TISSNET Question Paper-2018: Section: General Awareness

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TISSNET Question Paper-2018

Section : General Awareness

Q.1 Which one of the following objectives is NOT embodied in the

Preamble to the Constitution of India? Question ID : 661998239

Ans 1. Liberty of thought Status : Answered

Chosen Option : 2
2. Liberty of movement
Marks : 1.00
3. Liberty of belief

4. Liberty of expression

Q.2 The Radcliffe Committee was appointed to .

Question ID : 661998241
Ans 1. draw the boundaries between India and Pakistan
Status : Answered
2. give effect to the Independence Bill Chosen Option : 1
Marks : 1.00
3. solve the problems of minorities in India

4. enquire into the riots in East Bengal

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Q.3 Who, in India, has the power to summon or prorogue either House
of the Parliament? Question ID : 661998210

Ans Status : Answered

1. President
Chosen Option : 1
2. Home Minister
Marks : 1.00
3. Prime Minister

4. Vice President

Q.4 The Indian Supreme Court's judgement on triple talaq refers to

which of its forms? Question ID : 661998246

Ans Status : Answered

1. Talaq-e-Ahsan
Chosen Option : 3
2. Talaq-e-Hasan
Marks : 1.00
3. Talaq-e-Biddat

4. All of the above

Q.5 The number '1729' is considered as an interesting number as it is

the smallest natural number that can be written as the sum of Question ID : 661998242
cubes in two ways - sum of the cubes of 12 and 1 and the sum of Status : Answered
the cubes of 10 and 9. What is this number '1729' popularly known
Chosen Option : 3
Marks : 0.00
Ans 1. Landau-Ramanujan Constant

2. Hardy-Ramanujan Number

3. Ramanujan-Soldner Number

4. None of the above

Q.6 The key document that legally entitles registered households to

apply for work under MGNREGA is . Question ID : 661998236

Ans Status : Answered

1. Aadhar Card
Chosen Option : 1
2. Ration Card
Marks : 0.00
3. PAN Card
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4. Job card

Q.7 "Halfway to Heaven" is the slogan adopted to promote tourism by

which Indian state? Question ID : 661998229

Ans Status : Answered

1. Meghalaya
Chosen Option : 1
2. Jammu and Kashmir
Marks : 1.00
3. Sikkim

4. Uttarakhand

Q.8 'Adam's Apple' is the common name for which organ in the human
body? Question ID : 661998222

Ans Status : Answered

1. Esophagus
Chosen Option : 3
2. Thyroid cartilage
Marks : 0.00
3. Thoracic cavity

4. Phalange

Q.9 Which tribal community in Madhya Pradesh celebrates the

Bhagoria festival? Question ID : 661998228

Ans Status : Answered

1. Bhil
Chosen Option : 2
2. Gond
Marks : 0.00
3. Mariya

4. Bhariya

Q.10 In February 2017, ISRO launched PSLV-C37 which carried 103

satellites belonging to seven countries, including India. How many Question ID : 661998238
of these were Indian satellites? Status : Answered
Ans 1. 96 Chosen Option : 4
Marks : 0.00
2. 2
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3. 1

4. 4

Q.11 Who has authored the book 'The Remembered Village'?

Question ID : 661998211
Ans 1. M.N. Srinivas
Status : Answered
2. Iravati Karve Chosen Option : 2

3. T.N. Madan Marks : 0.00

4. G.S. Ghurye

Q.12 The recipient of the Nobel Prize for Economics in the year 2017
contributed to which field of research? Question ID : 661998244

Ans Status : Answered

1. Macroeconomic theory
Chosen Option : 3
2. Development Economics
Marks : 1.00
3. Behavioural Economics

4. All of the above

Q.13 The first Census of independent India was conducted in the

year . Question ID : 661998215

Ans 1. 1950 Status : Answered

Chosen Option : 2
2. 1951
Marks : 1.00
3. 1949

4. 1948

Q.14 Which indicator(s) is/are used by the International Food Policy

Research Institute to compute the 'Global Hunger Index Report'? Question ID : 661998248

Ans Status : Answered

1. Undernourishment
Chosen Option : 4
2. Child stunting
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3. Child mortality Marks : 1.00

4. All of the above

Q.15 For which of the following parameters does the Census of India
NOT collect data? Question ID : 661998209

Ans Status : Answered

1. Household size
Chosen Option : 2
2. Household ownership status
Marks : 0.00
3. Income

4. Occupation

Q.16 Which men's single title did badminton player Kidambi Srikanth
win in 2017? Question ID : 661998234

Ans Status : Answered

1. Badminton World Championship
Chosen Option : 2
2. All England Open Badminton Championship
Marks : 0.00
3. French Open Superseries Badminton

4. Dubai World Superseries

Q.17 The control of a significant share of the supply or production of a

particular good or service by a firm is called . Question ID : 661998243

Ans Status : Answered

1. crony capitalism
Chosen Option : 3
2. monopsony
Marks : 1.00
3. monopoly

4. None of the above

Q.18 Tenali Raman was to as Birbal was to Akbar.

Question ID : 661998240
Ans 1. Raghunatha Nayak
Status : Answered
2. Krishna Deva Raya
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3. Krishnaraj Wodiyaar Chosen Option : 2

Marks : 1.00

4. Mahendra Varman

Q.19 Consider the following three statements and indicate which of

these is/are CORRECT Question ID : 661998214
Status : Answered
i) Sex is a biological concept; Gender is a social construct
Chosen Option : 2
ii) Sex is a natural or biological feature; Gender is a cultural or
learned feature Marks : 0.00
iii) Both terms mean the same and can be used interchangeably
Ans 1. (i) and (ii)

2. Only (ii)
3. (i) and (iii)

4. Only (iii)

Q.20 Vishaka Guidelines are a set of procedural guidelines that apply to

which type of criminal cases? Question ID : 661998219

Ans Status : Answered

1. Paedophilia
Chosen Option : 4
2. Dowry deaths
Marks : 1.00
3. Human Trafficking

4. Sexual harassment of women at workplace

Q.21 Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana has been launched for
. Question ID : 661998216

Ans Status : Answered

1. providing housing loan to poor people at cheaper interest rates
Chosen Option : 3
2. providing financial help to small enterprises in rural areas
Marks : 1.00
3. promoting financial inclusion in the country

4. promoting women’s self help groups in backward areas

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Q.22 In which Indian city is the world's first solar powered airport
located? Question ID : 661998235
Ans Status : Answered
1. Delhi
Chosen Option : 4
2. Udaipur
Marks : 1.00
3. Jaipur

4. Kochi

Q.23 Which of the following sports involves animals?

Question ID : 661998223
Ans 1. Jallikattu
Status : Answered
2. Mallakhamb Chosen Option : 1
Marks : 1.00
3. Lagori

4. Vallamkali

Q.24 The 'Apu Trilogy' was directed by .

Question ID : 661998237
Ans 1. Bimal Roy
Status : Answered
2. Ritwik Ghatak Chosen Option : 2
Marks : 0.00
3. Satyajit Ray

4. Mrinal Sen

Q.25 The Padmapani and Vajrapani paintings are found in which caves
in India? Question ID : 661998227
Ans Status : Answered
1. Elephanta Caves, Maharashtra
Chosen Option : 4
2. Udayagiri Caves, Odissa
Marks : 1.00
3. Badami Caves, Karnataka

4. Ajanta Caves, Maharashtra

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Q.26 The word 'Zeta' refers to
Question ID : 661998218
Ans 1. a letter in the Greek alphabet
Status : Answered
2. a national currency Chosen Option : 3
Marks : 0.00
3. a mathematical symbol

4. the name of a galaxy

Q.27 ‘Rashtriya Garima Abhiyaan’ is a national campaign to

. Question ID : 661998217
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Ans 1. rehabilitate the homeless and destitute persons and provide Marks : 0.00
them with shelter and livelihood opportunities.
2. free bonded labourers of their bondage and rehabilitate them

3. rehabilitate sex workers through alternative sources of

4. eradicate the practice of manual scavenging and rehabilitate
manual scavengers

Q.28 The United States of America declared its withdrawal from the
Paris Agreement in 2017. What was the stated reason for their Question ID : 661998220
withdrawal? Status : Answered
Ans 1. Unfair benefits to India and China due to the Agreement Chosen Option : 1
Marks : 1.00
2. Loss of it's status within the United Nations to India and China

3. Non-inclusion of India and China in the Agreement

4. Lack of penalties for India and China in the Agreement

Q.29 Find the odd one out.

Question ID : 661998230
Ans 1. Punam Raut Status : Answered
2. Harmanpreet Kaur
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3. Mitali Raj Chosen Option : 4

Marks : 1.00

4. Anjum Chopra

Q.30 Considering the chronological order, identify the social media site
that is the NEWEST among those given here. Question ID : 661998221

Ans Status : Answered

1. Instagram
Chosen Option : 1
2. Twitter
Marks : 0.00
3. Facebook

4. Snapchat

Q.31 'Pledge for 9' is the slogan for which national programme?
Question ID : 661998225
Ans 1. Janani Suraksha Yojana
Status : Answered
2. Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana Chosen Option : 1
Marks : 0.00
3. Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan

4. Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram

Q.32 According to the 2011 Population Census, which of the following

groups of states occupies the THREE top places with respect to Question ID : 661998226
literacy? Status : Answered
Ans 1. Kerala, Lakshadweep, Mizoram Chosen Option : 1
Marks : 1.00
2. Kerala, Chandigarh, Goa

3. Kerala, Mizoram,Tripura

4. Kerala, Goa, West Bengal

Q.33 Who was awarded the Jnanpith award in 2017?

Question ID : 661998224
Ans 1. Shankha Ghosh
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2. Bhalchandra Nemade Status : Answered

Chosen Option : 4
3. Amarkant Marks : 1.00

4. Krishna Sobti

Q.34 Who first deciphered the edicts or inscriptions of Emperor

Ashoka? Question ID : 661998212

Ans Status : Answered

1. Georg Bilhler
Chosen Option : 4
2. William Jones
Marks : 1.00
3. Max Mueller

4. James Prinsep

Q.35 According to the WHO 2017 Report maximum number of Indians

suffer from . Question ID : 661998233

Ans Status : Answered

1. depressive disorders
Chosen Option : 4
2. drug use disorders
Marks : 0.00
3. schizophrenia

4. anxiety disorders

Q.36 Match List I (Book) and List II (Author) and select the correct
answers using the codes given below: Question ID : 661998232
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
Marks : 1.00

Ans 1. a-iii, b-iv, c-i, d-ii

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2. a-iv, b-i, c-ii, d-iii

3. a-i, b-iii, c-iv, d-ii

4. a-iv, b-iii, c-ii, d-i

Q.37 Which of the following represents billion bytes?

Question ID : 661998231
Ans 1. Gigabytes
Status : Answered
2. Megabytes Chosen Option : 4
Marks : 0.00
3. Kilobytes

4. Terabytes

Q.38 A low sex ratio in a particular place can indicate .

Question ID : 661998245
Ans 1. practice of significant sex selective foeticide
Status : Answered
2. high male in-migration Chosen Option : 3
Marks : 1.00
3. Both of the above

4. None of the above

Q.39 Which international body benchmarks countries on the ‘Global

Gender Gap Index’? Question ID : 661998213

Ans Status : Answered

1. World Economic Forum
Chosen Option : 1
2. UN Women
Marks : 1.00
3. The World Bank

4. World Health Organisation

Q.40 One of the ways in which the National Food Security Act empowers
women is by . Question ID : 661998247

Ans Status : Answered

1. allocation of 10 kg extra food grain for women headed
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2. issue of ration card in the name of the eldest woman in eligible Chosen Option : 2
households Marks : 1.00
3. issuing separate ration cards for all women in eligible
households with dependent children
4. None of the above

Section : Quantitative Ability

Q.1 Which of the following dates fall on the same day of the week in
any given month? Question ID : 661998264

Ans Status : Answered

1. 4 and 24
Chosen Option : 3
2. 6 and 30
Marks : 1.00
3. 13 and 27

4. 11 and 22

Q.2 If 15 August 1905 was a Tuesday, which day was 15 August in

1895? Question ID : 661998260

Ans Status : Answered

1. Friday
Chosen Option : 2
2. Wednesday
Marks : 0.00
3. Thursday

4. Tuesday

Q.3 The following table gives the percentage distribution of population

of five states, P, Q, R, S and T on the basis of poverty line and Question ID : 661998267
gender. If the male population above poverty line for state R is 1.9 Status : Answered
million, then the total population of state R is?
Chosen Option : 1
Marks : 1.00
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Ans 1. 6.25 million

2. 5.35 million

3. 4.5 million

4. 4.85 million

Q.4 The figures given here show three distributions. Based on these
figures, which of the following statements is FALSE? Question ID : 661998265
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Marks : 0.00
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Ans 1. In Distribution-1, Mean=Median

2. In Distribution-3, Mean>Median

3. In Distribution-2, Mean<Median

4. Mean for Distribution-2 > Mean for Distribution-3

Q.5 How many times do the hands of a clock overlap in 24 hours?

Question ID : 661998258
Ans 1. 11
Status : Answered
2. 22
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3. 24 Chosen Option : 2
Marks : 1.00

4. 12

Q.6 If tan(A) = 0 and sin(A) = 0. what is the value of cos(A)?

Question ID : 661998271
Ans 1. Inf
Status : Answered
2. 1 Chosen Option : 2

3. 0 Marks : 1.00

4. Undefined

Q.7 1 ml. salt is added to 19 ml. of distilled water. What is the

percentage of salt in the dilution? Question ID : 661998252

Ans 1. 10% Status : Answered

Chosen Option : 2
2. 5%
Marks : 1.00
3. 4%

4. 0.05%

Q.8 Which number should come next in the following series:

4 , 12 , 28 , 52 , Question ID : 661998273

Ans 1. 92 Status : Answered

Chosen Option : 2
2. 84
Marks : 1.00
3. 108

4. None of the above

Q.9 Of the given FOUR sets of five numbers each, find the ODD ONE
out. Question ID : 661998256
Ans 1. 1 , 2 , 19 , 23 , 11 Status : Answered
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2. 841 , 169 , 9 , 361 , 4 Chosen Option : 3

3. 23 , 29 , 7 , 5 , 27 Marks : 1.00

4. 1 , 121 , 169 , 289 , 25

Q.10 For a series of 5 numbers, the mean is 20, the median and mode
are both 10, the highest number in the series is 50 and one of the Question ID : 661998263
numbers is 20. Find the number of times the modal value appears Status : Answered
in the series.
Chosen Option : 4
Ans 1. 4
Marks : 1.00
2. 1

3. 2

4. 3

Note: Wrong key, question nullified for all

Q.11 From the data given in the table, which of the following two
statements is TRUE: Question ID : 661998266
Status : Answered
1) Average annual temperatures for years 2010-2011 are more than
Chosen Option : 2
average annual temperatures for years 2012-2013
2) Between time periods 2010-2011 and 2012-2013, average Marks : 0.00
summer temperatures have increased more than the average
winter temperatures

Ans 1. Both statements are true

2. Statement 1 is false but Statement 2 is true

3. Statement 1 is true but Statement 2 is false

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4. Both statements are false

Q.12 Find the odd one out from the following list of numbers:
161 , 203 , 104 , 112 , 91 Question ID : 661998269

Ans Status : Answered

1. 91
Chosen Option : 2
2. 104
Marks : 1.00
3. 112

4. None of the above

Q.13 Mohit was looking for his father. He went 90 meters to the East
before turning to his right. He went 20 meters before turning to his Question ID : 661998255
right again to look for his father in his uncle's house 30 meters Status : Answered
away from this point. His father was not there. From here he went
Chosen Option : 1
100 meters to the North before meeting his father in a street. How
far away did the son meet his father from the starting point? Marks : 0.00
Ans 1. 140 meters

2. 260 meters

3. 100 meters

4. 80 meters

Q.14 Fill in the missing number in the series:

7 , 13 , 21 , , 43 , 57 Question ID : 661998250

Ans Status : Answered

1. 35
Chosen Option : 3
2. 30
Marks : 1.00
3. 31

4. 34

Q.15 There are a 100 students in a graduating class. Of these, 80

students have passed (let us call this Set A), 20 have failed (let us Question ID : 661998249
call this Set B). 90 students from this class got a job (let us call this Status : Answered
Set C). Given this information, which of the following statements is
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Chosen Option : 3
Ans 1. Set C intersects Set A but not Set B
Marks : 0.00
2. Set B is a subset of Set C

3. Set A is a subset of Set C

4. Set C is a subset of the Union of Set A and Set B

Note:Options ambigious, question nullified for all

Q.16 If all angles in a triangle are equal, which of the following
statements is true? Question ID : 661998253
Ans Status : Answered
1. All sides are equal
Chosen Option : 1
2. Opposite sides are equal
Marks : 0.00
3. Adjacent sides are equal

4. No side is equal to another

Q.17 If the ratio of the number of men to the number of women on a

committee of 30 is 7:8, how many members are women? Question ID : 661998262

Ans Status : Answered

1. 7
Chosen Option : 3
2. 8
Marks : 1.00
3. 16

4. 14

Q.18 Find the missing set of letters in the following series

BAD , DAB , CAE , EAC , Question ID : 661998261

Ans Status : Answered

1. DAE
Chosen Option : 4
2. DAC
Marks : 1.00
3. CAD

4. DAF
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Q.19 If all apples are red, and some apples are juicy, which of the
following statements is true? Question ID : 661998270
i) All apples are juicy. Status : Answered
ii) Some juicy apples are red.
Chosen Option : 2
iii) Some red apples are juicy.
Marks : 0.00
Ans 1. First statement

2. Second and Third Statement

3. Third Statement

4. None of the above

Q.20 Father’s age and daughter's age add upto 55. Daughter’s age is
reverse of her father’s and difference in their ages is more than 10. Question ID : 661998251
How old is the daughter? Status : Answered
Ans 1. 21 Chosen Option : 2
Marks : 1.00
2. 14

3. 23

4. 32

Q.21 The canteen sells 4 types of chocolates - A,B,C,D. A costs Rs.10, B

costs Rs.5, C costs Rs.8 and D costs Rs.11. I have Rs.100 with me Question ID : 661998272
to spend. If I buy, 4 chocolates of type D and 5 chocolates of type Status : Answered
C, then how many chocolates of type A and B can I buy so that I
Chosen Option : 3
use the maximum of the Rs.100 that I have.
Marks : 1.00
Ans 1. 3 of Type B and 1 of Type A

2. 2 of Type B and 1 of Type A

3. 1 of Type B and 1 of Type A

4. None of the above

Q.22 If the sequence 2 , 4 , 2 , 4 , 2 , 4 , ... continues as shown, then the

sum of the first 19 terms is ? Question ID : 661998259

Ans Status : Answered

1. 62
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2. 56 Chosen Option : 2

3. 54 Marks : 1.00

4. 60

Q.23 What percentage of 1425 is 68.04?

Question ID : 661998254
Ans 1. 4.30% Status : Answered
2. 4.60% Chosen Option : 3
Marks : 1.00
3. 4.80%

4. 4.50%

Q.24 If Number A is (0.99)² × (0.99)³ and Number B is (0.99) 6, then which

number is bigger? Question ID : 661998274

Ans Status : Answered

1. Number A
Chosen Option : 1
2. Number B Marks : 1.00
3. Both numbers are equal

4. Cannot be determined

Q.25 The following two figures show the contribution of the agricultural,
industrial and services sectors to the economies of India and Question ID : 661998268
China respectively in the time period between 1940 and 2015. Status : Answered
Based on the data respresented in these figures, which of the
Chosen Option : 2
following statements is TRUE:
Marks : 1.00
1) India and China have both experienced similar economic trends
in the past 75 years
2) The Chinese economy is dominated by industry whereas the
Indian economy is dominated by the services sector
3) The Chinese economy is stronger than the Indian economy
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Ans 1. The first two statements are true and the third statement
cannot be assessed based on the graph
2. The first statement is true and the other two cannot be
assessed based on the graph
3. None of the statements can be assessed based on the graph

4. All of the statements are true

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Q.26 If two numbers are in a ratio of 7:9 and their sum is 112, then which
is the larger number? Question ID : 661998257
Ans Status : Answered
1. 49
Chosen Option : 4
2. 72
Marks : 1.00
3. 56

4. 63

The given line graph shows the percentage of the number of candidates who qualified in an examination out of the total number of
candidates who appeared for the examination over a period of seven years from 1994 to 2000. Answer the following two questions based
on the graph

SubQuestion No : 27
Q.27 The percentage of candidates who qualified in the examination
increased between 1994 and 1997 as well as between 1995 and Question ID : 661998276
2000. Of these two time periods, in which time period was the
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percentage increase in the qualification of candidates the
maximum? Status : Answered
Ans Chosen Option : 3
1. 1995 to 2000
Marks : 0.00
2. The two time periods cannot be compared

3. Increase was the same in both time periods

4. 1994 to 1997

The given line graph shows the percentage of the number of candidates who qualified in an examination out of the total number of
candidates who appeared for the examination over a period of seven years from 1994 to 2000. Answer the following two questions based
on the graph

SubQuestion No : 28
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Q.28 If the number of candidates that qualified in 1998 was 21200, what
was the number of candidates that appeared in 1998? Question ID : 661998277

Ans Status : Answered

1. 28500
Chosen Option : 3
2. 25000
Marks : 1.00
3. 26500

4. 32000

The following bar chart shows the education level of men in Village X. Please answer the following two questions based on the bar chart.

SubQuestion No : 29
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Q.29 If the number of literate men is 1200, what is the number of men
who have attained secondary level education? Question ID : 661998279

Ans Status : Answered

1. 560
Chosen Option : 1
2. 288
Marks : 1.00
3. 392

4. 420

The following bar chart shows the education level of men in Village X. Please answer the following two questions based on the bar chart.

SubQuestion No : 30
Q.30 If the population ratio (i.e. the proportion of men and women) in
Village X is 10:8, and female literacy is 60%, estimate the number of Question ID : 661998280
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literate women in Village X
Status : Answered
Ans 1. 960
Chosen Option : 3
2. 576 Marks : 1.00

3. 768

4. 720

Section : Verbal Ability

Q.1 Complete the sentence with the correct option.

Question ID : 661998282
The teacher added the stipulation that all projects had to be Status : Answered
; no student could carry out research on an area that had
Chosen Option : 1
already been explored by someone else.
Marks : 1.00
Ans 1. original

2. constructive

3. extensive

4. convincing

Q.2 "Had you

Of the been
given at the disaster
options, site,
which one you NOT
does would have'magnitude'
mean understoodasthe
magnitude Question ID : 661998293
used in the of the destruction."
above sentence?
Status : Answered
1. enormity
Chosen Option : 3
Marks : 1.00

2. scale

3. significance

4. quantum
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Q.3 Which option does NOT mean ' handed' in the sentence ' She
handed the documents to the revenue officer'? Question ID : 661998291

Ans 1. delivered Status : Answered

Chosen Option : 3
2. gave
Marks : 1.00
3. handled

4. passed

Q.4 Choose the option that would make the sentence grammatically
most correct. Question ID : 661998299
Status : Answered
The group of nurses are complaining about the lack of safety
Chosen Option : 2
precautions in the hospital.
Marks : 1.00
Ans 1. No change. The sentence is correct as is.

2. is complaining

3. were complained

4. did complaining

Q.5 Read the given statement and answer the question that follows:
Question ID : 661998284
Whenever I eat an icecream, I get a cold. Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
Which of the following statements is/are definitely true:
Marks : 1.00
I. If I never eat an icecream, I will never get a cold.
II. Eating an icecream is one of the reasons for me to get a cold.
III. If I have a cold, I must have eaten an icecream.
Ans 1. II only

2. I, II and III
3. Both I and III

4. III only
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Q.6 Complete the sentence with the correct option.
Question ID : 661998288
We were so delayed that the football match by the time we . Status : Answered
Ans 1. already finished, arrived Chosen Option : 4
Marks : 1.00
2. had already finished, arrive

3. already finish, arrived

4. had already finished, arrived

Q.7 Choose the option that would make the sentence grammatically
most correct. Question ID : 661998298
Status : Answered
Who's life is it anyway?
Chosen Option : 2
Ans 1. No change. The sentence is correct as is. Marks : 1.00
2. Whose life is it anyway?

3. Who life is it anyway?

4. Whose’s life is it anyway?

Q.8 Complete the sentence with the correct option.

Question ID : 661998286
My wife and will attend the function. Status : Answered
Ans 1. me Chosen Option : 4
Marks : 1.00
2. him

3. myself

4. I

Q.9 Choose the option that would make the sentence grammatically
most correct. Question ID : 661998300
Status : Answered
The house as well as the garden were to be treated for a termite
Chosen Option : 4
Marks : 0.00
Ans 1. No change, the sentence is correct as is.
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2. The house as well as the garden is to be treated for a termite
3. The house as well as the garden are going to be treated for a
termite infestation.
4. The house as well as the garden need to be treated for a
termite infestation.

Q.10 Complete the sentence with the correct option

Question ID : 661998283
Nearly by disease and the destruction of their habitat, Status : Answered
Koalas are now found only in isolated parts of eucalyptus forests.
Chosen Option : 3
Ans 1. damaged Marks : 1.00
2. destroyed

3. decimated

4. dispersed

Q.11 Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the word

'retribution'? Question ID : 661998290

Ans Status : Answered

1. return
Chosen Option : 4
2. reinstatement
Marks : 1.00
3. reiteration

4. revenge

Q.12 Identify the error in the sentence, if any:

Question ID : 661998296
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Marks : 1.00
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Ans 1. Modern cinematography

2. are far superior to

3. that employed in the past.

4. No Error.

Q.13 Identify the error in the sentence, if any:

Question ID : 661998295
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Marks : 1.00

Ans 1. he could make it

2. no safe haven in sight

3. full with gushing water

4. No Error.
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Q.14 Complete the sentence with the correct option.
Question ID : 661998289
It’s a wonder that ------- still such a popular band even after twenty Status : Answered
years of being on the music charts!
Chosen Option : 1
Ans 1. they’re Marks : 1.00
2. their’s

3. there

4. their

Q.15 Complete the sentence with the correct option.

Question ID : 661998285
None of the students prepared for the examination. As far as Status : Answered
answering the examination paper was concerned, they were
Chosen Option : 2
all .
Marks : 1.00
Ans 1. making their mark

2. sailing in the same boat

3. scoring a sitter

4. barking up the wrong tree

Q.16 Complete the sentence with the correct option.

Question ID : 661998287
The itinerary set by their travel agent included so many stops in a Status : Answered
amount of time that they received only the most
Chosen Option : 3
impressions of the places they visited.
Marks : 1.00
Ans 1. sufficient … cursory

2. generous ….abiding

3. brief….fleeting

4. limited … lasting

Q.17 Identify the error in the sentence, if any:

Question ID : 661998297
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Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Marks : 1.00

Ans 1. In this way nuclear fission

2. or the splitting of the atoms

3. have been achieved.

4. No Error.

Q.18 Complete the sentence with the correct option.

Question ID : 661998281
Ms. Kapoor recommended perseverance and in dealing Status : Answered
with the activists rather than the uncompromising approach the
Chosen Option : 1
government had adopted.
Marks : 1.00
Ans 1. patience

2. persistence

3. joviality

4. acrimony

Q.19 Complete the sentence with the correct option:

Question ID : 661998292
The land reforms were diluted, if not sabotaged, in Status : Answered
with politicians and highly placed legal officials.
Chosen Option : 1
Marks : 1.00
Ans 1. collusion

2. agreement

3. pandemonium
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4. cooperation

Q.20 Identify the error in the sentence, if any:

Question ID : 661998294
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Marks : 1.00

Ans 1. nor the other

2. was able

3. the distressed client

4. No Error.

Read the following passage and answer the FIVE questions that follow.

To those who do listen, the desert speaks of things with an emphasis quite different from that of the shore, the mountain, the valley or the
plains. Whereas these invite action and suggest limitless opportunity and exhaustless resources, the implications and the mood of the
desert are something different. For one thing, the desert is conservative and not radical. It is more likely to provide awe than to invite
conquest. The heroism which it encourages is the heroism of endurance, not that of conquest. It brings man up against this limitation, turns
him upon himself and suggests values which more indulgent regions suppress. Sometimes it includes contemplation in men who have
never contemplated before. And of all the answers to the question- what is a desert good for – 'contemplation' is perhaps the best.

SubQuestion No : 21
Q.21 In order to receive the desert's message, the beholder needs to be
Question ID : 661998302
Ans 1. a good listener
Status : Answered
2. courageous in his reaction Chosen Option : 1

3. reflective by nature Marks : 0.00

4. conservative in his responses

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Read the following passage and answer the FIVE questions that follow.

To those who do listen, the desert speaks of things with an emphasis quite different from that of the shore, the mountain, the valley or the
plains. Whereas these invite action and suggest limitless opportunity and exhaustless resources, the implications and the mood of the
desert are something different. For one thing, the desert is conservative and not radical. It is more likely to provide awe than to invite
conquest. The heroism which it encourages is the heroism of endurance, not that of conquest. It brings man up against this limitation, turns
him upon himself and suggests values which more indulgent regions suppress. Sometimes it includes contemplation in men who have
never contemplated before. And of all the answers to the question- what is a desert good for – 'contemplation' is perhaps the best.

SubQuestion No : 22
Q.22 The phrase "it brings man up against his limitations” indicates that
Question ID : 661998306

Ans Status : Answered

1. man feels hopeless about his limitations
Chosen Option : 3
2. man is made aware of his limitations.
Marks : 0.00
3. man is persuaded to overcome his limitations.

4. man is compelled to fight against his limitations

Read the following passage and answer the FIVE questions that follow.

To those who do listen, the desert speaks of things with an emphasis quite different from that of the shore, the mountain, the valley or the
plains. Whereas these invite action and suggest limitless opportunity and exhaustless resources, the implications and the mood of the
desert are something different. For one thing, the desert is conservative and not radical. It is more likely to provide awe than to invite
conquest. The heroism which it encourages is the heroism of endurance, not that of conquest. It brings man up against this limitation, turns
him upon himself and suggests values which more indulgent regions suppress. Sometimes it includes contemplation in men who have
never contemplated before. And of all the answers to the question- what is a desert good for – 'contemplation' is perhaps the best.

SubQuestion No : 23
Q.23 The desert is unique among landscapes in that it is
relatively . Question ID : 661998303
Ans Status : Answered
1. constant
Chosen Option : 1
2. judgemental
Marks : 1.00
3. adventurous

4. conventional
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Read the following passage and answer the FIVE questions that follow.

To those who do listen, the desert speaks of things with an emphasis quite different from that of the shore, the mountain, the valley or the
plains. Whereas these invite action and suggest limitless opportunity and exhaustless resources, the implications and the mood of the
desert are something different. For one thing, the desert is conservative and not radical. It is more likely to provide awe than to invite
conquest. The heroism which it encourages is the heroism of endurance, not that of conquest. It brings man up against this limitation, turns
him upon himself and suggests values which more indulgent regions suppress. Sometimes it includes contemplation in men who have
never contemplated before. And of all the answers to the question- what is a desert good for – 'contemplation' is perhaps the best.

SubQuestion No : 24
Q.24 The writer calls the desert “conservative rather than radical”
because it provides an environment that . Question ID : 661998305

Ans Status : Answered

1. inspires one to test one's endurance
Chosen Option : 1
2. makes one gloomy
Marks : 1.00
3. inspires man to explore it

4. offers unlimited opportunity to conquer it

Read the following passage and answer the FIVE questions that follow.

To those who do listen, the desert speaks of things with an emphasis quite different from that of the shore, the mountain, the valley or the
plains. Whereas these invite action and suggest limitless opportunity and exhaustless resources, the implications and the mood of the
desert are something different. For one thing, the desert is conservative and not radical. It is more likely to provide awe than to invite
conquest. The heroism which it encourages is the heroism of endurance, not that of conquest. It brings man up against this limitation, turns
him upon himself and suggests values which more indulgent regions suppress. Sometimes it includes contemplation in men who have
never contemplated before. And of all the answers to the question- what is a desert good for – 'contemplation' is perhaps the best.

SubQuestion No : 25
Q.25 If one responds with insight to the mood of the desert, it evokes
. Question ID : 661998304
Ans Status : Answered
1. intense conflict
Chosen Option : 2
2. deep thoughtfulness
Marks : 1.00
3. heroic conquest
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4. resourcefulness

Read the following passage and answer the FIVE questions that follow.

Before the grass has thickened on the roadside verges and leaves have started growing on the trees is a perfect time to look around and
see just how dirty Britain has become. The pavements are stained with chewing gum that has been spat out and the gutters are full of
discarded fast food cartons. Years ago I remember travelling abroad and being saddened by the plastic bags, discarded bottles and soiled
nappies at the edge of every road. Nowadays, Britain seems to look at least as bad. What has gone wrong?

The problem is that the rubbish created by our increasingly mobile lives lasts a lot longer than before. If it is not cleared up and properly
thrown away, it stays in the undergrowth for years; a semi-permanent reminder of what a tatty little country we have now.

Firstly, it is estimated that 10 billion plastic bags have been given to shoppers. These will take anything from 100 to 1,000 years to rot.
However, it is not as if there is no solution to this. A few years ago, the Irish government introduced a tax on non-recyclable carrier bags
and in three months reduced their use by 90%. When he was a minister, Michael Meacher attempted to introduce a similar arrangement in
Britain. The plastics industry protested, of course. However, they need not have bothered; the idea was killed before it could draw breath,
leaving supermarkets free to give away plastic bags.

What is clearly necessary right now is some sort of combined initiative, both individual and collective, before it is too late. The alternative is
to continue sliding downhill until we have a country that looks like a vast municipal rubbish tip. We may well be at the tipping point. Yet we
know that people respond to their environment. If things around them are clean and tidy, people behave cleanly and tidily. If they are
surrounded by squalor, they behave squalidly. Now, much of Britain looks pretty squalid. What will it look like in five years?

SubQuestion No : 26
Q.26 It is general knowledge that
Question ID : 661998312
Ans 1. people behave according to what they see around them.
Status : Answered
2. people are like a vast municipal rubbish tip. Chosen Option : 1
Marks : 1.00
3. people are clean and tidy.

4. people are squalid.

Read the following passage and answer the FIVE questions that follow.
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Before the grass has thickened on the roadside verges and leaves have started growing on the trees is a perfect time to look around and
see just how dirty Britain has become. The pavements are stained with chewing gum that has been spat out and the gutters are full of
discarded fast food cartons. Years ago I remember travelling abroad and being saddened by the plastic bags, discarded bottles and soiled
nappies at the edge of every road. Nowadays, Britain seems to look at least as bad. What has gone wrong?

The problem is that the rubbish created by our increasingly mobile lives lasts a lot longer than before. If it is not cleared up and properly
thrown away, it stays in the undergrowth for years; a semi-permanent reminder of what a tatty little country we have now.

Firstly, it is estimated that 10 billion plastic bags have been given to shoppers. These will take anything from 100 to 1,000 years to rot.
However, it is not as if there is no solution to this. A few years ago, the Irish government introduced a tax on non-recyclable carrier bags
and in three months reduced their use by 90%. When he was a minister, Michael Meacher attempted to introduce a similar arrangement in
Britain. The plastics industry protested, of course. However, they need not have bothered; the idea was killed before it could draw breath,
leaving supermarkets free to give away plastic bags.

What is clearly necessary right now is some sort of combined initiative, both individual and collective, before it is too late. The alternative is
to continue sliding downhill until we have a country that looks like a vast municipal rubbish tip. We may well be at the tipping point. Yet we
know that people respond to their environment. If things around them are clean and tidy, people behave cleanly and tidily. If they are
surrounded by squalor, they behave squalidly. Now, much of Britain looks pretty squalid. What will it look like in five years?

SubQuestion No : 27
Q.27 Michael Meacher
Question ID : 661998310
Ans 1. issued orders to follow the Irish example with a tax on plastic
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
2. tried to follow the Irish example with a tax on plastic bags.
Marks : 1.00
3. followed the Irish example with a tax on plastic bags.

4. questioned the plastics industry who weren't bothered about the


Read the following passage and answer the FIVE questions that follow.

Before the grass has thickened on the roadside verges and leaves have started growing on the trees is a perfect time to look around and
see just how dirty Britain has become. The pavements are stained with chewing gum that has been spat out and the gutters are full of
discarded fast food cartons. Years ago I remember travelling abroad and being saddened by the plastic bags, discarded bottles and soiled
nappies at the edge of every road. Nowadays, Britain seems to look at least as bad. What has gone wrong?
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The problem is that the rubbish created by our increasingly mobile lives lasts a lot longer than before. If it is not cleared up and properly
thrown away, it stays in the undergrowth for years; a semi-permanent reminder of what a tatty little country we have now.

Firstly, it is estimated that 10 billion plastic bags have been given to shoppers. These will take anything from 100 to 1,000 years to rot.
However, it is not as if there is no solution to this. A few years ago, the Irish government introduced a tax on non-recyclable carrier bags
and in three months reduced their use by 90%. When he was a minister, Michael Meacher attempted to introduce a similar arrangement in
Britain. The plastics industry protested, of course. However, they need not have bothered; the idea was killed before it could draw breath,
leaving supermarkets free to give away plastic bags.

What is clearly necessary right now is some sort of combined initiative, both individual and collective, before it is too late. The alternative is
to continue sliding downhill until we have a country that looks like a vast municipal rubbish tip. We may well be at the tipping point. Yet we
know that people respond to their environment. If things around them are clean and tidy, people behave cleanly and tidily. If they are
surrounded by squalor, they behave squalidly. Now, much of Britain looks pretty squalid. What will it look like in five years?

SubQuestion No : 28
Q.28 According to the writer, years ago, things used to be
Question ID : 661998308
Ans 1. the same abroad as compared to Britain
Status : Answered
2. better abroad as compared to Britain Chosen Option : 3
Marks : 1.00
3. worse abroad as compared to Britain

4. worse, but now things are better abroad

Read the following passage and answer the FIVE questions that follow.

Before the grass has thickened on the roadside verges and leaves have started growing on the trees is a perfect time to look around and
see just how dirty Britain has become. The pavements are stained with chewing gum that has been spat out and the gutters are full of
discarded fast food cartons. Years ago I remember travelling abroad and being saddened by the plastic bags, discarded bottles and soiled
nappies at the edge of every road. Nowadays, Britain seems to look at least as bad. What has gone wrong?

The problem is that the rubbish created by our increasingly mobile lives lasts a lot longer than before. If it is not cleared up and properly
thrown away, it stays in the undergrowth for years; a semi-permanent reminder of what a tatty little country we have now.

Firstly, it is estimated that 10 billion plastic bags have been given to shoppers. These will take anything from 100 to 1,000 years to rot.
However, it is not as if there is no solution to this. A few years ago, the Irish government introduced a tax on non-recyclable carrier bags
and in three months reduced their use by 90%. When he was a minister, Michael Meacher attempted to introduce a similar arrangement in
Britain. The plastics industry protested, of course. However, they need not have bothered; the idea was killed before it could draw breath,
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leaving supermarkets free to give away plastic bags.

What is clearly necessary right now is some sort of combined initiative, both individual and collective, before it is too late. The alternative is
to continue sliding downhill until we have a country that looks like a vast municipal rubbish tip. We may well be at the tipping point. Yet we
know that people respond to their environment. If things around them are clean and tidy, people behave cleanly and tidily. If they are
surrounded by squalor, they behave squalidly. Now, much of Britain looks pretty squalid. What will it look like in five years?

SubQuestion No : 29
Q.29 For the writer, the problem is that
Question ID : 661998309
Ans 1. rubbish lasts longer than it used to. Status : Answered
2. Britain is a tatty country. Chosen Option : 3
Marks : 0.00
3. rubbish is not cleared up.

4. our society is increasingly mobile.

Read the following passage and answer the FIVE questions that follow.

Before the grass has thickened on the roadside verges and leaves have started growing on the trees is a perfect time to look around and
see just how dirty Britain has become. The pavements are stained with chewing gum that has been spat out and the gutters are full of
discarded fast food cartons. Years ago I remember travelling abroad and being saddened by the plastic bags, discarded bottles and soiled
nappies at the edge of every road. Nowadays, Britain seems to look at least as bad. What has gone wrong?

The problem is that the rubbish created by our increasingly mobile lives lasts a lot longer than before. If it is not cleared up and properly
thrown away, it stays in the undergrowth for years; a semi-permanent reminder of what a tatty little country we have now.

Firstly, it is estimated that 10 billion plastic bags have been given to shoppers. These will take anything from 100 to 1,000 years to rot.
However, it is not as if there is no solution to this. A few years ago, the Irish government introduced a tax on non-recyclable carrier bags
and in three months reduced their use by 90%. When he was a minister, Michael Meacher attempted to introduce a similar arrangement in
Britain. The plastics industry protested, of course. However, they need not have bothered; the idea was killed before it could draw breath,
leaving supermarkets free to give away plastic bags.

What is clearly necessary right now is some sort of combined initiative, both individual and collective, before it is too late. The alternative is
to continue sliding downhill until we have a country that looks like a vast municipal rubbish tip. We may well be at the tipping point. Yet we
know that people respond to their environment. If things around them are clean and tidy, people behave cleanly and tidily. If they are
surrounded by squalor, they behave squalidly. Now, much of Britain looks pretty squalid. What will it look like in five years?
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