Quick Start Guide: The Body Ecology
Quick Start Guide: The Body Ecology
Quick Start Guide: The Body Ecology
I am so pleased to introduce the Body Ecology Quick Start
Guide. Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have
found the Body Ecology diet after struggling with candida,
chronic fatigue, depression, weight problems, early aging,
ADHD, autism, hormone imbalance and auto-immune
Body Ecology offers a back-to-basics approach to restoring
health and vitality. The digestive system is intimately linked
to the immune, endocrine, circulatory and central nervous
systems. Profoundly affecting all these interlocking systems
is an amazing world of benevolent bacteria. The Body
Ecology Diet and associated products are all specifically
designed to help cultivate, nourish, cleanse, and repair this abundant inner ecosystem.
After 25 years of studying Eastern healing systems and Western fad diets, I discovered
the key to health and longevity... a flourishing inner ecosystem living inside your
intestines. Based on a deep understanding of how the digestive tract truly affects how
you look, feel and even think, the Body Ecology Diet offers a gluten-free, sugar-free,
probiotic-rich way to eat that will change your taste buds and your life forever.
I hope this Quick Start Guide provides the way to get you started on your own path to
healthy living.
1. SUGARS such as refined sugar, organic sugar, sweet fruits, and juices made from fruits.
But sour fruits such as fresh and frozen berries, and juices made from lemons, limes,
pomegranate, noni, acai, mangosteen, seabuckthorn and cranberry juice concentrate are
fine. Use stevia or Lakanto as a sweetener.
2. GLUTEN, found in wheat, spelt, kamut, rye, barley, and oats. (These also feed yeast.)
3. CASEIN, found in all dairy products including milk, cheese, milk kefir and yogurt. This
includes raw, fermented, or pasteurized dairy products.
4. GRAINS AND STARCHES THAT FEED YEAST, such as rice, beans, dried peas, white
potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc. Red-skinned potatoes are allowed, but best to include a
fermented food or liquid at that meal to consume the sugar.
5. PROCESSED FOODS, boxed foods, prepared mixes, hydrogenated oils, etc.
6. SOY, because it suppresses the immune system unless properly fermented. (Soy needs a
longer fermentation time with stronger cultures to break it down.) Soy is also estrogenic
and you will want to remove foods that add more estrogen to your child’s body.
7. REFINED VEGETABLE OILS, including canola, soybean oil, margarine, sunflower,
safflower, and peanut oils. High-oleic sunflower oil is acceptable in smaller amounts.
Acid-Forming Foods
-‐ Animal Proteins (eggs, fish,
chicken, lamb, etc.)
Nuts and Seeds
-‐ Buckwheat (a grain-like seed)
Fats and Oils
Should not be heated except coconut oil.
-‐ Butter and ghee should be eaten in small amounts, more if one is pregnant or nursing.
-‐ Amount of fish oil and unrefined nut and seed oils eaten based on individual needs.
A very important aspect of digestion is eating the right foods at the right times. Here are some simple
guidelines for how to get started on the Body Ecology Diet and the kinds of foods that work best at
different periods of the day.
When we wake up in the morning our bodies are dehydrated, contracted, and
naturally acidic. We also need energy to start our day. Using the PRINCIPLE OF
BALANCE to guide us it will be best to drink liquids that hydrate us while giving us
energy, relax us a little and also help us become more alkaline. Our bodies are still
waking up and need time to get into full gear, so nutritionally-dense, easy-to-digest,
liquid-y foods and drinks are a must.
First, drink several glasses of water. Nothing hydrates like water, and water with
minerals added to help alkalize is best. Then, drink a “probiotic juice” that acts as
an adrenal tonic and also provides the “sweet taste” you need when you are too
contracted. Choose a sour juice like cranberry, pomegranate, açaí, noni,
mangosteen, or black currant and put this into a probiotic liquid like young coconut
kefir or InnergyBiotic™. Add stevia to sweeten.
A cup of an energizing green tea sweetened with stevia and a grapefruit sprinkled
with sugar-free Lakanto is comforting on a cold winter day. Kiwi or a handful of
berries provides more energy and antioxidants as you begin your day.
Stir Body Ecology’s Vitality SuperGreen™ into some young coconut kefir and add
some chia seeds. Let this thicken for several minutes, and you have a great drink
that will nurture your intestines.
I always find time to mix 1/2 tsp. or more of our Super Spirulina Plus™ (fermented
protein powder) into InnergyBiotic™. In minutes my energy increases even more.
You can whip up a nutritious anti-aging “Green, Morning Smoothie” with water, two
stalks of celery, two leaves of romaine lettuce, a small zucchini, a small cucumber,
some soaked chia seeds, a handful of mint, a large squirt of Barlean’s 3-6-9 swirl
Essential Oil and a few drops of stevia. It’s an amazing, yet alkalizing, high fiber
drink too.
If your body likes casein, (the main protein in dairy foods), pour some homemade
milk kefir over a bowl of your favorite berries. Milk kefir is a European favorite in
the hot summer months because it is cooling. This cooling quality is great for
inflammation (internal heat) all year round and is another reason why it is an anti-
aging food. Or take the berries and your freshly-made milk kefir, and add stevia to
create a delicious berry smoothie. Milk kefir, a splash of roasted pumpkinseed oil,
some vanilla flavoring, and Lakanto and/or stevia is another tasty smoothie
This “lite” yet extremely nourishing start to your day is a perfect example of
practicing calorie restriction with optimal nutrition. These are all good options that
hydrate, give you energy to start your day, are filling, and are all properly
combined. An acidic meal is inappropriate, so bacon, eggs, toast, oatmeal, and
cereal with milk (a food-combining nightmare) are not on the Body Ecology Diet.
While all the suggestions above are easy to digest, you may want to take digestive
enzymes if you feel you need them. For example, even though fermenting helps
with digestion of casein in the milk kefir, the casein may still be difficult to digest for
those with weak digestion. If you have this problem try taking a digestive enzyme
with HCL and pepsin for digestion of casein in your stomach and a second enzyme
with pancreatin that breaks it down when it reaches your small intestine.
The best time of the day to eat heavier proteins (like animal proteins and nut and
seed pâtés) is between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Your liver is ready to accept
proteins at this time, and you are more active and need the extra concentrated
energy. Many of us would benefit from eating two smaller protein meals. For
example, around 11:00 a.m., eggs, cultured vegetables, and a small leafy green
salad makes an energizing brunch. Eggs are great for your thyroid and your brain
and help create energy. At 1:00 p.m. have a tasty protein and veggie lunch served
with a small champagne glass of CocoBiotic™.
If you need or want to gain weight, have an energizing, alkaline snack like Vitality
SuperGreen™ mixed into young coconut kefir around 3:00 or 4:00 p.m. This will
give you a mid-afternoon boost of energy to get you through that period when you
feel a bit sleepy or unfocused. Satisfying those afternoon cravings with something
healthy will give you more motivation to prepare an evening meal that is balanced
and unrushed.
Your last meal of the day should be vegetarian. Your digestive tract starts to slow
down around sunset, so difficult-to-digest, complex meals are not wise. Eat early
and eat a light vegetarian meal. You’ve had a busy day, and it won’t be long before
you will want to prepare for a great rejuvenating night of deep sleep. You’ll sleep
better and awaken refreshed if your last meal is 80% vegetables (from the land
and ocean), cultured vegetables and a gluten-free, grain-like seed such as quinoa,
millet, buckwheat, or amaranth.
UPON WAKING: Sip down two 8 oz. glasses of water (take supplements).
BRUNCH CHOICES: (brunch begins when you feel hunger or desire for solid foods)
Unless you do physical labor, or wake up with an enormous appetite, it is best to eat lightly upon waking. Then wait until you have an appetite
and have “brunch.”
• Grain “Brunch”: Wash grains and soak overnight to release phytic acid. Prepare a high-water-content breakfast such as a grain
soup or grain porridge accompanied with vegetables. Add salt and herbs to taste. Serve with cultured veggies, or a juice glass of
BE Wholegrain Liquid to assist in digestion. When digestion of grains is poor: Take an ASSIST enzyme (Body Ecology). Begin drink-
ing 1 cup per day of BE Wholegrain Liquid (Grainfields). It contains grain-loving bacteria that will ensure you digest all grains
• Animal-Protein “Brunch”: Animal-protein meals are best eaten between 11 A.M. and 2 P.M. Rare is easiest to digest. Combine
with non-starchy raw or lightly steamed vegetables; ocean veggies are great, too. Cultured veggies are a must! Eggs are wonder-
ful, but do not overcook. Contrary to popular belief it is the yolk that is most nutritious. Eggs are great for nourishing your thy-
roid. 1 whole egg + 2 yolks softly scrambled in butter with Herbamare to season; omelette with pre-cooked land and ocean veg-
gies; eggs over easy in coconut oil (eat mostly yolks, not whites)
• SECOND STAGE B.E.D.: Fermented Soy (some are fine with these foods in stage one as well)
• Miso soup: Made with stock using a strip of kombu and/or bonito fish flakes. A great choice in the winter months. Wakame
sea vegetable and other non-starchy veggies can be used in this soup, making a very hearty meal in itself.
• Natto: Buy from Oriental markets without MSG and whip it in a bowl 50 times after adding other ingredients: cultured veg-
gies, finely chopped onion, mustard, wheat-free tamari, raw egg, etc. This is a gourmet dish for millions of Japanese.
When digestion of animal-protein meals is poor: Use ASSIST enzymes (Body Ecology), HCl with pepsin, pancreatin. Eat and drink
fermented foods (for example: eat cultured veggies and/or sip young coconut kefir with your meal to help with digestion of all proteins).
When digestion of dairy is poor: Use ASSIST Dairy & Protein Enzymes (Body Ecology). Rich in whey protein, calcium, and phos-
phorus, this product helps build strong bones and teeth.
Grains (soaked first) with vegetables (land or ocean, raw or cooked); soups; protein and vegetables or eggs; steamed veggies or large
salad; dressings with unrefined oils.
Vegetarian is ideal. Best for the liver and helps with hormone balance. Ensures a better night’s sleep. Examples: soaked Body
Ecology grains (quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, millet); soups made with vegetables and grains; stir-fried grain and vegetables dishes;
grain salads; raw salads; steamed vegetables; cultured vegetables and young coconut kefir.
The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) is a synthesis of seven principles of eating and healing. They
are pillars of the holistic health field. Some of them are thousands of years old, such as the
Chinese concept of yin and yang (contraction/expansion). Others, such as the theory of food
combining, are more recent.
The Diet weaves these principles together like pieces in a puzzle. They can create a framework
for healthy eating for the rest of your life. They are clear and complementary. This B.E.D. book
shows you how to integrate them into your daily routine. When they are properly implemented,
you will see your symptoms disappear and your overall health improve. Here is an overview of
the seven principles.
Principle #2 ... Acid/Alkaline
Acid rain has polluted our forests, lakes, and streams, endangering a wide range of animals and
plants. In the same manner, increased acidity due to poor diet has altered our internal
chemistry—our pH balance—destroying the beneficial flora of our inner ecosystem. Illness
occurs when our bodies are too acidic and therefore toxic.
Understanding how to rebalance our internal chemistry holds a secret to success in healing;
restoring the acid/alkaline (pH) balance
THE BODY is essential.
ECOLOGY The optimal pH for bodily fluids is slightly
alkaline. The B.E.D. recommends foods that help alkalize your system, resulting in the proper
pH for bodily functions and for beneficial bacteria to flourish.
Principle #3 ... Uniqueness
When we look at ways to achieve optimal health, we must remember that we are all different.
One size does not fit all. A supplement or food that helps one person may not be right for
another. We have individual needs and desires. These may change depending on the season,
where we live, what food is available, or the current condition of our bodies. Moreover, we are
inundated with nutritional information, much of it confusing and conflicting. We know we should
take better care of ourselves, so we try the latest supplement or fad diet, or go back to a well-
known routine.
The uniqueness principle demystifies this confusion. It points out the strengths and
weaknesses of some of the best-known diets, including high protein, raw foods, macrobiotics,
and vegetarian. We'll tell you how to adapt them if you have an immune disorder like
candidiasis. With this principle, you will come to trust that the B.E.D. is really a system of health
and healing. It is fluid and flexible, yet it also provides excellent guidelines for caring for your
Not following
the B.E.D.
Cleansing Cycle
(time of toxic elimination)
* The cycle will happen regardless of whether the individual is on the B.E.D. However, following the principles
of The Diet will move an individual in a positive health direction.
Principle #5 ... Proper Food Combining
This proven system of eating compatible foods at each meal aids digestion and enhances
overall health. When you eat foods that don't combine correctly, the digestive system gets
mixed signals about which digestive juices and enzymes to release. Food remains in the
digestive tract longer than it should, and it starts fermenting. This produces sugars that feed
yeast and parasites, and further weakens the digestive tract and immune system. The rotting
food becomes poison, polluting the ecology of your inner world. It's a gruesome image, but it's
accurate. As the stagnant food builds up on the walls of the digestive tract, it forms a landscape
that only viruses, cancer cells, and parasites can tolerate, just as rats and other scavengers live
off city landfills and industrial-waste sites.
Proper food combining greatly reduces gas, bloating,
The Principle and excess weight. It is essential for
of Food Combining
establishing a clean, efficient internal environment. You can learn it by following three basic
rules, and we'll give plenty of examples and menus.
Animal Protein Yes Fats Cod liver, coconut, pumpkin seed, flax,
Chicken, eggs, beef, fish (In limited evening primrose, butter, ghee, mayonnaise, etc.
amounts. Quality
is critical; raw,
virgin is best)
NOTES: All fruits should be eaten alone (30 minutes before or 3 hours after eating)
with exception of the acid fruits, which may be eaten with protein fats. Only
very sour acid fruits are on the B.E.D. (lemons, limes, cranberries, and black currant juice).
SUGAR–Not on B.E.D. but should be eaten alone (30 minutes before or 3 hours after
eating). Does not combine well with any other foods.
DAIRY–Not on B.E.D. If introduced later, ferment and eat alone (30 minutes before or 3
hours after eating) or with raw salads, acid fruits, or seeds and nuts.
PROTEIN STARCHES–Dried peas, soybeans, and beans are not initially on B.E.D. If
introduced later, they should then be eaten with non-starchy vegetables and cultured veggies.
The Principle of 80/20
BONUS: Fermented Foods ... the Missing Link in All Other Systems of Health
Our most brilliant scientists are seeking to identify foods that enhance wellness, yet Body
Ecology already recognizes where to find them and how to prepare them. The new stars of a
truly healthy diet are fermented foods! We ferment vegetables, coconut water, goat's and cow's
milk, and the soft spoon-meat in the young coconut. It will take years for other diets to catch up
to Body Ecology, and while others still search for answers, we've already put a complete
program together for you. You needn't look anywhere else.
We all need to start somewhere. BE You’re on a roll. Why stop now? BE If you are interested in a comprehensive
CLEAN opens up your detoxification WELL keeps you thriving every day. If health package, BE TRANSFORMED
pathways and streamlines the cleansing you are already feeling healthy and supports a complete approach to having
process. If you really want to detox or vibrant, and would like to maintain good a healthy gut, which is the cornerstone of
are trying to reset your body to great health, BE WELL offers everything you a healthy body.
health, this is the right package for you. need.
3 Boxes Digestive Care Multi
LivAmend 3 Boxes Digestive Care Multi 2x InnergyBiotic (750mL)
Ancient Earth Mineral 2x InnergyBiotic (750mL) Vitality SuperGreen
Vitality SuperGreen Vitality SuperGreen Super Spirulina Plus
2x CocoBiotic (750mL) Veggie Culture Starter
Stevia Liquid Concentrate
Digestive Care Multi: Make it easy
LivAmend: Detox right down to your with 1 pouch that contains 4 formulas:
Probiotic Power Blend, Digestive Digestive Care Multi: Make it easy
cells with herbs that stimulate the release
Enzyme Power Blend, Mineral Power with 1 pouch that contains 4 formulas:
of waste, support your liver, and
Blend, and Liver Power Cleanse. Probiotic Power Blend, Digestive
encourage cellular repair.
Enzyme Power Blend, Mineral Power
Ancient Earth Minerals: Contains InnergyBiotic: A delicious probiotic Blend, and Liver Power Cleanse.
fulvic and humic acid, minerals that help drink to maintain your inner ecosystem
and give your energy a boost. InnergyBiotic: A delicious probiotic
create energy while escorting heavy
drink to maintain your inner ecosystem
metals and pollutants out of the body.
Vitality SuperGreen: Perfect in a green and give your energy a boost.
Vitality SuperGreen: Perfect in a green smoothie. Alkalize your body, repair gut
tissue, and feed your inner ecosystem.
Vitality SuperGreen: Perfect in a green
smoothie. Alkalize your body, repair gut
smoothie. Alkalize your body, repair gut
tissue, and feed your inner ecosystem.
tissue, and feed your inner ecosystem.
CocoBiotic: A delicious probiotic drink
Super Spirulina Plus: This spirulina is
that rehydrates the body and refreshes
fermented making it and all of its
your inner ecosystem.
essential nutrients easy to digest and use.