5 Installation Aspects: MAN B&W Diesel A/S S60MC-C Project Guide
5 Installation Aspects: MAN B&W Diesel A/S S60MC-C Project Guide
5 Installation Aspects: MAN B&W Diesel A/S S60MC-C Project Guide
5 Installation Aspects
Installation Aspects
Space requirement for the engine
Overhaul with double jib crane
Engine outline
Centre of gravity
Water and oil in engine
Gallery ouline
Engine pipe connections
List of counterflanges
Arrangement of holding down bolts
Profile of engine seating
Top bracing
Earthing device
5 Installation Aspects
The figures shown in this chapter are intended as an Please note that the distance given by using a
aid at the project stage. The data is subject to double-jib crane is from the centre of the crank-
change without notice, and binding data is to be shaft to the lower edge of the deck beam, see note
given by the engine builder in the “Installation Docu- E in Fig. 5.01b+d.
mentation” mentioned in Chapter 10.
A double jib crane with a capacity of 2 x 2.0 tons is
Please note that the newest version of most of the used for this type of engine.
drawings of this chapter can be downloaded from
our website on www.manbw.dk under 'Products, The area covered by the engine room crane shall be
'Marine Power', 'Two-stroke Engines' where you wide enough to reach any heavy spare part required
then choose S60MC-C. in the engine room, and the crane hook shall be able
to reach the lowermost floor level in the engine
Space Requirements for the Engine
A special crane beam for dismantling the turbo-
The space requirements stated in Figs. 5.01a-d are charger shall be fitted. The lifting capacity of the
valid for engines rated at nominal MCR (L1) with crane beam for dismantling the turbocharger is
turbocharger(s) on the exhaust side (4 59 122) or on stated in Fig. 6.10.08.
the aft end, option: 4 59 124.
The overhaul tools for the engine are designed to be
The additional space needed for engines equipped used with a crane hook according to DIN 15400,
with TCS/PTI, PTO and PTO/PTI is available on June 1990, material class M and load capacity 1Am
request. and dimensions of the single hook type according to
DIN 15401, part 1.
If, during the project stage, the outer dimensions of
the turbochargers seem to cause problems, it is
possible, for the same number of cylinders, to use Engine and Gallery Outlines
turbochargers with smaller dimensions by increas-
ing the indicated number of turbochargers by one, The total length of the engine at the crankshaft level
see Chapter 3. may vary depending on the equipment to be fitted
on the fore end of the engine, such as adjustable
counterweights, tuning wheel, moment compensa-
Overhaul of Engine tors, TCS/PTI, PTO or PTO/PTI Figs. 5.04, 5.05, 5.08
and 5.09.
The distances stated from the centre of the crank-
shaft to the crane hook are for vertical or tilted lift, Transparent outline drawings in scale 1:100 and
see note F in Figs. 5.01b+d. 1:200 are included in section 11.
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The engine is basically mounted on epoxy chocks As this system is difficult to calculate with adequate
4 82 102 in which case the underside of the bed- accuracy, MAN B&W Diesel recommend that top
plate’s lower flanges has no taper. bracing is installed between the engine’s upper
platform brackets and the casing side.
The epoxy types approved by MAN B&W Diesel A/S
are: The top bracing is designed as a stiff connection
which allows adjustment in accordance with the
“Chockfast Orange PR 610 TCF” loading conditions of the ship.
from ITW Philadelphia Resins Corporation, USA,
and Without top bracing, the natural frequency of the
“Epocast 36" vibrating system comprising engine, ship’s bottom,
from H.A. Springer – Kiel, Germany and ship’s side, is often so low that resonance with
the excitation source (the guide force moment) can
The engine may alternatively, be mounted on cast occur close the the normal speed range, resulting in
iron chocks (solid chocks 4 82 101), in which case the risk of vibration.
the underside of the bedplate’s lower flanges is with
taper 1:100. With top bracing, such a resonance will occur
above the normal speed range, as the top bracing
increases the natural frequency of the above-
mentioned vibrating system.
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Normal centreline distance for twin engine instal- The dimensions given in the table (fig.501b) are in
lation: 6250 mm mm and are for guidance only. If the dimensions
cannot be fulfilled, please contact MAN B&W Diesel
A/S or our local representative.
178 32 81-8.1
Fig. 5.01a: Space requirement for the engine, turbocharger located on exhaust side
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Cyl. No. 4 5 6 7 8
min. 6102 7122 8142 9162 10182 Fore end: A minimum shows basic engine
A A maximum shows engine with built on tuning wheel
max. 6577 7597 8617 9637 10657 For PTO: see corresponding “Space requirement”
5350 5730 5730 5730 5350 MAN B&W turbocharger
The required space to the engine room
B 5350 5730 5730 5730 5350 ABB turbocharger
casing includes top bracing.
5350 5350 5730 5730 5730 MHI turbocharger
3347 3825 3925 4230 3747 MAN B&W turbocharger
Dimensions according to “Turbocharger
C 3174 3632 3732 4037 3574 ABB turbocharger
choice” at nominal MCR
3245 3545 3829 4134 4334 MHI turbocharger
The dimension includes a cofferdam of 600 mm and must fulfil
D 3670 3705 3780 3820 3890
minimum height to tanktop according to classification rules
The distance from crankshaft centreline to lower edge of deck beam,
E 9675
when using MAN B&W double jib crane
10650 Vertical lift of piston, piston, one cylinder cover stud removed
9925 Tilted lift of piston, one cylinder cover stud removed
G 3400 See “Top bracing arrangement”, if top bracing fitted on camshaft side
6745 7045 7045 7045 6745 MAN B&W turbocharger
Dimensions according to “Turbocharger
H 6715 6954 6954 6954 6715 ABB turbocharger
choice” at nominal MCR
6760 6760 7005 7005 7005 MHI turbocharger
J 345 Space for tightening control of holding down bolts
K must be equal to or larger than the propeller shaft, if the propeller
K See text
shaft is to be drawn into the engine room
V 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°, 90° Max. 30° when engine room has min. headroom above the turbocharger
178 32 81-8.1
Fig. 5.01b: Space requirement for the engine, turbocharger located on exhaust side
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Normal centreline distance for twin engine instal- cannot be fulfilled, please contact MAN B&W Diesel
lation: 6250 mm A/S or our local representative.
178 32 83-1.1
Fig. 5.01c: Space requirement for the engine, turbocharger located on aft end option: 4 59 124,
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Cyl. No. 4 5 6 7 8
min. 6102 7122 8142 9162 10182 Fore end: A minimum shows basic engine
A A maximum shows engine with built on tuning wheel
max. 6577 7597 8617 9637 10657 For PTO: see corresponding “Space requirement”
MAN B&W, ABB and MHI The required space to the engine room
B 3610
turbochargers casing includes top bracing.
3787 4385 4522 4902 - MAN B&W turbocharger
Dimensions according to “Turbocharger
C 3608 4185 4322 4702 - ABB turbocharger
choice” at nominal MCR
3682 4095 4422 4802 5077 MHI turbocharger
The dimension includes a cofferdam of 600 mm and must fulfil
D 3670 3705 3780 3820 3890
minimum height to tanktop according to classification rules
The distance from crankshaft centreline to lower edge of deck beam,
E 9675
when using MAN B&W double jib crane
10650 Vertical lift of piston, one cylinder cover stud removed
9925 Tilted lift of piston, one cylinder cover stud removed
G 3400 See “Top bracing arrangement”, if top bracing fitted on camshaft side
7271 7684 7684 7684 - MAN B&W turbocharger
Dimensions according to “Turbocharger
H 7189 7586 7586 7586 - ABB turbocharger
choice” at nominal MCR
7015 7015 7350 7350 7350 MHI turbocharger
2552 2355 2355 2355 - MAN B&W turbocharger
Dimensions according to “Turbocharger
I 2282 2361 2361 2361 - ABB turbocharger
choice” at nominal MCR
2387 2387 2425 2425 2425 MHI turbocharger
J 345 Space for tightening control of holding down bolts
K must be equal to or larger than the propeller shaft, if the propeller
K See text
shaft is to be drawn into the engine room
L 3287 3287 3287 4287 4287 Space for air cooler element overhaul
N 1867
O 2310 The distances cover required space and hook travelling with for
R 1440 turbochargers NA70/T09.
S 2250
V 0º,15º, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°, 90° Max. 15° when engine room has min. headroom above the turbocharger
Space for air cooler element overhaul: 4300 mm
178 32 83-1.1
Fig. 5.01d: Space requirement for the engine, turbocharger located on aft end, option: 4 59 124
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The sketch shows a turbocharger and a crane beam that The crane beam can be bolted to brackets that are fas-
can lift the components mentioned. tened to the ship structure or to columns that are located
on the top platform of the engine.
The crane beam(s) is/are to be located in relation to the
turbocharger(s) so that the components around the gas The lifting capacity of the crane beam is indicated in the
outlet casing can be removed in connection with overhaul table for the various turbocharger makes. The crane
of the turbocharger(s). beam shall be dimensioned for lifting the weight ‘W’
with a deflection of some 5 mm only.
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178 34 30-5.0
Cylinder Cylinder Piston Normal MAN B&W A B1/B2 C
Additional height
cover liner with with crane double-jib Minimum Minimum Minimum
which makes overhaul
complete cooling stuffing crane distance height from height from
of exhaust valve
with jacket box centre line centre line
feasible without
exhaust crankshaft to crankshaft
removal of any
valve crane hook to underside
exhaust valve stud
deck beam
The crane hook travelling area must cover at least the full The crane hook should at least be able to reach down to a
length of the engine and a width in accordance with di- level corresponding to the centreline of the crankshaft.
mension A given on the drawing, see cross-hatched area.
For overhaul of the turbocharger(s) a trolley mounted
It is furthermore recommended that the engine room chain hoists must be installed on a separate crane beam
crane can be used for transport of heavy spare parts from or, alternatively, in combination with the engine room
the engine room hatch to the spare part stores and to the crane structure, see Fig. 5.01c with information about the
engine. See example on this drawing. required lifting capacity for overhaul of
turbocharger(s). 178 45 10-2.2
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Deck beam
178 06 25-5.2
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This crane is adapted to the special tools for low overhaul 178 45 12-6.0
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178 45 13-8.0
Fig. 5.04a: Engine outline, with one turbocharger located on exhausted side
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a b c d Cylinder No g
NA57/TO9 5-6 cyl. 2860 6745 1850 3740 5 4080
5-6 cyl. 1910 6 5100
B&W NA70/TO9 3160 7045 4320
7-8 cyl. 2930 7 6120
VTR564 8 7140
5-6 cyl. 2864 6715 1775 3720
5-6 cyl. 1868
ABB VTR714 3081 6954 4176
7-8 cyl. 2888
5-6 cyl. 1863
VTR714E 3081 6954 4176
7-8 cyl. 2883
MET66SE/SD 5-6 cyl. 2868 6760 1912 3733
MHI 5-6 cyl. 2140
MET83SD/E 3080 7005 4145
7-8 cyl. 3160
Please note:
The dimensions are in mm and subject to revision without notice
For platform dimensions see “Gallery outline” 178 45 13-8.0
Fig. 5.04b: Engine outline, with one turbocharger located on exhaust side
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178 45 15-1.0
Fig. 5.04c: Engine outline, with turbocharger located aft, option: 4 59 124
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a b c d Cylinder no g f
NA70/TO9 2355 7684 530 3515 5 4080 3287
NA57/TO9 2252 7271 482 3126 6 5100 3287
VTR714 (D/E) 298 7 6120 4287
2361 7586 3456
VTR714 303 8 7140 4287
VTR564 403
2282 7189 3138
VTR564(D/E) 400
TPL80 2280 7234 693 3064
TPL85 2463 7535 394 3493
MET83SD/SE 2425 7350 555 3560
MET66SD/SE 2387 7015 580 3285
Please note:
The dimensions are in mm and subject to revision without notice 178 45 15-1.0
For platform dimensions see “Gallery outline”
Fig. 5.04d: Engine outline, with turbocharger located aft, option: 4 59 124
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178 45 16-3.0
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Turbocharger type a b c1 c2 d
NA48/S 2827 6645 1822 5902 3383
NA57/TO9 2860 6745 1850 5930 3536
VTR454 2750 6545 1674 5754 3383
VTR454(D/E) 2750 6545 1670 5750 3383
VTR564 2864 6715 1775 5865 3536
VTR564(D/E) 2864 6715 1772 5862 3536
MET53SD/SE 2748 6580 1863 5943 3383
MET66SD/SE 2868 6760 1912 5992 3536
Please note:
The dimensions are in mm and subject to revision without notice
For platform dimensions see “Gallery outline”
178 45 16-3.0
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Centre of
Centre of
Centre of
178 35 48-1.0
No. of cylinders 4 5 6 7 8
178 45 17-5.0
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No. of
cylinders Freshwater Seawater Total Engine Oil pan Total
system *
kg kg kg kg kg kg
178 45 18-7.0
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178 33 07-3.0
Fig. 5.08a: Gallery outline of S60MC-C with one turbocharger located on the exhaust side
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Please note: The dimensions are in mm and subject to revision without notice
For platform dimensions see “Gallery outline”
178 33 07-3.0
Fig. 5.08b: Gallery outline of S60MC-C with one turbocharger located on the exhaust side
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178 33 07-3.0
Fig. 5.08c: Gallery outline of S60MC-C with one turbocharger located on the exhaust side
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178 45 19-9.0
Fig. 5.08d: Gallery outline of S60MC-C with turbocharger located aft, option: 4 59 124
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Please note: The dimensions are in mm and subject to revision without notice
For platform dimensions see “Gallery outline”
178 45 19-9.0
Fig. 5.08e: Gallery outline of S60MC-C with turbocharger located aft, option: 4 59 124
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178 45 19-9.0
Fig. 5.08f: Gallery outline of S60MC-C with one turbocharger located aft, option: 4 59 124
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178 45 20-9.0
Fig. 5.09a: Gallery outline of S60MC-C with two turbochargers located on the exhaust side
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Turbocharger type a b c1 c2 d e
MAN NA48/S 2827 6645 1822 5902 4350 4005
B&W NA57/TO9 2860 6745 1850 5930 4350 4158
VTR454 2750 6545 1674 5754 4050 4005
VTR454D/E 2750 6545 1670 5750 4050 4005
VTR564 2864 6715 1775 5855 4350 4158
VTR564D/E 2864 6715 1772 5852 4350 4158
MET53SD/SE 2748 6580 1863 5943 4050 4005
MET66SD/SE 2868 6760 1912 5992 4350 4158
178 45 20-9.0
Fig. 5.09b: Gallery outline of S60MC-C with two turbochargers located on the exhaust side
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178 45 20-9.0
Fig. 5.09c: Gallery outline of S60MC-C with two turbochargers located on the exhaust side
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Cyl. no g p q r
5 4080 1020 - 4080
6 5100 1020 - 4080
7 6120 1020 4080 6120
8 7140 1020 4080 7140
c f g k l n y s1 v
NA57/T09 1850 2365 1732 1790 2839 1585
5-6 cyl. 1910 2365 1732 1790 2839 1585
B&W NA70/T09 612 300 1267
7-8 cyl. 2930 4381 3748 3308 3859 3103
VTR564 1775 2365 1732 1790 2839 1585
VTR564E/D 1772 2365 1732 1790 2839 1585
5-6 cyl. 1863 2365 1732 1790 2839 1585
7-8 cyl. 2888 4381 3748 3308 3859 3103
5-6 cyl. 1863 2365 1732 1790 2839 1585
7-8 cyl. 2883 4381 3748 3308 3859 3103
MET66SE/SD 1912 2365 1732 1790 2839 1435 1585
MHI 5-6 cyl. 2140 2365 1732 1790 2839 1610 1585
7-8 cyl. 3160 4381 3748 3308 3859 2330 3103
178 45 21-0.0
Fig. 5.10a: Engine pipe connections, one turbocharger located on exhaust side of engine
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a b d e n1 h h1 s x1 x2
MAN NA57/T09 2860 6745 7532 3071
B&W NA70/T09 3160 7045 7953 3403 7645 5225 2160 4092 2100 2400
VTR564 2864 6715 7329 3029
VTR564E/D 2864 6715 7329 3029
VTR714 3081 6954 7727 3290
VTR714E/D 3081 6954 7727 3290
MET66SE/SD 2868 6760 7446 3052 7276 2352
MET83SE/SD 3080 7005 7874 3313 8033 3065
Fig. 5.10b: Engine pipe connections, one turbocharger located on exhaust side of engine 178 45 21-0.0
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178 45 21-0.0
Fig. 5.10c: Engine pipe connections, one turbocharger located on exhaust side of engine
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Cyl. no g p q r
5 4080 1020 - 4080
6 5100 1020 - 4080
7 6120 1020 4080 6120
8 7140 1020 4080 7140
a b d e h h1 j f
MAN NA57/T09 2252 7271 8058 2464 2983 3290 3240
B&W NA70/T09 2355 6994 7960 2614 2155
VTR564 2282 7189 7804 2446
VTR564E/D 2282 7189 7804 2446
VTR714 2361 7586 8359 2568
VTR714E/D 2361 7586 8359 2568
TPL80 2280 7234 8000 2486
TPL85 2463 7535 8183 2669
MET66SE/SD 2425 7350 8220 2658 2410
MET83SE/SD 2387 7015 7700 2570 2469
178 45 22-2.0
Fig. 5.10d: Engine pipe connections, turbocharger located aft, option: 4 59 124
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c n n1 s s1 k l m t
MAN NA57/T09 482 8221 413 39 5708 305 5691
B&W NA70/T09 530 6703 101
VTR564 403
VTR564E/D 400
VTR714 303
VTR714E/D 298
TPL80 693
TPL85 394
MET66SE/SD 555
MET83SE/SD 580 8378 25
178 45 22-2.0
Fig. 5.10e: Engine pipe connections, turbocharger located aft, option: 4 59 124
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178 45 22-2.0
Fig. 5.10f: Engine pipe connections, turbocharger located aft, option: 4 59 124
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c1 c2
MET53 1863 5943
VTR564D/E 1772 5852
178 45 23-4.0
Fig. 5.11a: Engine pipe connections, with two turbochargers
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a b d e
MET53 2748 6580 7131 2896
VTR564D/E 2864 6715 7329 3029
178 45 23-4.0
Fig. 5.11b: Engine pipe connections, with two turbochargers
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178 45 23-4.0
Fig. 5.11c: Engine pipe connections, with two turbochargers
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178 45 24-6.0
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178 45 25-8.0
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Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Lmin 5648 6668 7688 8708 9728
For details of chocks and bolts see special drawings 2) The shipyard drills the holes for holding down
bolts in the top plates while observing the toler-
This drawing may, subject to the written consent of the ance locations given on the present drawing
actual engine builder concerned, be used as a basis for
marking-off and drilling the holes for holding down bolts 3) The holding down bolts are made in accordance
in the top plates, provided that: with MAN B&W Diesel A/S drawings of these bolts
1) The engine builder drills the holes for holding down
bolts in the bedplate while observing the tolerance
locations indicated on MAN B&W Diesel A/S draw- 178 17 43-4.2
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Section A-A
178 16 64-3.2
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Section B-B
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178 17 26-7.1
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Top bracing should only be installed on one side, either If the minimum built-in length can not be fulfilled, please
the exhaust side or the maneuvering side. If top bracing contact MAN B&W Diesel A/S or our local representa-
has to be installed on maneuvering side, please contact tive.
MAN B&W Diesel
The complete arrangement to be delivered by the ship-
Horizontal vibrations on top of engine are caused by the yard.
Horizontal distance between top brac-
guide force moments. For 4-7 cylinders engines the
ing fix point and centreline Cyl .1
H-moment is the major excitation source and for larger cyl-
inder numbers an X-moment is the major excitation source.
For engines with vibrations excited by an X-moment, brac- a= 510 e= 4590
ing at the centre of the engine are only minor importance. b= 1530 f = 5610
c= 2550 g= 6630
Top bracing is normally placed on exhaust side, but can
optionally be placed on maneuvering side. d= 3570 h= 7650
178 45 27-1.0
Fig. 5.16b: Mechanical top bracing arrangement, turbocharger located aft,option: 4 59 124
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178 09 63-3.2
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Fig. 5.18: Hydraulic top bracing arrangement, turbocharger located on exhaust side of engine
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Pump station
two pumps
oil tank
relief valve
control box
Fig. 5.19a: Hydraulic top bracing layout of system with pump station, option: 4 83 122
side Engine side
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Fill line
Air Supply
Bleed lines
Air supply
Electric wiring:
178 18 60-7.0
Fig. 5.20a: Hydraulic top bracing layout of system without pump station, option: 4 83 123
Stroke indicator
Torque bars for initial
Quick coupling
for oil filling
178 15 73-2.0
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solid silver track
Voltmeter for shaft-hull
potential difference
Silver metal
graphite brushes
Propeller Voltmeter for shaft-
hull potential difference
Main bearing
Intermediate shaft
Earthing device
Propeller shaft
178 32 07-8.1