Being Logical Being Logical: A Guide To Good Thinking

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Being Logical

A Guide to Good Thinking

By D.Q. McInerny ; Trade Paperback, 2005

We always have an idea in our guides us to think correctly.

mind but can't seem to Logic is also a skill of BOOK OF THE WEEK:
express it clearly. And if at integrating words from and
times we tried, people most inspired idea or ideas and the
often misunderstand us. If we formulation of its delivery is an
have a clear thought of an art. Actually, it is not what we
idea, we can draw significant say that is important but it is
words and phrases to paint a how we say it.
cohesive truth and come up
read the summary
with a reasonable conclusive

Learning the correct way of

reasoning and developing
good logic sense would be the
vital key to communicate well
with other people. This is so
because logic is a science that


– The Big Idea
– Part One: Preparing Of The Mind For Logic
– Part Two: Basic Principles Of Logic
– Part Three: Argument: The Language Of Logic
– Part Four: Sources Of Illogical Thinking
– Part Five: The Principal Forms Of Illogical

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Part One: Preparing Of The Mind Everything has a reason why they
For Logic happen.
Ÿ Principles Of Contradiction Taking
The formulation of logic is to have an open things as it is and as to what they are
mind to absorb truth and convey the clear without needing any proof at all,
message through right reasoning. One because they are what they are.
should be sensitive and observant of one's
environment to grasp a clearer picture of a 2. Gray areas are only truths that are not
factual existing idea and translate it in clearly defined and which we do not
words or phrases to go with an inspired see and which at times we do not have
idea. Most of the time, one's idea becomes choices from.
distorted because people usually perceive
things as to what they believe it to be rather 3. There is an explanation for everything
than perceive them as to what they really that happens even if they are not clear to
are. To avoid this trap it is important to us. There is always a reason for being.
thoroughly research on documented facts
or directly experience the idea itself. In 4. Do not stop searching for answers.
translation, formulated words should be
exact, direct, simple and truthful. The 5. Be specific with words and phrases and
bottom line is still to communicate well. clearly define and explain emotional
words such us beauty, liberty, love etc.
Use argument as the working force of
Part Two: Basic Principles Of
6. Everything should be true and should
Logic apply to all.
Logic should be as natural as the walking or
running, eating or drinking, sleeping or 7. Making use of precise positive words.
waking. Logic should be done with ease.
You should be able to apply it without 8. Distinguish causes that pertain to a
thinking about it, too much. Here are the particular effect.
guiding principles for its practical

1. The first principles:

Ÿ Principles Of Identity - Identifying an
object as to what it is. Part Three: Argument: The
Ÿ Principles Of Excluded Middle Either Language Of Logic
black or white, no gray areas. An argument is structurally composed of a
Ÿ Principles Of Sufficient Reason premise, which is the starting point of a

Being Logical by D.Q. McInerny 2 of 5

statement of an idea, and a conclusion, it is important to know how the whole
which is the ending statement at which is thing came to be. This is important to
supported by the premise. They both should attain quality of one's premise and thus
be in harmony and not contradictory. The achieve an effective conclusion.
conclusion must be relevant to the premise
or else it would not be structurally binding Upon deriving a clear and sound
and not logically sound. argument, one must still test its strength
based on its relevant nature to the
It is better judgment to use positive words probable truth. Here the premise must
and phrases in developing an argument. be precise and perfect of positive truth
Also be sure that all premises are relevantly that would strongly adhere to its solid
true because this would help convey the conclusion.
message clearly supporting a definitive
conclusion. Thus, a positive response.

One can formulate an argument by Part Four: Sources Of Illogical

comparing the same things or unlike things.
If there are two different things to be
compared, it is important to take note that The major cause of illogical thinking
these things still have similarities that should sprouts from one's personal attitudes and
be considered. one's perception of the truth. These are
the common things that blind one's
In a logical argument there is always the judgement to reason out well.
cause and effect of things; there is always a
reason why things happen. By learning how Below are some of the innate attitudes
things happen, we take the whole thing apart and points of view that are consciously to
and scrutinize each factual truth. After this, be avoided because they inhibit our
ability to think logically.

1. Skepticism. There is a place for

ABOUT THE BOOK: skepticism in sound reasoning, but it
should be selectively employed. A
distinction has to be made between
skepticism as a permanent attitude,
which is to be avoided at all costs, and
skepticism as a fitting, even necessary,
Author: D.Q. McInerny response to a particular situation.
Publisher: Trade Paperback
Date of Publication: 2005
ISBN : 978-0-8129-7115-6 2. Evasive Agnostic. A person in the
No. of Pages: 160 pages guise of knowing it all but actually is

Being Logical by D.Q. McInerny 3 of 5

ignorant of the subject and refuses to delve possibility of knowing the truth. This is
on his ignorance. A good example is a usually a natural act of covering up
religious agnostic refusing to acknowledge inferiorities.
the existence of God but believes there is a
universal force that binds us. 8. Limit Of Sincerity. Sincerity is a
necessary condition for sound
3. Cynicism And Naïve optimism. A reasoning but not a sufficient one. If you
cynic is someone who entirely disregards do not regard a position that you publicly
any reason at all and sticks to what he wants advocate, and are willing to defend in
to believe in. A naïve optimist, however, is argument, as true, you are abusing
someone who believes that everything is reason.
alright and nothing bad will come out of
anything; someone who does not see the 9. Common Sense. Common
world as to what it is. sense sticks close to the basics and
renders to the first principles of reason
4. Narrow Mindedness. This is the reverence they deserve. It is
someone who is not open to any "common" sense in that it is shared by all
possibilities. Someone who is not open to those animals whom Aristotle defined as
the search for truth because their rational.
possibilities do not match his expectations.

5. Emotion And Argument. Some

people use emotions like anger and tears to
overcome their lack of knowledge of the
subject to win in an argument, or to get back
at an opponent. At the height of these ABOUT THE AUTHOR:
emotions, one's reasoning would not be
clear. D. Q. MCINERNY has taught logic to college
students for decades at Notre Dame, the
6. The Reason For Reasoning. There University of Kentucky, and Our Lady of
would be some who would reason and justify Guadalupe Seminary in Lincoln, Nebraska. A
their invalid cause to the point of anger, and scholar of Thomas Merton and the recipient of
two Ph.D.’s, Professor McInerny lives in Lincoln,
defending themselves instead of getting to Nebraska.
the truth.
To know more about the author, please visit:
7. Argumentation Is Not Quarrelling. An
argument challenges the mind to an pperl/9781588363770.html
intellectual joust to derive at a truth.
Quarrelling, on the other hand, comes from
an outburst of defensive emotions clouding
the mind with self perceived facts without the

Being Logical by D.Q. McInerny 4 of 5

Part Five: The Principal Forms Of
Illogical Thinking
It is particularly important to note that
fallacious reasoning can often be very
persuasive, sometimes more so than
sound reasoning. Therein lies its great
danger. The principal explanation for this is
that a favorite tactic of fallacious reasoning
is to circumvent sound reasoning by
appealing directly to the emotions. Some
common forms of illogical thinking are as
Ÿ Denying the antecedent
Ÿ Affirming the consequent
Ÿ The undistributed middle term
Ÿ Equivocation
Ÿ Begging the question
Ÿ False assumptions
Ÿ Straw-man fallacy
Ÿ Using and abusing tradition
Ÿ Substituting for the force of reason
Ÿ Uses and abuses of expertise
Ÿ Quantifying of quality
Ÿ Consider more than the source
Ÿ Stopping short at analysis
Ÿ Reductionism
Ÿ Misclassification
Ÿ Laughter as diversionary tactic
Ÿ Tears as diversionary tactic
Ÿ An inability to disprove does not prove
Ÿ The false dilemma
Ÿ Special pleading
Ÿ The fallacy of expediency
Ÿ Avoiding conclusions
Ÿ Simplistic reasoning

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