Refections On Treatment of COVID-19
Refections On Treatment of COVID-19
Refections On Treatment of COVID-19
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is spreading rapidly around the globe. By the establishment of an
integrative system combining both traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and western medicine, China has achieved
good clinical efficacy in the prevention and control of the pandemic. The advantages of TCM in the treatment of
COVID-19 include effective relief of symptoms, retarding the development from mild and moderate to severe,
improvement of cure rate, reducing death rates, and promotion of rehabilitation. Besides, according to the different
severity levels of individual cases, the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China issued treatment
guidelines that provide corresponding prescriptions for patients. From the perspective of TCM, this review aims to
analyze the role of a variety of TCM prescriptions in the treatment of COVID-19, focusing on the analysis of the “Three
TCM prescriptions and three medicines” recommended by the Chinese authorities during the pandemic. We expect
that this review will provide insights into the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 with TCM.
Keywords: COVID-19, Coronavirus, Traditional Chinese medicine, Prescriptions
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Luo et al. Chin Med (2020) 15:94 Page 2 of 14
Additionally, since Trial Version 4, NHC recommended Besides, the TCM theoretical system is comprised of
Jinhua Qinggan Granule (金花清感顆粒) and Lianhua channel tropism (歸經), the ascending and descending,
Qingwen Capsule (連花清瘟膠囊) for attenuating fever floating and sinking (升降浮沈) established by the guid‑
of COVID-19 patients during the period of clinical obser‑ ance of herbs, the toxicity established by herbs’ own
vation, as well as Xuebijing Injection (血必淨注射液) for toxic and side effects, and the unique properties of each
treating patients in moderate and critical pathological herb are defined. The differentiation of syndrome, based
periods. Eventually, Jinhua Qinggan Granule, Lianhua on the TCM theoretical system, focusing on the specific
Qingwen Capsule, Xuebijing Injection, Qingfei Paidu pathogenesis, pathological state and essence of patients,
Decoction, Huashi Baidu Formula, and Xuanfei Baidu is to form the corresponding treatment ideas, and to use
Formula were collectively referred to as “Three TCM different herb combinations for intervention according
prescriptions and three medicines”, becoming a group of to the formulae regular. The differentiation of clinical
effective therapeutics against COVID-19 in China. In this syndrome fully reflects the characteristics of individual‑
review, the role of a variety of TCM prescriptions for the ized treatment, which also guide Chinese practitioners
treatment of COVID-19 are analyzed, aiming to provide to utilize herbs more accurately. Differentiating from
insights into the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 the symptoms of western medicine, such as a change in
with TCM. specific pathological manifestation, syndrome of TCM
embodies the summary of pathogenesis essence during
The understanding of TCM on the pathological certain pathological progress of disease. Due to com‑
evolution of COVID‑19 plicated pathogenesis, a single herb often fails to meet
The characteristics of TCM therapy the clinical needs and get a desired effect. Therefore,
TCM originated in China and is a traditional medi‑ herbs should be combined for comprehensive effects [5].
cine that has been used in China for thousands of years On the other hand, based on the property of herbs and
[2, 3]. Differentiating from the reductionism of western combination principles, herbs with different properties
medicine, the theoretical system of TCM is based on and combinations are used to achieve specific clinical
philosophical thinking, derived from the observation and therapeutic effects and/or reduce toxic and side effects.
summary of natural materials and their properties and Moreover, in a TCM prescription, a herb is selected for
clinical effects, emphasizing the combination of a holistic ameliorating the primary symptoms, which is called sov‑
view, balanced view, and contradiction of Yin and Yang ereign medicinal.
view [4]. According to the theoretical system of TCM, the Since the inception of the basic theories of TCM
material basis of the human body is named as essence ( brought forward by the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Clas-
精), qi (氣), spirit (神), blood (血) and body fluids (津 sic (Huangdi Neijing, 黃帝內經), the theoretical system
液). The body viscera and its manifestation is named as of TCM has gradually evolved, developed, updated and
zangxiang (臟象), and the structures that hold the physi‑ matured, and has eventually formed a synthesized struc‑
cal basis of the body and connect the viscera are called ture of theories with historical background. The principle
meridians and collaterals (經絡), vessel (脈) and tri-jiao of herb combination keeps innovating, and the ancient
(三焦). Taking the human body as a whole, the body monographs recording various prescriptions are abun‑
function is in a delicate and dynamic balance. When the dant. Presently, it is very important that how to inherit
homeostasis is broken and the regulatory ability is out of the essence of TCM and provide patients with efficient
control, the diseases occur. treatments using traditional clinical experiences and
In TCM system, there are multiple treatment modali‑ prescriptions.
ties to intervene with a disease, such as acupuncture,
moxibustion, and TCM formulae (prescriptions). Pre‑ The pathogenesis and pathology of COVID‑19 in TCM
scription is developed based on the theory of TCM syn‑ Being highly infectious and involving similar symptoms
drome differentiation, which is a medical intervention to during the onset of disease, COVID-19 can be classi‑
restore homeostasis by combining natural materia med‑ fied as plague (瘟疫) according to the theoretical system
ica (mostly herbs) in response to specific pathogenesis of TCM [6]. Usually, plague is not caused by common
and pathological changes of the body. In the theoretical pathogenic factors (e.g. wind, cold, heat, humidity, dry‑
system of TCM, herbs are endowed with basic charac‑ ness and fire), but by some special epidemic toxins.
teristics based on natural properties and clinical effects, According to the record in Diagnosis and Treatment Pro‑
such as four properties (hot, cold, warm and cool) and tocol for COVID-19 (Trial Version 3), considering the
five flavors (sour, sweet, bitter, pungent and salty), which humid weather from November to December in Wuhan,
are derived from the real taste of the herbs themselves as COVID-19 was believed to be associated with dampness
well as their functional and clinical effects. and toxin pathogens. Therefore, the initial syndrome was
Luo et al. Chin Med (2020) 15:94 Page 3 of 14
differentiated into dampness obstructing lung (濕邪鬱 visceral function and resulted in the collapse of Yang qi
肺). In Trial Version 4 and 5 of Diagnosis and Treatment in the human body. The patients present the symptoms
Protocol for COVID-19, the first syndrome was cold with multiple organ functional failure and shock. TCM
dampness obstructing lung (寒濕鬱肺), which empha‑ formulae and medicines with the effects of recuperating
sized the significance of cold pathogen and defined the collapsed Yang qi and restoring consciousness, such as
disease as cold-dampness pestilence [3]. Simultaneously, Shenfu decoction (參附湯), Angong Niuhuang pill (安宮
TCM medicines such as Jinhua Qinggan Granule and 牛黃丸), Xuebijing injection (血必淨注射液) and Xing‑
Lianhua Qingwen Capsule began to be recommended in naojing injection (醒腦靜注射液) are recommended.
the observation period of COVID-19. From Trial Version After appropriate treatment and the dispelling of epi‑
6 and 7 of Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for COVID- demic toxins, patients move on to the recovery stage. As
19, syndrome of lung with dampness heat retention ( qi and Yin of the patients’ body are deteriorated, TCM
濕熱蘊肺) emerged in mild stages, suggesting the heat formulae with the function of tonifying qi and nourishing
pathogen was also emphasized. Moreover, Qingfei Paidu Yin for lung and spleen will be prescribed (Fig. 1).
Decoction with effects in dispelling exterior pathogen, The natural environment in different regions varies,
clearing endogenous heat and drying dampness was rec‑ which diversifies the pathogenesis of diseases and the
ommended for intervening different pathological status. treatment approaches. For example, Guangzhou prov‑
Studies indicate that COVID-19 results from damp toxin, ince in southern China has a humid and hot climate
disharmony between qi and body fluid, or combination of with a higher degree of dampness. Therefore, Chinese
drying, moistening and toxin [7]. Currently, it has been medicines with eliminating dampness effects should be
generally accepted that the pathogenesis of COVID-19 is frequently used. However, in Gansu province with dry
the interactions of dampness, toxin, heat, and stasis. climate, it is suggested that patients also presented the
Though some infected people have no obvious symp‑ characteristic of dampness pathogen similar to that in
toms, most patients have common symptoms including Wuhan [7]. Therefore, the pathogen of dampness toxin
low fever, dry cough, chest discomfort, nausea, diarrhea, should be emphasized and the therapy of eliminating
and even multiple organ failure. According to the clini‑ dampness and toxin should be the primary therapeutic
cal manifestation, the pathology of COVID-19 was clas‑ strategy against COVID-19.
sified into mild, moderate, severe, and critical stages in
Trial Version 6 of Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for Application of TCM for treatment of COVID‑19
COVID-19. Most of patients in mild-period have symp‑ Up to now, China has made important progress in the
toms including low fever, fatigue, dry cough, myalgia, fight against the pandemic and TCM has played an cru‑
nausea or diarrhea. Therefore, TCM mainly adopts an cial role in the treatment of COVID-19. Since the out‑
eliminating exterior pathogens approach. Along with the break, the NHC has successively issued seven versions
increase in dampness and toxin combining with heat or of Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for COVID-19. In
cold pathogen entering into the interior body, the syn‑ Trial Version 3, TCM therapy began to be recommended.
drome presents as lung with dampness toxin retention ( In these therapeutic protocols, three TCM prescriptions
濕毒鬱肺) or cold dampness blocking lung (寒濕阻肺), and three medicines were selected based on the clinical
which are combined by heat, toxin, dampness, and cold, experience of pandemic prevention and control. They
accounting for the majority of the symptoms. The clinical are effective prescriptions with a combination of Chinese
symptoms of patients include fever, dyspnea, expectora‑ and western medicines [8]. Tables 1 and 2 summarized
tion, constipation and diarrhea. Therapeutics of eliminat‑ the herbs and prescriptions for COVID-19 treatment at
ing heat and dampness or invigorating spleen to eliminate different stages.
dampness, as well as detoxification would be used. Jinhua Qinggan Granule is a Chinese medicine devel‑
At the severe stage, pestilent toxin further attacks lung oped during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic [9].
and reaches qi and nutrient aspects, and symptoms begin It consists of 12 herbs including Jinyinhua (Lonicerae
to exacerbate, such as high fever, dyspnea, shortness Japonicae Flos), Shigao (Gypsum Fibrosum), Mahuang
of breath, and even vomiting blood and unconscious‑ (Ephedrae Herba), Kuxingren (Armeniacae Semen
ness. At this stage, apart from the treatment strategies Amarum), Huangqin (Scutellariae Radix), Lianqiao
of eliminating heat and dampness and detoxification, (Forsythiae Fructus), Zhebeimu (Fritillariae Thunbergii
the disfunction of lung and heart need to be regulated Bulbus), Zhimu (Anemarrhenae Rhizoma), Niubangzi
by ventilating lung qi and removing heat from the heart (Arctii Fructus), Qinghao (Artemisiae Annuae Herba),
to restore consciousness by using Huashi Baidu For‑ Bohe (Menthae Haplocalycis Herba) and Gancao (Gly‑
mula (化濕敗毒方) or Qingying decoction (清營湯). At cyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma). The traditional functions
the critical stage, epidemic toxin has seriously blocked of this medicine are dispersing wind, ventilating the lung,
Luo et al. Chin Med (2020) 15:94 Page 4 of 14
Table 1 Representative Chinese medical herbs used for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 at different stages
Stage of disease Herbs
Medical observation Lonicerae Japonicae Flos, Pogostemonis Herba, Saposhnikoviae Radix, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Astragali Radix, Atractylodis
Macrocephalae Rhizoma, Poria, Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium, Pinelliae Rhizoma, Bupleuri Radix
Mild case Magnoliae Officinalis Cortex, Glycyrrhizae Radix Et Rhizoma, Pogostemonis Herba, Ephedrae Herba, Armeniacae Semen Amarum,
Moderate Case Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium, Poria, Amomi Fructus, Platycodonis Radix, Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens
Severe Case Ephedrae Herba, Armeniacae Semen Amarum, Scutellariae Radix, Coicis Semen, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma
Critical Case Tsaoko Fructus, Pogostemonis Herba, Arecaesemen, Magnoliae Officinalis Cortex, Arecaesemen
Ephedrae Herba, Arecaesemen, Armeniacae Semen Amarum, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma
Descurainiae Semen Lepidii Semen, Rhei Radix et Rhizoma, Scutellariae Radix, Persicae Semen, Paeoniaeradix Rubra, Arecaese-
Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma, Aconm Lateralis Radix Praeparaia, Corni Fructus, Ophiopogonis Radix, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,
Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus, Zingiberis Rhizoma, Ephedrae Herba, Asari Radix et Rhizoma, Arecaesemen
Convalescence Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Pinelliae Rhizoma, Poria, Ophiopogonis Radix, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma, Citri Reticula-
tae Pericarpium, Astragali Radix, Codonopsis Radix, Amomi Fructus, Pseudostellariae Radix
Luo et al. Chin Med (2020) 15:94 Page 5 of 14
Table 2 Representative Chinese patent drugs used for treatment of COVID-19 at different stages
Stage of disease TCM formula
Medical observation Sanao tablet, Yupingfeng powder, Lingyang Ganmao tablet, Fangfeng Tongsheng pill, Huoxiang Zhengqi capsule, Kangbingdu
oral liquid, Shenge Yifei capsule, Fufang Yinchai granule, Lianhua Qingwen capsule, Jinhua Qinggan granule, Qingkailing soft
capsule, Shanlameiye granule, Shenling Baizhu capsule, Shufeng Jiedu capsule, Qixiang Yiqi Jiedu granule
Mild case Jingbai Fangdu powder, Jiuwei Qianghuo pill, Lanqin oral liquid, Tanreqing capsule, Ertong Kanggan granule, Chaishi Tuire Gran-
ule, Jinhua Qinggan granule, Kangbingdu oral liquid, Toujie Quwen granule, Shufeng Jiedu capsule, Kegan Liyan oral liquid,
Qingre Huashi oral liquid, Xiaoer Qingre Lifei oral liquid
Severe case Angong Niuhuang pill, Xiaochaihu granule, Fangfeng Tongsheng pill, Huashi Baidu decoction, Xiyanping injection, Xingnaojing
injection, Reduning injection, Tanreqing injection, Xuebijing injection
Critical case Zhibao pill, Zixue pill, Suhexiang pill, Shenmai injection, Shengmai injection, Angong Niuhuang pill, Shenfu injection, Xingnaojing
injection, Reduning injection, Tanreqing injection, Xuebijing injection
Convalescence Shenling Baizhu capsule
clearing heat, and removing toxicity [7]. Fundamental Capsule can not only resist the virus but also has a sig‑
research and the clinical study showed that Jinhua Qing‑ nificant antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, so as
gan Granule had promissing effect on H1N1 influenza to improve the symptoms of influenza and accelerate the
and excellent developmental value [10]. Results from a dissipation of bronchial pneumonia [18]. Results of the
double-blind,randomized,controlled trial showed that acute toxicity study showed that it was safe under con‑
it could safely and effectively treat influenza with syn‑ ventional clinical doses. Therefore, Lianhua Qingwen
dromes of wind-heat attacking the lung [11]. Moreo‑ Capsule have been used in the treatment of children with
ver, it can effectively reduce the serum levels of various exogenous high fever. Moreover, it played an important
cytokines and enhance the immune function of patients role in the treatment of critical cases and severe cases
with influenza [7]. During the fight against COVID-19, of H1N1 in children, and showed higher safety than
Jinhua Qinggan Granule was selected in the Diagnosis the antiviral drug oseltamivir [19]. In clinical practices,
and Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 since the Trial Lianhua Qingwen Capsule also achieved a good thera‑
Version 4. Clinical practice has demonstrated that it has peutic effect in combination with other drugs, such as
a significant therapeutic effect on the clinical symptoms Tanreqing injection, potassium dehydroandrograpolide
of mild COVID-19 patients, such as fever, cough, fatigue, succinate injection, and azithromycin injection in the
and expectoration, and can relieve the psychological treatment of H1N1 [20]. Besides, the combination of
anxiety of patients [12]. Network pharmacology and ribavirin and vitamin C also significantly improved the
molecular docking techniques revealed that the action therapeutic efficacy during the treatment of viral upper
mechanism might be attributed to its active constitu‑ respiratory infection [21]. In the treatment for COVID-
ents such as kaempferol, baicalein and oroxylin A, which 19, the results suggested that Lianhua Qingwen Capsule
regulate multiple signaling pathways by binding with not only attenuated the SARS-COV-2 replication in vitro
SARS-CoV-2 3CL hydrolase and acting on targets such as but also improved clinical symptoms of patients with
ACE2, PTGS2, BCL2, CASP3, HSP90AB1, HSP90AA1, COVID-19 and increased clinical cure rate [22, 23].
PTGS1 and NCOA2 [13, 14]. Xuebijing Injection is extracted from Honghua
Lianhua Qingwen Capsule is a TCM preparation com‑ (Carthami Flos), Chishao (Paeoniae Radix Rubra),
posed of Lianqiao (Forsythiae Fructus), Jinyinhua (Loni‑ Chuanxiong (Chuanxiong Rhizoma), Danshen (Salviae
cerae Japonicae Flos), Zhi Mahuang (Processed Ephedrae miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma) and Danggui (Angeli‑
Herba), Mianmaguanzhong (Dryopteridis Crassirhizom‑ cae Sinensis Radix). Its main components include saf‑
atis Rhizoma), Ban Lan Gen (Isatis Radix), Shigao (Gyp‑ flor yellow A, ligustrazine, ferulic acid, salvianic acid A,
sum Fibrosum), Bohenao (Menthol), Guanghuoxiang paeoniflorin, and protocatechualdehyde. It is effective
(Pogostemonis Herba), Hongjingtian (Rhodiolae Crenu‑ in removing blood stasis and toxin and has been widely
latae Radix et Rhizoma), Yuxingcao (Houttuyniae Herba), used in the systemic inflammatory response syndrome
Dahuang (Rhei Radix et Rhizoma), Chao Kuxingren induced by infection [22]. In animal studies, Xuebijing
(Processed Armeniacae Semen Amarum) and Gancao Injection could significantly reduce the level of serum
(Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma). Lianhua Qingwen Cap‑ endotoxin of septic rats. In clinical studies, the com‑
sule exhibits broad-spectrum antiviral effects in clinical bination of Xuebijing Injection and western medicine
studies [15, 16]. Its therapeutic effects are generally bet‑ rescue measures could regulate the immune function of
ter than that of cefalexin capsules [17]. Lianhua Qingwen patients and improve the condition of sepsis. Besides,
Luo et al. Chin Med (2020) 15:94 Page 6 of 14
when combined with blood purification, Xubijing also the treatment of COVID-19 were quercetin, luteolin and
played a role in adjusting immunity in the treatment of kaempferol, which could regulate various targets includ‑
sepsis [23]. The standard treatment of sepsis supple‑ ing AKT1, JUN, MAPKs, IL-6, RELA, STAT1 to inhibit
mented by Xuebijing Injection significantly increased the inflammatory response, modulate immune function,
the recovery rate of the treatment [24]. Based on the reduce lung injury, and protect nerve function [28, 36].
network of “drug target pathway”, over 20 compounds Huashi Baidu Prescription is a recommended pre‑
of Xuebijing Injection participated in the regulation of scription for severe epidemic toxin blocking the lung
550 targets and 10 inflammation and immune-related syndrome in the Trial Version 6 and 7 of Diagnosis
pathways [25]. Xubijing Injection has also played an and Treatment Protocol for COVID-19. This prescrip‑
important role in the clinical fight against COVID- tion contains experts’ wisdom and the characteristics of
19. Network pharmacology revealed that the possible COVID-19 [37]. It consists of 14 herbs, including Sheng
mechanism of action might be associated with the reg‑ Mahuang (Ephedrae Herba), Huoxiang (Pogostemonis
ulation of 70 proteins that interact with ACE2, thereby Herba), Sheng Shigao (Gypsum Fibrosum), Xingren
relieving the inflammatory response and inhibiting the (Armeniacae Semen), Fa Banxia (Pinellinae Rhizoma
replication of the virus [26]. Praeparatum), Houpo (Magnoliae officinalis Cortex),
Qingfei Paidu Decoction consists of four classic pre‑ Cangzhu (Atractylodis Rhizoma), Caoguo (Tsaoko Fruc‑
scriptions from the Treatise on Exogenous Febrile tus), Fuling (Poria), Sheng Huangqi (Astragali Radix),
and Miscellaneous Diseases (Shanghan Zabing Lun, Chishao (Paeoniae Radix Rubra), Tinglizi (Lepidii/Descu‑
210 AD), including Maxing Shigan Decoction, Shegan rainiae Semen), Sheng Dahuang(Rhei Radix et Rhizoma)
Mahuang Decoction, Xiao Cai Hu Decoction, and Wul‑ and Gancao (Glycyrrhizae Radix) [37, 38]. This prescrip‑
ing powder. Qingfei Paidu Decoction is composed of tion exhibited effects via multi-link comprehensive treat‑
21 herbs, including Mahuang (Ephedrae Herba), Zhi ment for COVID-19 and significantly shortened the time
Gancao (Processed Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma), of recovery (meaning, nucleic acid test turning negative),
Xingren (Armeniacae Semen), Sheng Shigao (Gypsum hospital stay, and improved clinical symptoms includ‑
Fibrosum), Guizhi (Cinnamomi Ramulus), Zexie (Alis‑ ing physical and chemical examinations and CT results
matis Rhizoma), Zhuling (Polyporus), Baizhu (Atracty‑ of the lung. The liver and kidney function of patients
lodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma), Fuling (Poria), Chaihu treated with Huashi Baidu Formula were examined and
(Bupleuri Radix), Huangqin (Scutellariae Radix), Jiang no adverse reactions were found. At present, this medi‑
Banxia (Pinelliae Rhizoma Praeparatum Cum Zingibere cine has been approved for a clinical trial by the National
et Alumine), Shengjiang (Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens), Medical Products Administration.
Ziwan (Asteris Radix), Donghua (Farfarae Flos), Shegan Xuanfei Baidu Formula is a TCM prescription in the
(Belamcandae Rhizoma), Xixin (Asari Radix et Rhizoma), first-line treatment proposed by CAS Academician Boli
Shanyao (Dioscoreae Rhizoma), Zhishi (Aurantii Fructus Zhang and Professor Qingquan Liu for damp-toxin
Immaturus), Chenpi (Citri reticulatae Pericarpium) and retention in lung-syndrome patients. The formula con‑
Huoxiang (Pogostemonis Herba) [27, 28]. As a generic sists of 13 herbs, including Sheng Mahuang (Ephed‑
prescription recommended in the Trial Version 6 and rae Herba), Kuxingren (Armeniacae Semen Amarum),
7 of Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for COVID-19, Sheng Shigao (Gypsum Fibrosum), Sheng Yiyiren (Coicis
Qingfei Paidu Decoction has shown remarkable curative Semen), Maocangzhu (Atractylodis Rhizoma), Guang‑
effects in clinical treatment [29–32]. Given the individual huoxiang (Pogostemonis Herba), Qinghao (Artemisiae
differences of patients, Qingfei Paidu Decoction should Annuae Herba), Huzhang (Polygoni cuspidati Rhizoma
be personalized appropriately during clinical application eT Radix), Mabiancao (Verbenae Herba), Lugen (Phrag‑
[31]. Clinically, Qingfei Paidu Decoction is also used in mitis Rhizoma), Tinglizi (Lepidii/Descurainiae Semen),
combination with western medicine to treat COVID- Huajuhong (Citri Grandis Exocarpium rubrum) and
19, such as with lopinavir and ritonavir tablets, methyl‑ Gancao (Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma). Network phar‑
prednisolone sodium succinate injection, moxifloxacin macology study found regulation of inflammation fac‑
hydrochloride, and sodium chloride injection, interferon tors such as IL-6, chemokines CXCL8, etc., and related T
α2b injection to treat severe cases of COVID-19 [33]. cells (Th17, Th1, Th2) by Xuanfei Baidu Decoction sup‑
When used in combination with the Kaletra, this medi‑ presses the inflammatory storms and excessive activation
cine can improve the pulmonary conditions of patients, of immune response after SARS-CoV-2 infection [8]. It is
evidenced by the lung images [34]. Qingfei Paidu Decoc‑ important to reduce inflammation during the early stage
tion also posesses anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects of virus infection,which may therefore enhance immu‑
[35]. Network pharmacology study found that the first nity during the late period. This bidirectional regula‑
three active components of Qingfei Paidu Decoction in tion showed improvements in the symptoms associated
Luo et al. Chin Med (2020) 15:94 Page 7 of 14
with SARS-CoV-2 infection. The important targets of shown that glycyrrhizic acid has a wide range of antiviral
the Xuanfei Baidu Decoction were mainly concentrated activities. In particular, it showed a significant therapeu‑
in the pathways related to viral infection and lung injury. tic effect against the subtype H9N2 influenza virus [45]
To some extent, this explains the remarkable efficacy of and the coronavirus SARS-CoV. Besides, the coronavi‑
this prescription in accelerating the recovery of moder‑ rus SARS-CoV-2 often targets angiotensin-converting
ate cases and preventing moderate cases from developing enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor, and molecular docking tech‑
into severe cases. nology indicated that glycyrrhizic acid can combine with
Now the “Three TCM prescriptions and three medi‑ ACE2, suggesting the potential of glycyrrhizic acid for
cines” in the fight against COVID-19 have exhibited sig‑ the treatment of COVID-19 [46]. Meanwhile, glycyrrhi‑
nificant curative effects in clinical applications. Statistical zin showed significant antagonistic effects against herpes
analysis revealed that five TCM herbs were applied most simplex virus, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV),
frequently in these formulations, including Guanghuoxi‑ and hepatitis viruses including hepatitis B virus (HBV),
ang (Pogostemonis Herba), Gancao (Glycyrrhizae Radix and hepatitis C virus (HCV) [47]. As a metabolite of gly‑
et Rhizoma), Shigao (Gypsum Fibrosum), Kuxingren cyrrhizin, glycyrrhetinic acid has a good antiviral activity
(Armeniacae Semen Amarum) and Mahuang (Ephed‑ as well, against African lymphocytoma virus and the her‑
rae Herba). Therefore, the actions of antiviral, immune pes virus related to kaposi sarcoma [48].
regulatory, and amelioration of symptoms of these five Mahuang (Ephedrae Herba) is the dry grass stem of
medicines of the “Three TCM prescriptions and three ephedra shrub from Ephedra sinica Stapf, E. interme‑
medicines” are systemically summarized and reviewed. dia Schrenk et C.A.Mey. or E. equisetina Bge. It mainly
contains alkaloids and other components that vary with
Antiviral effect species. In a study of anti-influenza A (H1N1) activity of
Guanghuoxiang (Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth.) Mahuang decoction in vitro, Mahuang decoction blocked
is a plant belonging to the family Lamiaceae, originally the invasion of influenza virus into host cells to resist
from southeast Asian countries. After being intro‑ its adsorption process, and inhibited the biosynthetic of
duced to China, it is mainly produced in Guangdong influenza virus mainly by down-regulating the expres‑
and the whole herb may be used as medicine [39–41]. sion levels of TLR4, TLR7, MyD88 and TRAF6 mRNA in
Patchouli oil is a volatile oil extracted from Pogostemon cells, to achieve the anti-influenza effect [49].
cablin (Blanco) Benth by steam distillation. The main
active components of Patchouli are patchouli alco‑ Immunoregulation effect
hol, patchoulene, α-guaiene, δ-guaiene, α-patchoulene, Researchers established a serum pharmacology test‑
β-patchoulene, pogostone, and aristolone. In recent ing method for essential oil from patchouli leaves. They
years, extensive studies on the pharmacological effects investigated the effect of serum containing the medi‑
of patchouli oil have been performed. Patchouli oil acts cine on mice’s peripheral leukocytes, peritoneal mac‑
against coxsackievirus, adenovirus, influenza A virus, rophages, and the spleen lymphocytes at different time
and respiratory syncytial virus through in vitro antivi‑ points. The results showed that the serum-containing
ral experiments. At the same time, patchouli alcohol medicine significantly activated these cells, suggesting
also acts against coxsackievirus, adenovirus, and influ‑ that essential oil has a certain immunoregulatory role in
enza A virus. These findings provide an important basis mice [50]. In the immunologically impaired mice model,
for research and development of a new anti-viral drug patchouli alcohol increased thymus index, spleen index
against viral infections [42, 43]. Similarly, ethyl acetate and the content of hemolysin and clearance index, as
and methanol extracts of patchouli exhibited good anti- well as inhibited the shrinkage of spleen and thymus in
coxsackievirus activity in vitro [44]. mice infected with influenza virus by improving systemic
Gancao is the dry root and rhizome of Leguminosae immune function [51]. Pogostone showed a significant
plant Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch., Glycyrrhiza inflate inhibitory effect on Con-A-induced mice T lymphocytes
Bat. or Glycyrrhiza glabra L. from the northeast and proliferation and activation in vitro and effectively pro‑
northwest China. It also widely distributed in central tected Con-A-induced apoptosis. Therefore, this natural
Asia and southern Europe. This herb is widely known compound exhibited a certain inhibitory effect on adap‑
as the “Regulator of the Chinese herbal medicine” [45]. tive immunity [52].
Gancao contains a variety of active ingredients, with Licorice polysaccharide is one of the major active
the highest content of glycyrrhizic acid, glycyrrhizic fla‑ ingredients of Gancao, which exhibits immunomodu‑
vone, and licorice polysaccharides. Glycyrrhizic acid, latory activities. As a polysaccharide, licorice polysac‑
also known as glycyrrhizin, exists in the form of sylvite charide can promote human peripheral blood γδT cells
or calcium salts in Gancao [45]. Numerous studies have proliferation and secretion of cytokines, thereby killing
Luo et al. Chin Med (2020) 15:94 Page 8 of 14
cancer cells [53]. It can also inhibit allergy-induced sar‑ bronchial asthma by network pharmacology, it was found
coma cells apoptosis and enhance immunity by activat‑ that HPS90AA1, TGFB1, NFKB2, and MMP9 may be the
ing the immune surveillance system [54]. Besides, licorice key targets of Shegan Mahuang Decoction in the pathway
polysaccharide could also enhance the activity of immune of immune-inflammatory treatment, and NR3C1 and
cells and improve the ability of macrophages to engulf PGR may be the key targets for the treatment of refrac‑
pathogenic microorganisms, thus playing an important tory asthma [65].
antiviral role [55]. The researcher compared the clinical effects and serum
Amygdalin, also known as vitamin B 17, is a toxic gly‑ cytokine levels of 174 influenza patients on Day 3 and
coside compound mainly found in bitter almond, with Day 5 after the administration. The results showed that
a content of about 2% to 3%. Amygdalin is an effective Jinhua Qinggan Granule significantly reduced the levels
component of Kuxingren and is often used as an expecto‑ of various cytokines in serum, enhanced the immune
rant and adjuvant anti-cancer drug [56]. Amygdalin plays function, and exhibited significant therapeutic effect
an important role in the regulation of the immune sys‑ with a decent safety profile, which demonstrated its clini‑
tem. For instance, amygdalin can inhibit the expression cal use value. However, its efficacy did not increase sig‑
of TNF-α and sICAM-1, effectively inhibit joint swelling nificantly with the increase of dose. Thus a relatively low,
in joint swelling model rats, and alleviate the pathologi‑ effective dose would be recommended [7].
cal damage, thus achieving successful treatment of rheu‑
matoid arthritis (an autoimmune disease) [57]. Asthma is Antipyretic effect
a chronic inflammatory airway disease mainly caused by Fever Syndrome in TCM theory often refers to a series
environmental factors and immune factors. The immune of comprehensive symptoms, including fever, thirst, red
imbalance is a hotspot of research on the mechanism of tongue, constipation, restlessness, and quick pulse. Sea‑
asthma, among which Th1/Th2 imbalance is an impor‑ sonal factors, diet, living/sleeping and other external fac‑
tant mechanism as Th1 cells mainly release INF-γ, resist‑ tors are usually the reasons for the occurrence of illness.
ing allergic reactions, whereas Th2 cells mainly release COVID-19 is a type of fever disease caused by external
IL-4 that can promote the allergic reaction. A study factors, with symptoms such as fever, thirst, fatigue and
found that laetrile increased the level of INF-γ and low‑ dry cough. Many scientists have found that high fever
ered the level of IL-4 in an asthma rat model, thus sup‑ models can be created in animals by intravenous injec‑
pressing the appearance and aggregation of inflammatory tion of LPS. Licorice zinc granule significantly reduced
mediators to reduce asthma airway inflammation [58]. the antipyretic time of children with viral enteritis in
Moreover, amygdalin can inhibit adjuvant inflammation, the treatment [66]. Bai Hu Tang (BHT) is a classic anti-
enhance the activity of macrophages, improve the phago‑ fever formula comprised of Gancao (Glycyrrhizae Radix
cytic function of macrophages, and regulate the immune et Rhizoma), Zhimu (Anemarrhenae Rhizoma), Shigao
system [59]. It can directly inhibit the proliferation of (Gypsum Fibrosum) and Gengmi (Oryzae Semen). It is
immune cells, thereby playing an immunosuppressive traditionally used as an anti-fever treatment to promote
role [60]. body fluid production and relieve thirst. BHT (750 mg
Mahuang (Ephedrae Herba) also plays an important dry extract/kg body weight) up-regulated F-actin, cor‑
role in regulating immunity. In the study investigat‑ onin, Rac, and MHC I, acting in phagocytosis and cross-
ing the effect of intragastric administration single dose presentation, in the high fever model produced in rabbits
of Mahuang on the humoral immunity of mice, it was by LPS injection. These results suggested that BHT might
found that Mahuang significantly improved the activ‑ promote pyrogen clearance by promoting antigen phago‑
ity and hair gloss of Kunming mice, suggesting that it cytosis, degradation, and cross-presentation in the liver
increased the humoral immunity [61]. On the other hand, [67]. The antipyretic effect of Shigao might be attributed
Mahuang could inhibit the cellular immune function of to the combined action of various trace elements. The
mouse [62], and suppress the spleen index, phagocytic indirect antipyretic effect is likely related to the control
coefficient α of mononuclear macrophages and comple‑ of infection by iron, copper, selenium, etc. which regu‑
ment activity of Kunming mice [63]. Similarly, Shegan late the immune system [68]. Mahuang Decoction can
Mahuang Decoction can alleviate airway inflammation in dispel exterior pathogens, so the patients who show
the rat bronchial model, regulate the immune imbalance exterior symptoms including an aversion to cold, fever,
of Th1/Th2, and treat bronchial asthma by inhibiting the headache, body pain, no sweat and shortness of breath,
activation of Th2 cells, suggesting that Shegan Mahuang are suitable for Mahuang Decoction treatment. How‑
Decoction has significant potential in the treatment ever, the sweating effect of this prescription is strong
of asthma [64]. By preliminarily exploring the mecha‑ and thus it should only be used under the guidance of
nism of Shegan Mahuang Decoction in the treatment of qualified physicians [69] Lianhua Qingwen Capsule can
Luo et al. Chin Med (2020) 15:94 Page 9 of 14
reduce the inflammatory reaction, inhibit the mouse’s ear showed an inhibitory effect on the ammonia induced
swelling caused by xylene, and increase the permeability cough in mice [74]. The volatile oil of patchouli could sig‑
of capillaries in the abdominal cavity of mice caused by nificantly prolong the time of ammonia solution spray in
0.6% acetic acid. The experiment indicated that Lianhua half of the experimental mice (EDT50), indicating that
Qingwen Capsule have a better therapeutic effect on the the volatile oil of patchouli had an obvious antitussive
fever caused by typhoid, paratyphoid A and B, and can effect [75]. Maxing Ganshi decoction (MXGSD), consist‑
reduce fever and inflammatory. A randomized, double- ing of Mahuang (Ephedrae Herba), Kuxingren (Arme‑
blinded, and multi-center clinical study carried out in 3A niacae Semen Amarum), Gancao (Glycyrrhizae Radix et
hospitals in China showed that the effective rate of Lian‑ Rhizoma) and Shi Gao (Gypsum Fibrosum), is an impor‑
hua Qingwen Capsule in the treatment of influenza fever tant TCM prescription for the treatment of cough. On
was over 90%. Modern pharmacology has revealed that the citric acid-induced cough model, it was found that
Lianhua Qingwen Capsule have antipyretic and antiphlo‑ MXGST extract had an obvious dose-dependent anti-
gistic activities, as well as functions of resisting common coughing effect on guinea pigs, and its anti-coughing
respiratory tract viruses and influenza viruses and regu‑ mechanism was related to the partial relaxation of bron‑
lating immune system. Lianhua Qingwen Capsule have chial smooth muscle by blocking acetyl cholinergic and
good antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antipy‑ histaminergic receptors [76]. A clinical study found that
retic, analgesic, phlegm&cough-dissipating, and bidirec‑ Maxing Ganshi Jiawei Decoction, in combination with
tional immune-regulatory effects [70]. Some researchers anti-infection western medicine, exhibited shorter aver‑
observed the clinical efficacy of Xuebijing injection in age antipyretic and antitussive time than that of the con‑
the treatment of stroke-associated pneumonia. Patients trol group of patients treated with anti-infection western
received an intravenous drip of 50 mL Xuebijing Injection medicine alone [77]. By microinjection of citric acid
twice a day for 7 days. Compared with the control group, solution into the larynx, a laryngeal cough model of the
the Xuebijing Injection group significantly reduced the guinea pig was built. Mahuang extract was dissolved in
antipyretic and antitussive time [71]. It was found that on water and the model animals took it freely for 3 days, the
the basis of western medicine treatment, Xuebijing Injec‑ number of coughs in 10 min was subsequently counted
tion can effectively shorten the time of hospitalization and calculated. The results showed that Mahuang extract
and fever, and was beneficial to the control of convulsion reduced the frequency of cough [78]. Another study
in the treatment of children with febrile convulsion [72]. found that ephedrine extract at a dose of 200 mg/kg
reduced the cough response to 68.3% of the initial level,
prolong cough latency and reduce cough times in ammo‑ children, and found that the most commonly used herb
nia water-induced cough mouse and citric acid-induced was Gancao, which showed the effect in relieving cough,
cough in a guinea pig model, exhibiting a significant anti- removing phlegm and relieving asthma [90]. It was
cough-phlegm effect. believed that Gancao in Zhigancao Decoction, governing
the cold and heat pathogen of zangfu organs, could clear
Resolving phlegm the heat, remove toxicity, dissipate phlegm, and relieve
In TCM theory, the movement of fluid in the body cough [91].
depends on the transportation of the spleen, the body Xuebijing Injection could promote blood circula‑
fluid passages regulation of the lung, and the qi transfor‑ tion, eliminate phlegm and remove stasis, which leads
mation of the kidney. The spleen, lung, and kidney are to its ability of treating chronic obstructive pulmonary
interdependent with each other for regulating body fluid. disease [92]. COVID-19 belongs to the syndrome of
SARS-CoV-2 mainly invades the lung, leading to the loss dampness toxin pestilence, resulting in dampness trans‑
of governing the regulation of body fluid passages, result‑ formed into phlegm retention. Qingfei Paidu Decoction
ing in the formation of phlegm retention. Therefore, the showed detoxification, lung-clearing heat, and expecto‑
important direction of the treatment for COVID-19 is rant effects, as was systemically demonstrated in clinical
to use expectorant drugs. Researchers developed sev‑ practice [93]. In the treatment of influenza A (H1N1), the
eral models for phlegm retention and most of them use accumulation of phlegm-heat in the lung can be treated
the method of phenol red excretion from the trachea to with tamiflu and Lianhua Qingwen Capsule in combi‑
observe its resolving phlegm effect. Using this model, nation [94]. Lianhua Qingwen Capsule could also sig‑
Jinhuang Zhike Granule showed an effect of resolving nificantly improve the symptom of phlegm retention in
phlegm [83]. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [95].
It was believed that abnormal body fluid in the lung can
be changed into phlegm retention, and Mahuang (Ephed‑ Conclusion and perspectives
rae Herba) has an effect of ventilating lung qi for diuresis The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread globally
[84]. In the prescription of wind-cold attack on the lung, and there is no wonder drug to effectively treat the dis‑
Mahuang and other drugs play the role of relieving exte‑ ease as yet. It will still take a long time to develop new
rior syndrome, ventilating the lung, and relieving cough drugs although with efficient global cooperation. By sum‑
and asthma [85]. Mahuang belongs to the type of herbs marizing the experiences accumulated from clinical prac‑
warming the lung, which can be used to resolve fluid tice, we found that TCM can provide sustaining power in
retention in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [86]. the fight against the pandemic.
Mahuang, the principal drug in the formula for the treat‑ TCM prescriptions, based on the thoughts of syn‑
ment of pediatric asthma, has the functions of dissipat‑ drome differentiation and treatment, on the foundation
ing phlegm and eliminating blood stasis, relieving cough of the classic prescriptions, adds or subtracts type or dos‑
and asthma [87]. The combination of Mahuang and She‑ age of TCM in consideration of symptoms, reflecting the
gan (Belamcandae Rhizoma) could strengthen the func‑ essence of TCM personalized treatment, such that dif‑
tion of resolving phlegm [88]. Xu et al. summarized the ferent individual with different syndromes in different
action of Shigao (Gypsum Fibrosum) in Mufangji Decoc‑ stages receives the most appropriate treatment. In this
tion and found that Shigao in Mufangji Decoction is the critical situation, TCM prescriptions based on the clas‑
major active component in resolving phlegm and resolv‑ sic formulations and modified flexibly in consideration
ing masses [89]. of the special situations of individual patients, may effec‑
The effect of the volatile oil of patchouli on resolving tively cope with the frustration of our society in dealing
phlegm and relieving cough was studied. In the phenol with this new disease.
red excretion in mice trachea experiment, it was found Through the accumulation of clinical experiences and
that the volatile oil of patchouli had a significant effect evaluation of therapeutic effects of TCM on COVID-
in resolving phlegm [75]. Pharmacological studies were 19, the “Three TCM prescriptions and three medicines”
conducted on the phlegm-resolving effects of volatile oil is developed and becomes a powerful weapon against
and water extract of patchouli respectively. The results COVID-19. The “Three TCM prescriptions and three
showed that not only the volatile oil of patchouli had medicines” all include the composition of Maxing Ganshi
phlegm-resolving effects, but also the water extract had decoction (MXGSD) except Xubijing injection. Therefore,
the similar effects, suggesting that more than one thera‑ MXGSD should be in accordance with the central patho‑
peutic chemical constituent existing in patchouli [39]. genesis of TCM on COVID-19. At present, the character‑
Li et al. analyzed and summarized the rules for the istics of central TCM pathogenesis are dampness, toxin,
use of TCM in the treatment of severe pneumonia in heat and stasis from the period of disease onset to critical
Luo et al. Chin Med (2020) 15:94 Page 11 of 14
status [96]. MXGSD includes four herbal medicines, (e.g. low fever, dry cough, myalgia, fatigue and diar‑
namely Mahuang, Kuxingren, Gancao and Shigao. From rhea), it is believed that the pathogens of COVID-19 are
the view of TCM theory, Mahuang and Kuxingren con‑ related to dampness and toxin. In TCM theory, dampness
tribute to dispelling exterior pathogen, removing damp‑ can directly injure gastrointestinal tract function, so the
ness through diuresis, and ventilating lung qi; Shigao can symptoms of nausea, vomit and diarrhea become com‑
clear heat pathogen and detoxification; Gancao regulates mon. Research reported SARS-CoV-2 RNA was found in
multiple herbal medicines properties and gastrointestinal the feces of infected patients, and the intestinal epithe‑
tract function. Additionally, Xuebijing injection with the lial cells also express ACE2 receptors. The phenomenon
action of promoting blood circulation can target blood points out the role that the gut microbiota may play in
stasis in the pathology of COVID-19. Therefore, MXGSD COVID-19, and ameliorating gut microbiota profile by
and Xuebijing injection are able to attenuate the patho‑ personalized nutrition and supplementation for regulat‑
logical evolution of COVID-19. ing immunity should be an appropriate prophylactic and
Network pharmacology of MXGSD suggests that therapeutic approaches [102]. Additionally, a clinical trial
quercetin, kaempferol, wogonin, naringenin and isor‑ showed that the gut microbial profile of 30 patients with
hamnetin are the 5 main active compounds associated COVID-19 was different from that of H1N1 patients and
with virus infection, inflammatory response and immu‑ health persons [103]. Modulation of Gut-Lung axis can
nomodulatory signaling pathway in severe COVID-19 directly influence the immune function of the lung, e.g.
[97]. In the construction of a drug-component-target-dis‑ probiotics, prebiotic dietary fiber and other plant nutri‑
ease network, 9 compounds (e.g. quercetin, kaempferol, tional bioactives can attenuate COVID-19 or its associ‑
naringenin and luteolin) played a key role in the entire ated symptoms [104–106]. Based on the above opinions,
network for anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immune- we deduce that the mechanisms of the “Three TCM
regulatory effects [98]. In the evaluation of MXGSD on prescriptions and three medicines” are associated with
cytokine storm of COVID-19, the results suggested that regulation of gut microbial profile, and these oral formu‑
MXGSD increased T cell differentiation and homeostatic lae regulate immune responses by Gut-Lung axis against
proliferation against virus replication, as well as nega‑ COVID-19. As the key composition of the “Three TCM
tively modulated inflammatory factors such as interleu‑ prescriptions and three medicines”, MXGSD not only
kin, TNF and integrin to attenuate cytokine storm [99]. increases the abundance of intestinal microbiota related
Presently, although the life cycle of SARS-CoV-2 is not to the production of short-chain fatty acids in nomral
clear, ACE2 has been considered as the receptor for the mice, but also reduces the pathogenic bacteria Tyzzerella
SARS-CoV-2 viral entry. Network pharmacology analy‑ and Treponema in intestinal flora of mice with influ‑
sis and molecular docking suggest that patchouli alcohol enza by High-throughput Sequencing [107, 108]. Study
derived from Pogostemonis herba, tussilagone derived also demonstrated that Xuebijing Injection increased
from Farfarae flos, ergosterol derived from Polyporus, the content of beneficial bacteria, improved the intesti‑
asarinin derived from Asari Radix et Rhizoma, ephedrine nal mucosal barrier function, and reduced the release of
hydrochloride derived from Ephedrae Herba, and shion‑ endotoxin and pro-inflammatory factors in severe acute
one derived from Asteris Radix et Rhizoma in Qingfei pancreatitis rats [109]. Focusing on the regulation of
Paidu decoction can bind to ACE2 to block SARS-CoV-2 Gut-Lung axis and amelioration of homeostasis of intes‑
from invading into host cells, and 232 of the QFPDT’s tinal microenvironment perhaps is the mechanism of the
790 putative targets are co-expressed with ACE2 [28]. In “Three TCM prescriptions and three medicines” for the
the analysis on the components of Xuebijing injection, it treatment of COVID-19.
is showed that 22 compounds correspond to 70 proteins TCM has played and will continue to play an important
intersected with targets co-expressed with ACE2 [100]. role in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, which
However, ACE2 negatively modulates severity of lung is bound to increase more attention and application of
edema and acute lung failure, downregulation of ACE2 TCM in China and abroad. We believe that the prescrip‑
can exacerbate lung pathologies [101]. Therefore, directly tions with the advantages of syndrome differentiation
blocking ACE2 may not be the main therapeutic mecha‑ and treatment, as well as the convenience of use and high
nism for TCM treating COVID-19. Moreover, numerous therapeutic effects and safety features, can make TCM
of Chinese medical foumulae are used via oral adminis‑ shine on the world stage and better serve human health.
tration, if the active compounds (e.g. quercetin, kaemp‑
ferol and luteolin) in the peripheral blood exerting effects
needs to be further evidenced by experiments instead of COVID-19: Coronavirus disease 2019; TCM: Traditional Chinese medicine; ACE2:
network pharmacology or molecular docking. Based on Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2; PTGS2: Prostaglandin-endoperoxide syn-
the analysis on TCM pathologenesis and main symptoms thase 2; BCL2: B-cell lymphoma-2; CASP3: Caspase 3; HSP90AB1: Heat shock
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