Bonn Call For Action: 10 Actions To Improve Radiation Protection in Medicine in The Next Decade
Bonn Call For Action: 10 Actions To Improve Radiation Protection in Medicine in The Next Decade
Bonn Call For Action: 10 Actions To Improve Radiation Protection in Medicine in The Next Decade
The aims of the Bonn Call-for-Action are to a) strengthen the radiation pro-
tection of patients and health workers overall; b) attain the highest benefit with
the least possible risk to all patients by the safe and appropriate use of ionizing
radiation in medicine; c) aid the full integration of radiation protection into
health care systems; d) help improve the benefit/risk-dialogue with patients
and the public; and e) enhance the safety and quality of radiological procedures
in medicine.
The Bonn Call-for-Action highlights ten main actions, and related sub-actions,
that were identified as being essential for the strengthening of radiation pro-
tection in medicine over the next decade. The actions are not listed in order of
importance. Action by all stakeholders is encouraged.
Enhance the implementation of the
principle of justification
Introduce and apply the 3A’s (awareness, appropriateness and audit),
which are seen as tools that are likely to facilitate and enhance
justification in practice;
Enhance the provision of tools and support in order to give training for
users that is specific to the particular medical devices, taking into account
radiation protection and safety aspects;
Make the data available as a tool for quality management and for trend
analysis, decision making and resource allocation.
Improve prevention of medical radiation
incidents and accidents
Implement and support voluntary educational safety reporting systems
for the purpose of learning from the return of experience of safety related
events in medical uses of radiation;
Learn about best practices for instilling a safety culture from other areas,
such as the nuclear power industry and the aviation industry;
Radiation Programme
Department of Public Health, Environmental
and Social Determinants of Health (PHE)
Cluster of Family, Women’s and Children’s Health (FWC)
Avenue Appia 20
1211 Geneva-27, Switzerland