Agro-Food Industry Wastewater Treatment
Agro-Food Industry Wastewater Treatment
Agro-Food Industry Wastewater Treatment
Article history: Wastewater treatment, necessary for the preservation of water and environmental quality,
Received 5 June 2017 usually requires considerable energy inputs to obtain desired targets. New paradigms of
Received in revised form circular economy require that new technological approaches for energy and resource re-
24 July 2017 covery should be implemented in lieu of traditional, energy-hungry technologies. Microbial
Accepted 30 July 2017 fuel cells represent an eco-innovative technology for energy and resources recovery from a
Available online 18 August 2017 variety of wastewaters. Agrofood wastes are specially indicated due to their high biode-
gradability. The current research was conducted to: assess bioelectrochemical treatability
Keywords: of dairy wastewater by MFCs, determine operational effects on MFCs electrical perfor-
Bioelectrochemical systems mance and evaluate possible strategies to reduce overpotentials. For this purpose, two
Bioenergy parallel MFC reactors were continuously operated for 2.5 months, fed with undiluted dairy
Microbial fuel cells wastewater. The study demonstrated that these types of industrial effluents can be treated
Agrofood wastewater by MFCs with high organic matter removal, recovering a maximum power density of over
Dairy 27 W/m3. Achieved results were better than previous MFC-experiences dealing with dairy
Eco-innovative technologies (and other types of) wastewater treatment, and show that recovery of energy from treat-
ment of organic wastes is a feasible strategy on the pursuit of sustainable technologies.
© 2017 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.G. Capodaglio).
0360-3199/© 2017 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 5 0 0 e5 1 1 501
reduction) compared to traditional AS processes [5], while the treatment of complex substrates increases bacterial commu-
latter would reduce energy consumption to the bare mini- nity complexity, and this can lead to unexpected interrelated
mum necessary for wastewater circulation and allow recovery connections between microbial species [38]. The anode
of a mixture of biogas, largely composed by methane [6]. chamber anaerobic condition may induce unwanted side-
Microbial electrochemical systems (MESs), also appear to reactions such as methanogenesis, which directly competes
provide a potentially attractive alternative to wastewater with electric current production, or heterotrophic denitrifica-
treatment processes with energetic recovery, within the cur- tion [39]. It was demonstrated that high fermented substrates
rent global economic framework. In MESs, like microbial fuel concentrations favour methanogenic activity against exo-
cells (MFCs), electroactive bacterial species (EABs) rely on the electrogenesis, reducing MFCs' electrical efficiency [40].
same substances used in anaerobic biodegradation to transfer Dairy industry occupies one of the leading positions in the
electrons and directly produce current from the chemical Italian agro-food sector (Italy also produces 6% of the world's
energy, contained in an organic biodegradable substrate [7]. cheese production). In industrial cheese-making processes,
In MFCs, EABs catalyse (one or both) oxidation and reduc- about 2e4 L of wastewater are produced per L of processed
tion reactions, each occurring in a separate chamber (anode milk [41], with qualitative characteristics summarized in
and cathode) and containing the respective electrodes, con- Table 1. The organic fraction consists usually of easily biode-
nected by an external electrical circuit. Internally, the cham- gradable organic substrates (lactose), with the presence of
bers are separated by a selective ionic exchange membrane some slowly biodegradable lipids and proteins [42]. Nitrogen is
(IEM), so that electrons and protons released by the bacteria mainly present in organic form, bonded in milk proteins,
while degrading the substrate at the anode can travel towards while phosphorous is mainly in orthophosphate form. De-
the cathode, where they combine with the terminal electron tergents and additives used in industrial and cleaning pro-
acceptor of the reaction (usually, oxygen) [8,9]. Advantages cesses can significantly affect pH and alkalinity of
characterizing MFC processes, compared with other state-of- wastewater.
the-art wastewater treatment processes are several: first, Bioelectrochemical recovery of electricity from dairy
these processes happen to be extremely versatile in reference wastewater with MFCs has been previously investigated in
to treatable substrates. Experiences have been reported in recent years, as summarized in Table 2. Single chamber, dual-
literature with simple liquid substrates, such as glucose [10], chamber, and tubular MFCs have been tested, with electrodes
volatile fatty acids [11] and alcohols [12], as well as with of different materials including carbon, graphite, stainless
complex mixtures, such as domestic wastewater [13,14], steel or composites. The highest reported power density
brewery [15], dairy [16e18], winery [19,20], soybean edible oil (20.2 W/m3) so far was achieved by Mardanpour et al. [45],
refinery [21], distillery [22], food-processing effluents [23]. using a tubular MFC equipped with a 0.5 mg Pt cm2 catalyst
Even when used to treat landfill leachate (usually considered load on the cathode. Other studies demonstrated that cathode
somewhat refractory to biological treatment), reported catalysts may be avoided, without negative effects on organic
organic removal rates reached 7 kg COD (Chemical Oxygen matter removal efficiency, but with considerable reduction of
demand)/m3 d [24,25], better than standard aerobic processes power density (90% lower) and Coulombic Efficiency (CE, 44%
(0.5e2 kg COD/m3 d), and in line with those of anaerobic lower) [46,47]. Experiences of continuous-fed MFCs treating
digestion (8e20 kg COD/m3 d). MFCs have been reported being dairy wastewaters achieved mixed results [17,18].
able also to remove (partially or completely) pharmaceutically Despite all the promising results obtained mostly in short-
active compounds from wastewater [26]. MFC applications to term studies (1 month maximum duration), MFCs scientific
the degradation and energy recovery from solid food industry literature is still lacking comparative long-term studies
waste have also been reported recently [27]. Additional, non- related to dairy wastewater treatment in continuous condi-
negligible advantages over other biological processes are low tions. Molognoni et al. [18] had previously tested a single MFC
biofilm yield, possibility to operate at low temperatures, reactor for dairy wastewater treatment, achieving encour-
strong reduction of aeration needs (only supplied as electron aging results. Before an attempt at system upscaling,
acceptor at the cathode in dual cell systems only), direct
electricity production.
MFCs, however, are still characterized by some drawbacks,
including low specific electric production (10e100 W/m3 of Table 1 e Physico chemical characterization of
wastewater effluents produced in a cheese factory.
total reactor), that are still limiting the industrial applicability
(Concentration ranges elaborated from Refs. [41,43,44]).
of this technology [28]. Attempts of MFCs electric optimization
include development of non-Platinum-group catalysers for Parameter Unit Concentration
oxygen reducing cathodes [29], morphologic modification of
the electrodes and combination of different electrode mate- Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg TSS/L 250e2700
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg O2/L 650e3000
rials [30e32], development of biocathodes [33], hydraulic and
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5) mg O2/L 300e1400
electric stacking of several MFC units [34], tracking methods
Organic nitrogen (Norg) mg N/L 10e140
for the optimal external resistance [35]. Ammonium nitrogen (NeNH4) mg N/L 10e20
Utilization of agrofood substrates (swine manure, brewery, Nitrates (NeNO3) mg N/L 10e20
dairy or winery effluents) is particularly promising for MFCs Phosphate (P) mg P2O5/L 10e130
industrialization, given their high organic content (COD Chlorides (Cl) mg Cl/L 50e500
values can go up to 10 g/L) and biodegradability (generally pH () pH units 4e12
Alkalinity (HCO3) mg HCO3/L 250e650
BOD/COD ratio is higher than 60%) [36,37]. However,
502 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 5 0 0 e5 1 1
additional verification was deemed necessary to ascertain the within, minimize concentration gradients, and the chance of
performance consistency of the adopted system, and intro- partialization/clogging within the cells volume. Anodic recir-
duce, if necessary, design modifications. The aim of this study culation was anoxic, while cathodic recirculation was
is precisely to evaluate long-term performance of duplicate oxygenated, by the introduction of air in two external aeration
MFCs, continuously running for at least 2 and a half months in chambers, through a small fish tank air pump.
the same conditions previously described by the Authors. A The MFCs operated at laboratory temperature (23 ± 3 C) for
complete comparative assessment of two parallel systems is the entire time. Anodic potentials were monitored with an Ag/
therefore carried out, in terms of observed electrical produc- AgCl reference electrode (þ197 mV vs Standard Hydrogen
tion, organic matter removal and CE. Electrode, Xi'an Yima Opto-electrical Technology Co., China),
recorded, together with overall cell potentials, at 1-min in-
tervals by a multifunction acquisition board (NI USB-6008,
Material and methods National Instruments Italy, Milan) connected to PC.
Anodic and cathodic chambers were inoculated with 2.5 L
Two replicate, identical, dual-chamber MFCs were prepared solution (30% aerobic AS from the dairy treatment plant, 10%
using a previously described design [18,54], consisting each of dairy wastewater, 60% distilled water). In the anodic chamber
an anodic and a cathodic chambers separated by a Cationic inoculum, 2-bromoethanesulfonate (2-BES) was also added (at
Exchange Membrane (CMI-7000, Membranes International 10 mM concentration) to inhibit methanogens biomass
Inc., USA) (Fig. 1). The chambers were filled with 800 g (each) of growth [55]. Inoculation was done in closed electric loop
granular graphite (diameter 1.5e5 mm, model 00514, EnViro- mode, with 33 U external resistance, with low recirculation
cell, Germany), which decreased their free volume to 430 mL rate (10 L/d) to promote, at the same time, adequate mixing
net each for anodic (NAC) and cathodic compartment (NCC). and bacterial fixation onto the electrodes' surface.
Graphite rod electrodes (250 4 mm, Sofacel, Spain) were After 3 days, both MFCs were producing voltage in excess of
used to allow external electrical connection. Both cells' cir- 100 mV, and operation was switched to semi-continuous
cuits were equipped with an external 33 U resistance, mode with undiluted dairy wastewater, as described. The
assumed to be as close as possible to their static internal collapsible bags1 containing the feed solution were replaced
resistance. approximately every 5 days, in order to maintain a quasi-
Dairy wastewater used as anode substrate was collected stable COD concentration in the feeding lines, with fresh
periodically from the same source, and stored at 4 C until wastewater collected at the industrial WWTP every 3e5 days,
actual use. Semi-continuous feeding through collapsible 10 L on average.
plastic cans was adopted to limit the amount of wastewater Determination of wastewater influent (one common sam-
being stored and the number of trips to collect new samples. ple every feed bag refill) and effluent COD (one sample per
This consisted of a cyclic feed routine pumping 3 L/d of dairy MFC, variable intervals) was done regularly and analysed ac-
wastewater into each cell for 20 min every hour, after which cording to “Standard Methods” [56]. Anodic Organic Loading
pumping stopped for 40 min, resulting in an average feed rate Rates (OLRs) were calculated as the daily organic matter
of 1 L/d per cell. Cathodes were fed with the same procedure concentration (as COD) divided by the anode's hydraulic
with oxygen-saturated phosphate buffer medium (10 mM, pH retention time, adjusted every day according to observed
7) containing: 819 mg/L Na2HPO4, 507 mg/L NaH2PO4, 1000 mg/
L NaHCO3, 130 mg/L KCl, 310 mg/L NH4Cl and other trace el- 1
Collapsible liquid containers (plastic “jerry cans”) are used to
ements (recipe modified from Xia et al. [33]). An internal allow storage and wastewater feeding without leaving it directly
recirculation loop (30 L/d) was maintained in each chamber exposed to an oxidative atmosphere for prolonged periods, as the
with a separate circuit, to induce well-mixed conditions volume of the container reduces as flow leaves it.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 5 0 0 e5 1 1 503
Fig. 1 e Experimental scheme, showing liquid, electric and monitoring circuits: anodic and cathodic circuits e continuous
lines; electric and monitoring circuits e dashed lines. Legend: (A) anode chamber; (C) cathode chamber; (Rext) external
resistance; (1) aeration tanks; (2) anode electrode; (3) cathode electrode; (4) Ag/AgCl reference electrode.
parameter values. Organic matter removal efficiency (hCOD e cells started to be operated in semi-continuous mode, with
%) was determined as described in Molognoni et al. [35]. undiluted dairy wastewater. Even though pumping rates cycles
Values of pH and conductivity were measured at least once were constant in time and identical for the two systems, anodic
every 5 days for both anode and cathode influents and efflu- OLRs varied considerably among the two systems (0.2e6.6 kg
ents (IntelliCAL™ probes þ HQd™ Digital Meter, Hach Lange, COD/m3 d). The intrinsic variable nature of dairy wastes, from
Italy). one collected sample to the other (as shown in Table 1) caused
Current (I) and power (P) were determined from MFCs cells loads variation in time, allowing the study of non-steady
continuous voltage measurement (V). Power and current process conditions. In addition, “random” hydraulic response
densities (dP and dI) were evaluated dividing the respective variations among the two systems of identical construction,
values of P and I by the NAC volume of each cell. Polarization and operated with the same pumps (with multiple heads), were
curves were periodically obtained using a potentiostat (NEV3, attributed to different dynamic head losses in the circuit (air
Nanoelectra, Spain) and imposing a linear decrease of bubbles or temporary clogging due to occasional agglomeration
0.5 mV s1 from the Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) down to 0 mV. of solids in feeding tubes, observed by checking cells' effluent
From these curves, internal resistance was calculated by the volumes) that were occasionally detected, causing temporary
power density peak method [57]. Anodic CE was calculated differentiation of the electric production of the two systems.
using daily average data of current intensity and flow-rate. Such “unplanned” OLR perturbations allowed to study the in-
Energy losses (anode and cathode overpotentials -hAn and fluence of this operating parameter on MFCs performance,
hCat-, ionic -Eionic-, pH gradient eEDpH- and membrane trans- both in relation with wastewater treatment efficiency and
port losses -Et) were then determined according to the prac- power generation capacity.
tical methodology reported in Molognoni et al. [35] in Fig. 2 shows the temporal evolution of influent COD, and
correspondence to each obtained polarization curve. resulting effluent COD concentrations from the two cells
systems (indicated as MFC1 and MFC2). OLRs for each system
are also shown, calculated from the average daily effluent
Results and discussion volumes: even though the same pump was used to feed both
cells, MFC1 showed a slightly higher feeding rate than MFC2
Both MFCs were operated according to the above listed speci- (by 13%, on average), that could be in part attributed to
fications for 72 days. From the 3rd day after inoculation the different connecting pipes length, slightly different fitting of
504 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 5 0 0 e5 1 1
Fig. 2 e Evolution of influent and effluent COD concentrations (CODin, CODout1, CODout2) and organic loading rates (OLR1,
OLR2) in the two-cells system.
pipe joints, and partial tubes clogging, resulting in different ordinary conditions re-established only after one day), tech-
head losses (in time) on the two feed circuits. nical problems (on day 44 there was an operational delay due
The temporal evolution of voltage generation by the two to erroneous reading of polarization curves). During the final
cells, in terms of daily average and (daily) standard deviation period (day 60e68), performances of the two cells became
values is shown in Fig. 3. During inoculation phase, the voltage comparably low (395 ± 81 mV for MFC1, 334 ± 43 mV for MFC2),
increased gradually (reaching 71 mV for MFC1 and 36 mV for most likely due to very similar, low OLRs. The temporal evo-
MFC2, on day 3). Once the semi-continuous feeding strategy lution of current (Fig. 4) and power densities follows the same
was initiated, generated voltage increased exponentially, trends of voltage readings.
reaching a quasi-stable condition at day 6 (601 mV for MFC1, Maximum average daily power density values recorded
498 mV for MFC2). From this point on, continuing significant were: 27.3 W/m3 NAC for MFC1 (day 27) and 17.1 W/m3 NAC for
differences were observed between cells, with MFC1 achieving MFC2 (day 6). Comparing these with the values reported in
on average consistently higher values than MFC2 Table 2, it can be observed that the obtained data are higher
(583 ± 47 mV, vs. 422 ± 44 mV, respectively). This difference than the highest values obtained in batch mode by Mardan-
may be only partly explained by the higher feeding rate (and pour et al. [45]. Usually, values obtained in batch mode are
thus higher OLR) of MFC1, as mentioned, and could be due to higher than those observed in continuous running mode,
differential anodic colonization in the two cells by a micro- therefore the obtained results confirm once more the tech-
biome of different composition. On day 21, data from both nical suitability of dairy effluents treatment by MFCs tech-
MFCs exhibited an abrupt voltage decrease, due to a relatively nology with bioenergy recovery.
long disconnection (few hours) needed to solve technical Analysis of average anodic and cathodic potentials reveals
problems in the data acquisition system. Several intervals a stable anode potential in both cells (180 ± 55 mV vs. SHE for
were characterized by higher variability of operations not only MFC1, -195 ± 33 mV vs. SHE for MFC2), meaning that EABs
between systems: MFC1 (525 ± 63 mV) and MFC2 (232 ± 51 mV), were effectively able to colonize the electrodes of both cells,
but also within the same system, with higher than usual and transferred the released electrons from substrate oxida-
temporal variability (up to ± 20%). These phenomena could tion with some, although variable, efficiency. On the contrary,
have been originated by different factors, including: opera- cathodic potentials were more variable, a likely reason of the
tional failures (on day 29, MFC1 feeding rate decreased to observed voltage fluctuations in both cells. A similar conclu-
0.3 L d1, and MFC2's to 0.2 L d1 due to tubing failure, with sion can be made observing open circuit electrode potentials,
Fig. 3 e Evolution of the voltage generated by the two MFCs (daily averages ± standard deviations).
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 5 0 0 e5 1 1 505
reported in Table 3 that summarizes the parameters observed COD removal efficiency reached an average value of
during recording of the polarization curves. 80 ± 10% for MFC1 and 83 ± 11% for MFC2, referred to the
Fig. 5 shows wastewater treatment efficiency of the cells, monitoring period from day 14e65 (when cells were assumed to
both in terms of COD removal and Coulombic Efficiency (CE). be well settled in pseudo steady-state). These results are in line
CE represents the ratio of recovered electrons (i.e. electricity with, or better than previously conducted studies (Table 2). COD
production) and the total amount of electrons made available removal efficiency is an index of the efficiency of a wastewater
by substrate oxidation (i.e. the organic removal rate) in a cell, treatment process in removing organic load from the liquid
and therefore represents its electric efficiency. stream. On the other hand, CE, index of electric efficiency of the
system, is influenced by the different electrical performances
of the two cells. The relationship between the two is nonlinear,
as it depends also on the system energy losses, which can also
Table 3 e Polarization curves recorded for MFC1 and vary in time. On average, MFC1 showed a CE of 20 ± 16%, while
MFC2. MFC2 exhibited a lower value (14 ± 11%), although showing
Day Rint OCV EAn oc ECat oc Pmax Iscc better average COD removal. Fig. 5 shows OLR effects on COD
(U) (mV) (mV vs SHE) (mV vs SHE) (mW) (mA) removal and CE, calculated by averaging the data collected
MFC1 from both cells. A clear dependency between OLR and hCOD
14 21.2 NA n.a. n.a. 13.0 41.8 cannot be easily inferred (Fig. 6), although previous studies
21* 41.4 NA n.a. n.a. 7.1 26.4 showed that better carbon removal efficiency can be achieved
29 9.3 762 247 515 20.3 67.3
in substrate limiting conditions (OLR < 1 kg COD/m3d), as these
44* 29.8 790 254 536 9.7 38.8
48 15.2 723 213 510 11.8 48.4
favour EAB's growth versus methanogenic population compe-
51 12.4 743 217 526 14.7 51.0 tition [54]. On the other hand, CEs of both cells appears to
65 17.2 698 206 492 9.2 33.8 decrease exponentially with the increase of applied OLRs. In
Average 15.0 732 221 511 13.8 48.4 this experiment, CE varied from 46% at low OLR (0.4 kg COD/
MFC2 m3d), to less than 5% at high OLR (5.8 kg COD/m3d). High OLRs
14 23.9 NA n.a. n.a. 7.6 27.5
cause increased microbial competition between EABs and side-
21* 27.9 NA n.a. n.a. 3.8 21.9
populations (methanogens, heterotrophs) in the MFC anodic
29 26.1 713 251 462 8.9 34.9
44* 13.3 279 259 10 1.7 21.0 chamber. EABs usually outcompete other microbial pop-
48 33.0 587 219 368 4.5 24.8 ulations more easily at low COD concentration, as shown by
51 20.4 637 207 43 7.3 28.5 Pinto et al. [40], and strategies to improve predominance of EAB
65 20.5 704 199 505 8.4 28.4 population (or inhibition of methanogens) under high organic
Average 24.8 660 219 345 7.4 28.8 loads should be investigated to improve general MFCs effec-
Note the variability over time of these parameters. (Rint) internal tiveness as wastewater treating systems.
resistance; (OCV) open circuit voltage; (Ean OC) open circuit anode Fig. 7 summarizes the main electrical losses parameters
potential; (Ecat OC) open circuit cathode potential; (Pmax) maximum gathered by the polarization curves obtained during the
power point; (Iscc) short circuit current. The analyses affected by
experiment (an example of polarization and power curves is
known operational issues and are marked with*.
shown in Fig. 8). MFC1 showed a mean internal resistance of
506 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 5 0 0 e5 1 1
Fig. 5 e Efficiency of MFC1 and MFC2, in terms of organic matter removal (hCOD) and Coulombic efficiency (CE). Organic
loading rates (OLR) are also reported.
Fig. 6 e Organic loading rate (OLR) effect on COD removal (h COD) and Coulombic efficiency (CE) in MFC1 (A) and MFC2 (B).
Shown data are calculated as the average of the data previously reported in Fig. 6.
Fig. 8 e Polarization and power curves for MFC 1 and MFC 2 recorded on day 51.
15 ± 8 U, lower than that obtained for MFC2 (25 ± 6 U). This both cells, the sum of cathodic and membrane overpotentials
result is in agreement with the higher voltage and power (hCat and Et) was the main energy loss contributor, summing
production achieved by the former. Values of open circuit up to 35e39% (MFC1) and 27e33% (MFC2) to total energy los-
voltage, maximum power and short circuit current are in ses, respectively. pH gradients between anode and cathode
agreement with previous observations: MFC1 achieved (around 2 pH-units in MFC1, 1.6 in MFC2), and anodic over-
maximum power of 20 mW (day 29) with average value of potentials affected cells' electric behaviour in a minor way.
13.8 mW; MFC2 exhibited maximum power of 9 mW, with Ionic transport through electrolytes could be considered
average value of 7.4 mW (taking into account the analysis of negligible in this case, due to the relatively high conductivity
all polarization curves). These average data correspond to of both anodic and cathodic media (1.6 ± 1.3 mS/cm for the
maximum power densities of 32 and 17 W/m3 NAC, respec- anolyte, 4.5 ± 2.9 mS/cm for the catholyte).
tively for MFC1 and MFC2. Both reactors exhibited a
constantly lower internal resistance than the fixed external
one chosen. Thus, both MFCs were operating on the “left side” Discussion
of their respective power curves, rather than at their
maximum (optimal) value. Based on a rough estimation, The long-term experiment herein reported was successful in
therefore, power recovery could have been 20e30% higher if treating real dairy wastewater with MFC systems, with better
external resistance loads were periodically adjusted to match results, in terms of power density, of any other reported in
the instantaneous value of Rint, possibly achieving 41.6 and literature using this substrate. Still, there is space for further
22.1 W/m3 NAC in MFC1 and MFC2, respectively. This type of process improvement. The calculated internal resistance of
control was not applied in this experiment, since it was the both parallel systems showed (Table 3) that this was different
first authors' attempt at dairy wastewater treatment with the than the external resistance of 33 U applied. MFCs theory says
apparatus used, and it may not have been possible to distin- that power generation in a cell is maximum when the internal
guish a posteriori between effects of changing OLRs and of a resistance equals the applied external resistance. A MPPT
continuously-varying resistance. However, maximum power control method such as that applied by Molognoni et al. [35]
point tracking (MPPT) for external resistance adjustment, should therefore be able to achieve maximum energy pro-
already successfully used for MFC start-up time reduction [35] duction from either cell. Furthermore, the study of the elec-
is a likely strategy to adopt in future studies for electric pro- trical losses during operation of the process has shown that
duction maximization. cathodic, membrane and pH losses were the most important
Table 4 summarizes average energy losses distribution in loss categories in the system studied. A variety of strategies
the two MFCs, calculated from individual polarization curves can be adopted to reduce the energy losses of MFCs, therefore
analysis. Energy losses represent the difference between improving electricity recovery from substrate. Cathode over-
MFCs electromotive force (i.e. theoretical maximum voltage potentials may be reduced by intervening at different levels:
achievable) and the actual voltage measured at the electrodes,
and depend on a number of factors [58,59]. It was not unex- (i) developing new, more efficient electrode and catalyser
pected to calculate energy losses of MFC2 higher than those of materials (best if avoiding the economically unsus-
MFC1, due to the lower electric performance of the former. In tainable use of Pt). Cathode electrode materials have a
508 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 5 0 0 e5 1 1
Table 4 e Time-varying energy losses distribution of MFC1 and MFC2 (average values and percentage contribution).
Day 29 48 51 55 65 Average
mV % mV % mV % mV % mV % mV %
Electrolytes (Eion) 11 3% 25 4% 19 4% 21 4% 32 5% 22 ± 7 4%
Cathode (hcat) 154 35% 188 34% 173 39% 191 40% 197 29% 181 ± 15 35%
Anode (han) 112 26% 75 13% 26 6% 23 5% 62 9% 60 ± 33 11%
Membrane (Et) 85 19% 161 29% 76 17% 94 20% 280 42% 139 ± 77 27%
pH gradent (EDpH) 74 17% 112 20% 151 34% 146 31% 101 15% 117 ± 29 23%
Total loss 436 559 446 476 673 518 ± 89
Electrolytes (Eion) 6 1% 9 1% 20 4% 19 4% 27 4% 16 ± 8 2%
Cathode (hcat) 207 29% 359 44% 290 50% 220 42% 214 30% 258 ± 59 39%
Anode (han) 108 15% 79 10% 64 11% 34 6% 65 9% 70 ± 24 10%
Membrane (Et) 313 44% 291 36% 100 17% 113 21% 291 42% 222 ± 94 33%
pH gradent (EDpH) 74 11% 74 9% 104 18% 144 27% 105 15% 100 ± 26 15%
Total loss 708 812 578 529 702 666 ± 101
great impact on power performance of MFCs: in addi- Another impairment against optimal electric performance
tion to high conductivity and surface area, they should of MFCs is undesired methanogenesis that may considerably
have high redox potential to facilitate oxygen reduction diminish the CE of a system, although it may not directly
on their surface. Carbon based materials like cloth, affect COD removal from substrate. Improving system per-
paper, graphite and metallic electrodes were utilized as formance by suppressing methanogenesis is an ongoing issue
cathodic materials so far. Santoro et al. [60] found that in the field of bioelectrochemical systems, including MFCs, as
the electric production performance of MFCs was line- this may ultimately compete against electrogenic activity of
arly correlated with the nano-scale roughness of the EABs reducing the coulombic energy of a working cell. Injec-
cathode's electrode materials: since higher roughness tion of 2-bromoethanesulfonate (at concentration of
originated better contact between cathode and 0.1e0.27 mM) in a cell can even double CE by suppressing
membrane. methanogens (such addition in fact was made while starting
(ii) improving oxygen transfer kinetics in the cathodic up the MFCs in this study), however, 2-BES is an expensive
chamber. Not efficient oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) chemical, and its use for large scale operations would be
on the cathode is one of the most important problems of economically problematic. To increase overall MFC perfor-
MFC technology in practical implementation. mance, substrate oxidation by metabolism other than that
(iii) growing a biocathode (relying on bacterial, rather than leading to electrogenesis should be reduced; elimination or
chemical, catalysis of oxygen reduction reaction). Uti- suppression of methanogens in the anode compartment is
lization of biocathodes, can improve power perfor- therefore required, without affecting the exo-electrogenic
mance and simultaneously eliminate many toxic population. Unfortunately, similar growth conditions for both
pollutants [61e63]. populations make it difficult to suppress only methanogens by
altering operating condition. Some success in controlling
Recently, ceramic membranes were indicated as a viable methanogenic populations was achieved by Kaur et al. [66]
option for practical application in MFC technology due to low investigating the effects of various duty cycles of open cir-
production cost, availability, very good stability and high cuit (OC) and closed circuit (CC) MFC operation on the inhibi-
structural strength and capability to solve some of the issues tion of methane production, and consequently on the
above reported [64,65]. Regarding energy losses associated with preponderance of methanogens in the cells' population.
membrane ionic transport, these could be reduced by the Extended starvation of the cells for 12 days before re-starting
development of new membranes with lower internal resis- normal operations was clearly able to suppress any meth-
tance, or less subject to biofouling, or by avoiding their use anogenic activity.
altogether. pH gradient losses may be reduced by increasing pH
buffer strength, or by reducing the hydraulic residence time of
MFCs' electrolytes. Application of ion-selective membranes as Conclusions
a separator in MFCs can lead to pH splitting and acidification of
the anodic chamber, which may inhibit development and ac- This study aimed at demonstrating the feasibility of dairy
tivity of EABs at the anode, deteriorating MFCs' power perfor- wastewater treatment with bioenergy recovery through MFCs,
mance. In contrast, size-selective separators like ceramic quantify the amount of power extractable, and highlight the
membranes, transferring protons based on porosity, do not major sources of energy loss in the system. Two replicate,
exhibit any pH drop in the anolyte [64]. Of course such correc- identical laboratory-scale cells were built and continuously
tive measures must be considered in relation with their costs fed with dairy wastewater for 72 days, longer than any other
and efficiency, in terms of wastewater treatment and not just literature-reported application to this substrate. Both pro-
aiming at maximizing electricity recovery. cesses proved to be stable, with an average COD removal
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