Annual Report (English) 2019-20
Annual Report (English) 2019-20
Annual Report (English) 2019-20
Annual Report 2019-20
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Service) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955, employments under their respective jurisdictions.
and The Working Journalists (Fixation of rates of The Government has notified increase in the basic
Wages) Act, 1958 rate of minimum wages for scheduled
employments in the central sphere w.e.f.
The Occupational Safety Health & Working 19.01.2017.
Conditions Code, 2019 has been introduced in the
Lok Sabha on 23.07.2019 and has been referred THE PAYMENT OF WAGES ACT, 1936
to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on
1.5 The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 ensures
Labour for examination.
timely payment of wages in current coin or
(III) Labour Code on Industrial Relations: The currency notes or by cheque or by crediting in the
draft Labour Code on Industrial Relations bank account of the workers and that no
subsumes 3 existing Laws, viz. The Trade Union unauthorized deductions are made from the
Act, 1926; The Industrial Employment (Standing wages of the workers. The Central Government,
Orders) Act, 1946; The Industrial Disputes Act, on the basis of figures of the Consumer
1947. The Industrial Relations Code has been Expenditure Survey published by National Sample
introduced in the Lok Sabha on 28.11.2019 and Survey Office, has enhanced the wage ceiling
referred to Standing Committee on 24.12.2019. from Rs. 18,000/- to Rs. 24,000/- per month w.e.f.
29.08.2017 for applicability of the Act.
(IV) Labour Code on Social Security: The
draft Code of Social Security subsumes the nine THE MATERNITY BENEFIT (AMENDMENT)
Labour Acts, namely, The Employees’ ACT, 2017
Compensation Act, 1923; The Maternity Benefit
1.6 The Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2017
Act, 1961; The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972; The
notified on 27th March, 2017, aims to benefit the
Unorganized Workers’ Social Security Act, 2008;
working women of the country. It envisages
The Cine Workers Welfare Fund Act, 1981; The
increased paid maternity leave from 12 weeks to
Building and Other Construction Workers Cess
Act, 1996; The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 26 weeks for two surviving children and 12 weeks
for more than two children. Under this amendment,
1948; The Employees’ Provident Funds and
‘Commissioning / Adopting Mothers’ will get 12
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952., & The
weeks of paid maternity leave for the first time.
Employment Exchange (Compulsory Notification
This amendment also provides for ‘work from
of vacancies) Act, 1959.
home’ facility. It provides for establishments having
The Code on Social Security, 2019 has been 50 or more employees to provide creche
introduced in the Lok Sabha on 11.12.2019 and mandatorily.
referred to Standing Committee on 24.12.2019.
Pension Schemes –
National Pension Scheme for Traders & Self-
1.4 The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 was enacted employed persons –
to safeguard the interests of the workers mostly
1.7 After the success of the Pradhan Mantri
in the unorganised sector. Under the provision of
the Act, both the Central Government and State Shram Yogi Maandhan Yojana (PM-SYM)
launched (in March, 2019) for old age protection
Governments are the appropriate governments to
and social security of unorganized workers,
fix, revise, review and enforce the rate of minimum
Government has launched National Pension
wages to workers in respect of scheduled
Scheme for Traders and Self Employed Persons
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
where, on the one hand, the employer is into the formal sector.
incentivised for increasing the employment base
1.27 Following are the initiative taken by ESI
of workers in the establishment, and on the other
Corporation for improving function of ESIC
hand, these workers will have access to social
Hospitals & Dispensaries: -
security benefits of the organized sector. The
scheme is being implemented through EPFO. For • To set up new hospitals and dispensaries as
more details please refer to Chapter 23. per proposal sent by states.
PMRPY STATISTICS (as on 16.12.2019) • To promote AYUSH services and formulating
standards guidelines for facilities at different
Number of Establishments Registered 185022
levels. To develop facilities based on their
Number of Employees Registered 13791049 known strength in personalized medicine,
Total Establishments benefitted 152849 prevention and treatment of non-
Total Employees benefitted 12167940 communicable, degenerative and auto
immune disorders, therapies for rejuvenation
Total Amount Disbursed (Rs.) 7101.56 Crore
and geriatric care.
National Career Service
• All hospitals of ESIC/ESIS using VIBGYOR
1.25 The Ministry is implementing the National pattern day-wise, the colored bed sheets to
Career Service (NCS) Project as a Mission Mode maintain cleanliness and better hygiene.
Project for transformation of the National
• Medical helpline facilities 24X7 through which
Employment Service to provide a variety of
Insured Person can directly talk to Doctors
employment related services like career
in case of any emergency.
counselling, vocational guidance, information on
skill development courses, apprenticeship, • Behavioural training to para-medical and
internships etc. The NCS Portal ( other staff of the hospitals guiding them to
was dedicated to the Nation by Hon’ble Prime provide due courtesy in dealing with the
Minister of India on 20.07.2015. For more details patients/attendants.
please refer chapter 23.
• Facility for Reception and ‘May I Help You’ in
EMPLOYEES STATE INSURANCE each hospital to guide the patients/
CORPORATION (ESIC): attendants.
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
1.31 New Initiatives under health Reforms Agenda (ii) The Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995
ESIC 2.0 (EPS)
A) As per its 2nd Generation Reforms ESIC 2.0, (iii) The Employees’ Deposit Linked Insurance
the ESI Corporation has decided to implement the Scheme, 1976 (EDLI)
ESI Scheme all over India. Accordingly, the ESI
1.33 During the financial year 2018-19 EPFO
Scheme has already been implemented in 566
has undertaken following new initiatives:
Districts which includes entire area of 381 districts
and partially in 185 districts. (i) Claim Receipt Entry at District Offices:
B) Extending Coverage of Social Security (ii) Online filing of International Workers Return:
Net of ESI Scheme (under ESIC 2.0) (iii) Auto approval of Digital Life Certificates:
1. As part of extending the social security (iv) Delinking of wrong Aadhar in PPO:
benefits of ESI Scheme in the entire country, the (v) Auto processing of Back Period accounts:
scheme has been notified in all States and Union
(vi) Document upload facility for correction in
Territories except Arunachal Pradesh &
Lakshadweep Islands.
1.34 Directorate General of Mines Safety
2. Under Vision-2022, it is proposed to extend
(DGMS) – New initiative
the coverage of ESI Scheme to entire nation by
2022. The modalities for “Risk-based Inspection
System” for coal mines have been
3. The number of Insured Persons covered
developed. The inspections are generated for
under the ESI Scheme on 31.03.2019 has
online assignment through shram suvidha
increased to 3.49 crores. The number of
portal prioritizing on the actual risk rating of
beneficiaries covered under Scheme has gone up the coal mines of all categories. The software
to 13.56 crores.
for the purpose has been developed by NIC
EMPLOYEES’ PROVIDENT FUND and implemented by incorporating it in Shram
ORGANISATION (EPFO): Suvidha Portal. Risk-based inspection
system for metalliferous mines is under
1.32 The Employees’ Provident Fund and progress.
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 provides for
The Mines Act, 1952, restricted the
Provident Fund, Pension Scheme and Insurance
employment of women in underground mines
Fund in factories/ establishments employing
and also in opencast or aboveground
twenty or more employees in industries mentioned
workings of the mine during night hours
in Schedule-I to the Act. The Government of India
between 7PM and 6AM. Ministry of Labour &
through the Employees’ Provident Fund
Organization (EPFO) administers the Employees’ Employment has taken a decision in line with
the recommendations of the Section 12
Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act,
Committee set up under Mines Act, 1952 and
1952 and the following three Schemes framed
in consultation with Ministry of Home Affairs,
under the Act:-
Ministry of Women and Child Development,
(i) The Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme, Ministry of Mines, Ministry of Coal and Ministry
1952 (EPF) of Petroleum and Natural Gas, vide Gazette
Notification No. SO 506(E) published on
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
1.40 Cleanliness drive was carried out during the The activities included:
Swachhata pakhwadas during 1st to 15th May 2019
in the Main Ministry as well as all attached/ Personal monitoring of all cleanliness
surbordinate offices during the year. activities by the Secretary (L&E).
1.41 An intensive cleanliness drive was carried Removal of extra/broken furniture items and
out in Shram Shakti Bhawan and Jaisalmer records from the Corridors.
House. Officers are nominated floor wise for day-
Proper cleaning of the Parking lot and open
to-day monitoring of cleanliness and Deputy
lawn/premises area for maintaining
Secretary (Adm) and US (Adm.) were the nodal
cleanliness and
officers for overall implementation of the
drive.(page 217-218/corr) Avoidance of accumulation of debris/malba.
Annual Report 2019-20
Regular cleaning of departmental Canteen, plastic water bottles and other single use plastic
library and store room to maintain items in all the office of Ministry of Labour &
cleanliness and hygiene. Employment.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
REDRESS AND MONITORING SYSTEM which has come into effect from 12.10.2005.
(CPGRAMS) portal ( and
also in off-line (physical) form from various 1.52 In pursuance of the provisions contained in
sources. Of late, many aggrieved persons/parties the Right to Information Act 2005, action has been
are also raising their grievances to the Ministry taken for the implementation of the Act in various
through e-mail and Social Media. The Ministry of Public authorities under the aegis of Ministry of
Labour and Employment is one of the top 20 Labour & Employment. It includes dissemination
Ministries which receive largest number of of information in public domain relating to the
grievances. particulars of organisation, its function and duties,
the designation of CPIO and Appellate Authority
1.49 The work of Public Grievance redressal is etc. The Ministry has also initiated suo-motu
given high importance by this Ministry and it is disclosure of information about various Labour
regularly reviewed at highest level of Secretary Acts/Regulations, which were required to be made
(L&E). Majority of the grievances received in this public for the use of citizens of this country, on
Ministry are related to the Employees Provident the Ministry’s website i.e. It is
Fund Organisation (EPFO), Chief Labour also to be mentioned that Attached & Subordinate
Commissioner(Central) Organisation (CLC(C)), offices and Autonomous organisations of the
the Employees State Insurance Corporation Ministry have their own websites which are linked
(ESIC) and the Directorate General of to the Ministry’s website.
Employment (DGE). While the Ministry gives due
importance to grievances received through all 1.53 The Ministry has also set up a Central RTI
sources/medium, the online Public Grievances Cell, headed by a Nodal Officer, where the RTI
received in the Ministry on the CPGRAMS portal applications from the citizens are received. During
are being closely monitored and due to the regular last 10 years, including year 2019-2020(Up to
and close monitoring at all levels, most of these October, 2019), applications (Manually and
grievances are presently being disposed of by Electronically) received in Main Secretariat,
various units, organisations and offices of the Ministry of Labour & Employment are as under:
Ministry within 30 days. S. No Years RTI Applications
1.50 Comparative figures of Public Grievances Received (Manually
received and disposed of in the CPGRAMS portal and Electronically)
by the Ministry of Labour and Employment and 1 2010-2011 1154
percentage of disposal of such Grievances during 2 2011-2012 1537
the period from 01.01.2016 to 31.10.2019 (year
3 2012-2013 1110
wise) are given in detail in Chapter No. 20.
4 2013-2014 1386
The Right to Information Act., 2005
5 2014-2015 4539
1.51 In order to achieve the objectives of Good 6 2015-2016 4275
Governance, it is necessary that the
7 2016-2017 4801
administration should be transparent, responsive,
citizen-friendly and able to disseminate all the 8 2017-2018 4529
information to the public. Right to Information is a 9 2018-2019 4743
powerful tool to ensure all these qualities in the
10 2019-2020 2977
administration and, therefore, the Government
(as on
enacted the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005,
Annual Report 2019-20
1.54 During the year from 1st April 2019 to 31st System (LIMBS) was introduced by the
October, 2019, 02 applicant for the year 2019-20 Department of Legal Affairs with an aim to
have gone to Central Information Commission digitalize the entire process of Court cases. Legal
(CIC) in the form of 2nd Appeal, in which CIC has Cell of the Ministry has strived to ensure that
upheld the decision of Appellate Authority. LIMBS is implemented by all organizations under
the Ministry. Ministry of Labour & Employment is
1.55 The Ministry has also organized a workshop one of the front runners in implementing LIMBS
on RTI on 20th September, 2019 more than 40 by uploading information of almost all court cases
officials had attended the workshop. (around 66917 court cases till 11th November,
Legal Cell 2019) on LIMBS portal.
Entry age specific monthly contribution: National Pension Scheme for Traders &
Self-employed persons
Entry Age Superannuation Member’s Central Govt’s Total monthly
(Yrs) Age Monthly Monthly Contribution
(A) (B) Contribution(Rs) contribution(Rs) (Rs)(Total = C + D)
(C) (D)
18 60 55 55 110
19 60 58 58 116
20 60 61 61 122
21 60 64 64 128
22 60 68 68 136
23 60 72 72 144
24 60 76 76 152
25 60 80 80 160
26 60 85 85 170
27 60 90 90 180
28 60 95 95 190
29 60 100 100 200
30 60 105 105 210
31 60 110 110 220
32 60 120 120 240
33 60 130 130 260
34 60 140 140 280
35 60 150 150 300
36 60 160 160 320
37 60 170 170 340
38 60 180 180 360
39 60 190 190 380
40 60 200 200 400
Ministry of Labour & Employment
2.1 Under the Constitution of India, Labour as a 2.3 Formulating and implementing Policies/
subject is in the Concurrent List and, therefore, Programmes/Schemes/Projects for providing
both the Central and the State governments are Social Security and Welfare, regulating Conditions
competent to enact legislation subject to certain of Work, Occupational Health and Safety of
matters being reserved for the Centre. (Box 2.1) Workers, eliminating Child Labour, promoting
Harmonious Industrial Relations, ensuring
Box 2.1
Enforcement of Labour Laws and promoting
Union List Entry No. Concurrent List
2.4 Objectives
55-Regulation of labour Entry No.22- Trade
and safety in mines and Union; industrial and 1. Enhancing welfare and social security
oil fields. Labour disputes. provisions for unorganised sector workers
Entry No. 61-Industrial Entry No. 23 - Social
2. Providing social security to organised sectors
disputes concerning security and social
Union employees. insurance;
employment and 3. Eliminating child labour
4. Enhancing employability of youth
Entry No. 65 –Union Entry No. 24- Welfare
agencies and of labour including 5. Strengthening employment services
institutions for conditions of work,
“vocational training”. provident funds, 6. Prevention and settlement of industrial
employers’ liability, disputes and strengthening labour laws
workmen’s enforcement machinery
compensation, 7. Improving safety conditions and safety of
invalidity and old age workers
pensions and
Vision, Mission and Objectives of the Ministry Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar had taken over
of Labour and Employment the charge as Minister of State(Independent
Charge), Labour and Employment w.e.f.
Vision 03.09.2017, and after the General Elections in
2.2 Decent working conditions and improved 2019, he again took over the charge as the Minister
quality of life for workers, ensuring India without of State (Independent Charge), Labour &
Child Labour and enhancing employability on a Employment since 30.05.2019.
sustainable basis.
Annual Report 2019-20
Shri Heeralal Samariya, IAS (TG:1985) took over Ms Vibha Bhalla {IRS (IT):1991)} took over the
the charge as Secretary (L&E) w.e.f. 21.05.2018. charge as Joint Secretary w.e.f. 20.02.2019. She
is looking after the work of ShramSuvidha Portal,
Bureau Heads
Social Security excluding Employees’ Provident
Smt. Anuradha Prasad, AS(L&E) (IDAS : 1986) Fund Organisation (EPFO),Employee’s State
took over the charge as Additional Secretary (L&E) Insurance Corporation (ESIC),Wage Board&
w.e.f. 11.07.2018. She is functioning as Chief Wage Cell.
Vigilance Officer and the Director General of
Shri Ajay Tewari, IAS (AM:1993) took over the
Employment (DGE). She is also looking after all
charge as Joint Secretary & Director General of
legal matters, convergence of Social Security
Labour Welfare w.e.f. 02.11.2018. He is looking
Schemes for unorganized workers, all matters
after the work of Labour Welfare – Rural and
relating to Coordination/2nd National Commission
Unorganized Labour, Bonded Labour, residual
on Labour (NCL), DattopantThengadi National work of RSBY, all aspects related to Unorganised
Board for Workers Education and Development
Workers Social Security Act including
(DTNBWEB), Citizen Charter, ISH-DGFASLI,
registration of the workers, BOCW Act, 1996 and
Factory Act& Dock Workers (Safety and Health)
BOCW’s Welfare Cess Act, 1996. He is also
dealing with pension Scheme for unorganized
Shri Biranchi Narayan Nanda (IES : 1983)took workers called PM-Shram –Yogi-Maandhan and
over the charge of Principal Labour and newly launched National Pension Scheme for
Employment Economic Adviser w.e.f. 11.03.2019. Traders and Self-employed persons (NPS-
He is looking after the work of Economic and Traders).
Statistical Analysis (ESA) (Labour Bureau),
Shri R.K. Gupta, (CSS:1987) took over the
Disaster Management and Planning Unit.
charge as Joint Secretary w.e.f. 01.08.2016. He
Smt. Sibani Swain, AS&FA (IES:1986 ) took over is looking after the work of Administration, IT,
the charge of Additional Secretary & Financial Labour Conference (LC) /ILAS, matters relating
Advisor w.e.f. 11.07.2018. She heads the Finance to EPFO including Social Security Agreements,
Division, Budget & Accounts (B&A) and Cash. She Central Provident Fund Act 1925, Labour Laws
is looking after the matter relating to Demand for Reforms including Small Factories Bill, Nodal
Grants before Parliamentary Standing Committee officer for AVMS(ACC Vacancy Monitoring
on Labour and monitoring of expenditure of the System), Chief/Nodal Record Officer, Bhavishya,
Ministry. In addition, she is looking after the work e-Sparrow, Swachh Bharat Mission, APARs,
of Pay & Accounts Office. Coordination with DPARG, NIC and national e-
Shri M Peter Johnson, DG(S), (ISS) took over
charge as Director General (Statistics) w.e.f. Ms Kalpana Rajsinghot, (IPoS : 1992) took over
01.07.2019. He is looking after the work of all the charge as Joint Secretary w.e.f. 26.10.2017.
matters related to National Career Service She is looking after the work of V.V. Giri National
Centres for Differently Abled (erstwhile Vocational Labour Institute (VVGNLI), Media Cell, all matters
Rehabilitation Centres) and National Institute for relating to Industrial Relations including Appellate
Career Service (erstwhile CIRTES), Employment Authority for Railways (HOER), Child & Women
Statistics & related reports and Parliament Unit. Labour, Industrial Safety & Health Division –
matters related to Directorate General Mine Safety
(DGMS), Mines Act and IR(PL).
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
safety, health and welfare of workers in factories undertake activities such as carrying out studies
and ports. It assists the Central Government in and surveys, organizing training programmes,
formulation/review of policies and legislations on seminars and workshops, rendering services,
occupational safety and health in factories and such as, technical advice, safety audits, testing
ports, maintains a liaison with Factory and issuance of performance reports for personal
Inspectorates of States and Union Territories in protective equipment, delivering talks, etc.
regard to the implementation and enforcement of
2.11 The Regional Labour Institutes (RLIs) located
provisions of the Factories Act, 1948; renders
in Chennai, Faridabad, Kanpur and Kolkata, are
advice on technical matters, enforces the Dock
serving the respective regions of the country.
Workers (Safety Health & Welfare) Act, 1986;
Each of these institutes has the following
undertakes research in industrial safety,
divisions/ sections:
occupational health, industrial hygiene etc.; and
provides training, mainly, in the field of industrial Industrial Safety
safety and health including one year Diploma
Course in Industrial Safety, three-months Industrial Hygiene
Certificate Course in Industrial Health (Associate
Industrial Medicine
Fellow of Industrial Health -AFIH), 5-week
Specialized Certificate Course in Safety and 2.12 The Inspectorates of Dock Safety are
Health for Supervisory Personnel working in established at 11 major ports of India viz. Kolkata,
Hazardous Process Industries. Mumbai, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Paradip,
Kandla, Mormugao, Tuticorin, Cochin, New
2.8 The DGFASLIorganisation comprises of the
Mangalore and Jawaharlal Nehru Port. The
headquarters; five Labour Institutes and 11
Inspectorate of Dock Safety at Ennore Port is in
Inspectorates of Dock Safety in Major Ports. The
the process of being set up.
Headquarters in Mumbai has three divisions/
cells, namely, Factory Advice Service Division, Labour Bureau
Dock Safety Division and an Award Cell.
2.13 The Labour Bureau with its headquarters at
2.9 The Central Labour Institute in Mumbai started Chandigarh and Shimla, is responsible for
working from 1959 and was shifted to its present collection, compilation and publication of labour
premises in February’ 1966. Over the years, the statistics and other information relating to labour
Institute has grown and assumed the status of a such as employment and unemployment, wages,
major National Resource Centre with the following earnings, industrial relations, working conditions
divisions: etc. It also compiles and publishes the Consumer
Price Index Numbers for industrial and agricultural
Industrial Safety
/ rural workers.
Industrial Medicine Directorate General of Mines Safety (DGMS)
Environmental Engineering 2.14 This Office is entrusted with enforcement
of provisions of the Mines Act, 1952 and the Rules
Staff Training and Productivity
and Regulations framed thereunder. The
Major Hazards & Chemical Safety provisions of the Indian Electricity Act, 1910 as
applicable to mines and oil fields are also enforced
2.10 The different divisions at the Institute by it.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
2.28 CLS officers appointed as Assistant Welfare convenience of Hon’ble Labour & Employment
Commissioners and Welfare Commissioners in Minister.
the Welfare Organisation of the Ministry of Labour
and Employment under the Director General
(Labour Welfare) administer various schemes Integrated Finance Division
viz., Health, Housing, Education, Pension etc. for
unorganized workers engaged in Beedi making 2.31 The Secretary (M/o Labour & Employment)
industry, mines etc. is the Chief Accounting Authority of the Ministry of
Labour & Employment and discharges his/her
2.29 Consequent to the 2nd Cadre Review of the duties with the assistance of Additional Secretary
Central Labour Service (CLS), the present Cadre & Financial Advisor (AS & FA) and Chief Controller
strength of the Service in various grades is of Accounts (CCA). AS & FA is the Head of Budget
restructured and revised as 01 post in HAG, 02 & Finance and CCA is the Head of Accounting
posts in SAG, 59 posts in JAG, 115 posts in STS Organization in the Ministry of Labour &
and 163 posts in JTS Grade. Employment.
PARLIAMENT UNIT: 2.32 As provided in Appendix 2 of Delegation of
Financial Powers Rules (DFPRs), 1978, IFD,
2.30 Parliament Unit is the Nodal Unit for
headed by AS & FA, carries out the following
Parliament related matters. The main functions
of this Unit are as under:-
(i) To receive all notices on Starred/Un-starred To advice the Administrative Ministry on all
matters falling within the powers delegated
Parliament Questions as well as Special Mention/
to the Ministry by the M/o Finance. This
Resolution/ Short Duration Discussion etc. from
includes all powers other than those
LokSabha/RajyaSabha Question Branches and to
devolving on a Ministry in its capacity as head
forward to all concerned Section in the Ministry
of Office;
for necessary action.
(ii) To coordinate with the concerned Sections/ To scrutinize proposals for re-delegation of
powers to subordinate authorities;
Divisions of the Ministry to provide information
related to Legislative Business before every To screen and give concurrence to all
Session of Parliament. expenditure proposals beyond the delegated
power of HoD in the Ministry;
(iii) To forward information in respect of matters
of Urgent Public Importance raised in the House To screen all expenditure proposals requiring
under Rule 377 in Lok Sabha and by way of to be referred to Ministry of Finance for
Special Mention in Rajya Sabha during Zero Hour concurrence and comments;
to respective House of Parliament.
To closely associate with the evaluation of
(iv) To coordinate with the concerned Sections/ progress and performance of projects and
Divisions of the Ministry to provide information other continuing schemes;
related to Parliament Standing Committee
Meetings. To closely associate with the formulation of
Schemes and important expenditure
(v) To conduct meetings of the Consultative proposals from the initial stages;
Committee attached to this Ministry as per the
Annual Report 2019-20
To examine & scrutinize SFC/EFC proposals that it conforms to the Monthly Expenditure
received from various Wings of the Ministry. Projection and Quarterly Expenditure
Projection approved byParliament.
2.33 During 2019-20, meeting of the Standing
Committee on GeM (SCoGeM) headed by AS & To screen the proposals received from
FA were held regularly to ensure that most of the Divisions/Section of this Ministry for
procurement are made through GeM portal and supplementary demand for grants and
to minimize default payments. forward the proposal to Ministry of Finance
for the approval ofParliamenet.
Budget & Accounts Section
To screen re-appropriation proposals before
2.34 B&A Division is an integral part of Ministry of
forwarding the same to the Ministry of
Labour & Employment and plays a vital role in the
Finance forapproval.
smooth implementation of schemes of MoLE.
This Division is headed by Additional Secretary & To monitor settlement of audit objections,
Financial Adviser (AS&FA) in the Ministry. US inspection reports, audit paras, etc. and to
(budget) under the supervision of CCA assists the ensure prompt action on Audit Reports and
Financial Advisor in all the matter related to the issues related to Appropriation Accounts and
Division. FinanceAccounts.
2.35 Functions & Duties of the B&A Division are Compilation of documents/material viz.,
given below:- Notes on Schemes, Standing Committee’s
Reports etc. for submitting the same, along
To ensure that the schedule for preparation
with a presentation on Demand for Grants,
of budget is adhered to by the Ministry and
to LokSabha Secretariat in connection with
Budget is drawn up according to the
Parliamentary Standing Committee’s
instructions issued by Finance Ministry from
meeting on “Demand for Grants” held in
time totime.
Parliament House Annexe on yearly basis. A
To examine the annual budget proposals full-fledged Report based on the discussion
received from various Divisions/Sections of held and the information provided in the
the Ministry for placing the same before aforesaid documents, is also sent by Lok
AS&FA for finalizing the Ministry’s annual Sabha Secretariat for submitting Action
demand for grants in consultation with Taken Report. Accordingly, B&A Section
Bureau Headsconcerned. compiles Action Taken Report (ATR) on the
Report containing the recommendations of
Preparation of Detailed Demand for Grants Parliamentary Standing Committee. Laying
based on the final ceiling conveyed by the of the Action Taken Report in both the Houses
Ministry of Finance and also comply the of the Parliament within six months of
instructions regarding allocation of budget for submitting the ATR to Lok Sabha Secretariat.
SCSP,TSP and North Eastern Region.
To forward/upload the updated status of
To watch and review the progress of implementation of Budget Announcements to
expenditure against sanctioned grants Ministry of Finance.
through holding of regular meeting being
chaired by AS&FA, wherein, it is sensitized Liasioning with Autonomous Bodies, Attached
to maintain the even pace of expenditure so & Subordinate offices for various budget
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Brief on Cut-Motions for budget debates on Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Cell
the Demand forGrants.
2.38 With the aim of reforming Government
To facilitate in providing loan to delivery system by re-engineering the existing
GovernmentServants. process in welfare schemes for simpler and faster
flow of information / funds and to ensure accurate
To provide secretariat assistance to Standing
targeting of the beneficiaries, de-duplication and
Audit Committee headed by Secretary (L&E) reduction of fraud, Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT)
for which AS&FA is the nodalofficer.
of funds to beneficiaries was started on 1 st
Official Language January, 2013. DBT Mission was created in the
Planning Commission to act as the Nodal Point
Progressive use of Hindi for implementation of the DBT programmes. The
Mission was transferred to the Department of
2.36 The Ministry of Labour & Employment has
Expenditure in July, 2013 and continued to function
made efforts to promote the use of Hindi in official
till 14.09.2015. To give more impetus, DBT Mission
work and create interest among officers / staff to
and matters related thereto has been placed in
work in Hindi during the year 2019-2020. Steps
Cabinet Secretariat under Secretary (Co-
were taken to ensure compliance of the provisions
ordination & PG) w.e.f. 14.09.2015. DBT Mission
of the Official Language Act / Rules and orders /
at Cabinet Secretariat is mandated to act as nodal
instructions/ guidelines issued by the Department
point for implementation and monitoring of
of Official Language from time to time. Hindi
Aadhaar-based DBT programmes of various
Section of the Ministry is entrusted with the task
Central Ministries / Departments as well as State
of implementation of the Official Language Policy
Governments / UTs. DBT Mission has also
of the Government of India and translation of
developed a web-based MIS portal
important documents such as papers to be
(, which collects and
placed before the Parliament, Labour Laws,
compiles all DBT related information of Ministries
Labour Codes, Bills, Hon’ble Labour &
/ Departments i.r.o. following parameters on
Employment Minister’s Speeches, Press release
regular basis:
etc. and other routine work of the Ministry. Last
Hindi SalahkarSamiti which was headed by the i) Beneficiary Digitization and their Aadhaar
Hon’ble Minister was organised at Thirupati, Seeding / Aadhaar Authentication.
Andhra pradesh on 18.06.2018.
ii) Benefits (either Cash or Kind) given to the
2.37 Hindi Fortnight was observed during 02-16, beneficiaries sponsored by the Consolidated
September, 2019 to promote the use of Hindi Fund of India.
in the Ministry. On this occasion, eight Hindi
related competitions were conducted to promote iii) Fund transferred to the beneficiaries through
the use of Hindi among the officials. A large DBT / Non-DBT Mode.
number of Officials of the Ministry participated in
iv) Savings, if any, due to removal of duplicate /
these competitions and the winners of the
ghost / fake beneficiaries.
competition are given cash awards and
certificates. Thereafter, the formation of Hindi 2.39 In pursuance to the directions of DBT
Salahkar Samiti of the Ministry for 17th Lok Shabha Mission, a DBT Cell was constituted in the Ministry
is in process. of Labour & Employment, in August, 2016, for
attending the work relating to Direct Benefit
Annual Report 2019-20
Transfer. The Cell is working under overall The list of 16 DBT Schemes [14 Cash Benefit
supervision of AS & FA (L&E) assisted by CCA. Transfer, one In-Kind Benefit Transfer and one
Day-to-Day functioning of DBT Cell is looked after Aadhaar Enabled Service] of the Ministry of Labour
by one Under Secretary. DBT Cell is coordinating & Employment covered under the DBT Program
and monitoring the progress of DBT in the Ministry during 2019-20 is at Table 2.
as per the directions / instruction of DBT Mission.
Table 2
List of DBT Schemes of the Ministry of Labour & Employment covered under the DBT
Program during 2019-20
(From 1st April, 2019 upto 31st October, 2019)
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Action Taken on Citizens’ / Client’s Charter mission, services / transactions rendered by the
(CCC) Ministry along with responsible persons, their
contact details, processes, documents / fees
RFD Cell required and service standards. Separately,
2.40 The Citizens’ / Clients’ Charter (CCC) of the contact details of Grievance Redressal Officer and
Ministry of Labour & Employment has been last information with reference to Attached /
updated in August, 2019 on the basis of the Subordinate Offices / Autonomous Bodies of the
guidelines of the Department of Administrative Ministry along with contact details and address of
Reforms & Public Grievances (DAR&PG) and the their websites have been incorporated in the
Performance Management Division (PMD), Charter.
Cabinet Secretariat and in consultation with the
2.42 An Information Facilitation Centre has been
stakeholders of the Ministry. The charter has been
set up in the Ministry with Internet and Telephonic
put on the website of the Ministry for easy access
Facility, which is rendering all necessary
by public and sufficient copies have been kept in
assistance to the Public by making information
the Information Facilitation Centre of the Ministry
available on various activities and schemes of the
for use by visitors. Ministry and its Organizations.
2.41 The Citizens’ / Clients’ Charter (CCC)
contains information with respect to vision,
Annual Report 2019-20
Sl. Report No. & Year Paras Details of the Paras/PA Reports on which
No. ATNs are pending
No. of ATNs No. of No. of ATNs which
not sent by ATNssent have been finally
the Ministry but vetted by Audit but
even for returned have not been
the first with submitted by the
time observa- Ministry to CAG/PAC
tions and by the Ministry.
audit is
their re-
by the
1 CAG Report No.4 of 2018 - One Para 0 1 0
Short realisation of (Para No.
administrative charge 14.1)
2 Report No.115 -Action Seven 7 0 0
Taken by the Government (6,13,18,23,
on the Recommendations 28,33 & 38)
of the Committee contained
in their Sixty Seventh
Report on “Performance
Audit of Employees State
Insurance Corporation and
Special Audit of
Medical Education
Projects of ESIC”
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
a plan scheme titled “Improvement and Wages Advisory Board and notifying Variable
Strengthening of Training Wing Labour Officers”. Dearness Allowance every six months as per
The objective of the scheme is to provide trainings A.I.C.P.I. number.
to the CLC officers & LEO(C) with a view to
2. Defending Ministry of Labour & Employment
enhance their skills & knowledge in various areas
in various Writ Petitions filed against Ministry
of their functioning for effective discharge of their
duties. A committee was constituted with the in different High Courts.
approval of secretary, Ministry of Labour & 3. Investigations of Complaints as per direction
Employment on “Training Need Analysis” and on of the Ministry of Labour & Employment.
the basis of its recommendations; trainings were
provided to the officers at the selected specialized 4. Assisting Central Advisory Contract Labour
Institutes. Board as convener of different sub-
committees to examine prohibition of contract
Total 86 CLS Officers & LEO(C) were Labour in different employments.
imparted training during the year 2019-2020 (up
to October, 2019) on various subjects like:- 5. Assisting Ministry in preparation of different
reports required to be submitted to
a. Wage Policy and Minimum wages International Labour Organisation.
b. Effective Labour Law Enforcement 6. Supplying information to Ministry in replying
Parliament Question on statutes of labour
c. Training Programme for Newly Promoted
RLC (C) and Dy. CLC (C) laws enforced by CLC(C) organisation.
h. Labour Laws and International Standards on 10. Imparting training to the Officers of Central
Social Security and Protection Labour Service and LEO(C).
Ministry of Labour & Employment
dealt during previous years and current year is 2. By the efforts of Dy. CLC(C) Cochin, a major
as below:- settlement between the management of Cochin
Shipyard & their workmen was arrived at which
Year Online Offline Total
benefited 1253 workmen by way of monetary
(April to March)
benefit amounting to Rs 3,31 crores in the month
2018-19 922 321 1243 of July 2019.
2019-20 650 291 941
3. Wage Settlement in respect of 120
(April to 31st October)
departmental workers of SAIL Refractory
(B) PUBLIC GRIEVANCE:- Company Ltd., Salem was signed in Chennai
before ShriV.M. Manickam, Dy. CLC (C) Chennai.
3.19 During the Year 2019-2020 (April to Oct.
2019) a total number of 9070 (8672 online and (D) MAJOR INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS
398 offline) public grievances were received and EVENTS DUING 1 ST APRIL, 2019 TO
a total number of 8835 (8531 online and 304 31st OCTOBER, 2019 IN WHICH CIRM PLAYED
offline) public grievances have been disposed of, IMPORTANT ROLE:
which accounts for 97.40 % of disposal.
Statement showing : Online\ Offline
Jet Airways Ltd.
Grievances Statues
Ministry vide note dated 16.4.2019 forward
Period Grievance BF Received Total Dispos Pend-
ed off ing the notice regarding threatened strike by pilots of
2018-19 online 320 11016 11336 11048 288 Jet Airways demanding payment of pending
2019-20 288 8384 8672 8531 141
(Apr-Oct) Dy. CLC(C) Mumbai intervened and seized
2018-19 Offline 107 4207 4314 4105 209 the matter of non-payment of salary of pilots into
2019-20 209 189 398 304 94 conciliation. Due to effective conciliation the union
(Apr-Oct) deferred the proposed strike.
Besides, during the period from 01.01.2019 3.22 BANK
to 31.10.2019 the organisation has dealt with 695
nos. of grievances received under VIP reference. i. All India Central Bank Employees
Grievances received on Social Media has also Federation & All India Central Bank Officers’
been dealt with instantly. Association
(C) 3.20 Major Settlements arrived at during The General Secretary, All India Central Bank
the period from April 2019 to October, 2019 Employees Federation & All India Central Bank
Officers’ Association had jointly served a notice
1. By the efforts of ALC© Raipur, a Wage to the management of Central Bank of India,
settlement for Contract Labour arrived at between Mumbai proposing to go on strike by all members
the management of Hirmi Cement works, on 31.05.2019 in Hyderabad Zone & Guwahati
Ultratech Cement Ltd., Hirmi, Chhatisgarh and the Zone on 04.06.219 as well as All India Strike in the
union. As a result of the settlement, 1340 Contract Bank on 20.06.2019 to press their demands like
Labour shall be benefited & total monetary recovery of bad loans on war-footing basis,
implications is Rs. 8.80 Crores for the settlement promotion of sub-staff to clerical cadre, filling up
period effective from 1.10.2018 to 31.3.2023. of all vacancies in sub-staff etc.
Annual Report 2019-20
Dy. CLC(C) Mumbai intervened in the matter and are going on in a cordial atmosphere from both
held conciliation proceeding fixed on 31.05.2019, the sides so any kind of agitational path will not
due to effective conciliation the union withdrew the be in the interest of banking industry.
CLC(C) vide letter dated 23.09.2019 again
ii. AIBOC, AIBOA, INBOC, NOBO requested the Officers Organizations/ federations
to formally place the issue before the respective
A joint notice dated 12.09.2019 submitted to board of the banks so that the same can be
the Chairman, Indian Bank Association by the four addressed in a right perspective as IBA has also
Officers’ Organization / Confederation/
assured that it will positively take up with the banks
Association i.e. All India Bank Officers’
specially on the mandate issues and also request
Confederation (AIBOC), All India Bank Officers’
to consider to call off the proposed strike in view
Association (AIBOA), Indian National Bank
of the efforts/endeavor which are being made in
Officers’ Congress (INBOC) and National this respect.
Organization of Bank Officers (NOBO) proposing
to go on strike from 26.09.2019 to 27.09.2019 and In view of the above, pursuant to protracted
Indefinite strike from second week of November and prolonged discussions during the conciliation
2019 to press their charter of demands. proceeding before the Chief Labour
Commissioner (Central), the all four Officers’
On receipt of the strike notice, the Chief
Federations informed on 24.09.2019 about the
Labour Commissioner (Central) immediately deferment of the proposed strike.
intervened in the matter and conciliation
proceedings held before the CLC(C) at Head iii. AIBEA and BEFI
Quarter, New Delhi on 19.09.2019 which was
A joint notice dated 19.9.2019 was served by the
attended by senior officers from the Deptt. of
General Secretaries of All India Bank Employees
Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Indian
Association (AIBEA) and Bank Employees
Bank’s Association and office bearers of all the
four Officer’s Federations. Federation of India (BEFI) proposing to go on one
day all India strike on 22.10.2019 to press their
After the threadbare discussion it was demands i.e. stopping of merger in banks,
advised by the CLC(C) to the IBA to arrange for a stopping banking reforms, insure recovery of bad
bilateral discussion at the highest level of all bank loans etc.
management to discuss and address all the
On receipt of the strike notice, CLC(C) intervened
issues mentioned in the notice.
into the matter and invited both the management
In view of the above, a communication from that is Department of Financial Services, Ministry
IBA was received on 23.09.2019 mentioning that of Finance and Indian Banks’ Association and the
in the meeting of the negotiating committee, participating Unions i.e. AIBEA, BEFI for
wherein the representatives of all four officers’ discussion on 15th Oct 2019 which was
organizations of the Federation were requested rescheduled on 18th Oct 2019 due to request
by Chairman, Negotiating Committee to place the received from IBA as a meeting on the subject
matter before the Boards of the concerned banks matter was fixed in their office on the same date.
for the proper deliberation of the issues involved Thereafter, again it was rescheduled on
and the Officers’ Federations were requested that 21.10.2019 as they had again requested for
since the discussion on wage revision negotiation rescheduling the same.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
During the course of discussion / conciliation eVijaya Bank and eDena Bank working in Award
proceedings on 21.10.2019, representatives from Staff cadres in various branches/ offices of India.
IBA and official from DFS, Ministry of Finance
Dy. CLC(C) Ahmedabad intervened in the matter
attended & they endeavored to explain the
and held conciliation proceedings on 18.10.2019
advantages of the proposed amalgamation to the
and on his persuasion the union agreed to defer
representatives of federations present as it would
recognize the global as well as national presence their proposed strike from 25.10.2019.
of these banks and also about the wage negotiation 3.23 COAL & NON-COAL
going on in the banks on a very positive note. The
CLC(C)/Conciliation Officer after giving due (i) Bihar Colliery Kamgar Union
hearing to both the management and union
The President, Bihar Colliery Kamgar Union,
representatives requested the unions to defer the
served the notice dated 20.3.2019 to the
proposed one day strike in the interest of the nation
Management of Dahibari Colliery (Area No. XII)
and industrial harmony. However, even after
proposing to go on an indefinite strike from
putting all the efforts diligently by CLC(C) the
5.4.2019 to press their demands i.e.
unions went on One day strike on 22.10.2019.
Implementation of the minimum wages
Overall strike percentage reported across the
recommended by the High Power Committee and
country was 59%.
subsequent circular of CIL with all its arrears,
iv. All India Punjab National Bank Officers’ proper arrangement of the safety in the Mines,
Association providing medical card to workers and proper
medical facilities, Payment of wages should be
The General Secretary, All India Punjab National made on or before 10th day of every month, etc.
Bank Officers’ Association served notice to the
management of Punjab National Bank proposing RLC(C) Dhanbad intervened in the matter and
to go on continuous strike in Madhya Pradesh & seized the matter into conciliation on 4.4.2019 and
Chhattisgarh state from 14.10.2019 to 15.10.2019 by his persuasion and efforts the union deferred
to protest against misbehavior against officers, the proposed strike.
marking absent forcefully etc.
ii. Uranium Corporation of India Ltd.
Dy. CLC(C) Jabalpur intervened in the matter by
A Joint notice dated 09.06.2019 was served by
fixing conciliation proceedings on 11.10.2019.
the General Secretaries of JLU, SUMU, UKU &
Due to consistent efforts of Dy. Chief Labour
UMS to the management of Uranium Corporation
Commissioner (Central) Jabalpur, the proposed
of India Ltd., Jharkhand proposing to go on one
strike of the Association was deferred as the
day token strike on 25.6.2019 to press their
management of PNB, Jabalpur intimated in this
common charter of demand for wage revision
settlement and service condition of the workmen
v. All India Bank of Baroda Employees of UCIL.
ALC (C) Chaibasa seized the matter into
The General Secretary, All India Bank of Baroda conciliation and with his effort the union called off
Employees Union served notice dated 2.10.2019 the proposed strike.
to the management of Bank of Baroda proposing
iv. Nalco Employee’s Sangha
to go on continuous strike from 25.10.2019 over
the issues of employees of Bank of Baroda, President, Nalco Employee’s Sangha served
Annual Report 2019-20
notice dated 4.6.2019 to the management of the Management of Coal India Ltd. that BMS has
Smelter Plant, Nalco, Angul proposing to go on decided to withdraw the strike as per the intimation
strike on 20.06.2019 to press their demands i.e. received through the press release issued by
erroneous implementation of wage settlement in BMS on dated 25.09.2019.
violation to the 6 th LTWS (Long Term Wage
RLC(C) Bhubaneswar intervened in the matter (i) Biju Aeronautics Employees’ Union
and held conciliation proceedings on 17.6.2019. The Secretary, Biju Aeronautics Employees’
On his persuasion and effective conciliation the Union, Koraput, Odisha served notice dated
union agreed to call of the proposed strike. 3.7.2019 to the management of Hindustan
Aeronautics Ltd, Koraput proposing to go on one
v. Coal India Ltd. affiliated Unions/
day strike on or after 18.7.2019 in support of the
demand for fair and early settlement of wage
The General Secretaries of Akhil Bhartiya revision- 2017.
Khadyan Mazdoor Sangh (affiliated to BMS) and
Dy. CLC(C) Bhubaneswar intervened in the matter
5 Federations affiliated to INTUC, HMS,AITUC,
and held conciliation proceedings and due to her
CITU & AICCTU served notice to the Secretary,
effective conciliation the union deffered the
Ministry of Coal proposing to go on strike from
proposed strike.
23.09.2019 to 27.9.2019 and 24.09.2019
respectively against the decision of Government ii. Federations of Defence employee
of India for 100% FDI.
The three federations of Defence employee
On receipt of the strike notices, CLC(C) namely All India Defence Employees Federation
immediately intervened into the matter and joint (AIDEF), BhartiyaPratirakshaMazdoorSangh
discussion/conciliation proceedings was (BPMS), Indian National Defence Workers
convened at CLC(C), HQ on 16.09.2019 and again Federation (INDWF) and Confederation of
on 20.09.2019. The meeting was neither attended Defence Recognized Association (CDRA)
by the union representative nor by the submitted a joint representation dated 25.07.2019
representative of the Coal Ministry but the CLC(C) to the Defence Minister proposing to go on 30 days
requested Secretary, Ministry of Coal to invite all long strike from 20.08.2019 to 19.09.2019 over
the federation/union for joint discussion in the the issue of unilateral decision taken by the
interest of the industrial peace and harmony. Government to corporatize the ordnance factories.
However, it was ascertained from the reliable
sources that the meeting called by the Hon’ble On receipt of the strike notices All the Regional
Minister of Coal was not attended by the federation/ Heads (Dy. CLCs and RLCs) intervened into the
union. matter and proposed to hold joint discussion with
the federations/ unions and the management of
The proposed one day strike called by 5 ordnance factories but because of the divergent
federations was observed on 24.9.2019 only, views both the parties could not reach to any point
whereas the strike call by Akhil Bhartiya Khadyan of agreement and the unions/federations went on
Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) was observed on strike from 20.08.2019.
23.09.2019, 24.09.2019 and 25.09.2019.
Immediately, the CLC(C) intervened and held
In the afternoon of 25.9.2019, it was intimated by conciliation proceedings on 21.08.2019 which was
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
(ii) BSNL Casual KaramchariSangha workers in the Composite Gang in the cargo
handling division etc.
The General Secretary BSNL Casual Karmachari
Sangha (CITU) Odisha served notice dated RLC(C) Cochin intervened in the matter and held
28.6.2019 proposing to go on continuous strike effective conciliation proceeding, the union averted
from 15.07.2019 to press their demands i..e the proposed strike.
payment of monthly wages within 7th of next
month, stop retrenchment of casual and contract Five Major Port workers federation
workmen of BSNL, immediate implementation of Five Major Port workers federation have given a
equal pay for equal work, stop privatization of call for observing strike on or after 15.10.2019 to
BSNL etc. press demands i.e. desist from move of replacing
the MPT Act, 1963 by MPA Bill 2019, implement
RLC (C) Bhubaneswar intervened in the matter
wage settlement dated 30.08.2018 in toto at all
and seized the matter into conciliation and due to
her effective conciliation the union agreed to call major ports etc.
off the proposed strike. On receipt of the strike notice, CLC(C) intervened
into the matter and a joint discussion/ conciliation
3.28 PORT
proceedings was held on 10.10.2019 which was
(i) JNPT General KamgarSanghatana attended by office bearers of federation and
officials from Indian Port Association and Ministry
The General Secretary, JNPT General Kamgar
of Shipping.
Sanghatana has served notice dated 8.5.2019 to
the management of JNPT, Mumbai proposing to The CLC(C) advised and requested the officials
go on strike w.e.f. 24.05.2019 to press the of M/o Shipping and IPA to initiate dialogue at the
immediate settlement of demand for cancellation Bilateral Level to address all points of
of the Circular No. 590 dated 08/04/2019 issued apprehension expressed by the federation in
by JNPT management for implementation of respect of MPA Bill 2019 on priority basis and
manning scale of 2:1 as against the existing scale advised the federation to defer the proposed
in operation of container handling equipment strike.
ALC(C) Mumbai intervened in the matter and due ORGANISATION
to effective conciliation, the union deferred the
Vision 2030:
proposed strike.
I. Maintaining harmonious industrial relations by
(ii) Cochin Port Employees’ Organization
timely and meaningful conciliation of
The Secretary, Cochin Port Employees’ industrial disputes and settlement of
Organization served notice dated 5.7.2019 grievances.
proposing to go on strike or after 21.07.2019 to
II. Securing full compliance of Labour Laws by
press their demands i.e. Adequate workers to be
continuous tracking of default and violations
recruited to the cargo handling operations wing
and timely corrective action.
of Traffic Department, stopping the DP posting of
Ministry of Labour & Employment
2. Securing full compliance in r/o 10 Labour. 2. Securing full compliance in r/o 10 Labour
Laws by Laws by
ii. Taking corrective action within ii. Taking corrective action within 7 days.
2-3 days
3. Disposal of claim applications under MW 3. Disposal of claim applications under MW Act,
Act, PW Act, and ER Act within PW Act, and ER Act within 3 months by
2 months by
ii. Disposal on the basis of on-line ii. Disposal on the basis of available
records. records.
4. Passing of order under Payment of 4. Passing of order under Payment of Gratuity
Gratuity Act within 2 months by Act within 3 months by
ii. Disposal on the basis of on-line ii. Disposal on the basis of available
records. records.
5. Disposal of appeals under Payment of 5. Disposal of appeals under Payment of
Gratuity Act within 20 days. Gratuity Act within 30 days.
6. Issue of Registration/License under CL 6. Issue of Registration/License under CL(R&A)
(R&A) Act, BOCW Act and ISMW Act Act, BOCW Act and ISMW Act within 5 days.
within 3 days.
7. Disposal of appeals under CL(R&A) Act,. 7. Disposal of appeals under CL(R&A) Act,
BOCW Act and ISMW Act within 15 days BOCW Act and ISMW Act within30 days.
Annual Report 2019-20
Technology Initiative for Seamless handling delay in settling the disputes. In the present
of Industrial Disputes: scenario of digitalization, the Ministry has taken
the initiative to develop an e-dispute portal i.e.
SAMADHAN Portal for Industrial Dispute SAMADHAN (Software Application for Monitoring
under Section 2-A and 2(k) of Industrial and Disposal, Handling of Apprehended/Existing
Disputes Act, 1947. (https:// Industrial Disputes) for filing disputes by a workman in a very simple and lucid way which
3.30 The prime responsibility of Ministry of Labour would make the filing of the dispute easy.
& Employment has always been to protect, 3.34 SAMADHAN for filing industrial disputes by
preserve and uplift the interests of workers. workman/employer related to employment was
Industrial workers are the most marginalized launched by Secretary (Labour & Employment)
group in any economy and need assistance of on 6th February, 2019. The portal is user friendly,
government for handling the complexities of law. makes monitoring of disputes transparent, allows
Out of the plethora of Labour Laws handled and
for quick retrieval of information, and will help in
implemented/enforced by Ministry through its
providing speedy justice to workmen. At present
various offices, Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (ID
the portal is being run in 6 states (viz. Delhi,
Act) is considered to be one of the most important
Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Orissa and
one as its primary objective is to make provisions
Madhya Pradesh) on pilot basis.
for the investigation and settlement of Industrial
Disputes (IDs) which are defined under section 3.35 PURPOSE OF SAMADHAN PORTAL
2-A and 2(k) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
1. This online portal is devised to make it
3.31 The Act provides for dealing of the disputes workers’ friendly, easy to understand for filing
by way of mediation by the Conciliation Officer of dispute, transparency in a way that status
the Appropriate Government. The Conciliation will be visible to all stake holders at all times.
Officer endeavors to make a settlement and in Moreover, the Portal will ensure
case of failure he sends a report on failure of accountability which will make process more
conciliation(FOC report) with his observations effective and efficient.
substantiating reference and non-reference.
2. It introduces the workers to an easy way of
3.32 The Ministry, as an appropriate government, filing their dispute with the appropriate
administratively examines an industrial dispute to Conciliation Officer, uploading of documents
see whether a dispute exists or not and either thereby reducing the time taken in filing and
makes a reference to the CGIT or declines such compiling documents for the industrial
reference stating the reason for non-reference. disputes.
3.33 However, these disputes fall under 3. The provision of the concept of draft before
procedural trap, ignorance and red-tapism which submission enables the worker to file/upload
take years to get solved. In the process workers document as per his convenience before final
suffer waiting for the disposal of the cases and submission.
sometimes die before seeing the outcome of their
4. Processing of the dispute is made easy.
efforts to get justice due to lack of knowledge,
unorganized way of handling accessibility to 5. Consolidated documents now directly go to
information, cost of hiring advocates, CGIT in case of reference to CGIT, thus
accountability of the role players and considerable saving considerable time of communication.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
6. The paradigm shift in governance of Industrial from time to time by the concerned officers
Dispute statute will ensure maintenance of and doing away with missing and repeated
peaceful work culture in the industry so that submission of document.
industrial growth doesn’t suffer and rights of
13. The portal used by workers, Conciliation
the employees are protected.
Officers/Appropriate Government and CGIT
3.36 Objective- The advantage of the complements the functioning of each other
SAMADHAN Portal is to which would reduce the gap in
1. Encourage transparency which ensures
justice and trust by workers on the 14. It gives bird’s eye view of the status of cases
governance of the Government. files, disposed of, pending, implemented,
including statistics and thus will strength the
2. Ensures Quick disposal of disputes. monitoring system.
3. Ensures monitoring of progress of disputes. Monitoring of Industrial Relations
4. Process made simple and lucid for the 3.37 Based on the information received from
workers to understand. Labour Bureau on the number and spatial
5. Aggrieved worker can handle his own case dispersion of strikes/lockouts, number of workers
independently by himself without taking involved and mandays lost, number of units
assistance of any middle man or trade union. reporting retrenchment and the extent of layoffs,
the Ministry monitors the industrial harmony
6. Cases falling under Section 2-A are directly prevalent in the country.
referred to CGIT after lapse of 45 days before
Conciliation officer which would reduce the 3.38 The total number of strikes and lockouts and
time taken in manual application for mandays lost during the period 2015-2019(P) are
redressal. as follows:
7. System enables automatic distribution of No. of Strikes and Lockouts and Mandays lost
disputes to the concerned Conciliation during 2015-2019(P)
Officers. Year Strikes Lockouts Total Man-days
8. This is an indicator of successful conciliation lost
and make assessment easy. 2015(P) 112 29 141 4,014,559
Annual Report 2019-20
3.39 The spatial/industry wise dispersion of the 3.45 The number of units effecting lay-off and the
number of strikes and lockouts and the workers number of workers affected due to suchlay-off
consequently affected is not uniform. Mandays during 2015-2019(P) were as follows:
lost is a direct measure of the impact of industrial
3.46 Layoffs and workers affected during 2015 -
unrest on industrial production.
2019(P) (both in Central and State spheres)
3.40 Most of the industrial unrests, as indicated
by strikes and lockouts, are primarily caused by year Lay-offs Workers affected
issues relating to indiscipline & violence, wages 2015(P) 51 3654
& allowances and personnel matters. 2016(P) 29 4200
Closure 2017(P) 38 6449
2018(P) 20 3556
3.41 The number of units effecting closure in both
Central and State sphere during the last five years 2019(P) 12 2646
are as follows: (Jan & Feb)
3.42 Closures and workers affected (both in Source: Labour Bureau, Shimla
Central and State spheres) during 2015-2019 (P) (P): Provisional as the data has not been provided by all
the States/UTs.
Year Closures Workers affected
2015(P) 21 1496 Retrenchment
2016(P) 26 2079 3.47 As per the provisions contained in Chapter
2017(P) 20 2569 V-B of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947,
2018(P) 8 537 establishments employing 100 persons or more
are required to seek prior permission of the
2019(P) 1 45
appropriate Government in the prescribed
Source: Labour Bureau, Shimla application form before effecting closure,
retrenchment or lay-off. In the Ministry of Labour &
(P): Provisional as data has not been provided by all the
Employment, applications are received for such
closures/retrenchments/lay-offs from
3.43 Financial Stringency, shortage of raw establishment falling in the Central sphere. These
materials, question of pollution and others are the applications are examined and hearing is held in
main reasons for closures during the period. order to provide an opportunity to both the
management and the workers to make
submissions on issues pertaining to the proposed
3.44 Lay-off can be defined as the failure, refusal action of the management. Based on the oral and
or inability of an employer to give employment to written submissions made by the parties, and
a workman whose name is borne on the muster considering the reasonableness/ genuineness of
rolls of his industrial establishment and who has the management’s application, a decision to grant/
not been retrenched. Supply side bottlenecks not grant permission for closure, retrenchment or
such as shortage of power, shortage of raw lay-off is taken. Whenever permission is granted,
materials, financial stringency and others as well it is ensured that workers’ interests are protected
as seasonal fall in demand for products may result as far as possible.
in lay-offs.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
3.48 The number of units effecting retrenchment growth of Trade Unions and reduce multiplicity of
and workers retrenched therein during the period Trade Unions and promote internal democracy.
2015-2019(P) are as follows:
3.52 The Trade Unions Act, 1926 is being merged
Retrenchment and workers affected during 2015- in the Industrial Relations Code and it has been
2019(P) (both in Central and State spheres) decided to incorporate the said amendments in
the Industrial Relations Code.
Year Retrenchment Workers affected
2015(P) 12 533 The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
The Trade Unions Act, 1926 3.56 To reduce the time taken in processing of
an Industrial dispute, Ministry of Labour &
3.50 The Trade Unions Act, 1926 is a Central Act, Employment delegated the power of appropriate
but administered by the State Governments. This Government conferred by Section 39 of the
Act provides for registration of Trade Unions of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 to the Conciliation
workers and in certain respects, it defines the law Officer to directly refer the industrial disputes
relating to registered Trade Unions. under Section 2A of the I.D. Act to Labour Court
3.51 The Trade Unions Act, 1926 was last or Tribunal for adjudication instead of filing a report
amended 2001 and enforced w.e.f. 9.1.2002. The to the appropriate Government, if no settlement
objective of this amendment is to ensure orderly could be arrived at in the course of conciliation
Annual Report 2019-20
proceedings vide Notification No. S.O.1936(E) conditions of employment under them and to
dated 10.06.2019. make the said conditions of employment known
to workmen employed by them for which they
3.57 The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 is being have to get the Standing Orders certified which
merged in the Industrial Relations Code.
should be in conformity with the Model Standing
The Plantations Labour Act, 1951 Order. This Act applies to every industrial
establishment wherein one hundred or more
3.58 The Plantations Labour Act, 1951 is a workmen are employed, or were employed on any
Central Act but administered by the State day of the preceding twelve months viz. (i)
Governments. The Act provides for the welfare industrial establishments as defined in Section
of plantation labour and it regulates the conditions 2(ii) of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936; (ii)
of work in plantations. This Legislation is applied Section 2(m) of the Factories act, 1948; (iii)
to all tea, coffee, rubber, cinchona and cardamom Railways; (iv) establishment of a person who, for
plantations which measures 5 hectares or more the purpose of fulfilling a contract with the owner
in which 15 or more persons are working. The of any industrial establishment, employs
State Governments are also vested with powers workmen. Appropriate Government is competent
to extend all or any of the provisions of the Act to to extend the Act to other classes of industrial
any plantation notwithstanding it measures less establishments or to grant exemption where
than 5 hectares or the number of persons necessary.
employed therein is less than 15. The Act covers
Offices, hospitals, dispensaries, schools and 3.62 The category of ‘Fixed Term Employment
crèches within the plantation premises. The Act Workman’ was incorporated under the Industrial
contains important provisions related to health, Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 and
welfare, hours of work, rest intervals, prohibition Rules made thereunder for all sectors vide
on employment of children etc. Notification No.G.S.R.235(E) dated 16.3.2018.
3.59 Keeping in view the changing social, 3.63 The Industrial Employment (Standing
economic and industrial relations scenario in the Orders) Act, 1946 is being merged in the
country, the Government amended the Plantations Industrial Relations Code.
Labour Act, 1951 which was enforced w.e.f.
The Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions
7.6.2010. The objectives of these amendments
of Service) Act, 1976.
are to make the Act more welfare oriented for the
workers in the plantations sector. 3.64 The Sales Promotion (Employees)
(Conditions of Service) Act, 1976 is a Central Act
3.60 The Plantations Labour Act, 1951 is being which came into force w.e.f. 6.3.1976. The main
merged in the Occupational Safety, Health and purpose of the Act is to regulate certain conditions
Working Conditions (OSH) Code 2019 which has of service of sales promotion employees in certain
been introduced in LokSabha on 23.7.2019. establishments. Initially this Act was applicable
The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) only to the sales promotion employees engaged
Act, 1946 in pharmaceutical industry. Thereafter the
schedule of the Act has been amended and the
3.61 The Industrial Employment (Standing Act was made applicable to additional 10
Orders) Act, 1946 is an Act enacted to require Industries vide Notification No.S.O.217(E) dated
employers in the industrial establishments 31.1.2011 which are as under:
formally to define with sufficient precision the
Ministry of Labour & Employment
(i) Cosmetics, soaps, household cleaners and 3.66 Central Government is empowered to make
disinfectants. rules under the Act.
Annual Report 2019-20
Prime Minister’s Shram Award Scheme National Safety Awards scheme since 1965.
These schemes were modified in 1971, 1978 and
4.1 To give recognition to outstanding
again in 2007. The schemes presently in operation
contributions towards production and productivity,
are as follows:
technological innovations, cost saving, import
substitution, saving of foreign exchange and for (I) Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar: It is
showing exemplary zeal and enthusiasm in the designed to give recognition at the national level
discharge of duties, the Ministry of Labour & to outstanding suggestions resulting in
Employment administers a scheme entitled
‘Prime Minister’s Shram Awards’ to workmen (as (i) Higher Productivity
defined in the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947) (ii) Improvement in safety and working
employed in Departmental / Public Sector conditions
Undertakings of the Central and State
Governments and the manufacturing units (iii) Savings in foreign exchange (import
employing 500 or more workers in the private substitution as well as quality and safety of
sector in recognition of their performance, products)
devotion to duty etc. Only those workmen are
(iv) Improvement in overall efficiency of the
eligible for the awards, who are engaged in
manufacturing and productive processes and
whose performance is assessable. These The prizes are grouped in three classes:
awards are announced every year generally on
the eve of either Republic Day or Independence (a) Applications ranked 1 to 5 (5 Awards)-Class
Day. The awards in the order of precedence are “A” Awards Rs.75, 000/- each
Shram Ratna, Shram Bhushan, Shram Vir/Shram
(b) Applications ranked 6 to 13 (8 Awards)-Class
Veerangana and Shram Shree/Shram Devi.
“B” Awards Rs.50, 000/- each
Shram Awards were set up by the Government of
India in 1985 to recognize the outstanding (c) Applications ranked 14 to 28 (15 Awards)-
contributions of workers in different fields. Class “C” Awards RS.25, 000/- each
4.2 Prime Minister Shram Award was not held in These awards are applicable to the workers of
the year 2019. Industrial establishments covered under the
Factories Act, 1948, the employees covered under
Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar & National
the Dock Workers (Safety, Health and Welfare)
Safety Awards
Act 1986, the Building and Other Construction
4.3 The DGFASLI on behalf of the Ministry of Workers (Regulation of Employment and
Labour & Employment has been implementing the Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 and Installations
Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar (VRP) (earlier under Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB).
known as Shram Vir National Awards) and the
(II) National Safety Awards: National Safety
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Awards are given in recognition of outstanding different schemes on the basis of working of man-
safety performance on the part of the industrial hours. Schemes I to X are meant for factories,
establishments covered under the Factories Act construction sites and nuclear Installations and
1948, the employers covered under the Dock Schemes XI and XII are for Ports.
Workers (Safety, Health and Welfare) Act 1986,
The award presentation function for Vishwakarma
the Building and Other Construction Workers
(Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Rashtriya Puraskar (VRP) & National Safety
Awards (NSA) for the performance year 2017 was
Service) Act, 1996 and Installations under Atomic
held at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on 17 th
Energy Regulatory Board (AERB).
September’ 2019. The awards were presented by
Under each award, a Shield and a Certificate of the Hon’ble Minister of State for Labour &
Merit is given to each of the Award Winners and Employment (Independent Charge), Shri Santosh
Runners-up. The establishments are classified in Kumar Gangwar.
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
National Floor Level Minimum Wage wages will be determined as per the rules framed
under the “Code on Wages, 2019”.
5.5 In order to have a uniform wage structure and
to reduce the disparity in minimum wages across Enforcement of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948
the country, the concept of National Floor Level
5.10 The Government is committed to enhance
Minimum Wage as a non statutory measure was
the welfare and well-being of farm labour and
mooted on the basis of the recommendations of
the National Commission on Rural Labour (NCRL) workers particularly those in the unorganized
sector and to ensure implementation of the
in 1991. On the basis of increase in the Consumer
Minimum Wages Act, 1948. The enforcement of
Price Index, the Central Government has revised
the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 is ensured at two
the National Floor Level Minimum Wage from Rs.
levels. Minimum Wages under the Central sphere
160/- to Rs.176/- per day with effect from
are enforced through Central Industrial Relations
Machinery (CIRM). The position in respect of
Central Advisory Board (CAB) cases of enforcement by CIRM for the Year 2018-
19 is provided in Table 5.2. In the State sphere,
5.6 The Central Government has re-constituted
the State Enforcement Machinery ensures
the Central Advisory Board (CAB) vide Notification
enforcement of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
No. S.O. 898 (E) dated 27th February, 2019 under
The position of enforcement of this Act in different
Section 8 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
States/UTs during 2016-17 is shown in Table 5.3.
Present Chairman of the board is Hon’ble Member
of Parliament, ShriPankajChowdhary. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
Minimum Wages Advisory Board (MWAB) 5.11 The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 was
enacted to regulate payment of wages to workers
5.7 The Central Government has re-constituted
employed in industries and to ensure speedy and
the Minimum Wages Advisory Board (MWAB) vide
effective remedy to them against illegal
Notification No. S.O. 527 (E) dated 29th January,
deductions and/or unjustified delay caused in
2019 under Section 7 of the Minimum Wages Act, paying wages in current coin, or currency notes
1948. Present Chairman of the Board is Hon’ble or by cheque or by crediting in the bank account
Minister of Labour & Employment (I/C). of the workers.
5.8 The proposal for amendment of the Minimum 5.12 The Payment of Wages (Amendment) Act,
Wages Act, 1948 for omission of Sec. 2(a) of the 2017-Section 6 of the Payment of Wages Act,
Act relating to definition of “scheduled 1936 has been amended on 16.02.2017 to enable
employment” is not being pursued presently as making payment of wages in current coin or
the Payment of Bonus (Amended) Act, 2015 has currency notes or by cheque or by crediting in the
been challenged in various High Courts. bank account of the workers. The amendment
Department of Legal Affairs has opined to wait till made also enables that the appropriate
vacation of stay and disposal of the writ petitions Government may, by notification in the Official
as definition of the “scheduled employment “ is Gazette, specify the industrial or other
common in both the Minimum Wages Act,1948 establishment, the employer of which shall pay
and the Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Act, to every person employed in such industrial or
2015. other establishment, the wages only by cheque
5.9 However, the Code on Wages, 2019 has or by crediting the wages in the bank account.
been notified on 08.08.2019. The revised minimum
Annual Report 2019-20
5.13 Provision for making payment only by employers and independent members participate
cheque or by crediting in the bank account of an and finalize the recommendations. At present,
employee, in respect of industrial or other there is provision for only two Wage Boards, one
establishments namely Railways, Air transport for the Working Journalists and the other for the
services, Mines and Oil fields in the Central Sphere Non-Journalist Newspaper Employees which are
has been notified on 26.04.2017. in operation as statutory Wage Boards. All other
Wage Boards have ceased to exist.
5.14 The wage ceiling for applicability of the
Payment of Wages Act, 1936, was fixed at Rs. Wage Boards for Newspaper Employees.
1600/- p.m. in 1982. This wage ceiling has been
5.17 The Working Journalists and Other
periodically revised on the basis of the Consumer
Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service)
Expenditure Survey brought out by the National
and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955 (the Act)
Sample Survey Office, after every five years. The
Central Government has enhanced the wage provides for regulation of conditions of service of
working journalists and other persons employed
ceiling from Rs.18,000/- to Rs. 24,000/- per
in newspaper establishments. Section 9 and
month w.e.f. 29.08.2017 for applicability of the Act.
Section13C of the Act, inter-alia, provide for
The Payment of Wages (Nomination) Rules, setting up of Wage Boards for fixation and revision
2009 of rates of wages in respect of working journalists
and non-journalist newspaper/news agency
5.15 In pursuance of the recommendation of the employees respectively. According to the Act,
Special Task Force set up by the Ministry of
Wage Boards shall consist of the following:
Women and Child Development for providing
complete equality to women vis-a-vis men in Three persons representing employers in
terms of payment of wages, the Central relation to newspaper establishment;
Government, in exercise of powers conferred in
Three persons, representing working
sub-section (3) of section 26 of the Payment of
Wages Act, 1936, has notified the Payment of journalists for Wage Board under Section 9
and three persons representing non-
Wages (Nomination) Rules, 2009, vide notification
journalist newspaper employees for Wage
GSR No 822 (E) dated 29th June, 2009 defining
Board under Section 13 C of the Act.
the procedure for nomination and restricting the
nomination by workers to his /her family members Four independent persons, one of whom
as far as applicable. shall be a person who is or has been a Judge
Wage Board of a High Court or the Supreme court, and
who shall be appointed by the Government
5.16 In the 1950s and 60s, when the organized as the Chairman thereof.
labour sector was at a nascent stage of
5.18 The Act does not lay down the periodicity for
development, the Government in appreciation of
constituting the Wage Board-. In the past, various
the problems of wage fixation in some sectors,
Wage Boards for Working Journalists and Non-
constituted need based Wage Boards from time
to time in line with the accepted policy of the Journalist Newspaper Employees were set up
from time to time as shown in the Table below:-
Ministry of Labour. The Wage Boards are tripartite
in character in which representatives of workers,
Ministry of Labour & Employment
5.19 The Government constituted two Wage Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955 and appointed
Boards – one for Working Journalists and other Justice G. R. Majithia, retired Judge of the High
for Non-Journalist Newspaper Employees under Court of Bombay as common Chairman vide
Section 9 and Section 13 C respectively of the notification in the Gazette of India (Extra Ordinary)
Working Journalists and Other Newspaper S.O. Nos. 809 (E) and 810(E) dated 24.5.2007.
Employees (Conditions of Service) &
Annual Report 2019-20
5.20 The Government, in consultation with the 5.23 In order to monitor the implementation of
Wage Boards for Working Journalists and Non- the notification, a Central Level Monitoring
Journalist Newspaper Employees, notified the Committee (CLMC) has been set up under the
grant of interim rates of wages to journalists and Chairmanship of Principal Labour & Employment
other newspaper employees and news agency Advisor.The composition of the CLMC modified
employees at the rate of 30% of the basic wage vide this Ministry’s order No.V-24011/1/2018-WB
with effect from 08.01.2008 vide Notification dated 15.5.2018 is as under:
numbers S. O. No.2524 (E) and S. O. No. 2525
i. Additional Secretary, Ministry
(E) dated 24.10.2008.
of Labour & Employment Chairman
5.21 The Wage Boards submitted their final
ii. Joint Secretary, Ministry
Report to the Government on 31.12.2010. The
of Labour & Employment Member
Cabinet in its meeting held on 25.10.2011
approved the proposal to accept the iii. Joint Secretary, Ministry of
recommendations of the Wage Boards for Information & Broadcasting Member
Working Journalists and Non-Journalist
Newspaper Employees of Newspaper iv. Chief Labour
Establishments and News Agencies, as contained Commissioner (Central) Member
in the Ministry’s Cabinet Note dated 07.10.2011.
v. Director, Ministry of Member
5.22 The recommendations of the Majithia Wage Labour & Employment Secretary
Board as accepted by the Government were
5.24 The Committee has been meeting
notified in the Official Gazette vide S. O. No. 2532
periodically from time to time both at Regional and
(E) dated 11.11.2011. The constitution and
National Level (New Delhi).The last meeting of the
recommendations of the Majithia Wage Board
Committee was held at New Delhi on 09.07.2018
were challenged through Writ Petitions filed by
covering all States/UTs to review the
newspaper establishments before the Hon’ble
implementation of the Wage Board Awards in the
Supreme Court. The Hon’ble Supreme Court
country. In the last CLMC meeting the
dismissed all the Writ Petitions and directed that
representatives of States/ UTs were directed to
the wages as revised/determined shall be payable
gear up the monitoring mechanism at the State
from 11.11.2011 when the Government of India
Level and to conduct regular inspections. The
notified the recommendations of the Majithia Wage
implementation status is obtained from the States/
Board. Also, in its final judgement, Hon’ble
UTs through Quarterly Progress Reports. Out of
Supreme Court issued directions toall the State
37Statesand UTs (including UTof Jammu &
Governments to appoint Inspectors so as to
Kashmir and UT of Ladakh), 27 have constituted
determine whether the dues and entitlements of
Tripartite Committee in order to monitor the state
all categories of newspaper employees including
level implementation status. Out of the remaining
journalists under the Majithia Wage Board Award
10 States/UTs, provision of Tripartite Committee
have been implemented in accordance with the
is not applicable to 4 States/UTs (single-man
terms thereof. As the implementation of the
establishment) while no information has been
recommendations rests with the State
received from6 States/UTs. The implementation
Government/UTs, this was communicated to the
status of Majithia Wage Board recommendations
State Governments and Union Territory
in the States/ UTs as on date are: 24.57% - Fully
Administrations for compliance.The Majithia Wage
Implemented, 5.21% - Partially Implemented.
Board Recommendations are presently in vogue.
Tamil Nadu (98.7%), Rajasthan (87.5%), Andhra
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Pradesh (82.4%), Kerala (64.7%) and 5.28 Two ceilings are available under the Payment
Chhattisgarh (62.2%) are the leading States in of Bonus Act, 1965. The limit specified under
implementing the Majithia Wage Board Section 2 (13) which defines an eligible employee
recommendations. under the Act, is generally known as the eligibility
limit. Similarly, the limit prescribed for calculation
5.25 In compliance of the order dated 05-12-2018
of bonus under Section 12 is known as the
passed by the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi in LPA calculation ceiling. The two ceilings are revised
549/2018 and C.M. No. 39593/2018 in the matter
to keep pace with the price rise and increase in
of The Statesman Limited Vs Union of India and
the salary structure. The revisions of the two
Others, the notifications dated 05-12-2000 and
ceilings over the years are as follows:
15-12-2000 notifying the recommendations of
Manisana Wage Board for theWorking Journalists Sl. Year of Eligibility Calculating Ceiling
and Non-Journalist Newspaper Employees are No. Amendment limit (Rupees per month)
being processed for re-notification. In this regard, (Rupees
the Gazette Order S.O. 1731 (E) dated per month)
14.05.2019, in the form of notice was placed in 1. 1965 1,600 750
public domain to seek the comments of the
2. 1985 2,500 1,600
stakeholders, if any, in compliance of Section 12
of the Working Journalists and Other Newspaper 3. 1995 3,500 2,500
Employees (Conditions of Service) and 4. 2007 10,000 3,500
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955 within the 5. 2016 21,000 7,000 per mensem
stipulated time i.e. 30 days from the date of (w.e.f. or the minimum wage
publication of draft Order. The comments/views 01.04.2014) for the scheduled
of the stakeholders have since been received and employment, as fixed
the matter is being processed for consultation and by the appropriate
opinion of the Ministry of Law & Justice before its Government,
final publication in the Gazette. whichever is higher.
THE PAYMENT OF BONUS ACT, 1965 5.29 As per the Payment of Bonus (Amendment)
Act, 2015, which was notified in the Gazette of
5.26 The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 (the Act) India on 1.1.2016 and brought into operation with
provides for the payment of bonus to persons effect from 1.4.2014, various establishments
employed in certain establishments, employing 20 throughout the country have filed Writ Petitions
or more persons, on the basis of profits or on the challenging the constitutional validity of the said
basis of production or productivity and for matters amendment. Ministry has taken a view that all the
connected therewith. cases be transferred to Hon’ble Supreme Court
5.27 The minimum bonus of 8.33% is to be paid under Article 139 A of the Constitution. So far,
by every industry and establishment under Ministry has received 149 Writ Petitions filed in
Section 10 of the Act. The maximum bonus various High Courts in the country and Ministry
including productivity linked bonus that can be has filed all the transfer petitions in the Hon’ble
paid in any accounting year shall not exceed 20% Supreme Court.
of the salary/wage of an employee under Section
31 A of the Act.
Annual Report 2019-20
6.1 The social security schemes in India cover exclusively by the State Governments. Cash
only a small segment of the organized work-force, benefits under the Employees’ State Insurance Act,
which may be defined as workers who are having 1948 are administered by the Central Government
a direct regular employer–employee relationship through the Employees’ State Insurance
within an organization. The social Corporation (ESIC), whereas the State
security legislations in India derive their strength Governments and Union Territory Administrations
and spirit from the Directive Principles of the State are administering medical care alongwithESIC
Policy as contained in the Constitution of India. under the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948.
These provide for mandatory social The Employees’ Provident Funds and
security benefits either solely at the cost of the Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 is
employers or on the basis of joint contribution of administered by the Government of India through
the employers and the employees. While the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
protective entitlements accrue to the employees, (EPFO). In mines and circus industry, the
the responsibilities for compliance largely rest with provisions of the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 are
the employers. being administered by the Central Government
through the Chief Labour Commissioner (Central)
Social Security Laws and by the State Governments in factories,
6.2 The principal social security laws enacted for plantations and other establishments. The
the organised sector in India are: Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 is administered by
the Central Government in establishments under
The Employees’ State Insurance Act, its control, establishments having branches in
1948; more than one State, major ports, mines, oil-fields
and railway companies and by the State
The Employees’ Provident Funds &
Governments and Union Territory Administrations
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
in all other cases. This Act applies to factories
(Separate provident fund legislations
and other establishments.
exist for workers employed in coal mines
and tea plantations in the state of Assam The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948
and for seamen);
6.4 Coverage
The Employee’s Compensation Act, 1923;
The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 applies
The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961; to factories employing 10 or more persons. The
provisions of the Act are being brought into force
The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
area-wise in stages. The Act contains an enabling
Administration of Social Security Acts provision under which the “Appropriate
Government” is empowered to extend the
6.3 The provisions of the Employee’s provisions of the Act to other classes of
Compensation Act, 1923 are being administered establishments, industrial, commercial
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
an amount of Rs. 15730.17 crore invested in IMP clinics, Modified- IMP and Modified-EUD and
Special Deposit Account with the Central tie- up arrangements with other health institutions.
Government. The range of medical services provided covers
preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative
Arrears of ESI dues
services. In-patient services are provided through
6.8 A Sum of Rs.3108.65Crore is in arrears as ESI Hospitals and through empanelment with tie-
on 31.03.2019 on account of default/dues by the up private and Govt. hospitals.
employers of covered factories / establishments. Paras on Medical Education
An amount of Rs. 1465.29 Crores was not
recoverable, due to various reasons, such as The Corporation has decided to establish Medical
factories having gone into liquidation, BIFR/NCLT colleges, Dental Colleges, Nursing colleges and
Cases, whereabouts of employers not known, training Institutes for its Para-medical staff and
dispute in courts, etc. The balance amounting to other employees with a view to improve the quality
Rs. 1643.36 Crore, represents recoverable of services provided under the ESI Scheme.
arrears. The ESI Corporation has been taking Accordingly, Medical Education Project has been
necessary recovery action through Recovery set-up at various locations. The project set-up and
Machinery, Legal and Penal, and prosecution, being run by ESIC are: -
under the provisions of the Employee’s State
PG - Institutes:
Insurance Act – 1948 and under Indian Penal Code
for recovery of ESI dues. P.G. Courses are running at 06 Post
Graduate Institutes of Medical Sciences &
Research (PGIMSRs) at Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore
6.9 The Employees’ State Insurance Scheme (Karnataka); K.K. Nagar, Chennai (TN); Joka-
provides comprehensive medical care in the form Kolkata (WB); Manicktala, Kolkata (WB);
of medical attendance, treatment, drugs and Basaidarapur, (New Delhi); &Andheri (E) Mumbai.
dressings, specialist consultation and
hospitalization to Insured Persons and also to their Medical Colleges:
dependents. ESIC has established and is running 06
Medical colleges at Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore
An Insured Person and his dependents are
(Karnataka); K.K. Nagar, Chennai (TN); Joka,
entitled to medical benefits from the day of entry
Kolkata (WB); Gulbarga, (Karnataka); Faridabad,
into insurable employment. Insured Persons and
(Haryana) and Sanathnagar, Hyderabad,
their families are being provided medical care
which includes outpatient care/ inpatient care, (Telangana).
specialized medical care and super specialty In the academic year 2019-20, 3rd Batch of
medical care as per requirement of the patients. UG (MBBS) students were admitted at ESIC
Besides, medical facilities under AYUSH i.e. Medical College Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore after
Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy grant of recognition of MBBS Course in 2017. 2nd
are also provided. Batch of UG(MBBS) students was also admitted
Medical care to beneficiaries is provided through at ESIC Medical College at K.K. Nagar, Chennai,
Joka, Kolkata & Gulbarga, Karnataka after grant
a large infrastructure comprising Hospitals,
of recognition of MBBS Course in 2018.
Dispensaries, Annexes, Specialist centers, Model
Dispensaries- cum- Diagnostic Centres (MDDC), Fifth batch of MBBS students was admitted
Ministry of Labour & Employment
to the ESIC Medical College Faridabad, Haryana funds, pension fund and deposit linked insurance
and Fourth batch of MBBS students at ESIC fund for employees working in factories and other
Medical College, Sanathnagar, Hyderabad. establishments. The Act aims at providing social
security and timely monetary assistance to
Dental Colleges:
industrial employees and their families when they
ESIC is running 02 Dental Colleges at Rohini, are in distress and/or unable to meet family and
Delhi and Gulbarga, Karnataka. Dental College at social obligations and to protect them in old age,
Rohini, New Delhi with 50 annual BDS disablement, early death of bread winner and
admissions entered its 10 th year of similar contingencies.
commencement. Third batch of BDS students
(2018-19) was admitted at ESIC Dental College,
ACT, 1952
6.11 Following three Schemes have been framed
Nursing Colleges:- under the Act:-
ESIC is running 02 Nursing Colleges at
(i) The Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme,
Indiranagar, Bangalore, Karnataka and Gulbarga,
1952 (EPF) – (w.e.f 1st November, 1952)
Karnataka. ESIC Nursing College, Indiranagar,
Provident Fund is based on a defined
Bangalore has started in 2013-14 and ESIC
contribution scheme where both the
Nursing College, Gulbarga, Karnataka has started
employees and the employers contribute
in 2015-16 with 40 annual admission. their mandated share.
Due to review of decision by the ESI
(ii) The Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995
Corporation, regarding Medical Education, the
(EPS) (w.e.f 16th November, 1995) {replacing
proposed Medical Colleges at Paripally,
the Employees’ Family Pension Scheme,
Coimbatore, & Mandi have been transferred to
respective State Govt. who have started MBBS
A mix of “defined contribution” and “defined
course at their location. benefit” forms the Pension Scheme. The
Meanwhile, ESIC has started medical employees do not have to contribute to this
services at associated hospital of proposed scheme.
Medical College Alwar, Rajasthan and Bihta,
(iii) The Employees’ Deposit Linked Insurance
Patna (Bihar).
Scheme, 1976 (EDLI) (w.e.f. 1 st August,
ORGANISATION Insurance Scheme is a deposit linked
Scheme that provides for benefits up to ¹
6.10 The Employees’ Provident Fund 6,00,000/- without any contribution from
Organisation, an autonomous body under the employees.
Ministry of Labour &Employment (MoL&E),
Government of India, administers the Employees’ COVERAGE OF ESTABLISHMENTS AND
Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, MEMBERS
1952 and the Schemes framed thereunder. The 6.12 Presently, the Act is applicable to industries/
Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous
classes of establishments specified in Schedule
Provisions Act, 1952 is a welfare legislation
I of the Act or any activity notified by the Central
enacted for the purpose of instituting provident
Government in the Official Gazette and employing
Annual Report 2019-20
twenty or more persons. Apart from the provision member is also entitled to receive annual
for compulsory coverage, provision also exists statement of account indicating the balance in his
under Section 1(4) of the Act for voluntary EPF Account.
coverage. As on 31.03.2019, there were 12,34,282
establishments and factories covered under the
Act with a membership of 22.92crore, both in the 6.16 The Employees’Pension Scheme 1995 has
Exempted and Un-exempted sectors.With effect been introduced with effect from 16.11.1995.
from 01-09-2014, an employee, on joining
employment in a covered establishment and 6.17 The Scheme is financed by transferring
getting pay upto Rs.15,000/- is required to 8.33% of the Provident Fund contributions from
become a member of the fund. During October, employers’ share and by contribution @ 1.16% of
2019, contribution was received against 4.86 crore basic wages of employees by the Central
members from 5,21,373 establishments covered Government. All accumulations in the ceased
under the Act. Employees’ Family Pension Fund constitute the
corpus of the Pension Fund.
6.13 Total cumulative investment corpusof all
three Schemes administered by EPFO including 6.18 The Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995
the corpus managed by exempted Provident Fund provides the following benefits to the members
Trusts as on 31 st March, 2019 stands at and their families:
Rs.15,74,406.24crore. (Provisional)
Monthly member pension
RATE OF INTEREST Disablement pension
6.14 The rate of interest declared on the deposits Widow/ widower pension
of members to the Employees’ Provident Fund Children pension
was 8.65% (on monthly running balance) for
2018-19. Orphan pension
Disabled Children/Orphan Pension
1952 Nominee pension
Pension to dependentparents
Withdrawal benefit
6.15 A member of the Employees Provident Fund
Scheme is entitled to withdraw the amount lying 6.19 The category-wise break up of pension
in his account together with interest on quitting claims (all benefits) settled by the Employees’
service. During the year 2018-19, 163.78 lakh EPF Provident Fund Organisation during the year 2018-
claims were settled. The scheme also provides 19 is indicated in the following Table:
for partial withdrawals from the Provident Fund Category of Claims Number of
Account to meet contingencies like illness,
Claims Settled
unemployment invalidation and also to provide
financial assistance to discharge their social Monthly Pension Benefits 3.24 lakh
responsibilities like marriage of self, children or Other than Monthly Pension 44.95 lakh
higher education of children and construction of
dwelling house. At the end of a financial year a TOTAL 48.19 lakh
Ministry of Labour & Employment
6.21 Among the pensioners, the category of However, the Fund has not witnessed any cash
member pensioners constitutes almost 67% of flow problems till now, in spite of there being a
the total number of pensioners with the spouse projected actuarial deficit in the valuation of the
and children pensioners constituting about 32%of Fund. The outgo from the EPS in the last five
the pensioners. The distribution of pensioners in years is as below:
the year 2018-2019 is shown in the figure below:-
EPS Payments (Rs. in crores)
Annual Report 2019-20
EPS Payments (Rs. in Crores) 6.23 Along with the increase in the pension and
withdrawal benefit payments there has been a
continuous increase in the receipts and corpus
given the growth in the membership as well as
general increase in wages. The growth in the
receipts and corpus in the previous five years are
given in the table and the graph below.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
6.24 The accumulated corpus of the EPS has pension of Rs.1,000/- per month for member /
grown steadily and since the year 2014-15 the widow(er) / disabled/ nominee/ dependent parent
corpus has increased by almost 73.85%. The fund pensioners, Rs.750/- per month for orphan
has consistently had more receipts than payment pensioners and Rs.250/- per month for children
outgo since inception and the position in the pensioners.
previous five years is depicted in the tables and
the graph above. 6.26 Immediately after the notification, necessary
amendments in the application software were
IMPLEMENTATION OF MINIMUM PENSION made to commence the payment of the revised
PROVISION minimum pension. The payment of pension with
the revised minimum pension applicable has
6.25 During the year 2014-15,one of the long-
commenced from September, 2014. The details
awaiteddemands for implementation of the
of pensioners affected and the amount disbursed
minimum pension was given effect to. The Central in respect of them in the last three years are as
Government had issued Gazette Notification No.
593(E) dated 19.08.2014 providing a minimum
Year No. of Amount paid as per original Amount Paid as per Difference
Pensioners pension (Rs. in crores) minimum pension amount
benefited notification (Rs. in crores)
(Rs. in crores)
2016-17 18,34,624 1,333.63 2,146.69 813.06
2017-18 17,21,904 1,342.47 2,177.30 834.83
2018-19 19,07,670 1,433.69 2,354.16 920.47
Annual Report 2019-20
Bank and Post offices to disburse pension and deceased in the Fund or of a provident fund
other benefits all over India. exempted under section 17 of the Act or
under, paragraph 27 or 27A of the Employees’
Provident Funds Scheme, 1952, as the case
may be, during the preceding twelve months
6.31 Insurance Scheme came into force on 1st or during the period of his membership,
August,1976. This Scheme is supported by a whichever is less subject to a ceiling of one
nominal contribution by the employers. No lakh and fifty thousand rupees.
contribution is payable by the Employee for
6.34 Provided that where the member has
availing the Insurance cover.
rendered continuous service of one year in the
APPLICATION AND COVERAGE same establishment, the assurance benefit shall
not be less than two lakh and fifty thousand rupees
6.32 Insurance Scheme is applicable to all and should not exceed six lakh rupees.
factories/establishments to which the EPF Act
1952 applies. All the employees who are members COMPLIANCE AND ARREAR MANAGEMENT
of the provident fund are members of this
6.35 A special enrolment drive was launched
starting January 2018 up to June 2018 to enroll
BENEFITS UNDER THE SCHEME and bring left out eligible workers under the ambit
of EPFO. The salient features of the enrolment
6.33 The following benefits is provided in case of campaign included non-levy of administrative
death of an employee who was member of the charges on the declarations made, nominal
scheme at the time of death:- damages @ Rs. 1 p.a only, waiver of employee
contribution if not deducted in respect of
(i) The family gets an amount linked to either
employees enrolled during the campaign period,
the average balance in PF account during
PMRPY/PMPRPY benefits available for new
preceding 12 months or during the period of
workers. During the enrolment drive, 1,01,31,453
his membership, whichever is less, except
members (with contribution) were enrolled with
where the average balance exceeds rupees
fifty thousand, the amount payable shall be
rupees fifty thousand plus 40% of the amount 6.36 The arrears under all the schemes as on
in excess of rupees fifty thousand subject to 31st March 2019 were of the order of Rs. 7,254.15
a ceiling of rupees one lakh. The benefit will crore. Out of this 65.54% pertained to not
be further increased by twenty percent. immediately realizable category being the amount
locked in courts and where stay has been granted
(ii) where the deceased member was in the
by the courts. In order to recover the arrears,
employment of the same establishment for
EPFO takes various actions under the provisions
a continuous period of twelve months,
of Section 8 of the Act, 1952. Steps are taken to
preceding the month in which he died, the
get the stay orders vacated to recover arrears
quantum of benefits will be the average
under the not immediately realizable category. It
monthly wages drawn (subject to a maximum
also launches prosecution against the defaulting
of Rs.15,000/-) during the twelve months
employers under Section 14 of the Act and
preceding the month in which employee died,
prosecutes employers under section 406/409 of
multiplied by thirty times plus fifty percent of
the Indian Penal Code in case they deduct
the average balance in the account of the
employee’s share of contribution but do not remit
Ministry of Labour & Employment
the same to the Fund. During the year 2018-19, were also eligible to get 3.67% of employers’ share
arrears amounting to Rs. 3,400.03crore were of EPF contribution paid by the Government (in
realized out of a total workload of Rs. addition to paying the EPS’95 contribution of
8,664.32crore under both unexempted and 8.33%) under the Pradhan Mantri Paridhan Rojgar
exempted sector of establishment Protsahan Yojana (PMPRPY).
PRADHAN MANTRI ROJGAR PROTSHAN 6.40 With effect from 01/04/2018, the whole of
YOJNA (PMRPY) employer’s share of EPF& EPS contribution (10%
or 12% as the case may be) is being provided to
6.37 The PradhanMantriRojgarProtsahanYojana
the employers for a period of three years in respect
(PMRPY) was launched on 9th of August, 2016.
of the new employees and the existing employees
6.38 In order to incentivise creation and for their remaining period of three years. Hence,
generation of new jobs in formal sector, the the establishments and the employees therein
Scheme provided that Government of India will which were getting twin benefits under both
pay the Employee’s Pension Scheme (EPS’95) PMRPY & PMPRPY now are eligible for the full
contribution of 8.33% for all new employees benefit of 12% (or 10%) under PMRPY since
enrolling under the Employees’ provident Fund 01.04.2018. The terminal date for registration of
Scheme,1952 (with EPFO) for the first three years beneficiary through establishment was 31st March,
of their employment. This was intended to 2019.
incentivise the employers to recruit unemployed 6.41 The Scheme received good response from
persons and also to formalize the employment.
the employers. Though a little slow initially, but
In order to channelize this intervention towards
with the effective and large scale publicity by Head
the target group of semi-skilled and unskilled
Office and the field offices of EPFO through
workers, the Scheme was applicable to those with
conduct of Seminars and workshops with both the
salary/wages up to Rs 15000/- per month and who
employers & Employers’ Associations and
had not worked in any establishment registered employees & Union representatives, the response
with EPFO prior to 01/04/2016 and did not have
picked up fast and by the terminal date of
UAN prior to 01/04/2016. This Scheme had a dual
registration, 185022 establishments had
benefit, where, on the one hand, the employer is
registered with 13791049 employees under the
incentivised for increasing the employment base
scheme. Out of this, 145512 establishments had
of workers in the establishment, and on the other
been benefitted in respect of 11805003 employees
hand, a large number of workers will find jobs in amounting to Rs. 43706034526/-. The year wise
such establishments. A direct benefit is that these
details are given as under:
workers will have access to social security
benefits of the organised sector. To check PMRPY
duplication errors and prevent unscrupulous
Financial Employees Employers Subsidy
members from availing the benefit, it was
Year benefitted benefitted disbursed
mandated that the UAN of beneficiaries will be
(Rs. In Crore)
seeded with Aadhaar.
2016-17 33031 868 25839391
6.39 In case of the textile (apparel) sector where
the establishment particularly dealt with 2017-18 3025084 39423 4919573820
manufacturing of wearing apparel, the employers 2018-19 8746888 144736 38760621315
Annual Report 2019-20
Financial Employees Employers Subsidy Any Establishment registered with EPFO and
Year benefitted benefitted disbursed having LIN
(Rs. In Crore)
Any new employee
2016-17 3900 19 1787994
o registered with EPFO on or after 01-April-
2017-18 218304 689 187502672
2018-19 46840 781 51668588
o having UAN generated after 01-April-2016
Ministry of Labour & Employment
employees for injury caused to them by accident except the employees covered under the
while in employment. If an employee contracts an Employees State Insurance (ESI) Act, 1948 for
occupational disease while in employment, it is certain period before and after birth and provides
also treated under the Act as injury caused by for maternity and other benefits. It extends to the
accident. whole of India. It also provides for maternity leave
and payment of certain monetary benefits to
6.50 The compensation has been enhanced women workers subject to fulfillment of certain
to Rs.1, 20,000/- in case of death and conditions during the period when they are out of
Rs.1, 40,000/- in case of disablement resulting employment on account of pregnancy. The
from injury. The amount of funeral expenses has services of a woman worker cannot be terminated
been enhanced to Rs.5,000/-. Wage ceiling for during the period of her absence on account of
calculation of compensation is Rs.8,000/- p.m. pregnancy except for gross misconduct. As per
w.e.f. 31.5.2010. Through the amendment carried amendment of Section 5 of the Maternity Benefit
out in the Act w.e.f. 18.01.2010, a clause has been (Amendment) Act, 2017, maximum period for
inserted in the Act to enable the Government to which a woman can get paid maternity benefit is
raise the compensation, funeral expenses and twenty-six weeks upto two surviving children. For
wage limit by notification in the official Gazette. A adopting/commissioning mothers and for more
new Section 25A has been added for the than two surviving children, 12 weeks of paid
Commissioner to dispose of the matter relating maternity leave is also available. A medical bonus
to compensation under this Act within a period of of Rs.3,500/- is being provided from 19.12.2011
three months from the date of reference and under the Act. The crèche facility has also been
intimate the decision. provided by the Maternity Benefit (Amendment)
Act, 2017 after insertion of new Section 11A,
6.51 As per the Employee’s Compensation according to which every establishment having
(Amendment) Act,2017 Section 17A has been fifty or more employees shall have the facility of
added. Now, “Every employer shall immediately crèche within such distance, as may be
at the time of employment of an employee, inform prescribed, either separately or along with
the employee of his rights to compensation under common facilities.
this Act, in writing as well as through electronic
means, in English or Hindi or in the official
language of the area of employment, as may be Objective
understood by the employee.” Further, under
6.53 The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 provides
Section 18A, penalty for contravention of Act has
for a scheme of compulsory payment of gratuity
been increased from present Rs.5,000/- to
to employees engaged in factories, mines, oil-
Rs.50,000/- which may extend to one lakh rupees.
fields, plantations, ports, railway companies,
As per Section 30, the amount of dispute has been
motor transport undertakings, shops or other
revised to go for an appeal from Rs.300/- to
establishments on the termination of his
Rs.10,000/- or such higher amount notified by the employment after he has rendered continuous
Central Government, so as to reduce litigation. service for not less than five years on his
THE MATERNITY BENEFIT ACT, 1961 superannuation, or on his retirement or
resignation, or on his death or disablement due
6.52 The Maternity Benefit Act,1961 regulates the to accident or disease. Provided that the
employment of women in factories, mines, the completion of continuous service of five years
circus industry, plantation units and shops or shall not be necessary where the termination of
establishments employing 10 or more persons the employment of any employees is due to death
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Table 6.1
List of ESIC run Hospitals as on 31.03.2019
Sl. No. Name of the State Hospitals
1 Assam 1) Beltola, Guwahati
2 Bihar 2) Phulwarishariff, Patna
3) Bihta
3 Delhi 4) Basaidarapur
5) Rohini
6) Jhilmil
7) Okhla
4 Gujarat 8) Bapunagar
9) Naroda
10) Vapi
11) Ankleshwar
5 Haryana 12) Faridabad (Medical College)
13) Gurugram (Gurgaon)
14) Manesar
6 Himachal Pardesh 15) Baddi
7 Jammu & Kashmir 16) Bari Brahamna, Jammu
8 Jharkhand 17) Adityapur, Jamshedpur
18) Namkum, Ranchi
9 Karnataka 19) Peenya, Bengaluru
20) Rajajinagar, Bengaluru
10 Kerala 21) Ashramam
22) Ezhukone
23) Udyogmandal
11 Maharashtra 24) Andheri, Mumbai
25) Bibvewadi, Pune
26) Kandhiwali, Mumbai
27) Kolhapur
12 Madhya Pradesh 28) Indore
13 Odisha 29) Rourkela
14 Punjab 30) Ramdarbar, Chandigarh
31) Ludhiana
15 Rajasthan 32) Jaipur
33) Bhiwadi
34) Alwar
16 Tamilnadu 35) KK Nagar, Chennai
36) Tirunelveli
17 Telangana 37) Sanathnagar Hospital
38) SSTHSanathnagar
18 Uttar Pradesh 39) Noida
40) Lucknow
41) Jajmau, Kanpur
42) Varanasi
43) Sahibabad
44) Bareilly
19 West Bengal 45) Joka, Kolkata
Annual Report 2019-20
Labour Welfare (Health) Scheme 7.3 The basic objective of this scheme is to
provide Health to more than 50 lakh poor and
7.1 Labour Welfare Organisation under the illiterate Beedi/ Cine/ Iron, Manganese, Chrome/
Ministry of Labour & Employment administers Limestone & Dolomite/ Mica Mine workers and
Welfare Funds for the Welfare of (i) Beedi, (ii) their family members. These workers belong to
Cine, Iron Ore / Manganese Ore / Chrome Ore, unorganized and economically weaker sections
(iv) Limestone and Dolomite Mine Workers which of the society. These workers have very low
were set up under various Acts of Parliament. The literacy rate, poor health standards and low per
concept of Labour Welfare Fund was evolved in capita income. The Scheme becomes a medium
order to extend a measure of social assistance to enhance the living standards of this section of
to workers in the unorganized sector. Towards this workers.
end, separate legislations were enacted by
Parliament to set up five Welfare Funds to be 7.4 Health care facilities are being provided to
administered by Ministry of Labour & Employment Beedi, Cine and Non Coal Mine workers and to
to provide medical care to workers employed in their families through 10 Hospitals and 286
beedi industry, certain non-coal mines, and cine Dispensaries located across the country.
7.5 Conducting welfare activities for Beedi/
7.2 The scheme of Welfare Funds is outside the LSDM/ MICA/IOMC/Cine workers and their
framework of specific employer and employee dependents in the field of Health, Education and
relationship in as much as the resources are Housing.
raised by the Government on a non-contributory
basis and delivery of welfare services affected 7.6 Health care facilities to be provided to 16 Lakh
without linkage to individual worker’s contribution. workers and their families. In Year 2019-20 (from
Welfare funds, which follow a sectoral approach, April, 2019 to October, 2019), 13,53,227 workers
are in addition to a large number of various other have availed this facility.
poverty alleviation and employment generation
programmes, which follow a regional approach
and for which most of these workers are eligible.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
7.8 The Labour Welfare Organization is headed by a Director General (Labour Welfare). He is assisted
by seventeen (17) Regional Welfare Commissioners for the purpose of administration of these Funds
in the States. The jurisdiction of each Welfare Commissioner has been shown in the Table below.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
committee in this regard has been formed with Transfer (DBT) to ensure financial inclusion
representatives of WHO, ILO, MSDE, UNDP, of the beedi rollers.
MoHF, NSDC etc.
7.12 Various Courses in which Skill
7.10 A total of 1297 Beneficiaries has been Development Training has been imparted
trained under this programme for the period from
1. Account Using Tally
April 2019 to October 2019, out of which 582
beneficiaries have been shifted to alternative jobs. 2. CNC Operator
3. Hotel Management (Front Office
Salient features of programme:
7.11 The salient features of the programme 4. Sewing Machine Operator
include the following: 5. Food & Beverages Service
Payment of Stipend to the registered Beedi 6. A/C & Fridge Mechanic
worker to compensate him for loss of wages 7. Customer Care Executive
suffered while the worker attended the 8. Solar PV Installation
9. Tailoring
Travel expenses of the trainee, whether the 10. Solar Panel Installation
worker or his dependent to cover the cost of 11. Asstt. Electrician
travel from his place of residence to the
12. Asstt. Beauty Therapist
Vocational Training Providers (VTP) and
back. 13. Basic Computer Course
14. General Duty Asstt.
Support for Lodging & boarding expenses in
15. Field Technician
case the worker or his dependent is required
to stay away from his residence for attending 16. Automobile Repairing
the training. 17. Plumbing
18. Beautician
Training to beedi rollers and their dependents
to be provided in VTPs approved under the 19. Mushroom Cultivation
Skill Development Programme being 20. Banking & Accountancy
implemented by the Central/ State Govt. 21. Medical & Nursing Course
Annual Report 2019-20
* Prior to Financial Year 2018-19, salary of employees covered under Health Scheme were funded from Health Scheme
Fund Head. With effect from 2018-19, salary was funded from Administrative Head.
** Data is for the period from April 2019 to October 2019.
7.14 A revamped housing scheme (RIHS, 2016) In meeting of Expenditure Finance Committee
has been introduced from December, 2016 with a (EFC) under the Ministry of Finance for appraisal
subsidy of Rs.1, 50,000 per beneficiary household. and continuation of the Labour Welfare Scheme
RIHS, 2016 is applicable to the workers engaged held on 11.05.2018 under the Chairmanship of
in Beedi/Iron Ore Mines, Manganese Ore & Chrome Secretary (Expenditure), it was decided that the
Ministry of Labour & Employment will explore the
Ore Mines (IOMC)/Limestone Ore Mines, Dolomite
possibilities to converge the RIHS with
Ore Mines (LSDM) /Mica Mines and Cine Industries
thePradhanMantriAwaasYojna (PMAY) of the
registered with the Labour Welfare Organization
Ministry of Urban Development poverty (URBAN)
(LWO). and PradhanMantriAwaasYojna (Rural) of the
In the scheme, a subsidy of Rs.1,50,000/- is Ministry of Rural Development. It was suggested
to frame a timeline and to draw a transition plan,
released in three instalments on 25:60:15 ratio
when all new sanctions under RIHS will be stopped
(First as advance, second on reaching the lintel
and housing subsidy will be drawn from PMAY and
level and third after receipt of inspection report
a transition plan may be drawn up when all new
that the construction of houses has been sanction under RIHS will be stopped and housing
completed in all respect). subsidy will be drawn from PMAY. Accordingly all
Under this scheme subsidy is released through Welfare Commissioner were directed not to
release subsidy towards 1 st instalment under
RIHS and send pending applications to the
Details during last four years under the Revised concerned Blocks /ULBs for sanction under
Integrated Housing Scheme (RIHS) are as under: PMAY.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
8.3 The unorganised workers suffer from cycles Section 3(1) provides for formulation of
of excessive seasonality of employment, lack of schemes by the Central Government for
a formal employer-employee relationship and different sections of unorganised workers
absence of social security protection. However, on matters relating to (a) life and disability
several legislations such as the Employee’s cover; (b) health and maternity benefits; (c)
Compensation Act, 1923; the Minimum Wages old age protection (d) any other benefit as
Act, 1948; the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961; the may be determined by the Central
Contract Labour (Abolition and Prohibition) Act, Government.
Annual Report 2019-20
Section 3(4) provides for formulation of Section 9 provides for setting up of Workers’
schemes relating to provident fund, Facilitation Centre to (a) disseminate
employment injury benefits, housing, information on social security schemes
educational schemes for children, skill up available to them (b) facilitate registration of
gradation, funeral assistance and old age workers by the district administration and
homes by the State Governments. enrollment of unorganised workers.
Section 4 relates to funding of the schemes Section 10 provides for eligibility criteria for
formulated by Central Government. registration as also the procedure for
registration under the Act.
Section 5 envisages constitution of National
Social Security Board under the Sections 11-17 contain miscellaneous
chairmanship of Union Minister for Labour provisions for implementing the Act.
& Employment with Director General
(Labour Welfare) as Member Secretary and 8.7 The Unorganised Workers’ Social Security
Rules, 2009 under the Act have been framed and
34 nominated members representing
the National Social Security Board was
Members of Parliament, unorganised
constituted on 18.08.2009. The National Board
workers, employers of unorganised
shall recommend social security schemes viz.
workers, civil society, Central Ministries and
life and disability cover, health and maternity
State Governments.
benefits, old age protection and any other benefit
Provision for adequate representation to as may be determined by the Government for
persons belonging to the Scheduled unorganized workers.
Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, the Minorities
8.8 The Central Government in 2017, converged
and Women in the Board has been made.
the social security scheme of Aam Aadmi Bima
The National Board would recommend the Yojana (AABY) with Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti
Central Government suitable schemes for Bima Yojana/ Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima
different sections of unorganised workers; Yojana. Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana (AABY) to
monitor implementation of schemes and provide life and disability coverage to the
advise the Central Government on matters unorganized workers, depending upon their
arising out of the administration of the Act. eligibility. The converged PMJJBY/OMSBY
scheme is for the beneficiaries in the age group
Section 6 has provision for constitution of 18-50 years and provides for coverage of Rs. 2
similar Boards at the State level. lakhs, in case of natural death and Rs. 4 lakhs in
Section 7 relates to funding pattern of the case of accidental death. The Converged
schemes formulated by the State schemes are being implemented through Life
Governments. Insurance Corporation of India. A premium of Rs.
342(330+12) per annum would be required for the
Section 8 prescribes record keeping converged schemes. The premium would be
functions by the District Administration. For shared between the State Government and
this purpose, the State Government may Central Government in the ratio of 50:50. This
direct (a) the District Panchayat in rural Ministry has urged all the State/UT Governments
areas; and (b) the Urban Local Bodies in to give their financial concurrence to cover 50
urban are as to perform such functions. percent of the premium for all eligible unorganised
workers. Around 2.80 crore beneficiaries have
Ministry of Labour & Employment
been covered under this scheme, as per data and Other Construction Workers and
furnished by LIC, during the current year 2018- PardhanMantriJeevanJyotiBimaYojana ( PMJJBY)
19. &PardhanMantriSurakshaBimaYojana (PMSBY)
8.9 In India approximately 93% of workers are in
the unorganized sector. The various social THE BUILDING AND OTHER
security schemes are currently being run by CONSTRUCTION WORKERS
different Ministries/Departments under Schedule
8.11 The construction workers constitute one of
II of the “Unorganized Workers Social Security Act
the largest categories of workers in the
(UWSSA), 2008” for welfare of the unorganized
unorganized sector. Based on the Sample Survey
workers and agencies at the State level, with
conducted by NSSO, MoSPI in 2011-12, about
different eligibility criteria, enrolment processes
5.02 crore workers are employed in construction
and benefits there under, etc.
activities. In order to safeguard the interest of the
i. Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension workers of this sector, Government has enacted
Scheme (Ministry of Rural Development); the following legislations for the construction
workers: -
ii. National Family Benefit Scheme (Ministry of
Rural Development); The Building and Other Construction
Workers’ (Regulation of Employment and
iii. JananiSurakshaYojana (Ministry of Health Conditions of Service) Act, 1996.
and Family Welfare);
The Building and Other Construction
iv. Handloom Weavers’ Comprehensive Workers’ Welfare Cess, Act, 1996;
Welfare Scheme (Ministry of Textiles);
8.12 Further, the Building and Other Construction
v. Handicraft Artisans’ Comprehensive Welfare Workers’ Welfare Cess Rules, 1998 and the
Scheme (Ministry of Textiles); Building and Other Construction Workers
vi. Pension to Master Craft Persons (Ministry of (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of
Textiles); Service) Central Rules, 1998 have been notified
on 26.03.1998 and 19.11.1998 respectively.
vii. National Scheme for Welfare of Fishermen
and Training and Extension (Department of 8.13 These legislations regulate the employment
Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries); and conditions of service, safety and health
measures for the construction workers through
viii. Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana (Ministry of Labour State Welfare Boards constituted at the State
and Employment); (now converged with level. All State Governments and Union Territories
PMJJBY/PMSBY) have constituted State Welfare Boards. The
Government of Tamil Nadu has been implementing
ix. Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (Ministry
its own Act.Welfare measures are financed by levy
of Health and Family Welfare).
of cess on cost of construction work incurred by
8.10 Two camps were organized in Bareilly and an employer (the Government has notified the
Varanasi for the purpose of Health Check-up and cess@ 1%).
issuing Identify Card to Beedi Workers, allotting
8.14 The funds so collected are to be used for
the Houses under Revised Integrated Housing
providing social security and welfare benefits to
Scheme-2016, distributing certificates to Building
the registered workers and their families. An
Annual Report 2019-20
amount of approx. Rs. 49,896.01 crore has been out social audit as directed by the Hon’ble
collected as Cess by the State Governments and Supreme Court.
Union Territories upto 30.09.2019 and an amount
of Rs. 19,680.63 crore has been spent by the
respective State BOCW Welfare boards.
8.17 According to the 2011 Census (Provisional
8.15 The Central Government has been issuing
directions from time to time, under Section 60 of Report), 45Crore persons have changed their
place of residence within the country and out of
the Building and Other Construction Workers’
this, 4.6 Crore or 10.22% left their place for work.
(Regulation of Employment and Conditions of
Service) Act, 1996, to all the State Governments 8.18 The Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation
and UT Administrations for proper implementation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act,
of the Act. To monitor the implementation of these 1979 was enacted to protect the rights and
directions, specifically with reference to utilization safeguard the interests, of migrant workers.
of Cess fund for Welfare Schemes enumerated
under Section 22 of the Act, by the State Building 8.19 The Act regulates the employment of inter-
and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Boards, state migrant workmen and provides for their
a Committee under the Chairmanship of conditions of service. It applies to every
Secretary (Labour and Employment) has been establishment, and the contractor, who employ
constituted. The Monitoring Committee holds its five or more inter-state migrant workmen. The Act
meeting from time to timewith the Principal has provision for issue of Pass-Book to every inter-
Secretaries/ Secretaries of Labour departments state migrant workmen with full details, payment
of the State/ UTs. of displacement allowance equivalent to 50% of
monthly wages, payment of journey allowance
8.16 Implementation of the Building and Other including payment of wage during the period of
Construction Workers (RECS) Act, 1996 and the journey, suitable residential accommodation,
Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare medical facilities and protective clothing, payment
Cess Act, 1996 was under close scrutiny of the of wages, equal pay for equal work etc.
Hon’ble Court in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 318 of
2006 between M/s National Campaign Committee 8.20 The main responsibility for enforcement of
for Central Legislation on Construction Labour V/ the provision of the Act lies with the Central and
s Union of India and others. Pursuant to the the State Governments / Union Territories in the
judgment dated 19th March, 2018 and Order dated establishment falling in the Central and State
04.10.2018 of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the Sphere respectively.
matter, Model Scheme for Building and Other
8.21 The problem of migration is sought to be
Construction Workers and Action Plan (for
checked througha multi-dimensional course of
strengthening Implementation Machinery) were
action through rural development, provision of
framed and circulated to all States/UTs for
improved infrastructural facilities, equitable
implementation. The model scheme is also
dispersal of resources to remove regional
available on the website of Ministry. Further, as
disparities, employment generation, land reforms,
per the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court
increased literacy, financial assistance etc. In
a framework for social audit of implementation of
order to generate better employment opportunities
BOCW Act was developed in consultation with the
at State level, the Government have launched a
State Governments and other stake holders and
number of schemes like PradhanMantri Gram
has been circulated to all States/UTs for carrying
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), Pradhan Mantri Awass (i) Minimum Assured Pension: Each
Yojna (IAY) etc. Further, the Government have subscriber under the PM-SYM, shall receive
also enacted the Mahatma Gandhi Rural minimum assured pension of Rs 3000/- per
Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 to provide 100 month after attaining the age of 60 years.
days guaranteed employment to rural households
(ii) Family Pension: During the receipt of
8.22 Ministry of Labour & Employment and State pension, if the subscriber dies, the spouse
Governments of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha have of the beneficiary shall be entitled to receive
signed MoUs to facilitate strengthening of Inter- 50% of the pension received by the
State Coordination Mechanism for smooth beneficiary as family pension. Family
implementation of the activities in source and pension is applicable only to spouse.
destination areas of migrant workers . Similar
(iii) If a beneficiary has given regular contribution
MoUs have also been signed with the State
Governments of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and died due to any cause (before age of 60
years), his/her spouse will be entitled to join
and Chhattisgarh.
and continue the scheme subsequently by
8.23 Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan payment of regular contribution or exit the
(PM-SYM): scheme as per provisions of exit and
8.23.1 Government of India has introduced a
pension scheme for unorganised workers in the 8.23.4 The subscriber’s contributions to PM-SYM
name of PradhanMantriShram Yogi Maan-dhan is through ‘auto-debit’ facility from his/ her savings
(PM-SYM) to ensure old age protection for bank account/ Jan- Dhan account and it ranges
Unorganised Workers. The enrollment under the from Rs 55/- to Rs 200/- per month depending at
scheme has started since 15th February, 2019. the entry age of the subscriber. The subscriber is
required to contribute the prescribed contribution
8.23.2 The unorganised workers mostly engaged amount from the age of joining PM-SYM till the
as home based workers, street vendors, mid-day age of 60 years.
meal workers, head loaders, brick kiln workers,
cobblers, rag pickers, domestic workers, washer 8.23.5 PM-SYM is a voluntary and contributory
men, rickshaw pullers, landless labourers, own pension scheme on a 50:50 basis where
account workers, agricultural workers, prescribed age-specific contribution shall be
construction workers, beedi workers, handloom made by the beneficiary and the matching
workers, leather workers, audio- visual workers contribution by the Central Government as per the
and similar other occupations whose monthly chart. For example, if a person enters the scheme
income is Rs 15,000/ per month or less and at an age of 29 years, he is required to contribute
belong to the entry age group of 18-40 years. They Rs 100/ - per month till the age of 60 years. An
should not be covered under New Pension equal amount of Rs 100/- will be contributed by
Scheme (NPS), Employees’ State Insurance the Central Government.
Corporation (ESIC) scheme or Employees’
Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO). Further, he/ The Scheme is being implemented through LIC
and Common Services Centres-SPV. LIC is the
she should not be an income tax payee.
Pension Fund Manager and responsible for
8.23.3 It is a voluntary and contributory pension Pension pay out. CSC - SPV is responsible
scheme, under which the subscriber would enrolling the beneficiaries through its approx. 3
receive the following benefits: lakh CSCs across the country. Under the
Annual Report 2019-20
scheme, contribution amount for the first month (iv) If a beneficiary has given regular
is being paid in cash. contributions and become permanently
disabled due to any cause before the
Considering the hardships and erratic nature of
superannuation age, i.e. 60 years, and unable
employability of these workers, the exit provisions
to continue to contribute under the scheme,
of scheme have been kept flexible. Exit provisions
his/ her spouse will be entitled to continue
are as under: the scheme subsequently by payment of
(i) In case a subscriber exits the scheme within regular contribution or exit the scheme by
a period of less than 10 years, the receiving the beneficiary’s contribution with
beneficiary’s share of contribution only will interest as actually earned by fund or at the
be returned to him with savings bank interest savings bank interest rate whichever is
rate. higher.
(ii) If subscriber exits after a period of 10 years (v) After the death of subscriber as well as his/
or more but before superannuation age i.e. her spouse, the entire corpus will be credited
60 years of age, the beneficiary’s share of back to the fund.
contribution along with accumulated interest
(vi) Any other exit provision, as may be decided
as actually earned by fund or at the savings
by the Government on advice of NSSB.
bank interest rate whichever is higher.
8.23.6 If a subscriber has not paid the contribution
(iii) If a beneficiary has given regular continuously he/she will be allowed to regularize
contributions and died due to any cause, his/
his contribution by paying entire outstanding dues,
her spouse will be entitled to continue the
along with penalty charges, if any, decided by the
scheme subsequently by payment of regular
Government. To address any grievances related
contribution or exit by receiving the
to the scheme, subscriber can contact at
beneficiary’s contribution along with
customer care number 1800 267 6888 which will
accumulated interest as actually earned by be available on 24*7 basis. Web portal/ app will
fund or at the savings bank interest rate
also have the facility for registering the complaints.
whichever is higher.
As on 31 stDecember, 2019, around 40 lakhs
beneficiaries have subscribed the Scheme.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
On commencement of this Act, the bonded Central Sector Scheme for Rehabilitation of
labour system stood abolished and every Bonded Labourer, 2016
bonded labourer stood freed and discharged
9.3 In order to assist the State Governments in
free from any obligation to render bonded
their task of rehabilitation of released bonded
labourers, the Ministry of Labour launched a
Any custom, agreement or other instrument Centrally Sponsored Scheme in May, 1978 for
by virtue of which a person was required to rehabilitation of bonded labourers. Under this
render any service as bonded labour was Scheme rehabilitation assistance of Rs. 20,000/-
rendered void. per freed bonded labour was provided, which was
shared by the Central and State Governments on
Liability to repay bonded debt was deemed
50:50 basis; in the case of the Seven North
to have been extinguished.
Eastern States, 100% central assistance if they
Property of the bonded labourer was freed expressed their inability to provide their share.
from mortgage etc.
9.4 Subsequently in 2016, the scheme was
Freed bonded labourer was not to be evicted revamped w.e.f. 17.05.2016 and is known as
from homesteads or other residential “Central Sector Scheme for Rehabilitation of
premises which he was occupying as part Bonded Labourer, 2016. The salient features of
of consideration for the bonded labour. the Scheme are as under:
District Magistrates have been entrusted with 1. Financial assistance for rehabilitation of a
certain duties and responsibilities for rescued bonded labourer has been
implementing the provisions of this Act. increased from Rs. 20,000/- to one lakh per
adult male beneficiary, Rs. 2 lakh for special
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
2017” in the official gazette of India on 28th March, i. Filing of unified annual return mandatory
2017. In effect, the number of forms and reports online on the ShramSuvidha Portal under the
prescribed under the Contract Labour (Regulation above three Acts vide notification(s) G.S.R.
and Abolition) Act, 1970 (37 of 1970), the Inter- 1593 (E) to G.S.R. 1596 (E) notified in the
State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Gazette of India on 29th December, 2017.
Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979
(30 of 1979) and the Building and Other ii. Publication of the Building and Other
Construction Workers (Regulation of
Construction Workers (Regulation of
Employment and Conditions of Service)
Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996
Central (Amendment) Rules, 2018 in the
(27 of 1996) have been reduced from 36 to 12.
Gazette of India vide notification number
10.11 In order to further simplify and reduce the G.S.R. 828(E) dated 4th September, 2018 so
number of forms prescribed under the above as to make filing of application(s) for
mentioned three Acts, the Ministry has also notified registration of establishments and granting
the Rationalisation of Forms and Reports under of certificate of registration under the Building
Certain Labour Laws (Amendment) Rules, 2017 and Other Construction Workers (Regulation
vide G.S.R 1593(E) dated 29th December, 2017 of Employment and Conditions of Service)
reducing a total of 8 other Forms regarding Act, 1996 (27 of 1996) mandatorily online on
registration of establishment and filing of unified the ShramSuvidha Portal.
annual return to 2. Now, the number of forms and
iii. Filing of applications and granting of
reports/returns prescribed under the abovethree
certificate of registration/license under the
Acts have been reduced from 44 to 14.
Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition)
10.12 Taking forward the Government’s “Digital Act, 1970 (37 of 1970) and the Inter-State
India” initiative and to ensure that various Migrant Workmen (Regulation of
Government Services are made available to the Employment and Conditions of Service) Act,
citizens electronically, Ministry of Labour & 1979 (30 of 1979) have been made
Employment has further made available the mandatorily online on the ShramSuvidha
following facilities:- Portalvide Gazette of India
notification(s)G.S.R. 1125(E) and G.S.R.
1126(E) dated 15thNovember, 2018.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
PROFILE OF WOMEN WORKERS overall Worker population Ratio for women in the
age group 15 & above was 22% and it was 23.7%
11.1 Women form an integral part of the Indian
in rural areas as compared to 18.2% in urban
workforce. The total number of female workers in
areas based on usual status (Principal status+
India is 149.9 million and female workers in rural
subsidiary status) basis. The overall female
and urban areas are 121.9 and 28.0 million
Labour Force participation Rate for the age group
respectively (source:census,2011). Out of total 15 & above status (Principal status + subsidiary
149.9 million female workers, 35.9 million females
status) basis was 23.3% which was 24.6% in rural
are working as cultivators and another 61.5 million
areas as compared to 20.4% in urban areas. The
are agricultural labourers”. Of the remaining
overall unemployment rate for the female was
female’s workers,8.5million are in household
5.6% and the unemployment rate of female in rural
Industry and 43.7 million are classified as other
areas was 3.8% and 10.8% in urban areas.
11.2 As per census 2011, the Work Participation
Rate for women is 25.51 per cent as compared
to 25.63 per cent in 2001. The Worker Population 11.4 Formulation and coordination of policies and
Rate (WPR) for women in rural areas is 35.1 per programmes for the female labour force within the
cent as compared to 17.5 per cent in urban areas frame work of national manpower and economic
based on 4th Annual Employment-Unemployment policies.
Survey (2013-14) and same is 30.2 per cent in
Maintaining liaison with other Government
rural area and 14.8 per cent in urban area under
agencies to secure effective implementation
5th Annual Employment-Unemployment Survey
of the programmes in respect of women
(2015-16) under Usual Principal & Subsidiary
Status (UPSS) Approach. As per 4th and 5th
Annual Employment Unemployment Survey Monitoring the implementation of the Equal
launched by Labour Bureau in December 2013 Remuneration Act, 1976 and setting up of an
and April 2015, the overall Female Labour Force Advisory Committee under the Equal
Participation Rate under Usual Principal & Remuneration Act, 1976.
Subsidiary Status (UPSS) Approach has been
decreased from 31.1 per cent to 27.4 per cent. 11.5 The ILO Convention No.100 of 1951 relating
to equal remuneration for men and women was
Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) ratified by the Government of India in the year
11.3 As per the results of Periodic Labour Force 1958. To give effect to the Constitutional
provisions and also to ensure the enforcement of
Survey (PLFS) conducted by National Sample
ILO Convention No.100, the Equal Remuneration
Survey Office, Ministry of Statistics and
Act was enacted on 1976.
programme Implementation during 2017-18, the
Annual Report 2019-20
EQUAL REMUNERATION ACT, 1976 (Amendment) Act 2017 which inter-alia provides
for increased paid maternity leave from 12 weeks
11.6 The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 provides to 26 weeks and provisions for facility of crèche
for payment of equal remuneration to men and in the establishments having 50 or more
women workers for same work or work of similar
nature without any discrimination and also prevent
discrimination against women employees while Training of Women Workers
making recruitment for the same work or work of
11.10 For empowering the women workers,
similar nature, or in any condition of service
special efforts were made by DattopantThengadi
subsequent to recruitment such as promotions,
National Board for Workers Education &
training or transfer. The provisions of the Act have
Development (erstwhile Central Board of Workers
been extended to all categories of employment.
Education) to have more participation of Women
The Act is implemented at two levels viz. Central
level and State level. At the Central sphere, the Workers in Board’s various training programmes.
During the year 2019-20 (upto November 2019)
enforcement of the act is entrusted to the Chief
62,177 women participated in Board’s various
Labour Commissioner (Central) who heads the
training Programmes. Among 62,177 total women
Central Industrial Relations Machinery (CIRM). A
workers, 25,920 were from SC category and
Central Advisory Committee (CAC) on Equal
11,050 from ST Category.
Remuneration Act, 1976 under the Chairmanship
of Hon’ble Minister of Labour & Employment has 11.11 The DattopantThengadi National Board for
been constituted for reviewing the steps taken for Workers Education & Development (formerly
effective implementation of the Act. CBWE) also conducts 2-days special training
programmes for women workers in which only
11.7 In cases where the State Government are
women participants of various categories in
“appropriate authorities”, the enforcement of the
unorganized sector are enrolled. Till November,
provisions of Equal Remuneration Act is done by
the officials of State Labour Departments. Annual 2019, 167 such special programmes for women
workers were conducted in which 6,213number
returns are called for by the special cell in the
of workers participated. The women are made
Ministry from the State Governments in order to
aware about their rights and duties, and provisions
monitor implementation of the Act. The State
under various Labour Legislation in respect of
Governments/Union Territories are being advised
women and child welfare and various other
from time to time to ensure more rigorous
enforcement of the Act so as to improve the provisions of the Central and State Government
related to women for upliftment of women and
condition of women workers.
11.8 A complaint Committee to deal with the
11.12 The V.V.Giri National Labour Institute
complaints of sexual harassment of women
(VGNLI), which is the training, research and policy
employees at workplace of Ministry of Labour
institute of the Ministry of Labour & Employment,
&Employment has been reconstituted.
conducts various customized training
Amendment in Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 programmes on labour and employment issues
for women workers on regular basis. Training for
11.9 The Government is sensitive to the need for gender parity and women’s empowerment is a
family and social policies aimed at reconciling vital component of VVGNLI commitment to
work and family obligations. The Government has promote gender equality for creating gender
amended the Maternity Benefit Act 1961 in the year inclusive societies. Considering training as a
2017 vide enactment of Maternity Benefit
Ministry of Labour & Employment
transformative process aiming to provide Act 2017 which inter-alia provides for paid
knowledge ,skills, altitudinal and behavioral maternity leave of 26 weeks and provisions for
change, the Institute conducts training facility of crèche in the establishments having 50
programmes on various dimensions of gender. or more employees Detailed provisions of the
The following three training programmes on amended Maternity Benefit Act have been given
Gender issues were conducted by VVGNLI during in the box attached to this chapter.
theperiod exclusively for women:
1. Leadership Development Programme for
NCS Features for Women
Women Officials, July 24-26,2019.
11.14 In order to promote women empowerment,
2. Laws Relating to Equality & Empowerment
National Career Service (NCS) has various
of Women, August 5-9,2019.
features for helping women connect with the right
3. Developing Skill Development Strategies for opportunities. A specific tile “Jobs for Women” has
Women Workers in the Informal Economy, been featured on NCS Portal Home Page to help
August 19-23,2019 them easily search and apply to relevant jobs. Job
Fairs and Events are conducted for women centric
Total 618 women workers participated in various jobs, e.g: Model Career Centre, Coimbatore
gender related programs conducted in the conducted a Job Fair exclusively for teachers in
Institute. June, 2019. Also, a functionality has been provided
CHILD CARE CENTRES on NCS wherein household users can reach out
to Local Service Providers like plumbers,
11.13 Statutory provisions have been made in electricians, cooks, beauticians etc. in their
certain Labour laws for organizing child care locality.
centres for the benefit of women workers. These
include Factories Act, 1948, the Beedi & Cigar 11.15 The Employment Exchanges take special
Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act, 1966, care to cater to the job needs of women registered
the Mines Act, 1952, the Plantation Act, 1951 and with them. During the year 2016, total 59722 and
the Building and other Construction Workers during 1st January 2017 to 31st August, 2017, total
(Regulation of Employment and Conditions of 67141 (Provisional) women were placed through
Service) Act, 1996. The Government has amended various employment exchanges.
the Maternity Benefit Act 1961 in the year 2017 11.16 The placement made by the employment
vide enactment of Maternity Benefit (Amendment) exchanges is given at Chapter-24 (table 24.2)
Table 11.1
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
7. The Maternity Benefit Act,1961 Following benefits are available under the Maternity
Benefit Act 1961:-
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Chapter 12
and convergence, definition of “help” in the family violation of the provisions under the Act, during
enterprises owned by the family of the child and the last 6 years (2014-19) about 16.00 lakh
regulation of child artists to ensure their safety inspections were carried out, resulting in
and security. The Rules also provides for District approximately 10444 prosecutions out of which
Nodal Officer (DNO) and Task Force under the more than 3877 convictions were obtained.
chairmanship of District Magistrate to ensure that 12.10 The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
the provisions of the Act are properly enforced. framed by the Ministry works as a ready reckoner
12.6 The Act defines the jurisdiction of both for trainers, practitioners and monitoring agencies
Central and State Governments in implementing to ensure complete prohibition of child labour and
the Act. The Central Government is the “appropriate protection of adolescents from hazardous labour
Government” in relation to establishments under ultimately leading to Child Labour Free India. The
the control of the Central Government or a railway online portal PENCiL (Platform for Effective
administration or a major port or a mine or oilfield. Enforcement for No Child Labour) developed by
In all other cases, the State Government is the the Ministry provide for a mechanism for both
enforcement of the legislative provisions and
“appropriate Government”. The State Action Plan
effective implementation of the National Child
issued by the Ministry enumerates the actions
Labour Project (NCLP). The Portal has component
arisen on the part of State Governments/UTs after
like Complaint Corner, State Government, NCLP,
enactment of the Amendment Act.
Child Tracking System, and Convergence. Now
12.7 The Schedule of hazardous occupations and complaint of child labour can be registered
processes of the Act is divided in two parts namely electronically on the Portal to the concerned District
‘Part A’ covering a list of hazardous occupations Nodal Officers (DNOs) for taking prompt action.
and processes in which adolescents are prohibited Project Based Action
to work and children are prohibited to help in family
or family enterprises and ‘Part B’ covering an 12.11 Government had started the National Child
additional list of occupations and processes where Labour Project (NCLP) Scheme in 1988 to
children are prohibited to help in family or family rehabilitate working children in the child labour
enterprises (in addition to ‘Part A’). The revised endemic districts of the country. As on date the
schedule of the Act is at Annexure 12.1. Scheme is sanctioned in 324 districts of India.
The list of districts in which Special Training
12.8 After making suitable amendment in the Centres for child labour sanctioned under NCLP
Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, in Scheme is at Table 12.2.
2016 India ratified ILO conventions No.138
(minimum age of entry to employment) and 182 12.12 The NCLP scheme is a Central Sector
(worst form of child labour) on 13.06.2017. The scheme. Under the scheme, project societies are
ratification of the Convention No.138 and 182 set up at the district level under the
would move a step ahead in the direction of Chairpersonship of the Collector/District
achieving the goal of eradication of child labour Magistrate for overseeing the implementation of
from the country as it would be legally binding to the project. Under the NCLP Scheme, children in
comply with the provisions of the Conventions. the age group of 9-14 years, withdrawn from work
By ratifying these two core conventions, India join are put into Special Training Centers, where they
majority of the countries who have adopted the are provided with bridge education, vocational
legislation to prohibit and place severe restrictions training, mid-day meal, stipend, health-care
on the employment and work of children. facilities etc. and finally mainstreamed to the
formal education system. Children in the age
12.9 Government is also laying lot of stress on group of 5-8 years are directly linked to the formal
the enforcement of the Child and Adolescent education system through a close coordination
Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986. For
Ministry of Labour & Employment
with the SarvaShikshaAbhiyan (SSA). Adolescent 12.15 To ensure involvement of State Government
labour identified in the age group of 14 to 18 years in implementation and monitoring of the NCLP
working in hazardous occupations /process are Scheme and to make awareness generation
provided with vocational training opportunities activities to curb the menace of child labour it has
through existing scheme of skill developments. been decided to form State Resource Centre
In addition, efforts are also made to target the (SRC) in every State/UT under the Chairmanship
families of these children so as to cover them of State Labour Secretary. The PENCilportal
under various developmental and income/ developed by the Ministry connect Central
employment generating programmes of the Governments, Districts and all Project Societies.
Government to raise the economic standard of The SRCs will coordinate and monitor the
the family. Further, under the Scheme the Ministry implementation of the NCLP Scheme in their
funds awareness generation campaigns against respective State through PENCiL portal and also
the evils of child labour and enforcement of child udate its reports on the portal.
labour laws through electronic and print media. 12.16 Ministry has developed Attendance
At present, there are around 2705NCLP training Module for online attendance through Pencil portal
centers being run in the country with an enrolment for the children enrolled in the STCsunder the
of approximately 75 thousand children. Since NCLPScheme and for speedy payment of stipend
inception about 13.50 lakh working children have through DBT to children.
already been mainstreamed to regular education
Revision of the NCLP Scheme
system under the NCLP Scheme.
12.17 Government has enhanced the amount of
12.13 The year-wise budget allocation and stipend from Rs.150/- to Rs.400/- per month per
expenditure incurred under the scheme during last child, rates of honorarium for volunteers and other
five years are as under: parameters of the scheme. Further, the volunteers
involved in the scheme would be provided incentive
Year Budget Allocation Expenditure
on the basis of their performance. This new
(Final Grant) (in crores)
initiative would motivate them to improve their
(in crores)
quality and efficiency. Government has simplified
2014-15 110.87 102.34 the guidelines for implementation of NCLP Scheme
2015-16 99.45 93.20 and decided to expand the coverage of the Scheme
2016-17 105.00 104.73 in all districts having incidence of child labour. The
Ministry of Labour & Employment has issued
2017-18 95.17 94.03
instructions to State Governments for conducting
2018-19 89.99 89.99 survey on child labour in such districts where there
2019-201 92 (BE) 45.66 (as on is a possibility of incidence of child labour.
Monitoring of the NCLP Scheme 12.18 As Child labour is an outcome of various
social economic problems such as poverty,
12.14 A Central Monitoring Committee under the
economic backwardness, lack of access to basic
Chairpersonship of Secretary, Ministry of Labour
services, illiteracy etc, the Government is taking
& Employment, exists for the overall supervision
very focused and concerted efforts towards the
and monitoring, of the National Child Labour convergence of the on-going developmental
Projects. State Governments have also been schemes at the Central Government, State
advised to set up State Level Monitoring Government and the District level. Government
Committees similar to the Central Monitoring of India initiatives to bestow certain rights and
Committee. schemes for Employment Generation and Social
Annual Report 2019-20
Security are all part of the efforts to eliminate child various directions to the State Governments from
labour. Under the revised NCLP guidelines, much time to time. Some of these directions are:
emphasis has been given for its convergence with completion of survey of children working
ServaSikshaAbhiyan (SSA) and other schemes. in hazardous employments;
School uniforms and text books to each child in
the NCLP schools (STCs) is sought for under SSA payment of compensation amounting to
whereas nutritious cooked mid-day meal is Rs.20,000/- by the offending employer
ensured though Mid-Day Meal (MDM) scheme of for every child employed in
the Government. The provision of primary health contravention of the provisions of the Act;
care including health check-ups and maintenance giving alternative employment to an
of health cards is also provided through School adult member of the child withdrawn
Health Programme under NRHM. from the hazardous occupations or
12.19 The educational rehabilitation of the children payment of an amount of Rs.5,000/- for
is also to be supplemented with economic each child employed in hazardous
rehabilitation of their families. The Government is employment by the appropriate
adopting a sequential approach with focus on Government;
proper rehabilitation of not only the working payment of interest on the corpus of
children but their families also through revised Rs.25,000/- (Rs.20,000/- by the
NCLP scheme and convergence of various employer and Rs.5,000/- by the
developmental schemes of the Government. appropriate Government) to the family
Ministry of Women and Child Development is to of the child withdrawn from work;
provide for food and shelter to the children
provision of education in a suitable
withdrawn from work through their schemes of
institution for the child withdrawn from
Shelter Homes, etc as part of the Integrated Child
Protection Programme. Ministry of Rural
Development is to provide employment constitution of the Child Labour
opportunities to the parents of the children near Rehabilitation-cum-Welfare Fund;
their place of residence under MGNREGA. constitution of a separate cell in the
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Labour Department of the appropriate
Distribution is to provide subsidized food grains Government for the purpose of
under the Food Security Act. monitoring.
Re-alignment of NCLP Scheme with RTE Act, Provision of Child & Adolescent Labour
2009 Rehabilitation Fund:
12.20 With the enactment of Right to Education 12.22In order to give the statutory back up for the
Act, 2009, there has been a need for realignment rehabilitation Fund, the Government has made a
of the NCLP Scheme with the provisions of RTE provision in the Child Labour (Prohibition &
Act, 2009. Ministry of Human Resource Regulation) Amendment Act, 2016 for constitution
Development vide their letter No. 10-4/2009-EE.4 of Child & Adolescent Labour Rehabilitation Fund
dated 2.7.2010 intimated that the NCLP Schools at district level to ensure that child and adolescent
can serve as special training centers for un- is not only rescued but his future is secured by
enrolled and out of school children in accordance the amount collected in fund for his welfare and
with the provisions of Section 4 of the RTE Act education. The amount of fine realized from the
and Rule 5 of the Right of Children for free and employer of the child or adolescent shall be
compulsory education (RTE) Rules, 2010. credited in the rehabilitation Fund and an amount
Supreme Court Judgement on Child Labour of fifteen thousand will also be credited by the
appropriate Government for each of the child and
12.21 Hon’ble Supreme Court of India has issued
adolescents rescued from the work.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annexure 12.1
Hazardous processes(serial numbers (3) to
Hazardous occupations and processes in (31) below are as specified in the First
which adolescents are prohibited to work and Schedule of the Factories Act, 1948 (63 of
children are prohibited to help 1948))
(1) Mines and Collieries (underground and (3) Ferrous Metallurgical Industries
underwater) and related work in,-
(i) Integrated Iron and Steel;
(i) stone quarries;
(ii) Ferro-alloys;
(ii) brick kilns;
(iii) Special Steels.
(iii) preparatory and incidental processes
thereof including extraction, grinding, (4) Non-ferrous Metallurgical Industries:Primary
cutting, splitting, polishing,collection, Metallurgical Industries, namely zinc, lead,
cobbling of stones or lime or slate or copper, manganese and aluminium.
silica or mica or any other such element (5) Foundries (ferrous and non-ferrous):
or mineral extracted from the earth; or Castings and forgings including cleaning or
(iv) open pit mines. smoothening or roughening by sand and shot
(2) Inflammable substances and explosives
such as - (6) Coal (including coke) Industries:
(i) production, storage or sale of fire (i) Coal, Lignite, Coke, similar other
crackers; substance;
(ii) for manufacture, storage, sale, loading, (ii) Fuel Cases (including Coal Gas,
unloading or transport of explosives as Producer Gas, Water Gas).
defined under the Explosives Act, 1884 (7) Power Generating Industries.
(4 of 1884);
(8) Pulp and paper (including paper products)
(iii) work relating to manufacturing, handling, Industries.
grinding, glazing, cutting, polishing,
welding, moulding, electro-plating, or any (9) Fertilizer Industries:
other process involving inflammable
(i) Nitrogenous;
(ii) Phosphatic;
(iv) waste management of inflammable
substances, explosives and their by- (iii) Mixed.
products; or
(10) Cement Industries:Portland Cement
(v) natural gas and other related products. (including slag cement, puzzolona cement
and their products).
Annual Report 2019-20
(i) Coke Oven By-products and Coaltar (26) Manufacture, handling and processing of
Distillation products; asbestos and its products.
(ii) Industrial Gases (nitrogen, oxygen, (27) Extraction of oils and fats from vegetable and
acetylene, argon, carbon dioxide, animal sources.
hydrogen, sulphur dioxide, nitrous (28) Manufacture, handling and use of benzene
oxide, halogenated hydrocarbon, ozone, and substances containing benzene.
similar other gas);
(29) Manufacturing processes and operations
(iii) Industrial Carbon; involving carbon disulphide.
(iv) Alkalies and Acids; (30) Dyes and dyestuff including their
(v) Chromates and dichromates; intermediates.
(vi) Lead and its compounds; (31) Highly flammable liquids and gases.
(vii) Electro chemicals (metallic sodium, (32) Process involving handling and processing
potassium and magnesium, chlorates, of hazardous and toxic chemicals as
per chlorates and peroxides); specified in Part-II of the Schedule Ito the
Manufacture, Storage and Import of
(viii) Electro thermal produces (artificial Hazardous Chemical Rules, 1989.
abrasive, calcium carbide);
(33) Work in slaughter houses and abattoirs
(ix) Nitrogenous compounds (cyanides, including work with guillotines.
cyanamides, and other nitrogenous
compounds); (34) Work involving exposure to radioactive
substances including electronic waste and
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
33. Polishing, moulding, cutting, welding and (b) lifting machines, chains, ropes and lifting
manufacturing of brass goods in all forms; tackles;
Annual Report 2019-20
Table 12.2
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
Chapter 13
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 are investigations, prosecutions, promotional
also enforced by DGFASLI in the major ports of activities etc.) were carried out by the Dock Safety
India through the Inspectorates of Dock Safety. Inspectorates at all major ports for the
administration and enforcement of the Dock
13.10 Administration of the Act and the Safety statutes.
Regulations in major ports is carried out by the
Ministry of Labour & Employment, through 2. Organised two days National Technical meet
DGFASLI, Mumbai. The Director General is the on “OSH in the field of Testing, Examination &
Chief Inspector of Dock Safety appointed under Certification of Lifting Appliances, Loose Gears &
the Act. The Chief Inspector of Dock Safety is Wire Ropes for Competent Persons on 27th& 28th
also an authority for enforcement of the June, 2019 at CLI, Mumbai.
Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous
3. Organised National Workshop for Inspectors
Chemicals Rules, 1989 framed under the
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 in the major of Dock Safety on 2 nd & 3 rd May, 2019 at
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
4. Conducted induction training programme at
13.11 The above statutes are enforced by the
CLI, Mumbai for direct recruited Group ‘A’ & ‘B’
Inspectors posted at Inspectorate of Dock Safety
Officers of DGFASLI on 29th& 30th August, 2019.
at all the major ports viz. Mumbai, Kolkata,
Chennai, Kandla, Mormugao, New Mangalore, 5. Implementation of Risk Based Random
Cochin, Tuticorin, Visakhapatnam, Paradip and Inspection System (RBRIS).
Jawaharlal Nehru Port except Ennore where the
Inspectorate is being set up. Presently, the 6. Follow-up on Phase-I comprehensive
enforcement in this Port is carried out by the amendment proposed to the Dock Workers
Inspectors posted in Inspectorate Dock Safety, (Safety, Health & Welfare) Regulations, 1990.
7. Participated in “Preparation of Draft Model
13.12 The main function of the Inspectorates is Rules for the load test, examination & certification
to ensure the compliance with the provisions of hoists & lifts under section 28 of the Factories
under the statutes. The statutory responsibilities Act, 1948” on 4th& 5th September, 2019 at RLI,
of Inspector include inspection of ships, tankers, Faridabad.
loose-gears, container-handling equipment,
(b) Activities- Forecast
docks, container-yard and terminal, hazardous
installations and isolated storages, tanks; carrying 1. Enforcement activities (various inspections,
out the investigation of accidents (fatal and investigations, prosecutions, etc.) will be carried
serious) and dangerous occurrences; out by the Dock Safety Inspectorates at all major
prosecution of employers, attending to complaints, ports for the administration and enforcement of
providing advisory services and conducting safety the Dock Safety statutes.
promotional activities like training programmes,
workshops, celebration of safety week etc. The 2. Follow-up action on implementation of
Inspectorate also prosecutes the agency decisions taken during the 14th meeting of
responsible for violation of any provision of the Advisory Meeting.
Act and Regulations framed there under. 3. Comprehensive amendment to the Dock
(a) Activities- Performed Workers (Safety, Health & Welfare) Act, 1986 &
Regulations, 1990 will be processed.
1. Enforcement activities (various inspections,
Ministry of Labour & Employment
4. Implementation of Online based platform for (as per Section 91-A of the Factories Act, 1948)
grant/renewal of competency for competent has been undertaken in silicosis affected areas
persons, grant/renewal of empanelment of in India w.r.t. to the implementation of the order of
doctors for medical examination of Dock Workers, the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
grant/renewal of empanelment of trainer(s) and
Unit level consultancy studies are carried out
training centre(s) for conducting training
programme(s) for dock workers & Site notification at the request of the management and reports are
submitted for implementation of the
for MAH installations.
recommendations for further improvements in
III. TRAINING PROGRAMMES factories concerned. A total 16 Consultancy
studies were carried out during the period April –
Professional Programmes
October’ 2019.
One year Advanced / Post Diploma in
Industrial Safety Courses for 2019-20 were CENTRE
held at CLI Mumbai, RLI Kolkata, RLI Chennai,
RLI Kanpur and RLI Faridabad, benefitting 231 Cases of occupational diseases, such as,
participants from 199 organisations to silicosis, occupational dermatitis etc. are referred
become qualified Safety Officers as required to the National Referral Diagnostic Centre for
under Section 40-B of the Factories Act, 1948 opinion.
and Rules made there under.
Three months Associate Fellow in Industrial
Management Information Service (MIS) Division
Health (AFIH) Course for 2019-20 was held
of Central Labour Institute, Mumbai proved to be
at CLI, Mumbai & RLI, Chennai, RLI, Kolkata
the best source of information about the activities
and RLI, Faridabad benefitting 105 Medical
of DGFASLI. The goals of MIS are to implement
personnel from 38 organisations
the organizational structure and dynamics of the
Training Programmes are conducted in the field department for managing the organization in a
of Industrial Safety and Health. During the period better way and capturing the potential of the
April-October’ 2019, 15 training programmes information on OSH for competitive advantage to
including seminar/workshops and in-plant training the industries as well as State Governments. The
were conducted. Also, 112 Appreciation basic functioning of MIS is:
programmes were conducted for 3068
Website updating and management: -
beneficiaries at various divisions of DGFASLI, CLI,
Mumbai and the four Labour Institutes, in DGFASLI website had been launched with
URL: This website
Faridabad, Kanpur, Kolkata and Chennai.
contains the information on Statutes on
IV. STUDIES AND SURVEYS Safety and Occupational Health, Factories
Act 1948, Dockworkers safety & Health
National Studies and Surveys are undertaken
regulation, major research project initiated
by DGFASLI, in its efforts towards helping the
during five-year plan, advisory services on
Central Government to ascertain the status of PPE of Respiratory and Non-Respiratory
working conditions, safety and health in factories
and port sector, and to formulate the appropriate
standards for inclusion in statutes. A national level Under ‘Digital India’ campaign online form for
‘National Survey on Occupational Safety & Health’ approval of competent person and notification
Annual Report 2019-20
of site has been developed and hosted on and Health matter and offered comments on draft
website of DGFASLI and being monitored by standards.
national portal.
The Library cum information centre has been SCHEMES)
equipped with more than 25,000 books on
The DGFASLI on behalf of the Ministry of Labour
occupational safety and health along with
various journals on OSH. has been implementing the Vishwakarma
Rashtriya Puraskar (VRP) (earlier known as
Website also uploaded with information on ShramVir National Awards) and the National
MSDS, abstracts of studies, Training Safety Awards scheme since 1965. These
Calendar, Tenders and Notices on ADIS, AFIH schemes were modified in 1971, 1978 and again
related information. in 2007. The schemes presently in operation are
as under:
WELFARE CENTRE Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar: It is
designed to give recognition at the national
Industrial Safety, Health and Welfare Centre of the level to outstanding suggestions resulting in:
Central Labour Institute and Regional Labour
Institutes promote the hazard communication (i) Higher productivity
through display of panels, models, charts, graphs,
(ii) Improvement in safety and working
write-ups etc. which is visited by workers,
executives from industry and delegates from other conditions
countries. During the period April –October’ 2019, (iii) Savings in foreign exchange (import
total 3068 visitors benefitted through 112 substitution as well as quality and safety
Appreciation programmes conducted on Safety of products) and
& Health in this centre.
(iv) Improvement in the overall efficiency of
VIII. TESTING OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE the establishments. It covers workers
EQUIPMENT employed in factories, docks,
construction sites and Nuclear
The laboratories for respiratory and non-
respiratory personal protective equipment testing
at Central Labour Institute, Mumbai undertake 28 Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar (VRP) awards
performance tests of Canisters, Dust Masks, are given in the form of cash prize and a certificate
SCBA Air Quality equipment, Helmets, Safety of merit in three categories: Five Awards of
Shoes, Safety Goggles, Safety Belts and Welding ¹ 75,000/- in Class ‘A’, Eight Awards of ¹ 50,000/- in
Glasses etc. Respiratory protective equipment Class ‘B’ and Fifteen Awards of ¹ 25,000/- in class
such as dust respirators, canisters, dust filters ‘C’ categories.
etc. and Non-Respiratory equipment such as
helmets, safety shoes etc. are tested to ascertain National Safety Awards: National Safety
their performance characteristics as per relevant Awards are given in recognition of good
BIS standards. safety performance on the part of the
industrial establishments registered under
IX. REPRESENTATION ON BIS COMMITTEES The Factories Act, 1948, the employers
covered under The Dock Worker (Safety,
Officers of DGFASLI represented on several BIS
Health and Welfare) Act, 1986 and The
Committees/Sub-committees dealing with Safety
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Building and Other Construction Workers accident prevention and safety promotional
(Regulation of Employment and Conditions programmes. The applications of these awards
of Service) Act, 1996 and installations under are invited through wide publicity across the
The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board country. The applications thus, received for VRP
(AERB). The awards are given under twelve as well as NSA are adjudged by a Tripartite
schemes, out of which ten are meant for Awards Committee consisting of representation
Factories /Construction sites /Installations from employers’ organizations, employees’
under AERB and two are for Ports. Under organizations and Central/State Governments. This
each award, a Shield and a Certificate of Merit Tripartite Committee is constituted by the Ministry
is given to each of the Award Winners and of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India. Apart from
Runners-up. The establishments are the tripartite representation, there are also experts
classified in different schemes based on on the Committee from renowned Institutions,
working of highest man-hours. Universities and industry in the field of safety, health,
environment, productivity and quality.
Awards Distribution Function for VRP and NSA
(Performance year 2017): XI. SCHEMES OF DGFASLI
Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar (VRP) & During the year 2018-19 DGFASLI is implementing
National Safety Awards (NSA) function was the scheme: Strengthening of DGFASLI
organised in VigyanBhawan, New Delhi on 17th Organisation and Development of OSH in
September 2019.The awards were given by Factories, Ports & Docks. The Scheme has three
Hon’ble Minister of State (Independent Charge) for components.
Labour & Employment ShriSantosh Kumar
1. Component-I: “Strengthening of DGFASLI
Gangwar. 28 Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar
Organization and OSH in Factories, Ports & Docks”
(VRP) shared by 131 individuals and 130 National
Safety Awards (NSA) in twelve categories which Objectives:
include 81 winners and 49 runners-up were given
for the performance year 2017. To strengthen the infrastructure facilities at
DGFASLI organisation including Central Labour
The VRP and NSA awards work both as an Institute at Mumbai and Regional Labour Institutes
impetus as well as a catalyst to unleash the latent located at Chennai, Kanpur and Kolkata and
and untapped potentials of the promising workers Inspectorates Dock Safety at the 11 major ports
at the plant level while recognizing the excellent for improving occupational safety and health status
performance of the companies in preventing of workers in factories, ports and docks
accidents and promoting safety at work place. throughout the country thereby contributing in
They stimulate and sustain the interest of both prevention and control of occupational injuries and
the managements and the workers alike in diseases.
Achievements and Forecast Activities
Annual Report 2019-20
The objective of the scheme is to develop To develop wide spectrum Door-step Facility
Regional Labour Institute, Faridabad as an to impart knowledge, skills and develop
advance centre of Safety Systems to meet awareness among the work-force and
the specialized needs of MSMEs and owner-managers of MSMEs.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
The objective of the scheme is to cater to the 13.13 Directorate General of Mines Safety
needs of the North-Eastern Region in the areas (DGMS) is a subordinate office under the Ministry
of Occupational, Safety & Health. During the year of Labour and Employment with its headquarters
the CPWD has initiated the construction of the at Dhanbad (Jharkhand). It administers Safety,
building for RLI, Shillong. Welfare and Health of workers employed in mines
in India and functions as a technical supplement
to the Ministry in this area. Safety, Welfare and
The CLI/ RLIs have been assigned as Centre Health of workers employed in mines are the
of Excellence in specific areas as follows: concern of Central Government (Entry 55 - Union
List - Article 246) under the Constitution of India.
CLI, Mumbai Dock Safety and Engineering These are regulated by the Mines Act, 1952 and
Industry. the Rules and Regulations framed thereunder.
RLI, Faridabad MSME and Chemical Process Apart from administering the Mines Act and
Safety. Subordinate Legislation thereunder, DGMS also
administers some other allied legislation in the
RLI, Chennai Construction and Automobile mining sector.
13.14 Minerals are depleting assets of a nation.
RLI, Kanpur Sugar Industry and Power Extraction of the same from below the surface of
Generation the earth is fraught with in-numerable dangers.
RLI, Kolkata Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Mining has been and continues to be a hazard-ous
Metals and Paper Industry profession and has rightly been deemed to be a
war with the unpredictable forces of nature. The
Annual Report 2019-20
condition of roof and sides of un-derground mines Manufacture, Storage & Import of Hazardous
can change without any prior indication. Dangers Chemicals Rules. 1989 under Environmental
due to sudden inrush of water, release of lethal Protection Act, 1986
and inflammable gases or the fall of roof and side
The Coal Mines (Conservation &
are inherent to mining and it is essentially because
Development) Act, 1974
of such unpredictable dangers that mining is
considered the most hazardous of all peace-time Role and Function of DGMS
13.17 Vision of DGMS
13.15 Mineral constitutes the backbone of the
economic growth of any nation and India has been To attain risk and hazard free conditions of work
eminently endowed with this gift of nature. and welfare of persons employed in mines.
Progressive industrialization witnessed the rise
13.18 Mission of DGMS
in demand. Growth of mining under the impact of
successive Five Year Plans had been To identify and reduce risk of accidents and
phenomenal. To take care of the enhanced occupational diseases in and around the mine by:
targets, mechanization of mining activities has
taken place. Large-scale mechanization led to Development of suitable legislation, rules,
higher risk to health and safety of the persons regulations, standards and guidelines
deployed in mines. Accordingly the role of the Adequate measures to ensure compliance
Directorate-General of Mines Safety (DGMS) and
has also broadened.
Awareness initiatives to inculcate safety and
13.16 The Mines Act, Subordinate Legislation health culture amongst work-persons and
thereunder and other allied legislations stakeholders
administered by the Directorate are as follows:
13.19 Current functions of DGMS broadly
Mines Act, 1952 include:
Coal Mines Regulations, 2017. 1. Inspection of mines.
Metalliferous Mines Regulations, 1961.
2. Investigation into -
Oil Mines Regulations, 2017.
Mines Rules, 1955. (a) accidents
Mines Vocational Training Rules, 1966. (b) dangerous occurrences - emergency
Mines Rescue Rules, 1985. response
Mines Crèche Rules, 1966. (c) complaints& other matters.
· Coal Mines Pit Head Bath Rules, 1959.
3. Grant of :
Section 1.01 Electricity Act, 2003
(a) statutory permission, exemptions &
Central Electricity Authority Regulations, relaxations
(b) approval of mine safety equipment,
Section 1.02 Allied Legislation material & appliances.
Factories Act, 1948: Chapters III & IV 4. Maintaining information/ reports regarding
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
The union ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. 2012 963* 657
of India after taking into consideration the
recommendations of various committees, sub- 2013 963* 647
committees including the Consultative Committee 2014 963* 670
of Ministry of Labour & Employment and various
courts of enquiries and Systematic Investigation 2015 963* 672
Unit (SIU) finalised the sanctioned strength of 279 2016 963* 647
Officers (269 Inspecting Officers) & 684
supporting staffs including 231 outsourcing posts 2017 963* 598
in this Directorate. 2018 963* 567
CATEGORY NO. OF NO. OF 2019# 963* 556
# as on 31.10.2019,
*231 to be filled by outsourcing
GROUP-A 279 144
The UPSC & SSC have been requested to provide
GROUP-B 38 23
remaining posts which are likely to be filled up
GROUP-B 186 154**
(Non -Gazetted)
GROUP-C 229 142 13.32 Trend in fatal and serious accidents in Coal
mines are shown in Fig. 1. It can be seen that the
GROUP C 231# 93* serious injury is constantly falling over the years.
Sanctioned for The death rate is fluctuating in between 0.1 and
outsourcing 0.3.To minimize the rate further the Directorate
TOTAL 732 556 General of Mines Safety has taken various
measures, the analysis of that is given in Fig.9
* Incumbents present on such posts will stand abolished and Fig. 10.
as and when existing incumbents vacate the posts on
account of promotion/ reversion/ superannuation.
YEAR Sanctioned In
strength position
Fig.1: Trend in death rate and Serious Injury rate in coal
2009 950 683 mines
Ministry of Labour & Employment
rates have fluctuating trends but over the period it 13.24 Power under section 22 and 22A of the
can be said that the serious injury rate is falling. Mines Act, 1952, Regulation 116 of Coal Mines
Regulations, 2017 and Regulation 108 of
Metalliferous Mines Regulations, 1961 has been
vested with DGMS to issue improvement notices
and prohibitory orders to resist or prohibit
employment of persons in mines or part of mines.
The number of inspections and enquiries carried
out from the year 2006 onwards are shown in
Table 13.6.
Fig.2: Trend in death rate and Serious Injury rate in
metalliferous mines CIRCULARS
13.22 Trend in fatal and serious accidents in oil 13.25 TheDGMS issues circulars to the mining
mines is shown in Fig. 3. Both the rates have industry on occupational safety and health
fluctuating trends but over the period it can be said matters, which may have wide implications.
that the serious injury rate is falling. Technical Circulars, Approval Circulars, General
Circulars, General Instruction, Technical
Instructions, Legislative Circular and Legislative
instructions are issued as per requirement.
Annual Report 2019-20
mainly to find out the quality control system found satisfactory regular approval is granted for
adopted by the manufacturers and their capacity a specific period.
to manufacture equipments/material etc., which
13.28 The equipments/machinery/appliances and
will be capable of working safely under the hostile
materials requiring approval can be categorized
environment of the mines and remain operative
during prolong use under adverse condition. The
equipments also need to conform to the relevant Personal protective equipment.
Indian Standards and in case there is no Indian
Standard, the standards of the country of origin Environmental monitoring instruments and
(ISO/EN/DIN, etc.). The application should also devices.
include test certificates from approved laboratory
Machinery and other equipments for carrying
as per the relevant standard. After the documents
out mining operations and
are scrutinized and found in order, field trial
approval is granted to check the pit worthiness of Safety materials for use in underground
the equipments in various mines. After the mines.
equipments are successfully tried in the field, the
performance report from the concerned mine 13.29 The table below shows particulars of items
management is obtained. If the above reports are approved
Ministry of Labour & Employment
13.30 The details of approval for use of Functions of the Statistics Division
Mechanical Equipments etc. in mines were
Sl. Main Activities
granted during 01.04.2019 to 30.09.2019 are given
1 To Compile, process and maintain the data
Sl. Type of approval No. of
related to employment, machinery,
No. approval
explosives, accidents statistics pertaining
to Mines (Coal & Non-Coal)
1. Field trial approval/ extension 7
2 Work relating to Parliamentary Standing
2. Regular approval/ renewal 6 Committee- Supply of data as per
Total no. of approval granted 13
3 Work relating to Safety Committee of Coal
13.31 The details of approvals for use of Electrical India Ltd. - Supply of data as per
Equipments etc. in mines were granted during
01.04.2019 to 31.10.2019 which is given below:
4 Work related to Parliament Questions:
Sl. Type of approval No. of
No. approval 1. Processing of answer of the
granted Parliament Questions (All sessions)
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
RECENT INITIATIVES AND ACHIEVEMENTS Awards (Mines) in 1983 (for the contest year
1982) with a view to promote a competitive spirit
The revised format of annual returns were
amongst mine operators for the betterment of
finalized as per the new requirements of
safety standards in mines and to give due
changes in the regulations (CMR-2017,
recognition to outstanding safety performance at
OMR-2017 etc.).
national level. This award is generally given by the
Around 7600 new mines have been included Hon’ble President of India every year and has
in the database of registered mines at Head generated considerable enthusiasm amongst the
office, since 2017. It is an increase of around Mining community. National Safety Awards
100% of the old database before 2017. (Mines) for the contest years 2013 & 2014 were
given on 17th August, 2017 at New Delhi by the
In addition to making the process of deciding Hon’ble President of India.
the list of award winning mines for National
Safety Award online, the processing of 13.36 The applications for National Safety
NSA(Mines) award have been speeded up. Awards (Mines) for the contest years 2015 & 2016
was processed and short-listing of award winning
Time bound delivery of data for Standard mines was done by June, 2018.
Note-2019 and other reports of DGMS/
Annual Report 2019-20
various years are reflected in Table 13.6. were : Fall of persons and Fall of objects which
were 33% and 17% respectively. In case of non-
13.39 Table 13.7 reflects the number of
coal the major contributors were: Fall of persons
applications received from various managers and
and Fall of objects which were 28% and 22%
other employees of mines and accordingly
certificates of competency are issued.
13.44 Figures 4 & 5 below show cause-wise
Accident Experience fatal and serious accidents respectively in coal
13.40 The accident trends in terms of fatal mines during the year 2018.
accidents and fatality rates per thousand persons
employed at 10 yearly average since 1971-80 to
2011-19 (upto October, 2019) are indicated below:
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Table 13.1
2) Data for the year of 2016 to 2019 has not been compiled as the software for annual return is not
13.47 Table 13.2 shows the trend of accidents in mines from 2001 to 2019. Accidents have been
classified into coal and non-coal mines. Accidents are further classified into fatal and serious
Annual Report 2019-20
Table 13.2
Year Trend of Accidents in Mines
Number of Accidents in Coal Mines Number of Accidents in Non-Coal Mines
Fatal Serious Total Fatal Serious Total
2001 105 667 772 71 199 270
2002 81 629 710 52 205 257
2003 83 563 646 52 168 220
2004 87 962 1049 57 188 245
2005 96 1106 1202 48 108 156
2006 78 861 939 58 78 136
2007 76 923 999 56 79 135
2008 80 686 766 54 83 137
2009 83 636 719 36 94 130
2010 97 480 577 54 61 115
2011 65 533 598 44 82 126
2012 79 536 615 36 45 81
2013 77 456 533 58 52 110
2014 59 379 438 39 44 83
2015 54 302 356 45 35 80
2016 67 268 335 39 37 76
2017 56 183 239 46 21 67
2018 50 197 247 47 18 65
2019* 45 87 132 36 26 62
* Data for the year 2019 are provisional and data for 2019 are as per the report received up to 31.10.2019.
13.48 Table 13.3 shows the trend of accidents in coal mines from 2014 to 2019, cause wise. There
are 14 broad causes of accidents in coal mines. Accidents are further classified into fatal and serious
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Table 13.3
* Data for the year 2019 are provisional and data for 2019 are as per the report received up to 31.10.2019.
Annual Report 2019-20
13.49 Figure 8 shows the percentage of fatal accidents cause-wise in mines during 2014-2019.It can
be observed that the major reason for fatal accident is Dumpers, Truck etc. followed by Non-
Transportation machinery except in 2019.
13.50 Figure 9 shows the percentage of serious accidents cause wise in mines during 2014-2019. It
can be observed that the major reason for serious accident is Fall of person followed by Fall of objects
and other causes (except non-transportation machinery in 2018 & 2019).
13.51 From figure 8 and figure 9, it can be found that the reasons for fatal and serious accidents are
different. The major cause for fatal accident is “Dumper, Trucks etc.” while for serious accident it is
“fall of person”.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Table 13.4
* Data for the year 2019 are provisional and data for 2019 are as per the report received up to 31.10.2019.
13.52 Table 13.4 shows the trend of accidents in non-coal mines from 2014 to 2019, cause wise.
There are 14 broad causes of accidents in non-coal mines. Accidents are further classified into fatal
and serious accidents.
Annual Report 2019-20
Table 13.5A
Accidents and resultant casualties in mines
Coal Non-Coal
Year Fatal Accident Serious Accident Fatal Accident Serious Accident
Acc. Killed Inj. Acc. Inj. Acc. Killed Inj. Acc. Inj.
2001 105 141 14 667 706 71 81 8 199 200
2002 81 97 15 629 650 52 64 3 205 206
2003 83 113 12 563 578 52 62 16 168 169
2004 87 96 14 962 977 57 64 9 188 194
2005 96 117 19 1106 1119 48 52 4 108 109
2006 78 137 15 861 876 58 71 9 78 79
2007 76 78 77 923 940 56 64 13 79 92
2008 80 93 16 686 693 54 73 35 83 85
2009 83 93 14 636 646 36 44 3 94 101
2010 97 118 23 480 488 54 91 5 61 63
2011 65 67 10 533 546 44 50 9 82 84
2012 79 83 6 536 542 36 38 5 45 45
2013 77 82 11 456 457 58 74 15 52 53
2014 59 62 3 379 391 39 45 10 44 50
2015 54 55 9 302 307 45 48 13 35 38
2016 67 94 7 268 271 39 50 10 37 38
2017 56 61 0 183 188 46 68 11 21 32
2018 50 63 11 197 200 47 53 12 18 18
2019* 45 51 6 87 91 36 42 6 26 27
* Data for the year 2019 are provisional and data for 2019 are as per the report received up to 31.10.2019.
13.53 Table 13.5A shows the trend of accidents and resultant causalities’ in mines from 2001 to
2019. The mines are classified into coal and non-coal mines. Accidents have been classified into fatal
and serious accidents.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
13.54 Table 13.5B shows the trend in fatal accidents and fatality rates per 1000 persons employed (ten
yearly average). The table shows the average accident, accident rate, average killed and death rate.
Table 13.6
* Data for the year 2019 are provisional and data for 2019 are as per the report received up to 31.10.2019.
Annual Report 2019-20
13.55 Table 13.6 shows the number of inspections and enquiry in mines from 2006 to 2019. The
mines have been further segregated into coal, metal and oil mines. The inspections and enquiry is
showing slightly increasing trend in long period.
Fig.10 Long term impact of Inspection (Coal) on Fatal and Serious accidents: Trend
13.56 In Fig.10 , the trend is plotted taking number of inspection on primary axis. The trends of fatal
and serious accidents are plotted on secondary axis taking number of accidents as dependent variable.
It can be observed that over a long period, the trend of both fatal and serious accidents have gone
down. For serious accidents the gradient of decline is steeper than that of fatal accidents. The spread
of number of enquiry over a long period is showing a sharp increase during 2015. On the basis of all
the facts, we can infer that inspection have very positive impact on the improvement of overall safety
in the coal mines (i.e. decline in the number of fatal and serious accidents).
Fig.11 Long term impact of Enquiry (Coal) on Fatal and Serious accidents: Trend
13.57 In the above graph for enquiry, the trend is plotted taking number of enquiry on primary axis. The
trends of fatal and serious accidents are plotted on secondary axis taking number of accidents as
dependent variable. It can be observed that over a long period, the trend of both fatal and serious
accidents have gone down i.e. the number of accidents has declined. For serious accidents the gradient
of decline is more steeper than that of fatal accident. The spread of number of enquiry over a long
period is showing a slight increase. On the basis of all the facts, we can infer that enquiry have very
positive impact on the improvement of overall safety in the coal mines (i.e. decline in the number of
fatal and serious accidents).
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Table 13.7
* Applicatons received prior to April 2019 have of Contractual workers & (iii) Surface &
been dealt during April 2019 to September 2019. underground transportation machinery were
In view of that, certificates issued may not be in deliberated in detail. A num-ber of
proportionate with that of application received. recommendations of these conferences have
been given statutory backing and most of the
others have been absorbed in management
practices and policies. The conclusions and
13.58 The Conference on Safety in Mines is a recommendations drawn during the conference
tripartite forum at the national level in which the have already been circulated to the mining
employers’ representatives, the trade unions’ industries for compliance.
representatives, the Government represented by
Min-istry of Labour & Employment, DGMS, various
administrative ministries/ departments and State
Governments and associated in-stitutions,
professional bodies, service associations, etc.
take part. They review the status of safety in mines
and the adequacy of existing measures in a spirit
of mutual cooperation. The con-ference also
suggests measures for further improvement in
safety, welfare and health of mine workers. The
first Conference was held in the year 1958. The Strengthening of Systems & Infrastructure of
eleventh conference was held on 4th& 5th July, 2013 DGMS (SSID):
at New Delhi during which three major issues (i)
Small Scale Mining, (ii) Safety, health & welfare 13.59 This is a continuing scheme. The scheme
has been formulated by merging two on-going
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Health matters and on the Central Cabinet. In order to achieve this goal,
other subjects an e-Governance Road map has been made,
which has suggested implementing it in a phased
H. Implementation of Continued manner giving importance on the establishment
computer based Statutory of formal organizational structure and project
Examinations for Senior management structure.
Exams (Coal & Metal)
Recent initiatives in DGMS:
I. Computerization and Continued
digitization of examination “Accidents & Statistics System” software
records, validation recording module is under process of finalization and
& tracking system “Accounts & Budget System” is being
developed as a part of “Digital DGMS”. The
J. Training of middle-level NIL
software modules will bring in more
management officials,
transparency & accountability and speedy
Workmen’s Inspectors,
disposal of work.
Workers and others by
MSHA The modalities for “Risk-based Inspection
13.60 During the period 01.04.2019 to 30.09.2019 System” for coal mines have been
approvals of equipment, appliances, materials and developed. The inspections are generated for
machinery granted for use in mines are given online assignment through shramsuvidha
below: portal prioritizing on the actual risk rating of
the coal mines of all categories. The software
Approvals of Equipment, Apparatus & PPEs during for the purpose has been developed by NIC
01.04.2019 to 30.09.2019: and implemented by incorporating it in
ShramSuvidha Portal. Risk-based
Sl. Type of approval No. of
inspection system for metalliferous mines is
No. approvals
under progress.
1. No. of field trial/extension nil
2. Regular approval/extension 02
Total 02
E-Governance in DGMS
Annual Report 2019-20
constituted under the Mines Act, 1952 and safety, security and health.
sent for publication in the official gazettee.
Directorate General of Mines Safety (DGMS),
The process for the amendment of the Mines
Ministry of Labour & Employment,
Rescue Rules and Mines Rules has been
Government of India and the Department of
initiated. The amendments are necessitated
Natural Resources Mines and Energy,
in view of the technological developments,
changed mining methods, machinery and Queensland Government, Australia, through
the Safety in Mines, Testing and Research
work environment etc.
Station (Simtars) have signed Memorandum
Vide Gazette Notification No. SO 506(E) of Understanding (MoU) for Sharing and
published on 29.01.2019 as extraordinary dissemination of information on occupational
part-II, section-3, sub-section (ii), the safety and health, technological
restriction on the employment of women as advancements and best practices, setting up
per the provisions of the Mines Act, 1952, in a world class Occupational Safety and Health
any mine between the hours of 7 pm and 6 Academy having satellite centres and
am in the mine above ground including develop it as a training hub for persons
opencast workings and in any mine engaged with mineral industry in India and
belowground between the hours of 6 am and its neighbourhood with a view to ensure
7pm in technical, supervisory and managerial safety at work place and equip industry in
work has been relaxed subject to the formulation of risk based Safety Management
provision of adequate facilities and Plan and Emergency Evacuation systems.
safeguards regarding their occupational
Table 13.8
Ministry of Labour & Employment
13.63 Mine workings and its environment are Year Coal Silicosis Noise
considered to be the sources of certain health Workers’ Induced
hazards leading to airborne dust diseases like Pneumo- Hearing
asbestosis, coal worker’s pneumoconiosis, coniosis Loss
silicosis etc. These diseases are preventable but
2008 1 3 -
once contracted; they are not curable. It is
therefore, essential to prevent such diseases by 2009 0 0 -
controlling dust at the working places and
2010 1 0 -
conducting airborne dust surveys in mines at
regular interval. The other precautions that are 2011 5 1 0
being taken include medical examinations and re-
2012 5 0 2
examination of mine workers to diagnose and
detect the airborne dust diseases in its initial 2013 0 4 0
stages so that preventive, rehabilitative measures
2014 1 1 0
and medical cares are taken.
2015 0 0 8
NOTIFIED DISEASES [Section 25 & 26]
2016 2 0 0
13.64 Under section 25 of the Mines Act, 1952,
Pneumoconiosis, Asbestosis, Silicosis, 2017 2 0 0
Manganese Poisoning of nervous type and 2018 2 9 0
Cancer of lung or stomach or the pleura and
peritoneum i.e. mesothelioma were already 2019* 0 0 0
notified as disease connected with mining * upto 31.03.2019
operations. In addition to the aforesaid diseases
the three more additional diseases i.e. Noise 13.65 Occupational Health Survey in the stone
Induced Hearing Loss, Contact Dermatitis caused mines have been conducted by National Institute
by direct contact with chemical and Pathological of Miners’ Health (NIMH), Nagpur in collaboration
manifestations due to radium or radioactive with DGMS under the project ‘Multi Centric Study
substances have been notified as diseases of Dust Related Disease in Stone Mines and
related to mining vide Gazette Notification Development of Sustainable Preventive
No.S.O.399 E dated 21st February, 2011. Airborne Programme’ in the Financial 2015-2016, 2016-
dust concentration i.e. threshold permissible limit 2017 & 2017- 2018 to detect cases of silicosis.
for asbestos fibre has been reduced from 2 fibre During the project 2537 persons have been
per millilitre to 1 fibre per millilitre. Cases of CWP, examined, 136 cases of silicosis have been
Silicosis & NIHL reported by Mine Management to detected and notified to DGMS by NIMH which are
DGMS are given below: as given below:
Annual Report 2019-20
* upto 31.03.2019
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
the Trade Unions. The last revision of the Grants- Offices of Dattopant Thengadi National Board for
in Aid scheme and its pattern of expenditure were Workers Education and Development (erstwhile
done in April, 2005 with a view to induce the trade CBWE), IIWE, Mumbai, observed the following
unions to avail this faculty on a wider scale. days to mark the occasions :-
Similarly the rules and procedure of the Grants-
Anti-Terrorism Day
in-Aid Scheme have also been simplified
accordingly to meet the Trade Union needs. Independence Day
14.22 Grants-in-aid is available for conducting full Sadbhavana Day
time Residential and Non-residential Programmes
of 3 to 7 days duration according to the local Vigilance Awareness Week
requirement of the Trade Union Organizations.
Swatch Bharat Abhiyaan
The grantees are allowed flexibility regarding
subjects to be covered and number of participants. Celebrating 150 years of the Mahatma
The grants-in-aid scheme has also been extended Gandhi.
to the Rural Workers.
14.28 Seminars, Symposia, special lecture, film
14.23 The Board provides grants-in-aid to shows, competitions etc. were organized.
registered Trade Unions and other institutions for Pledges wherever required were administered to
conducting their own workers education the trainees and members of staff.
14.24 The Board also sanctions grants-in-aid
for National Level Courses to the Central Trade MGNREGA
Union Organizations and National Federations. 14.29 In the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
USE OF HINDI Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), the first
ever scheme launched by the Govt. of India which
14.25 One meetings of the Official Language guarantees wage employment, the primary
implementation Committee of the Board were objective is to enhance livelihood security in rural
held at Head Office, Nagpur on 29.8.2018 to areas by providing at least 100 days of guaranteed
review the progress made in the use of employment in a financial year to every household
Rajbhasha Hindi at Head Office, Nagpur. whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled
manual work.
14.26 Hindi Day was celebrated on 14 th
September, 2019. Hindi fortnight was celebrated 14.30 The DTNBWED has conducted exclusive
from 01.9.2018 to 15.9.2018 in the head office, training programmes for rural workers on
Nagpur. Different types of competitions were MGNREGA by way of a project to enlighten the
conducted and prizes were distributed to rural masses about the benefits of the National
winners. IIWE and all Regional Directorates of Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme.
the Board also celebrated Hindi Day and
observed Hindi Fortnight . All the officers and 14.31 Following activities are being conducted
staff members participated enthusiastically. under the Project –
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Table 14.1
Sr. National Level Sr. Regional Sr. Unit Level Sr. Specific
No. No. Level No. No. Categories
1 Refresher Course for RD 1 Training of 1 Unit Level 1 Functional Adult
I/c & Education Officers Trainers Classes Literacy Classes
2 Trade Union Leadership 2 Personality 2 Need Based 2 Empowerment
Development Special Programme for
Programmes Programmes Un-organised
Workers (4- days)
3 Office Management 3 Joint Education 3 Joint 3 Empowerment
Women Empowerment Programmes Education Programme for
(1 day) Programmes Weaker Section
(2-days) (4-days)
4 Up-gradation of Skills & 4 Programmes 4 Plant Level 4 Empowerment
Updating Knowledge of under Self Programme Programme for
Yong Generation Generation of for Trained Rural Workers
Funds (1/2/3- Workers (4-days)
days) CTP (1 day)
5 Working Women – Labour 5 Need Based 5 Retraining
Laws – Changes and Seminars programme for
Challenges. (1-2 days) Unorganised
Workers (1 day)
6 Attack on Workers Right 6 Quality of Life 6 Rural Awareness
(Capacity Building & for Workers Camps (2 days)
Leadership Development for and their Spouses
Trade Union Activists (4/2 days)
7 Workers Right Violation 7 MGNREGA 7 Retraining
at Work Place . programme for
Rural Workers
(1 day)
8 Problems of Informal 8 2 days
Sector Workers. programme for :
9 Skills for developing 8 (a) Unorganised
Effective Leadership in workers/Stone
Trade Unions. Quarry etc.,
10 Trade Union Leadership. 8 (b) Women Workers
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
Table 14.2
Activities of Dattopant Thengadi National Board for Workers Education and Development
(erstwhile CBWE) for the period 2018-19
Activity Target Achievement from
2019-20 01.04.2019 to
Progs. Participants
Training of Trainers (1 ½ month) 4 2 20
Personality Development Programme (21- days) 31 7 212
Refresher Course for Trainers (1 week) 0 0 0
Joint Education Programme on Participative Management 466 804 20645
(1 day)
Programmes under Self Generation of Funds / CTPG 856 401 7959
(1/2/3 days)
Need Based Seminars (1/2 days) 200 150 3474
Programmes on Quality of Life for Workers and their spouses 9 0 0
(4 days)
Programmes on Quality of Life for Workers and their spouses 91 7 182
(2 days)
Seminar at Plant Level (1 day) 136 85 2158
Special Programme for Self Generation of Fund Programme 0 0 0
(5 days)
Workers Participation in Management 53 4 123
Part/Full Time Unit Level Classes (3-months/3-weeks/1 month) 48 7 179
Joint Education Programmes for New Members of Joint 198 158 3955
Councils at Enterprise Level (2/3 days)
Empowerment Programme for Unorganized Workers/Weaker 155 3 109
Section (4 days)
Programme for Unorganized Sector/Stone Quarry/ 640 142 5334
Construction Workers (2 days)
Programme for Women Workers (2 days) 575 114 4240
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Table: 15.1
(Rupees in Crore)
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Table 15.2
(Rs. in crores)
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Table 15.3
Last Five Year BE, RE and Expenditure of the Ministry of Labour & Employment
Rs. In crore
Year BE RE Expenditure
2014-2015 5408.33 4311.00 4137.79
2015-2016 5361.37 4835.08 4642.06
2016-2017 6242.60 5174.08 4949.30
2017-2018 7378.38 6592.90 6528.57
2018-2019 7700.00 9749.58 9291.23
Annual Report 2019-20
NATIONAL CAREER SERVICE CENTRES FOR Chrome Ore Mines Labour Welfare Fund; Cine
SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED Workers Welfare Fund; and Beedi Workers
TRIBES Welfare fund set up by the Acts of parliament. No
separate data is maintained with regard to budget/
16.1 National Career Service Centres (NCSCs)
expenditure/number of persons benefited in
for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes-
respect of SCs/STs Persons and Persons with
(erstwhile Coaching-cum-Guidance Centres for
Disabilities (PWDs).
SC/ST) were established by Directorate General
of Employment & Training (now Directorate Rehabilitation of Bonded Labour
General of Employment), Ministry of Labour &
Employment, Govt. of India. These Centres 16.3 In order to assist the State Governments in
provide services to educated SC/ST job seekers the task of rehabilitation of released Bonded
registered with Employment Exchanges for Labour, Ministry of Labour & Employment
enhancing their employability through coaching, launched a Centrally Sponsored Plan Scheme for
counselling and related training programmes. rehabilitation of released bonded labour in May,
Some of the programmes organized by these 1978. The Government has revamped the
Centres cover confidence building, individual Centrally Sponsored Scheme for Rehabilitation of
guidance, mock interviews, training and practice Bonded Labourers with effect from 17th May, 2016.
in typing, shorthand and computer etc. To facilitate The revamped scheme is known as ‘Central
the recruitment against reserved vacancies in Sector Scheme for Rehabilitation of Bonded
various central Government Ministries/ Labourer, 2016’. The revised scheme is a Central
Departments, the Special Coaching Scheme is Sector Scheme. The State Government is not
being implemented to enable SC/ST job seekers required to pay matching contribution for the
to appear in competitive Examinations. For further purpose of cash rehabilitation assistance.
details on NCSC-SC/STs refer chapter 24. Financial assistance has been increased from Rs.
20,000/- to one lakh per adult male beneficiary,
Labour Welfare Funds/Schemes Rs. 2 lakh for special category beneficiaries such
as children including orphans or those rescued
16.2 A number of schemes providing medical,
from organized & forced begging rings or other
housing, educational, recreational, water supply
forms of forced child labour, and women and Rs.
and family welfare benefits are being implemented
3 lakh in cases of bonded or forced labour involving
for workers [including SCs / STs persons and
extreme cases of deprivation or marginalization
persons with Disabilities (PWDs] engaged in Mica
such as trans-genders, or woman or children
Mines, Iron Ore, Manganese Ore and Chrome Ore
rescued from ostensible sexual exploitation such
Mines, Limestone and Dolomite Mines, Cine and
as brothels, massage parlours, placement
Beedi workers under the five Welfare Funds,
agencies etc., or trafficking, or in cases of
namely, Mica Mines Labour Welfare Fund;
differently abled persons, or in situations where
Limestone & Dolomite Mines Labour Welfare
the District Magistrate deems fit. Till date, a sum
Fund; Iron Ore Mines, Manganese Ore and
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
16.5 Data on representation of Scheduled Castes (SCs) / Scheduled Tribes (STs) employees in the
Ministry of Labour & Employment is furnished in Table 16.1.
16.6 As per the requirement of the “Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, 4% posts are to be
reserved for Person with Disabilities. The data and number of posts held by Persons with Disabilities
(PWDs) in the Ministry of Labour and Employment is furnished in the Table 16.2
16.7 As per the requirement of the “Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, 4% posts are to be
reserved for Person with Disabilities. The data and number of posts held by Persons with Disabilities
(PWDs) in the Ministry of Labour and Employment as under:-
Table 16.2
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Functions and Organizational Set-up of 17.2 The two main wings of Labour Bureau are
Labour Bureau Chandigarh/Shimla: at Chandigarh and Shimla and its five Regional
offices are at Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Chennai,
17.1 Labour Bureau has been engaged in
Kanpur and Guwahati and a Sub-Regional office
collection, compilation, analysis and
at Mumbai under Ahmedabad Regional Office.
dissemination of labour statistics at All India and
State level on different facets of labour. The Major Activities and Achievements of Labour
statistics help in providing vital inputs for Bureau
formulation of suitable policies and for suggesting
I. Consumer Price Indices
appropriate ameliorative measures to improve the
conditions of different segments of labour force. 17.3 The Consumer Price Indices compiled &
The main activities of the Bureau include: maintained by Labour Bureau on a regular monthly
basis are as under:-
i) Compilation and maintenance of Consumer
Price Index Numbers for (i) Industrial (a) Consumer Price Index Numbers for
Workers; (ii) Agricultural and Rural Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) base
Labourers, (iii) Retail Price Index of Selected 2001=100
Essential Commodities in Urban and Rural 1. Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial
Areas and (iv) Wage Rate Indices. Workers (CPI-IW) which measure the rate
ii) Collection, compilation and dissemination of of change in prices of a fixed basket of goods
statistical information on various aspects of and services consumed by the working class
labour such as employment, unemployment, population are compiled and maintained by
wages and earnings, absenteeism, labour Labour Bureau.
turnover, social security, welfare amenities, 2. Labour Bureau compiled and released the
industrial relations, etc. on the basis of Consumer Price Index Numbers for
statutory and voluntary returns under different Industrial Workers on base: 2001=100 from
Labour Acts. January, 2006. The index numbers are
released on the last working day of every
iii) Conducting research studies and surveys on
succeeding month through Press Release.
labour related matters in organized/
These are also published in the Bureau’s
unorganized sectors covering, inter alia, SC/
monthly publication “Indian Labour Journal”
ST Workers, Women Labour, Contract
besides putting them on the Bureau’s
Workers and occupational wage surveys in
Website A
manufacturing industries, mines, plantations comparative Statement of variations in
and service sectors. Consumer Price Indices (CPI) for Industrial
iv) Imparting training to State/UT personnel and Workers (IW) is given in Table 17.1 (i) and
the trainees sponsored by various State and 17.1 (ii).
Central agencies. (b) Consumer Price Index Numbers for Rural
v) Bringing out regular and ad-hoc publications Labourers and for Agricultural Labourers
in the field of labour. [CPI (RL/AL)] (Base: 1986-87=100)
Annual Report 2019-20
17.4 Based on the retail price data collected from the results of 75th Round (2017-18) of NSS
600 sample villages, CPI Numbers for Rural Consumer Expenditure Survey for weighing
labourers and its subset Agricultural Labourers diagram. Collection of data on market survey
are being compiled for 20 States and All-India on through NSSO-FOD regarding identification,
base 1986-87=100 on a monthly basis. listing, sampling of local areas, shops and
specifications of items for the selected sample
17.5 Labour Bureau also compiled &
village spread over various States/UTs is presently
released CPI Numbers for Agricultural & Rural
in progress.
Labour (Base 1986-87=100). The comparative
statement of annual variation in CPI-AL and CPI- (e) Statutory and Voluntary Returns
RL is presented in Table 17.2. The Annual
17.8 Labour Bureau collects, compiles and
Report on CPI Numbers for Agricultural and
disseminates labour statistics on different facets
Rural Labourers (Base: 1986-87=100) for the
of labour based on Annual statutory returns
year 2017-18 has been released.
received from various State and UT authorities
(c) Base Updation of Price Index Numbers under the provisions of various Labour
for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) Enactments and voluntary statistics relating to
industrial disputes, closures, lay-offs and
17.6 Labour Bureau is in the process of updating
retrenchments furnished every month by the State
the series with more recent base period i.e.
and Central Labour Departments to the Labour
2016=100. On completion of field activities, new
Series will be placed before Standing Tripartite
Committee (STC), Technical Advisory Committee (f) Field Surveys and Studies
on SPCL (TAC on SPCL) and National Tripartite
17.9 Labour Bureau conducts periodic/ad-hoc
Forum represented by Apex Level Trade Union
surveys on different aspects of labour such as: i)
Leaders, Employers’ Associations
Employment, ii) Wages and Earnings, iii) Working
Representatives and State Representatives both
and Living Conditions of workers engaged in the
from Central Ministries as well as States. On
Organized and Unorganized sectors of the
approval by the Tripartite Committee, the index
economy to bridge the gap in the availability of
with new base will formally be released.
labour statistics. Labour Bureau also compiles
(d) Base Updation of Consumer Price Index wage rate data for 25 agricultural and non-
Numbers for Rural Labourers and for agricultural occupations regularly every month
Agricultural Labourers [CPI (RL/AL)] from 600 sample villages of 20 States / UTs.
Achievements during the reference year are as
17.7 In pursuance of the recommendations/
suggestions made by the various committees/
commissions such as Committee of Secretaries, Wage rate statistics was compiled upto
National Statistical Commission (NSC), 2nd the month of August, 2019 and published
National Commission on Labour, Niti Aayog in the Indian Labour Journal.
(erstwhile Planning Commission) and Technical
Advisory Committee on Statistics of Prices of Cost The booklet titled “Wage Rates in Rural
of Living (TAC on SPCL), Labour Bureau has India” for the year 2017-2018 has been
initiated the process of base updation of CPI-AL released.
and RL. The new series of CPI-AL and RL would
(g) Occupational Wage Survey
have an enlarged scope covering 788 sample
villages spread over all the States/UTs (except 17.10 Different rounds of Occupational Wage
Chandigarh). The base period for the new series Surveys (OWS) are being conducted with the
of CPI-AL and RL would be 2019 and would utilize objective of providing data/information required to
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
(in percent)
LFPR 77.4 25.4 - 52.9 76.6 22.6 - 50.9 74.4 25.8 - 52.5 75.0 23.7 48.0 50.4
WPR 75.1 23.6 - 50.8 73.5 20.9 - 48.5 71.4 23.8 - 49.9 72.1 21.7 45.9 47.8
UR 2.9 6.9 - 3.8 4.0 7.2 - 4.7 4.1 7.7 - 4.9 4.0 8.7 4.3 5.0
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Table 17.1 (ii)
April 226 +0.89 242 +1.26 256 +0.79 271 +1.12 277 +0.73 288 +0.35 312 +0.97
May 228 +0.88 244 +0.83 258 +0.78 275 +1.48 278 +0.36 289 +0.35 314 +0.64
June 231 +1.32 246 +0.82 261 +1.16 277 +0.73 280 +0.72 291 +0.69 316 +0.64
July 235 +1.73 252 +2.44 263 +0.77 280 +1.08 285 +1.79 301 +3.44 319 +0.95
August 237 +0.85 253 +0.40 264 +0.38 278 -0.71 285 - 301 +0.00 320 +0.31
September 238 +0.42 253 0.00 266 +0.76 277 -0.36 285 - 301 +0.00 322 +0.63
October 241 +1.26 253 0.00 269 +1.12 278 +0.36 287 +0.70 302 +0.33
November 243 +0.83 253 0.00 270 +0.37 277 -0.36 288 +0.35 302 +0.00
December 239 -1.65 253 0.00 269 -0.37 275 -0.72 286 -0.69 301 -0.33
January 237 -0.84 254 +0.40 269 0.00 274 -0.36 288 +0.70 307 +1.99
February 238 +0.42 253 -0.40 267 -0.74 274 - 287 -0.35 307 +0.00
March 239 +0.42 254 +0.40 268 +0.37 275 +0.36 287 - 309 +0.65
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
TABLE 17.2
Annual Report 2019-20
TABLE 17.3
Sl. Publications
1. Indian Labour Journal (Monthly)
2. Annual Report on Consumer Price Index Numbers for Agricultural & Rural Labourers Base
1986-87=100 for the year 2017-18.
3. The Review on the Industrial Establishments Act (Standing orders), 1946 for the year 2016.
4. The Review on the Working of the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 for the year 2016.
5. The Shops & Commercial Establishments Act for the year 2016.
6. The Report on Payment of Wages Act, 1936 for 2015.
7. The Report on Minimum Wages Act, 1948 for 2015.
8. The report on “Statistics of Factories 2015”.
9. The reports on “Trade Unions in India” for the year 2016.
10. Report on Mining Sector Industries under 7th round of Occupational Wage Survey (OWS).
11. Report on Ten Manufacturing Industries under 7th round of Occupational Wage Survey (OWS).
12. Report on Ten Engineering Industries under 7th round of Occupational Wage Survey (OWS).
13. Report on Nine Engineering Industries under 7th round of Occupational Wage Survey (OWS).
14. Report on Nine Manufacturing Industries under 7th round of Occupational Wage Survey (OWS).
15. Report on Four Service sector industries under 7th round of Occupational Wage Survey (OWS).
16. The Report on Wage Rates in Rural India for the year 2017-18.
17. Pocket Book of Labour Statistics 2017.
18. Indian Labour Statistics 2017.
19. Indian Labour Year Book 2017.
20. Statistical Profile on Women Labour 2014-15.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
18.1 V.V. Giri National Labour Institute (VVGNLI), OBJECTIVES AND MANDATE
an autonomous body of the Ministry of Labour and
18.3 The Memorandum of Association spells out
Employment, Government of India was set up in
clearly a wide range of activities that are essential
July 1974 and has grown into a premier Institute of
to fulfill the objective of the Institute. It mandates
labour research and training. Since its inception,
the Institute:
the Institute has endeavoured through its research,
training, education and publications to reach out to (i) to undertake, aid, promote and coordinate
diverse groups concerned with various aspects of research on its own or in collaboration with
labour in the organised and unorganised sectors. other agencies, both national and
The focus of such endeavours is the concern to international;
transfer academic insights and understanding for
application to policy formulation and action, so as (ii) to undertake and assist in organising training
to ensure a just place for labour in an egalitarian and education programmes, seminars and
and democratic society. workshops;
18.2 A globally reputed institution and centre of (a) education, training and orientation;
excellence in labour research and training (b) research, including action research;
committed to enhancing the quality of work and
(c) consultancy; and
work relations.
(d) publication and other such activities as
MISSION may be necessary for achieving the
objectives of the society;
Bring Labour and Labour Relations as the
Central Feature in Development Agenda (iv) to analyse specific problems encountered in
through: the planning and implementation of labour
and allied programmes and to suggest
Addressing issues of transformations in the
remedial measures;
world of work;
(v) to prepare, print and publish papers,
Disseminating knowledge, skills and attitudes
periodicals and books;
to major social partners and stakeholders
concerned with labour and employment; (vi) to establish and maintain library and
information services;
Undertaking research studies and training
interventions of world class standards, and (vii) To collaborate with other institutions and
agencies in India and abroad which have
Building understanding and partnerships with
similar objectives; and
globally respected institutions involved with
labour. (viii) to offer fellowships, prizes and stipends.
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
2. Centre for Labour Market Studies All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC)
Collection: 170 files pages 44000
Completed Project
Oral History of Labour Movement: 400 hours
Research Study on Youth and the Labour
of audio tape
Market Landscape in India: Issues and
Perspectives (Research Project carried out Workers Education Trust Collection(12000
under the aegis of BRICS Network of Labour pages Phase II)
Research Institutes, 2019).
Textile Labour in Ahmedabad (1093 pages)
On-going Project
National Campaign for Construction Workers
Promoting Youth Employment & Legislation (2763 pages)
Entrepreneurship: A Study with Special focus
6. Centre for Gender and Labour
on ‘Startups’
Completed Project
3. Centre for Agrarian Relations and Rural
Labour The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976:
Identifying the Affirmative Initiative &
Ongoing Projects
Challenges in the Implementation of the Act
Decoding Agrarian Crisis: A Study of
Ongoing Project
Production, Employment and Emerging
Challenges ILO research paper titled ‘Overview of Laws,
Policies and Practices on Sexual
Developing Training Materials Modules on
Harassment and Violence against Women
Behavioural Skills and Other Training Inputs
Workers in South Asia’
4. Centre for Employment Relations and
7. Centre for Labour and Health Studies
Evaluation of Labour Welfare Hospitals and
Documentation of Select Practices on
Industrial Relations in India
8. Centre for North East Research &
5. Integrated Labour History Research
North East Migrants in Delhi: A Socio-
Completed Projects
economic Study
India-ILO : 100 Years
Social Security of Handlook Weavers in
On-going Projects Manipur
Annual Report 2019-20
labour problems and to find the avenues and programmes use an appropriate mix of audio-
means to tackle them. To achieve this, the visual presentation, lectures, group discussions,
Institute, through its varied activities attempts to case studies and behavioural science techniques.
provide education with regard to labour issues in Apart from the Institute’s faculty, guest faculty is
an integrated manner. While research activities, also invited to strengthen the training
among other things explore the basic needs of programmes.
different groups, such data as generated in
18.10 The Institute offers education and
research activities is used for designing new and
training to the following groups:
modifying existing training programmes. Constant
feedback from the participants is used for updating Labour Administrators and officials of the
the training curriculum as well as redesigning Central and State Governments,
training modules.
Managers and Officers of the Public and
18.8 Educational and training programmes of the Private Sector Industries,
Institute may be viewed as potential vehicles of
structural change in labour relations. They can Trade Union Leaders and Organisers of the
help to generate a more positive attitude for the organised and unorganised sectors, and
promotion of harmonious industrial relations. In
Researchers, Trainers, field workers and
the rural areas, the programmes are attempted
others concerned with labour issue.
to develop leadership at the grassroots level that
can build and support independent organisations 18.11 During the year from April 2019 – October
to look after the interests of the rural labour. 2019, the Institute has conducted 84 training
Training programmes equally emphasise programmes including 05 International
attitudinal change, skill development and programmes and 2669 participants including
enhancement of knowledge. international participants from different countries
have also attended these programmes. The
18.9 The methodology adopted in these training
details are as follows:
Training Programmes held during April-October 2019
Ministry of Labour & Employment
18.12 The Institute has been empanelled by (IRP – Industrial Relation Programme)
Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India
(CBP – Capacity Building Programme)
for conducting various international training
programmes under Indian Technical and Ecoomic (RMP – Research Methods Programme)
Cooperation (ITEC) Scheme. During the period
April 2019– October 2019, the Institute organized (IP- International Programme)
03 international programmes under ITEC scheme
(CLP – Child Labour Programme)
on subjects like ‘International Labour Standards and
Promotion of Gender Equality at the Workplace’, (IHP – Inhouse Training Programme)
‘Skill Development & Employment Generation’ and
‘Enhancing Leadership Skills’. 84 foreign officials (NTP- North East Programme)
from 43 countries attended these programmes. (CTP- Collaborative Programme)
18.13 The Institute has jointly conducted 02 Publications
international programmes with International Training
Centre of International Labour Organisation (ITC- 18.15 VVGNLI has a dynamic publishing
ILO), Turin on ‘Promotion of Youth Employment in programme for dissemination of various labour
Fragile Settings’ and ‘Strengthening the Capacity related information in general and its research
of Technical and Vocational Education and Training’ findings and experiences in particular. In order to
(TVET) for the officials of Afghanistan Government fulfill this task, the Institute brings out journals,
and India. These programmes were attended by occasional publications, books and reports.
37 participants.
Labour & Development
18.16 Labour &
18.14 During April to October, 2019, the Institute Development is a
organised 08 training programmes for North Eastern biannual academic
Region. These programmes were designed for State journal. It is
Government Officials, Central Trade Union Leaders dedicated to
and NGOs. Three hundred twenty nine (329) advancing the
participants participated in these programmes. understanding of
various aspects of
labour through
analysis and
e m p i r i c a l
investigations. The
journal publishes
articles of high
academic quality in
the field of labour and related areas with emphasis
on economic, social, historical as well as legal
aspects and also publishes research notes and
book reviews on them particularly in the context
Annual Report 2019-20
of developing countries. The Journal is a valuable leaders and workers, labour law advisors,
reference for scholars and practitioners educational institutions, conciliation officers,
specialising in labour studies. arbitrators of industrial disputes, practicing
advocates and students of labour laws.
Awards Digest: Journal of Labour Legislation
18.17 Awards
Digest is a 18.19 It is bi-
quarterly journal monthly Newsletter
which brings out a brought out by the
summary of the Institute which
latest case laws in captures Institute’s
the field of labour multifarious
and industrial activities in the area
relations. The of research, training
decisions rendered and education,
by the Supreme workshop, seminar
Court, High Courts etc. The Newsletter
and Central also brings out brief
Administrative details about
Tribunals are reported in the Journal. It includes different events
articles, amendments to labour laws and other organized by the Institute. It also highlights
relevant information. The journal is a valuable professional engagements of the Director General
reference for personnel managers, trade union and faculty members along with profiling the visits
leaders and workers, labour law advisors, of the distinguished persons who visit the Institute.
educational institutions, conciliation officers,
arbitrators of industrial disputes, practicing Child Hope
advocates and students of labour laws. 18.20 Child
Hopeis a
Shram Vidhan
q u a r t e r l y
18.18 ShramVidhan Newsletter of the
is a quarterly Hindi Institute. It is being
journal which brings brought out to
out a summary of the pave way for
latest case laws in ending child
the field of labour and labour by reaching
industrial relations. out to different
The decisions sections of
rendered by the society, mobilizing
Supreme Court, High their efforts in this
Courts and Central direction, etc.
Tribunals are
reported in the Journal. This journal is a valuable 18.21 ShramSangam is a biannual official
reference for personnel managers, trade union language magazine brought out by the institute to
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
launched by the Ministry of Labour and awareness service; Bibliographical service; On-
Employment to benefit the disadvantaged people line search; Article indexing of Journals;
& backward regions and disseminate knowledge Newspaper clippings service; Micro-fiche search
on labour and labour issues apart from the details and printing; Reprographic Service; CD-ROM
about various training programmes and research Search; Audio/Visual Service; Current Content
activitites conducted by V.V.Giri National Labour Service; Article Alert Service; Lending Service and
Institute. Such events provide a platform to reach Inter-Library Loan Service.
out a large section of stakeholders and social
2. Products
partners. During April to October, 2019, the
Institute participated in a Mega Event ‘Rise in The library provides following products in printed
Haryana’ at Hansi to spread the information and forms to users populations;
knowledge on recent innovative government
schemes, interventions and activities of Ministry Guide to periodical literature – Quarterly in-
of Labour & Employment, and VVGNLI for house publication providing bibliographical
enhancing the welfare and development of people. information of articles from over 53 selected
The Institute has also displayed all its major journals / magazine.
publications in this event.
Current Awareness Bulletin – Quarterly in-
N.R. DE RESOURCE CENTRE ON LABOUR house publication providing bibliographical
INFORMATION (NRDRCLI) information on acquisition in NRDRCLI.
18.25 N.R. De Resource Centre on Labour Article Alert – Weekly publication providing
Information (NRDRCLI) is one of the most reputed bibliographical information of important
library cum documentation Centre in the area of articles in all subscribed journals/magazines.
labour studies in the country. The Centre was
Current Content Service – Monthly
renamed in memory of late Shri Nitish R. De, the
publications. It is the compilation of content
founder Dean of the Institute on July 01, 1999 to
pages of subscribed journals.
commemorate the Silver Jubilee Celebration of
the Institute. The Centre is fully computerized and Article Alert Service – This weekly service is
offers the following services and products to its hosted on the Institute’s web site for public
users. access.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
As a part of the BRICS Network of Labour programmes were to: (a) instill a sense of
Research Institutes, a Roundtable on ‘Youth belongingness to the employers i.e. ESIC;
Employment and the Future of Work’ was (b) understand the international and national
organized by the Ministry of Labour and framework of social security and the role of
Social Protection of the Russian Federation ESIC in the overall framework; (c) outline the
and All Russian Scientific Research Institute vision roadmap of ESIC and provide overview
along with ILO Decent Work Technical of various provisions of the ESI Act, 1948 and
Support Team and Country Office for Eastern its enabling rules, regulations and
Europe and Central Asia on the sidelines of instructions issued from time to time; (d)
World Championship on Professional Skills build capacity on general office procedure,
according to the standards of ‘World Skills’ noting and drafting, GFR, e-governance,
held on 26th August, 2019 in Kazan, Russia. impartation of soft skills, public grievance
Dr. H. Srinivas, DG, VVGNLI attended the redressal mechanism, vigilance matter,
Roundtable and presented the work sensitization towards weaker sections of
conducted by VVGNLI. society etc, to equip and prepare them with
requisite information and skills to handle
For the first time, a National Workshop on
official work at the operative and supervisory
Disaster Management in collaboration
levels. These training programmes were
with National Institute of Disaster attended by 462 Social Security Officers of
Management (NIDM) was organised during
June 24-28, 2019 at its campus in Noida. 26
officers from Indian Administrative Service As a part of the MoU between VVGNLI and
and State Administrative Services serving in International Training Centre of International
various capacities as SDM, ADM, Tehsildar Labour Organisations (ITC-ILO), Turin, the
and also senior Officers from Ministry of Institute organised 02 collaborative training
Labour and Employment, Mines Safety, Food programmes on viz: (i) Promotion of Youth
Safety, Fire Safety, Agriculture and Education Employment in Fragile Settings (May 7-10,
Departments participated in this Workshop. 2019); and (ii) Strengthening the Capacity of
Dr. H. Srinivas, Director General, VVGNLI TVET in Afghanistan (May12-15, 2019) for the
highlighted the importance of disaster Government of Afghanistan. These
managment and mentioned that it is first-of- programmes were attended by 42 officials
its kind collaborative initiative of two National of Government of Afghanistan, Ministry of
institutions. In the valedictory session Dr. Labour & Employment and VVGNLI.
Mrutyunjay Mohapatra, the DG designate of
The Institute organized ‘Swachhta
Indian Meteorological Department (IMD)
Pakhwada’ from 1-15 May, 2019. Dr. H.
made a presentation on Early Warning
Srinivas, Director General administered the
System and Cyclone Management chaired
by Dr. H. Srinivas DG, VVGNLI. ‘Swachhta Pledge’ to all the faculty members,
officers and employees of the institute who
As a part of the agreement with the participated in the Swachhata Pakhwada and
Employee State Insurance Corporation undertook activities to maintain the campus
(ESIC), the Institute conducted a series of clean, keep the garden areas green and
Induction Training Programmes (08) for sustain this mission. Tree plantation
newly recruited Social Security Officers activities were also carried out in the
(SSOs). The objectives of the training campus.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
The Institute celebrated the “International organized a massive tree plantation at the
Yoga Day” on 21 st June, 2019. It was institute on 18 July, 2019. During the
attended by faculty, officers and staff plantation drive, around 150 various types of
members along with their families as well as saplings were planted in the institute’s
participants of different training programmes. campus. The plantation drive involved a
On this occasion, Dr. H. Srinivas, Director participation of more than 150 people
General of the Institute emphasized on the including employees and participants of
importance of Yoga in daily lives of each and various training programmes. On the
everyone and advised the participants to occasion, Dr. H. Srinivas, Director General,
make it a part of their lives and practice it VVGNLI administered a pledge and
daily. highlighted on the various activities to be
undertaken to commemorate the 150th birth
anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi at the
institute including the tree plantation drive.
Annual Report 2019-20
June, 2019); NLI Research Studies Series V.V.Giri National Labour Institute participanted
No. 137/2019 - Complexity in the in the event ‘Rise in Haryana 2019’ (August
Determination of Minimum Wages for 29-31, 2019) organised by TARMEH events.
Domestic Workers in India; NLI Research V.V.Giri National Labour Isntitute was
Studies Series No. 138/2019 - Unpaid Work conferred with First Prize. ISRO became the
and Time Use Patterns of Women Workers 1st runner up (Second Prize) and Ministry of
in North East India: Special Reference to Ayush (Third Prize). About 30 Central
Tripura; Workshop Report on the Equal Government Ministries, National Institutes
Remuneration Act, 1976: Identifying the and PSUs participated in this event. During
Affirmative Initiative & Challenges in the the event, visitors were made aware of the
Implementation of the Act, were released by activities of the Institute namely; Research,
Shri Heeralal Samariya, Secretary (Labour Training and Publication including
& Employment) and Chairperson, EC during sensitization on child labour, gender issues
the Executive Council’s meeting held on and future of work etc. Awareness and
24thJuly, 2019. sensitization activities were conducted on
major initiatives of the Ministry of Labour and
Employment, Government of India such as
PENCIL Portal, National Career Service
Portal, PMRPY, Maternity Benefit, Pradhan
MantriShram Yogi Mandhan (PM-SYM),
Initiatives of ESI and EPF, Legislative and
Governance Initiatives of MoLE and also
DDU-GKY, PMKVY, MUDRA Yojana, Startup
India and Stand UP India, PM Kissan
Samman Nidhhi Yojana. About 15,000
students from schools, colleges, universities
Shri Heeralal Samariya, Secretary (Labour & and teachers /professors, employees,
Employment) and Chairperson, Executive Council,
VVGNLI releasing the publications in the presence of workers, general public visited the event. Lt.
other Executive Council members General D.P. Vats, Hon’ble MP RajyaShabha,
Shri Dharamvir Singh, Hon’ble M.P.
A National Seminar on ‘Migration of Youth
LokShabha, Ms. SunitaDuggal, Hon’ble M.P.
from North East India to Urban Metros’ in
Lok Sabha, Shri Brijendra Singh, Hon’ble M.P.
collaboration with Centre for North East India,
Lok Sabha, Professor Gurdial Singh, Vice
Maharaja Agrasen College and University of
Chancellor, LUVAS visited VVGNLI’s stall and
Delhi was organised during August 22-23,
2019 at Maharaja Agrasen College (MAC),
New Delhi.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
software was developed for maintenance of viii. Initiates of the CLCOrganisation are as under
these registers by the Establishments and
a. CLC(C) orgaisation is using IT for
uploaded for free download on the Ministry’s
inspection under various Labour Lawas,
website . As
Licence and registration under Labour
on 05.01.2020, 31,300 number of downloads
Laws, unified annual return under
have been made by the establishments all
over India since inception of the website. various Labour Laws through
ShramSuvidha Portal
v. Directorate General of Employment (DGE)
b. LIMBS portal is being used to enter
has taken initiatives to bring Employers and
details of cases of Hon’ble Supreme
Jobseekers on a single platform through
Court, high Court, Labour Court and
National Career Service (NCS) Portal
lower courts by the respective field
( NCS Mobile App has been
developed. As on 31.10.2019, over 1.01 crore offices of the CLC(C) organization.
active jobseekers and 25,184 active ix. Labour Bureau has taken many IT initiatives
Employers are registered on the portal. It has during the year 2019-20 which including the
led to mobilization of over 58.50 lakh following
vacancies since launch of the portal.
a. all reports compiled from collected data
vi. Organizing job fairs on this platform is one are being put on the website of Labour
of the important component of the NCS Bureau to facilitate easier access to the
portal. Over 1800 job fairs have been compiled reports,
organised on NCS. NCS has partnered with
Department of Posts and CSCs (Common b. Various stakeholders can now access
Service Centres) to extend registration of job data pertaining to prices under
seekers. To enhance the reach and enrich Comsumer Price Index(IW) on a
the employment opportunities available to dedicated portal
youth, Memorandums of Understanding “”,
(MoUs) have also been signed with leading
c. For online collection of prices under the
job portals, placement organizations and
new base for CPI(IW), a software has
institutions of repute. Government has
been developed which makes use of
approved 171 (including 07 on non-funding
hand-held devices such as TABs. This
basis) Model Career Centres. A scheme has
will help improve the quality of data that
been evolved to interlink all employment
is being collected and also reduce the
exchanges to the NCS Portal and for
time-lag in the release of Index
organization of job fairs at the district level
on a quarterly basis. Government of India has
also made it mandatory for all the d. Labour Bureau is in process of
Government departments to post their development of a software through
vacancies on the NCS Portal. NICSI for online collection of data on 11
Labour Acts.
vii. ShramSuvidhaPortal(SSP) is a major IT
initiative of the Ministry, towards ease of doing x. DGMS has taken many IT initiatives during
business and reducing the complexities in the year 2019-20 which including the
labour law compliance. Details have been following:
given in para 1.10 (chapter 1).
Annual Report 2019-20
a. The website of DGMS has been System” for coal mines have been
redesigned and customized for developed and incorporated in the
providing better user interface and ShramSuvidha portal.
transparency for different stakeholders.
g. The digitization of old records including
b. In line with the Digital India initiative, mine plans has been going in view of
software modules namely “Approval Digital India and secured record
System”, “Permission/ Exemption/ keeping. This will ensure secured record
Relaxation System” have been keeping and easy and timely access.
developed and made live for use by the
xi. Dattopanttengadi National Board For
user industry. As on 30-10-2019 total of
Workers Education and Development
3804 application for Permission/
(DTNBWED) is developing a new portal of
Exemption/Relaxation has been
received online and 3056 has been dealt the organization as per the Guidelines of
Indian Government Websites. The Board is
also developing a web based MIS portal for
c. “National Safety Award (Mines) System” maintaining the data of various training
software module has been made live for programmes/activities conducted by its 50
online submission of applications for the Regional Directorates in organized,
NSA (mines), evaluation and verification unorganized and rural sectors. The online
of data and preparation of awardees list. application is also integrated with the PFMs
This has brought transparency and and DTB Bharat Portal. In accordance to the
accountability in the system. web portal, a mobile app is also being
developed to make it easy for the end users
d. “Accidents & Statistics System”
to upload data immediately after completion
software module has been developed of the trainings. DTNBWE is also in process
and tested. The system is planned to of implementing e-Office.
be made live during 2019-20. This
system would enable online sending of B. IT initiatives in EPFO
accident intimation by the user industry,
Various initiatives including the following have
filing of accident inquiry reports by the
already been launched for the convenience of PF
inspecting officers of DGMS, follow up
members and employers and various new
of the accident reports, finalization of
action and dissemination of the relevant services/ initiatives are under consideration for
further reducing the need for physical interaction
information and alerts to the mining
between EPFO and its stakeholders.
industry for improving safety standards.
Additionally, the system would provide i. Claim Receipt Entry at District Offices: To
platform for online filing of statistical integrate 117 District Offices spread across
details by the individual mining industry. country digitally, a facility of Claim Receipt
e. “Accounts & Budget System” software Entry has been provided. This facility will help
PF members residing in remote areas to cut
module is being developed as a part of
down upon long distance travels and time for
“Digital DGMS”.
claim submission.
f. For online generation of inspection, the
ii. Online filing of International Workers
modalities for “Risk-based Inspection
Return: For the convenience of employers
Ministry of Labour & Employment
who are mandated to file International of benefits were made through Modules
Workers Return monthly, a facility has been under Project Panchdeep.
provided to them to file it online through their
ii. In pursuit to strengthen network
login on Unified Portal -employer
infrastructure and improving efficiency of
iii. Auto approval of Digital Life Certificates: connectivity it was decided to implement
JeevanPramaan, a Government of India SDWAN (Software Defined Wide Area
initiative to capture life certificates of Network) across all offices of ESIC. This will
pensioners digitally was introduced in EPFO enable accessibility of applications from any
for pensioners of Employee’s Pension broadband connection in lieu of the MPLS
Scheme, 1995. connections. This migration will enhance
monitoring and bring flexibility and at the
iv. Delinking of wrong Aadhar in PPO; The same time reduce cost.
seeding of Aadhar against a PPO enabled a
pensioner of Employee’s Pension Scheme, iii. Various value-added changes in application
1995 to file his/her life certificate digitally were undertaken for user benefit and delivery
through JeevanPramaan. of services, such as:
Annual Report 2019-20
(Unified Mobile Application for New-Age arrange its own infrastructure for logistic
Governance of MEITy) platform (“ESIC- or other issues.
Chinta Se Mukti” mobile App for the
benefit of the beneficiaries. The
beneficiary shall access to his eligibility 19.3 The Publicity Division is the nodal desk of
status for different benefits under ESI EPFO for dissemination of information on policy
Scheme in addition to empowering briefs, media coordination, print media advertising,
himself with the information about his audio visual advertising, printed publicity,
contribution status, addresses of exhibitions, outdoor publicity and likes
service provider locations, approaching
ESI in case of requiring help or lodging 19.4 The Publicity Division in this financial year
a grievance, etc. has been quite active in spreading awareness
about the initiatives taken by EPFO for ease of
e. A front-end user accessible application doing business, efficient service delivery and
has been made available in widening the reach of EPF benefits. Press
under ‘IP Portal’ for the relevant releases were issued from time to time thereby
beneficiary under ABVKY bringing it to the knowledge of citizen about the
(AtalBimitVyoktiKalyanYajona). Under development in EPFO. Digital media also carried
this scheme an Insured Person (IP) who out news articles on the basis of press releases
is rendered unemployed shall be entitled issued by EPFO. Added to this, Press
to get monetary relief at predefined Conferences were held on the sidelines of major
rates and conditions. events like CBT meetings or launch of new
facilities which facilitated good media coverage
f. Insurance application of ‘Panchdeep’
to the initiatives of the Organisation. Besides this,
was integrated with a number of Banks
routine print advertisement were got published
(IDBI, HDFC, ICICI, Axis, etc.) for online
payment of contribution by the through DAVP.
Employers using internet banking 19.5 In 2018-19, a radio campaign on Pradhan
(Corporate & Retail). It saved time in Mantri Rozgar Protsahan Yojana (PMRPY) was
terms of real time remittance of cash in carried out through NFDC. Two radio spots of 30
contrast to the earlier provision of making seconds each were aired on private FM channels
payment only through SBI gateway for and AIR for 15 days w.e.f from 27.11.2018 to
each of these banks. 11.12.2018 across the country. The objective was
the registration of workers with EPFO so as to
g. An application has been developed for
have social security benefits and avail benefits
registering IMP, empanelled Chemist
under the PMRPY schemes in respect of
and empanelled Diagnostic Centre
generation of new employment.
under modified IMP (mIMP) scheme.
This shall increase transparency and 19.6 A full page color print advertisement was
provide visibility of such private also got published in 73 newspapers across the
practitioners who shall partner with ESI country on 9 th March 2019 under caption
Scheme for provisioning Health Care in “Namumkin ab mumkin hi” highlighting initiatives
areas where the Scheme can not and achievements of EPFO.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
formed part of this press release. Set-up of Call Centre for Stakeholders :-
Key decisions taken by Central Board of 19.10 During the entire process of allotment
Trustees, EPF. of UAN to EPF Members, it was anticipated that
there would be a need for handholding in the
Recommendations of CBT for crediting of
process for both the employer as well as the
8.65% rate of interest on the EPF
employee who may be requiring assistance in the
accumulations in the EPF member’s account aspects such as uploading process of KYC,
for the year 2018-19
process for linking previous and current
Additional responsibilities assigned to District Membership, file for transferring, clarification on
Offices that includes coverage and type of KYCs etc.
compliance, assessment of dues and
19.11 Accordingly, a help desk was set up
damages, receipt and registration of claims,
right from the initial stages of the launch of the
handling of grievances and recovery of program which has been found to be quite
assessed amounts in respect of
successful in addressing to all the queries raised
establishments falling under the jurisdiction
during this period and has been instrumental in
of the District Office.
making the UAN program a success. The Help
EPFO’s Facebook and Twitter handle Desk can be approached either through the toll
free number 1800118005 as well as through e-
19.7 Facebook and Twitter handle of EPFO were mail and
constantly used to share information with its
stakeholders. EPF stakeholders were encouraged
to register their grievance on http:// New Initiatives, the online internet grievance
Revamping of EPFiGMS.
management portal of EPFO - EPFiGMS loaded
with feature to track their grievance status. While 19.12 The revamping of Grievance Redressal
responding to their queries, there were informed System of EPFO in under process i.e. EPFiGMS
about the various online services available at and Citizen Interface Module of EPFiGMS Version
EPFO website viz. UAN activation, facility to 2.0 has been operational w.e.f. 01.03.2019 for
check claim status, KYCupdation, know your EPF stakeholders and work on office module of
balance, transfer of pervious PF account to EPFiGMS has been started by NIC.
current UAN by submitting transfer claim online
19.13 The revamped EPFiGMS 2.0 is loaded
through the unified portal for members.
with several advanced features most important
19.8 During 2018-19, these platforms were also being:-
used to highlight important meetings/events
Four major roles incorporated
namely CBT, EPF meeting, Foundation Day
celebration of EPFO and launch of PM-SYM by PF member
the Government. As on 31.3.2019, EPFO had
1,42,298 followers on its facebook page and more EPS pensioner
than 27,500 followers on twitter.
Publicity through Calendars
19.9 20,000 EPF calendars for the year 2019
OTP verification
were distributed in all offices of EPFO.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Online lodging of grievance/complaint based Now subscribers can upload more than one
on UAN document
UAN integrated with master data base of 19.14 Further, once a grievance is registered
EPFO resulting in identification of EPF office system generates a unique registration number
for redress of grievance and auto generates acknowledgement through
SMS&email,there is ease of registration of
Grievance can be lodged for multiple PF grievance, faster redressal now after revamp and
numbers available in UAN
the interface is bilingual.
PPO number validation/integration (for EPS
Call Centre
pensioners) with centralised data base of
EPFO 19.15 The Call Centre of EPFO was managed
previously by IS Division. As per the directions of
Send reminder for pending grievance
CPFC, CSD is managing the Call Centre since
View status March, 2019.
Provide feedback on redress of grievance 19.16 Toll Free Number 1800118005 and replying
to emails received on
Comprehensive categorization for identifying and
the grievance prone areas We have 16
lines on the Toll Free Number and all of them are
manned by DEOs during working hours.
Annual Report 2019-20
20.1 Role and Functions of Chief Vigilance the year 2019-20 (till date) have been appropriately
Officer addressed.
Background – The Primary responsibility for Departmental Proceedings – One new case of
maintenance of purity, integrity and efficiency in the Departmental Proceeding was initiated and one
organisation vests in the Secretary, Ministry of case has been finalised during this year. Sincere
Labour and Employment. The Chief Vigilance efforts were made to expeditiously finalise the
Officer assists the Secretary in the discharge of pending Departmental Proceedings by issuing
his/her vigilance functions. The CVO acts as a necessary directions to the concerned Inquiring
special assistant/advisor to the chief executive and Authorities.
reports directly to him/her in all matters relating to
vigilance. CVO heads the Vigilance Division of the Prosecution Sanctions - All the Prosecution
Ministry and provides a link between Ministry and Sanctions as sought by the CBI/ACB during the
Central Vigilance Commission and also the Central year were accorded. No Prosecution Sanction
Bureau of Investigation. The Chief Vigilance Officer case is pending for more than three months.
is appointed with the prior consultation of Central
Vigilance Commission and no person whose Preventive Vigilance – Annual Property Returns
appointment in that capacity is objected to by the submitted by the employees of the Ministry were
Commission can be so appointed. properly scrutinised to deter the corrupt intent if
any. All the intimations given regarding acquiring/
The Vigilance functions of CVO are of wide disposing of the movable/immovable property
sweep and include collecting intelligence about were also properly examined in the light of known
the corrupt practices committed, or likely to be sources of income of the concerned employees.
committed by the employees of his/her Vigilance Awareness Week was observed in the
organisation; investigating or causing an Ministry from 28.10.2019 to 02.11.2019. Officer
investigation to be made into verifiable allegations and members of staff in the Ministry took an
reported to him/her; processing investigation Integrity Pledge on 28.10.2018
reports for further consideration of the disciplinary
advice wherever necessary, taking steps to A workshop for Inquiry Officers/Presenting
prevent commissioning of improper practices/ Officers, Vigilance Officers of Attached/
misconducts, etc. It can broadly be divided into Subordinate Offices of the Ministry and Officers/
three parts – (i) Preventive vigilance, (ii) Punitive Officials of the Ministry was organized on 30th
vigilance & (iii) Surveillance and detection. October, 2019 in the Ministry wherein a resource
person from CVC conducted sessions on general
20.2 An over view of the performance during
principles to conduct an effective enquiry,
the year 2019
complaint handling mechanism and on preventive
Punitive Vigilance vigilance measures.
Complaints – All the complaints received during
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Year-wise break up of Public Grievances received and disposed of in the online CPGRAMS
portal ( by the Ministry of Labour and Employment during the period
2019-2020 (from 01.01.2016 to 31.10.2019)
Sl. Year/ Period No. of No. of Total No. of Cases Cases Percentage
No. Grievances Grievances Grievances disposed pending at of Disposal
brought received received for off during the end of (col.6 /
forward from during the the year/ the year/ the year/ col.5 ) x
previous year/ period (col. period period (col. 100
year period 3+col.4) 5 -col.6)
1. 01.01.2016 to 27 24343 24370 23294 1076 95.58%
2. 01.01.2017 to 1076 32990 34066 32637 1429 95.80%
3. 01.01.2018 to 1429 35093 36522 35343 1179 96.77%
4. 01.01.2019 to 1177 38739 39916 38660 1256 96.85%
(*) N.B: 1. The above figures are as per reports generated on 10.04.2019 in the CPGRAMS Portal account of
the Nodal Public Grievance Office of the Ministry.
2. The figures shown in the reports generated in the CPGRAMS portal are dynamic in nature, i.e. some
of these figures may change slightly from time to time depending on the date and time of generation of the
reports due to various factors/technicalities.
Annual Report 2019-20
REDRESSAL OF PUBLIC GRIEVANCES IN round the clock. ESIC has also launched a new
EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE Medical toll free helpline 1800-11-3839 which is
CORPORATION (ESIC) functional round the clock on all days.
20.6 In pursuance of the instructions issued by 20.10 The status detail of the PG received on
the Directorate of Public Grievances, Govt. of India, CPGRAM portal and redressed by ESIC from
the corporation is making all out efforts for 01.04.2019 to 31.10.2019 are as under: -
qualitative and speedy redress of Public
1 Unsettled grievances pending 195
Grievances. The corporation monitors Public
as on 31.03.2019
Grievances received through various quarters viz.
Insured persons, there family members, 2 Grievances received from
Employers/Employees’ Associations, Employees 01.04.2019 to 31.10.2019 2328
Union, MPs/MLAs/VIPs etc. through a network of
3 TOTAL 2523
Public Grievance officers posted in all the offices
of the Corporation. Grievances received from the 4 Grievances settled during the 2236
Prime Minister ’s Office and the Cabinet period from 01.04.2019 to
Secretariat are directly monitored by a senior in 31.10.2019
the Hqrs. Office for effective and timely redressal.
5 Unsettled grievances are on 287
20.7 The monitoring of Public Grievances 31.10.2019
received in the Regional Offices, Sub- Regional
6 Number of grievances pending 168(out
Offices, ESI Hospitals/Dispensaries is being done
for more than 15 days of 287)
by the designated Public Grievances Offices.
Apart from this, SuvidhaSamagam/Open house
meetings are being conducted in the respective 20.11 VIGILANCE ACTIVITIES IN ESIC
Regions/Sub-Regions/Branch offices level at
Vigilance Branch of ESI Corporation
regular intervals in the presence of senior officers
implements policies, instructions and guidelines
of the Corporation and representatives of trade
from Central Vigilance Commission in regard to
unions and employer’s representatives. Such
eradication of corruption, undertakes various
meetings are generally presided over by the
preventive and punitive vigilance activities
Regional Director/Director (I/C) of Sub-Regional
including investigation on the complaints received
Office or a senior officer to redress the grievances
through Central Vigilance Commission and
across the table, wherever it is possible.
through other sources involving vigilance angle
20.8 In the states, where the ESI Scheme has and initiates departmental action against the
been implemented, the grievances relating to the officials of the Corporation who indulge in corrupt
medical benefits are being taken up with the State practices and misconducts as defined in the ESIC
Govt. Authorities by the Regional Directors for (Staff & Conditions of Service) Regulations, 1959.
timely redressal of grievances. The corporation The Vigilance Division in the Hqrs office is headed
conducts workshops and seminars on Public by the Chief Vigilance Officer assisted by an
Grievances for its officers & staff. Instructions, Additional Commissioner and other Officers. Four
circulars and other important information are also Zonal Vigilance Offices and four Zonal Inquiry
uploaded on the website. Offices (Departmental Inquiry) are located at
Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. There is also
20.9 The Toll free helpline number 1800-11-2526 a Medical Vigilance cell under which several
has been installed, which is functional for 7 days Medical Vigilance Officers of various ranks are
Ministry of Labour & Employment
functioning who are responsible for carrying out 8. During this period, 3 prosecution sanction
inspection/investigation related to Medical related cases were received and sanction were
issues, checking of SST payments etc. granted within prescribed time limit in all the
Investigation of the complaints are undertaken by cases.
the Zonal Vigilance Officers and MVOs, and the
9. No. of inspection conducted by Zonal
departmental enquiries are conducted by the
Zonal Inquiry Officers (Departmental Inquiry) and Vigilance Offices during the period are 39.
by other Officers appointed/empanelled as Inquiry 10. Omitted wages amounting to Rs. 10,19,928/
Officers by Disciplinary Authority. As a preventive - Were detected by the Zonal Vigilance
measure, Zonal Vigilance Units and Medical during this period.
Vigilance officers posted in various states, conduct
periodical and surprise inspections of ESI Offices 11. Scrutiny of Super Specialty Treatment bills
i.e. Regional Offices, Sub Regional Offices, was done by Medical Vigilance Officers and
Branch Offices, Hospitals and Dispensaries etc. excess payments amounting of Rs.
falling in their respective jurisdiction. The Zonal 68,09,893.00/- recovered during the
Vigilance Officers also carry out Test inspections aforesaid period.
of Employers registered under ESI Act to examine
12. ESIC featured in the compilation of best
correctness of Inspections conducted by SSOs.
practices on “Preventive Vigilance” released
The status in respect of various activities by CVC of India on 30/10/2019.
accomplished by vigilance division during the
13. Vigilance Awareness Week was organized
period 01/04/2019 to 31/10/2019 are as follow
from 28.10.19 to 2.11.19 in all the offices of
1. During this period, penalty orders were the Corporation across the country. On this
passed in 73 Disciplinary cases, out of which occasion various activities as per the
14 orders were passed from Hqrs. Office. guidelines of the CVC were organized in all
the offices of ESIC throughout the country.
2. During the period, total 96 Charge Sheets In Hqrs Office, New Delhi also various
were issued, out of which 07 Charge Sheets activities including quiz competition, a lecture
were issued from Hqrs. Office. series on the topics “Integrity-A way of life”
and “Procurement Issues” by the CVO,ESIC
3. During this period, 12 appeal cases were
and CTE, CVC respectively was organized.
received from various appellants and 3
orders passed including previously received Vigilance Division, EPFO
20.12 To ensure transparency, efficiency and
4. 34 Complaints involving vigilance angle were integrity in administration, the EPFO’s Vigilance
disposed off during the period under report. Division has adopted a multipronged strategy of
preventive vigilance measures to contain, control
5. All the quarterly suspension review meetings
and curb corruption in order to ensure prompt,
have been held in time.
effective and hassle-free service to its subscriber
6. 3213 property returns have been scrutinized. members.
7. Monthly, quarterly and annual returns to 20.13 As the Organization grew larger with an
Central Vigilance Commission have been ever increasing subscribers’ base, its functions
sent timely. became more diverse and had to cope with the
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
The following activities were undertaken 20.14 The organization, in tune with its
during the week: objectives, lays strong importance to customer
service and the redressal of grievances of the
o About 31637 citizens took integrity e-pledge members of the fund. The Customer Services
during the VAW activities and events Division existing in the Employees’ Provident Fund
organized by the EPFO across the country. Organisation, Headquarters, New Delhi and field
o As a part of the Outreach program, different formations in 21 Zones. 135 Regional Offices
activities were conducted in various Schools ((100 Regional Offices Headed by RPFC-I and 35
and Colleges across the country, Regional Offices Headed by RPFC-II) across the
competitions such as Essay writing, country are equipped with full-fledged Facilitation
Elocution, Slogan writing, Debate, Poster Centers, PROs and supporting staff with an aim
making, Panel discussion etc. were to provide quality service to all stake holders of
organized in about 146 schools and 54 the organisation.
colleges in 119 cities. About 19984 students 20.15 There is three-tier organizational
participated in these activities. structure of Customer Service Division for
o Banners/Posters reflecting the theme of VAW handling and redressal of public grievances. At
– “Eradicate Corruption - Build a New India” the Head Office level, this division is headed by
were displayed during the week in all Additional Central Provident Fund Commissioner,
administrative office of EPFO and at H.Q. and assisted by Additional Central Provident
prominent Public places like Petrol Pumps/ Fund Commissioner, Regional Provident Fund
Railway Station/ Banks Airport etc. Handouts/ Commissioners, Assistant Provident Fund
Pamphlets were also distributed manually Commissioner and Public Relation Officer.
while the message of “Eradicate corruption” 20.16 The Regional Provident Fund
was spread through - mail to all Commissioner of the regions head the Customer
establishments/members of the EPFO. Service Division in their respective offices and they
o To spread awareness in rural areas, 1478 are available for redressal of the grievance of the
‘Awareness Gram Sabhas’ were organized Members on all working days. Each field office
by many offices of EPFO. has a full-fledged facilitation center and is manned
by a Public Relation Officer.
o Various activities/competitions such as
Essay writing, Elocution, Slogan writing, 20.17 Apart from this all Additional Central
Debate, Poster making, Panel discussion Provident Fund Commissioners in twenty one
etc. focusing upon the theme of VAW-2018, Zones in the country monitor the grievance
i.e. “Eradicate Corruption - Build a New handling system and attend grievances pertaining
India”, were organized in all EPFO Offices to offices under their jurisdiction.
in which around 1564 EPFO employees 20.18 The Regional Provident Fund
participated. Commissioners, closely monitor the receipt and
REDRESSAL OF PUBLIC GRIEVANCES IN disposal of grievances with an aim to redress the
EPFO grievances promptly in their offices and to improve
service to EPFO’s customers. The nodal officer
Annual Report 2019-20
in each office is responsible for ensuring that commitment to improve service standards in the
grievances pertaining to that office are redressed EPFO and they are being monitored intensively
immediately so that the overall grievances are by the Head Office and the Zonal offices. Quality
minimized. He/she is also personally responsible of grievance handling also counts substantially
for any inordinate delays in redressal of grievances towards performance appraisal.
in his/her respective office.
20.19 The grievances are raised by the OF GRIEVANCES
subscribers and employers themselves and
20.23 The facility of online registration of public
besides these are also referred to EPFO from the
grievances and their redressal is available on the
office of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Labour
following internet based grievance handling
Minister, cabinet secretariat, People’s
representative etc.
Public Grievances are received through the Using the EPF Internet Grievance
Management System (EPFiGMS) in portal
following modes:-
available on EPFO website.
Online on internet based Portals. (
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Using the Centralized Public Grievance Out of 234 cases were pending as on 31.03.2019.
Redressal and Monitoring System None of grievances was pending beyond 30 days.
(CPGRAMS) in PG portal of Govt of India.
20.28 Now, the system has not only afforded
convenience to subscribers to register their
20.26 CPGRAMS is a program developed and grievances/queries without any spatial or temporal
executed by the Department of Administrative restrictions but has also proved to be of immense
Reforms & PG (DARPG) under Ministry of value to field offices in managing grievances.
Personnel, PG & Pension, Government of India, Subscribers can now access the system from
has been successfully implemented in the anywhere according to their convenience.
Organisation. All the offices are regularly using
20.29 EPFiGMS is loaded with several advanced
CPGRAMS to monitor & redress the grievances.
features; most important being that movement of
20.27 In addition to grievances registered under registered grievances guided by database which
EPFiGMS, 23,917 grievances were registered tracks the registered grievance to any of the offices
with CPGRAMS Portal of the Department of to which it might be related. Once a grievance is
Administrative Reforms & PG (DARPG) under registered, system generates a unique registration
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pension, Government number and auto generates acknowledgement
of India. Out of these 23,917 grievances, 23,683 letter directly to the subscribers email (if provided).
cases were disposed off during the year and
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
III. Information and reports on the application of 21.10 The Committee on the Application of
Conventions and Recommendations Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR)
deals with information and reports on the
21.7 Items placed on the agenda by the
application of Conventions and
Conference or the Governing Body
Recommendations. Amongst others, Shri.
IV. ILO Centenary outcome document Heeralal Samariya, Secretary (L&E), MoLE, Shri
Rajiv Chander, Ambassador, PMI Geneva
V. Violence and harassment in the world of work represented the country in this Committee. India
(standard-setting, second discussion) presented its case on Convention 81 concerning
Labour Inspection Convention.
VI. Thematic debates and events connected to
the Future of Work, including various 21.11 The Committee noted the observations
Centenary Initiatives made by the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU)
received on 14 March, 2018 and desired to know
Plenary Session
whether the proposed new legislation i.e. Wage
21.8 Speaking at the Plenary Session of the Code and OSH Code ensure free initiative of
International Labour Conference on 14th June labour inspectors to enter workplaces without
2019, Labour and Employment Minister, Shri prior notice, total number of violations detected
Annual Report 2019-20
and statistical information on labour inspections report in consultation with the most representative
in all SEZ’s, and the Central/ State spheres and ‘employers’ and ‘workers’ organisations on
number of inspectors at the State and Central progress made in the implementation of the
level. convention in law and practice to the Committee
of Experts. The Indian delegation, however, felt
21.12 Shri Heeralal Samariya, Secretary (L&E)
that the conclusions are not reflective of the
informed the Committee that the Government discussions held and hence was not in a position
was in the process of providing every worker “the
to accept the conclusions of the Committee.
right of sustenance” by universalization of right to
get wages not less than minimum wages to 500 [B] Committee on Whole
million workers in India. He emphasized that the
21.16 The Committee on Whole discussed the
proposed labour codes did not compromise the
Outcome Document i.e. the ILO Centenary
powers of the inspector. The proposed labour
codes introduce jurisdiction-free inspection, which Declaration for the Future of Work. India in its
opening remarks, expressed its agreement with
is a step in furtherance of unannounced
the proposed Outcome Document, but suggested
inspections as with this concept in place, no
that the Outcome document should address and
establishment would be able to have prior
emphasize certain key aspects like employment
information about the timing of inspection or the
generation, elimination of child labour, human
identity of the inspector.
trafficking, and bonded labour. The document
21.13 Addressing the specific issue of should also suggest ways of improving labour law
inspections in Special Economic Zones raised by implementation mechanism with respect to new
the Committee, he informed that there has been forms of employment. Reforms in the governance
no dilution in the implementation of labour laws in and functioning of ILO should also be reflected in
SEZs, specifically when it came to labour the Outcome Document. It was emphasized that
inspections. The statistical data on inspections while framing the outcome document, the
in SEZs clearly indicated that the number of differences between the member countries should
inspections conducted in SEZs increased be respected and reflected by accommodating
substantially in the last three years. national interests. India was the member of the
Drafting Group of the Committee on Whole and
21.14 Secretary (L&E) in his concluding remarks
deliberated on the amendments proposed by the
said that substantial evidence has been provided
Workers, Employers and Member States to the
to indicate that the provisions of Convention 81 Outcome Document.
were implemented and the enforcement
mechanism prevalent in India, including SEZ was [C] Standard Setting Committee: Violence and
not in violation of the provisions of the articles of Harassment in the World of Work (second
Convention 81. He added that substantive issues discussion)
raised in the case have been adequately
21.17 The Standard Setting Committee
responded by the Government of India in series
of communications since the year 2015 and discussed the draft instrument on “Violence and
Harassment in the World of Work”. The first
requested for closure of the case.
discussion on this instrument was carried out
21.15 The Committee on the Application of during the ILC, 2018. Shri Devender Singh,
Standards, in its concluding remarks, invited the Economic Adviser, MoLE represented India in this
Government of India to accept a Direct Contact Committee.
Mission before the next ILC and to elaborate a
Ministry of Labour & Employment
21.18 India in its opening remarks at this 2020-21 and the allocation of the budget of income
committee meeting, expressed support for a among member States. India also voted in favour
specific and well defined instrument with respect of granting permission to vote to Somalia and
to the issue of eliminating violence and Sierra Leone in ILO.
harassment in the world of work. It was stressed
[E] Thematic Sessions
that not only domestic violence, but every form of
violence occurring in the society is related 21.21 Hon’ble Minister of Labour and
indirectly to the work and productivity of the Employment addressed the gathering on the
organization and worker. However, to what extent occasion of World Day against Child Labour,
can the players in the world of work play an active during the thematic forum on ‘Together for a
role in eliminating domestic violence, when it is brighter future without child labour’, in Geneva on
already being tackled by a separate national 13th June 2019. Speaking on the occasion, he said
legislation needs to be deliberated. India proposed that “Children are our future, hence we should do
a number of amendments to the Draft instrument. everything in our capacity to provide a strong
foundation to our children in terms of education
21.19 The proposed ILO Convention and
and health and build a strong human capital”. He
Recommendation on Violence and Harassment
urged ILO and its forums to create an international
in the World of Work after discussion and
platform for tackling the problem of child trafficking
finalisation in the Committee was placed for voting
in the Plenary of the ILC on 21st June 2019. The along with child labour, as the two are inter-related.
instruments were adopted in the ILC as two thirds 21.22 He reiterated India’s commitment to
of the members voted in favour of their adoption. eradicating child labour and highlighted the
initiatives taken by the Government of India in this
sphere including the amendment in the Child
Labour (Prevention and Protection Act), National
Child Labour Programme, ratification of ILO
Conventions on Child Labour and launch of the
PENCIL Portal.
Annual Report 2019-20
June 2019, Secretary (L&E) emphasized that the He stressed on signing of bilateral social security
transformative changes brought about by the agreements among ASPAG countries. He added
emergent technologies of the 21st Century present that ASPAG needed to push for fair migration
opportunities to undertake coordinated efforts to through appropriate provisions for Social Security
enhance productivity and job quality in the different and Wages as a global agenda. He pointed out
sectors of production, especially the Service that the ASPAG nations accounted for 60% of the
Sector. With regard to the ILO Supervisory total global workforce, which warranted a need
system, he emphasized the importance of for more representation of ASPAG countries at the
objectivity, transparency, and impartiality in its decision-making level in international
processes. He stressed that drawing up of the organisations such as ILO and other multilateral
lists of individual cases should satisfy the criteria forums.
of balance between fundamental and technical
Conventions, between developed and developing 335 th Session of the Governing Body,
International Labour Organization at Geneva
countries, and between regions.
21.26 The 335th Session of the Governing
G20 Labour and Employment Ministers’
Body (GB) of the International Labour
Organisation was held from 14-28 March, 2019
21.24 At the G20 Labour and Employment in Geneva. The Indian delegation, led by Shri
Ministerial Meeting held on 18 th June Heeralal Samariya, Secretary (L & E) participated
2019, Secretary (L&E) suggested that active in the Governing Body meeting along with officers
international labour migration in all sectors from from Permanent Mission of India in Geneva. Shri
countries having a higher share of youth population Ram Kumar Gupta, Joint Secretary, Mrs. Anita
to G20 countries experiencing population aging Tripathi, Deputy Secretary and Ms. Kamini
should be promoted in order to take advantage of Tandekar, Deputy Director, Ministry of Labour and
G20 countries being at different demographic Employment were the other members of the
variances. He highlighted the importance of having delegation.
a high female labour force participation rate and
21.27 The agenda of 335th Session of the
suggested various potential ways of promoting it.
Governing Body
He highlighted the necessity of greater
involvement of social partners to get to the core Policy Development Section
of the issues associated with new forms of work.
He concluded by emphasizing that the various Revisiting the plan of action on labour
policy recommendations adopted by G20 should migration governance in consideration of the
focus on employment generation for the workforce Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular
which was the genesis of constitution of Migration
Employment working Group.
21.28 The intervention on this agenda item was
ASPAG Ministerial Meeting delivered by Secretary (L & E). He emphasized
that the global compact is a legally non-binding
21.25 In the ASPAG Ministerial Meeting, cooperative framework, based on a common
Secretary (L&E) said that ASPAG’s combined understanding, shared responsibilities and
efforts could drive the new technologies of the international solidarity. He emphasized that there
fourth Industrial Revolution towards a human should be a strong mechanism for the portability
centred approach, and that the member nations of social security entitlements and social security
need to support each other with skilling initiatives. agreements between countries should be signed.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
21.29 He pointed out that the Government of India diversity in ILO staff at all levels, including at the
provides access to basic social welfare needs for top, is necessary for ensuring the international
regular migrant and ensures that their basic character of the organization commensurate with
needs are met. The portability of social security its responsibilities. It was pointed out that as per
entitlements like provident fund or pension the UN Joint Inspection Unit report of 2012, there
benefits enable migrant workers to preserve, was a case to revise the ILO formula for calculating
maintain and transfer benefits from a social the desirable range, which was based solely on
security program from one country to another. He Member States assessed contributions unlike that
also stressed that social Dialogue and tripartism within the rest of the UN system. The Office was
should be encouraged to understand the issues, requested to provide information, on a regular
problems and challenges faced by the migrant basis, on how the objective of geographical
workers. diversity was being progressively realized.
Strategic Plan for engagement with United Matters relating to the Administrative Tribunal
Nations system bodies and the relevant of the ILO: Composition of the Tribunal
regional organizations regarding the
21.32 India in its statement reiterated that we
Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention,
are for systemic reforms in ILO during the
centenary year by bringing more transparent and
21.30 The Indian delegation supported the idea specific rules for appointments and renewal of the
of organizing a dedicated dialogue to mark the terms of posts in the organization to ensure
30th anniversary of the Convention No 169. The balanced representation in terms of geographical
Indian delegation pointed out that the tentative regions and gender. India supported the draft
action plan incorporated important dimensions of decision point.
dissemination of relevant material, continuous
Institutional Section
dialogue with UN bodies, improving coherence
with UN and most importantly building common Agenda of the International Labour
methodology and training material for joint training Conference: Agenda of future sessions (2020
activities. It was suggested that more and beyond) of the Conference
understanding and dissemination of UN guidance
material and existing mechanisms amongst 21.33 The Indian Delegation in its statement
member states could be incorporated. Further, a indicated that the last slot for Conference session
comparative evaluation of strategies provided 2020 be decided after the course of discussions
under UN and ILO instruments for safe guarding in the ILC 2019. “Apprenticeships” has been
the rights of the indigenous people should be done included as a standard setting agenda item for
by to establish linkages and avoid duplication of discussion in the conference session 2021. The
efforts. agenda item on “Decent Work in the World of
Sport” and “Non-standard forms of employment”
Programme, Financial and Administrative be considered for discussion in conference
Section session beyond 2020.
Composition and structure of the ILO staff Arrangements for the 108th (Centenary)
Session of the Conference
21.31 The intervention in this session was
delivered by First Secretary, Permanent Mission 21.34 The delegation in its intervention
of India. He emphasised that greater geographical appreciated the efforts of ILO for the development
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
minority communities who bear the brunt of poor 21.43 Ms. Vibha Bhalla, Joint Secretary,
working conditions. The suggestion was noted by emphasized that the role of the of the ILO tripartite
the office and accordingly changes were constituents is essential for the HIV/AIDS
incorporated in the form. response to be comprehensive and impactful.
Important steps taken by Government of India in
Meeting with Mrs. Beate Andrees, Chief of
this area were highlighted. It was mentioned that
ILO Fundamental Principles and Rights at as a first step in this direction, Ministry of Labour
Work on 26th March 2019.
and Employment together with Ministry of Health
21.41 Ms. Beate Andrees, Head of the ILO and Family Welfare and ILO has formulated a
Fundamental and Principles and Rights at Work Policy Framework to address Tuberculosis, TB
Branch, ILO, Geneva met Secretary (L & E) on related co-morbidities and HIV in the World of
March 26, 2019. She suggested that India should Work in India. Developed through a national
also become member of Alliance 8.7. On the issue consultation process, the policy framework
of ‘Modern Slavery’, Secretary (L&E) pointed out provides a set of guidelines to address the TB in
that ILO in association with Walk Free Foundation the world of work and within the framework of the
and International Organisation for Migration (IMO) National Policy on “Prevention of HIV/AIDS in the
has come out with a report on ‘Global Estimates world of work”.
of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and Forced
21.44 It was emphasized that the role of social
Marriages 2017’. He stressed that the term partners is very important in the area of HIV/AIDS
‘Modern Slavery’ was not defined in ILO
and World of Work. Active involvement of
instrument. He also stated that the culture and
Employers’ Organisation in awareness
tradition in countries are different which the report
movement could lead to elimination of stigma &
does not account for. She pointed out that ILO
discrimination for the people living with HIV and
does support the Report brought out by Walk Free
would also address the protection of workers
Foundation. It was decided to have a meeting in becoming unacceptable for work.
India to decide on the future course of action on
this matter.
Annual Report 2019-20
Programme, Financial and Administrative World of Sport” and “Decent work in the platform
Section economy” can be considered for discussion in
Conference sessions beyond 2021.
Matters relating to the Administrative Tribunal
of the ILO- Proposed Amendments to the Matters arising out of the work of the 108th
Statute of the Tribunal Session (2019) of the International Labour
Conference: Follow-up to the resolution
21.45 India in its statement stressed that a concerning the elimination of violence and
transparent and participative mechanism is harassment in the world of work
warranted in seeking nominations and making
appointments in the ILO Tribunal as it would 21.48 Secretary (L & E) in his intervention
enhance the transparency and credibility of the stressed that ending violence and harassment in
organization. As per Article III of the Statute, the the world of work requires significant social
tribunal shall consist of seven judges of different change and calls for combination of coordinated
nationalities and appointed by the International interventions at multiple levels, across sectors and
Labour Conference for a period of 3 years. In an in different areas of law, policy and practices. The
organization with 187 Member States it is implementation of the ILO strategy should reflect
imperative that new nationalities especially those the different needs, national realities and priorities
unrepresented and underrepresented from Africa, of member states. He stated that there is also a
Asia-Pacific and GRULAC, be given an need to build concrete database and developing
opportunity. a consistent methodology for measuring violence
and harassment in the world of work. Training of
21.46 Further, it was stressed that a transparent labour inspectors would be essential to identify
and consultative nomination and appointment
and address the risks of violence and harassment.
mechanism should be provided for, preferably in
The ILO’s technical assistance in this regard would
the statute itself in order to provide ample be essential.
opportunities to all Member States who are
inclined to share in the management of the system Matters arising out of the work of the 108th
and also to bring total transparency in its Session (2019) of the International Labour
administrative management. Conference: Follow-up to the resolution on
the ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future
Institutional Section
of the Work: Proposals for including safe and
Agenda of the future sessions of the healthy working conditions in the ILO’s
International Labour Conference framework of fundamental principles and
rights at work
21.47 The Indian Delegation in its statement
indicated that the scope of discussion on the 21.49 The Indian delegation stressed that
agenda item relating to “skills and lifelong learning” Occupational Safety and Health require specific
should focus on importance of skill gap training changes in the production process and, in turn,
and the role of recognizing prior learning. The the functioning of management at the operational
agenda item relating to “decent work and the social level. Occupational safety and health should be
and solidarity economy” is also important. It was seen as a social security objective. ILO has a
stressed that the discussion should focus on framework of strong labour standards on
defining ‘social and solidarity economy’ keeping occupational safety and health. There is a need
in mind the country contexts. It was also stated for exhaustive deliberations and consultations with
that The agenda items on “Decent Work in the all stakeholders before recognizing of OSH as
Ministry of Labour & Employment
fundamental principles and rights at work. It was stressed that the ILO and the international
emphasised that all the stakeholders should also community should constructively engage with and
be consulted for the identification of the relevant fully assists and extend all technical assistance
Conventions indicating reasons for the selection. to the Government of Myanmar to promote decent
The Office should provide details about the work and eliminate forced labour as part of its
reporting burden on the member states. overall national economic and social policy
ILO Research Strategy
Mid-term review of the implementation of the
21.50 Ms. Vibha Bhalla, Joint Secretary, in her
Bali Declaration adopted by the 16th Asia and
intervention suggested that the ILO may build a
the Pacific Regional Meeting, (Bali, 6–9
research network of national level research
December 2016)
institutes from interested member states. She
highlighted that the V.V. Giri National Labour 21.52 The worker spokesperson during the
Institute is a premier Institute of Labour Research, meeting stated that labour reforms are being
Training and Education in India in various aspects introduced in India without any consultations with
of labour, both in the organised and unorganised the trade unions. He indicated that Child Labour
sectors and is also an integral part of the BRICS Conventions have been ratified by India, however,
Network of Labour Research Institutions. Building its proper implementation needs to be ensured.
such a network with ILO at the helm of affairs will The Indian delegation in its intervention highlighted
facilitate exchange of best practices and also the initiatives taken by Government of India for
support in undertaking research studies with a eradication of child labour. The Child Labour
national perspective. She supported research (Prohibition and Prevention) Amendment Act
studies on two areas namely technological completely prohibits employment or work of
progress with decent work and dynamic skill children below 14 years in any occupation or
formation systems for decent work transitions, process which includes domestic work. India has
productivity growth and diversification of reaffirmed its commitment through ratification of
economies. ILO Convention No 138 regarding admission of
age to employment and Convention 182 regarding
Progress report on the follow-up to the
worst forms of Child Labour.
resolution concerning remaining measures on
the subject of Myanmar adopted by the 21.53 With respect to labour reforms in India, it
Conference at its 102nd Session in 2013 was indicated that the process of Legislative
reforms on Labour includes consultation with
21.51 India appreciated the steps taken by the
stakeholders including Central Trade Unions,
Government to strengthen tripartite social dialogue
Employers’ Associations and State Governments
and to bring in labour reforms in accordance with
in the form of tripartite consultation. The draft
its national context and priorities and within the
legislations are finalized after considering
overall framework of international labour
comments/suggestions received from various
standards. The incidence of forced labour in stakeholders. Therefore, extensive consultations
Myanmar has significantly come down and it is
upholding the spirit of tripartism has been the
clearly on a declining trend due to the measures
hallmark of labour law reform processes in India.
taken by the Government of Myanmar along with
its parliament through enactment of suitable Legal Issues and International Labour
legislations and by effecting necessary Standards Section(LILS):
amendments in the national constitution. It was
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Section Officer, MoLE and Senior Official from the demand supply gap in this sector. It was also
Ministry of External Affairs. The G20 Labour and proposed to create a global cadre of long-term
Employment Ministers’ deliberated on the following care workers to meet this objective.
21.61 Indian delegation met the delegation from
(a) Employment of older workers and longer Saudi Arabia and Germany on the sidelines of G20
working life LEMM to discuss various issues pertaining to
(b) Youth employment
21.60 In his intervention during the session on b. Trade Liberalisation and the impact on the
“New job opportunities in ageing societies – for BRICS labour Market
future of long term care work”, Hon’ble Minister
highlighted the need for long term care support in c. Governance of Labour Market Data
light of the limited ability of old people to care for d. Promoting quality employment for a
themselves in ageing societies. It was mentioned sustainable social security system.
that the ageing societies open up new possibilities
for employment in long term care sector which is 21.63 In his opening statement, Shri R.K. Gupta,
hitherto often catered to by informal workers. It Joint Secretary emphasized on the need on
was proposed to promote migration of long term adopting human centred approach for any policy
care workers between the G20 countries to meet whether economic or social to extract maximum
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Ministry of Labour & Employment
AUDIT WING Accounts &
Annual Report 2019-20
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Annual Report 2019-20
(NCS) Portal was conducted during the F.Y. 2019- account, payment thereof to Union Territory
20. The Risk based approach was adopted to Governments/ Administrations).
conduct the audit of the Scheme. During Risk
(x) Consolidation of monthly accounts of the
Audit of NCS Portal, various observation were
Ministry in the manner prescribed by
raised and the same were communicated to the
Controller General of Accounts
department for compliance.
(CGA).Preparation and submission of annual
22.4 Following work was also done during Appropriation Accounts of the Grant of the
F.Y. 2019-20 by office of the Chief Controller Ministry, Statement of Central Transactions
of Accounts through their Pr.Accounts Office and material for Finance Account of Union
and Pay & Accounts Offices:- Government (Civil) to the Controller General
of Accounts.
(i) Payments of bills of establishment of the
Ministry and its attached & subordinate (xi) Rendition of advice on finance & accounts
offices. matters to the Ministry.
(ii) Payment of Pay and Allowances in respect (xii) Supply of Cheque Books to PAOs and
of Ministry’s Staff. cheque drawing DDOs through concerned
(iii) Payment of Grants-in-aid to Grantee
Institutions. (xiii) Maintenance of liaison with CGA and
accredited bank for verification and
(iv) Payment of Long term and Short term reconciliation of all receipts and payments
advances to the staff of the Ministry. made on behalf of the Ministry through the
(v) Payment of Contingent Bills in respect of accredited bank.
expenditure incurred by the Ministry. (xiv) Reconciliation of Cash Balances of the
(vi) Payment of TA <C bills. Ministry.
(vii) Payment of Medical Reimbursement Bills. (xv) Issuing authorisations to agent Ministries on
behalf of various wings of the functional
(viii) Payment of Retirement/Terminal Benefits, Ministry for carrying out certain activity
long term loans and advances and for required by the functional Ministry.
withdrawal from Provident Fund (in respect
of Government Servants other than MTS) (xvi) Maintain account of advance‘s under various
types of Debt and Deposit heads including
(ix) Payment of loans and grants to State Provident Fund.
Governments through Reserve Bank of India
(and wherever this office has a drawing (xvii)Authorize pension payment on retirement of
Ministry of Labour & Employment
23.5 With each successive Five Year Plan, there Collects and disseminates Employment
has been expansion of the activities of the Market Information and prescribes uniform
Employment Service and Training Service in the reporting procedures for the organized sector
and Employment Exchanges.
Annual Report 2019-20
23.7 The statutory provision enforced by DGE is:- 23.9 DGE does not implement any employment
generation scheme. Its role is to coordinate and
Employment Exchanges (Compulsory oversee the employment generation taking place
Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959 and in the country through the National Employment
Rules made there under. The non-statutory Service in India. The network of Employment
body is functioning under the DGE:- Service has expanded from 18 Employment
Exchanges in 1951 to 997 Employment
Non-Statutory Body
23.8 The non-statutory body functioning under
23.10 A key role played by the Employment
DGE is the Working Group on National
Exchanges is to motivate and guide the
Employment Service.
unemployed youth for taking up self-employment
INFRASTRUCTURE AVAILABLE FOR ventures in view of shrinkage in wage paid jobs.
EMPLOYMENT SERVICE In 22 selected Employment Exchanges, Special
Cells for Promotion of Self-Employment have been
997 Employment Exchanges [including 42
23.11 There are 409 Vocational Guidance Units
Special Employment Exchanges for
in Employment Exchanges and 76 University
Differently Abled (Handicapped)] throughout
Employment Information and Guidance Bureaux
India. (UEIGBX) within the University Campuses have
38 Special Cells for persons with disability been functioning in the country to render
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
Professional and Executive 14 Out of total number of 428.09 lakh job seekers on
Employment Exchanges Live Register, 271.60 lakh job seekers are men
and 156.49 lakh job seekers are women. The
Special Employment Exchanges 42 highest job seekers were in West Bengal followed
for the Physically Handicapped by Tamil Nadu.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
23.22 Year-wise registration, placement, Live Register for the period 2007-2017 are
vacancies notified, submissions made and given in Table No. 23.23
Annual Report 2019-20
establishments in the Public Sector and non- skill development courses, apprenticeship,
agricultural establishments employing 25 or more internships etc.
workers in the Private Sector. The establishments
23.28 The Mission Mode Project on NCS was
employing 10-24 workers are covered on a
appraised and approved in December, 2013 with
voluntary basis.
an outlay of Rs. 148.70 crore in the 12th five year
23.25 The EMI Programme, however, does plan. To give shape to the Government’s intention
not cover employment in the agricultural of establishing Career Centres, the project outlay
establishments (other than Plantation and was upwardly appraised, in November, 2014 for
Agricultural Machine Operatives), self-employed an outlay of Rs 292.20 cr. The scope of project
or independent workers, part-time workers, was further increased to include the inter-linking
Defence Forces, Indian Missions abroad, of employment exchanges and organizing of job
establishments employing less than 25 workers fairs on regular basis with an enhanced outlay of
in the metropolitan cities of Mumbai and Kolkata Rs.348crores during the 12th Five Year Plan. The
and tiny sector establishments (employing less approved outlay for the project for the Financial
than 10 workers). The Employment Exchanges Year 2016-17 was Rs 100 crores and for the
(Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959 present FY 2019-20 it has been Rs.50Crores. In
makes it obligatory on the part of employers to order to continue the scheme during 14th Finance
render Employment Return (ER-I) and Commission Cycle (2017-2020) an outlay of
occupational return (ER-II) at quarterly at biennial Rs.478crore has been approved by SFC.
interval respectively. The employment returns are
23.29 TheNCS Project has three pillars-NCS
rendered at quarterly intervals showing
Portal, Inter-Linking of Employment Exchanges
employment on last working day of each quarter
and Model Career Centers.The services under
whereas the occupational returns are collected
NCS are available online and can be accessed
directly, through Career Centres, Common
EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE TO SPECIAL Service Centres, Post Offices, mobile devices,
CATEGORIES cyber cafes etc. The various stakeholders on the
NCS platform include job seekers, industries,
23.26 Employment Service, as in the past,
employers, employment exchanges (career
continued making efforts to cater to the special
centres), training providers, educational
needs of vulnerable sections like Women,
institutions and placement organizations.
Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes, persons
with disabilities and differently abled Ex- 23.30 The NCS Portal (NCSP) has been made
servicemen job-seekers. Details of programmes functional at the URL ( The portal
on vulnerable section are given in Chapter 24. was dedicated to the Nation by Hon’ble Prime
Minister of India on 20.07.2015 The NCSP is
National Career Service
supported by a dedicated helpdesk (multi-lingual)
23.27 The Ministry is implementing the National available from Tuesday to Sunday (8.00 AM to
Career Service (NCS) Project as a Mission Mode 8.00PM) on 18004251514 for assisting users. It
Project for transformation of the National has a rich repository of career content of over
Employment Service to provide a variety of 3600 occupations under 52 sectors. The portal
employment related services like career also facilitates organization of job fairs where both
counseling, vocational guidance, information on employers and job seekers can interact. The brief
statistics of NCS Portal are given below:
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
approved by the government in the second March, 2014 and its first meeting was convened
phase.Furthermore,rest of the Model Career on 4th April, 2014 and a concept note circulated to
Centres has been recommended by the Inter stake holders to seek views and suggestions. The
Ministerial Appraisal Committee in its meeting held draft policy has also been discussed with the State
on 20th Nov. 2019. Ministers on 29.08.2014. Another brain storming
session was held on 04.06.2015 with key stake
23.35 The NCS Project has also been enhanced holders to discuss the contours of the Proposed
to interlink 997 Employment Exchanges with NCS
National Employment Policy. Based on the
Portal and under this scheme Govt. of India is
discussions held in the various meetings,
providing funds to the states for up-gradation of
VVGiriNLI has recently submitted the revised draft
Employment Exchange and for organising job
on NEP which is under consideration of the
fairs. So far 27 States/UTs have sent proposals
and funds have been released to 25 States/UTs.
During 2019-20 (till December, 2019) around 992 P r a d h a n M a n t r i R o j g a r P r o ts a h a n Yo j a n a
job fairs have been organised under National (PMRPY)
Career Service (NCS) in which 2,06,411 job
23.38 PradhanMantriRojgarProtsahanYojana
Seekers participated and 76,635 candidates were
(PMRPY) was launched on 9th August, 2016 with
the objective to incentivise employers for creation
23.36 In a parallel exercise, the Ministry has of new employment. Under the scheme,
initiated a programme for capacity building of Government of India was paying Employer’s full
officers of the National Employment Service and contribution i.e. 12% towards EPF and EPS both
Young Professionals being deputed at Model (as admissible from time to time) for a period of
Career Centres under a multi-pronged strategy three years to the new employees through
of orientation, refresher and specialized training EPFO.The scheme is targeted for employees
in the area of National Career Services. Over, earning uptoRs. 15,000 per month and also aims
2189 officers have been trained on various to cover a large number of informal workers to
modules of National Career Services like career the formal workforce. The terminal date for
counseling training, portal management training, registration of beneficiary through establishment
SIYB training etc. is 31st March, 2019.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
hand, the employer is incentivised for increasing the rehabilitation of people with disabilities. To
the employment base of workers in the synergize the link between demand and supply of
establishment, and on the other hand, these skilled workforce, the Government has
workers will have access to social security established 5 Model Career Centres for welfare
benefits of the organized sector.All the of PWDs in NCSCs for DA. The Centres focus
beneficiaries under thisscheme are Aadhaar on career counselling as key activities for youth
Seeded. with disabilities to pursue skill enhancement
courses that the market drive. The officers of the
Till 16 th December, 2019 total benefit of
NCSC-DA are being trained on professional
Rs.7101.56Crore has been given to counselling techniques. Outreach counselling
1,52,849 Establishments covering
sessions and job-fairs are a key activity in these
1,21,67,940Beneficiaries under (PMRPY). career Centres.Details on NCSC-DAs is given at
National Career service Centres for SC/STs Chapter 24.
23.39 Twenty Five National Career Service 23.41 Placement service to the differently
Centers for SC/STs have been set up in 25 States. abled Ex-servicemen/Border Security Force
Confidence Building Programmes are organised personnel and their dependents is provided
and Vocational Guidance is provided to SC/ST job through an Ex-servicemen Cell set up in DGE
seekers through these centres. Besides, the (Hqrs.). For further details please refer to para
facilities for practicing Typing and Shorthand are 24.14 of chapter 24.
provided to SC/ST job seekers in 14 such NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR
Centres. These Centres have also been
arranging Pre-Recruitment Training programmes CAREER SERVICE
for SC/ST candidates to improve their
23.42The National Institute for Career Service
employability in competitive examinations
(erstwhile Central Institutefor Researchand
conducted by Staff Selection Commission and
other Recruitment Boards for Group ‘C’ and Training in Employment Service) was set up in
October, 1964 under Directorate General of
equivalent posts. Details on NCSC-SC/STs is
Employment (DGE), M/o Labour & Employment
given in chapter 24.
for imparting Research & Training in Employment
National Career Service Centres for Services. The Institute was later expanded in 1970
Differently Abled with additional function of publishing career
literature and again in 1987 with added
23.40 Twenty Four National Career Service responsibility of occupational research &
Centers for Differently Abled (NCSC-DA) promotion of self-employment. Now, the Ministry
(Erstwhile VRCs) have been functioning in the is implementing the Employment Exchange
country, out of which, one Centre at Vadodara has Mission Mode Project under National e-
been set up exclusively for women with disabilities. Government plan (Ne-GP). Under this Project,
These Centres evaluate residual capacities of NICS-NOIDA (erstwhile CIRTES), has been
persons with disabilities and provide them designated as nodal institute for capacity building
adjustment training and skill training with a view under NCS project. NICSis responsible for
to integrate them in the economic mainstream and imparting training to all stakeholders of NCS
make them productive citizens of the country. project like Employer, Job Seeker, Training
These Centres play pro-active role in creating Provider, College Students/ Counsellors/
public awareness and community participation in Placement Organisation/Govt. Organisation etc.
Annual Report 2019-20
and for Officers of National Employment Services Three TCSemployability training for job
working at Central & State Govt. NICS is also seekers till November 2019 and 104 trainees
playing major role in implementing the Young attended the said programmes.
Professional Scheme of M/o Labour and
Employment and coordinating the activities of
Model Career Centers established across country
under NCSproject. 23.44 Awareness programme on National Career
Service project conducted for Youth Volunteers
23.43 NICS as Model Career Centre (MCC) is
of Nehru Yuva Kendra.
responsible for organizing various activities like
outreach activities, organizing Job Fairs/Job Awareness programme on National Career
drives, Career Counselling sessions, registration Service project conducted for trainees of
of Job Seekers, Employers and Local Service International Training Programme of VVGNLI,
Providers etc. Till October,2019 MCC, NOIDA NOIDA.
organized 18 Job drives and one mega job fair.
Implementation of Young Professional
TRAINING ACTIVITIES Scheme of National Career Service (NCS)
Sixteen Capacity Building Programmes
(CBP) have been organized till 30 th Collecting the data of Job Fairs conducted
November, 2019for officers of State by various MCCs.
Employment services, officers of VRCs and
CGCs,MCCs Staff etc. and 450 trainees Developing outreach programmes for
attended the above mentioned training widening the network of stakeholders like
programmes. industry associations, educational and
training institutes, skill providers etc.
Thirty Six Orientation Programmes have
been organized for various stake holders of Content development for training
NCShave been organized till 30th November, programmes.
2019 and 2598 have been attended the above
Coordination development for training.
mentioned orientation programmes.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
24.1 Employment Service, as in the past, present, twenty five National Career Service
continued making efforts to cater to the special Centres for SC/STs are functioning in twenty five
needs of vulnerable sections like Women, States/Union Territories one each at Delhi,
Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes, persons Jabalpur, Kanpur, Chennai, Hyderabad,
with disabilities and differently abled Ex- Thiruvananthapuram, Kolkata, Jaipur, Ranchi,
servicemen job-seekers. Surat, Aizawl, Bangalore, Imphal, Hissar, Nagpur,
Bhubaneshwar, Guwahati, Mandi, Kohima, Jowai,
NATIONAL CAREER SERVICE CENTRES FOR Jammu, Jalandhar, Naharlagun, Puducherry &
SC/STs. Vishakhapatnam. The NCSCs at Jowai &
24.2 Coaching-cum-Guidance Centres for SC/ Vishakhapatnam are in the process of being made
ST (now called NATIONAL CAREER SERVICE functional.
CENTRES FOR SC/STs) were established by In addition, fourteen of these Centres provide
Directorate General of Employment & Training facilities for training in Shorthand and Typing. The
(now Directorate General of Employment), physical achievements of various National Career
Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India. Service Centres from April 2019 to 30th November,
These Centres provide services to SC/ST job 2019 are given below:
seekers registered with Employment Exchanges
for enhancing their employability through coaching, ACTIVITY NO. OF
counselling and related training programmes. CANDIDATES
Some of the programmes organized by these COVERED
Centres cover confidence building, individual
Registration on NCS 11353
guidance, mock interviews, training in typing,
shorthand and computer, etc. The main Individual Guidance/Career 22096
objectives of the CGCs Scheme are:- Information
The scheme was launched in 1969-70 in 4 Provide information on job requirements and
Centers on a pilot basis. Keeping in view the the type of tests/interviews they are likely to
success of the scheme, it was extended to face when called by the employers.
another nineteen States in a phased manner. At Take up appropriate follow up action with the
Annual Report 2019-20
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Maintenance Training was also started w.e.f Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) (Scheme
01.08.2012. 8050 SC/ST candidates were “0586’’)
admitted & provided training till July, 2019 and next
24.7 At present 25 NCSC for SC/STs (erstwhile
batch has been started w.e.f 01.08.2019 with a
CGC for SC/ST) are being run to enhance the
seating capacity of 450 SC/ST candidates at 18
employability of educated SC/ST job-seekers
NCSCs for SC/STs.
registered with the employment Exchanges
Physical Progress during 2019-20 are given through Coaching/Training/Counseling etc.
as under:- 21 NCSC-SC/STs are covered under DBT
Scheme covering 3500 beneficiaries in three sub
Name of Programme Achievements
schemes i.e., (1) Special Coaching Scheme
(No. of
(1300 Beneficiaries), (2) Computer ‘O’ Level
Training Software Course (1500 Beneficiaries)
Special Coaching Scheme 1300 and (3) Computer ‘O’ Level Computer Hardware
Maintenance Training (700 Beneficiaries). The
‘O’ Level one year Computer 600
stipend is paid @Rs.1,000/- per trainee per month
through DBT w.e.f. 01-07-2017 subject to
‘O’ Level one year Computer 450 minimum 80% attendance during a particular
Hardware Maintenance month. In FY 2018-19 a total of Rs 3.38 Crore
(FE) was allotted for stipend and expenditure
24.6 Allocation of Rs.18.00 crore has been made incurred is 99.70% of the budget i.e., Rs.3.37
during 2019-20 for the scheme namely “Welfare Crore.
of SC/ST jobseekers through coaching, Guidance
and Vocational Training and Introduction of new SCHEDULED CASTES/ SCHEDULED TRIBES
courses in existing National Career Service 24.8 Performance of Employment Exchanges in
Centers (NCSCs) for SC/STs and Establishment respect of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe and
of new NCSC in the States not covered so far”. Other Backward Class job-seekers during 2012
Benefits provided to SC/ST trainees through onwards is indicated in Table 24.1 below.
Table 24.1
(in lakh)
Annual Report 2019-20
NATIONAL CAREER SERVICE CENTERS FOR supply of skilled workforce, the Government
DIFFERENTLY ABLED (NCSC for DA) has established 5 Model Career Centres at
NCSC–DAs. The Centres will focus on
24.9 The Ministry of Labour & Employment is
career counselling as a key activity for youth
committed to the implementation of the provisions
with disabilities to pursue skill enhancement
of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act,
courses that are market-driven. Outreach
2016. The Directorate General of Employment counselling sessions and job fairs will be a
(DGE) has been regularly co-ordinating and
key activity in these Career Centres.
supporting Ministry of Social Justice &
Empowerment (Ministry of SJE), which is the Benefits provided to Differently Abled
Nodal Ministry for the welfare of people with trainees through DBT (Scheme 3348)
“Stipend to Candidates under Scheme of
Twenty –four National Career Service Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for
Centers for Differently Abled (NCSC-DA) Handicapped (VRCs)”
(Erstwhile Vocational Rehabilitation Centre)
24.10 At present, there are 21 NCSC for
have been functioning in the country, out of
Differently-abled (erstwhile VRC for Handicapped)
which, one Centre at Vadodara has been set
in the country, which evaluate the residual
up exclusively for women with disabilities.
capacities of the handicapped (referred to as
Three new Centres at Dimapur (Nagaland),
Shillong(Meghalaya) and Dehradun persons with disabilities also) in the categories of
Locomotors, Visual & Hearing impaired, Mild
(Uttarakhand) have been created during
Mental Retardation and Leprosy Cured and
F.Y.2019-20. These centres are in the
provide them adjustment training, to facilitate their
process of being operational.
early economic rehabilitation. No formal job
These centres evaluate the residual oriented skill training is provided at these centres,
capacities of People with Disabilities and however, a stipend @ Rs. 2500/- per trainee per
provide them non formal skill training with a month is paid to the beneficiary undergoing training
view to integrate them in the economic subject to minimum 80% of the attendance in a
mainstream and make them productive particular month. Further rehabilitation services
citizens of the country. are also extended to the persons with disabilities
living in the rural areas through the mobile camps.
These centres play pro-active role in creating
In FY 2018-19 a total of Rs 1.28 Crore (FE) was
public awareness and community allotted for stipend and expenditure incurred is
participation in the rehabilitation of persons
97.80% of the budget i.e., Rs.1.26 Crore.
with disabilities.
During 2018-19 these Centres have
registered 31592, evaluated 31466, and
rehabilitated 11721, Persons with Disabilities. 24.11 In order to provide placement services
to the Differently Abled Ex-Servicemen/Border
During 2019-20 (upto 31.09.2019) these Security Force Personnel and the dependants of
Centres have registered 16554, evaluated
Defence Service Personnel/Border Security
16521 and rehabilitated 5690 Persons with
Force personnel killed or severely differently abled
in action, against the vacancies reserved for ex-
To synergize the link between demand and servicemen and earmarked for priority categories,
Ministry of Labour & Employment
an Ex-Servicemen Cell was set up in the exchanges attempt at securing for the differently
Directorate General of Employment & Training in abled the most satisfying form of employment
July, 1972. Subsequently, the scope of the special suitable to their residual physical and mental
service was also extended for the benefit of Ex- potentialities. As reported by the States/UTs, there
Servicemen differently abled during peace time are 42 Special Employment Exchanges for
as well as dependants of the Defence Service differently abled and 38 were Special Cells dealing
Personnel killed or severely differently abled in with differently abled job-seekers.
peace time provided that the death or differently
24.14 Thirty Eight Special Cells for the differently
abled was attributable to military service, with
abled with a Special Placement Officer attached
effect from Feb, 1981. During the year 2019 (Jan
to the normal Employment Exchanges and funded
to Oct.) 13 differently abled Ex-Servicemen and
by the Central Government have so far been set
dependents were registered for Employment
Assistance. up by the Ministry of Social Justice &
Empowerment.These are in addition to the Special
SERVICES TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Cells/Units opened for the differently abled
THROUGH EMPLOYMENT EXCHGANGES: applicants at the Employment Exchanges by
various State Governments.
24.12 The Employment Service has been making
special efforts to cater to the special needs of 24.15 The performance of the Special
Differently Abled job seekers, performance of Employment Exchanges for differently abled
which for the last five years is given as under :- job-seekers is given in the following table:
* Provisional
Annual Report 2019-20
Table 24.2
(In Thousands)
* Provisional: Data after June, 2017 is under process and the figures are reported calendar year wise.
24.17 In order to have full integration of In all there were 59.9 lakh job-seekers on the Live
minorities in all aspects of national life, the State Registers of Employment Exchanges belonging
Governments have been advised to ensure that to the minority communities at the end of
no discrimination is made against minority December 2016 (Provisional). These account for
communities in matters of registration and in 13.8% of total job-seekers on the Live Register.
sponsoring names by Employment Exchanges.
24.18. The details of the Budget Estimates of
The State Governments have also been advised
the Schemes of Employment Directorate for
to create monitoring cells to watch the progress
Financial Year 2019-20 are given in Table-24.17
of minorities in the matter of their registration and
placement and to instruct the Employment
Exchanges to organize mobile Employment
Exchange Registration Camps in minority
concentration areas.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Annual Report 2019-20
25.1 Broad Based Committee for Gender stakeholders to evaluate and suggest action for
Analysis and Budgeting:- moving forward towards addressing gender
concerns and reviewing action for advancing
The Gender Budget Cell is headed by CCA who
Gender Budgeting in which Ms. VibhaBhalla, Joint
is assisted by US (B&A). Chief Controller of
Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment has
Accounts has also initiated the process of
been nominated as a member.
updating the Gender Budget-Annual Action Plan
for 2019-20. In this connection, various meetings WELFARE OF SC/ST
were held with the stakeholders to discuss and
25.2The Scheme includes National Career Service
prepare the comprehensive Annual Action Plan so
Centers for SC/ST to provide confidence building,
that true picture of the Ministry’s Gender-wise
training programmes and vocational guidance for
utilization of funds is reflected in the various Union
candidates belonging to that category. These
Budget related statements or documents. In the
meantime Broad Based Committee for Gender National Career Service Centres have been
involved in Pre-Recruitment Training Courses for
Analysis and Budgeting is constituted under the
various Nationalized Banks and agencies.
Chairperson of Secretary, Ministry of Women and
Child Development with Government and private
(Rupees in Crore)
Programme Expected Gender component Total Public Public Expenditure on Gender Disaggregated
outcomes / of Programme/sub Expenditure (Rs.) Women/Girls (Rs.) Beneficiaries (extent of
Objective Programme 2018-19 (2018-19) benefits to women)
(2018-2019) Targets
Sch Est. Total Sch Est. Total and Performance
eme eme number of female
financial others
Welfare of SC/ST To enhance the The programme is 11.85 10.15 22.00 9.79 7.65 17.44 74145 (46%)
jobseekers employability of both for men and
through SC/ST job women unemployed
coaching, seekers through educated job
Guidance and Coaching, seekers.
Vocational Guidance &
Training and Vocational
Introduction of Training
new courses in
existing National
Career Service
Centres (NCSCs)
for SC/STs and
Establishment of
new NCSCs in
the states not
covered so far.
Ministry of Labour & Employment