Geoffrey M. Horn - Biofuels (Energy Today) (2010)

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by Geoffrey M. Horn

Science and Curriculum Consultant:

Debra Voege, M.A.,
Science Curriculum Resource Teacher

Energy Today: Biofuels

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Horn, Geoffrey M.
Biofuels / by Geoffrey M. Horn; science and curriculum consultant, Debra Voege.
p. cm. — (Energy today)
Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-60413-782-8 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-1-4381-3219-8 (e-book)
1. Biomass energy—Juvenile literature. I. Title. II. Series.
TP339.H67 2010
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A Growth Opportunity ................................................. 4

Nature’s Storage Battery........................................14

Waste Not, Want Not.............................................. 22

Where There’s Smoke............................................. 30

The Future of Biofuels .............................................. 38

Glossary.......................................................................... 44

To Learn More ............................................................. 46

Index ..................................................................................47

Words that are defined in the Glossary are in bold

type the first time they appear in the text.
A Growth

R 1

The world gets its energy from many

different sources. In the United States,

CH approximately 85 percent of the energy

supply comes from coal, oil, and natural gas.
Nuclear power provides another 8 percent. All other
sources—including solar and wind energy—add up to no more
than 7 percent.
Depending so heavily on coal, oil, and natural gas poses a
serious problem. These fuels were formed many millions of
years ago. They cannot last forever. Supplies of coal, oil, and
natural gas are going to run low. To satisfy the world’s growing
energy needs, scientists are looking at renewable fuels—fuels
that cannot be used up. Many scientists believe that biofuels
may help the world meet this challenge.

What Are Biofuels?

Biofuels are renewable energy sources that come from living
things. Some of these fuels have been used for a very long
time. For example, have you ever gathered branches to build
a campfire? If so, you have already handled one of the oldest
biofuels—wood. In many countries, wood is still used daily for
cooking and home heating.
Another very ancient biofuel is dung. Dung is a common
name for animal droppings. If you live on a street where dog
owners fail to pick up after their dogs, you probably think of

When you light a campfire, you are using wood, which is one of the oldest biofuels.

dung as a major annoyance or health hazard. Much of the

world, however, sees dung as a valued resource. Farmers and
gardeners use dung (also called manure) as fertilizer to help
crops and plants grow. People in many countries use dried cow
dung as a fuel for cooking.

Modern Biofuels
The use of biofuels has expanded beyond these ancient
resources. Today, many cars run on ethanol, usually blended
with gasoline. Ethanol is a form of alcohol. This liquid fuel is
made from corn, sugarcane, or other crops. Two of the world’s
major ethanol producers are the United States and Brazil.
Vehicles can also run on biodiesel. This fuel is made from
vegetable oils or animal fats. It can be used as a substitute for

Cows on the streets of a city in India. In many parts of the world, cow droppings are used
as fuel.

diesel fuel made from crude oil. Some drivers have stopped
buying diesel at service stations. Instead, their cars and trucks
run on used frying oil that they get from restaurants. Country
singer Willie Nelson, who is a biodiesel user, says his car smells
like French fries!
Scientists are working on advanced ways to make biofuels
from grasses and garbage. In a decade or two, whole cities may
get their power from giant tanks filled with algae. (Algae are
plantlike life forms that usually grow in water.) Many experts
believe that biofuels will have a growing role in the world’s
energy future.

Sources of Energy Used

in the United States
Energy Solar Power 1%

Water Power 36%

Oil (Petroleum) 40%

Geothermal Energy 5%
Power 8% Renewable
Energy 7%

Natural Coal 22% Biofuels 53%

Gas 23%

Wind Power 5%

Note: Figures are for the year 2007. No information is included for hydrogen fuel because it was not yet being used in large enough quantities.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration

Biofuels and Fossil Fuels

Coal, oil, and natural gas are known as fossil fuels. Fossil
comes from a Latin word meaning “dug up.” Fossil fuels are the
remains of plants and animals that have been dead for many
millions of years. The fossil fuels we use today took more than
300 million years to make. They cannot last forever. People are
using them much faster than Earth can produce them.
Biofuels and fossil fuels are similar in some ways. Both
types of fuel come from living things. The difference is that the
supply of fossil fuels will run out. The supply of biofuels will
not. Biofuels are renewable. As long as we have sunlight, soil,
air, and water, we can always grow more biofuels.

Y ou K n o w
D id

Running on Sugar
About 200 million people live in Brazil, the largest
country in South America. Brazil’s living standards are
rising. So is the demand for energy.
In the 1970s, Brazil faced a major problem. It was
buying about 80 percent of its energy from foreign
countries. Most of this spending went for crude oil.
The oil was turned into gasoline for cars. This was
very costly. Brazil looked for different ways to cut
its crude oil imports. One way was to use biofuels
for cars instead of gasoline. Brazil was already a
major producer of sugarcane. The country used the
cane to make sugar, but it could also turn the cane
into ethanol—a biofuel that can be substituted for
gasoline. Beginning in the 1970s, farmers in Brazil
were encouraged to grow more sugarcane. The plan
worked. Ethanol output in Brazil has increased a great
deal. Now, the nation has little need for oil imports.
In addition, Brazil makes money selling ethanol it
produces to other countries.
Many companies in Brazil now make what are
called flex-fuel cars. These cars can run on gasoline,
ethanol, or a mixture of the two fuels. These cars sell
so well that today, more than four of every five cars
sold in Brazil is a flex-fuel vehicle.


The Challenge of Climate Change

A major problem with fossil fuels is their effect on climate.
When fossil fuels are burned, they produce substances that are
called greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases trap heat energy
from the Sun. They cause heat to build up in the atmosphere.
Many scientists say that the buildup of greenhouse gases causes
global warming. Global warming poses many different dangers.
If climate change continues, for example, some regions of
the world may have terrible storms, while other regions will
get very little rain. Without enough water, crops will wither
and food supplies will run short. This will lead to dangerous
famine, which will likely hit the world’s poor countries and
poor people hardest.
Global warming has other effects as well. Ice may melt at
the North and South Poles. This would pose dangers to polar
bears, who depend on the ice in the Arctic region to live. The
melting of the ice would also cause sea levels to rise. As a
result, people who live in coastal areas may experience severe
floods. In addition, major storms could leave whole cities under
water. If current trends continue, major U.S. cities could be in
danger. Threatened cities include New York, Baltimore, San
Francisco, and New Orleans.
The burning of fossil fuels also causes air pollution. Various
substances that are released into the air lead to the formation
of smog—an unhealthy mixture of fog, dust, and fumes that
can blanket a city. The substances also cause such problems
as asthma and lung damage. Fossil fuels have also been linked
to acid rain, which has harmful effects on rivers, lakes, crops,
plants, and animals.


Y ou K n o w
D id E10 and E85

About half of all the gasoline sold in the United States
is actually a blend called E10. E10 is about 10 percent
ethanol and 90 percent gasoline. E10 is sold at service
stations everywhere in the United States. It works well in
standard car engines.
A growing number of U.S. filling stations also sell a
blend called E85. E85 consists of 85 percent ethanol and
15 percent gasoline. E85 cannot be burned in standard
car engines. It can be used only in flex-fuel vehicles. Flex-
fuel vehicles make up about 3 percent of the cars and
trucks on U.S. roads.

Different kinds of ethanol fuel are available at some service stations.


World Ethanol Production

States 9,237.0

Brazil 6,472.2
Union 733.6

China 501.9

Canada 237.7

Other 128.4

Thailand 89.8

Colombia 79.3

India 66.0

Australia 26.4

0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000

Production (in million gallons)
Note: Figures are for the year 2008. Source: U.S. Department of Energy; Renewable Fuels Association.

The United States is the world’s leading producer of ethanol, followed by Brazil.

Can Biofuels Help?

Could using biofuels instead of fossil fuels reduce the amount of
pollution and the threat of climate change? That depends. Some
biofuels used today have serious problems. Like fossil fuels,
wood produces greenhouse gases when it is burned. The same
is true of ethanol, dung, and some other biofuels.
A major problem with wood is that harvesting too much of it
can threaten the world’s forests. This can make global warming

Y ou K n o w
D id Pop Goes

the Biodiesel!
Willie Nelson is not the only star to jump on the biodiesel
bandwagon. Film star Daryl Hannah has used biodiesel to
run her Chevy El Camino. Singer Melissa Etheridge and
the Indigo Girls have used biodiesel to power their tour
buses. So have Jack Johnson and Bonnie Raitt. Perry
Farrell, lead singer of the group Jane’s Addiction, went
one step further. On the Lollapalooza tour, he powered
whole concerts with biodiesel. Everything—including
amplifiers and lights—ran on biofuels.
Folk-rock star Neil Young is an outspoken biodiesel fan.
Young drives a sleek, fuel-efficient LincVolt. The LincVolt
has the body of an old-fashioned luxury car, the Lincoln
Continental Mark IV, but its engine has been retooled.
It runs on biodiesel and electric power. Young likes his
LincVolt so
much he wrote
an entire
album about
it. The album,
Fork in the
Road, came
out in 2009.

Willie Nelson prepares to fill his tour bus with biodiesel.


Corn is more than a source of food. It can also be used to produce ethanol,
a leading biofuel.

worse, because forests and jungles absorb greenhouse gases.

A similar problem happens when jungles are cut down to grow
biofuel crops. Farmers in Brazil have cut down some of the
Amazon jungle to grow sugarcane for ethanol.
Energy researchers recognize these problems. They are
developing new ways to make and use biofuels. These methods
would not involve burning. They would not cut down precious
forest lands. They would not add more greenhouse gases to
the atmosphere. Someday, these new biofuels may help solve
both the world’s energy supply problem and the problem of
global warming.


R 2
Storage Battery

PTE Today, the world gets about 8 percent

of its energy from traditional biofuels

CH such as wood and dung. Wood cut for fuel

is a very important source of energy in some
African countries. Africa as a whole gets more than
20 percent of its energy from wood. In the United States, on the
other hand, wood fuel makes up only about 2 percent of the
energy supply. About 800,000 U.S. homes burn wood as their
main source of heat.
About 2 percent of the world’s energy supply comes from
modern biofuels such as ethanol. This percentage is likely to
increase in the future, as researchers find new ways to replace
fossil fuels with renewable fuels.

Understanding Carbon
To understand how biofuels work, you need to understand the
carbon cycle. The carbon cycle is the process by which living
things collect, store, and use energy. Life on Earth could not
exist without it.
Carbon is found in all living things. It is also found in the air
you breathe and the food you eat. Biofuels contain carbon. So
do fossil fuels. In fact, biofuels and fossil fuels are often called
carbon-based fuels.
Your body contains carbon along with oxygen and hydrogen.
More than 90 percent of the human body consists of these

three elements. (Elements are the basic building blocks that all
things are made of.) Oxygen combines with hydrogen to form
water. Water makes up, on average, about 60 percent of body
weight. Scientists refer to water as H2O. This series of letters
and numbers is called a chemical formula. The formula has a
specific meaning. It tells us that water has two parts hydrogen
(H) for every one part oxygen (O).
Carbon combines easily with many other elements. These
combinations are called compounds. Millions of compounds
contain carbon. Many of them also contain hydrogen and
oxygen. These three elements are all found in ethanol. The
chemical formula for ethanol is C2H5OH.

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Carbon is a key element of life on Earth. In the carbon cycle, living things collect, store,
and use energy.


BiofuelsFNL.indd 15 4/8/10 3:24:37 PM


Wood stoves are common in Africa and other parts of the world.

How Plants Store Energy

All living things get energy from the Sun, but simply collecting
energy is not enough. Living things also need a way to store
energy for later use. Carbon compounds are a key part of this
process. They act like a storage battery. They hold energy until
it is needed.
At the heart of the carbon cycle is a process called
photosynthesis. The first part of the word (photo) come from
the Greek word meaning “light.” The second part (synthesis)
comes from a word meaning “to combine” or “to make.”
In photosynthesis, green plants and algae take energy from
sunlight. They combine this energy with water (H2O) and
carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 is a gas found in the air.

Y ou K n o w
D id Betting Big

on Biofuels
Companies and countries are spending large sums in
the race to develop biofuels. In 2008, for example, new
investments in biofuels added up to about $25 billion.
The United States, Brazil, China, and India accounted for
much of that money.
In the United States, the production of fuel ethanol
has grown rapidly in recent decades. In 1981, the United
States produced 83 million gallons (314 million liters)
of ethanol for fuel. By 2008, the total had increased to
more than 9 billion gallons (34 billion liters).

Sugars and Starches

During photosynthesis, plants produce two substances. The
first substance is oxygen. It goes back into the air. The second
substance is glucose. Glucose is a simple sugar. It contains
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The word glucose comes from an
old Greek word meaning “sweet.” This form of sugar is found in
fruits, honey, and sugarcane. It is also found in the bloodstream.
Glucose is a storehouse of energy. Animals and plants rely on
it as an energy source. Animals get glucose by feeding on the
plants that produce it. Glucose unites with other elements
to make complex sugars and starches. Starches form a major
part of the human diet. Rice, potatoes, bread, and noodles all
contain starches.

Active children need carbohydrates to give them energy.

Together, sugars and starches are called carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are compounds that contain carbon, hydrogen,
and oxygen. The first part of the word (carbo) means that the
substance has carbon. The second part (hydrates) means that
the hydrogen and oxygen occur in the same proportion as in
water. That is, carbohydrates have two parts hydrogen for every
one part oxygen.

Energy to Burn
All living things need energy to grow. Animals also use energy
to move and keep warm. How do animals unlock the energy
stored in carbohydrates? The answer is a process that is called

Y ou K n o w
D id Pellet Power

Until recently, biofuels have had a very small part in producing
electric power. In 2006, for example, fossil fuels produced
about two-thirds of the world’s supply of electricity. Renewable
energy sources—including sunlight, wind, and biofuels—
produced less than 3 percent of the total.
This pattern is changing, and the European Union (EU) is
leading the way. Twenty-seven countries belong to the EU.
Members include Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom,
and other major European powers. EU countries have agreed
that by the year 2020, 20 percent of their energy will come
from renewable sources. To meet this target, EU members will
need to produce 20 percent of their electricity from renewable
fuels. Power companies in Europe have begun buying large
amounts of wood pellets from U.S. companies. Wood pellets
look like vitamin pills. They are made from wood wastes such
as shredded wood and
sawdust. They can
be burned in place of
coal in electric power
plants. They can also be
used as a fuel to cook
food and heat homes.

Wood pellets are a renewable fuel

that can be burned in power plants
and used to heat homes.


During respiration, animals breathe in oxygen from the

air. Oxygen acts like the “on” switch in a flashlight. It turns
the energy stored in carbohydrates into usable power. When
oxygen is combined with glucose, the glucose breaks down.
This process releases energy along with H2O and CO2.
Photosynthesis and respiration are like two sides of the same
coin. In photosynthesis, green plants take CO2 out of the air and
give back oxygen. In respiration, animals take oxygen out of the
air and give back CO2. The carbon cycle has been going on like
this for hundreds of millions of years.

Adding Fuel to the Fire

People’s actions affect the
carbon cycle. For example,
people dig or pump fossil fuels
out of the ground. Mining and
burning fossil fuels releases
carbon that has been locked
up in these fuels for many
millions of years. This carbon
enters the atmosphere as
carbon dioxide. CO2 is a
greenhouse gas. The buildup
of CO2 in the atmosphere
contributes to global warming.

Coal—a leading fossil fuel—is mostly made

of carbon.


As the use of fossil fuels has grown, so has the amount of

CO2 entering the air. In 1980, burning fossil fuels released 18.5
billion metric tons of CO2. By 2006, more than 29 billion metric
tons was released. China burns a great deal of coal in power
plants. Between 1980 and 2006, China’s output of CO2 jumped
from 1.5 billion metric tons to 6.0 billion metric tons.

Biofuels and Global Warming

Because biofuels come from living things, they, too, contain
carbon. This presents a problem. When biofuels are burned,
is carbon released into the
atmosphere? If so, do biofuels
contribute to global warming?
Some scientists say no. They In Their
believe that burning biofuels Own Words
instead of fossil fuels can actually
“We will increase our
reduce the threat of global
research in...cutting-edge
warming. The explanation for this
methods of producing
is based on the carbon cycle.
ethanol, not just from
Biofuel crops use CO2 as they
corn, but from wood
grow. Biofuels release CO2 as they
chips and stalks, or
burn. As long as people continue
switchgrass. Our goal is
to plant biofuel crops year after
to make this new kind
year, some or all of the CO2 that
of ethanol practical and
is released will be absorbed by
competitive within
the growing plants. The result
six years.”
is that less CO2 remains in the
President George W. Bush,
atmosphere. The more CO2 that announcing a new biofuel
biofuel crops absorb, the less stays research program in 2006
in the air to cause global warming.
Waste Not,

R 3
Want Not

Scientists use the word biomass

to describe plant matter and animal

CH wastes that can serve as fuel. Biomass

comes in many different forms. These include
trees, crops (such as corn and sugarcane), grasses,
algae and other plants that grow in water, animal wastes
(manure), human wastes (sewage), and garbage.
Some forms of biomass can be burned directly. This is true
of dry wood branches and twigs. Other forms of biomass need
processing before they can be used as fuel. For example, fresh-
picked corn cannot be burned in a car engine. Instead, the
starch in the corn must be converted to sugar, and this sugar
must be turned into ethanol. The ethanol can then be used as
fuel in an engine.
Biomass that must be processed is called a feedstock.
A feedstock serves as raw material. The fuel is the finished
product. For example, corn, sugarcane, and grasses can all be
used as feedstocks for making ethanol.

A Renewable Resource
A major benefit of using biomass to create energy is that it is
renewable. Forests are cut down, but they can be replanted.
Crops are harvested, but new crops can be grown. People and
animals produce waste daily. People cart a steady supply of
garbage to waste dumps everywhere. The world may run out of
fossil fuels—but as long as the Sun shines, rain falls, and plants
grow, the world will not run out of biomass.
Another major benefit of biomass is that every nation has
its own supply. In Brazil and India, for example, the climate
favors sugarcane growing. These countries use sugarcane as a
feedstock for making ethanol. Sugarcane does not grow well
in most of the United States, but corn does. So U.S. ethanol
producers use corn as their feedstock.
This gives biofuels another big advantage over fossil fuels.
Every country can grow crops that fit its biomass needs. Every
country produces wastes and garbage that can serve as a
feedstock to produce energy. In contrast, fossil fuels are not

The United States produces millions of tons of trash each year, some of which could be
turned into fuel.


Y ou K n o w
D idGetting Ethanol

from Corn
Ethanol can be made from corn in several different ways. One
common method is called dry milling. First, the corn kernels are
ground up into flour (or “meal”). Water is then mixed with the meal
to make a mash. Next, enzymes are added. Enzymes are substances
like the ones found naturally in your stomach. They turn the starch
in the corn mash into sugar.
Next, yeast is added. (This is like the yeast that bakers use to
make bread.) The yeast turns much of the sugar mash into ethanol.
The process also produces leftover corn solids and carbon dioxide
(CO2). The corn solids can be dried and used as animal feed. The CO2
can be sold for use in soft drinks. It can also be used to make dry
ice, which is frozen CO2.

produced in every country. For example, three countries—

China, the United States, and Russia—together hold about 60
percent of the world’s coal. Most other countries have very little
coal or none at all. When they need coal, countries that do not
have it must pay a high price to buy it from those that do. The
situation is similar with the other fossil fuels—oil and natural
gas. Biomass, on the other hand, is produced everywhere.

Turning Waste into Energy

In some countries, people use animal manure as a feedstock.
People on farms collect the manure, mix it with water, and put

the mixture in an airtight container. This container is called a

digester. When the manure decays (breaks down), it produces
biogas, which can be used for fuel. Biogas from cow manure is
about 60 percent methane gas. Methane (CH4) is a compound
of carbon and hydrogen. It burns cleanly and can be used for
lighting, cooking, heating, and making electricity. Methane is
also the main ingredient in natural gas.
Digesters have been used since the 1950s in Kenya, a
country in east Africa. The manure from two cows can supply

Y ou K n o w
D id Cutting Oil
Import Costs
The United States is a major producer of crude oil. Because the
United States uses much more crude oil than it can produce,
it is also a major buyer of crude oil from other countries. The
nation spent about $453 billion to import (bring in) foreign oil
and oil products in 2008. About $335 billion of that total was
spent on crude oil. The cost of importing crude oil was almost
four times higher in 2008 than in 2000.
One way to cut oil import costs is to substitute biofuels
made in the United States. Another way is to conserve energy
wherever possible. For example, people conserve energy when
they reuse and recycle things instead of buying new ones. They
also save energy by using a bike, bus, or train instead of driving
their cars. You can help conserve energy right now by turning
off lights, computers, and other electronic devices that are not
in use.


A biogas digester turns animal waste into biogas, which can be used as fuel.

a farm family with energy for one hour of cooking or five hours
of lighting each day. Biogas has also become important in China
and India. About two-thirds of Chinese families on farms and in
villages rely on biogas as their main fuel.
Human waste can also be used to produce biogas. In U.S.
cities and towns, waste and water from toilets is sent through
sewer pipes to sewage treatment plants. There, the sludge
(solid waste) is separated from the dirty water. The water can
then be cleaned and treated to make it safe for reuse. This
process takes energy. Some sewage treatment plants use the
sludge as a feedstock. They convert the sludge into biogas.
The biogas is then used as fuel in an electrical generator.
Electricity from the generator provides power to run the whole
plant. This includes cleaning and treating the dirty water to
make it safe for reuse.

Y ou K n o w
D id
Getting Biodiesel

from Weeds
Even plants once thought of as pests can be used as biomass.
One such plant is called jatropha. Until recently, many people
viewed jatropha as a worthless weed. That attitude is changing.
The jatropha plant produces seeds containing at least 19 percent
oil. When the seeds are crushed, the oil can be removed and used
as biodiesel. In car engines, it can replace diesel from crude oil. It
can also replace wood in stoves and heaters.
The good news about jatropha is that it can grow in poor soil. It
does not need much rain, and it resists bugs and plant diseases.
Farmers in Mali, a country in west Africa, have begun planting
large amounts of jatropha. In rural areas, it is used as fuel to
run grain mills and water pumps. Countries such as China, India,
Malaysia, and the Philippines are also planting the crop.
Jatropha must be handled carefully. The seeds are poisonous.
People who eat jatropha seeds can get sick. Some experts worry
that people who handle large amounts of the seeds may also show
ill effects. In addition,
jatropha often grows
where it is not wanted.
If it spreads to fields
where food is grown,
it could reduce food
crop yields.

A woman at work in a jatropha

plantation in India.


From Trash to Treasure

Each year, people in the United States throw out more than 230
million metric tons of trash. That adds up to almost three times
the amount of garbage Americans got rid of in 1960. What goes
into this huge pile of waste? Food scraps and yard trimmings
make up part of the haul. The waste also includes product
packaging, bottles, clothing, and newspapers. Handled properly,
this trash can be a tremendous resource. Grass clippings and
some food wastes can be turned into compost to help crops

Turning Trash into Energy

Recycled Burned for Energy

6.4% 12.6%

Recycled 54.0%
Discarded 24.9%

1960 2007

Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Americans now make better use of waste. A great deal is now recycled or composted, and
a significant amount is burned for energy.


Many food wastes and grass clippings can be turned into compost, which can then be
used to help plants grow.

grow. Bottles, plastic items,

and paper can be recycled.
Some trash can be treated as
In Their
biomass and either burned or Own Words
converted to biogas. “Biomass is the promise
Back in 1960, almost no and the hope that
trash in the United States was you don’t have to use a
burned to produce energy. food create
Today, for every eight tons a greater good. You
of trash, one ton is burned can use agricultural
as fuel. The amount is likely material that would
to increase, as more waste be thrown away.”
dumps find clean, safe ways Ann Tucker, NatureWorks
to burn their trash.
Where There’s

R 4

PTE As an energy source, biomass has

many benefits. It is renewable and can

CH be produced almost anywhere. It can help

cut dependence on fossil fuels. It can help
countries reduce their import costs for fossil fuels.
All this is true. It is not the whole story, however. British
researchers have studied many biofuels now used as energy
sources. These include biogas, wood pellets, poultry litter, straw,
and fuels from energy crops. The scientists found that burning
these biofuels released less carbon dioxide (CO2) than burning
fossil fuels. This was good news for people who were worried
about global warming.
Other news was not so good. Like fossil fuels, biofuels can
cause air pollution when burned. Pollution from nitrogen oxides
is a big problem. Nitrogen oxides are gases that contain the
elements nitrogen and oxygen. Nitrogen oxides contribute to
smog. Nitrogen oxides can also irritate your eyes, nose, throat,
and lungs. These gases can make you cough, feel tired, or even
feel nauseous.

Black Carbon
Another pollution problem from some biofuels is black
carbon—the term scientists use for soot. Black carbon can
leave a thin layer of dirt and grime on buildings, streets, cars,
and clothes. It contributes to smog and is a serious health
Special cookers like this, which use solar
power, are a clean, safe alternative to
the dung or wood stoves used in many

hazard. Much of the black

carbon is produced in Asia
and Africa by crude cook
stoves that burn wood and
dung. Soot and smoke from
crude cook stoves cause lung
diseases that kill thousands
of people each year.
Recent research has
shown that black carbon is
also a major cause of global
warming. Dark particles of
soot absorb heat from the
Sun. Some of this soot travels
through the air and settles on
glaciers. This warms the ice and causes it to melt more quickly.
Researchers are developing new types of cook stoves.
Some burn biofuels more efficiently. Others use solar power,
avoiding biofuels altogether. Widespread use of better cook
stoves would reduce pollution, improve people’s health, and
cut global warming.

Biofuel Costs
In the United States, the government supports the growth
of the biofuels industry. A law passed in 2007 requires the

production of 36 billion gallons (136 billion liters) of biofuels

a year by 2022. At least 15 billion gallons (57 billion liters) of
that yearly total will be ethanol from corn. The ethanol will be
blended with gasoline.
Currently, it costs more to produce a gallon of ethanol than
a gallon of gasoline. To encourage use of biofuels, the U.S.
government spends money to keep the price low. Friends of the
Earth, an environmental group, reported that the government
paid more than $9.5 billion to support biofuels in 2008. The
group found that U.S. government support for biofuels could
amount to $420 billion between 2008 and 2022.

An ethanol plant in Canada, where corn is turned into automobile fuel.


PEOPLE TO KNOW Professor Veerabhadran Ramanathan is one of the world’s leading
experts on climate change. He was born in India and studied
engineering and science there. He earned a doctoral degree in 1974
from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He teaches at
the University of California in San Diego. Since 2004, he has held the
title of distinguished professor of atmospheric and climate sciences.
The problem of soot from stoves has bothered Ramanathan for
a long time. When he was growing up, he watched his grandmother
cook over wood and dung fires. “After two hours of cooking, she would
be coughing like mad,” he remembers.
In 2009, he launched Project Surya. (Surya means “Sun” in
Sanskrit, a language of ancient India.) The project will test cleaner-
burning stoves in India. The stoves are designed to produce much
less soot.

Fuel versus Food

Is all this spending a good idea? Some scientists do not think
so. They are especially worried about ethanol from corn. People
eat corn and feed it to farm animals. Corn that is used for fuel
cannot be used as food or feed. In addition, growth in ethanol
use pushes up demand for corn. That pushes food prices up,
too. In recent years, corn prices have risen not just in the
United States but around the world. Corn is found in many
foods, from breakfast cereals to tacos. When food prices rise,
poor people suffer the most.
Ethanol from corn is supposed to reduce demand for
fossil fuels. Right now, however, that does not appear to be
happening. Farmers who grow corn for ethanol still use large
amounts of fossil fuels. Tractors run on diesel from crude oil. So
do other farm machines. Fertilizers are made from fossil fuels.


Y ou K n o w
D id How Do

Biofuels Compare?
Different kinds of fuels are measured in different ways. For example,
crude oil is often measured in barrels, coal in tons, and natural gas
in cubic feet (or cubic meters). To find which fuels pack the most
energy, we need a way to compare them.
In the United States, the energy content of a fuel is often
expressed in BTU (or British thermal units). One BTU is defined as
the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one pound
(0.45 kilograms) of water by 1º Fahrenheit (0.56º Celsius). Here is
the energy contained in some common fossil fuels and biofuels:

Type of Fuel Energy Content (in BTU)

Coal 20.169 million per ton
Paper pellets 13.029 million per ton
Utility Poles (wood) 12.500 million per ton

Diesel (from crude oil) 139,000 per gallon
Gasoline 124,000 per gallon
Biodiesel 118,300 per gallon
Ethanol 83,330 per gallon

Natural gas 1,028 per cubic foot
Biogas (from digester) 619 per cubic foot
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration


A boy at a county fair enjoys a

corn dog—one of many foods
that contain corn.

So are the chemicals

that kill insect pests.
Most of the trucks that
carry corn to market
still use fossil fuels.
Most of the corn
harvested by U.S.
farmers is grown in
the middle of the
country. Most of the
ethanol is produced there, too. The ethanol must be carried
by tanker trucks or rail cars to the major cities on the East and
West Coasts. This also requires large amounts of fossil fuels.
In addition, if the truck or train has an accident, the ethanol—
which burns easily—may pose a serious fire hazard.
Ethanol crops take land that might be used to grow other
food or feed grains. This can also drive food prices up, since
farmers may not be planting as many food crops. Ethanol
crops also require fresh water, which is scarce in many parts of
the world. Some scientists wonder whether the benefits from
ethanol are really worth the costs.

Forests in Peril
Another problem with biofuel crops is their impact on forests.
For example, Indonesia, a country in Southeast Asia, has

become the world’s largest producer of palm oil. This oil

comes from the fruit and seeds of the oil palm tree. Many
foods contain palm oil, which can also be turned into soap. In
Indonesia, much of the palm oil is now used as a feedstock to
make biodiesel.
To grow oil palms, more than 9.4 million acres (3.8 million
hectares) of rain forest have been cut down. From 1996
through 2008, Indonesia lost rain forest at a rate of about 2,000
acres (800 hectares) a day. The effects have been severe. When
forest lands are cleared, soils rich in carbon are exposed to the
air. They release large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. In
addition, the oil palm trees absorb less CO2 than the dense rain


The world’s tropical rain forests are disappearing as forests are cut down for the planting
of crops, including those used for biofuels.


BiofuelsFNL.indd 36 4/8/10 3:17:15 PM


In Their
Own Words
“People don’t want to
believe renewable fuels
could be bad. But when
you realize we’re tearing
down rain forests that
store loads of carbon to
grow crops that store
much less carbon,
it becomes obvious.”
Timothy D. Searchinger,
biofuels expert, 2008

An oil palm tree growing in Indonesia.

forest they replace. So growing oil palm trees for biodiesel may
actually make global warming worse.
Brazil faces a similar problem. The country has already
lost a large part of its rain forest. Farmers clear forest land by
cutting and burning. This sends large amounts of soot and CO2
into the air. The forest lands have been cleared by farmers who
want to raise cattle, soybeans, and sugarcane. Sugarcane is the
main feedstock for ethanol in Brazil. Climate scientists warn
that cutting down more rain forest to grow sugarcane could
hurt the planet, not help it.
The Future

R 5
of Biofuels

PTE People have been burning biofuels

since ancient times. Today, biofuels are

CH starting to replace fossil fuels for some

purposes. Ethanol is burned along with—and
in place of—gasoline. Biodiesel is used instead of
diesel from crude oil. Unlike fossil fuels, biofuels will always be
there when people need them.
Experts believe that in the next few decades, supplies of
crude oil will run short. Prices for oil and oil products will go
up. For these reasons, the use of biofuels is sure to increase. In
addition, more cities and towns will begin to use garbage and
sewage as energy feedstocks. If air pollution problems linked
to these sources can be solved, this is a very good way to turn
mountains of trash into useful energy.

Ethanol from Grasses

How long will people continue to use ethanol? This will
depend on whether scientists can find cheap ways to make the
fuel from crops that cannot be used as food. Currently, U.S.
companies make large amounts of ethanol from the starch in
corn kernels. The corn is also needed for food and animal feed.
Scientists are working to see if ethanol can be made cheaply
from grasses that grow easily and that no one wants to eat.
The answer may involve a substance called cellulose. This
substance is found in the cell walls of all grasses and trees.

A researcher with a sample of switchgrass, a type of
grass that is being studied as a possible source of ethanol.

Cellulose contains carbon along with

hydrogen and oxygen. The formula for
this carbohydrate is C6H10O5. Cellulose
is complex. It is much tougher to break
down than sugars and starches.
Some animals and insects are very
good at getting energy from cellulose.
For example, termites have enzymes
that allow them to eat wood. (This is
what makes termites such a problem
for people who build and own homes.) The enzymes turn the
cellulose into sugar. Scientists already know a great deal about
these enzymes. The challenge is to learn how to make large
quantities of them at low cost. When this happens, companies
will be able to make ethanol cheaply from many different kinds
of grasses. This could be very good news. Ethanol from corn
yields only about 30 percent more energy than it takes to grow
and process the corn. With grasses as a feedstock, the energy
gain is up to 80 percent.

Energy from Algae

As a feedstock for ethanol, grasses are much better than corn
because they cannot be used for food. Both crops, however,
require land to grow on. Another energy crop—algae—is
different. It requires no farmland. It does not even need
freshwater. Growing in saltwater, algae takes in sunlight and

carbon dioxide (CO2). Algae make large amounts of biomass

through photosynthesis. This biomass can be turned into
biodiesel and other fuels.
One exciting project, in Venice, Italy, will use biofuel from
algae to produce electricity. The algae is grown in large plastic
tubes. The CO2 produced when the fuel burns is not released
into the air. Instead, it is pumped back into the tubes to grow
more algae. Plans call for the Venice power plant to be finished
by 2011.
Many other algae projects are under way. In Florida, for
example, chemical companies are building a saltwater “algae
farm” to make ethanol. The ethanol would be used as fuel
and to make plastics. Another company is growing algae
on saltwater ponds in Texas. Algae produces oil, which the
company wants to use to make jet fuel.

Algae is being grown in special troughs that are filled with saltwater and covered
with plastic.


BiofuelsFNL.indd 40 4/8/10 2:47:23 PM


Y ou K n o w
D id
From Fries to Fuel

McDonald’s has more than 31,000 restaurants in about 120
countries. It is not only the world’s largest restaurant chain. It is
also the world’s biggest seller of burgers and French fries. All those
fries are cooked in vegetable oil—millions of gallons of it.
Until recently, restaurant managers threw out all the used frying
oil. Now, McDonald’s has found a better thing to do with the oil.
Today, much of the used frying oil is turned into biodiesel. In Europe,
about 80 percent of the used oil becomes fuel. Some of the fuel
powers the company’s delivery trucks.
More than 7,500 McDonald’s restaurants in the United States
recycle their frying oil. McDonald’s has found a clever way to do
this. Each restaurant has separate storage tanks for fresh oil and
waste oil. Each week, a large truck stops at the restaurant. The
truck pumps in a new supply of fresh oil and collects the waste
oil. The waste oil is then sold to a biofuel company. This company
refines the used oil, turning it into clean-burning biodiesel.

The Promise of Hydrogen

Recently, scientists have been looking closely at another way of
using biomass. All biomass contains hydrogen. Can hydrogen
be used to produce energy? The answer is yes. Liquid hydrogen
is already used as rocket fuel. Car engines have been designed
to run on hydrogen instead of gasoline or diesel.
A shift to hydrogen would be a major step in cutting use of
fossil fuels. It could also help reduce global warming. When


Lee Lynd is a leader in the effort to produce ethanol from cellulose.
He holds degrees in life sciences and engineering. In 1987, he joined
the faculty of Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. Today, he is a
professor at Dartmouth and at the Stellenbosch University, located
in South Africa. He is also a co-founder of a biofuel company, the
Mascoma Corporation.
Lynd is hopeful about the future of biofuels. He believes that
farmers in the United States are prepared to switch from corn to
other sources of ethanol.
“The farm community is more ready to listen to ideas about
biofuels now than it ever has been,” he says. “They don’t want to
be left out, and if they have to change to new fuels, they’ll change.”

hydrogen burns, energy is produced along with water. No

greenhouse gases are released.
Hydrogen does not exist alone in nature. It is found in many
compounds. Water (H2O) is one such compound. Methane
(CH4 )—which is found in biogas—is another. Scientists know
how to run an electric current through water to get hydrogen
gas. The problem with this method is that it uses a great deal of
energy and is very expensive. In addition, scientists know how
to get hydrogen by applying superheated steam to methane.
This method also has a problem. It releases a gas called carbon
monoxide (CO). CO pollutes the air. Breathing CO is a serious
health hazard.
Scientists are trying to find a better way to unlock pure
hydrogen from biomass. This method would need to be safe
and cheap. It would also need to make effective use of the
carbon released along with the hydrogen. If scientists succeed
in safely turning biomass into hydrogen, they could go a long
way to solving the world’s energy problems.

Y ou K n o w
D id Running on

Can you imagine a race car powered by chocolate and steered by
carrots? Researchers in England not only imagined it—they built it.
In May 2009, scientists at the University of Warwick introduced the
“WorldFirst Formula 3 racing car.” The car runs on biodiesel that
is from chocolate waste
and vegetable oils. It is
designed to reach racing
speeds of more than 145
miles (233 kilometers)
per hour.
Scientists also made
use of renewable materials
in building the car. The
steering wheel, for
example, includes materials
from carrots and other
root vegetables. The car
body uses materials from
potatoes and other plants.

The Formula 3 race car that runs on

biodiesel made from chocolate and
vegetable oil.


algae: Life forms that resemble carbon dioxide: A gas formed

plants and usually grow in water. when fossil fuels are burned; also
atmosphere: The envelope of air written as CO2.
that surrounds the planet. cellulose: A carbohydrate found
in the walls of plant cells; also
biodiesel: Biofuels made from
written as C6H10O5.
plant oils or animal fats that can
be substituted for diesel fuel made climate: The weather and overall
from crude oil. conditions in a place as measured
over a long period of time.
biofuels: Renewable fuels that
come from living things. compost: Decayed plant
materials and manure that can be
biogas: A gas consisting mostly used as fertilizer.
of methane and carbon dioxide
that is produced when biomass compound: A substance formed
decays. when two or more elements unite.

biomass: Plants and animal crude oil: Petroleum as it is

wastes that can be used as fuel. pumped from the well, before it is
refined to make gasoline, jet fuel,
black carbon: Soot formed and other products.
when biomass is burned.
decay: To break down or rot.
carbohydrates: Compounds
digester: A special container in
consisting of carbon, hydrogen,
which manure, mixed with water,
and oxygen; these compounds,
is turned into biogas.
which store energy, include
glucose, cellulose, and other doctoral degree: The highest
sugars and starches. degree, or title, awarded by a
carbon cycle: The process
by which living things collect, dung: Solid waste from humans
store, and use energy. Plants or animals; also called manure.
take carbon dioxide from the It can be used as a biofuel when
atmosphere during photosynthesis dried, or turned into biogas in a
and return it by respiration; the special container called a digester.
respiration of animals and the element: A basic chemical
burning of fossil fuels also return substance that cannot be divided
carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. into simpler substances.

enzyme: A natural substance that greenhouse gases: Gases that
can increase the rate at which trap heat from the Sun within the
chemicals react with one another. atmosphere; carbon dioxide is one
ethanol: A fuel that can replace of the most common.
gasoline and is made from crops jatropha: A plant that grows easily,
like corn and sugarcane. even in poor soil, and produces
seeds rich in oil. Jatropha oil can be
famine: A food shortage severe
used as biodiesel.
enough to cause illness or death
from starvation. methane: A gas used as a fuel that
is the main ingredient in natural
feedstock: Raw material than can
be processed to make biofuels.
photosynthesis: The process
flex-fuel car: A vehicle that can by which plants use energy from
run on gasoline, ethanol, or a blend the Sun to turn water and carbon
of the two. dioxide into food; they then give off
formula: In chemistry, a series of oxygen. This process is part of the
letters and numbers showing the carbon cycle.
elements that make up a compound power plant: A place for the
and the proportions in which they production of electric power, also
are present. sometimes called a “power station.”
fossil fuels: Fuels, such as coal, renewable: A resource that never
natural gas, or oil, that were formed gets used up. Energy sources such
underground over millions of years as sunlight, wind, and biofuels
from the remains of prehistoric are renewable; sources such
plants and animals. Such fuels are as coal, natural gas, and oil are
not renewable. nonrenewable.
generator: A machine that is used respiration: The process by which
to convert energy, such as that living things take in oxygen and
provided by burning fuel or by wind produce energy and carbon dioxide
or water, into electricity. from carbohydrates. This process is
glucose: A simple sugar found part of the carbon cycle.
in fruits, honey, corn, and animal sludge: Solid waste separated from
blood. For plants and animals, waste water at a sewage treatment
glucose is an important energy plant. Sludge can be used as a
source. feedstock to produce biogas.


Read these books:

Armentrout, David, and Patricia Armentrout. Biofuels. Vero Beach,
Florida: Rourke, 2008.
De la Garza, Amanda. Biomass: Energy from Plants and Animals.
Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006.
Povey, Karen D. Biofuels. San Diego: KidHaven Press, 2006.
Solway, Andrew. Biofuels. Pleasantville, New York: Gareth Stevens, 2008.
Thomas, Isabel. The Pros and Cons of Biomass Power. New York:
Rosen Central, 2008.
Walker, Niki. Biomass: Fueling Change. New York: Crabtree, 2007.

Look up these Web sites:

BrainPOP: Energy
EPA Climate Change Kids Site
HowStuffWorks—Alternative Fuels
Renewable Energy—Biomass

Key Internet search terms:

biodiesel, biofuels, biomass, carbon cycle, climate change,
ethanol, greenhouse gases


The abbreviation ill. stands for illustration, and ills. stands for illustrations.
Page references to illustrations and maps are in italic type.

Africa 14, 25, 27, 31; energy storing Dung 4, 5, 11, 14

ill. 16 process 16
Air pollution 9, 11, 30 Carbon dioxide 16, Earth (planet) 14
Algae 6, 22, 39–40; 20–21, 30, 36, Electricity 19, 25, 26,
ill. 40 40; ill. 15 40
Animals and plants 4, uses of 24 Energy efficiency ill. 34
5, 7, 18, 20, 27, Cars and trucks see Environmental
33, 39; ills. 6, 15 Vehicles problems 9, 37;
carbon cycle and Cellulose 38–39, 42 map 36
ill. 15 Chemical elements 15 Enzymes 24, 39
photosynthesis Children ills. 16, 18, 35 Ethanol 5, 8, 10, 14,
16, 17 China 17, 21, 24, 26, 15, 22, 32, 33;
27 ill. 11
Benefits of biofuels Climate change 9, 11 cellulose, use of
29, 30 Coal 4, 7, 24, 34; 38–39
Biodiesel 5, 6, 12, ills. 7, 20 costs of 35
27, 41 Collecting and storing production of 17,
race car, for 43 energy 16, 17–18; 24; ill. 32
Biogas 25, 26, 29 ill. 15 Europe 19, 41
Biomass 22–23, 24, Compost 28; ills. 28, 29
27, 29, 30, 41 Farmers and farming 5,
Cooking and heating 4, 26, 33, 35, 37
Black carbon 30–31 5, 19, 25, 31, 33;
Brazil 5, 8, 13, 17, jatropha crop 27
ills. 16, 31 Fats and oils 5, 6, 36,
23, 37 Corn 5, 22, 23, 24, 33,
British Thermal Units 41, 43
35, 38; ill. 13 Feedstock 22, 23, 26,
(BTU) 34 Costs of biofuels 31–32, 39–40
Campfire 4; ill. 5 33, 35 Filling stations 10;
Carbohydrates 18, Crops 13, 21, 22, 37; ill. 10
20, 39 ill. 27 Flex-fuel vehicles 8, 10
Carbon and carbon Digester 25; ill. 26 Foods 28, 33, 36, 41,
compounds Drawbacks of biofuels 43; ill. 35
14–15, 18, 20, 21, 30–32, Forests 11, 13, 22,
25, 36, 37; ill. 15 35–37 35–37
black carbon 30–31 forests, threat to Fossil fuels 7, 9, 11, 14,
cellulose 38–39 11, 13 19, 20, 21, 33
biomass compared Manure 5, 22, 24, 25 hydrogen, use of
23, 24; ill. 34 McDonald’s 41 41–42
Future of biofuels 6, 13, Methane 25, 42 Respiration 18, 20;
38–42 Natural gas 4, 7, 24, ill. 15
Garbage and wastes 19, 25, 34; ill. 7 Sewage treatment 26
22, 25, 26, 28–29; Nelson, Willie 5, 12; Singers and
ill. 23 ill. 12 entertainers 6, 12
Gasoline 10, 32 Nuclear power 4 Soot and smog 9, 30,
Global warming 9, 11, Oil palm 36; ill. 37 31, 37
13, 20–21, 31, Oil 4, 7, 8, 24, 25, 27, Sources of energy 4;
37, 41 38; ill. 7 ill. 7
Glucose 17, 20 Oxygen see Hydrogen Sugarcane 5, 8, 22,
Grasses 6, 22, 38; and oxygen 23, 37
ills. 29, 39 Sugars and starches
Photosynthesis 16, 17,
Greenhouse gases 9, 17, 18, 22, 24
20; ill. 15
11, 13, 20 Sun (star) 16
Rain forest 36, 37; Switchgrass ill. 39
Health hazards 9, 27, map 36
30, 31, 42 Ramanathan, United States 4, 5, 10,
Human body 14, 15 Veerabhadran 33 14, 17, 24, 25, 28,
Hydrogen and oxygen Recycling 25, 29, 41; 31, 32
14, 15, 17, 18, 20, ill. 28 Vehicles 5, 8, 10, 12,
39, 41–42 Renewable energy 4, 7, 41, 43; ill. 43
India 23, 26, 27; ill. 6 19; ill. 7
Water 15, 26, 39, 42
Indonesia 35–36 Research and
Wood 4, 11, 14, 19, 22
Jatropha 27; ill. 27 Wood pellets 19, 30;
13, 17, 31,
Liquid hydrogen 41 ill. 19
Lynd, Lee 42 food, use of 43 Young, Neil 12

About the Author

Geoffrey M. Horn has written more than four dozen books for young
people and adults, along with hundreds of articles for encyclopedias
and other works. He lives in southwestern Virginia, in the foothills of
the Blue Ridge Mountains, with his wife and their five cats. He dedicates
this book to Alan, Jonas, Colm, and Sarah Scott-Gleiner.


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