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In unit II there are many learnings I gained form the ppsted module , first , mathematical investigation as

the “systematic exploration of open situations that have mathematical features and Problem solving is
an activity which is convergent. It has definite goal – the solution of the problem. On the other hand,
mathematical research is more of a diverging activity.

Then when it comes on their differences:


✓ closed problems, has a beginning and has an end.

✓ Has a clear goal specified in the statement of the statement of the problem.

✓ It is a convergent activity with a well-defined goal and answer.

Mathematical investigation

✓ Systematic exploration of open situations that have mathematical features;

✓ Demand an open-minded and multi-faceted approach

✓ An open-ended problem or statement that lends itself to the possibility of multiple

pathways being explored, leading to a variety of ideas and/or solutions;

There are several reasons why do we use Mathematics Investigation, the following are

some of these reasons:

▪ It improves mathematical thinking

▪ It causes better retention of concepts learned.

▪ It develops positive attitude towards mathematics

▪ It helps students to be more creative and resourceful.

▪ It helps students to express themselves freely.

▪ It develops a feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment in mathematics achievement.

▪ It develops cooperative learning.

▪ It can be a source of enjoyment.


According to Dr. Millard R. Mamhot (2017), there are 10 stages in Mathematics Investigations.

Stage 1: Preliminary Skirmishing – Getting Started

At this stage the student needs to attain familiarity with the problem or situation, he starts from the
simplest or whatever is interesting, often in an unorganized way.

Stage 2: Generating Examples – Exploring Systematically

Once the student has familiarized himself with the problem and decided a line of action to follow, he
starts to generate example and to explore.

Stage 3: Organizing Data

From the examples he generated, he collects necessary data or information and he organizes them in
sigh a way that he can look for patterns.

Stage 4: Gestating – Taking a Break

The student may take a break when his mind gets tired, he feels there is no progress in his investigation
or he cannot see a way to continue. This is the best time for him to relax, to gather other relevant
information or to think of other line of actions necessary to pursue the investigation.

Stage 5: Making Conjectures

While data are already generated and organized, the student may notice some patterns or
relationships. These patterns suggest generalization which appear to apply to other cases under

Stage 6: Reorganizing

As the investigation progresses, it may become necessary to reorganize the approach in order to make it
more simplified and more systematic or more general or otherwise improved so that it is easier for the
student to make conjectures

Stage 7: Testing Conjectures

This consists of checking the consistency of the conjecture against existing cases for which data are
available, or predicting results of untried cases and then obtaining the relevant data.
Stage 8: Explaining or Justifying

Once a conjecture has been tested against and supported by the data, students should be encouraged
to explain why the conjecture holds for new cases. Such an explanation should consist of more than the
observation that the conjecture has held for the cases examined so far.

Stage 9: Elaborating – Making Extensions

Depending on the ability of the student, the investigation can be extended by considering other relevant
situations that start with, “What if.” or “What would happen if…”

Stage 10: Summarizing

At this stage the student is encouraged to write a summary or a brief account of the investigation. This
highlights the major ideas and the phases of the investigation including all conjectures, tests and proofs
carried out.

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