Ulob Answer Key: Assets: Liabilities and Equity
Ulob Answer Key: Assets: Liabilities and Equity
Ulob Answer Key: Assets: Liabilities and Equity
Let’s Check
Jenessa Jao Company acquired PGTG Company on December 31, 2019.
The financial statement of PGTG Company as of December 31, 2019 is shown below:
Fair value for all accounts have been measured as of December 31, 2019 as follows:
*Implied value is the grossed up amount of the consideration given by the acquirer
₱3,000,000/80% = ₱4,000,000
**Non-controlling interest is the difference of the implied value and the consideration
given ₱4,000,000 - ₱3,000,000 = ₱1,000,000
Non-controlling interest is the excess of the implied value less the consideration given
by the Parent (Acquirer).
Let’s Analyze
With reference to the problem above, how much should be recognized as non-
controlling interest if Jenessa Jao issued 100,000 shares with par value and market
value of ₱20 and ₱24 per share, respectively.
Implied Value Parent (75%) interest (25%)
Company fair value ₱3,200,000 ₱2,400,000 ₱800,000
Fair value of net assets
Goodwill (Gain on
acquisition) 3,350,000 2,512,500 837,500
Goodwill (Gain on
acquisition) (₱150,000) (₱112,500) (₱37,500)
With reference to the table above, the non-controlling interest amounted to ₱800,000.
However, under PFRS 3, the fair value of the non-controlling interest as a result of the
combination should not be valued lesser than the percentage of the fair value of the net
assets prior to combination. Hence, the non-controlling interest should be at least
Implied Value Parent (75%) interest (25%)
Company fair value ₱3,237,500 ₱2,400,000 837,500
Fair value of net assets
Goodwill (Gain on
acquisition) 3,350,000 2,512,500 837,500
Goodwill (Gain on
acquisition) (₱112,500) (₱112,500) ₱–
The non-controlling interest, in any case cannot be valued less than 837,500.
In a Nutshell
On the day of acquisition, Glimada Company and GTG Company had the following
assets and liabilities:
Company GTG Company
Book Fair Book
Value Value Value Fair Value
Assets 280,000 280,000 20,000 20,000
Plant Assets
(net) 440,000 680,000 260,000 360,000
Liabilities (200,000) (200,000) (100,000) (100,000)
Net Assets 520,000 760,000 180,000 280,000
Glimada Company paid 280,000 in cash for 80% of the outstanding stock of GTG
Company. At what amount should the non-controlling interest be recorded?