Mohsin 019 Quiz 1 OS
Mohsin 019 Quiz 1 OS
Mohsin 019 Quiz 1 OS
Quiz#: 1
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Objective Part
Part A
3. Which one of the following error will be handle by the operating system?
a) Power failure
b) Lack of paper in printer
c) Connection failure in the network
d) All of the mentioned
7. Register that holds instruction fetched from store during decoding and execution is called
a) Instruction register
b) Program counter register
c) Sequence instruction register
d) Instruction pointer register
Part B
Note: Encircle only one correct choice
1. Making a system call from user program is type of
a) Interrupt
b) Exception
c) Trap
d) None of the above
2. Register which is used to store values of arithmetic and logical operations is termed as
a) Arithmetic register
b) Accumulator
c) Logical register
d) Controller
Subjective Part
1. Multi-tasking vs Multi-threading
2. Symmetric Vs Asymmetric Multiprocessing
3. Real Time Embedded VS Cloud Computing
4. Context switching is not a free job. Draw and label context switching diagram for three
Multi-tasking vs Multi-threading:
Multi-tasking Multi-threading
Multitasking let CPU to execute multiple tasks at Multithreading let CPU to execute multiple threads
the same time. of a process simultaneously.
In multitasking system has to allocate separate In multithreading system has to allocate memory to
memory and resources to each program that CPU is a process, multiple threads of that process shares
executing. the same memory and resources allocated to the
An example is right on your desktop, where you An example would be a web server, where the
may have a web browser, e-mail client, audio responses to all the incoming requests need much
player, word processor, spreadsheet and who of the same program logic and state, but different
knows what else on the air at the same time handles on a few things (network socket, id of
caller, whatever else).
If a processor fails, the computing capacity of the ). If a master processor fails, a slave is turned to the
system reduces. master processor to continue the execution. If a
slave processor fails, its task is switched to other
Context switching is not a free job. Draw and label context switching diagram for
three processes.