Kerjasama Group Play Interventions
Kerjasama Group Play Interventions
Kerjasama Group Play Interventions
for Children
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Group Play
for Children
Linda A. Reddy
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DOI: 10.1037/13093-000
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Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
I. FOUNDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Chapter 1. Grounding Group Play Interventions for Children in Research . . . . . 9
Chapter 2. Group Play Interventions for Children With Special Needs . . . . . . . . 17
Chapter 3. Creating and Establishing Groups for Play Interventions . . . . . . . . . 27
Chapter 4. Group Instructional and Behavioral Management Strategies . . . . . . 35
Chapter 5. Caregivers in Promoting Group Skill Generalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
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References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
About the Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
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This volume is the shared product of the energies and creativity of many people—
colleagues, doctoral students, teachers, parents, and children. First and foremost, I would
like to thank Dr. Priscilla Spencer for introducing me to research on developmentally
appropriate games. Her collaboration and friendship were instrumental in the early
development of the Child ADHD Multimodal Program (CAMP) and some of the group
play interventions in this book. I also thank Dr. Craig Springer for his creativity in
some of the game designs. Special thanks goes to the hundreds of children, parents,
teachers, and elementary schools that have provided me with “laboratories” to create
and implement (“try out”) numerous group play skill sequences and group play inter-
ventions. I would like to thank my graduate students who cofacilitated numerous
children’s training groups with me over the years. Deep appreciation goes to my family
for their love, support, and patience over the years during the development of many
aspects of this book.
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Group Play
for Children
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For decades, scholars and clinicians have recognized play as a universal behavior
shared by all children (Janssen & Janssen, 1996; Lowenfeld, 1939). It is estimated that
by the age of 6, children are likely to have engaged in more than 15,000 hr of play
(Schaefer, 1993). Play has strong therapeutic value and is considered to be the language
of children, with toys and games serving as their words. “For children to play their
experiences and feelings out is the most natural dynamic and self-healing process in
which children can engage” (Landreth, 2002, p. 14). Researchers have established
numerous benefits of play, including the fostering of healthy cognitive development
(Bornstein & O’Reilly, 1993; Piaget, 1962), language development (Lyytinen, Poikkeus,
& Laakso, 1997; McCune, 1995; Tamis-LeMonda & Bornstein, 1994), social compe-
tence (Howes & Matheson, 1992; Parten, 1932), and physical development (Pellegrini
& Smith, 1998). Research on play therapy has shown positive outcomes in the areas of
self-concept, locus of control, behavioral change, anxiety, and cognitive ability (Ray,
Bratton, Rhine, & Jones, 2001).
Not only does play therapy promote healthy development, it also prevents or alle-
viates emotional and behavioral difficulties among children and adolescents (Landreth,
Sweeney, Ray, Homeyer, & Glover, 2005). Interventions using play have emerged as
developmentally appropriate, flexible, and effective for children and adolescents (Reddy,
2010; Reddy, Files-Hall, & Schaefer, 2005a). This is particularly important in light of the
findings of two presidential commissions (President’s New Freedom Commission on
Mental Health, 2003; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2000), which
strongly recommend an increase in the identification of children’s mental health issues
and access to developmentally appropriate treatments as part of the transformation of the
mental health system. Play interventions are one tool that can be used to meet this need.
For more than 6 decades, play therapy has been recognized as the oldest and most
popular form of child therapy in clinical practice (Association for Play Therapy, 2001;
Parten, 1932). The Association for Play Therapy (2001) defined play therapy as “the
systematic use of a theoretical model to establish an interpersonal process wherein
trained play therapists use the therapeutic powers of play to help clients prevent or
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resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth and development” (p. 20).
Play sessions help children develop self-understanding, self-acceptance, personal power,
self-control, and self-discipline that contribute to attaining academic, social, and per-
sonal goals (Landreth, 2002). In schools, counselors routinely use play therapy as a pre-
ventative intervention for children and to address a variety of developmental needs in
children from various backgrounds. Additionally, play-based assessments and interven-
tion approaches are routinely taught in master’s and doctoral level training programs
across the country.
In an era of cost-containment and emphasis on outcomes, the need to support the
effectiveness of an intervention is increasingly important for practitioners, third-party
payers, and consumers. As a result of managed behavioral health care, professionals
are pressured to use established, theoretically based, cost-effective, and flexible inter-
ventions (Reddy, 2010; Reddy & Savin, 2000). Group play intervention is one tool that
can effectively improve the social and behavioral outcomes for children. Additionally,
group play interventions are effective in promoting positive social, emotional, and
behavioral functioning in children, as well as in preventing the onset of more severe
and costly disorders.
Prosocial skill (i.e., social skills) difficulties in children are among the most highly
referred concerns of parents and teachers (Christophersen & Mortweet, 2003; Gresham,
2000). The goal of this volume is to offer professionals (e.g., school counselors, nurses,
teachers, social workers, occupational therapists, school psychologists, psychologists)
a user-friendly book on group play intervention that targets the most common prosocial
skills for children.
In this book, group play interventions are
The usefulness and effectiveness of group play interventions are reinforced through the
modeling, role playing, and coaching of complementary group play skill sequences (see
Part II of this volume) and implementation of group play interventions (see Part III).
Group play skill sequences are step-by-step cognitive and behavioral instructions for per-
forming a specific prosocial skill (e.g., introducing oneself to others, inviting others to
play). Group play skill sequences teach, reinforce, and refine children’s prosocial skills
through structured instruction, modeling, role play, coaching, and feedback. Group play
skill sequences are essential prerequisite skills for children to successfully participate in
group play interventions.
This book offers practitioners the first generation of group play interventions for
prosocial skill development in elementary age children. Many of the group play skill
sequences (Part II) and group play interventions (Part III) were developed from clinical
practice, developmental theory, concepts and principles, and research on children’s
social, emotional and behavior functioning. It is my hope that the volume fosters future
intervention development and research in this area.
This book was designed to provide practitioners with the ingredients to assemble
a developmentally appropriate, highly engaging, and skill-intensive group play inter-
vention program. To this end, the book is organized in four parts. Each part provides an
overview, research results, and essential steps for conceptualizing and implementing
groups for elementary school children.
Part I includes five chapters that outline the “nuts and bolts” for child group play
intervention. Each chapter builds on previous chapters, providing a step-by-step
approach for conceptualizing group play intervention. Chapter 1 includes an introduc-
tion that examines the historical significance of play and play therapy, evidence for
group work, and group play interventions for children. Chapter 2 focuses on how to
include children with common childhood mental disorders and conditions (special
needs) in group play intervention. Chapter 3 describes important pregroup considera-
tions for creating and establishing group play intervention for children. Chapter 4 out-
lines several positive instructional and behavioral management strategies for group play
intervention. Strategies are provided in a step-by-step fashion to assist practitioners in
offering a potent, enjoyable, and behaviorally productive training experience for chil-
dren. Chapter 5 discusses the vital role of caregiver involvement in children’s group play
intervention. Methods for promoting caregiver involvement are outlined. Additionally,
techniques to help caregivers improve and sustain children’s skills acquired during
group training to other important settings are discussed.
Part II includes 43 group play skill sequences practitioners can select to teach chil-
dren prerequisite prosocial skills for successfully participating in group play interventions.
Group play skill sequences are a step-by-step behavioral approach to teach children pro-
social skills through modeling, feedback, and role playing with adults and peers. Group
play skill sequences are designed to prepare (prime) children before they participate in
group play interventions.
Part III includes 67 group play interventions conceptualized into eight teaching
modules. The eight teaching modules are (a) making and maintaining friends; (b) iden-
tifying emotions and appropriately expressing emotions; (c) following directions and
impulse control; (d) sharing, joining a group, and group cooperation; (e) anger manage-
ment; (f) anxiety and stress management; (g) developing appropriate personal space; and
(h) effective planning and time management. Each group play intervention includes a
description of the targeted domain area, skills taught, required materials and resources,
and detailed step-by-step instructions on the implementation and group facilitation
Part IV includes closing comments and future directions. This book is intended to
serve as a springboard for future intervention development and research. Illustrative
group play intervention sessions are offered, as is a list of recommended Internet resources
with information on play therapy. Also, free downloadable forms are available online
( These include web resources, as well as an
example of a group screening tool for prospective participants in group play therapy,
a sample form from the Group Complaint Book, and a form for collecting child feed-
back on group therapy.
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Group play interventions offer a dynamic approach for developing and refining
fundamental life skills (i.e., social skills) for children. Children learn from each other,
encourage each other, support each other, solve problems together, and share joys and
disappointments. In the context of group play, children learn about their similarities,
differences, and unique qualities through creative expression. Group play interventions
provide opportunities for children to maximize their self-control and interpersonal skills
for living. Thus, group play interventions can create a “teaching social laboratory” for
children, a place to test their social behavior, practice new behaviors, and define and
redefine themselves among friends. The group serves as a practice arena in which chil-
dren can experiment with old and new behaviors, identify feelings and behaviors in
themselves and others, and learn how their behaviors affect others and the environment.
In recent years, clinicians and researchers have sought to identify the specific
forces inherent in play interventions that make them a therapeutic agent for change.
Communicating, teaching, abreacting, and rapport building are among the major ther-
apeutic powers (factors) that make play interventions unique (Drewes, 2009; Reddy,
Files-Hall, & Schaefer, 2005). Communicative power encompasses the notion that chil-
dren naturally express their conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings better
through play than by words alone. Teaching power is the idea that children attend to
and learn better when play is used to instruct. Abreaction power is the concept that
children can relive past stressful events and release the associated negative emotions in
the safe environment of the play world. Rapport-building power illustrates that children
tend to like therapists who are playful and fun loving (Schaefer, 1993). These four ther-
apeutic factors or powers provide a safe context in which children can express them-
selves spontaneously in play with peers. Additionally, play therapy allows children to
experience situations that are not allowed in reality, such as mastery and control over
people and events (Sweeney & Homeyer, 1999). For a comprehensive listing of the 20 ther-
apeutic factors of play, see Drewes and Schaefer (2009).
A number of well-known schools of play therapy (e.g., client-centered, cognitive–
behavioral, family, psychodynamic) emphasize one or more of the curative powers of
play. The prescriptive–eclectic school of play therapy advocates that play therapists
become skilled in numerous therapeutic powers and differentially apply them to meet
the individual needs of children (Kaduson, Cangelosi, & Schaefer, 1997). Filial therapy,
originally developed by Guerney (1964), trains parents in child-centered play therapy
techniques. This enables parents to become therapeutic agents in their children’s
lives by conducting play sessions at home. Landreth and his colleagues (e.g., Smith &
Landreth, 2003, 2004) conducted numerous investigations on the efficacy of filial ther-
apy with children. For example, filial therapy (individual and group) has been found to
be efficacious with mothers of children in a shelter facility (Smith & Landreth, 2003);
with teachers of deaf and hard of hearing preschool children (Smith & Landreth, 2004);
with teachers, grandparents, and peer helpers (Baggerly & Parker, 2005); and with parents
(Bratton & Landreth, 1995; Costas & Landreth, 1999).
Despite play therapy’s strong theoretical history, some have questioned its clinical
utility and efficacy (e.g., Lebo, 1953; Reade, Hunter, & McMillan, 1999). The main crit-
icism of play therapy has been that the field, in general, lacks rigorous research designs
and data analytic methods (Bratton, Ray, Rhine, & Jones, 2005; Phillips, 1985). Research
in this area is often based on anecdotal reports or case study designs, with limitations
seen in psychotherapy outcome literature, such as small sample size, no control and/or
treatment alternative groups, and limited or no generalizability of findings to natural
settings (LeBlanc & Ritchie, 1999). Over the past 2 decades, well-designed, controlled
play intervention studies have emerged. Three meta-analytic studies examined the
effectiveness of play therapy with children (Bratton et al., 2005; LeBlanc & Ritchie,
1999; Ray et al., 2001). LeBlanc and Ritchie’s (1999) meta-analysis included 42 experi-
mental studies, dated from 1947 to 1997. The reviewed studies came from multiple
sources, including journals, dissertations, and unpublished studies. The studies selected
included control or comparison group designs with sufficient data and statistical infor-
mation. The average age of the children in the studies was 7.9 years old; no child was
older than 12 years. Play therapy yielded an overall positive effect size of .66, reflecting
a moderate treatment effect.
The authors also investigated the specific characteristics of play therapy related to
outcome success. Two significant factors were parental involvement in the children’s
therapy and the duration of therapy. Studies that included parents as cotherapists resulted
in an effect size of .83 (i.e., large positive treatment outcome), compared with an effect
size of .56 (i.e., moderate positive treatment outcome) for studies that did not include
parents. Also, treatment regimens of eight sessions or more were found to sustain treat-
ment outcomes. Several factors unrelated to outcome were noted, such as the type of
presenting problem, the treatment context (group vs. individual), and the age and gender
of the participants.
Ray et al. (2001) conducted a meta-analysis that included 94 experimental studies
dated from 1940 to 2000. The studies included journal articles, dissertations, and/or
unpublished research using a control or comparison group design and pre–post measures.
The child participants ranged in age from 3 to 16 years old, with a mean age of 7.1. Results
revealed that play therapy yielded an overall effect size of .80 (i.e., a large positive treat-
ment outcome).
Characteristics of play therapy associated with outcomes were explored, such as the
examination of different theoretical models. Studies were coded as follows: (a) 74 stud-
ies were humanistic–nondirective play therapy, (b) 12 studies were behavioral–directive
play therapy, and (c) eight were not coded due to lack of information. The humanistic–
nondirective category demonstrated a slightly larger effect size (.93) than the behavioral–
directive category (.73); however, the authors cautioned that this difference was likely
due to the disproportionate number of studies in the two categories. A comparison of
the effect of general play therapy with that of filial play therapy found that the latter
exhibited a greater effect (1.06) than the former (.73). Similar to LeBlanc and Ritchie’s
(1999) findings, routine parental involvement in treatment was a significant predictor
of outcome (p = .008). The treatment context (i.e., individual or group format), the pop-
ulation (clinical vs. analog), and the age or gender of the participants were not related
to outcomes.
Bratton et al. (2005) conducted a meta-analysis that included 93 controlled out-
come studies (journal articles, dissertations, and/or unpublished studies, which used a
control or comparison group design and pre–post measures) published from 1953 to 2000.
The child participants ranged in age from 3 to 16 years old (mean age of 7). Similar to
the 2001 meta-analysis, the 2005 meta-analysis revealed that play therapy yielded an
overall effect size of .80, with the humanistic–nondirective model producing an overall
larger effect size of .92.
Collectively, the three meta-analytic studies revealed that play therapy interventions
have moderate to large positive effects (i.e., .66–.80) on outcomes. Play interventions were
found to be effective for children across treatment modalities (group and individual),
age groups (3–16 years), gender, referred versus nonreferred populations, and treatment
orientations (humanistic–nondirective and behavioral–directive). Thus, these reviews
provide support for the clinical utility and efficacy of play therapy.
Research on group therapy has evolved from general theoretical issues to an empha-
sis on specific client population concerns (Fuhriman & Burlingame, 1994; Reddy et al.,
2004). This shift in focus, coupled with an increased awareness of the importance of
children’s mental health, has sparked interest in the clinical utility and efficacy of psy-
chosocial group interventions with children (Duchnowski & Friedman, 1990; Hall &
Reddy, 2005).
Numerous literature reviews have assessed the effectiveness of child and adolescent
group therapies (e.g., Abramowitz, 1976; Beeferman & Orvaschel, 1994; Gazda & Larsen,
1968; Hoag & Burlingame, 1997). For example, psychosocial groups have been shown to
be effective in treating children and adolescents of divorce (e.g., Alpert-Gillis, Pedro-
Carroll, & Cowen, 1989; Crosbie-Burnett & Newcomer, 1990; Pedro-Carroll, 2005), anx-
iety (e.g., Koszycki, Benger, Shlik, & Bradwejn, 2007; Mortberg, Karlsson, Fyring, &
Sundin, 2006), social skills (e.g., Berner, Fee, & Turner, 2001; Greco & Morris, 2001),
depression (e.g., Arean et al., 2005; Clarke, Rohde, Lewinsohn, Hops, & Seeley, 1999;
Fine, Forth, Gilbert, & Haley, 1991; Fine, Gilbert, Schmidt, Haley, Maxwell, & Forth,
1989), suicide (e.g., Shulman & Margalit, 1985; Wood, Trainor, Rothwell, Moore, &
Harrington, 2001), sexually acting out behavior (e.g., Butler & Fontenelle, 1995), impul-
sivity (e.g., Baer & Nietzel, 1991; Barkley, 1990), social isolation (e.g., Edelson & Rose,
1981; LaGreca & Santogrossi, 1980), substance abuse (Stinchfield, Owen, & Winters,
1994), sexual abuse (e.g., Deblinger, Stauffer, & Steer, 2001; McGain & McKinzey, 1995;
Reeker, Ensing, & Elliott, 1997), and learning disabilities (e.g., Amerikaner & Summerlin,
1982; Campbell & Bowman, 1993).
The majority of the programs described are short term (i.e., eight to 10 sessions),
nonexperimental in nature (i.e., no placebo control group), cognitive–behaviorally ori-
ented, highly structured (scripted), and implemented in controlled research clinics (e.g.,
Dagley, Gazda, Eppinger, & Stewart, 1994; Reddy et al., 2004). In addition, the major-
ity of children included in these studies were predominately Caucasian males between
the ages of 9 to 12. Therefore, programs with group play interventions that can be trans-
ported and flexibly delivered in a variety of school and community settings (e.g., clin-
ics, private practice) are urgently needed.
Group therapy has been recognized as a vital treatment modality for children and
adults for decades (e.g., Moreno, 1932; Ruitenbeek, 1969; Yalom, 2005). It is based on the
premise that individuals are social beings who embrace therapy because of its inter-
personal focus (Foulkes & Anthony, 1957). Early contributors to the theory and practice
of group therapy recognized the interactive and dynamic processes of groups, which
undoubtedly set group therapy apart from individual therapy (Moreno, 1932). Cody
Marsh (1931), a pioneer of milieu therapy, expressed this distinction by stating, “By the
crowd they have been broken, by the crowd they shall be healed” (p. 329).
Group play is a fundamental process in which children naturally communicate with
their peers. Its value to children and therapeutic processes is vital (Sweeney & Homeyer,
1999). Landreth (2002) suggested, “Children express themselves more fully and directly
through self-initiated spontaneous play than they do verbally because they are more
comfortable when playing with other children” (p. 14). Play is an effective way for care-
givers to communicate their thoughts and feelings to children while also promoting pos-
itive parent–child interactions. Children can be taught social skills through planned as
well as unplanned (spontaneous) play by engaging in shared play interactions. The use
of group play helps pinpoint possible behavioral difficulties, allows children to see the
impact of their behavior on other children, and can facilitate conflict resolution among
children without the assistance of an outside source (adult or peer; Christner, Stewart,
& Freeman, 2007).
Scholars have identified a number of factors that can facilitate the development of
social skills in the context of group play. Group play allows children to see the impact
of their behavior on other children (Christner et al., 2007). For example, Timler,
Olswang, and Coggins (2005) asserted that “effective participation in cooperative play
requires children to be responsive to their peers by answering peers’ questions, acknowl-
edging peers’ comments, asking for information when needed, and commenting about
ongoing activities” (p. 172). Sweeney (1997) summarized several advantages of therapeu-
tic play groups. Group play (a) promotes spontaneity in children, which in turn may
encourage their participation in play and their willingness to take risks during play;
(b) allows children’s emotions to be dealt with at two levels—the interpersonal issues
among individual group members and interpersonal issues between the group facilitator
and group members; (c) fosters learning in children by their observation of different ways
to express emotions and behaviors and different ways to cope and solve problems;
(d) offers many opportunities for growth and exploration through play; (e) serves as a
microcosm of society and provides significant opportunities for children to set limits and
reality test with others; (f) may reduce children’s tendencies to engage in repetitious play
or retreat into fantasy play and helps children refocus on the here and now; and
(g) provides children with the opportunity to practice social behaviors, master new social
behaviors, give and receive help from others, and comfortably experiment with different
ways of expressing emotions and behavior.
The group play interventions described in this book use developmentally appropri-
ate games (DAGs). DAGs are gross motor activities that are competency-based, enjoy-
able to children, and can significantly increase motivation and skill development.
DAGs are based on four principles:
1. Each child has the opportunity to choose and participate at his or her ability level.
2. Additional opportunities to play and practice skills increase as the DAG proceeds.
3. Elimination of a group member is not possible. As a result, children become
more active members of the group and exhibit greater cooperation, cohesion, and
problem solving.
4. Children with varying abilities can interact positively with one another (e.g.,
Reddy, 2010; Reddy, Spencer, Hall, & Rubel, 2001; Reddy, Springer, et al., 2005).
Research has shown that interventions taught and reinforced in the home, school,
and community are the most effective and sustainable (Barkley, 1998; Reddy, 2010;
Reddy, Springer, et al., 2005). Group DAGs are highly effective ways to engage chil-
dren’s interest and motivation while simultaneously teaching them important skills for
the home, school, and playground. Group games provide children with opportunities to
interact naturally with peers and adults and to learn appropriate behaviors and skills in
the context in which they will be used. DAGs and activities also enhance children’s
socialization through group contact, increase self-confidence through group acceptance,
and provide recreational and leisure activities (Reddy, 2010; Reed, Black, & Eastman,
1978). Treating children in a natural play group context increases the likelihood of
maintaining and generalizing treatment gains over time (Hoag & Burlingame, 1997).
Group DAGs enhance children’s feelings of creativity, accomplishment, auton-
omy, and positive regard for themselves and others while also teaching them important
life skills for work and play (e.g., Reddy, 2010; Reddy et al., 2001; Torbert & Schneider,
1993). Children who participate in group DAGs share an affiliation in which they can
encourage each other’s growth through positive social interactions. DAGs also provide
cognitive, social, and physical challenges that encourage children to persist and try
alternative solutions (Bunker, 1991; Reddy, 2010; Reddy et al., 2001).
Research has shown that DAGs improve the participation, cooperation, social skills,
self-esteem, and visual motor skills of regular education, emotionally disturbed, and per-
ceptually impaired children more than traditional school-based games (Ferland, 1997;
Reddy, 2010; Reddy, Springer, et al., 2005). For example, Bay-Hinitz and Wilson (2005)
examined the effectiveness of a cooperative games intervention with 70 preschool chil-
dren ranging in age from 4 to 5 years old. This empirically supported intervention for
aggressive preschool children used teacher-directed cooperative board games and other
cooperative activities to reduce aggressive behavior. It required minimal training and
could be used by parents, mentors, and paraprofessionals. Results revealed that children
who participated in the cooperative games intervention exhibited more participation
and prosocial behaviors than did those in traditional competitive games. Orlick (1988)
reported similar findings.
Garaigordobil and Echebarria (1995) examined the effects of a cooperative game
program on the social behavior and self-concept of 178 mainstreamed children (ages
6–7). The researchers implemented 22 play sessions, including games that were designed
to enhance children’s cooperation, sharing, symbolic play, and feelings of self-worth.
Group DAGs and group play interventions afford children opportunities to learn
new skills by participating in structured peer group activities that are behaviorally and
cognitively challenging as well as therapeutically rich. DAGs are flexible, require min-
imum equipment, and can be easily modified to meet specific individual, group, or class-
room needs.
Chapter 2 presents ways to effectively tailor group play interventions for children
with special needs.
Children with special needs constitute the largest percentage of youngsters referred
to child study teams and mental health clinics in the United States (Reddy & De
Thomas, 2006). These children represent a broad spectrum of learning, social–emotional,
behavioral, and medical disorders and conditions. A common trait found among this
population is difficulties making and maintaining friendships. School personnel, prac-
titioners, and pediatricians often encourage parents to enroll children with special
needs in social skills groups to afford them positive peer group experiences that lead to
enhanced social skills and successful peer play opportunities.
Group play interventions provide all children with the opportunity to interact nat-
urally with peers and adults and to learn appropriate behaviors and skills in the context
in which they play and learn. Children with special needs can benefit from group play
interventions that are flexible, skill intensive, and novel. Well-designed group play
interventions create a positive learning environment in which children can develop
new social skills and refine existing ones with adult facilitators (Reddy, 2010;
Sweeney & Homeyer, 1999). Group play interventions offer children with special needs
the freedom to move, express themselves, and take risks in a structured, safe, and social
environment. In groups, these youngsters can interact with other children with similar
social and behavior concerns and begin to feel less isolated or anxious about their own
behaviors. Group play interventions allow children the opportunity to recognize the
impact of their behavior on other children and to learn from positive peer interactions and
peer and adult role models (Christner et al., 2007). As Timler et al. (2005) stated, “effec-
tive participation in cooperative play requires children to be responsive to their peers by
answering peers’ questions, acknowledging peers’ comments, asking for information
when needed, and commenting about ongoing activities” (p. 172). Group play interven-
tions help children develop self-control, self-acceptance, and discipline, which can assist
with academic, social, and personal growth (Landreth, 2002; Reddy, 2010).
Group play interventions promote healthy development and may help to prevent
or alleviate emotional and behavioral difficulties among children with special needs and
their typically developing peers (Landreth, Sweeney, Ray, Homeyer, & Glover, 2005).
Additionally, group play interventions give practitioners the opportunity to observe and
monitor behavioral strengths and difficulties in this population. After strengths and
weaknesses are identified, group interventions can be designed to build new skills, rein-
force existing skills, and use strengths to compensate for weaknesses.
This chapter describes children with special needs who are commonly referred for
group training in schools and communities. Common symptom dimensions that may
be observed across childhood disorders and conditions are discussed. Additionally, con-
siderations for conceptualizing group play interventions for children with special needs
are offered.
School personnel, pediatricians, and other professionals refer a broad range of chil-
dren with special needs for group training experiences. Commonly referred children
may include children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), learning
disabilities, language-based disorders, sensory processing disorder, and pervasive devel-
opmental disorders such as Asperger’s disorder and autism.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
present as quiet, calm, and creative and may serve as excellent role models for other
children in a group.
Children with ADHD often have high rates of comorbidity with other disorders, such
as oppositional defiant disorder, anxiety, depression, and learning disabilities, which can
complicate the group training process (Reddy & De Thomas, 2006; Reddy, Weissman, &
Hale, in press; Rief, 2005). The heterogeneous nature of ADHD, coupled with its high
comorbidity rates, can present a challenge during the assessment and treatment process
(Reddy & Hale, 2007).
Learning Disabilities
It is estimated that 2.9 million children receive services for a learning disability
in the United States, or approximately 6% of the total public school enrollment (e.g.,
U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2003; U.S.
Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services,
2003). Learning disabilities refer to a group of disorders that affect a broad range of
academic and functional skills, including the ability to speak, listen, read, write, spell,
reason, and organize information. Although learning disabilities are commonly viewed
as disorders that primarily manifest in poor academic performance, research has
increasingly shown that children with learning disabilities also struggle with social
relationships and at times experience peer isolation and rejection (e.g., Frederickson &
Furnham, 2004; Storch, Masia-Warner, & Brassard, 2003; Yu, Zhang, & Yan, 2005). Social
difficulties among children with learning disabilities generally manifest, in part, from the
interplay between lowered self-concepts associated with poor school performance, as well
as neurocognitive impairments in perceiving and navigating their social world. Thus, it
is not surprising that children with learning disabilities are frequently referred to social
skills groups because they have limited or unsuccessful peer relations.
Common learning disabilities include reading (e.g., decoding, speed, fluency, com-
prehension), written expression (e.g., spelling, penmanship, writing speed, fluency), and
mathematics (e.g., understanding of basic concepts, reasoning, problem solving), or a
combination of two or more areas. Reading disabilities are the most prevalent of all
learning disabilities, representing 2.5% to 7.5% of school-age children (Kronenberger
& Meyer, 2001). The process of reading has many associative social components that
are important for children’s peer and adult relationships. Children who have delays
in reading are typically reluctant or avoid participating in learning and social activi-
ties in school. Research has found that children with reading difficulties may experi-
ence future academic failure, poor peer and adult relationships, juvenile delinquency,
school dropout, and suicide (e.g., Daniel et al., 2006; Shelley-Tremblay, O’Brien, &
Langhinrichsen-Rohling, 2007).
Written expression and mathematics learning disabilities can influence the qual-
ity of peer relationships, play, and sports activities (Wiener & Schneider, 2002). Pro-
ficiency in written language requires complex neurocognitive skills and processes such
as visually or auditorily collecting and encoding information, organizing information
(sequencing, mental representations), and reproducing what has been processed
(Gartin, 2009). The ability to express themselves in writing or drawing lets children
share information about themselves and what they learn at school or elsewhere with
peers and adults. A written expression learning disability (dysgraphia) often causes
spelling errors, handwriting problems, and writing fluency issues (Mayes, Calhoun, &
Crowell, 2000). Children with this learning deficit may be less likely to relate to peers
through this medium (i.e., writing and drawing). Similarly, math is a universal language.
Basic and advanced concepts in mathematics (e.g., addition, subtraction, fractions) and
mathematical reasoning (semantic memory of facts, visuospatial relationships of
numbers) are important skills embedded in daily social and school-related events (e.g.,
sports, lunch, gifts, book fairs). Children with limited or poor mathematical concepts
and reasoning skills may feel less inclined to participate in social contexts in which
basic or more advanced math skills are required.
Youngsters with learning disabilities often exhibit a number of deficits that are also
associated with ADHD, particularly the inattentive and combined types. For example,
both reading disabilities and ADHD are associated with deficits in naming speed (i.e.,
the amount of time it takes to name various stimuli such as colors, letters, numbers,
and objects), motor planning skills (i.e., ability to execute planned movements), and
time perception (i.e., awareness of the time of day or time passed since a specific event;
Tannock & Brown, 2000). Practitioners may accommodate children with deficits in nam-
ing speed by structuring the timetable for a group activity (e.g., 2 minutes) with ample
time for all to participate comfortably in the game. Children with deficits in the area of
time awareness and perception may frustrate other group members because they are not
in sync with other children’s timetables. This problem may be alleviated or offset using
highly structured group sessions that incorporate frequent time cues (i.e., verbal and non-
verbal prompts).
Considerable attention has been devoted to nonverbal learning disability (NLD),
sometimes referred to as right hemisphere learning disability (Hale & Rubenstein,
2006). Children with NLD often exhibit deficits in visual, spatial, motor skills, and
implicit language (e.g., Hale & Fiorello, 2004; Reddy & Hale, 2007; Rourke, 1994). They
commonly have difficulties perceiving social cues, attending to visual stimuli, and
shifting mental set. Poor social judgment, poor procedural skills, and poor semantic
memory, in general, also characterize these children (Ingalls & Goldstein, 1999). They
also lack awareness of self and environment (Hale & Fiorello, 2004), which can lead to
an inability to develop meaningful social relationships (Johnson, 1988). However, chil-
dren with NLD also possess a number of strengths, including advanced language and
reading skills, the ability to memorize and retain auditory information, and a solid
knowledge base (Pierce, 2010). These children are often assets in a collaborative learn-
ing environment. However, their social abilities are stunted by their poor processing
of nonverbal information (i.e., facial expressions, body language). This is highly debili-
tating in social situations in which children with NLD struggle to interpret nonverbal
cues and social norms, thereby increasing their vulnerability to peer rejection.
Language-Based Disorders
processing may at times disrupt children’s development of skills and consistent func-
tioning, particularly in groups. In group contexts, sensory integration issues may become
particularly evident, and accommodations in directions (e.g., use of one- to two-step
directions) may be needed for them to successfully participate in group play activities.
2009). Language, social, emotional, and cognitive difficulties are typically identified
early in development and constitute important areas that are essential to success in the
home, school, and community (Dawson, Osterling, Meltzoff, & Kuhl, 2000; Wimpory,
Hobson, Williams, & Nash, 2000). Children with autism generally spend less time
interacting socially and have lower quality play interactions with peers than typically
developing counterparts (McConnell, 2002). These children often engage in solitary
play, at times appear to be in their own world, and are seen engaging in repetitive pat-
terns of behavior (e.g., rocking or rolling the wheels of a car), which causes them to be
further ostracized by their peers (Manstrangelo, 2009). Children with autism require a
broad array of specialized supports and novel targeted interventions that successfully
engage and promote their interests, strengths, and skills. Group play interventions may
serve as one therapeutic tool within a multimodal treatment package for these youth.
In summary, children with special needs exhibit a host of behavioral problems
and strengths that require careful consideration in group play interventions. Group
play interventions can provide children with special needs the opportunity to discover
and focus on what they can do in a safe learning environment, rather than what they
cannot do.
Children with special needs may exhibit overlapping symptom dimensions that
can be particularly useful for practitioners to use in conceptualizing group play inter-
ventions. For example, some common symptom dimensions include impairment in
attention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, executive functioning, and language processing.
Both individually and collectively, these dimensions can result in challenging social
interactions with peers, siblings, and adults (Reddy & Hale, 2007). These symptom
dimensions are expressed differently based on each child’s unique strengths and chal-
lenges and the social demands of the environment (e.g., home, school, classroom, lesson,
sports team). Screening potential group members for common symptoms may help to
identify children for interventions that complement group members’ needs, conceptu-
alize group goals, and select group play skill sequences (see Part II of this volume) and
group play interventions (see Part III) for optimal learning (an example of a downloadable
screener is available at With this in mind, group
play interventions can be tailored to accommodate or possibly remediate overlapping
symptom dimensions for children with special needs so that their group experience is
most enjoyable and effective.
Inattention is found in children with a wide range of childhood disorders (Hale,
Fiorello, & Brown, 2005; Reddy & DeThomas, 2006). For example, ADHD encompasses
a complex mixture of deficits that include inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, plan-
ning, organization, and self-evaluation skills (Reddy & Hale, 2007). Children with learn-
ing disabilities, language-based disorders, APD, and sensory processing disorders often
have attentional issues that may make it difficult to accurately diagnose these disorders.
Likewise, as many as 65% of children with Asperger’s disorder or autism have clinically
significant attention and executive function problems that lead to academic and behav-
ioral impairments (Holtman, Bolte, & Poustka, 2005; Liss et al., 2001).
Hyperactivity and impulsivity are common symptoms shared by children with
ADHD, language-based disorders, sensory processing disorders, Asperger’s disorder, and
autism. For example, hyperactivity and impulsivity are the hallmark characteristics of
children with ADHD (Reddy & Hale, 2007) and can lead to academic underachievement
and behavioral problems. Additionally, children with Asperger’s disorder and autism can
exhibit clinical levels of hyperactivity and impulsivity as well as low levels of activity
and lack of responsiveness.
Many children exhibit impaired executive functioning, which is the inability to
plan, organize, monitor, evaluate, and execute behavior toward a goal (Hale & Fiorello,
2004). Although deficits in executive functioning are most associated with children
diagnosed with ADHD, these impairments are often identified in children with PDDs,
Asperger’s disorder, learning disabilities, and language-based disorders (Reddy & Hale,
2007). Executive functioning problems may lead to academic, social, and behavioral dif-
ficulties (Liss et al., 2001; Reddy, Weissman, & Hale, in press).
Many children with special needs experience difficulties communicating verbally
and nonverbally (expressive language) and/or comprehending what others say to them
(receptive language). For example, children with APD tend to have problems discrimi-
nating speech and as a result frequently need to have comments, conversations, or
directions repeated (Chermak, Tucker, & Seikel, 2002; Meister, von Wedel, & Walger,
2004). Children with NLDs often exhibit deficits in implicit language (Hale & Fiorello,
2004; Rourke, 1994). Also, children with Asperger’s and autism can exhibit consider-
able deficits in displaying appropriate verbal and nonverbal behaviors, depending on the
degree of the disability (Hale & Fiorello, 2004).
The four symptom dimensions described serve as examples of common areas to con-
sider when selecting children for training groups and conceptualizing and implementing
play group experiences. Group play interventions that include children with special
needs who have varied levels of abilities can play an important role in providing children
with the support and skill development for successful peer activities.
Group play interventions offer unique and potent therapeutic opportunities for a
broad range of children with special needs. Their effectiveness for special needs popula-
tions is predicated in part on the careful screening and selection of children for the group.
As discussed in Chapter 3, the pregroup screening and group conceptualization processes
are critically important to ensure that the children are appropriate for group play inter-
ventions, rather than another form of treatment (e.g., individual or family therapies,
vocational training, medication, occupational therapies). Children with special needs
should be carefully grouped with peers with similar or complementary needs so that they
can successfully connect with other children and learn from the experience. Prior to
screening and selecting group members, practitioners are encouraged to consider the
goals of training, overlapping symptom dimensions among group members, and the
range of group play skill sequences (see Part II) and group play interventions (see Part III)
for targeted children.
Successful group play interventions are predicated on the thoughtful decision mak-
ing of numerous pregroup factors and conditions. These pregroup considerations set the
stage for highly effective group training that fosters optimal learning, enjoyment, and
behavioral management for children with and without special needs.
The screening and selection of group members are important when forming play
intervention groups. It is recommended that practitioners use a flexible semistructured
screening interview when interviewing parents and children for play groups (see an
example screener at The screening process
should take approximately 45 minutes and should include questions that promote a dia-
logue between the practitioner and the child’s parents. It is best to conduct the parent
interview in person, rather than on the telephone. This promotes comfort and familiar-
ity for the parent and child and allows for observations of important child and parent
verbal and nonverbal interactions. To reduce the possibility of stigma, it is best to refer to
the program as a “play group” or “friendship group” rather than a social skills group when
introducing and describing the program to prospective parents and children. It is also
important to ask about children’s behavioral concerns, interests (likes), and strengths that
they can bring to the group process. Incorporating a 15-minute semistructured play ses-
sion with an individual child can be helpful for the selection process. A brief child and prac-
titioner play session (e.g., 10–15 minutes) can provide valuable information on how well
the child separates from the parent, interacts with another adult, and manages structure
and redirection. A brief consultation (in person or by telephone) with the child’s teacher
can also add valuable information for the screening and selection process.
The right balance of social, cognitive, and behavioral strengths and challenges
among group members is essential for group success (Beyer, 1997; Siepher & Kanadaras,
1985). Prior to screening children and their parents for groups, practitioners may wish
to adopt a flexible list of inclusion and exclusion criteria for selecting group members.
The list should be carefully created in conjunction with group goals and curriculum.
Examples may include establishing an age range for the group (e.g., ages 7–9), the num-
ber of boys and girls to include, children with low to moderate levels of impulsivity,
limited or no history of peer aggression (hitting or biting peers), adequate language pro-
cessing skills (expressive or receptive), and mild to moderate levels of anxiety.
Ideally, children should be at relatively similar developmental stages and levels of
ability to participate in the group and follow the group session content and format. The
practitioner can also achieve this balance by combining children who are experiencing
moderate to high levels of social, cognitive, or behavioral difficulty with those who are
experiencing low levels. For example, a child who displays good self-control (i.e., con-
trol of his or her hands, feet, and mouth) can serve as a role model for a child who has
limited or poor self-control skills. On the other hand, a child who is somewhat impul-
sive, highly verbal, and enthusiastic about participating may serve as a good role model
for a child who is inhibited and anxious.
In general, it is advised that group members be approximately 1 to 2 years apart
in age. Running play groups with children with an age difference of more than 3 years
can result in significant cognitive, social, and developmental differences among mem-
bers. However, it is equally important to consider the individual child’s social develop-
mental stage in relation to his or her chronological age when selecting and grouping
The adults invited to facilitate the group are critically important to the group process
and should be chosen carefully. Adults who are often asked to facilitate group play inter-
ventions include teachers, teacher aides (paraprofessionals), social workers, psychologists,
parents, grandparents, child care workers, and undergraduate and graduate students. It
is important to recognize that group play interventions require a set of interpersonal,
intrapersonal, instructional, and behavioral management skills that may be unique to
other intervention models. For example, adult facilitators need to be comfortable model-
ing group play techniques and implementing play intervention skills in a childlike man-
ner to actively engage and teach the children. It is critical that adults present with a pos-
itive affect (smile often, be a cheerleader), verbally praise children and other adults, and
use an enthusiastic, energetic voice (like a game show host) during all training sessions.
When properly modeled, enthusiasm about the group play skill sequences (see Part II)
and group play interventions (see Part III) is contagious and bolsters child engagement and
learning. Group play interventions require adults to present with a relaxed, positive dis-
position (i.e., playful, fun loving) especially during times of conflict between child–adult
and child–child interactions. Through modeling, adults should demonstrate that it is
okay to make mistakes (“Even adults make mistakes”) and display positive coping
strategies when mistakes or disappointment occur. Practitioners should adopt a shared
leadership role so that there is not one perceived leader (i.e., a teacher in charge). This
helps reduce a sense of hierarchy and increases group cohesion. Adults should have good
child handling skills, so that they are able to balance being in charge of the group and
reinforcing group goals and rules while playing with the children. Furthermore, adults
must be able to work with each other and with children spontaneously and seamlessly,
without being caught in roles and power struggles. Group play can be stressful at times,
and it is advised that adults adopt a tap out technique, a verbal or nonverbal signal to
alert other members when one adult needs a break from the activity.
others about community resources. In contrast to the school setting, current informa-
tion on individual behavior incidents and shifts in behavioral patterns in school might
be more difficult for practitioners to obtain in clinics and private practices. In these set-
tings, practitioners often rely on parents’ anecdotal reports of school functioning, which
can limit the utility of such information for making timely adjustments for play inter-
vention sessions.
Attention to the physical setting, the arrangement of the environment, and the materi-
als within the environment are crucial to achieving a successful group play intervention
experience in school or community settings. Although opinions differ on appropriate
dimensions and layout, it is generally recommended that the area (training space) be well-
lit and ventilated, pleasantly decorated, and safe, with limited amounts of furniture and
safety electric outlet plugs. Other training setting elements to consider are
Practitioners are encouraged to carefully consider the format of their group play inter-
ventions prior to screening group members and starting groups. Three general guiding
questions to consider are: (a) Will the group be structured or unstructured? (b) Will the
group be closed or open? and (c) Will the group be time limited or ongoing?
It is generally advised that children with special needs benefit most from highly
predictable and structured group intervention experiences (Beyer, 1997; Reddy, 2010;
Siepher & Kanadaras, 1985). For example, research has found that children with ADHD
and Asperger’s disorder are often inattentive and distractible and frequently require ver-
bal and nonverbal reminders and visual cues to redirect their attention and stay on-task
in group contexts (see Chapter 4 for details). When intervention routines are consistent
and explicitly reviewed, modeled, and reinforced by practitioners, children’s engagement,
interest, and skill acquisition are best realized (Livanis, Solomon, & Ingram, 2008).
Developing a routine and written group schedule can instill a greater sense of organiza-
tion, predictability, and comfort for children in group interventions. However, it is impor-
tant to note that structured group does not imply rigid, inflexible group routines. Some
flexibility (i.e., give and take) is always needed, particularly in groups in which children
with and without special needs are included and when behaviors change during the course
of training.
Practitioners may consider whether to offer a closed or open (ongoing) group. A closed
group typically includes a specific set of children who start and end the group together.
The advantage of a closed group is that the same children and practitioners participate
throughout its duration, which enhances group cohesion, peer and adult relationships,
a sense of comfort and trust, and the ability to implement a sequential group session plan.
An open group includes new group members as the group progresses. The advantage of
open groups is that the context allows participants the opportunity to meet a variety of
other children and further develop and refine social skills for welcoming and transi-
tioning new members. This type of group, however, may be more challenging for chil-
dren who have difficulties with transitions and who exhibit social anxiety with peers
or groups.
Finally, practitioners may consider whether to offer a time-limited (e.g., six or eight
sessions) or ongoing group (e.g., number of sessions to be determined by staff, parents,
or group members). Time-limited groups can offer practitioners a set framework for
establishing group goals and planning each session prior to screening group members
and starting groups. A group that includes six play intervention sessions may focus on
beginning social communication skills, such as introducing self to others, sharing about
oneself, introducing others, and joining in a conversation; however, a group that includes
12 training sessions may focus on these skills as well as the identification of emotions
in oneself and others and appropriate expression of basic emotions (e.g., happy, sad,
angry, scared). Time-limited group training may offer a greater sense of intensity and
novelty that may motivate children who work best with short-term goals and intensive
Ongoing groups, in general, may offer greater opportunities to develop group member
affiliation and ownership when group intervention sessions are planned collaboratively
with practitioners and children. Additionally, ongoing groups can run naturally during the
course of the academic school year, and each season of the school year (fall, winter, spring)
may be an occasion to incorporate different sets of play skills and training. For example,
fall sessions may focus on meeting and getting to know new friends and teachers, winter
sessions on developing and maintaining friendships, and spring sessions on fostering lead-
ership and self-control skills.
The length of time of each group intervention session is an important consideration
that may affect group or individual success. For example, it is generally advised to run
group play sessions for 20 to 40 minutes with children under 8 years and 40 to 60 minutes
for children 8 to 12 years of age (Reddy, 2010; Reddy, Springer, et al., 2005; Sweeney &
Homeyer, 1999). Although group play intervention sessions are by nature highly engaging,
their length must be carefully considered in relation to both the children’s ability to sus-
tain efforts in training and their prior peer group experiences. For example, children who
are impulsive and inattentive in general will have more difficulties sustaining attention
and efforts during longer group play experiences. Also, children with special needs fre-
quently have limited and, at times, poor peer group experiences during play dates, espe-
cially long play dates. Thus, it is recommended that group sessions be short in duration
and, if appropriate, only gradually lengthened when children have been consistently suc-
cessful in short, limited group play experiences.
The size of the group can vary (e.g., four children, 12 children, an entire classroom),
depending on the group’s goals and setting. A general rule for group size is the younger
the children, the smaller the group. For example, three to six children under 8 years of
age and six to eight children over 8 years old are recommended (Reddy, 2010; Sweeney
& Homeyer, 1999). These numbers are suggestions and may be reduced or increased
based on the group members’ needs, ability levels, and amount of staff support required
to appropriately run the group. For example, a group that contains several children with
neurocognitive disorders (e.g., learning disabilities, ADHD) may require a highly struc-
tured and supportive environment that includes a low staff-to-child ratio (one adult to
every three children in a small group). However, a group that includes nondisabled
youngsters and one or two children with special needs may run well with one or two
adult facilitators in a larger group context (i.e., classroom).
After the type of group has been established, a group agenda should be formed. This
agenda will structure the group but should remain flexible enough that minor alter-
ations can be made. It should structure the overall focus of group interventions so each
session is clear, routine, predictable, and thus easy for the children to follow (see the
example of group play intervention sessions in Part IV). The agenda must be established
before the intervention begins because it is important to have an outline that describes
how each session will be run. Although many aspects of group interventions should
remain open to collaboration, children should not generate their own group agenda.
However, group facilitators may choose to involve children in this process by address-
ing the agenda within the context of a group discussion.
At the beginning of each session, the group agenda should be enthusiastically
described to the children, offering a structure (road map) for how each session will flow.
A poster outlining the group agenda can be beneficial. A group agenda may include
(a) welcoming the group members to the play group, (b) encouraging members to say
their names, (c) reviewing group goals and linking them to the positive reward sys-
tem, (d) reviewing group rules and how to use the bathroom and time-out passes, and
(e) enthusiastically telling the group about the fun games for that session (e.g., headline of
the news to come). In general, reviewing the group agenda should take about 5 minutes.
Examples of group play intervention sessions are provided in Part IV of this volume.
Practitioners should establish group goals before the first group session and link
them to a positive reward system that is implemented during all sessions. The same
goals should be used for all sessions and should complement the overall objectives of
the group play interventions. Group goals should be written in a positive manner (focus
on what to do, rather than what not to do), in language that children easily understand
(i.e., brief, concrete, behaviorally specific). One suggestion is that no more than three
group goals be used. It is critical that group goals are explicit (concrete), monitored and
reinforced during each group session, and not aspirational in nature (e.g., “be a good cit-
izen or person,” “be respectful to others”). Group goals that have been effectively used
with elementary-age children include (a) follow directions, (b) use my words to express
my thoughts and feelings, and (c) keep my hands to myself (Reddy, 2010; Reddy, Springer,
et al., 2005).
For groups that include children with disabilities (e.g., ADHD, learning disabilities,
communication impairments), group goals can be modified and further defined to
enhance children’s understanding and ability to successfully accomplish the goals. For
example, the group goals could be modified to these: (a) follow directions with one (or
two) reminders; (b) use appropriate words and gestures with others (defined as showing
a kind, nonaggressive look and voice when talking with peers or adults; no back talk,
impolite hand gestures, or negative comments); and (c) keep my hands, feet, and mouth
to myself (defined as using a calm indoor voice when telling others thoughts and feel-
ings, keeping my hands and feet to myself, asking permission before touching other peo-
ple and their objects). Additionally, pictures that show a child engaging in each group
goal may be useful for younger children and children with special needs (e.g., mixed
expressive and receptive language disorders).
Group rules are different from group goals. Group rules are established with group
member feedback in the first two sessions and are the ground rules (guidelines) for
instilling group member ownership and a sense of safety. Children should be encouraged
to share their ideas on group rules and offer specific examples. Writing ideas and sugges-
tions on a blackboard or easel for the group to review can enhance recall, instill group
cohesion, and foster cooperation toward the established rules. Guidelines for establish-
ing rules include the following:
䡲 Rules should be limited to five or six to enhance child and adult recall and the
ability to monitor them.
䡲 Rules should be phrased in positive, proactive language that emphasizes to do
behaviors rather than not to do behaviors. Examples include “raise your hand
before speaking” and “stay seated,” rather than “do not talk out” or “do not leave
your seat or space.”
䡲 Rules should be phrased in brief and behaviorally specific terms. Examples include
“keep your eyes on teacher or me,” “wait your turn,” “raise your hand,” and so
forth. Rules that are not concrete and behaviorally specific are often difficult for
children to comply with and for adults to track. Examples of rules not to use may
include “listen,” “pay attention,” “behave,” “wait,” and “be nice.”
䡲 As with group goals, group rules should be reviewed at the start of each group ses-
sion and monitored and reinforced throughout the group training. Children
should be called on to read the group rules, encouraged to provide brief examples
of or explain each, and praised for their understanding and compliance.
䡲 It is advisable to briefly praise children for following specific group rules. For exam-
ple, “Ashley [pause], good job raising your hand before speaking!” Children who
violate group rules should receive verbal correction or reprimands (see Chapter 4
for behavioral management strategies).
Following are some additional helpful tips to consider when formulating group
䡲 Adults should not call on a child who shouts out answers or does not have his or
her hand raised.
䡲 When a child shouts out an answer, tell the group (not the child) you will only
call on children who have their hands raised and are quiet.
䡲 Children who shout out answers should not be given eye contact, because eye
contact for inappropriate behavior may reinforce the behavior.
䡲 If the noise level increases in the group, tell the children that the group will take
a brief break (examples of group breaks may include (a) closing eyes and not talk-
ing for approximately 15 seconds, (b) engaging in a quiet group stretch exercise,
or (c) shutting the lights off for 15 seconds).
䡲 If the lights need to be turned off, ask a child who is following directions and rules
well to do this. This allows the child to have a positive leadership role, a motor
break, and reinforces appropriate behavior for the group.
䡲 It is advisable to refrain from using a group clap to indicate that the noise level
is too high or a new learning activity is about to be introduced, as this may over-
stimulate some children.
Children often feel anxious when entering new social situations and may be reluc-
tant to join the group. Because group training involves meeting new adults and peers,
establishing group membership for themselves, and adjusting to training, children are
likely to become stressed or anxious. Therefore, it is important that practitioners develop
a plan for the initial reception (welcome) of the group. Activities aimed at reducing anx-
iety and helping children feel safe may set a comfortable tone for the remainder of group
sessions. For example, it may be helpful to discuss a simple separation process plan with
parents (or other adults) before the first group session. In this plan, parents should be told
to establish a clear and potent reward for their child’s compliance in joining the group.
This reward should immediately follow the group session. In addition, parents should
be advised not to linger in waiting rooms or at the group door and not to oversoothe their
children. If the group session is to take place in a school, the adult facilitator can pair an
anxious child with a nonanxious child with whom he or she is familiar, using the buddy
system as a stress-reduction technique. In addition, an anxious child can be offered the
role of assistant or helper. Helpers should be rotated frequently to offer all children equal
opportunity to assume this role.
Research has linked teachers’ use of positive instructional and classroom behavior
management strategies to academic and behavioral success among school-age children
(e.g., Leflot, van Lier, Onghena, & Colpin, 2010; Reddy & Newman, 2009; Sugai &
Horner, 2002). For example, Leflot et al. (2010) found that teacher behavior manage-
ment (e.g., reduced use of negative remarks, increased rate of praise statements) pre-
dicted improved students’ on-task behavior and talking out behavior, which in turn
mediated the impact of a universal classroom prevention intervention on the devel-
opment of disruptive behaviors (hyperactive and oppositional behavior). These find-
ings are significant, as high rates of school-age children exhibit disruptive behaviors
in peer groups and schools (Reddy & Newman, 2009; Reddy, Newman, DeThomas, &
Chun, 2009; Visser & Lesesne, 2005).
Instructional and behavioral management strategies are important related approaches
for promoting children’s learning, engagement, and skill transfer (Reddy, 2010).
Instructional and behavioral management strategies should be used together to foster
an enjoyable learning environment for play interventions. Thus, positive instructional
and behavioral management strategies are key ingredients for teaching and reinforcing
group play skill sequences (see Part II of this volume) and group play interventions (Part
III). Considerations and step-by-step guides are offered to practitioners that promote
engagement (enjoyment) and learning of critical social skills and self-control strategies
for children.
Perhaps the most challenging aspect of group work with children is identifying effec-
tive ways to anticipate and manage problem behaviors that emerge during play. Thus,
in group play social and behavioral issues that naturally occur can serve as opportuni-
ties for learning, self-awareness, and skill development. Several evidence-based group
behavioral management strategies are recommended to foster a positive learning and
safe play environment for groups. These include positive reinforcement, corrective feed-
back, verbal and nonverbal prompts, effective commands, implementing a positive moti-
vational system, and methods of teaching self-control.
Positive Reinforcement
Corrective Feedback
Negative behaviors naturally occur during group play. Corrective feedback (or rep-
rimands) is an important teaching (coaching) tool for children’s group training. This
technique is used to point out in specific behavioral terms what children are doing
wrong and how they should behave differently. After corrective feedback is provided,
children should be given the opportunity to perform the correct behavior with adult
supervision and encouragement. Following feedback, children should receive specific
praise for performing the appropriate behavior. As corrective feedback or reprimands are
intended to express specific disapproval of children’s behavior, practitioners should use
I statements to describe how the behavior adversely affects others in the group and sug-
gest an alternative behavior that is acceptable. For example, “Ashley [pause], I do not
like it when you do not share the paper with John and Jeff. I want you to give some paper
to John and Jeff now,” or “Jim [pause], I do not like it when you shout out in group.
Please raise your hand when you want to talk now.” Additionally, corrective feedback
can be issued privately with an individual child or group.
1. Point out the specific behavior that the child performed incorrectly;
2. use I statements to describe how the behavior impacted others;
3. ask the child to perform the specific appropriate behavior; and
4. praise the child for performing the specific appropriate behavior.
Both positive reinforcement and corrective feedback are useful teaching tools for
group interventions. Practitioners should provide positive reinforcement to children for
appropriate behavior more often (i.e., approximately 5:1 ratio) than corrective feedback
for inappropriate behavior. The ratio of 5:1 is a general rule that should be monitored
and modified as needed.
Verbal and nonverbal prompts are effective ways to enhance learning engagement
and appropriate behavior in groups. Verbal and nonverbal prompts can be used to remind
children of group goals, rules, or appropriate behavior in general. Examples of verbal
prompts may include “eyes on me,” “right now it is your turn,” “freeze your arms and
legs,” “I need your listening ears on,” and “remember to use your indoor voice.”
Nonverbal prompts offer children signals that can be given either privately (address-
ing a particular child) or communally (addressing the group). Examples of private non-
verbal prompts include a light touch (i.e., the adult gently places a finger or hand on the
child’s shoulder and presses lightly), desk tap (the adult gently taps the child’s desk to redi-
rect attention), adult eye contact, and the use of proximity to the child (i.e., the adult moves
within 3 to 5 feet of the child). Group nonverbal prompts include hand signals that calm
or quiet the group, such as “serpent hands” (adult clasps forefingers to thumb, to motion
a mouth closing; children mimic the gesture), placing a finger to the mouth, and the peace
sign (adult raises two fingers in the air; children mimic the gesture). Group prompts can
also be created with the children. For example, children may suggest that the group raise
a finger up or put a hand on head to communicate that it is time to be “quiet, please.”
3. With a positive, playful tone of voice and facial expression, encourage the child
to look at you (e.g., “[Child’s name], I need to see your eyes now”). Directions
should be stated in specific (concrete) behavioral terms. Words such as listen,
respect others, and behave are not behaviorally specific.
4. Give the child a one- or two-step direction, and end the statement with the
word now. Examples include “Ashley [pause], please put away the toy and come
to me now”; “Chris [pause], please return the bathroom pass and join the group
now.” Directions should not be framed as asking the children favors. For exam-
ple, “Could you please help me?” is a favor, but “Please help me pass out paper
now” is a direction.
5. Provide specific praise to the child after he or she follows the direction. Examples
include, “Ashley [pause], great job for putting away the toy and coming to me!”;
“Chris [pause], great job returning the bathroom pass and joining the group!”;
“John [pause], I really like the way you cleaned up the crayons!”
6. In the event the child does not follow initial directions, wait 15 seconds before
repeating them. The 15-second pause is critical for enhancing compliance and
reducing frustration for both adult and child. Rapidly repeated directions can
result in anger and noncompliance. Also, keep in mind that some children require
more time to process language in general and verbal directions specifically.
7. After repeating the directions, do not walk away from the child. It is important
to stay in the child’s “zone” (i.e., 3–5 feet) and monitor her or his implementa-
tion of the direction. It is important to give verbal directions and praise in close
proximity to the child, not from across the room. A distance of approximately
3 to 5 feet between adult and child is recommended.
Finally, keep in mind that no child follows all directions. Choose directions that
are critical for children to follow, and be sure to monitor the children through each step
of the direction.
be encouraged to work on goals they had difficulty accomplishing (e.g., “Chris [pause],
you had difficulty following directions today, but I know you will do better at follow-
ing directions during the next group”).
Two additional methods for reinforcing positive behaviors are sticker books and mys-
tery motivators (rewards). After the children are given stickers for their efforts toward
group goals, they can be given the opportunity to select stickers that correspond to the
number of goals attained and place them in their personal sticker books. The sticker
books can be taken home by the children when the group ends. Mystery (surprise) rewards
can be offered in a treasure chest or prize bag (e.g., the children blindly reach into the bag
and select a prize) at the end of each group session or after a specific number of stickers
(points) are earned.
Self-control skills are critical for group play. Children can learn a host of prosocial
behaviors through watching others (modeling), coaching, talking about the importance
of these behaviors, and engaging in role plays. However, when peer conflict arises and
children become angry or distressed, their ability to remember and use the social skills
taught through these methods can quickly diminish. Thus, it is important that both
social skills and self-control skills and techniques are actively taught in group contexts
in which peer conflicts naturally occur.
An effective positive self-control technique is the use of a three-level time-out
(break time) method (Reddy, 2010; Reddy, Spencer, Hall, & Rubel, 2001; Reddy,
Springer, et al., 2005). In this approach, the primary goal is to prompt children’s posi-
tive self-control skills through a step-by-step self-regulation process that includes adult
corrective feedback, coaching, and contingent praise. Traditionally, time out is widely
known and used as a punishment or negative consequence given to children for in-
appropriate behavior. This method focuses on the use of time as a form of punishment,
in which the child is placed in a time out for approximately 60 seconds for each year of
his or her life (e.g., a 6-year-old is placed in time out for 6 minutes). Although this tradi-
tional method of time out links child misbehavior to a negative consequence (i.e., time
away from a reinforcement), it does not teach children how to identify the emergence
of negative emotions and behaviors, monitor their negative emotions and behaviors,
and regain their self-control during social situations.
It is recommended that a three-level time-out method be used for self-control train-
ing in group play interactions. The term time out can be substituted with break time if
needed to reduce the potential for negative stigma or sensitivity for children. Practitioners
should be alert to this sensitivity, especially in children with a history of behavioral
issues or those with special needs, as it is common that these children have been fre-
quently punished with time outs by caregivers and others. Level one time out is desig-
nated by a specific chair placed on the far side of the group room, which distances the
child from being directly involved in the group’s activity. Level two time out is a chair
located directly outside of the group room, which further distances the child from the
group activity and decreases the level of visual and auditory stimulation for the child.
Level three time out is a chair in a separate room, which completely eliminates the
visual and auditory stimulation of the group activity. It is suggested that a child be
accompanied by an adult when level two or three time out is implemented. In addition,
children in level two or three should successively approach group reentry by spending
a brief period of time (e.g., 45–60 seconds) in the previous level time-out chair. This
reentry method is highly recommended to gradually prepare the child to rejoin the
group and not be overwhelmed (from visual or auditory stimulation) by the group
play activities.
For this method, time out can be initiated by an adult or child. An adult can verbally
recommend that a child needs a time out (see the section Giving Effective Commands)
or establish with the group a private signal (e.g., a gentle tap on shoulder) to redirect the
children into time out. During time out, there should be no talking, and the child or
adult in time out should be left alone. A time-out pass can be used to allow an adult or
child to nonverbally communicate to others in the group that he or she needs to take a
break from the group activities.
Here are some additional time-out guidelines:
䡲 The technique of time out should be positively (with an enthusiastic tone of voice)
presented by adults as a positive self-control technique at the beginning of each
group session. The children should be told that taking breaks is important for
everyone, including adults. The three levels should be briefly described. The
children should be told specifically that time out is not used to punish them but
to help them get themselves back in control. The children should be told that
this method (it can be described as a privilege) can be used by adults, too.
䡲 Adults should specifically model the use of time out during the first two group
sessions and then periodically use the method during the remaining sessions. If
modeled correctly (i.e., the adult takes the time-out pass, briefly tells the group
that he or she needs to take a break, sits on level one chair), this should evoke
smiles and giggles from the children. Through adult modeling, children can learn
that time out is a positive, acceptable, and effective way to regain control of their
hands, feet, and mouth (Reddy, Springer, et al., 2005).
䡲 Positive reinforcement, such as verbal praise (behaviorally specific), should be given
when children self-initiate time out or comply when adults recommend the use
of time out.
䡲 Time out can be terminated when an adult observes that a child has regained self-
control. The amount of time that the child takes in time out is not important.
Instead, the goal is to regain positive self-control (i.e., control of the child’s arms,
legs, and mouth). Keep in mind that a child may regain self-control of his or her
body in as little as 60 seconds or less.
䡲 Any discussion of the reasons for time outs should be kept to a minimum and only
conducted after the time out is over, in private, or between play group activities.
If a discussion is needed, it is important that adults do not overdiscuss or process
events leading up to the time out.
The Group Complaint Book may be used during group play to defuse negative emo-
tions and behaviors and positively redirect children who are displaying mild to moder-
ate levels of distress from peer interactions to a calming (e.g., writing, drawing) activity.
This technique allows children to document what upset them, when it occurred, who
it involved, what they did afterward, and draw a picture of how they feel about the
situation. This step-by-step process allows children to document feelings, thoughts,
and behavior without disrupting the group process.
An adult should review and sign the Group Complaint Book approximately 10 min-
utes before the group ends to briefly address the child’s reported concerns. The adult’s
review and signature of the child report communicates to the group and the child the
appropriate use of the book and acknowledges children’s feelings about interactions. An
example Group Complaint Book is displayed at
The book should be clearly labeled, stored in a three-ring binder, and easily accessible
for children to use. Each entry should include two pages, with the first page listing the
date of the incident, the reporting child’s name, and brief information about the incident.
The second page should be left blank to allow the child to draw how she or he feels.
Caregiver refers to a biological parent, adoptive parent, foster parent, legal guardian, or other
family member, such as a grandparent, aunt, or uncle.
affiliation) in the home, school, and community (e.g., Barrett, 2000; Cheney & Barringer,
1995; Comer, Haynes, Joyner, & Ben-Avie, 1996). For example, parents or guardians who
display high levels of parental involvement (i.e., attendance at family therapy, weekly
parent visits, telephone calls) were associated with low readmission rates to child residen-
tial treatment facilities compared with youth with low levels of parental involvement.
Additionally, those with high levels of parental involvement in treatment exhibited
greater improvements in family functioning and social and behavioral impairments at
discharge (Lakin, Brambila, & Sigda, 2004). Parental involvement has been found to pre-
dict children’s social–emotional functioning as measured by the Child Behavior Checklist
(Achenbach, 2001; Noser & Bickman, 2000). Waugh and Kjos (1992) reported that high
levels of parental involvement were related to improvements in school and home func-
tioning, as well as reduced hospitalizations, psychopathology, and behavioral problems
for adolescents with behavioral and emotional problems. In a study focused on an inten-
sive half-day, school-based therapeutic setting, caregiver involvement (i.e., attendance
at therapeutic home visits and therapeutic meetings, completion of rating scales, com-
municating with the therapeutic team) was associated with improved children’s prob-
lem solving, increased ability of caregivers to provide social and emotional support to
the family, and overall child adaptive functioning at discharge (Richards, Bowers,
Lazicki, Krall, & Jacobs, 2008).
Although research suggests that it is beneficial to involve caregivers, it is important
to note common obstacles that may arise when practitioners seek to engage caregivers in
children’s group treatment process. For example, caregivers may have time scheduling
constraints that inhibit their ability to fully participate in their children’s treatment. It is
important that practitioners keep this in mind and use flexible and perhaps creative ways
of communicating with and involving caregivers (see the information in a later section
of this chapter, Roles and Approaches for Caregiver Involvement). Also, caregivers’
knowledge and expectations of their children’s group process (e.g., father and mother
have different expectations or goals for the group) may impede involvement. In addi-
tion, involvement may inadvertently be hindered by a lack of knowledge about how and
when caregivers are to participate in and support their children’s group experience
(Suveg et al., 2006).
Practitioners can overcome some of these obstacles by modeling effective use of
praise, discouraging caregivers from the use of negative critical statements (Kendall
et al., 1992), addressing discrepancies among caregivers early in treatment, and provid-
ing structure by outlining the children’s group schedule before treatment begins (Suveg
et al., 2006).
Along with caregiver involvement, caregiver and child interactions provide an
essential foundation for children’s development, caregiver–child attachment, acquisi-
tion of prosocial skills, and future relationships.
It has been known for some time that the quality of child and caregiver relationships
and interactions is crucial to children’s psychological, cognitive, and physical development
(Bettmann, 2006; Bowlby, 1980). Caregivers’ level of availability, ability, and willingness
to provide care and protection for their children influence the children’s sense of safety,
value, self-worth (competence vs. incompetence), level of attachment (secure or insecure),
and quality of future child and adult relationships (Bowlby, 1980; Greig et al., 2008).
Children with caregivers who are neglectful, inattentive, withdrawn, and possibly abusive
tend to exhibit feelings of worthlessness and incompetence and may exhibit inappropriate
behaviors with peers or adults.
Elementary-age children spend a considerable amount of time with their caregivers
and often view their caregivers as the most important models in their lives. Therefore,
they are highly influenced by their caregivers’ values and behaviors. If caregivers are
viewed as important prosocial models, they can have a powerful, positive effect on their
children’s lives, especially during early development (Edwards, 2002). As a result, children
are more motivated to maintain positive interactions and appropriately manage their
emotional and behavioral expressions in social situations (Edwards, 2002).
Strong, positive caregiver and child relationships and interactions support the devel-
opment of mastery in children (Edwards, 2002). Caregivers can serve an influential role
in reinforcing children’s striving for mastery and learning because they are available to
facilitate their development in unique ways (Edwards, 2002). For example, caregivers can
promote mastery by teaching specific skills and behaviors through modeling, instruction,
and interpretation (Bornstein, 1989) and engaging them in meaningful conversations (Hart
& Risley, 1995). Through various experiences children learn that caregivers respond to
and meet their needs and provide security and trust. As a result, these meaningful expe-
riences set the stage for children to view and use caregivers as teachers and mentors for
support while mastering new skills (Edwards, 2002). In addition, through continuous
child–parent interactions (learning moments), children begin to learn specific cognitive,
linguistic, and social–emotional skills and develop confidence (i.e., efficacy) in their abil-
ity to learn additional skills (Bandura, 1993). Thus, it is important that practitioners
emphasize the impact of caregivers’ verbal and nonverbal behaviors on their children’s
skill development and well-being.
Practitioners who forge positive collaborative relationships with caregivers will
ultimately increase caregivers’ motivation and involvement in their children’s learning
and behavioral and social–emotional functioning (Kutash, Duchnowski, Sumi, Rudo, &
Harris, 2002). As a result, these caregivers may make a greater investment of time and
energy in their children’s group treatment process and possibly in parent–child inter-
actions (Mendlowitz et al., 1999). Practitioners can capitalize on caregivers’ motivation by
teaching caregivers various ways to model important social, emotional, and self-control
skills that are beneficial for children’s friendship development (Ginsburg & Schlossberg,
2002; Reddy, Weissman, & Hale, in press). Examples of such strategies are offered later in
this chapter in the Caregiver Techniques to Promote Group Play Intervention Skill
Maintenance and Generalization section. Possible roles and approaches for caregiver
involvement in children’s group treatment are outlined in the following discussion.
Caregivers can assume different roles when working with practitioners regarding
their children’s education or treatment. For example, caregivers can be consultants or
collaborators (Kendall, Chu, Pimentel & Choudhury, 2000). As consultants, caregivers
can provide practitioners with valuable information regarding the nature of their chil-
dren’s difficulties as well as strengths. Facilitating communication with caregivers helps
practitioners obtain information about a child’s level of motivation and a family’s over-
all attitude toward treatment. For instance, caregivers can provide practitioners with
examples of what their children enjoy doing for fun or would enjoy receiving as a pos-
sible motivator for positive behavior exhibited in group. Caregivers can also be collabora-
tors, a role in which they help carry out important treatment components. For example,
practitioners can work with caregivers on modeling positive attitudes toward treatment
and can coach them on how to prepare children for starting and ending group treatment.
Working with caregivers as collaborators may help with follow-through on out-of-session
(between sessions) tasks that are crucial for children’s success in treatment (Reddy,
Weissman, & Hale, in press; Springer & Reddy, 2010).
Other effective ways caregivers can be involved in their children’s group process
include (a) parent group training programs, (b) bibliotherapy, (c) parent support groups,
(d) distribution of informational material, (e) web-based resources and supports (also see
Part IV), and (f) telephone communication. Each approach is described in the following
Parent group training programs provide caregivers with education, support, and
training on child behavioral management strategies that promote confidence and effec-
tive parenting skills (e.g., Andrews, Swank, Foorman, & Fletcher, 1995; Brestan & Eyberg,
1998; Cousins & Weiss, 1993; Eyberg, 2003; McMahon & Forehand 2003; Webster-
Stratton, 2000). The goal of parent training is to guide parents into becoming active and
positive cotherapists in their children’s treatment (Briesmeister & Schaefer, 1998). As
cotherapists, caregivers apply what they have learned in parent training to real-life sce-
narios with their children in the home and community. Caregivers fulfill this role by
providing feedback and reinforcing positive behavioral strategies displayed by their chil-
dren outside of treatment.
Parent training programs have been shown to reduce children’s disruptive behaviors
exhibited in the home (Sanders, Markie-Dadds, Tully, & Boron, 2000; Springer & Reddy,
2010) and improve family member interactions (e.g., Brotman et al., 2005; Humphreys,
Forehand, McMahon, & Roberts, 1978; Kazdin & Wassell, 2000). In a meta-analytic
review of parent training program effectiveness, components that reduced children’s
externalizing behaviors included “increasing positive parent–child interactions and emo-
tional communication skills, teaching parents to use time-out and the importance of par-
enting consistency, and requiring parents to practice new skills with their children dur-
ing parent training sessions” (Kaminski, Valle, Filene, & Boyle, 2008, p. 567).
Parents who completed parent training programs reported reduced stress levels,
increased self-perceptions of parenting competencies and efficacy, and positive changes
in children’s behavior at home and/or school (e.g., Anastopoulos, Shelton, DuPaul,
& Geuvremont, 1993; Anastopoulos, Smith, & Wein, 1998; Fischer, 1990; Reddy,
Springer, et al., 2005; Springer & Reddy, 2010). Parents also report higher levels of con-
sumer satisfaction with practitioner-assisted parent training programs versus self-directed
programs (Sanders et al., 2000).
The decision to offer a parent training group to develop caregivers’ skills and sus-
tain gains from group play intervention sessions should be carefully considered because
of the amount of time and resources needed. First, consider whether the goals of the par-
ent group will complement the skills taught in the children’s group training. Parent group
training goals that increase parents’ use of behavioral techniques for positive self-control
(e.g., reward system, three-level time-out, use of effective commands) can complement
the children’s group goals of improved social skills. Second, decide what type of between-
session homework would promote both parent skills and child group outcomes. For
example, parents can be given homework on the same group play skill sequences taught
in the children’s group session to do at home with their children.
Common goals outlined in parent training group manuals include (a) increase par-
ents’ knowledge and awareness of their children’s strengths and weaknesses; (b) teach
and systematically maintain the use of behavioral techniques in the home, school, and
public places; (c) improve parent–child interactions by teaching parents effective meth-
ods for managing anger and stress; and (d) learn tools to manage their children’s behavior
(Reddy, Files-Hall, & Schaefer, 2005). Some additional aspects included in parent train-
ing programs are group discussions, role plays, and homework. Parents also may receive
informational booklets that contain outlines of each training session, lists of resources,
and contact information for fellow group members and group facilitators. An example
of a parent and child group training program that includes play group interventions is
described in Reddy (2010) and Reddy, Files-Hall, and Schaefer (2005).
The format of parent support groups offers a flexible environment in which care-
givers can comfortably express their concerns (tell their own stories), receive support
from others, support others, and obtain valuable information and resources (Slowik,
Willson, Loh, & Noronha, 2004). Parent support groups, like parent training programs,
can build a caregiver’s sense of efficacy (“can do” attitude) and decrease the social iso-
lation and stigma often associated with caregivers who have children with social skills
difficulties. Support groups tend to have a less formal atmosphere than traditional par-
ent training groups, which encourages more spontaneous and flexible interactions into
which practitioners can infuse anecdotal experiences and humor.
Practitioners should consider some formalities before developing a parent support
group. It is important to determine the maximum and minimum number of caregivers
to enroll. This number will depend heavily on how many children are enrolled in the
children’s group; however, the optimal number of caregivers is typically eight to 10. A
small- to moderate-size support group preserves a comfortable atmosphere in which
everyone has an opportunity to participate. Practitioners should also consider the loca-
tion where they will hold the support groups. For example, support groups can be held
in a home, classroom, school, community center, private practice office, or clinic. The
location of the support group can create a specific atmosphere. For example, a support
group offered at caregivers’ homes might offer a more intimate atmosphere than a group
held in a private practice office or a classroom. It is wise to choose a location that is most
convenient for parents. If the majority of the group members work, evening or weekend
times may be the best. Similar to parent group training, support groups that run concur-
rently with children’s groups may be more time-efficient, aid in day care arrangements and
costs, and enhance overall participation (attendance). Unlike traditional parent training
programs, support groups should allow greater flexibility for unplanned discussions in
which caregivers can share concerns and socialize.
Typically, practitioners provide parents with an outline of the support group goals
prior to starting groups. Common goals and objectives for parent support groups include
(a) reducing parental isolation, building self-esteem, and supporting positive parenting;
(b) exposing caregivers to other families; (c) improving communication and problem-
solving skills; (d) promoting leadership and shared leadership within the group; (e) linking
caregivers to resources in the community and within the group; and (f) helping caregivers
become more competent and confident in their parenting role (Falconer, Haskett,
McDaniels, Dirkes, & Siegel, 2008; Gay, 2003).
Practitioners may consider providing refreshments as an incentive for parents to
come and socialize with other parents. Some parent support group facilitators also pro-
vide parents with resource books that contain lists of nearby resources, phone numbers
and e-mail addresses of group members, and a notebook in which parents can take notes
during each session.
Providing caregivers with informational materials can significantly increase their knowl-
edge and modify preconceived notions and beliefs about their children’s difficulties
(Brent, Poling, McKain, & Baugher, 1993). A higher level of knowledge about specific
symptoms, conditions, and mental health disorders has been shown to improve caregiver
attitudes toward treatment acceptance and adherence (e.g., Bennett, Power, Rostain, &
Carr, 1996; Corkum, Rimer, & Schachar, 1999; Rostain, Power, & Atkins, 1993).
Although all forms of material are helpful in educating and involving caregivers in
their children’s group process, it is critical that practitioners do not overwhelm care-
givers with too much written information. One way to avoid this is by using paperless,
web-based resources and supports.
Telephone Communication
Three techniques are presented next for promoting and sustaining skills learned
from group play interventions. These techniques are (a) caregivers’ use of positive atten-
tion to manage children’s behavior, (b) use of time out (break time) to promote positive
self-control in the home, and (c) managing children’s behavior in public.
One technique that is useful in managing children’s behavior while also improving
caregiver–child relationships is caregivers’ use of positive attention (i.e., structured spe-
cial time). This technique is a daily, 10- to 15-minute, child-focused activity implemented
by a caregiver in the home. This technique should be implemented daily (at least one time
per day in the home) at a time convenient for the caregiver. It is strongly recommended
that only 10 to 15 minutes be used to ensure that the caregiver can realistically fit the
technique (special time) into the family’s daily schedule. During child-focused time, the
caregiver positively attends to or participates in a home activity (i.e., video game, house,
board game) of their child’s choosing for the set time period.
The purpose of this technique (special time) is for the caregiver to focus positively
on the child’s behavior during a child-directed activity in the home for a set (limited)
period of time. It is important that the caregiver and child discuss special time together
and review the rules of special time before beginning the activity. Rules may include
(a) 10 to 15 minutes of an age-appropriate game or activity the child chooses in the house,
(b) special time occurs during a time the caregiver finds most convenient, (c) the child,
not the caregiver, chooses and directs the activity, and (d) special time may end early if
the child misbehaves after two warnings are given. One tip is that the child and caregiver
should set a timer together to increase awareness and reinforce compliance with the tech-
nique and time restriction. As mentioned, this technique should be used in the home so
that the caregiver can easily end the activity at the designated time or end the activity
early in the event the child’s misbehavior persists after the two warnings.
This technique (special time) should not be implemented when caregivers are upset,
stressed, need to use the bathroom, or are about to run an errand. It is advised that the
caregiver relax and casually watch the child play. Caregivers can show their
interest by describing out loud what their child is doing (e.g., “I like the way you are
playing with the cat.” or “Nice drawing!”). Caregivers’ use of action-oriented words and
excitement is useful for reinforcing to the child that they are attending to and enjoying
the child and her or his activity. During this activity, caregivers should avoid asking
questions and giving commands but should make use of praise, approval, and positive
feedback. The use of nonverbal gestures is another positive way for caregivers to reinforce
their child’s positive behaviors. For example, using hugs, pats on the shoulder, smiles,
winks, and nods are all ways to communicate positive attention. Thus, the use of praise
and positive feedback should be behaviorally specific and accurate. It is important that
caregivers not go overboard, because using too much praise may dilute its powerful effect
or annoy the child.
Caregivers should be encouraged to view misbehavior during special time as an
opportunity to teach the child prosocial skills. The following steps are recommended
when misbehavior occurs during the 10 to 15 minutes of special time:
䡲 The first time the misbehavior occurs, the caregiver should tell the child what
he or she specifically is doing wrong during the play, remove eye contact with
the child, and turn their body slightly away from the activity and child for about
30 seconds. The caregiver should have no facial expression and should not talk
to the child. If the child’s misbehavior stops, the caregiver should resume eye
contact with the child and offer positive attention (verbal and nonverbal) to the
child and play activity.
䡲 If the misbehavior occurs again, the caregiver should calmly tell the child what
she or he specifically is doing wrong during the play, remove eye contact, and
turn their body slightly away from the activity and child for about 45 seconds.
Again, after the misbehavior stops, the caregiver should positively attend (e.g.,
eye contact, smiles) to the child.
䡲 If the misbehavior occurs a third time, the caregiver should tell the child what
he or she specifically is doing wrong during the play and that special time is over
for today. The child should be informed that he or she has an opportunity for spe-
cial time the next day. The caregiver should leave the activity and engage in an
adult activity. The child should be redirected to a positive activity. No further
discussion should occur between the child and caregiver.
䡲 Caregivers should always show approval immediately (do not wait!). Also, par-
ents should be specific about what they like about what the child is doing (focus
on the positive behaviors) and should never give a backhanded compliment (e.g.,
“Nice job not kicking anybody”).
Time out is traditionally used to punish (negatively reinforce) children for misbehav-
ing. This time-tested method links negative child behavior to a negative consequence
(i.e., remove child from activity or privilege). In contrast to the traditional method of time
out, the technique proposed here—time out or break time—is designed and implemented
to promote adults’ and children’s self-control skills. Time out is a positive self-control
technique that caregivers can use in the home. Children should be instructed that taking
a time out is not a punishment but a positive way to calm down. The goal of time out is
to reduce the amount of stimulation (i.e., visual and auditory) children are receiving from
their environment and to allow them to regain control. Time out can be child- or adult-
initiated and should be modeled by adults in the home.
The amount of time in time out (break time) is not the focus of this technique; rather,
the emphasis is on regaining one’s self-control. For example, one child or adult may only
need 60 seconds to regain control, yet another child or adult may need 5 minutes.
Additionally, this technique should be used in situations in which the child or adult is
experiencing mild to moderate levels of distress, not just in situations of high levels of
distress (e.g., full tantrums, explosive anger). It is strongly recommended that caregivers
catch their children early when they are exhibiting distress. Encouraging children to take
a break early on promotes children’s awareness of their feelings, behaviors, and self-
regulation skills. One way to teach children or adults about how to catch themselves
early in the behavior process is to show a picture of a thermometer or draw a horizontal
line with the bottom labeled 0 (no bad feelings), the middle labeled 5 (some bad feelings),
and the top labeled 10 (a lot of bad feelings). Additional numbers and labels can be added
to illustrate and emphasize this point. Discuss with the children the idea that at times
they may have no bad feelings (e.g., represented by a 0 rating; feeling happy and calm),
while at other times they may experience bad feelings (e.g., represented by a 4 or 5 rating;
feeling nervous, jumpy, or irritated). Also, discuss when they may feel really upset (e.g.,
represented by a 10 rating; feeling mad, yelling or screaming). Emphasize that it is good
to take time outs or breaks when they are at a 4 or 5 rating to prevent getting to 10.
Following is a description of how to implement time out (break time) in the home.
The time-out area should have clear boundaries and be away from distractions (e.g.,
television, computers); a place such as the living or dining room is advised—somewhere
that is viewed as neutral by all family members and is accessible to everyone.
Caregivers should not use the stairs, a child’s bedroom, or a bathroom for time out. The
time-out area should have a comfortable chair positioned where the caregiver can
observe the child.
The time-out pass can be a small pillow, a small stuffed animal, or a homemade
sign (break pass) that is not owned by anyone in the family. It is important that the pass
is identified and acknowledged by everyone in the family and left near the time-out
chair. When a person is taking a time out, he or she should pick up the pass. The time-
out pass indicates (nonverbally) to others not in time out that the person in time out
needs a break and should be left alone.
Tell the family that time out is a positive way to feel better (relax) and stay in con-
trol (i.e., of hands, feet, and mouth). Time out is best used when someone feels jumpy,
irritated, sad, or overwhelmed, not just mad or after a major incident has occurred. The
important part of time out is not the time taken (i.e., how long someone stays in time
out) but that the person regains control of his or her hands, feet, or mouth (i.e., feels
refreshed, better). A person can take a 10-minute time out or a 90-second time out. It is
important to emphasize that time out is a good thing to do and is a privilege. The term
time out should also be discussed during a calm and nonconfrontational moment.
Discuss with the family members whether they want to call it time out or break
time. The term time out may be viewed as negative or scary by some children, and it
is important that caregivers acknowledge any negative feelings or thoughts when
introducing this technique.
The rules of time out should be explained during the family meeting. One rule
many caregivers find useful is that both children and adults should take time outs.
Caregivers who use time out in the home should model and reinforce a positive atti-
tude about taking care of oneself (i.e., taking breaks). After caregivers model time out a
few times in the home, they can begin to gently encourage children to take time outs.
Children will typically begin to self-initiate time outs after they have observed their
caregivers use it. If a child initiates a time out, the caregiver should immediately praise
the child. For example, caregivers should inform the family when they are going to take
a time out and say that they do not want to be interrupted. This needs to be explicitly
communicated to the family each time. Caregivers should remind their family that
everyone needs to take a break (from 2 to 5 minutes) each day. This offers caregivers an
opportunity to wind down and teach their child good self-care skills. Some other rules
for time out may include the following:
Time out can be used in different situations. For example, a person can take a time out
when he or she is tired, overwhelmed, irritated, sad, or mad. Time outs can be used when
someone’s feelings or behaviors are mild, moderate, or severe. It is important that adults
and children use time outs as a prevention intervention in which adults encourage chil-
dren to take a time out early before their feelings or behavior get to a high level.
Practitioners should emphasize that caregivers should never threaten children with
time out. If a caregiver tells a child to take a time out, he or she must follow through
with intervention. What they say, they must do! This is important because not follow-
ing through on time outs will inadvertently reinforce the child’s undesired behavior.
Also, caregivers should be aware that some children might display controlling (escape)
behaviors during time outs (e.g., call caregivers’ names, yell, cry, urinate in the chair,
try to induce vomiting). Caregivers need to recognize that these are controlling behav-
iors and ignore them when appropriate. In addition, if children are not taking time out
appropriately (e.g., violating agreed-on rules), caregivers can let them know that there will
be a consequence. If a time out is initiated by an adult because the child refuses to com-
ply with a direction (e.g., refuses to clean up toys, complete homework), it is important
that the caregiver redirect the child to complete the original request (direction). The
caregiver should not engage in a discussion (overprocess) with the child about the
behavioral concern, but rather redirect the child to the requested activity. Caregivers
should talk less and act more. Finally, caregivers should not hold a grudge after behav-
ioral incidents. It is wise for them to move on, and help their child do the same.
Child and caregiver interactions in the community can be complex and challenging.
Many times caregivers become embarrassed and stressed by their children’s behavior and
inadvertently use ineffective strategies that they would not otherwise use in public or
private settings. It is best for caregivers and children to have a shared approach to behav-
ior management. This approach needs to be specifically discussed (calmly) with the child
before leaving the home. Obtaining the child’s input helps to develop buy-in and moti-
vation. It is important to review the behavioral goals, rewards for accomplishing the
goals, and the consequences for not achieving the goals. The following steps are offered
to help manage behavior.
䡲 Caregivers should discuss the behavioral goals and rules for the outing. Goals and
rules should be limited to three each and should be phrased in positive language
(e.g., keep hands to self, stay an arm’s length away from parent).
䡲 An incentive (reward) should be established with the child for following the spe-
cific behavioral goals (rules). For example, let the child know that she or he can
earn points toward a privilege (e.g., having ice cream, riding a bike, playing at a
friend’s house). Another incentive caregivers can use is snacks (cookies, chips). For
long outings (i.e., more than an hour), the child can earn points or a small reward
for each time interval (e.g., every half hour or hour) they adhere to the behavior
goals. Rewarding the child at set time periods (intervals) during long outings can
help sustain the child’s motivation to adhere to the goals and make the outing a
more positive experience for all.
䡲 The consequence for not following the specific behavioral rules and goals should
be discussed with the child as well. Examples of punishment can be the loss of
television time (e.g., one show) or another privilege.
䡲 Again, it is critically important that the three steps be outlined before leaving the
home. Also, the three steps should be reviewed first inside the home, again in the
car, and again outside the public place (shopping mall, restaurant, toy store).
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Group play skill sequences are a step-by-step behavior approach to teaching children prosocial skills
through modeling, feedback, and role playing with adults and peers. Group play skill sequences are
designed to prepare children before they participate in group play interventions. It is recommended that
a practitioner implement one or two skill sequence(s) before implementing a group play intervention.
As outlined in Chapter 4, “Group Instructional and Behavioral Management Strategies,” four
instructional strategies are recommended for teaching group play skill sequences: (a) adult formal
instruction (verbal and written review of skills); (b) adult and child modeling of skills; (c) role playing1
(skill application; guided “mock play group situations”); and (d) performance feedback (coaching).
Part II includes 43 group play skill sequences for practitioners to select from that teach children spe-
cific prosocial skills for successfully participating in group play interventions.
1A three-phase role playing (modeling) approach is recommended: (1) adult-adult model, (2) adult-
child model, and (3) child-child model with adult coaching and engagement.
EVIDENCE Effective communication fosters collaboration, trust, mutual respect, and knowledge
of others (Lasky, 2000; McNaughton, Hamlin, McCarthy, Head-Reeves, & Schreiner,
2008). Talking with friends about problems can help children learn how to express and
regulate their emotions and behavior (Jellesma, Rieffe, & Terwogt, 2008).
2. Walk up to the other person, staying an arm’s length away from her or him.
5. Wait and listen for other person to tell you his or her name or ask his or her
8. Ask the person a question. For example, “What do you like to do for fun?”
10. Respond by asking the person more about the topic. For example, “Is soccer
your favorite sport?”
䡲 Your friend told you about his or her birthday party plans and wants to know
what you think about them.
䡲 Your brother talks with you about some children teasing him at school.
䡲 Your teacher wants the class to get to know each other and pairs you with a
EVIDENCE Friendships and positive child–adult relationships are developed through positive con-
versational exchanges that reflect the ability to cooperate in play, resolve conflicts, and
explore feelings and shared experiences (Dunn, Cutting, & Fisher, 2002). Children who
use prosocial skills such as nice talk are more likely to report that they enjoy making
and maintaining friendships (Dunn et al., 2002).
1. Approach the person in a friendly way (do not run into them or get in their face).
䡲 You want to ask your mom if you can bake cookies together.
䡲 A new student joined your class today and you want him or her to feel welcome
EVIDENCE Children use various communicative and interactive skills to establish friendships and
forge peer acceptance (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Early Child Care Research Network, 2008a). Peer social competence is associated with
increased social and emotional adjustment and academic skills throughout childhood
and adolescence (Boivin, Hymel, & Bukowski, 1995; Gifford-Smith & Brownell, 2003;
Ladd, Buhs, & Troop, 2002; Vandell & Hembree, 1994).
5. Pause and listen to see if he or she tells you their name. If he or she forgets, ask,
“What’s your name?”
䡲 You are at a friend’s birthday party with kids you haven’t met before.
䡲 Your parents have neighbors over for dinner, and you want to meet their daughter.
䡲 There is a new classmate at the playground, and you want to meet her.
4 Introducing Others
EVIDENCE Research has found that high levels of positive peer interactions, such as introducing
others, are a buffer against the development of peer aggression and problem behaviors
(Howes & James, 2002). Young children (younger than 5 years old) who have consistent
positive peer interactions are more likely to experience cooperative and prosocial peer
play interactions during later childhood (Campbell, Lamb, & Hwang, 2000; Howes, 2000).
2. Say the name of one person, and tell her or him the name of the other person.
“Mike, this is Amanda.”
3. State the name of the other person, and tell him or her the name of other person.
“Amanda, this is Mike.”
4. Say something that they both enjoy, such as, “Both of you like chocolate ice
䡲 You are having a pool party and you want your old friends to meet your new
䡲 A friend of yours has moved into your neighborhood, and your parents want you
to introduce your brother and sister to them.
䡲 You are sitting at the lunch table with two friends who don’t know each other.
5 Joining in a Conversation
EVIDENCE To effectively join in ongoing peer interactions, children must have good self-control
and social skills (Sebanc, Pierce, Cheatham, & Gunnar, 2003). Engaging in complex peer
play (i.e., getting along with peers) promotes the use of social skills necessary to resolve
conflict, collaborate, and communicate ideas, which in turn relate to peer acceptance
and less aggression and peer withdrawal in childhood (Howes & Phillipsen, 1998).
3. Talk about something that is similar to what they are talking about.
䡲 Your friends Stacey and Maria are talking about a new TV show.
EVIDENCE When joining a play group, children tend to use a combination of prosocial/assertive,
passive, and creative strategies (Green, Cillessen, Reichis, Patterson, & Hughes, 2008).
Some children use group-centered strategies, such as making suggestions on how to
extend a game so they can join in. Children’s use of creative problem solving is partic-
ularly beneficial when dealing with challenging social situations such as negotiating
turns and roles during games (Green et al., 2008)
2. Make a positive comment about the game, such as “Good shot!” or “That looks
like fun!”
4. Ask to join group game; for example, “Can I play with you guys?”
EVIDENCE Sharing about oneself can increase children’s sense of well-being and attachment with
others (Jellesma et al., 2008). Sharing interests, accomplishments, problems, and emo-
tional experiences with a friend can increase emotional security and support, and buffer
against negative affect (Jellesma et al., 2008).
2. Think about what you want to say to the other person. “I really want to tell
Rebecca about my new goldfish, Harry.”
3. Ask your friend if it’s OK to tell her or him something, “Hey Rebecca, want to
hear something cool?”
5. Do it! Tell your friend what you want to share with him or her. “Rebecca, I just
got a new pet this weekend!”
6. Respond with more information if your friend asks questions such as, “Wow
that’s neat, what kind of pet did you get?”
䡲 Playing with dolls is your favorite thing to do, and you want your best friend to
䡲 Your mom just had a new baby, and you want to tell your teacher about it.
䡲 You received a good grade on a math quiz, and want to tell your parents.
EVIDENCE Children that exhibit prosocial behaviors such as sharing, helping others, and asking for
help from others are more likely to be academically successful and better adjusted (Lim,
Khoo, & Wong, 2007). Sharing personal possessions lets others know that you like them,
and indicates your likes and dislikes. Sharing also has many extrinsic and intrinsic
1. Decide if you have something to share; for example, “I want to share my snack.”
2. Pick who you want to share with; for example, “I want to share it with John.”
3. Think about when you want to share; for example, “I will share it with John
during lunchtime.”
4. Share it! Tell John, “I want to share my animal crackers with you. Would you
like some?”
䡲 You ask a friend to play tennis. She doesn’t have a racket, but you have an extra
in your closet.
䡲 Your parents bought a new goldfish for you and your brother to share.
䡲 You brought in a box of goldfish crackers and want to share them with your class-
mates at lunch.
EVIDENCE Children can learn about one another through sharing interests, telling jokes, and play-
ing sports (Asher, Parker, & Walker, 1996; Savin-Williams & Berndt, 1990). Learning
about others requires children to effectively listen to what others say, relate information
to what they have previously learned, and use good self-control (e.g., not interrupting
others while they are speaking and keeping hands and feet to themselves; Asher et al.,
1996; Selman, 1980).
2. Think about what you want to know about the other person.
3. Ask the person questions such as, “What’s your favorite food?” “What’s your
favorite video game?” or “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”
6. Ask more questions if you want to know more. “Wow, you have five brothers,
what are their names?” or “How old are your brothers?”
䡲 You want to know what your best friend’s favorite food is.
䡲 Your big sister is dressed really fancy with makeup and jewelry on, and you want
to know why.
䡲 Your teacher has a picture of a dog on her desk, and you want to know the dog’s
EVIDENCE The use of active listening helps establish trusting and positive relationships (Duhamel
& Tabot, 2004). Children who are active listeners are motivated to ask appropriate ques-
tions and to offer empathetic statements toward others (McNaughton et al., 2008).
6. If you don’t understand, ask the person to tell you more about it.
䡲 Your friend wants to tell you about the movie she or he just saw.
䡲 Before your mom leaves for work, she wants you to know the plans for after school.
11 Giving Compliments
EVIDENCE Giving compliments to others produces positive social interactions, outlooks, and adap-
tive coping strategies that help lower stress, anxiety, and depression (Bertera, 2007).
Pointing out positive attributes or behaviors of others can foster social support from
peers (Bertera, 2007).
3. Think about what you are going to tell the person (“I really like your headband”).
5. Say the compliment to the person; for example, “Sasha, I really like your
12 Receiving Compliments
EVIDENCE Receiving compliments from others can bolster children’s sense of self and self-esteem
and serve as a buffer against negative mood (Bertera, 2007). For example, children who
report more positive social exchanges with peers in preschool exhibit better social and
communicative skills and outcomes (e.g., sociable, cooperative, less aggressive, more
peer acceptance and friendships) in third grade (National Institute of Child Health and
Human Development Early Child Care Research Network, 2008b).
b) If incorrect, correct the person, and then give the person a compliment.
䡲 Your dad tells you that you did a good job cleaning your room.
䡲 A friend tells you that you have a great sweatshirt, but it is not your sweatshirt.
13 Respecting Others
EVIDENCE Respecting others often requires children to be attentive, empathetic, sympathetic, kind,
and supportive toward others. Being respectful to others deepens a sense of security with
friendships and increases mutual trust in peer and child–adult relationships (Frei &
Shaver, 2002).
2. Wait and see if that person is talking to someone else or is busy doing something.
3. If you can’t tell, say “Excuse me, are you busy now?”
a) Wait patiently (do not speak, hands to self) until he or she is done; or
䡲 You know your friend likes funny movies and doesn’t like scary movies, so you
agree to see a funny movie.
䡲 Your brother is eating his favorite snack. You do not ask for some of his snack or
take any of his snack, but instead wait to see if he offers you some of it.
䡲 Your father wants to talk with your mother alone about something important
about work, and you decide to leave the room to give them some privacy.
EVIDENCE Personal space relates to an individual’s representation of the self and the self in relation
to others (Horner, 1983). Being aware of one’s personal space relies heavily on an ability
to regulate behaviors and emotions. Individuals tend to seek an optimal distance during
interactions, and when this space has been compromised, discomfort or dissatisfaction
occurs (Bar-Haim, Aviezer, Berson, & Sagi, 2002). Thus, teaching children ways to respect
and manage personal space is a critical social skill.
1. Check to see if someone is too close to you (e.g., look around or if you feel some-
one next to you).
2. If he or she is too close, ask him or her nicely to give you some space.
䡲 Your friend tells you that you are sitting too close to her or him.
䡲 Your brother or sister pushes you away when you jump on top of him or her.
EVIDENCE Children learn good conversational skills by observing adult conversations (e.g., par-
ents, teachers, or coaches). As children mature, they learn that a conversation is a turn-
taking activity that includes listening, attention, respect for others, and cooperation
skills (Maroni, Gnisci, & Pontecorvo, 2008).
䡲 Your friend is on the phone, but you want to ask her if you can borrow her
䡲 Your mom is busy making dinner, and you need her to help you with your
䡲 You want to ask your teacher when your homework is due, but she is busy helping
another student.
16 Self-Control
EVIDENCE Self-control is associated with positive well-being and reductions in externalizing behav-
iors in the home and school. Exhibiting self-control can have positive effects on the devel-
opment and maintenance of friendships, child–adult relationships, academic performance,
and overall well-being (Wills, Ainette, Mendoza, Gibbons, & Brody, 2007).
4. Reward yourself by taking time to do something fun. Read a book, color, draw,
or play a game.
5. Think of a person you can talk to about your feelings. It could be a teacher,
friend, or classmate. See if they are available (not busy).
䡲 A classmate takes your lunch from you and won’t give it back.
EVIDENCE Identifying and responding to peers’ feelings are essential skills for developing and main-
taining friendships. For example, recognizing when a friend is upset and knowing how
and when to respond to his or her feelings are important skills for relationship develop-
ment (Dunn et al., 2002).
2. Decide if she or he is frowning, crying, smiling, or laughing. Are her or his arms
crossed tightly, or are they loose and moving around?
3. Decide if you want to ask the person if he or she is feeling sad or happy.
4. Do it! Say, “Are you sad about something?” or “You seem really excited. What
are you excited about?”
䡲 Your dad is reading a letter from his brother and is smiling a lot.
䡲 Your teacher is quiet, has her arms crossed, and is staring straight ahead.
EVIDENCE Expressing feelings and emotions is an important skill for promoting social and behav-
ioral well-being (Shipman & Zeman, 2001). Being aware, managing, and coping with one’s
emotions are important components of emotion regulation (Zeman, Shipman, & Suveg,
2002). Children with poor or limited emotional awareness are more likely to display
internalizing distress (e.g., anxiety, depression) and externalizing problems (e.g., acting
out, impulsivity), and are less likely to access social support (Zeman et al., 2002).
2. Think about what’s going on with your body and in your head. For example, “My
legs feel heavy,” “My fingers feel tingly,” “I feel so torn up inside I could
scream!” or “I’m so excited I could burst!”
3. Pick the emotion or feeling that matches what you feel inside.
5. Do it! Talk with someone, such as a parent, teacher, friend, or classmate. Tell
that person how you feel. “I feel sad about my bird or dog dying,” or “I’m excited
about going on vacation.”
䡲 Your mom told you that you have to give away your dog because you are allergic
to the dog.
EVIDENCE Children learn how to understand social cues by observing and monitoring interactions
of others (Ackerman & Izard, 2004). When children engage in social interactions, they
learn to infer and anticipate emotions expressed by others and themselves and build on
their knowledge by regulating their own emotions during social exchanges (Ackerman
& Izard, 2004). The ability to monitor and understand social cues is associated with greater
social emotional adjustment (Fine, Izard, Mostow, Trentacosta, & Ackerman, 2003; Izard
et al., 2001; Schultz, Izard, Ackerman, & Youngstrom, 2001).
䡲 Your mom is motioning with her arms for you to come over and talk with her.
䡲 Your teacher has a stern look on her face and is upset that the class is not quiet
during reading time.
EVIDENCE Children’s empathy and concern for others are related to advanced prosocial behaviors,
such as helping others and asking others (Goodvin, Carlo, & Torquati, 2006). Showing
empathy toward peers is also associated with positive coping strategies, social compe-
tence, and peer acceptance (Goodvin et al., 2006).
1. Look to see if a person is feeling a certain way (e.g., happy, sad, angry, scared).
2. Ask the person if she is feeling the way you think she may be feeling. “Are you
feeling sad?”
6. If he is feeling a good emotion (e.g., happy) say, “I am glad that you are feeling ___.”
7. If he is feeling a bad emotion (e.g., sad, angry) say, “I am sorry that you are
feeling _____.”
䡲 Your friend didn’t get a good grade on the spelling test and he looks upset.
䡲 Your friend went to the school nurse and looks like she is feeling sick.
EVIDENCE Stress management strategies can help build goal setting and goal attainment skills and
positive self-concept. Techniques such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and phys-
ical exercises are ways children can manage stress. Practicing patience, understanding
emotions, and expressing emotions are exercises children can use to effectively cope
with stress (Gonzalez & Sellers, 2002).
2. Calm down. Take a few moments and take three deep, slow breaths.
3. Relax parts of your body, one by one, until you feel better.
a) Suggestion: Tighten your muscle in each body part slowly, and then release
the muscle.
䡲 You have a big spelling test tomorrow and you are nervous about how you are
going to do.
EVIDENCE Children increasingly face high levels of anxiety and stress in their lives. Although tech-
niques that help children navigate everyday anxieties and stressors are warranted, low
to moderate levels of anxiety have been found to promote academic, social, and sports
performance (Bradley, 2000). Thus, effective management of anxiety can lead to a greater
sense of self-efficacy and empowerment, as well as enhanced positive peer affiliation
(Bradley, 2000; Suveg & Zeman, 2004).
1. Stop and see how your body feels (tense, jittery, upset stomach).
c) Relax by squeezing and releasing parts of your body (hands or fists, feet,
stomach, jaw).
䡲 Your friend wants you to go to the haunted house on Halloween, but you are
䡲 You are attending a new school and are nervous about meeting new teachers and
EVIDENCE Anger is a natural and common feeling expressed by children and adults of all ages.
Managing anger or disappointment is an essential skill for social development and
social affiliation. Children can use several behavioral strategies, such as distracting
themselves with another stimulus or activity to reduce feeling angry. Also, children can
use cognitive strategies, such as reevaluating (reframing) situations before acting on
their emotions (Miers, Reiffe, Terwogt, Cowan, & Linden, 2007).
2. Do the Turtle!!!
b) Take three slow, deep breaths (blow a lot of air out of your mouth).
1. Do something relaxing; for example, read a book, color a picture, play with a pet,
hold a stuffed animal.
2. Ask to talk with someone who is not busy. (Important—wait if your teacher is
helping another student or your mom is talking on the telephone.)
䡲 Your dad tells you that you are not allowed to go your friend’s house until you
clean up your toys or room.
EVIDENCE Coping with another person’s anger is related to how well one regulates his or her emo-
tions, cognitions, and behavioral responses to the event (Miers, Rieffe, Terwogt, Cowan,
& Linden, 2007). Emotion regulation includes both cognitive and behavioral coping
strategies (Miers et al., 2007). Examples of these strategies include a child’s ability to
express his or her feelings in response to another’s anger, deflect the anger toward another
stimulus or activity, or seek social support from friends, family, or other adults (Linden
et al., 2003).
Group Skill Sequence 24: Dealing With Another Person’s Angry Feelings
1. Ask the person if she feels like talking about what is making her angry.
a) Be a good listener.
䡲 Your friend is angry with you because you did not want to play with him.
䡲 Your mom is upset because she told you to clean up your toys, but you forgot.
䡲 Your classmate is angry because he got a bad grade on the homework assignment.
EVIDENCE Teachers and parents who encourage and involve children in problem solving can improve
children’s abilities to navigate difficult social situations such as peer rejection and bully-
ing (Kochenderfer-Ladd & Pelletier, 2008). When children inform adults about bullying
incidents, it can prevent further incidents, reduce emotional distress, and strengthen their
social support systems and coping skills (Hunter, Boyle, & Warden, 2004).
a) Walk away.
b) Tell yourself or think to yourself, “Maybe next time he will play with me.”
d) Do something that’s fun instead (e.g., color, play ball, ask someone else to play).
䡲 You want to join a kickball game, but there are already enough players.
䡲 You ask your dad if he wants to play a game, but he says that he doesn’t have
time today.
䡲 Children at school are putting a puzzle together, but they tell you there is no
more room at the table.
EVIDENCE Dealing with being left out (peer rejection) challenges children to manage their emotions,
thoughts (cognitions), and behaviors in the home and school (Reijntjes, Stegge, & Terwogt,
2006). Successfully managing negative emotions associated with peer rejection is related
to psychological adjustment and wellness (Reijntjes et al., 2006).
3. If you don’t join in, look for someone else to play with.
䡲 Your friend tells you that there isn’t enough room in her car for you to go with
her to the pool.
䡲 Your big sister tells you that you are too young to go to the mall with her and her
䡲 A classmate asks two friends to sit with him at lunch, but you wanted to sit with
him, too.
EVIDENCE Feeling bored is a common experience for most school-age children and can be attributed
to many factors. For example, children may verbalize that they are bored when they feel
lonely, discouraged, confused, overwhelmed, or ambivalent about an activity or dis-
appointed by the outcome of play activities. Dealing with these common feelings and
situations is critically important to promote self-regulation and independence (Sharp,
Caldwell, Graham, & Ridenour, 2006).
4. Do it!
䡲 Your best friend went away for the weekend, and you have no one to play with.
䡲 You were going to fly a kite with your dad, but it’s raining and now you are stuck
䡲 Recess is indoors because it is snowing, and you don’t have anything to do.
EVIDENCE Children with high self-efficacy (i.e., those who believe in themselves and their abilities)
persist at tasks longer and work harder to achieve their goals (Szente, 2007). When chil-
dren are successful at setting and achieving their initial goals, they are motivated to set
higher goals (Pintrich & Schunk, 2002) and are committed to following through with
them (Bandura, 1993).
a) Practice!
䡲 You and your mom want to win a prize for selling the most Girl Scout cookies
this year in your troop.
EVIDENCE Being successful at problem solving involves integrating various cognitive abilities that
are critical for academic achievement and social success. For example, cognitive prob-
lem solving skills may include sustained attention, memory, object manipulation, and
visual–motor processes (e.g., Colombo & Cheatham, 2006; Karpov, 2003). Children who
approach learning by trying out potential solutions and persist until the problem is solved
achieve later academic and social success (Greenwood, Walker, Carta, & Higgins, 2006).
2. Think about the different ways you can deal with the problem.
䡲 You know your friend stole candy from the grocery store, but you are not sure
what to do.
䡲 Your dad let you borrow his baseball glove, but you lost it at the park.
䡲 You left your math book at school and now you need it to complete your home-
work assignment.
EVIDENCE Group problem solving is a collaborative interaction in which children work together
to achieve a mutually acceptable goal (Garton & Pratt, 2001). During these interactions,
children must work efficiently to define the task, share the responsibility, and share
knowledge to accomplish their goal (Garton & Pratt, 2001). Communication and con-
scious awareness of other child participants are integral components of group problem
solving and are necessary for success (Garton & Pratt, 2001).
2. Wait until it is your turn to talk and say what you think.
䡲 You and a group of friends want to go to the movies, but you can’t decide which
movie to see.
䡲 You and your family want to choose a place to go for vacation this summer, but
everyone wants to go to a different place.
䡲 During recess, a group of kids are trying to choose which sport would be the most
fun to play.
31 Following Directions
EVIDENCE The ability to follow verbal or written directions is a fundamental skill needed for social,
behavioral, and academic success (Valeski & Stipek, 2001). Directions or commands
require good auditory, working memory, organization, and motor planning skills (Reddy,
Weissman, & Hale, in press). This skill is essential for school, sports, work, and peer and
family interactions.
2. Stop what you are doing and listen to what was said.
䡲 You are playing a board game with a friend, and she is reading the directions on
how to play out loud.
䡲 Your parents are telling you how to set the table for dinner.
䡲 You are working on a drawing, and your teacher tells the class to start reading a
32 Paying Attention
EVIDENCE Children’s ability to focus and sustain attention is associated with social competence
and prosocial behavior (Wilson, 2003). Attention skills (divided and sustained attention)
can improve the likelihood of current and future success in school (Piker & Rex, 2008;
Reddy & Hale, 2007) and contribute to lower levels of negative mood (Wilson, 2003).
4. Write, if you can, what is being said to help you remember the important parts.
5. Do it!
b) If he or she does not tell you to do something, remember the important parts
of what he or she said.
䡲 Your mother is telling you the steps to complete a math problem you are work-
ing on.
䡲 Your teacher is telling your class about a field trip to the zoo in 2 weeks.
33 Staying on Task
EVIDENCE Staying on task requires children to sustain effort and maintain self-control (Lauth,
Heubeck, & Mackowiak, 2006). Staying on task strengthens academic skills, increases
learning opportunities, and reduces possible conflicts with teachers or peers (Gest &
Gest, 2005). The amount of time-on-task is an important contributor to academic suc-
cess because learning is heavily dependent on the amount of time spent on a task (Bloom,
1974; Carroll, 1963).
1. Clear your desk of things that are distracting (other homework, games, toys, and
3. Ask your teacher or parent for help if you are having trouble.
䡲 A friend asks you to come over to help her with her science project.
䡲 Your mom asks you to look for pictures of trees in magazines to help her make
a collage.
䡲 Your science class takes a trip to the library and you are asked to look up books
on iguanas.
34 Working Independently
3. If a friend asks you for help, tell him or her politely that you need to work on the
assignment by yourself and can talk with him or her later.
4. Ask your teacher or parent questions if you do not understand the assignment.
䡲 You and a friend are working on different homework assignments before you go
to the playground.
䡲 Your mom tells you that it is time to start your homework in your room.
35 Cooperation
EVIDENCE Cooperating with others is a skill that requires children to coordinate their behaviors
with peers and work in partnerships with others to achieve a common goal. Cooperation
is an important skill because it requires children to take other children’s views into
account and adjust their views to achieve a shared goal (Brownell, Ramani, & Zerwas,
4. Tell them if you agree with what they said. “Good idea, John, that could really
5. If you don’t agree with them, say, “That is a good idea, but maybe we could do
it this way.”
7. Work together to come up with group ideas. “Let’s try to all work on John’s idea
to build the wheels first and then work on the wings.”
䡲 Your friend wants to play baseball, but first the two of you have to finish your
homework together.
䡲 Your mom wants you and your brother to work together to clean up the house.
䡲 Your teacher has given the class an assignment to build a space ship as a group.
36 Taking Turns
EVIDENCE Effective turn-taking can help the group obtain its goals and can enhance children’s
learning (Sommerville & Hammond, 2007). Collaborative exchanges (e.g., taking turns)
have been shown to enhance children’s performance on memory and planning tasks.
Additionally, children who work together on a group project are more successful at com-
pleting a task than working independently (Sommerville & Hammond, 2007).
3. Wait to make sure you can start talking or do what the previous person was
4. Finish what you are saying and then let the next person go, or finish what you
are doing so that the next person can participate.
䡲 Your friends are talking about what they did over the weekend, and you want to
tell them what you did.
䡲 You are using the family computer, and your brother wants to use it.
䡲 Your teacher would like children in the classroom to talk about their favorite ice
cream, activity, or vacation.
EVIDENCE When children engage in competitions, the outcome produces “winners” and “losers.”
Depending on the outcome, children may feel depressed, anxious, or good about them-
selves (Salvador, 2005). Children may also display different coping strategies and styles
in response to winning, losing, playing well, and/or playing poorly (Salvador, 2005).
1. Think about how well you and the other person played the game.
a) “Good game!”
38 Being Patient
EVIDENCE Demonstrating patience requires emotion and behavior self-regulation, which help chil-
dren attain goals and manage their emotions and behavior (e.g., Denham, 1998; Kopp,
1982; Saarni, 1999; Shoda, Mischel, & Peake, 1990). For example, children instructed to
wait their turn need to have prosocial motivation and inhibitory control in order to
comply with such a request (Dennis, 2006).
3. Wait until the person is finished with what he or she is doing or saying.
a) Draw a picture.
c) Read a book.
䡲 Your friend is helping her little brother get dressed, but you want to go to the
park now!
䡲 You want to go to the movies, but your mom says you have to wait until she
finishes reading the newspaper.
䡲 Your teacher tells the class everyone will have to wait 5 minutes before they are
allowed to go to recess.
39 Being Assertive
EVIDENCE Children who use effective assertive strategies are more likely to successfully resolve
conflicts with others (Duman & Margolin, 2007). Assertive skills have been associated
with secure attachments and advanced developmental abilities such as social negotia-
tion skills with parents and other adults (Duman & Margolin, 2007).
1. Decide if something is bothering you (e.g., someone cuts in front of you in line).
3. Share your feelings with the person. “Excuse me, I don’t like it when you cut in
front of me in line.”
40 Saying NO
EVIDENCE Learning to say no can be useful when children face social situations such as adult
requests, peer conflict, and bullying. Teachers advocate that children use assertive coping
techniques to effectively deal with peer issues, including peer victimization (Kochenderfer-
Ladd & Pelletier, 2008). Children may face adult or peer situations in which they must
rely on independent problem solving to make decisions in response to tough situations
(Kochenderfer-Ladd & Pelletier, 2008).
䡲 A friend pressures you to take someone’s baseball bat from the park.
䡲 Your brother encourages you to draw a picture on the outside of the house.
41 Accepting NO
EVIDENCE Children often face situations in which they are told no by adults or peers in their lives.
For children to accept or deal with being told no, they must be able to manage their dis-
appointment and redirect their emotional and behavioral responses (Bridges & Grolnick,
1995; Thompson, 1994). As children age, they come to understand rules for expressing
their emotions and behavior and begin to regulate their positive and negative emotions
in accordance with societal and cultural norms (Cole, 1986; Saarni, 1984).
a) Do another activity.
c) If you can’t tell them, write about what you want to say.
䡲 Your friend said that you aren’t allowed to come over on a school night.
䡲 Your mom tells you that you aren’t allowed to go to the park after school.
䡲 The teacher tells you that you aren’t allowed to go to recess today.
EVIDENCE Asking for help is an important coping strategy that children use when they are seeking
information (advice) or emotional support (comfort; Compas, Connor-Smith, Saltzman,
Thomsen, & Wadsworth, 2001; Skinner, Edge, Altman, & Sherwood, 2003). When chil-
dren ask for help, they are resolving an immediate problem, learning strategies to deal
with future problems, and reducing anxiety, anger, or fear (Newman, 2008). Children
also develop their self-competence, self-efficacy, and emotional regulation skills in help-
seeking situations (Newman, 2008).
3. Choose what to say. “I need help figuring out this math problem.”
4. Wait until you get the other person’s attention and say, “Excuse me.”
䡲 Your friend is getting picked on at school during lunch, and you want a teacher
to come stop it.
䡲 You want to clean your room, but you need your mom’s help.
䡲 You received a bad grade on your spelling test and need help to do better next
43 Helping Others
EVIDENCE Helping others is a powerful protective factor (strength) related to academic and social
success in children (Ryan & Patrick, 2001). Engaging in prosocial interactions, such as
helping others, fosters future prosocial acts and opportunities for positive social engage-
ment (Eisenberg & Fabes, 1998).
3. Ask your friend if you can help her. Say, “Can I help you?”
䡲 Your classmate looks as though he is having trouble carrying all his books.
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As discussed in Part II, group play skill sequences are important prerequisite skills for successfully
participating in group play interventions. Prior to selecting and implementing group play interventions,
the reader is encouraged to read the chapters in Section 1. These chapters provide a thorough review of
the “nuts and bolts” of creating and implementing effective group play training.
Part III includes 67 group play interventions conceptualized into eight teaching modules. The eight
teaching modules are (1) making and maintaining friends; (2) identifying emotions and appropriately
expressing emotions; (3) following directions and impulse control; (4) sharing, joining a group, and group
cooperation; (5) anger management; (6) anxiety and stress management; (7) developing appropriate personal
space; and (8) effective planning and time management. Each group play intervention includes a descrip-
tion of the targeted domain area, skills taught, required materials and resources, and detailed step-by-
step instructions on the implementation and group facilitation process.
Teaching Module 1
Making and Maintaining Friends
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OVERVIEW Swedish Meetball allows children to have fun learning each other’s names and inter-
ests. It also provides opportunities to share information about themselves.
PREREQUISITE Children need to be able to introduce themselves to others, follow directions, and main-
SKILLS tain self-control.
GAME SYNOPSIS Swedish Meetball involves children rolling the ball to one another and sharing infor-
mation about themselves.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of sharing information about themselves and using appropriate eye con-
tact and tone of voice. Also emphasize the importance of listening to others and
controlling their bodies.
2. Ask the children what they needed to do when they received the ball.
3. Ask the children how they felt introducing themselves at different points in the
game (i.e., beginning, middle, and end).
OVERVIEW Parrot is an icebreaker game that allows children to introduce themselves and to learn
others’ names.
PREREQUISITE Children need to be able to listen to others, remember others’ names, and speak clearly.
SUGGESTED No. 36. Taking Turns
GROUP SKILL No. 10. Being an Active Listener
PRACTICE BEFORE No. 4. Introducing Others
GROUP PLAY No. 3. Introducing Self to Others
GAME SYNOPSIS The group sits in a circle on the floor or in chairs. Each child goes around the room, states
her or his name, and repeats the names of the children preceding her or him. This allows
children to learn others’ names. The difficulty of the game can be adjusted by increasing
or decreasing the maximum number of names that the children need to remember.
The leading therapist should ask children what a parrot does; eventually, the ther-
apist answers that a parrot repeats the last few words a person says. Each child will then
say his or her name as well as the names of the two previous people in the circle. For
example, the first person would say, “My name is John,” the second person would say,
“My name is Jane, and this is John,” and the third person would say, “My name is Scott,
and this is Jane, and this is John.” The fourth person would say his or her name in addi-
tion to the names of the two preceding people. This would continue around the circle
twice so that everyone will say three names. The order could also be reversed after two
times around the circle.
STEPS FOR 1. Instruct children to sit in a circle and tell them they are going to play a game
IMPLEMENTING called Parrot. Parrot should be introduced to the children in a positive and play-
ful manner. Tell children that they are about to play a special game in which
they will be learning each other’s names by acting like parrots.
2. Tell children that when they are the parrot, they are to introduce themselves
and then act like a parrot by repeating the names of (all or a specified number
of) people who came before them. For example, the first person would say, “My
name is John,” the second person would say, “My name is Jane, and this is
John,” and the third person would say, “My name is Scott, this is Jane, and this
is John.” The fourth person would say his or her name as well as the names of
the two preceding people.
3. The group facilitators should first introduce themselves and provide a demon-
stration of the game.
4. The group leader should call on the first child in the circle. That child should
have an opportunity to introduce him- or herself and repeat the name of the
preceding group facilitator.
5. The next child in the circle should be called on, and this process repeated until
all children have had a turn and learned each other’s names.
6. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the
QUESTIONS importance of introductions, listening, and remembering.
2. Ask the children what strategies they used to remember each other’s names.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they were asked to recall each other’s
OVERVIEW Name Planes allows children to have fun while learning each other’s names and intro-
ducing themselves to others.
PREREQUISITE Children need to be able to introduce themselves to others. They must be able to fol-
SKILLS low simple directions and keep their bodies in control (maintain self-control).
REQUIRED 81⁄2 × 11 inch sheets of paper, writing instruments (crayons, markers, pens or pencils).
ROOM SETUP Name Planes is an active game in which children need to move freely throughout the
room. Therefore, the area in which the children are playing the game should be free
from furniture or other objects that might become obstacles or cause injury.
GAME SYNOPSIS Name Planes is an interactive game that includes two launch groups. One group of chil-
dren flies their paper airplanes (containing their names on them) around the room. Each
child in the second group retrieves a plane, identifies the name on the plane, and then
attempts to locate the person whose name is on the plane. After the sender is located,
both children formally introduce themselves to one another.
STEPS FOR 1. Instruct children to sit in a circle and give them a sheet of paper and a writing
IMPLEMENTING instrument.
2. Tell children to write their names on the sheet of paper (younger children
and/or children with writing difficulties may need group facilitators to assist).
3. Teach children how to fold up the sheet of paper and make it into a paper air-
plane (see example paper plane).
4. Before the game starts, instruct children that during the game they need to
a) Keep their arms in control—not hit or push others.
b) Keep their feet in control—walk, not run, and stand and avoid bumping
into objects and other group members.
c) Pay attention to which launch group they are assigned to.
d) Make sure that airplanes are thrown in the air into an empty area of the
room. Children should avoid hitting others with their airplanes.
5. To start the game, divide children into two groups. Instruct the children to
stand up with their airplanes in a launching position.
6. One of the group leaders counts down from five to one and then says, “Fly your
airplanes (Group 1 or 2).” The children in the group that was called should
launch their airplanes.
7. Once the planes have landed, instruct the children in the other group to retrieve
one of the airplanes after they have all landed. The receivers should unfold the
airplane they have retrieved and read the name of the sender on the inside of
the airplane (younger children or children with reading difficulties may need
assistance with reading the names).
8. Then tell the receivers to locate the sender whose name appears on the airplane.
If they do not know what the sender looks like, they should ask others what
their names are until they identify the sender. If they happen to get their own
airplane or an airplane of someone that they already had, they should introduce
themselves to the person next to them and trade airplanes with them.
9. Once the sender is located, the receiver and sender should introduce them-
selves to one another, and the receiver should return the airplane to the
sender. Children can introduce themselves to each other simultaneously or
one at a time (based on the group facilitators’ preference and children’s need
for assistance/practice observing each other).
10. Continue to repeat Steps 6 through 9, but alternate between groups of launch-
ers and receivers, until all of the children have had a chance to introduce them-
selves to one another. Each child should be provided with an opportunity to
introduce him- or herself to everyone else in the group at least once.
11. Name Planes should be collected and stored (if playing Conversation Planes).
12. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the
QUESTIONS importance of identifying others and introducing yourself.
2. Ask the children what they needed to do to find the sender of the airplane.
3. Ask the children how they introduced themselves to the sender.
4. Ask the children how they felt introducing themselves at different points in the
game (i.e., beginning, middle, and end).
OVERVIEW Conversation Planes provides the opportunity for children to build on their introduc-
tion skills and target the necessary skills for initiating a conversation.
PREREQUISITE Children should have some experience with introducing themselves to others and
SKILLS beginning a conversation with others. They must be able to follow simple directions
(e.g., one- to two-step directions) and keep their bodies in control.
REQUIRED 81⁄2 × 11 inch sheets of paper (if applicable, Name Planes can be reused), writing instru-
MATERIALS ments (crayons, markers, pens, or pencils).
ROOM SETUP Conversation Planes is an active game in which children need to move freely through-
out the room. Therefore, the area in which the children are playing the game should be
free from furniture or other objects that might become obstacles or cause injury.
GAME SYNOPSIS Conversation Planes is an interactive game that includes two launch groups. One group
of children flies their paper airplanes (containing their names [from Name Planes] along
with two to three written items about themselves) around the room. The other group
retrieves the airplanes, locates the sender, greets the person, and then uses the interests
written on the airplane to begin a conversation. At the end of the conversation, they
return the airplane to the sender.
STEPS FOR 1. Instruct children to sit in a circle and give them either a blank sheet of paper or
IMPLEMENTING their paper airplane from Name Planes (if applicable) and a writing instrument.
PLANES 2. Tell children to write two to three items about themselves under their name
on a sheet of paper (younger children or children with writing difficulties may
need group facilitators to assist). Group facilitators or children can choose item
categories (e.g., favorite foods, television shows, sports).
3. Remind or teach children (if applicable) how to fold the sheet of paper to make
it into a paper airplane.
4. Before the game starts, instruct children that during the game they need to
a) Keep their arms in control—not hit or push others.
b) Keep their feet in control—walk, not run, and stand and avoid bumping
into objects and other group members.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of beginning a conversation.
2. Ask the children what they needed to do to greet the other person.
3. Ask the children what they had to do to figure out how to begin a conversation.
4. Ask the children how they felt about initiating a conversation at different
points in the game (beginning, middle, and end).
5. Ask the children how they felt when they were approached by someone.
6. Ask the children how they felt when the person began a conversation with
them at different points in the game (i.e., beginning, middle, and end).
OVERVIEW About Me Telephone teaches children how to communicate effectively with others
while allowing them to learn about each other. One child sends a message around
the room from child to child. The goal is to maintain the integrity of the sender’s
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to sit quietly, whisper, follow simple directions, and share infor-
SKILLS mation about themselves.
GAME SYNOPSIS About Me Telephone is an adaptation of the standard telephone game and involves
children whispering messages about themselves (e.g., “I am Pete and I love to play
video games,” or “My favorite game system is PSP and my favorite video game is
Space Invaders Extreme”) to other children around a circle. Message receivers repeat
the message to the next person in the circle until all children have received the mes-
sage. The last child in the circle to receive the message (i.e., child seated next to the
sender) should repeat the message out loud. The sender should verify whether the
message is accurate and correct the person if it is not. The next child in the group
should provide the next message about her- or himself, and the game should continue
until everyone has gotten an opportunity to send a message. For more advanced chil-
dren, the last person to receive each message should appropriately respond to the con-
tent of the sender’s message (e.g., “I also like PSP, but my favorite game is Secret
Agent Clank”).
STEPS FOR 1. Instruct children to sit in a circle. Introduce About Me Telephone to the chil-
IMPLEMENTING dren in a positive and playful manner. Tell children that they are about to play
TELEPHONE a special game in which they will act as a human telephone, and that they will
have an opportunity to send, pass, and receive messages.
2. Before the game starts, instruct children that during the game they need to:
1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
GROUP PROCESS tance of sharing information about themselves, listening, and communicating.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how they felt when they had to generate a message.
3. Ask the children how they felt when their message went around the room.
4. Ask the children how they felt when their message was told back to them.
5. Ask the children how they felt when they had to listen for other children’s
6. Ask the children what they had to do to get the message around the room.
7. Ask the children how they felt when they had to say the message out loud to
all the children.
OVERVIEW Interest Pictionary involves sharing and learning about the interests of others. Each
child draws a picture of an item that other children have designated as their interests.
Children attempt to identify what the item is and whose interest it was.
GROUP PLAY Primary: Sharing About Oneself, Learning About Others, Verbal and Nonverbal
INTERVENTION Communication
Secondary: Paying Attention, Following Directions, Cooperation, Teamwork
PREREQUISITE Children should be familiar with the other children in the group, share information
SKILLS about themselves, and be able to follow simple rules of turn-taking.
REQUIRED Sheets of paper cut in squares or index cards, two containers to hold sheets of paper,
MATERIALS writing instruments (crayons, markers, pens or pencils), easel, easel pad, and stopwatch
or timer.
ROOM SETUP An easel and easel pad with writing instruments should be set up in the front of the
room. Children should be able to sit on the floor or in chairs facing the easel.
GAME SYNOPSIS Children are divided into two teams. Children share one of their interests by either writ-
ing it down or telling it to a facilitator. All the children’s interests are written down and
placed into their group’s container. One child at a time is called up to the front of the
room to be the drawer. This child selects a card out of the opposing team’s container
and has 60 seconds to draw the item. Children on their team keep guessing out loud
until someone gets it right or time runs out. If a child guesses the correct answer,
his/her team gets a point. The child who guessed the item correctly can get a bonus
point if he or she can correctly identify whose interest it is. If he or she is unable to guess
the item or identify the child whose interest it is, a group leader shares this informa-
tion with the children. A member from the other team should then be called up to be
the drawer, and the process is repeated.
3. Give children an index card or sheet of paper and tell them to write down or tell
a group facilitator one of their interests (e.g., favorite movie, game, or fictional
character). Facilitators can provide topics, if necessary. Children should not
share their interest with other children in the group. All interests should be
written down with the children’s name next to the items.
4. A group facilitator should then collect the cards and place them in the corre-
sponding group’s container.
5. Before the game starts, instruct children that during the game
a) The child drawing should not begin until instructed to by a group facilitator.
b) The child drawing cannot write words.
c) The child drawing cannot talk or act.
d) The child drawing should draw as fast as possible.
e) The drawer’s team is the only team that can speak.
6. To start the game, select a child to draw for the first team and have the child
go to the easel. A group facilitator should provide the child with the other
team’s container and tell the child to select a card.
7. Review the instructions to ensure that the drawer knows what to do, each
teams knows who is guessing, and what each teams’ roles will be.
8. Ensure that the child understands the information on the card and is ready to
draw the interest listed.
9. A group facilitator says the sequence, “ready–set–go,” letting the child know
to begin drawing and for his or her team to start guessing. A 60-second timer is
10. If a child on the drawer’s team gets it right, ask the child to guess which mem-
ber on the opposing team the characteristic belongs to.
11. If either or both are correct, the child is congratulated for getting the right
answer. If either is wrong, the children are told the correct answers.
12. One point should be awarded for getting the item right and a second point is
awarded for identifying the correct person. Scores are recorded and a summary
of scores is shared with the children
13. Repeat Steps 6 through 12, alternating between members of the two groups.
This should be done until all the children have had a chance to draw. Other
rounds can be initiated at Step 3.
14. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of sharing information about oneself, figuring out how to communicate
nonverbally, and paying attention.
2. Ask the children how they felt when they were drawing.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they were trying to guess.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they were on the team that was not
OVERVIEW Common Traits in a Hat allows children to share information about themselves and
identify commonalities among group members.
REQUIRED Sheets of paper cut in squares, writing instruments (crayons, markers, pens or pencils),
MATERIALS and hat or container.
ROOM SETUP Children should be sitting in a manner in which they can see one another. They can sit
in chairs or on the floor.
GAME SYNOPSIS Children share information about their likes and interests by either writing, drawing,
or telling facilitators about them. All the items are placed in a hat or container. Items
are pulled, one by one, out of the hat or container and read out loud by the group facil-
itator. Children are asked to raise their hands after they hear an object read aloud that
they like or are interested in. This allows children to learn about other children’s inter-
ests, share their interests with others, and see which children share their interests.
STEPS FOR 1. Seat children in a manner in which they can see each other. Tell children that
IMPLEMENTING they are going to play a game called Common Traits in a Hat.
IN A HAT 2. Provide children with one piece of paper and a writing instrument.
3. Instruct children to write (or draw or tell a group facilitator) something about
themselves or something they like on the sheet of paper. Group facilitators can
provide a specific topic (e.g., favorite cartoon, favorite food) for the children to
write about or leave the topic open-ended.
4. Tell children to fold the paper and drop it in the hat or container.
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for a number of items (determined by the group facilitators).
6. The group facilitator selects an item out of the hat or container, one at a time,
and reads it out loud. Children are asked to raise their hands if the item read
aloud is something that they like or are interested in.
7. Acknowledge children who raise their hands for the interest that they all share.
Then ask children to put their hands down and repeat Step 6 until all items are
8. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of sharing information about oneself and recognizing that others share their
2. Ask the children how they felt when the items that they liked or related to were
called out.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they realized that others shared their likes
and interests.
OVERVIEW Compliment Sticker allows children to learn about giving and receiving compliments
in a fun, active, and exciting way.
PREREQUISITE Children should have a basic understanding of what compliments are and why they are
SKILLS given. They should have the ability to move their bodies in a controlled fashion and be
able to follow basic rules.
REQUIRED White labels (that can stick onto clothing), sheets of white paper, markers, and chairs
MATERIALS (optional).
GAME SYNOPSIS All children write a compliment for each child in the group on a sheet of paper. They then
write the compliments on white labels and gently stick them on the back of the correspon-
ding child in the group. After every child has had a turn, a child is selected to remove his
or her first compliment from the child’s back. He or she thanks the group for the compli-
ment and guesses who gave the compliment. For every correct match, one point is
awarded. The game continues with the next child in the circle removing one compliment
from his or her back and guessing. This proceeds until all compliments have been received.
STEPS FOR 1. Instruct children to sit in a circle. Introduce Compliment Sticker to the children
IMPLEMENTING in a positive and playful manner. Tell children that they are about to play a spe-
STICKER cial game in which they will be giving and receiving compliments.
2. Before the game starts, instruct children that during the game they need to
a) Prepare appropriate compliments for everyone in the group and only give
them out when told to do so.
b) Remain seated and face forward when being given compliments.
c) Leave the compliments on their back until told to take them off.
d) Stay quiet when a child is guessing or someone is responding to a guess.
3. Give children a sheet of paper, a label for each member of the group, and a
4. Instruct children to write a compliment for each child in the group on the sheet
of paper. They should copy these compliments onto the label. The name of the
child they are giving the compliment to should also be written on the label.
5. The rules of the game should be reviewed. Have everyone repeat the directions
out loud before beginning the game.
6. To start the game, instruct one child to give out his or her compliments by stick-
ing the appropriate compliment on each child’s back. Facilitators can assist the
child with giving out the compliments and ensure that the other children remain
seated and do not turn around.
7. After this child has given out all of his or her compliments, that child should
return to his or her seat. Repeat Step 6 for each child in the group.
8. After all children have given out their compliments, instruct one child to pull
a compliment off her or his shirt. The child should read the compliment out
loud and thank the group for giving the compliment.
9. The same child should then guess who gave him or her the compliment.
10. The child who is named as the giver affirms or disconfirms whether he or she
had given the compliment to this child and a point is recorded by one of the
facilitators if he or she guesses correctly.
11. Repeat Steps 7 through 9 until all children have read and guessed all of their
12. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the
QUESTIONS importance of coming up with compliments and how to respond to receiving
2. Ask the children how they felt when they had to generate compliments.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they gave out the compliments.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they received the compliments.
5. Ask the children how they felt when they had to guess who gave them the
6. Ask the children how they felt when they guessed correctly.
7. Ask the children how they felt when they guessed incorrectly.
OVERVIEW Interviewing and Presenting allows children to learn the skill of introducing others.
PREREQUISITE Children should have some experience introducing themselves to others, sharing infor-
SKILLS mation about themselves, and beginning and engaging in conversations.
REQUIRED Sheets of paper (depending on children’s abilities sheets may contain interview questions,
MATERIALS guidelines for interview questions, or may be blank) and a writing instrument.
ROOM SETUP The room should be conducive to pairs of children sitting together and talking. There
should be ample room for each dyad to be spread far enough apart so that one dyad’s
conversation does not disrupt another.
GAME SYNOPSIS Interviewing and Presenting is an activity in which children are paired off and instructed
to take turns asking each other questions. Following this, they are provided an oppor-
tunity to present their partner to the rest of the group.
STEPS FOR 1. Introduce Interviewing and Presenting to the children in a positive and playful
IMPLEMENTING manner. Tell children that they are about to play a special game in which they
AND PRESENTING will be asking each other questions to get to know one another.
2. Give each child a sheet of paper, either blank or prepared, and a writing
3. Match each child with a partner and assign to an area of the room.
4. Instruct one child from each pair to interview the other and record the infor-
mation on the sheet of paper (this can be done verbally or using pictures). The
goal is to obtain enough information about the other child in order to present
that information to the group. The child should be provided with a specified
amount of time (e.g., approximately 5 to 10 minutes) for the interviewing
5. After the specified amount of time has elapsed, children in each dyad should
switch roles.
6. Then ask the children to return to the group and to sit quietly in a circle.
7. One at a time, children should be provided with an opportunity to introduce
their partner to the group. They should introduce their partner by name and
then provide a description of the person.
8. Repeat Step 7 until all children have had a chance to introduce someone to the
9. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the
QUESTIONS importance of learning about others and introducing others.
2. Ask the children what kinds of questions they needed to ask their partners to
learn about them.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they were asking their partner questions.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they were being questioned.
5. Ask the children how they felt when they were introducing their partner to the
6. Ask the children how they felt when they were being introduced to the group.
Teaching Module 2
Identifying Emotions and
Appropriately Expressing Emotions
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OVERVIEW Feelings Dice allows children to practice expressing and identifying feelings.
PREREQUISITE Children need to be able to identify and express basic emotions (happy, sad, mad, scared).
SUGGESTED No. 17. Identifying Feelings and Emotions
GROUP SKILL No. 18. Expressing Feelings and Emotions
PRACTICE BEFORE No. 31. Following Directions
GROUP PLAY No. 19. Understanding Social Cues
REQUIRED A large six-sided die created out of heavy paper (e.g., construction paper or poster board).
MATERIALS Each side should be labeled with a different feeling (e.g., happy, sad, angry, scared, frus-
trated, confused).
ROOM SETUP Children should be sitting in a circle. They can sit in chairs or on the floor.
GAME SYNOPSIS One child at a time rolls the feelings die and acts out the feeling on the die for everyone
else to see. The children observing are provided with opportunities to identify specific
behaviors that the actor is doing to portray the feeling.
STEPS FOR 1. Seat children in a circle, show the feelings die, and tell them that they are going
IMPLEMENTING to play a game called Feelings Dice.
2. Instruct children that when they are given the feelings die, they are to roll the
die and act out the feeling presented on the die using both their face and body.
Inform them that that they cannot use words.
3. Tell children that while a child is acting, they are to attend to the actor, try to
identify what the actor is doing, and raise their hand to share their answers with
the group. Children should receive one point for every behavior that they cor-
rectly identify.
4. After all behaviors are identified, pass the die to the next child in the circle and
repeat Step 3 until all children have had a turn.
5. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the
QUESTIONS importance of identifying and expressing emotions, taking turns, and following
2. Ask the children what they needed to do when they were the actor.
3. Ask the children how they felt being the actor.
4. Ask the children what they needed to do to be the observer.
5. Ask the children how they felt when they were the observer.
OVERVIEW Stone Face Stevie/Samantha is a game that allows children to practice the skills of iden-
tifying and expressing emotions through teaching these skills to others.
PREREQUISITE Children need to be able to identify and express basic emotions (happy, sad, mad, scared).
SUGGESTED No. 17. Identifying Feelings and Emotions
GROUP SKILL No. 18. Expressing Feelings and Emotions
PRACTICE BEFORE No. 1. Communicating With Others
REQUIRED Blanket, sheet, or shawl to cover the head and body of a group facilitator acting as Stone
MATERIALS Face and chairs or open floor space for Stone Face and children to sit. Index cards or
sheets of 81⁄2 × 11 inch paper, cut into four pieces. Each card or piece of paper should have
an emotion written on it.
ROOM SETUP Children sit in a semicircle on the floor or in chairs facing the front of the room. A chair
or floor space should be available for Stone Face.
GAME SYNOPSIS Stone Face Stevie/Samantha is a game in which children have an opportunity to teach
a seemingly emotionless “ogre” how to express emotions. Children use verbal and visual
prompts and corrective feedback to get the ogre to express emotions listed on cards.
STEPS FOR 1. Introduce Stone Face Stevie/Samantha to the children in a positive, playful
IMPLEMENTING manner. Tell children that they are about to play a special game that involves
STEVIE/SAMANTHA expressing feelings, identifying feelings, communication, collaboration, and
following directions.
2. One group facilitator should stand outside the room out of view from the chil-
dren, with a blanket, sheet, or shawl covering his or her head. The facilitator
should wait outside the room until given the signal to enter.
3. A different group facilitator in the room should begin reading the story of Stone
Face to the children:
Stone Face Stevie [or Samantha if the group facilitator (actor) is a female] is a
simple ogre who has lived his whole life in the deepest, darkest cave some-
where in the Alaskan wilderness. He is not a mean ogre, nor is he an especially
nice ogre. The problem with Stone Face Stevie is that he isn’t any particular
kind of ogre. He just is. He simply exists in his cave, eating raw fish out of an
underground stream that he had discovered as a baby. Living alone his entire
life, without any friends to play with, Stone Face Stevie never learned how to
make facial expressions nor was even taught what facial expressions were. In
fact, Stone Face Stevie got his name because his face never made any facial
expressions. Sure, he has feelings, but because he lived alone for so many years,
he never learned how to express his feelings to others. Today, he’s had a chance
to leave his cave to visit our group. He wants us to teach him about expressing
feelings. Each of you will have a turn at teaching Stone Face Stevie about facial
expressions and body language.
4. Once the story is finished, the group facilitators in the room should give Stone
Face a signal to enter the room, and then introduce him. Stone Face should walk
around the room grunting, showing no facial expression, and he should sit in a
chair or on the floor in front of the group.
5. Select one child and give her or him a feeling card from the stack.
6. The child should then teach Stone Face how to make the facial expression and
the accompanying body language of the emotion. Make sure that Stone Face
really gets it before that child’s turn is finished. Encourage the actor playing
Stone Face to “get it wrong” before they get it right to force the child to empha-
size and rehearse the facial expressions and body language.
7. Continue to repeat Steps 5 and 6 until all children have an opportunity to teach
Stone Face how to express a feeling.
8. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of expressing feelings, identifying feelings, communication, collaboration,
and following directions.
2. Ask the children how they felt when they met Stone Face.
3. Ask the children how they taught Stone Face to express various emotions (have
the children provide specific examples).
4. Ask the children how they felt when they were teaching Stone Face how to
express feelings.
5. Ask the children how they felt when they were successful in getting Stone Face
to express feelings correctly.
OVERVIEW Facial Expression Identification is a game that allows children to identify emotions by
observing or labeling facial expressions.
PREREQUISITE Children need to be able to identify and express basic emotions (happy, sad, mad, scared).
REQUIRED Large pictures of different facial expressions (happy, sad, scared, embarrassed, tired, angry)
MATERIALS with blank lines for children to fill in the corresponding emotion. A word bank of emo-
tions may be provided if necessary.
GAME SYNOPSIS Children are given a worksheet in which they are to label emotions corresponding to
pictures of facial expressions.
STEPS FOR 1. Seat children in a circle and tell them that they are going to play a game called
IMPLEMENTING Facial Expression Identification.
EXPRESSION 2. Provide children with a worksheet containing pictures of faces.
IDENTIFICATION 3. Tell children that they should try to identify and write down the emotions that
correspond to the facial expressions displayed.
4. Encourage children to work as quickly as possible and tell them that they
will be earning one point for each facial expression that they correctly iden-
tify. Bonus points should be awarded for finishing first, second, third, and so
5. Tell children to begin and to let a group facilitator know when they finish.
Group facilitators should check their answers for accuracy and indicate on each
child’s worksheet what place he or she finished in. Wrong answers should be
explained and points for the game should be recorded.
6. Ask children to go around the circle, one at a time, and share their answers for
each picture.
7. Announce the winners of the game.
8. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the
QUESTIONS importance of reading facial expressions and understanding their connection to
people’s emotions.
2. Ask the children what they did to identify the emotions. Allow children to
provide specific examples.
3. Ask the children how they felt about racing each other.
4. Ask the children how they felt about sharing their answers with the group.
OVERVIEW Emotion Memory teaches children how to recognize and identify emotional expressions
by matching up pairs of cards that identify the same emotion.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills.
REQUIRED Memory cards that include names of emotions (e.g., angry, sad, happy) and simple facial
MATERIALS pictures of emotions on each card.
ROOM SETUP A space for children to sit in a circle on the floor or around a table.
GAME SYNOPSIS Emotion Memory teaches children to recognize and identify emotional expressions.
Children take turns selecting two memory cards. Children try to match up pairs of cards
that identify the same emotion.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a matching game about different emotions.
IMPLEMENTING Ask the children to identify different types of emotions that they are aware of
MEMORY (e.g., happy, sad, angry, lonely).
2. Then instruct children to sit in a circle around the memory cards. (The mem-
ory cards should be placed face down ahead of time by the group facilitator.)
3. Tell children they will select two memory cards when it is their turn. Encourage
children to find two cards with the same emotion. Also tell children to pay atten-
tion and remember all the cards selected so they can make a match when it is
their turn. If a child makes a match, she or he takes another turn and should be
given verbal praise by the adult(s) and group members.
4. Repeat Step 3 until each child has taken a turn and has successfully made a
5. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how they felt when they made a match with the memory
3. Ask the children how they felt when they were not able to find memory cards
that matched.
4. Ask the children how they felt when other children found memory cards that
5. Ask the children how they felt when they knew where the same memory cards
were when it was not their turn.
6. Ask the children how they felt after the game was over.
PREREQUISITE Children should have a basic knowledge of feeling words. Children need to be able to
SKILLS identify and express basic emotions (e.g., happy, sad, mad, scared).
REQUIRED Large floor space or chairs for several small groups to sit; several sheets of paper and
MATERIALS writing instruments.
ROOM SETUP Children sit in one large circle on the floor when receiving initial directions.
GAME SYNOPSIS Small groups of children compete to come up with feeling words and group facilitators
document these words on sheets of paper. Points are awarded for unique contributions.
STEPS FOR 1. Seat children in a circle and ask them to count from one to four (this number
IMPLEMENTING will vary depending on the number of children present in the large group).
VOCABULARY 2. Ask children, accompanied by a group leader, to move to different areas of the
COMPETITION room by number.
3. Give directions to all children after they are seated quietly. Tell the children
that, as a small group, they have 10 minutes to come up with as many feeling
words as possible.
4. Facilitators can help guide the group if the group is struggling. For example, by
using phrases such as, “If you went to bed late and had to wake up early for
school, you might be feeling . . . “
5. After the allotted time, have each group share the number of feeling words that
they came up with. The group with the least number of feeling words shares
their list first.
6. While the first group is sharing their list of words, instruct other groups to cross
out feeling words from their list if they have come up with the same words.
7. The group with the most unique feeling words wins the game.
GROUP PROCESS 8. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
QUESTIONS their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the
importance of expanding their emotional vocabularies and maintaining respect
for other group members and their ideas.
2. Ask the children how they felt coming up with different emotions.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they scored a point for a unique feeling word.
4. Ask the children how they felt when another group had the same word they did.
OVERVIEW Feelings Tag encourages children to recall different emotions and expand on their cur-
rent emotional vocabularies.
PREREQUISITE Children should have a basic knowledge of feeling words. Children should be able to
SKILLS keep their bodies in control and follow directions.
REQUIRED Radio with a CD or cassette tape player and a CD or cassette with dance music (child
MATERIALS appropriate).
ROOM SETUP Large, open, unobstructed floor space for children to move around.
GAME SYNOPSIS Children move around the room to music while a group leader or selected child attempts
to tag them before they can recall a new feeling word.
STEPS FOR 1. Seat children in a circle and ask them to raise their hands to share examples of
IMPLEMENTING feeling words with the group. After three or four different feelings are men-
tioned, give children directions for the game.
2. Tell children that the game begins when the music starts. A group facilitator
or child will be designated as it. It will walk around the room attempting to tag
children and make them it before they can name a feeling word. Instruct chil-
dren to walk around the room without being tagged it by saying a feeling word
that has not already been mentioned. Children are rewarded with a point for
each round that they complete without being it. The game continues until all
children have been tagged because they were unable to identify a new feeling
word. When all group members have the opportunity to be tagged, the final
child tagged becomes the new it and the round ends.
3. Turn the music on and begin the game.
4. After a new it is tagged, turn the music off, and award all the other children a
point. A group facilitator should make an announcement about the new it.
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for several rounds until group facilitators have deter-
mined that the children have achieved sufficient expansion of their emotional
6. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of expanding their emotional vocabularies and keeping their bodies in
2. Ask the children how they came up with different emotions.
3. Ask the children how they felt when it was coming to get them.
4. Ask the children how it felt to be it.
OVERVIEW Emotional Charades allows children to practice expressing and identifying emotions.
PREREQUISITE Children need to have knowledge of basic emotions and have the ability to identify and
SKILLS express basic emotions (happy, sad, mad, scared). They should be able to follow simple
directions, pay attention, work collaboratively, and take turns.
REQUIRED Index cards or sheets of 81⁄2 × 11 inch paper, cut into four pieces, and a stopwatch or
MATERIALS timer. Each card or piece of paper should have an emotion written on it.
ROOM SETUP Children should be sitting with their team in an area where they can see the front of
the room and where the actors will be acting. They can sit in chairs or on the floor.
GAME SYNOPSIS Emotional Charades is a game in which children nonverbally act out various emotions
that are listed on cards, with the goal of getting their teammates to guess what they are.
STEPS FOR 1. Separate children into two groups (teams) and instruct them to sit with their
IMPLEMENTING teammates, facing the front of the room.
CHARADES 2. Before the game starts, instruct children that during the game
a) The child acting should not begin until instructed by a group facilitator.
b) The child acting is not allowed to talk.
c) The actor’s team should continuously call out guesses until either some-
one gets it right or time runs out.
d) Children on the other team should sit quietly while trying to figure out
what emotion is being acted out (they could have a chance to steal a point).
3. To start the game, call on a child from the first team to be the actor and give
him or her one of the emotion cards.
4. Tell the child to act out the emotion on the card when given a signal. Remind the
actor’s teammates to guess, and encourage the other team to think of possible
responses while remaining silent.
5. If a child guesses correctly within a predetermined amount of time, a point
should be awarded to the actor’s team. If time runs out before one of the actor’s
teammates correctly identifies the emotion, the opposing team gets a chance
to steal the points. This team should huddle together and come up with a sin-
gle answer. If they guess incorrectly, the round ends and no points are awarded.
6. Once the round is over, select a child from the other team to be the actor.
Continue this step until either all of the children have had a turn to act or until
the children have successfully mastered the skill.
7. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of identifying and expressing emotions, observing each other, taking turns,
and following directions.
2. Ask the children what they needed to do when they were the actor.
3. Ask the children how they felt being the actor.
4. Ask the children what they needed to do to be the guesser.
5. Ask the children how they felt when they were the guesser.
PREREQUISITE Children should have an understanding of basic feelings and be able to link them to per-
SKILLS sonal experiences. Children should be able to formulate socially appropriate questions
to ask the presenter.
REQUIRED A large, six-sided die created out of heavy paper (e.g., construction paper or poster
MATERIALS board). Each side should be labeled with a different feeling (e.g., happy, sad, angry,
scared, frustrated, confused).
GAME SYNOPSIS Children roll the die and describe an experience when they felt the specific emotion dis-
played on the die. As an added activity to the game, children can also act out the feel-
ing that was experienced. The children observing are provided with opportunities to
identify the feeling that the actor (child) displays.
STEPS FOR 1. Seat children in a circle, show them the feelings die, and tell them that they are
IMPLEMENTING going to play a game called Feelings–Experience Dice.
EXPERIENCE DICE 2. Instruct each child to roll the feelings die. Ask the child to discuss an experi-
ence in which he or she felt the particular feeling presented on the die.
3. Group members should listen to each child’s experience and formulate an
appropriate question to ask the presenter.
4. Once the child finishes describing his or her experience, allow group members
to take turns raising their hands and asking the presenter socially appropriate
questions to help the presenter expand on her or his feeling.
5. Then instruct the child to act out the feeling presented on the die using both
face and body. To increase the difficulty, group facilitators may impose the
challenge that the group is not allowed to use words.
6. Tell children that while a child is acting, they are to attend to the actor and try
to identify what the actor is doing and how the emotion relates to the experi-
ence the actor shared. Children should be encouraged to raise their hands and
share their answers with the group.
7. Have the actor pass the die to the next child in the circle, and repeat Steps 2
through 6 until all children have a chance to be the actor.
8. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the
QUESTIONS importance of identifying and describing emotions, taking turns, and following
2. Ask the children what they needed to do after they rolled the die.
3. Ask the children how they felt describing a personal experience.
4. Ask the children what they needed to do as a group member when the presen-
ter was describing an experience.
5. Ask the children how they felt coming up with an appropriate question to ask
the presenter.
Teaching Module 3
Following Directions and
Impulse Control
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OVERVIEW Red Light, Green Light is a game in which one child at a time is the leader of the game
and plays the stoplight, while the rest of the children try to touch him or her.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and cooperative play skills.
GAME SYNOPSIS Red Light, Green Light involves children taking turns, acting like a stoplight. The other
children form a line behind the stoplight. The children start moving toward the stoplight
when he or she says, “green light.” At any point, the stoplight may say “red light” and
turn around to face the other children. If any of the children are caught moving after “red
light” has been called, they go back to the starting line and begin again. The first player
to touch the stoplight earns the right to take a turn as the stoplight for the next game.
STEPS FOR 1. Select one child to be the leader or the stoplight. Instruct the stoplight to face
IMPLEMENTING away from the other children.
GREEN LIGHT 2. Tell all of the other children to form a line about 15 ft away from the stoplight.
3. Instruct children to start moving toward the stoplight when the stoplight says,
“green light,” and stop moving when the stoplight calls out, “red light” and
turns around.
4. If any of the children are caught moving after the stoplight has said, “red light,”
instruct them to return to the starting line and begin again. This game is good
for building impulse control and dealing with rejection.
5. Continue the game by having the stoplight call out either “red light” or “green
light.” The first player to touch the stoplight earns the right to take a turn as
the stoplight for the next game.
6. Repeat the game until each child has had a turn to be the stoplight.
7. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of self-control and patience that was required to play this game.
2. Ask the children how they felt when they were the stoplight.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they were not the stoplight.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they were sent back to the starting line.
OVERVIEW Islands places children in an imaginary dangerous situation. This game requires chil-
dren to ask for help, help others, share, cooperate, control their hands and feet (i.e., self-
control), and manage stress effectively.
PREREQUISITE Children should possess basic abilities to follow simple directions and keep their bodies
SKILLS in control with some redirection or reminders.
GAME SYNOPSIS Islands is an interactive game in which children are told to pretend that they live on
islands, which are represented by towels. Imaginary crocodiles share the islands and
water with the children. The group facilitator instructs the children about how to live
peacefully with the crocodiles and how to avoid being bitten or eaten. While the music
is playing, the crocodiles go to sleep on the islands, allowing the children to swim
freely in the water. However, when the music stops, the crocodiles wake up, go into
the water, and become aggressive. As a result, the children should swim around the
islands while the music is playing. After the music stops, they should go onto the
islands. However, if a child is found to be in the water for more than a couple of sec-
onds after the music stops, they must ask one of the other children for help getting
onto an island. As the game progresses, the tide comes in and the islands get smaller
(towels are folded and are eventually removed), thereby increasing the number of chil-
dren asking for help.
STEPS FOR 1. Introduce Islands to the children in a positive and playful manner. Tell chil-
IMPLEMENTING dren that they are about to play a special game that involves following direc-
tions, asking for help, helping others, controlling their hands and feet, and man-
aging their stress.
2. A group facilitator should read the story of Islands to the children:
You are the islanders who live on a beautiful group of islands. The water around
the islands is warm and blue. You like to swim every day, but there is one prob-
lem: There are crocodiles that travel together that also live in the water and on
the islands. When the wind blows over the water and through the trees, a musi-
cal sound starts. The music causes the crocodiles to go onto the islands and fall
asleep, leaving the waters peaceful. But when the music stops, the crocodiles
wake up [make a yawning gesture and sound], go into the water, and look for
food. So when the music is playing, you should swim around in the water by
walking, floating, or dancing slowly around the islands. Make sure that when
the music is playing you are not on an island because you do not want to dis-
turb the peaceful crocodiles. When the music stops, you must leave the water
and climb onto an island. If you are not on an island right away, you need to
ask someone on an island for help. One of the other islanders will help you onto
an island to safety. If you are on an island and someone asks you for help, you
should put out your arm and help them onto the island. When the tide comes
in, the water covers some of the beaches on the islands, and then you need to
share the islands with your friends or find another island to stay on. Sharing
islands and helping others will keep you safe and happy.
3. Before the game starts, instruct children that during the game they need to
a) Keep their arms in control—not hit or push others.
b) Keep their feet in control—walk, not run, and stand and avoid bumping
into objects and other group members.
c) Listen carefully for the music to start or stop.
d) Not run or jump onto islands.
4. Have everyone repeat the directions (out loud) before beginning the game.
5. Start playing the music. While the music is playing, encourage the children to
walk slowly, (pretend) swim, and dance around the islands without stepping on
them. Group facilitators should encourage the children to keep moving around
all the islands and avoid stepping on or touching the islands. After approxi-
mately a minute, slowly turn the music down. After a few seconds, tell the
children to “freeze.” Remind children who are not on an island that they
should ask someone who is on an island for help. Children on an island who
are asked for help should extend one of their arms to help others onto the
island. If children jumped onto an island after they were told to “freeze,” tell
those children to step off the island and ask others for help onto one. The chil-
dren should ask for help loudly enough for the entire group to hear.
6. Continue to repeat Step 5. After a couple of times, fold the towels, signifying
to the children that the tide is coming in. After a couple of additional times,
fold the towels again to make the islands even smaller. Then remove one towel
at a time, until only a single towel is left. All the children should have at least
one opportunity to ask others for help during the game.
7. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the
QUESTIONS importance of asking for help and helping others.
2. Ask the children how they felt when the music was playing.
3. Ask the children how they felt when the music was becoming lower and lower.
4. Ask the children how they felt when the music was off.
5. Ask the children when they needed help from others.
6. Ask the children how they felt when they needed help.
7. Ask the children how they felt when others helped them.
8. Ask the children how they felt when they helped others.
OVERVIEW Impulse Control Drawing is a game in which children draw a picture as fast as they can,
and then draw another picture slowly and carefully. The children are asked to compare
the two pictures and discuss why there may be differences between the two pictures.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions, have a degree of hand–eye
SKILLS coordination, and have basic self-control and attention skills.
GAME SYNOPSIS Impulse Control Drawing is a game in which children are asked to draw two pictures.
Children are asked to draw the first picture as fast as they can; then they are asked to
draw the second picture slowly and carefully. Children are taught to recognize and iden-
tify the differences between a drawing that was done impulsively and one that was done
with impulse control.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a drawing game about impulse control. Group
IMPLEMENTING facilitators should describe examples of good impulse control. Children should
DRAWING also be encouraged to share their stories or examples of good impulse control.
2. Ask children to draw a picture of a person as fast as they can (“quick as bunny”).
3. Next, ask the children to stop, think, and then draw a picture of a house, as
slowly and carefully as they can (“slow as a turtle or snail”). After the children
have drawn both pictures, give each child a turn to discuss what she or he
thinks about the two pictures. First, encourage the children to describe each of
their pictures to the group. Examples may include “Tell us about your person,”
or “Tell us about your house.”
4. Then ask the children the following questions:
a) What are some of the differences between the two pictures?
b) Which picture are you most proud of? Why are you most proud of that
c) Which picture do you like better?
5. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how they felt when they were drawing the picture of the per-
son as fast as they could.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they were drawing the picture of the
house slowly and carefully.
4. Ask the children how they felt after the game was over.
OVERVIEW The Freeze involves children moving to music. Children must stay in control of their
bodies and their actions while moving around the room. This game allows children
with varying abilities many opportunities to interact with each other. In our experience,
children will start to encourage each other.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and cooperative play skills.
GAME SYNOPSIS When the music starts, each child moves slowly around the room. When the music
stops, each child must freeze like a statue. The music can be varied at different speeds
to emphasize staying in control to the children. Children who are able to move around
the general space without bumping into others should be praised. A group challenge can
be introduced after the children become more experienced with these skills. For exam-
ple, the group can be challenged to move around the room for 2 minutes without bump-
ing into each other.
STEPS FOR 1. Instruct children to stand in a circle a few feet apart from each other.
IMPLEMENTING 2. Instruct children to begin moving slowly around the room when the music
starts. Then turn the music on and begin the game. When the music stops, each
child must freeze like a statue. The music can be varied at different speeds to
emphasize staying in control. Tell children they are not to bump into each
other. Children who are able to move in the general space without bumping
into each other are praised.
3. As the children become more adept at these skills, a group challenge can be
introduced. For example, the group can be challenged to move to the music and
freeze after 2 minutes without touching each other. If there are three touches
during the time, the group receives three points. The challenge is to move
around again for 2 minutes and try to decrease the number of touches or points.
4. Other group challenges can be presented. For example, groups who become com-
petent in moving under control can have the size of the general area decreased.
5. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of how staying in control of their bodies and actions led to success in the
2. Ask the children how they felt when they were praised for not bumping into
other children during the game. Ask the children how they felt when they were
able to avoid bumping into each other during the 2-minute period and decrease
the number of points the team received.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they were not able to keep themselves
from bumping into other children. Ask the children how they felt when they
bumped into other children and received points.
OVERVIEW The Cotton Ball teaches children that they can affect their environment. Children take
turns gently blowing through a straw to move a cotton ball onto the other team’s side
of the table.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and cooperative play skills.
REQUIRED A large open space, a table, tape to divide the table in half, cotton balls, and straws.
ROOM SETUP The group facilitator should begin with the group standing around a table, a few feet
apart from each other. As the game is about to begin, the children should be divided into
two teams, standing on opposite sides of the table.
GAME SYNOPSIS The Cotton Ball involves children using and controlling their breathing to use a straw
to blow a cotton ball across the table. The group facilitator demonstrates how one’s
breathing can impact one’s environment. The facilitator shows the children slow and
fast breathing through a straw. Instruct children to practice moving the cotton ball by
breathing through the straw. Next, the children are divided into two teams, with each
standing on opposite ends of the table. Each child tries to get his or her cotton ball onto
the other team’s side of the table. Group challenges include trying to get all of the cot-
ton balls onto one side of the table, having an even amount of cotton balls on both sides,
or keeping all of the cotton balls on the table during a specified period of time. Children
participate at their own level of ability, blowing as many or as few cotton balls as they
are comfortable with.
STEPS FOR 1. Instruct children to stand around the table. A group facilitator should demon-
IMPLEMENTING strate how one’s breathing can impact one’s environment. The facilitator should
BALL show slow and fast breathing through a straw.
2. Give each child a straw and cotton ball and tell them to practice moving the
cotton ball by breathing through the straw.
3. Then divide the group into two teams, standing on opposite sides of the table.
A line of tape or a line should be drawn down the middle of the table.
4. Instruct children to try to get their cotton balls onto the other team’s side of
the table. Because cotton balls are continuously moving back and forth, the
children are constantly trying to get rid of the cotton balls on their side. If a
child runs out of breath, he or she can take a short break. The children can only
blow their own cotton ball with their straw. If a child purposely blows another
child’s cotton ball off the table, he or she must go and pick up the cotton ball
and apologize to the other child.
5. Group challenges can also be presented. For example, the teams could try to get
all the cotton balls onto one side of the table, have an even amount of cotton
balls on either side, or keep all the cotton balls on the table during a specified
period of time. Children participate at their own level of ability, blowing as
many or as few cotton balls as they are comfortable with. The team and group
challenges allow children of different abilities to have many opportunities to
positively interact.
6. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of controlling their breathing and how it affected where their cotton
balls went.
2. Ask the children what skills they needed to use to get their cotton balls onto
the other team’s area of the table. Ask the children how they needed to work
as a team in the group challenge to keep all the cotton balls on the table for the
specified amount of time.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they were able to successfully get their
cotton balls onto the other team’s area of the table.
4. Ask the children how they felt if they were having trouble getting their cotton
balls onto the other team’s area of the table.
5. Ask the children how it felt to control the direction and force of their cotton balls.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to have basic self-control and attention skills. They must also
SKILLS be able to follow simple verbal instructions.
REQUIRED A radio, tape player, or CD player with appropriate dance music and an open space,
MATERIALS without obstacles, that is conducive to having children move around freely.
ROOM SETUP Children are divided into two groups, with each group standing on opposite sides of the
room. Children will initially be sitting with their group facing the front of the room.
They should have enough room to move about freely.
GAME SYNOPSIS Children in each of the two groups are taught a 10-step dance by a group facilitator.
Following this, each child in one group is paired off with a child in the other group. Each
child must teach his or her partner the dance they learned.
STEPS FOR 1. Divide children into two groups, and send the groups to opposite sides of the
IMPLEMENTING room. Tell children that they are going to play a game called Dance Jam that
involves learning and teaching.
2. Group facilitators should work with each group separately to teach them a
unique, 10-step dance. The two groups should be taught different dances.
3. Turn the music on, review dance moves, and have members of the respec-
tive groups practice the moves until each child has learned his or her group’s
4. Then pair off children with members from the other group and instruct them
to teach each other the dances that they learned. Tell children to work as
quickly as possible and to let a facilitator know when both children in a pair
know both dances.
5. After all pairs have finished, allow all children to dance one of the dances and
check them for accuracy. Then, have everyone dance the second dance and
check them for accuracy. Whichever pair finishes first and has danced both
dances correctly should be the winner.
6. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of following directions, paying attention, and listening to others.
2. Ask the children how they felt when they were being taught the dance by group
3. Ask the children how they felt when they were told that they needed to teach
the dance to one of their peers.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they needed to demonstrate both dances
to the group.
5. Ask the children how they felt about the place they finished in.
OVERVIEW All Mixed Up involves learning a set of novel rules to respond to visual cues.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to distinguish between playing cards, have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills, and should be able to follow simple verbal instructions.
REQUIRED Several cards from an oversize deck of playing cards, an open space that is conducive to
MATERIALS children moving around freely and in which they can easily see the playing cards being
displayed in the front of the room.
ROOM SETUP Children sit on the floor or in chairs facing the front of the room.
GAME SYNOPSIS Children are taught behavioral rules that correspond to playing cards. As specific playing
cards are displayed, children are to follow the associated rules.
STEPS FOR 1. Seat children in a manner in which they have space around them so they can
IMPLEMENTING move freely in place. Tell children that they are going to play a game called All
Mixed Up that involves paying attention and following directions.
2. Tell children that they will be taught rules instructing them to perform vari-
ous behaviors corresponding to specific playing cards. Each card corresponds to
a specific behavior. When a card is displayed, they are to quietly perform the
corresponding behavior.
3. The group facilitator provides the rules that correspond to each card and shows
them how the game works. For example
10—Put Hands on Head
J—Jumping Jack
Q—Touch Your Feet
K—Sit Down
A—Turn Around
(The number of cards should be adjusted based on children’s abilities.)
4. Tell children to stand up in their spot. Then hold up a card, one at a time, for
practice. Provide coaching to correct mistakes and ensure proper acquisition of
the information. This should be done until the majority of the children can
recall and perform the behaviors corresponding to each card.
5. Tell children that the game will now formally begin. If a child makes a mis-
take, he or she should sit down and become a judge by helping group facilita-
tors identify other group members who have made errors.
6. Group facilitators should start with a single card, then present two cards, then
three cards, simultaneously, and children should perform the appropriate behav-
iors according to the sequence in which the cards appear. Initially, cards should
be held up until the commands are completed. However, as the game continues,
group facilitators should hold cards up for shorter and shorter durations.
7. The round ends when only one child is left standing and performing the behav-
iors. This child should be designated the winner of the round.
8. Repeat Steps 3 through 7 for several rounds until children have mastered the
skills or time allocated for the game has elapsed.
9. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of following directions, paying attention, and learning to respond to non-
verbal cues.
2. Ask the children what they needed to do when a card was displayed. Allow chil-
dren to provide some specific examples of behaviors corresponding to playing
3. Ask the children how they felt when they knew what to do in response to see-
ing a certain playing card.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they did not know what do in response to
seeing a certain playing card.
5. Ask the children how they felt when they made a mistake.
6. Ask the children how they felt when they saw their peers make a mistake.
OVERVIEW Blindfold Madness is a relay race that involves children providing verbal instructions
to guide their blindfolded teammates in placing a ball in the intended canister across
the room.
PREREQUISITE Children should possess the ability to follow simple verbal directions and keep their
SKILLS bodies in control.
REQUIRED Two small rubber or plastic balls, two canisters (small buckets), and four blindfolds.
ROOM SETUP Blindfold Madness is an active game in which children need to move freely throughout
the room. Therefore, the area in which the children are playing the game should be free
from furniture or other objects that might become obstacles or cause injury.
GAME SYNOPSIS Blindfold Madness is a relay race in which each child stays in a single-file line, is blind-
folded, and is verbally instructed to walk over and place a small ball into a canister held
by a teammate approximately 10 ft across the room. The goal of the game is for each
entire team to successfully drop the ball in the container as fast as possible. When every-
one on a team has taken a turn, the round ends and the fastest team wins the round.
STEPS FOR 1. Begin Blindfold Madness by separating children into two teams. Instruct each
IMPLEMENTING team to stand in a single-file line on opposite corners of the same end of the room.
MADNESS Select one child from each team to stand 10 ft across from the single-file line.
2. Blindfold the children at the front of each line of each team and give them a ball.
The teammate standing directly across the room should be holding a canister.
3. Before the game begins, instruct the children holding the canisters that they
will verbally direct their blindfolded teammate to walk across the room and
place the ball inside the canister that they are holding as quickly as possible.
After the blindfolded child has successfully dropped the ball into the canister,
she or he should remove her or his blindfold and begin holding the canister for
the next teammate. The child originally holding the canister should then go to
the end of her or his team’s line, and the game continues until all members of
the team have had a chance to be blindfolded. Tell children that if they run,
they will have to return to the beginning of their line to start over.
4. Give a signal to begin the race.
5. After all children on a team have completed their turn, make an announcement
that the round has ended and that the next round has begun.
6. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of verbal communication, following directions, trust, and self-control.
2. Ask the children how they felt when they were blindfolded.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they were directing their blindfolded
4. Ask the children how they felt when their team won the race.
5. Ask the children how they felt when their team lost the race.
Teaching Module 4
Sharing, Joining a Group,
and Group Cooperation
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OVERVIEW The Spider Web involves creating a spider web with each group member as a piece of
the web.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills.
REQUIRED A ball of string or yarn and a large, open space that is big enough to create the spider
MATERIALS web, where children can move about freely.
GAME SYNOPSIS In The Spider Web, children roll a ball of string or yarn to each member of their group to
create a spider web with the string or yarn. Children select one group member and slowly
roll the ball of string or yarn to him or her. If the child throws the string or does not gen-
tly roll it, the string is returned to him or her, and he or she is directed to roll it again
according to the established rules. The child who received the ball of string or yarn tells
the group something he or she likes to do for fun. Each child must have a turn and must
end up holding a part of the string in order for the game to be complete. Children are to
stay seated on the floor throughout the game so that the spider web can be created.
5. Repeat Step 4 until all the children have had the chance to catch the ball of
string and are holding onto the string. The spider web is now complete.
6. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the
QUESTIONS importance of cooperation and that The Spider Web would not have been such
a great success if everyone did not follow directions, exhibit cooperation and
self-control, and pay attention.
2. Ask the children what they needed to do when they received the ball of string.
Emphasize that they each succeeded by following directions and list each of the
steps they followed to achieve success (i.e., selecting a child, calling out her or
his name, tossing the string to her or him, and holding onto the end of the string).
3. Ask the children how they felt when they saw the spider web they created.
4. Ask the children how they felt when it was their turn to add to the spider web
and how they felt about working together with the other children to achieve
this goal. Emphasize that each child made up a part of the web and the web
would not have been completed without each child’s contribution.
5. Ask the children what they learned about each other’s favorite activities. Were
their favorite activities similar to or different from other children’s favorite
OVERVIEW Monkey in the Blanket involves children working together in two groups to guess
which child is hiding behind a blanket. This game helps children get to know each
other’s names.
PREREQUISITE Children must be able to control their body’s movements and follow simple verbal instruc-
SKILLS tions. Children also should have a basic understanding of number comprehension skills.
REQUIRED Open space in a room for children to stand, a blanket, and a marker to write each child’s
MATERIALS number on his or her hand if necessary.
GAME SYNOPSIS Divide children into two teams. The first team stands with their backs to the second
team at the start of the game. One team holds up a blanket as a wall and a member of
same team hides behind it. The other team has to guess who the “monkey in the blan-
ket” is. The team that is guessing who is behind the blanket must do so quietly by work-
ing together cooperatively and reaching a consensus before giving their final answer
(guess). After each correct decision, the other team receives the blanket and follows the
same procedure. The game ends when each child has been the monkey in the blanket.
STEPS FOR 1. The group facilitator assists the children in forming two groups.
IMPLEMENTING 2. Give each child a number in secret. If the children have difficulty remember-
BLANKET ing their numbers, they can be written on the palm of one hand. The numbers
should not be revealed to the other team.
3. Instruct the children on the first team to stand with their backs to the second
4. Tell each child on the second team to hold up the blanket as a wall. Instruct
the child assigned the number one to go behind the blanket.
5. Tell the other team to turn around, face the team holding up the blanket, and
decide who the monkey in the blanket is. The decision should be based on a
team consensus with the help of the group facilitator. Instruct children not to
shout out their guesses. A group facilitator should help the children with this
by instructing them to quietly discuss their answer before making their final
decision. If they are incorrect, allow them to guess again after a team consen-
sus until they are correct.
6. After each correct decision, the other team should receive the blanket and fol-
low the procedure described in Steps 3 through 6. The game ends when each
child has been the monkey in the blanket.
7. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of making a group decision and how following directions and not shout-
ing out individual answers assisted in making a group decision.
2. Ask the children how they felt when it was their turn to be the monkey in the
3. Ask the children how they felt when it was not their turn to be the monkey in
the blanket.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they were helping the group reach a joint
decision about who the monkey in the blanket was.
OVERVIEW The Blob is Spreading is a cooperative version of the classic game of tag, in which chil-
dren who are tagged become part of a blob instead of being eliminated from the game.
The game also encourages team cohesion and cooperation.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow verbal instructions, display good self-control, and
SKILLS attend to tasks.
ROOM SETUP An open area, either indoors or outdoors.
GAME SYNOPSIS One child is selected by the group facilitator to be it. The child designated as it must
chase and tag the other children involved in the game. Instead of being eliminated from
the game, each person who is tagged joins hands with the person who is it to form a
blob. The blob becomes bigger and bigger as more children are tagged. As the blob gets
larger, it becomes more difficult to maneuver, but with the use of cooperation, team-
work, self-control, and following directions, the blob moves smoothly as a cohesive
unit. The game is over when the last child is tagged and becomes part of the blob.
Children must stay in control of their bodies and actions during the game. They must
use slow, controlled running while they are chasing and tagging other children.
STEPS FOR 1. Instruct children to find an open spot on the floor (or on the ground if the game
IMPLEMENTING is being played outdoors).
SPREADING 2. Select one child to be it. Instruct this child that he or she will be chasing the
other participants and trying to tag them once the game begins.
3. Tell the children who are not it that they should avoid getting tagged by run-
ning away. The children must keep control over their bodies and cannot bump
into anyone else while they are running in a slow, controlled manner.
4. Give a signal for the game to begin. Instruct the first child tagged to join hands
with the person who is it, thus forming the beginning of the blob. Instruct them
to work together to try to tag other children in the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of cooperation and teamwork involved in being part of the blob.
2. Ask the children how they think the child who was it felt.
3. Ask the children how they felt when the blob was chasing them.
4. Ask the children what they needed to do when they became part of the blob.
Emphasize that they succeeded in allowing the blob to function as a single unit
by following directions and paying attention as they moved around the room.
5. Ask the children how they felt at the end of the game when each child in the
group was part of the blob. Emphasize that each child played a role in allowing
the blob to function and allowing the game to continue.
OVERVIEW Picture Puzzle involves children drawing a picture on a large piece of oak tag (poster
paper). The children are to fill up the entire piece with their drawings. The group facil-
itator then cuts the oak tag into puzzle pieces, and the group works together to put the
puzzle together.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills.
REQUIRED Large pieces of oak tag for children to draw on, markers, crayons, and scissors.
ROOM SETUP Children sit at a table or on the floor. The children should be provided with enough
space to comfortably work on their drawings.
GAME SYNOPSIS Picture Puzzle involves children coming up with a picture to draw on a big piece of oak
tag. First, the children spend 10 minutes drawing a picture, making sure the entire piece
is filled up (the group facilitator can help). Second, the group facilitator cuts puzzle
pieces out of the oak tag, handing one piece to each group member. Last, the group
works on putting the puzzle together.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell the children they are going to play a game called Picture Puzzle that involves
IMPLEMENTING drawing a picture, cutting it up into puzzle pieces, and then putting the pieces
together to make a puzzle.
2. Ask the children to come up with an idea for a picture to draw.
3. A group facilitator should give each child a large piece of oak tag and drawing
supplies to draw his or her picture. Allow the children to spend 10 minutes
drawing a picture, making sure the entire piece of oak tag is filled up (the group
facilitator can help).
4. Next, a group facilitator cuts puzzle pieces out of the oak tag, handing one piece
to each group member.
5. Group members should then work together on putting the puzzle together.
6. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children how they decided what picture to draw on their piece of oak
QUESTIONS tag. Ask the children how they felt when they were drawing.
2. Ask the children how they felt when they were trying to fill up their entire
piece of oak tag within the 10-minute time period.
3. Ask the children how they felt when the group facilitator cut their picture into
pieces for the puzzle. Did they feel good or bad when the picture was cut into
puzzle pieces?
4. Ask the children how they felt when they were working together to put the
pieces of the puzzle together.
OVERVIEW Pyramid is a game in which children work together in pairs and use listening and coop-
eration skills. There are 15 categories to choose from, and five clue words are provided
for each category.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills. Children should have basic reading skills.
REQUIRED 15 cards, each with a different word that relates to the same chosen category, and five
MATERIALS cards with cues that offer hints as to what the category words are (there should be one
set of category and cue cards for each pair of children).
GAME SYNOPSIS Children are divided into pairs. One partner picks a card and provides clues to his or her
partner about the card. The other child tries to guess the words on the cards. For each
word he or she guesses correctly, a point is given to the child. The child with the most
points wins.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game called Pyramid that involves being
IMPLEMENTING given clues and trying to guess what a word is.
2. Divide the children into pairs.
3. Ask one child in the pair to pick out one of the 15 category cards. These cards
should each contain a simple word for a specific category (e.g., animals, food,
toys) or a simple picture for younger children who may not be able to read well.
4. Instruct the child with the category card to give clues to the other child based
on the five cue cards. The same cue cards can be used for each of the 15 cate-
gory word cards. These cards should be in a separate pile and should look dif-
ferent from the category cards. Examples of cues for the category “farm ani-
mals” are
a) What type of animal is on the category card?
b) How is this animal cared for?
c) What does this animal do on the farm?
5. Tell the other child in the pair to begin guessing the words on the cards based
on the clues given. A point should be given to the child for each word he or she
guesses correctly. Once the child guesses correctly, or if he or she is unable to
figure out the word after all five clues are given, then the round ends and it is
the other child’s turn to guess the next category word. The child with the most
points wins.
6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until the children have attempted to guess all 15 category
7. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how they felt when they were being given clues and were try-
ing to guess the words on the cards.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they guessed the word correctly. Ask
them how they felt when they guessed incorrectly.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they were giving the clues and their part-
ners had to guess the words.
OVERVIEW Exclusion Air Ball involves cooperation and assistance from each member of the group
in order to keep a ball in motion and prevent it from touching the ground.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and cooperative play skills.
GAME SYNOPSIS Exclusion Air Ball involves children passing a ball to each other and catching it without
the ball touching the ground. If the ball drops, the group stands up, and a trait or charac-
teristic is chosen by which to reject (exclude) players (i.e., hair color, eye color, age). The
goal of the game is for children to learn how to work together and deal with rejection.
Group facilitators should be prepared to help children deal with their rejections.
STEPS FOR 1. Instruct children to sit on the floor or ground, spaced out evenly. Tell them
IMPLEMENTING they are going to play a game called Exclusion Air Ball and will learn how to
BALL work together.
2. Instruct children to keep the ball in motion by preventing it from touching the
ground. Each child should pass the ball to someone else as soon as he or she
receives it. The receiving person must try to catch the ball and not let it fall.
3. Tell children they need to call out something they like (e.g., pizza, video games,
basketball) each time they catch the ball before they throw it to the next person.
This step allows the children to playfully share something they like with the
group. If the ball drops, the whole group has to stand up and identify a character-
istic or trait of the child that dropped the ball (e.g., blonde hair, green eyes, wear-
ing red shorts).
4. Any players who share the same characteristic or trait should then be rejected
from the game. After a couple of rounds, the group facilitators should then
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the
QUESTIONS importance of working together as a group.
2. Ask the children how they felt when they successfully caught the ball and
threw it to the next player without the ball touching the ground.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they were excluded from the game based
on the selected characteristic.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they excluded other children from the
5. Ask the children how they felt when they saw the group facilitator have a poor
reaction to the rejection occurring in the game.
OVERVIEW Goodnight Rover involves cooperation and assistance from each member of the group
in order to successfully get the dog (Rover) in his bed for the night without harming him
or waking him up.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
and cooperative play skills.
REQUIRED A bed for Rover (e.g., small towel or folded blanket), an uncooked egg decorated to look
MATERIALS like a dog (a dog made out of Legos can be used for children with egg allergies; tell chil-
dren the Lego dog is delicate and could break if mishandled or dropped on the floor), and
an open space or room large enough so children can move about freely.
The group facilitator can decorate the egg using magic markers. The children can
also decorate the egg before the game begins, which provides them with an opportunity
to take turns and work cooperatively. Each child could have the chance to draw one
item on Rover (e.g., hair, eyes, mouth, fur). If the Lego dog is used, the children can work
to put him together before the game.
ROOM SETUP Children should start out sitting in a group. The group facilitator should call each child,
one by one, and ask him or her to select a spot to stand for the beginning of the activity.
GAME SYNOPSIS Goodnight Rover involves each child taking a turn to carry Rover safely to the next
child without waking him up (e.g., by handling him roughly or dropping him). Rover’s
bed can be a small folded towel or blanket placed somewhere in the room by the group
facilitator. Children are to call out the name of another group member and slowly walk
over to that group member with Rover. The child holding Rover is to carefully hand
him to the next child. If Rover is not handled carefully and he wakes up, the two chil-
dren involved in the interaction are asked to go back to their original positions and
repeat the interaction more carefully so Rover does not wake up. Each child must have
a turn holding Rover and handing him to another group member. The last child handed
Rover puts him to sleep in his bed for the night.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the
QUESTIONS importance of controlling their hands and feet and taking turns. Remind the
group that Rover might have woken up or gotten hurt if everyone did not fol-
low directions and abide by the rules.
2. Ask the children what they needed to do when they received Rover.
3. Ask the children how they felt about their contribution toward getting Rover
safely in his bed for the night without waking him up or hurting him.
OVERVIEW The Mummy encourages children to work together, as each child is assigned a special
job or task to create the illusion of a spooky (mummy) atmosphere.
GROUP PLAY Primary: Cooperation, Understanding Social Cues, Goal Setting and Obtainment
INTERVENTION Secondary: Self-Control, Following Directions, Taking Turns
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to understand and perform simple social cues (i.e., perform an
SKILLS assigned part of a group task), follow verbal instructions, display self-control, and attend
to tasks.
REQUIRED A mid-size room or space, a chair, and a CD player to play music or “spooky” sounds.
MATERIALS Additional materials for this game can vary depending on the imagination of the chil-
dren involved in the group. For example, a chain or other similar object that will make
a rattling noise, props such as a ghost or another spooky character, or a sheet to use to
dress up as a ghost.
GAME SYNOPSIS The Mummy is a cooperative game that involves creating a spooky atmosphere. This
game requires some planning before the actual game is played. Children sit in a circle
or at a table with the group facilitator. Through cooperative discussions, each child
selects a special job that will contribute to the spooky atmosphere. For example, one
group member is selected to flicker the lights on and off, another group member is
selected to start and stop the music or spooky sounds from playing, one member is
selected to rattle a chain, or another is selected to dress up as a ghost and “float” by.
Another child or an adult sits in a chair in the middle of the room and plays the role of
the person who is “scared” by the spooky atmosphere. Each child must perform his or
her assigned job to make the game a success.
STEPS FOR 1. Ask children to sit in a circle or at a table with the group facilitator and instruct
IMPLEMENTING them to plan out and determine each group member’s role in the game (e.g.,
playing the music, flickering the lights).
2. After each child has selected his or her role in the game, group members should
create a spooky atmosphere and prepare for their individual roles.
3. A volunteer should sit in the designated chair in the middle of the room. He or
she should be encouraged to act scared once the game begins.
4. Instruct each child to perform her or his task to create the spooky atmosphere
and scare the unwitting volunteer. This form of pretend play allows children
to develop creativity skills. Instruct children to stay focused on the timing of
their tasks, so they are performed at the appropriate time. If a child forgets to
perform her or his task or performs it incorrectly, the group facilitator should
discuss it with the group afterward and come up with a solution for how to
make it work when she or he scares the next volunteer.
5. After each child has performed her or his assigned task, tell all the children to
come to the center of the room where the volunteer is sitting and surround her
or him, pretending to be mummies. The mummies should make scary moan-
ing sounds and walk toward the volunteer, holding their arms out to look like
mummies. The children must walk slowly and not run. Finally all of the mum-
mies should give the volunteer a big group mummy hug!
6. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to plan and prepare for this game to
QUESTIONS be a success. Emphasize the importance of cooperation, self-control, and fol-
lowing instructions.
2. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize how each
person had a very special individual role, but it was the combination of all the
individual roles that created the very spooky atmosphere.
3. Ask the children how they felt when the spooky music was playing and when
they turned into mummies.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they tried to scare the volunteer.
5. Ask the children how they felt at the end of the game after they successfully
created the spooky atmosphere and turned into mummies. Emphasize that
each child played a role in making it a success.
OVERVIEW Creating a Story Together involves children working collaboratively to invent a con-
tinuous narrative on a given topic.
GROUP PLAY Primary: Cooperation, Paying Attention, Asking for Help, Helping Others
INTERVENTION Secondary: Sharing, Self-Control, Staying on Topic, Working Independently, Following
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to work with other children, keep their bodies in control, and
SKILLS follow simple directions.
REQUIRED Open space for children to sit, pencils and crayons, and blank sheets of paper.
ROOM SETUP Children sit at a table with a piece of blank paper, pencils, and crayons in front of them.
GAME SYNOPSIS Group facilitators provide children with a topic and children are given 5 minutes to
draw a picture relating to that topic. After they are finished, the group facilitator begins
to tell a story based on the topic. Each child provides details about his or her drawing
and helps to create a story.
STEPS FOR 1. After the group facilitator has chosen a topic (e.g., a time . . . at the beach, at a
IMPLEMENTING playground, at an amusement park, in a classroom), tell children that they have
STORY TOGETHER 5 minutes to draw a picture that relates to that topic. Children should be
designing their pictures independently. No further instruction is given.
2. After the 5-minute time period has elapsed, instruct children to form a circle
and sit with their pictures on their laps.
3. When everyone is seated, the group facilitator starts a story by saying some-
thing like, “Once upon a time, there was a boy named . . . “ The child sitting
next to the facilitator on the right is instructed to use his or her picture to add
to the story.
4. Tell children that their contribution must relate to their individual pictures
and be relevant to the story line. If they feel stuck at any point, children should
ask another group member for help.
5. The game continues until all children have a chance to add to the story line.
6. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of listening to each other and asking for help when needed.
2. Ask the children how they felt when they were drawing their pictures.
3. Ask the children how they felt when it was their turn to add to the story.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they needed to ask others in the group for
5. Ask the children how they felt when they were helping another group member.
Teaching Module 5
Anger Management
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OVERVIEW Let It Out Art allows children to express anger through free-form art.
REQUIRED Large pieces of paper to cover an entire wall, different colored paints, paint brushes, cups
MATERIALS of clean water to rinse paint brushes in, and smocks.
ROOM SETUP A large part of a wall should be completely covered with paper for the children to paint on.
GAME SYNOPSIS Children are given a scenario that is likely to cause anger or frustration, and they are
asked to express how they feel using paint. For example, a child might be told, “An older
boy comes up to you at recess, steals the ball you are playing with, and runs away. Use
the paints to express how this makes you feel.” The group facilitator can explain the
value of using art as an effective anger management technique by emphasizing that art
is an acceptable way to express anger and let frustration out. During the Group Process
Questions at the end, the group facilitator can ask how the children felt during and after
painting. Children of different ages can express their anger at whatever level of artistic
ability they possess.
STEPS FOR 1. Instruct children to sit on the floor in a group or circle. The group facilitator
IMPLEMENTING can ask preliminary questions and discuss them with the children. Sample
questions might be
a) What do you do when you are angry? Encourage the children to identify
specific behaviors that they may exhibit such as crying, not wanting to
talk, yelling, hitting things, throwing objects, and so forth.
b) What do you think about when you are angry? Encourage the children to
identify specific thoughts that they may have such as, “I am so angry,”
“Sam is so mean. I just want to hit him!” or “Jill is a jerk to say that to me!”
c) How do you feel when you are angry? Encourage the children to identify spe-
cific feelings such as feeling jumpy, anxious, hot, tense, sick, and so forth.
d) What do you do to make yourself feel better when you are angry?
2. Explain to the children that they are going to play a game called Let It Out Art
using paint that provides a cool and acceptable way to express their anger. Tell
children that they will be given a scenario that will likely make them angry or
frustrated and that they will then be given the opportunity to “let it out” and
express how they feel using art.
3. Select one child from the group to come up to the papered wall and read one of
the anger- or frustration-inducing scenarios to the child. Then ask the child to
express how she or he feels using the paints in any way she or he chooses, as
long as the paint stays on the paper and there is no danger that anyone will get
4. Repeat Step 3 until each child has had a turn to “let it out.”
5. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how they felt after the group facilitator read them their anger-
or frustration-inducing scenarios.
3. Ask the children how they felt while they were painting.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they were done with their paintings.
Emphasize how expressing their anger or frustration through art allowed them
to “let it out” in an acceptable way to release the anger.
PREREQUISITE Children should have been exposed to some anger management techniques (e.g., pillow
SKILLS squeeze, turtle, controlled breathing). Skill sequences should be used to illustrate how
novel techniques are used.
GAME SYNOPSIS Children are divided into two (or three) teams, and a group facilitator works with each
team to generate a list of as many appropriate activities that one can use to cope with anger.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children that they are going to play a game called Anger Management
IMPLEMENTING Brainstorming Competition that involves working together to come up with
MANAGEMENT activities that will help anyone feel better when he or she is angry.
BRAINSTORMING 2. Divide children into two (or three) teams and are told to go as a team to a des-
ignated area of the room.
3. Tell the groups to begin and give them a specified amount of time (e.g., 5 min-
utes) to generate a list of anger management strategies. A facilitator should
assist each group to ensure that they are completing the activity appropriately
and provide hints and guidance (as necessary). If children need assistance writ-
ing, the facilitator can write the strategies that the children come up with.
4. Let the groups know when time is up. Each group stops the activity.
5. Instruct groups to count the number of strategies they came up with. The group
with the most strategies should read their list first.
6. Instruct children in the other groups to check off the items that match their
list. Group facilitators should determine whether strategies are appropriate and
7. The next group(s) should then read their items out loud one at a time while
Step 6 is repeated.
8. Count the number of unique items for each group. The group that has the most
unique items wins the game. Unique items for each group are reread out loud.
9. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the
QUESTIONS importance of working together, listening to each other, and coming up with
anger management strategies.
2. Ask the children how they felt when they were able coming up with anger man-
agement strategies.
3. Ask the children how they felt if they were unable to generate strategies.
4. Ask the children how they felt when time ran out.
5. Ask the children what new strategies they had heard.
6. Ask the children which strategies they would use if they were angry.
OVERVIEW Bean Bag Toss involves simulating a frustrating situation while encouraging the use of
an anger management technique to make one feel better.
PREREQUISITE Children should have knowledge of basic emotions and the ability to identify and
SKILLS express their feelings verbally or nonverbally.
REQUIRED Bean bag, small bucket or container, and props that can be used for anger management
MATERIALS strategies (books, crayons, stuffed animals, pillows, etc.).
ROOM SETUP Children sit in two single-file lines facing each other. A small bucket or container is
placed on the floor in the middle of the two lines. Props for anger management strate-
gies are placed behind each of the lines so that children can easily reach them.
GAME SYNOPSIS Children have to complete the difficult task of throwing a bean bag in a small bucket
or container from a distance. When a child is unable to get the bean bag in the bucket
or container, he or she must perform an effective anger management strategy.
STEPS FOR 1. Introduce Bean Bag Toss to children as an exciting game that involves throw-
BEAN BAG TOSS ing a bean bag into a container. If they get it in, a point is awarded. If they miss,
they will have to perform an effective anger management technique to help
them feel better.
2. Review several anger management techniques.
3. Instruct the first child in one of the lines to attempt to throw the bean bag into
the container. If the first child tosses it in, she or he receives two points and
goes to the end of the line. If she or he misses, she or he must decide on an anger
management strategy that has not already been used and perform it before pro-
ceeding to the end of the line. If the child is successful in coming up with a
unique strategy, she or he should receive one point.
4. Instruct the first child in the second line to take a turn and follows Step 3. The
lines should continue alternating until all the children had the opportunity to
observe or use a variety of anger management techniques.
5. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of appropriately coming up with and using effective anger management
strategies, following directions, and staying in control.
2. Ask the children how they felt when they got the bean bag into the container.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they missed the container.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they had to come up with an anger man-
agement strategy.
5. Ask the children how they felt after using the anger management strategy.
4 Play Intervention:
Angry Hot Potato
OVERVIEW Angry Hot Potato involves simulating a frustrating situation while encouraging the use
of anger management techniques to make one feel better.
PREREQUISITE Children should have knowledge of basic emotions and the ability to identify and express
SKILLS their emotions.
REQUIRED Soft playground ball (approximately 23 inches in circumference), stuffed animals, pil-
MATERIALS lows, books, crayons, and any other appropriate props that can be used to deal effec-
tively with anger.
ROOM SETUP Children sit in a circle on the floor or in chairs. Materials for anger management strate-
gies are placed in the center of the circle (or in front of each child if deemed necessary).
GAME SYNOPSIS Children gently pass the ball to different people in the circle with the goal of not letting
it hit the floor. If the ball falls, this simulates a situation that makes the children angry,
which requires that they engage in an anger management technique to make them-
selves feel better.
STEPS FOR 1. In a positive, playful manner, tell children that they are going to play a special
IMPLEMENTING game called Angry Hot Potato, which involves following directions, control-
POTATO ling their hands and feet, and finding ways to make themselves feel less angry.
2. Before starting the game, review the rules:
a) Children should pass a ball to others in the circle in a controlled manner.
b) The goal is to pass the ball to as many children as possible without letting
it hit the floor.
c) If the ball falls, the whole group must sit down and the round ends. This
makes everyone angry.
3. Children should repeat the directions to ensure that they know them.
4. The game begins, and the ball is gently passed to the first child. Children pro-
ceed to pass the ball until it touches the floor.
5. When the ball touches the floor, tell all the children to sit and to show their
angry faces.
6. Instruct children to think of an anger management strategy that they can use
to calm themselves down. Tell them that they can use one of the props from
the center of the circle, if necessary.
7. After a few seconds, tell children to stand up and use the anger management
strategy that they have chosen. After all the children have successfully used an
anger management strategy and all props have been returned to the middle of
the circle, the next round can begin.
8. Repeat Steps 4 through Step 7 until children have demonstrated knowledge of
various anger management strategies.
9. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the
QUESTIONS importance of appropriately dealing with anger, following directions, and stay-
ing in control.
2. Ask the children how they felt when they caught or passed the ball.
3. Ask the children how they felt when someone else dropped the ball.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they dropped the ball.
5. Ask the children what they did that they made themselves feel better.
OVERVIEW Go Samantha the Squirrel! involves children helping Samantha the squirrel race to the
finish line on her bicycle by answering questions correctly. When a child answers a
question incorrectly, Samantha is forced to go backwards, creating a frustrating situa-
tion. Children must use an anger management technique to make them feel better if
they get angry.
PREREQUISITE Children should have knowledge of basic emotions and the ability to identify and express
SKILLS their emotions (anger).
REQUIRED 䡲 A set of small cards on which to write questions. The cards can be from a game
MATERIALS such as Trivial Pursuit Junior, or the cards can be made by the group facilitator
ahead of time. Index cards and a writing instrument are necessary if the group
facilitator will create his or her own cards.
䡲 A 2- × 3-ft poster board (can be purchased at any office supply store). The poster
board serves as the bicycle race route for Samantha the Squirrel and should be set
up by the group facilitator. It should have a track drawn with increments clearly
indicated on it for moving forward and backward.
䡲 A drawing of Samantha on her bicycle.
䡲 Velcro (the Velcro is placed on the back of Samantha and on each designated step
on the racing route so Samantha can be moved along the route).
䡲 Scissors (the group facilitator will use scissors to cut out the drawing of Samantha
on her bicycle).
䡲 Props that can be used for anger management strategies (e.g., books, crayons,
stuffed animals, pillows).
ROOM SETUP Children sit in a group on the floor or in chairs. The poster board is placed in front of
the children so they can come up and work with it when they are selected. Props for
anger management strategies are placed so that children can reach them easily.
GAME SYNOPSIS Children are asked a series of questions. When a child answers a question correctly, he
or she is asked to come to the front of the room and move Samantha the Squirrel’s bicy-
cle forward two spaces. When a child misses the question, he or she is asked to move
Samantha’s bicycle backward one space. The goal is to get Samantha to the finish line!
The child must perform an effective anger management strategy if he or she feels frus-
trated or angry after answering a question incorrectly and having to move Samantha
backwards on the bicycle route.
STEPS FOR 1. Instruct children to sit in a group on the floor or in chairs. Show them the poster
IMPLEMENTING board with Samantha the Squirrel on the racetrack. Tell them they will be play-
THE SQUIRREL! ing a game called Go Samantha the Squirrel! that involves answering questions
and moving Samantha forward or backward on the racetrack, based on whether
they answer questions correctly or incorrectly.
2. Review several anger management techniques.
3. Select a child from the group to come up and answer a question from the set of
cards. If the child answers the question correctly, she or he moves Samantha
forward two spaces on the racetrack. If the child answers the question incor-
rectly, she or he moves Samantha back one space. The child should perform an
effective anger management technique to help feel better if she or he feels angry
after giving an incorrect answer.
4. The game continues until the group gets Samantha to the finish line.
5. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of using effective anger management strategies, following directions, and
staying in control.
2. Ask the children how they felt when they answered a question correctly.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they got to move Samantha forward in the
race to the finish line.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they answered a question incorrectly.
5. Ask the children how they felt when they had to move Samantha backward.
6. Ask the children how they felt when Samantha reached the finish line.
Emphasize that it is possible to feel angry or frustrated while working on a task
(e.g., if they answered a question incorrectly), but they should work through
their feelings and keep going in order to finish the task.
7. Ask the children how they felt while they were using an anger management
8. Ask the children how they felt after using the anger management strategy.
OVERVIEW Hot or Cool involves rolling a die and moving around a poster board. Children can land
on various categories and must come up with or recall different methods for managing
PREREQUISITE Children should have knowledge of basic emotions and the ability to identify and
SKILLS express their emotions (anger).
REQUIRED Die, playing pieces, and a 2- × 3-ft poster board (can be purchased at any office supply
MATERIALS store). The poster board should be created by the group facilitator ahead of time. It
should contain the following categories to land on: Hot, Cool, or You Decide.
ROOM SETUP A group of three to five children should be seated around the poster board, either at a
table or on the floor.
GAME SYNOPSIS Children roll the die and move the specified number of spaces around the poster board.
A child can land on one of three categories: Hot, Cool, or You Decide. If a child lands
on Hot, he or she must state one way that is not acceptable to react when you become
angry. If he or she lands on Cool, he or she must state one acceptable way to calm down
(cool down), when he or she is angry. If a child lands on You Decide, he or she can
choose to state a Hot or Cool answer. If the child cannot come up with an answer, the
group facilitator calls on the group to provide some suggestions to help the child come
up with an answer. The first player to get all the way around the board wins.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game called Hot or Cool about acceptable
IMPLEMENTING THE and unacceptable ways to react to situations that make one angry. Several anger
management techniques are reviewed.
2. Tell children to sit evenly spaced around the poster board. Children are each
given a chance to roll the die. The child with the highest number goes first. The
game proceeds clockwise from the first player.
3. The first child rolls the die and moves the specified number of spaces. He or she
must state one acceptable or unacceptable way to react to a situation that
induces anger, depending on what category he or she lands on. If the child pro-
vides the answer, he or she goes again. If the child has trouble thinking of an
answer on his or her own, the group facilitator calls on the group to provide sug-
gestions to help the child come up with an answer.
4. Repeat Step 3 until the first player gets all the way around the poster board.
5. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the
QUESTIONS importance of appropriately coming up with effective and ineffective anger
management strategies, following directions, and staying in control.
2. Ask the children how they felt when they answered a question appropriately.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they had trouble answering the question
and the group provided some suggestions to help come up with an answer. Ask
the children if it felt good when their friends helped them. Emphasize that
cooperation and teamwork leads to success.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they had to come up with an anger man-
agement strategy.
5. Ask the children how they felt when the game was over.
OVERVIEW Returning the Book is a role-play game that involves children taking turns returning a
book to a shopkeeper because it is missing a page. This game demonstrates to children
the effect that their anger has on others and teaches them appropriate strategies for han-
dling situations that induce anger.
PREREQUISITE Children should have attention skills, self-control, and the ability to following direc-
SKILLS tions. Children should have knowledge of basic emotions and the ability to identify and
express their emotions (anger).
ROOM SETUP Children sit in a group on the floor or in chairs. A medium-size open space should be
available for the children to role play the scenarios in small groups.
GAME SYNOPSIS Children take turns (role play) being a customer returning a book to the shopkeeper
because it’s missing a page. There are three roles for the customer to play: Mr. or
Mrs. Wimpy (submissive), Mr. or Mrs. Angry (aggressive), and Mr. or Mrs. Strong
(assertive). After each role play, the group facilitator asks the shopkeeper how she or he
felt, asks the customer how he or she felt, and asks the children who observed how they
felt. Usually Mr. or Mrs. Wimpy makes everybody feel as though they do not want to
change the book, and Mr. or Mrs. Angry gets everybody angry. The Mr. or Mrs. Strong
approach means that the customer asserted him- or herself in a positive way and suc-
cessfully came away from the shop with a new book.
STEPS FOR 1. Instruct children that they are going to play a game called Returning the Book
IMPLEMENTING that involves pretending to be a customer trying to return a book to a bookstore
THE BOOK because it is missing a page. The group facilitator should also review with chil-
dren the effect their anger has on others.
2. The group facilitator instructs the children that there are three possible roles
for the customer: Mr. or Mrs. Wimpy (submissive), Mr. or Mrs. Angry (aggres-
sive), and Mr. or Mrs. Strong (assertive). Review what each role means with the
children before playing the game.
3. Select a child to play the customer and a child to play the shopkeeper. The other
children in the group should observe the scenario. Then direct the customer to
take on the role of either Mr. or Mrs. Wimpy (submissive) or Mr. or Mrs. Angry
(aggressive). A group facilitator should model the correct behavior if the chil-
dren are struggling. After each role play, a group facilitator should ask the shop-
keeper how she or he felt, ask the customer how he or she felt, and ask the chil-
dren who observed how they felt.
4. Repeat Step 3 until each child has had a turn to play one of the roles.
5. Next, select a child to play the role of shopkeeper. Another child should model
the customer role of Mr. or Mrs. Strong (assertive).
6. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the impor-
QUESTIONS tance of appropriately dealing with anger and the effect that being angry has on
other people.
2. Ask the shopkeeper how she or he felt when Mr. or Mrs. Wimpy was trying to
return the book. Mr. or Mrs. Angry? Mr. or Mrs. Strong?
3. Ask the customer how he or she felt while playing the role of Mr. or Mrs. Wimpy?
Mr. or Mrs. Angry? Mr. or Mrs. Strong?
4. Ask the observers how they felt while they were observing the customer play the
role of Mr. or Mrs. Wimpy? Mr. or Mrs. Angry? Mr. or Mrs. Strong? Emphasize
to all the children the effect being angry has on other people and that there are
better ways to interact with people. Also, emphasize to the children that Mr. or
Mrs. Strong is assertive in a positive way and that people will want to help him
or her. Tell the children that when someone reacts angrily to a situation, people
will become angry with that person and may not want to help him or her.
OVERVIEW Angries in the Bin is a game that involves children brainstorming and creating a list as
a group about things or situations that make them angry.
PREREQUISITE Children should have basic attention skills and the ability to follow directions. Children
SKILLS should have knowledge of basic emotions and the ability to identify and express their
emotions (anger).
REQUIRED Bin (e.g., a small wastebasket), a notepad or flip chart, and a writing instrument.
ROOM SETUP Children sit in a circle on the floor, with the bin in the center. The group facilitator, with
the notepad, should sit in the circle with the children. Alternatively, the facilitator can
have a flip chart set up.
GAME SYNOPSIS Children are asked to brainstorm a list of things or situations that make them angry
(e.g., “Johnny cut in front of me in the lunch line,” or “My Mom made me clean my
room”). Next, each child is asked to discuss something that makes him or her angry and
how he or she could handle it. After the child has stated something that makes him or
her angry and how to handle it appropriately, he or she is encouraged to get rid of the
Angries by tossing them gently into the bin.
STEPS FOR 1. Instruct children to sit in a circle on the floor. Tell them they are going to play
IMPLEMENTING a game called Angries in the Bin about understanding what makes them angry
THE BIN and finding good ways to deal with being angry. Tell children they will be able
to toss their Angries in the bin to get rid of them after they find a good way to
deal with their anger.
2. Ask the children to brainstorm and come up with a list of things or situations
that make them angry. The group facilitator should encourage the children to
come up with a wide range of things, letting them know it’s all right to talk
about what really makes them angry. The group facilitator keeps track of the
items on a notepad or flip chart.
3. After the group has created the list, select a child to share with the group some-
thing that makes him or her angry and how he or she could handle it.
4. Next, encourage the child to get rid of the Angries by tossing them into the bin
in the center of the circle.
5. The game continues until each child has had a chance to share something that
makes him or her angry and to toss the Angries into the bin.
6. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the value
QUESTIONS of acknowledging what makes them angry and finding effective anger manage-
ment strategies to deal with anger.
2. Ask the children how they felt when they shared with the group what makes
them angry.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they tossed the Angries into the bin.
Teaching Module 6
Anxiety and Stress Management
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OVERVIEW Cool Cat involves teaching children how to relax and manage stress by closing their
eyes and gently stroking the soft fur of a stuffed animal cat.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills.
GAME SYNOPSIS Cool Cat provides children with relaxation, stress, and anxiety management skills. The
group facilitator guides children in closing their eyes and relaxing as they gently stroke
the soft fur of a stuffed toy cat. The facilitator uses guided imagery to take the children
into a relaxed place as they pet their cat (or other stuffed animal). Children have been
asked to bring along their favorite soft stuffed animal from home.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game using the group facilitator’s friend,
IMPLEMENTING Cool Cat. A group facilitator should sit in a circle with the children and ask
everyone to cross their legs. The facilitator should introduce her friend, Cool
Cat. She places Cool Cat in her lap, closes her eyes, and strokes Cool Cat’s fur
slowly and gently. She tells the children how soft Cool Cat is and how relaxing
it is to feel the soft fur between her fingers.
2. Children should have been asked ahead of time to bring their favorite soft
stuffed animal from home (it can be a cat or any other animal they are fond of,
as long as it is very soft!). Ask the children to bring out the stuffed animals they
have brought from home and to place them on their laps.
3. Then ask the children to close their eyes and begin to slowly and gently stroke
the soft fur of their stuffed animal. The group facilitator should guide the chil-
dren through a relaxing sensory experience by making such statements as
a) Do you feel the fur between your fingers as you pet your animal?
b) Do you feel how soft the fur of your animal is?
c) Do you feel yourself beginning to relax?
4. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how they felt while they were gently stroking the fur of the
soft cat (or other favorite soft stuffed animal).
3. Ask the children if they felt more relaxed or less anxious after playing the game.
OVERVIEW Changing Seasons is a stress- or anxiety-reducing game that involves children acting
out what they think each season of the year feels like to a plant or flower.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills. Children should also be familiar with the distinctive characteris-
tics of each season of the year.
ROOM SETUP The children should be seated in a circle, 2 to 3 ft apart. A medium-size open area with
enough room for the children to move their bodies freely is warranted.
GAME SYNOPSIS The Changing Seasons game involves children acting out different seasons of the year
as if they were a plant or flower. For example, in the spring, plants and flowers grow
slowly as they open up their petals. A child could slowly rise from the ground, as if
extending his or her stem, and then open up his or her arms, one at a time, like the petals
of the flower.
STEPS FOR 1. Instruct children to sit in a circle in chairs or on the floor, 2 to 3 ft apart from
IMPLEMENTING each other.
SEASONS 2. Tell children they are going to play a game called Changing Seasons in which
they will act out how the different seasons of the year feel to a plant or flower.
The group facilitator shows the children examples of how a plant or flower
might feel during each season of the year:
a) Fall: The plants begin to shrivel and the petals and leaves fall from the
trees. The group facilitator can slowly get closer to the ground and act as if
leaves are falling.
b) Winter: The plant is small and weak. The group facilitator can huddle close
to the ground.
c) Spring: The sun is shining, and the plants and flowers are just beginning to
grow. The group facilitator can slowly open up her or his arms and let the
sunshine in.
d) Summer: The sun shines very brightly, and the plants and flowers blossom.
The group facilitator can act as if he or she is a flower and the petals (his or
her arms) are opening up and blooming.
3. Select a child to come to the center of the circle and ask her or him to act out
what a certain season would feel like to a plant or flower. Emphasize how the
plants and trees move and grow slowly and gently. Encourage children to tense
their muscles as they move slowly and stretch out their arms and legs.
4. Repeat Step 3 until each child has taken a turn. A group facilitator can desig-
nate a child in the center to select whose turn is next throughout the game.
5. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how they felt while they were pretending to be the plant or
flower. Emphasize that plants and flowers grow slowly and gently.
3. Ask the children how they felt after the game was over.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they were watching the child in the cen-
ter acting out the seasons.
OVERVIEW I Am a Balloon involves teaching children how to relax at home and school by pretend-
ing to be a balloon that is slowly inflating and deflating.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills.
ROOM SETUP An open space in which children can move around.
GAME SYNOPSIS I Am a Balloon provides children with relaxation and stress and anxiety management
skills. The group facilitator guides children into pretending that they are balloons being
inflated and deflated.
STEPS FOR 1. Introduce the idea of feeling relaxed and demonstrate hard and soft arms and
IMPLEMENTING legs. Ask the children to identify ways they can relax at home and school.
2. Instruct children to stand far enough apart so they can extend their limbs and
move about freely without touching others.
3. Next, tell children they are balloons with no air in them and they are to shake
loose and collapse. The group facilitator should model the skills to the children.
The group facilitator can check a few children for muscle looseness by doing
the limp noodle test. The limp noodle test involves lifting a child’s finger or
arm slowly and dropping it. If the child’s finger or arm falls quickly down, then
the child’s muscles are relaxed and he or she has passed the limp noodle test.
4. The group facilitator should announce that he or she has an air pump that can
blow up each balloon. The adult makes the “ssshhhh” sound, indicating that
the air is being pumped into the balloons.
5. The balloons (children) begin to fill up with air. The group facilitator should
point out how each child can choose a different shape and way to blow up.
6. To engage the group, ask the following questions while the children fill up with
a) Are you completely filled up with air?
b) Using your arms, could you show me how filled up your balloon is?
c) Do you feel like you are going to float away?
7. Next, announce that the balloon has a small leak, using the “ssssss” sound to
indicate air being released from the balloon. The facilitator should model let-
ting the air out as the balloon (children) slowly deflate and collapse on the
ground. The facilitator can also include scenarios such as putting patches on
each balloon and blowing them up again, balloons mirroring each other, and
having children pretend to be air pumps.
8. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. What did they need
QUESTIONS to do when they were pretending to inflate? What did they need to do when
they were pretending to deflate?
2. Ask the children how they felt while they were inflating like a balloon.
3. Ask the children how they felt while they were deflating. Emphasize that this
can be a technique the children can use when they need to relax or reduce
OVERVIEW ZZZZZ . . . involves children learning the difference between how they feel when they
are going to sleep and when they wake up.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills.
GAME SYNOPSIS ZZZZZ . . . provides children with relaxation and with stress and anxiety management
skills. Children are read a story about going to sleep. The adult reading the story makes
the sound, zzzzz, indicating that it is time for the group to go to sleep. The group facil-
itator guides the children in pretending to go to sleep. Next, the group facilitator makes
a rrrrrriinngggg!! sound, indicating that an alarm clock is going off. Encourage children
to slowly get up and move about.
STEPS FOR 1. A group facilitator introduces the idea of feeling relaxed versus feeling stressed
IMPLEMENTING and anxious. Tell children they will be read a story about going to sleep. The
ZZZZZ . . .
group facilitator then reads a short bedtime book to the group. When the facil-
itator makes a zzzzz sound while reading the story, tell the group that it is time
to go to sleep.
2. Instruct each child to find a safe spot on the ground where they can “go to
sleep.” The group facilitator can ask children:
a) How does your body feel when you are asleep?
b) How do your arms and legs feel?
c) How do your arms and legs move?
3. Next, the group facilitator mimics an alarm clock going off—rrrrrriinngggg!!
4. Encourage the children to get up and move around the room when the alarm
clock goes off. The children should move around and select another safe spot
to slowly fall back asleep again to the sound of zzzzz.
5. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. What did they need
QUESTIONS to do when they were pretending to go to sleep? What did they need to do when
they were pretending to wake up to the alarm clock?
2. Ask the children how they felt while they were sleeping. Emphasize that peri-
ods of quiet time and relaxation such as going to sleep can help them relax or
reduce stress.
3. Ask the children how they felt when the alarm clock went off.
4. Ask the children how their bodies felt when they were pretending to sleep and
when they heard the alarm.
OVERVIEW In Imagine You Are Here, children close their eyes and imagine they are having calm-
ing, relaxing experiences. Entering this relaxed state of mind can help reduce stress and
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills.
ROOM SETUP An open space for children to move their bodies and limbs freely. Children should be
seated comfortably in chairs or on the floor.
GAME SYNOPSIS Imagine You Are Here involves children taking off their shoes, closing their eyes, and
being guided to imagine a series of relaxation-inducing scenarios common to elemen-
tary school children.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game called Imagine You Are Here that
IMPLEMENTING will help them relax when they are feeling stress or anxiety.
ARE HERE 2. Instruct children to take off their shoes and socks and close their eyes. They
should be sitting with their legs crossed and hands on their knees.
3. The group facilitator asks the children to listen carefully and imagine them-
selves doing the following:
Imagine that you begin to walk slowly without your shoes. Focus very closely
on what you feel beneath your feet. You are walking across high grass. Now you
come to a gravel path, and the stones prick at the bottom of your feet. You leave
the path and come to a forest where there are patches of mushy, wet moss.
After a long walk you start to feel soft, warm sand beneath your feet.
4. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how they felt while they were imagining themselves walking.
How did they feel when they were walking through the grass? Through mushy,
wet moss? Through soft, warm sand?
3. Ask the children how they felt after the game. After everyone answers, then
ask whether they felt relaxed.
4. Ask the children if they thought this would be a good technique to use when
they felt stressed or anxious.
5. Ask the children other situations they could think about that would make
them feel relaxed.
OVERVIEW Musical String Drawing involves teaching children a way to relax by listening to soft,
relaxing music and creating an expression of the music through art.
PREREQUISITE Beginner–Intermediate
SUGGESTED Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
GROUP SKILL and attention skills.
REQUIRED CD player; CD of soft, relaxing music; 4 ft of yarn or thick string; newspaper; large
MATERIALS sheets of drawing paper; pencils; and oil pastels (or other artistic mediums such as mark-
ers, paints).
GAME SYNOPSIS Musical String Drawing provides children with relaxation and with stress and anxiety
management skills. Children are guided by a group facilitator to create musical expres-
sion through art by allowing the music to flow through their bodies and out of their
hands onto the paper. Instruct children to arrange pieces of yarn on the paper so it looks
the way the music sounds to them. After they have the yarn in place, they trace the path
of the yarn on their papers and remove the yarn. The children then color in the shapes
created by the yarn.
STEPS FOR 1. A group facilitator turns on soft, relaxing music and has the children practice
IMPLEMENTING deep breathing before the game begins. Tell children that they are going to play
DRAWING a game called Musical String Drawing that teaches them to relax. Discuss with
the children what relaxing means and present examples (e.g., reading, drawing,
lying in bed).
2. Instruct children to pick up their piece of yarn and play around with it on their
piece of paper, allowing it to move wherever the music takes it!
3. Tell children they should place one end of the string at the edge of the paper
and slowly arrange the yarn on their paper so it looks the way the music sounds
to them. Tell children to imagine what relaxing music would look like if it
came flowing through their bodies, into their hands, and out onto the paper.
4. After they have created their artistic representation of the music, they finish
by placing the other end of the string on another edge of the paper.
5. Next, instruct children to slowly trace the pattern of the yarn on their papers and
to remove the yarn after they have traced the pattern. Children are left with an
artistic representation of what the relaxing music looked and felt like to them.
6. Instruct children to use oil pastels (or other artistic media such as markers or
paints) to color in their music. The colors can represent how the music made
them feel.
7. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. What did they need
QUESTIONS to do when they were creating the music with the string?
2. Ask the children how they felt while they were listening to the music and
allowing it to flow through their bodies, into their hands, and out onto the
3. Ask the children how they felt while they were coloring in the music they
4. Ask the children if they felt more relaxed after playing the game. Did they feel
the music flowing from their bodies out onto the paper?
OVERVIEW Swaying Boat teaches children relaxation and stress and anxiety management skills. It
involves children cooperatively working as a group on a boat floating in the sea. Imagery
is used to create a relaxing experience in which the “boat” sways back and forth in the
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills. They should have an understanding of what a relaxing situation is
versus a stressful or anxious situation.
ROOM SETUP A large, open space in which children can move around.
GAME SYNOPSIS Children get on their hands and knees next to each other on the ground. The group facil-
itator guides them in pretending they are a boat on the sea that slowly and gently sways
and rocks in the warm, blue water. One child (the boat) lays down facing others and
closes his or her eyes. The boat must remain safely on the water through the coopera-
tion of the sea. Scenarios such as an approaching storm in which the sea slowly gets
rougher can be introduced after the children have become skilled at keeping the boat
safely afloat in the sea.
STEPS FOR 1. Introduce the idea of feeling relaxed and ask children to give examples of situ-
IMPLEMENTING ations in which they felt relaxed and situations that made them feel anxious or
2. Tell the children they are going to play a game called Swaying Boat in which
they pretend they are the sea and the boat. Then ask the children to close
their eyes and imagine that a boat is drifting slowly and gently over the waves
of the sea.
3. Select one child to be the boat. Instruct the rest of the children to get on their
hands and knees next to each other in a line and pretend they are the sea.
4. Tell the child (the boat) to lie close to others (the sea) facing up and to close his
or her eyes.
5. The children who are the sea slowly start to swing and rock the boat gently.
The group facilitator can ask the children, “Does it make you feel relaxed to
have the sea moving slowly and gently?”
6. Next, introduce the idea that a storm is coming and the sea becomes a little bit
rougher. The sea can start to move a little faster, but still moving in a safe, con-
trolled manner. The facilitator can ask the children, “How did you feel when
the sea got rougher and started moving faster?”
7. Repeat Steps 3 through 6 until each child has taken a turn as the boat.
8. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. What did they need
QUESTIONS to do when they were pretending to be the sea? What did they need to do when
they were pretending to be the boat?
2. Ask the children how they felt when they were the boat. How did they feel
while they had their eyes closed and were drifting gently and slowly on the sea?
Emphasize how this technique can be used when children need to relax or are
feeling stressed.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they were the boat and the sea started get-
ting rough and they began moving faster.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they were the sea and it was moving
slowly and gently? Moving faster?
5. Ask the children how they felt after the game was over.
OVERVIEW Color by Number involves children coloring in pictures to the best of their ability in a
certain amount of time. The game seeks to reduce the stress and anxiety associated
with perfectionism.
GROUP PLAY Primary: Managing Stress and Anxiety, Reducing Need for Perfectionism
INTERVENTION Secondary: Following Directions, Paying Attention
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions have basic self-control and
SKILLS attention skills. They should also be familiar with numbers so that they are able to com-
plete the color-by-number pictures.
GAME SYNOPSIS Children are required to color in a picture in a specified time period. During the first
color-by-number task, children are timed but are not told about the timing. Fully col-
ored pictures are recognized. When the children do the second color-by-number task,
they are told they will be timed. They are told to fill in as much of the picture as possi-
ble. The game is designed to help children overcome perfectionism.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to complete the entire color-by-
QUESTIONS number picture within the time period allowed.
2. Ask the children how they felt while they were coloring their first picture
(when they did not know they were being timed).
3. Ask the children how they felt while they were coloring their second picture
(when they did know they were being timed). Did they feel stress or anxiety?
4. Ask the children what strategies they used to reduce any stress or anxiety they
felt while coloring their pictures.
Teaching Module 7
Developing Appropriate
Personal Space
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PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills.
ROOM SETUP A large, open space where children can freely move around.
GAME SYNOPSIS Dodging in Personal Space involves dividing children up into two groups by counting
1, 2, 1, 2, and so forth. The 1s and 2s go to opposite sides of the room. The group facili-
tator then gives the signal for each group to simultaneously move (e.g., walk, dance,
hop) from one end of the space to the other. The goal is for each team to get to the oppo-
site side without bumping into any other children.
STEPS FOR 1. Divide children into two teams, designated by either number 1 or number 2.
IMPLEMENTING Tell children they are going to play a game called Dodging in Personal Space to
PERSONAL SPACE learn about personal space.
2. Tell children that if they are selected as a number 1, they should go to the left
end of the space. If they are selected as a number 2, they should go to the right end
of the space.
3. Before the game begins, make sure all children know their number and which
way they are going. On the group facilitator’s command, the children will try
to move (e.g., walk, dance, hop) from one end of the space to the other without
bumping into any other children. The goal for each child is to stay in her or his
personal space.
4. Step 3 can be repeated several times using different movements (i.e., walk,
dance, hop) each time. The group facilitator calls out the movement the chil-
dren are to perform before each round of the game.
5. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how it felt when they were moving across the room trying to
maintain their personal space. Was it difficult to do?
3. Ask the children how they felt if they bumped into someone or entered
another’s personal space while they were playing the game.
4. Ask the children if they feel they have a better understanding of personal space
than they did before playing the game.
OVERVIEW The Space Spin teaches children how to respect personal space. Children and the group
facilitator stretch out their arms and turn in place to help children understand the
boundaries of personal space.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills.
ROOM SETUP A large, open space where children can freely move around.
GAME SYNOPSIS The Space Spin game involves children stretching out both arms and turning slowly in
a complete circle in place. The group facilitator lets the children know that this area is
their personal space. The facilitator models the same behavior by stretching out her
arms and demonstrating her personal space. Once the facilitator has demonstrated what
personal space looks like to the children, the facilitator puts her arms down at her sides
and selects a child to walk slowly toward her. The child is to stop just before he thinks
he has reached the edge of the group facilitator’s personal space. When the child stops,
the facilitator stretches her arms out again and slowly turns in place. If the group facil-
itator bumps the child an arm, the child has to try again to correctly judge the personal
space of the facilitator.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game called The Space Spin in which they
IMPLEMENTING learn about personal space and following directions.
2. The group facilitator introduces the idea of personal space to children in two
ways. First, instruct children to stretch out their arms on both sides and turn
slowly in a complete circle in place. The group facilitator explains that this cir-
cle area is each child’s personal space.
3. Next, the group facilitator stretches out her arms on both sides and turns slowly
in a complete circle in place to demonstrate her personal space. This helps the
children visualize what the personal space looks like.
4. Next, the group facilitator selects a child from the group. The facilitator puts
her arms down at her sides and asks the child to slowly walk toward her. The
child should be instructed to stop just before he thinks he has reached the edge
of the facilitator’s personal space.
5. When the child stops where he believes the edge of the personal space is located,
the group facilitator raises her arms and slowly turns in place. If the facilitator
bumps the child with her arm, the facilitator says, “You have invaded my per-
sonal space and are tossed from the galaxy!”
6. Instruct the child that he or she can try again.
7. Repeat Steps 4 through 6 until each child has taken a turn and has succeeded
at stopping at the edge of the facilitator’s personal space.
8. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how they felt when they had their arms stretched out and
were turning slowly in place. Did they feel the limits of their personal space
around them?
3. Ask the children how they felt when they saw the group facilitator demonstrate
her personal space. After seeing the group facilitator demonstrate where the
limits of her personal space were, did they feel they had a good idea of the
boundaries of others’ personal space?
4. Ask the children how they felt when they were approaching the group facilita-
tor and trying to judge the edge of her personal space.
OVERVIEW Musical Shapes is a game about personal space and cooperation that involves children
performing a locomotor skill (e.g., skip, gallop, jog slowly, jump, slide) in a general space
when music is turned on. After the music stops, children must work together in pairs
to form the shape that the group facilitator says aloud.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills.
GAME SYNOPSIS Musical Shapes involves teaching children to respect personal space and how to safely
move around in a general space. When the music is turned on, instruct children to per-
form a locomotor skill throughout the general space (e.g., skip, gallop, jog slowly, jump,
slide). After the music stops, the group facilitator calls out a shape, and each group of
two must work together to make the shape with their arms and legs.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game called Musical Shapes in which they
IMPLEMENTING learn about personal space and cooperation. The cues for moving safely in gen-
eral space are reviewed with the children before the game begins:
a) Keep your eyes up.
b) Slow down or speed up to avoid crashing into others or entering their per-
sonal space.
2. Instruct children to find a good space to begin the game in.
3. Next, instruct children to listen for a locomotor skill to be called out when the
music begins playing. Possible locomotor skills could be skip, gallop, jog slowly,
jump, or slide. Running is not recommended. Emphasize the importance of the
cues to the children as they play this part of the game.
4. To start the game, the music should be turned on and a locomotor skill should
be called out. Children should begin to act out the locomotor skill until the
music stops.
5. Once the music stops, the group facilitator calls out a shape (e.g., wide, oppo-
site of wide, crooked, opposite of big, opposite of crooked, number 4, number 8,
lower case i, lower case a). A group of two children must get together and make
the shape with their arms and legs. Both children must be part of the shape.
6. Repeat Steps 4 through 5, and each time a group facilitator should call out a dif-
ferent locomotor skill to be performed and a different shape for the children to
make. Tell children that a different group of two must get together each time
a new shape is called out.
7. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how they felt when they were moving about the room.
3. Ask the children what strategies they used to avoid entering the personal space
of others while they were moving about the room. Did they slow down or speed
up to avoid crashing into someone else?
4. Ask the children how they felt when they were in groups of two making the
shapes. Emphasize the importance of working together as a group to complete
a task.
OVERVIEW Personal Space Bubbles teaches children about the boundaries of personal space.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills.
GAME SYNOPSIS Personal Space Bubbles involves a group of children moving slowly around the room
while holding a hula hoop around their waist. This game does not require children to
know how to use a hula hoop. If a child accidentally bumps into another child’s hula
hoop during the game, their bubble “pops” and they are out for a predetermined period
of time. The child must place his or her hula hoop on the floor and sit inside it until the
group facilitator reactivates his or her bubble. After children have become skilled at
the game, a challenge can be introduced by making the space smaller, which will make
it harder to avoid bumping into someone. Children also have the option of working
together as a team to try to avoid receiving points for bumping into someone else on the
other team.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game called Personal Space Bubbles to
IMPLEMENTING learn about personal space and following directions.
BUBBLES 2. Give the children hula hoops and instruct them to begin moving around the
room slowly with their hula hoops around their waists. Children do not need
to know how to hula hoop.
3. Next, instruct children to try to avoid bumping into anyone else’s hula hoop or
personal space as they move around the room.
4. If a child bumps another child’s hula hoop, his or her bubble “pops” and he or
she must place the hula hoop on the ground and sit inside it for a period of time
predetermined by the group facilitator.
5. As children become more skilled at moving around the room without bump-
ing into each other, the space can be made smaller as an additional challenge.
The children can also work as teams and try to avoid receiving points for bump-
ing into someone on the other team. If a child from Team A bumps into a child
from Team B, Team A receives a point. The goal is to receive the lowest num-
ber of points.
6. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize that they
QUESTIONS needed to respect the personal space of the other children in order to be suc-
cessful at this game.
2. Ask the children how they felt when they were moving slowly around the room
without bumping into anyone else’s bubble.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they bumped into another child and
popped his or her bubble. How did it feel when he or she had to stop playing
and sit inside the hula hoop?
OVERVIEW Personal Space Circle is about personal space and following directions. The game
involves children sitting inside a personal space circle made out of rope or a long cord.
The group facilitator adjusts the size of the circle (smaller or larger) to illustrate how
personal space can vary based on the relationship a child shares with another person.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills.
GAME SYNOPSIS Personal Space Circle involves teaching children the boundaries of personal space based
on the relationship they have with another person. A rope or chord is placed on the floor
in the shape of a circle with the children sitting around the rope circle. A child is
selected to sit in the center of the circle. The group facilitator explains that personal
space is smaller for people we are very close to (i.e., Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters). The
circle can be made a little larger for friends and teachers or even larger for people we
don’t know. The group facilitator can change the size of the circle and ask the children
what type of relationship might be appropriate for this personal space size.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game called Personal Space Circle to learn
IMPLEMENTING about personal space and following directions. The group facilitator should
CIRCLE explain that the boundaries of personal space change based on the relationship
they have with another person. For example, personal space is smaller with a
parent than it would be with a teacher at school.
2. The group facilitator selects one child to sit inside the rope or chord circle. The
facilitator explains that personal space is smaller for people we are very close
to (i.e., Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters). The facilitator cites the current circle size
as an example of personal space for people we are very close to.
3. The child in the center is given the opportunity to select the next child to sit
in the center of the circle.
4. The circle is made a little larger, and the group facilitator can ask the children
a question such as, “Who do you think would be a good person to have this size
personal space for?” The facilitator explains that the current size personal space
would be appropriate for friends and teachers.
5. Repeat Step 3. The group facilitator should make the circle even bigger and ask
the children a question such as, “Who do you think would be a good person to
have this size personal space for?” The facilitator should then explain that the
current size personal space would be appropriate for people we don’t know,
such as strangers.
6. The group facilitator can change the size of the circle additional times and ask
the children what type of relationship they think might be appropriate for that
personal space size.
7. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how they felt when it was their turn to sit inside the personal
space circle.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they were on the outside of the personal
space circle.
4. Ask the children what strategies they used to remember which people the per-
sonal space circle might be appropriate for. Emphasize that personal space is
smallest for the people we are closest to, such as Mom and Dad. Also empha-
size that the less we know someone, the bigger the personal space should be.
5. Ask the children if they felt more comfortable knowing how much personal
space is appropriate for different people after playing the game.
OVERVIEW Hula Hoops involves children learning about personal space by using hula hoops at the
closest possible distance without letting their hula hoop touch another person’s hula
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to hula hoop. Children should also be able to follow simple
SKILLS verbal instructions and have basic self-control and attention skills.
REQUIRED Hula hoops. An open space that is large enough for the children to move about freely.
ROOM SETUP Children sit on the floor or in chairs while they are given the instructions and a demon-
stration of the game. Then the children are broken up into groups of two or three, and
are asked to stand up.
GAME SYNOPSIS Children are broken up into groups of two or three. The first group is instructed to start
using their hula hoops and to get as close as possible to their group members without
touching another’s hula hoop. The goal of the game is for the children in their group to
get as close to one another’s hula hoops without touching them.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game to learn about personal space using
IMPLEMENTING hula hoops.
2. The group facilitator should give children a demonstration on how to use a hula
3. The group facilitator breaks up the children into groups of two or three.
4. Instruct the children in each group to begin using the hula hoops at the same
time. They should try to stay as close as possible to each other without letting
their hula hoops touch each other.
5. Each child must decide how much room she or he will need on all sides of her-
or himself so that the hula hoop does not bang into anyone else’s hula hoop.
Each child must try to keep the hula hoop around his or her body without let-
ting it fall to the ground. If a child’s hula hoop does fall to the ground, she or he
should be encouraged to pick it up and try again.
6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until all children have had the chance to use their hula
7. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to keep their hula hoops from touch-
QUESTIONS ing anyone else’s hula hoop. Emphasize the importance of respecting other peo-
ple’s personal space.
2. Ask the children what they needed to do to keep their hula hoops moving
around their waists and from falling to the ground. Emphasize that they suc-
ceeded with the hula hoop by following directions and paying attention to the
3. Ask the children how they felt when they were able to keep their hula hoops
from falling and from touching anyone else’s hula hoop.
4. Ask the children how they felt when they were not able to keep from touching
anyone else’s hula hoop and when they were not able to keep their hula hoops
from falling to the ground.
5. Ask the children how it felt when they needed to cooperate with others in the
group to keep their hula hoops from touching and falling.
OVERVIEW Mother/Father, May I? is about personal space and following directions. It involves one
child acting as the mother or father and the rest of the children following her or his
directions to move around the room.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills.
REQUIRED A large, open space in which children can freely move around.
ROOM SETUP The child who is taking a turn as Mother or Father stands facing away from the other
children in the group. The other children form a line behind her or him.
GAME SYNOPSIS Mother/Father, May I? involves one child facing away from the rest of the group and
taking a turn as Mother or Father. She or he chooses a child at random and announces
a direction that child should move. The child must respond with “Mother or Father,
may I?” Mom or Dad then says yes or no. If the child forgets to ask, she or he goes back
to the starting line and begins again. The first child to come within the correct personal
space distance of Mother or Father earns a turn to be Mother or Father next.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game called Mother/Father, May I? to
IMPLEMENTING learn about personal space and following directions.
MAY I? 2. Select one child to begin the game as Mother or Father. Instruct this child to
stand facing away from the group. Tell the rest of the children to form a line
(approximately 8 ft) in front of the child selected to be Mother or Father so that
the chosen child can move easily towards Mother or Father and the group can
watch the game unfold.
3. Instruct Mother or Father to choose a child from the group at random and
announce a direction that child should move and what type of movement he or
she should make. For example, forward or backward; giant, regular, or baby
steps. Mother or Father should also instruct the child on how many steps he or
she should take.
4. The child should then respond with “Mother or Father, may I?”
5. Instruct Mother or Father to state yes or no, at which point the child can move.
If the child forgets to ask “Mother or Father, may I?” she or he must go back to
the starting line and begin again.
6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until one child comes within the correct personal space
distance (approximately 1 ft) of Mother or Father. This child should now get to
take a turn as Mother or Father.
7. Continue playing the game until all members of the group have taken a turn at
being Mother or Father. If a child is the first to come within the correct personal
space distance of Mother or Father and she or he has already had a turn to be
Mother or Father, she or he should return to the starting line and begin again.
8. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how they felt when it was their turn to be Mother or Father.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they did not follow directions and had to
go back to the starting line.
4. Ask the children what strategies they used to remember to ask “Mother or
Father, may I?” before moving.
OVERVIEW Bouncing Balls teaches children about self-control and respect for personal space.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills.
GAME SYNOPSIS Bouncing Balls involves children bouncing a playground ball within the boundaries of
their personal space. The group facilitator should model appropriate personal space to
the children before the game begins. After the children are skilled at bouncing balls in
a controlled manner, they are instructed to begin bouncing their balls through an obsta-
cle course (e.g., cones). They are instructed to keep track of how many obstacles they
were able to bounce their ball through without losing control of their ball or bouncing
it into someone else’s personal space.
As the children become more skilled at moving through the obstacle course, the
course design can be changed or the space between the obstacles made smaller as an
additional challenge. The children can also work as teams and combine the points they
receive for making it around an obstacle without allowing the ball to enter another
player’s personal space.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game called Bouncing Balls to learn about
IMPLEMENTING personal space and self-control. The group facilitator should model appropriate
personal space to the children before the game begins.
2. Give the children playground balls and instruct them to stand 3 to 5 ft apart.
Tell children to begin bouncing their balls in their personal space.
3. After the children have become skilled at bouncing the balls in their personal
space, instruct them to bounce their balls through an obstacle course of cones
without losing control of their balls or allowing them to bounce into someone
else’s personal space. A group facilitator can also play music at different speeds
during the game to alter the speed that the children bounce their balls through
the obstacle course.
4. Children can keep track of how well they are maintaining their self-control and
respect for others’ personal space by counting to themselves how many obsta-
cles they were able to bounce their ball through. Children can also work as
teams and combine the points they receive for making it around an obstacle
without allowing the ball to enter another player’s personal space.
5. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize how self-
QUESTIONS control allowed them to respect the boundaries of others’ personal space suc-
cessfully. Also, emphasize that taking a deep breath, slowing down, and being
conscious of one’s actions can help a child respect others’ personal space.
2. Ask the children how they felt when they were bouncing their balls in their
personal space.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they were bouncing their balls through
the obstacle course. How did they feel when the pace of the music was slower?
How did they feel when the pace of the music got faster?
OVERVIEW Personal Space Guessing teaches children about the different types of personal space
they will encounter in social situations.
GROUP PLAY Primary: Respect for Personal Space, Differentiate Levels of Personal Space
INTERVENTION Secondary: Paying Attention, Following Directions
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills.
REQUIRED Cards depicting levels of personal space (e.g., public, social, personal, intimate).
ROOM SETUP A large, open space where children can freely move around. The children can either be sit-
ting in a group on the floor or in chairs, with the cards in a designated spot off to the side.
GAME SYNOPSIS Personal Space Guessing involves partners selecting one card from the stack of possible
personal space scenarios and role playing an example of the type of personal space on the
card. Before starting the game, the group facilitator should demonstrate the types of per-
sonal space (e.g., public, social, personal, intimate). She or he should also facilitate a dis-
cussion with the children in the role-play scenario and the group. For example, if the
children selected a card for public space, the facilitator could ask them to describe a pub-
lic space situation and what people would be included in that situation. If the children
are having difficulty, the facilitator can ask the group to provide suggestions.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game called Personal Space Guessing to
IMPLEMENTING learn about personal space and that the amount of appropriate personal space
GUESSING can vary depending on the relationship they have with the person involved. A
group facilitator should provide examples of each type of personal space, how
much personal space between people is appropriate, and what people would be
involved with each type of personal space before the game begins:
a) public space: 5 to 6 ft apart, strangers
b) social space: 1 to 3 ft apart, teachers or friends
c) personal space: less than 1 ft apart, close friends or extended family members
d) intimate space: little or no space, Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters
2. Select two children to work together as partners to start the game. Instruct the
two children to select one of the personal space cards. The children should
show the card they have selected to the group facilitator and the group.
3. Next, a group facilitator should facilitate a discussion with the partners about
the type of personal space that is represented on the card. For example, if the
children selected a card for public space, the group facilitator could ask the fol-
lowing sample questions:
a) Could you describe a public space situation?
b) Who would be appropriate to involve in this type of personal space?
c) How far apart do you think the people should be from each other?
d) How do you plan to role play your type of personal space?
4. The group facilitator can open up the discussion to the group so the level of par-
ticipation is increased for all children. The group facilitator should also ask
questions to children who are quiet and not raising their hands.
5. Next, ask the partners to role play the type of personal space they have selected.
6. Repeat Steps 2 through 5 until all children in the group have a turn to role play
a personal space scenario.
7. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how it felt to role play their type of personal space.
3. Ask the children for examples of who would be involved in a personal space,
social space, and so forth.
4. Ask the children how far apart they think people should be from each other in
a personal space, intimate space, and so forth.
5. Ask the children whether they have a better understanding of personal space
than they did before playing the game. Do they understand how the appropri-
ate amount of personal space differs based on the relationship with the other
Teaching Module 8
Effective Planning and
Time Management
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OVERVIEW How Long Does It Take? teaches time management skills by having children predict or
estimate how long it takes to complete various activities.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills.
GAME SYNOPSIS Activity cards are prepared ahead of time by the group facilitator. The cards contain
questions about how long it would take to do certain tasks or activities. The children
select an activity card and predict or estimate how much time they think it will take
to perform the task.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game called How Long Does It Take? that
IMPLEMENTING involves estimating how long it takes to complete a task.
IT TAKE? 2. Direct the first child to select an activity card and read it aloud. A facilitator
can help the child read the card if he or she has difficulty reading it. Examples
of tasks or activities written on the cards are
a) How long does it take to walk from your classroom to the school office?
b) How long does it take you to get dressed?
c) How long does it take to do your homework each night?
d) How long do you sleep for at night?
e) How long does it take to drive from your house to school?
3. Repeat Step 2 until each child has had a turn to select an activity card and pre-
dict or estimate how long it takes to complete the task on the card.
4. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how they determined how long a task would take.
3. Ask the children how they felt after the game was over.
OVERVIEW Clothing Routine is a game in which children race to get their clothes on. The children
are taught time management skills.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills.
REQUIRED Hat, stopwatch or timer, coat, shirt or sweatshirt, sweatpants, gloves, and scarf. Children
MATERIALS should also be wearing sneakers with laces.
ROOM SETUP An open space that is large enough for children to move around in.
GAME SYNOPSIS Clothing Routine teaches children planning and time management skills. Parents are
asked to bring in a variety of clothing for their child (i.e., hat, coat, shirt or sweatshirt,
sweatpants, gloves, scarf, sneakers with laces). Children place their pile of clothes in
front of them and are timed to see how long it takes them to put on all the clothes in
the pile over the clothes they are already wearing. Next, the children are timed again to
see if they can beat their old time, in addition to racing against the other kids to see who
can put on their extra clothes the fastest.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game called Clothing Routine with the
IMPLEMENTING clothing their parents brought for them (i.e., hat, coat, shirt or sweatshirt,
ROUTINE sweatpants, gloves, scarf, sneakers with laces).
2. Ask the children to place their clothing items in a pile in front of them.
3. Tell children they will be timed to see how long it takes them to put on all the
clothing over their current clothing. (This time will be used as a baseline time
for the second race.) A group facilitator should begin the race by counting down
from 10.
4. Once a child has finished putting on his or her clothes, a group facilitator
should record the child’s time. When all the children have completed the race,
instruct them to remove their clothing items and put them back in a pile.
5. Next, instruct the children to race again. They should race against themselves
and each other during the second race to complete the game.
6. If there is enough time after the two races, all of the clothing can be placed in
a pile and children have to race to get back into their own clothing.
7. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how they felt when they were putting on the clothing during
the first race. How did they feel during the second race?
3. Ask the children how they felt after the game was over.
OVERVIEW Morning Routine is a game in which children are taught time management, organiza-
tional, and planning skills.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills.
REQUIRED Hat, coat, shirt or sweatshirt, sweatpants, gloves, scarf; children should be wearing
MATERIALS sneakers with laces; breakfast props (bowl, spoon); tooth brushing props (toothpaste,
toothbrush); and school books.
ROOM SETUP An open space that is large enough for children to move around in.
GAME SYNOPSIS Children are separated into teams and work together to complete a morning routine.
Children get dressed, eat breakfast (sit at the table for 15 seconds), brush their teeth
(5 seconds), get their books together, and touch the door. After the first child completes
the routine, he or she tags another member of the team to go next. The team that fin-
ishes first wins. Team members can encourage and assist the child performing the
morning routine.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game called Morning Routine related to
IMPLEMENTING time management and organization involving their daily morning routine.
ROUTINE 2. The children are separated into teams. The number of teams will depend on the
total number of children that participate. Teams of three to five children is rec-
ommended. One member at a time from each team will be timed and must
complete the following morning routine tasks:
a) Get dressed.
b) Eat breakfast (sit at the table for 15 seconds).
c) Brush teeth (5 seconds).
d) Get books together.
e) Touch the door.
f) Tag one of the members of team.
3. A group facilitator should time each child on how long it takes him or her to
complete the (pretend) morning routine (e.g., getting ready in the morning). The
children can complete the tasks in any order they prefer. The team members
can encourage and assist the child performing the morning routine.
4. After each child finishes his or her morning routine, he or she should tag the
next person on the team to take a turn.
5. Repeat Steps 2 through 4 until each child on the team has taken a turn. Although
this is a race, winning and losing is not emphasized.
6. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how they felt when they were being timed while completing
the morning routine.
3. Ask the children how they felt when their teammates were encouraging and
helping them complete the morning routine. Emphasize that cooperation and
teamwork within the group can help manage time better and complete the task.
4. Ask the children how they felt after the game was over.
OVERVIEW My Day teaches time management, planning, and organizational skills by having chil-
dren plan out a typical day in their life.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills. They should also have basic reading and writing skills (the group
facilitator can do the reading and writing for younger children).
GAME SYNOPSIS My Day has children plan out a typical day in their lives. Each child contributes an activ-
ity that occurs during his or her day and estimates how much time the activity will take.
The day is planned by the group and is written on the poster board.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game called My Day that involves plan-
IMPLEMENTING ning and organizing their day.
2. A group facilitator should select a child and ask, “What is an activity that you do
each day?” The group facilitator can provide examples such as eating breakfast
or dinner, getting ready for school, doing homework, and walking the dog. Once
the child determines an activity that he or she does each day, he or she writes it
on the poster board (the group facilitator can do the writing if needed). The group
facilitator guides the children through their daily activities by creating a sensi-
ble timeline.
3. Repeat Step 2 until each child has a turn to select an activity and write it on
the poster board.
4. Once each child has had a turn to describe an activity that takes place during his
or her day, how long it takes to complete the activity, and where it fits into the
daily schedule, the group can look over the day they have planned and organized.
5. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how they determined which activity they thought would take
place next during the course of the day.
3. Ask the children how they determined how long a task would take.
4. Ask the children how they felt after the game was over.
OVERVIEW Scavenger Hunt teaches planning, organization, and time management skills.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills. They should also have some basic reading skills (group facilitator
can read for younger children).
REQUIRED Scavenger hunt form, items listed on the scavenger hunt form, and writing instruments.
ROOM SETUP A large open space for children to perform the scavenger hunt in.
GAME SYNOPSIS Scavenger Hunt teaches children planning, organizational, and time management skills.
Each child is given the scavenger hunt form containing a list of items that they need to
find. Some will be tangible items, and some will be informational. Tell children that
they need to find the items or information and write where or what they are. After
15 minutes have elapsed or a child has finished, the game is over.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game that involves going on a scavenger
IMPLEMENTING hunt. Each child is given a scavenger hunt form containing a list of items they
need to find during the scavenger hunt. The task list might include the following:
a) Write down where or what the following items are
䡲 You can use me to write, but you can’t erase with me. Find me . . .
䡲 You can use me to become less angry. Find me . . .
䡲 You can use me when you are bored. Find me . . .
䡲 You can use me when you are hungry. Find me . . .
䡲 You can use me when you are sad. Find me . . .
䡲 You can use me to make someone else feel less sad. Find me . . .
䡲 You can read me. Find me . . .
䡲 I can roll. Find me . . .
䡲 I am sticky. Find me . . .
䡲 I sometimes smell bad. Find me . . .
䡲 You can sit on me. Find me . . .
䡲 You can stand on me, but I can’t stand on you. Find me . . .
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how they organized their scavenger hunt list to find the items.
What planning was involved in organizing their list? How did they plan and
manage their time during the 15-minute scavenger hunt? Emphasize how plan-
ning, organizing their list items, and managing their time well helped make it
easier to find the items.
3. Ask the children how they felt while they were searching for the items or infor-
mation on their list.
4. Ask the children how they felt when their buddy helped them find items miss-
ing from their list. Ask the buddies how it felt to help friends find the items
they were missing. Emphasize the value of teamwork, cooperation, and help-
ing others to all the children.
5. Ask the children how they felt when the scavenger hunt was over.
OVERVIEW Let’s Plan a Trip! is a game in which children pretend to take an imaginary trip any-
where in the world.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills. Children should also be familiar with characteristics of different
REQUIRED Paper, writing instruments, recipe ingredients for the meal, supplies to make decorations,
MATERIALS and books about the location to which the children decide to take a trip.
ROOM SETUP The children should be seated at tables. As they move through the planning stages of
this game, they will need to move around the room to set up decorations or snacks.
GAME SYNOPSIS Let’s Plan a Trip! is a game in which children make a list of all the places they would
like to visit. After it has been decided where they will go, they create a list of ideas that
would help them experience what it would be like to be there (i.e., plan a meal using
foods from that place, make decorations that will make it feel as though children are
there, use books to come up with ideas). After the children have come up with a list, a
group facilitator can help to plan and organize which things they do. This game can be
flexibly designed for a broad range of children with different ability levels. This game
also requires more than one session to execute, since there are several steps in the plan-
ning and organization of the trip.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game called Let’s Plan a Trip! about taking
IMPLEMENTING an imaginary trip anywhere in the world. Instruct them to brainstorm location
A TRIP! ideas. A group facilitator can help the children plan and organize their destina-
tion by keeping a list of their ideas.
2. A group facilitator can also make suggestions to get started. Trip ideas could
include the following:
a) Victorian England to have a tea party;
b) A safari in Africa (a tape with animal sounds can be played, children can
pack their lunches in a backpack and pretend they are on a trail, and they
can use stuffed animals to add to the jungle scenery); or
c) Egypt to experience the tombs and pyramids!
3. After the group has selected a destination, they should make another list of pos-
sible activities they will do to make it feel as though they are really there!
Allow the group to use books or the Internet to help them find out more infor-
mation about the destination they have chosen and to help choose their activ-
ities. Possible activities could include the following:
a) Planning a meal from the location.
b) Making and hanging decorations that help children imagine they there.
c) Playing music that helps children feel as though they are there.
A group facilitator can guide the children in organizing their own lists.
4. Next, guide the children in selecting two to three activities from the list to cre-
ate the atmosphere of their destination.
5. Over the next few sessions, a group facilitator should help the children com-
plete the various activities that relate to their destination.
6. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. How did they plan
QUESTIONS ahead and organize the trip so it felt like they were at that destination?
2. Ask the children how they felt while they were pretending to be in the place
they selected. How did they feel about the effort they put into planning and
organizing the trip? Emphasize that the trip might not have been as fun if they
had not planned and organized so well.
3. Ask the children how they felt after the game was over.
OVERVIEW Program the Robot teaches children planning, organization, and time management
skills. Small groups of children are given a list of tasks to program their robot (a child)
to do within a specific time frame.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills. They should be able to read.
GAME SYNOPSIS Program the Robot is a game in which children are broken down into small groups (five
children in each group), and told they are going to play a game about programming their
robot. The group facilitator selects one child from the small group to play the role of the
robot. The other members are the programmers. The programmers are given a list of
eight tasks (four tasks can be used for younger children) they must guide their robot to
do within 5 minutes in order to program him or her. Each of the four programmers is
assigned two of the eight tasks (one of the four tasks for younger children). The program-
mers must work together to organize and plan which group members will be assigned
to which tasks.
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game that requires them to program a
IMPLEMENTING robot (children in the group). Break the children down into small groups of five.
ROBOT 2. Assign one of the five group members to play the role of robot. The rest of the
group members should be the programmers.
3. The programmers are given a list of eight tasks to program their robot with
within a 5-minute time period (the number of programmers and tasks on the
list can be adjusted according to the number of children in the group). Tasks on
the list could include the following:
a) Turning the lights on or off in the room.
b) Walking around a piece of furniture.
c) Turning to the right 90 degrees.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. What did they need
QUESTIONS to do when they were the programmers? What did they need to do when they
were the robot?
2. Ask the children how they felt when they were the programmers. Emphasize
how organizing the list of tasks and planning the order made it easier to get the
programming done.
3. Ask the children how they felt when they were the robot.
4. Ask the children how they felt after the game was over.
OVERVIEW The Restaurant is a game in which children work together to take orders and serve cus-
tomers a meal in a pretend restaurant. The children are taught cooperation, planning,
organizational, and time management skills.
PREREQUISITE Children should be able to follow simple verbal instructions and have basic self-control
SKILLS and attention skills. Children should also have basic reading and writing skills (group
facilitator can read for younger children).
REQUIRED Notepad, stopwatch or timer, writing utensil (for taking meal orders), plates, cups, nap-
MATERIALS kins, utensils, menus, a tablecloth, and menu items (real or pretend food items).
ROOM SETUP An open space that is large enough for children to move around in. The customers in
the restaurant should be seated at a table. The tablecloth, utensils, cups, napkins, and
menus should already be in place at the table, and the plates should be set aside for use
by the cooks.
GAME SYNOPSIS The Restaurant is a game in which each child in the group is assigned a role (i.e., cus-
tomer, host or hostess, waiter or waitress, cook). The children are in charge of running
the restaurant and must work together to serve a meal to the customers in a given time
period (e.g., 3–5 minutes, depending on how many customers there are).
STEPS FOR 1. Tell children they are going to play a game that involves running their own
IMPLEMENTING restaurant. They are told they need to work together as a team to plan, prepare,
and serve a meal in the given time period (based on the group facilitators’ pref-
erence and children’s need for assistance/practice). Tell children they will be
timed to see how long it takes them to serve the meal to the customers.
2. Assign each child a role in the restaurant (i.e., customer, host or hostess, waiter
or waitress, cook).
3. Tell the customers they should walk into the restaurant and ask to be seated.
The hostess should then seat the customers at the table. All utensils, cups, nap-
kins, and menus should already be in place. Repeat this step until all customers
are seated.
4. Next, instruct the customers to read the menus on the table and decide what
food items they would like to order.
5. Then, instruct the waiter or waitress to write down the customers’ names and
corresponding orders on a notepad. At this point, the group facilitator should
begin timing the children. After all the customers’ orders are placed, tell the
waiter or waitress to take the orders to the cooks in the kitchen. The waiter or
waitress should assist the cooks by reading the items on the notepad.
6. Instruct the cooks to prepare the real or pretend food for the customers by plac-
ing the appropriate food items on the plates.
7. Next, the waiter or waitress should serve the meals to the correct customers.
Once all the customers have their meals, the group facilitator should record the
time it took to complete the ordering process.
8. Allow the customers to eat (or pretend to eat) their meals. Announce the time
it took to complete the process.
9. Repeat Steps 2 through 8 until all the children have had a chance to perform a
different role. Each time the game is repeated, encourage the children to meet the
required time period if they have not done so yet, or to beat their previous time.
10. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or on the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time
to discuss the game.
GROUP PROCESS 1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game.
QUESTIONS 2. Ask the children how they felt when they were performing their assigned roles.
What did they need to do to successfully get the meal served to the customers in
the assigned time period? Emphasize that the cooperation, planning, organization,
and time management skills they used made it possible to get the meal served.
3. Ask the children how they felt after the game was over.
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as it will affect the transfer, maintenance, and generalizability of gains to the targeted
and nontargeted settings. Second, what group play interventions will be implemented?
Third, when will the group play interventions be introduced into the treatment process?
Interventions should be carefully timed so they occur at appropriate developmental
points in children’s lives. Fourth, where will the group play interventions be delivered?
Interventions can be implemented in a number of settings (e.g., home, sports setting,
camp, school, clinic, hospital). Each setting can uniquely influence the transfer and
maintenance of gains.
It is essential that future play intervention models are well-conceived in relation to
comprehensive outcome assessment approaches. Future group play interventions should
include measures that are (a) targeted to the specific goals of the group training; (b) clini-
cally practical (brief) for repeatedly administered during the group training process; (c) sen-
sitive to change during the group training process; (d) highly reliable, possessing strong
stability (consistency) over time; and (e) valid (construct relevant) to the group training
process and outcomes. Finally, practitioners may wish to adopt a multidimensional out-
come assessment approach for new models. For example, outcome assessment can be tai-
lored to assess (a) group behavioral goals that are reinforced throughout each group train-
ing session, (b) individual child behavioral goals, (c) children’s perceptions of the group
process (see the example child feedback form,
(d) adult group facilitators’ perceptions of the group process, (e) adult group facilitators’
adherence to the group training agenda and key steps of the selected group play skill
sequences and group play interventions, and (f) caregivers’ report of the generalizability
of training gains to other settings. Thus, the success of future group play intervention
models rests on the thoughtful integration of intervention components and outcome
In sum, it is hoped that this book represents a timely, clinically relevant, and com-
prehensive presentation of group play intervention training that serves as a springboard
for future group intervention development and research. Deep appreciation is expressed
to all of the children, parents, teachers, and graduate students who provided invaluable
feedback on the implementation and usefulness of the training described.
HELPING OTHERS The purpose of this module is to teach children ways to: (a) identify situations in which
they require help, (b) obtain appropriate help, (c) identify situations when others need
help, and (d) help others.
Accessing help and helping others are two powerful protective factors (strengths)
related to academic and social success in children (Ryan & Patrick, 2001).
Five teaching methods are recommended:
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Boards should be set up in front of the room with group play skill sequences written
on them. Children should sit facing the boards.
1. Decide what the problem is and if you need help; for example, “I am having a
problem with my math homework.”
2. Decide who to ask; for example, “I will ask my mom.”
3. Choose what to say; for example, “Mom, can you help me with my math
4. Wait until you get the other person’s attention and say, “Excuse me.”
5. Tell the person what you need in a friendly way; for example, “Mom, can you
please help me with my math homework?”
Other Examples
䡲 You cannot reach something that you need or want (e.g., book, video game, snack).
䡲 Someone hit you and you do not know what to do.
䡲 You received a bad grade on a test and need help to do better next time.
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Other Examples
1. Write each skill sequence on a large poster board so each step is listed numer-
ically. Underline the action words listed in this book for each skill sequence.
2. Group play skill sequences should be introduced as a game to the group. It is
important that group facilitators introduce and reinforce the group play skill
sequences in a playful manner. For example, before performing a group skill
sequence, have the children pretend it is a movie set. Explain that the observ-
ing children are directors, and the children and group facilitators who are role
playing the skill sequence are actors. Tell the children that when the actors
indicate that they are ready, the directors should put their arms apart in the air
and count, “1, 2, 3, Action!” The directors close their arms and hands on the
word action. This will be a signal to the children and group facilitator actors to
begin role playing the skill sequence.
3. Explain that the game requires each member to follow directions, take turns, and
clap for each other. The game also requires each member to listen and remain
quiet when group members are acting.
4. Initially, group facilitators should act out the group play skill sequence to the
children. Next, with encouragement and feedback from a group facilitator, one
or two child volunteers are invited to demonstrate the group skill sequence to
the group. After several demonstrations of the skill sequence, facilitators may
wish to split the group up into smaller groups so all children have an opportu-
nity to practice and correctly demonstrate the skill sequence.
5. After the skill sequences for Asking for Help and Helping Others have been
successfully practiced, the following group play intervention can be introduced
and implemented. Group play interventions offer fun, real-world contexts for
children to learn targeted prosocial skills and generalize their skills to other
Skill Difficulty
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Prerequisite Skills
Prior to playing this game children should possess basic abilities to follow simple
directions and keep their bodies in control with redirection or reminders.
Required Materials
Room Setup
Towels are placed on the floor of the room and evenly spaced out. There should be
ample room for children to comfortably move in between the towels. A radio should be
set up near a group facilitator so that the group facilitator can easily turn the radio’s vol-
ume slowly up and down. The radio should not be abruptly shut off, like in the game of
musical chairs because this will induce unnecessary anxiety and impulsivity in the chil-
dren. An age-appropriate radio station, CD, or tape with dance music should be identi-
fied before the game is started. As the game progresses, towels are gradually folded and
later removed.
Game Synopsis
Islands is an interactive game in which children are told to pretend that they live
on islands, which are represented by towels. Imaginary crocodiles share the islands and
water with the children. The group facilitator instructs the children about how to live
peacefully with the crocodiles and how to avoid being bitten or eaten. While the music
is playing, the crocodiles go to sleep on the islands, allowing the children to swim freely
in the water. However, when the music stops, the crocodiles wake up, go into the water,
and become aggressive. As a result, the children should swim around the islands while
the music is playing. After the music stops, they should go onto the islands. However,
if a child is found to be in the water for more than a couple of seconds after the music
stops, they must ask one of the other children for help getting onto an island. As the
game progresses, the tide comes in and the islands get smaller (towels are folded and are
eventually removed), thereby increasing the number of children asking for help.
1. Introduce Islands to the children in a positive and playful manner. Tell children
that they are about to play a special game that involves following directions,
asking for help, helping others, controlling their hands and feet, and managing
their stress.
2. Read the story of the Islands to the children.
You are islanders who live on a beautiful group of islands, and the water around
the islands is warm and blue. You like to swim every day, but there is one prob-
lem. There are crocodiles that travel together and also live in the water and on
the islands. When the wind blows over the water and through the trees, a musi-
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cal sound starts. The music causes the crocodiles to go onto the islands and fall
asleep, leaving the waters peaceful. But when the music stops, the crocodiles
wake up [make a yawning gesture and sound], go into the water, and look for
food. When the music is playing, you should swim around in the water by walk-
ing, floating, or dancing slowly around the islands. Make sure that when the
music is playing you are not on an island, because you do not want to disturb
the peaceful crocodiles. When the music stops you must leave the water and
climb onto an island. If you are not on an island right away, you need to ask
someone on an island for help. One of the other islanders will help you onto an
island to safety. If you are on an island and someone asks you for help, you
should put out your arm and help them onto the island. When the tide comes
in, the water covers some of the beaches on the islands and you need to share
the islands more with your friends or find another island to stay on. Sharing
islands and helping others will keep you safe and happy.
3. Before the game starts, instruct children that they need to
a) keep their arms in control—do not hit or push others;
b) keep their feet in control—walk, not run, and stand and avoid bumping
into objects and other group members;
c) listen for the music to start or stop;
d) Not run or jump onto islands.
4. Have everyone repeat the directions (out loud) before beginning the game.
5. Start playing the music. While the music is playing, encourage the children to
walk slowly, (pretend) swim, and dance around the islands without stepping on
them. Group facilitators should encourage the children to keep moving around
all the islands and avoid stepping on or touching the islands. After approxi-
mately a minute, slowly turn the music down. After a few seconds, tell the chil-
dren to “freeze“. Remind children who are not on an island that they should ask
someone on an island for help. The children on an island who are asked for help
should extend one of their arms to help others onto the island. If some children
jumped onto an island after they were told to “freeze“, tell those children to step
off the island and ask others for help onto one. The children asking for help
should do so loud enough for the entire group to hear them.
7. Continue to repeat Step 6. After a couple of times, fold the towels, signifying
that the tide is coming in. After a couple of additional times, fold the towels
again to make the islands even smaller. Then remove one towel at a time until
only a single towel is left. All the children should have at least one opportunity
to ask others for help during the game.
8. Group process: Tell the children that the game is now over. Have them sit in
their chairs or the floor facing the front of the room and tell them it is time to
discuss the game.
1. Ask the children what they needed to do to play the game. Emphasize the
importance of asking for help and helping others.
2. Ask the children how they felt when the music was playing.
3. Ask the children how they felt when the music was becoming lower and lower.
4. Ask the children how they felt when the music was off.
5. Ask the children when they needed help from others.
6. Ask the children how they felt when they needed help.
7. Ask the children how they felt when others helped them.
8. Ask the children how they felt when they helped others.
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INDEX 䡵 285
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in respect for others’ personal space, 70 between practitioners and caregivers, 45–46
training for parents in, 46–47 Stone Face Stevie/Samantha, 127–128
Behaviors, 37–39 in taking turns, 93
Being left out Color by Number, 215–216
Exclusion Air Ball, 173–174 Commands, 38–39
group play skill sequence for, 83 Common Traits in a Hat, 117–118
Bibliotherapy, 46 Communication. See also Nonverbal communication;
Blindfold Madness, 158–159 Verbal communication
The Blob is Spreading, 167–168 About Me Telephone, 113–114
Boredom in active listening, 66
Exclusion Air Ball, 173–174 Blindfold Madness, 158–159
group play skill sequence for, 84 by children with special needs, 24
Name Planes, 108–109 Common Traits in a Hat, 117–118
Bouncing Balls, 233–234 Compliment Sticker, 119–120
Bratton, S., 11 Conversation Planes, 111–112
Break time, 40–41, 51–54 by e-mail, 49–50
Bullying in giving compliments, 67
dealing with rejection, 82 group play skill sequence for, 57
saying no, 97 in group problem solving, 87
Interest Pictionary, 115–116
CAMP (Child Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity in introducing others, 60
Disorder Multimodal Program), 14 in introducing self, 59
Caregiver and child interactions. See Parent–child in nice talk, 58
interactions in not interrupting others, 71
Caregiver involvement, 43–54 play as, 12
caregiver and child interactions in, 44–45 Pyramid, 171–172
play as communication in, 12 in receiving compliments, 68
research on, 14 in saying no, 97
roles and approaches for, 45–50 Scavenger Hunt, 247–248
skill maintenance and generalization with, 50–54 in sharing about self, 63
Central auditory processing disorder, 21 Stone Face Stevie/Samantha, 127–128
Changing Seasons, 203–204 by telephone, 50
Child Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Communicative power, 9
Multimodal Program (CAMP), 14 Community settings, 29–30
Child-focused conceptualizations, 24 Competitive games
Children of Divorce Intervention Program (CODIP), 14 good sport behavior in, 94
Children with special needs, 17–25 in group play interventions, 13, 14
common symptom dimensions of, 23–24 Compliments. See Giving compliments; Receiving
developmentally appropriate games for, 13–14 compliments
group formats for, 30 Compliment Sticker, 119–120
group goals for, 32–33 Conflict
needs appropriate for group play interventions, 18–23 assertiveness in, 96
three-level time-out method for, 40 saying no, 97
training for play intervention groups, 24–25 Consultants, 45
Clinical usefulness, 10 Contexts, for play intervention groups, 29–30, 258
Clinics, 29–30 Conversation
Closed groups, 30 Conversation Planes, 111–112
Clothing Routine, 241–242 group skill sequence for, 61
CODIP (Children of Divorce Intervention Program), 14 Interviewing and Presenting, 121–122
Coggins, T. E., 12 not interrupting others, 71
Cognitive strategies The Restaurant, 253–254
dealing with another’s anger, 81 Conversation Planes, 111–112
dealing with own anger, 79–80 Cool Cat, 201–202
solving everyday problems, 86 Cooperation
Collaboration The Blob is Spreading, 167–168
Emotional Charades, 137–138 Creating a Story Together, 179–180
in group problem solving, 87 Dance Jam, 154–155
Interviewing and Presenting, 121–122 Emotional Vocabulary Competition, 133–134
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