Four Stages in Cultivating An IMC System

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1. effects are to be achieved.

communication objectives may include creating awareness

or knowledge about a product and its attributes or benefits, creating an image or
developing favorable attitudes, preferences or purchase intentions. communication
objectives should be the guiding force for development of the overall marketing
communications strategy and of objectives for each promotional mix area.
2. Marketing budget: When the communication objectives are determined, attention
turns to promotional budget. here ideally the amount a firm needs to spend on
advertising and promotion should be determined by what must be done to accomplish
its communication objectives. in reality, promotional budgets are often determined
using a more simplistic approach, such as how much money is available or a
percentage of a companies or brands sale’s revenue. at this stage the budget is often
tentative. It may not be finalized until specific promotional mix strategies are
3. Marketing strategy: Developing the IMC program is generally the most involved and
detailed step of the promotional planning process. each promotion makes element has
certain advantages and limitations. here decisions have to be made regarding the role
and importance of each element and their coordination with one another. Ex: The
Advertising program will have its own set of objectives, is only involving the
communication of some message or appeal to a target audience. A budget will be
determined, providing the advertising manager and the agency with some idea of how
much money is available for developing the ad camping and purchasing media to
determine the ad message.
4. Marketing tactics: Two important aspects of the advertising program are developed of
the message and the media strategy. message development often referred to as
creative strategy or marketing tactics. Media strategy involves determining which
communication channels will be used to deliver the advertising message to the target
audience. decisions must be made regarding which types of media will be used such
as newspapers, magazines, radio, TV and so on. This task requires careful evaluation
of the media options, advantages and limitations, costs and ability to deliver the
message effectively to the target market.
5. Evaluation: The final stage of the IMC planning process is monitoring evaluating and
controlling the promotional program. It is important to determine how well the IMC
program is meeting communication objectives and helping the firm accomplished its
overall marketing goals and objectives. The IMC planner wants to know not only how
well the promotional program is doing but also why. Example: Problem with the
advertising program may lie in the nature of the message or in a media plan that does
not reach the target market effectively. The manager must know the reasons for the
results in order to take the right steps to correct the program. The final stage of the
process is designed to provide managers with continual feedback concerning the
effectiveness of the IMC program, which in turn can be used as input into the
planning process.

Four stages in cultivating an IMC system

Stage 1: Identify, coordinate and manage all forms of external communication: Here first we
have two identify all forms of external communication. Such as Facebook, YouTube, Google
Edward, Instagram and so on. identifying all of this we have to know how to put
advertisement on these platforms and how to manage all forms of these external
Stage 2: Extend the scope of communication to include everyone in the organization: We
have to involve or communicate with every employee of each department of the organization.
Starting from the higher management and lower management all the departments have to
work and share information together.
Stage 3: Apply information technologies to the IMC program. We have to understand the
information technology. For giving ad in Facebook, Instagram, YouTube we have to
understand the tools and algorithm. Then, we can use information technologies to develop
IMC program.
Stage 4: Treat the IMC as an investment and not a department function. We can't think it as a
Department function it is an investment to involve each department of the organization.

Strategies for the best companies:

1. Developed both interpersonal and cross functional communications. It helps to build

good relationships one department with another. It is not about single Department.
Here one Department helps another Department to complete a task or order on time.
2. Involved customers in planning processes. It is a great strategy for best companies to
make customer a part in planning processes. Example: Survey, customer feedback and
so on. Through this companies can also improve their strategies.
3. Understood customers as corporate customers for the purpose of cross selling. In
reality, we give priority our corporate clients not normal individual customers. We
don't give value, share the information too much to a customer who is purchasing less.
it's not appropriate strategy. we have two think customer as corporate customers for
the purpose of cross selling here.

Factors affecting the value of IMC programs:

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