How To Write An Essay Part 3 - Conclusion Paragraph

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How to Write an Essay Part 3 – Conclusion Paragraph

Video Notes

Part A. Complete the information on the parts of a conclusion paragraph. Then, answer the
Sentence Function

1. First Sentence

2. Middle Sentences

3. Last Sentence

Part B. Example. In this essay, use highlight colors to show how the thesis statement reasons
connect to body paragraph topic sentences.

1. In the LEFT margin, label each paragraph: Introduction Paragraph, Body Paragraph #1, Body
Paragraph #2, Body Paragraph #3, and Conclusion Paragraph.

2. a. In the introduction paragraph, highlight reason #1 in the thesis statement YELLOW.

b. In body paragraph #1, highlight the topic sentence YELLOW.
c. In the conclusion paragraph, highlight sentence #2 YELLOW.

3. a. In the introduction paragraph, highlight reason #2 in the thesis statement ORANGE.

b. In body paragraph #2, highlight the topic sentence ORANGE.
c. In the conclusion paragraph, highlight sentence #3 ORANGE.

4. a. In the introduction paragraph, highlight reason #3 in the thesis statement GREEN.

b. In body paragraph #3, highlight the topic sentence GREEN.
c. In the conclusion paragraph, highlight sentence #4 GREEN.

5. a. In the introduction paragraph, highlight the thesis statement main idea LIGHT BLUE.
b. In the conclusion sentence, highlight the first sentence LIGHT BLUE.

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6. a. In the conclusion paragraph, highlight the last sentence BLUE (a darker blue than used in
other sentences above).

(See the essay on the next page.)

The Best Exercise

People need exercise to stay healthy. Adults should exercise 20 minutes daily, but
most people do not. Activities like swimming, lifting weights, and playing sports are
often inconvenient or too expensive. The best type of exercise is walking because it
is easy, convenient, and usually done outside.

Walking is easy. When exercise is too difficult, people stop doing it. However, when
exercise is simple, people often enjoy it and continue to do it. Also, easy activities
cause fewer injuries and less pain than strenuous activities. Walking is great exercise
because it is simple and pleasant to do.

Walking is convenient. A person can walk anywhere—in the city, country, or

mountains. Many other forms of exercise require special equipment or locations. For
example, swimming requires a pool. Lifting weights requires barbells and benches.
Walking can be done anytime and anywhere without special preparation.

Walking is often done outside. During exercise, the body produces chemicals called
endorphins and serotonin, which calm stress and make people feel happy. Scientists
found that people who spend time outdoors in nature feel happier than people who
do not. Walking outside helps mental and physical health.

Walking is an ideal exercise. It is easier than many other sports. It is also more
convenient than many other activities, as a person can do it at almost any time or
place. Finally, walking is usually done outside, which helps people feel happy and
less stressed. Everyone who wants regular exercise should try walking.

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Part C. Conclusion Paragraph Sentences. Write what each sentence does in the conclusion
paragraph. (Hint: Most, but not all, of these sentences remind us of others.)

a. Sentence 1:

b. Sentence 2:

c. Sentence 3:

d. Sentence 4:

e. Sentence 5:

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