English Activity On Subject-Verb Agreement
English Activity On Subject-Verb Agreement
English Activity On Subject-Verb Agreement
influence influences
was were
4: My friends and my mother _____ each
other. (Clue: Subjects joined by and are 11: Neither the apples nor the basket _____
usually plural.) expensive. (Clue: If one subject is singular
and one is plural, the verb agrees with the
nearer subject.)
like likes
5: The team and the band _____ on the field. was were
(Clue: Subjects joined by and are usually
plural.) 12: Either Maria or you _____ late for class.
(Clue: The verb also agrees with the nearer
subject in person.)
was were
is are
was were
7: John or Doris _____ to us regularly. (Clue:
Singular subjects joined by or, either . . . or, 14: Hardest hit by the high temperatures and
neither . . . nor take a singular verb.) drought _____ the farmers. (Clue: Do not let
inverted word order cause you to make a
mistake in agreement.) is are
18: Every silver knife, fork, and spoon _____ was were
to be counted.
(Clue: Every or each preceding singular 25: Ten million gallons of oil _____ spilled.
subjects joined by and calls for a singular (Clue: Collective nouns take a plural verb
verb.) when they refer to individuals or parts of the
has have
was were
19: Each cat and each dog _____ its own toy.
(Clue: Every or each preceding singular 26: The majority of us _____ in favor. (Clue:
subjects joined by and calls for a singular Collective nouns take a plural verb when
verb.) they refer to individuals or parts of the
has have
is are
20: The committee _____ meeting today.
(Clue: Collective nouns take a singular verb 27: Statistics _____ an interesting subject.
when they refer to the group as a unit.) (Clue: Some nouns (such as athletics,
politics, series, deer, and sheep) can be
either singular or plural depending on
is are
is are
stray strays
stray strays