.
iii. The use of welding shields when there is a hardhat requirement must be integrated.
iv. Dark glasses shall not be worn indoors.
i. When there is need for face protection, face shield shall be used.
ii. Safety glasses must be worn when using face shields.
OSHA Publication 3157 – A Guide For Protecting Workers From Woodworking Hazards
29 CFR 1910.138 – Hand Protection
OSHA Publication 3170 - Protecting Employees from Amputations
OSHA Publication 3080 – Hand and Power Tools
OSHA Quick Card - Amputations
The purpose of this policy is to reduce the number of hand and finger injuries by ensuring that every
person working on site has the proper gloves provided by their employer.
1. The subcontractor must assess the task and select gloves based on the exposure.
2. The subcontractor must provide the proper glove for the job.
3. The subcontractor will ensure that each employee wears hand protection when working in areas
where a hazard exists that could cause injury to hands and fingers due to skin absorption of
hazardous substances, severe cuts, lacerations, abrasions, punctures or burns and temperature
4. Hand protection must meet the following minimum requirements:
a. adequately protect against the particular hazards for which they were designed;
b. be reasonably comfortable when worn under designed conditions;
c. fit properly without interfering with the movements of the wearer;
d. be durable; kept clean and in good repair
e. be capable of being cleaned and/or disinfected and/or disposed of upon completion of intended
5. Gloves must be available for immediate use (on the worker).
6. If a greater hazard exists and a subcontractor can demonstrate that wearing gloves would create a
greater hazard to the employee, then wearing gloves will be exempt. An example might be using
rotating machinery where the glove, if caught, would cause an injury that is more extensive to the
7. If a subcontractor does not have a hand protection program the Pavarini McGovern project team
should assist the subcontractor in implementing a policy.
8. Pavarini McGovern subcontractor employees working on the project will have gloves available that
would protect their hands while performing their normal task.
1. Powered industrial truck equipment such as fork lifts, lulls, petty-bone lifts, on construction site
require operator training in accordance with 1910.178(l). The term powered industrial truck is defined
in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME B56.1 (formerly the ANSI B56.1 standard)
as a "mobile, power propelled truck used to carry, push, pull, lift, stack, or tier material." Prime
movers and powered buggies are also considered industrial trucks.
2. Only trained personnel may operate a powered industrial truck. A copy of the training and/or license
shall be provided by the subcontractor.
3. Lift trucks, stackers, etc., shall have the rated capacity clearly posted on the vehicle so as to be
clearly visible to the operator.
4. No modifications or additions, which effect the capacity or safe operation of the equipment, shall be
made without the manufacturer’s written approval.
5. If a load is lifted by two or more trucks working in unison, the proportion of the total load carried by
any one truck shall not exceed its capacity.
6. All high lift rider industrial trucks shall be equipped with overhead guards.
7. Seat belts shall be worn at all times.
8. All powered equipment must be inspected in accordance to the manufacturer’s recommendation.
9. Unauthorized personnel shall not be permitted to ride on powered industrial trucks.
10. A safe place to ride shall be provided where riding of trucks is authorized.
11. All moving parts shall be protected.
12. Equipment to be fueled away from open flame and in areas that are not vapor sensitive.
13. When working indoors, diesel or propane fueled engines must be installed with scrubbers to
minimize the potential exposure to exhaust gases and vapors. Area to be adequately exhausted
and air monitored.
14. When working near edges, wheel stop protection shall be installed to prevent the vehicle from
driving off the floor.
15. Be aware of workers on foot especially at blind corners.
16. Assess the following:
a. Floor surfaces and/or ground conditions where the vehicle will be operated;
b. Composition of probable loads and load stability;
c. Load manipulation, stacking, unstacking;
d. Pedestrian traffic;
e. Narrow aisle and restricted place operation;
f. Operating in classified hazard locations;
g. Operating the truck on ramps and other sloped surfaces that would affect the stability of the
h. Other unique or potentially hazard environmental conditions that exist or may exist in the
i. Operating the vehicle in closed environments and other areas where insufficient ventilation could
cause a buildup of carbon monoxide or diesel exhaust.
2. Medical Clearance for Respirator Use: Any employee, who wears respiratory protection, required
or voluntarily, shall be required to complete a respiratory questionnaire. The questionnaire will be
reviewed by a physician or other licensed health care professional (PLHCP). Only employees
who receive approval of a PLHCP shall be allowed to wear respirators. Questionnaires are
available from the Pavarini McGovern Safety Department.
3. Training and Fit Testing: The Pavarini McGovern Safety Department shall coordinate training on
the use, maintenance, and limitations of respirators to all employees required to wear respiratory
protection. Fit testing shall be conducted prior to the start of the task requiring respiratory
4. Record Keeping: The Pavarini McGovern Safety Department shall maintain fit testing and
training records for each employee.
Are respirators:
Necessary to protect the health of the employee; or
Required by the employer?
Must establish and implement a Does the employer permit voluntary use
written respirator protection program of respirators?
with site specific procedures.
a. Each written program must be tailored to site specific conditions.
b. Subcontractors must document all relevant information pertaining to their hazardous
atmospheres including monitoring results.
a. If respirators are not required, but their voluntary use is permitted, Pavarini McGovern
must implement those elements of a respirator program to ensure safe use (e.g., medical
evaluation, worker training).
a. OSHA has determined there are no medical limitations on the use of these respirators.
Subcontractors only need to provide a copy of Appendix D of the standard to employees
voluntarily using dust masks.
a. The employer must designate a program administrator who is qualified by appropriate
training or experience that is commensurate with the complexity of the program.
b. Administrator to oversee program and conduct required evaluations of program
a. Respirators must be selected based on hazard.
b. Respirators must be certified by NIOSH and used within the limitations of that
c. Respirators must be acceptable to and fit the users.
d. Work conditions (e.g., heat, physical exertion) must be taken into account.
e. Communication needs should be considered.
a. Respirator hazards must be identified and evaluated by air monitoring.
b. Subcontractors must make “a reasonable estimate” of the employee exposures
anticipated to occur, including those likely to result in reasonably foreseeable
c. Where an evaluation is not possible, IDLH conditions must be assumed.
a. Medical records (1910.1020), fit testing until next fit test and current written respirator
Appendix D to Section 1910.134 (Non-Mandatory) Information for Using Respirators When Not
Required Under the Standard.
Respirators are an effective method of protection against designated hazards when properly selected and
worn. Respirator use is encouraged, even when exposures are below the exposure limit, to provide an
additional level of comfort and protection for workers. However, if a respirator is used improperly or not
kept clean, the respirator itself can become a hazard to the worker. Sometimes, workers may wear
respirators to avoid exposures to hazards, even if the amount of hazardous substance does not exceed
the limits set by OSHA standards. If your employer provides respirators for your voluntary use, or if you
provide your own respirator, you need to take certain precautions to be sure that the respirator itself does
not present a hazard.
1. Read and heed all instructions provided by the manufacturer on use, maintenance, cleaning and
care and warnings regarding the respirator’s limitations.
2. Choose respirators certified for use to protect against the contaminant of concern. NIOSH, the
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and Human Services, certifies respirators.
A label or statement of certification should appear on the respirator or respirator packaging. It will
tell you what the respirator is designed for and how much it will protect you.
3. Do not wear your respirator into atmospheres containing contaminants that your respirator is not
designed to protect you against. For example, a respirator designed to filter dust particles will not
protect you against gases, vapors or very small solid particles of fumes or smoke.
4. Keep track of your respirator so that you do not mistakenly use someone else’s respirator.
I have read the above and will comply with its requirements.
29 CFR 1926 – Subpart L/Scaffold
29 CFR 1926.454 – Scaffold Training Requirement
29 CFR 1910.28 – Safety Requirements For Scaffolding
29 CFR 1926 – Subpart L Appendix A thru E
OSHA Standard Interpretations - Storage Of Materials On A Scaffold For More Than One Shift's
OSHA Standard Interpretations - The Difference Between Maintenance & Construction; Scaffold
Inspection Requirements; And Definition Of Periodic Scaffold Inspection
OSHA Safety and Health Topics - Scaffolding
OSHA eTool - Scaffolding
OSHA Publication #3150 - A Guide to Scaffold Use In the Construction Industry
OSHA Publication #3252 – Worker Safety Series, Construction
OSHA Slide Presentation – 1926.450 Subpart L, Scaffold
OSHA Quick Card – Supported Scaffold Inspection Tips
Standard Interpretations - Determining Safety On Scaffold With Wind Imposed Forces
Standard Interpretations - Training Qualifications For The Competent Person Inspecting Scaffolds
General Requirements
1. Major scaffolding projects involving multiple trades should be reviewed for proper buy-out, which
includes inspections, alterations and trainings.
2. Waivers will be required by trades using Pavarini McGovern scaffolding. Subcontractors will
otherwise manage their own waivers. See Scaffolding Release Form in this manual.
3. Pre-planning may be required for scaffold usage, depending on the size and complexity of the
4. All employees working on scaffolding shall be trained in the elements specific to that scaffold.
Competent person training, erector training, and user training will be required per task.
5. Erectors shall be trained and competent in scaffold erection.
6. Subcontractors shall submit in writing a feasibility assessment for providing fall protection during
erection and dismantlement.
7. Scaffolds shall be inspected daily by a competent person. Written verification required.
8. Ladders must be used to access scaffolds or the scaffold must be designed specifically for
9. Scaffold erection for pedestrian protection shall be designed by a qualified person and shall
demonstrate adequate design capability to protect the public from anticipated overhead hazards.
10. Scaffolds should be completed before they are used.
11. All working levels of a scaffold must be fully planked.
12. Guardrail systems should be in place for scaffold exceeding 6’-0 or alternative fall protection is
13. A guardrail system shall consist of the following:
a. Handrail at 42” or X-bracing placed at 38”- 48” above work platform
b. Midrail at 21” or X-bracing placed at 20”- 30” above work platform
c. Toeboards are required.
14. Scaffolds shall be protected from electrical hazards. Scaffolds shall be grounded as required.
15. When erecting scaffolding within 20 feet of energized electrical lines, a pre-planning meeting with
a JHA is required. Scaffolds shall not be erected within 20’ of un-insulated power lines OR only
after the utility company has notification that the lines have been de-energized, relocated or
insulated. The use of a tagging system is required on larger multi-trade scaffolding systems.
16. The tagging system shall indicated green for fully compliant scaffolding; yellow for scaffolding that
is non-compliant in identified areas and may require additional fall protection. Red for scaffolding
not to be used.
Rolling Scaffolds:
1. All the components must be part of a single system.
2. To prevent racking, horizontal diagonal bracing shall be installed.
3. All wheels shall have brakes and applied when being used.
4. Rolling scaffolds shall be securely pinned together and should always be fitted with horizontal
diagonal bracing as recommended by the manufacturer.
Baker Scaffolds:
1. The height of the toprail for scaffolds manufactured and placed in service before January 1, 2000
can be between 36 inches (0.9 m) and 45 inches (1.2 m).
2. The height of the toprail for scaffolds manufactured and placed in service after January 1, 2000
must be between 38 inches (0.97 m) and 45 inches (1.2 m). Ref: 1926.451(g) (4)(ii).
3. Scaffolds with working platforms above 6 feet in height shall have guardrails on all open sides
and ends of the platform as specified by OSHA
4. Scaffolds on stairs or in stairwells shall have the wheels removed.
5. Scaffolds with the working platform above 6 feet shall use a self-supporting ladder for worker
access and shall have a gate.
6. Scaffolds shall use outriggers when height of the working platform exceeds 4 times the base.
7. Working platforms shall always be fully planked.
8. The use of a spackle bucket or a ladder on top of a scaffold is not permitted.
9. Baker type scaffolding with locking type picks is preferred.
10. Subcontractors’ personnel shall not be permitted to ride scaffolds unless the floor remains clear of
trash, material, debris, is free of floor openings and meets CFR 1926.451(e)(7)(I)(ii)(iii)(iv).
2. Swing Setup:
a. method for loading materials:
b. crane:
c. fall protection required on roof:
d. details:
3. Swing Configuration:
a. stabilization by:
b. cornice hooks, parapet clamps, etc.
c. use blocking
d. Outrigger beams:
e. tie backs anchored to:
f. use “J” style twin base saddle clamps (“Fist Grips”)
g. do not use “U” style cable clips
4. Counterweights:
a. type:
b. secured from accidental displacement by:
c. load formula:
d. required counterweight load:
e. maximum intended load:
5. Fall Protection:
a. full body harness:
b. anchorage points:
c. method of attachment:
d. protect lifeline from abrasion by:
e. type of rope for lifeline:
f. rope grab:
7. Access to Scaffold:
8. Training:
9. Competent Person:
1. The erection subcontractor shall develop a site-specific erection plan that includes the name of the
qualified rigger, certified signalperson and competent person. See crane requirements of this
2. A preplanning meeting should be conducted with the steel erector, crane operator and other
subcontractors as necessary before the start of the job. Coordination of overhead loads is critical.
3. All ironwork activities to follow the six (6) foot rule.
4. The steel erector is not to erect steel unless a written notification has been received indicating that
the concrete in the footings, piers and walls or the mortar in the masonry piers and walls has
attained either 75% of the intended minimum compressive design strength or sufficient strength to
support the loads imposed during steel erections. Documentation to be submitted to Pavarini
McGovern project team in writing.
5. Pavarini McGovern is to ensure that adequate access roads and laydown areas are firm, properly
graded, drained, and readily accessible for the safe storage and operation of erector’s equipment.
6. Do not create overhead hazards.
7. All pieces to be connected with a two-bolt minimum.
8. Metal decking will not be laid unless it is secured by the end of the day.
9. Hot work permits are required as necessary.
10. Wire rope cable will be installed at the perimeter for toprail and midrail with high visibility flags every
six (6) feet. Cables are to be provided with turnbuckles at each elevation to facilitate maintenance.
Two (2) cable clamps are required at each column and end of run.
11. Wire rope cable used for guardrail system must be maintained to meet at least 42” above finished
floor in the middle of the run with 200 lbs. exerted in the downward direction.
12. Subcontractor must provide training on OSHA Subpart R and for other activities such as scaffolds,
ladders, excavations, etc.
13. Connectors are excused from the safety glasses requirements if they interfere with peripheral vision.
14. Workers are not permitted to climb or slide columns.
15. All deck openings must be protected as decking is installed.
16. Safety nets shall be certified and inspected per OSHA.
17. Once steel erection of a floor/area is completed and the area is going to be turned over to other
trades such as the concrete contractor, the area must first be inspected by Pavarini McGovern
project team to assure the fall protection is installed correctly; all debris and trip hazards have been
removed. Following the inspection of the floor/area, a Custody of Fall Protection letter shall be
drafted and sent to all contractors on the jobsite. See example of a Custody of Fall Protection letter
in this manual.
18. Subcontractor is responsible to inspect all work areas daily.
Public protection shall conform to all local codes as well as the following requirements:
1. All construction projects shall be fenced at all open perimeters to prevent unauthorized or
inadvertent entry by the public.
2. Where construction material may tend to splash or fly into public areas, the fence shall be
constructed of solid material such as plywood, and be free of openings which might permit the
passage of the materials.
3. Fences shall be free of projections such as protruding nails, etc., upon which the public may
become snagged, impaled, or bump into.
4. Fences shall be free of projections that may present tripping hazards to the public.
5. Areas on the public side of fences shall be kept free of debris and construction materials.
6. Bases and support members of fences shall be so constructed as to prevent accidental
displacement of the fence by high winds or if struck by construction vehicles.
7. Openings in fences for the passage of construction vehicles and employees shall be equipped
with gates incorporating the same safety features required for fence construction.
8. Gates shall be equipped with locking devices and shall be closed during work hours and locked
during non-working hours.
9. Where the erection of fences is not immediately feasible due to the nature of the work, or where
fences must be temporarily taken down to facilitate the work, alternate protection such as
barricades shall be provided.
10. Gates should swing inward as to not create a hazard to oncoming pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
1. Sidewalk canopies or covered walkways erected in public ways shall be constructed according to
local codes.
2. Bases and support members of canopies shall be so constructed as to prevent accidental
displacement by high winds or if struck by construction vehicles. Consider jersey barriers as a
base for overhead canopies adjacent to vehicular traffic.
3. Temporary walkways constructed under canopies shall present a smooth and stable walking
surface, free of excessive deflection and tripping hazards.
4. Canopies and covered walkways shall be lighted in accordance with local codes.
5. Maintain lighting in working order at all times.
6. Walkways under canopies shall be kept free of debris, construction materials, projections, and
tripping hazards.
7. Canopies are not to be used for the storage of construction materials or equipment.
8. Canopies are not used as work platforms unless approved by the Superintendent.
9. When used as a work platform, all open sides of the canopy shall be protected with a standard
guardrail installed in compliance with OSHA regulations.
10. A ladder shall be used to provide access to the platform.
11. If the installation of a guardrail is not feasible, employees shall be fall protected.
12. Fences attached to canopies shall comply with requirements under the section for fences above.
13. Where employees entering or leaving buildings or structures under construction are exposed to
overhead hazards, access to the building or structure shall be limited to areas provided with
overhead protection of planking, 3/4 inch plywood or equal (check local codes).
Project Signs:
1. Subcontractor shall provide for the prompt and conspicuous posting and maintenance of Danger
Signs, Caution Signs and Safety Instruction Signs as required for general use at the project to
alert and inform subcontractors and workers of safety hazards and safety rules and regulations.
2. Areas adjacent to gates where construction vehicles are entering and leaving the job site shall be
posted with signs warning the public to watch out for trucks and other vehicles.
3. All doors, gates or other points of entry from occupied areas into construction areas shall be
posted with warning signs. Signs may state “DANGER: CONSTRUCTION AREA,” “KEEP
4. Where blind spots may exist for pedestrians or motorists along fences, under canopies, at
approaches to driveways or gates where construction vehicles are entering or leaving the job site,
appropriate warning signs shall be posted to warn the public of the hazard. Strategic placement of
Plexiglas mirrors will help both pedestrians and vehicles through potential blind spots.
1. OSHA gives employees the right to notify the Federal/State Department of Labor and request an
inspection if they believe that unsafe and unhealthful conditions exist at their work site.
Employees have been made aware of this right by reading the OSHA Poster which
subcontractors are required to post. OSHA gives a high priority to employee complaints and a
heavy percentage of inspections are of this type.
2. Unsafe acts and conditions may occur on construction projects without the supervisor's
knowledge. The employee safety complaint is usually an effort to call these to the
superintendent's attention. Since most safety complaints are made in good faith, they should be
welcomed as an opportunity to correct unknown safety hazards before injury results. The
complaint must be properly investigated and disposed of before the situation gets out of hand and
results in an injury or an OSHA inspection.
a. Pass along all employee safety complaints to the Superintendent. No complaints should be
b. Assure the complainant (if known) that the matter will be investigated immediately and any
required corrective action taken. Explain that the OSHA regulations shall be the basis for
determining hazards and corrections.
c. Fully investigate the item of complaint and call the Pavarini McGovern Safety Department for
guidance if required. Consult the OSHA regulations to determine if a violation exists and
what correction is needed. Order immediate corrective action for any violation, including any
act or condition not covered by OSHA regulations but believed to be hazardous.
d. Always report the disposition of the complaints back to the complainant promptly. Settle the
complaint to the mutual satisfaction of all concerned.
e. Make a written record of the details of the complaint, including corrective actions taken and
file for future reference in the event of a complaint inspection by OSHA.
4. This procedure will be of little value in handling complaints internally if employees do not know it
is available to them. At a safety meeting, notify all employees of the procedure.
5. At a safety meeting, review the procedure with subcontractors and instruct them to follow it. Have
them report their employee complaint handling to you in writing. Enforce their compliance with
this procedure, as a complaint inspection for any contractor may be broadened to include all
contractors on the project.
Personal vehicles will be allowed only on routes specified by the owner if required. All personnel will be
transported from designated parking site(s) to the job site by a Contractor furnished vehicle if the job site
is beyond normal walking distance if required. All company vehicles other than construction equipment,
e.g., dump trucks, cranes, air compressors, etc., are to be designated on Contractor vehicle identification
form and decals issued. Insurance requirements per contract documents.
All visitors to the site must have a legitimate business purpose connected with the project and have the
specific approval of the owner or its representative to enter the job site. Visitors will report to the
designated visitors building adjacent to the job site to register and obtain authorized clearance. Upon
clearance, visitors will be given temporary passes for entry to construction office area. Contractors will
furnish hard hats with suitable decals or badges for visitor admittance beyond office areas.
Delivery/Removal of Material:
When delivery is being made to a Contractor or Subcontractor, a standard bill of lading or invoice will be
required. This must include the following information:
1. Company to whom the materials, goods, or equipment is being delivered.
2. Description of material, goods, or equipment.
3. Quantity of cargo (pieces, feet, tons, drums, etc.).
4. Project or building destination of the materials.
5. If leased equipment, serial number and means of identification.
6. A copy of this invoice will be furnished to the Security Host at the on-site vehicle gate.
Homeland Security:
Federal jobsites will require lengthy clearance processes to obtain a security clearance from the
Department of Homeland Security. Do not underestimate the length of time this may take.
Owner’s Name
Owner’s Address
In consideration of permission granted to the undersigned to enter and inspect the premises:
Which is being erected, which permission is given as a courtesy to me and for my benefit only:
1. I acknowledge that my entry and stay upon the said premises is for my benefit only and is not in
any manner connected with or collateral to any contract or agreement effecting said premises.
2. I acknowledge that my entry and stay upon said premises is at my own risk, and I agree that none
of the above named, or any of their employees or agents, nor any contractors of subcontractors
who may be performing work or supplying materials to or upon said premises, shall be liable for
personal injuries, death or property damage suffered by me, whether or not said injuries, loss or
damage may be due to any act or omission, or any negligence of any of the aforesaid.
3. I assume full responsibility for any or all of said injuries or damage, and do hereby fully and
forever release each of the above named, their employees and agents, and any and all
contractors or subcontractors who may be performing work or supplying materials to or upon said
premises, from any and all claims arising out of or related to my being in, on or about said
1. Employees working over or near water, where the danger of drowning exists, shall be provided
with U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket or buoyant work vests.
2. Prior to and after each use, the buoyant work vests or life preservers shall be inspected for
defects that would alter their strength or buoyancy. Defective units shall not be used.
3. Ring buoys with at least 90 feet of line shall be provided and readily available for emergency
rescue operations. Distance between ring buoys shall not exceed 200 feet.
4. At least one lifesaving skiff shall be immediately available at locations where employees are
working over or adjacent to water.
The Project Team has the primary responsibility for ensuring safety training and education on each
project, and shall conduct regularly scheduled safety meetings with Pavarini McGovern employees for
this purpose. The Project Team shall instruct Pavarini McGovern personnel of their safety duties as
described in this Manual, and require them to conduct the following safety training and education
activities with employees under their supervision:
b. Review the required uses and care of personal protective equipment such as hard hats,
eye protection, respirators, safety harnesses, etc.
c. See that each employee has certification of instruction in the use of such items as power
actuated tools, lasers, motor vehicles, ladders, etc. as it pertains to the tasks the will
d. Review procedures for obtaining first aid and medical treatment for job related injuries.
2. Superintendent shall include, in all work assignments to each employee, instruction in the
recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions related to the work. He shall give
particular care to the following conditions:
d. Work in confined or enclosed workspaces with limited egress, which may be subject to
the accumulation of toxic or flammable atmosphere.
f. Where Pavarini McGovern finds employees engaged in unsafe acts or working in unsafe
conditions, a Project Team member shall instruct the employees, on an individual basis,
on the nature of the hazard, safety regulations violated and required protective action.
g. Disciplinary procedures for continued unsafe acts or creating unsafe conditions will be
Training Requirements in OSHA Standards and Training Guidelines Publication 2254
Subpart K Electrical
Ground Fault Protection
Lock-out/Tag-out Procedures
Subpart L Scaffolding
Erecting, Disassembling, Moving, Operating, Repairing, Maintaining, or
General Requirements for Users
Competent Person
Fall Protection
Subpart P Excavations
General Protection Requirements (Excavations, Trenching and Shoring)
Subpart T Demolition
Preparatory Operations
Mechanical Demolition
Subpart X Ladders
General Requirements
3. Use tools for the job for which they were intended.
2. All Pavarini McGovern job sites will have the proper accident prevention signs as outlined in the
OSHA Standard Sub Part G 1926.200. Accident prevention signs are to define specific hazards
and prevent accidental injury to workers, public and property. Accident prevention signs will be
strategically placed, maintained and visible at all times when work is being performed and shall
be removed or covered promptly when the hazard no longer exist.
3. Sign Types:
a. Danger Signs: Shall have red as the predominating color and will be used only where
an immediate hazard exists. All employees shall be instructed that danger signs indicate
immediate danger and that special precautions are necessary.
b. Caution Signs: Shall have yellow as the predominating color and shall be used to warn
against potential hazards or to caution against unsafe practices. All employees shall be
instructed that caution signs indicate a possible hazard against which proper precaution
should be taken.
c. Exit Signs: Shall have red letters and white field and will be placed strategically
indicating where the main egress point is located. Exit signs should be placed in
corridors as the walls on the project are erected.
d. Safety Instructional Signs: Shall be white with green upper panel and shall be used
where there is a need for general instructions and suggestions relative to safety
e. Traffic Signs: Shall be posted where visible to vehicular traffic and in compliance with
local and state traffic regulations.
1. Each employer shall assign personnel to act as a flagger to direct vehicular traffic under their
2. Such personnel shall be instructed in the proper procedures of traffic controls per local laws.
3. Where construction vehicles entering or leaving the jobsite are required to perform unusual
maneuvers in the public way, which may interrupt the normal flow of pedestrian or other vehicular
traffic, one or more flagger as required, shall be used to safely control the traffic.
4. In all cases, where construction vehicles enter or leave the job site by backing up, a flag person
shall be used to safely control pedestrian and other vehicular traffic.
5. Construction vehicles backing up on the job site shall be equipped with back-up alarms or have a
flagger in attendance.
6. Construction vehicles entering or leaving the job site shall travel at reduced speeds
commensurate with safety for pedestrians and other vehicular traffic.
7. All construction operations involving workers, construction vehicles, and equipment in the public
way, which are not static or fixed, but are changing or fluid, shall be attended by one or more
flaggers as required to safely control pedestrians and other vehicular traffic around the
8. All construction operations involving workers, construction vehicles, and equipment in the public
way, which are fixed or static, shall be protected by one or more of the following traffic control
devices as required to safely control pedestrians and other vehicular traffic around the operations:
a. Warning signs
b. Barricades
c. Flashing Light Signals
d. Warning Flags
e. Traffic Lane Cones
9. Signs and lights shall be placed well ahead of construction operations to allow pedestrians to
heed the warnings. Flags, Barricades and Traffic Lane Cones shall be so placed as to create
clearly defined lanes of traffic to permit the safe flow of traffic.
10. In all cases where flaggers are used to control pedestrians and vehicular traffic, they shall receive
instructions in the type of work to be done, traffic controls required, and proper signaling of traffic.
11. Flaggers shall wear high visibility PPE and use a flag to signal traffic.
12. Where construction operations take place in pedestrian walkway or create safety hazards over
pedestrian walkways, the walkway shall be closed and pedestrian traffic routed to safe, alternate
13. Walkways shall be closed with barricades and warning signs clearly posted at the points of
closure, warning of the hazard and clearly indicating the alternate walkway.
23 CFR 630 Subpart J – Work Zone Safety and Mobility Policy
Highway Work Zones and Signs, Signal, and Barricades
23 CFR Part 655 Subpart F - Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
American Traffic Safety Services Association -
1. Flaggers shall wear high visibility reflective vest in compliance with local jurisdictions.
2. Flaggers shall use a red or orange (check with state regulations) 24” X 24” flag to signal traffic.
3. Flaggers using STOP/SLOW paddle, the paddle must be
a. Octagonal in shape
b. 18-inch minimum size STOP sign on one side.
c. Diamond-shaped SLOW sign on opposite side.
d. Both sides retro-reflective
e. 72-inch staff (minimum)
4. Flagger shall use their free hand to direct traffic.
5. Work zone should be set up with four components:
a. Advance warning area
b. Transition area
c. Activity area
d. Termination area
6. Never stand in front of traffic to direct vehicles to stop.
7. Always face traffic.
8. During hours of darkness, illumination of flagger station is required.
9. Never walk behind equipment that is backing up.
10. Always maintain eye contact with the driver who is backing up.
11. Keep intersections clear.
12. Coordinate all construction traffic with traffic signals
13. Yield to all emergency vehicles.
14. Circle construction vehicles around the block until access is available.
15. Get help if additional flaggers are required.
16. Communicate your problems/concerns to your supervisor and the Pavarini McGovern safety
representative on site.
17. Be courteous.
18. Keep alert for pedestrians and handicapped persons.
19. Use common sense.
20. Each jobsite should modify these procedures to meet site-specific needs.
21. Flaggers must not:
a. Give mixed signals.
b. Use profanity or rude gestures.
c. Take chances.
Checklist is to be completed weekly by the Pavarini McGovern employee responsible for safety.
This checklist documents subcontractor risk assessment at the project.
Please check (√) the appropriate box next to the specific item.
“Y” Indicates compliance.
“N” Indicates non-compliance and requires immediate correction.
“N/A” Indicates that the item is not applicable at the project.
Electrical Y N N/A
GFCI or assured grounding in use
Extension cords are construction grade
Extension cords free of visible defects
Extension cords strung to avoid damage
Temporary electric properly hung
Temporary lighting properly guarded
Temporary lighting properly suspended
All live circuits and panels clearly posted
Live panels secured to prevent unauthorized access
Only qualified persons working on live circuits and panels
Scaffolds Y N N/A
Scaffolds fully planked
Scaffolds grade planking or equivalent used
Scaffold equipped with guardrails and endrails when required
Scaffolds constructed with base plates or wheels
Full cross bracing provided when required
Proper ladders or stairs provided for scaffold access
Outriggers provided when necessary
Scaffold wheels locked when in use
Suspended scaffolds inspected daily
Suspended scaffolds have lifelines secured to proper anchorage
Tubular scaffolds have base plates secured to mudsills
Tubular scaffold properly secured and braced
Excavation Y N N/A
Sheeting, shoring and bracing in place
Sloping and bracing where necessary
Ingress and egress provided
Guardrails in place
Spoils two feet from excavation
NOTE: Based on the results of this inspection, all causing, exposing and contractors
responsible for correcting deficiencies and non-compliance will be contacted in writing to
perform necessary corrective actions.
Inspected by (print):
Employer Name:
Date: Time: AM PM
Issued by:
Sub. Signature:
Resolution of Violation
Issued By (print) :
Project: Date:
Weather:* AM F Conditions:
PM F Conditions:
Prepared by:
The employee named below has been designated as the on-site OSHA competent person for the
below named contractor. The competent person has the education and experience to enable him /
her to recognize hazards and the authority to take necessary actions to correct those conditions
related to their contract scope and limited to work under their care, custody and control in the
following applicable areas.
Competent Person (Print):
The undersigned has been provided the information on the following requirement:
The undersigned employee will be issued from their employer the following safety equipment with
instructions as to their proper use (when and as required):
I have received the orientation as indicated above. I am aware of, understand, and agree to comply
with the safety rules and other policies and procedures for the Pavarini McGovern project named
below. I understand that all instructions that I have been given. “Site specific safety orientation” is
provided in cooperation with the client.
This training is specifically intended to provide workers with information regarding the mandatory
safety requirements established for this job site. It is not intended to provide task or craft specific
training nor is it intended to provide training in the use, care, selection or inspection of tools, material,
personnel protective safety equipment or any other safety equipment. Training in those items is the
sole responsibility of your employer or the employer’s designated representative. It is also expressly
not our intent to provide safety equipment, tools or materials.
If, after this orientation, you do not believe that you or your coworkers are appropriately trained or
equipped to work in accordance with the safety mandates established for this job or that your tools
and equipment are inappropriate, unsafe or substandard, you are urged to contact your employer
immediately, before beginning work in the field.
Project: ___________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________________________
For Pavarini McGovern a crisis may include, but not limited to:
1. An accident involving injuries or fatalities
2. An explosion or fire
3. A strike or work stoppage
4. Allegations of wrongdoing or misconduct
5. Rumor/innuendo
6. An “Act of God”
1. Anything said by anyone is “on the record” and considered the opinion of the company.
2. Never say “no comment”.
3. Always deal in facts, never speculate or offer personal opinion.
4. Neither exaggerate nor minimize the facts.
5. Never characterize the actions of others.
6. Pay attention to every detail; nothing is too small to ignore.
7. Never assume anything.
8. Do not release names or identities of individuals without prior official approval.
9. Be simple, direct and concise; avoid technical jargon.
10. Be patient; never let emotions effect decisions/actions.
11. Respond positively to negative questions.
12. Be accessible; stay in touch.
13. Be responsive.
14. Anyone in a Pavarini McGovern hardhat may be considered an agent of management.
It is essential that all team members identify and prioritize appropriate personnel that can serve in a
back-up capacity for each in advance. Then, at the time of a crisis, if any or all of the primary
personnel identified as crisis team members are unavailable (either in person or via
telecommunications), a pre-determined flow of alternates is automatically activated. In addition,
dependent upon the crisis, the Pavarini McGovern crisis response team may need to be
supplemented with additional resources:
1. Legal counsel
2. Project / operations specialist
3. Human resources
4. Risk management / safety
Chain of Communication:
Upon completion of initial response to an incident and the incident scene has been secured, the
Project Executive or his designee shall notify the Business Unit Safety Director.
Any other preliminary information available; lack of preliminary information shall not delay the
communication process.
1. Corporate Safety Director is responsible for communicating the incident to the Director of
Operations and legal.
2. Director of Operations is responsible for communicating the incident to the Chief Executive
3. If for any reason the Corporate Safety Director cannot be reached; leave a message and call
the Director of Operations. The same applies if he is unreachable. Call the COO. Most
importantly, speak to someone and do not assume by leaving a message it has been
Once the chain of communication has been completed, the Corporate Safety Director will
advise the Project Executive or his designee of any additional action(s) to take including but
not limited to:
1. Paperwork to complete.
2. Photographs to take.
3. Whether or not a claim needs to be opened with the insurance company.
4. Steps for regulatory agency notification if necessary.
5. Other steps deemed necessary based on accident circumstances.
6. In some cases the Divisional Safety Director may:
7. Request the investigation not begin without his presence on site.
8. Designate additional personnel to assist in the investigation.
No one person fully and effectively manages a crisis. Due to the uncertainty surrounding any crisis,
and the potential for escalation or complication, every crisis needs to be controlled by a team of
experts who represent the various disciplines potentially needed to execute proper response strategy.
It is unlikely that all crisis response team members will be available for consultation at the time of an
incident. As a minimum, one team member from corporate, operations and human resources should
be involved in developing strategy, providing counsel and monitoring the crisis throughout its
If any personnel are pressed for information about a current crisis, an appropriate response would be:
“I am not the one to make a comment on this issue. I would be happy to take your name and
number and have the appropriate person call you back as soon as information is available.”
It is important that each inquiry be handled as efficiently as possible and that a log is to be kept to
keep track of who called or stopped by and what information was sought. Specifically, the following
information needs to be recorded:
1. The person’s name.
2. The person’s phone number.
3. How long they will be at that phone number.
4. What the inquiry is regarding.
NOTE: Record names and phone numbers in the event a return call is necessary/ warranted.
Absolutely no discussion with media should take place until the victim(s) next of kin has been
The following course of action is recommended:
1. Assign a representative to notify next of kin.
2. As soon as the emergency becomes known, determine as closely as possible the extent and
nature of injuries.
3. Find out immediately where the victim is being taken.
4. Dispatch the project representative handling notification to the victim’s home as soon you can
(ideally in person, if not possible, by phone).
5. Keep someone at the office in contact with the hospital to learn as much as possible about
the victim.
The purpose of a Site Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) is to provide for the systematic identification,
evaluation and prevention or control of general workplace hazards, specific job hazards and potential
hazards that may arise from foreseeable conditions on any project. A SSSP plan defines respective
project and site employee responsibilities, participation in the program, and individual activities to be
performed by each. The coordinated, cooperative approach shall minimize labor and monetary
losses and help all site employees to comply with all current laws and regulations.
This management plan establishes the duties and responsibilities of the field supervisory staff, as well
as the basic procedures to be followed by each site employee. The regulations and objectives are to
help assure the health and safety of each site employee, their fellow workers, all persons authorized
to be on the job site, and the public. In the preparation of this management plan, every effort has
been made to be complete, yet practical. It is the explicit intention of the project management team
that each program, policy, and procedure described in the SSSP be comprehensive and compliant
with all applicable current laws to the best of their ability. The project management team,
subcontractors and all site employees shall apply them to the daily work processes on the project.
It is possible that a process or requirement on any job site may not be completely addressed, or that
a new process or requirement may be encountered. In such conditions, it is understood that prior to
performing the related work activities each new situation shall be addressed by immediately referring
to and applying local, state, and/or federal laws governing the situation for site employees. Rights
and responsibilities go hand in hand. It is expected that no project site employee shall ever
intentionally expose any worker to an unsafe condition, or observe actual or possible exposure
without reporting the instance to his or her supervisor as soon as possible. Site employees are
expected to develop their own commitment to safety and health protection for themselves and for
their fellow workers. Any site employee who does not comply with the project safety policy, or who is
persistently negligent in his or her responsibilities may be subject to disciplinary action or dismissal.
The template for a site-specific safety plan is available on Lotus Notes or by contacting your Business
Unit Safety Director for assistance.
A Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) should be completed to help identify potential hazards and possible
protective measures associated with single tasks already being performed on the jobsites. JHA’s
should be done to identify hazards associated with one trade and one task. When multiple trades
and/or high-risk activities are going to commence, a pre-planning meeting should be conducted. The
following is an example of a job task, which was observed.
The first step to a JHA is break down job task into steps. Describe each action taken by the worker to
complete the task. Example for Loading Zone Safety
(List each step of the job in order of occurrence as you watch the worker perform his/her job)
Step No.
1 Worker removes the “removable” wooden guardrail to enter the loading zone
2 Worker wearing a full body harness, ties off to the designated tie off point
3 Worker replaces the “removable” wooden guardrail
4 Worker takes down the wire rope cable guard rail to receive a load
5 Worker replaces wire rope cable guard rail
6 Worker un-ties and removes the “removable” wooden guardrails
7 Worker removes the load and replaces the “removable” wooden guardrail
The second step to a JHA is to identify any hazards associated with each step. Example
(List any potential hazards associated with each step
Step No.
1 Outside wire rope cable guardrail is not in place
2 Worker not properly wearing his PPE,
Worker incorrectly tying-off to an anchor not suitable for 5000 lbs. strength.
3 Worker does not replace “removable” wooden guardrail
4 The bay used for the loading zone was not isolated from the rest of the floor
5 Worker forgets to reconnect the wire rope cable.
6 N/A
7 N/A
The last step list the recommended protective measures for each step. Example
(List recommended protective measures)
Step No.
1 Before removing the “removable” wooden guardrail, ensure wire rope cable guardrail is in place.
Ensure the worker is tied off before the wooden “removable” guardrail is taken down.
2 Ensure worker is properly wearing his PPE; ensure the tie-off point meets the 5000 lbs.
3 Place signage with instruction indicating step by step the process to receive a load
4 The bay used for the loading zone needs to be dogged off prior to setting up the loading zone
5 Place signage with instruction indicating step by step the process to receive a load
6 Make sure worker is aware of loading zone procedures
7 N/A
2. All shut down requests must be submitted in writing using the Request Form, or the owner
request form, as specified by the jobsite superintendent.
3. Owner shutdown procedures must be followed and will take precedence, if applicable.
4. After the utilities have been shut down proper lockout/tagout procedures are to be followed.
(See Lockout/Tagout section of this manual.)
5. In occupied buildings or partially turned over buildings where securing or energizing utilities
will effect the occupied areas, no utilities can be secured or energized without authorization of
the owner. In most cases, the owner’s representatives are responsible to complete the actual
shut down and/or the energizing of utilities.
7. We need to locate and test all isolation valves in advance. In occupied buildings, this
process should be scheduled for after hours
8. Prior to any work, that may accidentally interrupt live systems, (mechanical, electrical,
sewerage, hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.); the Project Superintendent shall review and coordinate
the work with the representative utility company, authority or Local Municipal Agency and with
trades doing the work. Proper safeguards shall be implemented as required to prevent
accidental interruption of such systems. Work requiring review and safeguards may include
demolition and any blind penetration of floors, walls and ceilings.
9. All live systems whether they are mechanical, electrical, sewerage, hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.
shall be properly identified and location verified.
Employers must:
Assess workplace to identify hazards to eyes and face
Provide sanitary, reliable, undamaged eye and face protection that protects against identified
hazards and meets ANSI standards
Inform employees about available PPE and ensure each individual a proper fit
Certify in writing that employees have been trained to know:
When to use eye and face protection
What PPE to use, when PPE must be used and its limitations
How to put on, adjust, use, and remove eye and face PPE
How to care for, maintain, and dispose of eye and face PPE
Employees must:
Use assigned eye and face protection
Inspect, care for, and dispose of eye and face protection properly
This “X” symbol is for NO or REPLACE.
This “N/A” symbol is for NOT APPLICABLE.
3. To be inspected MONTHLY.
Ladder Description Mfg’s
Manufacturer Serial No.
Inspected By:
Signature: Date:
Permit Number:
Business Unit:
Project Location:
Hot Work Location:
Description of Work:
Permit Number:
Business Unit:
Fire watch assigned to job
Fire watch name:
Fire watch trained on use of firefighting equipment
Fire extinguisher appropriate for hazard on hand
Moved combustibles from around the Hot Work Area
Other precautions
Combustible floors wetted again after hot work completed
Fire watch remains on site to monitor the area one hour after hot work completed
Fire watch signed off Hot Work Permit after monitoring hot work area
Owner Approvals
Fire Prevention
Fire Watch:
Injured Employee:
Location of Acc./Inc.:
Date of Acc./Inc.: Time: PM Date Reported:
INCIDENT DESCRIPTION Describe in your own words, the events that occurred before, during and
after the incident that you are reporting.
Whereas the undersigned subcontractor has entered into a subcontract with Pavarini McGovern, or a sub-subcontract of
any tier with a subcontractor to Pavarini McGovern in connection with the project known as ; and, whereas,
in order to facilitate completion of the project Pavarini McGovern has procured lifts, scaffolding and staging at the project;
In consideration of allowing employees of the undersigned subcontractor access to lifts, scaffolding and staging provided
to the project, the undersigned subcontractor agrees as follows:
1. That the use of lifts, scaffolding and staging is inherently dangerous and subject to regulation by local, state and
federal government.
2. That, at it’s own expense, subcontractor and its employees will conform to basic safety policy by complying with all
specific safety requirements promulgated by any and all governmental bodies or authorities, including but not limited to
the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (“OSHA”), as amended, the Construction Safety Act
of 1969, as amended, and all standards and regulations which have been or shall be promulgated by the parties or
agencies which administer such acts. Subcontractor generally, and in particular with respect to its portion of the work on
the lifts, scaffolding and staging, shall comply with said requirements, standards and regulations and require and be
directly responsible for compliance therewith by all of its agents, employees, material men and subcontractors.
3. That it agrees to receive, respond to, defend and entirely responsible for all citations, assessments, fines, penalties
and all liabilities of any kind that may be incurred by reason of the failure to comply with all such safety requirements by
the subcontractor, its agents, employees, material men and subcontractors, and the Undersigned shall indemnify and
hold harmless Pavarini McGovern from all such resulting claims or liabilities.
4. That it will have a competent person, as defined by OSHA regulations, on site at all times who is familiar with all
OSHA regulations pertaining to the use, erection alteration, and dismantling of lifts, scaffolding and staging, and who will
monitor compliance with all applicable OSHA and other regulations, which apply to the use, erection, alteration, and
dismantling of lifts, scaffolding and staging in connection with the undersigned’s work on the project.
5. That the use by the undersigned its agents, employees, material men and subcontractors, of any lifts, scaffolding and
staging, or facilities, manned or unmanned, gratuitously or otherwise, which are owned, leased or rented by Pavarini
McGovern, is subject to the following conditions: (a) the lifts, scaffolding and staging, and all persons using such lifts,
scaffolding and staging are under the undersigned’s jurisdiction, supervision and control; and, (b) the undersigned agrees
to indemnify and save harmless Pavarini McGovern, the Owner and their partners, owners, employees and agents from
all claims for death or injury to persons and damage to property, made by anyone or any entity, from all loss, damage or
injury to property, including the lifts, scaffolding and staging or facilities. The duty to indemnify and hold harmless Pavarini
McGovern, the Owner and their partners, owners, employees and agents assumed herein shall include all court and/or
arbitration costs, filing fees, attorney fees and costs of settlement.
6. That no person or entity shall use or have access to the lifts, scaffolding and staging unless they have been trained by
a qualified person as defined by OSHA regulations, including, but not limited to, Code of Federal Regulations §§
1926.454, and that the undersigned shall arrange for, complete and pay any costs associated with the required training
and certification referred to herein.
Whosoever executes this agreement warrants and represents that he or she has full authority to sign this agreement on
behalf of the subcontractor and that the signature affixed shall fully bind the subcontractor to this agreement.
Subcontractor: Date:
Hazard Communication Plan
In compliance with 29 CFR 1926.59
Inspection performed
I have been trained either formally or through on the job experience into the proper procedures for confined
space vessel entry and outside attendant duties.
□ HOT WORK REQUIRED? Gas Initial Time ReTest Time ReTest Time ReTest Time
Area Inspected: YES □ Oxygen
NO □ 19.5-
Fire Protection: Dry Chemical Ext. □ % L.E.L
Charged Hoseline □ 10%
Hydrant Inspected □
Fire Watch Required: YES □ H2S
NO □ 10 ppm
Page 1 of 4
1. Crane Information
Make Model S/N #
Size (Tons)
Type: [ ] Hydraulic [ ] Friction [ ] Lattice [ ] Truck [ ] Tower [ ] All Terrain [ ] Crawler
Boom Length: Jib Used? YES / NO Length:
Load Line # of Parts: Lift Block Capacity:
Will outriggers be fully extended? If not, please explain:
Will this plan require more than one crane, either for a dual-lift or for material handling? Please explain:
Lifts in the following categories are considered Sensitive Lifts and require development of a detailed lift plan that must be
reviewed by the Safety Department: a) Lifts over personnel occupied areas (i.e., buildings, sidewalks, etc.); b) Any lift where
the payload weight is 20 tons or greater; c) Lifts requiring the crane to be set up over or adjacent to underground building
structures, transportation tunnels, retaining walls,(i.e. parking garages, etc.); d) Lifts where any part of the crane or load
encroaches onto or over highway, roadway or railroad rights of way, unless the corridor is shut down to traffic; and e)
Drifting operations, i.e., crane lifts where the load is drifted sideways by external means
Lifts in the following categories are considered Critical Lifts requiring review by the Safety Department: a) Lifts exceeding
75% of crane rated capacity; b) Lifts requiring two or more cranes or additional equipment assisting in lifting simultaneously
(tandem); c) Lifts using any type of equipment to transfer a worker within a personnel basket; d) Lifts with helicopters over
areas defined by the FAA as “congested areas”. Which are defined as areas people utilize or inhabit (e.g., non-wilderness
areas); e) Unusual or complex lifts that exceed any site specfic requirements
Subcontractors conducting a criterial lift must: a) provide Annual Inspection Certificate satisfying OSHA requirements and
submit to Pavarini McGovern before the crane arrives on site. Cranes used for critical lifts shall have an annual inspection
within the past three (3) months; b) submit a detailed lift plan reviewed by a Master Rigger.
2. Load Characteristics
Will this plan cover more than one pick?
Description of Load(s):
Dimensions of Max Load. Provide information on both the HEAVIEST and the LARGEST volume load:
Maximum Boom Length Required Minimum Boom Angle Required Maximum Radius Required
Will any load be upended? If so, please explain WHY and HOW - multi-drum, dual crane, lift/block/lift, etc.(**provide a
detailed sketch and documentation from manufacturer supporting such use):
3. Rigging Information:
List Rigging Components Please be specific – number, type, size, length, capacity, differing pick configurations.
Sketches help.
Will a Lifting Beam or other similar component be used? Please provide capacity, PE certification, and drawing.
Other Weights to be Considered to Determine Gross Load:
Max Load:
Jib Hook:
Hook Block:
Load Line:
Maximum Gross Load:
4. Crane Location/Clearances
a. Provide a to-scale plot plan showing crane location, adjacent buildings, pipe racks, and other significant obstructions
within load swing radius. Indicate direction and span of swing.
b. Provide a to-scale elevation depicting crane, adjacent structures (property / structure)
c. What is the horizontal distance from the crane center pin to the nearest structure?
d. What is the minimum clearance from boom to highest point of structure during a pick?
e. What is the minimum clearance from load to highest point of structure during a pick?
f. What is the minimum distance from boom to load during a pick?
g. Will the load or any part of the crane be over any active structures, property, tanks, or equipment during a pick?
h. Have underground site utilities, sidewalk vaults, storm drains been identified and located?
i. Will outriggers be located over underground utilities? If so, please explain protective measures to be taken:
j. Describe signaling procedure – who will be responsible for signaling? Will hand or radio signals be used?
Be sure you have considered the following (all must be checked or marked N/A):
The Following Items are in the Crane Cab:
1. Hand Signal Chart 2. Fire Extinguisher 3. Complete Load 4. 3rd Party Annual 5. Completed Daily/Shift
Capacity Charts OSHA Inspection Inspection Sheet
with Notes Report
6. Operators Manual 7. State / City Crane 8. All other required 9. Other:
License/Registration paperwork,
Check the Following:
10. Anti-two Block Operational 11. Overhaul Ball 12. Wedge 13. Backup alarm 14. All warning placards in
Capacity Marked Socket/Becket working place
Properly Installed
16. Boom Angle Indicator 17. Boom High Limit 18. No broken or 19. Boom light/beacon 20. FAA Permit
Functioning Properly Functioning Properly fogged glass if boom is higher Application/Approval
(lattice boom) than 200’
21. Slings and Rigging 22. All wire rope 23. Chains and chain 24. All hooks 25. Safety Latches in
Inspected inspected slings have inspected for wear Place
capacity tags and deformation
26. Dunnage/Blocking Available 27. Demolition Plan 28. Bracing/ 29. Wind Speed Meter 30. Other:
to Secure Loads Submitted and Temporary
Reviewed (if Supports
applicable) Available for Use
(will loads need to
be secured during
6. Outrigger Floats & 7. Copy of the Demolition 8. Lift Area and 9. Counterweight Swing 10. Load Swing Radius
Dunnage Installed (Minimum Plan in the Cab of Crane Equipment Inspected Radius Barricaded Barricaded
3’X3’x4”) (if applicable)
11. Outriggers Fully 12. Lift Plan and Crane 13. Lift Plan and Crane 14. Other:
Extended Permit in Cab of Crane Permit Reviewed with
Position: Rigging, Erection or
Computer Set at: Demolition Crew
ALL sections MUST be filled out before ANY crane may be brought to its work location (see instructions).
Subcontractor/Rigger and Operator are Responsible for the Accuracy of all Calculations and Inspections.
Contractor Review is to Ensure Completion of Form ONLY. Use Attachments for Continuations/Explanations. Please Reference Section
Crane Company Name: Subcontractor/Rigger Name:
Responsible Person Responsible Person
Signature: Signature:
Phone # Phone #
1. Lifts requiring movement of the crane with the load, personnel platforms, upending loads, work
over occupied facilities or work involving encroachment on public rights of way will also require a
2. For miscellaneous picks such as material and tool movement, panel work, etc., a Lift Plan will not
be required where anticipated loads, including all rigging and manufacturer’s deducts, are
multiplied by a factor of two and the sum does not exceed 75% of chart capacity for that crane
at that radius.
3. This plan must be submitted at least 48 hours prior to mobilization. For those lifts not requiring a
Lift Plan, a Crane Use Permit must still be executed prior to crane operations (day of use). Where
a Lift Plan is not required due to calculations in item 3 above, those calculations must be attached
to the Crane Use Permit.
4. This Planning Process has three parts:
a. In-Depth Lift Plan (may not be required in all instances – see above)
b. Crane Use Permit (required EVERY TIME a crane is used)
c. Daily Inspection Form (Crane Safety Review if using Contractor form) (required
EVERY DAY a crane is used)
5. The plan should be based on “worst case” combination of load weight and lift radius for a specific
crane configuration in a specific location.
6. The Lift Plan may be valid for more than one day, as long as the configuration, location,
maximum expected load and maximum expected radius do not change. Crane Use Permits must
be updated whenever configuration changes.
7. The Plan must be COMPLETE – see Section 6 for required Attachments. Sketches will be
acceptable in many instances, and the required Elevation Plan may be sketched onto Crane
Range Diagram for ease of preparation.
8. All rigging devices MUST be certified as to their capacity. Custom-fabricated devices (lifting
beams, spreader bars, etc.) may be acceptable with proper PE stamp or proof testing as required
by applicable standards. Capacities shall be marked and legible on all such devices.
9. Work that is not anticipated in the plan, but may arise due to site conditions (moving equipment,
loading materials onto floors, etc.) must be reviewed with Contractor prior to hoisting.
Inspected By:
1. Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) is a system used within Healthcare facilitates to help reduce
the risk of the effects of construction projects on patients. As the Construction Manager on Healthcare
Projects both the field and project management should be involved in the planning and the
implementation of the ICRA plan developed by the owner and assure accepted procedures are executed
by our employees and our subcontractors.
2. Under the Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospital and Health Care Facilities of the American
Institute of Architects, Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) must be part of every health care
construction project. An ICRA plan should address at least:
3. The process for developing the ICRA plan ideally starts at the early design and planning stages of a
project. The owner of the facility is ultimately responsible for the ICRA program. One of the ways an
owner can assure that each project has a well thought out plan is by assembling a team with the infection
control practitioner, project designer, safety, facilities managers, and the construction manager. The team
will then address the impact the particular construction project will have on the patient population. The
owner is responsible to direct Pavarini McGovern’s implementation of the program.
4. The plan adopted by the ICRA team is intended to be a living document, which should be updated
through each phase of the project. During the actual construction, the panel should meet on a regular
basis to update the ICRA plan and to assess the risk as construction progresses. The same team
approach is required to assure the success of the infection control plan for construction projects.
5. The following is an example of an Infection Control Risk Assessment Matrix of Precautions for
Construction & Renovation. The matrix will help determine the level of control needed on each job.
6. During construction and renovation projects, the primary concern of risk managers normally is fire
prevention, with secondary emphasis on general safety and exposure to chemicals. Often overlooked is
the threat of construction induced air pollution. In hospital and other health-care environments, where the
compromised immune status of some patients leaves them more susceptible to infection, this oversight
can have dire consequences. Construction procedures that can heighten infection risk in health-care
environments include demolition using inadequate barriers, exterior-wall removal and core drilling. Water
leakage with mold growth, poor ventilation, and utility outages also can increase risk. No building under
construction or being renovated is immune to hazardous conditions, including construction induced air
pollution. That is why a risk assessment is important for all projects. Avoiding hazardous conditions
requires a formal approach during the pre-construction stages of a project. The risk assessment tool
should serve only as a model for developing site-specific assessments. The degree of development
depends on the building and the scope of the project. In health care, the ICRA considers the patients and
procedures affected, as well as sterile supply storage, laundry services, the loading dock, the air intakes,
and other factors that may impact the risk to patients.
9. The following is an ICRA matrix that should be used as a model to evaluate risk.
Note: Infection Control approval will be required when the Construction Activity and Risk Level indicate that Class
III or Class IV control procedures are necessary.
1. Provide active means to prevent airborne dust from 1. Wipe work surfaces with disinfectant.
dispersing into atmosphere. 2. Contain construction waste before transport in
2. Water mist work surfaces to control dust while cutting. tightly covered containers.
3. Seal unused doors with duct tape. 3. Wet mop and/or vacuum with HEPA filtered vacuum
CLASS 4. Block off and seal air vents. before leaving work area.
II 5. Place dust mat at entrance and exit of work area 4. Remove isolation of HVAC system in areas where
6. Remove or isolate HVAC system in areas where work is work is being performed.
being performed.
1. Remove or Isolate HVAC system in area where work is 1. Do not remove barriers from work area until
being done to prevent contamination of duct system. completed project is inspected by the owner’s
2. Complete all critical barriers i.e. sheetrock, plywood, plastic, Safety Department and Infection Control
to seal area from non work area or implement control cube Department and thoroughly cleaned by the owner’s
method (cart with plastic covering and sealed connection to Environmental Services Department.
work site with HEPA vacuum for vacuuming prior to exit) 2. Remove barrier materials carefully to minimize
CLASS before construction begins. spreading of dirt and debris associated with
III 3. Maintain negative air pressure within work site utilizing construction.
HEPA equipped air filtration units. 3. Vacuum work area with HEPA filtered vacuums.
4. Contain construction waste before transport in tightly 4. Wet mop area with disinfectant.
covered containers. 5. Remove isolation of HVAC system in areas where
5. Cover transport receptacles or carts. Tape covering unless work is being performed.
solid lid.
1. Isolate HVAC system in area where work is being done to 1. Remove barrier material carefully to minimize
prevent contamination of duct system. spreading of dirt and debris associated with
2. Complete all critical barriers i.e. sheetrock, plywood, plastic, construction.
to seal area from non work area or implement control cube 2. Contain construction waste before transport in
method (cart with plastic covering and sealed connection to tightly covered containers.
work site with HEPA vacuum for vacuuming prior to exit)
before construction begins. 3. Cover transport receptacles or carts. Tape
3. Maintain negative air pressure within work site utilizing covering unless solid lid
HEPA equipped air filtration units. 4. Vacuum work area with HEPA filtered vacuums.
4. Seal holes, pipes, conduits, and punctures. 5. Wet mop area with disinfectant.
CLASS 5. Construct anteroom and require all personnel to pass
through this room so they can be vacuumed using a HEPA 6. Remove isolation of HVAC system in areas where
IV vacuum cleaner before leaving work site or they can wear work is being performed.
cloth or paper coveralls that are removed each time they
leave work site.
6. All personnel entering work site are required to wear shoe
covers. Shoe covers must be changed each time the
worker exits the work area.
7. Do not remove barriers from work area until completed
project is inspected by the owner’s Safety Department and
Infection Control Department and thoroughly cleaned by the
owner’s Environmental Services Dept.
Risk Group Risk Group Risk Group Risk Group Risk Group Risk Group
Step 5:
1. Identify specific site of activity e.g.: patient rooms, medication room, etc.
2. Identify issues related to:
a. Ventilation (outages, airflow direction, clean to dirty, etc.).
b. Plumbing (outages, hand-washing access, work area, flushing, etc.).
c. Electricity (outages for critical equipment in special-ventilation areas, monitoring, etc.).
Step 6:
Identify issues related to: ventilation, plumbing, electrical in terms of the occurrence of probable outages.
Step 7:
1. Identify containment measures, using prior assessment. What types of barriers (e.g., solid-wall
barriers) are there? Will HEPA filtration be required? (Note: Renovation/construction areas
should be isolated from occupied areas during construction and provide clean-to-dirty airflow with
respect to surrounding areas).
2. Identify containment measures, using prior assessment. What types of barriers? (E.g., solids wall
barriers); Will HEPA filtration be required?
Listed below are procedures or guidelines specifically for demolition and associated infrastructure.
Before demolition work starts, the Pavarini McGovern Superintendent and the demolition contractor will
perform the following task:
General demolition:
1. Verify and coordinate with building engineer that smoke detectors / fire alarm are covered and off line.
Please make sure bagging permit is obtained.
2. Obtain JHA from demolition contractor and review same with workers obtain sign off from workers.
3. Ensure adequate fire extinguishers are in place (1 for every 3000 sf of floor area).
4. Ensure first aid kit for workers is on site.
5. Protection of blinds and convector covers.
6. Filter media installed on return duct and HVAC equipment including fan boxes.
7. Verify Negative air machines (s) are in place and adequate (HEPA fans.)
8. Perform a pre- punch list on all finishes to remain prior to demolition.
9. Protection of public areas, elevators, and loading dock.
10. Ensure proper PPE use and post required safety sign.
11. Conduct on site safety training orientation, identify competent person and review JHA.
12. Identify location of critical room above, below and adjacent that could be affected by water.
Environmental issues:
1. Asbestos
2. Written clearance sample results
3. Lead or Lead base paint
4. Mercury
5. PCB’s
6. Light bulbs
7. Hydraulic oil
8. Freon or refrigerant needs to be recovered from air condition, refrigerators or freezers
9. Cooling Towers need to be treated
10. Radioactive EXIT signs
11. Fixed fire suppression systems ex Halon
12. Others
Utility disconnects:
1. Electrical
2. Water
3. Sewer
4. Natural Gas
5. Telephone / Fire Alarm/ Security
6. Others
Fire Protection:
1. Portable fire extinguisher
2. Hot Work Permit System
3. Standpipe/Sprinkler system status
Fall Protection:
1. Review plan
2. Review Zero Tolerance Policy
3. Demolition Procedures- Review Demolition Policy
4. Use of shafts or holes in the floor for debris drop
5. Entrance to the building to be maintained and protected
Dust Control:
1. Review plan
2. Respiratory protection requirements
□ Pre-Planning
□ Training
□ Unit Manual with Machine
□ Test Controls before each use
□ Warning labels posted on machine
□ All Handrails in Place
□ Full body Harness for Boom Lifts
□ Proximity of Electrical Hazards
□ Path of Travel Clear of Debris & Floor Holes
The scaffolding system has been inspection in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations
and any applicable subpart of the OSHA 1926 standard.
Each subcontractor is to specify a competent person for their area of control and scope work.
The following is a tool that can be used by the Project Field staff or our subcontractors to ensure compliance with
OSHA’s 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P Excavations
Jobsite: ________________________________Location: _____________________________
Date: _________________________________ Subcontractor: _________________________
Competent Person: _____________________ Excavation Contractor: ___________________
Weather conditions: _____________________ Amount of rainfall in the least 24 hours ______
Description of task: _________________________________________________________________
Soil has been classified as: By what Method: __________________________
Description of protective system being used: _________________________________________________
Trench Inspection Report competed by: ______________________________________________________
Existing Elevation: ______________________ Proposed Elevation: _________________________
Today’s Elevation: ____________________ Today’s Invert Elev.: _________________________
Scope of work:
Description w/ size Invert elevation
Underground Utilities Know: #1 __________________ _______________
#2 __________________ _______________
#3 __________________ _______________
#4 __________________ _______________
SUBCONTRACTOR ___________________________________________
TYPE OF WORK ______________________________________________
DATE OF REVIEW ____________________________________________
PERSON COMPLETING REVIEW ________________________________
Section III: Health and Safety Program - Hazard Prevention and Control
Policy statement
Safety responsibilities for all employees
General safety rules
Disciplinary process
Fall protection
Personal protection equipment
Respiratory protection
Hazard Communication
Hot Work/Fire Prevention/Flammables Use and Storage
Fire and Life Safety
Infection Control
Use of Scaffolding
Ladder Use
Electrical Safety/ Lock-Out Tag-Out
Crane use
Hearing Protection
Eye Protection
Section IV: Safety and Health Training
Fall Protection
Respirator Protection
Hearing Protection
Powered Operated Equipment
(Fork lifts and prime movers)
Specialized Equipment
Controlled Access Zone
Section V: Accident Investigation and Trade Analysis
Accident Investigation
Near Miss Investigation
In accordance with 29 CFR 1926 OSHA Construction Standards, Subpart R, Steel Erection, 1926.760 (e) (1)
(2) Fall protection provided by the steel erector shall remain in place where steel erection activity has been
completed, to be used by other trades, only if the controlling contractor or its authorized representative
inspects and accepts the area.
Pavarini McGovern has inspected and accepts control and responsibility of the Fall Protection
and directs the above steel erector to leave the fall protection in place.
Pavarini McGovern and the steel erector have performed an inspection of the above area/floor and believe the
area at the time of the inspection to be in compliance with the OSHA standards under Subpart M and Subpart
R general specifications.
Other trades may now work on the floor/area with the following guidelines:
Regardless of the Construction Manager’s obligations set forth in Subpart R, OSHA Steel Erection Standards,
the responsibility for continued compliance and proper maintenance of the guardrail system is in the scope of
work set forth in (steel subcontractor) contract. Therefore, each entity has continuing contractual obligations.
Pavarini McGovern looks forward to working with you to ensure these requirements are met.
Pavarini McGovern
Observer: ___________________________________________________________
1. Did Pavarini McGovern staff follow the Emergency Staff Procedures? □ Yes □ No
3. Could the emergency signal be heard by all persons on the jobsite? □ Yes □ No
4. Did all personnel immediately begin to evacuate when the signal sounded?
□ Yes □ No
5. Did any personnel require prompting from the fire warden to leave? □ Yes □ No
This should be used during pre-con as a planning tool, and then again during the work to inspect.
The following is a tool that can be used by the Project field staff or subcontractors to ensure compliance with
OSHA’s 29 CFR 1926 Subpart M Fall Protection
Jobsite: _______________________________Location: _____________________________________
Date: _________________________________ Subcontractor: ________________________________
Competent Person: _____________________Contractor: ___________________________________
Description of task: ______________________________________________________________________
Description of protective system being used: ________________________________________________
Fall Protection Inspection Report completed by: ______________________________________________
Guardrail System
□ Wood □ Wire rope □ Rope □ Other
□ In good condition □ Flagged every six feet □ Gates or offsets at access holes
□ Toprail 42” ±3; 200 # □ Midrail 21”±3; 150 # □ Toeboard 3 ½”; 50 #
Safety Nets
□ Post installation tested to withstand a drop of 400 lbs. or a letter on record certifying the installation.
□ Sufficient clearance underneath □ Correct horizontal extension
□ In good condition □ Documentation of regular inspections
□ Installed within 30 feet of the fall exposure □ Free from debris
□ A Fixed structural object
□ Able to support 5000 lbs./worker or has a safety factor of 2X the intended weight calculated by a qualified person
Horizontal Lifelines
□ A qualified person(s) has supervised the installation/inspection, design and use of the lifeline as a
Inspection Procedures
□ All components in good condition □ Documentation of an inspection program
Positioning Devices
□ Correct application for the correct job □ Full body harness being worn
□ Capable of withstanding 2X the anticipated load □ Marked □ Secured
□ Previsions for a prompt rescue are in place What are they? _____________________________
Anyone needing to alter, change, or remove any part of any guardrail system MUST FIRST OBTAIN
POLICY and will result in immediate removal from the job.
What type of alternative temporary fall protection or warning line system is provided by the subcontractor?
Garlock System Wooden guardrail system Danger line system
Once the disruption is completed the guardrail system MUST be re-installed by a Pavarini McGovern field or
re-installed by an approved sub-contractor and inspected by a Pavarini McGovern field Staff.
Name of Fall Protection Trained personnel to be working in the disrupted area:
______________________________________ _______________________________________
______________________________________ _______________________________________
PROJECT: ___________________________________________
I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge the availability of the Pavarini McGovern Hazard Communication
I have reviewed and understand the contents of Pavarini McGovern’s Hazard Communication Compliance
Guide for Construction and will, to the best of my ability, comply with the rules and regulations set forth in this
I understand that I have the right to know of any hazard materials with which I may be working.
Safety Director:
Ask: Know:
Can the equipment be de-energized? What the job is
Are back feeds on the circuits to be worked Who else needs to know – Communicate!
on possible? Who is in charge?
Is a “Standby person” required?
Check: Think:
Job plans About the unexpected event….What if?
Single-line diagrams and vendor prints Lock- Tag- Test- Try
Status board Test the voltage – FIRST
Information on facility plant and vendor Use the right tools and equipment, Including PPE
resources is up to date Install and remove grounds
Safety procedures Install barriers and barricades
Individual workers involved are familiar with What else?????
the task/project/facility
Justification of why the circuit/equipment cannot be de-energized or the work deferred until the next scheduled
outage: ___________________________________________________________________________
Detailed job description procedure to be used in performing the above detailed work: _______
Completion of a Job Briefing including discussion of any job related hazards: Yes No
Do you agree the above described work can be done safely? Yes No
Electrically Qualified Person(s)
Date: _______________________________________________________
Print: ________________________________________________________
Sign: ________________________________________________________