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Obe Syllabus in Corporate Social Responsibility

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University of Santo Tomas

“One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but
few are educated.”
Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More

 Academic Year 2020 – 2021 First Term 

An Outcomes-Based Learning Program

LM 31810 Social Responsibility (with Business Ethics)

Course Code Course Title

Part 1 Course Information

3 Emmanuel D. Batoon, Ph.D.
Course Credit Course Facilitator
Major Subject UST Faculty of Arts and Letters
Course Description
Course Category Office
Tues. & Thurs. (8) 7314003 (c/o Dean’s Office)
A course
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM that provides legal management students with the opportunity to learn the principles
Contact Number
of business ethics and corporate social responsibility and acquire skills in designing and
Class Schedule (Day/Time)
reviewing a company’s corporate social responsibility program.
UST Cloud Campus edbatoon@ust.edu.ph
Venue E-mail
Focus Organized around two dynamic topics: (1) Business Ethics; and (2) Corporate Social
Prerequisite Responsibility By appointment
None Consultation Period (Schedule/Venue)
Outcome The learners are expected to review a company’s corporate social responsibility program.

Part 2. Outcomes-Based Macro-curriculum Framework for CSR

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

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University of Santo Tomas
“One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but
few are educated.”
Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More
As inspired by St. Antoninus of Florence, COMPETENCE

Institutional (IILOs)

Program (PILOs) Course (CILOs)

Management Course
Program Intended
Institutional Outcomes Intended Learning
Learning Outcome
Core S.E.A.L. of Thomasian Graduate Attributes Arts and Letters Graduate Attributes Upon successful Upon completion
Values Thomasian (ThoGAs) A graduate of the UST Faculty of Arts and completion of the UST of the course , the
Education As a graduate of the Letters is expected to manifest the following: A.B. in Legal student should be
University of Santo Tomas, Management : able to :
I am expected to:

- Manifest leadership abilities to 1. Leadership Skills to Work Alone and in 1. Design and
promote advocacies for life, Teams.
freedom, justice, and solidarity in To exhibit a work ethic anchored on honesty, Implement a
the service of the family, the local responsibility and accountability among students, Corporation’s
and global communities, the and hone their leadership skills to both lead and 1. Make judgment and Ethical
Church and the environment. work in cooperation with others. pursue actions consistent
-exemplify values-driven with Christian morals, Program and
leadership in the professional values and principles in Corporate
Servant conduct of the communication 2. Ethical Action and Moral Character. dealing with personal
leader practice To exhibit highest standards of integrity in both and professional
- Implement relevant projects and personal behavior and professional decorum. concerns. Responsibility
activities that speak of Christian Program
compassion to the poor and the
marginalized in order to raise their
quality of life
- Show respect for the human
person, regardless of race, religion,
age, and gender
Effective - Express myself clearly, correctly, 3. Communicate Effectively. 2. Exhibit interpersonal
communicato and confidently in various To articulate ideas and express positions as and communication
r and environments, contexts, and steeped in the Thomasian value of truth, guided skills to effectively carry
collaborator technologies of human interaction by faith and reason. out an assigned task in
-Embrace individual differences local or multicultural
and show respect for the people I environment, with due
engage with daily regard to the Filipino
- Work productively with culture and identity
individuals or groups from diverse
cultures and demographics
-Manifest a high sense of

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University of Santo Tomas
“One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but
few are educated.”
Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More

emotional maturity as I work with

individuals and groups
- Show profound respect for
individual differences and/or
uniqueness as members of God’s

- Show judiciousness and

resourcefulness in making personal Review a
and professional decisions Corporation’s
- Engage in research undertakings 3. Demonstrate Ethical
4. Body of Knowledge, Research and Creative
that respond to societal issues capability in applying
Skills. Exhibit adequate knowledge in the Program and
-demonstrate ability to legal and management
Humanities, Social Sciences and other related
conceptualize, strategize and
disciplines, and apply it in various academic
principles, theories and Corporate
execute ideas guided by the concept in creating
principles of critical thinking
researches and creative endeavors.
new ideas and solution
-Cultivate the skill and harness to various legal and Responsibility
Analytical available technology to business management
and creative Program
compliment imagination and problems.
thinker innovation towards creative 4.Exhibit competencies
endeavors in solving practical
- Express personal and professional problems required in
insights through an ethical and joining the workforce in
evidence-based approach a corporate environment. .

Engage in reflective practice to 5. Critical Skills, Effective Problem Solving.
ensure disciplinal relevance and To progressively engage in theories and facts, in
professional development the light of reason, towards solving theoretical
- Sustain in the continuing quest and practical problems.
for communication practice
excellence by conducting research 6. Social Awareness and Global Perspective.
and catching up with current To demonstrate awareness and understanding of
technological trends relevant social issues and responsiveness to the
- Exhibit preparedness and interest needs of the global community through concrete 5. Formulate meaningful
for continuous upgrading of social action. contributions as a
competencies required by the strategic partner in
profession or area of specialization building the
- Manifest fidelity to the teachings organization to become
of Christ, mediated by the Catholic globally competitive.
Church, in the continuous
deepening of faith and spirituality
in dealing with new life situations
and challenges

Performance Indicators (PI) of each PILO

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University of Santo Tomas
“One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but
few are educated.”
Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More

Program Indented Learning Outcome Performance Indicators

Upon completion of all the courses offered in As evidence of learning the PILO , an LM student
Legal Management, the student should have the must be able to specifically :
ability to :

1 Make judgment and pursue actions 1a Resolve hypothetical or real business ethical
consistent with Christian morals, values and and corporate social responsibility problem,
principles in dealing with personal and question, issues through the application of
professional Christian Ethical principles and theories.
1b. Do conduct manifesting Christian Moral

2 Exhibit interpersonal and communication 2a Write or orally communicate convincing,

skills to effectively carry out an assigned task in persuasive opinion, advice, argument or
local or multicultural environment, with due reasoning, plan, strategies in resolving real or
regard to the Filipino culture and identity . hypothetical question / issues problem in
business ethics and corporate social responsibility
through the application of business ethical and
corporate responsibility principles relevant to
the Philippine business and political economic
environment .

2bWrite, create and execute a corporate

ethical program and corporate social
responsibility design or in collaboration /
consultation with the Team or Group in a local
or multicultural environment .

3a Resolve real or hypothetical question / issues

problem in business ethics and corporate social
3 Demonstrate capability in applying legal
responsibility through the application of business
and management principles, theories and concept
ethical and corporate social responsibility
in creating solution to various legal and business
principles relevant to the Philippine business and
management problems.
political economic environment .

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University of Santo Tomas
“One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but
few are educated.”
Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More

4 Exhibit competencies in solving practical 3a. Resolved real or hypothetical legal and /or
problems required in joining the workforce in a business problem by creating /discovering out of
corporate environment. the box solution or by applying simple ‘common
sense’ solution.

5 Formulate meaningful contributions as a 5a Produce new and creative knowledge on

strategic partner in building the organization to corporate ethics and corporate social
become globally competitive. responsibility through research / study that
contribute to the growth and development of
Philippine corporations to become globally
competitive .

5b. Plan and execute, through student

organization, projects that contribute to the
growth and development of the target business

Part 3. Teaching and Learning Matrix

Unit 1: General Introduction
Learning Assessment
Learning Outcomes Course Contents
Activities Tasks
Orientation Course Introduction Interactive Lecture

ILO 1: Orient the Discussion Recitation

learners to the Course on
Business Ethics and A. Welcome by the Professor
Corporate Social B. Discussion of the Syllabus 1st Week
Responsibility C. Nature of Legal Management as
an Academic Discipline
D. Composition of Legal
E. Corporate Social Responsibility
as a Legal Management Major

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“One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but
few are educated.”
Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More

1. Societal Need for CSR

2. The Business of Law and CSR
3. CSR Manager as a New

Unit 2: Academic Writing: Language

Learning Assessment
Learning Outcomes Course Contents
Activities Tasks
ILO 2: Discuss the Lecture and
link between Thinking Discussion Recitation
and Language. A. Thinking in and through Language: Thought Paper
ILO 3: Discuss the Exercise 2nd Week
nature of academic
writing. 1. Filipino Language
ILO 4: Explain a. Family of Language
Plagiarism. b. Vocabulary
c. Grammar
2. English Language
a. Family of
b. Vocabulary
c. Grammar
B. Academic Language and Writing

1.Colloquial vs Academic English

2. Principles of Composition
C. Writing as Communication
D. Writing Thought and Term Papers
1. Topic
2. Title
3. Introduction
4 Body
5. Conclusion
6. Form and Style of Documentation

E. Plagiarism
1. Intellectual Property Rights
a. Plagiarism
b. Turnitin
2. Avoidance of Plagiarism

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University of Santo Tomas
“One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but
few are educated.”
Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More

Unit 3: Academic Writing: Argumentation and Debate

Learning Assessment
Learning Outcomes Course Contents
Activities Tasks
ILO 5: Identify the Lecture and Recitation
elements of Inductive A. Argumentation Interactive- Quiz
Logic. Discussion
ILO 6: Discuss the 1. Inductive Argument: Particular to
structure of Deductive General 3rd Week
Logic a) Phenomena
ILO 7: Expose the b) Generalization
Categories of Stephe 2. Deductive Argument: General to
Toulmin’s Logic Particular
b) Conclusion
3. Non-Inductive Argument: Stephen
a) Situation
b) Issue – Policy and Value
c) Claim – Affirmative or Negative
d) Ground - Evidence
e) Warrant – Reasoning Pattern
f) Backing - Theory
g) Rebuttal – Counter Position
h) Counter-Rebuttal –Counter to the
Counter Position
i) Modality – Cogency of Claim

B. Debate
1. Stock Issues
a) Issues in Proposition of Fact.
b) Issues in Proposition of Policy.
2. Presumption and Burden
3. Building a Proposition of Fact Case
and a Proposition of Policy Case
5. Presentation of Case: Composition and
6. Evaluating the Debate

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University of Santo Tomas
“One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but
few are educated.”
Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More

Unit 4: Business Ethics: Business

Learning Assessment
Learning Outcomes Course Contents
Activities Tasks
ILO 8: Discuss the A. Business Lecture and Recitation
nature of Business Discussion Thought Paper
1. Business
a. Definition of a Business 4th Week
Firm – An actual
phenomenon engaged in
the production of goods or
providing of services.

b. Kinds
1) Single Proprietor
2) Partnership
3) Corporation
4) Cooperative

c. Structure Focused Theory

of Organization
1)Taylor –Machine
2) Weber – Bureaucracy
3) Fayol – Principles of
d. Departments
1) Administration
a) Functions
a.1) Planning
a.3) Staffing
a.4) Directing
a.5) Controlling
b) Hierarchy of
b.1) Top
b.2) Middle
b.3) Supervisors
2) Finance
a. Short Term
b. Long-Term
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“One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but
few are educated.”
Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More

c. Daily Operations
3) Marketing
a) Market
b) Promotion
c) Distribution
4) Operations
a) Raw Materials
b) Equipment
c) Procedures
d) Communication

5) Human Resource
a) Agency Focused

b) Components of
Human Resource
2)Training and

e. Management by Fil.
f. Market Environment
1)Pure Competition
2) Monopoly
3) Oligopoly

Unit 5: Business Ethics

Learning Learning Assessment
Course Contents
Outcomes Activities Tasks
ILO 9: Discuss Illustrated Lecture Recitation
the elements of B. Business Ethics and Discussion Quiz
Business Ethics 1. Limitations of Business Law
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University of Santo Tomas
“One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but
few are educated.”
Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More

2. Business Ethics 5th, 6th, 7th Week

a) Academic Ethics:
1) General Ethics
(Roman Catholic Ethics)
Human Act/
Christian Act
Human End/
Christian End
Human Means/
\Christian Means
2) Special Ethics-
Market Capitalism &
Moral Responsibility
Behavior in Organizations
Business Ethics:
Business Act
Business End
Business Means
c. Building an Ethical Business
1) Corporate Culture
2) Ideal Ethical Corporate
3) Ethical Corporate
Cultural Change
4) Corporate Code of
5) Managing Ethical
Corporate Hot Spots in
the Organization:
Human Resource
3. Business and Filipino Cultural
a. Filipino Act
b. Filipino End
c. Filipino Mea

8th Week Prelim Exams

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University of Santo Tomas
“One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but
few are educated.”
Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More

Unit 6: Corporate Social Responsibility: Society & Social Responsibility

Intended rning Assessment

Learning Outcomes Course Contents
Activities Tasks
ILO 10: Discuss the A.Society: Context of the Corporation Lecture and Recitation
nature of Corporate Discussion Thought Paper
Social Responsibiity 1.Group
2. Culture 9th, 10th, 11th Week
3. Personality
4. Social Institutions
4.1) Family-Community: Home
4.2) Politics- State
4.3) Education: School
4.4) Religion: Church
4.5) Economics: Market
5. Population, Environment and Sustainability

B.Social Responsibility: Corporate Citizenship

1.Two Theories
1.1) Contract Theory
1.2) Entity Theory
2.Historical Development of Corporate Social
2.1 1700s -1800s: Christian
2.2 1800s-1900s: Paternalistic Approach
2.2.1 1950s -1960s: Early Modern
Social Responsibility
2.2.2 1970s: CSR and Management
2.2.3 1980s: The Operationalization
of CSR
2.2.4 1990s: Globalization of CSR
2.2.5 2000s: Recognition and
Implementation of CSR
3. Definition of CSR; Economic (Socially
Responsible Capitalism), Social Affairs,
4. Issues and Arguments Against Corporate
Social Responsibility- Economic Implications
and Community, Social Impact
5.Leadership and Sustainability
6.Individual/Employee involvement in Corporate
Social Responsibility
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“One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but
few are educated.”
Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More

7. Role of Human Resource Management in

Corporate Social Responsibility

Unit 7: International CSR Regulations, Government’s Role & Corporation’s Self-Regulation thru CSR
Learning Assessment
Learning Outcomes Course Contents
Activities Tasks
ILO 11: Discuss Lecture-Discussion Recitation
Government’s Role on A. International CSR Regulations Thought Paper
CSR 1. Public Codes 12th and 13th Week
ILO 12: Examine the a. UN Guiding Principles on
International Business & Human Rights
Regulations regarding b. OECD - Organization for
CSR Economic Cooperation and
ILO 13: Discuss a Development
Corporation’s Self- c. ILO – International Labor
Regulation thru CSR Organization Tripartite
2.Private Codes
b. IFA
c. Earth Charter
B. Government’s Role on CSR
1. Awareness of CSR
2. Partnership
3. Soft Law
4. Instrument Mandate
C. Corporation’s Self-Regulation thru
1. Code of Conduct

Unit 8: CSR Design and Implementation & Measurement

Learning Assessment
Learning Outcomes Course Contents
Activities Tasks
ILO 14: Describe A. CSR Design and Implementation Lecture Discussion Recitation
Design of Corporate 1. First Stage Formulation of a CSR
Social Responsibility 2. Second Stage 14th and 15th Week Design,Implementation,
ILO 15: Discuss the 3. Third Stage and Measurement
Implementation of 4. Fourth Stage
Corporate Social B. CSR Measurement
Responsibility 1. Ethics
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“One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but
few are educated.”
Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More

ILO 16: Describe the 2. Accountability

Measurement of 3. Governance
Corporate Social 4. Financial Returns
Responsibility 5. Employment Practices
6. Business Relationships
7. Products and Service
8. Community Involvement
9. Environmental Protection

Unit 9: Corporate Social Responsibility: Cases

Learning Assessment
Learning Outcomes Course Contents
Activities Tasks
ILO 17: Discuss Cases A. Cases of Multinational Lecture and Recitation
on Corporate Social Corporations Discussion Quiz
Responsibility 1. Apple
2. Canon 16th and 17th Week
3. Coca-Cola
4. Walmart
5. Starbucks
6. Nestle
8. ITC
B. Case in India
C. Cases in the Philippines: Japanese
Companies Operating in the

15th Week Final Exams

Part 4 Course Resources

Course Tools:
Computer/Mobile Computers or Devices
Internet Access
UST Cloud Campus – BB

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“One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but
few are educated.”
Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More


a. Academic Writing

Habana, Pacita. (2010). College English for today 1: a new edition. Manila: Anvil publishing, Inc.

Baustista, Ma.. Lourdes. (2000). Defining Standard Philippine English: its status and grammatical features. Manila:
DLSU Press.

Swales, J.M., & Feak, C.B. (2012). Academic Writing for graduate students: essential taks and skills. Ann Arbor, MI:
The University of Michigan Press.

Madray, A. (2006). Students’ guide to preventing and avoiding plagiarism.


b. Argumentation and Debate

Pinon, Manuel. (1973). Fundamental Logic. Manila: University of Santo Tomas Press.

Toulmin, Stephen. (1976). The Uses of Argument. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Freely, Austin J. (1986). Argumentation & Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making 6th Edition.
Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company.

c. Business Ethics

Medina, Roberto. (2006). Business Organization and Management. Manila: Rex Book Store.

Jocano, Felix L. (1990). Management by Culture: fine-tuning management thru filipino culture. Quezon City: Punlad
Publishing House.

Velasquez, Manuel G. (1998). Business ethics: concepts and cases. Upper Saddle, N.J.: Prentice Hall.

Johnson, Craig E. (2016). Organizational Ethics: A Practical Approach. Thousand Oak, California: SAGE.

d. Society

Brown, Ken. (2011). Introduction to Sociology. Cambridge: Polity.

Panopio, Isabel. (2004). General Sociology. Quezon City: Ken Incorporated.

Ritzer, George. (2018). Modern Sociological Theories. Los Angeles: SAGE.

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University of Santo Tomas
“One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but
few are educated.”
Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More

e. Corporate Social Responsibility

1. Need to Study CSR

Barber, Nelson A., Venkatachalam, Venki. (2013). Integrating Corporate Responsibility into Business School
Undergraduate Education: A Student Perspective. American Journal of Business Education 6 (3): 385-396.

Ward, Halina. (2005). Corporate Social Responsibility and the Business of Law. Globalt Ansvar.

2. History of CSR

Agudelo, Maricio Andres, Latapi. (2019). A literature review of the history and evolution of corporate social
responsibility. International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility 4(1):1-23.

3. Core Concepts

Zhang, Dongyong, Kambamphati, Uma, and Morse, Stephen. (2017). Overview of Corporate Social Responsibility. pp.
1- 42.

Wongsuranawat, Mahidol. (2011). Core constructs of corporate social responsibility: a path analsis. Asia Pacific
Journal of Administration 3(1): 47-61.

Hopkins, Michael. (2004). Corporate social responsibility: an issue paper. Working Paper No. 27. Policy Integration
Department World Communication on the Social Dimension of Globalization. Geneva: International Labour

Cheers, Zachary. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility Debate. Senior’s Thesis, Liberty University.

D’Amato, Alessia, Henderson, Sybil, and Florence, Sur. (2009). Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable
Business: A Guide to Leadership Tasks and Functions. Greensboro, North Carolina: Center for Creative

Benabou, Roland and Tirole, Jean. (2010). Individual and Corporate Social Responsibilit. Economica, New Series
77(305): 1-19.

Rozza, Lonneke. (2016). Employee Engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility: A Collection of Essays. Thesis,
Eramus University Rotterdam.

Strandburg Consulting. (2009). The Role of Human Resource Management in Corporate Social Responsibility Issue

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few are educated.”
Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More

Brief and Roadmap. Report to Industry Canada. Burnaby, British Columbia.

4. Government’s Role on CSR

The Role of Governments in Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility and Private Sector Engagement in
Development. United Nations Global Compact.

Wiliam, Cynthia A. (2016). Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance. Article & Book chapter.
Osggode Digital Commons.

Jentsch, Valentin. Corporate Social Responsibility and the Law: International Standards, Regulatory Theory and the
Swiss Business Initiative. EUI Working Paper MWP 2018/05.

Lambooy, Tineke. (2014). Legal Aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility. Utrecht Journal of International and
European Law 30(78): 1-6.

5. Design and Implementation

Cegesti. (2006). Corporate Social Responsibility Handbook: a practical guide for companies that aim for sustainable
competitiveness. San Jose, Costa Rica: Cegesti.

Maon, Francois, Lindgreen, Adam, Swaen, Valerie. (2009). Designing and Implementing Corporate Social
Responsibility: An Integrated Framework Grounded in Theory and Practice. Journal of Business Ethics 8
(Supplement 1): 1-43.

Corporate Social Responsibility: An mplementation Guide for Canadian Business 2014.

Rangan, Kash, Chase, Lisa A., Karim, Sohel. (2012). Why Every Company Needs a CSR Strategy and How to Build It.
Working Paper 12-088. Harved Busines School.

6. Measurement

Valenti, Alix, Carden Lila L., Biyd, Raphel O. (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility and Business: Examining the
Criteria for Effectuve Unokenebtation Utilizing Case Studies. International Journal of Business and Social Science
5(3): 1-14.

Weber, Manuel. (2008). The business case for corporate social responsibility: A company-level measurement approach
for CSR. Elservier 26, 247-261.

Sawhny, Vidya. (2008). Analyzing Corporate Social Responsibility Measurement Parameters. Institute for Public

Grigoris, Gianandarakis. (2016). The Challenges of Corporate Social Responsibility Assessment Methodologies.
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Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More

International Journal in Economics and Busines Administration 4(1): 39-55.

Morimoto, R., Ash, J. and Hope, C. (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility Audit: From Theory to Practice. Working
Paper 14. Judge Institute of Management. Cambridge, UK.

7. Cases

Garcia-French, Mercedes and Olup, Lana. (2012). Four Cases of Corporate Social Responsibility: Do Conflicts Affect
Cororate Social Responsibility Policy? Utrecht Law Review 8 (3): 51-73.

Sharma, Gagan Deep and Bawa Jagmet. (2016). A case study on Corporate Social Responsibility in NESTLE, TATA,
and ITC. Adv. Res. HR Organ. Mqmt 3(4): 2-16.

Bruhn-Hansen. (2012). Corporate Social Responsibility – the case of Starbucks’ CSR communication thru its corporate
website. BA Thesis in Marketing and Management Communication. BAMMC.

Shyam, Reena. (2016). An Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility in India. International Journal of Research—
Granthaalaya. 4(5): 56-64.

Georgescu. Gabriela. Patterns of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Philippines: the Case of Japanese Companies
Operating in the Philippines. Osaka JOgakuin University Graduate School of International Collaboration and
Coexitence in the 21st Century.

Part 5 . Learner Assessment

Course Requirements

Preliminary Term
Term Paper: Review of Company’s
Recitation 40% + Thought Papers 30 + Quizzes 30 = 60%
Corporate Social Responsibility Preliminary Term Exam = 40%
Total: 100%
Final Term

Recitation 40% + Thought Papers 30% + Quizzes 30% = 60%

Final Term Exam = 40%
Total: 100%

Course Grade: Prelim Term Grade 30% + Final Term Grade 30% + Term Paper
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few are educated.”
Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More

40%= 100%

96-100 = 1.0
94-95 = 1.25
92-93 = 1.50
89-91 = 1.75
87-88 = 2.0
84-86 = 2.25
82-83 = 2.50
79-81 = 2.75
75-80 = 3.0
Below 3.0 = 5.0
INC = Incomplete
FA = Failure due to Absences

Part 6. Course Policies


2. Your ACTIVE participation and engagement throughout the course is HIGHLY EXPECTED.
3. Comply with the requirements of the course.
4. Language of instruction to be used is English.
5. BE PUNCTUAL during your synchronous sessions.
6. BE HONEST at all times (Item 1, PPS 1027, Student Handbook).
7. CONSTANTLY check your UST Cloud Campus for important announcements.
8. Read and be guided by PPS 1027: Code of Conduct and Discipline, Student Handbook 2010.
9. Adhere to other CLASSNET policies agreed upon.

Prepared by: Noted by:

Assoc. Prof. Emmanuel D. Batoon, Ph.D. Asst. Prof. Alain Jomarie G. Santos, CPA, MBA, PhD
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“One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but
few are educated.”
Faculty of Arts and Letters St. Thomas More

Course Facilitator Coordinator, Legal Management

Approved by:

Prof. Marilu R. Madrunio, Ph.D.



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