Sayyor" | Office of
General Services
May 4, 2021
Honorable Robert Ortt Honorable Will Barclay
New York State Senate New York State Assembly
State Capitol, Rm. 315 LOB, Rm. 933,
Albany, NY 12247 Albany, NY 12248
Dear Senator Ortt and Assemblymember Barclay:
| received your correspondence dated April, 30, 2021, in which you requested clarity and easing of current
access restrictions in place at the New York State Capitol and Empire State Plaza.
In response to your letter, | want to assure you that throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the New York State
Office of General Services has taken and continues to take all necessary steps to keep
the public safe and protect the state workforce at OGS-managed facilties, including here at the Empire State
Plaza, Legislative Office Building, and Capitol
‘While most people needed to stay home during the height of the pandemic, members of the OGS team were
present all along. They were responsible for the continual cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch areas as well
as the retrofitting of workspaces inside our buildings. This work is ensuring the state's compliance with COVID-
19 guidelines established to keep those essential workers who needed to come in to work safe and to prepare
for the eventual retum of the state workforce, including legislators and their stats.
‘As the COVID-19 infection rates continue to decrease, we have started the planning process to reopen our
buildings safely and in a manner that protects the occupants who work here so they can continue to keep the
state government operating as well as the visitors who come to engage with their representatives in New York
State government or to view and learn about our historic Capitol's beautiful architecture, art, and history.
All public health and sefety requirements are being reviewed and discussed with the appropriate tenants in our
downtown Albany buildings.
In addition, as construction season begins each Spring, barricades and contractor fencing are in piace to
ensure the public’s safety while maintenance and repair work is underway in various areas of the Empire State
Plaza and Capitol.
OGS is committed to safely and carefully transitioning from a virtual to @ more in-person workplace here at the
Empire State Plaza, Legislative Office Building, and Capitol
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