Attorney Questions For Opposing Atty
Attorney Questions For Opposing Atty
Attorney Questions For Opposing Atty
2c What does this license authorize (e.g. The practice of law or the operation of a
3a Are you a personal corporation or other entity when acting as an attorney? [ ] Yes
[ ] No 3b If Yes, in what capacity do you act?
3c If you act as a corporation while in the capacity of attorney, please provide the
following information:
Location where formed ____________________________________________
Date of formation: ___________________________________________________
Name of corporation _________________________________________________
Name of corporate CEO or President_____________________________________
Corporate liability: [ ] Limited [ ] Regular (check one)
4. Please provide your Attorney Bar Association Member Card (Union Card) #
6c If self insured, have you listed the assets used to form the insurance with any
State Insurance Commission? [ ] Yes [ ] No
7c If self insured, have you listed the assets used to form the insurance with any
State Insurance Commission? [ ]Yes [ ] No
7d If Yes, what State? ______________________________________________
10a If Yes, please provide the following: Date of Power of Attorney _____________
Is the Power of Attorney [ ] General or [ ] Limited (check one)
Do you have any firsthand knowledge of the facts in this matter? [ ] Yes [ ] No
16 Has your client agreed that he will be bound by your actions and legal
Determinations? [ ] Yes [ ] No
I declare under the penalty of perjury and under my full commercial
Liability herein is true, correct, complete, and not misleading.
__________________________________________________ (Signature)
Attorney Name
City, State Zip