Module 7 Answer
Module 7 Answer
Module 7 Answer
Founded 1928
Candelaria, Quezon
Self-Learning Module
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5. Submission will be every Saturday of the week or as agreed in our GC.
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This chapter covers the central concepts on giftedness and talent, theories and
definitions of human intelligence with an expanded presentation on the multiple
intelligence’s theory by Howard Gardner. The groundwork for a lifetime of intelligence
traces the essential concepts on the development of the brain, the “seat” of man’s
intellectual capacity. The emerging paradigms and various definitions of giftedness and
talent, the characteristics of gifted and talented persons, assessment procedures and
instructional systems are presented as well.
Learning Targets
Activity 1: (What do you think?)
Student who are gifted and talented are excel to their schooling wherein they are
advance on their classmate in terms of academic perspective. They easily determined
because of their special works that made that not all student can do. Almost those
students are participating academic activities such as math quiz, science invention,
journalism and other that they represent their schools.
Activity 2:
Analyze and explain the image above using 5 or more sentences.
The image represents on what a person has a multiple intelligence capable. They have
multi-ability in different perspective of knowledge such as they are athlete at the same
time they are excel in academic. People who have multiple intelligence acquire a multi-
tasking works. They are good enough to do those activities in their full potential without
having pushing their self hardly to do that. Also, they are flexible enough to manage
their capability to do a great thing that can develop their wellbeing because as they are
facing those thing they absorbs ideas in order to develop and enhance their ability that
other on their same age cannot do.
Read the discussion on book on pages (120-150).
Activity 3:
For further information watch and understand the video about Students
Who are Gifted and Talented. You can watch it using this link:
Activity 4:
Read and understand the following questions. Make sure to elaborate your answers on
each question.
The nature of the human intellect has fascinated scholars and became the subject of
debates, studies and propositions as early as during the time of the Greek philosophers
Plato and Aristotle. When the field of psychology began to emerge in the 17th and 18th
centuries as a discipline separate from philosophy, mathematics and biology, individuals
such as John Locke, Charles Darwin, Francis Galton and Charcot continued to
influence the study of intelligence. A number of prominent European schools of
psychology flourished until the early part of the 19th century. Some American
psychologists studied in Europe and returned home to establish influential psychology
programs in the United States. The study of intelligence gained popularity and greatly
influenced by the works of Wilhelm Wundt, James MsKeen Cattell, G.S Hall and
Hermann Ebbinghaus.
As the students of the great schools began to form their own programs, the
number of theoretical and empirical incestiagtions of intelligence increased. The
prominent psychologist of the 20th century was Edward L. Thorndike, Alfred Binet,
Pearson, Charles Spearman, Goddard, stern, Theodore Simon. Yerkes, Lewis, Terman,
Hollingworth, Goodenough, Vigotsky, and Jean Piaget.
In the latter part of the 20th century, new statistical designs and modern
experimental strategies were developed that made psychological testing popular in
most western countries. The theory of multiple intelligences began to appear,
particularly in the work of Thurstone and Guilford. The prominent theorists were Burt,
Thurstone, Wechsler, Guilford, Vernon, Hunt, Anna Anastasi, Thorndike, Inhelder,
Taylor and Eysenck.
Current trends in intelligence theory and research involve the formation of
more complex multiple intelligence theories. Standardized tests to measure intelligence
are used only as one of the sources of data about mental ability. The fields of genetics
and neurological research methodologist on the measurement of intelligence have
generated a number of factors on intelligence. In addition to mental ability, other data
are considered simultaneously in determining the intelligence level of the person. Data
are derived from the environment, biological factors and psychological aspects of the
intellect. The prominent theorists in the present movement include R. Catell (1905-
1998), Caroll (1916- ), Jensen (1923- ), Kamin (1924- ), Renzulli (1936- ), Gardner
(1943- ), and Sternberg (1949- )
While a big number of definitions of intelligence have been published,
there seems to be consensus or agreement on what intelligence actually is. Catell,
(1971) defines intelligence as a composite or combination of human traits which
includes the capacity for insight into complex relationships, all of the process involved in
abstract thinking, and a capacity to acquire new capacity.
The modern approach to understand the concept of intelligence began with the
work of Alfred Binet,a French psychologist (1857-1911) and his colleague, Theodore
Simon (1873-1961). Binet was hired by the Paris school system to develop tests that
would identify children who were not learning and would not benefit from further
education. Together, Binet and Simon developed and co-authored a test to roughly
measure the intellectual development of young children between the ages of three to
twelve. They wanted to find a way to measure the ability of children to think and reason.
Binet developed a test that asked children to follow commands, copy patterns, name
objects and put things in order or arrange them properly. From Binet’s work, the term
“intelligence quotient” or IQ evolved. The IQ is the ratio of “mental age” to chronological
age with 100 as the average. So, an 8-year-old who passes the test for 8-year-olds has
an IQ of 100 which is the average for his or her chronological age. Meanwhile, an 8-
year-old who passes the test for 10-year-olds has an IQ of 10/8 x 100 or 125. This
child’s IQ is above the average for his or her chronological age. He or she is brighter or
more superior than other children his or her age. Binet’s and Simon’s work influenced
the growth of the intelligence testing movement.
Sternberg calls his theory triarchic because intelligence has three main parts or
dimensions: contextual part, an experiential part, and a componential part.
Experiential intelligence emphasizes insight and the ability to formulate new ideas and
combine seemingly unrelated facts or information. Sternberg emphasizes the role of
experience. He says that the habitual, highly practiced ways of dealing with the
environment are not the true indicators of intelligence. Rather, it is the way a person
responds to an event that is new, novel and even unexpected that shows how smart he
or she is.
The MI theory advances that in teaching anything, a parent or teacher can draw
on a child’s many intelligences which are linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-
kinesthetic, spatial, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist. His theory
rejects the idea of central intelligence, rather, as the author says, it subscribes to: each
his own learning style”.
1. Linguistic Intelligence
Linguistic intelligence can be developed through the use of the following activities:
reading fiction and nonfiction, literary work, newspapers, magazines, reports,
biographies, bibliographies, the internet; engaging in storytelling, debates, plays,
listening to audiotapes, watching films, writing reports, stories, and speeches.
2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to explore patterns, categories and
relationships by manipulating objects or symbols and to experiment in controlled,
orderly ways. The indicators of logical-mathematical intelligence are manifested by
persons who:
• Want to know how things work.
• Are interested in “if… then” logic
• Oriented towards rule-based activities
• Play with numbers, enjoy solving problems
• Love to collect and classify things
3. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence refers to the ability to use fine and gross motor
skills, in sports, the performing arts and crafts production. The indicators of this
component of the multiple intelligences are observed among persons who:
• Have a good sense of balance, good eye-hand coordination
• Have sense of rhythm, graceful in movement
• Communicate ideas through gestures, body movement and facial expressions
“read” body language
• Have early ease in manipulating objects and toys
• Solve problems through “doing”
The following activities develop bodily kinesthetic intelligence: role-playing,
dramatization, skits, mimes, body language, gestures, facial expressions, dancing,
sports, games, experiments, laboratory works.
Persons who are successful in the following professions have highly bodily-
kinesthetic intelligence; ballet and folk dancers, choreographers, sculptors, professional
athletes, gymnasts, surgeons, calligraphers, jewelers, watch makers, carpenters and
circus performers.
4. Spatial Intelligence
Some of the activities that enhance spatial intelligence are: illustrations, constructions,
maps, paintings, drawings, mosaics, sketches, cartoons, sculptures, storyboards nand
Persons who are successful in the following professions have high spatial intelligence:
urban planners, architects, engineers, surveyors, explorers, navigators, mechanics,
curators, map designers, fashion designer, florists, interior designers, visual artist,
muralists, photographers, movie directors, set designers, chess players and cartoonist.
5. Musical Intelligence
Musical intelligence is the ability to enjoy, perform or compose a musical piece. The
indicators of musical intelligence are shown by persons who:
• Have sensitivity to sound patterns, hum or move rhythmically
• Capture the essence of a beat and adjust movement patterns according to
• Have a good sense of pitch
• Hum tunes, can discriminate among sounds
• Play with sounds, remember tunes and sound patterns
Persons who succeed in the following occupations have high musical intelligence:
composers, musicians, conductors, critics, opera artists, singers, rappers, instrument
makers and players, and sound recording artists.
6. Interpersonal Intelligence
Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and get along with others.
The indicators of the multiple intelligences are observed in persons who:
• Demonstrates empathy towards others, feel so much for others
• Are sensitive to the feelings of others
• Act as mediator or counselor to others
• Relate as well to peers and adults alike, like to be with other people
• Are admired by peers, make friends easily
• Display skills of leadership
• Work cooperatively with others
• Enjoy cooperative and group activities
The types of activities that will develop interpersonal intelligence include group projects
and charts, communication, social interaction, dialogs, conversations, debates,
arguments, consensus building, group work on murals and mosaics, round robins,
games, challenges and sports.
People who succeed in the fields of endeavor have high interpersonal intelligence:
teachers, social workers, doctors and nurses, anthropologists, counselors,
priest/ministers, nuns, ombudsman, managers, politicians, sales person and tour
7. Intrapersonal Intelligence
The activities that will enhance interpersonal skills are intuition building, creative
and critical thinking, goal setting, reflection and self-meditation, self-assessment,
affirmation, keeping journals, logs and reflectionnaires, “I” statements, discussions,
interpretation and creative expression of values, philosophical thoughts and ideas,
8. Naturalist Intelligence
Naturalist intelligence is the most recent addition to the original list of seven
multiple intelligences. Naturalist intelligence refers to the person’s ability to identify and
classify patterns in nature. In prehistoric times when people relied on hunting animals
and gathering plants, naturalist intelligence was used to sort what animals and plants
were edible or not. At present, a person uses his or her naturalist intelligence in the
ways he or she relates to the environment. A person who has naturalist intelligence
abilities is likely to be sensitive to changes in flora and fauna, weather patterns and
similar environmental factors.
• Life begins in the mother’s uterus eighteen to twenty-four hours after fertilization-
the process where the spermatozoa or sperm cell from the father and the ovum from the
mother unite to form the zygote, the one-celled organism that will develop for the next
nine months into the embryo, the fetus, and finally will be born as the infant.
• The zygote undergoes meiosis or cell division from two, four, sixteen until there
are millions of human cells, clusters of which are predetermined to develop into the
central nervous system, the skeletal system.
• The brain cells begin to form as early as three weeks after fertilization had taken
• The pregnant mother’s condition and the uterine environment exert tremendous
influences on brain development. Studies show that the growing brain is highly
susceptible to changes in the developing organism. There are pieces of evidence that
specific academic abilities such as reading or mathematics may be affected by
hormones secreted during pregnancy. Poor maternal nutrition and lack of protein retard
brain growth. A pregnant women’s heavy use of alcohol, prohibited drugs, even
common drugs for headaches, heartburn, diarrhea without doctor’s prescription can
affect brain development.
• The natural pattern of brain development shows that the brain is organized in
systems of connections that do increasingly complex functions as they mature mainly
from inside to outside and from back to front.
• The neurons or brain cells begin to form as early as three weeks after
fertilization, multiplying more rapidly than the other cells of the body. A thin layer of
neurons in the developing embryo folds inwards and rises to a fluid-filled cylinder known
as the neural tube. The cells produced in the neural tube will migrate to other locations
and accurately lay down the connections to link one part of the brain to another. In
addition, the embryonic brain must construct a variety of temporary structures, including
the neural tube that will eventually disappear. The instructions programmed into the
genes guide the neurons in their long migration to become specific parts of the body
later on.
• Starting at the top of the spinal cord, the fetal brain first develops brain stem
structures for reflexes and basic motor coordination. Rocking movements help develop
part of this complex. As the mother moves about, the fetus is rocked and the
movements add to the stimulation. The cerebellum and the vestibular system which is
linked to the balance mechanism of the ear undergird the later development of higher
cognitive skills.
• Development of much of the brain’s physical structure called “hard wiring” starts
at this time directed by a complex genetic program (Time Magazine, 1998). Neurons,
the future thinking cells, are produced in abundance. Many neurons migrate to particular
sections of the brain to form part of the subsystem that will later control reflexes,
voluntary body movements, perception, language and thinking. Some neurons fail to
attach themselves to any area and disintegrate or disappear. No one yet understands
how these neurons know where to go, or why some integrate. What is known is that the
process of cell differentiation and migration determines the future structure of the brain.
• Ten to twelve weeks after conception during the first trimester or three months of
pregnancy, the neurons that carry electrical messages through the nervous system and
brain send pulsing staccato bursts of electricity. The distinctive coordinated waves of
neural activity change the shape of the brain and carve mental circuits into patterns that
over time will enable the newborn infant to perceive a father’s voice, a mother’s touch, a
colorful mobile moving over the crib. Of all the discoveries in neuroscience recently, the
most breathtaking is the finding that the electrical activity of the brain cells changes the
physical structure of the brain. For the rhythmic firing of neurons is no longer assumed
as the by-product of building the brain but it is an essential process that takes place in
the utero.
• The growth spurts in the formation of neurons or brain cells lasts from the second
trimester of pregnancy 4th to the 6th month) until the age of two. Meanwhile, glial cells
begin to form and nourish the neurons and hold them together.
The cell systems are the raw materials for the normal development of the brain.
Any disturbance in the process may cause cranial malformation, a learning disability of
mental retardation.
Studies show that the interaction between genetic traits and experiences is
constant from the time of conception. Every baby inherits a physical brain structure as
well as certain chemical and electrical response patterns that strongly influence the
ways in which the brain responds to environmental stimuli while in the mother’s womb
and after birth. A current study shows that a child’s personal tempo- the natural place of
responding and the speed of carrying out activities- seem to be genetically determined.
Studies show that the interaction between genetic traits and experiences is
constant from the time of conception. Every baby inherits a physical brain structure as
well as certain chemical and electrical response patterns that strongly influence the
ways in which the brain responds to environmental stimuli while in the mother’s womb
and after birth. A current study shows that a child’s personal tempo- the natural place of
responding and the speed of carrying out activities- seem to be genetically determined.
Through the years, the concept on intellectual giftedness had changed as shown
in the following figure (Heward, 2003).
The first federal definition of the gifted and the talented was contained in the
1972 Marland report. Gifted and talented children are capable of high performance
and demonstrate potential ability in any of the following six areas:
General intellectual ability
Specific academic aptitude
Creative or productive thinking
Leadership ability
Ability in the visual or performing arts
Psychomotor ability
The Gifted and Talented Children’s Act of 1978 defined gifted and talented
children as those “possessing demonstrated or potential abilities that give evidence of
high performance capability in such areas as intellectual, creative, specific, academic or
leadership ability, or in the performing or visual arts, and who, by reason thereof require
services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school.” The definition encompasses
almost all of the areas where a person can demonstrate outstanding performance.
Almost all of the states have built their programs for gifted and talented leaders around
the federal definition.
Piirto’s 1999 definition states that the gifted are “those individuals who, by way of
having certain learning characteristics such as superior memory, observational powers,
curiosity, creativity and the ability to lean school-related subject matters rapidly and
accurately with a minimum of drill and repetition, have a right to an education that is
differentiated according to those characteristics,” Piirto further states that even if gifted
students do not become producers of knowledge or makers of novelty, special
education should train them to become adults who will produce knowledge or make new
artistic and social products.
As shown in figure 37, Piirto’s pyramid model is composed of; (1) a foundation of
genetic endowment; (2) personality attributes such as drive, resilience, intuition,
perception, intensity, and the like; (3) the minimum intelligence level necessary for
function in the domain in which talent is demonstrated; (4) talent in s specific domain
such as mathematics, writing, visual arts, music, science or athletics and; (5) the
environmental influences of five suns: the sun of home, community and culture, school,
chance and gender. Which talent is developed depends on the “thorn” of passion,
calling or sense of vocation.
There are times when the characteristics of gifted and talented persons are
misinterpreted as bordering on abnormal behavior, aggressiveness, antisocial
behavior and the like.
Shaklee (1989, cited in Heward, 2003) listed the identities of young gifted and
talented children as follows:
Exceptional learner in the acquisition and retention of knowledge:
a. Exceptional memory
b. Learns quickly and easily
c. Advanced understanding/ meaning of area
Exceptional user of knowledge in the application and comprehension of
a. Exceptional use of knowledge
b. Advanced use of symbol systems- expressive and complex
c. Demands a reason for unexplained events
d. Reasons well in problem-solving-draws from previous knowledge and
transfer it to other areas.
Exceptional generator of knowledge- individual and creative attributes
a. Highly creative behavior in areas of interest and talent
b. Does not conform to typical ways of thinking, perceiving
c. Enjoys self-expression of ideas, feelings or beliefs
d. Keen sense of humor that reflects advanced, unusual comprehension of
relationships and meaning
e. Highly developed curiosity about cause, future and the unknown
The skills in the Basic Elementary Curriculum of the De3partment of Education are
intended for average learners and lack the competencies that match the learning
characteristics of high-ability students. A study of American gifted and talented students
found that 60% of all grade four students in a school district have already mastered
much of the content of the curriculum. Majority of the students scored 80% in a pretest
in mathematics even before the school year began. A differentiated curriculum that is
modified in depth and pace is used in special education programs for gifted and talented
Curriculum compacting is the method of modifying the regular curriculum for certain
grade levels by compressing the content and skills that high-ability students are capable
of learning in a shorter period of time. At the Silahis Special education centers of manila
City schools, high-ability students study the fourth, fifth and sixth grades in a span of
two years.
Most of the special education classes in the different regions of the country utilize
the self-contained class. High-ability students are enrolled in a special class that is
taught by a trained special education teacher. Mainstreaming activities are arranged so
that the students can socialize with their peers, share their knowledge and assist in peer
mentoring the slow learners.
Activity 5:
Read and Respond
Test on Content Knowledge
Test how much you have learned from this chapter by answering the following
1. What are the outstanding achievements of the talented children and youth in the
vignettes? What make them different from normal boys and girls?
Conversations have never been this interesting, Emil Justin Cebrian talks about his
admiration for the wisdom of Confucius, his thoughts on the spread of the SARS
epidemic, and his disapproval on the use of contraceptives- just like any learned,
opinionated adult. Except that he is only 22 years old.
Jon Brian Santiago Tiosin, whose first word when he was about four months old
is supercalifragilis… (go figure!) Has been ploughing through books at an age when
others were just getting past thumb-sucking. From the middle earth and Tolkien, he
claims to be now smitten with Michaelangelo and the History of Art. Bryan is only seven
years old.
Meet the gifted children. “alam ko naman, higher level ang pagiisip ko kaysa iba”.
Justin says, insisting that “most of the time, I don’t think about it. I’m really just an
ordinary kid”. Hardly. According to parents, Fred and Ceres, Emil Justin, named after
the great French sociologist Emil Durkheim, was already talking before he turned one.
He mastered the National Anthem, flags, capitals and Philippine presidents before he
turned two. After several accelerations, the award-winning story teller of Museo
Pambata is now an incoming senior at Arellano High School and, as usual, gunning for
the highest honors. When that happens, he will perhaps be the youngest valedictorian
in the country.
When the Aliw foundation recently gave it’s new Best Female Artist award to Karel for
“Magnificat,” friends were especially thrilled, because they had practically seem the
popular teen talent grow up in front of their very eyes.
That was because, since 1995, the musical had been holding some of its rehearsals in
the home of lead singer-actress Pinky Marquez, Karel’s mom.
In some TV interviews, Karel has said that her love for performing bloomed during those
rehearsals and performances, during which she imbibed the passion for theater that her
mother Pinky shared with the musical’s other original performers like Andy Bais, Rito
Asilo, Jingle Buena, Dulce and Bodjie Pascua.
For our part, we have always been struck by Karel’s unique combination of
“Frenchy” looks and husky singing voice. We urged Pinky to give her young daughter
opportunities to perform, but it took years before Karel herself realized that she felt most
fulfilled when she was singing and acting.
Once she had come to that realization, however, nothing could stop the already
teenage Karel from quickly making her mark in the biz.
As an actress, she became regular on some TV shows for teen viewers. Then,
her singing talent got noticed when she guest in some musical programs. Her unusual
one-two punch in terms of acting and singing made her stand out even more in a field of
beautiful young talents- who could do neither well!
Career boost
But Karel’s biggest career boost came when she was chosen over many other
auditionees for the coveted slot of veejay.
Despite all this success, Karel continues to dream of doing more than just walk-on roles
in theatrical productions. Which is why we sat down with Pinky and Karel to
conceptualize a play that will star Pinky and Karel in a story about a mother and
daughter, mounted early next year.
Karel said she was thrilled to be playing her first major role onstage, and was especially
delighted that she was acting with her mother.
Karel’s new Aliw award affirms what those who’ve known for years have long been
aware of: that she’s a young talent with a genuine gift and love for performing that will
take her far in the field of entertainment.
2. Using the matrix below, compare and contrast the theories and definitions of
intelligence as advanced by the proponents.
4. Quote the portion of the definition of giftedness by the authorities mentioned in the
chapter under the following headings: