HD Water Treatment Methods

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When a new well is drilled in Greenwich, the Department of Health is required to test the well water
prior to giving final approval to consume the water. The well water is tested for the following parameters:
If any of these parameters exceed acceptable limits, measures must be taken to correct the
There are several methods, techniques, and equipment available to treat well water, making it potable
and safe for consumption. The following is a list of the most common treatments:

Water Softener:
This method of water treatment is very common in the Town of Greenwich. It is used to treat hard
water (water with excess amounts of calcium (Ca ++) and magnesium (Mg+) ions), a common condition with
well water. Water softening is based on a chemical process known as ion exchange, as shown in Figure 4.
The water softening material (known as resin) has a negative (-) charge, with positive (+) sodium (Na+)
ions attached to it. Resin has a stronger attraction for calcium (Ca ++) and magnesium (Mg+) ions than for
sodium (Na+) ions. When water is passed through the resin, the resin exchanges the sodium ions for the
calcium/magnesium ions, thus reducing the hardness. Although the water is softened, the sodium ion
concentration is increased. Figure 4
When all of the sodium ions are removed from the resin,
they can be recharged back onto the resin with a strong solution of
sodium chloride (brine) backwash. The sodium ions are placed on
the resin, while the hardness ions are washed away and discarded.
It must be noted that individuals restricted to a sodium-free
diet should consult a physician before regularly consuming
softened water. While the sodium concentration in the water may
be low compared with sodium concentrations in some foods, it is
still advisable to seek medical advice.

Manganese Greensand Filter:
Two of the most common problems with well water in Greenwich are excessive levels of iron and
manganese. The most effective method of treatment, aside from a softening system, is the use of a greensand
The manganese greensand filter consists of a manganese dioxide-coated greensand filter bed, through
which the untreated water passes. As water passes through the filter bed, the iron and manganese is oxidized
into a “filterable” state and retained by the filter media. Water leaving the filter is then free of iron and
manganese. The filter is then backwashed with a solution of potassium permanganate, thus “recharging” the
greensand with manganese dioxide.
Note: A treatment system that requires backwashing should be discarded into a dry well, not into
the septic system that services the building. Excessive backwashing to a septic system could lead to a
septic system failure.

Reverse Osmosis: Figure 5

This water treatment method is commonly used
for the removal of nitrates, sulfate, and chloride. Reverse
Osmosis, or “RO”, is a treatment method that takes raw
“untreated” water and forces it through a semi-
permeable membrane into a chamber of “treated” water
(See Figure 5).
The membrane filters water on a molecular scale,
leaving unwanted minerals behind. The membrane is then
periodically rinsed and the unwanted materials are washed
away. This process works best when water is initially passed
through a carbon/sediment filter before Reverse Osmosis,
removing any particles in the water. This procedure aids in sustaining the effectiveness of the filter.

Activated Carbon Filtration: Figure 6

This method of water treatment is one of the most commonly
used in the Town of Greenwich. Filtration, simply stated, removes
suspended matter from water by mechanical “screening”. Filtration via
activated carbon involves the adsorption or adhesion of one material on
the surface of a second solid substance. (See Figure 6).
These filters are widely used to eliminate hazardous compounds related
to industrial wastes, chemicals, and pesticides. It is also commonly used to
remove unpleasant tastes and odors from gases, organic matter, and chlorine.
After the process is complete the water is odor-free and tasteless.

Chlorination and UV Irradiation:
Figure 7
Treatment by chlorination is one of
the most common methods of disinfection for
well water. It is also a popular technique for
treating taste and odor causing substances.
Chlorination primarily controls the growth of
algae and microorganisms in well water and
within the water distribution system.
Chlorinating the distribution system provides
continual anti-bacterial protection.

Chlorine is available in 2 forms:

sodium hypochlorite (liquid form) and
calcium hypochlorite (solid form). As water enters the home, chlorine is injected into the system,
disinfecting the bacteria. Because chlorine tends to require large amounts for treatment, an activated
carbon filter is usually installed after a chlorination system to remove any excess chlorine. Figure 8
UV irradiation is another treatment option that
eliminates bacteria. The UV light kills the bacteria in the
same way that sunlight kills bacteria. The units consist of
UV lamps enclosed in a quartz sleeve, around which
water flows. The effectiveness of the unit depends on the
lamp intensity and the flow of water – the slower the
movement of water the more exposure to the UV light.
UV irradiation units are automatic and
require very little maintenance. It is a good idea to
filter the water before any UV treatment because
turbidity or cloudiness in the water can reduce the effectiveness of the UV treatment.
Note: If the initial water analysis result indicates bacteria is present, homeowners should re-
chlorinate the actual well before installing an entire treatment system. The well should also be inspected
for cracks and leaks. Problems associated with bacteria are often solved when well casings are repaired
or the source of the infiltration is found. Applying a disinfection treatment system to your drinking
water supply should be considered only when other measures cannot provide bacteria-free water to a

Well water is a vital resource for the Town of Greenwich community, providing residents with a safe
and abundant source of drinking water.
The location, construction, and maintenance of a potable well all contribute to the quality of the well
water and are important in protecting the natural ground water aquifers.
Most water quality issues and concerns of well water can be addressed and remedied through the use of
treatment methods which are constantly being updated and improved through the use of emerging water
treatment technologies.
It is important for well owners to understand where well water comes from, how it can be protected, and
how to maintain the quality of their potable water.

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