6 Robin Hood Work Book

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Word, Sentence and Text Level Activities for the Literacy Hour

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躙 Match the、 〃ords that rnean the same。

pqntomime big block jor

shouted grob
f rig ht scqre
cqtc h Ptqg
big black Pot owned
hα d ge lled

隆鰊軋use a word frorn the box to fillthe gaps in these
l. Biff wqs cross with Kipper, becouse he q keg round
h is neck.
2. Kipper h id in the
3. Anneenq went to the with them.
4. "We don't wqnt the Sheriff to u s.'

5. "Look out, Robin!" the chitdren.

隕綺彬Find a lNlord from the book that has a sirnilar meaning.

qrou nd (P。 ││)

qn qpplquse (P。 2)

qid (P.16)

rest (P.17)

書 1鶴 1議 な
驚豪││ltlh爆 :撫 11議 1観 続薇議16r・lld警 1懸

1摯 ■│1饉 │■ 1艤 │││1饉 ││1爾 ││1鰺 ●■鰺■■1鰺 ││1嬢 │■ 1摩 │101■ │● ││=│● 1■ :● │││●

颯烙趾Ans、〃er the questions to find a hidden、 〃ord.

Choose the right word.

vittoge Robin Hood honds

l│ cheer Kipper

l. What is the title of the pqntomime in the story?

2. Where did the Sheriff tqke the children to?
3. Whqt else did the mon put in the lock besides his heqd?
4. Whqt did everg oudience give to'Robin Hood'in q
5. Who didn't [ike'Robin Hood'song?

粽 what is the hidden、〃Ord?

Write o question thqt hqs the hidden word qs the qnswer.
鑽 Lookin the book to find the ans、 〃er to these

l・ Whり `
″as Biff cross lNlith KIPper?(P。 6)

2e Where did Kipper hide?(P.16)

3.What did Robin ask the children to do?(P・ 10)

4。 What did the Sheriff's men do to Robin Hood?(P.14)

5。 DraⅥ ′and describe、 ″hat rnight have happend if Kipper

had not saved Robin Hood and the children.

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