Fire Fighting Pump Instruction Manual

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Fire Fighting Pump Instruction Manual

Directions of Rated head and rated capacity

fire pump 1 ○
1 Direct inspection method:Discharges water on each floor, and examines fire protection equipments (fire hydrant or
inspection sprinkler head or foam head) that can reach its own minimum pressure regulation.

2 On top of the building, you can connect fire protection nozzle. After it discharges water, make sure it can reach
minimum pressure regulation.

3 Indirect inspection method: You can use the test device on fire pump to examine rated capacity.1.Adjusts the main gate
valve in order for water to reaches rated capacity on the scale of flow meter. 2.Pressure gauge on the pump can indicate
rated head.

Directions of When rated capacity reaches its 150%, its max. head should be above 65% of rated head.
fire pump 2 Examination point should be the capacity of 150% rated capacity on flow meter scale. Pump discharge pressure should be
inspection above the head which is 65% of rated head on the pressure gauge.

Directions of Max. head should be within 140% of rated head:

fire pump 3 When you close the gate valve and operate the fire pump by manual operation, the pressure should be within 140% of rated
inspection head.

Directions of After it reaches

OFF setting,
fire pump 4 Fire pump press
inspection Stop(Green)
Normal auto. starts Motor indicator to
operation Switch Auto, operation stop.
Open main power Stop, Man. Running(Red)
Power(White)On Running(Red)On Off Stop(Green)On
Indicator to It means motor stop.
Stop(Green)On Auto. direction. Stop(Green)Off

Trial run After finish

with trial run,
Switch from Auto. Press Running(Red)On press stop Stop(Green)On
to Man. running Stop(Green)Off indicator to It means motor stop
indicator stop.
to start
Fire Fighting Pump Instruction Manual
Operator must Manual operate the pump

●Malfunction procedures. Trouble shooting:

1. Water shortage instructions: Check: Alarm indicator turns to
Stop 1. Foot valve leakage ON, and then press water
Check water 2. Suction pipeline leakage
alarm Turn alarm indicator shortage
Water Alarm(On) tank 3. Water tank leakage indicator(yellow)OFF.
to OFF setting
shortage(Yellow)On 4. Foreign matter gets stuck Turn the pump back to
in the pump. Auto. setting.

2. The reservoir water shortage instructions:

Trouble shooting:
Operator Check:
Checks the 1. Low water level Restart again.(Turn the
Dry running reservoir 2. Float meter pump back to Auto
malfunction setting)
3. Foreign matter in the

*We do not sell reservoir float meter.

*Auto control panel has relay point and indicator circuit.

3 Motor Overload instructions: Open the control panel, on the right

hand side corner of magnetic
Action 1 Turn Power to Off setting Stop
Trouble shooting: Action 1 switch. There is a triangle shape
Check: object. Press this thermal relay to
1. Motor malfunction. reset the control panel.
2. Open Phase
Overload (Orange)On
3. Motor and pump shaft are
not dynamic balance. Action 2 Turn Alarm indicator to ON
If you want to stop the 4. Foreign matter gets stuck
alarm, please turn the in the pump.
Action 2 alarm to Off setting.
Fire Fighting Pump Instruction Manual

1. Installation places

1-1 Indoor installation.(Except custom made products).

1-2 Dry and clean places.
1-3 Reserve enough space for maintenance、examination and transportation.
1-4 Engine room should have enough width and height for the equipments.
1-5 Suction and discharge pipelines should be mounted with shock absorber to prevent nature vibration
from pump operation.

2. Pump installation

2-1 Concrete baseplate for the pump set should be higher than the ground. Reinforced concrete is
2-2 Baseplate screws should be embedded in concrete. The top of screw should not expose more than 2 threads.
It will be easier for dismantlement in the future.
2-3 Making sure the baseplate is evenly balanced in order to make sure safe operation.
2-4 Coupling and shaft are dynamically balanced in order to make sure the pump set to have long operating
life cycle.

3. Pipeline installation for the pump set

3-1 Suction pipeline should not have air inside.

Prevent method:
1 Pipeline should be tilted to pump suction of 1/100.
2 Try to reduce number of elbows in a pipeline.
3 When foot valve needs maintenance, suction pipelines should be easy to dismantle.
Fire Fighting Pump Instruction Manual
3-2 Pump set water tank should connect to tap water.
3-3 Water discharge pipelines should lead to fire protection reservoir.
3-4 Capacity test pipeline should lead to fire protection reservoir.
3-5 Pressure tank water discharge pipeline should lead to fire protection reservoir.(This pipeline should not be closed to
main suction pipeline which might cause its suction ability.)

4. Check points before operation

4-1 Checks fire protection reservoir whether it has any foreign matters or not. Foot valve should be
submerged 20 centimeters under lowest water level line.
4-2 Checks gland packing. If there is lots of water leakage during operation, adjust the screws until
it only has small leakage.(Water lubrication for jockey pump).
4-3 Try to use hand to rotate pump in order to make sure it is not stuck.
4-4 Checks local voltage, phase, frequency are the same as on the nameplate.
4-5 Checks open phase and uses millimeters to check every wire if they are all connected.
4-6 Checks motor rotate direction which should be the same as the arrow mark on the pump.
4-7 All pipelines should be fastened with screws.

5. Fire fighting system trial running check points.

5-1 Pump set water tank should not have pressure more than 2kg/cm2 in case float switches failure.
5-2 Pump set water tank should supply water to the pump.
5-3 Test run it for 2~3 times. Manual operation should be no problem. It is able for continuous operation.
5-4 Rated head confirmed. Pressure switch setting confirmed.
5-5 Makes sure current doesn’t overload when it reaches rated head/capacity. If it overloads, check
wrong voltage or open phase.
5-6 Checks motor casing and pump bearing temperatures. It should not above 40 degrees Celsius touching

it by hand.
Fire Fighting Pump Instruction Manual
5-7 There should be no abnormal vibration or noise.
5-8 Capacity can be measured by flow meter. You can adjust gate valve to reach rated capacity on flow
meter scale. If not, please check suction pipeline diameter or suction pipeline leakage.

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