The Impact of Effective Inventory Control Management On Organisational Performance: A Study of 7up Bottling Company Nile Mile Enugu, Nigeria
The Impact of Effective Inventory Control Management On Organisational Performance: A Study of 7up Bottling Company Nile Mile Enugu, Nigeria
The Impact of Effective Inventory Control Management On Organisational Performance: A Study of 7up Bottling Company Nile Mile Enugu, Nigeria
Wilfred I. Ukpere
Department of Industrial Psychology and people Management, University of Johannesburg,
Johannesburg, Gauteng South Africa Email:
This study took into consideration the relationship between effective system of inventory management and organization
performance in the seven-up bottling company, Nile Mile Enugu. The researchers were motivated to embark on this study, in
order to bring to fore the importance of effective inventory control system on organizational performance as it relates to the
bottling company. A total of eighty-three respondent constitute the sample for the study. Four research questions and Four
hypotheses were generated and tested at 10% (that is 0.10) significant level using descriptive statistics and non-parametric test
(chi-square that is, Fଶ ). The result of the analysis showed that flexibility in inventory control management is an important
approach to achieving organizational performance. It was found that organizations benefits from inventory control management
by way of easy storage and retrieval of material, improved sales effectiveness and reduced operational cost. The study also
found that there is a relationship between operational feasibility, utility of inventory control management in the customer related
issues of the organization and cost effectiveness technique are implemented to enhance the return on investment in the
organization. Effective inventory control management is recognized as one of the areas management of any organization
should acquire capability. It is recommended that organizations should adopt the inventory keeping method that best suit their
1. Introduction
Historically, inventory management has been referred to as excess inventory and inadequate management or shortage of
inventory and adequate management practice. Several penalties could be apportioned to excesses in either direction.
Inventory problem has escalated as progress in technology increases the ability of organizations to produce goods faster
in multiple design variation and greater quality (Letinkaya and Lee, 2000).Since the mid-1980’s inventory management,
production planning and scheduling has become the obvious strategic benefit (Larrson et al.,1995).
In recent years, many of the firms have raised the bar yet again by coordinating with other firms in their supply
chains. For instance, instead of responding to unknown and variable demand, they share information so that the
variability of the demand they observe is significantly lower (Jainand Render, 2006).
Colling (1990) argue that in the United States of America and other Western countries, improvement in productivity
was achieved through reducing the direct manufacturing labour expenses cost per unit of output. This strategy was
justifiable because of the high labour content in many manufactured products. However, the ratio of unit cost due to
labour has constantly decreased in recent years. Even large manufacturing firms, such as the United States (US) auto
assemblers, purchase up to 60 percent of the value of the product. This implies that management of raw materials
inventories is an area that shows great promise for productivity improvement.
Japanese firms earned more deserved attention in the mid-to late 1980s due to there notable performance on
quality and inventory management. The constant alert of the bar code being scanned at a check out lane shows a pillar of
modern system of inventory management stock tracking. In the earliest days of shop keeping, merchants write down
ISSN 2039-2117 (online) Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol 5 No 10
ISSN 2039-9340 (print) MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy June 2014
procurement or they looked at how many units where gone at the day’s end and then did their best to forecast future
needs. The key skills where experience and intuition, but it remain an imperfect method, even when applied to operations
that where quite small by today’s standards (Miller,2010).
After the industrial turn around, the main goals of businesses are efficiency and mass production, along with an
improved customers experience at the point of sale. The first modern check-out system was designed by a team at
Harvard University in the early 1930s. punch cards that corresponded with catalog items were in use. The punch card
would be read by a computer and pass the information to the stock room which would bring the item up front to the
waiting customers. Owning to the automated system, the machines could also generate billing records and manage
inventory. The system is too expensive to use, but a version of it is in use today in some stores where cards are placed
with product information by merchants on the aisle for customers to select and bring to the check-out line. This usually
applies to items that are expensive or large and also controlled items such as medicines. Researchers created the
forerunner of the modern bar coding system in the late 1940s and early 1950s because they knew merchants needed a
better system. Ultraviolet light-sensitive ink and reader are used to mark items for sale. The system lacked the computing
power needed to make it work and it was too cumbersome. Technology had yet to catch up with their ideas (ibid).
The development of affordable laser technology in the 1960s revived the concept. Lasers allowed smaller, faster
and cheaper readers or scanners. The universal product code (UPC) or modern bar code was developed and introduced
just before the 1970s. As computing power became better, the power of universal product code codes to help track and
manage inventory, improved exponentially. Retailers began implementing modern inventory management system,
possibly made in large part by advances in computer and software technology during the mid to late 1990s. The system
works in a circular process, from purchase tracking to inventory monitoring to re-ordering and back around again. Another
promising technology for tracking inventory has also made its way into stores, warehouses and factories in recent years.
Product information such as type, manufacturer and serial no are transmitted by Radio Frequency Identification(RFID)
using microchip to a scanner or other data collection device, which is superior to bar codes in several ways (Agha, 2010).
For instance, from several yards away a scanner reads the information from radio frequency identification, making it
suitable for tracking items stacked on high shelves in warehouses. It also provide excellent anti-theft characteristics and
also encode more data than a bar code, in some systems inform the merchants if an item is out of place in the store
(Arnold, 2000).
In Nigeria, the size of industry, small, medium, and large scale, has a significant effect on both the numerical
strength of staff and level of involvement in inventory management of both raw material and the finished product. The
type of inventory system in practice in any organization depends on many factors among which are economic stability of
the place, infrastructural facilities available, transportation network and many more which are called constraints.
For many companies the root cause of underproduction stoppages and high production cost could be easily traced
to unscientific method of arriving at a general inventory policies and crucial inventory decisions. The situation is more
acute in a developing country like Nigeria, where the practical application of operation research techniques in industry
and business enterprise is in its infancy. Moreover, the bulk of raw material inventory and the finish goods inventory used
by companies in developing countries have to be imported from the industrial nations of Europe, America and Asia, which
gave rise to higher cost of procurement and higher uncertainty in the availability of such basic raw materials. Ogbo
(2011), opined that inventories are the goods or materials that are waiting to be used or dispatched for sale. A day-to-day
practice in all fields of human endeavour, households, manufacturing firms, servicing firms, etc is inventory control.
Inventory control is the supply of goods and services at the right time with the right quality and quantity. It is a
reliable means in which businesses are been managed to ensure customers are satisfied and organization remains in
operations via minimization of losses. Inventory management has been a problem to many business organizations in
Nigeria. Inventories provide a significant link between production and sales of product, and constitute a large percentage
of the cost of production. It is one of the most expensive and important assets of many manufacturing companies
representing a considerable percentage of the total invested capital. At any level of a firm, inventory is among the largest
investment made and therefore logically deserves to be treated as a major policy variable, highly responsive to the plans
and style of top management. However, to date in most organization, both analysts and managers have been relatively
unsuccessful in convincing top management to give this area the due consideration that it logically deserves
Inventories are basically stocks of resources held for the purpose of future production and/or sales. Inventories
may be viewed as an idle resource which has an economic value. Better management of inventories would release
capital for use elsewhere productively, (Ghosh and kumar, 2003). Hence Inventory control implies the coordination of
materials accessibility, controlling, utilization and procuring of material. The direction of activity with the purpose of getting
the right inventory in the right place at the right time and in the right quantity is inventory control and it is directly linked to
ISSN 2039-2117 (online) Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol 5 No 10
ISSN 2039-9340 (print) MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy June 2014
production function of any organization. This implies that profitability of any organization directly and indirectly is affected
by the inventory management system operated (Miller, 2010). Inventory of goods has many reasons why organization
should maintain it.
It is economically unsound and physical impossible to have goods arrive in a system exactly when demands for
them occur. Without stock at hand customers would have to wait for long period before their orders are fulfilled. Inventory
management is the control of materials used and stored in a company with the objective of providing exactly what is
required where and when it is required employing a minimum of residual stock and thus incurring the least possible cost (
Hollander (2000) reveal that many organizations are integrating the inventory system with the production system in
an attempt to reduce the amount of idle inventory on hand. Inventory means stock at hand. It could be referred to an
enterprise idle resource. Those item which are either stocked for sale or are in the manufacturing process or are in the
form of materials which are yet to be utilized represents inventories.
As stated earlier, a day-to-day practice in all field of human endeavour, households, manufacturing firms, servicing
firms ect, is inventory control. Inventory control is the ability to supply goods and services at the right time with the right
quality and quantity. It is a reliable means in which businesses are been managed to ensure customers are satisfied and
organizations remain in operation via minimization of losses. A reliable inventory system implies higher confidence of
customers and their attendant continuous patronage.
Production input like raw materials, human, financial equipment are included in the industry inventory. Other forms
of inventory are partially finished goods (work in progress) and spare parts. Inventory is kept to meet reliability of
operations, flexibility in production scheduling, change in raw material, delivery time an change in economic purchase
order size (Inyama, 2006).
An inventory system provides the operating policies and organizational structure for maintaining and controlling
goods to be stocked. A proficient management of inventory system requires an appropriate way of making decisions
about how much to order and when to order and a means of keeping track of items in inventory. Decision on inventory in
any organization depends on facts about on-hand stock level, demand information with regards to the forecasted quantity
(with consideration of the forecasted errors), lead time and lead time variation, inventory holding costs, ordering cost and
shortage cost. This information help the manager in charge of controlling inventory to meet the competitive advantage
desired by the organization (Jossop 1986).
It is against this background that the researchers seeks to critically assess the impact of inventory control
management on organizational performance with reference to Nigeria bottling company, Nile Mile Enugu.
3. Literature Review
Installation of a proper inventory control system in any organization in developing countries like Nigeria is of paramount
necessity. Inventory management is defined as a science based art of ensuring that just enough inventory stock is held
by an organization to meet demand (Coleman , 2000; Jay & Barry, 2006).). Inventory is the availability of any stock or
resources used in an organization. An inventory system is the set of policies that controls and monitor inventory level and
determine what level should be maintained, how large orders should be made and when stock should be replenished.
ISSN 2039-2117 (online) Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol 5 No 10
ISSN 2039-9340 (print) MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy June 2014
Inventory control is the supervision of the storage, supply and accessibility of items to ensure an adequate supply without
excessive oversupply (Miller, 2010).
Inventory control means availability of materials whenever and wherever required by stocking adequate number
and kind of stocks. The sum total of those related activities essential for the procurement, storage, sales, disposal or use
of material can be referred to as inventory management. Inventory managers have to stock-up when required and utilize
available storage space resourcefully, so that available storage space is not exceeded. Maintaining accountability of
inventory assets is there responsibility. They have to meet the set budget and decide upon what to order, how to order
and when to order so that stock is available on time and at the optimum cost (Benedict and Margeridis,1999). Hence,
Inventory management involves planning organizing and controlling the flow of materials from their initial purchase unit
through internal operations to the service point through distribution (Smaros, et al., 2003).
Inventory constitute one of the largest and most tangible investment of any retailer or manufacturing organization.
Intelligent inventory management strategies can not only help boost profit but they can mean the difference between a
business thriving or barely surviving. Holding inventories at the lowest possible cost and giving the objectives to ensure
uninterrupted supplies for on-going operations is the aim of inventory management. When making decisions on inventory,
management has to find a compromise between the different cost component, such as the cost of supplying inventory,
inventory holding cost and cost resulting from sufficient inventories (Peterson and Silver, 1998; Zipkin, 2000). According
to Miller (2010), inventory control is the activity which organizes the availability of item to the customers. It coordinates the
purchasing, manufacturing and distribution functions to meet the marketing needs.
This role include the supply of current sales items, new product, consumables, spare parts, obsolescent items and
all other supplies. Inventory enables a company to support the customer’s services, logistics or manufacturing activities in
situation where purchasing or manufacturing of the items is not able to satisfy the demand. Inventory plays an un-
negligible row in the growth and survival of an organization in the sense that failure to an effective and efficient
management of inventory, will mean that the organization will lose customers and sales will decline. In other to attain its
organizational objectives, a business is to meet customer’s needs. Customer desire has always been a vital issue in a
company not only to maintain sales but also to increase it (Tersine, 1994; Potilen & Goldsby, 2003). Kotler (2002), posits
that inventory management refers to all the activities involved in developing and managing the inventory levels of raw
materials, semi-finished materials (working-progress) and finished good so that adequate supplies are available and the
costs of over or under stocks are low.
Inventory management is primarily about specifying the size and placement of stocked goods. Inventory
management is required at different locations within a facility or within multiple locations of a supply network to protect the
regular and planned course of production against the random disturbance of running out of materials or goods. The scope
of inventory management also concerns the fine lines between replenishment lead time, carrying costs of inventory, asset
management, inventory forecasting, inventory valuation, inventory visibility, future inventory price forecasting, physical
inventory, available physical space for inventory, quality management, replenishment, returns and defective goods and
demand forecasting. Balancing these competing requirements leads to optimal inventory levels, which is an on-going
process as the business needs shift and react to the wider environment (Ghosh and Kumar, 2003).
Rosenblatt (1977) says: “The cost of maintaining inventory is included in the final price paid by the customer. Good
in inventory represent a cost to their owner; the manufacturer has the expense of materials and labour. The wholesaler
also has funds tied up.” Therefore, the basic goal of the manufacturers is to maintain a level of inventory that will provide
optimum stock at lowest cost. Morris (1995) stressed that inventory management in its broadest perspective is to keep
the most economical amount of one kind of asset in order to facilitate an increase in the total value of all assets of the
organization human and material resources. Ogbo (2011) posits that the major objective of inventory management and
control is to inform managers how much of a good to re-order, when to reorder the good, how frequently orders should be
placed and what the appropriate safety stock is, for minimizing stock-outs. Thus, the overall goal on inventory is to have
what is needed, and to minimize the number of times one is out of stock.
Ghosh & Kumar (2003) defined inventory as a stock of goods that is maintained by a business in anticipation of
some future demand. This definition was also supported by Brag (2005) who stressed that inventory management has an
impact on all business functions, particularly operations, marketing, accounting, and finance. He established that there
are three motives for holding inventories, which are transaction, precautionary and speculative motives. The transaction
motive occurs when there is a need to hold stock to meet production and sales requirements. A firm might also decide to
hold additional amount of stock to cover the possibility that it may have under estimated its future production and sales
requirements. This represents a precautionary motive, which applies only when future demand is uncertain. The
speculative motive for holding inventory might entice a firm to purchase a larger quantity of materials than normal in
anticipation of making abnormal profits. Advance purchase of raw materials in inflationary times is one form of speculative
ISSN 2039-2117 (online) Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol 5 No 10
ISSN 2039-9340 (print) MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy June 2014
A firm would hold more inventory than is currently necessary to ensure the firms operations. Reasons for maintaining
3.3 Demand
A retailer stays in business when he has the product the customer wants on hand when the customer wants them. If not,
the retailer will have to back order the product. If the customer can get the goods from some other source, he or she
many chose to do so rather than wait than wait in order to allow the original customer to meet demand later (through
back-order). Hence, in some instances a sale is lost forever if goods are not in stock.
In order to manufacture a product a manufacturer must have certain purchased items (raw materials component or sub-
assemblies). Completing the production of a finished goods can be prevented when a manufacturer is running out of only
one item. Inventory between successive dependant operations also serves to decouple the dependency of the
operations. A work-centre often depends upon the previous operation to provide it with parts to work on. If work stops at a
work-centre, all subsequent centre’s will shut down for lack of work. Each machine can maintain its operation for a limited
time, hopefully until operations resume at the original centre if a supply of work-in-progress inventory is kept between
each work-centre (kuku, 2004).
Lead time is the time that elapses between when order is placed ( either a production order issued to the factory floor or a
purchase order ) and actual time goods ordered are received. If an external firm or an internal department or plant
(supplier) cannot supply the required goods on demand, then the client firm must keep an inventory of needed goods.
The larger the quantity of goods the firm must carry in inventory depends on the longer the lead time.
3.6 Hedge
Inventory can also be used as a hedge against price increases and inflation. Before a price increase goes into effect,
salesmen routinely call purchasing agents. This gives the buyer a chance to purchase material in excess of current need
at a price that is lower than it would be if the buyer waited until after the price increase occur (kuku,2004)
Purchase of large quantities of goods often times attracts a price discount to the firms. This also frequently results in
inventory in excess of what is currently needed to meet demand. However, the decision to buy in large quantities is
justifiable if the discount is sufficient to offset the extra holding cost incurred as a result of the excess inventory.
Flexibility of inventory service provides an organization with the ability to keep inventory services to an agreed service
level in a predictable fashion with acceptable risk and cost. This capability can be tested and valued by customers.
Managing inventory to ensure high customer service level is critical in the supply chain. However, to maintain asset is
very costly. Reflecting the level of availability of inventory to the customers are in three categories namely, raw material
inventory, work-in-progress inventory and finished goods inventory (Lieberman et al 2002)
Excess in each side is wasteful, although there may be reasons for it, such as prevention of stock-outs, production
runs, seasonality or improvement of customer’s satisfaction levels (Lieberman et al, 1999). However, it is critical keeping
the right amount of the three types of inventories to meet customer needs. In addition, inventory service flexibility can also
be as pursuing high inventory utilization while reducing waste, because an important indication of management efficiency
ISSN 2039-2117 (online) Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol 5 No 10
ISSN 2039-9340 (print) MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy June 2014
3.9 Flexibility
The survival of an organization in the long run is critically the ability of the organization to adapt to change (Upton,1994).
In the short run, the competitive position of the firm is affected by the management flexibility and may impact on its overall
profitability. Flexibility in supply chain management may well represent a potential source to improve a company’s
efficiency and may be a significant measurement of supply chain performance (Vikery et al, 1999). Especially through
inter-firm inventory management flexibilities, organizations can reduce reliance on forecasting when and where inventory
will need to be located to meet customer demand and instead allow suppliers to respond to demand on a just-in-time
basis. Meanwhile, intra-firm inventory management flexibilities can be directly linked to overall firm performance for its
control and coordination inventory allocation and delivery to multiple destinations at the warehouse level. The
organizations within the supply chain should see improvements in performance as a result of both intra- and inter-
inventory managerial flexibility.
Stock and Lambert (2001) proposed that one of the common delivery service variables is inventory service level.
As a kind of service flexibility, the competence of a firm inventory management directly reflects inventory service level. On
the one hand, intra-firm inventory management flexibilities enable a firm to have good control on stock and keep a high
level of availability to customer demands, thus, by leveraging the service-cost trade off relationship, the organization can
keep a reasonable level of raw material inventory, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods inventory and reduce
inventory waste simultaneously.
On the other hand, inter-firm inventory management flexibilities allow a firm to manage stock between supply chain
participants. These flexibilities seek a reasonable inventory service chain level based on a high level of coordination,
participation, and close communication. Through these joint efforts, organizations along the supply chain can prevent
running out of stock or overstocking.
Zhang et al, (2005) have argued that causal relationship exists between inventory management flexibility and
performance. They suggested that good inventory management flexibility allows firms to leverage their managerial
experience and intra- and inter- inventory management competences, and finally generate high levels of inventory service
flexibility. That is because flexible competency, which is an internal management focus, provides the processes and
infrastructure that enable a firm to achieve the desired levels of capability.
The outcome of an efficient inventory service is “developing service capabilities as these investments will provide
firms with access to different market segments, hence, yield economic returns. So, the higher the level of inventory
flexibility, the higher the performance of firms. Therefore, the simultaneous development of inventory management
flexibility and service flexibility will reinforce a firm’s ability to improve performance. This implies that inventory
management flexibility is expected to positively influence performance via its positive impact on service flexibility
(inventory service flexibility as a mediating variable).
Vendor Managed Inventory is a supply chain strategy whereby the vendor or supplier is given the responsibility of
managing the customer’s stock (Smaros et al., 2003). The vendor is given access to its customer’s inventory and demand
information for reasons of monitoring the customer’s inventory level. Furthermore, the vendor has the authority and the
responsibility to replenish the customer’s stock according to jointly agreed inventory control principles and objectives (
Smaros et al., 2003). Vendors generate purchase orders on an as-needed basis according to an established inventory
level plan and shared forecast data, consumption data and historical sales data. Once the purchase order is made, an
advance shipping notice informs the buyer of materials in- transit. The merchandize is then shipped, delivered and
“logged”, according to the shipment strategy. Even though Vendors Managed Inventory (VMI) at the retailer’s shelves,
ISSN 2039-2117 (online) Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol 5 No 10
ISSN 2039-9340 (print) MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy June 2014
today the concept is usually applied to replenishment of inventories at retailer’s distribution center (Pohlen and Goldsby
2003). “Inventory at the customer site may be owned by the supplier and bought by the customer only when used or
owned by the customer and simply monitored by the supplier for replacement.
In the conventional business model, suppliers will bill their customers once shipment is made, depending on the
agreed payment terms. However, in some VMI, payment will only be made based on what the manufacturers have pulled
from the hub (Kuk, 2004). Inventory management aims to buffer organization from uncertainties in forecasting, consumer
demand and vendor deliveries (Benedict and Margeridis, 1999). Vendor Managed inventory can help dampen the peaks
and valleys, allowing smaller buffers of capacity and inventory. Furthermore, vendor managed inventory can be used to
resolve the dilemma of conflicting performance measures for example end-of-month inventory level versus out- of-stock
measure (Wailer et al, 1999).
When describing VMI some researchers make it synonymous with other concepts. Wailer et al, (1999), poist that
Vendor Managed Inventory is one of the most widely discussed partnering initiatives for improving multi-firm supply chain
efficiency and that it is also known as continuous replenishment or supplier-managed inventory (SMI). But in Pohien and
Goldsby (2003) views, this is wrong. They claim that VMI involves the coordination of management of finished goods
inventories outbound from a manufacturer, distributor or reseller to a retailer while SMI involves the flow of raw materials
and component parts inbound to a manufacturing process.
As technology advances so does the integrated relationships. The sharing of point-of-sale data (POS) have
facilitated consignment selling agreements where the product is not sold to the customer until an end user purchases the
goods (Pohien and Goldsby, 2003). Vendor managed inventory moves supply chain management to the next level by
aligning functional performance with process across multiple companies; requiring a shift of functions to the lowest cost
firm as well as performing cost trade-off across company boundaries (Pohien and Goidsby, 2003).
Letinkaya and Lee (2000) believe that VMI is an important coordination initiative. It can be used as one of the initial steps
in a supply chain streamlining exercise or as a stand-alone process between trading partners. Vendor managed inventory
relationship can be harder to enter into with manufacturers that have a lot of customers. Srnaros et al. (2003) shed some
light on the problem in their investigation of the vendors. They claim that one major challenge for manufacturing
companies is that usually only part of their customer base is involved in vendor managed inventory. This means that the
vendors need to set up their customers in a way that both VMI and non-vendor managed inventory customers
simultaneously can be efficiently served; this is both hard and costly.
Undoubtedly, the best-known and most fundamental inventory decision model is Economic Order Quantity Model. Its
origin dated back to the early 1900s. The EOQ has been previously defined by Dervitsiotis (1981), Tersine (1994),
Coleman (2002) and Ogbo (2011) as the ordering quantities which minimizes the balance of cost between inventory
holding costs and re-order costs.
Ogbo (2011) stressed further that to be able to calculate a basic EOQ, certain assumptions are necessary:
• That there is a known, constant, stock holding costs;
• That there is a known, constant ordering costs;
• That the rate of demand are known
• That there is a known constant price per unit
• That replenishment is made instantaneously, that is, the whole batch is delivered at once.
• No stock-outs are allowed
It would be apparent that the above assumptions are somewhat sweeping and that they are a good reason for
treating an EOQ calculation with caution. Also, the rationale of EOQ ignores buffer stocks, which are maintained to cater
for variations in lead-time and demand. The above assumptions are wide ranging and it is unlikely that all could be
observed in practice.
This study, in view of the nature and purpose of this research employed the Survey Research Method. Survey research
ISSN 2039-2117 (online) Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol 5 No 10
ISSN 2039-9340 (print) MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy June 2014
design describes the process of collecting data from members of a population in other to determine their current status in
that population with respect to one or more variables. The sample design and procedure was based on simple random
These statistics allow for presentation of quantitative descriptions in a manageable way. These also aided the reduction
and simplification of data, to form a sensible summary. Frequencies were used to give an indication of how many times a
particular response occurred. And this assisted in fitting responses into particular categories. Apart from being easy to
interpret, percentages were also used to show comparisons between categories of responses.
7. Findings
This study examined the relationship between inventory control management system and organizational performance in
7up bottling company, Nile Mile Enugu.
Its major objectives are to investigate how flexible inventory services will keep 7up bottling company from keeping
too much and too little stock. These objectives were guided by four research questions and four hypotheses. The
researcher questions and hypothesis were linked to existing theories and views on inventory control management.
Data for examining the research hypothesis were obtained through questionnaires administered to sample of 83
staff respondents of the company under study. The data collected were adequately analyzed and presented in tabular
forms, and accurate interpretation drawn from them. Both the descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used
in the analysis of the data and testing the hypothesis at 0.10 significant levels. The finding that emerged from the study
showed a significant relationship between effective inventory control management system and organizational
Table 1: Respondents perception on inventory control management has reduced operational cost
ࢌ െ ࢌࢋ
Response ࢌ ࢌࢋ ࢌ െ ࢌࢋ ሺࢌ െ ࢌࢋ ሻࢋ ൬ ൰
Strongly agree 17 17.75 -0.75 0.56 0.03
Agree 38 17.75 20.25 410 23.10
Disagree 8 17.75 -9.75 95 5.35
Strongly disagree 8 17.75 -9.75 95 5.35
F ൌ Ǥ ૡ
Computed Fଶ = 33.83
Confidence level = 90%
Source: Field Survey, 2013.
Tabulated value of Fଶ under three degree of freedom and 90% confidence level is 6.25. According to the result obtained
we found that inventory control management can reduce operational cost.
Table 2: Respondents perception on significant relationships between operation feasibility, utility of inventory control
management in the customer related issues of the organization.
ࢌ െ ࢌࢋ
Response ࢌ ࢌࢋ ࢌ െ ࢌࢋ ሺࢌ െ ࢌࢋ ሻࢋ ൬ ൰
Strongly agree 17 17.75 -0.75 0.56 0.032
Agree 50 17.75 32.25 1040 58.59
Disagree 4 17.75 -13.75 189 10.65
Strongly disagree 0 17.75 -17.75 315 17.75
F = 87.022
Computed Fଶ = 87.022
Confidence level = 90%
Source: Field Survey, 2013.
ISSN 2039-2117 (online) Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol 5 No 10
ISSN 2039-9340 (print) MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy June 2014
Tabulated value of Fଶ under three degree of freedom and 90% confidence level is 6.25. According to result of our finding
operational feasibility, utility of inventory control has significant relationship in the customer related issues of the
The result that emerged from the analysis of data gathered to answer research questions revealed some of the
reasons why organization evolve inventory control management system. Some of these reasons include the need to
smoothen operational requirements, the need to maintain accountability and transparency and the need to optimize
resources. Meeting up operational requirement or keeping operations running have been identified as the major reason
for keeping inventory control.
The study also found out that flexibility in inventory control management is an important approach to achieving
organizational performance. Flexible inventory services are associated with minimizing stock holding cost, minimizing
waste and encouraging high inventory utilization. This view is supported by Caplice and Shaffi (1994) who asserted that
inventory utilization is an important indicator of management efficiency and effectiveness. Upton (1994) believed that
adopting flexible inventory service by the management enhances the competitive position of the firm and may impact on
its overall profitability. Zhang et al (2005) avers that casual relationship exist between inventory management flexibility
and performance. Thus, the higher the level of inventory flexibility, the higher the performance of firms. By implication,
inventory management flexibility is expected to positively influence performance via its positive impact on services
In addition, it was found that organizations benefits from inventory control management by way of easy storage
and retrieval of material, improved sales effectiveness and reduced operational cost. Basically, cost reduction is at the
centre of any inventory control system.
One of the objectives of effective inventory control system is to make sure that the firm does not hold much stock
than is necessary, thereby incurring holding cost. Therefore, the rationale behind optimum stock level is to make sure that
cost is kept as low as possible. Improving sales effectiveness hinges on the ability of the firm to meet with the demand
requirement of the customers. The study also revealed that there is a relationship between effective inventory control and
organizational performance. Inventory control management as pointed out contributes in different ways to improving
performance. By reduction in cost, increase in profitability, improvement in sales efficiency, achievement of optional
resources wages, waste reduction, meeting operational requirement etc. inventory control is found to be impacting
positively on firms performance.
8. Conclusion
Effective inventory control management is recognized as one of the areas management of any organization should
acquire capability. The ability of any organization to evolve effective inventory control management system will depend on
the extent to which it perceives the benefits it stands to gain from such program. In general the findings that emerged
from this study have indicated that organizations stand to gain a lot from effective inventory control management system.
Some of this benefit include optimal use of resources, cost reduction, improved profitability, improved sales effectiveness,
reduction of waste, transparency and accountability, easy storage and retrieval of stock, high inventory utilization
amongst others. However, in order to achieve all these, organizations have to maintain flexible inventory service. Thus,
the study found that there is a significant relationship between effective inventory control management system and
organizational performance.
9. Recommendations
Since organization cannot relegate the importance of evolving and maintaining effective inventory control system to the
background, there is the need for them to adopt a proactive attitudes towards the issue. Being proactive requires
maintenance of the right level of inventory at any point in time. Organizations should avoid the dangers that are inherent
in keeping too little or too much of stock.
To achieve the above, it is recommended that organizations adopt the inventory keeping method that best suits
their operation. Here, just-in-time method could be considered as an option as it has been proven to be effective in
maintaining the right level of inventory and also prevent stock-outs. There is also the need for organizations to train their
personnel in the area of inventory control management. What this means is that only trained professional with the
requisite skill should be in charge of inventory management.
The reason is obvious as most organizations inventory control programmers failed to achieve the intended
objectives due to lack of skilled and trained professionals to manage it. In the present day advancement in technology,
ISSN 2039-2117 (online) Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol 5 No 10
ISSN 2039-9340 (print) MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy June 2014
inventory control management has been made easier with the use of software. The implication of this, is that
organizations have wide range of choices of soft-ware that it can adapt to its operations in terms of its inventory control
system. In fact, the era of manual control of inventory has phased out. Especially, with increasing volume of inventories in
organizations, computer based inventory systems will prove more effective than manual based inventory control system.
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