Comparative Analysis Between PI & Backstepping Control Strategies of DFIG Driven by Wind Turbine
Comparative Analysis Between PI & Backstepping Control Strategies of DFIG Driven by Wind Turbine
Comparative Analysis Between PI & Backstepping Control Strategies of DFIG Driven by Wind Turbine
* Laboratory of Research in Electrical Engineering, Higher Normal School of Technical Education (ENSET), Mohammed V
University, 10100, Rabat, Morocco
** Laboratory of Research in Electrical Engineering, Higher National School of Computer Science and Systems Analysis
(ENSIAS), Mohammed V University, BP 713, Rabat, Morocco
Corresponding Author; Mohamed Nadour, Morocco, Tel: +212 666 508 241,
Abstract- This paper presents the modelling and control designs of Double-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) integrated into a
wind energy conversion system (WECS). The aim is to design and compare two distinct strategies of controlling independently
the active and the reactive power generated by a DFIG, in order to conclude on their performances. In first place, a modelling of
wind turbine and DFIG is presented. Then, the PI controller, the Backstepping approach and a maximum power point tracking
(MPPT) strategy used to extract the maximum of power during the conversion are developed. Simulations results show
significantly improved performances of the proposed backstepping approach over the Proportional-Integral controller, in terms
of dynamic response, disturbance rejection, and robustness against parametric variations. The systems performances were tested
and compared using Matlab/Simulink Software.
Keywords Wind energy conversion system, DFIG, PI, Backstepping, Maximum power point tracking, MPPT.
2.1. Modelling of wind turbine The modelling of the DFIG is similar to the induction
generator, the only difference is that the rotor windings are not
The wind power that pass through a surface S is defined short-circuited. The DFIG is represented in the park frame by
the following equations [3, 15]:
as follow ( is the density of air) [14]:
d sd
SV13 v sd R s i sd w s sq
Pv (1) dt
2 d sq
The aerodynamic power captured by the rotor is given by: v R s i sq w s sd
sq dt
SV13 d
Pt C p (, )Pv C p (, ) (2) v rd R r i rd rd w s rq
2 dt
The power coefficient Cp represents the aerodynamic d rq
efficiency of the wind turbine. It depends on the blades v rq R r i rq w s rd
orientation angle β and the tip speed ratio:
R. t sd L si sd Mi rd
(3) L i Mi
Va sq s sq rq
The expression of this power coefficient has been
rd L i
s rd Mi sd
approached for this type of turbine, by the following equation rd L si rq Mi sq
C p (, ) C1 (C 2 (
1 0.0035
2 ) C3 C 4 ) V being the voltage (V), i is the current (A), s and r
0.08 1 are angular speed of the rotating field referred respectively to
0.0035 the stator and the rotor (rad/s), Rs and Rr are respectively
. exp( C 5 ( C 6 ) (4) stator and rotor resistance (), sand r are the stator and the
0.08).( 2 1) rotor flux. The electromagnetic torque can be expressed as a
C1=0.5109; C2=116; C3=0.4; C4=5; C5=21; C6=0.0068. function of the stator flux and current:
Fig.2 shows the power coefficient Cp curves for multiple C em p
(sqi rd sdi rq ) (10)
values of β. These curves are characterized by an optimum Ls
point which is the point corresponding to maximum power The stator active and reactive power are given by the
coefficient, e.g. for β=0 (Cpmax=0.48; opt=8.15). following expression:
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M. Nadour et al., Vol.7, No.3, 2017
In this section, we present a backstepping control approach the synthesis of rotor current references (virtual control
applied to DFIG. The control scheme is designed in a way to variables), such as:
keep the same general structure of the field oriented control.
The synthesis of this control can be achieved in two steps. The v M Mv s
Ps ref s Vrq R r I rq gs I rd g k1e1
DFIG model Fig.5 can be presented as differential equations Ls Ls (34)
of active and reactive power, and rotor currents in the park Q vs M
frame, as follows: s ref L Vrd R r I rd gs I rq k 3e3
M Mv s This allows finding the desired current control state, either:
P s vs L (Vrq R r I rq gs I rd g L )
Ls 1 vs M
I rq ref Ps ref k1e1 R Vrq gs I rd g L
s s
I rq 1 (V R I g I g Mv s ) (29) vs MR r r s (35)
rq r rq s rd
Ls I
rd ref vs MR r
Qs ref k 3e3 Vrd gs I rq
y1 Ps Rr
Moreover: Therefore, the control variables are asymptotically stable.
Qs vs (Vrd R r I rd gs I rq ) Step 2: Computation of the control voltages
The currents determined previously, are the desired
I 1 (V R I g I ) (30)
rq r rd s rq variable for this step. We define the errors e2 and e4:
y 2 Qs e 2 I rq ref I rq e 2 I rq ref I rq
With: L r (L r ) e 4 I rd ref I rd e 4 I rd ref I rd (36)
Vrq and Vrd are now the real control signals. The new
Step 1: Computation of the currents reference Lyapunov function are chosen as:
We select the first two subsystems from (30) and (31). The 1 1
output of the first subsystem Ps must tend to Ps_ref and the V2 (e12 e 22 ) ; V4 (e 32 e 24 ) (37)
2 2
output of the second subsystem Qs must tend to Qs_ref. We Using the equation (36) the derivative of functions (37):
define (e1, e3) representing the errors variables:
v M Mv s
e1 Ps ref Ps e1 Ps ref Ps V 2 e1 P s ref s Vrq R r (I rq ref e 2 ) gs I rd g
Ls Ls
e3 Qs ref Qs e3 Qs ref Qs (31)
1 Mv s
Virtual control variables are Ird and Irq . The first Lyapunov e 2 I rq ref Vrq R r (I rq ref e 2 ) g s I rd g L
s (38)
functions are chosen such that:
v M
V 4 e 3 Q s ref L Vrd R r (I rd ref e 2 ) gs I rq
1 1
V1 e12 ; V3 e 32 (32)
2 2 s
Using the equation (32): e 4 I rd ref s Vrd R r (I rd ref e 2 ) g s I rq
L s
v M Mv s
V1 e1 e 1 e1 P s ref s Vrq R r I rq gs I rd g In order to guarantee a stable tracking the control voltages Vrd
Ls Ls (33) and Vrq are deduced as follow:
V e e e Q vs M
v MR r v M
3 3 3 3 s ref Vrd R r I rd gs I rq
k 2 e 2 I rq ref s e1 R r I rq gs I rd g s
Ls Vrq C
Ls L s (39)
To guarantee a stable tracking the derivative of V1 and
v s MR r
V2 must be negative (Lyapunov second theory). This allows
V k 4 e 4 I rd ref e 3 R r I rd gs I rd
rd C Ls
M. Nadour et al., Vol.7, No.3, 2017
The derivative of equation is given by: The derivative of (44) is given by:
V2 k1e12 k 2 e 22 0 ; V4 k 3e32 k 4 e 24 0
V1 e() e() e() ref (45)
This allows concluding that the system is globally
asymptotically stable.k1, k2, k3and k4 are positive constants, By setting (42) in (45) we obtain:
the good choice of these parameters guarantee the stability,
and a fast dynamic response. V1 e() ref Cg Cem f .méc (46)
The block diagram of the proposed control scheme is
In order to guarantee a stable tracking Cem is chosen such
illustrated in Fig.8. The PI controller is replaced by four
blocks that represent the backstepping approach. The “Irq-c
computation” and “Ird-c computation” blocks provides
ref C g C em f . méc ke (47)
respectively the rotor currents references components Irq-ref, Ird- J
ref (virtual control variables) via the active and the reactive k is a positive constant, finaly we get :
power feedback controls From Eq. (35). Moreover, the
voltages commands Vrq-c, Vrd-c are generated by the “Vrq-c C em J ref ke() C g f . méc (48)
Computation” and “Vrd-c Computation” blocks via the rotor
currents feedback control of according to (39).
We have V1 ke 2 0 . Therefore, according to
3.4. Maximum power point tracking: Lyapunov the system is globally asymptotically stable.
Wind energy, even though abundant, varies continuously
due to the fluctuating nature of the wind speed. The power
captured by the turbine depends mainly on the power
coefficient Cp, which is a function of the speed of the
generator (or TSR ). Maintaining Cp at its maximum value
allows the wind-energy conversion systems to produce all the
power they are capable of.
Several maximum power extraction algorithms exist in
the literature. This paper, focus on the TSR control, using a
backstepping controller, we regulate the rotational speed of
the DFIG, in order to maintain the TSR to its optimum value
(Cp-max) at which power extracted is maximum. This method
requires the measurement or the estimation of both the wind Fig. 9: Maximum power point tracking using backstepping
speed and the turbine speed, and the turbine optimum TSR
Fig.2 (corresponding to Cpmax) must be known. 4. Simulations Results
The angular rotation speed t-opt that corresponds to the
In this section, we will test and compare the performance
optimum value of TSR (Cp−max ) is given by:
of the different controllers presented in the previous section.
Cp max We have made three simulations for each, to conclude on the
t opt R (40)
V1 convergence properties and stability of the overall closed loop
And according to (6) we can write: system, disturbance rejection and robustness.
The proposed DFIG control has been simulated using
méc ref t opt .G (41)
Matlab/Simulink. DFIG parameters are those in appendix. In
All recent models of digital MPPT controllers available order to satisfy the convergence and stability conditions, the
are microprocessors controllers. In this work, we used a
backstepping algorithm to develop the control law allowing adjustment parameters of our backstepping approach are
the system to follow the desired trajectory. We have: chosen as follows: k1= 80000, k2=5000, k3=90000 and
k4=6000 to satisfy convergence condition.
J Cg Cem f .méc (42)
dt 4.1. Dynamic performances
Step 1: Computation of the control variable
The modelling of the wind profile requires climatic and
We define e that represents the error variable: geographical data of the concerned site, as well as the period
of the year concerned by the study. Therefore, several
e() ref e() ref (43) researches have been carried out. In this work, the wind profile
We select the quadratic Lyapunov function: is modelled in deterministic form by a sum of several
harmonics, around an average speed Fig.10:
1 2
b k w v t
e (44) i
2 V( t ) A a . sin (49)
k 1 k
M. Nadour et al., Vol.7, No.3, 2017
Where A is the mean value of wind speed, 𝑎𝑘 and 𝑏𝑘 . 𝑤𝑣 are In brief, for the first simulation, we can observe that with
respectively the amplitude and the pulsation of the harmonic both backstepping and PI controller, the output of our systems
of order k. converges perfectly to their reference values of the active and
reactive power (Ps-ref, Qs-ref) coming from the control in
MPPT operation conditions of the wind turbine, all tracking
errors converge to zero asymptotically. The wind captured
active power has the same shape as the wind profile applied
(it is considered negative because it is a generated power)
However, the obtained results shows the superiority of the
backstepping approach in terms of the response time
(TPI=0.8sec, TBS=0.005sec). On the other hand, in the context
of this test, the performance of these regulators can be
considered equivalent.
M. Nadour et al., Vol.7, No.3, 2017
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functions without expecting any disturbance. On the other variations is higher with the PI controller than with
hand, backstepping controller shows excellent rejection of backstepping controller. The response time of the PI controller
disturbance and a satisfactory tracking performance has been significantly increased. Whereas the backstepping
respectively of active and reactive power. control scheme provide a good behaviour in the case of a large
parametric variation.
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