Clinical Epidemiology of Heart Failure: Arend Mosterd, Arno W Hoes

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Heart failure

Arend Mosterd, Arno W Hoes 1137

Heart 2007; 93:1137–1146. doi: 10.1136/hrt.2003.025270

Take the online multiple choice he aim of this paper is to review the clinical epidemiology of heart failure. The last paper
questions associated with this
article (see page 1158) comprehensively addressing the epidemiology of heart failure in Heart appeared in 2000.w1
Despite an increase in manuscripts describing epidemiological aspects of heart failure since the
1990s,1 additional information is still needed, as indicated by various editorials.w2 w3
The evaluation and management of heart failure is schematically depicted in fig 1. Following some
methodological considerations, most issues indicated in fig 1 (risk factors, aetiology, prevalence,
incidence, prognosis, prevention) will be discussed.
The therapeutic management of patients diagnosed with heart failure is beyond the scope of this
paper, as is detailed information about the possible diagnostic tests and strategies to establish or rule
out heart failure, although the prevailing definitions and categorisations of the syndrome will be
discussed. The guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology and selected reviews provide up to
date information on the diagnosis and therapeutic management of heart failure.2 w4 w5


Heart failure is a syndrome with symptoms and signs caused by cardiac dysfunction, resulting in
reduced longevity. To establish a diagnosis of heart failure, the European Society of Cardiology
guidelines warrant the presence of symptoms and signs (tables 1 and 2), objective evidence of cardiac
dysfunction (preferably by echocardiography), and, in case of remaining doubt, a favourable
response to treatment directed towards heart failure.w5 To support the failing heart numerous
compensatory mechanisms occur, including activation of the neurohormonal system.2 An increase in
natriuretic peptide concentrations (particularly B type natriuretic peptide) is considered a hallmark of
heart failure.
The diagnosis of heart failure, especially when relying solely on symptoms and signs (which is
often the case in primary care), is fraught with difficulties.3 Many patients deemed to have heart
failure will simply be found to be obese, have a poor physical condition, pulmonary disease, or
ischaemia on further examination. Evidence is accumulating that normal natriuretic peptide levels
and a normal electrocardiogram should lead to a reconsideration of a diagnosis of heart failure.4 w6

Acute versus chronic heart failure

Heart failure generally is a chronic condition (chronic heart failure—CHF) in which bouts of
worsening symptoms and signs can occur that may require hospitalisation or more frequent doctor
visits (decompensation of CHF). Alternatively, heart failure may present acutely, with occurrence of
severe symptoms and signs within 24 h. Acute heart failure clinically presents in several forms:
c acute pulmonary oedema secondary to cardiac dysfunction
c cardiogenic shock, usually in the setting of an acute coronary syndrome, characterised by
hypotension, oliguria, and peripheral vasoconstriction
c acute worsening (decompensation) of CHF.

See end of article for authors’ Systolic versus diastolic heart failure, impaired versus preserved left ventricular ejection
affiliations fraction
Heart failure traditionally was seen to result from impairment in ability of the heart to pump
Correspondence to: sufficient amounts of blood into the circulation during systole—that is, left ventricular systolic
Dr Arend Mosterd, Department
of Cardiology, Meander dysfunction. Echocardiography is most often employed to assess left ventricular systolic function, an
Medical Centre, PO Box 1502, ejection fraction of (40% indicating impaired left ventricular systolic function. Heart failure can also
3800 BM Amersfoort, The occur in patients with normal left ventricular systolic function in whom higher filling pressures are
Netherlands; a.mosterd@ needed to obtain a normal end-diastolic volume of the left ventricle, so called heart failure with
__________________________ preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (PLVEF) or ‘‘diastolic’’ heart failure.w7
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Figure 1 The evaluation and

management of heart failure.


As the terms systolic and diastolic heart failure are not Asymptomatic versus symptomatic left ventricular
mutually exclusive—in heart failure patients with impaired left dysfunction
ventricular systolic function, diastolic abnormalities are often Population-based echocardiographic studies have demon-
found as well—it is more appropriate to distinguish between strated that more than 50% of participants with left ventricular
heart failure with normal/preserved and impaired left ventri- systolic dysfunction (generally defined as LVEF ,35–40%) have
cular ejection fraction. The occurrence of heart failure with no symptoms or signs of heart failure.7 8 w13 Asymptomatic left
PLVEF has been documented in numerous population-based ventricular systolic dysfunction is found more frequently in
studies,5 6 as well as in studies of patients presenting to the person with coronary artery disease (relative risk (RR) 12.5,
hospital with acute pulmonary oedema.w8 Heart failure with 95% confidence interval (CI) 4.5 to 33.3), hypertension (RR 3.5,
PLVEF is more common in women, at a higher age, and in 95% CI 1.4 to 8.5) or an abnormal ECG (RR 7.1, 95% CI 2.8 to
persons with longstanding hypertension, and carries a better 16.7). Asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction is an impor-
prognosis than heart failure caused by impaired left ventricular tant precursor of heart failure and other cardiovascular events.9
systolic function. A recent hospital-based study among 2802 By definition heart failure is characterised by symptoms and
patients admitted with heart failure in Ontario, Canada, signs and as such asymptomatic left ventricular systolic
reported similar 1 year mortality rates in patients with dysfunction is not equivalent to heart failure.
preserved ejection fraction (.50%) and those with an ejection
fraction ,40%: 22% versus 26% (p = 0.07).w9 The hospital NYHA classification versus AHA/ACC staging
based nature of this study with its inherent biases of patient The New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification has
inclusion, selection for echocardiography and coding of heart traditionally been used to classify severity of heart failure and
failure is likely to account for the relatively poor prognosis in indicate prognosis and, thus, to guide patient management. The
patients with preserved left ventricular function. Although the severity of heart failure ranges from essentially asymptomatic—
importance of heart failure with PLVEF is undisputed, there is well treated patients in whom symptoms have been relieved
no consensus on the exact definition of this entity and some (NYHA I)—to mild (NYHA II, slight limitation in physical
researchers even argue that the prevalence of ‘‘diastolic heart activity), to moderate (NYHA III, symptoms while walking on
failure’’ is grossly overestimated.w10–12
Table 2 Heart failure: symptoms and signs
Symptoms Signs
Table 1 European Society of Cardiology definition of heart
failure Dyspnoea (on exertion, nocturnal) Oedema, ascites
Reduced exercise tolerance Elevated jugular venous pressure
I. Symptoms of heart failure (at rest or during exercise) Fatigue, lethargy Crepitations or wheeze
and Orthopnoea Tachycardia
II. Objective evidence (preferably by echocardiography) of cardiac Nocturnal cough Third heart sound, murmurs
dysfunction (systolic and/or diastolic) (at rest) Wheeze Hepatomegaly
and (in cases where the diagnosis is in doubt) Anorexia Displaced apex beat
III. Response to treatment directed towards heart failure Confusion/delirium (elderly) Cachexia and muscle wasting

Criteria I and II should be fulfilled in all cases.
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Table 3 American College of Cardiology/American Heart the general population, using validated questionnaires and
Association stages of heart failurew15 properly conducted physical examinations (to document
symptoms and signs of heart failure as well as medication
Stage Description Example
use), and objective methods (echocardiography, electrocardio-
A High risk, no symptoms Hypertension, coronary artery graphy, neurohormones) to demonstrate cardiac dysfunction,
disease, diabetes mellitus
thus allowing an expert panel to classify patients as (not)
B Structural heart disease, no Left ventricular hypertrophy,
symptoms asymptomatic left ventricular systolic having heart failure. In this way the presence of systolic and 1139
dysfunction diastolic dysfunction in relation to the symptoms and signs of
C Structural heart disease, Dyspnoea or fatigue due to heart
previous or current symptoms failure
heart failure can be determined. Only a limited number of
D Structural heart disease, Patients with end stage heart failure population based studies have used this approach.
refractory symptoms The majority of patients with heart failure are managed by
general practitioners rather than by cardiologists—the typical
heart failure patient in general practice being an elderly woman
with longstanding hypertension (more often suffering from
the flat), to severe heart failure (NYHA IV, breathless at rest ‘‘diastolic’’ heart failure)—whereas cardiologists tend to see
and essentially housebound). An NYHA III class patient may men in their 60s who have had a myocardial infarction (having
improve to class II upon initiation of treatment, indicating that systolic heart failure). Heart failure patients in general practice
the NYHA classification is essentially a functional/symptomatic are generally 15 years older (79 vs 64 years), more often women
score, not taking into account the underlying cardiac disorder (58% vs 22%), more often have (a history of) hypertension, and
that will almost inevitably progress. are less likely to have had a myocardial infarction (15% vs 43%)
The staged American College of Cardiology/American Heart than heart failure patients seen by cardiologists.10 The average
Association (ACC/AHA) heart failure classification acknowl- age of heart failure patients in general practice in the UK is 77
edges that heart failure is largely preventable (by control of years.w19
blood pressure and other risk factors), is generally preceded by These differences are important to bear in mind when
asymptomatic structural and functional cardiovascular interpreting the results of randomised clinical trials in heart
abnormalities, and when present generally progresses failure; such trials have only recently begun to include patients
(table 3).w15 Neurohormonal activation, as measured by older than 75–80 years and patients with heart failure with
natriuretic peptide values, in persons without heart failure preserved left ventricular systolic function.w20
increases the risk of heart failure.w16
Although the ACC/AHA classification emphasises the impor- Prevalence and incidence of heart failure
tance of recognising patients at high risk of developing heart Generally speaking, the prevalence of heart failure can be
failure and of correcting/treating major risk factors for the estimated at 1–2% in the western world and the incidence
condition, the categorisation of these determinants—for exam- approaches 5–10 per 1000 persons per year. Estimates of the
ple, diabetes or hypertension as ‘‘stage A heart failure’’—is occurrence of heart failure in the developing world are largely
unjustified, if not misleading, since the criteria included in the absent.11 w21
definition of heart failure (that is, ventricular dysfunction and
accompanying symptoms) are not fulfilled. For similar reasons, Prevalence of heart failure
we prefer the term ‘‘asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction’’ Persons younger than 50 years are hardly ever found to have
to the term ‘‘stage B heart failure’’. heart failure, but in those older than 50 years the prevalence
and incidence increase progressively with age. In a recent US
OCCURRENCE OF HEART FAILURE population-based study the prevalence of heart failure was 2.2%
Heart failure in the real world (95 CI 1.6% to 2.8%), increasing from 0.7% in persons aged 45
Since the review by Cowie et al,1 which provides an extensive through 54 years to 8.4% for those aged 75 years or older.8
overview of studies published until 1995, numerous papers have Congestive heart failure was found to be more common in
been published addressing aspects of the heart failure epidemic women. These figures are highly comparable to previous
from patients in population based cohorts to the highly selected studies, such as the Rotterdam study (prevalence of heart
groups of participants in clinical trials. The estimates vary failure being 1% in age group 55–64 years, 3% in age group 65–
considerably owing to a lack of uniformity in the definition and 74 years, 7% in age group 75–84 years, and over 10% in those
assessment of heart failure, that can be attributed to the absence aged >85 years).w13
of a gold standard for heart failure.w17 In addition, non-cardiac The first prevalence study to use two-dimensional echo-
conditions (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cardiography in the population at large took place in Glasgow
obesity or a poor physical condition) may mimic heart failure.w12 (1647 participants, 48% men, mean age 50 years), deeming
If heart failure is deemed present on clinical grounds (medical heart failure present if LVEF was ,30% in persons having
history, signs and symptoms) heart failure with PLVEF (‘‘diastolic cardiac shortness of breath or using loop diuretics. The
heart failure’’) is hard to tell apart from heart failure caused by prevalence of heart failure was 1.5% (1.6% in men, 1.4% in
impaired LVEF without the use of Doppler echocardiography or women). Interestingly asymptomatic left ventricular systolic
invasive measurements, although some features may point to dysfunction was found to occur very frequently (overall 1.4%,
heart failure with PLVEF (table 4).w18 men 2.4%, women 0.5%). The Rotterdam study (using M-mode
Ideally, estimates of the ‘‘true’’ prevalence and incidence of echocardiography in a subgroup of 2267 participants, aged 55
heart failure should be based on surveys in random samples of years or older) also found left ventricular systolic dysfunction to
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Table 4 Findings suggestive of diastolic heart failurew18

c Prevalence: The number of persons having heart failure at a
c Pronounced hypertension during episode of heart failure (systolic blood certain moment in time (generally expressed as a percen-
pressure .160 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure .100 mm Hg) tage).
c Echocardiography: concentric left ventricular hypertrophy without wall c Incidence: The number of persons newly diagnosed with
motion abnormalities, increased relative wall thickness, normal end heart failure during a certain time period (generally
diastolic volume
expressed as the number of new cases of heart failure per
1140 c Tachycardia with a shortened diastolic filling period (for example, rapid 1000 persons per year—the incidence rate—and sometimes
atrial fibrillation)
expressed as a proportion of those free from the disease that
c Precipitation of heart failure by the infusion of a small amount of
develops the disease within a specified time period—for
intravenous fluid
example, the 5 year cumulative incidence).
c Clinical improvement in response to treatment directed at the cause of
diastolic dysfunction (such as lowering blood pressure, reducing heart
rate, or restoring the atrial ‘‘kick’’) failure occurs more frequently in men than in women (15 and
12 per 1000 person years, respectively). The higher figures in
Rotterdam most probably reflect differences in methodology
(including evaluation of all patients being prescribed diuretics
occur more frequently in men than in women (5.5% vs or angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors in
2.2%).w13 Subsequent studies have confirmed these earlier data Rotterdam) rather than true differences in the incidence of
and confirmed that many persons (more than half) with heart failure. Interestingly, a more recent analysis from the
impaired left ventricular systolic function have no symptoms or Rotterdam study, although using a somewhat different
signs of heart failure at all.8 methodology to identify incident heart failure, produced
Only a few epidemiological studies have used echocardio- remarkably similar results.w26
graphy to investigate diastolic dysfunction specifically, other
studies defining diastolic heart failure as symptoms and signs Hospitalisations for heart failure
of heart failure in the presence of a normal left ventricular The number of hospitalisations for heart failure (usually
ejection fraction (that is heart failure with preserved left expressed as a number per 1000 patients per year) and the
ventricular systolic function).5 6 8 w22 w23 The MONICA change in this measure provide useful information on the
Augsburg study (1274 persons, aged 25 to 75 years) found a epidemic of heart failure. It should be emphasised, however,
high prevalence of diastolic function abnormalities, assessed by that hospitalisation rates result from a complex interaction of
Doppler echocardiography, increasing from 2.8% in persons multiple determinants, including the prevalence, incidence and
aged 25–35 years to 15.8% in those over 65 years.w23 survival of the disease, referral patterns and treatment
Interestingly, in participants without left ventricular hypertro- possibilities in primary care as well as discharge diagnosis
phy, hypertension, coronary artery disease, obesity or diabetes,
coding practices. Consequently, time trends in hospitalisation
diastolic function abnormalities were largely absent.
rates are often difficult to interpret.
The most all inclusive epidemiologic study of heart failure
Age adjusted hospitalisation rates increased considerably
prevalence in the population is from Olmsted County,
throughout the western world in the 1980s and early 1990s, as
Minnesota, USA.8 In 2042 persons older than 45 years the
documented by reports from New Zealand, the USA, Sweden,
presence of heart failure was established and Doppler echo-
Scotland, and the Netherlands.1 w27 Recent reports have
cardiography was used to assess left ventricular systolic and
suggested that admission numbers have peaked in the 1990s
diastolic dysfunction in great detail. In addition to measuring
(at least in Scotland, the Netherlands and Sweden) and that
standard transmitral flow parameters, pulmonary venous flow,
the prognosis of hospitalised heart failure patients has
mitral inflow at peak Valsalva manoeuvre and Doppler tissue
improved (fig 2).12 w28–30
imaging of mitral annular motion were used to characterise
diastolic function. The prevalence of heart failure was 2.2%,
44% having an ejection fraction higher than 50%; 7.3% were 190
found to have moderate or severe diastolic dysfunction, Men
generally (75%) with normal ejection fraction. Moderate to 170 Women
severe systolic dysfunction (ejection fraction ,40%) was found
Per 100 000 per year

in 2.0%. Less than half of those having moderate or severe 150

diastolic or systolic dysfunction had heart failure.
Incidence of heart failure
Reliable estimates of the incidence of heart failure are available 110
from the Rotterdam and Hillingdon heart failure studies.w24 w25
Both studies are population based and used an expert panel to 90
establish the presence or absence of heart failure. In the
Hillingdon study the incidence of heart failure increased from 70
81 84 87 90 93 96 99
0.2/1000 person years in those aged 45–55 years to 12.4/1000 Year
person years in those aged .85 years. In Rotterdam the
incidence increased from 2.5/1000 person years (age 55– Figure 2 Admissions for heart failure in Dutch hospitals, 1980–
64 years) to 44/1000 person years (.85 years or older). Heart 1999.w29
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In the Netherlands the total number of hospitalisations for failure; in 7–8 years after myocardial infarction up to 36% of
heart failure increased by 72% between 1980 (14 441) and 1999 patients will experience heart failure, especially those with left
(24 868). Part of this increase is explained by the ageing of the ventricular systolic dysfunction documented during admis-
population, the mean age of patients admitted with heart sion.18
failure increasing from 71.2 to 72.9 years in men and from 75.0 Although the risk of heart failure associated with hyperten-
to 77.7 years in women during the same period. After reaching sion (systolic blood pressure .140 mm Hg, or diastolic blood
a peak in 1992 (men) and 1993 (women), age adjusted pressure .90 mm Hg, or treatment with antihypertensive 1141
hospitalisation rates for heart failure started to decline by medication) is smaller than that associated with myocardial
1.0–1.5% per year. Concomitantly, the average duration of infarction, hypertension contributes considerably to the popu-
hospitalisation declined from 21.1 days in 1980 to 12.9 days in lation burden of heart failure as it occurs more frequently than
1999. In-hospital mortality declined from 18.6% to 13.5%.w29 myocardial infarction (table 6).15 Obesity (body mass index
One hospital based study specifically addressed secular .30 kg/m2), increasingly present in western societies, doubles
trends in prevalence and prognosis of heart failure patients the risk of heart failure after adjustment for associated risk
with or without PLVEF.13 The prevalence of heart failure with factors.19 Valvular abnormalities, factors indicative of heart
PLVEF in patients admitted to the Mayo Clinics increased from disease (left ventricular hypertrophy, left ventricular dilata-
38% to 54% between 1987 to 2001, concomitant with an tion), a parental history of heart failure, conventional risk
increase in prevalence of hypertension, atrial fibrillation and factors (such as smoking, diabetes, obesity), as well extra-
diabetes. In this time frame survival improved significantly for cardiac conditions (renal dysfunction, obstructive pulmonary
patients with impaired left ventricular systolic function, but did disease) all increase the risk of heart failure (table 6).17 w35 w36
not change in those with preserved left ventricular systolic The relation of obesity, increased cholesterol values and
function. hypertension to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality is
In the face of the predicted increase in age adjusted undisputed. In patients with CHF considerable evidence exists
prevalence of heart failure,14 the observed decline in hospita- that obesity, hypercholesterolaemia and hypertension are
lisation rates may come as a surprise. However, hospitalisations ‘‘protective’’. This phenomenon has been termed ‘‘reverse
for heart failure do not reflect the occurrence and prognosis of epidemiology’’ for which a comprehensive explanation is still
heart failure in the community, as they relate only to the more lacking.20 Proposed explanations are the syndrome of cardiac
severe stages of heart failure warranting in-hospital evaluation cachexia, reverse causation (the underlying cause of hypoten-
and treatment. The decline in hospitalisation rates may well be sion—that is, pump failure—being detrimental rather than
due to improved treatment and management of heart failure hypotension per se) and time discrepancies among competitive
patients—for example, by means of dedicated heart failure risk factors. The reverse epidemiology does not hold for all
clinics. In addition, it is conceivable that an increasing number conventional risk factors, as quitting smoking is associated with
of patients with terminal heart failure are being cared for in a a better prognosis in heart failure patients.21
home-based setting by their general practitioner, rather than
being admitted to hospital. Comorbidity in heart failure
Heart failure, being a common disease in the elderly, should not
Aetiology and risk factors for heart failure
Aetiology of heart failure be viewed in isolation: anemia, cachexia, renal impairment,
Although many conditions can cause heart failure (coronary obstructive sleep apnoea, chronic pulmonary disease and
artery disease, hypertension, cardiomyopathies, valvular and diabetes mellitus are conditions frequently observed in heart
congenital heart disease, arrhythmias, pericardial disease, failure patients and unfavourably affect prognosis.2
myocarditis, pulmonary hypertension, and cardiotoxic sub- Comorbidity was found to be one of the prime determinants
stances—including alcohol), the predominant cause of heart of prognosis in a study of patients admitted with heart failure
failure in the western world is ischaemic heart disease and contributes to the poor quality of life as perceived by heart
(table 5).15 16 w24 The variation in frequencies of causes of heart failure patients.w37 w38 The complex interplay between diseases
failure reported in different studies can be explained by previously perceived as entities on their own, such as COPD,
differences in study population, from the highly selected group renal disease, obstructive sleep apnoea on the one hand and
of participants in clinical trials to relatively unselected heart failure on the other, is increasingly acknowledged.
participants in population-based studies, differences in defini- Patients with chronic kidney disease constitute a group of
tions, and time differences (the Framingham heart study patients at high risk for having or developing cardiovascular
originated in 1948). In addition, it has become clear that using disease, including heart failure.w39 Heart failure in these
non-invasive methods the precise aetiology of heart failure patients may result from coronary heart disease, longstanding
cannot always be determined accurately. In the Bromley heart hypertension resulting in concentric hypertrophy, or volume
failure study the percentage of heart failure with unknown overload due to anaemia, fluid overload and arteriovenous
cause declined from 42% to 10% after nuclear testing and fistulas leading to left ventricular dilatation. The prevalence of
cardiac catheterisation, while the percentage of patients with heart failure increases with severity of renal impairment;
ischaemic heart failure increased from 29% to 52%.16 approximately 20% of patients with a glomerular filtration rate
,30 ml/min/1.73 m2 (not on dialysis) have heart failure.w40 w41
Risk factors for heart failure Along similar lines, heart failure appears to be frequently
Various (population-based) studies have addressed risk factors present in patients with COPD; in a recent Dutch study of 405
for the occurrence of heart failure.1 15 17 w31–34 Coronary artery patients older than 65 years with a diagnosis of COPD, 20.5%
disease notably increases the chance of developing heart were found to have previously unrecognised heart failure.22
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Table 5 Causes of heart failure in population based studies suggest that improved survival following myocardial infarction
is not a major contributor to the occurrence of heart failure.
Framingham heart Bromley The incidence of heart failure in men participating in the
study Hillingdon heart
heart failure failure Framingham heart study did not change over the last 50 years
Cause Men Women study (1950–1999), whereas the incidence in women declined 30–
Ischaemic 59 48 36 52 40%.w46 A larger population-based study in Olmsted County,
1142 Non-ischaemic: Minnesota (4537 heart failure patients, 42% of whom were
Hypertension 70 78 14 4 diagnosed as outpatients) reported no change in heart failure
Valvular heart disease 22 31 7 10
Atrial fibrillation 5 3 incidence between 1979 and 2000.23
Alcohol 4 Taken together, the data indicate that the incidence of heart
Other 7 7 4 5
failure has not declined over the last two decades and that the
Unknown 34 23
ageing of the population in combination with improved
Because of rounding, the percentages do not always add up to 100. prognosis fuel the heart failure epidemic. It follows that
Framingham heart study: ischaemic heart disease and hypertension could prevention of the occurrence of heart failure is needed to stem
be co-named as causing heart failure.
the epidemic.w42


Trends in heart failure incidence
‘‘A poor prognosis’’ and prognostication in daily
Bonneux et al predicted a steady increase in the number of practice
patients with heart failure: the ageing of the population, There is no doubt that the prognosis of heart failure patients
improvements in the treatment of acute coronary syndromes, remains poor, even in the realm of the development of a myriad
and a longer survival of heart failure patients all contribute to a of effective pharmacological and non-pharmacological inter-
larger pool of (potential) heart failure patients.14 w42 The ageing ventions. This is illustrated by the title of a paper on the
of the population is undisputed as is the improvement of prognosis of the syndrome: ‘‘More malignant than cancer’’.w47
prognosis in heart failure patients. Any doctor treating heart failure patients will confirm that life
Few studies have addressed trends in the incidence of heart expectancy in heart failure patients is ‘‘reduced’’ and that
failure post-myocardial infarction. Despite a decrease in sudden cardiac death is a ‘‘major’’ cause of death, that (acute)
coronary heart disease and all cause mortality in 546 worsening of CHF occurs ‘‘quite often’’, leading to ‘‘frequent’’
Framingham heart study participants who suffered a non-Q hospitalisations, and that quality of life in these patients is
wave myocardial infarction between 1950 and 1989, the ‘‘impaired considerably’’. We included the quotation marks in
percentage of them developing heart failure remained the latter sentence to indicate the implicit nature of prognos-
stable.w43 In a group of 1537 patients who suffered a tication in clinical practice.
myocardial infarction (not excluding non-Q wave myocardial Although information on the natural history of a disease is
infarctions) between 1979 and 1994 in Olmsted County, relevant to illustrate its burden for health care and the society
Minnesota, a 28% reduction in the occurrence of post- at large, prognostication in individual patients plays a crucial
myocardial infarction heart failure was documented.18 The role in daily clinical practice. After the diagnosis (and possible
Worcester heart attack study reported a decline in heart failure aetiology) of heart failure has been established, a doctor will
during hospitalisation for myocardial infarction between 1975 estimate an individual patient’s probability of developing
and 1995.w44 clinically relevant prognostic outcomes—for example, a 5 year
The reduction of post-myocardial infarction heart failure is survival probability. Such estimates are typically based on
consistent with the declining severity of myocardial infarction patients’ characteristics, including age, comorbidity, severity
following the introduction of reperfusion treatment—a decline and cause of heart failure that are known to influence
that may well continue given the increasingly aggressive prognosis. This information, together with the anticipated,
(primary percutaneous interventions) and timely interventions preferably evidence-based, effect of possible therapeutic inter-
in patients with acute coronary syndromes.w45 These data ventions and patient preferences, is instrumental in the

w13 w31
Table 6 Risk factors for the occurrence of heart failure in three population based studies15
Framingham heart study Rotterdam study
Cardiovascular health
Men Women study Men Women

Risk factor RR (95% CI) PAR RR (95% CI) PAR RR PAR RR (95% CI) RR (95% CI)

Hypertension 2.1 (1.3 to 3.2) 39 3.4 (1.7 to 6.7) 59 1.4 13 1.0 (0.5 to 1.9) 2.6 (1.6 to 4.2)
MI 6.3 (4.6 to 8.7) 34 6.0 (4.4 to 8.3) 13 – – 1.9 (1.1 to 3.6) 1.8 (0.9 to 3.5)
Angina pectoris 1.4 (1.0 to 2.0) 5 1.7 (1.2 to 2.3) 5 – – 1.3 (0.6 to 2.8) 1.3 (0.7 to 2.6)
Diabetes mellitus 1.8 (1.3 to 2.6) 6 3.7 (2.7 to 5.2) 12 1.8 8 2.1 (1.0 to 4.4) 1.6 (0.8 to 3.2)
LVH 2.2 (1.5 to 3.2) 4 2.9 (2.0 to 4.1) 5 2.3 6 1.6 (0.4 to 6.7) 0.8 (0.1 to 5.5)
Valvular disease 2.5 (1.7 to 3.6) 7 2.1 (1.5 to 2.9) 8 – – – –
Atrial fibrillation 2.1 2 1.5 (0.5 to 5.1) 0.6 (0.1 to 4.6)
COPD 1.4 6 0.8 (0.3 to 2.6) 3.2 (1.7 to 7.4)

CI, confidence interval; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; MI, myocardial infarction; PAR, population attributable risk (%);
RR, relative risk.
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decision which therapeutic measures should be taken. Table 7 Age adjusted mortality (%) after onset of heart
Importantly, this implies precise enough predictions of the failure in men and women aged 65–74 years in the
future—a difficult task, the more since, apart from survival, Framingham heart study during the period 1950–1999
other prognostic outcomes are of interest in heart failure,
1 year 1 year 5 year 5 year
including hospitalisations and quality of life. Moreover, and mortality in mortality in mortality in mortality in
understandably, practising physicians seem reluctant to com- Period men women men women
municate quantitative prognostic information explicitly (for 1950–1969 30 28 70 57 1143
example, ‘‘your probability of surviving the next 5 years is 1970–1979 41 28 75 59
40%’’) to their patients,w48 although the number of studies 1980–1989 33 (30) 27 (20) 65 (65) 51 (51)
1990–1999 28 (21) 24 (17) 59 (50) 45 (46)
identifying prognostic factors and quantifying its predictive
potential is rapidly increasing. The recent development of Data in parentheses are from Olmsted County (4537 heart failure patients
with a mean age of 79 years for women and 73 years for men). w46
prognostic scores, enabling physicians to estimate an indivi-
dual’s probability of developing relevant complications as a
function of the level of a limited number of prognostic factors, and diabetes mellitus are conditions frequently observed in
may be helpful. heart failure patients and unfavourably affect prognosis.2
The vast majority of patients with heath failure die from
Mortality and causes of death cardiovascular causes. Estimates vary from 50–90%, depending,
The best impression of the prognosis of the ‘‘average’’ heart again, on the heart failure population studied. The assessment
failure patient is obtained in population based research, in of the cause of death in heart failure patients often poses
which incident cases of established heart failure are followed up difficulties. Frequently a distinction is made between sudden or
carefully. Such studies have been carried out in the USA, UK, unexpected cardiac death, death due to progressive heart
the Netherlands and Switzerland.w26 w46 w49–51 Studies includ- failure, and death due to other causes. In the ATLAS trial
ing incident cases admitted to hospital show that the mortality (high versus low dose lisinopril in NYHA functional class II to
rate is relatively high in the first few weeks after the occurrence IV heart failure patients) mode of death in 1381 patients was
of heart failure, while after that period the slope of the survival classified as follows: 589 (43%) sudden death, 443 (32%)
curve shows a much more gradual slope. The 30 day mortality progressive heart failure, and 349 (25%) due to other causes.w55
is reported to lie around 10–20%. Both in the US (Framingham Especially sudden cardiac death poses a major threat. Some
heart study) and in England (Hillingdon heart failure study) studies report that up to 50% of heart failure patients die
1 year survival following the onset of heart failure was 70%. suddenly, but because of large differences in the definition of
Five years after the occurrence of heart failure only 35% of sudden cardiac death, and the lack of consensus on this, the
Framingham participants were still alive. Survival rates in a exact magnitude of the problem is unknown.
study on prevalent cases of heart failure from the Netherlands Some studies indicate patients with relatively mild heart
(Rotterdam study) were more favourable: 1, 2 and 5 year failure are more susceptible to arrhythmias and sudden cardiac
survival rates of 89%, 79% and 59%, respectively, reflecting a death, while patients in more advanced stages of the disease
threefold increase in the risk of death compared to the age and (NYHA III and IV) often die from end stage ventricular
gender matched population at large.w52 The 1 year survival rate dysfunction. In view of the large proportion of patients
in the study from Switzerland was 77%.w51 These differences suffering from major cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac
are most likely to be attributable to differences in patient death, and the development of effective—but often expensive—
selection and definition of heart failure applied, leading to more targeted therapeutic interventions such as implantable cardio-
patients with mild heart failure in the Rotterdam study. verter-defibrillators and pacing devices, identification of those
A more recent report from the Rotterdam study including heart failure patients most likely to develop this fatal
cases of incident heart failure, and allowing for inclusion of complication is an important clinical challenge. This requires
patients hospitalised for heart failure as incident cases, knowledge on predictors of sudden cardiac death and pre-
produced lower 1, 2 and 5 year survival rates of 63%, 51% ferably the development of algorithms combining several
and 35%, respectively.w26 The importance of the disease predictors readily available in daily practice, capable of
spectrum is further illustrated by the comparison with survival estimating an individual patient’s risk of sudden death.
rates from hospitalised-based studies. A large hospital-based
study from Leicestershire (12 220 index admissions, 1993– Trends in mortality
2001) reported a very low 1 year survival rate of 57%.w53 In The prognosis of patients with heart failure in the population is
contrast, survival rates from (placebo-treated) participants improving. In the Framingham heart study, the 1 and 5 year
from the large randomised trials tend to underestimate mortality rates from heart failure in men declined from 30%
mortality, since participants in these trials are usually not and 70% in the period 1950 to 1969 to 28% and 59% in the
representative of the ‘‘average’’ heart failure patient. For period 1990 to 1999. In women, 1 year mortality rates
example, a meta-analysis of b-blockers in heart failure found decreased from 28% to 24% and the 5 year mortality rates
a 1 year mortality in placebo recipients of ‘‘only’’ 12% in trials decreased from 57% to 45% during the same period (table 7).w46
carried out in the late 1990s.w54 Apart from differences in age, These results are confirmed by a larger population-based study
gender and type of heart failure, the poor prognosis in the in Olmsted County, Minnesota, that demonstrated an improve-
general population can also be attributed to the impressive ment in prognosis, particularly in men and younger heart
comorbidity in many patients with heart failure. Anaemia, failure patients (table 7).23 Similarly, a report from the
cachexia, renal impairment, obstructive sleep apnoea, COPD Hillingdon heart failure studies documented a decrease in
Downloaded from on January 27, 2014 - Published by

Table 8 Non-exhaustive list of parameters associated with the prognosis of heart failure patients
Functional parameters and
Patient characteristics/comorbidity ventricular function indices Laboratory measurements Interventions received

Age NYHA class B-type natriuretic peptide ACE inhibition

Gender 6 min walk test Cholesterol b-blockers
Aetiology of HF, eg, myocardial ischaemia Ejection fraction Heart rate Spironolactone
1144 Diabetes Ventricular mass QRS duration Statins
Renal dysfunction Cardiothoracic ratio
Anaemia Haemoglobin
Depression Creatinine

ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; HF, heart failure; NYHA, New York Heart Association.

6 month mortality in heart failure patients from 25% (1995) to independently predict prognosis, the absolute probability of an
14% (2005) (PA Mehta et al, presented at the European Society individual patient to develop the prognostic outcome of interest
of Cardiology meeting, Barcelona, September 2006). (for example, 1 year probability of survival) can be estimated by
using mathematical modeling techniques. By means of multiple
Determinants of prognosis in heart failure logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
Many determinants of the prognosis in heart failure have been analyses a prognostic model or simplified score can derived,
identified (table 8). It is important to note that in order to be of that can aid physicians in stratifying patients according to their
importance and serve practice, prognostic determinants need prognosis. The derivation of a prognostic score requires a cohort
not be causally related to the prognostic outcome. Age and of a sufficiently large number of representative patients with
gender, for example, are important prognostic markers in many heart failure followed-up for a certain period, and in whom the
diseases, even after adjustment for other prognostic determi- occurrence of the prognostic outcome is monitored carefully.
nants, although age per se may not be causally implicated, but Before such a score can be applied in routine clinical practice, it
indicates other, often immeasurable, factors that are aetiologi- should be carefully validated in other heart failure populations.
cally involved. Prognostic determinants in heart failure can be Ideally, such a prognostic score includes only a limited number
arbitrarily categorised in: (1) patient characteristics and of readily, preferably routinely, available, cheap and non-
comorbidity; (2) laboratory measurements; (3) functional patient burdening parameters. Examples of prognostic scores
parameters and ventricular function; and (4) interventions
that have been applied successfully in daily practice include the
received.24 w56
Apgar score in neonates and the Framingham risk function,
Apart from age, the NYHA classification has long been
predicting the occurrence of future cardiovascular events on the
recognised as an important indicator of the severity of heart
basis of an individual’s risk factor level.
failure and, thus, survival. The prognosis of heart failure
An example of a prognostic score is the one developed by
obviously relates to the cause of heart failure; patients who
Bouvy et al.w58 In a study among 152 patients admitted for
suffer heart failure caused by viral myocarditis may completely
heart failure they developed a score, including eight items, to
recover, while in patients with an acute myocardial infarction
predict 18 month mortality (table 9). For example, a 60-year-
complicated by heart failure 1 year mortality exceeds 50%.
old woman weighing 70 kg, with a history of renal insuffi-
Comorbidities known to influence survival unfavourably in
ciency, diabetes, ankle oedema, and a blood pressure of 130/
heart failure include renal dysfunction, depression and anae-
80 mm Hg, who is not on a b-blocker, has a score of (60/
mia. Importantly, and for the reasons outlined above, this does
17+0+9+17+10–70/3+0+13) = 29.2, reflecting an 18 month
not imply that correction, if possible, of these prognostic
mortality of 78%.
determinants improves survival. Patients with both heart
Several other prognostic scores are available.w59 w60 Very
failure and chronic renal failure have an extremely poor
prognosis; this pathophysiological condition has been termed recently, follow up data from the 1125 participants included in
severe cardiorenal syndrome, in which combined cardiac and the PRAISE trial were used to develop models to predict 1, 2
renal failure amplify progression of the individual organ and 3 year mortality.24 This Seattle heart failure model was
pathology. w57 In practice, not all these prognostic parameters validated extensively in five other cohorts with a total of 9942
will be known or even necessary. The combination of a few patients with heart failure. The model performed very well in
independent prognostic variables may be sufficient to guide these other cohorts. For example, the 1 year predicted survival
patient management. using the model for the four validation cohorts were 90.5%,
86.5%, 83.8%, 91.0% and 89.0%, while the actual survival rates
Prognostic models were remarkably similar at 88.5%, 86.5%, 83.3%, 91.0% and
Predicting the prognosis (‘‘prognostication’’) in an individual 86.7%, respectively. A disadvantage of this score is that it
patient with heart failure is instrumental in the decision to includes as many as 14 continuous variables (including age,
initiate or refrain from possible interventions. As explained systolic blood pressure, weight, ejection fraction, uric acid and
above, the prognosis—for example, 5 year survival—of a haemoglobin values) and 10 categorical variables, including
particular patient is usually made implicitly on the basis of gender, NYHA class, ischaemic aetiology, and indicators of the
patient characteristics and available (for example, biochemical, use of medications such as ACE inhibitors, b-blockers,
haemodynamic, echocardiographic or electrocardiographic) statins, and devices. A web-based calculator is available at
measurements. By using a combination of those variables that
Downloaded from on January 27, 2014 - Published by

Table 9 Independent predictors (and their corresponding Table 10 Five year and lifetime risk of developing heart
score) of 18 month mortality in patients admitted to hospital failure in participants of the Framingham heart study and
because of heart failurew58 the Rotterdam study25 w26
18 month Life time risk in
Predictor Score Point score mortality 5 year risk Life time risk hypertensive
Age (years) (%) (%) persons* (%)
Age (per year) 0.06
Male sex 4 ,–15 12% Men 1145
Diabetes 9 >–15 and ,–5 10% 40 0.2% 21% 28
Renal dysfunction 17 >–5 and ,–1 8% 50 (55) 0.8% (0%) 21% (33%) 27
Ankle oedema 10 >–1 and ,7 46% 60 (65) 1.3% (4.2%) 21% (33%) 29
Weight (per kg) –0.4 >7 and ,11 52% 70 (75) 4.0% (9.5%) 21% (30%) 28
Low blood pressure* 7 >11 78% Women
No use of b-blockers 13 40 0.1% 20% 29
50 (55) 0.1% (1.0%) 21% (29%) 27
*Systolic pressure ,110 mm Hg or diastolic pressure ,70 mm Hg. 60 (65) 0.7% (1.2%) 21% (29%) 27
70 (75) 2.2% (6.2%) 20% (28%) 25

*Hypertension: systolic blood pressure .160 mm Hg, or diastolic blood

Another prognostic score was developed for primary care pressure .100 mm Hg, or on antihypertensive medication.
patients. This may be important, since prognostic models Rotterdam study data between parentheses.
developed in hospital patients or those included in large
randomised trials may not be applicable to primary care with
its different case mix of heart failure patients with possibly
different prognostic markers. The primary care score included Table 11 Treatment of hypertension and occurrence of
six items only (age, sex, B-type natriuretic concentration, heart failure: meta-analysesw65 w66
history of stroke, diabetes and ECG abnormalities).w61
RR for developing heart
Recently, a prognostic model was developed to predict the failure
probability of sudden cardiac death. The analyses identified (95% CI)
increased cardiothoracic ratio, QRS dispersion, QTc dispersion b-blocker vs placebo 0.58 (0.40 to 0.84)
and non-sustained ventricular tachycardia as independent Diuretic (low dose) vs placebo 0.58 (0.44 to 0.76)
predictors of sudden death and these were combined in a Diuretic (high dose) vs placebo 0.17 (0.07 to 0.41)
ACE inhibitor vs placebo 0.84 (0.68 to 1.04)
score. Such a risk score could be useful in targeting preventive Calcium channel blocker vs placebo 0.72 (0.48 to1.07)
interventions, including relatively expensive device technology,
at those patients most likely to benefit. w62 w63 ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; CI, confidence interval; RR, relative

Lifetime risk of heart failure
The incidence figures from the Framingham heart study and
developed heart failure and 273 (12.9%) were admitted for
Rotterdam study have been used to provide estimates of the life
heart failure.
time risk of developing heart failure (table 10).25 w26 The overall
In patients with asymptomatic left ventricular systolic
chance that a 40-year-old person develops heart failure during
dysfunction following myocardial infarction, both ACE inhibi-
the rest of his/her life is 21%. In hypertensive persons (systolic
tors and b-blockers reduce the risk of heart failure.w67 w68 The
blood pressure .160 mm Hg and/or diastolic blood pressure
SOLVD prevention study demonstrated that ACE inhibition in
.100 mm Hg) this chance is appreciably higher (28%) than in
normotensive persons; they have a lifetime heart failure risk of patients with asymptomatic left ventricular systolic dysfunction
13%. (but no recent myocardial infarction) reduces the occurrence of
heart failure. The effect on mortality was not significant,
Prevention of heart failure leading the authors to conclude ‘‘…there may be only a small
As coronary artery disease and hypertension are the predomi- difference in mortality between asymptomatic patients treated
nant causes of heart failure, prevention of the onset of preventively and those treated with careful follow-up and
hypertension and coronary artery disease is key to reducing initiation of therapy if heart failure develops’’.w14
the burden of heart failure.w64 Given the high prevalence of The introduction of neurohormonal markers (especially B-
hypertension in western societies, the impact of antihyperten- type natriuretic peptide) and portable ultrasound machines
sive treatment may well be larger than that of adequate (offering the possibility of simultaneous screening for left
treatment of acute coronary syndromes (table 11).15 w65 w66 ventricular systolic dysfunction and abdominal aortic aneur-
Patients at a high risk of developing heart failure, whether or ysms) appears to make screening more feasible. It is con-
not already having structural heart disease (such as left ceivable that screening of persons at increased risk of having
ventricular hypertrophy or asymptomatic left ventricular asymptomatic left ventricular systolic dysfunction may be cost-
systolic dysfunction), benefit from treatment. Asymptomatic effective. As long as prospective studies to determine if
left ventricular systolic dysfunction predisposes to the occur- screening for asymptomatic left ventricular systolic dysfunction
rence of heart failure.9 w14 During the 3 year follow up of 2117 improves prognosis are lacking, screening cannot be recom-
participants randomised to placebo in the SOLVD prevention mended, however.w69
study (asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction, ejection Additional references appear on the Heart website— http://
fraction (35%), 334 (15.8%) participants died, 640 (30.2%)
Downloaded from on January 27, 2014 - Published by

INTERACTIVE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 10 Rutten FH, Grobbee DE, Hoes AW. Differences between general practitioners
and cardiologists in diagnosis and management of heart failure: a survey in
This Education in Heart article has an accompanying series of every-day practice. Eur J Heart Fail 2003;5:337–44.
six EBAC accredited multiple choice questions (MCQs). c Study highlighting the differences in patients with heart failure managed
by cardiologists and general practitioners.
To access the questions, click on BMJ Learning: Take this 11 Mendez GF, Cowie MR. The epidemiological features of heart failure in
module on BMJ Learning from the content box at the top right developing countries: a review of the literature. Int J Cardiol 2001;80:213–9.
c Review of the epidemiology of heart failure in developing countries.
and bottom left of the online article. For more information 12 MacIntyre K, Capewell S, Stewart S, et al. Evidence of improving prognosis in
1146 please go to: Please heart failure: trends in case fatality in 66 547 patients hospitalized between 1986
note: The MCQs are hosted on BMJ Learning—the best and 1995. Circulation 2000;102:1126–31.
c First paper to report a decline in age adjusted hospitalisation rates for
available learning website for medical professionals from the heart failure.
BMJ Group. 13 Owan TE, Hodge DO, Herges RM, et al. Trends in prevalence and outcome of
heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. N Engl J Med 2006;355:251–9.
If prompted, subscribers must sign into Heart with their c First paper to address trends in prevalence and outcomes for heart failure
journal’s username and password. All users must also complete patients with preserved as well as impaired left ventricular systolic
a one-time registration on BMJ Learning and subsequently log 14 Bonneux L, Barendregt JJ, Meeter K, et al. Estimating clinical morbidity due to
in (with a BMJ Learning username and password) on every ischemic heart disease and congestive heart failure: the future rise of heart
visit. failure. Am J Public Health 1994;84:20–8.
c Seminal paper on the heart failure epidemic.
15 Levy D, Larson MG, Vasan RS, et al. The progression from hypertension to
.................... congestive heart failure. JAMA 1996;275:1557–62.
Authors’ affiliations c Paper addressing the importance of hypertension vis a vis coronary artery
Arend Mosterd*, Department of Cardiology, Meander Medical Centre, disease in the occurrence of heart failure.
16 Fox KF, Cowie MR, Wood DA, et al. Coronary artery disease as the cause of
Amersfoort, The Netherlands incident heart failure in the population. Eur Heart J 2001;22:228–36.
Arno W Hoes, Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care, c Study documenting the importance of vigorously evaluating patients with
University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands heart failure to establish the cause of heart failure.
17 Kenchaiah S, Narula J, Vasan RS. Risk factors for heart failure. Med Clin North
*Also Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care, and Department Am 2004;88:1145–72.
of Cardiology, Heart Lung Institute, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The c Excellent review of risk factors for the occurrence of heart failure.
Netherlands 18 Hellermann JP, Goraya TY, Jacobsen SJ, et al. Incidence of heart failure after
myocardial infarction: is it changing over time? Am J Epidemiol
In compliance with EBAC/EACCME guidelines, all authors participating in 2003;157:1101–7.
Education in Heart have disclosed potential conflicts of interest that might c Excellent paper documenting that improved survival following myocardial
cause a bias in the article infarction does not contribute to the heart failure epidemic.
19 Kenchaiah S, Evans JC, Levy D, et al. Obesity and the risk of heart failure.
N Engl J Med 2003;347:305–13.
c First study to document the importance of obesity, adjusted for known risk
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c First paper to present lifetime risks of the occurrence of heart failure,
c First paper to document the importance of asymptomatic left ventricular
systolic dysfunction in the population. including the detrimental effect of hypertension.
8 Redfield MM, Jacobsen SJ, Burnett JC Jr, et al. Burden of systolic and diastolic
ventricular dysfunction in the community: appreciating the scope of the heart
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c Very elegant population based study of the prevalence of both left
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signs. Additional references appear on the Heart website—
9 Wang TJ, Evans JC, Benjamin EJ, et al. Natural history of asymptomatic left
ventricular systolic dysfunction in the community. Circulation 2003;108:977–82.
c First paper to describe the natural history of asymptomatic left ventricular
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Downloaded from on January 27, 2014 - Published by

Clinical epidemiology of heart failure

Arend Mosterd and Arno W Hoes

Heart 2007 93: 1137-1146

doi: 10.1136/hrt.2003.025270

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