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Public Auction #95


January 30, 2021 BOOKS................................................................. 3
10:00am CST PLAYING CARDS................................................. 24
INQUIRIES CHEATING.......................................................... 71
Joseph Slabaugh GAMBLING COLLECTIBLES................................. 83 PRINTS, POSTERS & EPHEMERA........................ 93
phone: 773-472-1442
CHIPS, TOKENS, & COUNTERS........................... 98
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Potter & Potter Auctions, Inc.

5001 W. Belmont Ave.
Chicago, IL 60641



1. Black, Jack. You Can’t Win. New York: Macmillan, 1926.

Second printing. Publisher’s red cloth, spine lettered gilt. 8vo.
xiv, 394pp. Contemporary ownership inscription on pastedown;
gift inscription on flyleaf; small punch to backstrip, lightly soiled
covers. Light spotting.
Classic of crime and tramp literature, the autobiography of a
professional burglar and librarian of the San Francisco Call.
William S. Burroughs cited the book as influential to his work.

2. Burroughs, Stephen. Memoirs of Stephen Burroughs.

Hanover: Benjamin True, 1798; and Boston: Caleb Bingham,
1804. First edition of Burroughs’ memoirs, with the rare
second volume. Two volumes, modern uniform leatherette-
backed boards. 8vo and 12mo. (Vol. 1): vii, 296pp; (vol. 2):
202pp. Vol. 1: p. 287 mis-paginated as “270”, p. 294 cropped
close. Vol. 2: pp. 195-6 [R1] torn with loss of about ¼ of the 3
leaf. No half-titles. Howes B-1022 (“Picaresque adventures,
perhaps somewhat exaggerated, of a New England rogue”).

3. Cameron, Judson J. Cheating at Bridge: Go Home with

the Winners. Philadelphia: Dorrance & Company, [1933].
First edition of this scarce title on advantage play at Bridge.
Publisher’s red buckram lettered in gilt (upper joint starting).

Illustrated with 24 full–page plates including frontispiece. 8vo.

4. [Carleton, Henry Guy] Three Poker Club Titles by Carleton.

Including: The Mott Street Poker Club. 1889. Illustrations by
M. Woolf including frontispiece. –– The Thompson Street
Poker Club. 1888. Illustrated by Edward Windsor Kemble.
–– Lectures by the Thompson Street Poker Club. [1889]. ––
All first editions, 8vo, all in publisher’s cloth backed pictorial
boards (rubbed or toned).



8 9
5. [Casinos-Las Vegas] Aladdin Casino. “Make a Wish…” Salt 9. [Cruikshank, Robert] Smeeton, George. Doings in London;
Lake City: Paragon Press, ca. 1976. Sales/promotional book, or, Day and Night Scenes of the Frauds, Frolics, Manners, and
original blue pictorial casewraps, in original pictorial box. Depravities of the Metropolis. London: G. Smeeton, (1828).
Illustrated with artist’s renderings of the casino and its hotel First edition. Contemporary marbled boards, recently rebacked
rooms, lounges, conference areas, restaurants, leisure and in tan cloth with old leather title label re-laid, renewed
entertainment venues, and general Las Vegas sightseeing endpapers. Original engraved wrappers trimmed and laid
information. Fold-out floor plan. An alluring genie appears down on covers. Hand-colored frontispiece and title vignette,
throughout. Oblong 4to. Small skinned area on box lid, else fine. text engravings throughout. 8vo. Board edges rubbed; closed
100/150 tear to top edge of N2 into text; scattered spotting and chipping
to edges.
6. Cotton, Charles. The Compleat Gamester; or Instructions 100/200
How to Play at all manner of usual, and most Gentile Games.
London: Charles Brome, 1709. Modern chocolate calf, triple 10. Devol, George H. (1829–1903). Forty Years a Gambler on
fillet gilt border with floral cornerpieces, backstrip with five the Mississippi. Cincinnati: Devol & Haines, 1887. First Edition
raised bands and floral tooling, title compartment. With of the work widely regarded as the greatest book on Mississippi
the preliminary explanation leaf, and engraved frontispiece riverboat gambling of the 19th Century. Original brown pebbled
depicting billiards, backgammon, cockfighting, and card cloth with a central gilt device to upper cover (ends rubbed with
6 playing. Small 8vo. [12], 184pp. Short mended tear to terminal a tiny bit of fraying, interior hinges cracked). 8vo. Frontispiece
leaf, not affecting type; title and first few leaves slightly soiled; and several full–page plates. Howes D295; Jessel 390.
explanatory leaf trimmed for binding, the last line of type cut 600/800
away. Ex-libris Burton S. Sperber, in his custom cloth clamshell Provenance: from the library of Vincente Minnelli (ownership
lined with satin. Jessel 310. blind stamp to ffep). Liza Minnelli’s father, Vincente was most
600/900 recognizably known as an American stage and film director of
notable musicals such as “An American in Paris” (1951) and
7. Cotton, Charles. The Compleat Gamester; or Instructions “Gigi” (1958), both winning Academy Awards for Best Picture.
How to Play at all manner of usual, and most Gentile Games.
London: Charles Brome, 1710. Contemporary paneled calf, 11. Dillon, John J. (1856–1950). Hind–Sights; or, Looking
gilt scroll to board edges. With the letterpress explanation Backward at Swindles. New York: The Rural Publishing
of the frontispiece, and engraved frontispiece depicting Company, [1911]. Publisher’s yellowish–brown cloth lettered
billiards, backgammon cockfighting, and card playing. Small in gilt (spotting and soiling to covers, trifle marginal staining
8vo. [12], 184pp. Slight splitting to joints, but holding. Ex- to interior). FIRST EDITION of this scarce title giving cautionary
libris Burton S. Sperber, in his custom cloth clamshell lined advice against various types of swindles. 12mo. Not in Jessel
with satin. Jessel 311. or Howes.
600/900 100/200

8. [Crime] Pair of Titles on Early Crime in America. Including: 12. Duke, Thomas. Celebrated Criminal Cases of America.
Smith, Matthew Hale. Sunshine and Shadow in New York. San Francisco: James H. Barry, 1910. First edition. Publisher’s
Hartford: J.B. Burr, 1868. Frontispiece with tissue guard. Early brown cloth, gilt spine titles. Numerous halftone plates
full calf with gilt lettered spine labels (slight separation to including mugshots of murderers, train robbers, and thieves,
hinges). –– McWatters, George S. Knots Untied…Hidden Life mainly from California, plus the Jesse James and Younger
of American Detectives. Hartford: J.B. Burr and Hyde, 1871. Brothers bandits. Thick 8vo. Addendum slip tipped-in on p. 14. 12
Portrait frontispiece, full–page plates. Original embossed A ¾” tear to cloth at backstrip, otherwise very good.
brown cloth stamped in gilt (extremities rubbed, spotting to 125/225
covers). –– BOTH FIRST EDITIONS, condition generally good.

15 17


14. [Evans, Gerritt] “A Retired Professional,” pseudo. How 17. [Gambling] Three Works on Confidence Games. Including:
Gamblers Win. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, (1868). Cloth- Scaife, Lawrence. Spotlight on the Card Sharp. Albert Doney,
backed pictorial boards. Illustrated. 12mo. [4], 112pp., [20] 1933. –– Canfield, Kid. Confidence-Gambling and Card
ads. Damp-stain to top edge with faint tide line throughout Sharper’s Tricks Exposed. [Chicago: Max Stein, 1910]. ––
internally. Several holes and losses to cloth backstrip, but still Woolridge, Clifton R. Tricks and Traps. [Chicago: Max Stein,
firm and square. Toole Stott 395. Horr 640. 1919]. –– All 8vos, all in publisher’s printed wrappers,
13. Erdnase, S.W. The Expert at the Card Table. Chicago: Author, 1902. First Edition. Publisher’s pale condition generally very good.
green cloth stamped in gilt. Illustrated with over 100 drawings “from life” by Marshall D. Smith. 8vo. 200/300
Spine tips and edges of covers gently rubbed; small spots of damp-soiling and chipping to outer margin
15. [Evans, Gerritt] “A Retired Professional,” pseudo. How
between pages 115-190, otherwise a handsome copy. 18. [Gambling] Harte, Francis Bret (1836–1902). The Heathen
Gamblers Win. New York: Fitzgerald Publishing, (1868)/later
6,000/9,000 Chinee. Chicago: The Western News Company, 1870. FIRST
impression (ca. 1890s). Publisher’s colored pictorial wraps.
12mo. Small piece chipped from lower wrapper corner, EDITION, FIRST PRINTING with all first issue BAL points present
for each illustration. Early full leather gilt ruled and lettered,
otherwise very good or near fine.
dentelle turn-ins, floral endpapers, all edges gilt (backstrip
perished, covers detached and rubbed). Full-page lithographed
plates by Joseph Hull. 8vo. Features the Chinese card playing
16. [Gambling] Pair of Juvenile Pulps Related to Swindling
cheat, Ah Sin. BAL 7248.
and Gambling. Includes: A Losing Game of Poker. Glasgow 150/250
& London, Cameron & Ferguson, n.d. [ca. 1880s]. –– Tip Top
Weekly: Dick Merriwell’s Snare. Feb. 3, 1912. No. 825. –– 8vo 19. Grannan, Joseph. Grannan’s Warning Against Fraud.
and 4to, both with publisher’s pictorial wrappers, condition Cincinnati: Warner & Heil, 1889. Publisher’s pebbled cloth,
generally very good. decoratively blindstamped, gilt-lettered spine. Floral endsheets,
100/200 red page edges. Steel-engraved frontispiece behind tissue.
8vo. Crisp and tight copy; near fine.

24 26

20. Green, J.H. Gamblers’ Tricks with Cards. New York: Dick 25. Green, Jonathan H. (1813–1887). Gambling Unmasked! 25
& Fitzgerald, 1869/later impression (1890s?). Publisher’s Or, the Personal Experience of the Reformed Gambler. New
cloth-backed pictorial boards. Illustrated. 12mo. Board edges York: Burgess, Stringer & Co., 1844. Original embossed
rubbed; slight soiling to covers, but overall a nice, tight copy. brown cloth with central gilt device to upper cover (ends worn,
Toole Stott 324. Jessel 663. lacking front free endpaper, some marginal toning). 12mo.
300/500 Frontispiece and several full–page plates. FIRST EDITION from
the most important early writer on gambling in America. Howes
21. Green, J[onathan] H[arrington]. The Secret Band of states that some copies have the New York imprint instead of
Brothers; or, the American Outlaws. Philadelphia: Author,
the Philadelphia imprint. Howes G365; Jessel 664.
1848. Third edition. Pictorial wrappers which advertise
Green’s and other authors’ works. Wood-engraved frontispiece
“A reformed gambler’s adventures among brother card-
and four plates. Text illustrations. 12mo. 312pp. Rebacked
sharps, counterfeiters, etc., along the lower Mississippi, from
with new endpapers, losses to wrappers repaired; chipping to
Kentucky to Louisiana” (Howes).
top right corner to about the first 15 leaves, not affecting text;
light to moderate damp-soiling and foxing. Scarce; this edition
26. Greiner, A.J. Swindles and Bunco Games in City and
21 not in Jessel.
Country. St. Louis: Sun Publishing, 1904. Aqua cloth stamped
800/1,200 27
pictorially in black, lettered in red. Illustrated by G.H. Alexander.
22. Green, Jonathan H. (1813–1887). An Exposure of the Arts 8vo. 338, [2]pp. Front fly removed; covers rubbed and
and Miseries of Gambling… Philadelphia: G.B. Zieber & Co., darkened.
1847. Original embossed brown cloth, spine stamped in gilt 200/300
(ends frayed, light spotting to covers, pale foxing throughout).
8vo. Illustrated with full–page plates. Early edition, first of a 27. Houdini, Harry. The Right Way to Do Wrong. New York, 1906.
series of books on gambling written by Green. Jessel 660; not Publisher’s pictorial wraps. Portrait frontispiece. Illustrated.
in Howes. 8vo. 96pp. Usual chipping to wrappers and backstrip; very
400/600 good internally.
23. Green, Jonathan H. (1813–1887). Gambling Exposed. A
Full Exposition of all the Various Arts, Mysteries, and Miseries 28. How ‘Tis Done. A Thorough Ventilation of the Numerous
of Gambling. Philadelphia: T.B. Peterson and Brothers, Schemes Conducted by Wandering Canvassers, Together
[1857]. Original embossed red cloth, spine stamped in gilt, with Various Advertising Dodges for the Swindling of the
pale yellow advertisement endpapers (extremities rubbed
Public. Syracuse: W.I. Pattison, 1890. Publisher’s grey cloth
22 with dust soiling, tail band protruding, spine darkened,
decoratively embossed and ruled in blind, spine lettered in gilt. 28
hinges starting, foxing throughout, endpapers chipped).
Illustrated Tall 8vo. 283pp. Scuffs and soiling to covers; light
8vo. Profusely illustrated with full–page plates including
spotting internally, pale damp-soiling to top edge.
frontispiece with tissue–guard. ASSUMED FIRST EDITION,
this probably being the third edition originally published in
The work is devoted to exposing the swindles of traveling
1844 as “Gambling Unmasked”. Jessel 662.
agents and salesmen whose schemes involved bogus patent
rights, lighting rod protection against losses in case of fire, and
24. Green, Jonathan H. (1813–1887). Gambling in its Infancy “investments” in tree nurseries and agricultural concerns that
and Progress; or, A Dissuasive to the Young Against Games never materialized. Their victims, the intended audience of this
of Chance. New York: Lewis Colby & Co., 1853. Original volume, were mostly farmers and small townspeople.
embossed red cloth stamped with central gilt device to upper
cover, spine lettered and decorated in gilt (lower spine panel 29. Innis, S. Victor. Exposing the Twelve Great Secrets of the
slightly torn, spotting or staining to covers; foxing throughout). Modern Card Shark. Los Angeles: Author, 1917. Original pale
12mo. Frontispiece, full–page plates (toned or foxed). Early yellow printed wraps. Thin 16mo. 12pp. Staples rusted; gutter
edition of this title warning about the dangers of gambling for soiling, light creases. Rare.
the young. Jessel 666; not in Howes. 300/500
23 300/500 29

30 34 35 36

30. Keller, William. A Catalogue of the Cary Collection of

Playing Cards in the Yale University Library. New Haven: Yale
University Library, 1981. 8vo. 4 volumes (2 vols. text, 2 vols. of
plates). Publisher’s blue cloth, spines titled in gilt, illustrated
paper labels laid down to upper boards as issued (light rubbing
at ends and corners). A near fine set.

31. Maskelyne, John Nevil. Sharps and Flats... London:

Longmans, Green, and Co., 1894. FIRST EDITION on card sharp 37
practices. Publisher’s red cloth, upper cover pictorially stamped
in red, black, and cream, spine lettered in gilt (spine gently 36. [Playing Cards] Two Reference Works on Playing Cards
darkened, tiny pale spots to covers, front blanks reinforced). in the British Museum. Including A Descriptive Catalogue of
8vo. Half–title, intertextual illustrations. Provenance: bookplate Playing & Other Cards in the British Museum (1876), William
of George L. Boston. Jessel 1152. Willshire, illustrated with color plates; and Catalogue of the
200/300 Schreiber Collection of Playing Cards (1901), Freeman O’
Donoghue. Both in black cloth, stamped in gilt. 8vo. First
32. Meyer, Joseph E. Protection. The Sealed Book. Milwaukee: vol. with scattered pencil notations; covers lightly rubbed
Joseph E. Meyer, Author and Publisher, 1908. First edition. and frayed.
Green cloth. Printed on slick yellow paper. Profusion of 150/250
illustrations of crooked gambling equipment, faro and casino
items, slot machines, and more. 8vo. 100pp. Very good 37. [Playing Cards] Group of Playing Card References,
overall. Rare. 34. Narrative of the Mysterious and Dreadful Murder of
Monographs and Newsletters. Includes Collecting Playing
3,000/5,000 Mr. W. Weare, (A). London: J. McGowan, [n.d., ca. 1825].
Cards by Sylvia Mann; The Playing Cards of Spain by Trevor
Meyer began his career as a printer and typesetter, sometimes Contemporary half polished calf, spine gilt, title compartment.
Denning (1996); several playing card identification and value
working the publishers of gambling supply catalogs in Chicago Aquatint frontispiece dated 1824, two aquatint plates, several
guides, 24 issues of Clear the Decks newsletter, and several
and Milwaukee. This led to his interest in crooked games and wood-engraved text illustrations. [8vo]. 247pp. Small hole in
other titles.
cheating, and eventually to writing this book. According to the text to 2C[1]; light to moderate foxing
notes of Clarence Meyer, the author’s son, “My father printed 150/250
this book in a small bedroom in Hammond, Indiana. The pages FIRST PRINTED RULES OF POKER
were made up piecemeal.” When completed, the books were 35. [New York City–Crime] Mackeever, Samuel A. (1848–?).
crudely bound with whatever spare materials were available; Glimpses of Gotham and City Characters. New York: National 38. [Poker] Schenck, Hon. General Robert C[umming]. Draw
hence, no consistent binding state is known for the first edition, Police Gazette Office/[Richard K. Fox], [1880]. 8vo. 72pp + 2 Poker [cover title]. [New York?], 1875. Pamphlet, printed
or the second. The book would see numerous editions over full-page illustrated publisher’s advs. for “Cheap Books for the brown and pale pink wrappers. 8pp. Approx. 32mo (4 ⅝ x
the next several decades, becoming a standard and widely Holidays” and “The Champions of the American Prize Ring”. 2 ¾”). Covers chipped and skinned, else very good.
distributed reference, but first editions rarely surface. Meyer Third edition with “new and spicy illustrations” including 14 full- 700/900
went on to write several classic texts on herbs and home page woodcut plates, title vignette portrait of author (occasional Remarkably rare pamphlet which contains the first recorded rules
remedies, and founded the Indiana Botanic Gardens. smudging to margins, small pale dampstain to title). Publisher’s of poker in book form. Schenck, a U.S. diplomat, introduced the
pictorial wraps. (few spine panel losses at ends, light chipping to game to members of Queen Victoria’s court in 1872. The rules
33. Morris, John. Wanderings of a Vagabond. New York, 1873. upper cover edges, ink spotting and soiling to covers including he wrote down were published privately that year by a Duchess
First edition. Publisher’s cloth, gilt-lettered spine. 12mo. pale dampstaining to upper cover). RARE. for distribution to guests. As here, the next known printing was in
Chipping and fraying at spine ends, edges rubbed, some center 300/500 1875, in New York, followed by a Brooklyn printing in 1880. The
pages shaken; else a good copy. The first and only edition of A rare look into New York City’s early hedonistic night life, rules were also incorporated into John Keller’s “Game of Draw
a scarce title, presenting exhaustive coverage on the game of particularly its siren women, who are depicted as prostitutes, Poker” (1887). Interestingly on this printing, an extra feature of
Faro as it was introduced and played within the United States. pickpockets, and otherwise ill-intentioned charmers. the game, the “straddle,” is described on the back cover, signed
200/400 by an author by the name “Arkansas.”


39. [Poker] Poker Chips Magazine Complete File. New York: 43. [Poker] Brelsford, C. .H and C.W. Dimick. It’s All In The
Frank Tousey, 1896. A complete file of six issues. Each issue in Draw. [Boston]: [Forbes Litho.], 1895. String-bound book
original lithographed wrappers. 64pp. [8vo (9 x 6”)]. Scattered lithographed in color on ten cardstock leaves, each spread
small tears, chips, and skinning; three issues hole-punched, illustrating and describing a different poker hand from a pair
but overall good or very good. Rare. Jessel 1353. through royal flush. Oblong 8vo (5 ½ x 9 ¾”). Soiling and
2,500/3,500 chipping to edges, one detached leaf, but bright and vivid
Frank Tousey, a publisher of chapbooks and street literature, lithography. Good. The royal flush illustration advertises Bicycle
filled Poker Chips with “stories of the great American game.” playing cards.
The magazine folded after just six issues, and was succeeded 100/200
by The White Elephant, which promised tales on a broader
selection of subjects. The final issue of Poker Chips features 44. [Poker] Ballard, Martha C. Shakespeare on Poker. Denver,
humorist (and magician) Marshall P. Wilder on its cover, and 1906. First edition, price One Dollar to title page. Limp brown
a full-page advertisement for The White Elephant fills the suede stamped in black. Oblong 8vo. With color plates on
rear wrapper. This is only the second complete file of Poker satin-finish paper, printed on rectos only, depicting poker
Chips in original wrappers to come to auction, and one of but hands alongside quotations from Shakespeare. Oblong 8vo.
Very good.
a handful known.
100/200 45 46
40. [Poker] Judge’s Library No. 37. “Ante Up”. New York: Judge
45. [Poker] Blackbridge, John. The Complete Poker Player.
Publishing, 1892. April, 1892 issue, entirely devoted to poker.
40 New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, (1880)/ca. 1884. Maroon cloth
Color lithographed wrappers depicting a Black man at the card stamped in gilt, beveled board edges. Pale yellow endpapers.
table, his hand holding four jumbo aces, poker chips stacked 12mo. x, 174pp, [2] ads. Spine rubbed and darkened, a little
at his side. 4to. p. 29, [8, ads]. Cartoons and illustrations, frayed at edges. Clean internally with a small chip to outer
many stereotypical depictions of Black gamblers, by Eugene margin of one leaf. Second Dick & Fitzgerald printing (see
Zimmerman (“Zim”), Charles H. Johnson, and others. Wrappers Jessel 123).
with small pieces chipped at edges, light soiling internally. One 250/350
of fewer than six known copies.
800/1,200 46. [Poker] Brown, Garrett. The Autocrat of the Poker Table.
Boston: The Gorham Press, 1916. Red cloth stamped in black.
41. [Poker] Four Early Pieces of Gambling / Poker Sheet Full-page illustrations of poker-player types by Garrett Brown,
41 Music. Including “The Lone Hand” (Burlington, VT: H.L. Story, Jr. 8vo. Cloth lightly soiled and darkened, spotting to fore-edge,
1869), 6pp; “You Can Go Nap on That” (ca. 1879; cover only); else very good.
“Poker, or That Queen” (1883), 3pp; and “The Gambler’s Wife” 100/200
(Boston, 1856), 18pp [front cover detached]. Folios. Wrappers,
two in color. 47. [Poker] Florence, William James. The Gentlemen’s Hand-
200/300 Book on Poker. New York/London: George Routledge & Sons,
1892. Original pictorial grey-blue cloth stamped in gilt, red, 47

42. [Poker] Zimmerman, Eugene (“Zim”). Language & Etticket black, and white. Top edge gilt. Steel-engraved frontispiece with
of Poker [cover title]. Horseheads, N.Y.: [Author], 1916. tissue guard. Illustrated in black and red. 12mo. xi, 195pp, [4,
Pictorial brown wrappers, stapled. Unpaginated. p. [84]. ads]. Slight bump to text block at lower right affecting about 15
Approximately 16mo (6 ⅛ x 3 ⅝”). Booklet of poker cartoons leaves; light soiling and spotting. Overall a very good, attractive
accompanied by humorous quips and captions on many of the copy. Jessel 511. Horr 459.
game’s unwritten rules. Tight copy; very good. Rare; we found
no copies other than among Zimmerman’s papers at the New 48. [Poker] Foster, R[obert] F[rederic]. Practical Poker. New
York State Library. York: Brentano’s, 1907. First American Edition. Original
100/200 dark green cloth pictorially stamped and titled in gilt, a.e.g.
42 Illustrated. 12mo. Spine ends very gently rubbed; tight and
attractive copy. Jessel 559.


48A 48A. [Poker] Hardison, Theodore. Poker… [St. Louis: Hardison 54 55 56

Publishing, 1914]. Publisher’s green cloth lettered in black
(spotting or dust soiling to covers). 8vo. Illustrated with
intertextual line drawing woodcuts. FIRST EDITION of this scarce
sleight–of–hand manual for cheating at poker. Not in Jessel.

49. [Poker] Keller, John W. The Game of Draw Poker. New

York: White, Stokes, & Allen, 1887. 12mo. Original cloth–
backed chromolithographed covers (light rubbing or staining
to extremities). FIRST EDITION of the first complete book on
the new game of “Draw Poker” originally published in America.
Jessel 1032.

49 50 50. [Poker] Philpots, Edward P. A Treatise on Poker. London:

Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., 1904. 8vo.
Frontispiece portrait of the author. Publisher’s red cloth 58
57 59
lettered in gilt and pictorially stamped in black to upper cover,
spine lettered in gilt (spine sunned with some fraying near
crown, endpapers toned, booksellers ticket to pastedown). 54. [Poker] Winterblossom, Henry T. The Game of Draw-Poker. 57. Robert-Houdin, Jean Eugène (trans. Professor Hoffmann).
FIRST EDITION. Jessel 1329. New York: W. H. Murphy, 1875. First edition. Brown publisher’s Card-Sharping Exposed. London: George Routledge, 1882.
200/300 cloth with gilt title inside a black stamped decorative frame to First edition. Light blue cloth stamped in gilt, red, and black.
front board. 12mo. p. viii, [9]-72. Cloth moderately frayed at Floral endpapers. Illustrated. 8vo. 316pp., 4pp ads. Covers
51. [Poker] Seven Books and Pamphlets on Poker. Including edges, slight split to backstrip, but still attractive, and tightly with scattered soiling, rubbed edges; small ownership stamp
Poker, Smoke and Other Things (Chicago, 1907), Hammond bound. Scarce. Jessel 1706. to all edges; very good internally.
and Wharton [front fly removed]; Jack Pots: Stories of the Great 300/500 150/250
American Game (Chicago, 1900), Edwards; The Poker Primer One of the earliest book-length works on poker, along with
52 (New York, [1886]), “The Major”; Fin De Siecle Poker (1895); Blackbridge’s The Complete Poker Player, and the first to 58. Schindler, Harry. How the Bank Sneak Works. Chicago: H.S.
and three other volumes. thoroughly examine the mathematics of the game. Burton & Co., ca. 1915. Original blue-green cloth ruled in blind
125/225 and titled in gilt. Illustrated with several plates. 8vo. Tender
55. Powell, Stephen. A Gambling Bibliography. Based on the front hinge; light finger-soiling and small stains to covers.
52. [Poker] Ten Vintage and Antiquarian Volumes on Poker. Collection at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas: 150/250
Including Poker: How to Play It (London: Griffith, Farran,…, ca. UNLV Library, 1972. Comb-bound paper wraps. 8vo. Very good. Scarce work includes diagrams outlining the methods used
1884); Stand Pat, or Poker Stories from the Mississippi (1908; 80/125 to rob a bank, and also details the various roles played
second impression); Poker: Its Laws and Principles (1915); by members of a mob, and the fabricated scenarios and
Draw-Poker: The Standard Game (London: George Routledge, 56. Robert-Houdin, Jean Eugene (trans. William J. Hilliar). Card- situations to carry out their crimes.
n.d.); Laws and Practice of the Game of Euchre and Draw Poker Sharpers: Their Tricks Exposed, or the Art of Always Winning.
(Philadelphia, 1877); Poker (London, 1908), A.B. Lougher; and Chicago: Frederick J. Drake, 1903. Grey cloth stamped in black 59. Seymour, Richard. The Compleat Gamester: In Three
four manuals and pamphlets. Sizes and bindings vary. Some and red. Illustrated. 12mo. p. 201, [3, ads]. Small divot to front Parts…The Fifth Edition. London: E. Curll and J. Wilford, 1734.
cloth bindings worn and soiled, but overall good or very good. cover over “S” in Sharpers; extremities rubbed; light skinning Three parts in one. Contemporary calf, gilt border and spine
250/350 on title page, otherwise very good. This edition rare in cloth. bands, splitting along joints but holding. Engraved frontispiece.
200/300 12mo. 132, 94pp., [2] ads. Small hole in frontis.; without
53. [Poker] Smith, R.A. Poker to Win. N.p: Author, 1925. First flyleaves; a few short gutter tears at end not affecting type.
edition. Black printed wrappers. 110pp. 8vo. Scarce. Includes Postscript includes rules to the game of Faro. Ex-libris Burton
work on false shuffles, deals, cons, and other sleight-of-hand S. Sperber, in a custom cloth clamshell lined with satin. Toole
techniques used by dishonest poker players. Stott 624. Jessel 1494.
53 500/700 300/500

66. [Cons] Eighteen Volumes on Cons, Swindling, and Crooked
Gambling. Including My Adventures with Your Money (Boston,
1913), George Graham Rice; and other authors including
Frank Garcia, David Maurer, Will Irwin, Alfred T. Jones, Darwin
Ortiz, M. Allen Henderson, and others. Primarily cloth 8vos,
some with jackets under Mylar. Generally very good.

67. [Urban Crime] Shelf of 13 Works Pertaining to Crime in

American Cities. Thirteen mid-late 19th century volumes on
crime in American cities and the greater ills of modern society,
including Mysteries and Miseries of America’s Great Cities
(1884), Buel; Traps for the Young (1884), Comstock; Social
Dynamite; or the Wickedness of Modern Society (1888),
60 62
61 Talmage; Darkness and Daylight in New York (1892); Great
American Crimes and Criminals (1885), Triplett; A Tour of St.
Louis; or The Inside Life of a Great City (1878); Secrets of the
Great City (1868), Martin; Ten Years Among the Mail Bags
(1855), Holbrook; and others. Primarily tall cloth 8vos. Some 67
bindings worn. Condition fair to very good.

68. [Crime] Eleven Volumes on Swindling, Crime, and Hustling.

V.p., 1890s-1910s. Ten turn of the century works by American
authors on crime, graft, and swindling, including J.P. Johnston,
Clifton Wooldridge, E.G. Redmond, Lillian Heath, John Draper,
Charles Crewdson, and others. Pictorial cloth. Illustrated. 8vos/
small 4tos. Condition generally good or very good. Nice lot.

69. [Police] Group of Vintage and Antiquarian Works on

63 64 65 Police and Detectives. Sixteen volumes pertaining to policing,
private investigation, and detective work, including Treatise on
the Police of the Metropolis (1796), “A Magistrate” (pseudo.
60. Seymour, Richard. The Court Gamester; or, Full and Easy 63. [Tokens] “Don & Jean”. Casino Gaming Token Variations Colquhoun); Recollections of a Policeman (1857), Waters;
Instructions for Playing the Games now in Vogue. [London: (We Have Seen). La Mesa, CA: Authors, 1991. Navy vinyl Chronological History of the Boston Watch and Police (1865;
1722/23?]. Contemporary paneled sheep, rubbed and stamped in silver. Limited edition, copy 62 of 100, with covers heavily stained); Sacrificed: The Story of Police Lieut.
splitting slightly at ends; title page defective [torn diagonally at publisher’s Casino Gaming Token Collectors blind-stamp Charles Becker (1927; presentation copy, signed); and others.
mid-page with loss of the imprint]. 12mo. vi, 102pp. Bookplate on title, tipped-in registration certificate. Title page under Sizes and bindings vary. Condition generally good or very good.
of George Clalow. Ex-libris Burton S. Sperber, in his custom clear overlay, as issued. Illustrated with black and white 200/400
blue cloth clamshell, lined with satin. Collates with the third reproductions of casino tokens. 4to. Near fine. 69
edition; see Jessel 1491. 100/200 70. [Western Americana] A Dozen Volumes of Western
150/250 Americana and Gambling. Including Norfleet (Sugar Land,
64. Wheat, Carl I., editor. Poker as It Was Played in Deadwood ca. 1927); Hands Up; or Thirty-Five Years of Detective Life in
61. Sinks of London Laid Open: A pocket companion for the in the Fifties. Palo Alto: [Wheatstalk Press], 1928. 8vo. Half– the Mountains and on the Plains (Denver, 1897; broken front
uninitiated, to which is included a Modern Flash Dictionary. title, illustrated title by W.R. Cameron, prospectus affixed to hinge); Forty Years a Gambler on the Mississippi (1926);
London: J. Duncombe, 1848. First edition. Quarter chocolate preliminary blank. Publisher’s orangish–red pictorial wrappers. Lucky Baldwin (1935); Life and Adventures of Ben Thompson
calf over marbled boards, spine titled in gilt, floral endpapers, FIRST EDITION, number 19 of 100 copies. Provenance: (1954); and others. Size generally 8vo.
t.e.g. Folding colored frontispiece by Cruikshank (heavily bookplate of Leon O. Whitsell. 125/225
repaired with tape). Illustrated with humorous illustrations 150/250
throughout the text by the artist. 8vo. 131pp., [1, ad.]. Boards Text is attributed to an unknown author, first printed in 71. [Crime] Shelf of Books on Crime, Cons, and Rogues. Twenty-
rubbed, tears to tail exposing text, dust soiling to first few Hutchings’ California Magazine in August 1858 (Vol. III, p. 85). six volumes, primarily cloth 8vos and 4tos, on criminals, true
leaves. 70
crime, con men, cons, and related subjects. Many with jackets
100/200 65. Wyman, Seth. The Life and Adventures of Seth Wyman; under Mylar. Condition generally very good or near fine.
Embodying The Principal Events of a Life Spent in Robbery, 50/150
62. Tricks & Traps of America; or, Swindles, Quacks, Humbugs, Theft, Gambling, Passing Counterfeit Money, etc. Manchester,
and Rascals Exposed. Corfu, New York: C.E. Curtiss, n.d. [ca. NH: J.H. Cate, 1843. Original brown cloth, title label chipped
1890s]. 8vo. 16 pp. Publisher’s saddle stitched yellow pictorial away. 8vo. iv, 310pp. Spotting and staining to covers, ends
wrappers by T. Chubbuck (two tiny chips to lower upper cover). rubbed; sporadic foxing and soiling, a few leaves with ragged
FIRST EDITION of this scarce chapbook. edges and tears. Howes W724 (“a worthy successor to
250/350 two earlier New England practitioners of roguery, Stephen
Burroughs and Henry Tufts”).
200/400 71




72. Aladdin Specialty Co. Catalog. Chicago, ca. 1930. Pictorial
printed wraps. Illustrated. 8vo. 48pp. Pitched and loaded dice,
marked cards, hold-outs, reflectors, faro boxes and equipment,
layouts, cages, spinning tops, and other gambling supplies.
Two brochures laid in.

73. Aladdin Specialty Co. Catalog. Chicago, ca. 1930s. Two-

color printed wraps. Illustrated. 8vo. 44pp. Crooked and
73 square gambling supplies including dice, cards, layouts, cages, 82
faro, and roulette. Tears to top edge of several leaves at rear,
not affecting text.
three of seven
80 81
74. Barr & Co. Two Gambling Catalogs. Chicago, 1900s/10s.
Two vols., pebbled maroon and printed wrappers, stapled. First
catalog printed in three colors and stamped in gilt and silver 77. E.M. O’Neil & Co. Catalog. Chicago, ca. 1950. Publisher’s 80. G. Henry & Co. Fall and Winter Catalogue. 1890-1891.
to front cover. Illustrations. Approx. 16mo [6 x 3 ½”]. 88pp. glossy printed wraps. Illustrated with halftone photos. Oblong Chicago, 1891. Self-wrappers. Illustrated. 8vo. 63pp. incl.
and 56pp. Small tape-repaired tear to lower wrapper of second 8vo. 82pp. Layouts, dice tables, table accessories, club covers. Early supply catalog of crooked gambling equipment
catalog, otherwise very good. Also with: a two-page typed letter furniture, and more. Very good. (holdouts, fluids and inks, marked cards, gaffed coins, and
74 from the company, answering an inquiry on loaded dice sets; 100/150 more), layouts, jewelry, watches, chains, and other general
a wee advertising booklet [4pp.]; an order blank; and small ad merchandise. Small tears and chips to covers and edges.
for a hold-out. Rare 78. E.S. Humphrey. Cards, Inks, Dice, Tools. Acra, NY, ca. 300/500
300/500 1910s. Pictorial wrappers, stapled. 20pp. [16mo (5 ½ x 3 ⅜”)].
The first catalog is rather unusual in that virtually all pretense Catalog of loaded dice, marked and trick cards, reflectors and 81. Hunt & Co. Gambling Catalog. Chicago, ca. 1906. Printed
that the goods are sold for anything but cheating is absent, other cheating tools. Scarce. limp linen wraps. 48pp. 5 ½ x 2 ¾”. Gaffed dice and marked
even while the merchandise is described in greater length and 150/250 cards. This vest pocket sized catalog is almost identical in
detail than most catalogs of the era. The rare book “The Little Like other suppliers of the era, Humphrey states that his content to a contemporary Barr & Co. catalog (see lot 74).
Secrets” is advertised. goods are meant for “entertainment” purposes only, but a The two companies may have worked in tandem or perhaps
Postmaster General report from 1912 shows that Humphrey operated with two different names and addresses. Scarce
75. B.C. Wills & Co. [Catalog of Gaming Tables and Layouts]. was convicted of mail fraud and sentenced to six months in jail early Hunt & Co catalog. Old damp-soiling to covers.
Detroit, ca. 1930s. Brown textured wrappers, stamped in gilt for selling unfair gambling devices. 200/300
lower right of upper wrapper, tassel ties. Sixteen glossy gelatin
photographs of tables and layouts for faro, craps, roulette, and 79. Ferguson Bros. Catalogs. Lot of 3. Hoboken, 1925/31. 82. Hunt & Co. Lot of 7 Gambling Supply Catalogs. Chicago, ca.
other games, with prices and descriptions printed on tissue Wrappers. Illustrated catalogs of poker caddies, smoker 1910s-40s. Original wrappers. Catalogs of crooked and square
guards. Oblong 4to. Light creases; very good. Scarce. stands, humidors, and related furniture. 4to. One catalog (not gambling equipment, plus layouts, playing cards, checks and
150/250 pictured) without wrappers, with a clipped page; others very chips, books, games, amusements, and punch-boards. Heavily
75 good. illustrated. Sizes vary (generally vest-size 12mos/16mos).
76. Code Novelty Co. “Code Book” Catalog. Chicago, ca. 50/100 One catalog includes a letter from the company to a “regular”
1940s. Black printed wraps. Illustrated. 8vo. Crooked dice, asking for the names of club and tavern owners in exchange
marked cards, dice cups, poker checks, “good luck” rings, for complimentary merchandise, plus an order blank and
poker chips and racks, keno, bingo, novelties. 28pp. Very good. mailing envelope.
100/150 250/350

83 84 85 86
90 six of ten 92 93

94 95 96

88 89

83. Kernan Mfg. (Successors to G. Henry) Poker Chips and 86. Hill Bros. Catalogue No. 19. Salida, CO, ca. 1930s. Light 90. H.C. Evans & Co. Catalogue 1914-1915. Printed wraps, 93. H.C. Evans Park and Carnival Equipment. Chicago, ca.
Playing Cards Catalogs. Chicago, ca. 1900s. Two vest catalogs, blue printed wrappers, stapled. Approximately 16mo. 32pp. stapled. Early Evans catalog of gambling and gaming 1932. Color printed wraps. Merchandise catalog of ball
original printed wraps. Both 36pp. incl. covers. Approx. 16mo. Marked cards, loaded dice, shiners, holdouts, and other equipment and devices, including dice, playing cards, chips, pitches, fortune-telling and other coin-operated machines,
Profusely illustrated with different clay poker chip designs crooked gambling items. card rounder and trimmer, and larger equipment such as carnival games and shooting galleries, chuck luck cages,
(about 3 per page), as well as paper, metal, German silver, and 125/225 gaming wheels, layouts, roulette, and much more. Illustrations. keno equipment, and more. Thin 8vo. 80pp. Central vertical
rubber checks; and playing card backs (Bicycle, Tally-Ho, Tigers, 8vo. 64pp. Short tears to edges and backstrip. crease. With an Evans flyer for a pitch game and board, and
Hart, NYCC, and others) Back covers advertise a roulette outfit. 87. Hill Bros. Catalog No. 37. Salida, CO, ca. 1930s. Green 100/200 two order blanks.
One with original printed mailing envelope. printed wrappers, stapled. Approximately 16mo. 46pp. 150/250
200/300 including covers. Merchandise catalog of crooked dice, marked 91. H.C. Evans Catalogs. Lot of 10. Chicago, 1920-60s. Ten
cards, and cheating supplies. Scattered soiling. different catalogs of Evans’ line of carnival, amusement, club, 94. H.C. Evans Park and Carnival Equipment. Chicago,
84. Kernan Mfg. (Successors to G. Henry) Sporting Goods 125/225 casino, and gambling goods. Including H.C. Evans Catalogue ca. 1942. Color printed wraps. Merchandise catalog with
Catalog. Chicago, ca. 1900s. Printed wraps., stapled. Thick 1921-22, 64pp.; H.C. Evans General Catalog “D” (ca. 1928), gambling equipment, carnival games, shooting galleries,
and heavily illustrated merchandise catalog. 8vo. Club room 88. H.C. Edwards. Two Catalogs. Including Price List 1929-30, 64pp.; Club and Casino Equipment (1935), 64pp.; and others and coin-operated machines. Profusely illustrated. Thin 8vo.
furniture, roulette, faro, dice cages, poker supplies, layouts, printed wrappers, stapled, 31pp. (12mo), catalog of marked 1940s-50s, some with order blanks, envelopes, price lists, and 84pp. Nice copy.
spindles, wheels, slot machines and trade stimulators, cards, loaded dice, and other cheating items, with an order mailing covers. Profusely illustrated. 8vos. One catalog with 100/200
billiards, bartending supplies, guns, knives, baseball items, blank; and a catalog of loaded dice, 15pp. (oblong 8vo), two- heavy tears and clipped pages, but generally good or very good.
boxing, watches, jewelry, and books. Page edges thumbed and color wrappers, with pictorial order blank. [Together with]: three reprint Evans catalogs by GBC and others. 95. J.H. Johnson. Magical Goods / Novelties. Aberdeen, WA:
dog-eared; on newsprint (pulp) paper. Scarce. 200/300 300/600 n.d., ca. 1940s(?). Printed wrappers, stapled. Illustrated.
125/225 32pp. 5 ⅞ x 3 ¼”. Crooked gambling items and novelties.
89. H.C. Evans Blue Books. Lot of 5. Chicago, 1920s-40s. 92. H.C. Evans Gambling Supply Catalog. Chicago, 1929. Uncommon. Sold with a copy of Johnson’s famous exposé
85. Kernan Mfg. Playing Cards / Sporting Goods Catalog. Printed wrappers. Catalogs of Evans’ line of gambling items, Original wrappers printed in orange and blue. Numerous booklet, The Open Book (1945), 156pp.
Chicago, 1898. Pale pink wrappers. 52pp. incl. covers. Heavily crooked and square. Including The Blue Book (n.d., 1912?), illustrations of merchandise including gambling equipment, 100/200
illustrated catalog of poker chips, dice, faro equipment, tables, 32pp.; The Blue Book 1923-1924, 32pp; Original Blue Book playing cards, fairground and carnival games, shooting
keno, and more. 16mo (5 ⅞ x 3 ¼”). A few pages misprinted 50th Anniversary (1942), 66pp, tipped-in notice, order blank, galleries, and club room equipment. 160pp. 8vo. With order 96. K.C. Card Co. / Mason & Co. Blue Books Lot. 1920s-60s.
by printer’s error. and envelope; Original Blue Book (1949), 50pp.; Secret Blue blank and envelope. Very good. Including (16) K.C. Card Co. Blue Book gambling supply
150/250 Book (1936; defective, lacking several terminal leaves, one 200/400 catalogs; a 1942 issue of National Police Gazette (full page
clipped leaf); and a 1978 reprint of Secret Blue Book. 8vos. The largest and most comprehensive catalog H.C. Evans K.C. Card ad on back cover); and four Mason & Co. catalogs
Condition fair to very good. printed, as times were flying high one year before the great and flyers. Pictorial wrappers. Size 8vo or 4to. One catalog
200/400 stock market crash. includes an order blank and return envelope. Nice lot.


97 98 99 100




105 110

104. Taylor & Company Gambling Catalogs. Lot of 3. Chicago,

97. Mason & Co. “To the Discriminating Operator, From a 100. Ryan & Co. Quality Club Equipment Catalog. Chicago, ca. ca. 1940s. Comb-bound printed wraps. Illustrated. Oblong
Famous House” [cover title]. Detroit, ca. 1920. Original printed 1930s. Black wrappers printed in silver. Illustrated in color. 4to. 8vo. Club room supplies including dice, layouts, chips/checks,
wrappers. Merchandise catalog full of Mason’s array of gaffed 56pp. Catalog gambling hall/club supplies including roulette, tables and chairs, racks, cages, and related items. One page
items and cheating supplies. Unusual Detroit imprint. 100pp. keno, faro, dice, dice tables, furniture, and others. A few cleanly torn in catalog with white wrappers (p. 35/36).
Approx. 16mo (6 x 3 ½”). Slight staining on covers, else very detached gatherings at center, otherwise very good. 150/250 three of five 109
good. 100/200
200/300 105. Vine, Hill & Company Catalog [with Emery Scratcher]. 108. Trio of Coin-Op, Toy, and Vending Machine Catalogs.
101. William Rott Games and Amusement Devices. Lot Swanton, OH, ca. 1920. Pictorial wraps, with text and Including O.D. Jennings Coin Machines catalog (ca. 1960),
98. M.E. Hill & Co. Sporting Goods, Playing Cards, Dice, Etc. of 5 Catalogs. Including Nos. 12, 14, 16, and 20; and one illustrations in blue. Marked cards, crooked inks and daubs, 20pp., illustrated in color, oblong 4to; Asco Vending Machine
Detroit, ca. 1920s. Grey printed wrappers, upper detached. unnumbered. Size 4to/8vo. Illustrated. Poker sets, bingo, and other cheating implements. 12mo. 46pp. Damp-soiling Exchange, 64pp., thin 8vo; and Levin Brothers “Hustler
Illustrated. 48pp. 6 x 3 ⅜”. Extensive line of loaded dice, plus roulette, chess sets, put and takes, and many other game items. and light creases. Includes a Special Emery Scratcher with Catalog” No. 245 (1936), 656pp., 4to. [cleanly detached from
holdouts, trimmers, shiners, layouts, spindles, gaming wheels, 125/225 printed instruction slip, to produce shade work on cards. covers].
and other gambling goods. Page 15/16 skinned with hole at 150/250 125/225
center, with loss of text; dog-eared lower right throughout. A 102. Slack Mfg. Co. Catalogs. Lot of 3. Chicago, ca. 1900s/20s.
rare catalog from a supplier of which little is known. Original wrappers. Including Slack’s “private catalogue” of 106. Lot of 6 Crooked Gambling Supply Catalogs. Suppliers 109. [Pulps] Easy Money. How It’s Made…How It’s Lost. New
200/300 crooked gambling equipment, 24pp., with tape repairs, on include F&R Co.; D. Smythe; Jack Todd; Frazelle Novelty; D & C York: Spartan, 1936. Scarce complete five-issue file of the pulp
brittle pulp paper, with an old ink notation on cover, “Don’t let Novelty; and George and Company. 8vo and smaller. Illustrated. dedicated to crime, gambling, rackets, frauds, swindling, and
99. Arthur Popper. Two Gambling Catalogs. New York, ca. any one see this.”; and two catalogs of carnival games, toys, 200/300 related subjects. 4to. Soiling, short tears and creases. Very
1930. Orange wrappers, printed in black. Illustrated. Club- dolls, trade stimulators, gambling supplies, and novelties, good overall.
room furniture, protected chips, playing cards, perfect dice and 104pp/64pp. Scattered tears and losses to edges. 107. Lot of 15 Gambling Supply Catalogs. American, ca. 600/900
accessories, marked cards, gaffed dice and punch boards. 200/300 1930s/60s. Including (3); B.C. Wills & Co.; S.F. Card Co.; Robin
Last leaf of larger catalog clipped; rebacked. Specialties; (2) Portland Card Co.; Joe Treybal Sporting Goods; 110. [Pulps] Six-Gun Western Vol. 1 No. 2. June 1946. Trojan
100/200 103. T.R. King and Co. Pair of Catalogs. Los Angeles, ca. Noll and Company; Ray Oakes and Sons; Nevada Layout Publishing, 1946. Scarce second issue of the Western stories
1950s. Wrappers. Illustrated. Oblong 8vos. 64pp.; 56pp. Company; Rigdon and Company; National Games Supply; and pulp, gambling cover illustration of a man drawing a revolver
Crooked and straight gambling supplies, poker checks, layouts, Nevada Club Room Supply. Size 8vo or smaller. Generally good and stopping a man from raking in his chips. Tight, clean copy
and equipment. or very good. with light chipping at foot of backstrip, small tears to covers.
150/250 200/400 80/125





111. Charles Bartlet American Manufacture Playing Cards. 113. Thomas Crehor American Manufacture Playing Cards.
Philadelphia, ca. 1845. 38 of 52 (lacks 5S, QS, 6D, QD, 6H, [Massachusetts?], ca. 1845. 51 (lacks 6C). One-way courts.
9H, 10H, JH, 2C, 3C, 4C, 7C, JC, and QC). A few cards married, Backs blue dots/asterisks. Light finger smudges; overall very
having different colored backs. Still, a rare antebellum deck good. Hochman U5.
which retains the Ace of Spades. Hochman U14. 400/600
200/400 Hochman identifies this as a deck likely manufactured by
Andrew Dougherty, trading on the name of Thomas Crehore –
112. Coughtry & Dougherty American Manufacture Playing misspelled here “Crehor” – who was an early manufacturer of
Cards. [New York], ca. 1849-53. 48 of 52 (lacks AD, QS, JH, American playing cards.
and 3C). One-way courts. Ace of Spades similar to Crehore, but
with “Coughtry & Dougherty” imprint. See Hochman AD1e/f. 114. Carmichael, Jewett & Wales Playing Cards. American,
800/1,200 ca. 1840. 39/52. Elaborate engraved Ace of Spades with
Rare unrecorded deck from the partnership between Andrew “American Manufacture” text surrounding central pip. Printed

Dougherty and the Coughtry brothers, produced approximately asterisk backs. Uncommon single-ended courts. Almost never
between 1849-53, and probably on the earlier side of that date seen complete; retains full set of the courts. Hochman U35.
range, given that the Ace of Spades is nearly identical to the Rare early American cards.
Crehor Ace which Dougherty manufactured circa 1845 (see 300/600
next lot). On this basis, this would presumptively be earlier than
either of the two Coughtry & Dougherty decks in Hochman.



116. [U.S. Civil War – Confederacy] Goodall & Son Confederate

States of America Playing Cards. London, England, ca. 1864.
52 (but the 8H is actually a 6D, lightly re-colored in hearts).
Backs having crossed Confederate flags above seal, lettered
“Confederate States of America/Deo Vindice.” Printed for
use by the Confederacy and, according to Goodall company
records, smuggled in through the New Orleans blockade. This
is one of perhaps fewer than five examples known, and the only
deck produced for the Confederate States during the American 104
Civil War. Hochman W10.

117. [U.S. Civil War – Union] Benj. W. Hitchcock Union Playing

Cards. New York, 1863. 52. Patriotic playing cards issued
during the Civil War. Backs two American flags. Standard
suits replaced with American national emblems: Stars, Flags, 118
National Seal, and Shield. Courts are general (king), Lady
Liberty (queen), and infantry soldiers (jacks). Old graphite
notation on Three of National Seal: “Bought by Wm. D. Packard
115. Unrecorded Civil War Era American Playing Cards. N.p., ca. 1860s. 52. Color lithography. Depictions of Black at New Orleans La. in 1863/Price 50c.” Copyright and imprint
and white men, women, and children, apparently of the American South, including servants (or slaves), horseback on Ace of same suit. This is the second version of this deck, with
riding, a hobo, and other domestic scenes. Illustrations on the Ace (i.e., “1”) through 7 of each suit. Other faces different courts. Chipped corner 10 Stars; cards moderately to
blank except for suit symbols and values. Numerals 1-13 within suit symbols (hearts, spades, diamonds, and heavily rubbed and soiled. Hochman NS2.
clubs [or crosses]). Ace-seven with single indices, 8-13 with two indices. Plain backs. Large cards (4 ¼ x 2 ⅞”). A 900/1,300
few short tears, chips, and wear; corner of 6D torn away, but overall very good condition.
3,000/5,000 118. Game of Political Euchre. Philadelphia: L. Lum Smith,
The spades are turned upside down from standard orientation, facing downward. Clubs are turned into crosses. 1888. 56/56. Cards depict Benjamin Harrison, Levi P. Morton,
All suit symbols are black, and the primary color scheme in the illustrations is blue and gray. Not located in any territorial governors, states, and other politicians of the era.
playing card reference or at auction.. Backs picture an eagle, the White House, and an American flag.

119. Longley Great Mogul Playing Cards. Cincinnati: Longley &

Bro., 1866. 43/52. Lacks 8S, 9S, 2H, 9H, QH, KH, 5C, 6C, 2D.
Corner clips, closed tears, wear from use, one card significantly
torn. The only Longley deck to print a Cincinnati address on the
Ace of Spades. Hochman L1. Rare. 119

126 127

120 123 124






120. Samuel Hart & Co. Faro Deck, with Case and Chips. 123. Samuel Hart & Co. Linen Eagle Faro Playing Cards. New 130
New York, ca. 1885. Traveling set including a square-corner York, ca. 1900s. 52 + OB. Backs green plaid. Box depicts the
faro deck (52), one-way courts. Clasping buckram case with a NYCC factory building on one side. Back of AS skinned in a few
sliding drawer of wee clay chips in red, white and blue (diam. spots; old pencil notation on 3S. Box lacks top flap, bottom flap
¾”). Overall size 4 ⅛ x 2 ¾ x 2”. Hochman NY42. torn. Hochman NY35. 126. NYCC Samuel Hart Squeezers No. 220 Playing Cards. 129. Jno. [John] J. Levy Playing Cards. New York, ca. 1865.
250/350 200/300 NYCC, ca. 1880s. 52 + J + OB. Round-corner playing cards. 51 of 52 (lacks 7D). An unusual Ace of Spades, without an
Best Bower Joker. Box depicts a steamboat and the NYCC address for the company, and bearing the motto “E Pluribus
121. Samuel Hart American Manufacture Playing Cards. 124. Samuel Hart & Co. Linen Eagle Pharo (Faro) Playing factory. Deck very good; top flap detached to box. Unum.” This is the only Levy AS without a street address.
New York: Samuel Hart & Co., ca. 1890. Square corner single- Cards. New York, ca. 1900s. 52 + OB. Backs green plaid. This 200/300 Plaid backs. Cards moderately soiled from age and use. Good.
ended pack with green patterned back design. 52. Near fine. box with NYCC manufacturing credit on flap and “Caution” text Hochman NY18.
Offsetting of back design on 3S. Hochman NY42b. on one side. Small spot stain on AS, else very good. Hochman 127. NYCC Samuel Hart Hustler No. 94 Squeezers Playing 500/700
100/200 NY35. Cards. New York, ca. 1890s. 52 + J + OB. Gilt edges. Best
200/300 Bower joker. Deck fine; box with piece torn near top, lacking 130. Jno. [John] Levy Bezique Deck. New York: Jno. J. Levy,
122. Samuel Hart & Co. Faro Playing Cards. New York/ top flap. Hochman NY71. ca. 1860s. 32/32 (complete). Civil War era. One-way courts.
Philadelphia, ca. 1860s. 52 (complete). One-way courts. 125. Samuel Hart & Co. Linen Eagle Pharo (Faro) Playing 125/225 Green backs. Near fine. Hochman NY16.
Square corners. Backs brown with odd shapes. Small chip to Cards. New York, ca. 1890s/1900s. 52 (presumed). Retains 150/250
top edge of AS; scattered light spotting. Hochman NY27. original wrapper printed in black and red. Wrapper with some 128. Jno. [John] J. Levy Playing Cards. New York, ca. 1860s. 52
250/350 tears and desiccated rubber band remnants, but overall very (complete). One-way courts. Pale pink backs with navy design.
good. Not examined out of wrapper, apparently complete and JC skinned in one corner, otherwise very good. Hochman NY17.
near fine. 500/700

131 132


137 138



134 136

141 142

137. Andrew Dougherty Excelsior Playing Cards in Leather 140. National Card Co. Steamboats Playing Cards. Indianapolis
Case with Counters. Circa 1875. 52 + EC (blank face). In & New York, ca. 1882. 52 + J + EC (blank, but “joker” is
contemporary leather case, lined with floral paper, stamped in penciled diagonally across the face). Black stereotype joker
gilt, with counter wheels having mother of pearl hands. Small (watermelon). All edges gilt. Scattered soiling, most heavily to
corner chip to extra card. Hochman AD9. 2S, but most cards very good overall. Hochman NU1.
125/225 150/250
131. A. Dougherty No. 0 Steamboat Playing Cards. New York, 134. Dougherty Fair Play Playing Cards. New York: Andrew
138. Andrew Dougherty Bezique Decks in Inlaid Box. New 141. Brooklyn Playing Card Co. Playing Cards. Brooklyn, ca.
1909. 52 + J + OB. Round corner. Rooster Joker. Laid in slip Dougherty, ca. 1910. 52+J+EC. Blue backs. Very good.
York, ca. 1872. Two decks (32 each), engraved Aces of 1896. 52 + OB. Backs red and white pinwheels. Box heavily
advertising No. 9 Tally-Ho cards. Very good; small tears and Hochman AD28.
Spades, square corners, single-ended courts. In a finely inlaid worn, lacks flaps, other losses; deck very good. Hochman L38.
losses to box. Hochman AD24. 150/300
contemporary hardwood box. Box 6 ½ x 5 x 2”. Very good. Rare.
Hochman AD7. 300/600
135. Dougherty Great Mogul Playing Cards. New York: Andrew
132. Andrew Dougherty Oriental No. 91 Playing Cards. New Dougherty, ca. 1872. 52+blank (serving as Joker). Red over
York, ca. 1880s. 52 + J + OB. Gilt edges. Gilt and red fleur-de-lis white backs. Minor rubbing. Hochman AD8. 142. APCC Eagles Playing Cards. Kalamazoo: American
104 139. American Club #165 Border Index Playing Cards.
backs. Near fine. See Hochman AD15. 200/400 Playing Card Co., 1894. 52+J+OB. Slipcase box with partial tax
Cincinnati: Paper Fabrique Company, ca. 1878. 52 (lacks
250/350 stamp. Cards near fine. Hochman L55.
Joker). Several cards with small chips to corners; faces rubbed
136. Dougherty American Whist League #109 Playing Cards. 250/500
and lightly soiled. Courts depict European royalty of the period.
133. Dougherty Excelsior Playing Cards. New York: Andrew New York: Andrew Dougherty, ca. 1895. 52+J (back of Joker The “border index” design was patented Dec. 25, 1877 by
Dougherty, ca. 1870. 52/52. Several pip cards replaced from scraped). AS with faint overprint. Hochman AD44. Cyrus Saladee, who also patented an 1864 deck produced by
a separate deck, others well used and rounded, but good 200/400 Samuel Hart. Good. Hochman L14.
condition overall. Hochman AD5. 800/1,200

148 152



143. Caterson & Brotz League Playing Cards. Philadelphia:

Caterson & Brotz, ca. 1880. The earliest Caterson & Brotz
pack. 52+J (cat joker). Soiled and worn, with several torn
corners and chips. Scarce. Hochman L32.

144. Three Caterson & Brotz Playing Card Packs. Philadelphia:

Caterson & Brotz, ca. 1880-86. Two with blue backs, one green.
Different AS in each pack. All three decks complete (52), but 151 154
lacking jokers. General wear; very good condition overall. Nice
lot. See Hochman L32, 33, and 34.
144 300/600

145. St. Louis Playing Card. Co. “Germania” No. 91 Pinochle

Playing Cards. St. Louis, ca. 1900s. 48/48 + OB. Deck rubbed;
good/very good. Box worn with tears and loss to top flap. Not
in Hochman.

146. Kalamazoo Paper Box & Card Co. “Success” No. 28 155 156
Playing Cards. Kalamazoo, ca. 1903. 52 + J + OB. Backs
dark blue swans and reeds (a play on the maker’s so-called
145 “Swansdown” finish). Joker of nesting birds. Very good; minor
wear to box. Hochman RU11. 150. Knickerbocker Playing Card Co. Playing Cards. Albany, 154. National Card Co. Superior Steamboats #9. Indianapolis
300/500 NY, ca. 1880s. 52 + J. Hochman L38a. Majority of the cards and New York: National Card Co., ca. 1885. Blue star backs.
having contemporary signatures and inscriptions (most dated 52+J (Joker a replacement). Very good. Hochman NU2.
147. Russell’s Recruits No. 76 Playing Cards. Milltown, NJ: 1884-85) on the faces, otherwise very good. 300/600
Willis W. Russell Card Co., ca. 1906. 52+J+OB with “peep” 400/600
window. Green backs. Box worn; good. See Hochman RU1 (but 155. Tigers #101 Playing Cards. Cincinnati: Russell & Morgan,
151. Sporting Playing Cards. New York: Union Playing Card Co.,
with different Joker). 1885. 52+J. Colored tiger joker. Red and black steamboat
ca. 1885. 52+OB (worn and chipped). Sporting back design
100/200 backs. Box lacks flaps and panels detached. Cards near fine.
featuring a hunting dog. Joker design on box. Good condition.
The first Tiger deck. Hochman US1.
148. Chancellor Club Playing Cards. Kalamazoo: Kalamazoo Hochman L46.
Playing Card Co., ca. 1910. Neptune in a chariot on backs. 150/250
146 52+J+EC+OB. Corner of 10D torn away, one panel of box 152. Squeezers #37 Playing Cards. New York: Samuel Hart 156. [Circus] USPC No. 47 Circus Playing Cards. Cincinnati:
lacking. Hochman RU12. (NYCC), ca. 1870. 52 (complete). Square corners, red backs. USPC, 1896. 52 + J + OB. Non-standard courts representing
100/200 One of the first decks with two indices. Very good. Hochman performers in the circus: clowns are jacks, queens theatrically
NY45. dressed trainers or equestriennes with whips, and kings are
149. Russell’s Rustlers Baseball-Theme Playing Cards. 250/500 ringmasters. Backs depict wild animals and chariots. Corner
Milltown, NJ: Willis W. Russell Card Co., ca. 1910. 52+J+EC+OB chip to AH, light wear from use. Box worn. Hochman 21a.
(partial). Joker depicts baseball player over the caption “At the 153. [British Royalty] Patent Squeezers Playing Cards. New 500/750
Home Plate”; back design shows same player in a different York: NYCC, ca. 1887. 52. Queen Victoria Golden Jubilee backs.
pose. All cards rubbed or worn. Hochman SE16. Very good. Hochman NY48. Rare.
200/300 400/800

163 164


157. [Buffalo Bill (William F. Cody)] Buffalo Bill’s Wild West

and Pawnee Bill’s Far East Combined Souvenir Playing Cards.
Circa 1900s/1910s. 52 + J + OB. Souvenir/advertising playing 166
cards for the Wild West show. Cody and Pawnee Bill (Gordon 165
Lillie) appear on the Ace of Spades and backs, surrounded by
scenes from the show. Native American child on Joker, with
158 phrase “Me Heap Big.” Retains original inner and outer box,
latter titled in gilt. Outer box lacks top panel. Deck edges
rubbed from use. Not recorded in Hochman. Rare.

158. Green Club No Revoke Playing Cards. Chicago: S.F.

Hanzel Card Co., 1923. 52 + J + OB. Near mint. Each suit a
different color: spades blue, clubs green, diamonds yellow, 167
hearts red. Hochman NR6.

159. Aluminum Playing Cards III. New York: Charles L. King,

ca. 1920. Enamel over aluminum base. 52+J+EC+OB. Original
case with pivoting lid bears the image of a golfer at the end of
his swing. Box worn, else near fine. Hochman O3.
160. Celluloid Playing Cards. New York: The Celluloid Co., ca.
1928. 52+J+OB. Burning torch back design in red and black. 163. Card Fabrique Euchre Playing Cards. Middletown, OH: 166. Lawrence & Cohen Playing Cards. New York, ca. 1860.
Near mint. Card Fabrique Co., ca. 1880. 52+J. Finely engraved AS. Back 52 (complete). One-way courts. Backs dark orange floral-foliate
160 200/400 design shows a black man in a rocking chair, with the numbers scroll. Overall good and brightly stenciled; a few damp-stains,
4, 11 and 44 on both ends. Rare. Hochman L17. short tears, and light finger-soiling. Hochman NY8 (“probably
161. Sutherland’s Circular Coon Cards. Black as the Ace of 400/800 their earliest deck with the Lawrence & Cohen name”).
Spades. Melbourne: Hartley Bros., 1885. 52 + J + OB. Circular 500/700
playing cards enclosed in the original tin box with pictorial label. 164. Shakesperian Card Co. “Othello” Playing Cards. [New
Scrapes and light pitting to tin, otherwise very good. A scarce 167. L.I. Cohen Highlanders Playing Cards. New York: L.I.
York], ca. 1910. 52 (lacks Joker) + OB. Ink marks on 2H; a few
set of racially stereotypical playing cards. Hochman O17. Cohen, ca. 1862. 52 (complete). Civil War-era deck. Rounded
creased corners. Box lacks one side and end flaps. Hochman
500/700 corners with “ivory” finish. Blue and red steamboat-like
161 NY54b. Uncommon.
back design. All cards worn and toned as expected. Scarce.
250/350 Hochman NY3.
162. International Round Playing Cards. Chicago:
International Playing Card Co. of America, ca. 1930. 52+J+OB 1,000/2,000
165. A. Ball & Bro. No. 916 Faro Playing Cards. Chicago, Possibly an early card-shaper’s deck, as the Eight through
(with holiday greeting inside lid). Two-headed courts, ca. 1910s. Two decks, blue and brown backs, both 52 +
differently-colored suits. Backs bear the gilt and black device Ace of each suit of each suit are longer than the balance of
OB. Square corners. One-way courts. Believed to have been the cards, and all of the cuts and corners have been neatly
of the International Printing Pressmen and Assistants Union. manufactured by New York Consolidated Card Co. for Ball & rounded.
Very good. Hochman O16. Bro. Similar to Samuel Hart decks by NYCC of the period. Very
80/125 good. Hochman U28. 168. Henry Cohen Playing Cards. Philadelphia: Henry Cohen &
200/300 Co., ca. 1867. Blue/red plaid backs. 46/52. Lacks 2C, 8C, 5D,
2H, 8H. Worn as expected from age. Hochman NY27b.
162 300/500



176. Russell & Morgan “Army & Navy” Playing Cards. Cincinnati,
OH, ca. 1881. 52 + J + OB. Very good. Hochman US5.

177. Anheuser-Busch “Army & Navy” Advertising Playing

Cards. St. Louis, ca. 1900. 52 + J + EC + OB. Spanish-American
War era deck produced by the brewery. Gilt edges (rubbed).
172 169. NYCC “Free Lance” No. 915 Playing Cards. New York, Joker depicts Uncle Sam enjoying Budweiser; military leaders 177
ca. 1920. 52 + J + OB. Very good; tears and rubbing to box. on courts, including Theodore Roosevelt. Pip cards with the
Hochman NY66. brewery building, some also depict battleships. Each Ace
125/225 features a different brew. Hochman W16.
170. Three Early Bicycle 808 Decks of Playing Cards. Including
Bicycle 808 Model Back (red), 52 + J + OB; Bicycle 808 Wheel 178. Two Military Card Games. Including The U.S. Army Game
Back (red), 52 + J + OB (joker probably married from another (Parker Brothers, 1919), with original box, instruction booklet
deck); and Bicycle 808 Thistle (blue), 52 + J (high wheel). See and pack of cards featuring WWI soldiers and equipment;
Hochman US8. and Dutton’s Military Cards, circa 1915, featuring portraits
200/300 of American soldiers, including Lincoln and Washington as
173 commanders in chief, with original box and instruction booklet.
171. Three National Card Co. “Rambler No. 22” Decks of Both in very good or better condition.
Playing Cards. Indianapolis & New York, ca. 1890/95. 52 + J 100/200
+ OB; 52 + 2J + OB; 52 + J + EC + OB. One with detached top
flap; other wear to boxes. Hochman NU7b. 179. [Breweriana] Card Fabrique Playing Cards for Windisch-
100/200 Muhlhauser Brewing Co. Cincinnati, ca. 1900s. 51(lacks AS) +
J + OB. Gilt edges. Backs green with brewery logo. Corner tear
172. Aladdin #1001 Playing Cards. Indianapolis & New York: to outer box.
The National Card Co., ca. 1885. 52, no Joker. Green griffon 125/225
back design. In tarnished silver box with JD motif on lid.
Hochman NU6. 180. [Hawaii] The Hawaiian Souvenir Playing Cards. USPC, ca.
150/300 1920. 52 + J + EC + OB. Gilt edges. Oval halftones of Hawaii 180
on each card, including surfer Duke Kahanamoku. Near fine.
173. Perfection Playing Card Co. Playing Cards. Philadelphia, Hochman S29.
ca. 1890s. 52 + J. Gilt edges (rubbed on the higher value cards 125/225
[euchred]). Jolly Joker. Hochman PU2.
100/150 181. [Illinois-Transportation] Frazier Road Cart Works, Aurora,
Ill., Advertising Playing Cards. Aurora, ca. 1880s. 52 + J + OB.
174 174. New York Consolidated “Illuminated” Royal Playing Cards. Scarce early advertising deck for this maker of road carts, track
New York: NYCC, 1894. 52 + J. Commemorates the Alliance of sulkies, wagons, and buckboards. Box depicts the company
Germany, Austria and Russia (subsequently replaced by Italy), building; horse-drawn wagons on the joker. Box without top
with suits dedicated to these powers. Liberal use of gold ink. flap; deck very good. 181
Hochman P22. 400/600
Though Hochman dates this pack to 1894, Bismark and Crispi 182. “The Foster” Pressure Regulator Advertising Playing
were no longer heads of state when the pack was created. Cards. Newark, ca. 1890s. 52 + J + OB (worn). Custom
advertising joker and Ace of Spades; advertising backs and
175. Bay State Card Co. “Regal” Playing Cards. Circa 1905. 52 box. Euchred; box with tears and losses.
(no Joker) + OB. A few corner creases and wear from use; box 200/300
rubbed. Hochman SU29.
175 125/225 182




183. [Hotels – Michigan/St. Louis] Mackinac Island Grand

Hotel / Planters Hotel St. Louis Advertising Playing Cards.
Circa 1890s. 52 + OB. Gilt edges. Advertising deck for two
hotels under same manager (Henry Weaver). Ace of Spades
with a “Michigan Summer Girl,” other aces with emblems
of the hotels. The twos, fours, and sixes bear representative
images of Mackinac and St. Louis with poetic quotations. Very
190 193
184 good. Box with old tape repairs. Hochman AA2. Rare.

184. [Pacific Islands] Oceanic Steamship Co. Playing Cards.

San Francisco, ca. 1920. 52 + J + EC + OB. Joker advertises the
ocean liner’s service to Hawaii, Samoa, Tahiti, New Zealand,
Australia, and California. Backs a Hawaiian advertising
“America’s Island Paradise.” Very good; box top flap detached.

185. [Tasmania] Two Tasmania Souvenir Playing Card Decks. 192

Circa 1900s. Two travel/tourism decks, the faces of each card
bearing oval photographs of towns and landscapes. 52 + OB;
52 + J + OB. Boxes heavily worn; decks very good.
150/250 189. [Oregon] Oregon Souvenir Playing Cards. San Francisco: 192. [San Francisco] Panama Pacific Exposition Souvenir
Edward H. Mitchell, 1902. 52 + J + Map Card + OB. Gilt edges. Playing Cards. 52 + J + OB. Backs and box depict the Tower of
186. Tasmania Souvenir Deck. Cincinnati: USPC, ca. 1908. Oval halftones of Oregon’s mountain ranges, Columbia River, Jewels. Statue of Liberty joker. With a Russell Playing Card Co.
52, no Joker. Gold edges. Inset cards on faces. Near fine. towns and cities, schools and buildings, fishermen, and more. sorting/inspection card. Deck near fine; box with light wear at
Hochman SO2. Near fine. Box splitting slightly. Hochman S44. edges. Hochman SX25.
80/125 150/250 150/250
187. [New Zealand] Muir & Moodie’s Pictorial Playing Cards 190. [Texas] Texas Souvenir Playing Cards. Van Noy Interstate, 193. [Cuba] Three Cuba Souvenir Decks. USPC, ca. 1915.
/ Dunedin N.Z. Dunedin, ca. 1900s (1912 stamp on 2D). 52 ca. 1900. 52 + J + OB. Gilt edges. Oval halftones of the people, Including 52 + J + OB (orange box); 52 + J + booklet + OB
+ J + Box. Aside from the aces, each card features a different places, and sights of Texas. Backs a gilt Lone Star with floral (maroon box), gilt edges; and 52 + J + OB (blue box). Oval
halftone photograph of New Zealand and its people (Maori, border. Near fine. Hochman S62. scenes of Cuba and Havana on the faces. Very good. Hochman
Tongan, and Samoan), including natural sites, cities, a topless 100/150 SCU1/SCU3.
“Samoan Venus,” and others. Box (heavily worn) depicts a man 200/300
with tattooed face. Triplicate indices. Corner chip to 3S; other 191. [National Parks – Yellowstone] Two Souvenir Decks of
cards moderately used, some creases. Rare. Yellowstone Playing Cards. Circa 1910s/20s. Including Haynes 194. [New England] Trio of Souvenir Playing Card Decks.
200/300 Souvenir Playing Cards of Yellowstone Park (52 + J + EC + Including Sea to Summit: White Mountains, N.H. and Portland,
OB), gilt edges; and Photo Card Co. Montana and Yellowstone Maine (52 + J + Title Card + OB), gilt edges; Among the White
188. [Massachusetts] North Shore Massachusetts Souvenir Souvenir Cards (52 + J + Map Card + EC + OB). Very good. Mountains (52 + J + EC + OB), gilt edges; and Niagara Falls
Playing Cards. Gloucester, ca. 1906. 52 + J + OB. Gilt edges. Hochman S73. Souvenir Playing Cards (52 + J + OB). Oval scenes of New
Each card having an oval halftone of scenes from Gloucester 150/250 Hampshire, Maine, and Niagara Falls. Very good. Hochman
and nearby towns. Backs a fishing schooner. Tape repairs to S72; S71; S40.
inner box. Very good. Hochman S42. 125/225
187 100/200


196 199
195 203


204 206


201 202 207

195. [Newfoundland] Newfoundland Souvenir Playing Cards. 199. [Olympics] 10th Olympiad Playing Cards. P.G. Wenger, 203. [California] Midwinter Exhibition and Pacific Coast Playing 206. Colombiano Naipes World’s Fair Columbian Exposition
Ayre & Sons, ca. 1920. 52 + J + Booklet + OB. Backs red 1932. 52+J+OB. Near fine. Hochman SE10. Cards. San Francisco/Chicago: Winters Art Litho, 1891/94. 52 Playing Cards. Cincinnati: USPC, ca. 1893. 48 (complete) + OB.
with Newfoundland dog. Rectangular scenes depicting towns, 100/200 + J (with image of California bear). Enamel finish, with color Spanish playing card deck issued for the World’s Columbian
buildings, fishing and whaling, nature attractions, and others. illustrations of California and locations along the Pacific Coast. Exposition. Four suits of 12 cards numbered 1-12. Suit
Very good. Hochman SCA32. 200. Philippine Souvenir Playing Cards. PhilippinePhotograph With second KH bearing variant design. Very good. Hochman symbols Suns, Cups, Earthen Bowls, and War Clubs. Courts
125/225 Co. for St. Louis Expo, 1904. 52+J. Gold edges. Very good. SX15. Scarce. South American Indians in traditional dress. Box thin, waxy
Hochman SX22. 200/400 paper with color lithography, depicting World’s Fair medals.
196. Florida Souvenir Playing Cards. Cincinnati: Tom Jones, 100/200 Small tears to wrapper, otherwise fine. Hochman SX12.
1900. 52+J. Embossed metal case with alligator motif on one 204. Columbian Exposition Souvenir Playing Cards. Chicago: 250/350
panel. Hochman S21. 201. South Africa Souvenir Deck. Cincinnati: USPC [?], ca. C.W. Clark, ca. 1893. 52 + J + OB (possibly later replacement).
200/300 207. Two Fair Souvenir / Exposition Playing Card Decks.
1910. 52, no Joker. Blue backs featuring a coat of arms. Each Very good. Hochman SX6.
Including the Jamestown Exposition Souvenir Deck (52+J+OB),
card depicts a scene taken throughout the nation. Good. Not 150/300
197. Indians of the Southwest Souvenir Playing Cards. Kansas and St. Louis 1904 World’s Fair Souvenir Cards (52+J+OB
in Hochman.
City: Fred Harvey, 1912. 52 + J + MC + Bklt + OB. Gold edges. (taped)). Gold edges. Hochman SX23 and SX21.
80/150 205. [St. Louis] St. Louis World’s Fair Souvenir Aluminum
Near fine. Hochman S5. 100/200
Playing Cards. Two Rivers, WI: Aluminum Manufacturing Co.,
202. Alaska-Yukon-Pacific-Seattle Exhibition Souvenir Playing 1904. 52 + OB. Etched aluminum box. Aluminum cards, 208. Seven World’s Fair Playing Card Sets. Including three
198. Great Northern Pacific Steamship Co. Souvenir Playing Cards. Cincinnati: US Playing Card Co., 1908. 52+J+OB (tax printed in red and black with illustrations of buildings. Light double-deck sets; and four single-deck sets issued for the
Cards. Cincinnati: USPC, ca. 1915. 52+J+EC+OB (rubbed). stamp retained). Sparkling gold edges. Mount Rainier back scratching and dents; very good. Hochman SX20. 1933/34 Chicago World’s Fair, 1939 New York World’s Fair, and
Gold edges. Very good condition. Hochman SR14. design. Near mint. Hochman SX24. 400/600 1964/65 New York World’s Fair. All but one with original box.
100/200 100/200 50/150

215. [Tobacciana] China Merchants’ “Full House” Cigarettes
209 Advertising Playing Cards. Shanghai, ca. 1930s. 52 + J +
EC + OB. Deck advertising Full House Cigarettes distributed
by China Merchants’ Tobacco Ltd. (Shanghai). English and
Chinese characters to box and backs. Heavy blue ink stain to
209. Monarch Bicycle Advertising Playing Cards. Cincinnati:
box, affecting some backs.
USPC, 1895. 52 + J + EC + OB. With the rarely seen extra
card depicting trick bicyclist Lee Richardson. Early example
of an advertising deck with special court cards. Each king
features a portrait of “King Cooper”, aces feature suits inside 216. United States Graphite Co. Playing Cards. USPC, ca.
bicycle wheels. Red backs with lion in bicycle wheel. Box with 1910. 52 + J + EC + OB. Advertising deck for the Saginaw, 215
a testimonial from American actress Lillian Russell. Box lacks MI, company, with advertising designs on the Aces, Joker, extra
top flap. Overall, very good. A special deck. Hochman A12. card, and backs. Box with a few tape repairs. Hochman AA11.
600/900 200/300

210. Clysmic King of Table Waters Advertising Playing Cards. 217. Coca-Cola “Operator” Advertising Playing Cards. Circa
Waukesha, ca. 1890s. 52 + J + OB. Gilt edges (somewhat 1942. 52 + J + OB. World War II era advertising deck. This
rubbed). Backs depict Uncle Sam with a bottle of Clysmic deck was issued with custom “aircraft spotter” designs on
water. Joker depicts a clown juggling a bottle. Box rubbed and each of the cards showing silhouettes of United Nations and
worn, cards generally good. Hochman AB4 (variant). enemy aircraft, however this example is a rare variant without
200/400 the custom faces, having conventional face designs instead.
Light soiling to cards, box rubbed and creased.
211. Washburn Guitars Advertising Playing Cards. Circa 1900. 300/500
52 + J + EC + OB. Custom designed deck advertising Washburn
string instruments on the backs, Ace of Spades, Joker, and 218. Coca-Cola Advertising Playing Cards. Lot of 4. 1950s.
extra card; additionally, the courts bear the slogans “bower of Including three decks 52 + 2J + OB; and one (yellow box) deck
banjos” (jacks), “queen of mandolins” (queens), and “king of 52 + J + OB [6S creased]. Scattered tears and skinning to
guitars” (kings). Very good; box lacks top flaps. boxes. 216
250/350 80/150
212. Craddock’s Soap Theatrical Advertising Playing Cards. 219. Pair of Coca-Cola Advertising Playing Card Decks. 1939.
USPC, ca. 1895. 52 + J + EC + OB (worn). Each card bearing Pair of pinochle decks for the Hund & Eger Bottling Co. 48 +
an oval portrait from a photograph of contemporary stage stars J + EC + OB; 48 + OB. One Ace of Spades creased, otherwise
of Europe and America, such as Anna Held, Hilda Spong, and very good.
others. Backs advertise the soap brand, printed in blue and gilt. 200/300
Light crease to Joker; box lacks flaps and worn. Hochman A4.
250/350 220. I. Hardy Playing Cards. England, early 19th century
(reign of George III). 52. Engraved Ace of Spades with “Addl.
213. [Tobacciana/Labor Unions] Union-Made Cigars Duty Sixpence” stated three times. Backs plain. Housed in a 217
Advertising Playing Cards. Circa 1900s. 52 + J + OB. contemporary, sturdy straight-grain morocco case. Chipped
212 Advertising deck for the Cigar Manufacturers International corners to JC and 10C.
Union, bearing a pro-union slogan on the box and joker, and 250/350
depicting the union label on backs. Deck very good; box with
some wear to edges and flaps.

214. [Tobacciana] Lorillard Climax Plug Advertising Playing

Cards. Circa 1880s. 52 + J + OB. Advertising deck for Lorillard’s
brand of tobacco. Box lacks top flap; cards handled, a few
creased corners. 220
213 300/500


227 228



221. Ludlow & Co. Patent Knight’s Cards & T. Wheeler Playing
Cards. London, ca. 1806. 51/52 (lacks AD). Early use of
double-ended courts, which did not come into prominence
until the mid- to late nineteenth century. Gilt edges. With later
slipcase box bearing paper label identifying the pack. No bent
or torn cards; very good.
The deck depicts the four British Orders of Chivalry: Spades as 230
Order of the Garter, est. 1344; Clubs as Order of the Thistle,
est. 1703; Hearts as Order of St. Patrick, est. 1783; and
Diamonds as Order of the Bath, est. 1399.
224. Worshipful Company of Playing Cards Double-Deck 227. Bystander “Fragments” Playing Cards. England: Chas.
Set. 1909. Two-deck set in original dark green buckram case, Goodall (for Bystander), ca. 1915. 52+OB (taped). Back design
222. Waddington’s “Golly” and “Gatecrasher” Double Deck
stamped in gilt. Both decks 52, gilt edges. Backs depict the by Bruce Bairnsfather, bearing a cartoon of a British soldier,
Playing Card Set. England, ca. 1925. Two decks in original with comedic AS. Very good.
H.M.S. Dreadnought below Britannia and military officers.
hinged paper-covered box [one Waddington’s seal removed]. 150/250
Portrait of Henry Northcroft, Esq. inset on Aces of Spades. Very
222 Both decks 52 + J. Backs depict a golliwog jack in the box and
good; light wear from use.
toy clown, with cats and dogs. Gilt edges. Cards lightly handled; 228. De La Rue St. George Playing Cards. London: De La
one satin lift-out tassel repaired with tape. Rue & Co., ca. 1880. Square corners. “Duty Three Pence”
125/225 Bright green backs depict St. George Slaying the Dragon. 52
225. Goodall Playing Cards for Harrods, London. London,
(complete). Near fine.
ca. 1900s. 52 + J + OB. Retains “Gold Medal” wrapper. Back
223. [King Edward VII] Worshipful Company of Playing Cards 150/300
printed in purple and gilt, advertising Harrods. Near fine.
“Coronation” Deck. 1902. 52 + J + OB. Deck commemorating
150/250 229. Goodall Square Corner Deck. London: Goodall and Son,
the coronation of King Edward VII. Gilt edges. Gilt-stamped
cloth box. Very good. ca. 1880. Large square corner deck with royal coat of arms
226. Faux Cigar Box with De La Rue Playing Cards. England, back design in four colors. No indices. 52 (complete). Very good.
ca. 1890s. Paper-covered box lid opens to reveal a fake stack 150/300
of cigars, but actually conceals a deck of De La Rue playing
cards (52) which lift out from the bottom of box. Plain blue 230. Hunt & Sons Playing Cards. English, ca. 1840. George III
backs. Lid detached, otherwise very good. Ace of Spades, with the word “Duty” above the crown. Single-
150/250 ended, plain white backs. 48/52 (lacks QS, KC, JH, QH). Wear
as expected.





231. Hunt & Sons Exportation Playing Cards. English, ca.

1801. 52. George III Ace of Spades. Plain white backs. Some
soiling as expected, but no cards torn or bent. Likely made for
the American market. Very good.

232. Mikado Playing Cards. London: Goodall, ca. 1896. 52+J.

Art nouveau back design. Gold edges. Box fragile, and lacks
upper and lower panels, else very good. 238. Wooley & Co. Playing Cards. London: Wooley & Co.,
150/250 ca. 1880. Square corner deck with pink flower back design.
Double-ended courts. 52/52. Near fine.
233. Popish Plot Playing Cards. English, ca. 1679. Square- 150/300
cornered pack bears engraved scenes of a fictitious plot to 241
239. Heartsette. Herbert Fitch & Co., 1883. 52 + booklet + OB.
murder Charles II, said to be uncovered by the Reverend
Game deck; similar to Hearts. Demons on all twos. Hargrave
Titus Oates. Scenes includes the discovery of the plot and the 189 & 222. Scarce.
horrific consequences meted out on its instigators, including 200/400
executions by hanging. 37/52. Printed backs. Several cards
soiled or chipped, but very good overall. Rare. 240. Andreas Benedict Gobl Tarock Playing Cards. Munich, ca.
1,000/2,000 1780s/90s. 45 (of 78). Engraved and stenciled in color. Gobl
Engraved after drawings by Francis Barlow. Each image bears a imprint on Jack of Diamonds and Jack of Hearts. Includes 9
caption describing it and its place in the story of the Popish Plot. courts, Fool, 12 pictorial Trumps, and various pip cards. Some
233 soiling, 10D with chipped corners. 242
234. Reynolds & Sons Playing Cards. London, ca. 1860 [?]. 52 200/300
(complete). Single-ended courts, no indices. Embossed green
241. Altenburger Spielkartenfabrik. Altenburg: Schneider &
diamond back design. Co., ca. 1888. Designed by Fritz von Lindenau. Deuces with
300/500 coats of arms, pip cards with military scenes, courts with
reigning monarchs, military leaders, and politicians. Backs
235. Beauties Tobacco Cigarette Insert Playing Cards. British- depict imperial eagle and iron crosses. Very good.
American Tobacco, ca. 1908. 52 (complete) each picturing a 300/500
234 different beautiful woman of the era. Tobacco leaf back design.
Inserted into packs of tobacco as a premium/sales tool. 242. Altenburg-Spielkartenfabrik. Deutsche Kriegs-Spielkarte.
150/300 Altenburg, ca. 1915. 32 [D, K, O, U, 10-7] + OB. World War
I era deck depicting military and political leaders, soldiers
236. Willis Cigarette Insert Playing Cards. Bristol: W.O. Willis, and weaponry, aircraft (including a zeppelin), submarine, and
ca. 1890. Miniature lithographed cards issued in packs of others. Gilt corners. Very good.
cigarettes. Single index and inset playing card incorporated into 100/200
each design, most prominently featuring amusingly captioned 243
243. [Tarot] Grimaud Pino Zac Tarot Playing Cards. France,
pictures. 52. Minor toning and wear; very good. 1981. 78 (compete) + Title Card + EC + Booklet. Comical
200/400 tarot deck with cartoonish depictions of motorcyclists, topless
dancers, policemen, and many other types. Very good. Field,
237. Willis Beauties Tobacco Insert Cards. Bristol: W. D. & H. O. pg. 175.
Willis, ca. 1911. Complete set of 52, depicting color portraits 80/150
of beautiful women. Backs both crosshatched and plain (likely
a marriage of printings). Variable, but mostly very good to 244. Osterr Karenstempel Tarock Playing Cards. Vienna: Ferd.
excellent condition. Piatnik, ca. 1920s. 54 cards (complete) with box. Soiling to
200/400 cards. [Together with:] a Bézique game set by Thos de la Rue
(London). Includes markers, instructions, and cards. Housed in
original box (dampstained with marring).
236 80/125




245. Early German Patience Deck. Nuremberg: Johan Conrad

Jegel, ca. 1860. 52/52. Miniature “patience” deck depicts
sixteenth century costumes on court cards. Patterned backs.
Hand-colored. Very good.

246. The Art of Erte Playing Card Set. London: Sobranie, 1983.
Two-deck set designed by Erte, in original black acrylic case, 254 257
both 52 + 2J, gilt edges. With leather booklet. Some scratching
to case; decks lightly handled. Box 11 ¼ x 5 ½ x 2 ½”.

247. Facsimile Edition of Jost Amman 1588 Playing Cards.

Edition Leipzig, 1967. Two facsimile decks, printed in color,
248 housed in original cloth box with explanatory booklet. Also with
original outer shipping box. Fine.

248. Miniature Hand-Colored Playing Cards. French [?],

ca. 1851. 52+OB. Each of the courts bearing fine miniature 255
engraved images of Kings, Queens, and Jacks, with hand-
coloring. Cards 2 ⅛ x 1 ½”. Housed in an elaborate miniature 250. Cartes Parisienne. French, ca. 1860. 52/52 (complete). 254. Philibert CanCan Playing Cards. Paris, ca. 1956. 52 +
250 gilt metal and patterned cloth box with hinged lid, approximating Costumed court cards, delicately hand-colored. Pale green 2J + OB (American tax stamp). Original designs by Monique
the appearance of a miniature book. With internal folding plain backs. Light wear at edges, but very good overall. Arietti. Aces represent Belle Epoque of Paris. Bright gold edges.
paper wrapper and matching slipcase, the case stamped in gilt Uncommon. AH signed by Pierre Albarrn. Near fine. Fournier (156) #410.
with the year 1851 on one panel and the name of, presumably, 500/1,000 150/250
the former owner, “Sophie Oviftgaavn [?]” on the other. An
outstanding and early miniature pack. 251. Twelve Satirical French Court Cards. Paris: Le Pilori, 255. Two Packs of Hermès Cassandre Decks. Paris: Draeger
500/1,000 1891. Published as part of a front-page feature in this French Freres (for Hermès), ca. 1940. Both with 52+J+OB (one pack
Bonapartist weekly, and drawn by Alfred le Petit. Complete with two Jokers, the other with one Joker and EC). Designed
249. Historie Des Empereurs Deck. Paris: Goddard, ca. 1820. set, contemporarily mounted to stiff card. One card pictures a by A.M. Cassandre. Gold edges. Boxes with minor wear, cards
48 cards bearing small engravings at the top, and explanatory conjurer performing the Cups and Balls. Minor edgewear; good near fine. Braun 57.
246 text in French below. Plain backs. In an attractive slipcase box to very good. 150/250
tooled and titled in gilt. Bright, attractive, and possibly unused. 300/500
Scarce. 256. Tiffany & Co. Pair of Double-Deck Playing Card Sets. USA,
1,000/2,000 252. Daveluy Cartes Moyen Age. Bruges, Belgium, ca. 1875. ca. 1950s/60s. Two double-deck sets, all decks 52+ 2J. Backs
One of fifteen instructional decks produced by the team of 52/52. Turquoise backs. Gold edges to faces. Double-ended black, white, lime, and Tiffany blue (the latter sealed). Gilt
Victor-Joseph Étienne de Jouy (artist) and Pierre-François courts. Very good. edges. Original boxes. The blue/green set having the comical
Godard (engraver) between 1800 and 1830. Other subjects 100/200 designs of C.E. Carryl on the courts, originally done in 1879.
treated in the series include French history, geography, and One joker in green deck rippled, underside of same box soiled.
a history of animals. This pack mentions several early details 253. Early French Costume Deck. Circa 1850. Square cornered 80/150
about the nascent United States, calling its major rivers the deck with hand-colored engraved courts, Kings and Queens
Delaware, Mississippi, and Ohio. captioned with the names of the subjects. 51/52 (lacks 6D). 257. Shakespeare Playing Cards. Frankfurt: Dondorf, ca.
In a handsome tortoise shell case bearing silver overlays on 1925. 52+J+OB (flap detached). Gold edges (worn). Red
upper portion (chipped). Near fine. backs. Box loose at seams, edges of cards worn.
247 300/400 250/500




259 262

260 263

258. Whist No. 230 Playing Cards with Advertising Box. 261. Naipes Finos. Belgium: Mesmaekers, ca. 1875. 48/48 264. J.C. Cotta Classical Antiquity Transformation Playing 266. Grandebes “Cartes a Rire” Jeu de Journaux
Frankfurt: B. Dondorf [?], ca. 1897. Square-cornered whist (complete; not issued with Tens). Spanish suits with Portuguese Cards. Tubingen, Germany, 1806. 49/52 (lacks 9H, AH, and Transformation Playing Cards. France, ca. 1819. 51/52 (lacks
pack. 52 (complete). OB with tax stamp and over-labeled pattern variation. Made for export to Brazil. See All Cards on JS). Designed by Grafin Charlotta von Jennison-Walworth. Knave of Spades). Backs plain. Transformation deck whose
with attractive label advertising A.M. Smith, wine and liquor the Table by Mann, Vol. 1, page 247. Cotta’s imprint on the AC. The face cards depict figures of courts represent French journals, editors, and others, with
merchant of Minneapolis. Near mint. 200/400 Greek and Roman classical antiquity. The pip cards having other political, occupational, and caricature designs. Printed
100/200 classical scenes as well as domestic and occupational. Very caption titles. Etched, with hand-coloring. Scattered light
262. Campeones de Boxeo Playing Cards. Spain: Cromos, good. Field, pg. 30. soiling. Field, pp. 68-71.
259. M. Severa Trappola Deck. Prague: M. Severa, 1900. 36 ca. 1931. 48 cards (complete). Backs depict different boxing 1,000/1,500 800/1,200
cards (complete). 2 ¼ x 4 ¼”. Very good, with slight yet even techniques, many faces picture fighters of the period.
age darkening. 100/200 265. Eclipse Comic Transformation Deck. F.H. Lowere, 1876. 267. Kinney Harlequin II Transformation Playing Cards. Kinney
150/300 51+J (spade design added to joker to complete pack). Square Bros. Tobacco, 1889. 52 (lacks Joker). Color lithographed
263. Hand Painted Wooden Playing Cards. India, ca. 1900. corners. Red backs. Near mint. Scarce. The first American transformation designs that incorporate numerous occupations
260. Austria- Hungary Trappola Deck. Vienna: Ferd. Piatnik Miniature pack with hand-painted faces, plain backs. Gold transformation deck. and types including witches, circus performers, musicians,
& Son, ca. 1910. Old style design. 36/36 (complete). Several borders. 45/52+partial wrapper. Lacks 10C, 8-10H, AD, 2D, 500/1,000 bathing beauties, sailors, cock-fighting, dogs, drunkards, and
cards with scratches, one with old tape. Good. 8D. European suits. Some splitting and chips. many other characters. Chipped corners to 6S, QH, 10C, 7C,
100/200 125/225 and 3C. Hochman T8. Field, pg. 138.

273 278

268 268. United States Playing Card Co. “Vanity Fair No. 41” 273. Le Petit Ane Savant Fortune Telling Game. 1890.
Transformation Playing Cards. Cincinnati, 1895. 52 + J. Attractive boxed game reveals answers to questions posed on
Transformation deck with designs incorporating pets and one of a number of miniature cards with rotating wheel under
animals, occupations, circus performers, Chinese stereotypes, glass activated by a magnet. Attractive lithographed label of
Native Americans, baseball players, hunters, musicians, and the “learned ass” atop the box. 10 ¾ x 8 ¾ x 2 ¼”. Very good.
others. Comical non-standard courts and a devil joker. All 300/500
edges gilt. Few slight creases. Hochman T11. Field, pg. 151.
400/600 274. Hard-A-Port Cut Plug Tobacco Insert Playing Cards. New
York: Lindner, Eddy & Clauss, ca. 1890. 52 + J. Each card with
269. Hustling Joe No. 61 Playing Cards. Cincinnati: USPC, a different color chromolithograph illustration of a voluptuous
269 1895. 52 (lacks Joker). Handsomely color lithographed beauty. Backs show a man at the wheel turning the boat hard-
transformation-type playing cards depict occupations, sports, a-port. Near fine; a beautiful deck. With scarce original mailing
royalty, and others. Courts printed on pale yellow, red, and blue box, postmarked from New York to an addressee in Norwich,
backgrounds. Backs whimsical diving and swimming frogs. Conn. Hochman I19.
Worn from regular use; scattered corner chips and rounded
corners. Hochman T9 (“the first entry into the transformation
field by USPC”).
275. Snipe Plug Cut Tobacco Insert Playing Cards. Gravely &
Miller, ca. 1887. 52 (lacks Joker). Full-length chromolithograph
270. The Comic Playing Cards of Fortune. New York: E. depictions of beauties on each card (13 designs, repeating 274

Gardinier, 1877. 52 + J + OB + Booklet. Fortunes and on each suit). Backs blue with “Try Snipe Plug Cut Tobacco”
illustrations appear on the face of each card (except the courts, at center. Large chip to 7H; moderate creases and softened
which have fortunes only, the publisher having chosen not to corners. Fair/good. Hochman I7 (“complete sets are a rarity”).
“distort” the images, which “hence do not have to be learned 500/750
anew.”) Hochman FT8.
800/1,200 276. Lot of 369 Miscellaneous Tobacco Insert Beauties
This deck includes the rare instructional booklet not recorded Playing Cards. Circa 1890. With a variety of subjects on the
in Hochman, outlining how to use the deck to read the future. faces, including “beauties” of the era, and including seven
The booklet calls for the player to find their “Representative different backs, the brown and black examples scarce. General 275
270 Card,” determined by marital status and skin complexion. wear, but good condition overall.
The cards are then shuffled and dealt out in rows, face up, 500/800
and ensuing steps allow one to divine likely future success or
failure in love, wealth, and happiness. 277. Russell & Morgan Cabinet / Landscape Backs “Chinet”
Playing Cards. Cincinnati, 1890s. 52 + OB. All edges gilt.
271. USPC Ye Witches’ Fortune No. 62 Playing Cards. Cincinnati, Backs a pond with water-lilies and reeds. Scattered corner
ca. 1896. 52 + J + EC (blank) + Booklet + OB. Cards bear color creases, box creased.
lithographed illustrations of fantastical creatures, people, and 50/150
symbols which a player may use to divine their fortune following
the directions in the booklet. Cards also carry standard suit 278. [Pin-Up] Comme Ci, Comme Ca! (Anything Goes!) by
symbols and values. Backs depict witches around a cauldron, Vargas. 1950s. Double-deck, both 52+2J. Original pictorial box
arabesque border incorporating heads of dragons and owls. over-printed for A.L. Hacker Co. (Baltimore). 53 different pin-up 276
Corner chip to 6H, else very good. Hochman T12/FT9. designs by Vargas, printed in color. Near fine.
125/225 100/200
272. Three Fortune-Telling Decks of Playing Cards. Including
Gypsy Witch Fortune-Telling Cards (Standard Playing Card Co.),
271 52 + J + OB + Booklet; Gypsy Witch (Standard Playing Card
Co.), 52 + J + OB; and The Nile 68x Fortune Cards (USPC), 52
+ J (“Life Card”) + EC + OB + Booklet (worn).





279. Gil Elvgren Pinup Playing Cards Lot. Six decks total,
including “Hats Off” double-deck set (both decks 52 + 2J),
original plastic box; “Yeux Doux” double-deck set (both sealed;
gilt edges); and American Beauties (teal and pink backs, both
52 + 2J). “Beauties” decks feature a different pinup illustration
on each of the faces, while “Hats Off” and “Yeux Doux” use two
different illustrations for the backs, and standard faces.
125/225 286 290

280. Joker “Darling” Pin-Up Playing Cards. Germany, ca.

1950s. 52 + 3J + OB (plastic). Cards designed by pin-up artist
Heinz Villiger. Every card with a different design. A few small
cracks to case, else very good.

281. Lot of 4 Pin-Up Decks of Playing Cards. USA/Hong Kong,

ca. 1960s. Including Honey Brand (with Ace of Hearts featuring
Bettie Page); French Art Studies; Charming Nudes No. 345;
and Models of All Nations.

282. Lot of 5 Pin-Up Decks of Playing Cards. USA/Hong Kong, 289

ca. 1960s. Five decks, one lacking jokers, all others 52 +
2J. Original boxes. Faces with color photos of bare-breasted
150/250 285. Philibert/Cartier “Proverbes” Pin-Up Playing Cards. 288. Group of Vintage Casino Playing Cards. Including The
France, ca. 1960s. 52 + 2J + OB. Having different black and Dunes (52 + 2J + OB); Boulder Club (52 + 2J + OB); [2] Harold’s
283. Lot of 7 Pin-Up Decks of Playing Cards. Hong Kong/ white photographs on each card, with “proverbs” printed in Club (both 52 + 2J + OB); Desert Inn (notched corners, no
USA, ca. 1950s/70s. All decks 52 + 2J + OB. Including Dainty; French and English on the faces. Very good. jokers); and five others.
Club Girl; Look; World Beauty; Gaiety; Playgirl; and Art Studies. 50/100 150/300
Boxes with some wear. Decks generally very good.
125/225 286. Lot of Nude / Pin-Up Decks of Playing Cards. V.p., ca. 289. Brick (12 Packs) of Jerry’s Nugget Playing Cards.
1960s/80s. Including 16 single decks in original boxes, and Cincinnati: USPC, 1980s. Twelve unopened sealed original
284. Suntory Whisky “Aslan Girls” Pinup Playing Cards. Japan: one double deck. Not individually checked, but most appear packs of poker-size cards, six red, six blue, advertising the Las
Aslan-Orion Press/Nintendo, ca. 1970s. 52+2J+OB. Different near fine and complete. Vegas casino. Scattered imperfections to shrinkwrap, else fine.
pin-up illustrations by Aslan on each card, with one joker and 125/225 3,000/4,000
backs advertising Suntory whisky. Near fine.
100/150 287. Lot of 5 “XXX” / Adults Only Playing Cards. Circa 290. Seven Magician’s Playing Card Decks. Including (3)
1950s/70s. Five decks, three 52 + J2, one 52 + 4J, one 52. DeLand’s Automatic Playing Cards; Sherms Svengali deck;
Three decks with sexually explicit black and white photographs Enardoe’s Eureka Deck; S.S. Adams Svengali Deck; and S.S.
283 of couples, and two printed in color. In plain boxes, one pictorial, Adams “League” Deck. Several with original instruction slips.
one clear plastic. All but one DeLand deck with original box.
125/225 50/100



291. Jeu de Drapeaux [Game of Flags]. Uncut French Card

Game Sheet. [Paris], ca. 1814. Engraving on laid paper,
stenciled in color, uncut sheet of 32 cards (a piquet deck) plus
title card (mounted beside sheet), showing soldiers of France,
Germany, Great Britain, and Russia bearing flags indicating
suit and value. Matted, sight 16 x 20 ½”. Very good.

292. Jeu de Grotesque. Uncut French Card Game Sheet.

[Paris], ca. 1800s. Copper-engraved sheet of 32 playing cards
with caricature occupational Janus figures, the suits inset.
Framed and matted, sight 18 x 23”. Very good.

293. Two Uncut Sheets of 19th Century Continental Playing

Cards. Including a woodblock sheet set of double-ended courts
(Vienna?, ca. 1850), sight 10 ½ x 9 ¾”, repaired closed tear
lower right; and uncut sheet of four kings and palaces (France,
19th Century), sight 7 ¼ x 9”. Both matted.

294. General Card Co. Salesman Sample Playing Card
Booklets. Chicago, ca. 1930s/40s. Including “Portfolio J,”
accordion-fold booklet of sample backs, with advertising text in
gilt; and an envelope of 12 samples affixed to gilt webbed cards,
plus a price list and three other advertising cards. Samples

and backs include circular cards, animals, monograms, floral,
and others.

295. Apache Playing Cards Photograph. Philadelphia: H.D.

Jones, ca. 1900s. Gelatin photograph of hand-painted playing
cards created by Apache Indians. 7 x 5”. Stamps and ink
notations to verso.

296. No lot.


Robert Eisenstadt

obert Eisenstadt was one of the foremost
collectors of poker chips and gambling
collectibles in the United States - and
possibly the world. In the late 1980s,
as his retirement approached, Robert discovered the
joys of poker chip collectibles. He traveled around the 297 298 299

northeastern United States to flea markets and auctions

in search of chips and assorted gambling collectibles,
297. Mason & Co. Locking Faro Card Press with Dealing
especially lobby cards depicting games and gambling
Box. Chicago, early 20th century. Locking faro card press
in action. When eBay came along in 1995, it greatly with sliding cover, brass screw-key marked “Mason & Co./
changed the way he – and the whole world – collected. Makers/Chicago.” Seven adjustable wooden dividers, felt-
Robert signed up as poker-chips-online a year and a half lined compartment with a German silver faro dealing box of
later, and maintained a daily and active presence on the contemporary make, but unmarked. With lock and key. 10 ¾
site for the next 23 years as both buyer and seller. x 5 ¼ x 4”. Base/underside unfinished and probably replaced
later; minor nicks to finish.
A shared interest in gambling collectibles and chips led Robert to friendships with those who
shared his affinity for the subject. Until his last days, Robert received emails and phone calls 298. Antique Wooden Faro Card Press. American, 19th
from collectors and customers worldwide with questions about the “chipping” hobby they Century. Primitive wooden card press with four wooden
loved so well. His fellow collectors acknowledged that Robert was “the person who came up dividers. Box area 9 ¼ x 5 ¼ x 3”. Sold with a vintage reprint
with the “MD” nomenclature, as in MD-50, aka the diamond square mold”; that he “literally Samuel Hart faro deck in original box.
wrote the chipper bible”; and was “an obsessed geek sharing his knowledge for free with anyone 50/150
that needed to access it.”
299. Antique Wooden Card Press. 19th Century. Dovetailed
hardwood card press with three wooden dividers (two of which
The “chipper bible” referred to is Robert’s life’s work, his website likely added later). With a cover of later manufacture. 11 x 5 x
Launched in 2001, it now features an encyclopedic documentation of his collection, and in the 3”. Sold with four wooden dice.
process became an invaluable resource for nearly all chip collectors worldwide. As one user 80/150
described it, “this is what I always hoped the Internet would be!”
300. Victorian Card Press with Needlepoint. 19th Century.
Two-screw hardwood press with floral needlepoint design on
Robert’s prized possession was his Josephine Collection, dubbed “a poker set for the ages” in 301
the top platen. 9 ¼ x 4 ¼ x 5 ½”.
Casino Collectible News. The deluxe 1890s set belonged to wealthy Gilded Age businessman 150/250
P.A.B. Widener, who had it commissioned for his yacht Josephine, named after his wife, Hannah
Josephine. In addition to its provenance, the set is noted for its high level of completeness, 301. Faro Dealing Box. American, late 19th/early 20th
retaining all but one of the its 700 beautifully designed chips of six different denominations, century. All-brass dealing box on slanted base. Hinged back
kept in the original tiger oak case. cover to load and unload deck with tightening knob. A screw to
the underside similarly tightens or loosens the spring holding
the deck in place. Finely made.
Robert died peacefully in his home in Geneva, Illinois on June 5, 2020, in the loving presence
of his sister and her family. He was a brilliant, humorous, kind-hearted, and private person.
As Robert’s family, we will miss him always and forever. We hope you enjoy the pages that 302. Stuss Dealing Box. Maker unknown, ca. 1920. Dealing
follow, and how they detail his impressive and, like him, one-of-a-kind collection. box with nickel-plated sides for the game of Stuss, or Jewish
Faro, a variant of faro. The top plate is notched to allow the
indices of the top card to show. The edge of the card tray has
a thin lip which stops the last four cards from being dealt, as
designed. 3 13/16 x 4 x 1 ⅜”. Green felt to underside.
300/500 302




303. Faro Layout and Case-Keeper. Early 20th century. Folding

wooden-backed felt layout with the ace marked by Will & Finck;
and a closed-back case-keeper in the suit of clubs (maker’s
name has been scratched out). Layout 16 ½ x 40”.
304. Jas. W. Lewis New York Faro Case-Keeper. New York,
ca. 1890s. Hardwood case-keeper with celluloid strips, suit of
spades, the Ace featuring American and French flags. 11 ½ x 308A. Three Large Scrimshawed Ivory Dice. Circa 1890.
12” (open). A scarcely seen maker (see also lot 370). Oversize 1 5/16” cubes with round corners. Finely carved
304 305 306 300/600 numbers on each side. To be used in a Hyronemus Tub (see
previous lot).
305. Williams Faro Case Keeper. New York, ca. 1880s/90s. 500/1,000
Wooden faro case-keeper, with closed back, in suit of clubs,
red and white beads, marked “Williams/Maker/98/Elm St 309. Hand Painted Slanted Roulette Wheel or Chuck Wheel.
N.Y.” 11 ¼ x 13 ¾” (open). Circa 1890. Attractively painted with gilt detailing over a
300/500 maroon background. On a nickeled stand with nickeled rim.
Wheel spins freely. Height 11”. Diam. 19 ½”. Minor cracks
306. Mason & Co. Faro Case Keeper. Chicago, late 19th/ from age as expected, but very good overall.
early 20th century. Early case-keeper, with closed back, suit 1,000/2,000
of clubs, cream and maroon beads, with Mason & Co. address
at 84 Dearborn Street. Size (open) 11 x 11 ¾”). Strips rubbed 310. H.C. Edwards Cased Set of Casino Dice. Clasping hinged
and darkened, case scratched and nicked but still glossy and leather case, stamped “H.C. Edwards & Co.” to lid. Contains
attractive. 40 transparent casino dice, mostly pairs, including Golden
300/600 Nugget; Holiday Inn; Aladdin Las Vegas; El San Juan Hotel;
Aruba Sheraton; Hilton Curacao; Inter-Continental Casino;
307. B.C. Wills & Co. Faro Case Keeper. Detroit, ca. 1930s. Silver Slipper; El Conquistador Puerto Rico; Pioneer Club;
Nicely-finished wooden case-keeper with celluloid strips in suit and others, including two green unmarked pairs. A few with
of spades, white and purple plastic beads. 11 ¾ x 14” (open). slight corner wear, but overall very good. Organized in felt-
Strips gently peeling at edges, minor nicks to wood, two beads lined rows.
308 replaced with wooden examples. 200/400
307 200/400
311. Group of Dice Cups and Hazard Drops. Including a
308. Hyronemus Tub. American, ca. 1890. Popular saloon turned wooden hazard bowl (height 6 ½”); two wooden and
game in which three dice drop into the spinning tub a la felt hazard cups with step tumblers (taller example 7 ½”);
Chuck-a-Luck, but with better house odds. Fine hardwood (5) leather dice cups, one with ribbed interior and trip rim; a
construction. Height 9”. Diam. 18”. Wheel spins freely. Very wooden dice cup; and “Dice Fun!” game in box. Wood cracked
good condition. on one of the hazard cups, else generally very good.
1,000/1,500 200/400

312 313 317


315 318

312. Lot of Six Dice Cups. Early to late 20th century. Including 316. Lot of 4 Chuck-A-Luck Dice Cages. Including a nickel-
leather, vinyl, and imitation leather. Two with cushioned/ plated brass example [heavily oxidized, dice decayed], height
padded bottoms, two felt lined. Tallest 5”. 12”; (2) with Bakelite/Catalin uprights; and a desktop acrylic
50/100 version.
313. Lot of 7 Gambling Dice Cups. 19th/early 20th century.
Including three finely turned wooden, one tapered wooden,
317. Old West / Gambler’s Style Push Daggers. Including a
one celluloid, and two tooled leather. Tallest 4”. One wooden
steel blade push dagger with brass scabbard, plastic counters
cup with 1” crack at base, base of one leather cup splitting,
incorporated into handle; and a brass and enamel handled 319. Mother of Pearl Casino Chip Set. French, ca. early 20th century. Locking oak case with brass handles, containing
otherwise good or very good.
dagger marked “Pakistan” in leather sheath. Longer example three drawers filled with mother of pearl chips. 1,846 chips altogether, denominations and quantities comprising:
6 ¼”. $5 (600); $10 (497); $20 (250) $50 (199); $100 (200); $500 (49); and $1000 (26). Colors white, pink, yellow, and
314. Antique Wooden and Leather Dice Mat. Semi-circle 50/100 green. All chips having a lion’s head design on reverse, and the denomination on the obverse. Below the lion’s head
shaped wooden board, sides covered in stitched black and each chip stamped with a unique inventory/identification number from the casino. Also with twenty-five $1 circular
brown leather, with green felt billiard-type surface. 22 x 16 ½ x 318. Atlas Nails Advertising Poker Chip Set. Ornate black ivory chips. Size of largest chip ($1000) 2 ⅞ x 1 ⅜”. Chips lightly to moderately rubbed; a handful with chipped edges.
3”. Expected age-wear. and red cast iron chip caddy with embossed Atlas knob at top 15,000/25,000
125/225 bisected by a nail. Ten columns filled with red, white, and blue This set of chips, and the two lots of gambling equipment which follow, were used in various casinos in Mexico in the
plastic or resin chips. Chip diam. 1”. Overall height 11 ½”. 1930s, including the famous Hotel Casino de la Selva, in Cuernavaca, Mexico, a resort south of the Mexican capitol
315. “All In One” Roulette / Gambling Wheel. St. Louis, ca. Scattered paint loss. Uncommon.
1930s. Gambling wheel, mahogany with lithographed tin face frequented by American and international travelers. The lot is accompanied by a packet of typed documents and
250/350 correspondence (1931-34) from the original owner of the chips and equipment, Pedro Garcia, including contracts
and nickel spindle and stoppers. Games include roulette,
poker, bunco, faro, put and take, horse racing, and others. In from across Mexico, records of disputes and payoffs, and a typed inventory of the mother of pearl set. The records
original box. Lower compartment appears nearly complete, indicate Garcia was hired to run and manage the games, in addition to providing the equipment. Gambling was largely
with original publisher’s booklet, score boards and charts, banned in Mexico by 1936.
betting chips, score pads, and other accessories. Wheel 15”.
Box well worn; wheel very good.



323. Royal Poker Set / Brown Brothers Cigars, Detroit.

Circa 1890s. Brown Brothers, a Detroit tobacco distributor
and manufacturer, issued this set as a giveaway, perhaps as
a Christmas gift to preferred customers. With four rows of
German silver, brass, and copper chips in denominations of 5,
10, and 25. The lid of the box and the chips advertise “La Flor
De Fontella” five-cent cigars. Lithograph label to underside of
lid. With an NYCC Oriole 912 deck (52 + Best Bower + OB), of
roughly the same period but added by the consignor. Scratches
and nicks to case, but overall very good. Lock, no key.
320. Ornate Roulette/Gaming Wheel Set. 1930s. Set of 500/750 325
three painted wood and glass gaming wheels which rest on
a bar within an exceedingly heavy and ornately cast nickel 324. M. Stachelberg & Co. Havana Cigars Pinochle Set. New
cast iron stand, and spin freely beside a second nickel wheel York, ca. 1890s/1900s. Complimentary/gift pinochle set
with leather flap stopper. First wheel painted in black, red, and advertising the cigar manufacturer, in black paper-covered
320 green with 22 numbers; second wheel with 38 numbers; third box stamped in gilt, containing a Samuel Hart pinochle deck in
wheel alternating black and red. Each wheel with decorative box, and two columns of clay chips stamped with the company
nickel finials. Height 42”. Wheel diam. 23”. In original wooden name and a cigar. Overall 7 x 3 ½ x 1 ½”. Very good.
storage crates. A fine piece with an unusual design. 125/225
325. 1892 Chicago World’s Fair Poker Chip Set. Chicago,
321. H.C. Evans Casino Roulette Wheel. Chicago, ca. 1930s. 1892. Souvenir poker set in pine box with paper World’s Fair
A beautiful professional size roulette wheel, satinwood and label to underside, consisting of four rows of plain white, red,
rosewood with nickel handle (stamped H.C. Evans & Co./ and blue chips; two dice; and deck of cards (label calls for a
Chicago), with gilt painted numerals on black, red, and green 326
Squeezer deck, but this set includes an SPCC gilt edge deck,
wheels. Includes two wheels which may be switched in and out added later [lacks 4D]). 5 x 7 ½ x 1 ½”. Together with another
of the frame, one wheel with a greater number than the other Chicago-interest item: Palmer House News Stand chip box with
(38 vs. 30). Includes three billiard cloth betting layouts; two notice label to underside.
roulette balls; and the original shipping crates. Diam. 32 ¼”. 200/300
326. Mahogany Poker Chip Carousel Caddy with Chips. Circa
322. Buegeleisen & Jacobson Violin Gift Poker Set. 1912. 1920s. Large rotating caddy with sixteen columns, four card
322 Cased New Year presentation gift set of poker chips and slots, matching wooden cover. Partly filled with contemporary
playing cards, in a wooden violin-shaped box with leather- monogrammed clay chips in white, blue, and red. With a copy
covered lid stamped and embossed in gilt. Presented to a of a 1925 catalog page from Ferguson Bros. depicting a similar
W.W. Jones, with Durro Violins, Bows and Strong gilt seal, and
product. Diam. 14”.
message stamped to underside of lid with date. 8 ¼ x 4 ¼ x
1 ¼”. Includes a Standard Playing Card Co. deck (child with
pet bird backs) and red, white, and blue clay chips. Leather
327. Carousel of Clay Horseshoe Poker Chips. Circa 1920s.
cracked and nicked around edges, small stress cracks to
wood, side clasp removed. Wooden rotating carousel with metal handle and paper-
250/350 covered board cover, filled with red, navy, and cream chips
bearing a design of two horseshoes crossed by clubs. Two deck 327
capacity. Carousel diam. 8 ½”.


334 335
333 336

328. Two Chiseled / Carved Wooden Poker Cases. Circa 334. Cased Tiger Oak Poker Chip Set. Cartouche-shaped case
1920s/30s. The first carved with a horse head and “Good with 12-column caddy having a metal handle, three slots for
329 Luck” around four leaf clovers, with caddy of approximately playing card decks. With approximately 300 plain clay chips
200 “Stop Monkeying” chips; the second chiseled and painted in red, white, and blue. Overall 13 x 9 x 5 ½”. Old nicks and
with floral designs, hinged fold-out caddy. Both with two deck scratches to case not affecting overall appearance. With lock
slots. The larger 9 ½ x 6 x 5 ½”. and key.
150/300 150/250

329. Cased Poker Chip Set with Metal Chips. Locking walnut 335. Fancy Walnut Poker Chip Set. Locking walnut case with
box with metal handle and hardware, six rows of copper, brass, fancy carved design to lid, caddy of approximately 300 plain
and nickel chips, engraved in five different denominations. clay chips in white, red, blue, and yellow. Caddy with mother of
Poker-size deck slot at side. 11 ¾ x 4 ¾ x 2”. With key. Includes pearl inlaid handle and two card slots. With key.
an Aristocrat deck. 125/225
336. Burled Walnut Poker Chip Set. Locking burled walnut
330. Cased Equestrian Poker Chip Set in Inlaid Oak Box. chest with 12-column caddy having brass handle. Filled almost
330 Locking oak case with inlaid design to lid, with brass-handled completely with approximately 300 clay chips with diamond 337
caddy inside, two card slots, filled with approximately 200 star design, in four colors. The last column with Indian head
clay chips with engraved horse head design, in cream, red, clay chips. Overall size 5 x 10 ½ x 9”. With key.
and blue. 10 x 5 ½ x 6”. Several nicks and scratches to case. 150/250
With key.
150/250 337. Antique Cased Wooden Poker Chip Set. Top-loading
cover with metal handle, six tall columns with metal slides to
331. Pair of Equestrian / Hunting Game or Poker Sets. Two lift chips out by desired quantity. Filled with “Prince of Wales”
wooden cases with lithographed equestrian and hunting dog feather crown clay chips. Lower drawer accommodates 2-4
scenes, the larger set with marbled plastic chips, the smaller decks of cards. Dovetailed hardwood construction. 9 ½ x 7 ¼
set with colored bone chips. Larger set 11 x 8 x 3”. x 5 ½”. Scattered nicks to exterior; very good.
331 100/150 150/250
332. Set of 100 Race Horse Crest & Seal Poker Chips in 338. Antique Traveler’s Leather Poker Set. Circa 1890s. Small
Wooden Rack. American, ca. 1930. Consisting of 100 chips: leather clasping case, stamped in gilt on top, containing two
50 white, 25 red, and 25 blue, all with the head of a horse rows of clay chips (red, white, blue) and a deck of NYCC Samuel
within a horse shoe. A beautifully manufactured vintage set. Hart playing cards (52). 4 ¾ x 4 x 1”.
100/200 100/200

333. Cased Walnut Poker Chip Set. Hexagonal solid walnut 339. Antique Locking Oak Poker Chip Set. Footed oak poker
locking poker case with eight-column caddy, partly filled with case with 12-column caddy having nickel handle, filled with
clay chips (approx. 200) having a card fan design. Caddy retains Embajador casino $5 chips (yellow and maroon), approximately
old manufacturer’s tag (P.N.W., Jersey City, N.J) guaranteeing 250 total. Overall 6 x 12 x 8”. With key. Very good.
the composition as solid walnut. 7 ¾ x 9 ¾ x 5”. With key. 150/250

340 342 343






340. Antique Oak Poker Chip Set. Locking oak chest with 343. Tientsin, China Sims & Co. Bone Poker Chip Set with 350
approximately 300 fleur-de-lis design chips in cream, yellow, Monogrammed Case. China, ca. 1910s. Mahogany case
blue and red. Lower sliding drawer. 12 ¼ x 8 x 4 ½”. With lock with silver monogram to lid “CLS,” for the original owner, a
and key. Light wear. Carl Lorenze Seitz, and Sims & Co. Tientsin (China) plaque
150/250 inside. Seven rows of polished bone chips stained white, red, 346. Upright Wooden Poker Chip Cabinet. Five drawer 349. Lot of Card / Poker Room Décor and Accessories.
green, and blue. Approximately 500 chips total (diam. 1 ½”), poker cabinet, four drawers containing caddies each with Including (2) wooden dice poker chip caddies; (4) needlepoint
341. Large Tiger Oak Cased Poker Chip Set. Locking case two concentric circles. Obtained by the consignor from Seitz’s four columns. Filled with clay chips with various designs pillows with playing cards and craps designs; enamel serving
with nickel-handled caddy with four card slots, containing grandson, and accompanied by email correspondence about including stag head within clock dial; six-pointed star; and dog. bowl (Made in Czechoslovakia); a craps layout in wooden case;
approximately 300 monogram “E” chips in cream, blue, and the set. Overall size 13 ⅜ x 9 ¼ x 2 ¾”. Seam gap to lid, Approximately 400 chips altogether. Lower shelf empty. 16 ½ “Leisure Hours/Minor Vices” fabric by Greeff; (2) playing card
red. With lock and key. 7 x 12 ½ x 9”. Scattered chips and probably from wood contraction. Handsome set. x 10 ¾ x 5”. aprons; embroidered table cloth; and a felt layout for several
scratches around base and edges, but very good appearance. 250/350 150/250 games.
125/225 60/125
344. “Heathen Chinee” Carved Wooden Poker Set. American, 347. Interlocking Wooden Poker Chip Case. Circa 1930s[?].
342. Small Walnut Cased Poker Chip Set. Handsome antique ca. 1920s. Carved wooden poker chip caddy whose lid bears Poker caddy with two interlocking drawers, each drawer with 350. Fine French Gaming Set with Bone Counters. Paris, ca.
poker set in dovetailed walnut hinged box with handle, interior a depiction of a “Heathen Chinee” stereotype to side. Metal nine divided rows for chips. Filled with red, white, and blue 1870s. Burlwood case with brass lock mechanism marked
outfitted with ten removable nickeled columns containing handle. Eight columns of vintage clay poker chips with clover clay chips with leaf border design. Interesting design. Case “L. Grade/R. de la Paix 23.” Containing approximately 150
clay poker chips in red, white, and blue, with built-in slot for design (approximately 150 total, four colors). 11 x 6 x 4”. lacquered, with three inlaid clay chips, 11 ¼ x 6 x 5”. circular and oblong bone counters in yellow, green, purple,
deck of cards. Underside of lid lined with velvet. 3 x 7 ¼ x 125/225 100/200 and red. Rectangular markers 2 ½” wide. Circular markers
5 ¼”. With lock and key. 1 ½”. 12 ½ x 9 ½ x 3”. Repaired cracks and losses to veneer
100/150 345. Expandable Antique Wooden Poker Chip Set. Circa 348. Group of 6 Vintage Poker Caddies. Including a wooden at lower right. With key.
1920s. Hardwood poker chip set shaped rather like a hand case with doors on spring hinges, holding chips and two decks 250/500
iron, nickel handle monogrammed KAG, with clasp at end of cards; square and round metal caddies with covers, one
which unlocks allows the two sides to fold apart. Ten columns hand-painted. With a quantity of various clay chips. Largest 6 351. No lot.
of chips, four deck slots. With red, white, and blue clay chips of x 6 x 7”.
similar age. Approx. 11 x 7 x 4”. 200/400



352. Carved Black Forest Gaming Chip Carrying Case.

Deeply relief carved chip case with sliding cover to underside
containing a slide-out tray for poker or gaming chips. Each row
approx. 1 ½” wide. Carving appears to depict Chinese or Asian
people, possibly monks. Overall 13 ½ x 13 x 3”. Scattered
nicks and scratches, but very good overall.

353. Antique Gaming Box with Bone Counters. English or

Continental locking gaming set with carved playing card
designs of Roxane (Queen of Hearts) and Hector (Jack of Clubs)
353 on side lids, center lid with suit symbol armorial. Removable
divided trays with circular counters in denominations of 1, 2,
and 5; and rectangular counters. With key. 4 ½ x 11 ¾ x 6 ¼”.

354. Group of Whist/Bezique Counters and Trump Indicators.

Ten examples, in bone, wood, metal, paper, and leather. Makers
include Goodall, J.H. Dasey, and others; paper examples with
advertising for J.F. Draper cigars and tobacco and Fred’k Averill
home furnishings.

355. Group of 5 Bone and Celluloid Whist Counters. Having

rotating hands, arrow, and numbered dials 0-9. Three bone,
two celluloid. Largest 2 ⅛”.
354 80/100

356. Group of Brass and Metal Whist and Game Counters.

Including (4) rotating brass and metal counters [dog, hand,
arrow, and paper dial]; set of 3 engraved black metal counters
with scenes of German villages; a set of eight brass markers
in suit symbol shapes; and a set of four mother of pearl hand-
painted markers. Size of largest 2 ¼”.


359 360

357. Dai Vernon’s Gaffed Faro Box. Chicago: A. Ball Bro., ca. 1900s.
German silver faro box gaffed with side-squeeze, left square-up, and
right lock. In a period brown leather case. Marked by Ball & Bro.
Traces of green felt to underside. Vernon’s personally owned dealing
box, accompanied by an autograph signed note by Vernon from his
sale of the item to Tom Blue. From the collection of Tom Blue, with
handwritten paper wrapper which identifies this example as Vernon’s,
as well as the gaffes incorporated in the box. Size 4 x 3 ⅜ x 1 ¾”. Case
3 ½ x 4 ¼ x 2”.
6,000/9,000 361

Vernon acquired this dealing box in the 1930s while tracing his way across the U.S. in pursuit of the methods of crooked gamblers,
358. Fred A. Will Gaffed Faro Dealing Box. San Francisco, ca. 360. Will & Finck Gaffed Faro Dealing Box. San Francisco, ca.
specifically one that might reveal the secret to the elusive center deal. He went to considerable lengths to obtain it from a pawn
1870s. German silver sand-tell dealing box marked “Fred. A. 1900s. Marked “Will & Finck/S.F. Cal.” German silver. Gaffed
broker in Miami, to whom it had been pawned by a certain Jim Whitley, a former faro dealer, for $25. Whitley told Vernon he had paid
Will/S.F. Cal.” 3 ⅞ x 3 ⅛ x 1 ⅝”. “sand-tell” double deal. 4 x 3 ¼ x 1 ¾”. Minor tarnishing.
$100 for the box decades earlier, when faro was the most popular betting card game in the land – as well as one in which cheating
2,000/3,000 Collection of Tom Blue.
was endemic, and where profits to a skilled sharper could be handsome. Whitley was reticent to reveal the box’s inner workings –
Rare dealing box marked by Frederick Adolph Will (ca. 1837- 1,000/2,000
an attitude Vernon attributed to the terms of an unspoken “guild” that existed among old-time faro dealers. With some pretense to
1912), who was the partner of Julius Finck in forming Will &
membership in the guild himself, Vernon cajoled Whitley into revealing the box’s several complex gaffes (see Ben, “Dai Vernon: A
Finck, the famous San Francisco manufacturers of knives, 361. Will & Finck Faro Layout. San Francisco, ca. 1890s.
Biography,” pp. 180-2).
gambling equipment, locks, and other instruments of the Oilcloth layout with hand-painted cards in the suit of clubs, on
An understanding of this tradition of which Whitley was a part – “the old thing” – was important to Vernon. Vernon later brought out
middle and late 19th century. old wooden backing. 16 ½ x 43”. Rubbing and abrasions with
the box in the presence of other advantage players and “ mechanics” from whom he wished to gain insight, and he considered it one
some paint loss and discoloration.
of his “prized possessions” (ibid.), a sentiment indeed suggested by the act of his formal, written transfer of ownership of the piece
359. Will & Finck Gaffed Faro Dealing Box in Leather Case. 500/1,000
to Tom Blue later in life.
[San Francisco], ca. 1880s. Nickeled dealing box with sand-
tell mechanism—a small button on the underside pushing
an inner metal plate in and out of position as desired. 4 x
3 ¼”. Stamped by Will & Finck internally. In a punch-detailed
leather case.


363 370

362. Club Forrest New Orleans Gaffed Faro Box by Will &
Finck. San Francisco, ca. 1880s/90s. German silver faro
dealing box engraved on the side “Club Forrest/New Orleans.”
On top plate the four suit symbols are engraved, connected by
arrows and with fine floral figures in the corners. Marked “Will
& Finck/S.F. Cal.” with serial number 787. Side lever gaffe. 368
3 ⅞ x 3 ⅛ x 1 ⅝”. Scratched underside; age-consistent tarnish.

364 363. Gaffed / Second Deal Skeleton Faro Box. Maker

unknown, ca. 1910s. Chrome and steel skeleton style faro
box with exposed sides. Designed to allow the user to deal
seconds. 3 ⅜ x 4 ¼ x 1 ⅛”.

364. Rydberg & Co. Gaffed Faro Box. Chicago, ca. 1900s.
Gaffed (side squeeze) faro dealing box marked by Rydberg.
3 ⅞ x 3 ⅛ x 1 ⅝”. Top plate weakly held; may require
adjustment or repair. Uncommon by this maker.
365. Mason & Co. Gaffed Faro Box. Chicago. ca. 1900s. 371
German silver faro box, gaffed with right side squeeze
365 and button on underside. Marked “Mason & Co./Makers/
Chicago/438.” 3 ⅞ x 3 ⅛ x 1 ¾”. 367. Brass Card Trimmer. George Graham, ca. 1940. Heavy 370. J.W. Lewis Playing Card Corner Rounder. New York, early
400/600 brass and steel-forged card trimmer with fine adjustments. 20th century. Brass and steel punch-style corner rounder with
Marked with triangle logo in corner. Length 12 ¼” x 6 ⅝”. triangular base, marked on the top screw-plate “J.W. Lewis/
366. George Mason & Co. Faro Dealing Box. Denver, ca. 600/900 New York.” Height 5 ½”. Wooden knob a later replacement.
1900s. Heavy nickel-plated dealing box, marked on the inside: Scarce; from a lesser-known supplier. The consignor has
“Geo. Mason / Makers / Denver.” 4 x 3 ⅛ x 1 ¾”. Green felt 368. Brass Card Trimmer. Maker unknown, late 19th/early supplied a photocopy of a faro case-keeper by Jas. W. Lewis of
to underside. 20th century. Heavy brass and German silver scissors card New York, presumably the same maker (see lot 304).
300/400 trimmer with multiple adjustments. 12 ½ x 6 ½”. 600/900
371. Gambler’s Arm / Sleeve Card Holdout. Early 20th century
369. Brass Card Trimmer. Brass and steel with wooden handle, brass and metal Jacob’s Ladder holdout with leather straps.
having fine adjustments including an engraved angle mark to Worn under a shirt on the lower wrist, the device secretly
plus or minus 5 degrees. 9 ¼ x 5 ¼”. delivers a card into the hand of the card cheat. The end piece
500/750 which holds the cards was replaced around 1996, according to
the consignor’s accompanying notes. Length (extended) 12 ½”.


378. Controlled Spinning Top. Chicago, ca. 1960s. Eight-sided

black hard plastic (Catalin?) spinning top with red and blue
spots and stars, secretly prepared as to allow the operator to
control the spin. Height approx. 1 ¾”.
379. Trio of Gaffed (Cheating) Put and Takes. Celluloid put
372. Gaffed “Butterfly” Dice Cups. Bill Gusias[?], ca. 1970s. and takes, two with push pegs; the dice spinner favors high
Cushioned and wool-lined burgundy leather dice cups, numbers. Largest 1 ¾”.
apparently identical, but one may be used to switch in a 200/400
different set of dice. Height 4 ½”.
800/1,200 380. Gaffed (Cheating) Put and Take Set. Pair of transparent 381 383
red put and takes, one straight, and one gaffed which can be
373. Card Cheating Daub Canisters with Safety Pins. Early switched in and favors the gambler. 1⅜”.
20th century. Four small metal canisters to which safety pins 100/200
are welded, pinned to a cheater’s clothing and containing
daubs used to mark cards. With red, purple, blue, and greenish 381. Gaffed (Cheating) Put and Take. Secretly gaffed celluloid
shade daubs. Diam. ¾”. put and take controls the favored spin of the top. 1 ¾”.
100/200 100/200

374. Dice Holdout. Cheating device holds out two dice. Metal 382. Photograph of Card Sharping / Cheating Devices.
plate with spring mechanism affixed to black cloth, elastic London, ca. 1910s. Press photo with Daily Mirror stamp
fasteners. Plate 4 ½ x 3 ½”. and snipe depicting crooked gambling and card cheating
700/900 instruments. 6 x 8 ⅛”.
375. Collection of T.R. King Crooked Dice. Los Angeles: T.R.
King, ca. 1999. Collection of every variety of prepared dice
manufactured by the company: shapes, tops, weights, and two TOPS & PUT AND TAKES 382

clear Tap Dice, exposing the view of the sliding weights inside. 383. Jumbo Catalin Horse Race Spinner. American, ca.
Accompanied by several blanks and fronts, also supplied by 1920s. Jumbo bi-level Catalin and brass horse racing
376 T.R. King, along with a TLS explaining the working of the Tap spinning top, six-sided, with rotating odds disc above names
Dice. Housed in a handsome wooden and glass display case. of race horses: Man O’War, Spark Plug, Zev, Morvich, Greylag,
500/1,000 and Colin. Height 2 ¾”. Scarce, especially in this size.
376. Group of Vintage Gaffed Dice. Including 18 mis-spotted;
a pair of 1-2-3 and 2-6 loads; and four “7 Up” (always land on 384. Pair of Catalin Horse Race Spinners. American, ca.
5-2), issued as novelties for 7 Up. 1920s. Catalin, brass, and steel spinning tops, bi-level, six-
80/125 sided, with names of race horses: Man O’War, Spark Plug,
Zev, Morvich, Greylag, and Colin. One lacks rotating odds
377. Card Punch and Miscellaneous Cheating Items. Including disc. Larger example 2 ¼”.
a steel punch device used to mark the corner of a card with a 100/200
small pinprick. The right angle on this example can be moved
back and forth to the desired point, length 2 ¼”; (4) cuff holder
clips by Wizard and Jewel, sometimes believed to have been 384
used as card holdouts; a pair of gaffed (double-sided) U.S.
quarters; and a pocket slide caliper for dice.
377 125/225

391 392

386 390

385. Horse Race Betting Spinner with Oilcloth Layout.

American, ca. 1930s. Heavy nickeled spinning top (72 grams)
with red enamel lettering, six-sided, bi-level. Accompanied
by an oilcloth betting layout with the corresponding horses’
names. Layout 30 x 5”. Top 1 ⅝”. Scarcely seen together.
393 395
386. British Football (Soccer) and Horse Racing Put and
Takes. Four bi-level put and take spinners, three brass, one
brass and steel. One bearing names of British football clubs:
Manchester City, Newcastle United, Chelsea, Ashton Villa,
Tottenham Spurs, and Burnley (names abbreviated). Three
with horse names. One upper disc stuck, otherwise good. Total
385 weight 128 grams. Largest 1 ½”.
387. Put and Take Sets with Original Boxes and Layouts. Early
to mid-20th century. Eight put and take sets with boxes and/ 398
or original layouts and instructions, including a matchbox sized
English set of three metal spinners, having dice, suit symbols,
and put and take sides, with original box by Patent Die-Castings
Co. (London), box approx. 2 x 1 ½ x ½”; Mudie & Sons celluloid
top in original box; Roll-Out Barrel with box and instructions; 391. Nine Vintage Bakelite / Plastic Put and Takes and 395. Arabic Put and Take Top. Six-sided antique brass put and
French brass put and take with box and instructions; and Spinners. Includes put and take; dice; horse race; playing take spinner, in Arabic script. Height 1 ⅛”. Weight 20 grams.
cards; and one tri-level example. Size of largest 2 ½”. Uncommon.
others. Scarce thus.
80/125 125/250
392. Lot of 9 Brass European Put and Takes. Nine antique 396. French Lavalette-Bosch Advertising Spinning Top. Circa
388. Brass Put and Take with Bone Counters. Early 20th
387 brass put and takes in German, Swedish, Portuguese, Belgian/ 1930s/40s. Bi-level spinner resembling a spark plug, green
century set in a clasping leather box, containing a brass put
Dutch, French, Turkish, and Danish. Average size 1 ⅛”. and cream celluloid top piece marked “Lavalette-Bosch,”
and take, filled with rectangular red and white bone counters. steel body with engraved playing card values and other
Box 3 ⅝ x 2 ¾ x 1 ¼”. Uncommon.
125/225 abbreviations probably for pinochle. Marked “SGDG” (French
100/200 patent). In contemporary clasping suede bag.
393. Group of 24 Brass Put and Take Tops. Antique brass 150/200
389. Jumbo Horse Race Spinning Top. American, ca. 1930s. Lavalette-Bosch was a French-German company which
Large black metal top, twelve sided, each engraved with the examples, in English, six sided. Total weight approximately 536
grams. Size of largest 1 ⅝”. produced engine and motor parts.
name of a race horse, including Man O’ War and others, a bi-
level example with an odds disc which can be rotated. Height 200/300
397. Lot of 8 French Put and Take Spinners. Seven brass and
2 ½”. one steel. All six sided. Tallest 1 ¼”. Total weight 180 grams.
80/125 394. Lot of 7 Gambling Put and Takes / Spinners. Six spinners
and one rolling log. Including brass, celluloid, tin, metal, and
390. Lot of 7 Horse Racing Put and Take Spinners. Circa one sterling example. Uncommon designs. One pulls apart and 398. Six Crown and Anchor Put and Take Spinners. All bi-level,
1920s. All bi-level, six-sided. Five with: Man O’War, Spark Plug, contains a spool of thread within. Largest 2 ½”. five with crown and anchor symbols and playing card suits,
Zev, Morvich, Greylag, and Colin. Two with: Scamp, Harrier, 125/225 odds on the upper discs. One with numerals on both levels.
Sicyon, Golden, Yutoi, and Envoy. Generally 1 ¼” or slightly Three brass, three other metals. Largest 1 ¾”, others generally
smaller. Total weight 167 grams. 1”. Total weight 150 grams.
388 150/250 80/150


399. Lot of 6 Dice and Other Put and Take Spinners. Antique
brass bi-level spinners, including a scarce Swedish example,
others having dice, numerals, and odds. Size 1 ¼” or smaller.
Total weight 113 grams.

400. Trio of Poker and Baseball Spinning Tops. Put and take
type spinners, six sided, including two bi-level metal poker
tops, the smaller with black enamel bearing patent date of
1921; and a baseball bi-level spinner also marked 1921.
Larger top 2”.
399 100/150

401. Group of 10 Put and Take Items. Including a large put 408
and take spinning wheel with celluloid pastoral scene, in
nickel case, maker’s label to underside; a brass put and take
pin; advertising cigar cutter; and other games and spinners.
Largest 3 ⅝”.

402. Lot of 7 Celluloid Put and Take Button Games. Pocket

put and take dexterity games, some with advertising (lunch 409

counter, lumber, garments, paint); one plain green; and one

with “winner” and loser” face. Size generally 2 ¼” or slightly
401 smaller.
125/225 407
403. Lot of 16 Spanish Language Put and Takes. Vintage and
modern examples, Mexican and South American, composed
in Galalith, aluminum, brass, wood, and plastic. Largest 3 ½”.
405. Cased Set of 400 Swirled Bakelite Poker Chips. Including 408. Bakelite Chip Caddy and Monogrammed Chips. Mid-
404. Group of Put and Take Punchboards. Approximately 25 100 midnight green; 100 red; and 200 butterscotch. In lift- century olive Bakelite semi-circle caddy, with slot for cards,
punchboards featuring the game, plus a boxed put and take out trays, original beige linen hard-shell case with clasps and having four columns filled with swirled orange, red, and dark
game by Transogram, New York (1939). Sizes generally smaller leather handle. Chip diam. 1 7/16”. Very good. green chips monogrammed in gilt “BDG.” 6 x 3 x 3 ¼”.
than 9 x 7”. 200/400 80/150

402 150/250
406. Six Boxes of NOS Bakelite Chips and Counters. Including 409. Bakelite Poker Chip Set with Carousel. Red Bakelite
one box of red and yellow swirled bingo markers; and five rotating carousel caddy filled with eight columns filled with
boxes of chips/checks of various swirled and solid colors, one swirled green, butterscotch, yellow, and brown chips, and two
set in hexagon shape, others circular. slots for playing card decks. Carousel 7 ½ x 5 ¾”. Chip diam.
125/225 1 ⅜”.
407. Cased Set of Bakelite Poker Chips with Dice. In original
stitched leatherette case with handle, containing approximately 410. Bakelite Poker Chip Set with Caddy. Swirled black and
480 swirled butterscotch, red, and midnight green chips; plus butterscotch caddy with butterscotch handle, having two slots
a dozen dice (standard, poker, put and take). Chip diam. 1 ⅛”. for playing cards, and eight columns filled with octagonal
Some splitting and wear to case. butterscotch, green, and red chips. 7 ⅜ x 3 ¼ x 4”.
125/225 100/200

411 416


418. Jumbo Amber/Cherry Bakelite Dice Lot. Eight jumbo

dice, total weight 209 grams. Six produce an amber/cherry
color held to the light, two a dark green. Transparent/semi-
transparent. Size generally 1 ⅛” (two smaller). Scattered chips
and staining; fair to very good. One appears to be marked
Czech, but the mark is rubbed.
419. Dice Shift Knobs and Thermometers. Four pieces,
including (2) Rolux dice thermometers; a light green auto/
411. Bakelite Poker Chip Set and Caddy. Swirled butterscotch
motorcycle shift knob; and NOS “Lucky” shift knob. Size of
Bakelite caddy with round handle, and slots for two decks of
largest 1 ½”. Short crack to cover of one thermometer.
cards, full of swirled red, butterscotch, and green chips. 3 ¼ x
7 ¼ x 4”. Chip diam. 1 7/16”. 125/225
420. Group of Bakelite and Catalin Gaming Items. Including a
412. Bakelite Poker Chip Set and Caddy. Swirled red caddy with chess set in red and tan Catalin (complete in plush-lined box
metal handle, filled with swirled red, green, and butterscotch with 32 pieces), height of king pieces 1 ½”; (2) small Bakelite
chips. 7 ½ x 3 ½ x 3”. Chip diam. 1 ⅜”. poker caddies with chips; Holdtite Card Rack in original box; 421

125/225 Camelot Battle Game in original box (but lacking game board);
413 (2) dice cups; (4) anchor and two-tone checkers; a betting
413. Lot of 4 Bakelite/Catalin Poker Caddies with Chips. Four counter disc; small pencil sharpener; and a bridge-size double
Bakelite/Catalin caddies, and one rotating wooden caddy. deck card holder.
Filled with a variety of butterscotch, midnight green, and red 200/300
chips. Diameter of largest caddy 8 ½”.
150/250 421. Kenneth J. Lane Bakelite Earring Set and Bakelite Rods.
In original box, with nine different changeable pairs of earrings,
414. Three Small Bakelite Poker Caddies with Chips. Round, two of which are metal, the remainder being swirled or plain
circular, and rectangular caddies in green, butterscotch, and Bakelite. With two gold-tone clips. Together with two Bakelite
dark red, with Bakelite chips. Size of largest 4 ¼ x 2 ¾”. In rods, swirled red and butterscotch, totaling 413 grams. 422
original or contemporary boxes and case. 100/200
415. Urea Poker Caddy with Bakelite Chips. Swirled yellow GAMBLING COLLECTIBLES
caddy of Urea plastic (similar to Bakelite) with two slots for
playing cards, filled with hexagonal swirled red, butterscotch, 422. Poker Dice Group Lot. A cigar box containing several
and midnight green chips. 7 x 4 x 3 ¼”. different vintage sets of poker dice in Bakelite/Catalin,
80/150 celluloid, and other plastics. Included an eight-sided set; and a
⅞” Bakelite set in original box.
416. Boxed Bakelite “Tips” Traveler’s Poker Set. Set of six 80/125
boxes of Bakelite chips, each containing approximately 80
chips in white, red, green, dark green, and yellow. Boxes with 423. Three Early Poker Dice Sets. Including two eight-sided
printed date of 1938. With two Streamline decks (one sealed). or “octahedron” sets, and one standard six-sided set. Original 423
Outer box lacking one side, otherwise fine. Overall 4 x 5 ½ x 4”. printed boxes. Size ⅝” and slightly smaller. Two with patent
415 125/225 dates of 1881; the third manufactured by Arthur Popper.
417. Five Small Bakelite Poker Chip Sets. Five Bakelite/Catalin
chip caddies with chips. Largest caddy 3 ½” wide. Largest chip 424. Montana Dice Set. Complete set of five celluloid ten-sided
diameter 1 ⅛”. dice, diameter 1 1/16”. Scarce.
125/225 150/250 424



425. Large Poker Dice Collection. Bulk early to mid-20th 433

century. Display tray of over 30 sets of poker dice, including
celluloid, Bakelite/Catalin, and other compositions. Many in
original boxes, some issued as advertising. Size of largest ⅞”.
Various manufacturers in France, USA, Panama, and others.
426 Nice lot.

426. Large Collection of NOS and Game Dice. Bulk early to

mid-20th century. Display tray of dice, many in original boxes,
from American suppliers including B.C. Wills, E.M. O’Neil, H.C.
Edwards, Paulson, Mason & Co., Ace, Bud Jones, Ewing Mfg.,
Ray’s Novelty, W.H. Brown, Langworthy, and others; and also
with various sets of standard and non-standard dice such
as golf, bowling, puzzle, crown & anchor, and novelty. Not 435 436 437 438
individually inspected out of wrappers and boxes. Nice lot.
431. Monterey-Miami Craps Trade Stimulator. Countertop 435. 1931 Advertising Pocket Dice Spinner in Faux Book
427. Blue Ribbon Playing Cards Countertop Advertising dice game, wooden with glass-covered craps layout. Pushing Case. Art Deco style chrome case, stamped on the reverse
Display. Circa 1940s. Lithograph tin counter display for Russell the metal rod causes the dice to rattle. 18 x 12 x 2”. Lacking as a giveaway at the 1931 AMTA (American Manufacturers of
Playing Card Co. “Blue Ribbon” line of cards, having faux two rubber screw covers, light staining to layout, else very Toilet Articles) Convention at the Hotel Ambassador, New York.
wooden sides and two shelves to store decks. 12 ½ x 4 ½ x good. Working. Push a stem on side and the dice spin to a random number.
8”. Minor age-wear. 125/225 In a faux book case entitled “A Road to Wealth.” 3 ¼ x 1 ⅞”
125/225 (game). Working.
432. S.F. Hess & Co. Poker Club Mixture Tobacco Tin. 200/300
428. Superior Confection 5 Cent Slot Machine with Side Richmond, VA: Hasker & Marcuse, ca. 1890s/1900s. Early
Vendor. Chicago, 1920s. Three-reel slot machine which hinged advertising tin to feature poker imagery, lithographed lid 436. French Roulette Pocket Watch Game with Case and
dispenses Vens and also features an attached side vendor. and sides depicting a royal flush. 4 ½ x 3 ⅛ x 1 ¾”. Moderate Layout. Circa 1910s. Nickel pocket watch roulette game in a
Lacking locks and keys to doors on back. 24 x 16 x 15”. Serial to heavy paint loss to sides and back, lid dented. straight-grain leatherette and satin-lined leather case, with
number 66138. Uncommon. 150/300 original cloth betting layout. Spinner works imperfectly; layout
1,200/1,800 with heavy folds and some fraying. Diam. approx. 1 ⅞”. The
first we have seen in this form.
433. Pair of Poker Cut Plug Tobacco Tins. Toronto: MacDonald
429. Slot Machine Stand. Oak slot machine stand with glass 250/350
Mfg., ca. 1890s/1900s (one dated 1899). Two early hinged
front, central beveled oval glass pane with frosted rose, claw
and embossed lithographed tobacco tins featuring poker
feet, one shelf. 34 x 17 x 17”. Lacks side drawer; several 437. Roulette Gambling Pocket Watch. Monaco-Salon. French,
imagery, produced for the Rock City Tobacco Co. Graphics on
broken panes of glass on front, cracks to wood on door. Door ca. 1890. Beautiful beveled glass crystal and a porcelain dial.
to require repair or replacement. underside of lid and all sides. Size of larger 3 ¾ x 5 x 3 ½”. A souvenir from Monte Carlo. Twist the stem to wind up the
150/250 Moderate paint loss and denting. mechanism, then press the button to spin the hand. Diam. 2”.
150/300 Working.
430. Exhibit Supply Co. Mutoscope Card Vendor. Chicago, 200/400
1925. Countertop coin-operated (one-cent) two-column card 434. “Lucky Spots” Scuttle Shaving Mug. Gambling-themed
vendor. Unrestored red painted case with glass front displaying porcelain shaving mug with four-ace and dice design on one 438. Roulette Pocket Watch in Original Box. German, early
two cards. Partially filled with original cards (approx. 100), side, violet floral design on opposite, with gilt accents. 4 x 6 ½ 20th century. Pocket watch roulette game; flick the lever and
mostly fortune-telling, a handful of pin-up and Western stars. x 3 ½”. Very good. the hand spins to a random number. With scarce original
Working. 11 ⅛ x 9 ½ x 7”. With original lock and key. Paint 50/150 instructions (in German and English) and original box. Approx.
chipped, scratched, else very good. 1 ⅞”. Working.
429 200/400 125/225


439 440 441 442


one of two

443 444 445

439. Monte Carlo Roulette Pocket Watch Game. New York

Novelty & Mfg. Co., ca. 1920s/30s. Pushing down the stem
causes the wheel to spin vigorously, a small ball eventually
landing on a number. Beveled glass cover. Diam. 1 ¾”. Working
150/250 451

440. Horse Race Gambling Pocket Watch. Circa 1910s. Push

the stem down and the paper wheel spins showing the winner
at the bottom. Diam. 1 ¾”. Working. 447. Lot of 6 Pocket Dice Games. Including two pocket- 450. Lot of Two Roulette Watches. Vintage watches by Caran
300/500 watch style shakers, one with advertising for Golden Gate and Cross, both 17 jewels, set in spinning (ball-bearing) cases
Manufacturing Valves and Faucets inside the case, the other with roulette wheels/greyhound race games. Overall diam.
441. Playing Cards / Zodiac Pocket Watch. Circa 1910s. Open by Galloping Dominoes Inc. (Brooklyn); and four handheld dice approx. 1 ¾”.
face pocket watch, the dial having playing cards for hours, and 446 spinners by Evans, Dice-O-Mat, Toto Dice, and one unmarked. 125/225
an astrological/zodiac symbol wheel. Beveled glass; case not Largest 3 ¾ x 1 ¾”. Working.
marked. Diam. 1 ¾”. Not working. 444. “Sputnik” Dice Pocket Watch. Austria, ca. 1950s. Wind 150/250 451. Royal Bayreuth Dice Cube with Playing Cards / Table
125/225 up the stem and hands spin around to a different set of Tennis Design. Blue mark. Three sides depicting the courts,
numbers. Diam. 1 ⅞”. Working. 448. Lot of 7 Dice Spinners and Games. Including Hubley cast fourth side with American flags and table tennis paddles and
442. “Home Derby” Horse Race Gambling Pocket Watch. 100/200 iron Scottie dog spinner; “Jondice” dice spinner in original box; balls. Spade-shaped opening at top. Size 2 ½” cube. Queen
Circa 1920s. Marked “Made in Germany” on case. Pushing ACME Impressions advertising acrylic shaker; and (4) plastic side toned, else very good.
stem causes the wheel to spin, the winner determined by which 445. Dice Shaker Pocket Watch. Circa 1920s/30s. Flicking shakers, two with pencil sharpeners. Hubley spinner 4” wide. 500/700
horse lands in the six o’clock spot. Working mechanism, but the side lever causes five miniature dice to shake on a light 150/250
doesn’t spin completely apparently because paper is pressed green felt surface. Diam. 1 ⅞”. Working. 452. Royal Bayreuth Devil & Cards Deep Candy Bowl. Bavaria:
down on left side. Diam. 2 ¼”. 100/200 449. Lot of 8 Advertising Dice Paperweights. American, Bayreuth, ca. 1930. Blue mark. Not listed in McCaslin or
150/250 ca. 1940s/50s. Clear rectangular glass paperweights with Raines. 8 x 3”. Minor wear around foot. Rare.
446. Collection of Miniature Dice Shakers. Twelve pieces, advertising cards for a variety of companies. Seven with 1,000/2,000
443. Otto Grun Dice Game Pocket Watch. Circa 1950s. Turn including miniature dice shakers and containers, some with miniature dice shaker, one with compass. All but one having  
the stem and the hands spin to a pair of numbers. Diam. 1 ⅞”. advertising. Other types include mini cocktail shakers, glass a mirror to underside. “El Rancho” example likely assembled 453. Royal Bayreuth Devil & Cards Milk Pitcher. Bavaria:
Working. bottles, and other metal and plastic containers. Tallest 2 ¾”. at later date using trimmed postcard. Sizes approx. 4 ¼ x 2 Bayreuth, ca. 1930. Blue mark. Height 4 ½”. Tin chip inside
150/250 100/200 ¾ x 1”. lip, small spots of rubbing.
150/250 200/400

454 455 456



457 458


461 467

454. Royal Bayreuth Devil & Cards Milk Pitcher. Bavaria: 459. Devil & Dice Porcelain Pitcher. Germany: MW Co. Figural 462. Two German Beer Steins. Including a regimental stein 465. Gorham Sterling Silver Poker Top. Poker top with
Bayreuth, ca. 1930. Blue mark. Height 3 ¾”. Tiny chip inside creamer of two stacked dice with a horned red devil forming with nude lithophane (ca. 1960s/80s), which when held to engraved sterling cover showing six different poker hands. 2 ½
lip, small spots of rubbing. the handle. Height 4 ½”. Black maker’s mark. Very good. light, a figure of a nude woman is seen at the base, height x 2”. Boxed with original Gorham instructions.
200/400 100/200 10”; and a Simon Peter Gerz stein (ca. 1900-1914) of men at 80/150
  a table with their attention drawn on a woman with her hand
455. Royal Bayreuth Devil & Cards Beer Mug. Bavaria: Bayreuth, 460. Three Pieces of Vintage Playing Card Porcelain. German, under a hat, 10”. 466. Tiffany & Co. Heads and Tails Sterling Silver Coin. Marked
ca. 1930. Blue mark. Height 4 ¾. Minor paint rubbing. 1930s. Including a Royal Bayreuth spade-shaped trinket box; 200/300 “Tiffany & Co. 925” to tails side. “Tails” is embossed; “Heads”
200/400 a blackjack-themed ashtray picturing the Five of Clubs and debossed. Slightly larger than a U.S. quarter (diam. 1”).
  Jack of Clubs; and a Cards and Clovers cigarette holder with 463. Antique Delftware Gambling Tile. Dutch, 17th Century. 100/200
456. Royal Bayreuth Devil & Cards Covered Sugar. Bavaria: Shakespeare quotation on one panel. The largest 6 x 6”. Depicting two men throwing dice. Chipping around edge
Bayreuth, ca. 1930. Blue mark. Approx. 4 ¼ x 5 x 4 ¼”. Very 150/250 including loss to surface at lower right. 5 ¼ x 5 ¼”. 467. Tiffany & Co. Four Aces Sterling Money Clip. Marked
good. 50/150 “Tiffany & Co./925” on reverse. Enameled red and black aces.
150/300 461. Group of Gambling and Playing Card Glassware and Length 2 ¼”.
Ceramics. Including a Beleek mug with painted woman playing 464. Sterling Silver Dice and Gambling Items. Including two
457. Royal Bayreuth Red Devil Creamer. Bavaria: Bayreuth, ca.
cards and chips on the table; milk glass tray with nude design sets of sterling dice, marked Taxco 925; sterling-handled bottle
1930. Blue mark. Height 3 ¾”. 468. Sterling Playing Card Suit Symbol Trays and Souvenir
Ace of Spades; Two Naturals whiskey; Royal Flush whiskey; opener; and sterling shaker (Swift Plan & Print, St. Louis) with
150/250 Spoons. Including a set of four suit symbol trays (3 of 4 marked
Natural Set Up bottle; (2) Arrow Lucky 7 bottles; (2) figural dice two miniature metal dice. Approximately 83 grams total.
  “Sterling/Mexico”); and five souvenir casino/gambling spoons,
decanters; and others. 100/200
458. Royal Bayreuth Red Devil Milk.  Bavaria: Bayreuth, ca. one of which is marked sterling. Trays approx. 3 ½ x 2 ½”;
1930. Blue mark. Height 3 ¾”. 200/400 longest spoon 5 ½”.
200/400 125/225

477 478



479 480

472 473 474 475 482 483

469. U.S. Glass “It’s a Long Time Between Drinks” Gambler’s 472. Will & Finck Advertising Match Safe. San Francisco 476. [Liquor] The “National” Wm. F. Morris Jersey City, NJ Match 480. Two Billiard & Bowling Match Safes. Circa 1900. One
Flask. 19th/early 20th century. Clear thick glass with faux [?], ca. 1890. Obverse with a celluloid ad for the famed knife Safe. Circa 1900s/10s. Nickel-plated brass. Figural match advertises Brunswick, Balke, Collender, the other with a pool
clock dial depicting playing cards for the hours. Reverse maker and supplier of crooked gambling equipment; verso safe in form of a liquor bottle, engraved with advertising for the hall theme.
embossed “U.S.” in large capitals and “patent applied for” at with a relief bust of a native American. Jersey City company. Height 2 ⅝”. Together with Brookfield Rye 500/700
base. Small chip and hairline crack between 1 and 2 o’clock. 300/500 advertising brass and celluloid match safe [losses and defects
5 x 4 ½ x 1 ½”. to celluloid]. 481. Ronson Poker Chips Lighter. Newark, NJ, ca. 1930s.
500/700 473. Gorham Silver Playing Cards Match Safe. Circa 1900s. 150/250 Chrome lighter with stacked poker chip design body, enamel
Finely engraved with the King of Hearts on one side, and paint in red, cream, and blue. Height 2 ¾”. Few spots of paint
470. Antique “Vices” Sterling Silver Cigarette Case. Sterling diamond suit on the other. Marked “Gorham Co. / 075.” 2 ¾ 477. French Sterling Match Safe with Playing Cards. loss; not tested.
silver cigarette case having engraved vignettes of various vices x 1 ½”. Antique sterling match safe with enameled “Liberte” design 100/150
and gambling including shooting dice, playing cards/poker 150/250 incorporating a fan of playing cards. Hallmarked. 2 x 1 ½”.
chips, horse racing, cocktails, a snake, and risqué can-can 100/200 482. Pair of Gambling / Playing Card Advertising Lighters.
dancing. Large fancy initials “JC” to underside. 3 ¼ x 3 ¼”. 474. Silver Soldered Playing Cards Match Safe. English, ca. Including H.E. Mason (Chicago) by Zippo, as-new in box; and
Total weight approx. 3 oz. Marked “Sterling.” 1900s. Marked “R. Wallace & Sons/Silver Soldered 075.” With 478. Pair of Dice Shaker Match Safes. Circa early 20th century. Far East Playing Card Co. (Japan).
150/250 two counter dials with spinning pointers, finely engraved with Nickel-plated match safes with miniature dice shakers under 50/150
playing cards and a spade symbol. 2 ½ x 1 ½”. glass windows. Length approx. 2 ⅛”.
471. “Vices” Pocket Knife, Cigarette Cutter, and Pipe Cleaner. 150/250 150/250 483. Group of 18 Gambling-Themed Lighters. Assorted
Three pieces, including a four blade pocket knife marked IXL/ vintage lighters by Zippo, Jewel, Omega, Corona, Pinnacle,
George Wostenholm/Sheffield England; cigarette cutter; and 475. Antique Playing Cards Match Safe. Circa 1900s. With 479. Group of 3 Gambling Match Safes. Brass, nickel, and and others (many made in Japan), and featuring gambling
pipe cleaner (marked Sterling). All similarly embossed with two counter dials (but lacking pointers), finely engraved with enameled examples with horse-racing, playing card suits, and and playing card imagery or miniature dice shakers. Includes
figures representing vices: horse racing, card playing/poker, playing cards, suit symbols, coins, and a hand of four aces. stag designs. Largest 2 ¾”. two pistol-shaped lighters, one pin-up, two butane, and two in
alcohol, and women/sex. Longest (pocket knife) 3 ⅛”. 2 ½ x 1 ½”. 125/225 original boxes. Nice lot. Not tested.
100/200 150/250 150/300

484 487


488 489


484. Lot of 13 Roulette Lighters. Vintage lighters, most made 488. Lot of Assorted Vintage Gambling Jewelry. Approximately
in Japan, whose bodies incorporate spinning roulette and 30 pieces, including money clips, cuff links, buttons, bracelets,
other game wheels. Six in original boxes. Includes examples by charms, keychains, fobs, and others.
Zippo, Nesor, Pac, Windsor, and other makers. Spinners work 125/225
well, lighter functions not tested.
200/400 489. Lot of Gambling Jewelry and Miniatures, Some Sterling.
Twelve pieces, including charms, a necklace, and stickpin, of
485. Lot of 4 Gambling Compacts / Vanity Cases. Including which eight are marked sterling. Stickpin length 2 ¾”.
a scarce roulette compact by Zephyr (ca. 1920s/30s), with 100/200
enamel roulette wheel with spinner disc, diam. 2 ½”; Richard
Hudnut compact with suit symbol design; Henriette brass ball 490. Group of Miscellaneous Gambling Collectibles. Small
compact with miniature dice in clear dome; and Las Vegas box of assorted gambling supplies, games, and accessories,
vintage souvenir compact. All with mirrors opposite rouge/ many in original boxes, and including card counters, trump

powder holders. indicators, put and take games (“Odds On” and “Spingoff,” a
golf-themed spinner game), poker chips, and a playing card
storage box. Condition generally very good. Nice lot.
486. Lot of Gambling Themed Pens and Pocket Knives.
Ten pieces, including (3) put and take rolling pens, one with
Stanhope viewer of pin-up girl; gold tone pen with poker dice

concealed inside; Hotel Hilton Casino pen hidden in faux 491. Group of Miscellaneous Casino and Gambling Items.
cigarette; pen with multi-colored dice; (2) advertising pens, one Including a Mills Bros. electric clock (plastic cover scratched);
with mini dice; and (2) pocket knives. The longest 7”. (2) plush animals; and (8) framed prints and photos of casinos,
50/150 mostly of Reno (later printings).

487. Group of Gambling Cigarette Cases. Including “Take
a Peep” vices with enamel in red, white, and blue; roulette
cigarette case; Las Vegas; and two playing card/aces match



498 one of three 499 500


492. Gambling, Playing Card, and Casino Postcard Collection.

Approximately 125 different postcards, a single collector
accumulation, primarily American and English, featuring
gamblers, playing cards, casinos, poker and other card games,
saloons, and games of chance. Includes greetings, holiday,
leather, fortunes, invitations, comical and humor, risqué,
and many others. With a few trade cards and related paper
one of five 501 one of three 502 503

493. [Tobacciana] Poker and Gambling Cigar Label Collection.

Late 19th/early 20th century. Twenty pieces, being inner and
outer cigar labels whose designs feature gambling, poker,
or card playing, and include Square Deal, All Nighters, Good
Hand, Our Club, No Monkeying, Trump, Jack Pot, After Dinner,
Fortuna, Grand Ouvert, The Ace of Hearts, and others. Sizes
generally 8 x 6” and smaller. One applied to wooden lid.
Condition generally very good.

494. Gambling-Themed Fruit and Produce Label Collection.

Approximately 20 lithographed fruit and produce crate 505 506
labels with graphics featuring playing cards, poker, dice, and
494 gambling. Sizes vary, generally 12 x 12” or smaller.
50/100 498. Three Decorative Gambling Items. Including an early 502. Gambling with Souls Lobby Cards (3). N.d. (R-1940s?).
20th century wooden frame with inlaid clay chips and “Who Three lobby cards, one with hand-lettering, for the film exposing
495. (Pinup) Lot of 4 Pinup Calendars. Including (3) “Artist’s Is Shy?” buck, containing a “Turkish Trophies” print (1902); a the “call girl of the vice racket.”
Sketch Pad” comb-bound calendars, complete with 12 pin-ups cast bronze relief of dice players; and a relief wooden carving 40/80
per calendar, retaining original pictorial envelopes; and Esquire of two card players, signed “L White” on verso. Largest 15 x
pin-ups by Varga (8 of 12 months). Size of each approx. 12 ½ 10 ½”. 503. Gilda. Lobby Card. Columbia Pictures, 1946. Lobby card
x 9 ½”. 150/250 from a scene in the film of Rita Hayworth, as Gilda, gambling
80/125 “as recklessly as she lives!” Minor creases, closed tear top
499. Born to Gamble. Three Lobby Cards. Liberty, 1935. Three edge, otherwise very good.
495 496. (Various Artists) Seven Truth Co. Poker / Gambling color lobby cards, including the rare card of Western gamblers 80/150
Lithographs. 1894-95. Set of color lithographs issued by Truth playing poker.
Co., of various poker playing types, including cowboys, African 125/225 504. Harvey Girls Lobby Card. MGM, 1945. Lobby card
Americans, high society gentlemen, and other men, several depicting Judy Garland discovering her love interest is both a
with American Lithographic Co. (New York) printer’s credit,
500. Dead Reckoning. Lobby Card. Columbia Pictures, 1947. two-timer and a gambler.
after paintings by various artists. On linen finish paper. Size
Lobby card depicts star Humphrey Bogart at a roulette table, 50/150
of each approx. 20 x 14”. One with horizontal fold, otherwise
wondering why co-star Lizabeth Scott gambles so heavily. Nice
generally very good. Uniformly framed and matted.
clean example. 505. Lucky Gamblers. All American, 1946. Scarce lobby card
80/150 from film featuring an all-Black cast. Very good.
497. Lithographed Whist Calendar. For the year 1902. Edge 80/150
chips to several pages, but very good overall. Disbound, and 501. Gambling Ship. Lobby Card Group (5). New Universal,
lacking final leaf (December). 1938/39. Color lobby cards. Small tackholes in corners; old 506. Riffraff Lobby Card. MGM, 1936. Scarce lobby card for
100/200 tape marks to versos. the drama starring Jean Harlow.
496 one of seven 50/100 100/200

507 one of eight

508 512

512. (Sheet Music - Gambling) Large Collection of Gambling-

Themed Piano Sheet Music. Principally American, bulk
late 19th/early 20th century. Approximately 110 pieces of
sheet music whose covers, song titles, and/or lyrics relate
to gambling, playing cards, poker, and dice. Principally color
lithographed wrappers. Folio or quarto (generally 14 x 11” or
smaller). Includes rags, cake walks, marches, blues, and other
songs, and a number of Black Americana pieces. Neatly stored
in sleeves with backing boards. Additional images on request.

513. [Native American] Spokane Area Indians Gambling

Photograph. Circa 1900s. Photographs of Native Americans,
stamped by August Wolf, Spokane, Wash., on verso, with
notation “Indians in holiday garb at gaming bout (gambling).”
4 x 7 ½”.

514. Photographs of “Broncho Billy” Anderson in “A Gambler

of The West.” 1909. Pair of oval full-length photographs of
510 one of five the early cowboy movie star in full Western get-up. 6 x 4 ¼”. 514
On mounts stamped by the photographer Le Roy (Worcester,
507. Tall in the Saddle Lobby Cards (8). RKO, R-1953. Set of 8 511. (Movies - Gambling) Massive Lobby Card Collection: Mass), old pencil notations to verso. Chipping at edges with
lobby cards for the John Wayne Western. Gambling in Film. Principally American, ca. 1910s-2000s slight loss to print area.
80/150 (bulk 1940s-60s). Lifetime hoard of lobby cards, approximately 80/150
700-800 pieces total, of American films featuring scenes of
508. The Testing Block. 1920. Lobby card from the silent film gambling, poker and card playing, casinos, hustlers and cons, 515. [Crime] Photograph of a Mugshot Collection. N.p.
which depicts William S. Hart at a faro game. racketeers, and related images, from the silent era onward. (probably American), ca. 1900s/10s. Gelatin photograph of
80/150 Includes many Westerns, as well as film noirs, crime, all-Black a man flipping through a cabinet of mugshots, or a rogues’
casts, James Bond, and other sub-genres. Some sets and partial gallery, including men and women criminals, which is lettered
509. Vegas Nights. Lobby Card. Continental Pictures, 1948. sets included. Neatly stored in lobby card sleeves, organized “Property of R.F. Humphrey.” 6 ½ x 8 ½”.
Lobby card for the gambling/burlesque films starring Elvira roughly alphabetically. Stars include include Elvis Presley; Frank 80/150
Pagan “and a galaxy of gorgeous girls.” Very good. Sinatra; John Wayne; Johnny Mack Brown; Rock Hudson; Gene
80/125 Autry; Roy Rogers; Clark Gable; Hoot Gibson; Ricky Jay; and
many others. Additional images on request. Nice lot.
510. Barbara Stanwyck Gambling Lobby Cards (5). Including
(3) The Lady Gambles (1949); Lady Eve (R-1949); and
Gambling Lady (1934), both which starred Stanwyck. 515

516 521

517 518


516. Binion’s Horseshoe Club $5 Casino Chips. Lot of 15. 520. Carousel Las Vegas Casino Chips Lot. Seventeen chips in
Including (14) $5 chips on both sides, red notches; and one $5 denominations of $1, $5, $25, and $100.
Faro, white notches. HCE molds. Binion name scratched out of 50/100
center as usual. Light to moderate rubbing.
200/400 521. Castaways Casino Las Vegas Chip Lot. Including (51) $25
chips (first issue, green with black and yellow inserts); and (12)
517. Bird Cage $5 Casino Chip. Las Vegas, ca. 1958. R-3. Red $1 chips (first issue, maroon with pink inserts). Nice lot.
with black inserts, horseshoe mold. 300/500
522. Cotton Club Las Vegas $10 Casino Chip. Second issue.

518. Bonanza Club North Las Vegas $5 Casino Chip. North R-7. Light blue, stamped in gilt. Small crown mold. Desirable
Las Vegas, ca. 1955-65. First issue. R-10. Green with mustard chip from a segregated African American casino.
inserts. Drilled, two notches to edge. 150/300
523. Desert Inn Casino Las Vegas $25 Chip. Eighth issue.
519. California Club Las Vegas Casino Chip Lot. Group of 19 R-10. Green with white and light purple inserts. Drilled, three

chips, almost all different, including fractional (25 cent), $1, notches to edges, other slight chipping and soiling.
$5, $25, and $100. Several scarce and collectable chips. 300/500

534 535
525 532 533

524. Desert Inn Casino Las Vegas $5 Chip. Tenth issue. R-6. 534. Flamingo Casino Chips. Lot of 3. Including Flamingo Las
Altered, with the consignor noting that the rim edge has been Vegas $5; and Flamingo Hilton Las Vegas $5. One with shaved
shaved. edge.
100/150 50/150

525. Desert Inn Casino Las Vegas $5 Chip. Eighth issue. R-7. 535. Hotel Fremont $5 Faro Casino Chip. Mustard and
525A 540
Drilled, three notches to edges. lavender, drilled twice, notched three times at edge. 537
150/300 150/250

525A. Dunes Casino Las Vegas $5 and $1 Casino Chips (3). 536. Frontier Hotel-Casino $5 Las Vegas Chip. Fourth issue.
Including $5 (eighth issue, R-8), rare; and (2) $1 chips (third R-5.
issue). 80/150
537. New Frontier Las Vegas $100 Casino Chip. Third issue.
526. Dunes Hotel & Country Club Las Vegas $5 Chip. Sixth
R-5. Hourglass mold, purple with three orange inserts.
issue. R-9. Burgundy with pink and mustard inserts. Altered;
526 527 consignor notes that the edge has been shaved.
538. Jerry’s Nugget Las Vegas Casino Chip Lot. Group of 12, 538

527. Dunes Casino Las Vegas $5 Chip. Thirteenth issue. R-5. including 25 cents, 50 cents, $1, and $5. Various issues.
Brown, house mold, orange and white inserts. 125/225
539. Last Frontier Casino Las Vegas Chips Lot. Nine chips,
528. Dunes Las Vegas $5 Baccarat Chip. Fifteenth issue. R-9. including $1, $5 (3), $25, $100 (3), and roulette #7 (1).
Red with yellow and tan inserts. House mold. 100/200
540. Sahara $5 Las Vegas Casino Chip. Sixth issue. R-9. Brick 539
528 529
529. Golden Gate Club Las Vegas 25 Cent Casino Chip. Third red with three black inserts. Drilled, three edge notches.
issue. R-8. Mustard. Drilled, three edge notches. 200/300
541. Sahara Las Vegas Casino Chip Lot. Collection of 21
530. Golden Nugget Las Vegas $5 Casino Chip. Seventh issue. casino chips, almost all different issues and denominations,
R-9. Maroon with three beige inserts, “GN” mold, black inlay including fractionals (25 and 50 cents), $10, $2.50, $10, $5,
with Golden Nugget Gambling Hall in gilt. Drilled, three edge $25, and $100. Includes Sahara Card Room, $5 Bicentennial
notches, color faded around rim. issue, free play token, and various others.
200/300 125/225

530 531. Golden Nugget Las Vegas Casino Chip Lot. Group of 13, 542. Sahara Las Vegas Casino Chip Group. Including (14) $5
including 25 cents (3); $1 (5); $5 (3); and G4N roulette (3). chips (purple with black and mustard inserts); (8) $5 chips
100/200 (metal core with red and white rim); and $20 rectangular chip 541
532. Flamingo Casino $5 Las Vegas Chip. Fifth issue. R-5. 50/150
According to the Official U.S. Casino Chip Price Guide, only 4-6
undrilled examples of this chip are known.

533. Flamingo Casino $5 Las Vegas Chip. Sixth issue. R-9.

Drilled, three edge notches. 542
531 150/250

544 545 546

543. Sans Souci $100 Las Vegas Casino Chip. Third issue (but 550
this example with brown inserts, instead of black). R-8. Blue, 549
small crown mold.

544. Silver Palace $1 Las Vegas Casino Chip. Third issue with
“Peace Dollar” face. Grey, three black inserts.

545. Slots-A-Fun $5 Las Vegas Casino Chip. First issue. R-9.

Nevada mold, brown, no inserts.
551 552 554
546. Stardust Casino Las Vegas $5 Chip. Sixth issue. R-8. Grey
with light reddish brown inserts. Drilled, three edge notches.

547. Binder of Vintage Las Vegas and Nevada Casino Chips.

Approximately 80 chips, mostly Las Vegas casinos, but
also Reno, Carson City, and others, including Hotel Sahara,
Aladdin, MGM Grand, Del Webb’s Mint, Frontier, New Frontier,
Hotel Showboat, Holiday in Reno, Riviera, The Western, Royal
Nevada Hotel, Tropicana, El Rancho, Silver Nugget, Caesars
Palace, Ambassador, Sam’s Town, Four Queens, Carousel,
Castaways, Carver House, Lucky Nevada Club, Dunes, Royal 553
Inn Casino, El Morocco, Kings Crown, Diamond Jim’s, California 555
Club, Jackpot, Desert Inn, Silver City, Pioneer Club, Harold’s
Club, Silver Spur, Nevada Lodge, Riverside, Harvey’s, Pick
Hobson’s, Fort Lucinda, Sundance Casino, Cal-Neva, Bank 549. Binder of Vintage Las Vegas and Nevada Casino Chips. 551. Harrah’s Reno and Lake Tahoe $25 Casino Chip. 1950s.
Club, Joby’s Monte Carlo, Golden Bank, and others. Some Approximately 190 casino chips, primarily Las Vegas casinos, Third issue. R-10 (undrilled, as here).
drilled and shaved examples. Various denominations. Nice lot but also with some Reno and other Nevada locations, including 300/600
with a quantity of uncommon chips. Circus Circus, Caesars Palace, Gold Coast, Boardwalk,
Sheraton Desert Inn, Frontier, Flamingo Hilton, Golden Gate, 552. Harrah’s Reno and Lake Tahoe $100 Casino Chip.
Harrah’s, Binion’s Horseshoe Club, Mirage, Maxim, MGM 1950s. Third issue. R-10. Lowercase “and.” Undrilled.
548. Binder of Vintage Las Vegas and Nevada Casino Chips.
Grand, Hacienda, Golden Nugget, Bob Stupak’s Sinabar, Sam’s 300/500
Approximately 250 chips, with examples from many different
Town, Santa Fe, Slots-A-Fun, Poker Palace, Royal Flush Casino,
casinos of Las Vegas, as well as Reno, and several other Nevada
Pioneer Club, Westward Ho, El Rancho, California Club, Vegas 553. Harrah’s Reno and Lake Tahoe Casino Chips. Lot of
and California towns and cities. Including Aladdin, Castaways,
Ambassador, Diamond Jim’s, Excalibur, California Club, World, Nob Hill, Sands Reno, Nevada Club Reno, Onslow Hotel six, including $1 (2); $25; Harrah’s Club (sultan/harem), no
Continental Hotel, Horseshoe Club, California Hotel, Nevada Reno, New China Club Reno, Stagecoach (Beatty), Sharkey’s denomination; $5 Hot August Nights 1993; and $5 Reno Air
Lodge, Maxim, Wilbur Clark’s Desert Inn, Nob Hill, Flamingo (Gardnerville), Virgin River (Mesquite), Peppermill (Mesquite), Races 1993.
548 Stateline (Mesquite), Nugget (Sparks), Claim Stake, Boomtown 125/225
Hilton, Hotel Fremont, Four Kings, Golden Nugget, Fitzgeralds,
Frontier Hotel, Holiday Casino, Jerry’s Nugget, Imperial Palace, (Verdi), Rainbow Club (Henderson), and many others.
Jolly Trolley, Silver Nugget, O’Shea’s, Santa Fe, Rio, Nev-Roy, 400/600 554. Harvey’s Wagon Wheel Lake Tahoe $5 Casino Chip.
Riviera, Rendezvous, Las Vegas Club, Sands, El Dorado, Little Eighth issue. R-8.
Caesars, Mirage, Stardust, Silver Bird, Sundance, Mapes, 550. Club Harlem $5 Casino Chip. Reno, NV, ca. 1948-51. 125/225
Harrah’s, Harold’s Club, MGM Grand, Harvey’s, Jim Kelley’s Second issue. R-8. Slight chipping around rim.
Nugget, Winners, Foxy’s Firehouse, Ormsby House, Tropicana 1,000/2,000 555. Harvey’s Wagon Wheel Lake Tahoe Casino Chips. Lot of
Armada Hotel, and others. Various denominations, including Club Harlem was primarily patronized by African Americans. 10, including $1 (2); $2 (2); $2.50; $5 (two different); $25 (2);
fractionals. Nice lot. This is the highest valued chip for Club Harlem in Campiglia and $100.
400/800 and Wells (4th ed.), estimated at $3,000-6,500. 150/250

562 564 566

556. Harold’s Club Casino Chips. Lot of 36, including two

scarce $100; $20 (2; one drilled); $5 (two different); $1 green
(12); 25 cents (17); and $1 pink.
557. Diamond Jim’s $5 Casino Chips. Jackpot, NV, ca. 1960s.
Includes black with mustard inserts (R-7); and mustard with
navy inserts (R-5).

558. Mapes Casino / Money Tree (Reno) Chips Lot. Collection

of 48 chips to Mapes Casino, Mapes Money Tree, and Money
Tree, various issues and denominations from fractional (10 565
556 561
cent) to $100. One cancelled (drilled), some rubbed, but
generally very good. 568
563. Resorts International / Merv Griffin’s Resorts Casino 566. Group of 16 Vintage and Uncommon Casino Chips.
559. Cosmo Casino Reno Chip Lot. Including (83) $5 chips; Chip Lot. 39 chips, including Resorts International $1 (several); Mostly Reno/Lake Tahoe, including: H.C. Edwards & Co.;
and (11) $25 chips. $2.50 (two issues); $5 (two issues); Resorts International Pioneer Club Supply (San Francisco); Harleys Silver Dollar
200/300 Training School (6); and various others. Club $5; King’s Castle 50 cents; Town House Reno $5; Colony
100/300 Club $5; State Line Country Club $100; Burro Inn $25; Mapes
560. Brighton Atlantic City Casino Chip Lot. Nine chips, $1; Club Monaco (OP in elephant, no denomination); Hyatt
including $1 (R-4); $2.50 (R-6); $5 (R-5); and (6) Brighton Fun 564. Trump Atlantic City Casino Chip Collection. 92 chips from Regency Lake Tahoe $2.50, $5, $25, and $100; and Del
559 Nite NCV. Trump casinos of Atlantic City, including Hilton, Trump’s Castle, Webb’s Primadonna (2).
125/225 Trump Marina, Harrah’s Trump Plaza, Trump Plaza, and Trump 200/400
Taj Mahal.
561. Caesars Atlantic City Casino Chip Lot. 39 chips, including 200/400 567. Caesars Casino Chip Lot. Eighteen total, including
Boardwalk Regency $1 (first and second issue); $2.50 (first Caesars Las Vegas (11); Caesars Tahoe (6); and Caesars at
and second issue); $5 (first and second issue); Caesars $1; 565. Large Atlantic City / New Jersey Casino Chip Collection. Sea (1). Various denominations and issues.
$2.50; and $5; and various roulette, Celebrity Collectors 100/150
Album of approximately 190 chips and related pieces, including
Series, and others. Atlantic City Training Academy (dealer school); Tumbling Dice;
125/225 568. Lot of Casino Metal Gaming Tokens. Approximately 140
ECG & E Gaming School; Atlantis Casino Hotel; Borgata; Playboy
vintage gaming tokens, predominantly $1 denomination to
Atlantic City; Golden Nugget Atlantic City; Bally’s Grand; Sands
562. Resorts International Atlantic City $5 Baccarat Chip. many different Nevada casinos, including Bill & Effie’s Truck
Atlantic City; Park Place Atlantic City; Bally’s; Claridge; Harrah’s;
Stop (Verdi); Exchange Club proof (Beatty); Crystal Bay (Lake
First issue. R-9. Showboat; and Tropicana/TropWorld. Nice collection with few Tahoe); Hotel Thunderbird (Las Vegas); California Club (Las
300/600 if any duplicates. Includes roulette, collectors/special issues, Vegas); Palace Club (Reno); Primadonna (Reno); El Morocco
NCV, wooden nickel, and pro-legalized gambling button/chip. (Las Vegas); Harrah’s Reno/Lake Tahoe; John Ascuaga’s
300/500 Nugget (Sparks); Stardust (Las Vegas); Fong’s New China Club
(Reno); Harold’s Club (Reno); Mapes (Reno); Silver Nugget
(North Las Vegas); Riverside Hotel/Casino (Reno); South Tahoe
Nugget; and many others. A portion in stapled coin sleeves,
others loose.


569 569. Sixteen Casino Chips. Cuba, Caribbean, and Other

577 578 579
Casinos. Including Casino de Capri (Havana) $5, $25, and
$100; Capri Casino (Havana) $5; Bon-Bini (St. Maarten)
$5; Aruba Caribbean $1 and $25; C.J. J.K. West Indies $5;
Hotel Quito (Ecuador) $100; (3) Casino Nationale (Haiti) no
denomination; El Rancho (Haiti) $5 and $100; Dawson City
(Yukon, Canada) $1; and one other. Several cancelled (drilled,
570 notched).

570. Casino de la Vicomte-Dinard Gambling Chip Lot.

French, ca. 1920s/30s. Collection of 135 chips in various
denominations. Early plastic composition similar to Bakelite.
Retains fragments of E. Briotet wrappers with labels. Widest
diam. 1 ½”.

580 581 582

571 574
571. Balinese Room $500 Chip. Scarce high denomination 577. California Illegal / Private Gambling Chips Collection. 580. Indiana Illegal / Private Gambling Chips Collection. 31
chip from the famous Galveston, TX night club and illegal Over 50 chips, including Clover Club (Hollywood); Elk Horn; chips, including Club Greyhound; Black Diamond; Court Club;
casino. Small chip to rim. Pace Bros; Lucky Lady; Oceanic Club; Pastime Club; Ostini’s; 119 Club; Elite; Colley Sheppard; Indiana Club; Pines Inc.; 121
250/350 Simi Valley American Legion; The Cove; Glenn Coleman Club; ½ Club; 88 Club; Municipal Bar. Most are from Jeffersonville,
Drift Inn Tavern; Hotel del Coronado; North West Social Club but others include New Albany and French Lick.
572. Two Texas Private / Illegal Gambling Chips. Including (including scarce $1000); Club Casa del Mar; Embassy Club; 125/225
Dallas Country Club; and Deluxe Club (Galveston), Nat Pendleton; Quinn’s Café; Sal’s Town; The Red Balloon;
denomination 10. Corona Club; and others. 581. Kentucky Illegal Casino Chips Collection. Eighty-seven
50/100 150/300 chips to private and illegal gambling halls and casinos
259 of
572 Kentucky, including 633 Club (Newport); Club Keeneland
573. Imperial Club (Galveston) Poker Chip Collection. Hoard 578. Florida / Georgia Illegal Casino Chips Collection. 35 (Covington); Lookout House (Covington); 181 / The Avenue
of 200 chips from the Texas club, including (25) blue; (25) red; chips, including Floridian Casino (Miami); Roman Pools (Miami (Bellevue); Alibi Club (Newport); Glen Rendezvous (Newport);
and (150) orange. Sold with a wooden caddy with paper board Beach); Riviera (West Palm Beach); Colonial Inn (Cuba/ Glenn Schmidt’s (Newport); Kentucky Club (Newport), including
cover. Florida); 115 Club (Miami); Club Embassy (Miami); Colonial the rare yellow chip; Kid Able Club (Newport); Latin Quarter
500/1,000 Club (Augusta); Turf Club (Miami); Variety Club (Miami); and (Wilder); Merchants Club (Newport); Iroquois Club (Louisville);
Plantation. Primrose Club (Newport); Yorkshire Club (Newport); and others.
574. Sui Jen $100 Casino Chip. Scarce chip from the illegal 200/400 400/600
Galveston, TX gambling club. Very good.
100/200 579. Illinois Illegal Casino Chips Collection. 52 chips, including 582. Louisiana Illegal Casino Chips Collection. Fifty-five chips
Thunderbird East (Cape Girardeau); Colony Club (Cape to illegal gambling halls and casinos of Louisiana, including
575. Lake Shore Club (Chicago) Illegal Casino Chips. Lot of Girardeau); Ringside (East St. Louis); 4020 Club (Chicago); O’Dwyer’s (New Orleans); Luke’s (New Orleans); Riverview
4. Crest and seal chips in white, yellow, red, and blue. Scarce. Morrow Budde (Peoria); Clyde Downs (Kankakee); Seven Club; Club Forest (New Orleans); New Southport Club (New
125/225 Gables (Joliet); Peak & Bohart (Cicero); Club Prevue (Cape Orleans); Old Southport Club; The Grove; Club Louisiana; Arabi
Girardeau); Club Belvedere (Springfield); Joe Colucci / 2957 Club; Roof Garden; Green Mill Inn; and others. Nice lot.
576. Atlantic City Private / Illegal Casino Chips. Six chips W. Madison (Chicago); Paramount Club; Rock Garden Club 300/600
total, including three different for the 500 Club (owned by Paul (Cicero); Four Ace Club (Chicago); Joe Miller (Chicago); 39 Club
“Skinny” D’Amato) and Tuna Club, which operated at 741 N (Chicago); Chez Paree (Chicago); and others.
Massachusetts Ave. 250/350
576 125/225

589 590
583 584 585

586 591 592 593


583. Montana Illegal Casino Chips Collection. Over 30 chips 586. Texas Illegal Casino Chips Collection. Over 50 chips to 588. Collection of Illegal American Casino / Club Chips. 591. 1965 Franklin Mint Dollar Gaming Tokens Set. Number
and tokens to various illegal casinos and gambling clubs clubs and illegal casinos of Texas, including Imperial Club Over 60 chips to illegal clubs and casinos predominantly 221 of 2500 sets, in original gilt-stamped binder (8vo),
of Montana, including Range Riders Bar & Café; Rocking R (Galveston); Reese Air Force Base; H.O. Berry/”Red” Berry; of Arkansas, but also Colorado, Alaska, Iowa, and a few containing 27 proof-like tokens for Las Vegas and other Nevada
(Bozeman); Hotel Placer (Helena); Billings Club; Midland Club Crystal Club; Cedar Crest (Waco); Palace Poker (Galveston); from Canada. Including The Vapors (Hot Springs); Southern casinos.
(Billings); Cheerio Lounge (Laurel); Rusty Nail (Missoula); Galveston Texas Beach Club; The Annex (Galveston); Hollywood Club (Hot Springs): Southern Club Association; Sioux City 100/200
Scrubby’s (Bozeman); Old Faithful (Livingston), trade tokens; Dinner Club (Galveston); Silver Dollar Ballroom (Tyler); Green Club; Belvedere Country Club (Hot Springs); Belvedere Club
and others. Light (Stafford); Southland Hotel; Balinese Room (Galveston); Association; B&B Club (Hot Springs); Ohio Club (Hot Springs); 592. 1966 Franklin Mint Dollar Gaming Tokens Set. Binder
125/225 Turf Athletic Club; Western Room; and others. Nice lot. In White Front (Hot Springs); Barney; Saw Tooth Club (Alaska); containing 18 groups of 4 proof-like specimens of gaming
sleeves with small paper labels bearing consignor’s research Union Club (Anchorage); The Club (Anchorage); Denver Athletic tokens (72 tokens total) to casinos of Las Vegas and other
584. New York Illegal Casino Chips Collection. Over 90 chips notations. Club; Denver Basin Petroleum Club; City Market (Cripple Nevada cities and towns. In navy binder (4to) stamped in white
to various illegal casinos and gambling clubs of New York, 250/350 Creek); and others. by Franklin Mint, the tokens in numbered board cases, and
including Syracuse Club; Tailor’s Social Club; Brook Club; 150/300 sleeved.
Diamond Club; El Monte Club (which has also been identified 587. Binder of Illegal American Casino / Club Chips. 100/200
as a California club); Piping Rock Club; P.J. Sullivan; Arrowhead Approximately 110 chips to many different illegal and 589. Franklin Mint Gaming Coins of the World’s Great Casinos.
Inn; Outhwaite’s; GEK Newman’s Lake; Newman’s Lake House underground gambling halls, organized by U.S. state in sleeves Set of 25 sterling silver gaming coins casinos around the world, 593. 1967 Franklin Mint Gaming Tokens Set. Housed in
(NLH); Meadow Brook Club; and others. In sleeves with small within a three-ring binder, and including clubs in Missouri, housed in the original green buckram display case. Case worn original navy three-ring binder, complete set of 96 proof-like
paper labels bearing consignor’s research notations. Michigan, Mississippi, Maine, Massachusetts, North Dakota, at edges with scuffs and small tears from storage. specimens, in 24 groups of four specimens per printed board
200/400 North Carolina, New Jersey, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, 300/500 holder. 36 of the chips are solid sterling silver, the balance
Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, and West Virginia. being brass, “Franklinium,” nickel silver, and silverclad. Binder
585. Ohio Illegal Casino Chips Collection. Forty-one chips Includes Lido (Kansas City); Kansas City Athletic Club; Premier 590. Franklin Mint Gaming Coins of the World’s Great Casinos. does not snap closed due to overall thickness. Nice set with
to clubs and illegal casinos of Ohio, including Maumee Club Club (Kansas City); Central Hotel (Jefferson City); Edgewater Set of 25 sterling silver gaming coins casinos around the world, significant silver content.
(Toledo); RCC (Toledo); Pine’s Club (Toledo); Hollywood Club Hotel (Biloxi); The Spot (Biloxi); Uncle Bud’s Cabin (Osyka); housed in the original maroon buckram display case. Case 400/600
(Toledo); The Orchard (Toledo); Victory Club; Terrace Club JJE (Massachusetts); Van Dyke (Detroit); The Chalet (Detroit); lightly worn from storage.
(Sandusky); Silver Dollar Club (Dayton); Lima Club; Excelsior Chesterfield Club (Detroit); Ben Marden’s Riviera (Fort Lee, NJ); 300/500
Club (Bexley); Dixie Inn (Toledo); Buckeye Club (Toledo); Gold Bar (Deadwood); K & N Club / O’Connor (Oregon); Quonset
Pettibone Club (Mentor); Suder Club (Toledo); and others. In Ocean Club; Smuggler’s; Jake’s Place (Aberdeen); Pirate Café
sleeves with small paper labels bearing consignor’s research (Wheeling, WV); Joe’s Tavern (Aberdeen); and others. Bearing
notations. the consignor’s research notations on small paper labels.
150/250 300/400



594. Casino Supply House Sample / Advertising Chip

Collection. Two binders of clay and plastic chips, approximately
400 altogether with very few duplicates, from an array of casino
and gambling house suppliers, predominantly American.
Suppliers include Bazaar Supply (Yonkers); Bowman; Atlantic 602

Standard Molding; Bourgogne et Grasset (France); Bud Jones

(Las Vegas); Chipco (Windham, ME); Calif. Games Equip Co.;
Christy & Jones; Caro & Fils; Ewing Mfg. (Las Vegas); Gamblers
General Store; T.R. King; Langworthy; Mr. Lucky; H.E. Mason;
595 Noll (Pasadena); Marion & Company; E.M. O’Neill; Midwest
Game Supply; Ryan’s; C.J. Sisk; Poker Chip Co.; Paulson;
Regent & Huxley; Portland Card Co.; Wico; Frank Walters; and 604
others. In the second binder, supplier mailing covers, sales
literature, and ephemera is included along with the chips.

595. H.C. Edwards Sample Chip Collection. 22 chips by New

York supplier H.C. Edwards, in many different and uncommon
colors, inserts, and inlays. Includes an example stamped “Jerry
Knoll,” who was president of HCE in the 1970s. The consignor
acquired these chips directly from Knoll, according to an
accompanying slip of paper. Two chips are noted as special
“heavy” chips, and are indeed about 5 grams heavier than 606
others in the lot.
400/600 601. Samuel Hart & Co. Advertising Tokens. New York/ 604. Large Collection of Bill Borland Fantasy Casino Chips.
Philadelphia, mid-19th century. Two tokens for the prominent Approximately 550 chips total, organized in a binder and
596. H.C. Edwards Chip Lot. Circa 1960s. Including (40) black; American playing card manufacturer, copper and white metal suitcase, being fantasy chips commemorating classic designs
and (8) magenta. versions. Queen of Diamonds on obverse with Philadelphia of Las Vegas casinos. Includes duplication. Quantity also
150/300 address; Jack of Clubs on reverse with New York address. includes a small number of commemorative chips by other
White metal example heavily tarnished. makers.
597. H.C. Evans & Co. 1923 DeLuxe Sample Chip. Sample chip 100/200 250/350
issued by the prominent Chicago supplier. Black, stamped in
gilt. Surface scuffs to both sides. Together with 3 samples by 602. [U.S. Presidents – Herbert Hoover] Presidential Bakelite 605. Lot of 8 “Who Is Shy?” / “Your Next Deal” Chips. Eight
Hunt & Co. (Chicago). Poker Chips. American, ca. 1930s. Pair of Bakelite chips round chips in clay or plastic, with reliefs of a jackpot, goat,
50/150 in red and swirled butterscotch, inlays stamped in gilt with and donkey. Diameters approx. 1 ½”. Some chipping and wear,
598. Taylor & Co. Sample Chip Group. Eight different sample the presidential seal. Diam. 1 ½”. Very good. This design overall good or very good. One marked on the verso by Bernard
chips from the Chicago casino and club room supplier. traditionally said to have been made for President Hoover (see Dreyfuss/Diamond Poker Chips (New York).
598 Seymour, p. 35). 200/400
599. B.C. Wills / Wills Gem Checks Sample Chips. Eight 606. Antique Cased Set of Mother of Pearl Gaming Counters.
different manufacturer’s sample chips. 603. Collection of Bakelite and Manufacturer Error Chips. 19th century. Locking hardwood box with inlaid border and
80/150 Binder of approximately 225 chips, including samples of initials “FL” to lid. Containing 50 counters, each engraved “FL”
plain and monogrammed Bakelite chips in various colors; in blue, in five different sizes and shapes: (9) small rectangle;
600. Samuel Hart & Co. Advertising Token. New York, ca. and samples of many different clay chips with monograms, (10) circle; (24) hexagon; (4) oval; and (3) large rectangle. Case
1900. Uncommon hard rubber merchant token for the playing symbols, animals, and other inlays. Many in this album were 11 ½ x 7 ¼ x 3”. Largest chip 2 ⅝ x 1 ⅝”. Removable tray in
card manufacturer. Hand of cards on obverse, American flag collected due to errors such as off-center stamping and other matching wood with five compartments. With lock and key.
on reverse, surrounded by text. Rubbed at center. defects. 250/350
100/200 80/150


607. California 1848 Gold Rush Fantasy Chips, with Caddy.

Over 1,000 modern chips reproducing the style of 19th Century
scrimshawed California chips, in denominations up to $1000,
colors green, blue, pink, and black. Accompanied by a 1920s
400 chip poker carousel with four deck capacity.
60/125 616

608. Collection of Chinese Export Mother of Pearl Gaming

Counters. 19th Century. Approximately 60 finely engraved
gaming counters, including examples shaped as fish, 614
rectangle, scalloped, square. Engraved with various designs
and depictions including birds, animals, monograms, pagodas,
flowers and plants, crowns, people, and more. Sizes vary;
largest approx. 2 ¾ x 1 ¼”. Nice lot of many different attractive

610 609. [Charlotte, Queen to King George III] Mother of Pearl

Gaming Marker of Queen Charlotte, Wife of King George III. 618 620
Rectangular marker beautifully engraved florally in the borders,
with Queen Charlotte’s monogram, coat of arms to opposite
side. 2 13/16 x 1 1/16”. Milled edges. Seymour 33.

610. Dix Mille Francs (10,000) Mother of Pearl Markers. Pair of

large and scarce high denomination markers for 10,000 francs,
deeply engraved in blue, corner cut as issued. 2 ¾ x 4 ½”.

611. Pair of “100” Monogrammed Two Tone Mother of Pearl

Chip. Antique red and green MOP chip with “100” denomination 621 622
and fancy monogram “AS” on verso, numbered 688 and 691. 619
Beveled edges. Diam. 1 ¾”. One with chipping around rim.

612. Set of Mother of Pearl Markers. Nineteen gaming markers, 615. Lot of 5 Casino and Poker Chip Molds. Heavy metal molds 619. Boys Chewing Tobacco Crest & Seal Chips (4). Circa
including two sets of denominations from 1 to 5000 (1, 2, 5, 10, for five different chips, including Trump Plaza (with an example 1920s. In beige, yellow, blue, and red. Also with a second beige
20, 50, 100, 1000, and 5000), and hexagonal “Pot” chip. Size made from the mold); and four generic design. Diameters example with faults.
of largest 3 x 1 ¾”. Engraved with blue numerals on both sides. approx. 1 ¾”. 50/150
200/300 40/60
620. USPC Breakers Club Crest & Seal Chips (3). [Santa
613. Set of 10 “Ex Candore Decus” Mother of Pearl Gaming 616. Beaver Crest & Seal Chip. Attributed to the Beavers Club Monica, ca. 1926-34]. In beige, red, and blue.
Counters. Antique mother of pearl counters engraved with an (Memphis), ca. 1910s. Drilled. 50/150
armorial with the Latin phrase meaning “out of sincerity comes 50/100
glory.” Largest 2 ¾ x 1 ¾”. 621. Cal-Neva $1 Crest & Seal Chip. Tahoe, NV, ca. 1930s.
50/150 617. BPOE Crest & Seal Chips (5). 1920s. Chips to four Light purple/lavender.
different Elks lodges in Texas (Dallas and Fort Worth), Wyoming 80/150
following page: (Casper), and Idaho (Pocatello). Plus one other crest & seal
614. Elks Lodge 1752 (Martinsville, VA) Chip Lot. Approximately chip with Chinese lettering. 622. Choctaw Club of Louisiana Crest & Seal Chip. [New
180 chips, in red, blue, grey, and white. “Elks/1752” stamped 100/200 Orleans, ca. 1930s]. Red.
to both sides. Moderately to heavily worn with rubbing, soiling, 50/100
and scattered chipping. In a clasping case with lift-out wooden 618. Quail Crest & Seal Chips (3). Circa 1920s. In beige,
613 trays. Clasp does not snap in place. yellow, and blue.
100/200 60/125

624 632






629 636 640


623. The Christiana Crest & Seal Chips (12). Sun Valley, ID, ca. 627. USPC “BOLO” Crest & Seal Chips (3). [Idaho, ca. 1929]. 632. JSB Crest & Seal (Arrowhead Inn) Ohio Chip Lot (7). 637. S.S. Tango Crest & Seal Casino Chips (3). Circa 1930s. In
1930s. In all different colors, one with serrated edge. Also with Maroon, beige, and yellow. Attributed to the C.Z. Seelig Co. in Attributed to Joseph S. Bauer. All different colors. red, orange, and blue. No denomination, 50, and 100.
three hot-stamped “C” chips attributed to Christiana (a note Wallace, ID. One of very few examples of these chips known. 80/150 50/150
on one of the sleeves indicates these were obtained when the 300/600
club closed). 633. Excelsior Club (Cleveland) Crest & Seal Chips (3). Circa 638. Assorted Crest & Seal Club Chips (9). Including Dells
628. Far West Travelers Association Crest & Seal Chips (4). 1930s. Red, yellow, and blue.
100/200 Club, Northern Club Seattle, Missouri Athletic Club, Fortune
New York, ca. 1921. In beige, yellow, blue, and red. 50/150 Club Reno, Homestead Club, E. Brok’s Novelty, New 12th Club,
624. Club Merida Crest & Seal Casino Chips (9). Mexico, ca. and Durkin & Ulrich.
1926. All different colors. Scarce. 629. USPC Gran Lido Cuba Crest & Seal Chip Lot (4). Including 634. Keystone Athletic Club Crest & Seal Chips (3). In red, 80/150
100/200 $1, $2, $3, and $5. Drilled. white, and blue.
125/250 50/150 639. Assorted USPC Western Americana Crest & Seal Chips.
625. Cortez Club Crest & Seal Chips (3). [Los Angeles, ca. Circa 1920s/30s. Including Cheyenne Cigar Store (3); bison
630. USPC Geneva Country Club Crest & Seal Chip Lot (13). All 635. I Am the Barker (Variety Club) Crest & Seal Chips (2).
1920s]. Four different colors. head (4); Saguaro cactus; steer head (2); Yellowstone water
different colors. Includes rare examples with red lettering, plus Yellow and red examples. Scarce.
80/150 fall; Native American; and arm and arrow.
gilt and black lettering. Usually attributed to Geneva Country 50/150
Club (Illinois).
626. Country Club Lake Tahoe Crest & Seal Chips (5). Circa
200/300 636. Dennis / Artichoke Joe’s Crest & Seal Chips (2). Attributed
1935. In green, orange, pink, and blue. Table numbers, 9, 8, 640. Phoenix Club Cincinnati Club Crest & Seal Chips (2). Blue
to Artichoke Joe’s (San Bruno, CA). One with numeral “4” on
and 7. 631. The Houston Club $25 Crest & Seal Chip. Yellow. and yellow, with different images. Scarce.
the reverse in white. Scarce.
80/150 50/100 200/300


641 642

641. Palace Club Reno Crest & Seal Chips (2). Including pink
# 1; and green #3. Rare and desirable. 652


642. Scrimshawed Ivory Keno Balls in Box. 19th century. Sixty-

four keno balls, all but two with fancy scrimshawed numerals.
643 644
In a small locking dove-tailed cherry chest with hole in lid
and sliding side piece to release balls. Ball diameters approx.
1 9/16”. With key.
643. $100 Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chip. American, 19th
Century. Numeral “100” to both sides, heavily scrimshawed
with leaf design. Diam. 1 9/16”. Yellowed and slightly darkened
around rim.

644. $100 Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chip. American, 19th

Century. Numeral “100” to both sides, heavily scrimshawed
with leaf design. Diam. 1 9/16”. Yellowed and slightly darkened
around rim.
300/400 655
645 656

645. $100 Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chip. American, 19th

Century. Antique $100 chip, lettered “One Hundred” within
scroll on obverse; Roman n umeral “C” on reverse. Large size
(diam. 1 ⅞”). Small central nerve impression. 649. $50 Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chip. American, 19th 653. Lot of Four $25 Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chips. 19th
1,500/2,500 Century. Scrimshawed “50” numerals to both sides, leaf Century. Includes a large (1 11-16”) example. Colored borders,
design. Light orange color. Rubbed with some loss of paint, beautiful scrimshaw work.
646. $50 Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chip. American, 19th otherwise very good. Diam. 1 7/16”. 200/300
Century. Scrimshawed “50” numerals to both sides, leaf 150/300
design within single black ring. Pale yellow rim. Beautiful and 654. Set of 8 $25 Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chips. 19th
dark scrimshaw work. Diam. 1 7/16”. 650. $25 Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chip Trio. American, Century. Uniform set, scrimshawed “25” with leaf design and
647 300/400 19th Century. Scrimshawed “25” numerals to both sides, leaf light green border. Diam. 1 ⅜”.
646 design, tan/beige rims. Diameters 1 7/16”. 200/300
647. $50 Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chip. American, 19th 200/400
Century. Scrimshawed “50” numerals to both sides, leaf 655. $10 (Roman Numeral “X”) Scrimshawed Poker Chip.
design within single black ring. Tan/beige rim coloring. Some 651. Trio of $25 Ivory Poker Chips. 19th Century. Scarce American, 19th Century. Fancy Roman Numeral “X” within
staining. Diam. 1 ½”. green $25 chips, one with concentric bands, the others with scalloped border. Light green rim. Diam. 1 5/16”.
300/400 scrimshawed border decoration. 1 ½” diam. or slightly smaller. 100/200
648. $50 Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chip. American, 19th 656. $5 Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chip. American, 19th
Century. Scrimshawed “50” numerals to both sides, leaf 652. Lot of Four $25 Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chips. 19th Century. Scarce red chip with white concentric bands, lettered
design. Light orange color. Small nerve crack just touching “5”. Century. Beautifully scrimshawed examples of $25 chips with “Five” within a scroll. Finely scrimshawed. Diam. 1 7/16”. Minor
Diam. 1 7/16”. decorative and floral border designs. One extra large example rubbing around edges.
150/300 (1 ¾”), others approx. 1 ½”. 200/300

663 665

667 673


665. Trio of Monogrammed / Animal Design Poker Chips.

657. “Five” ($5) Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chip. 19th Century. 19th Century. White, red, and blue, bearing the monograms 668
“Five” lettered in fancy script within two dark red bands, “MC” crossed by a bar with padlock; red and blue chips with
between which a foliate scroll. Diam. 1 9/16”. Red moderately rooster to verso, white chip with horse head. 1 ½” (but white
658 rubbed to outer band. chip slightly smaller). Uncommon.
150/250 100/200

658. Lot of Six $5 Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chips. 19th 666. Set of 4 “El Do” Scrimshawed Ivory Chips. 19th Century.
Century. Having inner circle stained red, scrimshawed Including “El Do” in scroll; $5; and (2) $25. 1 9/16”.
numerals with leaf and other designs in border. Size approx. 150/250
1 ½”. Nice lot.
300/600 667. $5 Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chip. 19th Century. Having
an extra large numeral in which the Roman Numeral “V” is
659. Lot of Six $5 Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chips. 19th inset. 1 ½”.
Century. Red chips, scrimshawed “5”. Three with cracks. Size 100/150
1 ½” or smaller.
100/200 668. Lot of 4 $1 Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chips. 19th
Century. Approximately 1 ½”.
659 660. Lot of Four $5 Scrimshawed Ivory Chips. 19th Century. 125/225
Scrimshawed with decorative border designs, in red and dark
purple. Approx. 1 ½”. 669. Trio of Scrimshawed “A” Ivory Poker Chips. 19th Century.
200/400 Letter “A” scrimshawed at center, one with red border.
Decorative and floral border designs. Approx. 1 ½”.
661. Lot of Four $5 Scrimshawed Ivory Chips. 19th Century. 670
Scrimshawed numerals, borders red, dark red, and black.
670. Set of Sixteen Monogram “V” Ivory Poker Chips. 19th
1 7/16” or smaller. Beautiful examples.
Century. Letter “V” at center, within concentric circles stained
660 250/450 purple. May also have stood for Roman Numeral “V” (5). 1 7/16”.
Some rubbing and paint loss and other wear, but none broken.
662. Lot of Five $5 Scrimshawed Ivory Chips. 19th Century. 100/200
Average size 1 ½”.
200/400 671. Six Fancy Monogrammed Ivory Poker Chips. 19th
Century. Scrimshawed ivory chips with various monograms
663. Trio of Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chips. 19th Century. including JG, GHJ, CM, and others indiscernible. One with
661 Uniform trio of $1, $5, and $25 scrimshawed numerals in oval, several holes drilled. Size approx. 1 ½”.
with leaf design. Larger denominations with red and green 250/350
borders. 1 ½”. 671
100/200 672. Trio of Scrimshawed “S/W” Ivory Poker Chips. 19th
Century. Matching set, with letters “S” and “W” scrimshawed
664. Trio of Monogrammed Ivory Poker Chips. 19th Century. at center on opposite sides. Red, blue, and plain outer bands
White, red, and blue, with fancy black monogram of “HLJ.” with two concentric circles.
1 ½”. 100/200
673. American Eagle / Seal of the United States Poker Chip.
American, 19th Century. Antique scrimshawed ivory chip with
the national symbol of the United States, with black rim, two 672
black concentric circles. Diam. 1 7/16”.



674. American Eagle / Seal of the United States Poker Chips.
American, 19th Century. Pair of antique scrimshawed ivory
chips with the national symbol of the United States, within
circle and scalloped design border. Outer circles rubbed. Diam.
1 9/16”.
675 676

675. American Eagle / Seal of the United States Poker Chip.

American, 19th Century. Antique scrimshawed ivory chip with
the national symbol of the United States, with red rim, single 687
black circle. Red coloring rubbed with some losses. Diam.
1 7/16”.

677 676. American Shield Design Ivory Poker Chip. American,

19th Century. Shield within double hexagram. Olive rim, two
black concentric circles. Diam. 1 9/16”.

677. Baseball Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chip Group.

American, 19th Century. Four chips, having detailed baseballs
scrimshawed, different colored borders. Diam. 1 ½”. Rare. 688
200/300 685

678. Hunting / Fishing Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chip.

American, 19th Century. A rifle and fishing rod with fish dangling
678 679 from the line crossed over a carrying bag. On the reverse, the
same design, but with less detail. Diam. 1 5/16” 682. Fleur De Lis Ivory Poker Chip Lot. 19th Century. Ten 685. Crescent Moon Ivory Poker Chip Lot. 19th Century.
100/200 scrimshawed chips with fleurs-de-lis. Various colored and Six scrimshawed chips depicting crescent moons. Colored
scrimshawed borders. Size generally 1 ½”. and plain rims. One with denomination “25” in ink. Diam.
679. Scrimshawed Ivory “Lady Justice” Poker Chip. American, 200/300 approximately 1 ½”.
19th Century. Depicting Lady Justice with a sword in one hand 125/225
683. Pair of Scrimshawed Ivory Crown Design Chips. 19th
and the scales of justice in the other. Diam. 1 9/16”. Century. Two different crown designs, the colored border of the
200/300 686. Lot of 6 Floral Design Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chips.
red example heavily rubbed. Approx. 1 ½”. 19th Century. Diam. approx. 1 7/16”.
80/150 150/250
680. Horse Head Ivory Poker Chip Lot. 19th Century. Five
scrimshawed chips with horse heads to both sides, with colors 684. Horseshoe / Jockey Whip Ivory Poker Chip Lot. 19th
and plain rims. Diam. generally 1 ½”. Century. Eight chips, including (4) horseshoe; (2) horseshoe 687. Group of 11 Leaf and Floral Scrimshawed Ivory Poker
200/300 and whip; (1) horseshoe, whip, jockey hat; and one whip and Chips. 19th Century. Diams. approx. 1 ½” or slightly smaller.
saddle. Diameters approx. 1 ½”. 150/250
681. Honey Bee Ivory Poker Chip Lot. 19th Century. Nine 200/300
scrimshawed chips with bees to one or both sides. Diameters 688. Star Design Ivory Poker Chip Lot. 19th Century. Six
approximately 1 ½”. scrimshawed chips with star designs. One with large crack, but
200/300 not broken. Diameter approximately 1 ½”.






689. Lot of 10 Floral Design Ivory Poker Chips. 19th

Century. Ten scrimshawed chips with floral designs. Diam.
approximately 1 ½”.
200/300 698

690. Lot of 8 Tulip Design Ivory Poker Chips. 19th Century. 696
Scrimshawed with tulips. Various border coloring and
scrimshaw work. Diam. 1 ½” or smaller. 696. Lot of 20 Scrimshawed Ivory Chips. 19th Century. Having
200/300 various four-leaf, concentric oval, floral, and leaf scrimshaw
691 designs. One with $5 denomination. Average size slightly
691. Lot of 13 Floral / Three Leaf Ivory Poker Chips. 19th smaller than 1 ½”.
Century. Scrimshawed chips featuring central design of three 200/300
leaves, various border and rim designs and coloring. Diam.
1 ½” or smaller. 697. Lot of Over 40 Scrimshawed Ivory Chips. 19th Century.
200/300 Having various floral, leaf, and other designs. Some stained in
colors. Average size slightly smaller than 1 ½”.
692. Playing Card Suit Symbols Ivory Poker Chip Lot. 19th 300/500
Century. Ten scrimshawed chips depicting suit symbols 699
692 (Diamond, Spades, and Clubs). Average diam. 1 ⅜”. 698. Set of 22 Star / Leaf Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chips.
19th Century. Uniform set, having a star emblem on one side,
and three-leaf design on the other, with leaf border. 1 7/16”.
693. Lily Design Ivory Poker Chip Lot. 19th Century. Five
Some with cracks at center or edge, but stable and not broken.
scrimshawed chips with lilies to both sides. Colored and plain
rims. Approx. 1 7/16”.
699. Set of 16 Single Leaf Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chips.
694. Lot of Ivory Poker Chips. 19th Century. Approximately 75 19th Century. Uniform set, depicting a single leaf at center, leaf
chips, various colors, concentric circles and ovals. Average size design border. 1 9 /16”. All but one drilled or with nerve holes,
1 ½”. several of the holes plugged and re-inked.
200/300 150/250

695. Lot of 18 Scrimshawed Ivory Chips. 19th Century. Having 700. Set of 16 Four-Leaf Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chips.
19th Century. Uniform set, both sides having a four-leaf design. 700
various floral and leaf designs. Average size slightly smaller
693 than 1 ½”. 1 ½”.
200/400 150/250

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________________________________________ ________________________________________
701. Lot of 23 Scrimshawed Ivory Poker Chips. 19th Century.
Designs include crescent moon (4); four-leaf (9); flower (10).
1 9/16” or slightly smaller. A few with cracks, but none broken. ________________________________________ ________________________________________

702. Ivory Spinning Top. Late 19th/early 20th century. Eight-

Lot Number Description U.S. Dollar Limit
(Exclusive of Buyer’s Premium)
sided spinning top. Beveling favors certain numbers, but
spindle does not move. Height 2”.

703. Put and Take Set with Ivory Counters. Late 19th/early
20th century. Metal put and take in original box with four
702 rows of small square counters. Original inner label. Box 2 ⅞
x 2 ¼ x ⅝”.

704. Ivory Whist Marker with Hand. English, ca. 1890. Pointer
rotates to any number 1-10. 1 ½”. Very good.

705. Bi-Level Ivory Whist Marker with Hand. 19th Century. Bi-
level counter device with hand stained red, lower wheel with
red pointer. Upper wheel 0-9, lower wheel 0-19. 2 ¼”.

706. Brunswick-Balke-Collender Billiard Balls. Late 19th/ For absentee bids, indicate your limit for each lot, excluding the Buyers’ I authorize Potter & Potter Auctions to bid on my behalf up to the
early 20th century. Large billiard pool balls in original wooden Premium. Your bids will be executed at the lowest prices allowed by amount(s) stated above. I agree that all purchases are subject to the
box stamped in black. Diam. approx. 1 ⅜”. The yellowish ball reserves and other bids. If more than one bid of the same value is “Terms & Condition of Sale” as stated in the sale catalogue and that I will
slightly smaller and probably added separately. pay for these lots on receipt of invoice.
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