8th Grade Science Syllabus
8th Grade Science Syllabus
8th Grade Science Syllabus
Class Description:
This course will have an integrative approach to science. The student will learn
foundational skills, concepts and methods of the earth science, space science,
physical science and life sciences. Laboratory and research skills will be developed and practiced
continually. The content of this course is determined by the Next Generation Science Standards.
Class Textbooks:
Florida Science Grade 8; Glencoe McGraw Hill / online resources
Required Materials:
Classroom Requirements:
Students will read, comprehend and follow NSS Students Handbook. Classroom and Lab. safety rules
and procedures will be strictly followed. Students will read assigned sections before class.
***Please Note: If a student causes loses or damages to school supplies, equipment, computer
hardware or software; his or her parent/guardian will be liable for expenses! ***
Class Rules
Grading Procedures:
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
59 and below F
Formative Assessments (Responsible for own learning warm up, classwork and binder check):
Note: A student will have 4 quarters 2 semesters the entire school year. A:4, B:3, C:2, D:1, and F:0
points. Student must have at least 1 point for each semester and he/she must earn at least 3 points
overall 4 quarters to promote / pass to the next grade. (District promoting policy)
Tutoring Days:
Science tutoring will be announced 2nd week of school. Appointment is necessary for preparation
Homework Policy:
It is each student’s responsibility to complete and turn in homework ON TIME. If it is not, a grade of
zero will be given on that assignment. Copying another student’s work will be referred to Assistant
Principal or directly given zero. Please refer to student handbook for further information. Homework will
be graded according to accuracy and completeness .
Late assignments (for those who have permission) will be graded with a 10% deduction for each class
after the due date; otherwise the late homework will not be accepted if it was gone over in the classroom.
Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. Copying someone else’s answers on a quiz or
test will result in loss of points on that assessment, and possibly a grade of zero. Repeat
offenses will result in a phone call home and possible referral to school Administrator.
It is the student’s responsibility to ask for all assignments that were missed due to an excused
absence from school. The teacher will provide the makeup work and the deadline. The student should
complete the work completely on time otherwise; he/she will be penalized.
***Extra Credit***
There will be MANY opportunities for extra credit throughout the year. I will inform students of these
prospects throughout the school term.
Classroom procedures:
-Student will walk into the classroom and sit in their assigned seat quietly.
-Bell work questions or vocabulary (new terms) will be on the board EVERYDAY and will be done first
ten minutes of the class.
-Homework will be on the board when it is assigned. Please, copy down the homework.
-Raise your hand to ask or answer a question
-The student will make sure area and workbench remain clean and clear
of garbage after an experiment.
-Students are expected to be ready to work.
-Restroom visits will be restricted to one student at a time and will be
outside the time of instruction and presentations.
-No pencil sharpening during the instruction time. The student is responsible of bringing extra pencils and
necessary materials.
-If the teacher starts counting till 5, the student will be quiet and their full attention is expected.
-The student will raise their hand to speak and wait to be given permission to do so.
In our studies, many experiments will require group work, unless stated by the teacher. While in the
group, you are expected to share responsibilities such as:
• Actively participating in the experiment
• Tending to the equipment
• Collecting data
• Recording data
• Taking care of the experiment equipment(s)
• Searching for necessary materials
• Making observation
• Bringing necessary item(s) for an experiment from home
• Drawing graph
Home visits:
Research shows that home visits help with both academic and behavioral performance of students. The
interaction with student’s family at their home is a very effective way to help his or her progress.
Therefore, I plan to visit my students at their homes as much as I can.
Teacher/Parent Communication:
• Agenda
• ClassDojo
• Signed Papers
• Interim Grade Reports
• Email (dzephir@newspringsschools.org)
• Phone conferences, messages will be returned within 48 hrs.
• Conferences as needed.
**Please refer to NSS- connect for daily homework updates as well as for your student’s
up-to-date progress.
**Syllabus is subject to change(s).
My Pledge to Students:
I will trust you until you give me a reason to do otherwise.
I will respect you and work with you to solve problems.
I will promptly correct and offer feedback on your work.
I will work with you to meet learning goals.
I will always offer extra help and alternative assessments.
I truly believe in your potential and I want you to believe in it too!
SIGNATURES: I have read and understand this syllabus outline and the lab safety contract.
(Parent name and signature)
(Student name and signature) please print
_____________________ (Date)
Please return just the LAST PAGE signed to Ms. Zephir and keep the rest
of the pages of syllabus for school year.
DUE date is August 31st, Friday 2020.