Being Logical Being Logical: A Guide To Good Thinking
Being Logical Being Logical: A Guide To Good Thinking
Being Logical Being Logical: A Guide To Good Thinking
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Part One: Preparing Of The Mind Everything has a reason why they
For Logic happen.
Ÿ Principles Of Contradiction Taking
The formulation of logic is to have an open things as it is and as to what they are
mind to absorb truth and convey the clear without needing any proof at all,
message through right reasoning. One because they are what they are.
should be sensitive and observant of one's
environment to grasp a clearer picture of a 2. Gray areas are only truths that are not
factual existing idea and translate it in clearly defined and which we do not
words or phrases to go with an inspired see and which at times we do not have
idea. Most of the time, one's idea becomes choices from.
distorted because people usually perceive
things as to what they believe it to be rather 3. There is an explanation for everything
than perceive them as to what they really that happens even if they are not clear to
are. To avoid this trap it is important to us. There is always a reason for being.
thoroughly research on documented facts
or directly experience the idea itself. In 4. Do not stop searching for answers.
translation, formulated words should be
exact, direct, simple and truthful. The 5. Be specific with words and phrases and
bottom line is still to communicate well. clearly define and explain emotional
words such us beauty, liberty, love etc.
Use argument as the working force of
Part Two: Basic Principles Of
6. Everything should be true and should
Logic apply to all.
Logic should be as natural as the walking or
running, eating or drinking, sleeping or 7. Making use of precise positive words.
waking. Logic should be done with ease.
You should be able to apply it without 8. Distinguish causes that pertain to a
thinking about it, too much. Here are the particular effect.
guiding principles for its practical
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