Adhesion Strongly Depends On Film Thickness and Surface Roughness of Substrate

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Journal: Adhesion test of carbon nanotube film coated onto transparent conducting substrate

Authors: Sang Woon Lee et al. (2010)

Adhesion of carbon nanotube films coated on

transparent substrate was tested mainly using
Scotch tape by peel off method. Now they
propose new adhesion factor which is defined by
transmittance before and after detachment.
Next, to study whether the adhesion strongly
Objective/Abstract depends on film thickness and surface roughness
of substrate.

Two substrates were chosen to test the effect of

surface roughness: PET and PEN - temperature
was maintained at 100 oC (spraying). Film was
peeled using ScotchTM tape (3M Magic Tape
810D). The tape was adhered to the film by
rubbing the entire surface area using constant
pressure. Influence of the variance in the rubbing
Procedure pressure and detachment speed was negligible in
evaluating adhesion factor of the film.

With Increasing number of taping for adhesion,

the film thickness decreases, and the sheet
conductance decreases similarly.

Surface roughness varied by substrate and

affected adhesion factors. Differences observed
Results/Conclusion in the CNT film adhesion are due to the
mechanical interlocking of nanotubes.

Adhesion of Tuball Coat IPA and H20 on PE can be

tested using same method (number of taping and
using Scotch tape).
Will measure the
film thickness after adhesion.
Remarks for project
So far only SR was
checked after adhesion which the conductance
Patent US20050209392A1 Polymer binders for flexible and transparent coating containing CNT
Authors: Luo et al. (2005)

Polymer binders are applied to the CNT network

coating having an open Structure to
provide protection through infiltration. This
provides for the enhancement of properties such
as moisture resistance, thermal resistance,
abrasion resistance and interfacial adhesion. Will
Objective/Abstract look through polymer binder as single/multiple
layers as basecoat underneat or topcoat of CNT.


Selected polymer binder is applied first,

following CNT. Bare CNT exposed to outer
surface to ensure electrical connection.
High defree of penetration of CNT layer into
thermoset binder is required

Polymer applied after CNT coated.

Thermplastic directly applied will thermoset
polymer need to be cured. Binder layer is
expected to diffuse into CNT network,
provide protection from mechanical damage
and moisture infiltration while expose CNT
surface for conductivity.
Better protection compared to basecoat.

Sandwich' structure preferred for better

protection and higher adhesion.

- Proper selection in binder concentration,

solution immersion time, coating speed,
drying temperature and time and other
coating parameter can be used to adjust the
properties by changing coating thickness.

- Binder coating thicknesss can be adjusted by

changing polymer binder concentration
during coating process.

- Binder in patent : Acrylic emulsion

For now, Tuball is bar down using wire bar coater

with thickness of 4 um. So the dry thickness on
film maybe 1 um or lesser. Single layer of CNT is
bar down right now. Will increase
coating thickness by 2 times bar down or increase
solid content of polymer binder. Increased to 3-4
Remarks for project um dry thickness on film.

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