Bypass and Drain Connections: MSS SP-454998
Bypass and Drain Connections: MSS SP-454998
Bypass and Drain Connections: MSS SP-454998
Standard Practice
Developed and Approved by the
Manufacturers Standardization Society of the MSS
Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
127 Park Street, NE
Vienna, Virginia 22180
U.S. customary units in this SP are the standard; the metric units are for reference only.
In this Standard Practice all notes, annexes, tables, and figures are construed to be essential to the
understanding of the message, and are considered part of the text unless noted as “supplemental”.
All footnotes appearing in this document are construed as “supplemental” where their information
does not modify the text to which they refer.
Non-toleranced dimensions in this Standard Practice are nominal, and, unless otherwise specified,
shall be considered “for reference only”.
Any part of thk standard may be quoted. Credit lines should read ‘Extractedfrom MSS SP-451998,
with permission of the publkher, the Manufacturers Standardization Society.’ Reproduction
prohibited under copyright convention unless written permksion k granted by the Manufacturers
Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
Copyright O, 1982 by
Manufacturers Standardization Society
of the
Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
Printed in U.S.A.
The 1953 edition of MSS SP-451953 By-pass and Drain Connection Standard was a
combination of two former MSS Standard Practices; MSS SP-5-1944 By-pass Size Standard
and MSS-SP-28-1943 Drain Tapping Standard. As the subject matter of these two standards is
so closely related they were combined as a convenience to the user.
MSS SP-5 was originally adopted in 1924 and applied to steel gate valves only. Bosses on
steel castings of that period presented a more complex problem than castings of other metals
and the diversification of requests in regard to size, location and number of bosses on the part
of users prompted the MSS to initiate a standardization program on the subject. The original
standard established the number of bosses, minimum O.D. of boss and the pipe thread size for
steel gate valves in sizes 3 to 24 inch inclusive. The bosses were intended to be used for both
by-pass and drain connections.
In 1937 a new edition of SP-5 was adopted. This edition was greatly expanded over the
original and ‘included both cast iron and steel valves in the gate, globe and angle patterns. The
subject matter was confined to by-passes only and standard locations were established for the
by-pass on each type of valve. Two sets of by-pass sizes were established; one for the purpose
of warming up main lines before opening the main valve and one for the purpose of balancing
the pressure on both sides of the main valve to facilitate its operation. The edition has been
periodically reaffirmed up to the promulgation of the new MSS SP-45.
MSS SP-28 was originally adopted in 1937 and was also prompted by the variety of user
requests for connections on valves and fittings at odd locations and varying sizes, with and
without bosges. SP-28 established standard drain sizes for each size valve and fitting, standard
maximum sizes for unbossed tappings and standard locations with standard symbols to
designate the location. MSS SP-28 was revised in 1945 at which time a standard method of
designating openings of reducing fittings was added. This standard was also periodically
The 1953 edition of MSS SP-45 combined these two standards so that the user has all
information pertaining to by-pass and drain connections in a single document. In this edition
the newer methods of making attachments, such as butt-weld and socket-weld have been
The 1971 edition expanded the coverage of the document by including coverage of ball
valves. In preparing this edition, the entire standard was reviewed and up-dated to keep pace
with the expanding technology.
The 1976 edition expanded the coverage of the bypass sizes to include valves through NPS
48 and the document has been metricized.
The 1982 edition expanded the coverage of the document to include plug valves.
The 1987 edition was a reaffirmation of the 1982 edition with no substantive change.
The 1992 edition changed the title, removed metric units and made several editorial changes.
The 1998 edition added metric units, and made several editorial and format changes. I
1 TABLE 2- BYPASS SIZES 1 5.2 Globe Valves. When globe valves are
ordered with bypass attached, it shall be
Bypass regular practice to attach bypass at the right-
Main Valve NPS (DN) hand side of the main valve, (see Figure 5
NPS (DN) locations E & F) with the stems of both valves
’ Series A(a) Series BKb)
parallel, pointing vertically upward. When
2 to 4 (50 to 100) l/2 (15) 1 (25) bypass may be “specially” required attached
5 (125) 314 (20) l-1/4 (32) at the left-hand side, (see Figure 5 locations
6 (150) 314 (20) l-1/4 (32) A & B) the designation shall be “left-hand
8 (200) 314 (20) l-1/2 (32) attachment.*’ Right-hand side of a globe valve
10 (250) 1 (25) l-l;2 (32) is the side at the right, when facing the flow
12 (300) 1 (25) 2 port which leads to the underside of the disc.
14 (350) 1 (25) 2 ;zl;
16 (400) 1 (25) 3
18 (450) 1 (25) 3 ;::;
20 (500) : 1 (25) 3. (80) 5.3 Angle Valves. When angle valves are
24 (600) 1 (25) 4 (100) ordered with bypass attached, it shall be
30 (750) 1 (25) 4 (100) regular practice toattach bypass at the back of
36 (900) 1 (25) 6 the main valve, (see Figure 5 locations E & F)
42 (1100) 1 (25) 6 ;:3 with the stems of both parallel, pointing
48 (1200) 1 (25) 8 (200) vertically upward. When bypass may be
“specially” required attached at the right-hand
NOTES: or left-hand side, (see Figure 5 locations C &D
(a)‘Series A is for preheating the piping system (normally and A & B respectively) the designation shall
with steam) before opening main valve and for balanc- be “right-hand attachment” or “left-hand
ing pressures where lines are of limited volume.
attachment.” Right-hand side of an angle
(by Series B is for lines conveying gases or liquids where valve is at the right, when facing the back of
bypassing may facilitate the operation of the main the valve.
valve by balancing the pressure on both sides of the
disc or discs. These larger sizes may be of the bolted on
5.6 Plug Valves. When plug valves are the size of socket requires opening reinform-
ordered with bypass attached, it shall be ment, a boss is required.
standard practice to attach the bypass at
the side of the main valve with the stems of 6.3 Butt Welds. Connections may be made
both valves pointing upward. If the main by butt-welding directly to the wall of the
valve should have a handwheel on the side fitting or valve, see Table 3.
of the valve, the bypass, where possible,
should be located on the handwheel side. If
any other location is required, position 7. BOSSES 1
should be specified according to Figure 5. I
When a boss is required to meet the thick-
nesses in Table 3, the diameter shall be not
6. DRAIN & BYPASS CONNECTION, less than those shown in Figure 4.
6.1 Pipe Threads. Pipe threads shall be 8. REDUCING FITTINGS
tapered- pipe threads in accordance with
ASME B 1.20.1. Metal thickness shall be 8.1 When a drain opening is required on
sufficient to allow the effective thread length the side of a reducing fitting whose side is
specified in Table 3. These lengths are equal tapered, the axis of the drain opening should
to the effective thread lengths of tapered be at right angles to the centerline of the
external pipe threads, ASME B 1.20.1, Where fitting.
wall thickness is insufficient or the tapped
hole needs reinforcement, a boss is required. 8.2 The size of the drain opening on a
reducing fitting shall be governed by the size
6.2 Sockets. Sockets (socket-welding) may of the adjacent outlet.
be provided in the wall of a fitting or valve
if the metal thickness is sufficient to allow 8.3 When a tap is required on a reducing
the depth of socket specified in Table 3. fitting at a point centrally located, such as
Where the wall thickness is insufficient, or “G” on a reducer, its size shall be governed
by the average of the drain openings which
would be used for the largest and smallest
outlet, using the drain opening size which
is standard, or the next smaller size as shown
in Table 1.
“L” is equal to the effective thread length of
American National Standard external pipe
threads, ASME B1.20.1
1 I25 1 2.13 54
Figure 3 : l-1/4 32 2.50 64
l-1/2 40 2.75 70
2 50 3.38 86
I Bosses
Figure 4 I
Q front
Side Vkw
Front view Side Vtcw
Note: The above sketches show two views of the same fitting and represent fittings with symmetrical shapes,
with the exception of the side outlet elbow and the side outlet tee (straight sizes).
This annex is an integral part of this Standard Practice which is placed after the main text for convenience.