Mohsin 019 Quiz 1 OS

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Operating Systems (CSC 211)

Quiz#: 1

Name: Mohsin Majeed Reg.: 019 Class: BSIET

Section: 4th semester

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Objective Part
Part A

Note: Encircle only one correct choice

1. What is operating system?

a) Collection of programs that manages hardware resources
b) System service provider to the application programs
c) Link to interface the hardware and application programs
d) All of the mentioned

2. To access the services of operating system, the interface is provided by the

a) System calls
b) API
c) Library
d) Assembly instructions

3. Which one of the following error will be handle by the operating system?
a) Power failure
b) Lack of paper in printer
c) Connection failure in the network
d) All of the mentioned

4. The main function of the command interpreter is

a) To get and execute the next user-specified command
b) To provide the interface between the API and application program
c) To handle the files in operating system
d) None of the mentioned
5. _____ is/are types of exceptions.
a) Trap
b) Interrupt
c) System calls
d) All of the mentioned

6. Specific purpose storage location is termed as

a) Register
b) Executed register
c) Timed register
d) Sequenced register

7. Register that holds instruction fetched from store during decoding and execution is called
a) Instruction register
b) Program counter register
c) Sequence instruction register
d) Instruction pointer register

Part B
Note: Encircle only one correct choice
1. Making a system call from user program is type of
a) Interrupt
b) Exception
c) Trap
d) None of the above

2. Register which is used to store values of arithmetic and logical operations is termed as
a) Arithmetic register
b) Accumulator
c) Logical register
d) Controller

3. By operating system, the resource management can be done via

a) Time division multiplexing
b) Space division multiplexing
c) Both time and space division multiplexing
d) none of the mentioned

4. Which one of the following is not true?

a) Kernel is the program that constitutes the central core of the operating system
b) Kernel is the first part of operating system to load into memory during booting
c) Kernel is made of various modules which cannot be loaded in running operating system
d) Kernel remains in the memory during the entire computer session

5. If during the execution of an instruction an exception is raised then

a) The instruction is executed and the exception is handled
b) The instruction is halted and the exception is handled
c) The processor completes the execution and saves the data and then handle the exception
d) None of the mentioned

6. Sequence control register is also known as

a) Program counter
b) Instruction counter
c) Sequence register
d) Controlling register

7. Counter that holds addresses of next fetched instruction is called

a) Sequence control register
b) Program counter
c) Temporary register
d) Both A and B

Subjective Part

1. Multi-tasking vs Multi-threading
2. Symmetric Vs Asymmetric Multiprocessing
3. Real Time Embedded VS Cloud Computing
4. Context switching is not a free job. Draw and label context switching diagram for three

Multi-tasking vs Multi-threading:

Multi-tasking Multi-threading
Multitasking let CPU to execute multiple tasks at Multithreading let CPU to execute multiple threads
the same time. of a process simultaneously.
In multitasking system has to allocate separate In multithreading system has to allocate memory to
memory and resources to each program that CPU is a process, multiple threads of that process shares
executing. the same memory and resources allocated to the
An example is right on your desktop, where you An example would be a web server, where the
may have a web browser, e-mail client, audio responses to all the incoming requests need much
player, word processor, spreadsheet and who of the same program logic and state, but different
knows what else on the air at the same time handles on a few things (network socket, id of
caller, whatever else).

Symmetric Vs Asymmetric Multiprocessing

Symmetric As Asymmetric Multiprocessing

Each processor run the tasks in Operating System.. Only Master processor run the tasks of Operating
Processor takes processes from a common ready Master processor assign processes to the slave
queue, or there may be a private ready queue for processors, or they have some predefined
each processor. processes.

If a processor fails, the computing capacity of the ). If a master processor fails, a slave is turned to the
system reduces. master processor to continue the execution. If a
slave processor fails, its task is switched to other

Real Time Embedded VS Cloud Computing

Real Time Embedded Cloud Computing

Real time systems are those systems that work Cloud computing is the on-demand availability
within strict time constraints and provide a worst of computer system resources, especially data
case time estimate for critical situations. Embedded storage (cloud storage) and computing power,
systems provide a specific function in a much without direct active management by the user. The
larger system. term is generally used to describe data centers
available to many users over the Internet.
Applications of Real Time Embedded Systems Cloud computing is the delivery of different
Vehicle control systems for automobiles, ships, services through the Internet. These resources
railways, airplanes etc. include tools and applications like data storage,
Telephones, radio and satellite communications. servers, databases, networking, and software

Context switching is not a free job. Draw and label context switching diagram for
three processes.

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