Teaching Aptitude Study Notes Part 5
Teaching Aptitude Study Notes Part 5
Teaching Aptitude Study Notes Part 5
April 4, 2020
Today, in the 21st century understanding is more important than ever. That is why it is
vital for educators to use methods or techniques in teaching that will enable learners to
use their knowledge efficiently to solve problem in their daily lives.
Most of the teachers and experts have explored new methods of teaching and believe
that modern methods or the ICT method is better than the traditional method of
When we talk about teaching methods then our society divides into three groups; one
group favors the traditional teaching methods, second group favors modern teaching
methods and third group is the one who supports the combination of both for effective
In this article I will explain that what are the pros and cons of each teaching support
system and how we can integrate both traditional and modern teaching methods for
effective teaching.
The back-to-basics traditional education method, also known as ‘chalk & talk
This old fashioned way of teaching was all about the recitation and memorization
The traditional role of teaching focuses on the teacher as organizers of learning
The teacher carries too much of responsibility for teaching in the classroom to
make sure everything they are teaching is understood by the students.
Teacher is also responsible to control class where the teacher teaches using
blackboard, explains concepts, asks students to copy and makes sure that students
are paying attention
This technique of teaching is a one-way flow of information in which the teacher
often continuously talks for an hour or more expecting that when he asks a
question, the students will able to reproduce the same thing that he was talking
Every important thing regarding the topic is written on the blackboard and
students make important notes from the blackboard. After the lecture is over
students revise their notes and try to memories the notes.
Instruction based on textbooks, lectures and individual written assignments
The main objective of traditional teaching is to pass the examination.
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Images & posters
Maps & atlas, globes
Flash cards, flip cards
Science lab apparatus, models
Drawing books
Dictionary, encyclopedias
Vedic math tools
Puzzle books, general knowledge books
ICT Based Teaching methods
Source – https://stories.linways.in/ict-enabled-education-d190bcc91bf0
Digitization in teaching, learning assessment and feedback improves learning process
and it also helps Integrative and social responsibility and civic engagement.
Below are few key teaching techniques based on Modern and ICT Based teaching
1. Flipped Classroom – Its allow students to go beyond their normal boundaries and
explore the lesson before teacher describe them in class-room.
2. Design Thinking & Creative ideas – This involves real life case to increase the
curiosity, analytical skills and creativity.
3. Mind Maps – Use of self-learning tools
4. Gamification – Learn through the play using quizzes and hunt ideas
5. Free online Learning Tools
6. ICT Based Teaching Methods – Virtual Reality , Virtual Labs , Open educational
7. Learning Management system (LMS) & Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)