Bhadrapur-7, Jhapa (Nepal) Province No.1: Project Work of Computer Science On Topic "Science and Technology "
Bhadrapur-7, Jhapa (Nepal) Province No.1: Project Work of Computer Science On Topic "Science and Technology "
Bhadrapur-7, Jhapa (Nepal) Province No.1: Project Work of Computer Science On Topic "Science and Technology "
Province no.1
Project work
Computer Science
Topic “Science and Technology ”
__________________ _____________
Subject Teacher Sign. Principal Sign.
This project is specially designed for finding the information of people
processing with the advanced computer technology. The project
assigned for the partial fulfillment of Computer science for grade XI. In
many school and colleges, spite of advent of computer technology.
They lag behind in fair result processing. The project assigned was to
solve the current problem of various academic institutions. We know
that to complete this project successfully different people have
provided us great help. We would like to express our grateful to all of
them who have provided direct and indirect help to complete this
*To make the reader understand the value & effect of HTML in today’s
*To help the future website developer enhances their knowledge
related to web page designing.
*This project work is a step ahead for computer student to enhance
their basic knowledge about website &its concept.
*To let the reader get the central idea of web page designing in the
simplest form.
*To give the direction to the upcoming web user for safe 7BEST
*This project is very important for the complication of computer
education for the student interested in computer field.
After reading this project work, we will be able to:
Known About the basic structure of HTML Document &various
type of tag.
To define HTML.
Learn about the concept of presentation of any HTML document
in a systematic manner.
Design two web character formatting tag.
Create page with hyperlink.
Insert image on web page.
Table of content
S.n. Topics Page no.
1. Introduction 2
2. Preface 3
3. Acknowledgement 4
4. Important & Objective 5
5. Output 7-8
6. Source tag 9-13
7. System Requirement 14
8. Conclusion 15
Source tags:
<title>Science and Technology!!!</title>
<body bgcolor="aqua" text="teal">
<marquee behavior="slide" bgcolor="green" scrollamount="25%">
<font face="PosterBodoni BT" color="yellow"
size="5.5"><center><h1>*Science and Technology*</h1>
<hr size="3" color="Red" width="75%"></marquee>
<p><center><font size="15">
<b><u><font face="Allegro BT" size="4"><a
<a href="#kesra">Go to bottom...</a>
<font face="Aldine721 BT" size="4.5">
<body bgcolor="Aqua"><p><img src="aa.jpg" height="50%"
width="30%" align="right">Science is essentially 'knowledge' it
is with human understanding of the real world
enjoy every second of our life through them. Technology have
totally changed the field of entertainment. Now we can entertain
ourselves through computers, games, TV
and so on. ELectric light, air conditioner, fan, and all
electronic gadgets are all gifts of science and technology. We
can enjoy cold coffee, mango shakes, cold
drinks during summer season through refrigerators. All these
things are posssible through science and technology.</P>Today
travelling have become very fast. We can
travel a long distance in minutes through aeroplanes. All this is
possible through science and technlogy. Cars, buses, motorbikes,
scooters are other means of
travelling which we use day and night. These things made our life
trouble free. It is all the wonders of science and technology.
Modern world is more dependent on
It is said that <B> "Science is a good and useful servant but it
is a bad destructive master."</B> I am saying this thing because
today we are misusing it. Today
atomic energy is used for war and fight purpose. Why are we not
using it for peaceful purposes? This big question has aroused.
Our aim should be constructive not
destructive. Today we are using science and technology and its
knowledge in our everyday life such as studies, playing and so
on. Today we are technologically advanced
a lot with science and technology. Let we preserve it and use for
the benefit of mankind. Now I am mentioning the advantages and
disadvantages of science and
<H3>Advantages of Science and Technology</H3>
<LI>Life has become east and comfortable through science and
<LI>Travelling has become easy and fast.</LI>
<LI>Communication has become easy, fast and cheaper.</LI>
<LI>Standard of living has increased with the development of
science and technology.</LI>
<LI>Man has become by using various new technologies.</LI>
<LI>Due to the development in science and technology, impossible
have become posssibe.</LI>
<LI>Difficult things and works have become easy and comfort to
man due to science and technology.</LI>
<LI>Life has become easy and stable.</LI>
agriculture, civil engineering, architecture, metallurgy, water
management, medicine, textie and paper manufacture, dyeing and
food technology. It is isolation for
a century, coinciding with the Industrial Revolution in the West
and colonial incursion in India, deprived the country from the
advances in science and technology
elsewhere. After the advent of democracy in 1950, the country
embarked on the path of modernisation. An initiation in science
and technology activities tool place,
with the inception of a development plan, in 1956. The science
and technology sector received its due importance in development
plan in the Sixth Plan (1980-1985).
Nepal's new constitution, promulgated in 1990, has emphasized
importance of science and technology explicitly by including a
<I>Directive Principle</I> to promote its
advancement. Major science and technology organisations,
including a science academy, the Ministry for Science and
Technology, and several research centres and
for higher education in science have evolved during last five
decades. However, with the low ratio of science and technology
(0.4 per 1,000 population) and low R and D
expenditure (0.35 percent of GNP), Nepal faces challenges seeking
political commitments with long-term vision and recognition of
science and technology as the
variable for overall national development.</P><P>We are living in
the age of science. In the last three hundred years, scientists
have invented a number of things
have directly given us comfort as well as luxury. Because of
these things, we live longer, we are healthier and our lives are
more comfortable. Modern medicine keeps
more people alive for a longer time.</P><P>In the absence of
science and technology, human lofe goes back almost th the Old
Stone Age. Thus, science and technology is
playing a very significance role in our lives. Man's scientific
discoveries can have both good and bad results.</P><P>Science and
technology has achieved amaging
time by bus, by car, by train or by
Transport engineering has changed our lives more than any other
science.</P><P>Likewise, science and technology has wonderfully
jumped many steps forward in the field
1. Hardware Requirement:-
We have built this project to publish the some knowledge
about ‘Science and Technology’. We have used different types of
Hardware and software program to complete this project.
2. Software Requirement:-
Only the hardware is not sufficient to complete the project. There
is to be compatible software installed in the PC/Laptop to make
project successfully. Following software required to make project
-Windows operating system
-Office package with internet explorer or other browser software
As this is our first project we have ever
done, so definitely there might be certain
limitation and shortcoming in our project. We
accept this fact and later on in the future
Endeavors, we will try to develop better
projects by using the experience of this project
knowledge of HTML in class XI. (Web page