Toefl Written Expression
Toefl Written Expression
Toefl Written Expression
In questions 1-50, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined
parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Identify the one underlined word or
phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answer
sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the
answer you have chosen.
The sentence should read, “Tsunami science was invented for tsunami risk reduction.”
Therefore, you should choose (B).
The sentence should read, “The problems surrounding our fish industry are obvious.”
Therefore, you should choose (C).
1. The American (A) Declaration of Independence has been (B) signed on (C) July 4, 1776
(D) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Jawab :
Kata yang perlu diperbaiki adalah (B) karena seharusnya menggunakan kata
“was” untuk melengkapi kalimat pasif tersebut.
2. Russia’s (A) surprise withdrawal from the region was (B) both (C) welcomed or (D)
Jawab :
Karena ada kata “both”, maka seharusnya kata kerja yang mengikuti adalah lebih
dari satu dan menggunakan kata “and” sehingga jawaban yang perlu diperbaiki
adalah (D), dari “or” menjadi “and”.
3. Cambodia’s (A) top court is to hear the case as early (B) the start (C) of next winter (D).
Jawab :
Untuk komparasi, kata (B) kurang lengkap karena seharusnya menggunakan frasa
“as early as”, bukan hanya “as early”.
4. Energy research, medicinal (A), tourism, and copper and molybdenum mining (B) are
important to (C) the economy (D) of Butte, Montana.
Jawab :
Dari daftar kata benda atau noun yang ada dalam kalimat di atas, seharusnya kata
yang digunakan adalah “medicine” yaitu kata benda yang tepat bukan kata sifat
seperti “medicinal”. Dengan demikian jawaban yang perlu diperbaiki adalah (A).
5. Liberty of speech (A) is one of the (B) pillars of (C) Western democracy (D).
Jawab :
Frasa “liberty of speech” kurang tepat karena yang benar adalah “freedom of
speech” sehingga jawaban yang perlu diperbaiki adalah (A).
6. The United States capital in Washington, D.C., developed slow (A), assuming (B) its
present (C) gracious aspect, with wide (D) avenues and many parks, only in twentieth
Jawab :
Dalam pilihan jawaban (A) seharusnya kata yang digunakan adalah adverb
“slowly” bukan hanya kata sifat “slow” untuk menciptakan kata yang
menerangkan bagaimana lambatnya pembangunan.
7. Phoenix, Arizona, stands (A) where the Honokam Indians built a canal system (B) and
carried on (C) irrigated farming before long (D) the time of Columbus.
Jawab :
Frasa “before long” kurang tepat karena yang benar adalah “long before” sehingga
jawaban yang perlu diperbaiki adalah (D).
8. Founded by (A) the Spanish as (B) Yerba Buena in 1835, what is now San Francisco was
taken (C) over by the United States in 1846 and later renamed it (D).
Jawab :
Kata kerja yang digunakan dalam pilihan jawaban (D) seharusnya bukan dalam
format past tense “renamed” melainkan dalam bentuk present yaitu “rename”.
9. Was opened (A) in 1918, the Philips Collection in (B) Washington, D.C., was the first
museum in the United States devoted (C) to modern art (D).
Jawab :
Frasa “was opened” dalam pilihan jawaban (A) tidak perlu karena seharusnya
hanya menggunakan kata “opened” saja untuk menciptakan kalimat yang runtut.
10. The Hopi, the westernmost tribe of (A) Pueblo Indians, have traditionally (B) lived large
(C) multilevel structures clustered in towns (D).
Jawab :
Kata kerja dalam pilihan jawaban (C) seharusnya menggunakan “living” bukan
“lived” agar padu dengan struktur kalimat secara keseluruhan.
11. The dwarf lemon tree, grown (A) in many areas of the world, bears fruit (B) when it is
fewer than (C) six inches in high (D)
Jawab: (D) high (yang benar = height)
Keyword: six inches in high.
Pembahasan: Setelah preposisi (in, on, at, by, of, from, etc) harus diikuti noun (kata
benda), jadi kata “high” (adjective/kata sifat) seharusnya diganti kata “height”.
12. The (A) brain composed of a mass of softly (B) gray matter (C) in the skull that (D)
controls our intelligence.
13. Polluter (A) is a topic of such importance (B) today that even elementary school children
are well informed (C) about its (D) dangers.
Jawab: (C) it
Keyword: The Last Supper it is.
Pembahasan: Dalam satu klausa seharusnya hanya ada satu subjek dan satu
predikat, karena pada kalimat di atas terdapat subjek ganda, maka kata “it” harus
15. Together with (A) his friend Little John, Robin Hood are (B) fondly (C) remembered (D)
today by millions of people.
17. After to have (A) won (B) the 1945 Pulitzer Prize for A Bell for Adano, John Hersey
wrote (C) a nonfiction book about (D) the bombing of Japan.
18. The smallest hummingbirds beat (A) their wings 70 times (B) a second (C) and are about
two inches (D) long.
19. Quality, price, and located (A) are (B) often considered to be (C) the primary concerns in
buying (D) a house.
20. The name (A) “America” comes from (B) Amerigo Vespucci, who (C) was a 16th-
century Italian explorer (D)
21. Marie Curie won (A) two Nobel Prizes for their (B) discoveries of radioactivity (C) and
radioactive (D) elements.
23. Although humans have highly developed (A) brains, most (B) animals have acuter (C)
senses than them (D)
24. The movement of the stars (A) was first noticed by early (B) travelers, who (C) used the
stars to guide its (D) way across the sea.
25. Those who (A) have seen what (B) is believed to be (C) Noah’s Ark says it is the
largest (D) than a modern battleship.
27. The surface conditionson the planet Mars are the morelike the Earth’s than are
those of any other planet in the solar system.
Jawab : (B) The more
Keyword : the planet Mars
Pembahasan : the more -> more
Pola comparative: more ___ than ___
Maka seharusnya tidak perlu definite article “the” tapi cukup “more” saja.
28. The midnight sun is a phenomenon in which the Sun visible remainsin the sky
for twenty-four hours or longer.
30. The American (A) Declaration of Independence has been (B) signed on (C) July 4, 1776
(D) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Jawab :
Kata yang perlu diperbaiki adalah (B) karena seharusnya menggunakan kata
“was” untuk melengkapi kalimat pasif tersebut.
31. Russia’s (A) surprise withdrawal from the region was (B) both (C) welcomed or (D)
Jawab :
Karena ada kata “both”, maka seharusnya kata kerja yang mengikuti adalah lebih
dari satu dan menggunakan kata “and” sehingga jawaban yang perlu diperbaiki
adalah (D), dari “or” menjadi “and”.
32. Cambodia’s (A) top court is to hear the case as early (B) the start (C) of next winter (D).
Jawab :
Untuk komparasi, kata (B) kurang lengkap karena seharusnya menggunakan frasa
“as early as”, bukan hanya “as early”.
33. Energy research, medicinal (A), tourism, and copper and molybdenum mining (B) are
important to (C) the economy (D) of Butte, Montana.
Jawab :
Dari daftar kata benda atau noun yang ada dalam kalimat di atas, seharusnya kata
yang digunakan adalah “medicine” yaitu kata benda yang tepat bukan kata sifat
seperti “medicinal”. Dengan demikian jawaban yang perlu diperbaiki adalah (A).
34. Liberty of speech (A) is one of the (B) pillars of (C) Western democracy (D).
Jawab :
Frasa “liberty of speech” kurang tepat karena yang benar adalah “freedom of
speech” sehingga jawaban yang perlu diperbaiki adalah (A).
35. The United States capital in Washington, D.C., developed slow (A), assuming (B) its
present (C) gracious aspect, with wide (D) avenues and many parks, only in twentieth
Jawab :
Dalam pilihan jawaban (A) seharusnya kata yang digunakan adalah adverb
“slowly” bukan hanya kata sifat “slow” untuk me
36. According (A) to the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry’s data, Indonesia’s (B) fish
production is (C) 10.83 million (D) tons last year.
Jawab : (C) Is
Dalam pilihan jawaban (C) seharusnya kata yang digunakan adalah “was” bukan
37. A war with (A) China over Taiwan or the Spratly Islands are (B) simple to start (C) but
hard to end, and could very easily (D) escalate.
38. If I look at (A) it in the arc of my career, it is (B) a tiny jobs (C), and in a place that
hasn’t really been that significant, frankly (D), to me.
39. My lesson to my students are (A) they have (B) to be open and alert at (C) every (D)
41. I would have expect (A) some discussion in the management discussion and analysis of
how (B) this has had (C) a positive impact on these banks’ operating (D) results.
42. I asked (A) officials at (B) Citigroup and Morgan Stanley about (C) these disclosure. (D)
44. Investors didn’t know (A) what (B) dire the situation was (C) at these (D) institutions.
45. Numbers for (A) individual (B) companies was (C) equally (D) astonishing.
46. The Fed says (A) that the money it lent in these programs (B) was paid back without (C)
generates (D) any losses.
47. The rules grows out (A) of the savings and loan crisis, during which (B) hundreds of
banks failed (C) and others received (D) government help.
48. Other banks kept silent on (A) these activities or (B) mentioned (C) them in passing with
few specific. (D)
49. During (A) a group discussion, it can be (B) difficult for the group to know (C) how and
when begin (D) the discussion.
50. Did (A) you both understand (B) all the points in the lecture and catching (C) all the
information? (D)