Electrical Signature Analysis
Electrical Signature Analysis
Electrical Signature Analysis
Representation of the current & voltage in the frequency domain, where f = 1/t
Low frequency spectrum (0-200 Hz) High frequency spectrum (0-5000 Hz)
All electrical & mechanical faults change the flux distribution inside
the motor & hence generate harmonics in the current
Bearing degradation
All testing is thus done at the MCC or the motor control panel.
No need to approach the motor!
The pole pass frequency (PPF = slip x no. of poles) appears as a sideband in current
Increase in the rotor impedance due to high resistance joints or broken bars leads to an
increase in the PPF amplitude
Difference in amplitudes of the line frequency & the PPF is an indication of the condition
of the rotor
The motor running speed (RS) is always visible as a peak in the Demodulated
A high amplitude of the RS peak indicates misalignment or unbalance
The RHS spectrum is of a misaligned 380 KW, 6.6 KV motor at Indian Aluminium,
Typical spectra of a 1250 KW, 6.6 KV motor with static eccentricity (MSEB, Bhusaval)
Typical spectra of a 93 KW, 415 V motor with dynamic eccentricity (Godrej, Ankleshwar)
Typical spectra of a 410 KW, 6.6 KV motor with core damage (Essar Steel)
Typical spectra of an 1100 KW, 6.6 KV motor with degraded interturn insulation (IPCL, Baroda)
Typical spectrum of an 250 KW, 6.6 KV motor with a defective bearing (IPCL, Baroda)
Stator core degradation
Stator winding degradation
Rotor winding shorts
Armature faults
Commutator faults
Faults in the firing circuitry