Scope of Hybrid Contract in Islamic Finance
Scope of Hybrid Contract in Islamic Finance
Scope of Hybrid Contract in Islamic Finance
Notwithstanding, half breed contract is a dubious issue in Islamic account as a result of the
hadith that restricts "two agreements in a single exchange" (Mālik, Muwatta', Vol. 2, No.
663, ed. 2005). Some unacceptable understanding of the hadith may conceivably overcome
any endeavor to permit combination of agreements in Islamic money paying little mind to
the nature and the element of the agreement joined and ruin the item improvement in
Islamic banking. All things considered, from Shariah the exchange may include more than
one agreement and it is legitimate given the mix needs to follow the Shariah rules and
boundaries (Arbouna, 2007). Mingka (2011) explained that there are numerous kinds of
mixture contract in Islamic banking and money, for example, bayc wafa'(the mix of offer
agreement with the guarantee to buy back) and the most conspicuous agreement that are
presently utilized in Islamic banking especially for home financing which is mushārakah
mutanāqishah. This agreement comprise of a few agreements in a single exchange like the
agreement of joint proprietorship (syirkah al-milk), the agreement of offer (bayc), the
agreement of ijārah (rent), the agreement of hibah (award, etc. Thus, in this examination I
will discover and investigate those cross breed contracts which can be applied in Pakistan.
To investigate how hybrid contracts might be applied for the purpose of product
development in Islamic banking and finance in Pakistan.
To analyze the validity of the use of Hybrid contracts in the innovation of Sharia
banking products in order to encounter ABIF including its legal consequences under
the prevailing laws and regulations in Pakistan.
Islamic banking and Finance will be benefitted by the Shariah boundaries and rules that set
down in this paper earlier organizing the agreement on the items. So as the organized
agreement isn't repudiate with the hadith that restricts the blend of agreements.
Research Questions
To complete this Research Paper I have to seek answers for the following research
What is Hybrid Contract in light of Shariah and how this can be applied in real world?
Whether hybrid contracts can be applied for the purpose of product development in
Islamic banking and finance in Pakistan or not? If yes, how?
Are these Hybrid Contracts valid according to ABIF Guidelines? Is there any legal
As this research will be based on analytical descriptive approach, primary Data to complete
this research will be different hybrid contracts available and practiced all over the world.
Secondary data will be fiqh issues and legal issues of Pakistan for hybrid contracts.
As this research will be based on analytical descriptive approach, after collecting data
analysis will be done using hypothecal value for finding and innovating new hybrid contracts
feasible for Pakistan. Content analysis will be done. An attempt will be done to use
Hypothesis Testing.
This Research Paper will have 6 chapters. First chapter will be on Introduction and
Background of the study. It will also contain objectives, Research Questions, Limitations etc.
Chapter 2 will focus on Literature Review highlighting previous works summary on this topic.
Chapter 3 will illustrate Research Methodology pinpointing Data Source, Key Variables and
Analytical Approach. Chapter 4 will narrate key analysis and findings. Chapter 5 will
enumerate Policy Recommendations and Chapter 6 will highlight conclusion.
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