Computer Organization Nov 2020
Computer Organization Nov 2020
Computer Organization Nov 2020
1. a) Differentiate multi computers and multi processors. (2M)
b) Define the terms instruction code and operation code. (2M)
c) Describe the different types of DRAMS. (2M)
d) Write about memory hierarchy in computer system? (2M)
e) Explain with example the implementation of register transfer? (3M)
f) Write sequence of micro-operations for the fetch cycle of basic computer. (3M)
2. a) Design a bus system for interconnecting four n bit registers (7M)
b) Design a 4-bit arithmetic circuit which implements addition, subtraction, (7M)
Increment and decrement operations.
3. a) Differentiate relative and absolute addressing modes for branch instructions. (7M)
b) Describe, with proper examples, the role of processor stack in subroutine call (7M)
and return.
4. a) Design an adder/subtractor circuit with one selection variable s and two inputs (7M)
A and B. When s=0, the circuit performs A+B and when s=1 it performs A-B,
by taking 2's complement of B.
b) List the different type of Arithmetic and logic Instruction with suitable (7M)
7. a) Draw the block diagram of microprogram sequencer for a control Memory and (7M)
b) Explain the design of a 4bit Arithmetic unit with two selection variables, which (7M)
performs the basic arithmetic functions.
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