Argumentative Essay

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Abbie Nuzzo

Mrs. Cramer

College Comp Pd 5

March 2021

Chores Not Bores: Teaching Children Responsibility

Are children doing their fair share of work around the house? For some, completing

chores as a child was an everyday occurrence, but the number of children who are required to do

chores is decreasing by the day. Completing chores and easy tasks around the house from a

young age can lead to children being more independent and capable of being successful while

living on their own as an adult. Those who do not complete chores on a regular basis are not

acquiring skills that are necessary for their future. Children should be assigned chores at a young

age because it teaches them discipline and responsibility and it is good practice for life as an


First, children should be given chores at a young age to teach them about discipline and

responsibility. In many cases, children tend to act out and misbehave. By having kids complete

chores, they are being taught discipline. Sometimes, chores may even be used as a punishment

for bad behavior. In this way, it will help children learn that what they did was wrong, but also

help work on their life skills. Also, small tasks like chores teach children responsibility for

bigger jobs that may arise in the future. By completing chores, it may teach them to manage their

time and get things done in a neat and organized way (Myers). Having children do chores will

make them more respectful and give them a head start on their future.
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On one hand, numerous people believe that children shouldn’t be given chores because

they will be doing these tasks the rest of their lives and that kids just need to be kids. Although

this may be a valid point, how else are kids going to learn these tasks. There is still plenty of time

for kids to be kids even if they spend 15 minutes a day doing chores. Also, when first living

alone in the real world, a person must know how to complete tasks like cooking and doing

laundry. If they learn these tasks at a young age, they will already know how to complete them

when they are on their own and it will be one less thing they have to worry about in the future (7

Important Reasons). Learning to complete these tasks and having chores as a child will overall

make the transition to living by themselves in their future easier.

In addition, children should be given chores to teach them the important life skills needed

to succeed in everyday life. Some parents have their kids learn skills like doing the laundry or

vacuuming the house at a very young age. In the article, “Benefits of Chores”, it says, “By

expecting children to complete self-care tasks and to help with household chores, parents equip

children with the skills to function independently in the outside world.” In this way, children will

be prepared when going away for college and living on their own. Cleaning the house and

cooking food are other tasks that can be completed around the house that are needed as an adult.

By being equipped with skills and techniques on how to complete these tasks, it will make for a

happier and healthier home life in the future than if they were inexperienced and didn’t know

how. All in all, children should be given chores because it prepares them with skills that are used

in everyday life.

Alternatively, some people think that children shouldn’t have to do chores because they

already have a large workload of their own. Many children participate in sports and other

extracurriculars and may have a hard time balancing those along with school and chores. This
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may be true in some cases, however, small tasks that only take a short amount of time won’t

affect their schedule too much. Completing an easy chore that only takes around 10 minutes will

teach the child responsibility and fit easily into their schedule, even if it is busy. Also, assigning

chores even if a kid has a busy schedule will help with time management skills, which is

something very important in college and beyond (7 Important Reasons). All in all, there is no

reason as to why a child shouldn’t be completing chores, regardless of their schedule.

In conclusion, assigning children chores at a young age is good preparation their futures

because it teaches them responsibility and discipline, and equips them with skills needed to

succeed in the real world. They can teach them to be disciplined and responsible by teaching

them to be better behaved and improving their time management skills. It also prepares them for

life on their own with everyday skills used in their everyday lives. Completing chores will not

only impact their lives as children, but can also have a positive impact on their future
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Works Cited

"Benefits of Chores." Center for Parenting Education, Center For Parenting Education,

benefits-of-chores/. Accessed 28 Apr. 2021.

Myers, Robert. "The Reason Children Should Do Chores is Because it's Good for Them." Child

Development Info, Parenting Today, 12 Nov. 2019,

good-for-them/#gs.zvh81j. Accessed 28 Apr. 2021.

"7 Important Reasons Why Kids Should Have Chores." Momentum Life, 4 Oct. 2017, Accessed 28 Apr. 2021.

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