BioEpi Lab Module 9
BioEpi Lab Module 9
BioEpi Lab Module 9
In this case, you will reject your null hypothesis, You would just input all of the values and then you
where in fact, your null hypothesis is false, and that will get the desired power/sample size that you
is a correct decision. need that has adequate power to prove if there is a
What if you reject your null hypothesis, however, significance in your study.
your null hypothesis is type II, that is what you call POWER ANALYSIS
your Type I error, which is a false positive. If you Used to calculate the minimum sample size
are falsely accepting your null hypothesis, that is needed to produce a reasonable level of
Type I error (aka False Positive). You rejected a accuracy.
true hypothesis. 2 types:
Priori Analysis Post Hoc Analysis
What if you accept the null hypothesis, where in Part of research Done after a study
fact, your null hypothesis is true? So, that is a learning process Determine the
correct decision. On the other hand, what if you Done before the achieved level of
accept the null hypothesis, where in fact, the null research study power given the
hypothesis is false? That is what we call Type II Determine the sample size that
error. required sample was actually used
size that has in the study
Other term for Type I error is alpha and for Type II adequate power to Assist in explaining
is beta. prove the any potential non-
significance of the significant results
Statistical Power is described as: study.
Most common type